t VtSt - "v t . opjjll i p-prut-.. I XDEIENDIXT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. tx-. a7oo xx r.r. "VOL. VI. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEB 11 LA in is, 1884. NO. 48. :3 NO WELL REGULATED FARM Can Afford to b8 without a KEMP'S MANURE SPREADER. -a "I., Ihe Greatest Labor Saving Implement of the Age. ' It spreads evenly and nniforml v all grades of Manure, Cotton Seed, etc., -.. - either broadcast or in drills. ,;"T.- Refer to the following farmers who Are usiiii: them and who can testify t." v. tbetr roperiority : '"":mT-: " '' - A-M. Mann, Hyde County. '. C. GN. R. BANsex, Newbern, .'. C. -.J " - ' J. PL. Bbm, Newbern, C. ' .'. " -' '' Wm. DrNN, Newbern, N. C. v.'V J. L. Tuck Kb, Pitt County, N. C, V" -SVS:;.- J. C. WH1TTV. Newbern. N- C. -'- ' ,fC-'iArnl also for Tennessee Farm Waeon, "Oriole" and "Roland" Chilled Plow, "Champion" and "Granger" Turning Plows, Climax Cotton Plow, ' v :r- The Best in Use, Harrows, Cultivators, Castings, etc. VsT Come' and "see me, and remember also that NO WELL REGULATED FAMILY eaa afford to be without a GILBERT FORCE PUMP. .... . - . ifMEM SUPPLIES! FARM KKCOHDS. At our request Or. .1. W. Siiun-tl-rs writes tis tin.' communication below. If every 1. inner wotilil keep a reconl of his operat ions, and have his experimental acre, he would soon beg'11 1,1 love iiis work and there would be less disposition to quit the firm and seek other em ploy ments: Editor ,Ii ri.v.i.: Before retir ing to nipht 1 will yield to your re quest to give a more definite ac count of my farm records and their utility and satisfaction. For five years or more I have not tailed to carefully note every important transaction in connection with the preparation of my lands planting the crops t heir cul t i vat ion -growt h and production with an itemized account of expenses kept against each separate crop, which deducted at the close of the year from the value of the crops, enables me to see what my time and investments have paid. I apply this system of accounts to my saw-null, grist mill, gin and store. In no other way could 1 positively know what sys tem of (arming is best, or what piece of property pays me most. J Beside, I make it a rule to experi-i and was beaten. Soon after the last election demonstrated that the Senate was Republican, his tall, angular tigure was seen here as Mahone's oandidate for Serjeant-at-Arms. Of course. C'anaday had to deny all Sherman proclivities when he made his trade with Mahone, who in this transaction represented himself anl the Administration in part. The bargain was that Canaday should be elected, and in return secure a delegation from his State that would co-operate with the Mahone delegation from Virginia. With one of Arthur's Cabinet who contributed most to ( 'anaday's elec tion the bargain was an Arthur 'delegation. What their trade was with Logan I do not know, but I do know that some of the Union sol diers are kicking like Government mules because Logan voted for an ex-Confederate in preference to a Union soldier like Hooker. The capture of this delegation was to be only the first oft 'anaday's achievements, lie has also agreed to deliver the electoral vote of North Carolina to the Republican candidate for President, to have himself elected Governor of the State and to come, back to the Sen ate, not as a servant of that body, bnt as a Republican member in the BOYS AND GIRLS IX CHINA MAIU'H. but do not give it to them before i roni roweii's Fiituber ramihiet tueyarefed. March is a good month Fa km Wi'UK. Oats Sow these to set es: set them so they will BY TfIE ,,1)ir,jROF THE CIIINESE AMEricn. if not already done, and repair all atch out the first and second week the fences. m -April, and n you have any of the ;,,nmi7 Make new ditches, see i Leghorn varieties the pullets will that the oid open ones are cleaned le 'recly laying by the tirst of Oc out. and the covered ones are iu , tober, whea eggs are commanding proper working order. S00'1 l"'ces. and they will lay if 7V(.'-V,niHThis is a food properly housed and fed, the entire time for such work, especially for planting locust, etc.; for fencing st n IT along outlines and in spare places out of the way of culture. In a few years they will become large enough for posts or rails. Clorrr Sow clover seed and other grass seed amongst the grain. Harrow the laud, sow the seed, winter through. Occasionally tin! an ear of corn in the oven and burn it to charcoal, and throw it in the hen house mid k-t them pick it. II you have a link of fowls that have been well taken care of, and are apparently healthy, but do not lay as well as on deem thev should. perhaps their good qualities are di and roll. It will help the grain by ' Spncrat nig from want ot new blood. working, and the roller not only ! As otten -as every two years new covers the grass seed, but compacts , bIo0(1 u'1' !'-' introduced by se the soil about the roots of the grain j curing good male birds to put with crop that frost or the harrow has i J'our flocks. Farmers who are not loosened and exposed to the action j already keeping some variety of of the air and sun. ' Pure "rel poultry, should commence rinKtvrU not sown last month, ' 1J purchasing a'male bird and cross 1 rtr. ti.n; i , t t' . do so now uit-ii t-u:uiiioii ueus. xi egs ;u e ment with manures manner of ai plying, nest time, vame and depth 1 place now tilled oy Senator ance. to put it in the ground also the! That is his ambition, best time to plant crops, taking one I But Canaday is likely to find out year with another, depth to plant : that it is not sale to trade with too ! and best mode of cultivation. For ; many men for the same goods, instance, I have selected for this : The bargain with Mahone has been j ear four acres of cotton land to : kept, and six Mahone men, lour ic.il uic inainc tuuc wi ( uuuu . hi m liiuia .toil i u jui iu tlie manure seed, fish scrap, fish compost, and j Carolina, are now in the service of ieans !. ...... r l . ; l ; .1. tj . ti. i : : i. n. ' 1 ' ruiuiiiu s luiiuuiik its rauiitt'ia. i iuu oeuaie. i lie uaigani uu me The four acres will be divided up : Cabinet members and the bargain into hall acre plots. The tirst will j with Logan are probably off. Stuck Follow gard to stock, month, and pay tion to the iarm horses and work ing cattle, as this is a trying mouth to all such beasts. White Washing This, or colored wash, should be done both inside and out of all farm buildings, fences and fruit trees. It kills the hatching insects and adds to the appearance of the farm. .'ranurt Haul out manure and spread it as often as opportunity occurs. Neglect no chance to swell pile or the compost lireetions in rc-! ,nore desirable than chicks for mar suggested last ei- Pirloses, then purchase a pure ivirt icnl ir -lttpn. 1)leu oiown or wintc ijegiioin man There are very man reasons why the Chinese parent re gards Ins son with a greater affec tion than he bestows upon his j daughter, some of which 1 will here state. In the first place the sons in variably inherit, the surname of the father, perpetuating the existence of his family, for one generation at least. Secondly, they assume the re sponsibilities of the father, includ ing his debts and State crimes; and Thirdly, whatever honors the son may achieve by reason of his ac quirements, or otherwise, are ac credited to his sire. For instance, if a son obtains promotion to State honors, a suita ble honor or State til 1 e is accord ingly conferred by the Emperor upon the father, as a reward for lii- labor in bringing his sou attainment of such a station ol honor and usefulness. Finally, under no consideration are sons permitted to seek their selves the recipients of the choice' i,ir,: i i i I uii-iiug iiccneu couin oe.siow. This part of the ceremony over, the three old ladies proceed to roll v excellent n their great silken sleeves pre- l)aj;tiury 10 giving rue iorcnnare youngster his first shave, which, by the way, is not performed with a razor upon the chin, but with a pair of shears upon the crown of the head! Wo use the word "shaving," but it would be nearer the correct woid if we should call it "shearing." The manner of performing this shearing, as well as the queer figure outlined upon baby' pate, is really comical. V hue the old ladies are busib engaged in their to them, very agreeable task, baby is protesting against the perpetration of this out rage upon his crown with all the strength of his little lungs, supple men ted by vigorous kicks of his sturdy little legs. and frantic clutchings of t lie chubby hands at KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a niperstitlon that tt could be cured by a king's touch. The world It wiser now, and know that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough parlies tion of the blood. If thl te Begteetad. the disease perpetuate 1u taint through generation after generation. A""" Ita earlier symptomatic devekromeDta ara Eczema, Cutaneous ErupUona, Tm mors, Boils: Carbuncles, Krjrslpelaa, Purulent Ulcers. Nervous and Pkiw t r n v t It i t tr .in.! Ai'ni-i-tKini. i.;- to the i ' jl h mini ma i l.ilCII. bird to cross with your hens. 1 1 rllictdll J 'l wi l.wii-..l r,,' ini,r.iir.ul then it will be better to secure ! vn lfa without hrst making either a light Brahma, Hondan or : shl tht h,earts ?f their parents, Plymouth Roek. If you intend to i Wlt1', solicitude no loss breed from nnllets the m:.le i,m,l.l ! mKci than was that of their par- '-'U iu tlltl L 1JTT LL1 - V IJ 1 1 V; J V I Lilt be two years old, but if the breed ing stock is hens a male of the pre vious season's hatching will answer. Continue to occasionally give the fowls exercise by throwing grain among the leaves in their shed, where they must hunt to find it. The best cross for a general purpose chicken is lloudan and light Brahma. AT ETTDWCER BROS. $;. KINSTON, N. C. ill licdscnabb Terms, Wholesale and Retail. remain unmanured, the second ma- i nured with twenty bushels raw cot-1 I ton seed, the third with five hun I dred pounds fish scrap, the fourth i with one thousand pounds fish com ! post, the fifth with five hundred I pounds Furman's formula, the sixth ; with one thousand pounds Fur- II. GENERAL NEWS. 10Q kblsj Hmtj Mess Pok. -ipo'bbla. FamUj Floor. 100 Boxes and Caddies Tobacco, v 100 Tons of Kainit. 23 bbls. Vinegar. . i 25 bbla. and half bbU. Lorillard's SnuJ. 1. .-: .' . - ---- -1,000 Doxens Coata' -Spool Cotton. - "1,000 Doiens Lion's Baling Powders. rr' Etc., Etc., Etc. - GETTING EH BROS. KIKSTOSV JANM 1S4. Um. Pell Ballance & Co., GROCERIES, EA.CC0, SNUFF, Fs'uits, Confectioneries TO -AT- h WW- II ,1 0LESALE. SOUTH FROIIT STREET, NEWBERN, N. C. . . '.We are not members of the Board 01 - Trade, nor have we ever been, and vc are -'" carrying the Largest and Best Selected ' ; Stock: of Fancj and Staple Groceries ever V " displayed in the city, consisting of the foi- Iiytring: ' ' a T V I i f . t 25 bbl. Best in the World Fb u 60 Sontb Lake Flonr, 100 ' Tip Top Floor, 100 Puritj Fioor, 50 ' Saratoga Family, 50 " Saratoga Extra Flour, 25 James Hirer Super. Floor, v 65 bbls. Pork, 000 lb. Fat Backs, - 5000 lbs. Long Clears, 6000 1U. Smoked Shoulders. 1250 gallons Molasses, Syrups, ot.-. 50 backets Lard. 10 Tierces Lord. 25 Tin Cans Lard, 40001b. eboicest Cream Cheese. 1000 lbs. choicest Creamery lia::. i 600 gallons Vinegar, 500 gallons Cider, 250 bags Salt, 15 bbls. Table Salt, 100 boxes Soap, 40 bags Coffee, 20 gross Essence Coffee, IWi boxes vjaics and Lrack r-. Boxes French and American 1 65 boxes Soda, quarter, halt" 1 50 cases Pickles in gins.. 100 eases Baking Powders. 450 boxes Plug and TwLt T..':a u 100,000 Medium and Fine Cigirs. ma 1200 lbs. Lorillard and G . - A. S: 125 Boxes Raisins. 125 boxes French and Aci.riea:. C 10,000 Florida and Jamaica ' )r a 1000 Meaaina Lemon.", 2000 Porto Rico Cocoa N'js, 5000 lbs. Pecans, Filberts. Ah:; r.. 200 boxes Scotch Herri! j-. Canned Peache?. Sar-lir.e. I. : -:. r ( And evervthinir in tl t.innprv line, which wc nro j 7 L i VERY lowest livinir profit . We carry a Full Line of (' Fancy Groceries, on which GROCER'S PROFIT oXM We solicit only the cah Come and see us. .'litectiMiicry ami we cluiru'e ; traih- STATE NEWS (leaned from our Exchanges. l- L( k i (TLTritE. Continue to ) sow seeds of annuals in boxes, and 1 a soon as they are large enough to handle, transnbi ii f. infn ntlipr li-i-rfa 1 about two inches apart, so as to ! Sarah Bernhardt is arranging for form good plants for the garden, j a tour in America. The Florists' Catalogues usually! Gen. Millot has assumed com aoounu in nigii-pnced seeds of new mand of the land forces in Tonouin were young and helpless. These are the cardinal principles relative to filial duty embodied in 1 the text-books of all Chinese schools : from those of the primary grade to those from which the advanced : scholar graduates, and is promoted to such a position as his attain ments in Confucian doctrines en title him. This position is decided upon in the "Ualls of Competitive Exami nation," held every three years in each county, and every ten years in j thecapitol, where the highest lion- j ors are conlerred upon hun who can At leugth the ordeal is over, the old ladies having clipped and crop ped until they are satisfied. Baby's head is a sight to behold! An American barber's heart would ache, could he contemph tj the artistic labors ot those - venera ble dames, and baby himself would bellow like a young ox could lit he hold in a glass tlie terrible look ing head he has had jmt on him by those from whom he has every reason in the world to expect better treatment. I really flunk that if the innocent little one knew what those old ladies were about while fussinsr aronud his little head, ho would decide to rest content with his hair in the shape nature fashioned if, oy a large majority!" After the hair is cut, then come tiio three venerable old gentlemen aforesaid, accompanied by their Durham Reporter: We under stand that the citv commissioners things, but the inexperienced had M. Gayaare, a tenor, has made a most fully expouud the doctrines of j "IVC'Mno w.'dw widower, bachelor man s formula, the seventh with ! ill at their next regular mectinc oetter atinere to the older and 1 triumphant rebut in Paris cheaper sorts. The clumps of her-1 took the house bv storm. Ue that ore-it teacher oul m:uu oeing auoweu to otn- Therefore when a son is born the ! c,txle' wb? suggest a name or names two thousand pounds Furman's formula, the eighth with four thou take some steps towards lighting the citv with the electric light. - sand pounds 1-urmans formula. Ed Faucctt, a negro employed in The laud selected is sandy upland i R. T. Faucett's tobacco factory. , and will not make naturally more j had both thighsand one arm broken than three hundred pounds seed this morning, by being caught in cotton. I shall plaut with Duncan j a belt and drawn into the ma- ail firvf if M'lv in cini'ii-iic 'i v T 1 1 , T 1 . .-. . . . . .. T . . 1 . , mot VI Lts,iU .w initio I M I II f r . 1 M.S. 1 MM LS il tJlMllll)Il ; il i T i , i feet, cultivate with sweeps as flat , rendered medical aid. out after a ' U. c " , i'11 UMlwl'i The Governors of various nrovin- ot , as 1 can, leaving two stalks to the j few hours hill. The fish scrap I purchased j died. ot Messrs. lley tx iiro., who are large manufacturers, located a few miles ea.-t of Beaufort, in this eouu- fv Thti Htalt rnmnncl I tint nn nn mv place. I dig out the mud and ?uI,,e . ot weeks' we a,re P'1'1 t0 ,ri,-r;.,n if o.i , T,.i, ii.- learn, is liniiroving m health. 1'Ullt.l 11, Ulltl III (I llllt.1 (1 III I lllltl I ... , . August, during the fat back season. are ical am. out alter a r t . .s . i iuc uum-iuuis ui unions nu u- i tense sXr he" i "f, roses' sho,rteiilug thfe strouf ! ces in the west and south of Russia - . growths on the hardy sorts about ; have appertled lor re-enforcements hil t nib p.icMnrf hnplr r ha foi oiul , , . , T1 . , ' , , ot troops, as the peasants Greensboro hurlt : (apt. J. B. other ever-blooming sorts nearly to ; threatening lnullonl s u ti, i. 1,.,., ,-,,,...1 n.v. a l i i i niitiiiuuiii,, itiuuiiiius. Aiue, tn Lue iiiiict, tt ut.1 iia.-N lijl ii.uiit.i. iiunci uius t uuij lieen confined to his room for a dry enough and if poor add manure lad to Leat mould lrom the woods is a fint 1 put ui) in plank pens a laver ol each of fih and mud and let them stand till the spring, when they are taken down, thoroughly mixed and pulverized with hoes and applied to the land. You can imagine what an instructive lesson the above ex periment will be to me. At the close of each year, and before com mencing the next year's operations. I carefully read over my record of the past year with a view of repeat ing such methods as have succeeded and rejecting such as have failed." Ilowerton In this way I am able to reach facts that I could not positively obtain in any other way. and the satisfac tion which it affords me can be fully appreciated only by those who have adopted the plan. Experimenting may be a little dear, but '-it is the shortest way home," the only .vale and certain way of settling in the mind doubt ful methods of preparing our lands, planting and cultivating our crops and determining not the commer cial but the product ire uluc of ma nures, for as different soils require different treatment, no one can de termine in advance tin1 proiluctire ralue of any manure. For instance. I have run through the catalogue of commercial manures on my farm, and to-day if I was offered the rich est estimated commercial fertilizer on the market free, with the con dition that I must use it altogether and no other, I would decline the offer unhesitatingly, because ex perience has proven their worlh lessness in my soil. That they must be highly valuable on ol her classes of soils, I judge from the liberal application of nearly ? t.OOO.ooo of them to the soil of our State alone. Expel iineiit alone could have elicited and established these facts. Therefore every fanner ought to have him an experimental acre or two each year in order to settle some important question e"U uecfod with his vocation. Such a method universally adopted and tlie results carefully recorded and given to t he public, would go lnrl her towards enlightening and enthus ing the farming world than all the theoiies and agricultural addtv-M-s that have ever been delivcled. It ;s well to read and hear, bur en- v. e my mans plans cntlm-'.as-g'.ve t hem a practical : er governed ueeordingh . Yours, .1. W. Sjvn m i:-. rs' toie. Feb. 1... hM. We are pleased to learn that .Mr. C. W. Lyon, id' Pittsburgh, Pa., has bought the Arrington mine, in Nash county, and joining the Portis mine, which has a record of over line million of dollars. In Califor nia places mines containing ten cents in gold per cubic yard pay large dividends. The Portis and baceous plauts, such as peonias, iris, The Servian Ministry has resign-, Chinese parents make great dc etc, which have become too large ; ed, owing to a difference, between I monstrations of joy; whether it be may now be lifted, divided and re-; the Conservatives and Progressists. 1 f'e seventh or the se-entieth son it planted, though this should have j Morris Eeagan, aged 14, and i matters not, for on tlie principle been done in November. Plant David Keagan, aged 18, brothers, ) that one cannot possibly have too hardy shrubs of all kinds; roses, of were drowned in Woburn, Mass., ' much ot a good thing, there can course, all want. Plant hardy and Ion Saturday night, while crossing never be too many sons in a China tender roses in separate beds, so ! Mystic. Pond on the ice. i man's family. It is, however, possible to have too many daughters, and why such a state of things exists I will en deavor to explain. First, then, at a proper age girls 1 M T-.T VI O 1 tl T- tllinMifll f hitir nilmnp rtml An Italian correspondent, by no , hpnmil n1(,mw.nf a stPanmifim. Leal mould lrom the woods is a fincl " V ' kU"H',u ilv, owning no allegiance to those addition to a heavy soil. Set bos j Catholicism, says that judging who reared the nor are they cuttings for edges. Seeds of hardy , -vututmue j bH d Qr required to requite their annuals may he sown m the open : f " ......w. ....o .,,1 .'."round. These will eninp in hitfr 1 Sretcr. Hon tliiKixiiirn insi.ie. Plant liiv! There are in London 4.000 luo-ii-n tiioir tmtnnri ivni if.,,. fici(Ied that the infant should be v ...... v .-v.... i i - Oil 'PUIL l.V III 1UIUULI IU 11 i,i rt r-. . . ... fessors of music, including vocal-maturity ; caueu "yuen mat is, "lea)) ists, instrumentalists, and teachers, Consequently all this cost and -vearf J" ,.thf fourth tuoof1,'" ,f?f but excluding musical governesses, trouble, and it'is no inconsiderable ; W:1S 'tmooii orwoMA.or that There are about 200 shopkeepers. , item, is a dead loss to their narenrs. veilr "' bd lt8 M't"nal mouth. musical instiuinent makers, and Therefore to have a larw family of 1 wonder how one ol my readers apjiropriate, in their estimation, to uestow upon the child. These old gentlemen generally pretend to know something about astronomy, and while discussing the different names suggested, make a pretence of consulting the moon and stars, as though to determine as trologieally upon the name which they deem most proper for the young celestial to bear ! I knew of a boy whose birthday fell upon a leap-year, and on the twenty-third day of the very month that, according to Chinese chronol ogy, was the extra month of that year. After the astronomers had stu mors, Boils: Carbuncles, Purulent Ulcers, Nervou steal Collapse, etc. 1 allowed to tin,,. 1 t. 1 1 .J! M 1 imuci nuDUIunilBin, DCrvlllQUI sm Y tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Tubercular Consumption, and rarl. on a other danrerous or fatal malatue art - produced by it. Ayers Sarsaparilla h the only powerful and aluav$ nllabU ' blood-purifying medicine. It ) so effect ual an alterative that lt oradlcatoa rooa , the system Hereditary Scrofula, sad '- -the kindred noisona of contairious dineauM and mercury. At the same Urn ft tan.','.. Va rieties and vitalizes the blood, reatorin ' healthful action to the vital enraas and ' m rcj u venating the entire ystem. Tills treat Regenerative Medicine ,r Is composed of the jrenulne Hondurm Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, HtU lingia, the Iodides of Potaiwm aaa ' ' Iron, and other ingredients ot mat pe tency. carefully and nclentincally . eon. pounded. Its formula la generally kaowa to the medical profession, and the beat ghyBicinns constantly prescribe Ami ARSAPiKlLLA BJj an Absolute Cure,. , For all diseases caused liyle-vlUatkm sf the blood. It is concentrated to Um I1I4V tbf nr,fli,flhl. ilnimi. f.. IvmiJ w -w V - 1 - ...... ..... w.l, .n, wvww mmj other preparation for which like affects arc claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest. (jj tr. as wen as me Dest DIOOU purUyUf BNdl-t, T cine, in the world. -.C V t- Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; . FREPARID BY" . -rt-sfi Dr. J. C. Ayer 1 Co., LowbII, gm$. r t-.- V"5,.' L . .UU1J 1.1 VUnilHUiJ ' - r Sold by all Druggists: price fl; 'tu''l ' " ; -; bottles for 98. ' j,v-w .A;fif c-f- Professional Card. LEONIDAS J. HOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office oppotiltr Uulon HsaisM"f New Heme, N. O, i Will practice In the Counties of Greens, i t$ nolr, JoneK, nmlow, Pamllooand Cravsnsalau - ' In the U.S. District Court. ...... . J Frompt uiUiiilltin paid to the oousettoa ' " 1 a. claira. nrlwly ' u.ic t..it..i 1 ..,,. , .,, - . . .. parents in any manner whatever r,,u" ,T'"UUCU ,c ,.".t , lor the care and exnenso ineidPnt, il 'sulrilul(i UI me lor llllll, Hiey ae- bulbs if not done in fall. Hya cinths, tulips and other spring flow ering bulbs must be planted in autumn. Ibing plauts out from the cellar and start into growth. Arrington mines will average fifty Cuttings of geraniums and all bed- i others engaged in the music trade, girls cents to the cubic yard whilst the gravel contained in the earth is worth sever, il dollars per ton. Asheville Adranei: Dr. W. II. eft Sunday evening for Tallaha.ssa. Fla.. where he goes to take charge of the Leon hotel in that city. We wish the Dr. suc cess. We were shown a few das ago. by Mr. .M. ('. Klein, of this city, a silver dollar of the first issue, dated 1 70.. -Mr. K. has two pieces of this date, which he has kept fur the last two ear He stated to us that a gentleman, who lives on the Falsain mountains was a former possessor of these coins, they having been given his grand father at the close of the Uevolu tionary war for ser iees rendered. At the death of the grandfather, they came into tin1 hands of tin father, who. at his death, ga e them over to his son, who kept them until a few years ago. when the love ol wliiskc nn t" part wit h t hem. Kaleigh F'i on, r and A company has been or ding plants will now root very easily in boxes of sand kept moist. FaiKTA 1JI.E GARDEN. As it rarely happens that the soil is in suitable condition for seeding be fore the middle of the month some further preparations mav be made. In the provinces there are 6,00. in- labor from ciuuing uo tu classes. return may reasonably be expected The Vatican gardens in their It is frequently the case that pa greatest extent are only 850 yards reuts utterly lose sight and know! iv.t, iv nun. (i 1111 tti luui 10 ui tit t-i 1 l r 1 is to be doomed to a life of 1v0?ld h-iv? lk ' u ."T from which not even the least , h "ned h.m "St Patrick s da by 400, less than thirty acres, and are much smaller than that if re duced to a rectangular form. IIow- Mako a rough plan of the garden : ever, by doubling and twisting, the 1 mm 1-- .'.mixed 1 1 lu ll rim a court Grounds. 1: i iiaugurate a lines at least tute and S would e pall i t were st n to l-t .11': adopt r.calh from the oo-it ion is o l e hoped it will permanent system ol as far as 1 'eaee I list i ;. Man's. The city il in bot h di rect ion s if t hat business men ob ject to walking a mile or inoie three times. 1 day. through mud or dust, to reach their place of bus in cs -. - -Why talk about supporting home industries." when even our "State Guard's are being nieasuied by a ( 'incinual 1 tailor, and ii:i;n: :hi-. 111 Yankee "blur.'" Ale t here no j ,til ors in No rt h Cai ol 1 n a .' Tnir.i; may be that l'ettiholie ' Co.. who make 11 ii : loi'iii s tor an kee ... 11 under-bid our c!.t:.ing ut even 1 1' an higln-r price 1 our lion,,. niak--;'s. ;he 'aid 1 cm a ; n at home. 11;, I lemoerais u oi; .lohu W. G l'aliaii so man diei's. c. maker-: ind ai range and mark on it just where the various articles are to be planted. In doing this see that permanent (Tops, as rhubarb and asparagus, are placed near each other: root crops that will occupy ; he ground all through the season also in a division by themselves. Then, again, crops that mature by midsummer, to be followed by other crops, should be grown together so that the ground can be cleared ol"f at the proper tune. A few bean poles should be got ready: eight feet is the proper length, l'y rais ing only dwarf or medium sized peas no brush will be required. A few early potatot to test t he merits and 1l.it culture. Furrow out with a one horse plow two feet apart, five inches deep, and drop the seed twelve t" lifteeu inches apart. Fur low mi' in tin' same way for 1 hu ll. 11 b and asparagus. Set the eyes ol ; he loi mer lour feet apart each way. ju-t below the surface. The lows of asparagus may be three feet apart and the plants eighteen inches in the row and five inches below- ground. Level under each plant and spiead out the roots. A few slip- ot' horse-radish may be planted between plants in the rhu 1 1.1 ii 1 row. It is understood that no seeding or planting is done except when the ground is in good order. With ;:,!- p:oiso not j. moment -'aoiilil be his, in getting in the oi.ioii ciop. Diaw a tew rows with ; ii.. ;,).;r,. '. In some of the rows i-ope can get a drive out ot these gardens, hidden away under the northern walls of St. Peter's and the western side of the Vatican. Mr. Lradlaugh's brother is as pious a Cbiistiuu as he is theie verse. lie began a mission as Exeter the other day. and in the course of his opening address said he had complete faith in the ulti mate conversion of his brother, and would not be surprised to receive at any moment intelligence 1 hat the great mlidel had come over to the Lord. At a druggist's door, in S.' villi, amieared thesiirn: "Sniiits. ol all might be planted kinds, sold here." A joker, passing of close planting bv. thought it fuimv to 1:0 in and edge of the whereabouts of their daughters, and likewise daughters of their parents; for by the common tws of China, the daughter is obliged to serve and render obe dience to nie parents ot ner nusuaixi 1 solely. "She must not have her affections j divided."' After she is married all j responsibility relative to her own j father ami mother forever ceases.: Several instances have come un der m personal observation where; daughters who were liviug in atllucii.ee with their husbands have! allowed their aged parents to beg and linally to perish lor want of proper food. They did not trouble themselves to render such assistance as would have prolonged the lives of theii ! parents, although to have done so in the morning," had his birthday chanced to fall upon the seventeenth day of March ! "What strange fashions the Chinese have!'' you doubtless exclaim; to which I readily give assent, for to you they are no doubt both strange and odd. There are, however, many other equally si range customs current in that far off land, some of which 1 shall take occasion to speak of at some future time. Wong CniN Poo. OI K hkti'Er"halves. Mrs. Kate Chase, formerly Mrs. Sprafjue, is travelling in (Jermauy. Luly Buidelt Coutts owns the small est i(idv in the world; he is five years old and stands thirteen inches high. Mrs. Mary A. Dennison, author of "His Triumph" and other novels, is now at hei new home in Florida, mak ing preparations to set out an orange grove. Mrs. Hetsey Mood v. mother of the evangelist, recently celebrated her would nave made them none the t "evt luy-inuiM mumuj i nt. iiuiiinn Wi lli o A , 1' m. ot hcl - si am! m .. ca Use t ht M 1 1 . IV f :p iiu 1 1 1 1 let a rv 'tate M: . 1 tl I I.I.I M A Wa-inu r vi;k nt r v .vim. ud.-n- M. F. M. id to u-i-t Veal .- Wo'b.l 1 aKe el iilg 1 1! : 1 1 1 :h. i . be - three inches apart, in w -eed moderately thick ne row sow r ri thickly to onions to grow small for ai's Cover with the d draw the ndier acr.s. 1 never oe Used m eeds .as it draws in ig with the liner t sowing of peas and three el lour 111. nie bet ivecn 1 : uw A handful loilt SeVell should he silo! mai b ; iiu'- niav the moid i d ought I -. i ". 1! b- .... 1 ,t ', if May. I S 1 w . a i ' na ge ask the druggist' for "all oii have on the malignant spirit." The druggist, without nn instant's hesi tation, turned to an assistant and gave the order, in an imperative tone: ".loaquin! Run up to the second lioor and bung down my mother in law. Here is somebody to buy her. The Nihilist.-, are reported to be hampered in their warfare against the liussian Government by the lack of money, and the numerous recent raids upon the cash boxes ol the mail coaches are ascribed to them. There have been five at tempts to rob the mails within a peiiod of seven weeks. At one that occurred on the road to Nij ii Nov goied. two of the as-a ila lit s weie captured by a company of soldiers who weie despatched after them and sui rounded them in a patch ol forest land. They relu.-ed to dis close t i 1 e i i' identity, but from their clot lies, appearance, and language they are supposed to be students. Papeis that were found in their possession are -aid to -how- clearly th.it they belong to the I'evolutioll- a;y party, and attack a.- pan designed to re t reu-urv. that I hey made t lieil of an organized plan 'leiii-h the Nihilistic a tew- let 1 1 poorer. Should a son allow such a j thing to occur, the public as well as1 the authorities would take cogniz ance of the matter at once, and there would be visited upon such an ungrateful son a punishment second only in severity to that of decapitation, as his just due for such gross ingratitude. The daughters are exempt from such punishment by reason of their being legally a member of an en-' tirely different family, both by' name and marriage. These are some of the reasons why daughters are not so much thought ot as sons: and why it is possible tt) have too many of the one. and not possible to have too many of the other. Fpoit the birth of a daughter a name is immediately conferred upon . her w ith but little if any feasting or other joyful demonstrations over , the event. Ouite differently is the bit tii of :i son received. In the latter instance t he liappy parents wait a whole month before bestowing a name upon the new. coiner, duiiiig which time great pi epai at ions ai e made in antieipa t;on of the joyful occasion. If alter the expiration ofihirty days the "treasure" soli' lives, having s ilVly passed through all the little ailments incident to baby the patents and their friends Northlield, Mass. The evangelist was forty-seven years old the same day. Mrs. ( 'dad-tone, the wife of the Pro niier. hitherto has not been noted for line dressing, but it is said that she now "has taken to wearing the riehesi clothes and the (inest diamonds." Hon. William I. Bowtiitcli, in a re cent s-pepch at a woman suffrage meet ing, said that the average pay of work ing women iu Boston was 284 a year, which, alter subtracting the necessities of life, left a surplus of S4. Miss Winnie Hall, of Temple, Texas, is tlie oldest old maid in America, hav ing just reached the age of 100 years. The bachelors in that town feel happy because she will not take advantage of the leap-year prerogative of her sex. M iss Elizabeth McLeod. a native of the Hebrides, w hose hobby is the most excellent one of bettering the condition if the poor crofters of Skye. has suc ceeded in organizing a colony to be placed i" North Carolina. The colon ists, numbering SOU. sailed on the 201 h nit. for Norfolk. It may be news to some that whole communities in Rich mond eouiitv. N. C speak onlv in Caelic. Mrs. l-'arragut. the widow uf Admiral I'iirragul. receives in pension money .- ". OKI a e ir. There are 20 cases where P. H. PELLE1TEE. j ttomey-at-Law. POIiliOCKSVIULHl, Joiui Cnsty, I, C' Will practice In the Court f Carteret, Joasa, Onslow and Craveu. Special attention given to the oolleetloa ai - lino, ana settling: estate of di r1 s-j bV' da sons, , and settling estate of deceased per. cnanww - OKOROK V. STRONG, Rilelgh. N. C. dakikx m. raasrr, - Klnstoa, M. O STRONG & PERRY, r 1 KIN STOAT, BJ. C, ' " ' ATTORNEY Is AS. Having formed COUNSELLORS IT LAW copartnership for tfe practice of the law in Jones county, will larly attend the courts of the same. Prompt aiwnuim paiu to collections. maj'12-dttwtf BTIIONQ A PKERT. PHIL. HOLLAND. JR. owxs h. tnoX. HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneys nt (Office one door west of Qaston Hons.) will practice in the Counties of CnfM Jones, Onslow, Carteret, I'amlloo and Lenoir Prompt utLentlonpfild to collections. upr2-dAWlv. K. W. M XON. r. m. sixmo s CLEMENT MANLY. NIXON, SIMMONS & MANLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Courts of Craven, Jonas, OiiKlttw, Curteret. PHrullcoand Lenoir, and in the r'ederul Court, at New Berne. febsdAwl) DR G. L. SHACKELFORD, Surnreon Dentist NEWBERN, N. a Having located permanently In Newbern, I reKprM-i Cully U'lulwr my profeanlonaa eerrtCMi t t he public. otlR-e on Middle street, la PaW terhon hutMliitf, opposite Baptist Church. Tf Years Pnicllcal Experience. M.'p2MlftWly DR. J. D. CLARK, i isivrriwrr, NEWBEHft, BJ. C. Ofllce on Craven street, between Polleoft and Hroad. prI7-dAwly S. W. SELDNER, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, . il Itoanokc Sqnsra, NORFOLK, VA. or.lt rs i'1'iiinpily itllt'iitied to and aatlafae- Uon KUMI-Hllleell. risl.lhlished lHliU. SCpldAWOm Elizabeth Iron Works, ( II As V. IM:TTIT, Prop., 2NJ. 2S4 and 286 Water street, NORFOLK, VA M A NI FAITCKKR OF ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mills, SHAFTINGS, I ullv!-i. Hangers, FOlKIIXas AND CASTINGS, Of Kvcry Description. iplite racilliies for AIL WORKla uu!7-dAwly I-ST A II 1. 1S11 ED 1875, CARR & PATT0N, the widows of (ionerals receive SsjU "v"! iude,Tat::vs sZnuuC i Genera! Wholesale Commission Merchants, iws receive as high as 100 a month, while illn is are given s"iO . n 1 v . Tin rale allow ed hy the general law is siiil ;tjel tie ho cases theic pensioners an pni'l iie.i'" ..rc etv nd hv f lal h')ji- l.iti. n. p!;lill. hill 1 i i 1 r cul I i vat el . I'll -t p.H't !!' I ills M: s Ic 1'. S,.-v,.-r. a I' ll Ui. w in ' roamed a fit is .,i i t" ' tlie hainlsi .tn a.-h 1 Ii et, .Ii -" l' !v. Id' aide hair and wears and rial u la ilv. Her f ea t u n !;:ckian hy cil se lent 1st . t woman in has nat ui al I v it veiv sunjil purely 1117 KIC; HTREET, "Del. spc.ui 1 :tt niil um k1 ven to the sale ofTrstk in. I s,,io 1,,'T i, I'liHlnce.fANll, Kkkh, etc I'roiitpf lltliirna nun. Hi i t in-m i- llat-M v A siKler WholoaaJs one. r-. I 'MM' .1 l.itne, lrovlslon iieslsrs, s.,r I,. W liiiiliifcitin. Ix l. iu2irlf I i 1 .! lie i II c.l D0WLING, i y c'TI RKIl OF Hand Sewed SHOES (Only), !7 A I. STREET, m:w youk. 1 n HpiM lally nt li'iidcd to (iposlt KrlrB llt. ItU'.-tl . piumpl , li---,''Ti ti tiir following pr- m ,,' kIuh-h ill my Hlakt : V.. SlnVlT, MV) I' v llurtt w. r. I'nitron, il'iicrl'V illld ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( ' - ii . i to soli at tii' c :i ' ( .v. 1 I . r, ;l ..n i ,il I w .11 lit lull ell id !',.,., 1- 1 lie Keiiioi'seli-ss Sen. I'i -.Ii il"i' rcli-Tl 'let Tii re.. h',.wl W'li-i'k i'i the ( 1! V id t "Ulidilis. tlie i'Ie.ale .it chec I"I the -t- tir n! , .,,j ,,, ... ,). han.ist.rm-st womiin in I I''H itleliee ....'; na! li.;s this Stlik- !i: -t li;lVi'. 111; ..i-Si i;e: ''We i 1 1 1 1 1 c ' if 1 1 1 a ii y din- reivinoliy. lit a iel:MHl. t i i ' l r le nli'ls ! t i v i 1 ! ! . i in ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill11' ,. ' i i ' i" e res r '. i ' t d , r ( ) i li t". i ! i r 1 i: i ' 1 1 I s ; ii i I i , . . ... ' .' ,-' ii.' , ..... ... .1 . ' "'' "' ' 1 x ".' plia'-' " "' i'ii ' ' ' . 1 A' .1 ji.e ici'i i't in", i t 1 ,.. t .-.j ,ii -n-f aii intetestin studies. t i "i ! 1 le..,-v 1 1 . . 1 n i ! ! : 1 1 it'ils .; this r.nilltlt: i'ii'lt H. r t.-il.-t- .in .l.-ci l.-.ily rurisiun. fitted l".l''. ' 1 .s cil ;!ie .s a'.'einle'l with Iilole e.;n'n-e. t.t ;i ..rleet wiii-wy tigure that even i. oiiit Mini s,-.:; . .,!.:..- J: i' 1 ,. ,ei e Mi '!i n-s a re iil-o ol.iluoie w ith- ut t h" i i v. nine beaut y d her f.e-.- u.iv- i ' 1 ' i ' 1 ' 1 -' 1 : .: v. ':. ut a i, ; ; : i . i i e ,1 a ii a , . i f 1 1 1 l . a! u I e. w,,u!i set ,he s.K-,ctv re,.,n.-,s raving. I ..,.! ... , .... , , , . .Mi. ( ai i id", w h" i iii i aid of her ' wn ,' le-i. l..,i. a;,- :l;!.:,s ,;, lt, l In- c Ve 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1V 1 1 a " 1 1 1 a i I 1 Vc , ate. introduced h i r at one of her re i!e;'a- il .' m.. i: .-.l !;!,. ice i ! 1 i . i 1 1 1 e a ee, 1 in e u a il ' 1 w a 1 1 1 e n 1 e i a ,., j,. ;t;i, . ,,, , , r, , sensat ion ,' ' ,' .' "' .jia-eiilc inn-.!.':. v. !:e ::t;.l- tiv.-s .f tlie laanly l-iny: !:.' W,a,i... :, .. ty ' i- n.ter.-st.i.n V' ei.r .. .!;::. -:i t : -e : i : m i 1 1 e i : iy i a v ; ; a ! i : i . a ca t ! as: ; s a e o I , a sei l ai -; n..,v it: a hati'lson yt.iin : v . .. .: iitch ,iU i.trtuk-. M-xi. ..n !..iif- Itnil.i.Ie. who will I- W'd o a. ,es el':iii I :i i' i i'l'e' ; ' s ' .! ( i'l ess t li ! ec e 1 1 e 1' '''''' '' 1 when a child as the lath iu! Y 1 1 r u ; ' ' ! ! ' : i . -1 , : I; i ; ; : : : i i ,!, eM l.eia s. t In -e."ie l"'-'' ' ' ' P: '," M.xunil.ai. ,., ( , J. ( ) , ,!i l's ,!,:,' l.s; v. ' .' o c. , ; : - :: ,! c . , , ,. . , . , S ,, , ,-lier i ' lt- a pi "-a I a nee. . ,. , ..J ,1..." e,,,,, ;s ,, ,,, ;, piled e p a : i ii . . ! 1 la ' ii :..-r . u p; .- a : .- s, ', ,-r . to pel loi in i !" ee: .- , , : . I 1 1 i n a !., i . i. 1 a -1 "' " " . .. s ;, i , ca ,v . ; ,.. . ,.. ,.,..., ... d die I; I - t pal ' i'"icco :n ! I i '' K- . :isi..i. .! v I ,-. . - ! " ' p;,: ,a ! .;. ! i ev i; . ! ; . - ..e.-ia-a s:leiliee .. liillli' r W.-i.u.tl- :i ..!.! lir.-i,. - '!'" - , . . . ' ' . , ,1 t 1 . . I , ' .O I h ojd I I 1 eejie in ,, C 'II ,e. I -. : a ' . C e .; ! c , ii a. ,;- . : - -a 1 i 1 1 - T- the ;', s a llOVI' a I: d 1 ac iP '. , : a ' i i : s se-. a iia ! ac h : a .:. X .... . . . .... i .... ; !;eai;-i: li as lei . a a a; ; li i..r I .-':! Ii 1'Uilit ofii l.-.i-t el 1!: t .1 ,,i ! . .1 n ha'A.d h1.',',','!.' .s"s;..o'.".','f' 'i'i'." -a:,'. -Pad ia-M-; ,-.i:., Pad. a.:;a, w p. clii land ill .t-! i: l'.'-n.l M- v. - -.- ....-. An.!-, i u.'cs ai. .i.ii.l 'he ;,-:oi , c: -: st icksA arc '"' '' ' ' ' r '' y: :! ''' M: ,u f' '-.V-r'; ,l K Hell t . ; 1: i - cl ilel. ci .r. P i. -.-a . -v Pi- luti nmir tir V'l'intr '.,' ' ., , ' , ", .....i ..ti.. .... a .'' ii.-im-. p.-A ill- .ail trc.l-llics iilMl -.'ClliiliJ- li;i Illtjj Ni' , ahoiit ' his' a-t . . r hi- al-a:d Or.ler. to echo forever their last spuh. aiol Tt i-Ldiopes. July 14wl HARVEY. II 1I( I) ST.. i i in ii ht., IIII1.AIKL.PMIA. -Ill I Klnr CutBI '.rvHii, Oso t. A. Oliver It) Mull ollellrd. Utiu. W. J. HAH VET

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