f: Lcrno Advertisements.'! .', i 1 . :,' ,", .-. .,- .1-" . -i .j CQTTQ BROKE 0; ernes ASJoima conns exchme, 3 NEW BESNE ADVEETISEMENTS.' A BKAVE DEED. TO". Try Highest Market CKssimntsed. - 47 Consignments) of Cotto Solicited Price T - - -: UPE2TAT PEEP O' DAY," "And Snt Tm Target It," nil l - wmiiin etc : openers ABE UNEXCELLED. T - 1ZIH Street, tur Coraar Scuth rroat, : 2TEW BERNE; N. C ' - ' Kext door to K. R. J ones'. ' ApriiJ-d V 13 m. . -' . VI::ro flroYou Going? .1 am going to suffer no longer with my shoe made on that wrong and ab surd principle, bat wear thoMbeautifa) ' style manufactured by : .. - J. W. HiiRRELL. , - Repairing dona nv the neatest man ner; invisible patches put on and war- ' ranted to stay. - ' . Don't-forget the place south of the Central Hotel. Kiddle street. New Berne, N.. C. - ' . - - -.- . ad yoor oraers and save money. , ; eepiliswtt 1 J. W. HARRKTJ. . .. V..- - v i ?; V J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Snuff, Wood and Willow-ware and Liquors. The Largcat Exclusive Grocery House in the City. My stock Is always complete, and goods fresh. I will guarantee to sell goods in my line as cheap as any house in Norfolk, and consequently save freight chnrgct and niariue risks. My utoclc of liquors is complete, and I invite special attention of buyers be fore making purchases. M'JcId1Jlf THOS. GATES & CO. OFFER A LABOS STOCK OF , BAGGING AND i-r;" - n - TIES PARTICULAR "ATTENTION . r Cc: OiVEN TO gnnsnts cf ...Gotten,;. AND HIGHEST MARKET PRICE v ' GUARANTEED. . SOUTH FRONT ST- OPPOSITE GASTON HOUSE. - For - . ;. . . ,; -COLDS, - : iii:aiaciie, toepidliveu and C1IIIXS, BERRYS CHKI3TMAS TRICKS, C.VTLIZZ, rnUITS, Etc, Etc., AT FAIR PRICES. "Parties bujiag for Cass, can buy D THUGS, GAKDENSEED. I i-r snj EoTelores, Pair.U, Brnah es, G.ua, Toji, Wall Paper, and zj ;tlier things at bottom prices at L-e.ry' Drcj Store. Apr; 9 lj w I. 1. Jones connissidH M Cc-iisruiaenta of Grairi, V Cotton, and other ; produce; "-i: .Dry Goods, Notions, . ir j. i s , : BOOTS AND SHOES. - f GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS ? -, . - -. Pork, Bacon, r Flour Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Syrup and.' j SMUFFand TOBACCO; HARDWARE CCH AS . Spades, SlioveLs,- Hoes, Axes, ' ITails .Plow Traces Hames, Farjners Supplies. '-dzKEKAL'LY u n n 1 1 sw w 1 -a. ia w jjix L A II EST AND OLDEST i iMolesale House :v " IK THE CITY. Keeps always in' Stock large quantities PORK, LONG ; i CXE FIT SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, ' ;. :; ; ' ' ".folasses, Salt, &c. I LORLLLAKD AND GAIL1 & AX SNTIFF, h 3 J" tilso a large stock of DRY GOODS,: BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa ; : : ROASTED COFFEE, CItACKEES and.; CAKES in great variety. -A large Stock of ''vorri( )Ns jlisjd hosiery. Wholesale buy ers will find ft large STOCK at lowest prices Don't fall to ieeiue before you Iniy MIDDLE STREET, ,The pleasuro vof your company is respectfallv solieitcd at-tho ' vEABELIOlSrABLE UdiesDnrtoodsi Store POLLOCIC STREET, JEW DEnilE,' N. 0. ; :: . , .. .- .-:.- .:v.;- . ' :'verr effort will be made to suit you in all lines of Fancy Dry Goods. -1 - ' . . . .j-Ty 'j- '" .; 0. . . . 4 . . - t&" Samples of any kind Of poods cut. ' Goods sent oat tc be looked at. - .. Money returted If Goods do not suit- - " I resnectfulir invite the attention of the trade to nv very superior stock ot Dry Good, fresh and desirable ; also my elegant stock ot ' . Ladies and Children'al Hand-made Shoes, which are warranted.' I am prepared to ofier at : the lowest prices, reeling as sured that my facilities enable me to compete with any similar establishment in ... ' . .. - " . M 1 11. J J I - 1 tnis city. A cau irom yoo wnen you visit our city is soiiciteu,. ana, in iue menu time, your orders will receive prompt 'and careful attention. tkr Send 3 cent e tarns lor j; asruon hneeu sep4-aswtra E. IHliu3ead6ws t& Co., r .... Dealers" in. Drugs,' Seeds and " Guanos, Kow offer Peruvian Guano, Pine Island Guano; Pacific Guano and Kainit. : ' - -. COB HER POIXOCK t MTDDIJB STBEKTS. Wirsmm Ezchaaca YmrlU. , oetSlddrv i . IEW BKRITB, I. C. qgp voym 00. Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers in the follow- ing standard Brands of Flour, Which are put up expressly for our Trade : CROATAN SUPER., - DOVER' MILLS EXTRA, ; CONTENTNEA EXTRA,' . ' ; WHITE OAK EXTRA, T " TRENT RIVER XXX EXTRA, . . iTJTT TFOiJ XXXX FAMILY. " . . i . Foy's Patent Process, from Selected Wheat. Our patent process is equal to anythinffwn the market, and we guarantee every barrel to give satisfaction. Call and examine our stock. All goods in our line sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. au31 BJEEICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST., NEW BERNE. 25. C, wt MAKE 10 MISTAKE ! THE HEADQUARTERS ! DO NOT FALL. TO CALL OTS HOWARD & JONES, WHEN LN NEED OF CLOTHING, GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Ada Carfitwas decidedly the bejle of Sharborough ; and aa . that small but bustling. Midland town had a reputation among its neigh bors for lovely lasses, the distinction wait a great one. In figure, the girl was somewhat small and slight ; but in feature she had attained almost to perfection both of outline and of tint, She had a lofty, well-proportioned brow, around which rippled rich waves of auburn hair. She had eyes of dreamy blue. cheeks just sufficiently tinged with delicate carmine to throw into relief the pearly whiteness of herteeth The worst of it was. she knew that she was beautiful, and the knowledge spoiled her. Ada was the only child of wealthy Sharborough manufacturer, and added to her other charms that of being a very considerable heiress Naturally she had of suitors not a lew Roger Herlestone was two-aud twenty; but his thick-set, burly figure, and his abundance ot beard made uiin look years older. He was heavy in feature, uucer tain ii movement, and awkward in address. As the nephew of Mr. Marston of Marston & Marsh, cotton-mill owners, his prospects were very good. But the knowledge of this fact somehow failed to give him the needed self-confidence. Roger's many blunders made him to a large extent the butt of bis male acquaintance, and it was prob ably this that caused Ada (Jaiht out of sheer opposition, to treat him with marked favor. PMlip Dare, the lawyer, ,had likened Roger to the proxerbial "bull in a cliina shop;" and Philip Dare should be made to bite his lip with vexation at her deference to the despised one. But once again she was kind only to be cruel "I can not tell whether she cares for me, or whether she does not,' said Roger Herlestone to his younger brother, Martin. "Some times I think one thing, and some times another. Bntthis I am sure of, she is all the world to me." "Then I'd ask her, old fellow.' "But but sue has always so many round her. Ada Carfit is the queen of a large circle, and I " "Have been the best of sons, the best ol brothers and I have no doubt, would make the best of husbands.'' "Ana I," said icoger, resuming slowly, and paying no heed; to this enthusiastic praise, "am a rough and homely man, who has almost as good a right to dream ot becom ing Prime Minister as of winning such a wife." "Nonsense, Roger ! Don't be so unnecessarily modest. You are just as good as she, aud the girl must know it." 'Then," and the elder's tone changed suddenly : "I'll put it to the test and see. If Ada refuses me, it will be just another dream dispelled, and I shall face the worst." The opportunity soon came. The two were thrown mueh to gether at a summer picnic party, and some malign genius made Ada more than ever gracious, It seemed to her that she had succeeded in thawing the ice of her admirer's awkwardness, and the studied compliments he paid her awoke the gleam of a sunny, satis tied smile. L: She little suspected the commo tion that was working beneath the surface. They had wandered out of sight aud hearing of the rest, on' pretense or examining some curiously shaped rocks. "How still the air is under the sun t" said Ada stopping at' a low fence that crossed the hillside For' a moment her companion did not answer and she cast a cas ual glance upwards at his face "What Ada saw there made her start and slightly shirer, "Yes," he said, with a hoarse and mighty enort, "this is just the turn of the seasons, and this bush t is frequent and very suggestive then. You and I have come to a turning-point, too, Miss Carfit, and I must break the stillness by a very important question. (Jan you not guess what that is the story I have to tell, Miss Uarnt-Ada !" "No, do. We had better return, I think. We shall be lost, Mr. Herlestone." Ada was keeping her composure wonderfully, and she hoped by this coldly spoken hint the con fession she leared might be averted. She did not know the speaker. "Wait an instant, Ada," Roger cried, abandoning the last shelter 01 reserve; "J have this to tell, that you are more to me than anyone else in the wide world can ever be. I love you, Ada surely you must have divined it ! Can you love me back again, however little! Will you some day be my wife f" His words were coming swiftly enough now, and his beseeching eyes emphasized the truth. The man was transformed, and a faint response of admiration was raised in the girl's heart. But he was could be no more than others she had rejected. This triumph she was used to, and gloried in; though usually she had been better on her guard, and I had stopped the deluded one before j this stage was reached. "I am sorry, Mr. Herlestone, you ' have said such things," she replied; j "I thought you were above ro j mance. That is partly why I ( trusted you. You seemed so so ' sensible." "It must surely be :i sign of that I to admire and to love." ' "Pray don't Mr. Herlestone. It ' is all a mistake, I assure you." 1 "A mistake that you can ever care for me f "Yes, certainly." There was a levity about the as surance that stung the young man well nigh into madness. He had heard rumors ol' the : HOTTS SWEET C1DEB, "J'r THE BEST MADE. CONS XJTn TL Y: IN STOCK -t, : - Price lot lor essb. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Highest' casb prices paid eoontrt Produce Call mnd m me. JSarth 'Was corasr ' 1. 80UTK T&03T A . ' i -,' -. - v - XXSSXS Streets, rr jrerw . b ebse, n. c. MENS' AND BOIS' HATS, Men's, Boys', Ladies & Misses' Rubber Coats and Circulars. ?YT , .1 ,1. .1 ... Iil.i 1 v e ouy inese eoous irom the manutacturer, ana sell tnein close. h(l fi nnHmr flmm 1 Our line of Shirts and Undershirts is now complete. Boys' Collars, Shirts 1,,,,.,, ni-vi-B Wnd Undershirts. Our Economy Shirt, three for 2.00, is excellent. v.v i1( ,,m'ifi i,n,.. - Linen snd Celluloid Collars and Cuffs. We sell our neck wear much below 'rlt. return walk tne price ot otner nouses, ivuliher, mik, Alpaeca ana tnngham I mbrellas. Bear in mind that "Our Stacy, Ailams tie t'o.'s Shoes" cannot be had else where in the city. The need of an Exclusive Gents' Furnishing Store has long been felt in this city, (jiveus your trade and we will supply your wants. t For day after day, "and 'week af ter week, there was scarcely a break In t he clouds or a pause in the gale-j'. Wind; and rain, wind and rain was the -dreary record; until the lakes ivere swollen, the streams impassable, and wiles of low-lying pasture-lands submerged. . Sharborough was not a . pleasant place under snch circumstances. Upon the very brightest heavens its huge manufacturing chimnies hung a yellow blot; and tfow th6 funeral-like pall of fog and si smoke lowered overhead in a perpetual frown. Ada Carfit grew sick of it, and betook herself on a visit to her an cle at Baysditch, five miles away. There it rained still, it is true, and seemed likely to rain. But Baysditch was in the open country,and behind it were the Por ley Hills. The girl was better content, and could grumble there with a sense of less oppression. . ' Of Roger Herlestone, since her dismissal of him, she had seen very ever. He was grown graver Rnd more reticent, it appeared, than ever. And he had lately been taken in as a junior partner by Marston & Marsh. That was all she knew. But somehow his face frequently haunted her. He had looked no resolute and manly on these Porley Downs. She even sighed thinking of it. Ada's own image, despite his ut most efforts, was equally present with the young manufacturer. "I think I despise and hate her as I onced cared for her,;' he told his brother; "but forget her,,I can't' "Fall in love with some one else," was Martin's sago recommenda tion. But Roger shook his head. "Not yet," he said; "I have not sufficient confidence in feinale good ness since then. That was the greatest evil the girl didaie. She destroyed faith at a blow," "A stormy afternoon, Roger," said his uncle, two days later. "Do you mind driving to North Fulton to see about those missing ordersf It will le best for one of the firm to go, as it ls.isuch a delicate ques tion. 5 j "I am perfectly willing, sir. I j am not afraid of be weather in the least." "Better start at once." 'So I will. I shall be back, then, by nightfall." North Fulton was over the hills, ten miles off. The young man was quicklv un der way. . ., He had to pass through ' Bays ditch, aud he vras aware of , Ada Carfit's presence there. But it was nothing to him wheth er she saw him or not. The state of the roads was a much more serious consideration. How high the waters were, and still rising. Many houses m the valley were already isolated, and unless a speedy change took place of which, alas! there was no sympton-the result must inevitably be grave dis aster. C ' ! The wind lulled for an hour or two while Roger transacted his business. But it arose in redoubled fury as he commenced his return jour ney. ; Darkness ad Jed to the difficulty and the danger of the route. Turning sharply round a corner into Baysditch Valley, Roger was hailed by a terror-stricken y,oice be hind him. He pulled hastily up. "What's wrong?", he asked. Pant, pant, pant! and then a white face with awed; dilated eyes gleamed upon him in the mist. . "Porley Dam be bursteni" "Nol-surel" ... .-. Roger comprehended in an instant what that message meant, and his accents were as hoarse as the stran ger's. . .;.,.-!, .'' "Ae: certain. .: 11s tearing through t' embankment like a catar act. ' Gettin' bigger every minute, and noane can't stop it," "Then Baysditch must be flood ed!" ' . ,1( "Yes. I be goin' to warn't." "Jump up here." And Roger drove as' if for' his own life, insteed of other people's. The alarm sopn spreads and a scene of terror and confusion ensued which might have appalled the strongest. Water was swiftly ris ing m the single village street, and tne mutter ot the qnsweepmg tor rent grew louder every . minute. Homeless, arid sadly deficient in both food and clothing, dozens of families fled to the hillsides while there was yet time. . Where was Ada Carfit lodging? Milton Villa, old Luke Carfit's home, was some distance beyond the clustering villa sre-roofs, and Roger experienced some delay in reaching it. The inmates, only three in number besides the two maid-servants, were but just alarmed, and their retreat was cut off before even lioger was aware of t. Ada was as pale as death, but strangely calm and self-jiossessed. l?norii rftmomlmrdfl ft r-,1 o li , ,i- at least once in that hour of awful peril, her eyes were fixed on his as t they would read his very soul. But it was a time for action and not sentiment. From the edge of the lawn now the bed of a roaring stream the round trended gently away to the uplands, and there the only hope lay. It was more than probable that the house would give way un der the avalanche of water which had still to descend. "Porley Dam" was the current designation of the reservoir that supplied all Sharborough. lioger Herlestone swain across with his horse and turned the ani-j mal loose. Then, estimating as best he could the distance and his own powers, lie returned and briefly explained his plan. There was no boat within reach. Each member j his burden.-;- But then he fainted, and for the : first -time the rescued household observed that .he . was wounded. A tree-trunk had struck him, and inflicted a ghastly wound on the head. Bat for the present all they could do was to grieve, and tend - him as he lay. They were outcasts, like dozens of others. . That flood will be long- remem bered, and not least by Roger Herle stone and the girl he saved. Brain fever supervened, and Roger was ill for many weeks. Ada Carfit was his chief nurse, and her character seemed entirely changed, so humble and assiduous was she. There came a day when, with a new light in his eye, Roger looked up and whispered: "Ada!" She averted her face. But he had caught the vision of a tear one of thankfulness and joy. He took her unresisting hand. I have a concession to make'' he whispered. "It was in sheer re venge I saved you. Can you tor- give me, Ada? And after all--care a little!" "TYircrivot And T lf ma foil too," she cried, brokenly, "I loved you though I didn't know it, when you asKea me nrst, Roger." New Berne Advertisements. . H. W. WAIIAB, (Successor to K. II. WlnUlejr,) . - DISTILLERS' AGENT FOIU Pure Rye and Com Whisky AT WHOLESALE. kikston advektise:::: THE CELEBRATKI) WINES AUD OIGAES fN OK FA T VARIETY, Norfolk Advertisements. NOTICE. First Class Sewing Machines at Bottom Prices. THE DA VIS, NE W HOME, : DOMESTIC, and WHITE, The Latest Improved at Living1 Priios Needles atid Parts for all Kinds. Send lor Price List b fore buying nisi v. here and save money. 1 haTH the UrtrfEl and mrat ciitniiTt hi-ttMir 1 117 J iu I 111" ouiiiu. Wo reasonable offer refused Cur Sectrnd-hind aiacmnea in good order. J. W. BEASLEY, 105 Church street, Norfolk, Va, auglO-wOm Elizabeth Iron Works, CHAS. W. PBTT1T, Prop., 280 and 282 Water street, Norfolk, Va. MANUFACTURER OF ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mills, SHAFTINGS, Jriilleys, Hangers, FORCINGS AND CASTINGS, Of Every Description. auglTwly Adam Tredwell & Go., . Gotten Commission Merchants, .NORFOLK," VA. Office Cotton Exchange Building. Sells cotton for commission, 50 cents per bale-: augl7w6m A Common sense xtemedy. SALICYLICA. No More Rheumatism, Gout or A Neuralgia. Immediate Keliel Warranted, Permanent Cure Gnaranteed. Five years established, and never known to fail In a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and druggists for the standing of Sail cy Ilea. - SECRET 1 The onlydlssolver of the poisonous uric acid which exists in the blood of rheumatic and gouty patients. SaLICYLICA is known as a common-sense remedy, because it strikes directly at the eause of Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, while aOi many so-called specifics rod sup. posed panaceas only treat locally t-.e effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such a ub' Ing with oils, ointments, liniments anj soothing lotions, will not eradicate these diseases, which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Urio Acid. SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively nsed by aH the celebrated Shyilcians of America and Europe. Highest edical Academy of Paris report 85 per cent, cures in three days. ,. , REMEMBER that SALICYLICA is a certain cure for Rheu matism, Goat and Henralfla. The most in tense pains are subdued almost Instantly. Give it a trial. Relief guaranteed or money refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. l A BOX. SIX FOR .. Sent free by maU on receipt of money. ASK .YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, But do not be deluded Into taking Imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as ','Just as good!" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne & Co. on each box, which is guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, an indispensihle requisite to Insure success in the treatment. Take no otner, or sena to us. WASHBURAE & CO,. Proprietors, 287 Broadway, cor. Read St., NEW YORK. For sale by HANCOCK BROS., Kexv Berue, IV. C. dec2-d&wlv Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. BERGNER & ENGEL BEER, CIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. II W. WAliAR. South Front St. Neic Berne, N. C. sep26-d4wly. ' n '."r""' II 1 "an " .1 ITennessee " BROOKS COTTON FHESS, Brown and other Gins, always on 1::;: First-class Stock of IIqil A Car Lead of STOVES Just Rect i . MILLER & CANADA . - Kiksto::. : aurlT-wtJanl A GkRAND SHOW AT wej. sultan s ooJGeii'l IiisuraiicG 1 KINSTON. X. V. WKIKHTEINI BUILDING. Just returned from the Northern Mnrkel will; a Large and Well wekctod Stock of Dry j ol. Fancy Goods, Dregs (.Jeod A Large Helectcd HUwk of Men's, Yonlhs' and Children's Clothing The Finest Selected Utoek of Ladies' Cloaks and Dolmans, Also the Latest Styles of nil!f Walk lug Sackels, Mlssennnd (tillilr. u. Cents' and Ladies' Furiiisliin; foods A SPECIALTY. A Full lA:i.-:( Men's and Boys' Eocts and Skfs, i AIko a Fine Assortment f Ladies' and Children's Shoes, j Latest Styles of lLitH and Caps, and Lntitit ; styles of KepreRtnta the following first-tlnM companies t NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANT;!; FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, WESTCHESTER OF NEW YORK, . GEORGIA HOME OF COLUMBUS, NORTH CAROLINA HOME- and other. . Stove, ilwe'llupa. merchandise, gins aud form irojrty lusun.! a damage by fire or lUhlninz. , ' Ai. CO NEW BERNE ADVEETISEIIET.'TS. LADIES' Trunks, V: lanket, i Jewelry, Blanket, Quilt" AND MISSES' HATS. lisr?r and Kull I, In? of Carpctn, lit". nU'lies and Aororrteonn. ;. 'ALLELE o C v , ..... ,.-.... - . rolltk Street, New; Iierne, N. C, AT LOW PRICES. ltemember we Imv our Ooodsfor ('ASH. and i ell at LOW FIOUUKS for CASH. oct!2d&w J. J. Tolson & co. BEOAD STREET Second door East from Rtilroad) Receives GOODS by every Steamer. The beat of Potted Oauned Qoodsi, Best grades of Coffee, best grades Flour, best kettle rendered Lard, Very best selected BUTTER, Pore Apple VINEGAR, SUGAR sTall grades best Family GROCERIES, of ALL KINDS. Our country friends will tind it lo their advantage to call and try our pri ces before buying. All goods sold at Bottom Prloos. Goods delivered at any part of City prompt and free. Broad Street second door east Railroad. or w y Anr.l 1, A. H. HOLTON, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S & Ci GAR S. MIDDLE STREET, Opposite Xoo aprlycliw NEW BERNE, N. C. C. B. HART &; CO. ONE t!iZ CASH STOEE. Ncrtl-et corner 3?'idic and'South Front stretfU '.wsite E 11 Windle nd K. R. Jone3. uiatits IN Stovos, House Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY an GLASSWARE, L A MPS in great variety. BURNERS. WTO! It stands at the head CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE On, :-Kip;5s.ve Cil, Train Oils. ai,' j : j ' j 1 1 , i ' T-.t!iiifact!r. Tin and Sl;c-pt-Iron Vare. Machirtf -I.SS-v.'W 1 a ".it... I -i in m, i immm WiWsym, 11 Oflem . ;. . K'ol it . . - - i Peruvian ntl Ittm- ; J01 1-tn k CI t i Murrjm Htiict.'l,.. ; UsIft N liNIMIV'l I- vh.u(ir now it.. . Fr Triit'kcrs himI v." PLOWS, HARROWS AND CULTIVA i In Great Variety and at Very Low Triecr. J'.-. GEO. ALLO! L C r r Carrawav's 'Liver Contains no CALOMEL, or other MERCULIAL Inpredlonts, but m- . ' , lose(l of Pure and Unadulterated Vcsctetb , Inr: ' MAKINO THEM TOE Surest, Safest and Jtest Live?, Pill on tho Marl:: 62" Try them and b oonrinooi of their tnorit: . . tST All Druggists and Dealers keep tbem. , 15 oenU rxrb ox. Jkmesedmoii WHOLESALE l-ilUOIt J 10 ALi: BERGNER & EKGELS CELEBRATED BOTTlil) IsAGEE EZn FOR -SALE 'BY ; TI1E ; CliATJ. Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, ' Provisions, Cij AND TODACCO. ' Open Frottt Brick Store. MIIILU STREET, t ' Apr ldwly "..a-" . ' XEW'BERNr. y . ' The Headquarters: JL. Y! HAY! ' ' ; ; ELIT ' I Lime ' -Lime ? ALEX MILLEIBIUCK, BRKKJ'v - BIUCK! St.prinl Ht.'p!:-,n -:-p. to ri'l,rtliiry. Ooo r-.ta low ftn.l v:irrMiit"j lo lie .-. rf'prfM-Nd. A ril 1 I li (1 A w i KSALE & RETAIL GI.OCKiC CiidsIuiiL! y lcccivi:;!.' is lull )n:- FARMERS' SUPPIirS. ICs:onliilf?, Ioi-tlninl Ac Kulliiltf ti ' CVmcMit m. Plaster, Goat lhh, &c. 't SALES i:OOM Cravi n Street, below Exprnw Ofllrw. K. O. IV I ODOK, . AiiK 11 I,U f ,. Xtw llrrni. K C I. I, Hid iniirrttui rep- The Light Running Domestic LIk- L'.tv -pscntt-il. ar;il i-XJimine mr !ork and pricc-i. StaM !.riiiclu'il I'icc lo iW our country ruv.tomrrs. uoods 'i.divorcd !:" I l!ie i-ily. 12 W rt s.- n for girl's Iieai tlessucss, and puiil no i too prot'ions to le sncut in liiigglin idle sc-iinilar Mrs. C'iiriit and lior husband ami That is the acknowledcpd Leader lxa Trade Is a fact that cannol bp ciisnitl. MANY IMITATE IT! NONE KQUAL 13 ! The Largest Armed. The LljtlitcH) !i-.,. of the lioasehold must trust to liim; ! and lie would return lor each. It j ANn 18 warranted Was proposed that Ada silOllld gO To be nude of ih beit nialerial. Toil-, any first: but she refused, and time was j nnd 1111 Kinds or work. t i.p r-osii;,ier the ' in Every Respect. For eeuT.omy AnJ perf"cti 11 .,i fit. the maids wore all saved thus; and, i ir Domestic iarer Faaiiio.n 1I..-H-H ,vli...wt,.,l Hnm-r wpiit hank ! Catalogue? free. For .-a!- l,- ' - - - .. ! 1 1- i i - r-pu llaving pleuty of room on second floor fur the display of Carpets and Oil fern was whih-d away hy a very constrained conver sation, and both were glad when it was over. A strange silence descended up on Ada Carfit for the rest of the ai'- obstiaare girl who still lin- this shall Cloths, we have added them to our stock. MAKE SO BLOOMING ERROR, but be sure and find hs before you buy. We will save you money. V ? have a full line of Trunks and abses, on which we put the buyer's name without extra charge. All the novelties iu Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. X Our Erpemes are Small. We sell accordinqhj. oc2-d&w H0WAED & JONES, FollooU. atroof, Near Bplaoopal Ohuroli. or oon. Even the mirth of her ot courtiers failed to do more galvanize her into an outward sem lilance of interest and good humor. II. for tht gered. i iii-Tiiiiri x vi:c iiii, be my revenge," he muttered to himself. Ada was in his arms now, and the cross-current running heavily mruiiist him. II was n desoerate than cti.,i,r,vA .jti1 in-nwimr PVPrV lTlHtflllt - , v , . . - - . j ' more dangerous by reason of up rooted trees and other wreckage, that came swiftly down the valley. It was many moths later, and the I Would he succeed? How the storms of, perhaps, the wildest spectators held their breath aud within living memory had descend- i trembled! At last, with a faint od upon these Northern Midlands 1 "Hurrah!'' he made terra Anna with O. MA It KS, Feb 2nd ly. IVew Hern r, jy. r. Ey E. L. MILLER, Kin-tcn, TV. Dealer in Pianos. Orjanp, Sewing Machines, etc Ad3res, Domestic 8. M. Co . Rn iimovii, Va Air" AKenla Wanletl. wtf DB. J. W. SANDERS' CHILL PILLS. A. Certain, Safe and Immediate curn t,v hills and Billons Fever. AVvi r known to fnil. They enre the cliilly the firci tUy, m iuMt tr i how onfi or severe tne attack. SotfJDQ offe l for any case one box will no; cyr Id by driiggisia on their merit onlv. t7. V, Sandem. Proprietor. wly Sanders Siore, N. C. EASTERN MIRTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS "EV' liFKN'K, ('. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ; ALI. KINDS (ilLW i: AND BUILU IX.'; WOI.'K IN ITALSANScAfflERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, i'"-oT.-!-M.r ,,(.inii;r ' . ( I'oole ) Cor. IP.OAD & CEAVEN Sts. Borne, N. C. Mar. SO. 1 i w "Ri-io:pi-:s l i otil NORFOLK ADVERTISEMENTS." FURNITURE, CARPETING, WINDOW SHADES, PIANOS ANQ CSSA? O , STEYENSiCO., NORFOLK. VA S. A. -o- ( Hi:- ;um: tmeiit of - .. .. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE I the luii'i M ill the South, i.ur prices cinrHiit rd BR low as !) flrslH'Islss CK ' tr.li): laueii! in this , -(miiln . .. , . :' Warunii'inv enver iit 'J7J',h' "quart" lert. rm H:i in; led t'nc trade lor in nrlv T i ntv 'eurs. u-p epn rfkr to our customers n -. i i v li'H.i :nid coiaitv in Kii"lcni nod t'cntral North C'tirolttts. , .. ( MtaioL'ie s liirtiislied upon a plical ,oti. ' ; OI K UI.WO Itl'.l'AHTMENT , Jk Is 'Host com. k lo. We can in stock t'-c following c( )elred iltstrumsolt I Uliit lerhitj f .sv. Kfriiiu uy ,Stim, Ucnry F. Miller, and Emrrton 'in no Company. " We cll at lowest Factory prices, and guarantee every pift.no for Art years. We a uncsl oii Agent for I he the most ihii'.-ihli sTi:i;i.lN; OHiJAN-tlm linndsomeat case 'the First class l-ue, polite servants good accominodatiotis. H'nr and , i. vest priced organ In the world. SUN FOR CA TMOdUKS AND PRICES. S. A. STEVES 3l CO.. au"l 7-wCna Norfolk, V.