n-n high rcinr ofminiES ' MONDAY, SEPT. 6, 1920 10 DM fill LAWS PARTY'S PLftH Prohibition Party Working to End to Make Effective the Federal Laws . CHICAGO, Sept, 6. Maintenance of the federal prohibition laws is the keynote of. the prohibition party's presidential campaign, W. G. Calderwood. prohibition campaign manager, said here today, discussing the issue as viewed by his party. "The position of the party in this campaign." Mr. Calderwood said, "is that the prohibition party is needed in the failure of the major parties te take any stand on the prohibition question. v 5 VNext to Drohibition. our candi dates will discuss the League of Na tions. 1 think we take the best stand of anv on this question. Wi urge immediate ratification of the i IIIIPEG m GAINED 25 POUNDS Vichitzft! I "ASpjiif pneantdali It lettStle ' "I have gained twenty-five pounds by taking .Tanlac and never felt bet ter," i paid E. J; Coleman, well known painter and decorator, of 195 Ive., Winnipeg, Man. year ago I had double L" said Mr. Coleman, "and wreck. I was too weak to waufra myself and my stomach was !i inch bad shape I could hardly eat enfiigl to keep a bird alive. My nerve Wore so shattered I almost collapsed1 when a friend one day un expectedly slapped me pn the back. It was Out of the question for me to sleep at night I was even afraid tc be alone In the dark and bad to have someone in the room with me all day. My kidneys were so out of order that I had a pain across my back nearly all the time and I lost so much weight 1 actually looked like a frame.' "I bad taken so much medicine without getting better that I was discouraged and when my folks brought me a bottle of Tanlac I didn't want to take it: but ttiltlX 1 tried IttfcWr much to my surprise,. I began to improve right away, wow, I am of ;tif fourth bottle and am so well I an o as hard a day's work as anytmaf. I eat heartily of any thing I jfrfnt and never have, the slightest tfaln or trouble of ariy Sort wbatevir.agw. As long as I live i n never Bql'ibie to praise ianiac enough TanU t irtofcafahaai eMlfoJMdM na Mercantile Company. league treaty together with the cove nant. We belieye the quickest and best - way to obtain what changes are needed Is to get into the league and fix it from the inside, accord ing as experience teaches, rather than stand around theorizing to no effect on the outside and so block ading progress. The speaking tour of the prohi bition party's presidential, nominee, Aaron S. Watkins, of Germantown, Ohio, will begin today. The vice presidential candidate, D. Leigh Col vln. nf yew York, has already been on the road several weekv He Is swinging through the west and is scheduled to be in San Francisco today.. '- Mr. Watkins' first trip will carry him through the middle west and both he and Mr. Colvln knock off for a copule cf days around Sep tember 23 to attend the Interna tional Congress Against Alcholism in Washington. From there - they will go east and south, touring Sep arately for the most part but hold ing occasional joint meetings in im portant eastern cities. Campaign headquarters are now in Chicago, at national headquarters of the party. W. G. Calderwcod. the campaign manager, is a member of the prohibition national com mittee and a resident of Minneap olis. r . ' : . : - 'V EMBlil SE! 't p. ni. the samo day. On Satur day. September 11, tba tf ith ana ' eleventh grades are scheduled - 'to register, the tenth at 8:30 a. m. and ,me eieveuin at 10.30 u. n); Examinations for Removal of En trance Conditions to B Held Registration. idents f is callel ins an J ABLE TOBACCO BUILDING IS LOST A tobacco born belonging to F gene Marsh, located a few mile' wuth of High Point, wns burned t he ground" about o'clock ln ight. The highly kiflnmmable tr "acco caused a blase which lighter in the countrv for miles around anc vhich could be easily seen fron his city. The tobacco in the barn was the v property ' of Lynn Marsh ani" was .valued at $500. and the barr was recently built at a cost of $250 making a total loss of $750, none o' which was covered by insurance The origin of the fire is not known Postal Exchange With Chile SANTIAGO. Sept. 6. .It is an nounced that an agreement has been made between the Cliilean and the United States postal authorities pro viding for the establishment of parcel post facilities between the two countries, effective upon ratifi cation by the Chilean congress. Par cels that would be aerrpted locally in elth country, subject tajpoStal regulations an towtexceehVli "eleven f 0"udft iifwf IgMi u n"9er ' the" i grwnient . Mr. and Mrs. Thorns Yates, o ptr-s dtvgnleni. orient yesterday It High Point as"the guests of Mr and Mrs. George Yates, on South Main street. Th attrition of the students the High Point high school to the entrance examinations the examination for removal of con ditions to be held this week, i The examination on algebra and plane geometry will be held Tues iav. September 7: Latin. French, Spanish and history on. Wednesday, "tember 8. and science and Eng lish on Thursday, September 9. All of these examinations will start promptly at 9 o'clock In the morn ing. Students desiring to remove conditions are urged to take the ex amination on the dates set 3 they win be given no further opportuni ty to make up deticlencies. The high school students are to reKiUer for the 1920 sessions n tollows: Graduates of the grammar grada, who are to enter the eighth grade, on Friday. September 10, at ter tho i,lnth srdo will register at 9 a. m. SiudenU Intending 'to eu- Jitney Schedule: High Point to ThonusvlUe, Leave "CI wood Hotel, Big a Point, (or TnomaaviUe: . St. m. and 10 a.' m. I p. m. and 4 p. m. Leee Mock Hotel, TbomvlUe, for High Ponut: 9s. m. and 41 a. m. 3 p. m. and ftp. a. J. M. FARLOW, Hiftb Point ruoira oso. 6 PER CENT LOANS MADE ON DWELLINGS In High Point, $1,000 and up easy monthly repayments ' cancel loans in ten years. ; " Walter Hargett,Agt PEACOCK-SHERROD BLDG. ROOM 15 PHONE G2. ariaita:Hn:rDttn 8 Har$aiXSSaa3B o', P. Lenoir; in romona by Porno- H'gb Point with her p-irents. Sh" MJIIIIIUIIIHilltllllllilllllllH The Heart of Business. The Heart of your Business is Money. It is Money that sends the red blood through all the arteries of your affairs. If its heart is weak, your Business is weak. This Bank is an institution , for Strengthening your Business Heart, keeping the fBloocl pure and clean, guarding you from danger ous infection. Use it I DITXRPrJSS CLARIFIED RA1X3 i : o One Cant Kacb a Word (this type) Insertion, . tS Cents auaimwin Charge , Double Size Type, Double . ' Price. Twenty Per Cent Dtnroant Al lowed on Thirty Ooiuecv tlve Insertion. CASH UVHT AUUOMPANT ALL ORDERS. . All Ads Signed "Care The fertilise" Are Strictly - OonfldeituL CUuwlflcatloa Not Gurraaieed After 1p.m. FOR SALE FOR SALE IF YOU . WANT A good Ford touring car cheap, cash or part time, see J. G.. Leonard, 800 Willowbrook street. -k-t FOR SALE GRANT SIX Roadster, A-l condition. Bar gain for quick sale. See P. M. Derrick at Enterprise or phone 405. 9-4 I WILL SELL AT AUCTION MY entire household and kitchen fur niture on Saturday, September 18, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m. at 201 Centennial avenue. D. H, Rlten berg. ' 0:i7 FOR SALE 1919 MODEL CADIL lac "8." In At shape. Seven pas senger with new Cord tires all around. Address A 100, care En terprise. s-2 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE, THE furnishings of 'the High Point Inn. Apply at High Point Inn. 9-10 Wachovia Bank & Trust Co CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2P,000.00 B3 HOUSES FOR SALE WE HAVE them from three to nine rooms, most any section of the city. If it's a vacant lot we have that too. Citizens Real Estate and Ins. Co. C. B. Overman, Mgr., phone 2708. 9 tf. RE$OURCES'm0GO.OOG.O& IT WILL PAY YOU T fJE IDENTIFIED Wl THIS BANK. ' MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. aeswwy- rctui tied today to the Twin city. 1 r it) f-"i. HIOe I 'IJjl' r,' 1 1 ! . ..- t i- i 1 -1 NIV A L CAR The Ford Sedan is elegance builded upon Ford quality. In town and country here is the dependable, every-day-in-the-year enclosed car. Not only is it a car of handsome appearance with high-class interior fittings so much ap preciated by women but it is the same Ford "The Uni versal Car" which more than four million owners have found to be the most reliable, the most serviceable, prac tical and econominal car to operate and maintain. Ford Sedan $975.00 f. o. b. Detroit. Immediate delivery. Wilson Motor Go. FOR SALE 500 SHARES Spear' Oil Company stock. First check for $7.5 0 gets it. P. O, box 746, Greensboro, N. C ..i v., J:0 ' ' 9-7 ' Labor Day September 6th, 1020. , ' '. .' y ' ' ' ' "" It Is Just and right and altogether fair that we should pay trib ute today to the Cause of Labor, a cause which is Justly entitled to ' our earnest thought and thanks. " For the things which Labor has accomplished In the past, we are grateful! for the herculean tasks which have been undertaken and so speedily accomplished by the brain and brawn and sinew of the workmen of America, we are rendering this tribute today. ; Now, there are new tasks to accomplish- tasks which' call for -added strength and fortitude. After destruction, reconstruction mcral and physical reconstruction, demanding much of the citizen ship of America during the years to come. , , . With renewed spirit we must take up the work before us; look-' Ing always upward and onward, remembering that the. well-being of our nation and the world Itself depends upon the way in which '. we serve. Let us rejoice In our nation; in it's principles, its free , dom, its Ideals, and in the blessed privilege-presented to each of Us i high and low young and old to serve and to toil, for the glory and the honor of our land, with all the strength of our bodies and V the energy of our minds. v , . ' ' ' ' . WeVhavs authority to act as ELxecutoi, Administrator, Trustee, - Make us the Executor of your estate in your will. Commercial National Banlt Capital ..... $500,000.01 Surplus ..... $500,000.00 Deposits ; . $4,000,000.00 Resources . $6,500,000.00 if - i gallon bottles at O. E. Hutchins, 111 East Washington St. 9-1, 4, 6, 8, 11. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN BLACK and white ticked pointer; large size. Liberal reward for any in- , formation. E. P. Daniels, Central barber shop. 9-7 i0 LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, A white and black spotted Scotch terrier puppy. Please return to W. C. Jones. 9-7 raiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm Sf! FOR SALE- g It i il m (DO YOU ) EVER ccc WANTED WANTED TO DO YOUR FAMILY washing.!,. -Phonb. H449. Damp Laundry; : g-25" tf. ROOM WANTED 'IN1 ' REPINED family house tor simple gentleman u.with orr without board. - Address I -i. O."box"94r- ' 9"-6 5 Cash or terms, iFpjmffl ! two, modern I Hneje41ain Ml -i . ,m n llMiH oj.. ILL IZB WANTED -"ANYBODY WHO knows anything, 'of Jay1 Ti Cr'buch mother, C. 9-8 to corarauoJcAte, wiUniUs moth Mrs. VJiicPia, N WANTED TWO TOBACCO RENT ers for,. 19i with . live members in family, j. Exjieriencet not re quired. Address HUlsdale fajro, Hfnsboro.vN. C. ' 9-12 LACY WICKER ACETYLENE welding. All work first class. 236 South Davie. St., Greensboro, f N, C. Phone day 1026, night 2808J. 7 WANTED POSITION IN GRO cery store by experienced man. For information address W. H. Wall or phone 6115. 9-7 WANTED FIVE OR SIX room house, close in with all conveniences. Don't want to buy but to rent Address, F 1 00, care Enterprise. ; . .. . r -t WANTED GOOD BIRD DO?, near 3 years old; well broke; good retriever and priced right for cash, full description first letter. Address lock box 122, Durham, N- C 9-6 give immediate possession. 1 . PHONE 2218. I FH1 ? Barberiili uPririting Co;i: i2WWiA&L( Sink1 'Phone 885 5 W. " R. Morrow, Sec-Treas.; s E Jack Edwards. Mgr. Ins. Dept. jiliuiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinH Dr. F, C. Sharp OSTEOPATH Residence Phone, 6497. Office Phone, 444. -1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT STORE ROOM OCCU pied by Max Samet on Eeast, Com merce street, size i0ifiu f"et. Pog- sessiob October 1. E. D. Steele. . 9-6 RUBEL STONE CONTRACTOR I specialize on Ruber stone work, residence fronts, columns and chimneys.. Repairing walls and buildings. W. C. Dodson, phone 6217 or 6283. TO RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms to couple without children, water and lights. 109 Stanton St Call next door." , 9-6 VIOLIN INSTRUCTIONS, VR. L. Roy's studio, 116 North; Main street; Mrs. P. O. Jones' residence. Phone 860. Open on Mondays and Thursdays. 9-4 and -8 HIGH POINT TRANSFER COMPANY. Local and long distance auto truck service; removal of household furniture and ma- , chtnery our specialty. Prices on all work based on service rendered. Day Phone 503; Night Phone 7386. Glasses for ztmj- Children Schools will shortly open study ing will soon begin. That boy or girl of yours may badly need glasses. Have us make an examination and learn the exact condition of- ypvr children's eyes. ' tmJt. Do This Before School Opens. ', DRS.bTALEV EYESIGHT BrEaAMSlri Stanton-Welch Bldg. Upstalrt. lu " H U 72 3 FOR SALE LARGE 8 ROOM house. Hat all modern con veniences, located . ori White- oak street, about 1 00 yard from street car line, . $5,000 cash. Phone 410. 9-6 LEARN THhi EDWARDS 8Y8TEM . shorthand, typewriting, bookkeep ing. 8chool day or night. Special lessons any hour. Tuition on credit, position guaranteed.' Personal in structions. Edwards Susinsna Col -lege. -- -rv., -Ht S5. Special Showing New Fall Hats Tomorrow We received by express today ; five cases of new Fall Millinery that will be bh display tomorrow at very at tractive prices. . You ate urged to visit our store and inspect the newest in headwear for fall." " " '. ' LOFILM'S r a S m t 2 IP YOU CANNOT SPEND Y6UR : ; .vacation at Dunlap Mineral.1; : Springs, KernersvlUe, N. C, you - , can buy the Mineral. Water la Si- 5 , 'It r 'aailiii.4fSlii.il.l

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