vpu XIII. BURLINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 190O. NO. 33 EDITORIAL COMMENTS. ST. SEEMS . that - when Dewj . said in ; Greensboro -' the olhet day that it did not , take a man of "ranch sense to be a President, ho was not joking bo much as we thought ne was. f or witmn iwemy-iour boars after tbe utterance in Greens boro b e said the same thing in New York and followed the statement by declaring himself a candidate for the Domination ,i for the,. Presidency. Well. There will , be a bigger sink ing of hopes in hislbeart before be is much older than there was of the old rickety ships in Manila by two years ago, if he means ' the thing in earnest. ? Dewey has played his little part and has. stepped off the boards, and he had better not return for the enohore. In the first plice, Pewey could not for the life of him, decide whioh party he would look lo for the nomination, and he hsu) no settled convictions on the issue of the day. His only statement in regard to bis policy, being that he would obey tbe - WUUDDVl Vyug'wjB BLO W UM UU( J the orders Of his superior offioers.and - 1 - C '1 L. L -J A I -J a pretty mess he would make of it Tbe truth is, he expects to ride into office on the strength, of his morning's work over at Manila, and is going to find that his steed will buck worse than a mustang when he starts for the White House, foe the American people are rshsood to forget as they are ready 'to applaud, ' The Methodist Church and espe cially Christianity lias Teoeltttd se vere blow-in the action of J. W. Lee, the " Irish Evangelist" Such men, by saoh action, do- more to "crush out that respect for the church and the ministry whioh is so vital to tbe future of our religious eziatence.than all the scoffing of infidels could ac complish in a life-time. . We love to think of the ministry as being holy a mouth-piece for God to reveal bis lovevuid way of salvation to a lost tUiU HUllUl HUIIU, UU MID bUUH a sacred dwelling place of the Great Jehovah where wecan gather together In Bweet communion out of the reach I ' To, cret to-Al 1 . . " V' A ptock of Shoes selling all their ... - j v:v r T.i 1 1 1. ? v ii n. i If . - And,tney are nice new ones uuu. ,iuoy " ' " i Shoe business and "' ' Farbiture and House ParnisEirig AI14 ' PTJRNITUBE and : SHOE HOUSE, AliMON L. DAVIS, Mgr.' f the wor,ld and its scoffings. ' Bat very dayTwme new evidence is com ing to light to show, that instead of the ministry beine strictly the med iums and members of the Lowly Nazarihe and the church his sacred tabernacle, it often becomes the sub terfuge of Satan, and instead of the voice of God, and the' prophet, it is often the braying ass we hear, and instead of the holy sanctuary it is a screen ' for his Satanic Majesty's cloven footed representatives.- Bat there is no man who is a close ob server-of events, who can fail "to ap" predate tbe truthfulness of the utter anc of that qian who said.tbe devil persecuted toe cnuron natu ne touna it was still going, ahead, and then joined the church and began busl nees for himself as one of tts au thorized agents. There is no discussion going on in the Fifth District, as to who shall be the nominee of the Democratic party for Congressman from- that district, for there is no discussion needed. Hod. W. W.iKitchin has so endeared himself to the people of his district that it, would 'not only be an impos sibility for the Republicans to' defeat him, but it would be an impossibili ty for another man to be nominated in his stead, on the Democratic tick et. We love Mr. Kitohin for bis pureness of character, for bis noble official record, his political record, end for his gentlemanly principles in general. Hon. W. W. Kitchin wQl be our next Congressman . from the Fifth District to succeed him elf - - Wb have not seen where Gol. John 8. Gunninghamhas given out that be would accept the nomination of Lt.- Governor, and we object to Having him thus . side-tracked,. Col, Cun ningham has, hundreds of friends wbb. are 'not so sure . but that he would have reoeived the nomination for. Governor this year, and all will admit that his. nomination in the next go-round would be oertain if ho refuse! .- to take second p'ace this year, iJut it ne is nominated as juq. i 1 nni n a Furniture aad Shoe House i ;axe picked over tooj much. You know they are Shoes at i u SSS' "ss TSSSL t S bvts .w-SS ' l j mi 1 nil j .mmij.m.a ... .' i . you want to see the biggest and prettiest stocjs jof In Alamance - : Main Governor, his i chances for being nominated as Governor four years hence- would be greatly lessened. We contend that Col. Cunningham js good material for a Governor an we object to' the timber being thus sacrificed! - i- WoESi. and worse. It has been suggested that Bryan and G.ovtr Cleveland head the National Demo cratic ticket This will be too much of a compromise. Better make it Bryan and MpKinley. General Lew Wallace, who served as a delegate to tbe St. Louis Re publican Convention and was one of (he original McKinley men in Indi ana, has addressed an open letter to the Republicans of his State in which be charges that- Prwident McKinley is attempting ' to inake Colonies' of Puerto Rico and the. Philippines to be governed by hitri. He declares tbat the President; Is negotiating for the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix and that he is controlling Con gress through: patroDage. Gen. Wal lace's letter contains a draft of an amendment to ' the Constitution, whioh he suggests should be adopt ed as a bar to the President's pur pose. Opinions to order while you waitl Some time ago, Mr. Magoon, law officer of the Watf. Department pre pared an elaborate argument to show that the Constitution followed the flag. After he had showed it to per haps dozen, H -wcailed jn-and another, was preparedqoaUy elabor ate,' proving conclusively' that the Constitution did hot follow th' flag. Now Representative Richardson of Tennespee, is trying to get hold of the first repott. But he will not doit. Three men serving sentences on the chain gang, of Guilford coun ty, made a breakjfor liberty from the guards near Gibsonville, last week The guard fired, and two of the men being in line, the ball passed entire ly through tbe body of one of them and mot tally wounded the other. before their great : big - -J J A J.1 mtouu iu gu uuu ui . tuo ' f . Goods ; County; you can find" it at Street, Burjington, U. O." No. 6812 Ntw Tudor. ai.ee but these that give com'ort and satisfaction to the wearer, Price, 6 00, made by Stacy, Adams & Co, "And for the Ladies we have tbe Patent Leather Oxford and Sa dais at $1.00, $2.00 and $3,00. Alo, the White and Black K'd Sandals and Ties from . $ .00 to $3 00 And Children's Patent Leather and Kid Skin Sandals, 5 to 8 at Ts'cj 8J to 11, at 90c a, at J 1. All other stylei at popular Let us show them to you JNO. R. FOSTER, Tito SI100 Maiii Burlington, N. O. At E- E. WORKMAN, Front Street, 1900 The Last Tear of the Century DAVIS FURNITURE CO. Will lead the Procession in the following points Largest Stock of Furniture in the Coun ty. - Widest Range of Designs and Fitiish. Lowest Prices for Equal Values. Easiest Terms for Buyers. Only Exclusive Furni ture Store in the County, Full Stock 'al ways on hand. Goods, in loads, delivered tq any of the mills in the county. We buy in large lots and upon the very lowest terms possible. An In. naMiW ( nnr nw miutt and alsrt. vmir natronas'e is solicited. ", .' ' - 0WMNM V. hw .. J , j I d . . ; " J. L. DAYIS, Manager. - ': fellis' Old Stana Burlington; - Foster's EM OFFERING. An unparalled showing of the latest Styles, in Men's Women's and Children's Fine Shoes and Oxfoid's. Untqual'ed in our history. Seven thousand dollars worth of Shoes to choose from. For Dress Occasions The New Patent Kid Shoes the" new es in Styles tbe handsomes in apprar- not the kind that Smart the feet, ; li to prices. 1 jg BURLINGTON, North Carolina.