- '.... , .s v . ' a;T-V.p: :",)J-"-t.".... , . 4 -.,... --ft,,,. .'A. M,!;V-,, II . . M S N . K 21 V It " i il . INDKPFA'DKXT Is ALL THIXCS. Tormn 3 S2. O O r VOL. VI. XLW BKRXK, C1LWKX COUNTY, X. C, MAIM 11 1 S.S.t NO. 49. Jv - - 5 IE ) ! t The "BIOBE And is acknowledged The Ou-r.r contesto i r.'. twen:v Atlanta F i a- - a aral P r- : . -One Hundred I.1 A.r t.-.r K.O -r f )-., K- on e I h : I". I : n 1 1 will so w ii', 'in'. A. i r ; grain. Yon have t.'.v -now offer'"-) for a'. -. .'. Winter t.. ': . ,-i:i'. ::: to eorupe titive fie! i -: .:: Send for IoU-trnP' i C-pi! jou have nern h ' Ci I . 1 1 I . . sri : ' i a m l - 'so . . - "Buckeye" Riding and "Walking Kemp's Blanura Spreader, Cardwell's Corn Planters, Tennessee Farm Waarons. EAItM SUPPLIES OETTINCER BROS. KLVSTOX. X. ('.. At Reasonabls Terms, Wholesale and Retail. 100 bbU. Iloavy M - ; 100 bbla. Family Fi 100 Boxes and C.vi i: - i 100 Tons of Kva. 2o bbU. Vinegar 25 bbls. and half ltd-. I. r 1,000 Doian.i Coat-' S; 1,000 Dozens I., a'- i ' A I'.'V Kl"STOy, JAN.. I;. 17m. Pell Ballance OROOERIi TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS. Fruits,Confectioneries AT- WHOLESALE, f7 SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEWBERN, N. G. We are not iik'HiImt- t' tlic Hoard oi Trade, nor have we ever heen. ;iik1 we are carrying the Lai'L,vt and Iei Selected Stock ot Fanev and Staple (irocerio ever displayed in the city lowing: 25bbb-. H -: ::. t'- A . i 50 s .::. La,- r: -:-100 T i T r i : 1 1 "O B.irif. 'IA ar. aO s. T i.. t I1: . ."' 1 ' ' Sarat -g 1 i '. - - ': 2o Jaaa-s -r :: a i . : tia Ibis, l'erk. M1 lbs Fa: B, . k-. 50" X) lbs. Lon i ". a -. SOW bi Snmke i 12oi) ealions M i i-- .. 50 buck .".s 1. 1- ; 10 T. r - -Si Tin A-;, i. -40.'O V; s. .- , lOuo -h -.- j K) pi'.: .- . 0 a . ' -a f -. 2"0 ': ag- lo : - A. 1A; . - 1 H ' , . - . . - I' - t 1 o 1 -. ' 1 ai mm 1 Ami I ' t - p 1 1 1 i i p r v It,. VKUY ' 1 a Wc cti'ry Fanev iii"f (;( K'KIi'S c -nl id Come ;in t Bolton Planter Bsst in the World. A M-- ; , ia: ;! . r M-- : tr J .ut 1 r . M-;.; r . - -.v : . v a Tin: last r: l T L WKITTY. Newbem. N- C. i n i -:i : . ors . Fa & Go, s et in-i-t iii- ot' the ti A 1 1 I 'A IA ic.1 'A I A ' A ' l.Y r ATE Nr.W;;. ! 1. 'i:. our 1 aa lianifi-s I ai :n c i - ; i-l 1 I'm:- tobacco tor. Tin- 1 1 ; 1 1 eh c n -ateif-f pi"-pc iii'Vc! i "m- l:,j,r iv.b..:,-d i -: i .ill'lolates 'he 1 c 111 II - in 't e Idle; '.;!; oi Mi-. M,u ; ; he i ire lion. I.'. .1 i'i';; ot til I I i" 1 i ; h:- city to day. . e : - u t h I c 1 1 one. .liltlc'e'l with a altcn ii ami -ila mi ii a 1 1 n lT. i 1 . :.c i. 1 , licea. w '1 W'.-l Womin-ron S'.ir: i I'll I Ct 'el Vet 1 here W. .i!oleI-. well A lelfi-r ha- I'rom 1,'i-v, K. .lol lavorahly i;."'.v i; ;:i ;h;- city, stating that his :oi: . o , he-;.i . S. ' . was com- I 'let 1 tit--: rn) oil by the late ' .'. i 'Oe. .iinl u ill haf t" be rebuilt ;i." I 'ini'l.i' ;o:i. It be i"i;i"n ; uTcil ' h i; UfV. .Mr. S.imler.- ' :'-cii tin- l':r-t l'.apti-; Church. of :h-c.y. i..:' a'o.tu: a mouth la-t -:""''. li:!c it was without a ; . ami made in my warm ami : -: U i. ( )weti B.urney. ' p: .ii.ciit and worthy col.ued ui m "i i :n-city . ami Treasurer of t oiii'v .a , w Hanover, to '..ii po-:;i':i lm was elected by ;ie lb-publican- at the last general i :i. w,,s ti li ken with paralysis n ti. -lects last Saturday nitfht. a.'i ;. o c.ock. ami nan 10 ue taken to la- re-aleiice oti lci;ae, oetwecii 'aa a: ami Bel Cioss streets. ke i.etii City i:,;,n:n,iis(: - ' -i-' -: :!. with yellow clay -it' -' ; or ... tine white tlouiy soil, ' -aiiilai sub-oil. or a liht thin ' '1 h a irrowth t" huckleberry, - ""1. cliimiiapin. po-t oak or 'Ink a. k pio luces the best to ' icco. 1 a ot iier i rami v i ... C.e .- ... ,1 I-"'."'' o. on- ..'iii,- "led to imt him oil '! of honor among the : iiiiets. 1 a; our prompter "Ml I - as ,,;;u ' am II list "tairv 'vl,: ' :;i th-Iio itnf his t.e.ir.l "Al :" Nevt-r i' mid you'll here h--:-. Sattimlay a homicide va- c.c.miirteil in K.lenton lv a '' t-1"' "''"ie ol I.ee dones tlier nc rro nanieil i ib-011. "ie ol Briukly Bros. 1 1 that the parties engage, 1 111 ' -cutlie. which ended in ;.p"ii a. : a i . . appears a pbiMi p tsvion. u uen aoiies ,ir,-iv ins kn:le .;ml cut ( iibsoii across t he jugular .-ai ot Aie thru-, causing death ::i a -!io:t iinie. We learn that L. .' .be,.-- was arm -tctl yestertla bd t dvii to Kdeiiton. (.tcetiA.oro .bo,.- Mr. J. B. Bai-lc;. :, is l.njli-h peas -i inches -ich and the eold his not hurt W. Crawford , ".a. in e -1 e I c ei y I .et -. .: .1 a -,-iies of meetings ami will 1,,1 service :a; this week. Kifrht tied Dr. Smith's church . 1 t 1 e 1 .: e. ' ' t 1 t - t - it 1 : 1 v . II111' in. I'll W'" bo.tie.l a t e..n,n,r , ... .1.,, , .1.. .Ti- . . - i , , , .i i . i , i , i ti , i , t -1 in lot. S. i. Smith. The Bresby- i Sund.n school awarded :-i ; he children for punctual- V .'! furt i- for being preseiit ' 'ei;. M;:. day. icceivetl . 00 in -"i: : 1 tat- I, , bowing v. ho wet e "he Sunday each re- eei,-d fl Chailte Curtis. Hob. Muri ae ( h. :!:. Smith and Miss Iau.:,- We i-heCv. Ihe prizes were ,1'!:v';':' I'.v ''u.ige C.ilmer. who i aluL. tl in a leu happy and ap piopiiate remaik-. The Mission I napel Sand.iN school had decided to give in award-, bu punctuality. tin- - im ot t.-ti dollars. The con- t,--; ;- p. beg-.n with the tir.t Sun- ,L,V ::i 1-':rl1- AAo .;' .I--' '! I he news P'Cu A:.,- oiiiii-p ;.. that the ! ii me; . it '- hard at work pre- pni'a t"t a big crop o! tobacco ti.i- t-.tr. 1' :- no an unusual Ai,;a " a wagon brought into :.. !: iw n by a hor.e. a mule i; 1 "X .i legular n,:x-il team, Ia,- tobowing special wa. re- -we., b. he . 1 .,: r,i from Hickor . .t.-i.i .. Aitt-'l sutiil.ii: Bcv. T. b. fa-.-t a. ;,,i"tf ot' tin- I 're. by- tetlaii church ami I'l incip.il of I I : ga' i'.d. S.-1 i .it tin- place, ami i.-o . '.-.t. t-t A!:.-.., aged l'i ear.-, ". ' a ,- ' 1 a i a 1 1 ,-d nv !.;ie no i P. -.a b i : at ( Kf.'td a : . ii.ai. Hick.av. A-- ng the nrd. lo I 'i 'al. in . J-'iN e 1 i - a : .. w .t. tl I oa He,! a Ao. J-'iVe 'ia i' -i pci.ori. aie seaielnng tor '-- i s ot ti,,' iititorttitiate Ni.- - M: lAus-on's i,dy wa. '''..' ' 1 a. in., t he ledir in- w a i . 1 : : I A . '- i-Na:!.-. An-. i - -. .-a ot; , a ,-d !. :'!;,- i , - s,. !y,: .it:,-,. Mi. 1 II. a 1 1 ' n i n , A ', 1 'A ll. unos. ho h-ii on (lu gi .!!. 1 . i : 1 ' 1 lay t here ne.ii l. t wo h.-iir bet. any olio came i . h i in . "1 i : - Ai : n ; n ' (H'ourroii ,;; 1 nVi"i k. .. :: i .i ' o"( l(i( k ilo W.i- iic.nl. Ral('io;ii A' irs (I ,,, , . ; M oliday li l ltIiI aw.uri!;! '. ,; - : i.c ' lor I he an eM i 1 Mm; .: :i . 11 ' uniiil nil ;l ch, Hire o n'ri;. in was lriiifjht i'oiorc t In Ma a:.i I H'cc.l 1 II o rll' l.ll V, 111-' 1 ' . : ; .' : nitrht. VfttTlay 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 : ; : rant was sucl on; ln-ioi c 111 1 1 ? i : Iml'o Avi'iy lor Mic .i!ro; oi the s.iuic person on ,i i in i lai oi, .i i c. Ills I lonor nr nlc t he writ I el :n i: : : .'.i 1 H- lore .1 list ice Bar bet'. In I In- .i I Icrnoon both cases ueic liioi.-e'l o!. Mr. Ilavwoo.l .liv ing c.ui;:i..: Hon in both. Ilo was bonml o ei to thcJuiie term ot I he Sn; .o: i ; (',mrt in the oase bennc tin- M.i;o; m the sum of ami in ihe ,.,lt. hcloi'P Justice ISarbee m the sm,, ,f .c,imi. relieoithecv -W'c ha e alio; her no. 1 1 i -- a eh ; o:i '. a carefully parched ami ivnil". chromo of ( '.eiicr' ,1 Hancock. 1 r Democratic cami iti.i! e :! i'.. - thncy. itwa- .-cinu- b. !:: at 1 b n't i n phalli who a. ' pulled out fioin a nion e; ; he ; . ::: i" : ol one of the houses u h ich w a - , , . stroyctl. Voii will doulch - b surprised to see it l- a ! n.it: Cell. Hancock which has been pn served until the storm 1.;, vol, n , friends" ami it would -eem. as h has -tin tl t he storm of so dreadl a cyclone and ha- b.'cn preserve' so ionjr that he miiit .-till to be en titled to tin. juv.-idi'iit lai chair." lialcirr), a,,, III ' r II lid Mrrinln ,'e: There ;ire some ladies whose tn-ivcs tb not fail in an einergciicv. ( )ue ()f these came with an insane wo. man la-t week, ami tindm- that under the rules the patient cu! 1 Ilut be received until an order from the asylum P.o;ird of Director- was obtained, spent the nmii! fie mht ol the preat storm keepin' . .. out any oi nor company in t he ronai where -he loiloeil '. Tin. Slim. seem - t o be overu un w 1 1 h su ; ml h i .- and .1. ad-beats. In addition M ; .. n ,r I 'I, ,rl... .. .. I ,. .,. . gang m Chatham, who -uimllcd several parties, and the theft at S.imlford. el-ewherc mentioned. umllonl. el-cwherc mcniiotieil. A preteiitled reporter is sanl o r,.t..i. r..,,o,-t,.,- .,,.1 ., have taken liberal '-110(1'-" at the Baptist Conference in I lender-son; stibseipien 1 1 v vi-itcd .-eer.d state institutions under t ho js,. ni' Hull I'nn i;n.,.ll " th.. t-,,,,,,., correspondent of the London Tim- - w,o died a mini ber of ear- a m. Another meeting of 'the lixpo -it 1011 Directory ve-teid.iv. Li-lr Du ct-tors out of' t wen ty-'ti e en- pre-t-nt. .larvis at las'' aeeoun - w as in a Washington ihca'i.-. 'ol. Holt wa detained by sn-km--- in his family. Col. BargUn. V. (A I Pohu rch. 11 h ,1 .1.,'m i,-h"i-oi the Executive CommPte,- w.a, .re-en f . I 'r.-i , h-n t I'i.iii.om- p- ported 17.000 stock sub-e,:b.,l: 1 ami a prospect lor at leas' .! 0.000 ill ore. This o f' coa r-e , loe- not ii 1 ,1,1,1,. tl ..nntv ..violet. I. ,e . . . 1 ...... 1 ... I t ,1... 1- ,n t i,n u , o t - j e ii lilt l . " s i i i o a tnh, r 1 vf tin-l Wo. Urt,,',,,' at the grounds (A theStat,- l-'a-r. Additional building- will !e erected. Smithfield lln-.ill: Sht-ntl lln.- na n t . we regret to leal n. i s , pi . ; , a 1 . The. Midland lb.ad is to be...!.; ,, sheritV Hinnaiit. The .h.a.- partv r!V,.n ,v the Mi--ioiiar i;i,!lt ( ,ur. h' las' l-'ri. lav nigh'' pas.-ed on vcrv pleasantly to tlm-e ,,, artc-daiice, 'ami pnditable f the Sumlav ,-choo!. A large c: , ,- d was present, ami all -ecinc.l P ,-n p,y t iieinselves. The gross re,-:-i pt - folded up 77: net receipt. ;'. () Tuesday night of lat week the holies of the Metlmdi-t Cimi.-h ga a- a sociable at the re.idctiee of Mr. S. B. Morgan :,, tin' bcmMA ol fn- parsonage, which prowd a -iieee-- bo' h socia blv am 1 ti n a m a i !1 . a : -t ai t -sjT.oo being the net ic.aap- .. ;!;.- t-veniiig. l-'nd.iv m-riiing la-t t in- i e-alt-nee of Mr. N.C. Mvatt was dtseovei cl to be on liie. ami the alarm w a. at once gia-a: o:i people, as u-ual. promptly turi"- 1 out. ami utter an ti : . t i -1 1 . 1 1 1 h a i light of about !w, oi;. d:!i.itp:: succeeded i n compie; ; ., g ia- t! i i:a Tip - al itit ! dam ige - ti t 1,. 1 a a , - ,- has not as ,-; I wa- ai e p!ca.cd to k no sii am-e ,,f the ht",;- ,i,i, i the damage. i t - I'al opinion t hat the eial opinion that t lie lil e w a- t he .iik "I an : nct-m; i a i . .tnmg .i;.. pa-iot, p,.;i,;;io :,, a la-.'i'i gal the naineot Maty W lad. w w a - i i i the emplot meli. ' 1 1 Mi. -, ,a ' i ' t in- ; ; n: i d : in- ta . . .v . , - a ; i t-.t . 1 1 "ii S . ' a ; . i , . :. i a !f 1' . .,e P. a. b-. a a " a a a i ': i u " i ; g I . n : -. ml l'a.n ille Ii iot. . l 'eb. l'."). Senator ! ii tin- l-'uinlci s were W i : I N e i 1 1 : . o I , 1 . 1 , ' I ' . , 1 1 ' o.'ioe i"n lo iiersons sanl V itne race. ,ci Hon ( 'oininJ 1 i -t t met ion loi the he ' '!. '; he ILmrbiins iue niajoiity iii favor 'ill.: the Cob ii' 1 1 lie ill in. lie I cad ami sub t'.ll- 111 -llppol r Ol t hi- '1' " 1 ) i 1 1 ! ocrat s of a .iae s believed, in n tit ioii not to incur- : ; e III e i 1 1 : i i 1 1 :ee.l ! i' oi a. te t ' a- color 1 1 lie into theil plat- ita. in ! la- canvas- witness had ' !..', of his (ii-cussioils ' e a h;- oopoaents. lie asserted ii 't iiotnthe beainninp to the end ii'- had -..uaht not to win colored '-. bar to make the colored party i odious io i-iitaaiit whites as to eke tiietii stand together against lb- submitted documents and iia-- u.-ed campaign docu- in:-. ne ot tin- lattcl displayed b' ; k ache; w hipoiiig a white a; r.. II,.. ' ' '"' M"-.ik the loo -I pitpeis ad- l 1 '.v ! : : ' u.eti to stay away. i .n'. iil' .aid 1 'r t Ivan ia were t he .o-l 1 i .vies eo 1 1 1 mi a r i i I i es in Yir. n:.'.. i';;t.- ivania countv and the i'-'.::,r i u Nort h Carolina i'l t hi-. Vance That is a Be- "Oiurv !iv a large ma- u e I c a 1 ui'lican u it r w'itne-sVc-: and u here er ; 1, l.'Cj.ublican niajoiitv." t'letf will be Bourbon shot-guns. .'It. V.uiei There will be a large uiimbei of coiiviciioiis to the jieiii- 1 , en t ; 1 1 . ,,- . , .,, W l'ln Ami crowd- will go - -- :!" mouths. .f Bourbon :"' ''"' , , . , Mi . am e I ,lon t know as there : - .ui m-i-i-s-ity ou to ;is-ail N,;;:il -'!:;..; hen-, iir .i'm-s I ahmle to the matter Wa I Il'Mct. . ''!!r- ib'-clioed the crimes " "' ---aid had been committed 111 Danville. He re- a . i.t- ai icinpi io aiina-Ute Hie A' 1 o eua-n , picceuiiig tiie :' : :u .--pet.aai as subterfuge, ' '-' -.e:;cinei.i was ,lu,. to 1 nil a in- "oi canons ;inn tne etlort " , " '' ' 1 .,,0.1 .Mr. Nii'iiii,:, a-ketl it witness lx ; 1 I . . . , i , - . -. .to..,,, me caii-e t ,1 ; tie 1 Wit n ss sa id t hat w lion he well t to Danvi'l" Mr .Icmiir-s a Be id ii.-', ,t !-d , 1 mdVid e ,ua 1 tt.e.ltn 1, in and said lit U.I-..I Kea.i.iiiMfi at neait. out ha.l '"';n u-" ''tl 'ij.oii by Democrats '"'""o "mi nun in ins bu am ss :t be i n nor witluti-iw I ..,,.,,.,.. , 11 1 1 -,' iiinii." " p , ''nil' tt , 1 ' 1 ir; -i a nh e'. t i-1. iniitss suimi.iteu ol hardware dealers waom in.- n.-teisoi .Novomoer I ... ( ..... I . f . . 1 ' nutm-a .111,1-. in tne-e -i' ' vt-i t ; - etneii t - guns. p,.-pd- ami , 1, . 1 1 n 1 1 10:1 were inade to appear '' 1 ' U 1 . 1 1 g t 11 C I ' 1 O s S C X i I 1 11 1 II i i 1 1 0 i 1 1 V e!l:l't Viiiiri'. several sharp pas sages, ,t aims occurred. Mr. Wise -aid to Senator Vance "When I tii.l km-w you. three years ago. you belonged to the K. X. - know noth ing p.nt.N: How you belong to the N. K. negro killing party.'' S-nator X'ancc retorted When I iii-' knew Noti. you were a seces sionist Democrat: mw you are a i a tak." Mr. W, -. Hardly. I was only M.iv t a: - "I' age. and could not nave be n much olAi secessionist. .-".nat"!' Vance )h ! well: when a man pleads tin- infancy act. I have !!:hi!m moie to av. A li' le later .Mr.' Wis,, said, the attitudes oj men had changed. A on r,i Senator Vance came up t" tt- i'-!i ;i- Democracy and debt pa mg. Nvhcii ;."ii hail repudiated "ar ow n dt-iit-- ami hat never been a 1 fanner P. S.-:i.it"! "a'ace admitted having boon a know nothing, but defended iam.-ell gainst the charge., of ever ii'-iag a lepudiatoi. The man who s.ifl la- had et-r .nlvocited re pmiiataai. st ti. ti that which was Mr. VA-e le-ai-d b'lv. 'ance ''.ain't a teial 'hi to be an insult. S, u p,.i Vate-c -aid he did not: ; i-ii'-tl im-iel to state tacts. In it-pA to. -oiiit.' assertions per - u tl t" htm. elf. Mr. Wise tbsa- NoUid a:;'. Pi' en tarn to t'ltiiciolisl n P si ado a. a n Plies. d avowed ;n. .'! ib!e dctermiuatiou to -"in :'! a w ., ; ui ' ai tiie Bourbon Ml. Wi-e -aid he did not advo . ! : : ' t-p oi;i -c between ! he '-.. Ni fi-gto hail ever plc . '. ! ' o , '.i i a. -oe i a 1 ua vileges I iy ; - a " ' ": , i a ii; I : at ion - with ( .ad imaaA-; - the la-g '. i ' a ; ' f 1 1 m ' 1 ia- h o li - e to eon . . ' fan. bi ; pay ahva s t; i lue to - Up. i..-!i. lb- d.d m,t -up; i, i-e A i , : i ... i ::,: t -, t to h . - pal lor thi ol:: : .' - iad i ii I all ot Ni-iv fi k : n - , . ' A- 1 1.-iii", -rat to tu kt-1. M a - ...1 t ia . e had 1 cci, I,o - i'' ni'-' ' a Ac. aa, day in V ; i - a.I. I I ' 1 i.Paal to keep ol.c o.s . te,. nt- da: :ng the PP. -- A - p a ' iliehe.'e!. be i , ; . : : . : : a . ' a -;, !i it I h ere 1 laiail,, . i , i - a i a ., I-'- a '1 that d a pi, T; u,n Meal. I the (icor.; ".o nre, lias h o. on lai iiioi s ai;.! 1'req uen t i n i i i i i oiuei oi I II ,o; o; i ,n c ilicelll 1 1 1 ' it the iclative ,:.. value .f .: . . i ton eed i I -11 oi 'Pi".v-d b;. I annci The d- - i . the if-;.; cot toil .. , ami i le , toll seel. In ov in. should i niven n a : i "ii si i d in, ; k i n : i .rm at mi, e-tabia-liniell! in --venil il;ii .' 'k m hi! lor c : - . -ii to k:i meal t h f ai-a--!- or toll- seed. 'i'l been pin for ill, it;..; al tin:- - ; ho.vev.-i. in a eo;a form, he i prepare t they are 1 . mr. ,. yield: Anna . 'n"";,' I'- ' t-!. 1 m M : ! 1 1 , - - ! 1 -1 1 1 ; White i'hs. a; -, .- 1 w --it'tl I', a i'l' -e'.teii : in, ylli i; La; "ii "'a I' 'a: yioiil: " A-nr.ioia , I'lm-ph -v. Pfi-h 4. It" ir :; iin-1 I . i nii'i - yield: . .,,; Ph r;,'." , I'ot-.-ii !'V1 IHU of ;,-., .. ie:Ib. sa fs l,',,r:;lv ."'f fl"",n pil " furnaces, wnl it-Id : T,i , - . , , . , 1 ho-;, hone acal i..npou:i I Potash 20. no ,;. () pounds of n.rton seed me,, is equal in fei tili.ing value to abon l'50 pound- si btisl,els of cott-a seed - The oil abstracted horn the mm has nr:,,.no ,tm ,. iioii; a, i Tl.. ..1 .1.: . :i ' , , ' 1 - " "vio .m II' I ' I '. Ill, iili , I 1 ( -"'e pno.-piiorie aeiu in seen aiu! meal may be re.'mrde.l asa'l o-.-el able. ' Basel on lhe valuation of el,- incuts now -..I t,-..l ;,. .),,. it.r estimatin.g the relative ct.-nmc:. eial values of lettilizeis. one tea AOon pound.-. of cotton -ceil m is worth about l- .'.o On the same b.lsl-olle t. 11 lAeed would lie worth about .-LVs.v .,,,,1 Cot i on r-.- 0, .o il ( The ( 'onsmi-M-.; Dejiattnicn; ol A ".', ,', u,,a Itm . II an ,)ktj IHl-ni'i niml- of lmut L'.'fr naif-. U'iil, ,.n 1 1 . , 11,11 "T m " '"V ' - '? ' mg value 1 1 cents per ba-h. I. Says Trol. White in eonelusioi:: ..j ln,,y ,-,'.., tl:lt the ii 1- here given ate the a Vera ire ba.tr aa, .1 i :.. ., . , ' , .....",.',,, r , 0 r.wii - . l,,v 1 .lii.iii. i. 1 1 nit. ;ii a,!." l.aUoratoia . w heie lor sevcl'al vea.!s past, wank has been in inoares.. looking to an exiiau.-t i Ve study of . ' . ; ,e c.'iem i.-t r , .1 ihe cotton pi :nf.' . : -, , N M,x:.; 1N NO,.-n, ,Ai:0ilNA IIo lin y Hi'ri-Di.i-im-rol an .! t!st ;-i-tlity are sirn-iial- Thjp- Otaelnp iil cut. J S.i.isr,i-KY. . -.. r -b. g' :. ( 'oiisith-rable it.teiv..? has been aroused by tic rep ute 1 discovery of tin in Xoith Cuioliipi. Ab-ag;, accounts hiut' been published in the Northern press. The discovery was made by a young man, 1,'oberr T. eiaywell. t he son ofa nierclaiuf t : Morganton. N. ('.. while ,,; tetol i ng school at King's Mountain. C!i wcll's bent for lui;iela!og wa- ijr. veloped wlii'ii a lad th tough In aeeonipan.N in g J'lof. .1. T. Hum phrey. the t ti-co a-ia-r ! t he pret a ..n gem hiihlenite. in las liiineia! ex plorai ions t hrollgii ! he State, (lay well noticed tie- pee'ihar miiici il about a year .;.:'. and i-l!eete.l several specimens of it. Ills ex am : na; ions .ho-.vc-d t ie-m to ( , ,i,i an tin. He sen t some ol the o: e ; .. the Carolina exhibit ai tin- I i ' e ex iosiiion at Bo-ton. win-iv : ,,r ; raeted iitin h at teii t a -n . An a;, ah si. of it gave a pel t -cut a of ; tu as high as 7" par ct nt. 'I in- local ity ol' the tip "Vt-rv i. Pi'-v'-bii'i county. N. ('.. near Kitig's Mo;;;, t ain Station, mi the lane I ,'a i !- road, from ( '!i ai lotto to .At 1 intif The property is about ;..:u m:!e from t In.- bat r iche'id ot lx : a g's M oiia tain. The eonloi mat oil :' the caiit r thereabouts is urn hi la t a: g . The outcrop large, abou: iittv Naid wide, inn- iiii'oiga K.n's Moan 1:11,1 ,; V'a 1t,,u,,;,!"" a r one ami a nan mile-, i ; - 1 1 , a-: ; iiol'thi-'ist am formation i l ;t lit a-i . iecollia. schist. W'hele the po-ctl i; .how - an : tplai 1 associated w muline. aiul t ih ore -fat tel ed t ii: "iig i, ; 1- . a tit d 'I' i i 1 1 ' A Bed "t King's Moat W. 1 la'am v. S- pe eigil. .Illdge A. f . A : - ex a 1 ' i a-i i; 1 . pin weli development -sidi-ralee. i h; ; .co- ai g I"! 'a' ho we Vet. Th-:;,-:..- ,a a .'U . l aa s- ia ; a . ' t - - - I i t ace . .li'.'i:' a aid a : '.ai . .-gi i im- i !ii' hinriiii'i'i--- l.a. t Trip. iio yon know why I jr.ivc up m v locnmutiv,. . Well. I'M t,.l U1;. Ao.oii ion yeais ap I was iromt- tei from a fl eilfht t: a liassen "er. wa - a ... I't'Mi'i to iii new ma chine a- a boy with his first pair , . ,. , , , i . ti , , bic.l boots. J tell you old v; -;" daisy. ,. i, I,,.,.,, limning her for some eighteen :ii"!'tll:" when I had the e 1 K" ie; ;ltaf inatle ,, throw np niv ,ob I "' " " 'Mlr, l'-.ue:nblance ol that ::i-;u: iieai ly makes mv hair stand mi end. It was a cohl. lirearv niti-ht Ill XoVeinber. w it h the wind blow mg a regular gale ami the to- so ,,,wa. tl " , ' n ,nr s" '!", k til;" 1 11,111 t see more thai. tnilt leet ahead (d the pilot to -ave mv life. I hail left St Louis with an uiiiisuallv hi- bud of p ,,. scngers. including a"istin-uished . .. , " 's 1 1 1 1 1 party ol gentlemen on the,,- way to W a-aiington. I believe my tram was the fastest one lUUliillg Lkl-t a tiiat time. Mv time-card called !or at least forty miles an hour. -..n ,a. :,, . i , ... U,lL .!"' iK'fore I stiirti-,1 something happened that would in tke inauy an engineer abandon his trip, but 1 didn't waut to seem cowanlb. . and w ent ahead What m-I , ,ls it. Wit. alter I got my or- 'bu s troni the tram dispatcher's oliice. and was on my way to niv machine, somebody inside called me back. Mv ii reman was near me 1 i. . ib .. . - , , t '" s uii. r oi urn s ,sa,c. aim , , - , . 'lout go. bill know something iw ful will happen it always does when a man goes back after getting ,:S Oil ers ell ,n. t , t.,.1 .. ........... " i n, . tiL.-i, ,,t , in, -in. nt ,i-,l tl,..., I fi, ,, a . , no.,, lit. ami then 1 thought to i ... , , . . ' m."eb: -llidiS all nonsense I' in . 'i-i . ii , i"H .-iiit-i"iiatiii. Hit' ll'llim OIIIV wanted to give me some trivial messase. and half an hour later 1 was rocking on my sea in the cab. d.ishnig through Illinois at a tel- loic i aie anu Keeping my eyes lixeil on tne two bright lines ot rail m front of me, until they seemed like ' dashes of lightning darting into !.,..; I. I . Al I. , . ,', -as i mih ueiore. i e.'Uiti sec only a short distnnei' aheolon account of the fog, but I knew any obscuration of those b: ight lines. anv i eviafion from their sti-.i..l,r course meant terrible danger, if nut death to my precious load of human lives. So I sat there with niv hand on the throlt e. ami eve v in-rr.. it"1! hlil-t 1 ... 's o"'...-, -ension. for-ot to say that we Weie 1,.. n l- .,,', l,,.,,, 1 .',.., 1.,.,,., . , ' . 1 , , . , ' 1 A 7 " -e 1 1 nat t it tiers r o link.' u p ',:s!"- I'I,1;llI" 'e struck apiece of road, which 1 ktievs e. cmlclin a straight line for ov.-i ten miles. I felt relieved when Me -truck this narr of the r,.a,l ami . . .......... r,. 1 im ui.iii j. '"iiuutui. ii-to'i i:,ir,i a ea 1. on m !ro- ,1 , 1 . ..1 le. . ai'' to l.-t her out.' He nodded b IrU af :. :n..t 1 nnlled ,,i,,o, th,. valv. 1 coniii ieel tiie engine b""!lff!n!nirt!r!,!,Lfiw 1 ....v... ami IU aim; mu secolltl It seemed as A' We were o,,r even ti uic'ii n tr the " -. .'. . . .. ' raits. A .out Halt way down this -tl'etcll ol straight road there was a .ti.tian and a piece of side track for swifcil-oir freight cars. There was ihv.ivs from three to a dozen car. . ,.,.io, . ti, ,. . ,, , , i i . t Hiding the,,.. A. we lipproaehct, this point I thought ol the siding and could not help saying to my selt'. ' hat if that switch should be misplaced." The words were hardh hu nutlilted in mv mind when sud- deiily the two bright lines ,n Iron, o me diverged, and lor a moment looked like four. -(Treat God.' 1 cried, -the switch is open.' There Wis 1 s.ahlell swerve of the ci,"-ine wa. a altp II snnlim oi UK til lilt to lhe lelt. ami a loud cracking H-'isf. ami. ill desparation, I re- . N-Clscl the lever, shut the throttle 1 -.it...l ..-ol, elo.o.l ... .. o,,,l ami suspended breath the shock nvI -o.iceive the supreme agony of that awllll niomeilt. It Was too much tor i::e or any ot her man to stand. ihe last thin- I remembered was .. , , , ... siting tne "i;uk" ni ouck noin me ill IN'i'ig w heels as the locomotive t hlimlel cil oil to destruction. The next liispiut I fell senseless on the tbaoi ol the can. And you escaped.' it-;" i i't-1. an x loiisl -. asked the "'M''1"''1' vll. I should say so. i. ie was:,"; a Height car on the i tig. am! t lie tod. oil the switch al been changed was because a 1 ' 1 - i I g a. n g a a - 1 1 - pa ;Tl 11 g the main "' .iii I i.a'l a.I 1 mged It -o that a i i-t-,1 until tln-N a . - la i 1 1 N". a ia The it-suit was along t he sale 1 1 a, k 1 "n ""' hi.im i.ne nia h m K,, ,t. arhunimi;. aral he tin a,' a I came tiie tile- pa re ale s..tn,. very line on. s up ll.e a ga I g oil to ;! leil i ai t 1 1 1 I ! la-t w . - -I p.'- -the ' a an- I i a a 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i ; ! ( h id n ! d : i t go t h i ..a g h it again life. 1 ai can pi-' : t t I 1 1 a : il. .-'a. ti I ha: I aa I h .ml, b, n a t ." a . a ti ; I A ,- I ., - , a 1 1 t i ! i II 11 s 1; j; I i tiilit; K, o i il t!i. I. i i . II. in- i i i i . :a ,. m ii,, Vnaii , . i. . Democratic Itliuxlcrs Musi t.o ( r it-!ci Ki uen .),,; KNAI.: i ;-:r. u ,., f.ict w;is known ihat Mi . limes w;. ,,- c!.ti ,.(l tc.i by the clan trail Hi raio e ni. of 1', ' ,1 m" ' r !'U"'. , "; : " - , ," Lm: 'i,:'-t,i'ii- ei wr.un- im-io Park, theie v,ai- all al ni, ,,t u i, i- v.-i-- ,,. lar.ai', ilifiil. ..ai ,- "A" ,( th" a I'l'ioaclniif,' elet Hon i f t -ti "'''"ly Hie injuhtiei- tl'.n.' loin m ''l1. """!cd;u-n ,.f tl.e eh i-n,,.! i , ,. "I b".i;-i,,,,a. an.J that I,.' -!,I'J l! n en.,- to V;ll,inKt.n w,th tlie ,,,,(, ,r.i I v..t.- t . U lie w- eianl.-.l lo i'-w '',i i.,:-, f tH. ,.,,,,;,.. evidence ,,f frau 1 ;,.., Ku:l i" f""1-'11"'""1. t'"' fa-t that t:, Nn-1,.,1- -v.Ti! M in that State was , -t ,l, !, - e,l .,n, ! ro tl,,-aekno,, l,.,le,.,l .. ! k'ovei lniient. vt 1, , 1,. u u as the :,su a " 'I the -am-.1, ,-t em a.- ,! a, p.,. . , ., "allotiriK hy th. r.. pl,.." r n ,'" aM,fu' ,'1'""':l1 w:,;i '"v' '" fulhlle 1. anl t he I. rave i,i',.-il Ho- ,.0ck del not Ket el..,-,.,,,,! , , tV !",! I, to even create a doubt u- to the cJe.-u. n "''he lamented U.,rfield. T:n- , 1 i- llke c"",loninK the ciaac of t.? '"Ij le u"n 1,1 ;l" "ni-u I'iuueil at tiie time. A ) ia" ia t-lun.f-i- of huCo pr,r, rliocs It u;is due to Mr. Til len tl at he , should have had a chance at a m coml . ''ul1"1 "f lhe people. Thousanas ,d pt'"1"(,,'".u t'1''' enthusiastic f,- h,m ,,, ( bave it. iaur minded Republican. - he was entitle 1 to it. and some ue;,,.,, ! far as to say they would t- for him , Cul the convention deci.letl tiiiren-nt I 1 i anJ tho oai7 Deniocrat win. had Cani -.'i ; ' tne ,ountnr in twenty yearn -an throw n ' uve'''1 overboard and another trieti. with re- ,,,,i, i .. . . rune Uu uuwu ui mi' country, and one to which the party scHms to hold a preeminent claim cWejft-. This jinjih 1(,r nat-if;nal blunders. Now for the fill- .III .III-. 1 ' wntu .ueirinioti and llugheg , ha.l made a canvass of unenualled sue- en.,, ii '.iMiia.1- ui UUr -ss. had met the Republic, -an party fat ..1 ., 1 . J mi uit' inn spoils 01 an unbridl'iC I'-'1Kn of corrupt extravagance and olii- ''lal nil , Vy:ii!v it is (irmly believed carried the State bv a handsome nihinr itv ,.!,!,. ,,r!. ,..,! ..... I I ., ami pn.v0kinKly nh.w process, a de- termination similar to that in regard to .Mr. Tilden was uppermost iu the minds d a lai ;e portion of the people of th . ""- '""""' CI t'C 11 tl U) till Senatorial beat mtendeil for Vauco by the unanimous vote i,f the Ron..Kli membera of the Legislature combined ,vvith nimority Dem.Ktratic vote and o e. .,si...,Ki, , mr mi Vanoe defeated, was at om-e selectetl in the public mind to take the place of ! Merrimon for (Jovernor in 1876 sr an onset ii. .uerninou having taken Ihh 1 niaee in lie rselaile. in M.-ii who had borne the heat and l,ird ..f ,i, a,.,. fr tsc. ,. A, r. . . .' I' d the Mate ticket by several hundred votes in t he campaign of 7. was nei-- niitted as .Mr. Tihlen was four ve.-irs !,e,-to renmin in the sweet en iiyment - ,,f private life, and with u hat "rei-ult, , Why at the election of ls7.i. under the ! tc-wly wtiu-n constitution of 17.-, ivith a ibesnlential election to. aid in the . '"- uis-isirous oness apparently. Y, Ill-e Old I , IV is were .UeelAl 1... l" I i.mu ,1,11 Jjni line electeti but by several inousaiai votes less ma Hint v 1 limn jii. 1 1 uen received in t 111 statu m ... Til .. . the .-am e.-lection. Hut how since then '.- Al! the Uetmblicm rascalili.s were fre-h in the minds of the people, the !in'i",!,y,?r,7;iu''1 !"n"c:;,u'"i ."imORUU V. COUNSELLORS AT Lit. ... .... ... ... v to. i unjoin. " "uuea uuu n io a poiruso line that the ; ro'puiaicans make honors easy and ta v I some nimble titnrernd roimtin., nl,...:. ' savt th Demt",..lcv frmn it?feut H6 ' expeiieneed eight vears before. - The : o,h, r side counted-this time. -Is,,, ,t this attributable to Democratic I, Inn- i J,,r" ' , , , , ... . ' M.ij. Huglies hail basts of friends or , iie c,,uKi ,,t hav,. Id his ticket. Have' i hose friends ever eeu anv putv neci s-! s.ty to Jonaliize ,in, y None whap-v,-,. Then the part of wisdom would look to the correction of these blunders at the I -I'.'ac'i'ng convention an.l put bin, ,,, , ,; V;.rn.',r. "v' Z" a .ZXt to be the f.,rm,-r. but. as the slue mak-rs hav,- probably arrange 1 th..t. we hu.nblv contend for the latter. these ideas in iv be pooh-poohed bv ,U1(1 nrobablv will be. hut s,"-un.l judgm.-r.t would 'dictate such a coer..,-. paitv interest would second it. the people at the polls would ratify it. and even lanab , arsTI' 1. wouhl tea,,,,,,, it. I have nothing to say as to the N it i ana I ticket : the familv of States is a Urge one and we can Btand anv admm- l-tnuon that lhe test mav select, but "'"' St"''' ' ernment is ,.f much c.ne, unprntanoe io us ana mvo, the 1 in nit-,1 i.i te interest ol . every citizen ,,1,,. ,, n w eallh and in Mew that 1 feel a deep nolieitude for tht futur- T. White Oak Items. litre 1 am iil: no one can 1 it. I am t.red of sl.'ivin,- here idnne. Tunes are dull, farminn; considerable b.hiiel. f..r it rain. rains raiiiM. Mr. ! p. Hewitt, sr. i. ,ii it.- a I-. 1 h he may soon be out. l;.,v . l. P.etts lilted Ins app.nl- " '' 11 p'-w. II la-t Suntl.,v. I.m .io-naa. .-atn claipter lotfi verse. Hut .is lor nie and mv hou-e. we v ill -t tie- I, a IP Mr V. 11 sav? la- uould l,k. -v It k .Mr li II,, re i- -.en.. a.- m 1 f.a -.on.- i ou of -i a in - Mr '!' ir,. a K'-i'l It-ma a 1 1 - a 1 1 M e - i- !. i. -.-I!-, ha. 1 li ..i;,.. g a - lb e a ; -. - , a I , ! r i f . a -a , n; g 1 a; c i r p' - M;. , a at "in noil ' ! ;n, r. t " l ihe 1 1 n 1 1 .e r i - 1 1 . i in 1 w u i a ! - i P ' l- 1 . i d P' i..ir s i , i i , 1 1 ; . , on. 1 a a- lb- h.i- a -mil .,, 11 , "l"f I, i . : ' : . a. ! i i f 1 ' a a - v. . t a . ! . t Mi 1 1 i ..ad M: - -s ,i ,.i. 1 '.-ii- : ;. ,' an 1 1 d : r 1 1 1 1 1 i ia a'- I a-t Tie--' I a - P.'ia II. -t WA ha-l th-- aiea-llle . ,:. .:: t . i!.- .i.f.iie ,ii. I h-.w . I .-iii ;:.;,:: niv ! , a, a i. I oil al ; ' a a 1 1 , a .. v. h. a .- . . ! n ad .put. l -1 - t . iii.g ' )-!' tt I - - - i'l ,j J ' ! I i' 1 1 1 g I ' e 1 . We ; I i ,' -a n a, -1 a- -u-i v -n ; : 'fed I . h i ..a.,-;- ja-P' " a tie- , . ir- a. I in t' id. , : a - A I r -1 : . r da. a w ; - 1 1 , . .a I r . : a a -1 aaa.!. a ,. a a 1 1 . no d f I'll . it ; : i. id May : h. i o .- I -ng .ii. .1 pi - i . 'la P i -1 1 p , I i i w . i v I " -ti..n i. w nl. a r - ai; I m.i v ad .a -; I v - - ; , ' rm n. t-1 a - - 11- 1 , 1 . 11 ' t t 1 e o 1 1 a II 1 a ! i ' M'' v. .. !., u ;.. I I . a., i . ..b Ul-r IV. . pe 1 I a la ll ..t .-.;.-" 1 1 1 1 ... I t " I 4 I. - I . t I - i . e a, ...... i,. i . a i - aa I . agi - I Pi.,! ' . . - !, It. We h"pe -lie Ilia I . r I aP, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. ! i'fr ."ti!) i.iintf aro Kit InshtiowlottMli " " - U, .si. -itri-otinj; n, throat and lonH i. t;, s 1 1 Ho, with by ihe ninjorlty of .alhr. I I," ..riliiinry cough or cold, ramilUng l"-i ii.-i;.? fir, in a trifling or aneooMiooa x I - ii.'. is "fl.-n but tho beginning of faM (.klieiMI. AVKB'g ClIKBRV PacTOHAL LjU iv. 1 r , v, n its eflieary In a forty fn'lkl v. all ihrr.at anil hint; fllseniint, and alionld ba ,a.-'it ,t, ;.a cuMjfl w iLlioui delay. A Trrrlblo Cough Cnnd. ' I took spvi-ri. cold, which affaoaat I Iih1 a terrible eouflh, and I Bmtl doatoaa ill-: CJi-i'im: up. 1 tried AVXR'I OhiIIT tthicU relieved mj luiigi, Indi nnii nuurueu me iua rwn i On- r. covery of my strength. Bj ,'",mihii-,i HBB III me I'KCTOHAL -B Pat n. ia t urp iim effected. I am now dll vr. -;!. In;.. Hnd henrty, and am aatiaflad yaaw iii.uii) la , ti.kai, saved roe. Horace FAlRRKOTBas. K x-ioiinliam, Vt., July IS, 1882. Cronp.-A M other' Tribtito. ' While in Hip country lut winter my 1HU I. " y. three 5 purs old. tu Uiken 111 with oroarl a K'Tiiii-ii us if h would die from atranga lation. Oneof the family nuggcated Uia sa of avf.k's C'heiihv Pkctokai, a boUl wlii. li was alwayB kept In tba bonaa. Tata w is tri.-. I in RtiiH.ll and frequent doaea, ai4 to "tir 'leiitla in loss than half an hour tba latin .an,.ii was breathing oailly. Tba doa tot mini thai the CllRnnv PeTOAL bad Fav.-'i niv il-trling-ft life. Can you wondaa a 0111 j.'r:ilil u,J. :' .Sincerely vonia, MltR (tuMA OtDXir. 1 .;i osi i;sth St., New York, May ie, Ua " I limn n,,l Avrn's ClIKnBY Pkctobaj. in niv 1.,1,,'lv lor m-vcral years, and da astf lieilit.'lt.. t" l.lolionnee It II. r,,oa. mMm-iJk ' r""l' 1 '" cotigliB and colds wa hara mrm A. .1. CRAXB. Iikc Crj-Mal, Minn., March 13, 188. ' I nuffore.l for eight years from BroneblMa, and arter trying inany remedies with no aaa-ffe-4Htajiaui.,l by the use of Avr.B'a C Ratt le v Pect.ii! nrr - .losri-H WALUaji." ISyhaliu, iliaa., April ir, I ,;u 1 s.-.y euongli in nraiaa of IWt I'niaoiv I'tii tokai.. beHeTina aa I do that hut f..r iu use I should long since hara dtasl I '. uu " nwuiu luuu 1 from lunj; ir.mhles 1. Raiocvl 1'alcstliie, 'l'l-xas, April 22, lb2. No ense of an afTectlou of tba tbroat or hinsts exists which cannot be greatly relteied by the use of AvRn'g Chebbt PkcTOBAX, an.l it will ahrayt cure when tba diaeaaa m not already bcyoud the control of tnadlaiaa, PREPARED BV Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,MiM. Sold bv all IruKJtiat. Professional Cards. LEONIDAS J. MOORE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'Office opposite Guton IIbm(I New llerHO, N. C. ' ' " :" ' '" "''pa or ureana. L- ..... low i-nmn,d vwai 10 on 1 . 1 iisi 1 ni I ..II II l'r. i i nil. ia 1011 paid to tha collection ol at.rlwly t tt tmjt 't ruimm UiiJj X XXiXk, A t t ,11 H yat'LaW. .i.ot'ttuviLLi! jo,b c.naiy. o. m i"; 1 ia 1 1.. r.iuru of CarUret, Janaa, t tlS .W 11 11.) I 'IU V.'N. s. i.i i ,, u ei 1 1 1, ,n K veil lo Hie OOllaOMO ! claim-, and sou i lug estate of deoeaaed Mr. marlwtf ",;,i-''K yA,r,:'.'-N,)' dahib m. vnunr. !'. .i.-iKli. N. c KlDston, K. 0 b'l KUIv (j- & PEKUY, w ...., f,,..ri ..,T..1 .w j,i,irti,-.' of tl,,- iw inTtoneseounlo'.irni I ""' nt t.-ml i lie courts of the aamaaoacnat itl.-i.ti..ti paid to cllectlona. htrono a PERKT. l'""l"'-T owwr munrn. HOLLAND & GUI0N Attornoys nt .aw. M-m m t '""'e ..n,-dm-r west of Oaaton Hooaa.) v'''' I"'1"''"'" hi 11 CimntlM of Ona 'l,':;;l::o;;,:::,'iSlalSlU,,4,, aeiW-iUwlv. , : u ...li V f i.emfnt hahly,' NIXON, SIMMONS & MANLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. w,u ,,,-,' n, th,'iv,,.rUoft.ven.JoD , n,... i luriena, l'H mllco and Inolr , and la in. l-.-aiaui curt ui New Berne. faMdwl PR R I JHAPKFl PflRf) UI,,U OnrtUTttLr UT1IJ, " g' on vlsl li NEWBEKN. N. 0. llimnu lornt.-.l nermiment ly In Newbarn. I r.-...- i lul iv i.-iiil.-r my professional aervloaa ' ' ';;,';;,' luS' Tin Imn Praciltsl Eipcriiais, M'.g.vi.t ij I DR. J. I). CLARK. 1 F.NTIHT, NEWBCRR, W. O. i tmre on Cravi'ii street, betwean Polloak mill Hroiiil. aprl7-44wlr V . " " S. W- S ELD NEK. WUnlrvolrt T inns -nAnlA. WDOleSale LiqUOr Dealer, l Itoanokr Mqaara, IHORTOUI, VA. ' i ; - i i . i a., ai i . n.letl in and aatlafW- ... -;...i ,-',' scpld&wtm Kliz.'ilietl Iron Workp, (HAn Y I I -TT IT, Prop.. ' f"-l and 'jsti Wftter Btreat, MIIII'OI.K, VA M S I 1 A 1 II KKK OK I. Mi INKS, BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mill., SU A ITINtJS, I 1 1 1 1 ss. I Ijiiig-ern, nn:; isa's axi castings, 1 '' I'm rv I leseription. a- t "', . la. I 1 il I.'S tol Al.l. WOItKls uul7-il&wlr : a m I - i 1, 1 l-ll Fli 1H75. CARR & PATTON, j--.' Whclr.salc Commission Merchants, "... Iii7 KIM. STRKKT, Wilniington, XIol. - i , ,. i . 1 1 ) . t : u en iniiie mile ofTr' -"'' I'' "dice, lt.li, ?tO. l'i in l I ItrtiititH iiinclf. T". 1 '- A I .lTi-, l'i iNlOIt tXMlT bu. :n-w't..li. I ). ftUWkC K. DOWLING, t . -" I Mt'TI RF.H OF Hard Sewed SHOES (Only), t il nil, STREET. NKW YORK. I 1. 1 . . ii I I . st I t . '' IIihhIi. I'larles Hatal. ' t I.; '..In K'f-1nlty. ' . e I . . 1 " ' ' ; ' -i ; t r,lt, tel, si to i -''. --' a a I I.i- following r u . . a,,..'i. ,., ni) niak,; i . ' K Mover, i - M.tj i' w Hum ' W V. Put Utk.ii. ",h tl&a-6la (.Ij ) W. .1. HARVEY : '. Ill II M ON I) ST.. " .. a l ; . lilt MTU kt., rilll.AOKL.PMIA. ' 1 1 I I 1 ' K' M,,l,.i of i- nil, -.i... it's Pl CasiaM It., ..i. ,s .a... . ..f ilir Ii, nylts mm III. I I . Il 1 I V. . t.i H K. Ilryan. (la i - il n .i..-itB. iiM. a. OllTaa - . : a . n. i in-. Or, Il ia l.y M.ll sollcltMl. V JA . UKII. W. J. HAMVkT- r 1- . V V i 1 ; . A -.ft' 1 elf a I, I

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