T UCr-XH'f:- '.vv a.. -''--.i' ' a ' ' " i . '. . '7.-. '.i-J. "VvK'pV.i. : Proprietors. IXDEPEXDEXT 1 1ST VI-I. THIXCiS. Termn $B.OO Fox- Tera VOL. VI. MW HKRXK, CRAVKX COUNTY, N. (".. FKBRIAUY il, lss-k NO. 47. T l f 1 UI H tiffin sir trr 1 -v -. . " J zr NO WELL RKItI'LATKI) FARM Can Afford to be without a KEMP S MANURE SPREADE The Greatest Labor Saving- Implement of the Age. It spread? even!-." in l un.:" -r;;,'.;. a., i- - : Ma:.-ir-. ' ' " -n S i. t :. .. either broadcast -r in drills Refer to the following farti:- r wl. ir ;-::. ' :.. v. s ' i. .. ' r their superiority : J. M. Manx, Uyde County. N. '. Grs. R. R.i?M. Nwh rn. N. '. J. L. Kuem, Newborn. N. t". Wu. Dunn. Newborn, X. t". J. L. Tcvker, Pitt County. N. C. ' J. C. WHITTY, Nowbern. N- C. Agent also for Tennessee Farm W air on, "Ori 1 "' an. I "Uol.m-l" '::.I. ! Plows, "Champion' and "Granger" Tur:,:::j I''-.-:, 'iin.ax (.:; ;i Plow. The Best in Use, Harrows, Cultivators Castings, etc. Com and see me. and remember a!o that NO WELL KKiU'LATKl' FAMILY can afford to be without a GILHKUT FORCE PIMP. 1ARM SUPPLIES! AT -'tpETTINGER BROS. KIXSTOX, X. C. At Reasonable Terms, Wholesale and Retail. 100 fcbla. Heavy Mess Pork. 100 bbls. Family Flour. 100 Boxes and Caddies Toba-co. 100 Tons of Ksvinit 25 bbls. Vinegar. 25 bbls. and half bbls. Lorillard's ScurT. 1,000 Doiens Coats' Spool Cotton. 1,000 Doiens Lion's Baiting lw b rS. Etc.. Ere. E-. . OETT1XGEK BROS. KXNSTON, JAN., 1SS4. pi. Pell Ballance & Co., GROCERIES, TOBACCO, SNUFF, Fruits.Confectioneries -AT WHOLESALE. SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEWBERN, N. 0, We are not members of the Board oi Trade, nor have we ever been, and wo are carrying the -Largest and lest Selected . Stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries ever displayed in the citv. consisting of the Un- blowing: 25 bbls. Best in the W. r! l F "jr. 50 100 100 50 50 South Lake Fb Tip Top Flour. Purity Fiour, Saratosa Fami! ' Saratoga Extra Fb '! Fl 25 James River Super. 5 bbls. Pork. OtW lbs. Fat B..ck-. :50l0 lbs. Lons Cb.-ar-. .5006 lb? Smoked Shnubb r 1250 gallons Molas.-Svr 50 backets Lar i. 10 Tierces Lard. 25 Till Cans Lard. 4000 lbs. choicest Craa; ( 1000 lbs. choicest Crearn r 500 gallons Vinegar, 500 gallom Cider. 250 bags Salt, 15 bbls. Table Sait. 100 boxes Soap. 40 bags Coffee. 20 gross Kssence C -T . 0O boxes Cakes r.r. 1 ( r.i 150 boxes French an 1 An 4i3 boxes Soda. ;uar:' : . 50 eaue.-i Piekl - ;;; z'. - 100 ca.s,s lUk::.z V . : - iho Lei.-' v:-.z ... : r.v - : 1(10, 000 Me-iiu;;; t:i ; i .i. ' .' - ' PJlXj lb? L .- !' :: : . i'.e. - . : . ' - l :.- - i: . - ;.-. l -j. ) - x - r- . : -- : i o . i". -i i . : ' - 11 HUM) M --. , I. i JiXh) I ' r : K i ' . 5''(M. - r .;.-. : . ;-... : .'inne i r , :. .And evervthiii.:' in i r . i -ml ('niilrr tionerv lint whir1 1 wv -jii-t - t" ;it tin VERY I'.wrM ; iil- i'i i li i . Wo carrv a Full --I' "lili.-: ; iirry uml Fanov linxM-ri.--. -n wh-ii u ci :t OROCKIFS VU YYi ' NFV. We solicit nh' th'' -ii lr;n!''. Conic ami m' u-. l.l'.N I 11. s"i r. i i ; i . i: r ; . : i : ' i: i-r ii : - 1 ;-. i ! . : . i ; i in-'.v; m in- ; I :i . 1 1- 1 a I r. -:: ,:lr a::, tint t t ;u :ity in rrg.ul t. ; in' !i-tr.-f ih,,i o ci iii i 1 . - 1 v al s. il l ual !i i w i Ir' - a: : .-lit :') . I ; wa. -ni it--s in a I; a i 1 a--' 'ii . a ca n : i ' : r::: .'id laa ; i,a: 1..-: i a r - a ;:n :!: j; coj.l: ! : l -; i . ii w as a ic-ial i:i . i i x i -1 vlic:i the !a-l ui : la- ci,'lit I'a-r- n (-:.is,-! rir:c:i n 1 1; I- i i.i 'it u a l i-.ii 1. a ! 1 1 1 1 1 ' I - ii ' i 1 1 a: h : in .. rr tin- r. .!). i:tn. "Vn'i i i-im-iii ! n-r ;ln' '-nn'i!-. l'.i'n?-- I in'-ii'i bo uiiui . : : t'u 1 il I ilid in''. .-: ; i - 1 n.i-t mi lirt ai ; ln-:r linr.si'." "Tin-y weir iiy Ki!nl I-i i !i:i'. alal t "i k mo o n v lu'i i'. 1 was i a i' tun j.nnf in iniu-li "I s i i 1 1 t y a : f ! a ai! r 1 1 1 -i i ln-I j '. I "an l i v w i a : i -i!i.- tbi-y liavi- hi. -1 1 - iiniiiili--. Sli'.-'.V.l!:!- l.'ii' I.i ll'Ilii i i . -1 ."..iiiiii." 1 - 1 J - X I s ,. riMlt.-.'"" "Di'Ilai-. I laiiiy." "An.l y.ui w ill.'" "1 wwh I cuiM. I.lbrl al a ln' a 1 ii i w an co dt' pi n-niunoy is. lain ; .. ; : ! : 1 1 s s a' t ho on . 1 . .1' 1 1 io pi art or. Siio wan's tho innin-y i'uv six in. m ; i: Aid .ai cainni'i nli!;;c her.'" ... I ui-li en!,!. I'.n; miii can ." I .im a banker, ami Icn.l ininic nn Li'i'i'il socurity. Hut 1 caiiiint allmil t give away .". ). " A'oii do not doubt tbaf I'aimy u.ll ret u in the nullify uheii -he says nIh' will.'" asked Kato. in .-ur- Pl Is,'. I '.Viuibl not l'o so I II 1 1 0 . I'"' sides, a nn-rc promise is. to a the least, lllilnsilie.s like" Fotn. you are surely joking. V.m will not refuse Fanny or rather i:ic!" exclaimed Kato. in dismay. A practical joke, then." ho an swoiod. coolly. Which are alas mean and ulgar," returned Kate, hotly. I don't agree with you. They aio amusing, if cleverly managed." Tom bad risen, githeiingup his letters and papers as be spoke. Ho had not boon married long enough to know whether to expect a soene. and ho was anxious to got away. l!ut Kate took his refusal coolly, t hough she d id not hide her disap pointment, d'om was rich, and liberal enough with his money: but ho was also habitually sharp in a business matter, and not fond of risks. Ho was afraid ho had offend ed his wife, but ho could not help it. She would constantly bo made a dupe of by her friends, if they found she had unlimited credit. -Then you refuse to let me help 1'auny?" asked Kate, as she left the room. 'Certainly: uiib ss she gives proper socuiiiy." "Then it is ouh the seem it v oti wish!" "Ve.-: and if ou will write " "Pardon mo." interrupted Kate. T could scarcely after all tho Ver nons" kindness, write that I doubted their honesty." d'om Kirby said no more, but went to his bank. Kate strolled through the conservatory, fed her birds, gave the neoessary house hold orders, and sent woid to the coachman at what hour she wanted the carriage. Then she wrote a long lettet to Fanny Vernon. Tom Kirby would have been surprised if ho had read the last half dozen linos. Kate expressed regret at not enclosing the desired cheque, but promised to do so in a week. Then she dressed to go out. Her first visit was to her jeweler's where she bought some trinkets, laoked at sots of jewels, and ended in ordering her diamonds to bo re set in an antique stylo she fancied. They wore to bo sent homo the first ol the week, in time for a ball that was to bo gieii. Then she drove to her dressmaker's, and wasted an hour or iiihio in looking over fashions, before she ordered a dress for tile coming ball. "lb the way. madaine." she said, as .she left . "1 have a n u . br f..: you to till immediately. It is f,,r a widow 's .1 1 ess. 1 1 il 1 1 j i -1 . ill - 1 II s!n ii t . eVef thing Heeded lor the deepest gl'let." a Yrt ai l il v . " s,i:,l sii 1 1 1 1 1 ig in, id ame. 'dt shall bo sent as soon as possible. 1 shall be -lad to uive s.itisl'.n-t ion. .is :; is ,,: f, i y ,.mi - self." Mr. Kit by : - pel loetly v. eb." si id Kite, gravely . ' Tom K 1 1 by w as glad to fni.l : ii.it Kate had Ii '1 gi it t ell ihell little troii'. e about the -.",.0011 i . . . i ; . ; m i'a -c 1. Kite was ::i--, i : ; i : :. .; s , ,--e: temp.-t.-.l v.:,. .- i.i- n; : ',-..' : h. : . He , i - .-; : 1 1 s . ini'l'liau. and i.ot . 1 1 all pb-asi-. i . w 1 ii -i i ii:- i-'.i-i U a : i ;: aiii , i - . 1 ; : , i : a lady w ii,-.l ;,. see baa ,-n iai-:;a--s, II" had a g 1 matr. ::'.'! s 1 1 1 . 1 he del lee .1! oy m. lb- l!,,,;! gb" w..::,e:i i ::. p: . ,c' :e . : '. - . -by : :, !"! II,.- 1 a ' " e.i: i.-'.s.i;. ss. ' ! p. '' .ag ia '.: " ; ; - - sh,. d b-uii. d i A - leellllg !ln;i;! tempted P let hel' ha ve t lie motley without any. 1 1 K ite u i-iv lelt 1 w idow. and Wei . Hi sui-h i- ! ! etti i i y . be would like her to l.e iielped by sonic oiu- w ho Wo'iid ::: make :o..sti;-t .1 hiis.tiess ;:;.:::.! of the Km. I I ile is my s, cut ity . ; tie w Hlow aiisweied. ii ii el a - p; eg a ln.i!i s it eh-. 1 sh,. ci ri led. am! handing iiiiii a b-a. the I' i.e.- in w h'eh w.;s a set of diamonds in antique setting. Tom k"ew a goo.', deal o! diamonds, and - : w at a g la. nee t ha t tlico we; e woith in neb in ore than the loan asked oil tin-Ill: but be disliked to take po-sessii'ii ot them, a ml mi id s. "I .1 III 10 it .ii eilst . illled to ' 1 o bil sj -i:ess in this way." he said, hastily. "Your note will be sut.ieietil . 1 ain very sure you are just w hat yous.iv you arc. and I am contented to run t he risk." Ale y i ui q ii i ' e sine that I a m holiest ."' she ashed, .sinlllllg. "We W iiiiioii ale seldom good Ii i a u a g . I s. and I prefer y mi shi.ubl keep : . ;. diamonds." S. l Ti Mil lock ed the j cW els up i : i his safe, and hid t ho neei--s.il y ! pors made out, io which the w idow signed t he pl ot t v minie of Plaiicl.e P.land. d'om did not mention the. widou to Kate, chielly because she in ight Ii". :e the recollect ion of his refusal of t ile r.i. 000 to Fanny Vernon, and Kate had. he acknowledged, be haved exceedingly well about it. She had not shown the least ill will, so bo thought it best to keep as l.ir oil' as possible from the sub ject. nly once was Kato foolishly wilful on the night ot Mrs. Hell's ball. Her dross was perfect, but sheielused Tom's request that she should w ear her diamonds, on t he plea that they would spoil the clloct ol b.-r toilet te. Tom t nought lOa . He I iked to see her wear t lie Jewels: liked to kluov that he could atVoid to give thciii to hoi. Kate laughed oil this small disagreement by promising to wear t he jew els at the in-l ball. Hut this one wusthc hist ot' the season. It was a inoiniiig in August. I ke windows weie wide open, but the air was heavy with boat and the odor of late summer tlowers. The stock market was as heavy as the ail', and d'om Kirby sat oer his breakfast reading the advertise ments of summer resorts. It was difficult to tind exactly what he wished, and so he proposed Sara toga. Hut Kate objected. She did not tool equal to the crowd, ami the amount of dressing required. She did not sceni interested in the advertisement he lead out: indeed, she w-as absorbed in the letter she was reading. Suddenly d'om i e called their bieakf.isr last lb-comber w hen ho had refused to loan Fanny Vernon s.l.niio. The sur roundings were so entirely ditl'eront: as widely separated as the beef steak and omelet of the winter breakfast was from the cool melons and poaches of the summer meal. Then ho remembered the fact that the time had entirely arrived for tho pretty widow to redeem her diamonds; and ho wondered at his forget fulness in proposing tole.ue homo just then, lie did not care to explain." even to hisoonlidoiiti.il clerk, that he had diamonds as se curity Iocke 1 up in the sale. Suddenly" Kate looked up lioiii her letter and said: "Tom, I with draw my objection. I think the Saratoga plan excellent." "It does not make the smalie-t difference. I am not strongly in cliiied towards Sai'.itoga." said Tom. coldly . "Hut I am. Tho Hells ai e t hi i e. and plenty ot people we know." T cannot go for a couple ot weeks, said d'om. eui t ly . "Why. you said y oil wished to go 1 his W i ck ' ' "Hilt 1 lorgot a bil snies , e ilg.l ge- meiit." interrupted Tom. (h!" was Kate's only answei. "K lie." asked d'om. sli spieii Ulsly . why 1 1 1 d y i 1 1 . - h a 1 1 g t y o u i mind so suddenly .' Was it s..!ne;Ii!!ig m l'.ilin 's let le; .'" -Why did oii s,, sii.j.h-i.U N- 111 t UI be !' ot 1 1 bl Is; ;iess ,-n .lgeU: . -1 1 ." ask. d Kai. . -I i ; F.nn.y '- b : i ec iil i ;" "Askltlg .1 qllest , m .s , ..,s . : ." loin said, e v.isi ve ,y . "Well, then I'll e, H, less. ii..; go ; . i Saratoga with, diamonds. Htr "I i . ai : -e y lot me have tla-m 11 . i e ' ; i g i i , . i : . . i i . hele colli. 1 I h , e p:.t y.n 1 1 1 o 1 1 d s .' " add in v Will . I W 1 s e but III S i ' I in." and K i- .ehnid nul i .1 s.i ooo '..i.n y -.-in.. a in-' .-i t h ' U i ' 1 . 1 1 no. b I.- he I. a. Cat II i i; ill!b 'o! .. : i..l Milk, imtt. r. .Icr-ias ami a Model Dairy. i V... - sir.!. The twelve doctors setd from Whib-a- (, reenslH.ro. a low days; F.ngland io the Iagvptim cholera ago. the waiter had am pie . .ppor- ; (i is, ri(., , , Vr , s.-,-.t, , .,. m,,n t h . iiiin'". ui seeing bow ioadilvtho; !...!..:..! and graded cows oi' the ' ''-i i'liore-.- Inn. bug place eoiiutrv respond in supplving milk m .Mani.ui.; is to W maiked l.,v in gen'eious feeding. Seeing on , SlO.fHKi nmntimoiit. j Dr. Henbow's bill of faro "milk and ; j.it. eoiton f'aetoiv w hi-h was b-i-t,;- from our own da i ry ." and i l)ph,.d in t!ie Cotton -:.posb kii'.ving iioin experience the tiue.tion building in Atlanta is 'now qualities of his dairy, we strolled i miming i '.(' -pindles. omoloys a. out about "milking time" to the ! Capi t a! . .f a H .' ' . a nd is liialiing ibdry. which is sit u. itod about one ;l c-lean I''1 nor cent, on itsliisi mile t'loin ( i i eeiisboro. and found year ot' act u.d'work. the lr. superintending the milking- ... , of Hnrtv-livo eows. i:vervthing (lein;.; (-rant s physical C'oniii :id tin- large stable presented t!,m ,s -,; ;!,: " t give his mends a neat appearance. The cattle are milked twice a day. The milk is drawn in largo, clean cans: then eaiiaed to the large spring-house and thence into a large swing churn. driven l.v horse-nower. The butter t re. ite.! to b: than ono-nuartor i mi ounce of salt t o i he poiin d . nid thus none ot the finer and ' a ; "iii.r !c ... o u s aie iosr. it ! io bom the milk of hoalthv i .1 s.-y grades ami common cows, wlioe.it only the sweetest feed, al- reuniting with corn meal, cotton seed meal, bay of the farm, and on- silage, and they diink the. purest water, and breathe the cleanest air no can ied and brushed and carel'ii'iiy bedded and are always treated witli gentleness. Tho but ter is made limn milk which is im mediately lemoved from the stable, though the stable is daily sprinkled with gypsum and has no cellar un der or near it. The butter is made from oleum which has risen in loss. than ."a! hours, in clean tins and a that among l.nnO doctors the annual clean at Unisphere: it is granulated death rate ranges between 1.1 and and v-oiked with the greatest care. .2.1. making a yearly loss of 1.S00 Tim cows, the tins, the milk, the physicians out of our HO.OOO. Hut cicum. the salt, the butter, are all the supply is such as to remove all kept clean and in an odorless at- causes of apprehension, for t he ntim mosphere. ber of our medical graduates in lM. Heiibow said: "Which are 1 S2 s:5 was : ; . : 1 7 . more t ban double your best grades tor butter"" "The the estimated number of deaths. Jerseys decidedly." They will WasiiiXuT--X. Feb. 11. -A dele respond to feed l.eyond the amount catin r Apaohes from the San of lood required to meet the waste r.n.,os ros,.lv.Atiu callc,! upon the ol the !...ds. and w ill make this ex- e,,,,,,,,;,,; .,. r in.li.o, susif... tra reiuin m suttor ius surcis as the Slioithoru will make it in beef, or the Ayrshire in milk. The Jersey i . .i : '... 1 .... l... .1. ...1 ooiilg inoioiignoieu oan oo uoeuu- 1 1 1 1 in to transmit in breed the good qualities ot' one parent, in mans cases ol Sotn parents, ami veiv'otien the best qualities of re- The latest thing inarisian mil mote as well as immediate anees- linery is the cat adornment. Small t,,rs. stuffed kittens are now fashionable -Are there other leasons.'" "Yes: as the ornaments of the prevailing the Mutter globules have a larger large-brimmed hats, and the eileet average si.o in .U r-ev milk than in '( these tiny tigerish animals is that of anv other breed: and in eon- striking. At present only one cat sequence of their larger globules at a time is worn: but after a little tin- cream rises quicker and hence while, when emboldened by success, needs to bo exposed a much shorter a family group o4' cat and kittens time to the air. so there is loss in- may be looked I'e.r. jury from lei meui at ion . odors and An order was issued bv t ho Peun diist. It also requires the use of sylvania Railroad Company to their fewer tins and causes less labor, employees on Saturday forbidding Tiie larger globules have a thinner the receiving of all perishable mat envelope, and consequently churu ter or live stock as freight for daces quicker, and have a more sprightly WPSt 0f Pittsburgh over the I'itts tlior." burgh. Cincinnati and St. Louis This thou, gentlemen of Lenoir Railroad, ami wi-.f of Cumberland and Oreeiie. is your cow for the no- (,n the Haltimoreand Ohio Railroad, fence distiiet. Kill or sell your except at the risk of the owners for tea-cup eows, and buy a good Jersey, delay or loss. This order was oiio of which is worth two dozen issued on account of the tloods. razor-back fence-lifters. The Jersey, , ... ;f , , with vour abundant seed feed and . An ' -'I- 1 ; "lieu standing cm meal, will stand more food, !o,au constituency, is said siehl more milk and butter without etting tat. will put the oil into her "J bag rather than in her carcass, goes ll1;' v - ' ,1, v a shorter period than anv other 1'1'e!1 a co fli n of him 1 his was tor-bu-ed. ('apt. Haldv Williams, of mled to London, but. unable to Or.iiis ilie county, has one cow that !ni!rr,e ,"s V'v !l,tVk'r',U' lf 1,1 tlu' ( oiV.shoi ... one that gives thirty two , io quails a; a milking; .ui. ,ioe hem. at New Heine, ditto. Drink i milking: Mr. Jot 1 n me good milk and oat loss western u k. I . Ii. Wai.kkk. , lli.w a lar.ii Ma Lamed. A young man. says the mem- tiatt -,-,-,. s. was very anxieiis to so- eu; .-a piece ot propel iy w h le h w.s furs. ile on mis a.lvantagoousturms. lie w.-nt to con ter with a tnend -.haw. is a ii-inker, and to inquire wlatliei it would be prudent to i.i. now the i.-quisite sum and pay ill I e ii i . ; I i I ! s -, I 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 . S . I II I 1 . I . - nig t ii 1 fe ss , lie si-, ,!!. be ..!.,. "' ',,lr -" . e nis; i : i s , a o m e 1 1 1 . i to borrosv liom the a go enough t "'",'r anient, lay it strictly aside, and t hen go al aid hi- mend, -you must spend eiaily nothing, bm must !;ve il you! place. n must make a o au.i drop m it all the nioiies s .ui i e.-'-:s-e. 1 he s oung ma:, am his Wile SV el! t bl ,1 Vols' t O SV I 'I k t' , .;:,.w Ills ads ice. If it was tleee- s.,i's ; , i d.t.e "li a lie. id ot bo h :;' i al:d S.i!' llleV did So al t.i-v. r g utiiie- !. Every pay meiii . i v. d t la- corn il! ill s ,e ;ho led ,., ,, 1 1 '..Is I lie. 1 s 1 in a e s cab il aboli: sii.-h I.'.;'- n i . : i . 1 I i g ol. lis; ray meat !!. eii-eif hililseli be- ::a a so; Png fa'-.-, ta-y in his hand. , , 1 , n - 1 I s el - ; l - . 1 ii i OI! L'EHAL NEWS. '' :" r . recovered t;om his tali on .-w Year's day sufficiently to go out. ;'m i; is s..m no gets mite sleep, : -f'"-' k,,i't -iko 'light and day by tlie Pa,n nis '"ts. The munieiiia! schools in Paris are now visited regnlaily tw ice a month by niodie.il inspectors, who also are requi red to at Tend in urgent oases. It is hoped bv those means to limit the spread of contagious ' diseases. There are 1 2(5 of these t doctors, and they receive SlbO a year each. riT..HKr.F.r.sn:. Fob. 11. In the second ice yacht race for the Dr. Harron cup this morning, the start ers were .Kolas. Icicle. .lack Frost, dessie P.. and Flash. Jack Frost won e;'i-ily. and. having thus won the cup the second time, it will be kept bv her owner. Archibald Kogors. The M,, !;,! K, d estimates day. They expressed themselves as much pleased with their visit to theCiulisle and Hampton Indian ' v v ' S(.,)(lK .,,,, s.,j(1 t(.v i;,re!idod te devote their attention to agricul ture. to have been interviewed bv an un- lertaker as to his vo'e. Anxious to ; . ! . . i .s . .-1 ....- i . . - oruuii cuamooror ins servanis to allosv it in i he net her regions, ho had it carted down to Lincoln's Inn. , . . . , . . . . I'lacod on did nttcdwiih shelves. u " ' ''- . let i or was leeeiillv admitted as a will at Westmini.-ter. Md. The ,.;10 .v.,s -t.onglv contested. J. ,,,.m.v n..pp.- died intestate, and m,,ed to about K!.- ()(,,, p;;... Ve;. Rve; s prosellted'i o , (,,, t h-tter to iierself from jp, in whiei. ho said: "Ann, ;l,-u.,. mv.b-atii sou ai,- to have lo.OiKi.' d'i. is sou are to have. svi!l ,'. Ilo ill. Take o:,;e ol this letter , o ; I 1 , , 1 O . S e . , t 1 mtll ins deal e. At:li. keep this to som-sell." The puper Wa- deciaied v tin- i .'. .' ! s to Se a t"! ger v. The jiii v. a'.itl a i.n ilass" tlial. deelileii it genuine. Issues SVele ,.,h,. tl, ,i. . c,,,,,, ,., t,-. deieimiiie yvhetiier the loiter was a , ,.t ., a, v , ,., . a nd t lie Coin t decided it to bo sufficient f.-r a u.jn Asli INii i . . l- es. i 1 . 1 ne naie si; I,., IlilO'I's 11. m in i : I ee. con r. Cai.ieiiiii S.d sba: s . .m of Wis 1 Jonas. Ill-- U l ow ,1 consm. - i s'e d will leas e W ' -1; fol .l.lci.s.a;. y!;s. pi . Mel d to ( '. - . I .. 1 , tin I'el '"' !''' I '1 W,;-.;:; s i o e ' ae 1 ' .1 I Libiiiitional (ncstioii. Lte. Why should the State exorcise control and supervision over edu cat ion .' What do you mean by tho Slated Why is know ledge tin right of man .' Why is education the uni voisal tin i'oi'sal e right to interest and duty of man? How is man's inalienable right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness best secured: Arc ignorant men fi ee men ? Is ignorance a menace to free in stitutions? What would you consider a suf tlcient qualification for the exercise of suffrage? "What we're Thomas Jefbc lson's views of the relation of education 1 to the welfare of the State ami the happiness of the people? What were the words of Presi dent Goo. Washington in regard to edueation. in his farewell address? What distinguish, d jurist was the author of the following senti ment? '"The parent who sends his son into (he world uneducated, do I frauds the community of a lawful i citizen and bequeaths to it a niiis i ance." Who was the author of t his sent i mcnt? '-You will conler tho great est benefit on your city, not i by raising the roofs, but I by exalting the souls of your fellow-citizens: for il is better that great souls should live in small habitations, than that abject slaves should burrow m great houses." Would it do to leave the promo tion of education to the operation of the law of demand and supply? Who uttered this sentiment "Let the soldier be abroad if he svill, he can do nothing in this age. there is another personage abroad, a per son less imposing, in the eyes ol some insignificant. The school master is abroad: and I trust to him. armed with his primer, against the soldier in full uniionn array." .Much has been accomplished within the past few years in both method and matter. Is further re form needed? and if so, who must be the leading factoi ? It is to be hoped that all teachers, in Lenoir county svill go forward and have their names e- rolled as members of the Lenoir County Teachers Association, at ,ts next meeting. The white tenders not only of Lenoir, but of adjoii. ng counties, would fmd it greatly to their advantage to join our a-so( :a tion and attend every meeting, as questions of vital importance to the profession are there fully and ably discussed, by teachers of high in telleotual, moral and professional attainments. The colored teachers of the coun ty also organized by the election ol olliccrs of excellent attainments. I hope the colored teachers svill avail themselves of this opportunity of improvement. Let us not lorget that, "wherever any portion of the race is to be raised from the, degra dation ot Ignorance, it must be done through the power of w ise teaching during the period of childhood and youth." Hence, wo must pros ; !e teachers adequate in numbers, in learning, in capacity, and in skill to the magnitude of Jdie work to bo performed. We should ever bo.u in mind that if the unedti vated cannot be the judges of cultivaii n, they cannot surely be leaders of '. It has been said that "Properly to conduct and control the humblcsi school, demands more svisdom than to rule a Si ate. Very truly, etc., W. S. HlRI). Seven Spiings. Feb. !, ISM. K. of 1'. locii ol' ili- ;rnnd LoiIjip -TIi c : ' r !cr in a Flourishing, i'ond i 1 i o n . Tiie (irand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of North 'arulina met at lmlM a. in. in tlio new castle hll e,f ('enter I .... I go. Nn. a. Crand Chancellor K. (i. Ihtirell iiresiiling. witti the following i.Iii.-ersi (J. P. C. J. L. if. Missillier: i. V. ('.. W. T. He Howell; (J. P.. J. VV. M, ,.,;.: h II. of K . It. T. Scuuliii: h K. .f it. and S.. John I.. Du.ll.-v: C. M. at A.. ,1. I '. Plewister: (f. 1. C. J. F. t ' .I'lf's. f nil ' . ii.. I'.. M. I'.e. a-. I-l ' 'UI. The i -. -in 1 1 1 i t : e ... on ei'eileii! i li- having n;iei'te-l the follow ing P. ( '' yvoiv ad mitted and dulv obligated: A. Ilroail I,,,,!, i -has. MeKiminnn. .1. M. Slier wood. N" :h Ik Ii. Hi.eklairn. No. . Washing!' .n i ill. No. 'J?. Tl;- i ..('.. I ). H. i i. C's . I i. K. ,,! K s. -i i.. M. .1 !h u.-ie i.-.ni an I re ferred to a sp.-'-ial ' 'iiiiiiitiee for .l:-;ia-bution. Tl'.e (i.e. introduced in very tints r;ng-t--i in th" Supreme t 'liiuiee I lor of Knights ui Pvthias. and requested him I,, i.e.or tie- 1 nlgi- with his vi.-ws us to t ! - -ndi; i oi: of tie- l,r m genend. Ti." s-. 1 '- l'--phed ill il v. ry eol'ipl ill. el. - t..ry an 1 nattering in. inn. r ;.s t-. i(j,. -i .. i i ; i ii ..; ; le- r-l.-r. ;m-ln ling th , - u- ; in r . ' k an i u:a : .aan i i l - ...n . . speci..'.!y ti.-- 1 Ui.-r. v. ie. li h" s , s i- i-. o-.s.ng ni ail dir.- :i, lis ;e. a ..-iv s i v. ,.- i i ae-ted t . . liipi 1 iy the n ii w :.; : - -:. 1 k at tii-.-vt iiiig--o-ii'ii. I ait '.x in.' :h .- :.. .-ssity .1 la- h aving ui' . it- d. II V,s , . l -:.) i ir -' . -11: II A:; - I P t il" Vi.ri- -US el, -, s k . A i an in ! r:i; a i n , - ' ; n 1 , i i -l.t tin l- i in -: i ! a, i v,.- ,.; the v,ui- l" ! ;,ii'i. bi ;.-; t.iti-in.iit- a to a liii':.- ;-.!il st.iti.iir.g of their ; : v -- e .n i all tie- report- wi i .- - at i-l .I--: -I v. Tl, I , ran, I l.o.le.. 1 : . i.ai.e i i i . -r i - i i ; ; .n . ;i ii -a: 1 :.. -lev -n - - o , . . - i-i-n I liiinl- Stoj. (he IJusiness. i hi'Il'iili Jul liNAl, " He nn .ve the cause , nn. 1 the diseiL.se will di. appciir. ' is an axiom ;ih old ;is true and as true as hi. : and if the Cotton Kxciiange n liin : - is are alive to the true interei-t of ail i at tun gi . avei s. and we helieve thev are. I they w ill t..ke steps to put il Ftop to the purchase of t-t den c 'ti on . If A. liven in town an.l olfers a kale of cotton at the Kxchauge. le is oully inform. "1 1 . that cannot bell if. heeaio-e theiulKl areagamsi ii. 'I his inar he al I i ihl;' the grower of the cotton and the oiu of tow n . peeukitor can each sell at (Iih I . eon nlei s of 1 lie Kxchaiifje. I!ut Urister ! . Tilgl.nian anil iiny who ehoi"-e to i n I I Kills'' "1 it can walk into any of the lint I eoiton dealers anil sell it in small quan I il lis u u 1 oe.t queslion as to his out oil town speculators' or growers' autlior l ' to do so: a s illiiigne-s to take illicit I over half the . rice the article comma .le in r. ;iilar hands set ms to over il..-! win le case. I fl.e nun,!,, r if peisnns u l.o h,. ! scrap t t n to sell is hi,; .-reat. an, I lie- ; numljer who deal in it is not prealer. an.l it is useiefS to say that a bo.l vnfj i men who on regulate and control the sale of the entire piti luctiu n ef a lar-je , tenilory of country antl at; jri t yat me; Ihoiisands of bales, are p.nveiless to regal. it.- and check if n-.t ent irel , dt- , stroy illegitimate dealings in a tow n the i si.-- of this and in amount not exceed-' 1 ing a f iile ;i week. Where there is a w ill there is a way I and once the Exchange managers aie jawareth.it the public look to them t..j i regulate this matter, we luivp but litlle ! ; doubt they will take steps to stop the ', i sale of .-.oei cotton and thereby mule I rially tliininish the stealing of the f i nils I I of holiest toil. i M'liat Say Oaslon.' ; Fuhtoi: Jocunal: Shall Onslow rami- T , ty be represented in the State Expo- I sitiou next fall? If bo, in it not time see j - were uji and douigr W hat K. L. ! Franks & Sons. C. Stephens. S. U. Tay ! lor. D. Sandlm & Son. L. W. Hargett & I Sons. Sheriff Min i ill, brother and suns. F. and John Thompson and sons. Cox & Sons. Mills. Steed. Kooneo and every body in the county to having a called meeting and organize for work; and go to work and show what we have and what wec.in doV Col. Pardee lias blown our horn for us. so let's stir up our Stat" .aid county 'ride. We have fisli.oss ! rs. clams an 1 game of all sorts ih.it 'nn t be beat. Lime and marls in abund ance. We rai.-e rice, corn, peas, tobac co, cotton, oats, rye, wheat, potato, s and any and nearly everything that i good to eat drink and wear, which we can prove if w o take the matter in hand and go t . woik with a vim. Inquiry. E. (i. J. Kiit.!: JoriiNAi.; The time for) cis liijr in t-eheilule H tiix has ' pr.Kse.1 iitnl in looking over one e.innot help from liotieing how few ol ; 1 1 1 those w ho advertise to sell on eoni-j missions Ket one dollar s worth of work tn do. You are aware. Mr. I'M iter, th.tt ' we have many inei ehants w ho claim to ' he commission and wholesale mer ! eliants. Now we do not like to think i they j.et tin' commissions and f-iil to j give them in. intentional I v , and in l -1 . .v . ... . i ... i - l , i. T n. . ui,m i . , . -1. l uit-ii i ib i. niej .tie ei.ui j iei leu ! Spi to see i hi . I liferent he .dings, so I he e.x- ! da In cuse liies do nfit know cannot be lais-'d K"nt in !lu-:r heliiilf iind w :i 1 1 L-nnu- tlwc ! are f,.(j l-.onesi to neglect or try to shun the t ix by making f ilse statement, but ! nevertheless, the stranger who sojourns in our midst for a short time that is , prompted by curiosity to examine the ! register's books, must come to the con-j ciusion that there is but very little grain, cotton, or any other product sold i here by any ore. especially if he is from . a city i'f any size, either North or South. Thiols the only city in tho knowledge of the v. i iter where produce is sold un- : less th.- . ity and State derived mnr ! benefit fr.,ni the sale. We write Miis' for infoi mation and are in hop.-n juu enn c. plain the secret. ,srns liiiiiiu. Wnirii Oak. Jxi:s C"- nty. N. C, ; February 12th. 1S-.1. j KnrTOK Ji-UHNA l: I have read with i pleasure the o: courarilng remarks from your Jones emu' ty correspondent on the interest tha'ahou-I'l ne taken by our county in the i onroachirjg State Expo sition, and I uaJTrrti J i k e to make the following suggestion, : That the counties of J mes. Onslow. J-ienoir. ( raven, ( al ien t. Pamlico and.any otirer. enstern counties that may desire to join 1 in. secure in the fair grounds a certain plot or space of ground of sufficient size to place u pon it a build ing. bui lc ent i re ly from llic shell rock taken from ihe banks of the Trent river, and that this building be used exclusively for the ex hibit from i. ni' eastern counties The building nf itself would attract the at tention of every person visiting the ex hibition. The r.uln . ads could welliilfurd to transport the rock to Raleigh free of . charge. J. .in -, '. , uiiity ought to give not less than live hundred dollars besides the dun;. lions tlj.it would come from many of her citizens. I for one will cheerfully take one hundred dollars worth of stock in the building if one of tin- proper size a u-1 sty le is put u p. Can "t yen. Mr. K.lit.ir. w like up ou r people to 'his great and important subjeot The K ist sh.iiild have the proper representa tion. ,i. ! let us join togvther and do it a.-i e No time to be lost. HoWlloiS ('ri'h oiinty stand on this .jiii'M ion'.' I ; u - . i f i , m y. iu . Kati;i:n N. . ( ' . Vhito Oak Items- i: .. k -i ..- ist i be marrie 1 next Thur.--h il s bad. ill", along old Wli I - i.ik t- -i far as u e have he i . 1 fi oi n I .-. ph I.Iixoli tilled I is appoint cias--leader la-l ui.'lav at iv. All M i.ighl . Kev. n.ent i ilope'.v. Mi i .i -..ii,. b. -;.. .1, M is- .! -. ph I" ,r.t. I-'lflds. fr.. Ale 1 . -it ing M rs. i- a pit Win asalil isit. i.ivji.r i - el' 1 ll'ipe she mav so I II b .n le ' 1 - . .lie -r bachel mcnti. thal u- t, ,1 i p..rha - s w l.l -peak ol him tin- In XI mil". Mr. ..' ..- Mai ies .-;,ys that u .o-1-11. oil! I i- a j.r- e:.t , I ia;-i ni e"i;--n Io a , .-rt.im ' M. n; Mr. Mai le- i- ii g - ,i liii iii i i.h 1 h;- opinion i- ua.itii soiin -thing. M r. .1. W. I' l.v. ..i t'.,rt. ret , -n 1,1 v . hut he ha- l.:i-lv J. .ii.-- r,..- u ! r A . Ill three T!ll! - Hi a u eek . .an 1 I n 1 : ;i !...: 1; mi r ii - - i b ii i ' . i k 1 I I at I I . ' la ai Mr. I'aii- il u i i I . 1 1 1 ii in.; "ol. U I. lie i l -1 ' . . ' -ail. I -in -h i litel pi.- .iii!")i Ml .1 N . 1 .-..-I!, ai. -I lie ale ..- ,, g " '''.I'.- I IO .1. .: l'o .- : . 1 .l..ii t k:. .w u b.-tb. i ,: i- !.--!. . I - - 1 i il-lt e , J .,l,pe ,, k Th,- N '- , ; tv . th. i'bi- i ;. -. , i i j---: .; 1 -.-,':n-',.t i lli -a. 'I Warren Lelaiid, vOmni errrytKxly knows as th manager of the Largest Hotel Enterprises or Amcric.i, says that while a, passenger from WW York on board a ship going around Cap Horn, in tho early days of emigration toOaV ir riiia, he learned that one of the offloSTf of th- rfsel had cured hi nine If, during to soy-R- of an obstinate disease by the OOTOf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sl nre then Mr. Lklaxd has recommended Avers Saks atarii-la In many sUulla cases, and ho has never yet heard of t9 fail lire tn effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. Lklaxd'1 farm' s laborers bruised his leg. Owing io the b4 state of his blood, an ugly srrofulous swelling or lump npi-earcd on the Injured limb. Hor rible itching of tho skin, with bornlng and darting pains through the lamp, niade life almost intolerable. The leg became BOf ... inously enlarged, and running ulcers formed discharging preat quantities of extremely olfensivc matter. No treatment was of may avail until the man, by Mr. I,ELAKDadiree- -tion, was supplied with AY Kit's 8 A &S APA RT 1. 1. A . which allayed the pain and Initattow, -healed tho sores, removed (he swelling, and completely restored tbo limb to ttse. Mr. Leland has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for Rhenmatiim, with entire success and, after careful oliservation, declares that, la bis hel;. f. there is uo medicine In the world equal to i for theenre of Liver Dteordava, fiout, th.- m c,tH or lilfclt livlns;. mXX Itheiilii, erf, rruptlnuB, and all tlie various fu. nig of Ml dlaaaoa. all wbo may iliwirefcWM' L-Vldence 10 egira s i&Ttaaafatr to tho pxtriitinliiiary curcSJtf- pwi f Avku'8 Saii.'. u'AiuiiA to MB bin mm ally either at lilfl mammoth Ooun Hcdel lng Branoli.or at the popular Lelaiid Hdllt Kroatlway, 27lh and 2gih Streets, New Tork. ' Mr. I. eland's extensire knowledca of Jhe good done by tfliifl nneqnalled mdiratmrof blood poisons enables him to girt lnqalrsM much valuable information. rEFPARKD DT Dr. J.C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Druggists; tl, six feotttas for 9&,' f Professional Cards. LEON'UAS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (OiCce opposite Qmston RnHu . Nov.- HCIBC, N. C. ' Will prartlpe In the Countioa of Oroeno, li ii"h , .kineH, )iiKl..ir, Pumllcoand (Jrayn sjsvi -in the ('. s. DlNlrlft Court. Pruinpt ii1tetitl.n xalil to the collActlon Ol k flaiins. aprlwlj. P. H. PELLETIER, Vttorney-rtt-Ijaw.' . PULLOKSTILUi, Jones Conmijr. If. -0 Will praollce In the Courts ef 1'arteret, Jones', , I llislmv iilul (.Yliveu. , SptTlal nttenlliiii given to the collection ol is, .nid settling estate of deceased per- . marlwtf VEoIa, r. v. stk.iso. DAirrEb I. PnBT. U ilelgh, N. C. Klnton,N. O STROiTG & PERRY, ICINSTOBr. w. c, ATTl!REH Au COCNSELLORS AT UW. Unvlng formed a ropartnershlp for th in iirtlcu of the lavi In Jonesouorat.y, will rt larlv atu-nd lw court', ifie sauob. Prvmpt attention pp.1.1 to collections. " - niayli' .'lA-wtf ST HONG ft TERBT. el- II.. Ilnl.l.A N I), Jll. owiii h. rnosu HOLLAND & OBION,, j t tofn ay ts h,V-j&W',i . I' mire one door west of OlWW!TrioOe.) Will practice In tho Counties of Cnnn Jo i it s. i iiimIiiw, I 'arteret, Pamlico and Lfenoir ri-nni.i ititei.tion imlil to collections apr 1-ai-dAWlV. w . Nines-. r. M. SIMMO t I.EMKNT SADLY, NIXON, SIMMONS & MANLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will pi-acii. i In theCourtsof ("raven, Jonem, i insii.-A , t ai i . i . i. I .. in I lci anil Ix-nolr, and lu Un l eii.-iHl Cuii at New Bi rne. febOdtkwl) - DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, Sur(;on Dentist NEWBERN, N. C. ' ' II u imr li.i-aie.l pcrmaiionUylin Newnern, I r. k j - . - ( -1 1 1 1 1 1 - tt-iiili-r in y lirotiMftlonal sei v ktest to i in- puiilic. i mice on Middle street. In Pafc . o i s. ,ii i untiling, opposite Haptlat Clinroh.' ' IV n lrnri Prarllral ElstrlfMS, K'-pJs.l.v t ly I)K. J. D. CLARK, i i-:ntist, NEWBIRa, M. C. orT.ce on 1'1-nven street, between Pollock and l'roii.l orl7-dirly S. W. SELDNER, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, IV o. ill Konnokt Stinare, OJIFOI.K. VA. !-. .... ii-l-il;. ,aoo .1. l.-h.-.l l.'i i; tended tt and' aatlsfac MtnldtlwSni Elizabeth Iron Works, II Ais. V 1MCTTIT, Prop., JMi. .-.. os.i and 28fl Water street, NORFOLK. VA M A M'l-'At Tl'HKli OF KX(iLNKS, BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mills, Ni:.FTINJS, I i 1 1 1'. !, I Iiuiojers, -()!:: IS;.s AM) CASTINGS, i II' 1 a cry I lescription. .1, . -I. l e-eiiieM .,r Al.l, WtmjwW- - Hul7-d4wly K. I)0WLING," M l KAPTURBR OF Hand Sewed SHOES (Only), o i ll ( A AI, STREET, NKW YORK. let. . i I r Mrrrl i'o (liitiallr Km Ira Hotel. ! :. n. l.-r l.-et a HeclHlty. .el.-e.l ni i a .in pt nt lendtl U. . a. it-M. n to Hit- following par- - vv w . a i i uk siiweB of my make : i ' K. S lover. -..ii MaJ. Ii W lllirtt W . K Patterson, i , - I "l . , aim nn. tts wtira 1 1 i - I I . I 1 - 1 1 I- l . I ST... CARR & PATT0N, G.iii Wholesale Commission Merchants, Io? KIMi STKF.KT, W; Iiuington, Xol. . . ; , , i , , 1 1 1 , sit le t .f Ti p e . i - - - ... l-'it-li. I-.hixb, etc O . li.lieu, lint !- . . Hi... a .MMt r. WholeseJ l ri..n.Min ltee,lera, , . i., ai. In-i. oulfwly (.Iin W..J. HARVEY Kit II1IIIMI ST.. I IT -. I-'III Kill NT., I-IIII.ADKLPHIA. I - i 1 I 1 1 I V,ll i- - i., ..'. -ii,. i.', Flitr CdiIsm i I tit. Latest Myles ksmI el - I . . i ' . . M - II. K . Ilrvan, i l,.,n in, i ,f.i. A. Olive t. i,., i.j ti.it I oiii iiei. '.I .1. W. J. HAUVJuT e... v- 4 v I J V1 r I ' i i i 1 . - a i 1 - ' t :ne- 1 c. W-V,,..V.. . . - A A -vU-S , ; -r-S

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