I- n. THE WEATHER Unsettled weather toni-ht and Friday; probable showers. VOL 23 NO. 3. LUMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS I I i : ' S 1 I til IN. ii lih i . f! firsts? nAitH a -- i , 1 -v HIGH POINT. N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 14, 192l! jiiOii IfCLlikJiili ID I ma mllDTnini PTfll'fr 1M nrnrnHnminniiirrii i,iiaoiii!iiLoiiiiiiLliJiiiiiiDui(U5wiiri I I m. . M M aaaem a a, INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS -i.'0 INDICATION C? SETTLEiiEHT CONFERENCE THIS IHIG FAILS TO CHANGE Hill '.. ' ' " ' " ' ' -'v -.1- Ubycl George Confers With Rep resentatives of Raflwaymen " and Transport Workers. OUTLOOK NOW IS GLOOMY Here's Chance for DULUTH, MINN , April 14. Since Us canine pal was killed re cently by a street car, a Scotch Collie dog stands guard at a cer tain corner here each day, leaps high as cars speed by and often manages to grasp the trolley noia jHwpe-wlth Its teeth, pnlllng-the- puiw on me wire and stopping the car. : TLe animal probably will be shot, it Is sai.l. rftimLiirurrDUliU Government Not Inclined to Make! r ruruier vonceuHMil lo ward Settlement. - LONDON. April 14. (By the As sociated Press). A conference held tail morning between Mr. Lloyd Hiui.1.. . 1 - . . . . "wjo, mo prime minister, and a aeiegatlon of officials of the 'triple alliance," which called a strike for Friday night In support of the strik ing coal miners, was concluded aft er two hours time without any ap parent progress toward adjustment:. M wa reported from the confer ence that the prime minister made a long statement appealing strongly to the railway men and transport work ers, who threaten to strike with the "'". mem to exercise re straint and not nreclnitatA a ra. .This plea does not appear to have uai any eriect IIS PI 10 J. H, Thomas, general J t uuuou n'on or railway men. uociarea aiier tbe conference that no coui pee no prospect for the re opening of the question for an ad justment of the strike situation. On , the government side It was said the -laboring men were unable to present ' new arguments giving the govern ment any different view of. their case, while the government It was , understood, did not indicate it was prepared to make further conces v slons. The situation early this afternon appeared unchanged and the out look gloomy. ' , LONDON. Anril 14 in h Associated , Brees) The federation ? enT'' orker representing 1, 600.000 persons In more than - one muumnee outside the triple alliance, decided today to support the ,,,,in? In the Interest of the miners.-. HI Delegates to Good Roads Con vention Wfll Visit High Point Thursday. Preliminary plans for entertaining delegates to the Greensboro rood roads convention when they visit High Point next Thursday afternoon were discussed at a meeting of com mittees from local organizations in the chamber of commerca hiilMinr yesterday afternoon. More than 2,500 cood musiasiM irom all sections of the United States are to attend the con join ion in me uate City and eachJ-1 ueiegaie is expected to spend several hours in High Point Thursday after noon. The program of entertain ment for the visitors to the Furni ture City had not been completed to day, but the commit teen v. work and expect to have all planr wiupirum wimin tne next few days Plan Is Proposed to PrealrW Harding As Means' of Dis posing of Sooth's Crop " PRESIDENT SHOWS INTEREST Noininations 'bf Harvey and Her r nek Are 'Sent to the ; ' Senate Today. ' , . AontuiuN, Aprjl 14. A plan to take advantage of the allied debt a a ti. - i - . iw me united states In providing means to dispose of the southern cot ton crop was suggested to President Harding today by Governor-elect Hardwick, of Georgia. He proposed mat tne united States ask the a! lied governments to underwrite Ger man bonds which wuieiu oi cotton exports from Tnfa Aitntvv n .1 -- --1 . . . . . aml wuuia ne ncia as se curity against theWar debt. It was understood the president ex- uresviu aeen interest in ih nin w... 1 J"a m en t upon it. v ABiiimiTON. ADril ii na. j .... .. uuu jor a tnorough investigation to disclose interests trying to put through a sales tax was introduced in the house todav bv RenrMAntativo Frear, republican, of Wlannnain f me ways ana means committee He mentioned Jules Bach and Meyer Rothschild, of New York, as nrlmp movers in the campaign and charged mai nnge tuna naa been raised U "shove the big man's tax on the Door mana." WASHINGTON. Anril 14Th nominations of Col. George Harvey, of New York, to be ambassador' to ureat Britain, and Myron T. Herrlck m . wiiwii yuwci ii iiicjii Ultvei HSSUYQtlCe OF Desire to Find Some Satisfactory mutton on lap Mandate Jluestion n'z ci:;t: Tnm - wA&mrtUTU.N, April 14. Francft's reply to Secretary HurhP. note of .April 4 regarding the Jap anese mandate over the Pacific is land of Tap l Interpreted In official circles as Untamount to acceptance of the princlplo laid down by the American government that the Unit- ed States has Surrendered none of Its rights In the former overseas pos session, ,57 The text of the FVanrh ui '1. la In the form of a preliminary re ply, was made public today both In Washington and Paris. It U signed by Premier Briand. who ! 8 V.a surance that a representative of the French government will place be fore the supreme-council at its next meeting the oueation nt v. "rS the greatest desire to find a solution E Mayorallty Cahdidate Tefls What He WiD Do if He Is Elected- W. L. StaiUBV. (ho fl- rointer to annonnno himaAi dida e for mayor in the annroachinr municipal election, has been speak ing to large and enthuHimi. o...i. ances In various sections of the city weeks 8 1 dUr,DK the past In h!a soeech ni.i., ... StaniPv rttioj . air. hi- V TO tt Keneral way were sent to the senata tnrtnv i.l ntv 0. JL".Z '. ,.mrVct president Hardin " u .' . . or iae W council hIc.h. ni J" ewy satisfaction to the United States. ! Premier Briand declares that his government has already done ail in Its power to lend Its aid to the Am erican government in this matter. References made to the French note ui urn renruary 18, which pointed out that while the decision of the supreme council of May 7. 1919 made no reservation concerning the mandates attributed to Japan over the islands of the northern Pacific President .Wilson and Secretary Lansing had formulated in tr, course of a former meeting In the presence of a representative of Japan reservations concerning the island or ap" and th Ja objected. -a-MSk. xne run text of the French reply as made public today by the state department does not differ mater ially from that given out In Paris TATE SPEAKS AT WHIPIES LOWER ASSESSf.iEi t m o m ans Kin my nMjEwsi r mm SESSION NEX Three Days' Meeting of Mission Societies Closed Here This Afternoon. FOREIGN OFFICERS NAMED Mrs. George R. Brown, cf High roint, chosen fresident of Foreign Societies. Selecting Mebane as the place for the meeting next year, the annual conference of the North Carolina Wo men s Home and Foreign Missionary npirs store " r". ' r.r 7""ttB8auur lo r.raDC' n,s Pt two years servln tt tZ' er of the city council. aK "r th0 P-s.dent liVln7condItr0n. 1 TJ'Z ansinittea more than thirv transmitted more than thirtv ..M L.L Vhu' oena of men he had given temporary tp- "preven th abomln.M ""'f f polntments while congress was in closets Lfn. i.!SmJnAbl? a"y recess The list included the-a:ne a cost of housahdl for Vol of John J. Esch. of WisconBin. tn i.p tax ,. " :' ' d0 lars to the a member of the Interstate mm m ara; 'k! m?n."oned the commlaFion. (,. : .r "au succeeded Candidate for Mayor Explains Detail the Issues of the N Campaign. PrpH M fain - - n. . jij . ; "n UI 11,0 I0ur can- vr. '"..".w.?1 Mat. l . . 7 ----- OCB- oiwu m ine r irst Methodist Pro testant church this afternocn at 2-15 p clock and the delegates were leav ing late today fdr .their homes In all parts of the state. The exercises for the closing day or the meeting were opened at 9:30 of 'mih'pl r"- George R- Brown of High Point, presiding. The scrip ture reading was given by Dr. Har ris Glascock, of Greensboro, and T-h f., eVl s- Troxler, of ZTSlle- SPlendlUcejinrU were iion fflCerS f the or Officers for the foreign societies T",rfl.s,'" as follows: President Cro2T J- P- McCullOCh Greensboro; president, Mrs. George R. Brown, of High Point; first StPrrf ,denth Mrs- IIarrla Glas cotK. Greensboro; second vice-nres- Ident. Mrs. W. C. Hammer. Ashe ooro; recording meruio,. . . Slashing Property ValuaL'ons Ap pears Good on the Books, Bat People Must Pay. RULING J Fin ON TUDOR CASE Mti. i. ..r . "w" -.j ..n.cicBiea voters at Robinson's MiiiiHn n-. "--""j'. . j. m. - w.-- ... .n-tvea, n nunc i iiiiiii iiiHinin urn e? nn vert n Kta'V''' held un hv !h nnnui,i; ",;T" ."": .."',!" maintenance The Five Hundred Cubs of the Nation to Assist in Relief 'for Ex Service Men CLEVELAND, O.i April U.. Full weight of the Influence of about 500 Klwanis clubs In the country is to be ' given the American Legion's pro - gram for relief work among ex-sol-dlers. -v.;C, '.. was announced at the inter v national Klwanis club convention headquarters In Cleveland, follow ing a meeting of the executive com- mittee of the organisation at which r letters from F. W. Galbralth, na- tional commander of the legion, were 1 read. It is likely the matter of sol- uior reuei win oe a subject of dls l vcusslon at the international tjon of Klwanians to be held here June at-25. . - Dean Clark, assistant Internatlon al secretary of the Klwanis organl V r. satlon, who is in charge of the Cleve-.- land convention headquarters be lleves the organisation will go on V .record as favorlngvthe seven specific ' v wommendatlens which have . Just been submitted to President Harding , by hit special ''commission investi- gating the care of veterans. Charles G. Dawes, of Chicago, was chairman of this special cemmission "The Kiwanls club executive com mittee bag endorsed the, American legion a program and Is now recom ; mending to the Individual ' Klwanis clubs that they take steps to assist the legion in carrying the program through." Assistant Secretary Clark , Said: " ' ,' . , is chairman of arrangements for the 8es8ion c?uia uu naa assoc atefl w th him committees, composed of progressive uuu women. It present liscussed plans are per fected the delegates will arrive In High Point' early Thursday after noon. They will narttrinnta in rade through the principal streets of the city and It Is probable that they J L15 lhown throBh the new ex position building. High Point has been requested to rurnish 60 automobiles to convey the delegates to the city, it is an nounced that 150 machines will be necessary, but the others are to be furnished by resideirtrtrf-flreensboro who are makinr inhnro tions for entertainment tors while they are in Hia nntn.A connty capital - nntJ0Wln5 Z1"9, the committees named yesterday afternoon: Partial com mitt w n and entertainment a w r-V..,. chairman: F. K 'ru. 1 Sechrest, Bascom Hosklna a n D. Cox. Mrs. W. H Pt,.mA. ir.. Sn" lbrraVMr8- - E. Mended ball. Mrs. J, Elwood Cox. Mrs. G. w, Clark. Mra K m hi- i Mrs. W. 0. Shlpman, Mrs. J. J. Far-ris. EAMMACH n y ES TO LOWER International Harvester Will Low er Costs But Not Until Next Year. n in getting Of cmA- a more prnititnhio w and the beautifv In. 7a""r school books were also mentioned. h Vh ' w ne-na no "pets" md that no nramio hj V". made any one concerning offices and that he was "nmt ino, "Jr..8."1 I ool l rooms had-been High .Point for manv ice mey are out, a fixture in years, but the candidate I said it elected he Would not o e to olinnnr) ... . 1 10 . , mem, uui nag bigger and1 better in the lj iiHin n a n ii llano- t nopplt, je . --"-o iui r.iT t.V "",,uies ana went into de- ihi u reierence to the Issues of hi . ii, v Wlin reference to , " ep,80.de Mr- Tate read - BiRnea in person by Mr Reich, superintendent of the mill stat no- fl.ot ,i t . 1... j , luo rePor were with out foundation n fact The speaker emphasized the lm ZTe, of;'cleanlng-up the town" ana aeciared that them f.0l,n8ta"8.!0 Prove that the sit- -. " ",,B l,ne is deserving the active and whole-hearted support and co-operation of every good ct- The candidate clearly stated hia Pos tion regarding the employment of labor and said he was ''handing to every man with whnm h. ,5 contact in any manner whataVeve, a clean square deal f Mr. Tate will riih1 rea8urer. Mrs. Velna.McCul- tT e,i800ro; auditor, MrT W Lf,5!: -retaVy Judge Finley Is Reversed In a De- : cision by Chief Justice Clark in the Supreme Court ' . RALEIGH. ; April .14. Commlsl s oners ln more than a score of coun ties who l-unjointed'" revaluation labt week brXfedTreinf nrnni. values will be called upon to tell where revenue sufficient for running their government la tn mm at the close cf the present fiscal ; It is altogether dobbTM th,t n. ; of these commissioners Will not be ' able to answer this question, so tax students hereabouts &.!: Th that property valuations in some .' counties have been reduced horison- hof .v zo.tot' P cent means thailhe-county budget will not be met with taxes collected on the re- , vised basisv ,And this situation will ' 2.! t0 be met by,one of two ways: ' First, there will be a special tax J levied or a bond Issue, or Second, the rate of taxatldn must be increased, , , :v r . This is the opinion of Commission er Allen J. Maxwell of the state tax commission who has given the ques tlon considerable study since the 1 counties began slashing revaluation under an act of the 1021 general as sembly. , : s , , Reductions In property value. .' pear mighty (rood. Comm well admits, but he warns that rinvlaa nni ... liteVaTure. "SKTS5 1" .e come, "around derson ; H;.o;: ;j c':."ucnard. Hen- the roiks are going to discover th.t asaiLour- woman's Mis- somebody has handed hDm 7..ailwM tonight V7t &a'XZ " ""f80? -tore von row mh . . sireet ana tomo row night he will covr i. i. ments in the first ward h " SST.'" . rote to 7:15 o'ciocv at Tnu,.: " ethlng English street nar The Vnd of the r frcery. corner Elm and aommiBtrative building ihf ri . .Mi oclock at the VVI IU MLR BY M A Iil. ft .. " CHlCAnn An.ii , .. soMiAr.' ..;. -.r-'?'-'urary and, ""weu street. ' x t iinni ii v lis i uuaiLi-iM ia id va . ! action nn-ih. . th -V;:r luo "'ace or tiiv iull'ul rKiiiiriinn in mvi n uiiiHniinnahi me more steel prides announced by the United I amuaement. kind of Committee On mil fA tnm Rodney Snow, chairman; F. J. Size- "l uie, unaries v. r.nmr m. t n VOX. J. A. Clinard and t t nu Committee .h.i . . -j: w 'CCIO IBa u uoub. Committee to aniiu ..i...i.ii.. Vf i -""uwiiiieB t 't a ,r Mr' chairman; Mrs. L--J V Id:- Mr" Harry Raymond. roJV!,JHa,Taln' A- T- Wlshart. amweii. K. b. Terry. 8. L. Dayla, H. A. Milll and W. D. Brooks. FRANCE PLANS FOR 5i5E.? u Co7oration. the Inter- .n a , ay "Jht-Mr Stamey spoke national Harvester company today ' arge audlence'iof both ildirt announced a straight .ten per cent. gentlemen at .J. W.- KennSSS reduction next year, on nrnd Istore in thfl third .. ." which steel is the principal material. ai" night at Elm street Tocerv rne reduction on-steel cam aft-last night h n er our year's product had been pro- wartf nd spoke at McLeod'a d vlded for and will have no bearing on Wills' store. Tonight T 7 0'cl "k machines we sell this vear. it 5M. he will addr .h 7Ac.lcck establish a lower replacement cost, an(j R'n's store, corner WllfowhfnnU however, to which prices our ouston "d Ward streets Wlllowbrook ers -are entitled, and wheh we are .Mr- Stamey win Bnnai. r,..,. wuiing to accept," was the state- at 7:15 o'clock it " drear inS' men p-ivan ,., k h t. iTavinr. :Vjreer and th. f,;.,r:! ""? street in OCCUPYING RHUfl The Klwania organisation of pro fessional and business .leaders In al most 600 cities cf the country, and with about 80.000 members, 4- am sure,, will do everything In Its power to see that the ex-service men are iiruyony aaen care or." ; Dr. A, B. Hawkins . Dies At Raleigh Germany's Failure to- Pay De mands of Allies Means Calling of Troops. , u p.ARI- April 14. Germany's ob- S!iL?it.hAa,,,e wa flxed at be" nftS1 000'000'00 "i ' 0, 009.000.000 gold marks by the allied p?h iiS commission, .says the th. ? ,PV,g- The nwPaper adds the exact figures will depend upon the solution of certain questions to be considered. . : c?Se Qermanr-resists settle ment, the Daner derlarna If la . cepted by the allies that France will i.u two ciaases of recrnita to the colors and proceed to occupy the Ruhr basin. This district Includes 3 m. Important' coal mining and industrial region In Germany, v - ' " RALEIQII, April 14. Dr. A.1 'D, Hawkins, age St. for years the old. est living alumnus of the Unlversltyt i norm waronna ana probably the mm ncuve Dang a l roc tor In the United States died at his home here today following an illness of six , weeks., 1 . :". ' Dr. Hawklna graduate! from the .University of North Carolina In 1845.- He had been a member of tne Donra or directors of the Cltl- r,n s National bank here for about Hiirty years and took an active In forest In the dlrerllon of the policies ' f this institution undl he was taken Stealer; Disabled; I wit i u inn onoair tt . i . . . store on Tr- .:r.. " nauser s . tsc nignt ment given out by the comnanv The' reduction aoDliea chinflv the fourth- ward uurveEiiBg macninery. The company announced a reduc tion or 10 to 15 ner cent on ma. chines made princlpaly of iron and wooa on March 7. YoulhsHeld For Tl 'tt Cm ' I mere piocKiiififS Oscar Parmlee and Paul Pritchard white youths, were arrested In Hih I.. ... Point yesterday by Officer Ed Mnn. Me w Heard in Two Star. . 1L . . . ." I . " aw, i uia locai ponce aepartment, on Last Wirfit ROYA HEARD LIS Blf LARGE CROWD JHe Spoke Last Night at Town- tend s and Kennedy's Stores. To Speak Again Tonight Walt or Rnvot ...ju' . . .J. '-"""uate ior may- .ocora, - Mrs. J. M. StnnA brick. Whthr h ..-"T Heerson 8hlP8' Mr8" C' Dates' T"e commissioner SStSTiUut, neDori'nfffin . Paye will understand that this Is V missZ 'wo'rv01'8 LAtat Lmmt o. necessity he true. " , factorily during YteZVr T" L J"LCO".n"ef.?lU8r'88 . erta was placed at is boo h?b,e, ra,se1 under revaluation, tle rate was wa over Loh,o- h goa iw.e-rt-d th-e ""lolis raised' so i9.9(in "lu "um ot lo proviae tne needs of the coun- slons. Kn. inis-iMua uua no more tnen It Is easily The local avm0 . !nuw. ,B .KOin naPPen with Qeorge R. Brow ua.J?"- 1 J'ue8 .!e?ucea. and the rate un- R. Reitzei. BPrrat.r. "T:' rY""8BU- . " s nseiess-To at uuu mi. w.iiue countv commiBBinntt .,. argue tnat---1' or of th kiV r u ,"': At ft a'aUmi. i aAA " t ""u" iwo apiendid morrow night he will :' T V " i'V.0 ,af?e audiences at . . auu ivennAflv'a .. DIUIC3 and HEDUSPOK LARC ETO Are Resented. charges of the theft of hosiery val ued at more than S 260. The stock ings are alleged to havA been i wiMucia vuy-nosiery muis i vvUl,UUIU8 ni8 speech maltinv VhUM th WA n n. n I n w J , I CS tl TU I . t ,ir IT I . . IUg ""u vuiiiiuQu uuuii; -" . rv . ueanca dellvnrnd ''V. ... I? :?dur.eft8e8.before IarW audiences uv Buviui liuiu fiiizaDHin I iivi uikui in liih inioniBf. n. t.i .rv, m.i. did.., rr . v ' J "6U ruiu' nigni anai""v' 4U mayor av. nigh. Point took Parmloa and D.H1I...J v. .1. i I Mr ' (Iadrl.W 1 ,. . . h:7."r.Tr...'""l'",.u w , :.w .wwsio to re- 'u" ur mai. ine xierenaanis iwiement tnat "there was were taken Into custody at a local heId meeting to discuss ways and hosiery mill where they bad secured means to manipulate organised labor cuijyivTiuuub olIICO COQllLiK lu tflA IIIV I VUUOrHinr JOhll HaH-lnb ceveral days sgo. mayor.'' , The speaker said he knew m m v;:";-'ra ' . ' .? 'w o' the committee more iaw uotton "..na: "ev.e.r hel any COn 1 ivivBuuu wild i riH nrnari I Ifrl niir. MIUll Hedr,ck refrained from mak 7 C' aO vI "u"lB-1 e was heard by a large Mr. Royal is no one-man government, but ha mteUbnvCaf.althaffa,r8 18hou,, d wd h aU the pe0D,e- He said if S!P?!?ie7 ln "cleaning-up the withnn Vh canaiaat9 declared Ihat .without the co-operation cf the en- 'tlre Cit zanahln ... e" complied" 8 C0Uia 06 ac" At 7:30 o'clock Mr Tni epeak at Shelton and 'Martin's store willfln 1 "treet and at 8 "clock hi of th " n apPolntnent at the store of the Capital Grocery company ?rrnovat.hhMa,B, ni Val1 SI2: wr, uoyal has a rand v ...i... H roiian l a 1 .u me various wards during -a lhg any attack on hi. Amuui.. . " I aiKllAHaa .a a - waoHINQTON, -Anril 14. Tottnn i"-"'"'' i eacn piace and was list- a . - I OnaY y w.l 4 1. . . .a manuiucturers utilized more raw ent. vw raucn enmusiasm. ton during March than In any month miiw iai ?piem ner, a total of 4J7, 933 bales having been conmimpd dnr. Ing the month' according to. the cen sus bureau's monthly report. Issued today. -? There were fewer cotton spindles . In - operation during the month than In February. the largest having been shown In the mills of the cotton growing states. The month's total,- 3i.104.946, was 853.. iLvD 10 8 3 1688 tnm Fobrusry, ' with the 10 tlieieSCUei,"n,fl. of ih! rrowlng .states nuowina, ii.9 or. the reductions. Cotton consumed was 20,353 bales more than In February. . i ' NEW-YORK, April 14 The Brit ish tank steamer MarquIs.frora New Ish tank steamer Marquis, which sailed from New Orleans April 11 for Grangemouth, is disabled with en gin trouble near, Loggerhead Key, ofT the sou thpfn Florida coast, "a wireless message here today 'said. The accldnnt occurred soon 'after midnlrht last night and a tug from' Kpv woHt was dispatched t her assistance.',..' Why Income Tax In China? f SHANGHAI, April 1J. Salvatore Romano, representing the Internal revenue department of the United States government, left Shanghai for America in February after a tour of Investigation In the far east devoted to Income tax matter. . He Is the first sgont of the department who hs vLiitud the far east officially. Troop Withdrawal And Disarmament " WASHINGTON, April 13. Immediate withdrawal of the United States troops now stationed on the Rhtne Is proposed ; In a resolution Introduced by Repre sentative Fish. Republican, of York, requesting the President to withdraw the troops forthwith. ) .The first move In the present Congress for disarmament cams today with the Introduction by Senator. Borah, Republican, of Idaho, of a resolution authorizing the President trf open negotiations with f Great . Britain and Japan looking ; to reduction In future haval buldllng. intention . the vnrl the pre-election campaign. Market Steady Weaker Cables N'EV YORK, April 14 Tha - . ton market here mJde a compraUvi 1 steady showing during todil'- V lrading- T unfavor!ble Brit! Ih labor situation was reflected in weaker Liverpool cables, but te local "ar,et opened at a decline of onfy one to 8 points under southern sell in and Iquldatlon. The latter was maIi mnd there W88 8me Wall street selling after the nail, with May easing off at 11.92 and July jj " or about It points net lnwr ' if i 1 I,tue, opened "teady: May. 11.99; July, 12.64; October. 13 13 December. 13.51; January. 13.68. ' Chlne-e Strikers Win. . fSifSFtb April "following a strike that began In Janusryof 300 811k Flllature, an Increase Jn wages for a 12-hour day of from 20 cents to 30 cents was grunted by the man agement and the strike ended. Wage payments In Chinese plants In Shang hai are based on the Mexican dollar valuation. ; . v , , . . ' 1 " a.' i" ' - x. . ' Former Wardi-a Demi, " OOLDSBOHO. April 14. John R. Smith. 84 years of age,, who wa superintendent of the state nrlxon lander the administration or finv.-r. jjuor RusaelU-dicd here last night. Reitzei. Sftnrptnrv repoV w OT.6"L -made. ? od Uoing to have the. time of their live. natPd sia .r D,a UMU "aso- masing ouckle and tongue meet - nta rm Lou washefd at , i6', Juf,Ce Uer Clar" writing hour, and a SellSm. final 1 "00n- iilnlon ,n thW George C. ed to the vSth rdi WauBC: Tuddr ?8e of Forsyth- county re ladies of the Si chnr?he8nby e J"?ge F,n,ey an holds that V. Fogleman V in I.' : defendant' l.h? ' father. 1. liable made a splendid taiv ana 1 r 1 T"0"8 01 a,B n,lnf "on' By n.wt iL... - . n.T Tndor' This was the only crte day afternocn wrdTi i i V ye8ter' 71 imPc"ance nanded down by the parts First m, 'Vided lnt0 three ,upreme court this week Krers 8Lnnd 'J " .!?' ? Tyree. ad- and third th raard p,co,ul3"l. -u'His.raior. is seeking damages from th .conference renorts "t? Mt? ' Tud0r f0r tne ielh ' concerning h! ;eports W6re made Ruth Tyree who was killed in June KTnrested aLWaty.S t0 eePhR,t- 1h9l8 When an atomohlle In wWch inform themsS and l,mako m 8he wa;ldin Ith the younger Tu- of making monev for Vhl ,ye r . o . ountry road near tion wasdEsedT6 J!!! n8" Sa ?m. overturued.The case committee eave , fonn , .k.,.-sUhou oy juage Kinley In thant. . ZVZ, a rp.ort expressing -uperlor court and it came to the nth ' "lulur ",B" romt church and high court on anneal of thn nlaintirr tnrmeetrn;naaccessted mak,n e'fleffi,JU8i!,CehClarkh h0,d Rev. J. D Wlniama f xr u f h , 8hUld haVe 066,1 tr,6d Detor nreachad . . "' of Mehano, the Jury. ,, . last nlrht g?t ra'88lona-y sermon Since Bynum Tudor was a minor Lookmf or J mSH "Vh- , ';ad hfh ch.MA id. U la. The spoke of the ouima-tiho m.'n,8ter 8 hfr8 .duty ''not t0 entru8t tha man God ne-ded alvSl n f the ,af.ety hf l,h yun,C lady hI- " fine physique Si flni 5 W!ls not UDl?s he knew he WM caref great eduraMnn h ?n.t oratory. not prudent in the operation of the ma- wniingness tc be uld'a ?'r!t T hM erwlse would be J. and a great vision dea" I,eart dangero.U8 to the "ty 'of his fath- great vision. er and for negligent Injuries Inflict- C:LiTi .-,- ed ,y h'm his father was respon- -C '"ca Evidence before the court here Is DVTpvae fwlA,a iJ,ou!f Tudor wUh brother' J 1 cAttS VxVCIOneland Miss Tyree had attended a ri.n. mititqqa -T" ' I ,i 6 Country c,"b near Winston- .Te?8, Apr" 14 Eight SaIra and with Bynum at the wheel tanv nifve.,deadJ flve proably fa- th. car was traveling at around 50 taiiy injured and approximately 50 miles an hour when it sideswiped a r!.,m0re, 688 8erl0U8'y injured as a car driven by Martin Goodman. The result of a tornado which struck Tudor car somersaulted, the young nere at 2 o clock yesterdav ftr. lady's body beine frlrhtf..n noon. Five of the killed were ne- led- The young men were not se- &roe8' rlously Injured. tnJf 8t0rm. 8wept through the ,3Xme R- Collie, superintendent town rrom the south woof w of the state nrlann Hn.i.. u. b,.l e denioIi8hlng more than a administration, will be Col. A, U. Phnrr!h0IDUlidin.gf' '"eluding all thelWatt8 chief deputy tax collector. It r.m, L vul nou8es. stores, post office, cotton gin. Interurban station and railway dopot. Speakers Guarded By State Troops DULUTH, Minn.. April 14 While fifty policemen and detectives and a detachment from the tank corp8 unit of the Minnesota nation al guard stood guard, live hundred porsons gathered at a local hall last M6ui una cneered Is learned from a r!!hu Collie s is the first appointment'that has been made by the new commls sloner of revenue and taxation and Is under Btood to have the hearty en dorsement of Governor Morrison who previously announced that be In tended to offer the retiring prison iTu, a p08ltlon w'th the state. Mr. Col He will assume his duties on Msy 1 along with Colonel Watts With the argument, on the peti tion of the Southern Power com pany for an increase in its hydro-" electric power ratni rnmni.i i v,. u. Bia(0 corporation com- Pleaded for th riM t V.L: ar expected to hand down a nh. num... ., V v.ideclHOn annn In .h. . .uiam naywood and others whom they termed as "political prisoners." v Rumors that efforts would be made to stcrm the hall and break up the meeting prompted the author ities to take precautionary "meas- Vlrgtnh, tiet Mr lft. CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va., April 14 President Aldermsn. of the University of Virginia, announced today that- two founders day gifts totaling 876.O00 had been received for. the Institution', centeunlal en dowment fund. One wag a $50,000 gift from Thomas F. Ryan, of New York, and the otfiff a $2r..oni) d,i.,. tlon frcm Mrs. riarl. 3 n, r uff al so of New York. llol.l.. ... .. ' -v uv.B.uu Bi.on m tne telephone and sag vumpaniea cases, . . .' .White Farm Hand . Is Hef1 Pri soncr ItOCKY MOUNT, April 1 4 1. cause of hlh feeling and faring mob violence, Jesa- Nines, a whlta farm hand about 35 years old, was nir n- I from Spring Hope i the county J , i at NsshvlilM rt nl?ht and I t. r r . moved to some unknown d ; i for Silf kocjiln?, Bt-'rir :- t7 ,; rers who late yr t- v Nines ni-nr WM f ' ! I t V, Upon a rb - . ' t!n' fiv.' ). n- , I (iiulnMit f-r