Y to- V- .' 1 r3 !.; fj ft k fl II. -. VI N N . K II V . - I ' I It . 1 x j k 1 m-:x 1 )i ;n't 1 vt.t. th 1 :n ( ; s. 1111s sa.oo rox- VOL. VII. m:v hkrxk. craven county, n. c.. XO. I. i , - t I I 11 il. J- v The "GLOBE 1KV I w I And is acknowledged on exhibition It will sow in drills, imp :n ! gmin. Yea have only m soe it t.' now offered for sale, ar. ; ;t..y r. PUnter to be e juai to th" 'il.'M to competitive field test anywh Send for Illustrated Catalog". " yon have seen the GLOBK. J. ( The C.L..KK. - ' ' ' Atlanta Exp--a. iS M'"'----h and bore off the L' . r. M- ! for being the best 'SiSSf j5rfc' " -,.',' 'r"j';..' SP1XTA1 ,'ld : "Buckeye" Riding and Waikin- uitiva'.ort Kemp's Kanure Spreader, Cardwell's Corn Planters, Tennessee Farm Wagons. rMKttJPURGATlVF wQI emptotely dung the blood In m take tl Pill nerh nlht from 1 to 14 wmu, may oe reacorei vo wuna fttkiicto noaifhlo For Female Complaint these Fills hare no equal. li imi fur the eve of LIVER fcy. mar for too. in stamp. Circulars l ' l L .7 II lis, II U U U il 12a U 11 Ii u 5 a Urtnvu C 1UIUCMT BTBfl JhLV jZfcsLX. Cooih. CKrSrie fjiaTrbda. Pyaenter.. (Trolera Martaa. KJdneT Trooblea, aad aMSsasatsrtie SsaaaT Sodd rywtMrv- drcoUn tne. Rsi mO-tmawn fact tfcat nost of tn one sad Cattsa rwoar wld In Una tona li j U wllilin taat Sharlsf n a Condnjoa SSBHinHL iiisi-w Lni tod. It win also aa)Tly srereat aad extra Hag Choi era. Ac. SolJeTeryber. orienibjmaJIt'orlSe.la f a a mm ii w wm ja i autspa. r unuauou whi(, nm, i- w , uj man a, ja VfllWIXSal WllWsikallrVI fysfitu i L'AtJk'. ,".fs Wm. Pell Ballance & Co., GROOERSES, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, Fruits.Conf ectioner.es -AT WHOLESALE. SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEWBERN, N. G. We are not members of the Board oi Trade, nor have we ever been, and wo are carrying the Largest and Best Selected Stock ot Fancy and Staple Groceries over displayed, in the city, '25 bbla. Bst m tho W.t'. r)0 " South Lakf Fi :r 100 " Tip Top Fl ::. 100 ' Purity Fi -mr. 50 " Sara to 2 a Fatr. hv. 50 ' Saratoga Fxrra F "25 James R-vcr -at- r. F 65 bbs. P rk. j000 lbs Fat IK k-, 50 M) lbs. Lom K ir-. 500 lbs Smok'- i .-':. ai : r P2f0 eallos? M .'.as- Svra ,".0 back Fat ':. 10 Tier-.'s Far : 'Jo Tia Fan- Far i tO'H) lbs. oi; -m - 10OO lbs oh : ' K a 500 paF .. '::: g .-. ill r. (hi r. '2.'t0 rat its Salt. 15 bhi-. Ta': i S . a 100 h. rt S t; 40 bags ('. -: - . 20 trross '.- a ' ' P'O 1-oies ( as . 13.1 p, i.., l-'r - b-.x. - ,i . a. ".) ,alse- Pi V. -100 eo.s, s P.is.r .-4-V box-- Ihaj f PK').IXM Mo.-: ;:.. . P2U0 :k f -.: KA lbs - P2.V boxes I : :. 10. 1) A) FLt: m a 100O M- ssiaa 1. a'(H) 1' r- it ( 5 'IHI I: - P a -. 1 J ' i tt - - i ( '.ma-- : i 1 . . - - And " r " 1 1 i i n in li tioncrv lin'. iii-ii VKIIY l.AVr-i Ik mk We carry ;. i 'iiil Li Fancv (imrrik -. - n Cotton Planter i 1 the Best in the World. ..- Tin: bkst Piu..t- r ' N-wb , r:a ( . ' -. Phi:.:-:'-. WIIITTY. Newborn N. C .1 ..,.-;..,-., y...-' '. ( , the entire lystem In tnree montns. Any and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere. free. L 3. JOXysoS A CO . Boscn. Km. Cronp. Asthma. Bronchitis, Jfeural- 1 rla. Rheumatism. JOHXSOS- S ANO- 1Y N'E LI NLME-VT I for hturnaimd ErUr-vU . f') will tnstan'.AaeoajlT relieve llxae temile dijuei. nd w.U positlTplT care nine ces out oi tea. Infcrmauon thmt w.u sare nuuiy 1 live sent free by mAil Don t delsy a tardea:. B B PreTention ta better tiia cure. fTRF.S Influenza. Bleedln; at the Lnnn. Flaan- I. s- Joaso a t.u, uoatoc aiaas. nnnirirucMQinv Orcilan tree. L &- iOlLSSQS X OJ, Bgtua, Mul. . Hatioiiiii vYkb & Iron U, consisting of the fo. t p. M'fi' and ( ;ilm jilMu.-t- in -t-11 ;i ill "nil!. t ' ' 1 i ' 'llt'm-I M Hlt'l' 111. w l.it'h up i-li;il'T skKTl lll ON I II b KO A 1. i : '1 1 ' 1: 1: v ,t . u ai;i sh:in . K .1;;-; : 'a 1 1 ivivks ago. Miuil.n. : .111 , 1! it met ion mi ' he ti N. ( '. l: 1. i.l. "(! 1 -. . ! n 1 by We w e!'f on!:i : m T U 1 to 1 1 o w ill. W,m mi i r a' th:- oriel a at oil .-uii.nier n--m ' i 1 i r ,.. ; y -1. 0 ! ; hours. Nothing I .!; . -.to los- o timr, w r j 'fi oooilo.i to , ; a the : n-au; -''til-' lli'r, alol "I:' 1 !" iv.-n .1 . 1 . . ; j :.t f o- .na-ihy 1 -1 ; r .;.r. ' o in thi Tiiflunoholy v;t!.'" :: 1- to ! h.a-ol b.-iiol.liMo: aa.l r-vp!I;iJiX :! t In- uri'ainla: . and biMUt;. ni ; In- Uhu 1:1 S;n i:io;s alloy. ;,;.)( w .-in l ouiuloil by ta 1. ina- :r ni' f .11 ri . envh sjoro t',-iii-to :, wit h oirli o.; !u-r 1:1 thru rtl'.Ti. to I'o.irll till' Hc.lVfllS illuiW. Nrar thr midille of the valley i UK' iarp'. oomiiKHiious "vaim Si'i'in-; Hotel." presenting ;i trout- itre ot six liumired leet to tin- i'rem li l'.ioad river, which, cutting way titroivli the maestie mourn ains. :;ows swittly alon- at the aar.an ot a broad lawn, extending he ulnde length ol the bululiiitf. I he loiir double i. at ico. l.o(.ieet '"r'O -,i....uoi in i.i.i a vr r. n ml pillars, in: ended at the ru.e ti:e were uir.lt to r ,; Teeti ; he then thiiteen S'ate ot tin diion. are near the The Warm Sprin eil'e of tlie l-'reiich l'.roai and are fitted 11;. with con veiiienees fur pool, iii-i (ir suowei nat ns aim not ami col 1 di mkiiij; founts. The pool baths consist ol' larj:e pools, in the and hot mills; ,. wlium DutHiies up witli at the rate of turn lain- ;aty gallons per in:n h-ar. jiowerful ainl electiic '.catei. varying in temju-rature trom loj ;,, lii degrees. Fahrenheit. I'm- teiimeraturi' of the hot drink am pr;:!g is 117 V. ,. amieistalld the hotel atal - , , , . .l .11" - W I . i Oe i.UUei t 1 1 1 " Ill.Uia' e lien " t 'ol. .1. is. I'ett joh'a. ot ett iiilll, : g, Va., this nc.imui. t.f Warm Springs we i t le t orv. In the summer .1 '. r j s.a.s a s p I ill's h l e I i o ! 11 eV.-U a u m !: : o a thousand g : , s- s. and l'u i:m i.e hr mir a gl.: i..us s. as..". seei.li yearn A iu-n t he . M-.tu ; y ,i ii, I v.'ea ! : h ot native and foreign hauls a.-ic levelling in the loVel 1 n-as.s 1 1: ; . i s -laud ot the ky." a. comparativch . old man sat m ,1... .a.-.,, j ..lV, .1' rl... l,..t..l tue s.v1,.l,,,u.s ,,,M ... rn r..,iM read.ng a paper. His chair was leaning back against one ot the large, oiu i.i.suioneu. rouiui-eoncave jiillars which sujiports the immense iiuililmg and his long iron-gray hair falling in graceful earls about his broad shoulders. His face, while jio.ssessed oh several crows teet" was still unii.siially smooth for the tint of his hair. A litt'c-. prettily formed mountain girl entered the oilice door. The gent It-man looked up and beholding her his face assumed an asny hue. The girl beaung on her arm a pail of mount. un butter ami dressed in , , ,. , ... a short lioinesiiun Iroek which , .1,, i o.tie.v ion aeu net mit--nii, net long, raven-black hair falling down her back, to.-sed genth' about bv the weet mountain breeze her .t lit ite,iiiu tMe.s, v.'mivu o , . . ,., , , -. , , , , ,- 1 ... a ii r i 1 1 1 1 l.taeu lashes iinLa.i shv v , . . ,' ,, - about her at the huge assembly ol , , . , - gent emeu and advanced to the . . , , II!r r thai coin, ii. While she was trading lor ber. butter t the cleik the gentleman above mentioned was .-teadily and wistfully gazing at her as it he hail found one long smeelot. Soon the trade was made ami the gir! k-tt the (dime. The gentle- man arose and tuiiowed her. She lead him across the valley, then, skipj.ing trtini stone to stone, oxer a small mountain stream wln.se glittering waters rushed gleefully along over the white shining pebbles. (n the ojiposite side of tlie stream the gent leman overtook and adiire.-si ng h(-r saai: -(iooil morning. Mi--: vviut lie yaui bound?' ' Home, sir," was tin- reply. ill y ou alb.w me i wan; ng with yam?" "Yes. sir.'' she laughingly re j eitamlv sir." 1. Will yoll be killtl enough to tell your name?" Aiina Kimbio. sir."' Mv ( cd:" exclaimed t lie gentle ai. a,s he , and almost loll t. iits uheerm; n ioormg. --Alma :: '-:-.: K-1 1 atai.-ts-ami alight?" e s. . Ihi ; p; a what i- the it t el ?" -'lie ail ioll-l s a - ked a- ! he ti'letnaii again reeled ami faint- g:'. s,-.i-eil h'.m.seii ,,; a im k lie. ir an i ..!.pe.l !its head in his !aK ( , i ,a a :.,a" i.e .;!' :,ai. ;- i..-:t ,a I; a . a 1 1 - , i 'T ''I to-o It . .: ; m a ; in a I'nl a lrv woi , 1 1 ' ': . ( I o,. N.oa . .i . , '. A h lYr olio." -W,-V. -I!." - , ,i .1,.,',. UilTBlll.'i'l ! l.o oil. y,,U Irrollrr- oiii' va to Ann 1 I 1 . ! : i : 1 1. ah KVUiiifT 0:1 a 1. 1 1 o il m; :a; 1 with Alma, w : 1 o wa l i ion a 111 ;: 1 : 1 1 !e t h : nu". : 11 mv a 1 11 : - . W o v. iim'i 1 alioii; ai! t-.iUt ! ;. the wave aial early 111 the t 1 r : 1 : 1 . ea a-ho; e 0:1' ; he Km, -is ilea: hi;.,- I 1 a" iii .s. Tile: e K. " 'Il h .: : 11. . ! ol : i to-.ll (l.-truet ioll o! tin- -S a it.i.h and h a' e e: !..) a '. 'o 1 ; a ; A 1 ma ami 1 '; e h . 1 io 1 h if :" use to j.., ,,, ;:;.i ...,!, :;, t ... I h.u! no me lib I.. ;jai. an 1 1 h ; . : a . 110 j,r, .ol' ol' Aha.,', idea t ; ; . 1 u eiaded to remain ;n Aim 1 ,ia. .: a t ; orwauls 1 wa . ; akn, ri, ... ,,,,1 !o-.va v. . ! : r t: ::i: ; M1 - th,. iron, m,. ,U j(, liel'mell oil . i ni a ti. j,,..,,,! ,,1 tin. .iaee. , th(. n.iXnv. ,.,,.,.,; j,. . ,.- the Warm Springs ami a. I waiah led 00: Alma and I. a:. 1 bein- , u ed bv 'wira.' m tie- ' U 1 1 el . j , iioau t h.l- be. lull- e el' r A 1 ; iiur. a.o our ai.oe. Now tell in v , 11 in. ma w a'eiy eiaiv,.." .aii,,,. , s-., 1 1 1 a I e.is. niia wueli I I- ni ml m ; le .l.iuyrh a rere 1:1 an 11:1- .11 I have ter was h. loll in;. ie er and la - for m. conscious s' Ve S". wandered 1 nun : .hi,-,. t, ,, ,,,,),,, o hi ,i I c. x,llv mv j .. . , on push is Alma, m d , impi lilted on t :' he: 1 kiss. A ( lis . I l'rr aiiioo i mug ii la-; i' t lileii t. 1 II Nt what Tourg. a .lirh after the u ar. win p. 1 e i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 o-l , a t he who came down ' , . 0. .. fed section. '' contemptuous!;, c :1 ei s. d'olli gee w as ,. Was their belief 1 1, I, ..... i . . , U W e ! e 0 a 'aa bag- 1 ihVta. 1; t he S. .ill ii i'tt tel Ilf ss. Nort hern. Tin- Smith ...ii. eVlirvlli,, tl,,,; , y 5iim:,lv iat(,i then.. ke, ,!.li them as alien ruh-r-. rod of coercion over the propl purely by right ol romptrs. I'm s men liave been aeeastomed to tah of t he Sou! h Hi t el in s , ,' u tie a m pie, harshness. Their pr s :'. teal nic illy known by ;he tirle ,,,' mg the liloody slni ; ." T' i , , : t aig; incuts are .simply the ,u guin.-nt- . deir.agogues. ami they limi a phm tin the stump in t-Vei v poli-nail iati- v.iss where the two ,.,.; j us ,('ittt.,i against each ..th. r. , , , ... , . , , , ,,, .1 mlge J oui gee w as a I a i an e a - a . ,,- , ., ,. . carpet-bagger. We gather tuts knowledge trout tin- reem d olhts proceedings, which has been pa Imbed under the title ot --A l'o, Frraiitl." Tins volume ha- 'a ,. . , i .called a noeh It i. . .... -imply oloodv shirt ai gunien t. h ic h l e , ',...,,,', ,t , ; ,- t lieiirses every point that m ,-. , , t , , I ., ,' ' ,. ,, , . 'u' speeches ot all cheap Ke im Uc in oi.itors. The manuscript ot this argument lav lor months in .1 ,. wspaper otl'icm u t h : s r a motig t he rejected mat ei ids , a thee.stab- iishmenf. It was hnaliv printed, au, ni:Uv a wholly accidental mi,- cess, dinlge Tourgee immediately became a great man. upon tin- fact of having appealed success! : i i ly t- the mistaken passu, ms m h pitKs- diced race. Judge Tourgee can. r to New Voik wltn p:s ma.ga.nie Horn 1'in.adel- , 1 t-K . li t i . 1 ! t w, u k on t h a titi.i g 1 1 nr. in common with all hts or her w oi k .since the Fool's Fin ami," lias been r very bail im been the m k : a a i i e i i a s : . , , -1 tably stupid. Judge Tulllge mmiumeiitall y uml. 1 in pears to h a e i ice 11 g:.,- ra' ed. no mailer limn w ha ' might be mwed. Tin- u shmild ll.le i'eeti li t: toon a m some i cm,. - , ()n;ar;o mies's. p have bi-.-:t bn'mh: m "flm ue.-U r ct'. m' F .'..,-! t FttT'da. . t m ' . : w;'h .... .- i a 1 1 - : ti a if m i a . i u j ., ,'a t ii.tt excel:. : v. ang -r,i'e:a m. .. piTtra'.' a:e hung .ai h a:tK -in ;;) :-i.i-d w f i il 1.11 go i rd t. pe. " Ida dent of ;! I i.a,..! m w a ; le w h a .,- m h m 1 N e a. a.s.a K I':...-. - V- :!: n, ! ,-.n-. nai:a::a'. ol laa', mimnailia to . 1 rina and tnnane' h;-toi a--. the a.-eounts ..; l.attl.-s mul a,-,a. -I tha Maii-hter of t liou.-anils. and o! the lai-eiaMr fate of tens ot thou- - .ad- o; , an lelh.w creatures j. ei ih- il: j aa-erahly mid alelie iiosor 1 1 o;ara! hea-. by lire and hood, or ;..e -'..v.- a' ; ,iiva-r alar !: ra is:- :U ami hotm- and u Civ,- led. or trie ouiei; de-truT ao: ami ji.a vlien -ae 1 ..'lir a ! h t heir teet bee. lines a 1 ri a r, uleliiv'- -iVOlihl ri or i 11 1 a:r minds that we 1'. oiihl ; in 11 ti oui t he heroic pae w 'a -hud. lei i 1 yc were it not adorn ! ".ir 'a m.ble instances ol heroic . : ...m. ainl !ev..J..il ji.it 1 ioth-;n. i : a "he ! i 1 urn ; his nt 1 .eaee. aec iant i'l.y'U'S' 111 aits and sciences ia ken (.in wannest admiration. - : a m en and antreN cm lejoice in aial III pel usillfT t hem. or in m- .iitatirii on them our souls are id .1 aed. and we fee! proud that we '1 1 e hisiniy i.f tiie la.-: lifty years : - eventful than any pieced i lit: I 1 1 i- d 111 the annals ot' time. The oiii'aiy opened when Napoleon "'a. iam ni'cKies" was in t'ie fnU t:-!- ' -amcess! u! career, v.iieli he a liavc a iojitrd the motto ol It.-- iioiiiall oeiieial. riui, . . rii-.-. fo. ir- s wept 1 . c; liriiojie and a part A a like a tornado, and nation a ; a a nation, and e mi .ire a lYer em - p:m u. re overrun ami subjugated: v. : a io stir tir.-illv ie,I..,l .,'n.l nam ,l.,.ai in "1 n :iii,l',l..r,. it -it W:ii,.i-. !o. : tin.rthcn the world breathed .or. nun lire minu uu-.iui.u fie,-: ior the great destroyer was !.'- ...i. Tl mi, emu-our econd at Uritain. when we on with eiirthigim .,,,1. ,,,,1 , a,,..- wa: -.'. tth ( ', re t . a ' ami w s, : a --ti ce t ra. ie and sailoi i h -." am i t he banner of t lie stars : 1 -. ' ' t - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 ; 1 1 y on e"cry sea . a eveiy b; eee. ami c. ,nt i n m-s a m' proudly, s, -curing protection .a 1 -e!i e.l h its .: Ill 1 aC folds. the e; i ,0 h to v." a ieti we ha vt 1 aiei u a the temiile of I e ii on- ( u 1 . i..,e eye.l i a mm a : m: , ,,i ta upoi t-mr-- - - .a i . f her foot. ' U 1 .lid . . - . ! II sU'etC w it il ' : - '-i'.'i: i a ' : . - ill- 'i.'ii: 1 hud, el i-i-.'l m a i,r. 's w ,.i il - h as mourii ed lor lie; ohthiieii a:ol would imt be I'.inif.'tiol. I r th.-y were not I'dood it -.'. .1 m 1 1 c! -. ami ; leisure as la n- !aal like i he ,;:-.. of tile e.ll t h: ua i ae c..a s-.;, niest em.eil. am now ri,.- giass gi.-ws liiMii iantiv on coiintles battie hrhls. and the voice of the turtle is iii-aid throughout oil'' land: w hile in l.urope tuno-as Fiank. and limy Hun" have laid a ale their swnids. and Sedan. Mem ami Fails ate p..k-n of like ' t.u,,- am! Pha:alia. P.ur tht-Sf T, t.-s .ue fiuitlul themes tor the 1.:-' mmaml -lie epic poet. Few m- e. aap, tmtt ta uitti- the pontmal a' ' m y ot ! he pel t.u!. to detail the pi . ; , -s wiacii h,,s been made in th-- emmtimait ol good and whole- aa li','.-. ;h,. mloptiun oi'govein- u ii mea-ures i,,r beiietit 1 1 n g !.";..'. mme deal ly est a blish m g oitteiia. ot right and wrong in mm - tntmcouise with hi lelkiw- a n: or icmlciing one nmre secure v. -iias built a hoii-e upon his 1 '. : r y y ,-a. i s ago we had no ocean- .-hocks a: c ex md. gmim -tea.mei .-: now sailing yt.-s.-els Pai:!s. Maiadi lah 'The j...;,.-,- lately ciriy passengers across t he li.ive diseowred a . -.ft dynamfe Atlantic, and that broad expanse faetoiy in the p.w m m Tulle! d. pa: r ,'t '.nit, i his !i...,iiiii. aim. -st 1 1 ke a ' meiit ot" 'oi ; c,m. :' h1'" , , . . , , lamm n. .M u.-h gk Th.- !ate-t In pohP.es the gif.tt principle t hat a(lv;(v ,-,,,. 'l'.,,.,,,!;, ay,, that a g -m inment :-..! the people, ior the ,;..,. , ,; r h,- : , , v.d iamiiv ,: nnam pe.oha ..ml !.y I in' people, is be- jjas h. en , mi v :," K ,f i a aiu -t t u - ciiitng u:ny-i-,i.iy acKiiowieugol: a.-a! king ei alt ami hereditary aris- t.-cr.iev are hiding theil diminished h.-i.ls'' ...! tl,.. i.l..., tl, it , ,!,,. ads: and the idea that parlia- imai - s. cm; gi e-ses and legislatures ate oi.il tl tans of ihe people and imt , a i servants and the exponents , iti oi pmnm opinion is dadv becoming ..ii .i .111 i aio.r -oiiie.i ,iuii es , a ui la ueti . 1 ' u.etp.eiue. aiia-st net :cs am a. i Fes pre pa; ed with a .-kill that '.. s us the (pitlitesscbce. wlieie ii i itia-is u.sed the m,,.ss mateiial. w aided to tia- span of human ..mi mi; imbed tiie j. a urn ,,f i,-k- --: v,h.!e the greatly improved m;. a. m-s of the siirgcmi endow .'.'. ah a faetlirv almost magical, i t.ailrure' there i almost a . d atom whioli can readily be . : ''. cihapaitng em implements '. .-:..!:;. ll W.th those il-od II i't V - i g..; ;,' -ay nothing ot tin- . a a ;n' ma.-hines of to-day. 1- -naaaTT ..a: own 'mike's ! a'.' ' im pi t!:els umlci mme and e vei v rime t i .-- pi kiss Mm. Venus. ha g ite. i.e :- -i em ,- ia-t ahie.l omit: :.'.:..-:. tiia' al! g 1 1 , i.e'tr jor ti to have .I1.. d i, ! ' a ,., ; .. v. 1 woii.iau' ri . Hairh' IVnL :'- !i in the aTK.an: .a human ! i-i : rej.res.-iir. ha .-v-.-.-.l the l a .; 1 leented r-v . ..! j - : : 1'-- ' ' ; ui.-.'.!!.y Ii.t- 'tm ' otiaa-i he-n i-:i;i . !"! rr ' ' ;i ' ' : '' :::' '" '' ' w,.ik art.', ri. .'. .i : inu- - -h' 1 d. labium.' Ill ill l.i.v, ra,;iev rl, b. ami eye. dir. ta am 1 his OrcUjiu!lo!i seleiiee. i v.- r ::nt. t a 1 :'o'em e : 1 1 e n ; : . ... 1 I'll' Coll V, iiailv r." 1 1 ' 1 1 a . . .a a : c a 1. . 1 : 1 ... 1 . v I , , -V, K ilra 1 11 are in n an d ; n . a-.-i lent eomli : i - a , ;or t m a ; o 's Mitchell saai to da : --I hope m meet Sul!in a a- a;u an 1 ;' J ',!,, 1 1 . 1 o 1 iv 1 o . a i e : ; : m -. : a ; ! do."' XlAV ():: I.KAN -. Malah L' T . -peals for sa i d ;es , . t ;a a el i I'.'ivi-! d.niv , ; no State ami from la.l!l ; s. The It d.i-s! I uc- i,; h-- a le e, ooniirmed. I N 1 1 1 A N .M'i ';.!, mi ' 1 :;.i. '. the .!,.,:,, t: l.rookville. Ii.dlalai -a!;.s. tla- I-1?'' "; Sl':;,::'. 'i'-ar tic- () ,ml . Imli:iti:L line w.. yi; . ... , iaescKy s...! n.... ( )my t w,, Imii-,- remain an.l they are badly ,1am ,g.-d. Kev. ..o. v ii.t, v.-... kt-h !. , ,!i,i'-" - ('""- "-' ham tehm:..!'!:, .! this ;ai.:n;:i ' te the t'ol'ou",. ,.i.,.,-. t; and night wn , , .1. Th,- ; e eilh was siHiiii t s m. n'liti! g a were got hi ie uitiiess ;,, ad on d'am ;m iei : rim , avi.Ly lioiit: tiie iatann ;. how s ;!l , l .. ; , l . . ot bllgade s, pines wiin t'egu' l,enTl.(. f)C hngums. v i ,-e,- ,p patch says the llntish adva'i'-e ' to day ;.. i'am ma b ami tat. r- ,! t l. v.ihige. The Arabs ;i.-d an K !.- lighting emh d. T.M'ts. M. ir!i M. !'.,'eaor;e t tie new I-'i Ta il M i;. : st, ; i , . ( ;: i a a Mllic.Ve M Use ih-s ., -J, ;, eek. No J leace .eg. 'tia! toils w: . i be op, m-d un .1 in- ;ii t i ve- at h : - l"1;1- '"' :.;:u-.;i c.atin an ' t:'- ooioiitti ,,: whtei: i- '-'."""' " t iM'oNA'l :. Aiateli :.. It :-. n- l-itel tn.r tae vu.agc Ihli- mansii!e. in Iiari is, ,;j coimty. wa.-. almost en ; i ; ,-ly do! 1 o;, ed by a mi . "ado w'.-.u-h sweja over it ar r, "'clock i h : s a t ; ertio. m . Teiij.eoj.Ir. il is said, wale killed by the King debits , ,f h;;;;,!ings. and lif:c-n m t Wen -y pr. a di w, -rr i I ail cd. S ' N Fit m-m -' . M a: eh fFi, Tia heavi- -t .a' e,. i ; h. : ua, ke -tn.e ls,,;s ecc:;::,,! iale :;; tins a t i ae I H -1: ei i , f i om 'heir innaes in g;eat lngh The shm k l isted Kaan ,.e..ii.!-. Seaaal build : n gs , m a, ade ga .a ii .; t.e.ir tine water i,,,u: wele se: ; an-lv damaged. A seemid bat Itglit.-V sliOek I, ,1 owed at .VI s . ... .!. the ma---Tie ,,i' ir,..,. i. ....... i 1st nibs ana h ,- ,. , KAa.m ( !!:-. .'.:,.. M ai Tl J.1 1. Tin- water has .cached tin- highest point ever know n la-re at this pei ii nl i a' ; year ami m i i ug a , . -. , tin- la.e in an II.cu pel mail', 1 ia' i i . ta is a.s.i i; '.t-MM.-i k. !.T. M ire'n -T.. Th. lUi-r i-:ng -h.'-vi'.-. A P.uKsd dispatci -ay- ta.-ie t-a g.-igc bv,- mth-s be!-.u tl.a nr. Tie- nvei rose sewn !e .-; in : he pa -r t a .-n r y - ' 'r l.'-nrs. bur the to- above 1 Inf. a ,1 K M;'' "M ,-V 1!,-!!!',!rk 11 gins to -how .he et'ee!s,,f the let -uummd al:,a,k ts expee'ed m !,-w day-. ':.-i an i'. amm Match I'lbted State- .Milit-tel Whillaie h.ltl atl'itc'ii'e with the S'l!t;UI ti:: inoimug. An cmpbirtc denial l- given to tin- ie;.oi t that the P.u te had deii.amh-d ..!' Ameri-- i th.- :- c.1,1 ol t idle! ,:l t a,: a e. l'n is i:r i: i Mm h ex. arm r he : , p i 1 1 s a d.-v.Tmed . : ,-t.-:.'. .'.. n. i A Nam. I I'm;; N't I a liauna! (Vaia our !lchii ... , ibm; a on M 1 . t-o,nuiix. oi Mratsuml. mate ol tin- "ii'imaii banpie Hdu-anl 1'ens. hail- m;,' t i 1 mi the same p..it. v, as ai-.-i- d- nr aiA di iw ned on S.,; ui d iy 1, t h: la a . I : -ei-ias that lie m,- alid ing iti tl..- tern .. one ol the small :'o. its. when n nek rather heavily !-.till--t t he s;,!e ,,(' ti(. a-.ssei, by 'Vllioh ho W.is pi coi pit, lied into 1 he river. 'I'll'- ar. dd.-nr h : 1 ; I .ib-air miiliiighr. Wltll!llgti. ,'. a, a-.- J',,.. sen -''la win, aii ived tills ni . i n:na on Ti;e I'.il'.illu (."eiitl.il train 1,-p..;: ' t h la.i mors in t h it sec; ion a.l e la intam their e;,,i s aitinatah "'"lit !llS bf-e!! f 1 : 1 -s j 1 ,. 1 ;, 1 , )-,.; : 1 itl i .' . !. l.-::g 11 ;i a: a, ,1 w, l r. They ; .-i...rr thai Samhiy was otic 1 if the ra t h las- da s r ney h.,ve e!i : a-nccl 1 1 ''; ! 'I r itll.lt ely. the la - ea -i .' . as a 1 1 -eon a .a 1 1 i .. 1 1 r ! 1 n , 1 1 . , n.,l ' Uizabeth City h'viuinit: '- ne ideased to Inau our liiniicrs ho are exjterimeiiting in tohaeef speak well of the youti- plants. "e understand t hat tanners in the '.i.anity of ialenton are ).lalltillg 1 :r 'el v t he .rail lit ei . a , in,' a 1 b iri.-s ot Mr. l)aidell at Ahoinru i-' vo-.r. Tin- week in Wood's buiiiling. to lntid.s jiurchast; a new 11 I'll oi'L'ail for the I hi lit 1st ehnreli a are pleased to leaiii.was a s,,,- . . Th...,. , , , ' i s. , ...,,s tor larceny and sentenced to the , ' e i 1 1 : e 11 ! 1 .1 1 V a t -j-,. js j,,, 'illbllt laiy at OUI' colli t htstweek. oWili'' for ..',ii,,l .,,, ,, ,.,,!Ultv ....:, , , . atoMlle I. i .m til o III Ti,.. 1,1-1 o. a aai tr.uie tins season is iminene ( ue house sold btl bari i is '1'uesd.w . ii.i- .soltl already this season aha 1 1 : , !s and has an ' a der out to', an - la 1 Pll b ii rei-a j;v the v. i . h y :!.. t he pei . de of Puis ,., i ive io Imy northern lofi'ma ,,r ' ednm' ami .-atiii.' At i'rout- ai.'s. day before ycsteiday. a (log .1 down m ' la- hoime ot r. . 1 . m'I ; m an . f. 1:1 lili-il at the i - 1 1 , i ; . h 1 'a ,al , , h,-r --y m a . an , . ; h d i . . . a ai 1 . l!.e fa.UI t !y and 1 - It , a -- i d. 'file d-'g was a'tarl-aai Willi f a s i a..; Jifeai i. is. w a . w. 1 1 1, , le. 1 1 e,M j .e-1. eomiu g it i he ,).'.,' a , ! Statesville. The o' ;, h ; i a ' a ti ! s a i e slow to (.,;,::.: , ', 1 - e, e s co; tee I' ; n g ; h i s wa-a t ) , -1 . - . '.a ..hi- of them say this ; h, :!. . '.'(' test season we have h id sim-, I he winter and spring o'' 1 -..",1 or '.Vg. ! I ? I r. .1 . A . I ). Steiilienson's tain , - ''-,;; "! 7 i am loll uui'ing l-ebrnary and March ",p to 1 he evening of the Pub. More l a !,-.- ,',:..,, AT .... a . l i ,. ,UV .;, , t,.i ,i, .,! i.-,.i, iii.u y. i!t ai aa Vt h, a n i'. 1,1 (.,. V. Km-. F. M. 1 laves, of t he Fnm-d s- ,s ai ta v. , ho -t ,T j,ii! I n cha; "e t rlielr. 'lulling sratiou which was , o I'lii'' 1 a. . lull Io; te s, ,me m.on: It ' igo.-.'.'as in tatcsviil some dam m--.. and ealimg uioti his frieinK. s-; s. ley k ('... at their place ol lsine-sun Pioad street, rem. 11 kt d ;lmt the surroundings seemed fa mil:.!!' to mim He asked It (u.v. ' i . -.."s f, .1.1 ),,.,, , , , . iiou-e ,;i that i m mediate locality m a 1 -;.. and was pointed fo tlie liotl-e ol Mm. liileli K'-tr as the plat e. lie 1 en m it.,1 11 ami uli-erved that he w.t.- in command oi the dot aeii m en t a i ea v., 1 1 y whlcli ill ! est ed ( io V. 'aare I hme a let. day - alter the i !o -1 o ! tia- w ,. ; ,i n ,1 ea I I ie.'t htm I" tlie hd ( 'a i a ' i.a prison a: Wa-hiiig'ti li. ( apt. Ilaye.- t' ll- l io ili lesaieiiee n to,, a. . M Hie) . ae , ,ss tin- -t leer, a - t hi j 'I a re where he had made in s heat! ,pi ii ter- while here. Hon. F. ' i lay lie-, m d'elillc-see. lived ! in-: , a ; 'he : : m i -. ( ' a p r . H a e s t o i . Vela! Kieldi-nt- ot h Ulildt-.l-alil :ii:-s;,,u. He ar. (,,.v. .nice li.lee d Its. h,. said, to piCl,.,Ie for , , , . , ,J - 1 ,-':"-a:id L-r Fiecaleot hi- t , : a . i y w a : . in- wa- away, ami i , a hen ; I,,- -oa.ol u ;e-l I, a- S : 'uuiy. :in u I la- neaie-t j.oint m 1 : s-1 a gu ; -1 ,-. 1 pi ; si uita . M i . Si ma. 1 Wat k..w -k . m.w .a ( h il lotte. In:! '. h . ; ii'-ll i . ei! i lei e. (1 1 . i ! ill' 1 1 " ;;.': :a a !i:t ;,, 1 1 1 . i r paiir. N ni"! Il i .;! el i II. I Ke.nl I Ml ' . ioe. v . i ! i- t.lt I'EI) s IIOI1I. II I ::! : Total nanil,, r , f j 01 j A - I..ae .Ut. Iih.lla lo.ll: .1" I. 1 , a ,,. s, Vi J ,: T, A . jy 1 : 1 1 1 . . ! ' I! ' 1 N ' a' t '1 I T!I oi: ! I . : a. I- an.l Miss M.ui.i.- . i I . 1 1 1 1 i lai'i ll.lla 1 ill .a 1 a 1 .:,., I... : -1 I NTH ' I! A I I a-- 1 l.aa iii" . -n . ! .i'"i... . :-- a;. ! .!..hi. 'i'li. ;:,..--; : ! I . a. Ma 1 v.'i ,,s. aa ilai . a . I '. a I la 11 A 1 a a 1 Mm.. II'im-cs ! , v HinaMi. K .ti. .s. ianaia ,..i.,.s. M i I V 1 1 t M . I . I raaau oi: nr. A--' I la i rn s. I.ilii.. ( a I i .m ii u .r i n . M..i . I i ., i ,i II 'I ( I . O 1 V H 111 r. 'i in a oi. wr.. 1 .nan.- 1 in: k le n.i. n,. 11,,. ua.,.,1. s. . k'n.-. . .1 n-;, 1 1 01 -. Milton I . , ! 1 . :K,:,!"" l'1'"11" b.rthi Cuileia ('an.- ' 1 " '"' -Z'.nu 1: , 1 .. 1 a . o-n .' Jennie Harms. .1 , '-, a a..l 1 i,...r-e 1) ol. - '" on M-. .. "an. .Marv llu.N-m. ' '' i mi nam Jlanui-ll. .Inn- a " I ' - ' 'nil- U Iltl . John It , I,- a h. ii. ( '.,1 -iiiim.s:'-M-,(1ia.ata;u Matti.- W I .h,hnme D.-ivis an, I Jennie Wat-Mi .r, vi v vNua. rm.sT tmu.e. . In I't s.i llitrKnis. N,.IM I '. iliai ..lyit.i . 1 aial 11, rli-. rt l'laiaias. l ,,, ,iRA.i: I'haiie- S.-hishl, r. Menu,,. HanKs. I' o- la ,- b; .'mi .1 s. .11 . Wah.-i Wuo.-uii a t i .ii'i'ii-.. .'Man.- 1 1 a. I s. ,, I '.n i w, 11. .1 a t ei Si.-ml, I,', mi. I S, li u, n n 1 I a..!, A-kll.-. Ft llokiyilK Itrms. 'aa a:a m 1 , a , , ,, , ;., r n-xt m 1 1 : i - i . i ii i ; . 'm w :.: t I.er i .i : n -r in 1 ra m . b- il! it,, t.t .t we kf,r la r an, I th. i, fif-viiii. v. ;tl l,,vc tie tin .re Street M i-s i; . i , , , ,s a. 1 1,' her l,r-.th-i M I' 1mm. . a ,-. !-.-., l- f f. .in a,-'. V. , ja, , r a .le. .-ant -. v- a. .; a'. aif aaaTi 1 : ai tl... Wlitt i ' 1 ' 'a " 1 1 .'1.1 a All 1 1 . i in-! .u ' m a- ! a v t . c.ii iy a .a im- la ! v t" a rr i ; 1 .ta when he u i r her r.si a.. : a- i .-.-r-- t ' ii.,:.-. l ira: t.-s t, , a -. m , If. , V,- '- . . i . i i .. . : i.o: l-iil .-ai .i I.. . i iv, ' 1 i : i .wn ' 1 1 , . 1 1 i s i . i j. i i p r, , irh -- w ! p a.,! ..nr j.. .'e v. :, -h.-.v 1 1 I''- . - t sh. IL t , i i . 1,1, 11 aial . ' t . ' ' i I . 1 t . ll.llii.-M. .!!! s 111. iy he a - ! 1 I aii' 1 1 1 mi n. i an.l fil a 1 1 l-:ct Mi Ta- hr-t M .a l.iy a, April is tie. ,iiiv " (.,,- , ,ati, as to ,.., t m rneetu,K .a Tr.imii m oiaaama-.e the exositi,,n rMia, . a 1-'m IV l..lv -l.,.f..nU ,,T. at are-t ni t lie wr-ia.reol Joii-s ri.iiniv an i of the (ha North StatP will, or a-ia ! j I e there. The lirst .Monday in A I : .! i- the ,!ay .aa ,, ai 't i i f , .ret a . i .... he . . la , ,f 1 1 . . "-I 1 , . . ..... , a. u. n wnr a, i .;;,,' ahne; wall a 0.1 am a 1 1 . -f , ,.,ai r,a a aa ri, s T h, -. v-U t-elatr-!. i, on-l-.- li Smalav w h n . aii.ll..- -. en ;i ho -e ii nam it v ot ,. , , , , , , , , . ',, , , , .'to . ,. I, '.' 1 I'M hts el, . l.,.tt tie i,.i t .u, ,, f,,. ti. wi, f.r ii,..,,- Ibur.hf . th- ?.,., ..i, 'air :..rn,, i's ; re ir-iim' a 1.,1'a'i ana.iiiit . f kaaat thi- l While ue l.n.a.v i.Tha.g m a-v,miia m t a ,b, ll-1! " '!ia i- iiimii i.ett.-r : a . Mr i " ' ! '-' ' !" t t . . t i t ' i , u It i . a trie r.- 1m. -. ilea . ,!. ii ake la l.-tai , I ., - - l a a i. . l : e i iiiann-.. I , -s t , a,. -. an! f -- ;',, i an i n,: ,.n ihi , -m, -y-t- .,t- i ar . ..ttt.lrv w ill ;e!va -x i'h rail i '. - neb pen b-t; I r aa n d re vt s. . ( . lai; -: . . I . ; -. ; V , w i s i , : a . .., i m .- i : - f y ::i v , 1 1; a i . 1 , 1 1 .. i t , I, a .. ha v" a re ye- aii v. aa.l a re i n, -i t I,! ere -t eh 1! 1 , . V II 1 a , the J,, el,' 11: r IleW ' h 11 r, - h . I;-, Ue (;. ,. ty l-v.-tilltg tile '.'tl. II nt . i ! . .a i -nam o . aMiin.-oiioi'- a 1 1 1 1 I 1 a' t !.. fe.li,t r, ., .in . nh, a I ' t ii ! j.r.-a.l an 1 tie- - .... t h mas ' 1 a 1 ! " , i a ; n it I ;, ,-l 1 srl, , t ,1 mai.tr.-.-. m a i u lni, ( r u n. 1 - t n i a . . ! 'It . 1 a It la 1 Iv. we are r 1 1 ease, t , i s-.-iv. Al- .iit" number of la.i ies mul K lb no a "f-M a.!,. ,. t ay an.l Net- pat " ""' U"!i !"; ' !''"'lTipite, , ail ,he aim: -.an. a, ts ,,( th -e;,.i..i. An-I ,, .tuah-tan lam- the , ,-v ,,! th, .all.- I an. - an 1 t lie m-.ii. ,tv r ;a t .-a e r..,li..l .'te-. .ai ,! i!a: 1 1 il n . a- , b-:u- . ! aii exp.-!,-. - : ar ,.- h a i 1 1 h . u i,;. I, - a iiiii-l Kit , .. A '- !. I b, I P. t ,f.a t ' Al th.- rb,.,. : t :-::.:' -i t.- . t i,. ., rt t Tt t h.o, I. -a .- : :. . it. i 'a. v. a king linai. a , t '- - i : t l 1 1 . 1 1 ! . ia will'., aial r i . 1 . I . ! ib -1 -. ; 1 . ; i I . ii: -. .It , - la : t I lu- I ,.. i I i i. ii I ii i hi i ii a ' 1 , ', a i . , -r l . : a- i .. .' n , a : ',. .1 li,. phm .-I' I le- .... - i . - a i i i : ' t - - - a i - -!.: ; la; I 1 ia I I Warren Leland, ' 1 v i, i a. tin- Mi' rutuful - : . : 1 i,-' .Ergesl Hotel Enterprises : .i.e.;. 1 1 ml u ' u ,:e: . ; rr (r-.la v. a. . .11 I.. i ! n ,-ii i p u. 'in t: . i ' ... i ,1 Cr.j.c . T , r y I g 1 . Or, ;. . 1. I- 11 ... .1 ..11 1! I- t 0.. el,..-, I, of : i . .)- a 1 ,. ..s. .,1 Ayer'c Sarsapariila. - I!.. "O- In ,.. I,:.., ;. . . -.,,, ,,. , .1 AO - s ( i. - . T v la I i . in in :i i. v r ninur ' ' 'oi- .i . I !.,, ,-i a . I il M . . It--. 1 r:,....-,i . in,- s . . t Vr I ' I . M.a l.r : 1 .!.!. I : ..-l I. .; ... ,: ; ,., UN- ! ' --1 1 JO r i, II'. K V, C 1 1 1 1 . .. ,., .1. II. rr r ! '' "-''"'i; a I ii r t. . nn.J i ii. in, Iilo li.ininr ,1,,. I . r, f..,,.,l. s M . I , . It; . , y .l elii. j.. ui p tlir.. ftliu'.st ea...-, -a.;. r.ll.'o.,,. m.,i:,.. , : , ,.:,ii,ii,, i :,( ,,( y Avail until tl.oinriii. I.y Vr I .i I. a m. h ,Ih fH.--t,.,n. ;,s pupi'li..,! with Aaarw Shhai' Hl I I . t..,i, allj,y,..l i lie j.riin anj Irrit.-illoii, li..;.l,..l tl, f. r.-s. i en , v ! tl,p swell!,.!1, t1" - 'i i . i h ,..sr,.r,., ti,,. I,,,,), (,, .. .Mr. I.M.AM, ,., p, ,,,n.aUy iMal Ayer's Sarsaparill a f r i:i,ci,a, ,1 iNin, nt , , ,. n:",-,-' , ; nu.l. nlt-r rar-(a ,.1..,, ,t..ii, ,i..,-lar.. il.at. In mm.. I. :.tl,.i.. .s , ,-.1i.-,,,.m,i 0..- vrM Pll:,l 1 , I ' i .1,.. ,,l I .hit 1 I i ,r,l,r. ;,.nt. ti, ,.r ini;ii iitnS. y.r.:t Sthfim ir.- .I'-fs, . i, ,,1 tl, TitrioiiH f ; i;;,r.ti till.... is. ... V.- Irrv.- M- 1 m . M - ., - i -, . M-T-!, 1.1 1 1,.. I,.-.-. ... ,M: a,. ,,, , . ,,, t" til.- v I , I a- ,,,, .ii,,- p. ....-is .1 A v n t . . ,. i p-r-.,, ,llv . .0 a I : I : I..-H1.. 1., a a o.. ,.. r 1 ,.' .1 Ml- -r . . V. . I. I r . ,1 -M r l m . -a a . v a i -w l , ... l. ilt . , ,f 1 1. . V I '! 1 V 111 i- ii ,tin It, ,1 r:i,liralci- of hliw.tl poison ni-.l.i,-. !ia;: 1 .. v a aiartTS 1 1 ;i. I, . . m i. i.l .:,..:,. :, i i a i aia . la Dr. J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. s.a: i.y ;,ii i.:-.at.M- .: lii-m. r sr.. Profossional Cards. CITAS. H- BROWN, V TTilltN i: V A i - I. A V, lil.Mt'l ll.i.ll. IV. '. !'. , a . - -m m , ' .ai' a s ,.: i .a i an,, Uennii. To. I s i,,!, . '. i . i. . .;i ' s a . a r a . i rt, ii n LEON IDAS J. fSaOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, New I5THti, N. V. v . , ;,(: . In t lie Countle . t UrH-nr, a k.w, linUcoiiu.l ( -r.'tvtfti-nil,. I . s I Mitrli-t (V.urt. I'a.aij t :, Mention paid to tti,- (Millrrtlon ol aurl wly P. H. PELLETIER, . t torncv-nt-LaAV. POLLOt'KgVILLR. Jones C ounty. IV. C. '. . i a.'.- in t lie I 'ourts ,.f ( '.n iiTPt, Jones 'ie ( riivi-H. ;i! Ie.lt I..11 ttlven t . t 1 a I srltlaiy i-stal.- - ,1 leol Inipl ,le,-,.j,aea jtc- . 1- . - I ; U ,1. I AMI I. K. PERKY, Klnston. N C STROfxG & PERRY, ti I STO . N C .. n F.iiF,: 1 1 n 1 m nsi'i.i.iiks at ,, , , :" ., a :, .- ..urt ni'l'hhip for the- jla: . a-: I-' i , w in .1, ,!,, county, wl 11 re(fu" t a . . , , a . : 1 1 1 . . . ,, a m . ,1 tia- autnu. IYotnpt if a anal 1 . r , I i . -,-1 1 , a , K. in.. - : !.m,T -llti.Ntl I'KKRY. l la: i aa tM,, ri, oWRIC II. OUIOIt. HOLLAND & CtUION, - T t 1'I11 .- ill. i jRW, -i ". : ' t v.-esi of ( in.Htn House.) . p' : i. it;. 'mmt les of Craven . ' 1 ' '. . 1 i k 1 1 t , I 'u m I too h t ul I,rnoir .. : -i, i ;. .ii io .-(iiiTliona. I I Jl'd.tW v. . - : v ns, (T.EMKNT MANLY. SlftHflONS & MANLY, ATl'Oi.'NFYS AT PAW. , I,e ' utnlMif 1 YHVI'II, JdlKW, 1 ' - . . ' I I i m I 1':, , . : , . mi ml ) I I , ft 111 .. I : .' - '.; . t . v. u mi-. frlrtM.twM DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, S ii eg o ii 1 nt its t KEWBEHN, N. C. 1 . i g " .. : i . ! ; - i i't 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! a in Ncwliriii, I m -, i . l. t ; ) tub KsmiHii Ki-rl(H ; i.r "! M i. I I I-' i-1 i f t , I ii Put . : t,. ; - I'..; ;: hinrli. lit- i ir. P: ni t h ttl i!i pi rlt nrr, , . - : v I)K. J. I). CLAKK, I 8-: 'N,!'I?rI N h. II KK. iva c. v I I.M v ...-Il PelllK'ti , . . ua 17 ,l.tl lv Kli;ih( t !i Iron Works, til U f ! 1 I IT. 1'rop., .-' . - ! aai -,'-; Wior Htroot, 1 1 ! t 1 ' O 1 . U . t ,, l;.(.iN!S lioiLFRiS. t-.mv at-.tl (Hist rVlills, s! r r(N(;s, i 'iilN'A . I 1 : s l ig kfx. 'ii,'','V,.: .I.Y' CA.STINOS, i . .'.; 'a.n. i. . - i i. ui.ia, , :, a: a.t v, v CARR & PATT0N, . . V.'!.''-.- C'lisissicn Merchants, .. i ., ; kim - I It IIT. "W i 1 mi :iRtoii, X y ol. - - - 'i', ..rt O I" ! i- III .,! . y 1 vaala I nit. ra, h')VLL(i, ' m . . - y Hani - I'll 111 I'. m:v ilv. ..a. i Hot, 1. I i i.l 1 t -. v- '.III W. .1. 1 1 A I. FY, ' i : . - - i , - i ( . : I 1 1 - l . i ,i a im l I'lllA. i ...I, I ,. I . - I -,,!. 1 r '0- . 1 4 GROCER'S LK 1 i i 'LV. Wre solicit only the k-1i tnnh Come and ee us. r '!,.. ... I ,. 1 1 . .1 . i . . w . .i . n t itvuy I

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