- :-..v t v- -.t. TILE JOURNAL. MW BF.X"E. N. i". KER. U 1 -4 .H. IOHX F. MKWBOHSK. ! Kin lu, lMtkrlil Us rollfd uj retalpl Iter nknripiltu to tit JOI KS AL, Dr. T. SliWKLL. at Sercn SpMnji. I Ihorlx t rMtlrl for mbicrtpllom ( th JUl'HUI. Kinston Items. Dr. Dubuey. tha Stat-- Chemist, and his assistant. Gen. W. CI. Lesvis. are in Lenoir county looking for phosphate rock. Some has ben found on th "plantation of Jno. C. Woolen, jr. The Lenoir County Teachers A-ocit-tion will hold its next session :ti Kins (OO ftt th College building on Saturday the 9th inst.. at 11 a. m. Public in vited. Prof. J- V. Jos ner. of Ij Grange, is the orator. The board of county ...nuiissioner. at their meeting on Monday last, pa-ssed the following resolution: Whereas, An association ha.s been formed and efforts axe being made to have a State exposition during the coin ing fait, and whereas, in order to secur the tallest benefits from such an enter prise, it is necessary that a full exhibit , of the industries and resources of the State be made on the occasion, and es pecially is it necessary tha: th; eastern portion of the State have a fair and proper display of its products and ad vantages, that its resources may be made known and an interest in its de- elopment awakened; it is therefore re- I sol-red br the board of commissioners ; of Lenoir county (the board of justices nt tha twuus eoncurrinel that the sum of fire hundred dollar be appropriated from the general funds of the county -to enoourage and assist the citizens of the eoanty to mate a proper enuun ui me i products, industries and resou rces ot ou r county at the exposition. La Grange Items- ITease ri rer has become more civilized and is now confined to its own domains. Rer. S. H. Isler filled his regular ap pointmant here Sunday and Sunday joifht. If it rain nearly all the week, Satur Uy afternoon is holiday, and don't you forget it. ' fiheriff Davis and N. J. Rouse. Esq.. ' of Kinston, were here on official busi ; seas last Saturday. ; The poatoiHce has been removed to ,tw "old stand." Some one suggests that it be pot on wheels, s Council B. "Wootan, eccompanied by ' his daughter and son. left here for their - horns, hi Alabama, last Saturday. - The weather Is beautiful, and the small crowds in town are evidences that farmers are toxnlng it to good ac-cunt. Commercial travelers in town as fol , low: Taesday 8, Wednesday 5, Thurs- - day 4, Friday 3. And Saturday to hear from. A runaway horse made it little ex citing Friday morning. The breaking of the pump handle was the most of the damage done. The population of oar township has been increased by the arrival of a little " stranger of the male persuasion in the famHj of S. I- Wooten, Esq. How does - this suit the tastes of "Trent Bridge' 7 -- The fine spring-like weather is making oor otherwise unemployed citizens turn .their attention river-ward and crek ward. A nehrap was taken from here to Bear creek, Friday, where it will be located so ae to extricate the finny tribe from its waters. Si-L -Wooten earns near being serious- ly hurt one day this week. On arriving home) from town, before loosing the : hone be attempted to take tome castings 1 from the buggy. The bone became frightened and- ran off, carrying Mr. S. - with the baggy. Fortunately he was released before seriously hurt. - A much needed work is being done on .our streets. The sidewalk from the .corner of Caswell street and South Rail 40&d street, in the direction of the hotel, - is being raised, and also a walk is being stnade from the some corner to the rail zoad. -" For sometime these places, in wret weather, bare been' perfect mud . paddles and slop holes, und the wonder ss why the work was not done before. At a meeting of the town oommiasion rs held to-day (Tuesday) "Judge" Sattoa and D. C Mnrchison were elected comm issioaers to fill tha unexpired term of Fully and Warters. The office is one eof trust, profit eUid honor, mn abundance of abase and "tat ss ing," and what snakes it so enjoy this is the source from which the abuse and "cussing" comes. - Dr. Barker arrived hero Monday morning, and lectured in the High . .. fte.Kfl building Monday night to a full kosue. -The Doctor has visited our ' place before, bat the crowded house on : Monday Bight shows that his lectures - are appreciated and ever new. To one who has never beard aim before, and to . ' others, I imagine, there is something interesting,, entertaining and instruo .-. tive.- He will remaia and lecture for ' four or five nights of which I will speak - ..hereafter. - ' Capt. Davis' school is in a prosper- - - 4oes -oonditiou and doing good work. - Five States are . reprtsented, and the aptakv aas a reputation as teacher -. second to but Tew in the State. Pro cessor Walker and Starke, his assist -, Ants, are gentlemen of fine abilities, .-. j graduates of the University of Virginia, . -which is of itself sufficient as to their attainmenta. Upon the whole La Orange - lias two schools, well patronised, well ). cod ducted, well taught. Our town is - email and pupils are not exposed to the . vices that may exist in larger places; - the-Jocality is healthv and those desiring --so send their children to boarding schools will find it to their interest to - send them here. ' The Collegiate Institute is in as pros perous condition as at any time since ' Its establishment. New pupils are be ing received nearly every day, and while setae hsye left, the average at teadaacb is as good as during the fall term. While the friends and patrons of the school regret Mr. Joyner s with drawal, they find Prof. Skinner to be a - man thoroughly competent and in every respect worthy to fill his place. He is a , graduate of our State University, has .had considerable experience in fetch ing, and cornea highly recommended. Prof. Williams, who now has control of Che institution , is a man of rare abilities .as a scholar and teacher. Miss Addie Kirkpatrick still has charge of the Pri- mary Department, and is an ardent, aealooa teacher, too well known to re . qttire any meed of praise from us. The i school deserves and ia receiving a first i rate patronage. I have said this much rat the beginning of the spring term of the seas ion, and I know whereof I speak. White Oak Itams. Farmers axe busy preparing there land for another crop. Measles are raging in our community. . Several deaths have occurred from , them. William Collins died with pa- ralysis on the 5th inst. Several cases of ' pneumonia. Mr. G. W. Smith, our' Onslow merchant, is very sick. A few marriages lately. Mr A J. Jones to Miss Elira Melvill. a rur.awav coapie, and was spliced by Mr. i haries Oerock. J. P., while on his way to his school: Thev were married at the , residence of Mrs. H. G. Morton. That read spoken of by Mr. F. S. R . being beilt by Mr. John Oton on tarkey 's creek, is a pubi c road and is built by public labor. We ask our talented friend. Mr. F. S. K.. as he has crawled off on a limber twig of astron omy,, to remove the curtain of ignorance from the eyes of the poor ignorant .-restores spoken of in his neighl-.rhcxxl by explaining to them where the sun sets and how she gets there. At the residence of the bride's m-tlor -was happily married Mr. John Hurt to .Miss&uaan A. Redd, the aovmi li-I.ed daughter of the late Sigler Redd. Tl grooms and maids were Mr. N i , p ard with Mrs. Jfaney Gibson. Mr. Cha-a Hurst with Miss Annie Foy. Mr. Cha.-. Russell with Miss Dora Bi.-hop Mr. lb J. Oliver with Miss Julia Smith. Mr. P-nj Oibeon with Miss Sidnie ' .-r k :he report is that Mr. Hur-t wa.. i re i ! :'-a . : . scared at meeting an ur.ex j ected r s : of about thirty -five or forty rers Mr. J. J. C. Steele. Walkersviii-. V C. eays: "My wife has used Brown's It. n Bitten and fhe esteems them vers- high- RECKIFT COH 71. v w.:: ;m IO W t : lia-s m , ;.!!sh '. K 1 V .1 u: -plea.,, io tv : w :.rds. t- II ! .1 ' . P.- I' ss i . M M .!. J !'. I' . r ! Seven Springs r If ! !'' Rs.-n.-ii;.!- I- K : Hary.el ' . Ke 1 si. . sv rt . i 1 : i i ' ' is -- : . k. T , A - ..:... J s M : . i - - J ai I . Urs-ok. Apr 1:,. s i rOfs? . reek N . ci 1 1 SV IV. s ! t-rr- K i .-1 Th u ..rk ..f e is up. c -n-.moili T. W. new us A h Kvory ri 'e t irilT on that t . Now 1- tie1 t .me -hort cr. ps - 'o-fore t l'e;is iir-1 u; 1 rti - t-.p...l. -lcri-v,:-lv srw. t to l j ireniatu re. r of the p.i.-t we. v e hope they are i. The warm v. ej,th ha started the tru 'k farmers to w,.i k. Mr. J. V. Walker is build i;,.; a of tenement h iuses ,.n (ir.lliith -t near the railroad shop-. Mr. N. M. Ctaskiii ,,-ives r full line of samples. Co ar.-und have y.'ur measure tak--." Msrvi .1. F.. Sner - , 1 Si.ei l Brot.ks. of I itt. were p--.-n,;ers - .n t Kinston Tuesd.v evening. The neW c) r ;rc. lhe j ;sL,c... , eacQ C1)llntv elect cunt v commi-i pu the rg; M,u.,,!iv iuju.u.. Mr. Ilardv Whitfor 1 lias made quit" an improvement on Metcalf stieet in fitting up 3 handsome new residence. We call attention to the schedule which we publish to-day of the Neuse and Trent River Steamboat Company. The warm weather of the past week has made the gardens glow, and tilled the liberal air with the perfume of hya cinths. It is never too ljte to mend even General Grant has abandoned the habit of smoking, and we hope our ofllce stove Will follow BOOt. The steamers Coiiriruea and Xeu.te , purpose oi u.muuS u.e cuuuvy B rv have been laid up for a short time to sources at the Exposition at Raleigh have their boilers overhauled and other n.5r,- rnairromnlHted. -cessary repairs comp.eteu. Mr. J. H. MiUs has peremptorily de- ! ined to serve longer as Superintend- I it of the Orphan Asylum and will I clined ent ot tue urpnan syium anu win i open a school at Thomasville. 1 Senator Logan is trying to Bteal Ar- and Pamlico. Carteret and Onslow thur's thunder by opposing the coulir- should all come to the front and let this mation of Thomas ii. Keogh as U. S. i section be well represented. No tax Marshal for the Western district. ! paver- who visits the Exposition will The good weather this week has regret the outlay made in making a d is- brought quite a cumber of farmers to . the city with bacon hams, lard and cot ton, and business has Deen quite lively. A Journal reader says: "You can Stfjmour Long Green Simmons by Guion down Siuth Front street, and Slarshal Moore Manly lawvers than there is in Holland. The warehouse and wharf of the Neuse and Trent Rivers Steamboat Com- pany are located at the foot ot nowaru s , lot, adjoining the wliarf or the t . u. . lase We x" of Trenton that S. S. Co. 'X ' of New Berne had ho such inten- The House elections committee has tion, and we think Capt. Page a man of settled the Skinner Pool coiite.-t by . too much gixid sense to become offended awarding the seat to Mr. Skinner upon 1 at thesquib which was merely published the ground that he was legally eh cted. ' as a matter of pleasantry without any The vo was 6 to 5. ; intention to give offense. The large auction sale of the assignee "X" seems to be a favorite uom de stock of Wm. Sultan & Co. has closed, j plume for those who want to write about and H. Cohen having purchased the 1 the railroad. It may bj because U, be most of the stock will continue business , ing a cross, comes nearer representing at the same stand. See '"ad." Notwithstanding this is the year in which the prospective President of these United States is to be elected for four years, we have not heard of any aspi rants in New Berne outside of Mose Bryan. Rev. W. H. Thurber, pastor of the A. M. E. Zion Church, has ordered, a bell from Baltimore, which will be placed in the belfry of the new cnurch build ing, opposite Cedar Grove Cemetery, when recived. A Chinese "wash" man named Wong Shuen living at 4i Bleecker street. New York, N. Y., writes to know if this would be a good place for him to come to engage in the laundry business. Shall we invite him? The removal of tho two story house on Hancock street, between the Reliance Engine House and that of Mr. J. W. Small wood's, to the rear, has improved the sppearance of the latter very much as well as the street. Maj. D. W. Hurtt, merchant tailor, has moved from Zang's old stand to next door below Central Hotel, where he has a full line of samples, and is prepared to fit the young, middle aged and aged with a genteel fuit. The young folks of Trenton are to have a Grand Ball at the court house on the evening of the 2'3d inst. Messrs. L. Dillahnnt. L. Learv. J. U. Mclver and , W. B. Morrill are the floor managers I and Capt. E. R- Page grand manager. i Our Junes county correspondent makes a good suggestion to the people . of that fertile county in regard to the State Exposition. We hops tho sug gestion will be heeded. They will never regret making a creditable dis play. Notwithstanding the dull times there are a number of shops springing up in the country sections as indicated by the fact that a dozen applications a week are made upon the deputy collec tor of Internal Revenue for tobacco license. We understand that George Credle did the hardest day's work last Tuesday that he has accomplished in many a day. having signed his name eighteen times in a less number of minutes on custom house bonds. He had to abbreviate the George, however. We desire to have F.astern North Carolina make a good display at the Raleigh Fair in October of this rear. We hope that our farmers svill bear this in mind, for the best advertisement we can make is to shosv what our soil and climate is capable of producing. The advertising sign of an undertaker on Berne Btreet is a cotHn. with the figure of a man standing on the lid and so jiinted that whenever the wind blows his arms become movable. The gesticulations look :u th .u ;h he wa remonstrating at the incongruity of having a gvror-copic gyii.n .-t on t. p of such a grave subject. Capt. James S. line. of Stonewall, called to see us Tuesday. He advertises horses and mules for sale in this issue, and, unlike most of those who sell this kind of property, they are of his own raising. There is about as much eeon omv in buying Cincimrati muc-s a Western pork and bacon. H th sii uld ba raised on the firm. The injunction suit in-i:luto! by Messrs. Denny. Pratt an 1 Davis on be half of themselve. and a.i other cr t-TSofThe Midland Improvement Construction Company against the A N. C. Railroad Company a:. 1 li- aud A. Mr. e.ir- an B. M'-re which was s.-t u r :ng before Judge Shepherd m t ':.;. S.i.u" iav has been postponed. Mr. J. C. Whitty s .s rating up : . f Kemp - manure -pr. a ;-r- t i .- :' wardt d to Jo.hua Tu k. r. F.-.j . f P: F.-iiay. He ha- a:,, tt.-r n '.:.-- ss for Mr. f'. P. by, .1 ti. - Whitty savs these -al. s ov :i:i i, parties to be used f r -j r- a i.ng . . . and net '- ul ;;r.n-i. a- u . rr.e,,., u had it m his ad v.-r: : : .:: tie- W-:.: LV J -IdiN s:.. 1 h, :rst tons of -t, -has, 1 by tri'.ute-i al r.al - s.u l ol. Wll'.tf ut'fil -1 ::g th- : ssh. ii , ..- it-: . :' r 1 A , N . il -hoi. e ut b in .. i Tlorc Attorneys. The Supremo ( " more Liwvoi ' t hem ss e n t e 1 1 cri oi t I ii v.v n . . - .ii rt h cnpe.i n Tin's lav. ighteen Among til' r.:. l ..f I'h.irles u ins-. J ..! Th pru.t ork. J 1 1 K N 1. H.h Heads prepared to Heads, Kn- Lett .-. Cards. Tag-. , fini1 style, and !. t imrst. I i IS e ' m neat and i mo at pri.es 1. 1 a trial . han . i.it t 1 'li.it te gag"s. I hand. Hi. ,i.--n'rv ar. V. h.illd. Mortgages. Real V. eds. Lion Bonds. late Mi t- llways on i ti lit l ilel t . f ( vcr- r 'a l epirt , ik I IU 1 l n lie I Um . r il of our it. !. ii;iv:n et-n r.'.-,i - iii tli-- ,I'.i i.n v I. of S-iturdav th it Mi . thinking iall nirv h shall him an nm.-ii n. receive ; W'-'Ui.- .S'iu.-n. a I'hint-se, was if i-o-nin- h-'ro t open a r.-- an ear n est desire that We therefore extend to invitation to cme. and the e Lett. -r. as a ;.ie,l laundry is l-d lure and will no doubt liberal share . f patronage-from air pe- ph llnr iii Tlarket. J mi .1- 'lies, w hi Berne f r m d- w n m. .r r. in g with a 1 " o'i his way to New the liver on Saturday .at h ad . .f wood . came up.-n a bear when near Persimmon making his wav from the South 1 it. p . the N- .rth side .f the river Having h is gun along. ,b nes umk bruin in out of the wet and brought him to town. 11- was about two tnirds grown, seal fat. and weighed about thirty pounds to th-' quarter. Bate in the evening bear meat was m demand llancerouH AVouu J. Pochard Brown, a colore 1 boy living in James City, was accidentally and seriously shot on Monday. He was standing on the railroad with a loaded gun in his hand, which he let down on the cross tie, as he thought, but the butt of the gun missed the cross tie and the hammer struck it or the rail, caus ing the gun to go otT. the load cutting an ugly gash in the left wrist and lodging under the left arm. He was taken to Dr. Duffy, who dressed his wound an 1 pronounced it quite serious. Lenoir to the Front. The county commissioners of Lenoir have voted to appropriate .100 for the - concur and when the people of Lenoir visit the Exposition hey will not be of tneir COuntv. Can't some- hm be dene to show Up Craven? And T, ,,of,ir tho .. nn nf t)l(, ,,f.,r ,u r a f .v,.-, wAnlthie little counties in the State.' ' play of the resources in his section. Not 111 4 Samp. Our correspond "X." who recently wrote from Trenton upon the railroad lease, feels agrieved that we admitted the little squib in reference to Capt. Page over the signature of "X" in last Friday's issue. He thinks the writsr intended to impersonate him "X" of Trenton in order to provoke a personal Jlmcultv between himself and Capt. their feelings in the matter than any thing else. Directors' Meeting. At 5 p. m., Wednesday. February 6th, 1864, a meeting of the Directors of the Midland N. C. Railway Company was held at the office of W. G. Brinson, in the city of New Berne, the whole Board being present or represented by proxy, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz. : President, Appleton Oaksmith. Vice-President, Hon. Thomas S. Howard. Sec'ty and Treas., Wm. Geo. Brinson. Ex. Com.. Wm. F. Rountree. Thomas Daniels, Wm. Foy, T. H. Mallison, Isaac Patterson. On motion, the election of General Manager, and appointment of other ! officers was deferred. Adjournetl. A. Oakjsmith, Prest. W. G. Bia.NSsj.N. Sec'ty. The Laint liepnbltraii Dodge Mr. John O. Gardner, the inevitable Greeubacker of New Berne, has posted up notices in the city of the .4mericai Sentry, the organ of the Greenbaek La bor party, in which he calls upon the people to watcli as well as pray or they will be preyed upon. He posted one at the court house door, but along comes Sheriff Habn and slaps his delinquent tax list right on it. thus hiding from the oeonle those timely words of warning against Republican and Democratic rule which the Sentry tells how to overthrow. 'n' regaraea as a aouge on me pan 'l U1B xwpuuncaus who caonot meet the arguments of the Greeubackers and i are afraid to have their doctrines dis ! pmin.Tlpd nmnnp tho rwvsnlp: thoncrh the sheriff may have intended merely to remind the people what to do with the greenbacks after thtiy got theni- Real Eatate tor Taxes. The Sheriff has hung up a bundle of papers at the court house door contain ing the names of persons whose property is advertised for taxes. Every year this same farce of selling lands for taxes is gone through with, many of the owners of the land paying no attention to jt. We believe one cause of this care lessness on the part of the land owner in allosving hii lands to be sold for taxes is because the Sheriff' deed un der such sales are not considered good. But if the Sheriffs would comply strictly with the law. delinquents would not allow their lands to be sold for taxes, especially svheie the land is of any value. Nosy section 3(i'Jl of the Code provides how land shiill be sold for taxes, and in connection with that we beg leave tf) call the Sheriff's attention to section 410. and we now inform him that the cost of the publication therein mentioned .-hall not exceed the amount speC-.lH d . A Mile lllada Without Colli - plv::,- ss ui. the law ssil! not le.i.l. It. We copv the item below from the -.'-. moinsf . and we ask our business men of New Berne to make a note of it. Several attempt.- have been made to es tablish -team communication between li.i- city and Hydd. but for or i tiler es er- effort has f me cause I led. We ' h..ve steamers en, .1 . the ss ork. and ugh in our waters to; probably it a little moiiev was si.eiit in the manner that it is being spent on 1 agi.t svood Creek I i 'anal . the t .nug would b - ace. ,u, pi ishe.l . It seems t. , us that I. ike Landing is -ome-w ll.it on the New l- ri.- side of Hyde an 1 tiie c .me her. "Th.- I imp rtai'd o! . i n sh k i 'ana! is an I th.- L .ke Laud- in. t : county t" which nt lias frequently now being d r edged id t v a few eut.-r- r. rge; It 1, -rss . :r:ted citi.eiis It 1" p.e I 1 -1 1 Lc.'.ib. th its- -I'. 1 Sf e u ii i i . i I I'll t Hi 111 II ,-Hi en. had tl. u.i I. ill M r Mr i I . s era I sk ant II lle.l'.e , -s 1 11- print s this I A Qurstlou thai Ouht Io be Stilled. ' There seems to be a question concern iiii; a road near the head of navigation of Little Swift .-reek that Hi 1- fair to become us nm -h a bone of .-. n t ent ion aniiinc: tie- po .do in that se. ii m as th--A . N. I ' lia: 1 1 u.i 1 ever wa. p. the peo ple of New B-rne. Mr. T. B. I..ck. who lives in tie- n .-i 1 1 i .or i i , .. .. 1 . caihd to see us on Saturday last i. ' c r. e t ;-. a little history conriecte I with the ro el. lie says the .jiiestion of e.-t..!!.iiiiic a nrw road at the head of navigation :i 1 umler discussion during the la.-t term of the Republican board of counts' com missioners, anil when the lemoerati ' board came in. not withstanding nine tenths of the people who had to build the road were opposed to it. y.-t the commissioners d id establish it : that they .the people refused to work the road, were indicted and w eie ae.pi.tt-- 1 upon some llaw found in the mil of indict ment by their counsel, and were com pelled afterwards to build it. and now since they have done the work, whi ii was a heavy burden to them. th-commissioners are considering the .pi -'.1 -n of discontinuing rather than I uild a bridge, which he says will not c-.-t over one hundred dollars. From his stand point the commissioners mm Id certainly do the people a great inju-ti f r fu-c the bridge and discontinue the io.t I after they had been compelled, against their wishes, to build it. Of the useful ness or necessity of the road we know nothing stbout. This is something the commissioners ought to have considered well before it was established. Mr. I pock states that it will save the people of that section in traveling to New Berne a distance of three miles. He further states that one gentleman in the neighborhood, Mr. Freeman Ernul. says the bridge if built would be worth to him alone SijOO. However this may be. there is one thing the commissioners ought to do and do it at once, and that is. st tt'tf the matter onf irm or tin' othrr, and put an end to a neighborhood broil. "Blessed are the peace maker they shall be continued in oflice. for i iiNtom HoDHe Ito-nlw. A short time ago sve called ..thmi n to the loss of the records pertaining to the Custom House of this port prior n. the war, and requesting any informa tion that might lead either to their re covery, or that a copy of whatever ex isted might be obtained. In response to that notice we have been handed the following list of names, with dates of appointments, of all collectors of cus toms since the organization of the dis- i t ; t namely: , T. wJoh? U ntea by General ! ash.ngton. in recognition ot patriotic "'es, February y. 1T00: 1 rancs Hawks, february 23. UMjO: James C. Cole. January 4, 1832; Thos S. Singl, ton. June 27. 1S34- John D. Whitford. June 29. 1S49: Thos. S. Singleton. Mav 31, 18-13: Wm. G. Singleton. M.uch 27. 1806. There is only one of the above now living, Col. John D. Whitford. and ss e hope that he may find time to give our readers some ""bits of lustory rvice. d tin brancli of our public Itrvolnttou In Fainiln. Rev. G. W. Sanderlin gave us a plcas ent call on Friday. He was enroute for Elizabeth City via th: Sheiiamlouh. tak ing along with him eleven select hands from the Bear creek neighborhood. Lenoir county, under the charge of Mr. W. Garris. who understands working improved machinery, which he is going I to introduce on his extensive farm in ' Pasquotank. He expects to revolution- j ize that section by the use of modern ( improved macuinery. anu we tninK ne is the right man to do it. One of the machines he intends introducing is the Chicago Screw Pulverizer, and wiil show the farmers in that section that one hand and four mules wjth this pul verizer will do the work of pine hands and nine mules. It is used for Hushing, or flat breaking tho soil, for seeding the land and for cultivating the crop. He says the six-horse power of this machine has proven a failure in the South, being too heavy; but the four-horse power, which he is going to us is a perfect success. Mr. Sanderlin is a progressive as well as a practical farmer. He has recently removed five thousand stumps from his plantation on Bear creek in order to in troduce labar-savipg machinery. He is a pioneer in the cultivation of high land rice. He manured and cultivated sixteen acres last year which yielded forty bushels per acre and brought in the market about S43 per acre. He lias some practical ideas on the manuring and cultivation of this crop, which he ha piomised to formulate and make public through the J ckaL in a few days. His article published in tne Kinston Journal four years ago was interesting and gave the subject a boom . He has doubtless gathered some new ideas on the subject iu four years and we hope to lay them before our readers in time for planting the crop this year. The Flood. The terrible floo s which brought so much destruction lo property in Un sprung of lb83 are about to be repeated. The Alleghaney. the Monongahula. the Yougheogheny . the Big Sanday and other tributaries of the Ohio, are on a rampage. At Cincinnati, on Friday night, the 8th inst., the water had risen 62 feet -H inches and a still further rise was expected. At Pittsburgh between 5.000 and 6.000 buildings were sub merged, which were the residences of about 2.1.00:1 people. 10. 000 of whom were compelled to leave their homes. The damages is estimated to be $3,000. 000. At Wheeling there was great dis tress, more damage being tlone to property than was ever ex periete ed there before. The Wheeling Cheese Company estimated their loss at about S50,OO0. We give below a summary of the situation at other points as gleaned from our exchanges. LdiiAN. Feb. 7. This i- the gr-..o-.-t flood ever seen in the Hocking Y.ch v. The tine bridge here of the Ho kin.; Valley Railroad is gone. The rai.i i machine shops are ruined. Theia.y i svithoutgas to-night. Lou is villi-:. Feb. 7. At noon to. canal gauge registered 3 feet 10 inch, -. and was rising two inches per hour. The water li is i.,,t come over th" cut off til! yet . but ss 1 1 1 be over before night, and the ' Point'' mundattd. Mo-t ot tiie unfortunate eople have found temporary homes. The Board of Tr..-! started relief measures tins morning, anil sent oat a boat with provision- p. the submerged . 1 i-tr i. ts. I'.ut little suf fering is report. .1 a- yet. 1..S s 1. Cue K..1I. Miami morning 1 mi I - Th Il sv , ill th lev, e on tii o'clock this Kis. . but I i.-k- already submerged with water 1 : Ohio. All business has been gi and thousands of people have 1 town. The remainder are 'el. It-It till Up s i n 'il.il ! ss .it, r. i! d ,s -. "ouses on nign ground., r t: stories , f the buil lings in !:. there, ar. provisions f,,r s le have b. ,at- in. i tne l.v.vS-1 I i.LK I ml.. feet its a I . Feb. 7. 4 inch b.i-v -N , - w -v, r- is IVb 7 -, r r. ., .n ss ,, 4 rising graiu T: 1 f.imi;:,--. V:iba- !i an 1 ss l it - r Vln '- - 1: ! .. hash and V lv. Tiie f.tl a'nd le U-ell to bight r hi b' .it- ins. M K M i i 1 1 . .Ut of the 11 It,. 11'. I 1- I I . ! I . g the. I - " ni tl. 1 11 :- d. d. pat: 1' 1 1 t es i , .- -uppl; l.'.st till ed I, 1 1 ku. tile ; U : ..y ti. (.iOflle Inferior Court. We learn caved h.-ro town. man. 1 I, led a- tie ' ' .ni t . r be title. I.IUSt be that a telegram was re Tuesday stating that our .. J. Moore. Ksip. was recog S 111 itor of the 1 life! 'or ilieene. If th. the Republ.cau i.nni holding the reins, grit t bat the Dene rat ueht napiiing and allowed 1 1 j into Republican (i tigers, we can congratulate th"m a good prosecuting olli -er. w we I ' IVO te en .- e con 1 1 to 't We t 1 I 1 1 1 r on iia' i n . i'!l(mpli;ilf neilR. Mr. t 'let ro ( i n eon brought in another lot of samples of phosphate rock from li s plantation on M unlay, wh eh can he s eii ;.t the store of Geo. -Mien ft Co '":..- w . re taken from under a mar! i and appear t . be much more valua h '.!. in th-'S ' brought in a few days .... ' We see but little diiference in s -up of tii" samples anil specimeus of S 'Utli Carolina beds which Mr. Allen has on hand If Dr. Dabney can not -i-are the time to come down and ( ea... ... these bed.-, the specimens will , be -out him for ana 1 vsis. ! S- u - nil i! re N i town Fitclorj-. in North Carolina is more ;: lsaiiiiiSf.-ii-ly situated fur manufac turing I u rn it n re than New Berne. It is within reach of the fine timbers along the Neuse. Trent. Contentnea. Switt creek and all the creeks and rivers be i .sv here where poplar, a.sh. hickory, oak. pine, maple, in fact every timber needed in the business save walnut, abound. Millions of this lumber is shipped North every year, made into furniture, brought back and sold to our people. If there is a profit in making it into furniture, why can't it be done here? Sir. S. B. Waters has handed us the letter which we- publish belosv. and if any of our citizens can olTer anv in ducements to the writer to come and . start an enterprise of this sort he will . do a good work for the communit- and may be a profitable one for himself: ITMINTER. Carroll Co., Md.. r enruary ,'nd. it4. irx n.KMKN : 1 wisii p. ml buildings . s: art a f u in it in e fact. ry m your city. s ou ss ill be kind enough to give this lo some one interested w all feel much obliged in real estate. I , Pudding, the larger the better, needed for lumber Also wood-land Please send nip copy ot your paper, and oblige. Respectfully, G. B. Hawks. S wansboro Items. We base no school here yet. but guess we svill in a few years. Well. I see Commodore Geo. Credle is all right: but how is Maj. Heaine? I.'r. Blount anil Claude Frazelle are almost perishing for a mess of fresh lish and good oysters. .Mis.i uenms and ed i-arneli have gone about crazv over monev. The ,ne wants alt and the other don t want him to have it John Pittman just sticks his hands in his pockets and s.ivs. "If I can't get fish. 1 can smoke. And he smokes. So does Dave Ward and Ned Mattocks. We are in want of. at this time, sfime good fresh fish. Capt. Heady says he can t catch them, because they are not here. Good reason. You can catch some flounders: please do so. ! Teil George Credle to give an account i of that alligator's tooth I gave him to i give ti e Journal man. We have heard nothing about it yet. Tiie tooth held 39 buck shot, nnd it was not the largest one eitlu r. Duck Creek Items. Col. K. W. Fonville and wife have gone on a visit to Duplin county. The Colonel keeps, in had health yet. The farmers are busy plowing. ome are nearly ready to plant corn. Had a little good weather since February came in. another ' shin-dig" at McSimpson'-j last Monday night, and a pretty little party at Buck Provow'son Friuay night. Messrs. E B. Farnell. E. I. Provow and E. M. Watson made music for the dancers. Six marriage licenses were granted last Monday, at Jacksonville, and I have not heard of but one using them as yet. John Hurst and Miss Sudie Redd made, use of theirs last Tuesday, the 5th inst- A big time at Jacksonville, as usual, tiie first Monday. Plenty of rum and one or two fisticuffs, but no bones broken quite. Kit K. got funny and bought a horse for S8.00 and when he got straight, settled like a man, but didn't know about the horse. Friend Willie Hargett. who it will , be remembered, left 'his county last ' winter for Fiorida, has returned to his ! home at Silver Dale, looking only toler- j able with his trip South. Ho has taken D.m F:irnell's advice and come to the i Did North State to stay. I reckon. ' Gues Dan had better come himself. : A. F.imeil . jr.. just finished killing his In, gs this week. That man intends to live this year without buying every thing In.- has to eat. I don't know but a few j, eople in our community now that malic plenty of corn and pork sinca they have been so extensively engaged in the cotton business. Oysters are very gool and plentiful, but ti-h are very scarce in the river. Cant. E,l. Hill and Dun Finer with two sharpies carried out about S00 trout out ! of rhe river this week- Tl,rlnwn easters and Carteret people get all our New river trout now. in fact', they get all our tish lieariy all the time, and I don't be lieve it is light. xi . i , ' . i ..... ... i : t . . i .ii ii.u.i.iL. oil . iii li.e.tr-i.s. ii sou , , ... , , ' ., - I never i.a.l the measles, come down this ! way: all well except the measles: old I and young, black and white, ugly and 1 pretty, have got the measles, ami we e.Np-ct the measles ss ill break up several , ss,-,!.! ; ug iif.xt sveek. One voung gent. , , . , 1 .,'. SVel.t I., j. leave ss ;tL lit - his daisy and had to seeing him. Cause. Kookerton Items- Mi ir. '!. Rountr. here st we- ': . Tin- f .rmei s are preparing to plant the 1 h n gram. The e akhy i. try a ait ere is in a very lid itlull. Sclioo opened a less ss f eks a : r fav,, Mis- i: able auspic, s 111111:1 Cr. rr. of Will , sv ( il eell. IS .-iiing r, lives here. v apt l .i i. r; i: m lit, t. .ss n ' their ss e. . Is. id tl.,- !,. ii- s ord A tUg bo.it pa s--! U !-.'. 1!::1. ssith the steamer Snosv ie this wa-t-k. c.irrs ing it t, ; ss 1 f th ,n vva. igloi g r in 'a 1. 1 ing -r.,1 attempt.-is.-d. an re. List Ie ' town p!... e s g.-ttm t, I,. ,;uite veral c and There ;, i. tsv.. mi : .-r.-ott i- -tore. Patrick a last sveek death if Murphy. Mis. Hnt ,ini!y ss el-.-i - .i.lsboro 1. 1 daugliti'.er. tt; ( ht r ss .tie Mr-. Ti.. r;s .-r t r : -. --s tn, ,. W. r.eent tn ,t th. t r 1 1 . g i i i - :' tl ram- nav. b, .ats are ig 1,-a 1- :- s.., tion 1 up l'egl i.tkin kain : -n i. .in; ss n in.- I ICI -tlv ..f al, ie r ss-1 ; It r. Hitters. i-i nt o. i -at in d.-sire f , .r sv It has b, en .-u ltsell' in ng cur.- ,.r 1 1 -:e s- e I p '. U I e 1 kill 1 i k . V bail- Oil', r. Id 1 1 11 al' , i iV ss : sv Jones Count v Item; Mr. pene. I'.dgar 1 a tb-i I'-..;, k Mas- and Our i .- n u -e Tl J"l h -P ' on r p! Ji ti:n. Mr. 1 Trenton f o i n i e i . We 1 fill niei s lory in . 1 base h.le P. 1 a !o . The ;. : more. The , i river be Trenti n . and the appear ii - I ! ilar- a. s n,- d np -i-i lit ..' qUlt u r a t. .1 a : hslp llg .- -mien few as d rivi-r. pair of last at J Ti.-iu. In my il. convicts . -a ( road last sv, , two large . road. I ,,,, .1 1 :i i I tl i I that on ea have a; et t;,e ' Ci , , k bad -m of the ne large d Gi llie k I s. i t t -ide. aid dit.h Tl,. been ot te eau-i time .11 e.e . mipr. .-. .e luea risa r men: s , ,f t!i- ,;i .,v .s o La iuging many acre lain!-- i:i cultivation b Ire w alt am oil' in a si real h'-lu tow., in. be a " cknes,; dris ing ass The last ve i r s I' ll eertaini v convinced s-.mt f f our f irmers tli.it it takes something eBe to make a good 1 crop besides a mule an axe and Iiul: of guano. Kxnerienc is sai l to 1 I dear school. l,nt some peonh ie a ui 't sed learn, even when they have pi- through it. Robert W. d. colored, sold one of our i ileulon '"ei ciiants a pork barrel ot I I'lettj lura on Saturday last, lie also I orougnt over some nice smoked bacon. ( which he sold f or 1 2 i cents per pound, j hog round. Old man Ward is one of ! our well-to-do farmers who lives near the pocosin and cultivates swamp lands. He said he believed he would not sell any more bacon yet awhile, but would j wait a while for a better price. ; I have been informed that a Mr. Grif , tin. of Kinston. has been to Trenton ' looking around and intends opening a buggy shop. Trenton is looking up in ! her old days. In olden time, before the war. tne euuor oi tne isesv r.'ine j Protjres pushed through Trenton and in bis ne-.-i- :,,i,,i,r ho sni,l thnt Tre, .. .... , "a finished town, for he never heard the I ... souna oi a saw or hammer in the town. Should he pass there now he w ouhl certainly think that a great revolution , had taken the place ot the olden time. Mr. Thomas Han is,,,, , ,-as,M.,c ' nor, tho mvc r.t,,e, -,,i r-, i- i ! in fact the road will m th,-.., "., ! nortion of his farm, informs me ih.-Tr i, : 1 cleared fortv vers a -o a t i of 1.U i swamp land" ami lit. lias been cultivating j 11 ever since every year and that the corn on it last ve.ir ss as as good as it vsus the year he first cultivated it. There are thousands of acres of just such swamp land in this pocosin which, with a little capital, might be drained and cleared and would make from six to ten barrels of corn per acre. Mr. Harrison says that no one can expect all of these pocosin lands to produce to that extent, but ail heads of branches lead- I ing from the pocosin and all where thp gum trees gvosv will mako good corn. ! strangers may ask why uon t your pco-; f k . n . i.. , is ii uuai uuraoie swamp lauus anu we can answer with truth that the owners of such lands are generally poor and have not the means to bring them into culti vation. 1 would like to suggest to our citizens the importance of taking steps to have Jones county represented in the great exposition that will be held in Raleigh this year. Ii will never do for the other counties to take a lively interest in the exhibit and si, do nothing. Would it not be a good idea for our leading citi zens to have a conference together and see what steps ought to be taken? I will offer a suggestion : Let them call a mass meeting in Tienton of all oi our citizens, and let them appoint commit tees in the various townships to talk I with people and enthu.e them on the subject. Let Jones cunty claim a space at the exposition, and let us see tlu-t s 'hat space is lilled with our county pro-, ducts corn. rice, cotton, peas, wheat. ' r'e and ln fuct everything that can be , produced m the county. We ou:,r p, . nave also specimens of cur timbers Tind . marls. If we commence m time Jones county can astonish even her own , I ! pie at the exposition. 1 Have nui.ie tin-,.' , suggestions In -ping our reading and pro- grassive citizens will wake up an i take hold of this important matter an i c.iriv it through. I paid a vi-ii Mr. Li. Morton t-i the convict camp at "s. about throe miles or don. ,,n the south prong ,f -u,,.i., sfi.'n i,l.. ..i, "n-... .,. ' ..,''";, comfortably quartered in 'the new houses j which our- citizens had provided f()r them. They happy. As all appeared cheerful and : H wis the Sabbath they , , ,n ; ... i, . , l ,i. , . wfit: uii in Lin .i i Li .ii Ltr i s aiiLi nit' rciiu- i nelwas dutv. Some were singing. ! some were talking, and ail emej t., I er.jov themselves finely. I have never seen'ormet a more gentleman! v set of 1 . i . i ii- , men than their officers and gi , . , . ,...,,, gu i'.'s sh.. 1 c t'"' " Sllf'.i f.l tl s t.cij .lie nil" ui- ery attention, i saw a - couple of banjos, which I snppi se be longed to the convicts to while awav tiie nights and make merry alter the day's ss , The convicts bad ditch, ab, ml a half mile of the r, their hearts i k ss as done, d and graded ad. winch the otlieers informed us hud :eu tie about a day and a half. The this was th: ugh the cleared n , st d Mr. Moipin. Alter reaching the svoods they ill llt get uliiiiy; so fast, but the road ssas. as fur as they had gone, iiie- -Iv d. ne. two large ditches on each sale with a gradual .-lope fr,.ui the centre. 1 found in their tents tho Daily Jopunal. Notwithstanding they are quartcrt-l. :: it ap,t'areil to me. right on lhe edge "i civilization, the J vi:nal lia,i fosu.-i them and was telling to them the n, ss -of tiie world. I svill. s hen they r,-:i, h the main road, give a full il.-,:i i pt e -n ! their new load. I suppo.-e in t i weather continues ood. they reach '.ho Kinston road by the no. ! next week. 1 cannot venture ii.l- th quarters any mure, f -r l! leads to them is horrible. 1 t! I had a ci eur county s that lie w.is veisiiti ss 1 t 1 1 a . it i,-n ol and i.e -aid ling up t lie el. because tin- moans i-t making alt. r it w ,s :;.'.iii t d In- lie s....i 1 ;u! vance in me time si 'Ppose.l t,, , re ( -re.-k ill I ri-iii'-r. i he 1. of - elieved that it wo me enterprising ul ! b -aj-lta t line '.-. 1 ;:!. '., to it a raiiroa tif.l-hed l..v ob.i.-cti' ns ss" , ui 1 can Id i.-e and 1 lands, it sv 1 m a -I,- rt t!ie .i.vif I., a !,.:;: d ul- sv. i ul, i.,e a rt-a! n taxes ss' . .uld d- lib were as high n- .v Put. Mr. K-iitor. l-.r hi- as l , -I ss ...- in c- ,:r, pally ss it!i , .!,. tise and pr. -gressive nested n ie to gath. r rei th. pr. n t' nr r. ut 1 .te c.-tllitv a v i -. Iiasf line ct W. iiit-. fers Tie i 111 V, VY, i i M: .1' s'. .-:i- Polloksyille Items. Sheriff Koon -e wrs in town Monday die. -ling s.-hedtile U. We are v ,d p, s(.e Mr. (; Ij,.rru8 It aiilll. a! Lei Th" meufle i. is recent illness, s are about played: ' i e , eases ier lhe last few days. ; r. in mini Hay opened a store tf e i'.'ii ' 1 1 1 1 i -e here on hist Satin - I'; lay. Th rapi, in re larin.-rs with wo are pri gi-es-smg making fence very nia- Regular rn. thing of the M.. No. 17"i, Polioksvillc A. F. and A. Loilge, was iieui on eiines-las-. Miss V. J Kornegjiy expects to return fo lier home soon and give up teachiner. y th tire i Nat is the cause; at any ate we t ry that she will leave us. s -ems to have an idea of p 'in ting. Most of the time lie has a pencil and paper in hand and is trying to .jrasv a sketch 'if a house. a.i rick We had a nil e ball at the residence of d '?ii'g Mr. D. S. Barrus on last Friday night, svlu-re Jim Sanderson and Blount Barry furnished music just as they are -for , Tr. m "9 to glide smoothly over the floor and lab,, swing corners all. All enjoyed them-iiir-inv ' fclve. and the only regret was that 11 ' o clock come so soon. The Magistrates met as the Board of Road Supervisors on last Saturday, for Polloksville township, and Mr. J. N. i Foscug. cue of the celebrated trio, and ; an overseer of the road, treated the J. P s one cents worth of parched peas to gain their favors and have Mr. W. Rol lins, a man about 65 or 70 years of age. appointed as his successor in office alas! after tnis great ' set-up, " Mr. R was defeated. Wecaubut join in the suggestion of the Jones county correspondent to hold a mass meeting to organize ourselves in a body with the one end in view to make a display at the State E ! want the people of the county to think of their great national advantages uieir many Kinds of wood, minerals, fruit and vegetables, and say if they allow such an opportunity as this to pass unheeded by and keep concealed the great wealth of one of the wealthiest and most fertile counties in Eastern North Carol ina. Let our commissioners recommend an appropriation and the magistrates levy the tax to pay the amount, and our people will never re gret the money that may be expended in this way. Let the good work go on and God grant it success, is the wish of old Jones county. Married, at the Missionary Baptist church, on Wednesday nrght. February 6th. 18S4, at 7:30 p. m., Mr. David S. Barrus to Miss Julia Henderson, the Rev. Mr. C. S. Cashwell officiating The attendants were: I. H. Rarnm anrl ! Miss Delia Koonoe, J. J. Ward and Miss Eunice Lee. W. T. Bray and Miss Allen I Smith T w nn j .t.- t..i- tt. ----- -j. ...,u vuua iaui- mouds. P. If. Pelletier mid Miss NotKo I Harrison. N. H. Street and Miss V. J. Kornegay. The gentlemen were all j dressed in black, and the ladies were all Iressed in I can't tell what only l"n l" w ere dressed elegantly that they and were a,ul w ere very nrettv. The ic"nrch . was . W"?H filled and everythi lg passed off nioely. After the -.y'nony we all retired to the residence f Mr. N. P. Smith where we all en ios-e.i ourselves until the cake and wine was passed around to which we did justice and then the bridal party accompanied the bride and groom to their residence where we bade them good night. May their lives be seasons of sunshine and love Till iiugels shall whisper, vour home is above. Stonewall Items. Mr. A. II. Brooks's little son, Thomas, about 7 or 8 years old, died Sunday morning. Mr. Thos. Davenport is off to WTayne county for a better half. Report had it that they were to be married Tuesday evening. It is currently reported that Mr. C. H. Fowlc has bought an interest in the combination store at Trent, four miles belosv here, and was there Monday tak ing an inventory, The county commissioners held their regular meeting Monday and rescinded their former order as to the execution of Benj. Gilliam. It will be public, so all who may be so inclined can witness it. Good weather is on hand once again and hard times holds on. I heard a gentleman say the other dav if anv one na(1 anything away for hard times he na,i as well bring ;n out. One present dissented from his view. Some of Mr. Mark Ipock's friends say j 40.000 Wilson's Albany and 40 000 that on his way home with his bride, j Numan's Extra Prolific Strawberry who captured him in your city last Plants. Guaranteed pure and true to week, he was the happiest man. to all I name. Well rooted and grown espe appearauces. that it has been their lot 1 ciallv for truckers. to meet with. j lO.OOO Conover's Colossal Asparagus A little girl was over here last Sin- Plants, 2 years old. day. and when asked how her folks ! '00 selected Peach anil Apple Trees, svere. stated that they were tolerable: I all varieties, suitable for this climate, but all at her grandpa's were sick with ! grown by one of the best Nurseries in the measles, and her aunt had pneu-! tne South, at one-half of catalogue monia. all the horses had the scratches, j prices. and it was a bad time generally. j Write at once for prices. Will deliver lor ship when wanted. Our ( harming Countrywomen are winning an enviable distinction for thir ,ine teoL'1- This, they in great measure owe to the beautifying and; "-"T un.ueuce o. ooouom, ine ost popular preparation for the teeth j "tj uu LuiniuuLii. ii it'iiiuves irum tne i , ? ' eut'1' urtace every impurity, checks 'lecay and enables the teeth to masticate w"!'uut. ontaminaUng the food, thus "'.'lirectly contnbuti ng to healthful nu- eueciuaiiy neutralizes an nni, lens;, nt o.b.r of thu Lro-itl, 1 ............ Mknsman's Plpt, imzed Beef Tonic the only preparatoin of beef containing ', its t'liirt nutritions jUvpert iex. It con tains blood-making, force generating and liJe stistaining properties: invalu able fur iNpifiKSTiON. Dyspepsia, ner- s ous prostraion. and all forms of gen- j oral debility; also, in all enfeebled con- ditions. whether the result of exhaus tion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, particularly ii resulting from pulnionory complaints. Caswell,; Hazakp & Cu.. Proprietors. New York. Sold bv druggists. sat3 The most delicate persons enjoy tak ing ICmoly's Little Cathartic Pills. gis e a ss liolesom-. appetite, put new life m a l.rokn-d,,wn bodv. 1", cents. 5 TOMMEIaCIAL. :. 1', b. 1! ,i k fcturi j P. M. s declined - w '. -,; j.oil, is. , in:- t. Ntov P.-in !' bale- ;,t tl t , Middling. V: : ! - .1 i U I mai y . s .TW V , os ing ,- mai k J Low , s ; ads- spotS Sales Mi Idiins. 'HK si-. '.-4. I. Unary . '. Tflll'.s. M ing. d I'ebi uars . March. pril. M , v . i: ii i: n Mai lo t s...!,; t -i l. no m KM'K ?1 A If K I I . '. STINK Lnp. '-'.-'",: -I irni at Si.2 and . i ..it- .. ',',) ,:! i o hard -; Hk li K - SV A X NKV 7 i . F ' in ::.v ! e. pel lb. '. per f, ., ,t . .") A SI s - 1 illon . t, -. pel II I. F:--;i P- ,HK-7a- c. per ,7.ell. PisANt Ti to SI per SS- si; per 1,1,1. .: Pf.as-s-o, :- l.d-y. ia: 1 sv i't-. n.-r i ic. per p; - Hah oOe. : bllsh. and. vanis life - ..' , p'-r i. - West India. dull and svante.l. HuilllUg a ! on. saps. i.er M. ss ii- !.! a id-: I id i s. is- P. .UK o's -;l; long , ul.it is. dry salt. e. -'s am. Sym i's 0,14 ,0. '.no. per sin k. -4.b0a7.'i0 per barrel. .m . .eh. -ltars S.li Ft.. I BOTOBAOOO Co. aSk Hi Jltuated In the immediate section of country that produces a grade of Tobaooo that tn textwa n?vr?ndqn.tZlsnotJ.l'TOnelBewnere 10 the oria, the popularity of tAese goods Is only UmtW ed by toe quantity produced. We are in position to command the choloe ol all VFDVBrPT offerings upon this market, and spare no pains or expense to tflve tne trade the I til I DLw I " Dr. O.MPER SURGEON DENTIST, Kin-toil, N. C. Operative dentistry a Kpeeialiv. fxtw up stairtili, Opera House, lion't. forget the piaiv DR. POLLOCK'S NO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR PAW, w-'ros Neuralgia, Sciatica, Toilc, lliiriia, Frost Hirt--. Colils, Putn in Chest, Stile Pain, Sore Throat, Toothache, Dlfll-l heo, Si Pick, Hark Ache, ami all bodily pains, l'log Cholera has been cured often by No. 7 Trv It. wif Important !- . J. L. HAKTSFIELD, DEALER in School Books and Stationery Coni'ectioneries, Tobacco, Snuff- Cigars, GLASS & MAJOLICA WAR 10, FAXCT tillOC'EHIKS, KTC. I. I. HAItTSKIKI.I ,. KinsTr.n. Kwh. 22. lssli. Th Next Centennial. We have no douM but you would a'-! like !o o to the Centennial of IHTfi and if ymi would like to to, yon -fn save money enough to puj your way by buying your O ROC E R I ES, PROVISIONS, Wood, Willow acd Tin Ware, Tobacco, Snuff and CiarsJ Crockery and Glassware, Etc., Etc., OF J- SLAUGHTER, Jr., & BRO , WHOLESALE GROCEIiS, sepl3 KINSTOIV, IV. C. Furniture ! When you come to .New Iicrne for Furni ture be sure to call at JOHN SUTEIl'S. ON MIDDLE STREET, Second, door above K. K. Jones'. He eeps on hand Parlor Suits Chamber Sets. Walnut Jieilstemlu, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Mattres-es, chairs, Ixmnges, Solan, Centre 't a bles, etc. For sale at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Jan2wly For Sale, Orders left at Berry s Drug Store svill receive prompt attention. D. M. STANTON, febl-dltwlt La Grange, N. C. To the FARMERS of WORTH CAROLINA! YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BV USING BAUGH SUBSTSTUT FOR PERUVIAN CUANO! Baueh's New Process TEN PER CF.MT. CUANO, A perfect substitute ?(,r V' leed to contain tvu per C un ran- l1' AininonliiU Wholesale Price S55 prr ?,0'J0 lbs, In Baltlmoro. BaUGH'S special substitute for 6 per ct. peruvian guano. A lumonin. fi toO per cent. Available IIoi.t rttosi.hate, lOto 1 2 per cent, Sulphate ol PntaNh, 4 too percent, Wholesale Price, S35 per 2,000 lbs. in Baltimore. Far the rons'imier.ef ,,f nar customers, wo have established a defot nt Nai f. .Ik, S'i, Ail enters sent to Baltimore ran be Bhlj.j .d i rt.mptly from iNor- , folk, if preferre I. Ilti- yt,. .. :y t.'.-OHt theHarueat Buy-er'sDepoturLaudiiif-.a.. ii .aippi-. i irtiiii Baltimore. We make a SPKl'J A I,T V f I'nre I)iHolved l Raw Bonen and 1 1 ,jj li.( ; j-m1p 'lifuiiralit for Farmers, making He..,t--M Ie j-'ertilizers, and can furnish th,' 11F.S.T ClOOsf in quantities to suit buyers, at LOW lT I AMI ritltKM. t9 Send for our run:; !.i t Lriviu full deerrip tion and wliolewnl. prlrcN rf our standard brands of Boni Fcrlitiy-r-rw and aiiprovrd formulae. Address aii inuuines and urderB to BAUGH & SONS 103 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Buckingham Whiskey, A Really Pure Sumulaut. Illl J'l'l r I ' "t !l f-lill.-t in M.'iiy ,M.f 1 h;il t;tl. - ! 'I'!,'' .1' ' ! i- ."t II I' Vin iii. 1 ! i i 1 .Hi.- l;;tt- N V IV '111 i I 1 :iT in : UII.4.TS 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 I posit:., until it :m.iv (.. s'.u.: :i- -i n 1 1 Ii .: V'l V. is is a i l - i Iii I 1 1' 'lit- i fnllv i t.r.-.-i:ir.-!v . Wmii.:,. ri . I-- ( . II . II I. Mv . H AH I A KM,. Bar Iron and Nails, al! sizbs bv r. M. DRAXEY, NeSS P.erlie N : iV ss 1 1 . I-.KS i i, I. A bl MIM 11 1 1 Grocorios. Dry Goodc, nr.d Shoes. Boots Daii Bros,, WHOLESALE GF.CCEF. AM commission mi;i;cii.n IS. ':o:g M: BKHVK. V. (. l.'.s, 7, cBlACIffELL'Srca DURHAM TOBACCO HONEST POPULAR. UNIFORM. RELIABLE, SATISFACTORY Is the Most SMOKING TOBACCO EVER PUT UPON THE MARKET, Hence Dealers and Consumers always pre-" nounce it THE BEST. I pERRY & CO., 272 Washing l . 1) tou street. New York- -Constantly receiving on commission ell kinds of farm produce. Are prepared to supply the trade with Butter, Cheese, Apples. Potatoes, and other fruits ana vegetables at wholesale rates. Quota tions furnished at Berry's Drug Store. CASH buyers can get spot terms at BERRY v SAVE time, avoid delay when suff ing. by having your prescriptions dispensed at BERRY'S. 'IMBLK fingers work for the sick at BERRY'S. VNIG IIT BKI.l, for the use of those that trade at BERRY'S. NO matter whose advertisement beads the proscription von still have the ri-bt to bavf- it put up at BERRY'S. IV) compete with low-priced good furnished to our country stores from the North, many druggists feeF called upon to mwt competition With low strength goods. You can depend upon the slrengh of all goods OOvered by my label. No slops put up at BERRY'S. lyIXED paints, $1.85 per gallonST.' rivrrsirvji A fnvorlta V'TwIijltSUVin f OB Jh ,1 iiot. and BOneMful iwoil! la Omv.Ht ,..-.,rtMl, tor ibecureof JVmi wgnWltflft Address CR. WARD 4k CO.. THE UNRIVALED NEW FARMER GIRL COOK STOVE. Nothing further seems neceeaary to'. , make the New Farmer Girl a perfect ' and beautiful cooking apparatus. Jt has ' large Flues and Oven. Patent Ores, ' Shelf, Swinging Hearth Plate, Deep Ash Pit and Ash Pan. The Cross 3iaoec all have cold air braces, and the Coven ar A smooth and beavy. Large single Oven Doors. Tin lined. The largely increased sales af ' this Stove attest its popularity--every stora , fully warranted. P. M. DRANET, ')''" SOLE AGENT, NEW BERNE, d - f Any castings wanted for FarmerGirl Cook Stoves sold by P. M. DKANEY at 10 cts per pound. ocl7dwtf . ' - --N- -m .-?iaij;rTRIALv 1 ' Au 1i:'mL..,icT Bpefeu j oui lor Vianr. Or ri,ia;;rtisjj rk. i .. l.wftr rurty tllo - - -.-.;.) u-Ib4 h.j . L-ilJlxW Ot ' -i. T.Ort sv ...2 s t!.Cl.'lCMMVllX Ik "W,sc .ifl mmm C' . v KJMhO MIKTII CABOlni MARBLE W0R EVV ItERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Audull kinds Grave iind Bnllfllng work IB ' ITALIANS EmCAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor 'f,,. ss,.r n, nje w. Clnypoole) 'or. (,','(). li .1 ) CRAVEN St:, .'; If IS ERNE, N. C.t ' !, K. Mn.i.itif is my authorized agent in Kinst on. ma80-lydw. l'f-tH" T- It HvtMvlT iuh i.iw.' run ran ' If ut honte qvlcLlj tmaial ' " H ' "ul lull ,toM. (UoD f th tlMM-M-tU. ' II II. RANK. A.M..M 4ti w. HthHU kw iiv. i-ii l - lui'ti -fiurtu. li-Livr httm S-i-n-g I H..n,' :: i n, hiuiH' ngj.in," i'r iin-r Nioi-', n fi ! is in Hm 1 1 with Joy t n. Iricinlr. inipf more," !m .miii:-'! tlu' bi-wt L'lOAlW 's ; in - r-. i ui-- .. yore. ! '. i i ' I 'i, ni),) ( "h nd.rH : i . r i ; 1 1 1 too nu mo rutin i.n HIL .'.i. ;is l.t-ii.r'. i M Mihl south Front t. ' : t II;i:i k I I-ini ware Store. W. I. PALMER, The Mor. I ! 114! WM. LOUGH, I H.ALKH IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE limud St. r (Urnt. C. il M r. lol rr-Y'v. .. sr.-- r :h Grrrr.n. rlsiDr Aiiicricaa (ruilarj, DOBSD'y I'M INT SILVXK BELL BAW.'OS, ((.- -Utuinrd of . ( r our A nenti onlj-. t Itoiot' M iiaIc Bom, I nvl nimprtU.Or.'bti I I n Nt rninnt, th i -t MdmiK aitd Trlna-ihi-TH. C.tfl'tffiif -- JO!lC. II1T5KS1CO. 33 Court 8treet, BOSTOB. IM3EUABIESE1KIEE BiEerCii p Wit: H. J. LOVICK, W HUH1S ALE and RETAIL 1 a S I I H 1 " Heavy Groceries, Erv Goods, Fine Wines and liquors. l b. , , 1, -I.. ..i, il HICK1NOI1AM MIM.fV ulwiiys on liaiuU . i : ;mi: a i ici ai.. 1 5 !.i ii K m 1I SIuimI. 1 kII If Str-'et, Newbern, JJ. C. .,l. IT.I.VwIy w. ' V' . 'V fj -1

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