F' IB- 1 V K : JM 1. i 'it.-.. - . iverrTJr I 'r ; 1IE JOURNAL. r W BHkXE. N. "".. r F.u. nr. IOHV F. MEVVHOI-SK. t Kin ton. 1. at&Okartse dl to rollrrt aii'i r.'rt Ipl fur ru tMerlptlan la th( J (IV K.V :.. Dr. T. SKA WELL, at Stvrn iji-ln. is aatlioi-ti ta rtyt for iiib.iMiii,Hi. t the JOl'B.vtL. Kinstcr. a. last Su nd ay w ;tn . '. 1 f r.- : : ; : tir -s in this b Our townsman A N. '.: 1 - been appointed . - -icft.t ' v N. C. Railroad. Ati -x --..enf ment. Dr. H. D. Harper ha.- ntisual call for work in his line. io.i.1 work m 1 printer's ink is teliin a pmfitaUr tt.-ry for him. Wm. U. IJ ut.tree, Esq . of Bethel. "Win. Coward, Esq.. of lirrno. and Dr. F. A. Whitaker, of Jone. were in town on Monday. Mr. J. A. Henrahan and lady, of 1'itt. boarded the train here on Tuesday naorning for a pleasure trip to Wa.-hit: -p ington City. The rush of buMti.s and Trent River l;::-- Manager and the ' b rl; on the Ni-us tii-1 iet'.era a: thi- piace : busy to eat idle bread. Elder E. E. Orvis. formerly prist', r f the Church of Christ Disciples in this town, baa been calle d to the pasto rate of the church at May field , Ky . A. meeting of the Board of Justices has been called the first Monday in March to consider the iueetion of mak ing an appropriation for the State Expo sition. Our hardware man. B. Y. Canady . in answer to the question. "How are the times," replied that they had ' 'roue radical and seven counties to hear from." Jerry Sutton, of Buckleberry . killed a porker last Friday, two years old' which weighed, net 660 pounds, and there is no telling how much more he would have weighed, for this was the full capacity of the steelyards. . The far-seeing and discriminating j clerk atS. H. Abbott's hoists the names I olQen. Alfred M. Scales for Governor, j and Dr. James Pettigrew Bryan, for i Lieutenant-Governor, as the standard I bearers of the Democratic colors for , 1884. Dr. "W. A. J. Pollock has taken out license for a traveling agent in the county of Pitt for the sale of his famous No. 7. Mr. J. C. Holland, of Onslow, is the agent, a very qniet gentleman, says the Doctor, but the people will believe what he says. The Doctor wants 9.SW9 more agents to canvass for his great remedy. Jacob F. Parrott, Esq., one of the in- Tinciblesix, is planning tor an exten sive tour en the Pacific coast this spri ng He will Tisit the Yoeemite Valley. Washington, Montana and Idaho Terri tories and will return by way of Canada. He goes in search of a housekeeper. The machine shot and foundry of Miller and LaughiDghouse are turning out ploagh castings of various descnp- taoaaaa good and cheaper than Northern - saaaofaciarera. They have also manu- factured sereral of Laughitghouse s Patent Feed Attachments for Saw ynia. , This invention possesses much merit and it bound to come in unniver ' ead use by saw mill men. A. N. C Railroad stock seems to be on a boom since the wonderful auction ale at New Berne reported by - -Craven." Application' was made to a aUockhoider of thk county a few days ago for his proxy by a New Bernian and the reply was "send me SI 2. 50 per hare and you can have it." This is a hundred per cent" advance over - tTnV sale. The laying of steel . nils and the appointment of A. Nicol as eliciting agent, seems to have given new life to the concern. - Thia ki the log rolling season for Pink Bill and Treat townships. Andrew J. Tindal, of the former township, led off laet week with a "whopper, 'and Elder Hill, Isaac Stroud and John E. Trent, follow this week. These are all "dry" with plenty of chicken pie and potato puddings. Next week Mr. Richard Noble, of Pink Hill, will have one after the old style: A Jug here and there "on a stump to aliven the boys and cause them to Toll these loga.v A meeting was held at the court house last 8aturday with Col. N. a Whitfield In the chair and C. C. Daniels, of the JVm Pre, as secretary. The meeting was for the purpose of taking steps to have the county properly represented In the coming State Exposition. Col. Bnj. S. Pardee, ot the Nfew Haven Palladium, addressed the meeting, . - pointing out the Importance of the Ex position and giving some interesting facte gathered by him in this section of the State. A resolution was adopt ed reoommending the county commis skners and board oil justices to appro priate $1,000 for the purpose of making the county exhibit. A committee con , austing of Mesara. J. C. Kennedy, J. M. Wootea,. C. Wooten, Geo. E. MUler . aad Dr. S. H. Lewie to submit a plan . -of making the exhibit to the board of Justices on the 1st Monday in March. : isoma of the leading farmers and tax payeca thiak a thousand dollars rather '- aa extravagant outlay for the county. Thsy org that a central committee at S. yinafr"Ti to receive and store the articles for exhibit is all that is necessary to . make the eolUctton of material, as the farmers would willingly and gladly . - brine m pecimene of marl, timber and farm products. This is the question the . justices should consider well. It is . within the power of the county to make aa exhibit that wUl not be excelled by any other county in the State, or if the people are not ambitious to excel, then an ordinary exhibit can be made with lese money. It has been suggested that Capt. W. S. Bird would be a suitable person to take charge of the county's - exhibit at Raleigh, and also a very com petent ne to get up statistics conoern- Lai the educational facilities, schools. -,-etiorches, healthfulnesa of the climate He has the ''gift of gab"' is enter- : prising and would take a pride in show- ! lag the resources of his county to great ! advantage. i ICr. K. F. Bright is erecting a building on the west back of Neuee river, oppo rite tba town, where he will engage m the track business, fruit raising, poul try raieiog, etc. By way of encourage ment in the poultry business we clip the following experience of a Pasquotank man from the Elizabeth City Cnrultnum: COST. Paid for chickens S.'0 ' feed, eggs to set ,17.2'J Total coat Sold In egg " " chickens Chickens on hand 21 Total Lea.4 co-rt Protit. .-4- r In thi recorl we iiave c -t ::: lu : the SX ani poultry -as'1! ;h '...-o. aad there wa.i J'j w or;h f v . ; : : i nu re ma.ie. 1500 yarJ-i ready '::.: : :: For sale bv II ASK ITT ,t : Kins-. : Atlantic Railroad tix i. Errroi; J. vkn v t. :. : f known that the -:.; r.i.. .r plaoad in pjsui on a to- r -i 1. be interesting L. r.v- :. fridnd.-i of Uie r; ri' : that trie st--is -. ," rebound and ;-. one hundred ;--r the lowest point it reach--: '. " i during the late par...-. I: be aafely quoted at ten i. ilars upwari tendency namh for the oi l j. i : :. As I am not erotw. I will s:-r. A I aril I have heme the rep!..- -. . r rent times that I was a wa" . cotton yard I never w.';. :., i r mdariD); the time t ;r: t there, that was ri .- r. d. :".-:: :. . wa entitled about it ' a. t :;..; street !'; ! 1 I. Mr. I. P. Walkup. M r.r N ' "I hare derive.1 great benef.t Brown' Iron Bitters for palpitat Xtlo heart and d ispepeia. RUCKIPT ( OLI 71 . M ; m tic . ". ,: a. - tl pi '.t fc.'S si I 'h v s. A :z J i . M:s SI I S, f. -: i k s I ' a. Ka. ! --:t :..t;w. V P! Mi . : : g es'aM ishir,.'- t :- ti; it i - Cans of i ivsters p. r 1 : n t'.a: ks f 'r an mvitat or. gr ind hail at Tr nt. .n r.t We r- f; itte:: 1 tie Fr.d.iy hi, The co: llaoro.d : : . nil en 1 tit. li u- ti i" l;i 1 r I. tie A. ,V ..t pr-sei.t. TI." far-.-. 1 d"'li'te -s Meat is ! ... iias not mad' long .. ' .i.t Tiie market is 1 bacon hams . fit . ii k by the .1 and 'il ea rt-s. r.s and turk . w v. a g- .p. s i.d M: . Walter r. this issue, c. rn . i His seed oats re for their immense lairriis ad ertis ..is and peas for highlv r. .('online vi, Id' and long h. ieis. Teacher of Adv. First tirade inquired: "What is an uncle'" Little Miss Mor gan quickly replied. "Vour grand mother 's son. " Is Webster's dehmtion better'." Some tine radishes were on exhibiiioii at the store of E. H. M-adows Frid iy froni the farm of J. I.. Rhem. mar this citv. Col. Pardee will plea.se make a note of this. A merchant on Broad street was teas ing a country widower Saturday for carrying out a cookstove. as if it was something unusual for widowers to .-at cooked victuals. The hum of machinery in St . msoi. 's and Congdon's -mills near the railroad depot sounds business like, and causes the stroller who p.asses that w y to quicken his pace. The attention of farmers is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Kaugh it Sons, in another column. The reputa- , tion of tneir Phosphate is world-w id Send for Circular. The shoe shop of E Havens, on Craven street, has been torn down and a house and stable will be erected on the lot for the hose carriage ,'and horse of the At lantic Fire Companv. We would like to s-e public inteie.-t aroused in the matter uf our State fair. j There is no time to lo.e if we desire to ' make a full and successful exhibit of the products of Eastern Carolina. j Mr Alex MjlIt,r h.v, re-oived some b ,if , h rubber.- fr,im .... ,,,, Cia. ursery. for Cellar Ir ve Cemetery. Mr. Miller is perfectly devoted to h.s work in looking after the Cemetery and having things kept in the neatest order. The rapid growth of willow trees is illustrated in the two trets of that va riety on either side of the Raptist church which have attained to their present size from a small slip planted five years ago. The officers of Neuse Council . No. !,! Order of Chosen Friends, paid out Fri day to the widow of Juo. F. Hanff. the sum of $3,000. benefit due in accord- j ance with the by-laws and constitution1 of the Order. 1 We print elsewhere a car 1 from Mr. ! B. H. Ipock, which explains itself a.s ' well as the fact that he was not watchman on the cotton yard when I the recent larcenies were committed. It is to be hoped he will not be "entitled on the street about it. " any more. The barn, stables, corn, foddfr and horse of Mr. John C. Weathering-ton. at Johnson"s Mills, Pitt county, were burn- j ed on Tue6day night of last week. This ; is the 3rd fire of this character in that sectifln within three months, and the in cidiary has not been arrested yet. We are requested to corre.t the im pression that Brister Tilghman. whose arrest is mentioned elsewhere in this paper, was an employe on the cotton vard. such not being the case. lie has not had any regular employment there for two years. We state this in justice to the colored laborers that are em ployed there. Gen. R. D. Hanc.K-k has been desig nated by Adjutant General Johnstone Jones as one of the five delegates of North Carolina to attend the meeting of the National Guard Association to be held at Cincinnati on the 20th and 27th of March next. We take it as a merited 1 compliment and trust the General will be able to attend. Capt. L. T. Oglesby. of Caiteret. called to see us Saturday and renewed his subscription to the JoIrnal. He is one of the few farmers who never buys meat and bread bat makes it at home. and a few bales : of cotton for pocket chmge i He is a Jeffersonian Democrat, and be- ' fore the war was a wheel l.or-e in a canvass. We think there is good ser- vice in him vet if the Democrats of Car- I teret will make the proper use of it. j The many waim friends of Mi.-s j Corinno Harrison will be pleased to. learn that she has been elected first as sistant of one of the public schools of Boston and her salary advanced. She has been teaching for ncirh a vear at Summerville. and had a very agreeabi and pleasant situation. advancement of her sala: y ducement to go to Ii stop, friends hope she m.iv ': i pleasantly situated. Mr. D. G. Tavlor. one of th - ub.-tan- tlai farmers, and b.,s fox hunters . f Vance township. I.ei.oir c, .ur.ty , dr .pped m to see u, a tew- minutes iu..-.i,.v morning. He is a corn and p rk r.ii-er. hcuce. th-re are no lu-rtgig- patches on hii plantation- NVi was pa.sfe I I' r ins i, ..i the i 1 i way . and g i i in. ire r;a - tii.in ever. .it. of h.s Iltcci.O. r- !.' -A el cau-s ' ti.e law at tit st n he was r.gh.t m oj.p..-in .'aver . f g'Hxl I'er.c.-s ! t rkUrc Vi ry e.-- :: '. a '. ". 'i:; : a : : v Marrlod. At ih- br: LT." H'trkl ' : 'l coal's Mr. J II.ii 1 ,,1 .uUj1., ii,., I'.nii'J Ilr.' Hull. 1 - o 11 r t . : of TI 11 the I.: The .:a- I'.ij;o. fur stealing - . n th-1 .U, m plat flt : ,,'oiook Tliui--! 1 :- Honor Mayor ,1 ;, Ibc. Mr I, . 11. White appeared a:: 1 dement Manly ri . K p-. 1 1 r the State, net- against the defend -Hn-ter 'I'llirhman. wii i n li.e day bef re f. .r ar. 1 N 'rns ( Irt-t-n. tiie T'l n. .-lit by t lu' ei m ns.. a-e in t lie su m of t hr' f just i tie 1 , for his a t t-rm "f the Sup"- l.-l". in. 'U i.ut". t-Vi.li ,-ivi'ii by n mi it ti 1 '..- ir-tw. Aft.T ai ".or h. 1 I 1 .1 dollar-; at tii'- n Ti. II:- 11. ir-. F.i:i;i U ;u, S.-Ht t K".vr the required ji,:. Ir. Ill!lirn. uiili piea-'ll'e t in a 1 1 r r in 1 r. Mill urn : K; mm. 'No. V .... 1 L'kai; Int. 1 '.' kKiir.A '.Jtli. 1-4. Viu r kind Ml letter and Mr. rcach.-d me. 1 1. ! y the t ra in on nist. I shall be v on i in Su ri. lay . i n the three f. .11 slial I have Ston dav. Kinston T's telegram have just V. Vmi may expect me Saturday p. m.. till' '.'.M delighted to preach for the 24th. and to lecture owing days. The ladies , wall Jackson on Mon was anx h ins for me to preach on Sund. . u hich is the reason 1 am i'orv well again 1 wrote as I di 1. and my voic en. w. led cons; and a capital : quite natural. We had r.-gatioiis here on Sunday udi. nce at the first lecture With best regards f..r r. la-t night, y. a: r f am il v ai i. -I l 've :'. ' r dear Ir.. S 1 m friends, and heart 'Uis'lf. 1 am ever, my a ', iv I v v. airs. "w. 11. Mm i i i:n. ii Item from Hydr. A friend just from Hyde county re ports that a negro who was in jail es . iped last Saturday night by heating a his.-! and burning out the staple of the 1. ck on tha door. After getting out he went to Rev. Mr. Heamau's and stole hi- Hr." horse, with which he made his . scape. He crossed Alligator river in tiie neighborhood of Kilkenny, and t bile crossing the m.,rsh the horse got mired down. He went out to get help to get him out. prom l.-ing the gentlemen ivli i assisted him tive dollars. After tiie horse was out he could not pay the m..ney. This circumstance caused his assistants to suspect that something was wron. They sent over to Fairfield and there learned of the escape from jail. . and the boy and horse were returned, the one to gladden thx heart of the min- ister. the other to console the sheriff an j "let the law take it; course. " 'iirmaii'M Formula. Our canvassing agent. C C. Tavlor. his travels, has found one farmer who uses Furman's formula in manur ing. It is Mr. Jus. M. Kornegay. near Seven Springs. He manured one acre hist year as an experiment and made ITaO lbs. ,if seed cotton nn it. doubling that manured in the ordinary way. We lid not learn the exact quantity of ma nure applie 1 to this ;k re. but the result was S.oO net profit ire than was made on any other acre, and the saving of the cultivation of one acre Bv making the same amount of cotton on me acre that is usual iy made on t wo. the expense of cultivating one acre is saved. This is a strong argument in favor of the "intensive svstem." We invite Mr. Kornegay. and hope lie will respond, to give us a statement . f his manner of rryinuring and culti- vating this acre, doubtless benefit fa rmers. By doing so he will manv of his fellow ' An honest failure in a town or ciiv is to be regretted. But a deliberate pur pose to defraud creditors is not only to f several complaints i he rev-retted, but it is damaging to the Htiort Weight. We have heard from farmers about the weight of cott n , in this in irkft. and we must confes that w e have never been able to explain the lotage only upon th" theory that the weights at the gin are not correct, for here the weighers are sworn officers and we know the gentlemen who hold the positions are men of strict honesty ; and integrity. The case of Bristoe I crooked proceedings on the part of Tilghman before the Mayor's court on some one. and we feel that we owe it to Wednesday morning is likely, however. ; ,ne honest business men of this coin to throw a little light on the subject, i munitv to publ iclv condemn and ex po -e It is now believed, and the belief is not jt. The assignee of the aforesaid firm is without foundation, that a systematic an honorable man and we are informed plan of stealing at night acted promptly in the matter as soon as few pounds from each bale on the plat- J the information reached him. form has been carried on for sometime. ; Hie Exchange promptly employed coun- I sel to prosecute the first case to which a clue was obtained, and the whole mat ter will bo investigated. Briefer Tilgh man is not alone in the business. The Kxpoallion The suggestion of our White Oak cor respondent that several Eastern counties join together in making a display at the Mate Exposition is a good one. The counties mentioned in his letter, to gether with Greene and Pitt, could make a display equal to any section in the State. But how shall we get the ball in motion'.' That is the question now: and we haven't long to think about it. Craven is so crippled and burdened with debt that we can hardly call on our county commissioners for an appropriation, yet w e believe the people had rather pay a tax for that purpose than to let the county be unrepresented. But haven't we men who own real estate that they wish to dispose of. and are they not aware that the Exposition will be the best advertisement they can get if they take advantage of the opportunity . Then why don't they make a united effort to exhibit the products of their lands, the timber, marl, lime rock, phosphate rock. etc. Tile I ii n 11 e ol We h ive rei', ing the annual Directors and .orth ( arolluu " j ived a pamphlet contain- i report of the Board of j Superintendent of the , North Carolina Insane Asylum Superintendent's report shows The there ! were under treatment, at the last annual j retort. 1-4 o males and '- females, to j which there had been added during j tiie year -7 males and 2i females, the whole number for the year being 17'J males, and 1 ",'J females, making a total of i'.al. Puling the y. ar '."i were transferred to tic Welern North Carolina Insane A-yium. The Superintendent seized 'i;- :i tills opp. .rttn.ity ;. , make needed repairs to tic- bin!. ling, an 1 -iio'.v-. that the su:u of f'Jii . 1 i 'J 'J i ! i i-i in x per.. I ed for this purpose. 1 lie total number , I a. 1 n 1 issi,.ns since ' n'.af'i i.u ti 1 at u :i -" i---" 1 ionl i.u-hii.ir him. and from the appear- N o steamer v t. In: Mr. L. W. M .; : ' .' '. ' V' .", ' " '- rt . .- .1 . , .1 L- 1 ... ..icli Min, .. ., : . . ., . , 1 . . . 1. . .1. . ... i - a i:..i..i ana a cn-tauie: one 1 r,. r ... 1 ' - ... 1 ss-. .. " We .-.nie-Tle , or !c:-; - ti . . , . i . r. . . . " . , - - .,"-!.. .. ..- i . . . ' .. . - . clo.. O": - I'l'e-s; IioI.UUltlou about U'l.MJ. .... . .. ...... . . , . .c,t I.VV-, " .'Zn - -:: 1 . : '. is . . . . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 - - 1 1 . , 1 1 . rK . . i I lei 1 arr v 1 ll 111 in to I tie a 0 1 1 'i uci: 1 iih :ui,i sar li . .;;'.; lien .11 1', m- 1 . , - -a ; . 1 .-- 1 ' . . jj. - --s 1 inn .fi-Di, mwbu ,j males i were t-m.,:. t.. o t a r. 1 1 - t 1 1 , 1 1 : ; :..:...-.; :...-!::( .. ,t ,..tise thev released him and In- i that til- M-am.-r Ml:-:- MiM 1 - ! -r- ... tu 1 he sai to , all at rrP J'W I n.t rameBOrAM ' , nuniber ..t .'i-.'i.arco.i o r the .-.nil" time oa . aie 1 u -1 1 ,. 1 1 a l .1 ...... .1.-. ,.ft ,.r hi home. bv l 1- i"ll. in-t.. ;t!!d 1 ...w . ;t,. , ' """V, V' ' ! t T T X - 1T V1H-IV. ' jVA7Sv .- ! ..J... ,.f a TV. re ma;,-, and w.'.l m-t ,t.;t-.--nc rf d ...!.: . .,- Lr. 11. W. Wa , :, -' ,, . .' - ' ' et ; e. the arious s, ecics , : T ( II U , S 4m2k 11 tie st. .aw . , , ., , w..r,. , Mr. I.t. itaker. ,-t irentoit. I.a . ,. M., H . .,.'..,;, t!.- animal kiugd 1 h mk of t he h..r- ' " K-4fmv -h:;, t.e -f.;. k f ... ' . . ". :" ., . r ' 1 male :.n a--; 11 nieiit of his st.,ck oft,. .'.,'':' ''.'.'.'- .'V..'"" "": ;, . r;: 1- n- .. an iirmv of wonn 5t..nuinc ON MIIdd.K STKF.KT. S&teSgfegSeSr-'J2 ;t ,oi mm.. - .... ... . , 1 . P ti ..r.. " rMI" " coo.is ; bi- :.,:!,. -r. .Mr. 1. J. U li:t.,k. r. 1..,. ... , :,'. ..tad. ! 1 life. A dose of Sliriner s "SSSffrSr VJ i 1... sav- s. r ' '.v., ;. A k .-p-i: I.-- ! .. ...; -v..:- ::. i.. p. - that ail .-f ourTrvii-; ;'"'' lio.,.:. .nnilii;1MvilKk.sir,ivtl,oii. w -...,;: .nil ..yc K. It. .1. : bobtow . Maaa. i ar.. i. , ai.,, 1 tra.e.'... . 1 ....... s ai.l 1 1 i , . . ,. t - , e , . . . . , , - , 1 i. . , . s on ,a a. 1 ,0 1 "i sei 1 : s. 1 1 i ' "-'r '-'"!'. . , ,,a ... -.j; ..: hioiess,.,- Rei 1- ot t . . e . ; ; : a -1 1 1 : - c n ,' :,!; tni- u 01 ild he able to wade nl.-w 1. . .... , ... ) . ;'. 1 ' na:.,.: u-Nt-u.S. I'-'ii-n ,L ' o a imit that .... "''",. ' .', ',. ,,, 1 111 1 't.sl. . c .,. ,.t . th. :: 1. . . :h!..i!."i. .: l.nrd tim-s. h.,rt crops .; " 11 ' 1 ',x '' ' 1 t 1 i 1 -....: n . M : 1 . s-..--. , a ,:.s. 1 s. -s. .; ... r- . nillAV c,t n,., v:-v:-1 r-!r -i rk,:rLlu rlryl-.v::xvv t U3LMLKCIAL. !' ' If. J. LOVICK, s -.I ! r ... !- ai.d ,, ..... , : , th i.-i.t h.-ao . t the IWl ot Ai.-ti! I- . r. : :n- considerable ti me 1 'iim,s- ; u '"' ' ' . i;i 11 K HOTT'iM l'lJI- '!. re,-: o-'-ri '""'V;''.."" , ,.;,.""' .,, . tur-. Mindrv -tati-ti. s cmt'Oed io- ill. 1 a b:l !.:- ct:-f:n-r.s would have Inn ! ;:r1, ,,! prom::'. 1 1, . an 1 a : . Iv fj ; 1 , , V O A T "P n nrl V V T A TT n " i-..wa. -f the , H - x. ,..,;. ,j ;, .. ,. , ' : . , . , , ('ailed to have made I children, think th.-v , a .-: t to a; t,-: : 1 t, . J. , r K. a i. ( )i- i't 1;. I',!,, hi 1; 1. M. V V il U L u O A IjIj cinQ Jttl-i 1 iLLJj T ' ". .' ' ' , i: ,.f the -uu-::. - :i !: 1 .'..:.-: a ... 1 -r .p l-.-tv.ar. h a ve ca r 1 i.-. 1 : 1 S:-" " 1 1 ' ;'u"r 1 " ''' "J-'SSxr" 1 'TT' N -New York futures o,,i,-t; n 1 j Jaf IL ! !. " . . :T..::.;v-; --::;-.' --:Ur: lAtrl:. v ., ,. , jM..;;i. 'k-'V.' -Oi:; x.,r,:e,,,arket-,,dy. Buekinghani Whiskey, : - ''.:- v ' -t -- V-ii A Rcallv Pure Stimulant. Heavy Groceries, ' ' . . .- . wi ,1..,. . 1 . ..i - - '.. -. . , . : 1- rim o -h , 111 t 1-- 1 t. r.t t:. ;- , , 1 " v "1 . .!:k si' T-. I '' - 11 ' ' ' " 1 ,, w www, w i : :. a I.::.:-:..-:.-.;, t :. i:.. ::: rv -., , ., . .... , , 1 c v. 11 r bu-i in . , . 1 1 . s ' is -i . :. a i. m..- S 1 - c , 1 I . , u 1 -a I ..... . . . , e is ' I 1 1' to.-v ,".-.. lis - .... , , . , - . . . ... T- -J '' M'- '-" - -i.cparl. ::. :r:,a-.- .-: t r --t : ., t.- . :r : . , . . . -. . ,'., 1 , , v!. . , r, ,, 1 l arrle Ward . a 1 itlle M.-softhr, r . . "V1'.5'.'-".-"- , ' V:' 'l' 1-"'1'' ; ' ' Y,.'.,;V ' '.'. . " ' J o IV." '1 ,'V .7' ' I lUc W llieS ' ' ' 7 " A :,!, ,,ti1,r pl.e'es ata ,. : i;.,v. - ...,.-,., ...,o,o .,nv nlnn.v w'e cer- 1 f"ur .Vl'.trs. wa -en -!..iid.n;; w;;h - ' ' ....... . ,s s.. , .. i--". n. u . - c :- -;.::.-:.::, o.. : a : ' . . - .o:y w : . ' . 1 I: ir 1 : t" ' . N ; . . . . 1 v a : c; -, t led f . have our share of ! '" 1 1 ' bru-h ..t: 1 -. a- a- b,: ,- th. , FfTtJtKs. act. : :-!.-' -,- p. : -.i-"; ' " and IalQllOrS. ;: : :' :"' . '; ' ..rl,-,:.---'. .:. 1 : . 1 a :-. ''.7. - : . .. muhs.-a- , ther parts of the ; 1 "'k ":c:Ia- t:iii.;;t:,- io r hair. St.. i-; oruavy. 00 .'p,,;,; '1 : .., , , '' o, '.'..:. ---'-'l. .' - '. .-.a- ..v . ,::.;: ti.-. t .1 a .- 1 '; r r: . r ha- I -en ..- ,r. , .f the I wa" ' :- '' l,' to ,.t.- s .m-- . .f the Mird:. :",. ',. ..:-!.:.:'. a-. I'Im- 0 ' ! ra t l 1 1 1 (.' K I INCH II AM '' : ' ?' ' ,c'::":P "l" V :. : c :.c .I :. .p. r .:::- .:.::,-:; ...,;:i th-r . 1 ,-; r,i, 't 1 'lis a- fa r as :"" .-f -'" 'b 1 - I" '' ' .;'" more Nl'i'o. '"- ;o " ' ' "; ; ;,' y'J ;;';: ; .'.' ; " '. , ; p; ' I I ! S l 1 1 V ul wax H oil Hrtlld. ... a..-i- r;p.p;:.v:,i ..1-. : :a p.. ,a. 1 ti.e !l-h call pass up and : oclo in a year ir..,,, ;Pi.. :, s primp May. !!."' :..'., is a-", ,e, ...a a ..',:.,,.' " ., -, -':-"' '. . , "-;1"''.', '.:::.-. . .': r.-. r v. ,::,. , :t anv obstruction-; their hair: tm.t 1-. ,t th- oe d. a t :;. ; I 1 b 1 . 11, .n.- in n,.,i lo r .1 : b -; ; fliM .MI. A TlilAI,. -v.' :; :" '." '.":"'" V : ' :- -:- .0: r-are i.assii.c upand : b;;'111' to- o;- 1 b.e . : :h: n; !.a- pat r ,,,pN 1 7 in. at 0 !aT"c ' '., '1 ',ss . ' I '. 1 . 1 1 , k s I 1 StillMl. : '"" I" , - - o ' :: r. -.!' -chtdule time, two . ' ' '"- ' '- . .. '. -- ' ,''"'Vl" ''ioi" ::.:.':. - tl.r.e an 1 four tunes a I "'ea-le- alr-iiv. win!- aotmr lio'l KM ll'MUI.rr. Uw ' " 11 !.AV'a ' N c .11 1 l.lyt t u I m ' Il 'mJJ ; . ;-; ' ; . x.. . ...r. l ;7r. v.':.t! ul" lc"1.!i. ' "7'- ?'-y-' ' " p.'I1 fji-r'"''''- m Mfi)U ahi.. -ppf : V' I':- ' V'' I. ... . " , l':V Vm: V'i;V,;;::X 'Yy'lhll ' r- m. dranev ; a' :' 'ti'.'' '. : v. ..:: ' .'V:. - a 1 p h.c r fa m 1 1 .- - ,p , A7 : ah : ' '. 'l" - b ' m , 'I ; p. --s p. ' '. ,'l 'v' p.. , 1 ,u-hi 1 . i ITPIA l I ill 'I ;; ,: p. '.7. v, ..: -J. . . ' '. V il'' ! j "p; bi;o;:i 1 ,.-r !-;,.,., :, . ; Y 7 0 e.a- 1 i r h'ii;d re I . J V l I . : .: . . c : . a .a : 1 . : . 1 . 1 ::..-..:: t : . 1 1 : . . : . , : . .. . ,: . ' : : ;t !.v- 1 . rice n . I"...".1 - per pair. S ' wii.,, 1- It ' : : - - a a "'. i . m y r i p. : '.' Ja . pel pi n& ' VVIIUI1 arpellterl, strlWr. Our agent, who was at -v.-n , last Friday, reports a .-mke atiioiiir the carpenter-, a few .lavs a" at i k on ; Mr. O. K. I'zzellV 'lai'e sto.-. s. Mi. l"z:'ell w i lit to ( ".oMshoro or.e dav. h t ins; t-n or a ih'.-n haii'is at work. I wlu-n he returned they ha ! hel I a nu ot m. made speeches an I i. ,.lve l to strike for higher wiici Mr. l'a!l filled to aec'.'de to thoii" dem .nd.. went uT and secured other hands, r-t ! in in onlv one or t wo of the old ones, and h i work goes en ji-t tin- same. S;vikes are not often successful in the'or!h. where the laborers are well down South they cannot le the shad iw of" sm .-.-s organ l.e. i : pe tor t ven Where t'. laborers get fair ivic"; o' 1 promptly there i- ia 'thing t b I' v "striking." 41 ) (f"(. We s. e by tie- IiiMiif.irt '' ' r':'"'" t a large numb' r of lirrii- s h a e i a. . ly been grant. ' 1 to 1 iv out o t . r p tations. I'.V l'eferell '' to eliaptels . s. '. and e.e'Jl ot the I ode of N . n't Ii I aroi authority is given to any citieii of State .having lirst obtained a lie ma. the Use from the t n-rk o tiie Superior I ourt t stake out the grounds r."t ece. i:ng ten acres: and to plant the same m oysters or clams, and any one trespass ing on same shall b deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and lined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not ex 'ee.i ing thirty days. The law has throw n every protection around the planting of oysters, and we expect to see hundreds of our people engaged in it. There is no business w hich seems to otfer a larger return for the outlay, than does that "f planting and cultivating oysters. f th A Tooth that la a Tooth. Mr. R. 1!. Blackledge placed on Monday a tooth taken from phate bed near Charleston. S. (. ' for real good sii:-' would make a mouth water. It is about thre uir d. sk a pirn . which lentit s iilcll- S one way and tun the other and in its present partially petrified stte w weigh over one pound, and yet it suffered some dimunition m I pieces that have flaked off. WI the animal could have been t'lU sported it. or what his si7.e is to us a mystery, but as the mastodon has the reputation of having been the largest of the animal kingdom and is reported to have possessed simpler grinding teeth than the elephant. and bet tersuitedto braising coarser vegetable substances or perhaps fitted for an ani mal of a more omnivorous character than Jumbo. We feel comparatively safe in pronouncing it a mastodon's tooth. (iOOilM .1 lft. On Thursday Nixon. Snnnioiis ,V Manly, attorneys for Northern creditors of the late firm of Wm. Sultan & Co.. having discovered that goods were con cealed in the roof of the W. insfin build ing. gave the inforniati 'ii t" th- assignee Geo. Green. Esq. s'al immediately took out le li e ss the to obtain goods. Tlu possession , legal proces: ever, v unnece.-sarv. as tin fa their concealment was so apparent that thev were surrendered w ithout it. The goods to the amount of about SCOoij were taken out. superinteu,ie i uy (.to. Green, jr.. and Joseph Kinsey. and car ried to the store of Messrs. Geo. Allen & Co. for safe keeping. credit of the town and damaging to the honest merchant, being the means of flooding the market with cheap goods. We do not say that such has been the purpose of auy one who has been forced to make an assignment of their goods, but the dis- Covrv made vesLerdav certainly looks The State Exposition. In supplementing our recent article as to the mode of having this section I properly represented at the State Expo sition, we wish to impress upon our I Riiril of Trud e an ,1 t hp I tor ton Kvrhnii : -e the fact that New Berne is the metropo lis of this section of the State: it is the "hub" from whence radiates the spokes of a wheel whose peripheny embraces a radius of at least one hundred miles. This immense territory tributary as it is to our city, from which only gain is received; that makes us the eutre l of all its productions, is entitled to very great consideration at the hands of our busiuess men whose "weal or woe" is so dependent upon these contributors to our prosperity. The trade of New Berne can be increased a hundred per cent, by the exhibition and practice of the proper energy. We have heie two regularly organized bodies of business men. com posed of our very best material who frequently convene and intelligently discuss matters of interest pertaining to tlieh.iclr:$. Now the average farmer living remote from his neighbor in many instances has not the opportunity to arrange for a concert of action in order to do justice to his section, and does and must rely upon his commer cial factors to aid him in tin- proper rep resentation of his locality. Hence, it follows that organized bo i ies. such as w e possess, should assume th duty, and through a Joint commit tee, by printed circular address,, i to each of th"ir country business friers-!-, solicit such articles as they may think will materially add to tin- State display. The articles as received could be 'lace i on exhibition at the Board of Trait- rooms as thev came m f r, in tim part of every on'... k- r ar. l :. ;p w)-jt.. , ,,, ,,f the upper part ..f to ko,'l-' h"u'"' ''"r 'lni.:is he is a bachelor the im-ureguti.-n. J..;.'s u a- at Trenton on Saturday hist. 1111,1 l'" int" lhe hotel business. This ciiiam'.- c l,..:i, 1 , ,km- a few .-la.'4iiU of r,,rn ! U we " 1 - "'" ere to k-e;. charge ,f the er- . t: :. i a rtiit..! i .. . , ,. i. ,, , ,,,, .-.,...,,.1.0.1,. '. hotel, but i. u't thi::k Na-h wiil io it. j l-; 1. ml. inn- 111.0:1 th- Kv..,,;.. ,. err N 1 ." '. . o ..." do" .1". 1 ' 1. I We w i-h 1 1. . A ire 11 w, ,11 : , I ,,, n.- , !, cvo I 1 -"o .eery so .fe : three bars : one truai'd "" 1 ,i . nil.' ' illll'Ill.lll 1 llilUlK I'l'iK , , i ,1 . . i . . wrm m i7 i ; . -. . ., til-structure of w,.-,, ean icorace .,,1 , t ;! eUiir,l liouse with two and start the Limuc,: he i- the I:., n j ' --tyrants: two S..-I..N-.N E B U I 9 Ck ' ! "'- tne n;u!.t-..n.e. m..u.i..h. an ' - - , ,e le.,,!.!,.- hon and Sou ire Pollock be- a,la "e is uie oiuan. - ' " -"-' Ul E...UI V B i-. UO-VS I lie ol.Ji-,.,1 Graded School. I'l'.'f. J. A. Savage, of the colored 1 m adi-d hool of this city, informs us that the attendance at that institution is . a iiK n tile increase lied 4 T-i piqals The committee d m the room There arj with seven has bought a handsome r- 1' "k wni.'h is dt great convenience to : i i tea h rs and pupils, -ti ler.n t erd en t Long has discharged d.ity w.-li in looking after tbi.s io. ! and M'l-iii; that the teachers have ' piopir ijualiticati His to discharge 1 1' IKK 71 iiynr'i. ourt Fr.st.-r Tiighma'i was arraigned be 1 f 'i - tin' court on Wednesday morning ! i'Ciii-'.nT to tiie charge of larceny of : : ei . thepr. .perty ot Mr. J. I.. Tucker. ; I'.t:. having been caught on the cot ' ci ; i ct .nil at an unusual hour under v, i v -u-pi -ioiis circumstances. ; A. 11 Kiinbitl and Maj. Dennison tes l" t ill" 1 t' ' having b night small lots of lint ei tt "i Iioin the defendant at different tin t m and it ha been thought for some thai an adroit svstem of stealing whs going on about the cotton yard. 1 '.l ister was held to bail in the sum of three hundred dollars, justified, in de i '.ml: :' which he was sent to jail. T:i. ( ' tton Exchange employed M.s-i'.. Nixon. Simmons it Manlv to sel lit, re-- i:t the I d lo ase. The defendant wi Win. Whitford. Esq. Nothiiiig io I),.. We ha.' thought that the bad weather through January had put the farmers behind, and that there was no end to work on the farm at present, but we hid this warmly disputed on Saturday. A young white man walked into our otlica and said : "I wish you would lend me fifteen ci r.ts to buy me something to eat until I can get some work." "We don't keep money to lend, the National Bank is just around the corner, and thev are a very clever set of fellows there. Why don't you go out in the country and get work on a farm . " "N thing to d- th-re no.v. Farmers woii't have iiiiv work before about one mouth." "1 think you are mi-taken: the farm ers are rather b-.-hin 1 h ind and need good hands. " "Well, but I've tried. I know there ain't nothing to do. ' he was a humbug, j "'Are you disabled Then we knew crippled any way s. i you can t work ." ' No sir. " "Well. 1 hav. been a farmer myself and I know- from actual experience that this is one of the busiest seasons of the year, especially when the winter has been disagreeable. " "Tonly want fifteen cents: that aint much. " "It 's a power of money to us. and to every other man that has to work for it. Vmi ought to be ashamed of y-ourself: a young, healthy man sioing around beg ging lor ;i living. " "I am not begging ! I only wanted to borrow the money ! " '"Ves. but I ba t rather give it to you than lend it to you. Go to the country and get work with some good farmer." "'I can get work at twenty-five cents a day. but I don't work for no sich prices. "Nor do 1 lend m .ney on such secur ity." II-' walke 1 out. shaking his head, and we picked up the Code and found sec tion I'. '!-!. which we hope some one will read to the y aung man. It is as follows: "Any person who may be able to labor and who has no apparent means of sub sistence, and neglects to apply himself 0 1 some honest occupation for onest occupation for the sup- port of himself and his family: or. if any person shall b found spending his ; time in dissipation, or gaming or saun- tering about without employment, or , endeavoring to maintain himself or his family bv any linaue or uniawiul linens, such person shall be a vagrant, and guilty of a misdemeanor, and pun ished by a fine not to exceed fifty dol lars or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days: and the offense shall be cognizable before a justice of the peace, who may release the party on his giving a recognizance, with or without security for his industrious and peaceable de portment for one year or less from the date thereof, or may also impose on him a punishment not to exceed that above mentioned." Jones County Items. , The niea.-les are raging on the south ' side of the Trent. Several families af tli 'ted. , What lias become of your Kinston correspondent. We miss his able and -picy items ' The chicken thieves are plying their ! vocation- in and around Trenton. Sev i eral of our citizens have suffered se ! vi rely in the last few weeks. ! Farmers are set back a little this week i as the ground is too wet to plough, but mo-t of them are getting along very well 'with their fam work shrubbing and ; milking c,mpot. I am under the im I pressioii that thii fertilizer man wont carry away as much money from our , c unity this season as heretofore. I The in. rchants of Trenton are retail ling pork at lie. per pound, lard 15c, ( corn OUc. per bush., eggs lac. per dozen. , t 'ur nn rchants are preparing to supply I farmers ,n time. But everyone who 1 calls for credit will have to convince the merchant that he means just what he promises before he can obtain it. The time l- past for men to get goo Is in Trenton on mushroom mortgages. i I have heard old citizens often sav that a steam mill could not make good meal: that it would dry and husk. N.ov I w ill say to all who believe this to goto E. M. Foscue's mill and be con vinced thai he can and does make as good meal with steam as any water mill in Ka.tTn Carolina. Mr. Fescue has put his mill in first-class or or and su perintends it hinise If. reek Items Fine : scarce. Very year and and only Our sc! weeks. h at tile saiiii five m .i:t!,- I.o'.M, M. j.U'kda w with hi-' K. and kill day w it F.ovis - i I - t ock I e to i I . v one him h s , 11 c'l! A part; TI dav at 3 'c.e 1: Pi'' iv. os" s :i - lar. el v attCin lit a-id Mi-s N W. ha r v 1'. was there, hut M :Ss I. ill le iii.-a-i. s and could not go. and Miss Kate F. attended . ..r licuters. Mi's Maltie . i ' ,i". ret w;.s there, and .'- I.i 'r time ou'. self ii h Miss Co; a to lie i .ii Tlv m ,s i l weil tt e 1: the yet; i. dozen set night. M Messrs. 1'. At ti e r in L)u i .1 , ii Wayne c 2nd iiist.. ir.s W, onlv oihcr Wolf i . w an t.ok 1 - .l ine Pitt I 1 Wilts bv ti :ie. I'r - i- .e;,ce "t l,;,. I ,n i,- s m. .1 ' .. ;. . I..- 1 Wi io- lli.i y. on 'ihiii'sday last, i o the R.-v. Ivy Sin it y. ..k -on Smith, of Duck or Andrew J a to Miss Am cojntv. N have been an mud hi r IS C. D.lVel.lort. ,,f I " I ' car, is iieic .!.. ii.-v .i'yiiig to Icl -.he ; but t h v v k 1 1 ' i w it n o v, We W i;'l one. mux, tin? w "li ami her a long Bfeand a We think Kit K. has been 1 and another has cut him. iv he 1 ,.ks. he wen t live nippy V e r V Ions. Alf. Dixon in New river bu3 ing rish . scarce, he sin and went in . fro;;! Morel, end City, was a few days ag , fishing. ..r when one day fin. "ling li-h m Id ere I b. is long torn .gun I i the woods for a hunt: pretty soon his partner and hallo: in a second shot and another s.' heard him shout or two another innll from Alf. Partner shouldered his piece and st irted in a run for the noise: another shot and a loud squall from Alf. caused partner to run faster, when he met Alf. coming at the rate of about 14 knots :for Alf. can run' an hour, cryiug "Crocodile! crocodile!" "Shoot! shoot Bill, or I'm a goner!" As Bill did not see anything, both ventured back, when they found a small aligat or about three feet lwug bv the side of his hole. It hieing- :i warm ,lar tin !-. n rf coma out tnom Mr li.. , ton was dispatched bv Bill. Alf. net j having the coura-e to' venture m aier i thanacoupleofhun.u,:.' -ards. After- I wards some one a.,ked All'. :f he was scared much Vf said "Yes I was- j I was so scared "that I p-ked . and you' ' would too if you had been theie." But i the best of the story is tint s-.i ie other parties went there and f ilm 1 r...t an ali- gator. but only a good size 1 should have thought they known a li-h from a 'gaiter. S I '.V I I - W .-ill I Staikie's Creek Itc-ris. Our n igh'o.' riioi 1 1 is r-ni:.ik. its pretty girls. Measles raging through i i:r .--n;::iu-nity. but no death a yet. George Collins is making i.-.; id pro gress on his part of the St; rkie t r. ek road. George should be c nipiiiiK nt d for his good judgment in its construc- ,. tion. T believe the maioritv of vonm- men who wish to m-ik-o thou'welvs m,m,I,i,. ous before the girls seem to have distiii- m,;ti,,i il,om..,lroi ir, ne,,;. ,,f 1,1,,,, wliile there are a few bachelors not quite ,,n tcii-h th timo !, tn, to i,.r, w-underinp- alone over e-loom v- h i 1 Is of ... - - ...... .v- .- darkness, brooding in dejt cted silence and looking to the future for that which they have never yet seen. William Collins died at his n sidence on the Gth instant from a stroke of par alysis, lie fell alone in the woods late in the afternoon and was not found till 7 o'clock at night. He struggled in the deepest agonies for twelve days before his decease. William was an industrious man and a good neighbor. He has left his wife to mourn his departure and six little ones to share the orphan's portion. Our Philosopher has been demonstrat ing new theories on the globe question. He seems to believe that if the earth was to make one revolution eastward we would never see the sun again. He supposes the earth to be llat and station ary while the sun passes over us through the day and at night she is burning among the wild demons of another world. We can only sympathize with him in his hazardous belief. Swansboro Items. Mrs. M. Russell, wife of Maj. Russell, has gone to Wilmington on a vi.-it to some of her friends and relatives there. Hiram Moore, one of our merchants, is a fine looking voung man and wishes it stated that as it is Leap Year, he will wait a reason ible time for a partner, but no longer. Tolerably health- here: only a very few cases of sicknes. Mrs. Rullin has been qufte sick, but is better, and Wm. H. Hill, the cancer man. is much better than he was a month ago. Bob Humphrey says he did not pro nounce anv one man and wife in th" name of the V. S. tentot knew better. Hottentot is. beeaus . and tkut any 1 1 . t -Bob. tell Us what n we don 't 1 : ke t-1 be called names? Jim Smith litis cone int tho oyster business at I'o'j. J.ji:e. and is fuiuish inc us witli tine ov-ti rs. and Ned. Var nell h. is gone into the hen business. So has K. Sewell o: I'n.. and thev say they wili furni.-h lis plenty nt e'0's a: 1U ct-. n r dozen. They sa' Nash Dennis wants -orne one to keei hotel 1 l' l.im.ashe is a bachelor and is goit.j; into the hotel business. ! Well, we nc.-d - .in.. . tic here to k-e;. ! hotel, but n't thi::k Na-h wii! do it. Dm La Grange Item- Rev. .I D Carpenter rci o.ved a pound .rpenter n ' night. ,er i- bll ing last r i day u ' C W. Joy, el -hot., to be ( oil J a bai u. r linr.a i Church. Sunday d b Rev. Mr. Wills, of M. preached here last Sunday night . l ive V bile sP : ! w, e p. and eight ,'it the . click last n ing a shoe l .'. . an almost h-iii : at tii 1 1, .a: I. o Monday. W. H. Harrison i.--in 'p in Kills., v 's v,n'.ii ..iisolute necessity. Tavlor. Brit A: i 'o. a -tor,., with tin., intent Be op repairiug their . I suppose, of oi ciipvmg the same. 'ipt ( l.i'i'iiwiiv. of the Xi ic.s mill Ob- .- '. was here Saturday, visiting his on. who is one of Davis' Cadets. ( I't. Davis is making arrangements t i eic t another building on his "caniti gi". .ii n I ters It will be used as "headquar- C ( ' Favlor. tne in J, ,1'UN AL's travel town last Wednes- li ; agent, win . S;it in day Kenaiisville day 1 . .r and Monday. He left M. mday evening. lhe steamer Trent, on her downward , trip last Saturday, gave the new bridge a severe jar. One of the cap-sills was split and one of the braces broken. "A Trial Book."' wiih the name of G. W. Warters. Planch's store. Duplin county. ,'. C. . can be bad by applying to Luther S. Kennedy, near this place. F. B. Fields is putting up a house in w hich to sell liquor, at the fork of the road ju-t outside tiie corporate limit of the town. His object is to avoid ihu town tax. The Sabbath school in this place was re-organized a Sunday or two ago. with Prof. H. II. Williams Superintendent. A Bible class was formed with Prof. Skinner as teacher. An effort was made last Fi iday night to get up a reading club in our place. I learn that the organization was not completed, and that the next me ting will be next Friday night at Dr. KU patrick's. Work has commenced on Dr. Hodges office, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The Doctor should (if he has not already done so) cast about for a partner, and then a beautiful residence will be needed. Rev. E. A. Best, father of our towns- j man. W.I. Best, and formerly a citizen ; of this place, was here two or three days last week. Mr. Best is well known j among us and highly esteemed for his Christian virtues. . The gunno season has opened, as every Cltl'-en living near the warehouse can ,,-', O.ing this seison of year the ?m.e11 of this stuff is very disagreeable, 11 ls undoubtedly the duty of some one tl relieve us of this nuisance, A trip from here to Snow Hill last , Monday revealed the fact that the farm j ing interest along the route is much ! behind, as in other sections. "But little j has been done, and there seems to be i but little enthusiasm among this class of our citizens. i I Jere Sutton, one of Bucklesbery ;s i most prosperous farmers, killed the largest hog last w eek ever killed in that ! section weight 60 pruunds. Jere ' dou't like the "no fence law," but it ' seems not to seriously affect his raising : big porkers, I learn that some of our farmers will engage right extensively in the cultiva tion of peanuts the coming season. Also 1 rice will be planted more largely in some sections than ever before. We are learning little by little, that to depend upon cotton entirely is not safe. Since the man with the rings, walking canes, etc. visited our little village, there has been no lack of walking .licks the place is literally stocked. Tiie gentleman also introduced opera glasses, and John Rouse having obtained one. went out to see how well his work was going on. and found his sou and a hired man engaged in a game of cards. I! opera glasses reveal such things as these, wouldn't it be best to be without them? Obstinate men. governed by feeling rather than reason, are sure to get in trouble in the end. Such, however, al ways have advisers, influenced by ig norance or meanness, and sometimes both, to encourage them in their ob stinacy. Such advisers flee when the trouble comes. These thoughts have been suggested by the cond ition of things ; in regard to roads to be opened to and from the bridge recently built across I Neuse river. ! D. M. Stanton, who is agent foraj number of improved agricultural mi- j plements. had on exhibition last Satur- day a manure spreader. The imple- ; ment is so arranged that the manure can I be spread in drills or broadcast, and in i large or small quantities. A trial of the i spreader was made on the farm of John j D. Watters. near this place, and I hear that it did the work perfectly. Farmers I will have to use labor-saving machinery. . and the sooner they realize this fact the ', better. Hookorton Items- ' lur little town is improving some. The Blanche is making regular trips here. 1 We would like to have a good shoe-I maker. ! The farmers still bring in the cotton for shipping. i Business is very dull, there item, of interest. The Carolina has njt left Sn no on account of hands to run it. We were pleased to shake hands with our old friend. C. C. Taylor, last week. The voting men of Kookertou gave a valentine party on the 14th which was i cry en j. yable. There may be some reader of the J'.i'KNaI. who would like to know some thing of our little town, so we will tell soin, of the principal: There are four churches, three of the whites and one of red . four dry goods stores and ceiy so.te. three bars: one guard tin.,., re-iaurants: two s !,.!-. Is rJ3iA.OKWELX'8 Durham I figOTOBACOO Co. iiSu1 iflttiated in the Immediate section of eonntry that produces ft grade of Tobacco that In textnrs, flavor and quality Is Dot grown elsewhere in the world, t he popularity of these roods lsonlr limit ed by the quanut.y produced. We are In position to command the choice of all urn W DCCT offerings upon this market, and spare no pains or expense to irlve the trade the I Cn DCw For Sale, 40.001! Wilson's Albany Numan's Extra Prolilic and 40 000 Straw berry Plants. Guaranteed name. Well rooted cial ly f r truckers. 10 000 I 'on. vor's ( Plaids. L! sears old. pure and true to and grow n espe- ,!o,s ,al A spai ;. l; us ."ii.il sel.-- t"d IV ii h and Ai pi Ti . cs. all va iciies .suitable for this eli-n.ite. gro vn bv one of the best Nurseries ii: the South, at one-half of catalogue prices. Write at once for prices. Will deliver or ship when wanted. Orders left at Berry 's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. D. M. STANTON, f ebl-d Uw4t La Grange, N. C. TO WORTH CAROLINA FARMERS! We dexire to call yoar speciml attention to "NEW PROCESS" DISSOLVED BONES Made from wLAUtJ HTElt-HOUSE BONES. The Ammonia and Bone PhoHphate In our "NEW i'KOi LSf DISSOLVED BONES aa- iui:Je available, and therefore 8eclally adapted t - tae rowtu of COTTON and other Nprioir "i up-. We haw. special nd vnnt iLftea for ii:Lti:i!i.i:Tti.-hig tiiiH excellent article which tnublfj nu to hi'JI it at u LOW PUIC'K. WHOLESALER fC PER In N'c,v llnirs cf 2f0 lbs. exrh. free on board in l,altiutor. CASH with Order. For tho ronvi'nieit'C of our customers, we h:ve -tnhl.nk.ed a depot iii NORFOLK. V. All order- sent to Bnltiinore can bo etv.pned i;riwntly from Norfolk, if preferred, ti' (iMiijt-.(-:st the name at buyer" depot or .'.LiidinK. f whipped from Baltimore. We innhf a pccin.lty of Pure Dissolved l' i. m s ni:i High Crude Che mien) s for mil k i Fme-Inde Fertilizer. urt!iVi i it ru;cr.- r - -,r i !? jioodt in quanU ut Lowest Cs-slt Prices. irr: ' I' t trivinir full deacrip- Itii-os of our Mtniidord 3 : ': ci rjli-'tTs p.i id improved .i 'r.-tb nil itnUUiu- and orders to 103 SOUTH ST. BALTIMORE.MD Dr. fl. D.HAHPER SURGEON DENTIST, Kinston, N. C. Opeoitive tlenti.stry a spoeiulty. OMice lip sluii's in l ipera H-mso 1 ion 't for:. llieplnre. DR. POLLOCK'S NO- 7, THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY Fll!l Pl. ( 'u res Neuralgia. Scialii-a, ( ', ii I in rns, I' i - si liltts, ("olils, 1'ain In Client, side 1 Throat. ToothneliP, Liiiurhen. Slii Aeiie, ii ml ii 1 1 If m1 1 1 - i .ii i ns. Hoc ( '1 been i'i:r,"l ,.1'teli I'.V Nn Tt it. important ! L. IIARTSFIELD, J. HF.AI.KU IN School Books and Stationery ConlV'ctionerios. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, GLASS sV MAJOLICA WAKK. Kivt v ; ROC'KRIF.S, KTC. .! I, HAKTSKH'I.I' The Next Centennial I.ciM hut v m wciidl ull lik.' ) jui-! 1 1 u w ' 'uitl !H- i li':i!i ! .; ;i;oc:i;iks, provisions, W ood, Willow and Tin Ware, ' Tolxicfo. Snuff" anil Citarx, ' Crockery and Glassware, Etc., Etc., OF J- SLAUGHTER, Jr., & BR0 , 1 1 1 'HOL A'.S. 1 !.E (JRU 7.7. s. ; IvIV-I'OV, . est BLACKVELL'S'Cd DURHAM TOBACCO HONEST. dodiii a r the Mosti UNIFORM, RELIABLE. SATISFACTORY SMOKING TOBACCO EVER PUT UPON THE MARKET, Hence Dealers and Consumers always pro nounce it THE BEST. THE UNRIVALED NEW FARMER GIRL COOK STOVE. N ni:t! ihiriR further seems necessary to the New Farmer Girl a perfect an, I bountiful cooking apparatus. It ha lurge Vines mill Oven. Patent Oven Shelf. Swinging Hearth Plate, Deep Aah Pit ii nd Anh Pan. The Cross Piece all have cold air brticon, and the Cover ar smooth anil heavy. Large single Oven Doors. Tin lined. ' The largely increased sale at this Stove attest its jKmuIarity every stort, fully warranted. 1 P. M. DRANEY, ::.vr, sew besjse, N. C Am e Codi'St. !U do p. :n wanted for Farmer Girl old by P. M. DRANEY at ' .und. OCl7dwtf.- fc-Cr LIABLE SELF-CURE . a fvorit ptvacrlpttoo of a f fM r.r.'.M Bud succeoaful BlMrtallata 111 thaU.Mb, .;'.r.-il for tbcur.of jfai,aanl.aaaHfia) -- t n r. :ioil , ireaftnMt ud Jaiaip, Saul , ...-.l,'vlt..u.elule're. Prflwlninfltl a .' Jwivm C.I. WARD & CO.. I EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS- NEW BERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS. An .lull kin, Is (irsveand Uulldln work la iTALEAN&AERIGAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and sati.sfaction guaranteed. fOE K. WILJ.IS, Proprietor tsii.-. i-KHor to Geortre W. Ctaypoole) for. Hh'OAD AM) CRAVEN St:, NEW VERNE, N. C ' G. E. Mil li. t is my authorized agent in Kinston. ma80iljrdw FREEforTRlAL nO oppedy m far end V'icor, or mMf 4 w retiou, oweca-H .. (nvv.r forty Ukhi- V'iTtH ) JW td -i trll box ol v ror.OnrltBt 11. H.Ajnt. UtHM-V ll'DM-iV S V.V 138 ii'i.1rirt''Boi,.JlIIlf awi S3. rwiru, rtur FM itmi of tbv tmalOMtii A. M.. M.l.. 4 VI. imat.llfwVtrt. S-i-n-g ! home hjxhIji," r hlon1, - my kouI with Joy ( I 1 k j s ii(V more," hi t:'l the tn-it KJAltS 1 n i- ( ur. 11.1 1 'lo 11, Where .ll.Kl . An. I I, A lei , 't h . I i Pipes, hikI Candlea . r things too numerous lent Inn, hi before. Mi-Mle and South Front SU. i to Hhm'm Hardware Stor W. L. PALMER, The Mor. r, . 11,1 I ' PAV Dr. KEAN, N i; i ,i..itth ti.Ati br., CiiloAco (E UbliaU.-.l 1H6S . U 11)1 tlMttBff lU M V-le, Nnivt.iia, OlH ulitC and BleUl ta faaeH Siwrm.lrhim, Inipof icy (IWl li.-Mia lt Female dim., m Oo piitintlon ier'-nallT. ir by lUr tnm. tt K-pii In ttia ony pbrtetu 1 fa ' Mr 1 1 1 at warrant! eunt or n pJ. US . m.i 2,uoil '.'oacrlijUuiU, $1 hj Ball WM. LOKCIl, OI.M.t'H IN G EXE HAL MERCHANDISE CAST HCuSE AICCMKODATTONl triind St. IV Berne. dwMr. 109 ; GOLD MEDAL GUITAB3, Kzcclsicr American Guitars, PATtN 1 SILVtH BtLL bPIJUS, 'nn be obtained of r our Agent, only holor iiium j ) im iloraeta. 1 nttrumenta.Orcbaa ii ii lnatrumenta, tka 1','st Hirtnm and Trtm-inliit-B. Catatogttetfrm. jonxc.iUTHEsaco. 33 Oonrt Street, BOBTOB, 1 from nTiai - m r '' ' 11 " . ' Bciut Lv-a-o', . : . .. I.. .... o, . M. II. kAM 1 u.. K'f Vie v ' ' -V" i-' ' ' "' c t 1 r?; i 1 . A

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