1 '-f I' v . S-arVkk. i proprietor.. IXDEPi:XDEXT I?s ALL THINGS. Torm-a.oo rr Y.r. VOL. VI. CRAVKX COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 14, 1884. NO. 46. 1 i. "i . It NO WELL REGULATED FARM Can Afford to be without a KEMP'S MANURE SPREADER. Ihe Greatest Labor Saving Implement of the Age. It spreads evenly and uniformly all grades of Manure, C"tton Seed, etc., either broadcast or in drills. iJefer to the following farmers who arc using th-in and who oan t..-tify t.i thlr superiority : J. M. Mass, II jde County, N. C. Gjt. R. Bass, Newbern, X. C. J. L. Rhjm, Xewbern, N. C. W. Dcss, Newbern, X. C. J. L. Tuckir, Pitt County, X. C, J. C. WHITTY. Newbern. N- C. A nt lrt for Tennessee Farm "Wason. '-Oriole" and ''Roland"" Chilled 'J v. ?. Tt Best m Use, Harrows, Cultivators. Castings, etc. - 'Com nd see me, and remember alo that NO WELL RKUl'LATED " FAMILY ca afford to be without a GILBERT FORCE PUMP. WARM SUPPLIES! - AT nETTINCER BROS. KINSTON, N. C At Reasonable Terms, Wholesale and Retail. 100 bbla. Heavy Mess Pork. 100 Mla. Family Flour. 100 Boxes and Caddies Tobacco. 100 Tons of Kainit. 25 bbls. Vinegar. 25 bbls. and half bbls. Lorillard's Snaff. . 1,000 Doaens Coats' Spool Cotton. 1,000 Doens Lion's Baking Powders. Etc., Etc., Eu. OETTINGER BROS. :;KlNST02r, JAN., 1S84. Urn; Pell Ballance & Co., z : -- !!; " GROCERIES, Itobacco, snuff, CIGARS, fefuits,Confectioneries -AT- WHOLESALE. r , v. SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEWBERN, N. C. We are not members of the Board oi Trade, nor have we ever been, and wo are carrying the Largest and Best Selected fSfock of Fancy and Staple Groceries ever displayed in the city, consisting of the following:--- 25 bbls. Best in the World Flour, 50 " South Lake Flour, 180 " Tip Top Flour, 100 u Purity Fiour, 50 Saratoga Family. 50 " Saratoga Extra Flour. 25 James River Super. Flour. 65 bbls. Pork, 5000 lbs. Fat Backs, 5000 lbs. Long Clears, 5000 lbs. Smoked Shoulders. 1250 gallons Molasses, Syrups, etc. 50 buekcU Lard. 10 Tierces Lard. 25 Tin Cans Lard. 4030 lbs. choicest Cream Cheeo. 1000 lbs. choicest Creamery Ku't.-r. 500 gallons Vinegar, 500 gallons Cider. 250 bags Salt, 15 bbls. Table Salt. 100 boxes Soap, 40 bags Coffee. 20 gross Essenee Coffee. 100 boxes Cakes and C rack. r, 150 boxes French and Arr.-riean K.-ar. a. 1' . - .n 1 i ":..-rri- . 65 boxes Soda, quarter. Ua'.f ar. : -n- '.: - 50 eases Pickles in trlas. 100 cases Baking 1' 450 boxes Plug and Twist 1'. l a . . . 100,000 Medium and Fine Cizir-. m:ir.-::Vf;r. '- : " - 1200 lbs. Lorillard and G. vN. A. S:, ::. i: r;r- r-- : r. ." 125 Boxes Raisins. 125 boxes French an i An.-ric.:i I 'an iv. 10,000 Florida and Jan:a;.-a ' r s. 1000 Messina Lemons, 2000Porto Rieo C e i N : -50O0 lbs Pecans. A: . ..!- W ,' 200 boxes Scoteh Hern: Canned Peaches. S.i: -. !. :.. And everything in the (ti-occit and Confec tionery line, which we prxc to sell at the VERY lowest living profit. We carr v a Full Line of Confectionery and Fancy Groceries, on which wo charge a GROCER'S PROFIT ONLY. We solicit only the cah tr;ide. Come and see us. t : tii ri: fft. Tl.-.r Kl 'UMAX'S FOKMl l.A. W'o imbli.-h t il.iy I'm in ; nf Foniiul.i with .in i-xtr.irt trmn Irs address beturc t!io St.ito Au'iicul rural Society uf (Vc.ru'hi in lsJ. After Hiving the ivmi!: s of hi a ac tical cxi'cnciicc on 1 1 n t.irin. Mr. Furman said: Now to j;ive oii the fornml.t nion which my compost is made: Take thirty bu-hols well rotted stable manure or well lot ted organic matter, as leaves, muck. etc.. and scatter it about three inches thick upon a piece nt ground so situated that water will nut stand on it. but shed off in eveiy direction. The thirty bushels will weifjh about nine hundred pounds: take two hundred pounds of good acid phosphate, which cost me 2L'.r per ton de livered, making the two hundred pounds cost i'2.'jr, and one hundred pounds kainit, which cost me, ty the ton 14.00, delivered, or seven ty cents for one hundred pounds, and mix the acid phosphate and kainit thoroughly, then scatter evenly on the manure. Take next thirty bushels green cotton seed and distribute evenly over the pile, and wet them thoroughly: they will weigh nine hundred pounds: take again two bundled pounds acid phosphate and one hundred pounds kainit. mis, and spread over the seed, begin again on the manure and keep on it this way, building up vour heap layer by layer until you get it as high ;us convenient, then cover wit h six inches of rich earth from fence corners, and leave al least six weeks; when ready to haul to the field cut with a spade or pick axe square down and mix as thor oughly as possible. Now we have thirty bushels of manure weighing nine hundred pounds, and three hundred pounds chemicals in the first layer, and thiity bushels cot ton seed, weighing nine hundred pounds and three hundred pounds of chemicals in the second layer, anil these two layers combined form the perfect compost. You per ceive that the weight is 2 100 pounds. Value at cost is: '.tO bushels cottonseed 12: cts -3 7" 400 pounds acid phosphate t ."iO 2' 0 pounds kainit 1 40 Stable manure nominal. Total 'i" Or for 2-k0 pounds a total value of f'J.Go. This mixture makes prac tically a perfect manure for cotton and a splendid application for corn. To have a perfect manure for cot ton, we need: Phosphoric acid, ammonia, huinns, potash, lime, magnesia, soda and silica. Now commercial fertilizers fur nish us three of these only, phos phoric acid, ammonia and potash, and for a long time no potash was used in their composition. Hence, don't you see what an imperfect manure for cotton the best of these fertilizers must be. Now my com post contains every element needed: Acid phosphate gives phosphoric acid and lime. Stall manure or organic matter gives ammonia and humus. Cotton seed gives ammonia, pot ash and humus. Kainit gives potash, lime, mag nesia and soda. Silica is always present in the soil, is practically in inexhaustible quantities; so we have in my com post everything essential supplied.' You will readily perceive in this formula the vast importance of kainit, containing, as it does, nearly one-third of its bulk of salt, it is a great conservator of moisture. 1 have found it, combined with hu mus, a specific against rust in cot ton, and owing to its contents of sulphate of magnesia it is invaluable iu the power that it possesses in the compost heap of fixing the ammonia as a sulphate and thereby prevent ing it.s escape. I regard its discov ery in the bosom of the earth at Leopold Hall in (iermany along with that of the phosphate beds at Charleston, which occurred almost simultaneously, as the greatest boon that a kind providence has bestowed upon the agricultural community in the last century. Now, gentlemen, let iin take it for granted that upon the plan 1 suggest before planting your crop, ou have made your compost heap, and put into your ground more than your crop will take out, then one cause for the deterior.it ion of your land has ccit.unly been re moved. The scientific tmuhlo is gone but the mechanical difficulty remains. Shall 1 .-ay what that i-.' I o on not all recogni.e it? It i- the ;.-,u till lo-s ,, the top soil with its . 1 1 u a bio ele in en t s ot lor! ii : r y . caused by our tropical, washing rains and the .hallow system ot cult lire to which we are driven in the cultiva tion of our st an da I'd crops, corn and cotton. For tins c ih which is a great one. Three remedies suggest thel:;e!vrs. One is a piopci ys TeUi ot hillside ditching, a .-trill in which the dirt is t hrou n on I he Upper side of the ditch ! ii.it !' iua catch the w.i-lnng- and m tunc, a- it were, inraer the la id. A not her l- to 1 r foil n d in deep prrparat ion of uv.v 1 itid- for our crops, breaking ynui l ind dee;.,-: each rar as ou air ablr t : u i'lea-e the quantity ot luiinu- in ::. -o t ii.it t hot r will he no dan g r a; i tug : n g too in lie h i lay on top .a it: our t ; i,i e 'I la- ;!1 : ac e.i -r the al'sol'privr power o ii:,. .; .;::d 1 etldci' It lr-N ll i hie to -ilfief ti ill,, diougnt or to wa J, I'm : I,!-, pn-r I Would 1 ecoi: -u;h tianplow -et acc'tr acly an r:. 'ili- 1 ' . t ; :i i lea lieu: lac sand pounds to the acre of a good a'tinioniated fertilizer in the bottom of this furrow and cover with a little dirt, to prevent the fertilizer coming in direct contact with your seed, with a -roster furiow from the sldi thru sow our -red h hand using a plenty, from three to lour bushels per acre, and cover with a hairow or forked plow. '..u will get a stand in a tew das-: the stubble ill t he gl out! d ill p: e en t washing unul it lots. x our cotton at that season ailmos; the tir.-t of dune) will grow very rapidly. Nov. w hen you give your cotton the la-t swreping. diiil peas in the middle of each row. and apply with tlu iu about two hundred pounds of ash element to the acre. Your peas will grow oil' rapidly, will in their turn prevent washing, will not in terfere with the opening or picking ot your cotton, will protect the lower bolls against dirt and will give you a magnificent coat of hu mus as a manure lor your land. In the history ot the world the fact is well attested that no people who are so fortunate as to 1 e able to raise two food crops in one ea:-. can be kept long in subject ion . 'fo this fact is due the wonderful recu perative powers exhibited under the most unfavorable circumstances by the people of France. The French can raise but two crops a year but w e ex. 'el France, we can raise three with almost a certainty ot' success. Nature has done every thing lor us in this favored clime. It only remains for us to embrace the opportunities she so freely oilers, and an era of unexampled prosperity certainly awaits us. There is one trouble that has often struck me as applicable to the fanners of this country: they are not deficient in energy but they don't think enough. Now above all 1 would recommend to our farmers to read, think, .-tudy and experiment for themselves. As a rule we work too hard and think too little. Some one has said: -'W'oik is the engine which draws the car of success." Now if 1 were an artist 1 would draw for you a picture of a huge car Libeled success, drawn by a powerful engine entitled work but the picture would not be com plete without a skilled engineer in the cab, with his hand on the lever and eye looking ever ahead, and1 upon his brow 1 would inscribe in characters of living lire, the word Thought. Let us determine to-day. then, gentlemen, that we will no longer ruu in the old groove, and plant as our fat hers did, because they w ere our fathers. The world never -lands still. The circumstances that sur rounded our fathers no longer en velop us. Times have changed and we must wake up to that change, or we will be left in the race. We have a glorious country glorious iu its climate glorious in its soil, and hallowed to us by those tender and endearing associations that ever cluster around the name ot home. Let us resolve that we will make it a home that we shall be proud to leave an heritage for our children. Then shall the wa.-te places be made to blossom as the rose then will it be our glorious mission to restore (J corgi a to Georg ians, redeemed, regenerate and disenthralled, and tor our reward it shall be that generations yet un born shall arise and call u-blcs-i,d. t;()V. .JAUV1S' A DM 1 MSTK AT 1 ON . 'l'lii1 -Vi im dm llwt'rrrr gives in an article which we copy below a nxumr of the progress made by the State during the five years of Gov. Jarvis' administrat ion. The Gover nor has yet another year in which to accomplish a good woik. and that is, dispose of. to the bc-t iil tere.-t of the State and m-vcsuI eastern counties in p. a ticular. t Ic old bone of contention which hu so long divided our people and thereby been a stumbling block in 1 lie way of progt es.-: "Ye-teiday (lov. .I.irvi- r. ai plrted his tit'ih ral ot -er ;ce- ;, Governor of North t'.iiolai.i. No other Governor except alone ( b . Caswell ever served .-o long, and his service was not con t a: m hi-. I' la old law required an annual election and forbade a re-elect ion aft er t lave terms until threr years had inter vened. GoV. Caswell .-elVed iio'll ! 77i to 1 77'.' and then li un 17- ! to 1 7s 7. lie was led cd .-: x i i me.-: Alexander M.utin. live time-: J'.eu i:ii;ii:i William-, four time-. Ihe i-'ii !y i l ac ice was to , !. t t hive ! 1 llle - s: iccc-.-l eiy . A 1 ' el' the eh .'. t: go i:i (he con -t 1 1 u : ion in 1 .;." by w hi.-ii the cilice w a-filled by pooula i vo-r. two terms of two years e. eh be came the rule, The con -t ;: u; ion ot lsiismade another change, fixing ihe term at four year-, and piuh.b it 1 1: g atl .in Inc. i 'a t I , eleeie !i. Gov. Vain.- w ehete.i in I !'.!.' and again ;u 1 n !: am! then f a feia y ear- in 1 -7o: in.' w e ialei -; and th.it t i.c tare he i e. ,!',;. ..e. : pled t he r Xni, ; ; ,- i ', : . i i w . i - -- t hau ii'. e y e.n - . Wh.r i- pa: i : '. la : n ot e w oi ; hy a b- c ; ' ( . o . . I ,i : . -' tii b r the i : . e i ; 1 1 . i g i -' : :. . . : w i '.v : : a ...!:.. i. : I V . a i ',i:..!;i!.i. ..ad he h.:- ,i .1 led ',: in ;,ci: ot t i,ei; it: an cicinc:,: de: 1 n hi- : i.angui ai ,.d. e--. ' ! 1 ." a. 1 1. b; an in ! U- -.o'i. ,- ( p'.c ..iv - ;i:u- a .:. "!!-; : :.. ; ; hea .i gen t - pe::.-:!:. : : . - . , . hi: :r- . - ' : ,ry .n .-. u '!.. ; the-. ; , M llO.ll- Jl,' I m nearly every town of any size in the State, thus feeding the univer sity and colleges which year by year a;c becoming more prosperous and useful: tha- the Insane Asylum at 'hl-boro and Morganton have bee:, oiiii: and equipped; that the pi-nit en; iat y- building has been completed a.- tar as our necessities require: thai the Western North Carolina railroad which lagged so many y c.a - a.: the loot of the mountain.-, ha- pierced the Blue Iiidge and cn--ed the Alh ghanies, estab-Ii-iiiiig connect ions with the rail roads of the distant west, while the Murphy branch is well under way toward- completion; that the Cape Fe a vV Yadkin Valley is about to till the gap between Greensboro and the Gulf and its construction tin; her west is assured: that the Northeastern Carolina has obtained long needed railroad facilities and many loads of smaller note have been built: and last, but by no means least, that the mines, min eral bed-, forest and agricultural rc.-oiii ces and the general develop ment oft he State have been brought to the attention of the world as never before. Truly the achievements of Gov. d.ii'vis" administration have been noteworthy and retlect credit upon the Governor who has had the wis dom, the intelligence and the cour age to ies- (inward promoting in all ways practicable the develop-! ineiit and prosperity of the State! w hich honored him with its confi- deuce. It is a brilliant record and otic iu which Gov. Jarvis can feel ai just and patriotic pride." J Walter Scott's Regret. j We can learn something even ; Iron: an enemy, and a friend's fail-; ures may instruct us. That is the : sort of education which a biography j should give. Sir Walter Scott's, I especially the portion w hich nar-j rates his boyhood, gives it. Sir Walter was a'sickly lad. The fact partly accounts lor his low standing : at school. 1 1 is master called nun '-a stupid boy," but lived to reverse t his judgment, and the pupil to re gret that he had not given more at tention to his studies. 'T would at this moment." he wrote, in the days of his fame, "give half the reputa tion 1 have had the good fortuue to ;ii-quire. if I could rest the remaining part upon a solid foundation of learning and science." That sen tence should be pasted in every boy's text-book. Though a poor scholar, young Seott was an tusatiable reader, and often surprised his elders by the miscellaneous knowledge he posses sed. He read with delight books of his tory, t ravels, poetry, fairy tales, ro mances, and Eastern stories. lie and a congenial friend would choose some nook on the face of an almost inacees-iblc hill, and, climbing up to ir. sit loi hours reading or telling e.udi other stories, which were al ways --to lie continued."' The boy 's memory was a fickle ally it retained only what pleased him. but that it never forgot. lie left school w ith a great quantity of general but ill-arranged information. Later in life he lamented that his leading had been so desultory in his y outh. --My appetite for books." he wrote, -was as ample and incisdrini inating as it was indefatigable, and -iin'o. I have had. too frequently, i eas. m io lejn-nt that few ever read so it! itch, and to so little, purpose." Though Scott's reading was un icgulated. his mother looked after the education of his heart. She was gifted w ith good taste and with a natural -i r.-it i veness to noble ideas. The h,.y ii.-ed to read aloud to her Pope's translation of Homer. As is common with boys, his enthusiasm w as ai'Mised l.y descriptions of bat tles, ihit when he came to a pas sage which expressed generous sen ta 'eia-. .-', made him pause and by quet a, ns dre -a- his at tnition to t hem. The mother's training bore fruit, i he noeii-t awoke one morning to tind hitii-i It. not famous, he had 'ot en ilia! for years, but a ruined :i!.;:i. ill - lolly in living as a noble man .aid hi- blind trust in his pub ! -her-., had bankrupted him. - Then the mother's training in the m-ba- ., ts ,,f justice, right, and . ::- :, :: . a--eiTed itself. "Give ii. e ho said to his creditors, ami 1 w ill pay you every penny." lb- -.a i:im-eii down to his desk to w i ; ' . oi" -:x hundred thousand dol i ., - oi deb; . Within ten years he had written books enough to ame ti.u .,tc la - atla a - and bring peace to 1 1 1 : -in st :tii-:ici nis lingers, -p. to of it. lb- began he w . uhl mhi',1 be tree la a -m a. bt. u ;:i :: puialy.-is -truck him. i ! a:-:-: d on being helped ;.. la- ,h--k. When he found that h: pen rolled out of his lieiwele.-s lai a : -. la- t. ll ba k in his i hail and e;.-. 1 ! w a- laid in his bed and i.e'.e: :-( iioni t. la- body was i!:.,- ;, - -on of ; la- life, t hat w hicli . a t'ioin the boy 's h Oat of do-;: 1 1 1 '. 1 ea.ia: g and He gleet i u g h is - n.he-.. w .- e aileady hinted at. i I . - : e ' ' e . I i h i M'i'r. 1 1 i . F a he ,.,i io:m;m r. dy .ng at I i a-' .:.!;. e: working to pay- las !.' -. v. I. : le a graphic ho-.-ou in liis ,. i- a i ' . i ' i , e ; 1 1 - warning against ' : . . to- a-;. '. . aa ' w 1. :ci ana s to ( a-t (if 11 ltd . n : an who ha- 1 .e,-u di --.- !.. .y - ha.-. de ot ed eoti a ' e : 1 1 i- : l to tin co-t o t a h.ii necessary indlvid- i-fa.lti- the eXpeli-e . ; a . w ill. the -v- ib. a' - V ooo; t he.-e tig a' d' -'f.-d by ; he t aae . - a '..,. .a i : Ved at t he : ;: : u i i i- ta A . . It ' , : . i e - .i 1 1 ! ,V a How t; Secure l'liysiciil Training. How shall the millions of children now at our public .schools, and with no attent io educat ion 1 er, be pro-.-taut matte lid to their physical y any competent teach d( d for in this impor- i l)i'. Sargent, in his :. iu the Xorth Amcri . laments the lack of their antiquated and ti acted appliances, and. the dearth of teachers, it may .-eeiii in a comi aiteHigencc and enter- recent ai t a can r'n a gymnasia, poorly con even mole. Strange a trv where piise are a general as in ours, the teachers i iioroughly qualified for such woik. wiio have come to be at ail known f-a thoroughness and real success, would scarcely make a cor poral's guard. I'hs. sic:. ins. with their exceptional acquaintance with the human body, would, if they would become equally familiar with bodily exercise, make easily the best teachers, as Or. Sargent has so well proved at Harvard, or as did Aristotle when he tutored Alexan der. But w e call the doctor in to cure us when we are ill. not to keep us from getting so: hence we make it no object to him to do what he could do so well. There are to-day two hundred thousand ladies and gentlemen in this country who, with very little preparation, could lecome suffi ciently acquainted with any sen sible system of gymnastics for school use to render the rising gen eration lasting benefit, and yet avoid all the risks which are likely to accompany unguided efforts in this direction, and these are the teach ers themselves. They already know how to get the children forward in other branches. Why not as well in this one, so important that with out it the others may never be of much use? One of'the chief services a teacher of physical culture can render is in checking and holding back the pupils, and keeping them from overdoing, and teaching them what will overdo and what will not. But if the thirty, forty, or fifty boys and girls in a school-room exercised for ten minutes each morning right in the school aisles, either with no appliance other than the desks and the floor, or at most each with a pair of dumb bells, each bell weigh ing about a twenty-fifth of the user's weight, if the user is a girl, or a twentieth, if a boy, doing only what the teacher did, and as the teacher did, they would not only avoid all risk, but could easily in that short time daily progress as tonishingly, even in one year, and that in developing and enlarging not only one limb, or a part of one, but the whole body and all the limbs, and that not only side by side with their other studies, but understanding at last just wdiat part any exercise developed, what was enough, and what was too much. "If propel i v directed.'- says Dr. Austin Flint, jr., of New York, himself famous for his fine phy sique, ''gymnastics will enlarge and strengthen the muscles of the trunk, legs. arms, and neck, will expand the chest, so giving the lungs free room to play, will render the joints supple, and impart grace, ease, and steadiness of car riage, combined with strength, quickness, and elasticity of move ment." And why not distribute these good things among all our boys and girls, instead of. as now. to here and there one? At West Point, no matter hr.w stooped the entering ple'o, he is soon taught to carry himself as eiect as any man in America. But v,hv limit this improvement to i adets onl It properly directed," says Dr. F'lint: but here the teacher who Las al ready shown herself qualified to direct in other and really far more difficult branches can readily do the direct ing in this, and in doing it w ill b.e sure to lind, in a mult i utile of instances at least, that she will soon know a feeling of greater ease and fitness for all her work, a feel ing like that so well put by the soldier Maclarcn had exercising for a few months. When asked Iiow the work a fleeted him. he said, -I feel a better man for anything I am called on to do." A hundred exer cises which the teacher and scholar at a glance could understand, and at once apply in the .-chool-room. might read by be here suggested, did the narrow limits of a paper like this permit. Many people know of some such exercises already, and by a little ingenuity could devise many more. But any amount of knowing will not suffice. They must (' them, do them da Hi mul t ii i(iinj!ii!: t th' (''r. side by side with the other studies, and then they may as certainly look for grati fy illg progress in this as iu the other studies If occasionally problems ari.-e a little difficult for the teacher an especially hollnw ehest or a very high shoulder any young physician of ability, not yet overcrowded with practice, and fairly ncqtiuina-d with eicise and it- le-ults. aiiTord to devote an h phvsieal ex could well or t wo a da v. w it fiout an v aiij.. of i : -al ion. to town f n- Visit n: city, the-e and i wa -. . phlcr. 1 1 1 g 111 e el - id vising hi W' to meet very rapid on. bv-thc-hihl ,'n the agent gun! doing w hat ' aii age. on me sensible mil iu t he , I'll!!, skate, t he! ii el V l-laee ,aid pe. Mill.- int. . am With .-lie a- nioi nim me.! like!' 1's OW II p the pilPil and i e g i afteriioo p.lddle. I out door -ea.-on ai : i -1 ; ! u 1 1 a goo w. w . l , 1 1 in el in nil; hu 'i'.ix iu ll. tit . NEWS FROM THE OLD WORLD. Cairo, Feb. 3. Advices from I Khartoum say that unconfirmed ; rumors are current there that ia Mahdi is falling back to southern Kordofan and Darfur, and that consequently-Col. Coetlogon's fears of an advance of Kl Mahdi's troops have abated. London. Feb. ."5. The Queen's I speech, which has been drafted for submission to the Cabinet Council, ! affirms the intention of Kngland to withdraw her troops from Egypt as soon as the conditions of peace and prosperity will admit of their with drawal. Musurus Pasha, the Turkish Ambassador to Great Britain, has informed Earl Granville that the ' Porte is preparing a note to the ' powers insisting upon the retention of the Soudan as an integral part i of Egypt under the Sultan's snzer j ainty, and stating that the Porte desires that the Soudan question be, re furred to a conference of for ieign ambassadors in London or i Constantinople. i A despatch from Constantinople : says that the Sultan has assured ! Karl Dutl'eriu, the British Ambas ; sudor to Turkey, that he wishes to ; come to a friendly understanding regarding Egypt. ' Suakim, Feb. 3. The enemy ! has made an unsuccessful attack 'upon the fortified camp of the I Egyptians. Advices from Sinkat say that 'owing to the scarcity of provisions there a party recently made a sortie for forage, but were all cut to pieces by the enemy. Six hundred blacks, armed with : Remington ritles, have left Suakim ' to join Bilker Pasha atTrinkitaf. j Cairo, Feb. 3. Gen. Gordon has I appointed Col. Stewart, his military I secretary, Lieutenant Governor of 1 the Soudan. London, Feb. 4. Itisannounced i that the explorer O'Neill has ar : rived at Mozambique. Ue lias 1 traversed 1,400 miles of hitherto i unexplored country between Mo J zambique and Lake Nyassa. O'Neill i discovered Lake Amuramlen, which ! he declares to be the true source of I the Pienda river. He reports that j Lake Shirwa is smaller than it had I been described to be. Ou his re ! turn O'Neill followed the valley of I Lake Loango, which he describes ! as well peopled. I London, Feb. 4. The tenor of : the Queen's speech, as communi cated to the press after the party ; dinners to-day at the residences of Mr. Gladstone and Earl Granville, ; confirms tha general expectation of ! an absence of particular interest in or definite statement regarding i Great Britain's relations with i France on the Madagascar and : Chinese questions and concerning ' the Australian federation policy. The speech will express hope that the American fisheries question will be arranged satisfactorily. London, Feb. 5. Advices from Suakim report that Baker Pasha has met with a serious defeat. Baker Pasha had with him 3,500 moil. Ho was advancing when at tacked. The losses in killed and wounded amount to 2,000 men. Baker, with the remnant of his force, succeeded in reaching Trin kitat, where the gunboat Banger is ly ing. He intends to proceed im mediately to Suakim in the Banger. Cairo, Feb. o. Advices regard ing the defeat of Baker Pasha are 'conflicting, but these details have been received: Baker Pasha began his advance from the entrenchments at Trinkitat on Sunday. His force consisted of 3,000 troops, badly armed, and short of ammunition, many of whom showed an unwil lingness to proceed. Baker Pasha had sent from Trinkitat to Cairo an urgent appeal for rifles to replace the old muskets, with which nuin , bers of his troops were armed. In reply he received orders to trv to force his w ay to Tokar without de lay, and. with the English ofiicers 1 connected with the expedition, he began the march, expecting defeat. The spies had falsely reported that the roads were clear with the excep tion oi small bands of rebels. On Monday forenoon a portion of the advance encountered a body of Osman Digra's troops, and a fight ensued, which was more of a rout than a battle. A portion of the force left Trin kitat on Saturday and threw up i n t ren eh men t s on the shore of a lagoon four miles distant. The rest of the troops followed on Monday. Baker Pasha intended to advance to the well of Teb, five miles iurther and half way to Tokar. Nothing was heard afterward of his move ments until there came news of his defeat. London. Feb. i'. Ou rei'eipt of the news of Baker l'a.-ha's defeat the Admiralty issued telegraphic ot del s stopping troop ships on t heir way to India. Si akim, Fob. ,7 M ai iiics have been landed here to prevent a panic. I taker I'a-ha lost all his camels and baggage in the light. Most of the Egyptian otiicer.- and men bolted, ('oi. Satoi ins tried hard to rally them, but without success. The Fuiopcans behaved splen didly. Col. Sartorius nariowly escaped with his life. The enemy pursued almost into Trinkitat. The I .uropeans. police, and J iirkish in fantry were cut to pieces. Four teen European and three native officers are missing. The light has begun 1 Aiaii horsemen attacking I ',i.-1i,i' eavali v. w Inch lied a few l hiker J hiker then formed a square, which the enemy -Ul lollllded. The l est ol the 1 gy pt mils i hen lte.1 in confusion, .aid t :.. gunnel- do-cited t heir , lla- ,l U ,l - ;h. mini ,-e el ,t i el; oil: i lilies hllt. hd i r ( )u I'M III. w el e two t l i i . i i ..llle Will lied ! I . t. i -. in- ili t'.un t I .JO ; i . ado of a o-.vn .,.' . a e k ! lied l!l lll of tilt n. .-ii tiy v, lid fn me;. ANNUAL MEETINU Of the Stockholders of "The Midland North Carolina Railway Co'y.'' The regular meeting of the stockhold ers of The Midland North Carolina Rail way Company was held at the office of V. Ci. Bimson, Eaq., in the city of New Berne, on Wednesday, the 6th day of February, 1884, at 3 p.m., pursuant to the by-laws and resolutions of last meet ing and due notice. Wra. F. llountree. E.r. was called to the chair and W. I). Brinson was ap pointed secretary. On motion, V. W. Clark and A. Oak smith were appointed a committee to verify proxies and report if a quorum be pre-ent. The committee retired and presently reported that there were 1482 shares of stock represented at the meet ing in person and by proxy by seven stockholders personally present, which being a quorum the report was adopted and the meeting declared duly organized. Reading minutes of last meeling was dispensed with, and Mr. Oakemith made a report of the condition and prospects of the road and company. The election of directors being next in order, ballots were prepared, and W. E. Clarke was appointed as Teller, who reported that each of the following gen tlemen had received 1482 votes, which, being all of the votes present, they were declared duly elected as the board of directors for 1884, viz.: Thoma-i S. Howard, Wm. Foy. Wm. F. Rountree. Wm. E. Clarke, Wm. Geo. Brinson. John D. Davis. O. C. Clark, Levi T. Oglesby, T. H. Mallison, W. W. Clark. Thomas Daniels, John W. Pelletier, James A. Bryan, John V. Jordan, Isaac Patterson, Appleton Oaksmith. Mr. Oaksmith then-read certain cor respondence and submitted the follow ing resolutions with the names of the committee in blank, which blank, on motion of Hon. C. C. Clark, was filled by the names of A. Oaksmith, W. F. Rountree and W. G. Brinson, as fol lows, viz. : Whereas, Since the last annual meet ing of the stockholders of this company, its affairs have become so greatly em barrassed that the interests of the orig inal stockholders are likely to be swept away unless some arrangement can be made with the bondholders and credit ors for the reorganization of the com pany. Therefore Resolved, That Appleton Oaksmith, Wm. F. Rountree and W. G. Brinson be and are hereby appointed a committee with full power to prepare a plan of re organization which, while it shall ade quately protect said bondholders and creditors, will in a measure secure the interests of the original stockholders, who are in no manner responsible for the acts and proceedings of W. J. Best and his associates. Resolved further, That said commit tee be empowered to correspond and confer with said bondholders and cred itors and take any steps which they deem expedient in the premises, and upon their request the president is here by instructed to call a meeting of stock holders at any time to confirm their proceedings or to take such other action in the premises as may bo deemed ex pedient. Which was unanimously adopted. Mr. W. E Clarke submitted the fol lowing resolution which was, on mo tion, unanimously adopted: Whereas, an attempt was made by the Best administration to change the time of the annual meeting of the stock holders of this company without the knowledge or consent of the original stockholders and in gross violation of the By-Laws and the contracts and en gagements made with them in the premises therefor. Resolved, That the regular annual meeling of the stockholders of this company still be held in New Berne ou the first Wednesday of February; and that the next annual meeting shall be held on the first Wednesday of Feb ruary, 1885, at the office of the secretary and treasurer iu said city. The following resolution was sub mitted, and, on motion of Hon. Thos. S. Howard, unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved, That this company will not recognize any of the stock issued by Wm. J. Best and his associates beyoud the agreed proportion of ten thousand dollars per mile including the stock held by the original stockholders, ac cording to the contracts and engage ments under which said original stock holders gave said Best and his associates control ot this corporation. On motion, the meeting then a.l journed. Wm. F. Roi'NTitEE. Chairman. Wm. Ci:o. Bkinsjx, Secretary. February. February, this month of irreguliir days, lias, besides its many holiday festival, a history of its own apart from the regular history of more or thodox months. There was a time when the year was divided into ten months instead of twelve, but dur ing the reigu nf'Xumn, two months. .January and February, were added to the ten. January was named as the first mouth of the year and February as the last, until 431.' 15. 0. when the order was changed and February was placed second. The word February, meaning purity, is derived from the Latin verb, febm re, to purify. Some authors think that the name was chosen in honor of Ihe Roman festival Februa a feast of purification, celebrated in the latter part of the new month. Hut, however, it gained its name, it certainly seems an appropriate one in this part of the world where, generally, the whole earth is white with the pure snow during the month of February. Although the month is the short est one of the twelve, having only twenty-eight days until leap year gives it twenty-nine, it contains so many holidays that the whole month is transformed into a sort of festival. Its noted days are Candlemas, the L'nd, one d the first quarter days used in Scotland: the 11th, St. Val entine's, when all the little loves and cupids arc supposed tow oik wonders among certain classes of people, though now the old belief in St. Valentine is dying out. The ancients believed that upon this day the birds chose their mates. The J Ith of February is St. Matthias' day. Hut here iuthe I 'nited States the grand holiday of the month is the L'L'nd, the birthday of one whose ii io in i i is revered by every Ameri can. huh IlloSi nJII . ;.ld'- Tigers are all I.OO-e. I lind that tiod does not protect people. His tigers are all loose, and in. hi in list liroteet himself. Houoi-t think, invent a club, a sling, a boy, and tin, illy yunpowder. He luu.-t .- -a. 1 ; 1 i 1 1 a wild earth for his ouu good. An eai t h in w hieh evei.v man wants to do wrong, and can not. i- not the model earth. An eai t h in which I'Vi'H in an can do w roil g. and will not , that i- i he Ue ,. lei. 1 le.ll ear, 1:. i i III, III IS I! . it I 1 1 o t e e I ( -, 1 lie IS tllllied I Hit .oj. I '.'..-I I ill- W ol ill. I he tle.-h. and t he i le 1 1, and is t oh 1 Jo watch, and tijlit. and pra. . and the pioin;-e (, a pari in t lie final r.- lew , and a choia! en trance i nt o 1 1,( ( 'a of (I ,.,1. i - to la in "who o ( I come! h . " -Myion U. Jucil. A Marvelous Story TOLD IH TWO UTTERS. FROM THE SON : 'ZS&teSS " Gentlemen: My father residet at Glovr, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the incloaed letter will toll you what a marvelous effect Ayer s Sarsaparilla bu had In bis e&tft. T tbink hli blood mutt bare contained the humor for at least ten years ; but it did not show, except in the tone of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spot which ap peared at that time. It gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. 1 assurs you be was terribly afflicted, and an objeot ot pity, vhaa he began using your medicine. Now, thenar few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons who wonld testify to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, W. M. PKUXJPa." FROM THE FATHER: a doty for me to state to yon the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered With a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an ineessant nod intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to osess the blood to flow In many places whenever I moved. My sufferings war great, and my ' life a burden. I oommeneed the use of th Sam aparilla In April but, and have used it regularly since that time. Hy oonditton began to improve at once. The ere have all healed, and I feel perfectly well In vary respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. MsoaT inquire what has wrought such a cure ha my ease, and I tell tbem, as I have here tried So tell yon, -Ajcb'8 AftSAPaBALa. Glover, Vfc, Oct 21, 1882. yousgratefoUy, xmAPBnxrra." Atib'i SARSAPAmiLLA. eaows eroifals) and aU Scrofulous Coaaptaisrkf,, Eryalpw etas, Kcums, Rlng-worns , HlotelMev- -Sores, Boils, Tumors, and EraptloiU of a t the Skin. It clears the blood of all Imno- . "-. rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of ' the bowels, and thus lestores vitality and ' ' strengthens the whole system. rKKr-ARKD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt, Sold by all Druggists; tl, six bottles for fa. Professional Cards. LEONIDAS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Oflice opposite Gaston Ilemaa, . New Berne, N. C. Will practice In the Counties of Greene, 1js nolr, Jones, Onslow, Pamlico and Craven; aleo in the U.H. Dinlrict Court, Prompt attention paid to the collection Ot claims. aprlwlyi ' ' :x P. H. PELLETIEB, T Attorneyat-Law. poLLOcKsini'LE. :'' Jones County, ' J. a Will practice in the Courts of Carteret, Jones. ,., yi Onslow and Craven. ' U-.-h, :' Special attention elven to the collection OI Jv'. claims, and settling estate of deceased pr -rt sonB. , marl-wtrs , J i .,f QBORQE V. STUONO, Raleigh. N. C. uAniJKi, run, . . v . Klnaton, N, C 1i. .'--V. STRONG & PERKY,- KINSTON, H. C. a , ATTORNEYS AJL COUNSELLORS IT LAW- Having f. nmed a copartnership fo the practlcBof tdelnwln Jones coanty, wllCrego- lany aitPna uie coum-h or '..io lant, .rromp! attention pain to-coiieion. ' mayl2-dAwtf STKONQ A PSRBT . PHIL. HOLLAND. JR. OWEN H. QtTXOIT. a HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneys nt. jaw,'-: (Oflice one door westof (iaHton Hull BO.) , v. will practice in the Counties of CrsTon Jnnn, . idkIiiv, Carteret, Pamliooand Leool Prompt attvntion paiil to collection. apr2-(l4wlv. ' U. W. NI ION. SIMMU S rLKMKNT MANLY. NIXOH, SltfMGNS & MANLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , Will practice in (he Courts of Craven, JonM, ' ' Onslnw, ('arlHiet, I'mniico HUULeiioIr, and 111 the Kederi'l Coiiil at New Berne, fobfldi-wrs . DR. G.lv SHACKELFORD, Surgeon Dentist NEWBERN, K. C. " Havliiji located permanently In Newborn, t rt'Himetfully tender my profeHftionai-oervlojjir t.i the )i(illie. Oflice on Middle wtreet. In Pat terson Ixilldliu;. opposite HaptlBt Cliurcli. Tm Years Practlro"l Experience. Kcp'JtidAWl.V DR. J. I). CLAKK, tVEWBRRN. N. C. Oflice on I'ravcu street, between Pollock and Hroud. prl7-dwly : ei S. W. SJELDNER, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, o. '4i Konnokf Square, NORFOLK, TA. DnlMH prompt ly :il (ended to and eatUfac 1 1 n KiiaraiitiM (1. Khlublinlie.1 s;w. BpU14w6m Elizabeth Iron Works, CHAM. XV. I'KTTIT, l'rop., 2), 22, 2S4 and 288 Water street, NORFOLK, VA,. M ANl'KACTI'REU OK ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw and Grist MillSj SUA FT I NCIS,"" ' 1 iill'.vs;. Hangers, FOKGISas AND CASTINGS, ( H' Kvery I h'Mei ipliou. r . iliil-8 for ALL WORK In mi 17lAw !y our 1 1 lit f .-iTA Ill.ISli KIi lcCrk. CARR & PATT0N, Genera.1 Wholesale Commission Merchant. No. 107 KlXi STREET, "Wilinixxston. TJol. .special :it If -nt ion irl viin to the nt ofTiook uTi.i soul 1m rn Province. Klnh, KggH, elfl I'rompf Ktturim iainifl. Kkfkkkm k llarv y A SlMer, Wbolesal (1'ic'j's, HikIhi; ,V LatiKf, ProvlKion lilfm, Firnt Nat Hank. V iliuinnton, Iel. au2wLjT GEO. W. J. HARVEY, a.'JO UK lyilOND ST.. anil 1J S. FOl'KTII ST., riIIL.ADEL.PHIA. ! - I A I'.I.ISH I II 1KM). MnU.r of l.tnllnnrli'i Flnr diatom hkst okadk. u,.,.: , ,.. m. .,-. it. k. iuau, o m " ' -. m !; ! i s. a.-", a. Oliver t .il ;,, is. all ..I lli-t ii.-. v llnllT. l ,M,al t,fll itctl. : , .A 1,1 i, . I. 1IAIIV IV E. I)()VLIN(t, m i . i i a 1 1 uiiii a Hard Sewed SHOES 'Only), , -i.lj ( IMI, STIIKKT, m:w vork. , . ,iii, , ... t . & m (e,,oKi1e i-lnl-lt-a Hotel. .' : , .i ' , I 1 1 hp. i-Bllj. ' , r - . i, , i ; , ; , , i , I i, I I r nt I . d to. ,. i-i.i-a.xi I" the Itillowlnii iwr . v. ..,', w, :iMtii;Hli.'t'tt uf my mukf: ..... I', i , . ' 1-.. slovcr, . i'ii'. ' . 'i. Mitj. Ii W Uurtt I I I . U li I'lltteiH.iri. a u I i" I' a "mi, in. lj.i -' ' '".. . . ' - f , 'h' :' . e' 'Vv .- i d --a- ' Af.' i-'.V A 5' ",i' V:?-"' i