V J- v ' J v. i - S i THE JOURNAL. - Editor. NEW BERNE, S. C MAR. H - - Eatar4 at Iba Pi-: a: N H N ' aa aCOUd-C:A Hli'.Ur The Senate has passed tl.e 1': ; Johk PoETEn bill and b.i Bettled ii question t h i: h i- c. vised much speechifying. It autliort.estlte President to appoint Gen. r-nrni: to the position of ("oh ticl tn the army of the same jrr.vle anil r.mk held by bim !tt the time oi iu 'i.--mis-sil. and also in his diss :rr; am to place hi n on the retired H-t as ot thU grade. Gen. FVrtei; i- to receive no compensation or alios. -ance piior to his appointment un der the act. THE National Greenback party ( claims that the recent decision ot i the Sapreme court of the I'nited States declaring that the Const it n- a r .. ..n 'on crrc a r i.. nun ct-uteis upon seu.i - right and power to issue full lepal 1 tender paper money iu time of peace na woll wdr. adils a t:ew melods to the Greenoack son,:, embracn, ; io its cboir the voice of the Supreme of Trade of New Heme, then we court. It i aaid that the money j fear too many of our business men j power of the conn try stands dumb- j neglect it. We dislike to find fault , nn4l atthU endorsement of theLf -,r I. ....... t.. l,,.t i i w..U 1 -Greenback craze,- while Joe, O. GAEDSEB pertinently asks. "What is it V The recent election of a l.-n-j gressman iu Kansas to tl 1 1 the un expired term of the late Mr. IIas v KE1X, where the is-soe of Protection ,y. -or Free Trade was clearly defined. -"- has destroyed all hopes of the Dem-s- Ocxata making any inroad upon the v : JBepablican Western States upon a -ai . nrerenne only" platformLLji - i --"-,. election thePrptrttonists won by ' Vr" 4nitficcedented majority. A tariff so adjusted as to afford inci dental Protection and at the same time furnish revenue for defraying the necessary expenses of the gov HV ernment is what the people want. f -W " THE Charlotte Home-Democrat sska is there not too much surplus accumulating in our State Treasury. With th increased valnation of k V v"i.Vpt9perty iu the Ut assessment it teems that there ougbt to be a T handsome balance on band. Won't the Democrats blow a big horn this year if the Richmond & Danville Syndicate should pay in the money . for the Western N. C. Railroad! ' 2To taxes, and a large surplus in the Treasury! What a temptation for the Republicans to want to get in. and how bard mast the Democrats work to keep in! .- 1 --- A FAYETTEVILLE corresjwndeiit of the Grensboro Xorth State pro poses the following platform and ticket, which he says will "make viae iui.. "M"'""- 1st. The right of the people to select their own rulers. SV1. An honest ballot. MOT VltTT C. U.1I , I lll . es i 1 1 1 ' . 01 1 'nant GoTernor. David A. es. ot Hertford ' 8prme Court Judge, Charles Clark, Craven. Attorney General, Hugh Murray, of "WilaW. Secretary of St-ite. Tra York, of Wilkea. Treeaurer, Johnson Joues. of Bun- Auditor, J. M. Leacb, jr.. of DAvidson. Saperintendent of Public Instruction. F.D. Winston, of Bertie. What will the old line Kepubli cans say to this arrangement. Is there an or. ts poke a Republican on theliatt We think it doubtful. Col- B. S. Pardee addressed tne people of Wilmington on Tues day night last on the subject of the State Exposition and the resources of the Eastern counties, lie made oneofhisDractical common sense C5fO 619 practical, cooimon stiue talkaiK) ve learn from the 'f. . A a ,aa.Artrtt.rtKi,i.,itt. and aroused fhA ni rs. I j n tho k'.urr . .a. yy,?.. v-v. si... -s lleoM DT the sea." liesolutions reivr.,, ,.,ir,a,n, ,,puvi,1,.1,ou..,r. adopted declaring it to be the duty nf an ttf.v ami ivumtr of the! State to lend a helping hand to the Exposition, and requesting the civic authorities of the ciry and county to take such early action as will insure a complete display of the natural pmoctcos aua unuiMiiai ;i. i- vancagea oi toe city ami i'ouni UKA Y itatim;. Watch the 031?" an-i whenevt r vcu find one irravitatiaj towards a II k-h Tariff, yoa will n : be d is:ip;i u:i te. 1 if yua propbesy th.it tlic next turn hi te A deOQAOd for free whiskey in.t f r. i cigars. II they cun only t;et t:,e :i-; mill toru La x ou st ints, u i.e.-". removed, the a it is clr.ir saioac r:th: into th waters of Protection. Acy n..i:-. who Cava incut lli.lt it us n,;ht. f:t:r .in 1 boaest to make sntn men pas- f r ta oxichment of the Mveiitt'ntr. n..w. tht Tery sort of n-.n to cry .-u! '. r :'r---.wbiaxker and free i-e.-r i :'r- nd free ciirxr-s. it .' .-:- Uld wheueve; sou liu.i n : iTUating U.'.iril. I:,,- l:a',. yea 'are most certain ,: , that favors the coiit,:,;;ati. -a ; be internal revenue sistem, a war measare, which r.cc.-.sar'... mean 1 to continue the ata.s , : .I. e . ! '. era so obnoxious to .sir p. ., contribute largely oi the.r : .. ' help their par Ti.i i" ; a talking about . hatig ag -b. Of collect tag: ia.g :: .- ::. : i goes int., ti..- nation j! long will ag-a's ot "a govern men . ','. :. tribute :o :b,- ,-r: : their parry. Th. gravitating tr.b i will bring a-, ,: i time atT 'rd : : '. en rice enables ' Kastern Carol. t;.i t" ca'.t: tha wili tint ; r.-d::-thing else, an.! :' .'. considerable tr -. ment. The saa.e may peanuts. 1 a : be : -it. r, farmers we oba -, t to a: of tariff oti tbc.s,' art;, The aU'btaoi oi' 'b. IJevenue lass .io- n.. : mean free ss ak.- . !r. free Nt'r arnl tree s. . t hin Krec Tr i.'e me i'.s office bohb r- : : r :u d a JHllitlCS." , at, n i' i lM(i THKRK IS STRENGTH. ' -r;.. .1.., ..-..,...,, ,,r m.ia it,,1 Ic .-tess ot industrial pursuit in .-very city and town depend al- in . .--...r.-lv n....n the union and e....per..:;..:" .-t'the business men , f, r .,, , : n ., t,!-u-;u- UAwn MU! R,OD' eo opera; aui iiiitni.' the business lllell a Ni-w I'-ip.-' We have two atiops. ..;. kti-'w:! a the 'a : i . kn M is - l.oard oi 1 rad'- aiat the Cotton l'.xi'han Lte. e are no: We an aoaan'ed wa.n tic V r, . m the Board ot Trad.e. h':' take i' lor .-nti'e.l th it is;:..t nu-:e'. a trade . .; ... a a, ,! .. !...t...-v of the individual members tl.ereni but is held as a means ot ex;.ressiiie the will of the ss h i',e eommeleial C II1 Illlltl It S' 1 11 regard to anS' enter- ; prise etl'ectmg the prospeittv ot the citv penerallv. In other svord. a- regard it as an organization for The ( nnrnos0 ., brinsrinc toirethei the : ethel th . here lo t'-- - cs" here for i the purpose of interchaninj; icsv 1. 1. .. .-o.l.., on maaeis leiauii" ... ie , ..... .,. , terest of all the city and country ! tributary thereto. i If we are correct m oar mumhv 91tlon as t0 tllt objects of the llo.rd ; sometimes to state facts though they ; are not such tacts as we would wish j to put on record. It is sve'l known .... .v.:.. ..a.. v... ,bi-i ,M!i,litiAn nf ili n,.fmli. Psneei. J , ,; . ,.. ;. f Lit.' Lieio. ill I.aivlK'i lic-vi in i "'I 1 .,' . .iii i - , . County government bad a hand m the nnrooseot advertising to the'. i- 't- . i ;. o -...-c--- world the State s natural resources. r is do-'-' for the nuroose af mvu- ; ,;,.,, .,a ,,,o ,iits to i lull in .luiuil tin,. ,ii.i.,..,....-,,.i engage in agricultural, manufactur ing and mining I'ttisuits. Now we nftturaHy -trppTsed that every man in New Heine engaged in business of any sort, from the shoe cobbler to the wholesale merchant, svould feel an interest in. and be ready to . .1 join auy active mmcmeut mat im. in view the development 01 me re- 1 . f.1.. sources of this entire section; but when a joint meeting of llie meiii- l . .. t. l?.s.,,.l AfTm.lj -n.1 lt. wis ci li.c I.'...', o. i.t.ji- .in.. ton Exchange is called to consider this question, in point of numbers it is a failure. The lew who did assemble were earnest in their de sires for the future of New Berne, and we trust g.-Kid will come out of the meeting, but why this apathy and indifference on the part of so many of our business men in regard to a matter of such vital import ancef We mention these facts, not in a spirit of grumbling, but because s e are anxious to have New Berne keep pace with her Mster tow ns in ; Vorth Carolina in the race of 1 . -i.i 1 ' s come together ottener and consult for the common good. There are mans things that could be accom- nlicli.nl hv mtv on.l Pmiort nlb- i. ' ' . ., tion. touch questions as mail lacil- ities, transportation, immigration, . , , r., .l,t .li.i.imirofii.nc in Tier ,111V. I UC.gUL U.OV..UJ...a. " -s, i 11 11,1.1 i. u j tliiu that will induce ieopIe to come here to trade, and to oreveut schemes that mav be operated for .. ,. t, , the purpose ol disertmg the trade 1 ' from New Home, are proper themes. it appears to us, for the Board of Trade to discuss and act upon. ! I UHMi huuioitM. . The .Vt ic and Obterrer illusti ates the advantages of the present sys- tern f countv goven-ments hv drawing a comparison between the , j. ... ii. state of affairs existing under lie - publican rule and now. W e copy the article iu full, but beg leave to i.oa Killil Hill iiiif enoi which iiiii inn 1 j fon lpo,..irv ,:ls ,-.4l!en lnto une that Hoard of Kducation. of which Gov. is omni) The oresent svs ' -larvis is chairman, has elected Q ' ! Irot- T- L- Tomlinson. ot this city. tom ls not I(1 principle, a new;.ls Superintendent of the State Svstem." It is based um the same Normal School, which meets at .,i iTT-ii.i- i .. . uc)ple tn.(t was , practice in T. eiecti,-,n ot- magistrates bv the . , ., to them c,,,"troI f tlll.ir L.,,m"ts i(ff,,,rs. 1 he ..lu.w SVstem- was introduced bs the constitution of lSiS, and in lSTC 'T: the Legislature r.- ived to some eXte nt the oi l practice. We t llI)k lt ullit(,rtiUit that this Tact should be kept before the people, because many ot' them may U led to believe that ;h.-s ar. Icprised ot , alsvavs en- n -bts now that this winch is not true. We do j,.s e not , , , ,, , a beii.-se : ne masses ot tliei.eople 1 1 :e mil. ;: about what "ss. stem" we s : .;;s ti,,, ;.r:, ,,; uinh r the s.s - te nat ice i-are atioiit. 1 lie ' 'o, i- , , a:paris, . b, . atnl worth red;n ,. , i, ... , i me . r ai'. a:: i . . . - e s : -e .i.d ai Is liars , A.t.at 1 SS il consideration of the General As- sembly. That counts- commissioners .honhl n.ws a b.'md as food for a iar1,. am.unt, and ssheii a tew months att.-rwar.ls the S'ato -& her pio.et.. fa t he coilectiii- otV.c.-r t.. d;-., thr no-nov bur- IWH b,.I..:,p,lf; her. it isYound . i , 1 1 i ,,s ,..... , ,.,..,. ,.,. .t cnin : a al ; t s :: hei m The abaci ae eelitlll ' t he bond or 111 t he 5tl:etii- who iiualit'v to Its sll llielell e V ." II sas that notw ithst.imln , ....j.,,,....,.,. .- , I II ided to make settlement, an iudtrnieiit wa- taken at the la term o t W a k e S u i e r i o r eo a r t a Lta i a s t their I espi-ct i se col lee ' : 1 1 l: otliceis. Such ss-.,s the coial.tioii ot'atlait's UI1(li,r ;u. sN;lll; Consider a ': !. loss t t he S : a t e. cl i m i n al ca 1- icioiios on i lie pai i oi nium.i o'ui- missii iiici's. ieijury on the part oi sureties to otlieial bonds, di-taults leaib' ot taxes collected and IetUIlls , ,,p. tll0 eXei-utioiis against the -ureties of "no oronerfv ab..v b. .ve t he ... homestead. I svent y scs c u coun ties at one time ill detauit. 1 haul (if a 1 el , u l, i c. , tt treasurer. jn, ovls 10 described existed, They were real. Now how is it.' Hi net tht a-loption of th' n, ic .,' 'li'i: i, jj , "'t (( (iefauitjnj ,v,, , -jtf We doubt jf auy other State in the I'uion has an oqual record. .V" a siiujh vn through a defaulting herif in y""1' iut tlieo et,Ki,es there has been ;l gre;tt improvement in the finan- Jallv m the eastern counties, s. i i's t' ee e i-s. ,s not Lae to that cause, but if the nesv system had not supplanted the old one, the improvement noted could not have been accomplished. There was a millstone on the neck of the people, bearing them down ... i- nV...i i ,i, IO 1 Ll 1 11. IL lIlllliHtl .11111 III. people have since prospered hv their labor and exertions. The value of horses, mules, cat- tie, hogs, sheeps. etc., in the State 1 in lS7o .was 13.!)14.H1S, and in , i . s..s. ...... o- . ,l:ul risen to ju..i..4 I'l'l..-.,. , . n ..Mi.lnrr ) . ) i 1 a ue s.uur m .......m ....... ...... ri..., fr,,m i". mill mint,, ivT Mill null . '' b i .,r i,.i i h rni i t imi mniMii h i i .it i tela, -iiuni a iu num. i in . v ..ei ' 5- . -in.-.'. ,;lt: . i iim n. n in ll 1 Km s m use in i uions. i Solvent credits from 12.5U0.O00 to WTi i tt I U.i 1 iv-iT.-irTi yyr rn tT f t...i ... -.c-i j-a mi niui .lllltJUll LfU II. A O ,s III O 1 ,V'V0, OV" '. .,d in i tn -i ooo non o rr-.in of SL'O.OOfhooo, an increase of 40 per cent in lour vears. These figures are eloquent. But thev do not tell 11 . .. 1.. rne wnoie taie. ane increase mi- rine- the oast vear. 1SS3. lor which w., have nnl vet receive,! the tigure;, wa. lai'ger than anv formers-ear. When the returns are in the showing will be very gratify- incr ..,.h -At a some of the soli .... . stantial results of good local gov- ernment. -T.v their fiuits s e shall know them" and we are content to rest the argument for counts government on tne appeal wnicn these tigures make to the common ! sense ot our people. STATE NEWS vdeanod from our Kschaneres. (ireensboro Hugh: Judge McUae reversed the verdict of tne. jury in the Turrentine case, mentioned yes terday, and ordered a verdict in favor of the railroad. Mr. Turren j une VV?'ue"- 1 Winston Republican: The heav- . . .. 1 lest hail storm for many sears I passeij over the IVthania section on Sunday hist, accompanied b I heavy thunder and lightning. Some ol the stones were as large as par- tridce eettrs. ami the ground covered I so that vou could gather them tin I bv the handful. Sheriff Folge, who was at Mr. Stauhcr's, says he saw i. i i. . a . ; .. l o . i;,'. ulu ULJe 111 itwtl !"mm 111 "u ! Wiuston Scntim I: l'neumoiiia continues to be prevalent both in 1 , ' -r, town and eountiv. Three per sous were hnniersed m the Baptist ; (,'liurch on Sunday night. We :.,ra,iU,.,I la U.,r,l,.,r tl,.. s;..,,., i',o..s ,u ...e ........ ti i .i T-l . . : . .- .'i....TTT:ilai;. 1 s uapei inn mis sumiiiei . ,,,..,, i. ti .on.-. 'jury in the (Tinner murder case will 'resume their investigation here liDTf si-i 1 1 1 r 1 1 -i irlmii it hoii.nl r ,,.ill'l,.. ,..,,r.i,l Mr- 1 I Ull, I Mill Ot 1 tllllC. 111. . ' . l . ,!euco lavlor returned here trom i Oregon day belore yesterday. '. Messrs. T. A. Hanks and I'rank 1 tie seemed partioulai Iv gla.l to sec nm. A tesv das s airo ss lute .sir. ' John liarringer svas dressing a I stone of his mill at I.ockville a piece ot the steel broke otf, struck tuie ol Uls eyes, and It :s Ie.ired lias de , stros ed the sight, " Wilson A dm no: The Kepabl; cans are more .iisat.-ii than tiie ., . .... . , Pemoerats are. 1 ne tarnieis ; ' tllls .Ulli .oiiiing eouuties an- t'urt 1 1 er a. 1 s-a n af . ! iu their agi ;.-:;! u;ai operaiiotis tiian tiu-.s nase ii .i.. i. i, . . '' u i ii se ei ai s cars. ai i . i 'cii 1 1 sey Tresiithau. ot' Rocky Mount. happened to the lllistoitillle of los !t; his l,,,u-e bv M-b! ,s ot ! .ist ss ee'k . 1 lis'! n ti f . s. r.o lu-r oar t at iner s ,u, the b Hi ess- ! a.. W. ,a .i.i. . : i ; lie .-! c : eparat .1 k. 1 1 e i . t '-s l;i: M : in ii acta i .. as ci .i i .:. seal .ii" . ' - -';.: '. vv 1 1 Seat's i- laaiese, Is;.; ; hat r: rht .... 1 t.ira; : i; ' Mr. l'.hllleS Sa, -!ji;t b s ' a ; k , I Co ' , a i ; 1 1 b.s a 1 . b ' . ss ia . a ia- pi. k ,1 . :.c : a; a . i . o , 1 1 . i -1 s ; . a . ' a t ;. t s ' i ov s a-,-" ,,i r.-ss. ..ahia'- th:- n a :. lip .1- !t I P , t Mr. t lied d.OIlb aps ilia 'al e ine W vHIN(l'0 I V 1 TKK. ai i. .-a I -u a. i-i. I he t-nate has spent much t in,.- tlii week in mtivi ns. the :es:i!t winch ..: :.. !. ralili eati - n ..t t i,- ,.;,,,: -re-itx will. M.-v.c a T u ., , h;, ,U s, ,; e. l.el -ei-rapha-nl ao, politic il hues svete draw n ;:i :!i deiasi.ui. the main contest '.,,-ss : . . 1 i , . e ad m 1 si . .11 ot si' - tar limn 1 , i. o ; i , e ni d a; s . I.ou :s:.i :, a Senators on- '''!' 'I:r ;;e treats w . 1 1 n 1 1 s . 1 ai ; t lm-i- Ironi e Is ,Uid 'be M ls-1 1 1 1 1 1 las oi i d had and ol I a ri . .s -. Thel'pper 1 louse also l eousideia'tiou the sii'ojeet ,HI. in alb; m e' hods I a - i oli ee.Hloll.ie liae-Tiol's raiaat thiol" I ic 1 ea U the Cs! a a, Islllnell t ot a f labor -dat'stios. The o osi;,o:i to eoil-ep.l lie sU' ll a ircau w it h t lie 1 cpai t meiit oi iti I io," aroused tl i ,i m isl t loll ol is di r lnga ydU, ss ho claimed that t be iluT it's of t he Secretary of that ItepartmciiT ssete already inoidm a'e. ..lid that it s as no ai'.sisiilee in ,,-bi to them through an attempt a: ci-o::om . The head (d that 1 e paitila-llt has charge (d the publi. laia'.s of t he I 'nited States, of In d ,a i. .. tl i . ; ot the Pen sloa - ; cm ; I ' i ' i to-, of I Mue.it ion. of j ;.ui ma !-. ot : ' e ( ,ei .graphical sin s ,. o ' ; ' ,c eo:. Id 1 s . .lud 1 Cell Ml-. Th. oV mans" 'Tu 1 . hat i e . ti ll!, atlelellt 1. --S i III p. il modem base be,:, 1 .no'' l"s- moment.",;.. administered by tht 'he Inteii,,;. s,-i.a' s.-ct elai s ol 1 .ill W sek the ,osi ; ion ; ii i f such a c. ,1 II of st.'.' I-: ic- sv.e'.i.l lieS er be co: ; i pia : tied I Ii It an e :ve conitn is-ion or bureaa was ie,' re... I"'1' the :. ti l wrsal panacea lor eseiy lee.mg that re-iuired attention m rlo e,.-ilitr- lie said o "S true s tin- oMtitts. tn sa,,... ss . s n,i, 1,1, reo a ired son: et h ; 1 1 i t 1 1 1 d n a t .... ... , , . . ei r I el ' so 'I el I I I i w a s I e 1 e I limn taxation, some p: sas e it ft mil paying int. my ot tiie Tinted S'.::, amount of money that ee: ton to he Tte.is ; ho same (build or Yaiide-rbilt pip. I'd, .a defined the oroncr subject niaMei i i .' ot the ill vest mat loll- id a huieail ot ta'.or statistics to be tt h i'l'VlT ;i:i pettamsto the uooier unuer tne e.ao it I oils ot uiei lean ' te. siaf- a, v for the ameliora- - er is uc ess ... 1 - , -on , 1 t hill 1 . i : el b ' , Nlll ,l. Ml,ll . 1 I i ( 1 I I 1 I (' i I I I L I I . I I I . . - . . I n t 1 1 e I 1 ollse o t Lr rest' n talis es ,...i .,, ,,v,.,. hills have vim k..i..i...... ...... been niomineiit ieatures of the i we, P Tl.i loll" evt.eet.-d Illea-iiie . - - - t- - -- to iclu.-e import duties and ssai .II I i A . O .l.s i l'1'. I . I l' 11. I i man Mma ison mi Tuesdas . to"el hei - with a report luepated bv hi:n in 1'cha.l ot the ina jority. and one by Mr. .Mckinley, representing the views d the miiuu ity ot t he W a s .iii.l !,,.o,s , .0,01, 0 t.,i. 'I'l, 1. ,1 ivi.i, 1,1 ..."- in.... .... was on strict paits l:a, s. mgbi Democrats signing ail. Morrisolfs report and ns,- lb-: abbcaus tii , Mi. Mckinley. 'J ne postollice ap- .. .. . -,,i,.. f-., ,,., ,.ii , , ,Ti,it 1't'opi; it ion oil, lisrUssel alol is i, ecu .eiigtidis stbl aud-rco:,- si b i.ui. strongly tiav. fin- il.'b.,;.. i,.,s b.eii ,i.d ss,:!, pans venom: ibla-ans contending for a Lli' liberal amount i..r iH.;m.iNiei saianes. and the ra.lwiiv mail. ser- vice, while accusing the Democrats of inexcusable e, ; n,,,:, s . The latter urge economy and maintain that the record ot tl other s i (1 e has hoen one .1 indiscriminate tuod galits , V bill to establish ;t unitoi-m svs - ten. of l.ankruptcv throughout the r.iited SMtcsis t lie next important measure to c.une up in the Senate. It is called the Lowell bill, and has been app.ovcd bv the National l.oai .1 ol ra.e. Anot her il ot interest that will soon attention of that bods is iimvoisii occups t one providing iiatioiia an Ioi Stat.- M-hools. and it is certain to be exhaust iv..d.v discussed. The receni astonishing interpretation of the coastnution bs the Senate m tlie vU 1-nersou oui as to t ne post er ot' ',,n io ,-ss over the en ire ncv h a in t oui.. . s osii in. uniiii.,1 uas. ;iv..;h a meii ; e,l t he itiipoi tance ,1 popuiar education, lot it thrown into n.. tics a reat mics- .iiiossn ii... poi, us a t. at qm. t lo'a ss ith ss hie- h the tin earned can- not saieiv grapp lidc-ate Can tl!, .n. d tinned an aigumeiit this week be tore the House committee on Ten i- . . ,, , toiles. 1 te Co n p I a let 1 oi t ne C0I1 1 )lu,.t (if tllt. ,ir,.M.Ilt c.overnor of! ning we has e passed t he dear la, lies, rtah. real desire, he said i and heard the.n mxioiisly wonder w;ls ,!()t , st( u., 1!MV, hllt , l -why our folks would allow us to ,,rilr .,,,. ,.,,).',, U-'ween thelnm about ah.ne at nighf-forget- ."' tiM'.,V , ,',lti,.r to l-luailcr I nag at the time that the brightest I t ' ' L ,. ., ii , ,. 1 1 1 them. Susan '.. Ant hotiv and other woman Miiiuea-ts ssa ie tues- cut. who said their nls interest 1:1 the 1 en tt'TV was taa w oT!.eil should n.'t 1 a' itise: i:n: . : : .-, i aga i ast it'ans .lisetit'ratich sclneti' v. as made. V Coiarrcirat ion e f lbs a. The co'ii ; t ry cong r.-ga ; aai , t s- scars ag. sseie la.i' jt.-lv mail r h lie la-si i-eo iii . ici'Igia, '' i: e. is ..ra . s ss i : ; i th I'.-eat day. . i ; ; ' 1 1 :a m : c. ui " i une inner. The i cssed , 1 ad. ; :: ; s a. ia i ; i s i ! 1 1 ee II . e 11 One March b-s tl... 1 1 1 1 '.: "'i-b s !.. tr.d '. -, i .. ' . 1 ,' , -1 , : A : .ei m : ; l'l-.-l'i-I-s !., 1 a! A 1M.IM) KMTOK. II IM 11. II ll Sound Al.l II i 111 Ti The rdltor (d T he Cherokee F.n-ti-rnisf , wlin is blind, in a lies his a 111 :et ii u t he siilijeet ot a i,ua'l and in' el est Mi;: editol :al. lie s is s; Many times we hae been sulieited by lamierous iVieinls it liidivai- uals tote ni'.v ir i - tIi it w e manage i " nun om ss as a..u, iossii readily w iTnoui a.-M.ilu'e: and mans eiroiieous ideas are enter- t lined ot Us by most p1-o;,le iih-as ss h ieh do i n list ice to the blind as a class. We cheei'lully eompls.ainl to the bes' o: our aliilits. and in aee-adaliee w It ii oil! expel UMlce. a!Se th" de-lled i 11 to III a! ion . i i it is a mistake to suppose e are ever governed ! y in as tiii- .:t belongs olds to Illte ilclteill. The human t u. tali, lis is endowed s ! r h the iosvel ot reason, and do not licet it; nor an, it be acpiiicl by : of sight oi any otlici tacuits. ss e know of no .student o; ..in !:..r ot nie'Hal piibiosophy i. -il cuou-ili to a.s-e.; that instinct esau go'e: red a i ,---onable i-.-iiig uiohr ans c,i cum- s- aiices; and. mil e.xpcl ici.ee and the exaeiieiice i others siiailatly adiaaed bear Us out ill the state- :iii-nt. rheii sv'icit is n thit enables us to leas e our home and c ine ,1 .-. n -town id. aie. a ili d . t a v- ei a bl : l,s. , ;,.J ,, j abno-a , !,:;-, stole at pleasuie.' lb-- mem' M ! 1 1; . t m.d: is a tea-oliai'e ci. -'a;,., an-.l tl.a; a .lotraclcd a;., ; 1 .a.: ; e.i ot reason v. ill s.t;:i tunes w .ii k ssaiideis iscn w it ii persons s, do e in see. It i- the keeiie-t ap- 1 1 ,cat a-u ot i ea-on and ; he constant ' use oi judgment, icaile'.ed possible oi.ls i- the t! ietc; a'.ien'iou to !,ii .- hear .-aid liei. tog-thel w.'imi.e nieinoi s :r.:ne,i;o ictaia t tliii lis tae ut- , , i:i"s 1 u- a ' 1 ; 11 ess. 1 ill I a I i I . . i e- !le.l :.V lid a s; e most patient 1 1 aim tig iletermtnatioii to m ike the best ot a bad and r.:e it- aba-sit tiiit imi. in spite of themaiis buuii's and mi-hups wii.ch ,.t ; ml 'be Oegm mug. thus, in leaving , , . , , i he lam oui nom we imie ,ne las m iiieiaau. I he direct tl ot I ise ss 1 In t i 1 t la-i c oe ii no' blowing a g.de. a,,y ... ,, ... 1... ,1 . in enaoie ., u. daection. ;;y caiviul practice ss e I, . e'l .1 ll ...1, ill. ilHie LO 1.11 111.- H-lUll.U V Oil o e ti ftll. :,t,os,,l, and note ' - w j-..s - t h,- difference in M.und of footsto'is in. ililllllliu ill annul in nmiMi,.. mi the eaith in the vicitiitv . minding or anv bods', svhieh With a cam- , ii IS tltlitt 1 1 Oi iCCil tl 1 1. te not t In- e.l ot the .sidewalk wo tind eveiv notch, piojeetiou inegiilarity.ss hichthememorymu.se retain. in wallvll.galongtlie street .seen,, de'ect a d-lierent sound or leclmg in the atmosphere in fV-'iit ,d every place ot business, lhis itleielue is liloli.llilv (tile to t lie . . l.-pt ,li.u no isv, stoics .ut o...n a i : Ke. or con t a 1 11 the same class ot goods. 1 ei.ee. by tormnig a menial ptetute ot the c.tx iiiio iiiaaiiig no io... . ......io,. o, ti:- distanc-. we are enabled, in some measu.e. to overcome the d.lliculties that beset us.ai.d.with bid a small mi.da ke nw and tlien. m a , :age to Hint mu tmjecu c pom i s snth comparative ease. iheie aie many people, however, who seem tocnteitaiu doubts about out e.li- tonal work, noticeably among our exchanges, in this. However, we oo jusi as ans otuei e.iuo. e. , :i., i ... .. our news b.s ail the devious means i . ' h-tioss ii ,o pmi uausiii. auu iue j I with our own hand what cannot be clipped. Kead.ng exchanges is the; I only part ol our editorial work that , - we cannot do; but as the very best . little women on earth does that for , us u.u uoh l iiieniion n. ... i.e. . 1 please , it is Hone just as w ell. ! Many things occur, which, ainus- ill" IO us, aie it uia.iei ui ninmci to outers cue s eai ago, v u,,e rabng on the ort hss estet n lioad ; lu tween OdarlJapi.ls and ( l.nton. " hen Hearing a small station t he iliV , " - s,...,.ev., ...... .... re ver herat l ng, eclioing sotina loni . . r . , s. as plainly as tiiougii sve had ,s : seen it. that sve svet e passin g a 1 l, , i , .. "... arge ooov oi ssaiei: tiiiu, nei. ss e , ,j , t;,(W. ; ll.quueo lio. l.l.i l, was. t..ost ,..i. , r, j wondoringiV asked: ' -TIow in the , , . i. .. .... . i ...... i . .. i. ,.,i.. ss oi l .1 mi s ou i now iiiru- i a iiuii.i "I ss .iter there Mans times when i .,-.,11 I,,.,- ,,i tl,.. s.-,...fs ii, ;t I " a mi e - . n . . -.ui. - 1,. .... v.v , .1.1 l . i 1 : -it -i ti.i "i miunas is as me oiac-K.-si ui ' malnight to us: and many tunes. lias'e sve run up puililp against more than OUe Ot the V title sex. and i trembl.-d in our boots and blushed! to our vi-rv te-l it' at the tlmutrht ..f liaviii-si.iifails -embraced a ladv on the ptlblii' stteet. We base alii- svays been receis'ed aa y graciously, ij, j in iwes-er. and ear mishaps have id : been bat f.-sv- nui'dl of ss hi. h ss f i isvi- ; 1 1 1 1 .i in 1 lies- ol es i -i s : m .i i s . I',trolt Fi Dtt.-riora' imi F, ill Aiiii-iai-aii Nil-.. liiijn-i'-. 1.1',-eIl Vi-.il.-. il;o the best il.ilbes cm Mi i l.lt ed ss -ii.it 1 "selisa" 1 1 1 !l . 1 1 isin" n; t In- s "a- c 1 ; .t 1 1 I . 1 ii : il ot t lle-o j . asist.-.l in -e ol -a: .,...Y. 1 i Iii I ' ! S Oi ' I i 1 s I a..;' a n i i.e. ss; ; ( i Cross and Crown. tloM.VS A. KF-MMS. BOOK II.. CHAP. XI. Music: "Rock of Ages." By R. ISkkky. Xewbern, X. C. Many. 1.. ri. a crown would wp.-r. Wlin n-liiM' Thy cross to bear. Many svid Thy name confess While .rosperity shall hies-. Whose sveak fai'di witlun them io--- Winn Thy tribulations rise. Mary tiii'l Thy ssmk severe Who Thv niiraeles revere. M-inv with Tin e bread svould 1 : ak Fesv Thy cup el' sutf Tinj; t.ik' . 'Tis Thy eoniforts they desire. Nut Thy pure baptismal lire. st.ivimir. let mi hear Thy cms-. I ount ini: neither lt on nor h iss. Serve Tliee svuli u loe so pure That self-love cannot en lure: s. rve Thee, that my soul may 10 - . Not for comforts Thou wilt ene. M. B. '. !ii Was Thomas A. Ktiiipis.' M.mv base seen his name alter some sage piece oi ad vice or .pii i nt criticism, ami na e svoiKiereii who he was. His name was not Kempis bat llameiken. He lived in Kcni- pen. and as a means of dist i n g ais h- inghiiii f loin other Thomases, he ss as called Thomas Keinpeli. lie was born iii l.'iT'J. and when tsveii- ts one determined to devote hiill- self to the service ot God. and so entered a monastery, where he led a secluded life for more than ninety sears. His tdiainctei for sanctits a Ii d lea i u ill g stood vel y h g h a an n g t!ie people of his own time, btr his name has come down thiough ages more on account of his wiiiiag.-. which consist of sermons, tie:-tics mi moral virtues and theology. i ions biographies, letters, and hsmns. Of thee only one remains famous it is the celebrated treatise '-Oi: the I'olh isv in g inr Imital; 'i. , of Chiist." The oiigmal l- : os in ttl ' J turguiltl lan Jahrars m ldu- , , . . .syi.-, i u.i o v -vl lo iv ijlii i.iih- H.i. the largest number of readers of anv book in sacred literature, an cient or modern. Dean .Mil u aii said that upon its pages th-tv gatheied and concentrated ad mat is eiesaieu. passional. . Plo .- j : , : i .1 I I i.'in,n o.-i.s ,,, ,,,, . ,,,,, i 0 : I :.,. The handss a i! ing in the otiginal eol.ooo i- iroed ..mil ir, . 1 o. r i 1 ! P'lieral.y b-ar. i lie manuscript nrsr ixaongeii to tl..,M..l,.,tT,l-ol'Mt f A r,-T. .... i .. in.. ..uni.i.m . i , .-i .-i io.u .i;,... ... hi which Thomas A. Keintns s.,er,t his L if't oo Besides being a very rar old i nook, with an everlasting treasury of good things in it, it has quite a history. Anon. How n 1 lityer avetl nix .Negroes. The Hon. Kzra L. Stevens, noted . s out; ... ...t tu.muuUS 01 u.;.m- oei gi ouu. . a.ii oau. a iu now , met ( 'crk ot the Indian Bureau here, is auitioiais tea me ionow 1 ug 1 em in- isceuct. wi,, ti, ,.,,.i..,.. 1 ...;i 1 "- " .Tl...: mi. mi iiu..,i..m,le g 0 ' to . . . P I , '' JiMK tf ,ll" I' f I'O -----r- -- - y v- they could find, one of the most n as eieti lines 01 escape was 1 111 uitgn and one ol Mie (-hicl stations -' .yn--u ..mut 011 1,11 1 . . s..v .001. . "...t.s V'm" 7 ,un ' ' , ', keilt tlcky into ()aio and north to ( anada 1 lie confidential agent ot the road at -Maiisfie U w as an old " " ' 1 t. mtcu xiesus.ei.au school. I know him well, and he . -y- - ...- ...... ...... ... . .-ft h-ii ,11 tlm (i,,In- ,,11'iv SI ine sw i i. -s ,., me cuumi.s ueai ..lans- t .. . 1 ii- . nen ,,i i ti otr.,1 1.-.,. 1, , 11,, ,v - ,' i 'i' prajers c en unto this day. lhey "re not objected to. for the people remember how one of those long prascrs sac.l six negroes from slavery and perhaps death One - " ""i, . of a number of escaned slaves. TIipv were directed to go out to L ncle T l 1 . I 1 l ; ":, V , i . , . 1 frroes t M . ti s ri 1 1. 1 . ra. k ' ' J f j th u ettj sure th s d h i 1 1. m the u . I.ut hen t..ey I I v 'i i L L U Idl lik Li Wii alii . t. , ,.tw,. ....".. .o.. ... ... ..v. ..u. ""u""p if i i r ,, , . ,o t 1 1...,- "uyul " "l is' . ...n i i.e.. ; i seai en t ne piace. j.reaKiasi u-is l,ira-vr oiiiiL-inio-,,, tlmeilJi, , ' , ' ; and he asked t hem to come in and . i i , .i ; take soineth nff to eat. be ore thev : 'lid so- t'he Finneys. ot Jiichland i count v leave one liee.i noted tin- : - . - - - o ....... ; toeir good cooKing, and ttie meal lOoKed SO il l ietlZlIlg US It SIllOKCd . .. , oil t 1 1 t -a , . . t 1 1 :. t t 1 , i 1 1 inrvi I I rl r, l-s ' T"e taute, ttiat ttie negro diners (',,a ,l lesist. i i.ey sat clou u : o the table, and lncle John sal a i long grace both belore and alter the : meal- hen at last the hot buck- irliiVlf oi-i.r.t inlli ,i,inntr,- imtti, t wheats, covered with country butter -; , - V , and maple mohtsst - 1"" "'r '"o ... st s. ...m ' voured, and their stomach: v""1 "? V " -....,.. u"-u K"uu leome-niaaesausage, ' .s 1 1 '"" wero lisi 11 S '.'om t he t a ble 1 luh' ,"'in said: .osv, irielids. n ls (,lu' custom to tiave iamiiv prayers alter breakfast, and I hope s ou will join ssit h me t his morn i a o." The kidnaiipei's could hardlv r".ue tliis invitation alter the bie.iktast tliey had jas; eaten, and it 1 old man t hey adjoin n.-d to the -.it-tinj room svhere I'ncle John took a sea; belore the only window I..kin-; tossaiils the barn, completely shut t:ii'roitt the viess- ia that direction. an t lie t.i: : s" 1!; SS" i I .- )1 'II o lit iin. A i i i u is i l me l He s elS luiiloes Ai ; hi-se a.i :, were looking Pa aa-ie in 'ileb.illi. The llloliielit I ' liiie -John had gotten their ptlisiu-rs to sit i b .s n a ; ; ia table he h. d ai s'eii a . . a' ; i 1 1 ; - si ; vatb . who 'a - ! u liis . ..;.!;.;. :;. e. to "it ; he lteiot oil . . I ; 1 1 he had succeeded in iiisiai them a s! ai t at the time I ' liele lohu Pioaht the temil.s in to a as ei .-. 1 ; v,is all j m i ,, , -, ;. ; t. theheytoo ft a e'ood Malt, and I Tide John ss hell he took the !bi le . i Io .1 It at t he Imiull ed a lid ll ilie ii elith p-ab'li. 's h:ch has 1 t Verses. bias ia- ... a.i t iiioi'-lt ei s s!,,Vp !.d :lo-:i a.Kiii tlo- old b ath.-i. . -M-!,.i 1.. bl.-. he said Tin-ads. i.a -.- i.i.... .' Ail knelt atid I .b ii;!l ' s lace W a . - 111 i.ed s,, ;;..? .dolie c i I i 1 1 1 look out ( a' the w.n.t.nv. As be l ii'a s ed in- kept h ; s e t . , ; 1 1 i: ,i la ic ua i th- tiie iieid- i As in- SSe iii : i , ss s 1 1 , as I ' in- a s : h allet. thes , and sve I e ss n f as in- kia-ss :;, a la ss and site 1 . : . 1 1 ; i T p!. 1 at ih ail this time the tltlsiisj n si.lS e In ih ',. is well- kept oil t iieii kla-cs and ss ban at ! in- cl e of a iii 1 1 bait ll'Uli t hey .io-.-. 1 be 'e J .;,n .-..j d: ills shoss ed i . i a i i i : s Si IS i ' I I i b 1 J : J aaiinl lioihiii--. s i-i i i - c ' i S e I i .. i 1 . 1 1 e a c 1 1 . h ; 1 i il" ( SltP. ll Cies elalei l '.s , ii : ; o i- pi-i i meat o: . a o. n)' a ji,-, ii ,:i. , iab i o a i as i" i ir. .;n a ss . .; i ss i si ; ii 's ii 1 1 i :, : n a A 1 air Offer. V,. . M - V -; 1 -i . 1 's t I'.eb .: : ir'y has- - I is a ii ; . and k n I:, -I en", m lin- ' in I lis Osnian' .Men In itattl la N'Di N, Maich 1 1. re tails ,.) t lie ,le-.p,l ..! c 1. .Ml. day bet w ei u (on. dab . m ' Uel e -. I-H r and Well ' i ; e c the .' ne i ehels in ar 1 he h i s e b i I! i ecei s d. i 1 11 ntii-i. ti w-: . h ; - in ah- ' a lie lbiti-h bu, -lied when w il.s'i ;,,! , ;,,s, ,i 1 e too!, p.,, I in :,,,- .: s I e S' o 1 el - lli i Is . - I . rei a-1 - i n : i ; i 1 1 i . e upon t he 1 1 ha 1 1 d s a in the 111 'I 'le- ol t i 1 1 a ii u-i-il ' la"! 1 '.s i : 1 1 i : e a 1 1 1 en.-ms. Th'- i i o i d - e a a 1 e k 1 ee- b"ll e.l ' h ( i o buLT ::uns. a . their I -. o, o - r, ii si.,,- . edit Ion . lie- 1.1 i ' 1 -! I were iiuiii.iti Ii for the rebel.- at close ipialieis. This was the -.on are schieh became i d sol i le I e. t I 111 i : i iosi ; s ,1 flic ltiaek s ,, : ill. w hi n t lies a in am ,n ivin... iii 1 1... s v ai i'i 1 1 -oi .1 (.n.(1 ,M))h ,,,;,,-,,,, ll:i sei i, ais dit'ucu 1 ; s ioi a time m rally ing his men. and '.s as sased b ob taming aid fioin a lea hei brigade. '1 he' Arab- i , : a cd be I'm ! he Iaiglish s'ouh iind sullenly. Thcs SVe! e deleat i d. hilt hot put Io loll . They w. dked asa as though s,,;;;i tta rag t hroiiga a baza, sr. wdhaim folded oi -v. n:g!t.g at the: r a.ies Tiiey wci e of: ei i shot d , '.v i this did m ! hasten their c-i lolls" i .1. It wis j mpos-i take pi ism; o: - . The v., Arabs would he motionless, out uttering a -ingle ci v or bur ian- ' oo-.l sdil :.l!i and watch I n.-ir e nances to s - ,,1, .p.. advancing laitish ssith kniie .-i spear. The vielms walki d among tin- wounded as among so many vi purs A uounded Arab killed a British marine dining the night. Another attempted to stab '.d. Stewart ss hi', - b : - a idea'..' cam p was giving tin- s oior.ie.i man water. .Judges ot i.aise cha raeter think that the A:.,b- ,ae s,, allied by famils- ! a s 1 !;;;( t. o; e;lt loss of life w ;i! ;,., I t!;, .:i. bicak their faith i 1. tic Mala!' and t bmr sheik A I : e , I ; ie i ia ; !, . Ionian'., camp ami tlr.ee '.'l.tges u,n- bullied. ( )-.lil a n's si ,1 nil.i 1 ,( v;i. taken and Tesvlik r.es's ss . s 1 ee: 1' u i tn I . I he Bl i t i - h loss,., ,1 e cUo 1 dera bl s .;ivj,.,. ,),., ,p ,, .,r!,.d. Th"e immbel ol t be killed i - lt.O and of the svouuded 1 ."(. Admiral llesv.-it has to day .t,t out it trc-h circular to 1 he t ri lies warning them tli.it if they do not obey the summons to submit the fate of the Arabs who tell at Tcb and Tamanicli w ill overtake them. Gen. Graham telegraphs that the sheiks are more peaceable since 0sin.vns defeat. It is expected th.lt tiUM,,:lli to P.erlM-r w ill be clear witllin u,n (laVls- SUAKIM. .Marcli K -(it'll. , , ( KteWiirf. with tlieir staffs, have returne 1 to Saabim. The wounded will ! ft liril to llilV. The latter are .hung well. While destroyii.fr rebel ammunition the , , , , rroops unoartiiea and ucstroveu m llcm-mton rities. Wounded rpbe,s say th;U t)sman 1)lv;m;l-s , )lievv a1(1 nanv chiels ' were kiiled in Thursday's fight. Osman Was present earlv m the battle, but rled when defeat became evident, Fipt,.,, ,!,-,, ,'ebel corpses we, e 1()U11,i i,t e pit. L,,N1)(1N Maich lo. Suakim ad- vicessratt, tl,,vt a panic occurred , ast n,olt among the J-.gvptiaii i--i , .v..,.., v.,in .. ' " st ill m cam p a t Sara l. ihevgota otk,n tilat ,. U.U.U Wvn. ;lp. liroad,ing. iu.(,,.ne frightened, and , took , tl(,lr ,,t.t.,s- th). i(. w ,s .,-p,,, tw,. men. taken for rclM,ls. were hilled. The troops returning to Siiakim l'lie,,r,il gtcatly the personal hero man of the Ithtek Watch regiment. Twelve Arabs were laid low bv his single bavonet. Diummon.l. oi r bavonetd ()sniiU, iU'uui ,,,,). I'aims. March l.V-M. Wad.li ton. Iieiah A m 1 ia ss i in i at l.im- --- - - - i,.- .. . - . '-"a .' ''" t c 1' 1' c i i ". that Mai'iilus Iseiia. he . , , - . , Chinese Amoassador. has asked l-'-.rl C.v no ii!,. i-'e.-lwl, V Omi -ari tiiaii . inc. i-i.glisii loteign . Se.-i etars :.. mediate between lima and l ia.nce. I lie .Journal i ", ...s .a.- aims uas p.-.- "'.in, o us ,a-,v ,o oiiipim ami that tie 'One 1 111,111,,. .,,111 , ii.ov an iS f, lor .lit Motlief, reiiieailj.-r tie.i no nude n cures, it simply a-.-i-l-, naune n, r, la ing it-elt of an ur.naun-,,1 cieiaii n the 'vsn in V. inns ,1 is,irram.-e - shn .ners In,li..n Vernn.-uge kill.- and .im.-. inon ir.-m me ss.-teni. wea- r-moving uieci.1-.-.. iim-, - - loveliest Aiiio.il- tin- I.i.s.ly igshowiiri i. , ,r i,r. s..i-vi s th.- l,i.au ty ..f li.-r t. tb' w in s...l-mt. nr.-- eJ iy Ui- n.-.-t :T- t,- n i.ir..t ; f-.r th;V"' ,V-' !ui!' ' f UT'' "::-',it V" . . , ' : f ', . C 1 lit; ', i ii- ! . 1 1 1 il.a 1 -1 j 1 . Mil ; t i . " ' i mi 1 tCit mntc .ii' 1 ,-pi.ii.-.-. i 1 1- a I - .i- i-f.,( ;.. ..i-ily i-ii... 'j ..n tin- Li-. b-:,t al, ! : ab. KING'S EVIL 1 : an ; - 1 -il- i kill .ss - t i::a 'a- ! 'V -i I... r..'il- i -a 1 ;. 11 Ii. . ! a b 11 of i: '.-ii- r.a i-ii iii';.;- a u. i .a -. a . A a - iii-ii.-i- -;.-; , -a aai' i -K.'.onia, ntaiifoiis l-.ru ;.f i. .as. mors Iioils, ( arliu iii-tes, I i r vi . I'urulciit I lii-r., Nlrmii- aa l i' sical 'ullajise, . . 1" .-.. Tani.-. Klieu mat ism, s,,.ro ui; ,. , turrll, Kiiln. v ia ! I.i s i r Hi , ., I'lilieveulai- ( 'mi-ii ra pt i. : n fl: j I , '1- ' r..,:u. Ayer s Sarsapariila I I i . I it ;irv NtmI u ! ti. ia Regenerative fVieJicine o-v-- I -r '.. . ,. ft : '.i. ss i!i r. ' . a tin- ' ;. r 1- a- s-, . I '. 1-b Ps ('. 1- . Ill- Sli.M i-Alil I.I. A io .a. Absolute Cure r- :-. a - : " . r i a ; -i;-.ai a, ; r ss a ' Ayer's Sarsapariila i kit sari. Dr J C. Ajer & Co., Lowell. Mass. An.ilvtii ill lii nil-ls. Railroiid Accident Near Mnriin. Sj h i ,al l - 1 lie Nei i tD.l ' ' m ri i-r. Mai;Iii.. N. C March t.".--A I mken , rail one and a ls;dl miles ea-i ol Marion thrio-. the ea-t Ihumh! tr N... 'J. ,tX the Hack this morninj;. ' s I he ellirite.- ana mail eo were snia. - lieii. I he pa- . :il-.t ea i ,-, n. ! :..r did in-: le.iv. il.etra. k. i.a-ne -r Will.am lb f.-x ua-kdied. , :ln tireTlem Mi.ii-i- I i 1 1 1.- I , ..i ,.,.1. . I I , ,' 7. 1 h. dly hnii a-d. N o passi n-, a - weo-ia- 111 red . ' lie' t la I k Sv i 1 1 li e p-.tr f. - I 1 he J ei l.l I .hi ti auis. - . ii-, i i ii i hen in- I : o ii 1 is lo;,,Ie,l wnli impii- i ' i a -. a le 1 iiiNVe. - i a e is! 1 1 v in 1 he veins. : ,,a alt.-i.ilive i- needed a-'i h , - e. , 1 1 .1 1 1 1 , , i . 't tile vital Haul cannot las I ..n' wilh llt eri.ni- le-ulls. There l lealiin" tt-r than A v.-r V Sais-ipai ilia .. nurilv i il." I.lood. and i in J hi rt energy to tin tern. A !lis;iiii-il s ( It, inner. H sIal aX.NovaSeo,:, Manlii:: I la liliiraniin.. llattie 1. Kr h arrived at: bockport ye-terlav fro.,. I:,,:. - lshu.d. I she reports tbat on March a. in latitude I ,)s l. ,,,,,,, i, , ..- . , f ii - i .1 s 1, ,n-it u.le l.s ,,, r.-t. fell in, ss ith the schooner l'rivilhi J. W dletts. ; i apt. hove, f r in New link for Nesv ( 5. rne. N. lb. in a disahled cund ition nid leaking live inches of svater jer -hour. The crew of dx men wen- hu.ily frosibitten. They were taken ..IT anil lauded at I.o Iqiort. I ."! o .-f Discioci ies o 'I in. Mat.' i r.i'iiii-l Li.il.ney ih riart . os ncr if tin- till nnre recently discovered at Kine's M. unt.iin. N.-sss came here l iidav that m i'i.' progress , f tic work ihele -a ser. ie h Man of im ore had j I,, oi foiimi. In. Il.il.r.ev lit once left : I'ol the (M,i . Th .1 mine is certainly ri-iiac to he ,, honai..a. mid lucky indeed j a the .uvi.eis .Mr. T. T. Has . of thm , i lly, ou lis .- lie- .ri'.erlv there, w liiell l.'r..,'i.in u- i,,o , ie.s,.a .o.a I.., ,.v,...,.iu c,, ken, -h. " t.,o - .X',- s ,,n,i il.xrr- ' nr. i Absolutely Pi? re. pi st r :i l 1 1 , M rul wholi s- .iik iiokn. More j no! v Htt, u 'conUlUm with the mult iltule W b si, ! It 'I I Wf KM 1 1 . n , 11 1 it t'V plH(Hlft!C ,.ts. r. ' , I .Mil ,' iti c;il,., il Al. HAK1NC '.o,iiKl:'n. 1 ';t! 1-- t . Hivl3-Jyl W !9,QQ0 BRSGK For the Academy Building KI IM an l'.ui ss a i.i.t m II. , a ,: s i-a:. . . I-:, a:. . k .s i.ia-is. l. a ..ill W ilol l.ls i.U. i ii. cri la.u. .wtf . '. a. ii, ; I- i, i s u si ll- a:-1 s. 1, 1 1 a u s i : s; 1-: ui i - , ii i -1 1 1 , i .-. i.' iii,- ne i. ..! a'.oi: . m.i'i.K. .ViN.t ileiorniined to change my !iiisil:e-s. 1 will fiell nut my ClL- II 1 I s i. a . S.vn ,s with all the R.ir FiirureF, ami stock if wante, 1 i contain.', 1 in my -laii.l on Middle street, opfxieite the . . .n I li.s I. Il, il ia.. Kvei ythiiiK NKW and in litst class order: wall established t ra.i e. and No. 1 stand SAM ll. WATI'ltS, M,.i. Ii '.', ; s.( ilAiwtf u i ; .: s a - i 1 I.N AM I 1 1 i .11- 25 BOXES PEARLTNE. .11, k, .-rs I- I I . K. hO A. to.. k i ;.- , -.-is, m .a To the Public. !' ;! i lt M.If iient f.'i the FARMER" AND "FARMER GIRL" ..1 1 ;:iiis. 1 i n, tUi.ri.iil.Hi that all re- ..i;rs.ir s.oa s,t,,M s. . . 1 1 1 l.v rue an 1 1 1 . i : u ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l-v Til? U& 11 r. i,tn,:i c; .,. n ;a:d Ct;v;;, ar.d WILL FIT. A '.! f ,i r .i . iiiiiit'.iii'i'.iiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiaiii ut9(rKe ji. iruta il,,-. r.-iKiir- for t),. - stoves wil.l I Nlim.Jv Ailiiiiis sml oOiera. and known mm : Io t nn ina.i.' f r- ri i Stult-u ' ai.a iiiiuie l.v Fu'oti.s in llie . T, i" i r ,i , I 1,1 v ;nv al-" mali' of the. nth -s n in ii t ai;ti win inn MiL'!i! ( r I ' For Sals w eook-jut our. 0 t II Pio'.H , 13 M-th-idism of ;una. IIAVDN PALLADIUM. . K. ii . m t . r n i 1 1 n i i s r :e fcp. sale. s ... i ' 1 1 I i .. ii DAVIDSON COLLEGE, -M I'.CK LKNIiFRG CO., N. C, rr , ,-'si eVr ''T' "" TurllH,,AY- i-. i.ec.'.M, - 1 1 1 o,. f-II-ll.- nv I'll lAilbls. I. -lis a.t lira - TH I! Ui; I'l lil.lHTUIN lib SIMMONS. lae in I I Slueail e , ' 1 ' -i linn M i anil lie I I ' 1 ' ' ' . o 1 1 1 1 1 .M i 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 e . I n k .- i e ii ! i Init iin t-( ion luia I h la day lwn '" tain nmniiht ou In the (superior (kurtof - i n it i. hi ii ly ii I. ni-lniln Mundlnc fur divorce , M ii.-u In im. t rlMi.mll," and vnianrUlr-d i u .leu r una h iiKwer or demur to the xmi- 1,u" "u''' " "'"'' ", Clfrk of the -I.I..- f II- .... ..no hi i inii'ii iMiuiiiy, ai a iriu siij.i ni.r eiirl to i.p helil forl'raven ' 111 II I I III. IJOi M.niiliiy iiti. t iliclm Mon- '"0 11 M '4- I' I- I ' 1 1 S- I 1. Si I A HI'KNTKR. ' s I - " 1 1 - k , ( lei k .suiKrliT Otmrt. SO l a V.i II. le-U alltwOt OIL SASSAFRAS, ' PENNYROYAL, ETC. ,, l"aiila I'T N.-I ush, on recelit and approv win,. .,,1 flmv for Coi,,,Ihi.I..i.. llrnkerBKe, el-.. tiy Ixlpre Sc Olcott, Hll ,, kN WILLIAM ST., NEW TOBK. B.i,llwtu)r)7 SS ill be miifd BPt to all applicants and c iitoniTH f.f lat I year without iirdrrini It. Il I lluwrations. priori, .lcriptfont and -r planting nil VcKr'f.'l' and Flowrr Iii vnltiniie to nil D.M. FERRY S CO.c'L-. Remember the Place, and U. S. MACE. nmr-!. wt r I I AH I)VARtf Bar Iron and Nails, all sizes, For sale by P. M. DRANEY, .-t,2!l&wtf. New Berne. N. C. FREI RELIABLE SELF-GUEE A favorite ptMOrffaVtW 9t 99 9tfi9 t4 and oi iniairnl iDKMllata in Mm V. m. . v rAilred) ftr ttaocnraof Jaaw aaWa oiminii Bant l,,,.,i. atuvtlopaVa. XnmH.anlla AJumu Ctt. WARD A CO.. W. P. BURRUS & CO. HhvUik iirclitB,l the ItKO FIIONT BTOBE .a W. r. lialiunoe Jt Co , otlar A CHOICE SELECTION OF FINE GROCERIES anp i CONFECTIONERIES. i a c uicIkin.' nnd M'll for Cr1i, hi id gnar- , lllllc ! PRICES AS LOW AS ANY IN TEE CUT 1 ! Ot S.WK (iRAOK OK OOODH. Wr iin .nil thr Moat Faaltdloua. Call mid j on villi l eaivlaicl. j We villi tmidnrl our OBAI) BI8I MliSSaa in fort. marSdAw i.i i ii. 9 jr,D.-M : ai,u BjKunly c -I .u aiid jrji.'i,.' T".,. ... t and ripor.oraaT p t'ii n rune - ii.a.acrwooD.eiciaaaSj (,v..r,.rii. i u- , (ovt.r forty tho-ia.-l )-:,.i;l.o eutij j-U,iw i , i' ..- i ,,i.iar" ea trial box of I. -1 i f , !,-, , 111 i.l SS kai'oN rortikital aaaa himihji. atiaeaili-nai 1'ia.ie.t Sl A IK iF NoHTII ("A KOI. I N A, Hiwlow Oxiti t y. j Hupei lor Court. U' in 1 ' Wiit-Hon i h. J rt)T at Pulillcatlon. ii V. W atHon. ) It npt.carliiK U lln- court hy atDdavlf, that H. V. Wat-Kon m a non-rw,Uent nf Onikow cmulv. and n)m f the HUite .f North I'aro ! t ti iv, thr wil.l M K. Watwin tn htre()v notified to unpcnr nt Hit- Spring Term, A.U. 1WM of niiKidw SnpiTioi ('ourt on th tlh Monday nMrr the 1st Motjlny In MHreh, Itfri. at th i ..iirt Hu8c In Jarksonville, tbn and thfira to HiiKweror demur to th oomplnlnt herein in d, tht miiH' l41nK a Knit to foreoltkee a tn'iiKyp on real 'NtaU In fwtd county of j nwov And the dfffndaril im horet notl I (I'm I l hat If lie (al In loRppcar, the plaintiff will I 'tt'W.v to the court for the relief demanded In 1 in cofii plain I . ii:veii un.li-i mv luiiiil and ttif neal of aaid c i M . 1 1:1h 21 M diiv of Kchruarv, AD IKKt. J ffj wiw ( l-i k if oinlow Superior Coart' nDIIIFIORPKlNE HABIT I B H I I g J Hit. II H K ARK, of th Ihul a-T V I m mw 111 Horn, dow nn.' as Kmr -t-Wr u nil ema riro hi Mas If qakl; m4 palst)? . Fir tal1av lil 1 nil it riid i.wlliii lira f rutti rn 1 nanl m.i lr-l r'in ,aVr-. ,aV'l 4ra ll. H. Ivan m, a. Ik, io iha tt., av r caj. LAND FOR SALE AT AUCTION. Good Chance fcr Specalation.. j . ... ,.,... ,....., n,,(-,.,rt i ii.hin, iimn in iii. i m- nl Newliern, im ll ! zoia uay oi xaarcn, 1001, .s i.imi- vriu-t lima HltimtfHl In the up M..in .Ni v l .i in, on lh north aide of rDaa u j.mt ! On- HIkIkiii l'uilli'y Plantation, asn4 ' "''iiiii'iiit; i.Imiui ed'ven hundrrd acroa, vitas .Ivii IIIiik ami iniOio.iKca. v,,i,ii,,,, i.i,,..,,tir,,iii.tjm th.i. i:,.r. Mtn-o (.i.nna.iiftia are paaalna evary .1 h'.K x i.i i-1iOit home farm olitarad : -. :iiii..T.-.l w-lili pine, ryprwa aai i" Ti i. m i-ni.li. anil kh nHlanr In oaa, ; sa en.- una f. .ii r yenrH. In HiuaJ tnatal . ni k:x M-i i nl In 1 1 1 1 nl ulili nun luaga i i .i . j 1 l 1 . . kii'ii i i- Raid liowa. tea. ;k. ss . K. ROl'NTRKK, IAS W CA KM KC ''-. f A a x Mitchell, deooaaed. :. .'ii . !.s w I in Oyess! Oyess! Oyess ! y 1 f . m M ,i i t i.ivi k f i I cormi n iifii t - - - i . ....; i ,., . ,. ,.itc Ioi nil liriNimM I'' - d sa! i. 1 im-..- iriih dny t u r iuhJ - M K I I N M A I I A I H. COME AND SEE A Well Selected Stock . a G:ld and Silver Watches, Sclid Ofcld and Rated Sets of Jewelry, Sclid Silver and Plated Ware G:ld Ten:, Clcckc. .I.s-i A Full Line ef Spectacles, 1 1 . , . r i m ..-.;. : . a k-.. .a-. 1 . 1 ' Io - , 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 1 c - for tt"l-.- SAM. K. EATON. M i i. I- Kll.'.'t. ItapliKt ( 'Lure f) I Hog Cholera ! l i; m i i;-. s i. u u in ujs. Morrio' Vt gftablf CompouDd t .n-t nc la-.rjr'i ftfv Nil i i, 1 -II I, H. t w i i, wa 1 vlrl pre t " '-ti. i.i..! nil .llafna. a lif - . I i,n,l will put - I ..ii. i 1,-hi lug , e s, , i ii i, i i,t pHrnaili a. If -' S ,u wl 1 1 havi, no . I a s ii pm Uiem In i , i.ii.i llie iikuhI tlma, '- ' I -iiiki' kitli-a havii - o i i, una fuvorashlp ra- I -i.ih In n- fii.ln lla uae. "i.l ii I si us i, luive 11 . n hand i 11 M'dl-K HHI H Oi u -i; isi, Nm uaru.N by J bl "A .-1 s". I A I I .11 has; at to the ; i- . a paper. i 'i -s s uji hei c ss hi iiX ss n i 1 pa

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