jj'flE1 1111 .!.."", - p, INDKPEXDEXT IjN" ALL THINGS. Tor-ea.oo rr tt .x-. K. BkliriiH, r VOL. VII. XKW BKRXK, CRAVEN COUNTY," N. C , MAY , 1M. NO. 6. ( T The "CLIMAX" KING OK 1 1 1 1 : -a 33 O o as e o W rH be C3 i0 -3 w o PQ 4TenB!eo' ' Firm Wagons; " Acme" ber; "Iron Age" Cultivator, with h ir.i.;nA. -'MEADOW KING" Gram Fiaa, Feed Cutters, Corn Sheiler. .Gbrdwir Wheat and Rice Threshers f,t WVmI ni Ailes fiaishe.l and Skeins. "Sanuon" Post Hole Diggers, a Machinery and Machine Fittings of all 8nd for Illustrated Catalogue and Sl'ECIAl rr I 1S : T. C. WHITTY CRAVEN STREKT, NKWI'.KliN, )ETTINCrER BROS., KINSTON, w. c, Announce tho Arrival of Their 4New Spring Goods, V CONSISTING OF A . .Ladies lress vjoocis, Gents, Youths and Boys' Clothing. -Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc. A New and Full Supply of "We beg a generous public to come and ex--!no-iLtock and Prices. OKTTINGER BROS. OF "THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT." .Pell Ballance & Co., GROCERIES, lACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, Confectioneries -AT OLESALE. HT STREET, NEYBERN, N. C. r r liave we ever neen. aim ,ui- ! the Largest Fancy and in the citv, lowing: 25 bblj. Best in the World Fl : ftO " Soath Lake Flour. lOJ " Tip Top Flour. 100 Parity Fiour. 50 Saratoga Family. 50 " Saratoga Extra 'Flour. 25 James River Super. F'. "r, 63 bbla. Pork, 000 lb. Fat Back-. 6000 lba. Long Clears. 5000 lba Smoked Shoulder-". 1250 gallons Molls.-, Svrurs. t-v 50 backcU Lard. 10 Tierces Lard. 23 Tin Cans Lar i 4000 lbs. choicest ( ream (":.- 1000 ltx. choicest Creamery li-j:;. 500 gallon Vinegar, 500 gallona Cider, 250 bags Salt, 15 bbls. Table Salt. 100 boxes Soap. 40 bogs Coffee, 20 gross Essence ".T- . 100 boxes Cakes an i I r.i. r-. 150 boxes French and A"i r. i:. 65 boxes Soda, jiart.-r. half" a-. 50 eaoes Pickles mi '.a.--. 100 caaes Baking I'owi-r-450 boxes Plug and T:; T i 100.000 Med i am and l-'me Cie i-J. m 1200 lbs. L-rillird ar. i ' '. , A S 125 Boxes Raisins. 125 boxes French ar.d A"..- - . 1 10.000 Florida and Jamao a ' -ia-1000 Messina I'inon-1. 20OO Porto Rieo C e a N . - 5000 lbs IV-ar.s, F-.'.t-'r -. A 200 boxes Sc.it.-i. ll--r Canned Peat-he Sr . I. r of Jis And everything in 1 1 1 iro.-.-ry ;iml ('nf'' tionerv line, which wc ju-djic-c t -ell at the VERY lowot li pi'otii. We carr v a l'uil Kim.- t ( " -nfrct : mery and Fancv (iroecric-. -n which we charge a grocer's ruoi rr only. We solicit only the e.:.-h trade Come and see us. . COTTON PLOW COTTON KIKLI). an 1 an' painted, -'i:h - ::rr:'" l.mg-fcl kind?. re-. p'SS'tV Trices. N. (' SPLFNUID LINK OF llirr-w, CI., i - J:.- r a:, t 1 i. , r I (.- . Prak-'s Puvnt Shir r- : i li.-ir- ' 'rair. ( n '; uot mcirilxis of the Board 01 and Best Selected Staple Groceries ever consisting of the f.- vn mi i:n i s in riu K.. 'II K1.K - lcON. S. ('. Ioiil' around .ton without 'n-.it port of dllf t" tilt' I . irv ware lie crude or ves-els from 1 . 11 gp ( dial r th.it art ; v. i ;-: r t.K . f ; I" i ' a: tiio-.i i :i u t'.u-t u rod n .i ; ;oti i fk mt -. ;i in - li : n it a; i no Lhtrr. m r- living ,-e proot Ot i 'A Oil1 rim 1 1 , . t i i e r a To 1 lit' ! rade'-, i in por; ance. 1 ho lac- ro-s in which the rock n-mul ud tie ate.l with s aiphuric :ieid arr : the outskirts mi the city and mmI acce.-.sible. '1'lie mines, how ver. Aic situated in and aloug the de-res ot the water courses, and are ,m". f.t.sily reached except later in he -pnii. when the little steamer hat carries tourists on thy Ashley ouches at their wharves. The friend who volunteered to 'now us the niines proposed a trip hither on one of the lighters which it 1 o'clock in the morning p't in ' I ai er way tor t lie da s u oi k oi r;inrock from the mines. 1 is .-t ar iiht as w e leave t he do, k. A r u r puftinr and lahnrinir. ii.uiK out into mid -harbor and .i lone t he ship channel as 1 1 bent mii LToin ;o soa. but by and by turns sharply round the point ol the I'.attory and steers tor the mouth of t he Ashle . A heavy fo; bank out at sea is driving rapidly m: thouph we ln-ar the taint tones, ot the bell buoys marking the ship channel, and the hoarser notes of the foghorns on the islands, then the white rleei-y waves drive in on us, and we have no world but the tug and lighter, until suddenly at daybreak a huge, dark mass looms up on the right and the boats come alongside the docks and cavernous -heds ol a phosphate mine. The pom: ;s "Lambs." some thirteen mile- Irom ( harleston, on the east bank been (point of the Ashley, which had recommended to us as the from which to studv the operation of phosphate mining. a well as the beds themselves, oral land niines are located Sev here. and submarine mining is c on in the neighborhood. The prominent features phosphate mine, after the and sheds, ure the -washers.' an ied of a docks ' great si riictures elevated on a maze of timtxTs and tilled with a bewilder ing array of boxes, wheels, ct ush ers and screens, in which t he "rock is cleaned of the mud and clay ad hermg to it and broken into the proper size for grinding. The rock as it comes in cars from the mines is emptied into the washer, and. at'ter passing through it. talis out on an iron grater or seive which .separates the smaller particles from ;h larger. Thence the cleaned rock goes in cars and barrows to the drying sheds, where after be ing dried it is ready for shipment. We were curious to see the product which had created so much activ ity, and ur.de- the sheds found thousands of tons of it. It is nodular in form, the nodules egg or kidney-shaped, and ranging from a yellowish to a grayish white color. The exterior is rongh, and indented, otten perforated or oven honey coinlK'd by round or irregular cav ities. In other cases it is smooth mid shiny as if coated with enamel. In size, too, the nodules vary great ly. some Ixdng but a fraction of an inch, some several leet in diameter. In weight they range from a ton downwards. From the rock, the friend who conducted us about the woods took us to the mines, which 1 e a short distance from the wharfs, near the shore of the river. In land mining the phosphate deposit must not lie deeper than six feet to admit ol pmlitable working, and as the thickness of the phosphate strata rarely exceeds ten inches, the work ing is rather a pit than a mine. Around the edges of tins pit gangs "f black laborers, clad only in shirt. and trousers, w ere toiling with pn k and shovel, throwing the earth be hind and t he rock on t lie bank be fore till III. "hence It "as ivinowd ill earn tO the W.w-hels. Tlle be gaii operations, it wa- c jfj.i ; tied, by digging a trench at ross the side ot tin and as t he tree stumps, hm.l them, have just la phosphate. siii.H.th. tlat. tract to be mined. advanced t hi ew o.u t h . and other matter be ( a t hi- -lde t lie men :,1 bare a l.n er of the It i- in appear rice a coiiina, r nip, k, but a- he woikni.Ul -ttike- his ilek iii'o '.It breaks into hllliili eds ot' t he gg shaped lO'ilnles we have seen a the dr : r i r shed, perhaps d: losing Well pfcscIVed easts ot ci p, cue s ; ui mug shady o, with tin VcV of tl -The liens ,,r toss,: : o the docks a i irner. our t'rieii history and a ie indu-ii . Vells;e 111. ill - low lands of bones, lb d seeking 1 t'av.ii el ii getn-r.i! s-a p I s -. ; n . It'll ('. li ' b, 'aii : i a v i c X ' i d : i :n tl ; r A' -s : i ; 1 1 . ."I . , A- las' rh :1: . I ei - (- -. SI rivet on tin the west, w; its centre, t ro.i-t Wel 1 i; of and lo-ai ('hai le-t on . a-t aiol t!; no i in rcing lare iimi i h - the A- li t In- S iv ai I inln iked. .' her V, lead o where ah Kai IV of en ,s-e an be, I'll, olio at Sound. : - alio the li ixtv in 1' We ;t, w hei e Hull and Y and inn)' hei polite the t below I'oit l; and intrieaei its tributary, member, are those which vevs have livers i-i i -. 1 1 1 fol t 1 I e t end ,11 ; a in 1 in t In .1 oh nson'.- ::i i OA II. i al. s of I nesi. availab icils. (. State or 'i leinoiistratei va!e e sill Ill be piotitab worked, and est imated to eniitaiu t acres. The cut ire pli.e ot the State, so far a. have been n thousand ph.it ic beds d :-co ei ei 1 and denned. Ii.ive icen estimated 1 exlelid lioin at ' lO.ooo acres, and tin- head waters of tl Cooper rivers, para eoa-t and distant fi fort v in i les to the h W ando and el with the III II tell to id waters o! 1 ,1'iu h i river ;icai The formation south a; far as the (o'oigia line, (probably extends Florida, and has been discovered in Noith Carolina. The mines are being worked as la i west as lVaufort. Von have seen the operation ot land mining. The taking of t he rock from under water is rather more interesting, and is more extensively carried on. Two agencies are employed darkies with tln-ir hands or tongs, called 'totigers," and the steam dredges. The liver beds are lound ill from three to tlfteetl leet of water, the strata hini: clear, or lad w i ; h a 1 Na igati w lee! anv ot t in u 1 or the laby hcre and see the (latieiitly his tongs t li ot creeks bet ween Mill Will llat-boat. rock with uifoit, and tongei' in his bringing up tl in the same way works. Sometinit water or at low t ii rock with a crow, with his hands, witnessed at the the otNster;iian 's in very shallow le ite loosens the and jiicks it up A sight 1 often inception ot the mdustrv was a crowa ot darkies on their tlat-boats, naked as they were born, diving botieat h the water and bringing up pieces of rock as large as a man could well lift. When the tonger's' cargo is complete, he sells it to the large companies. The steam dredger has. however, largely driven the longer out of the business. Von mt over ondcra machine much like I hat the mud diggers use in haibor woik, whose strong .jaws break up the seams and. gathering the rock, pour it into the washer, which is moored alongside t litis saving that expen sive pi ocess at the lactoiy. They are heavy and cosily machines, some with a capacity of a bundled toils a day, and work in fnnn twelve to twenty-four feet of water. l'.el'ore passing to the interest ing ipuest ion of t he oiigin of these deposits, you will wish to know something of the extent to which they are woiked. I have here a list of thirty-six com panics engaged in mining phosphate nick in this Sta'e. their capital stock ranging from a few thousands to millions. Theie are besides some twenty companies engaged in manufactur ing the crude rock, some of them with means equally extensive. 1 am sorry that I have not the figures of production for the last halt' of lS.s.;. From dune 1. 1 sJ. to May dl. 1N.;, the total am unt shipped amounted to o.iio.. total amount mined fr .1 line. 1 ST 1. to t he 1 st tons. The i I he 1st of I danuary, 1 .oO.i. ,")."" o r jier cent ports. All navigable Stale, and e exciting been slls. he ex.n Is a 'II oil I'ork , Near I, - ; j i i i . a -aw pa "lint. 1 ia- ISSJ. tolls. est imated it 1 1 : t d t in I In: tol , toll- . bed lo gll was -hip rook h in w a ' i : -at':, i a law - no t, oiled b; no alt i :lo;s ma !'('.'. I'll I d b ol ai ; s. "Hal her the com a: '.'!M".P i I tl g pi tee ot I I el 110, ; "ii . V p I ae'b 1 lice t lie be. Is I !, t i: Uch let..-, Mill 1 pn:,ti w a- a 1 b p' no South 1 1,-vel amp ,e !' II I Can rv a tiii 1 1 1 , run in 1 gent leu; r phosph.r. of ('"i-eln wave- II Ulniellv ii, .1 i"li I- now i I- is wi'U :! nikli-d. ( li c red Sints " i.o !i indicate beds. The laro- l-e.'i : ( 'liarlestoll . i m ijitided 1 ' t coiichs. cast of periwinkle, legdione and ribs of bison, Indian skulls, ar row heads, pottery and weights, teeth ot' sharks of many varieties. ski;", f dolphin, teeth ot' stingrav. teeth of extinct species of horse. turtle, teeth of reptiles, sil oters. coral cast in of swordfish, teeth of rac i t and opossum, and bones .--('or. to Now York J'oxt. GENERAL NEWS. I 'nited States Senate Mon-a-sed the Iiankruptcy P.ill by ( 1 a a vi i aoci Cl 'II I :e of .;: e All yeas to nays. trian Government has oted Kngland's rence concern proposal for a ng Egyptian a il a i I s . The 1 aiy has i ' man' louse ( 'ominittee on reported adversely Judici on the suffrage constitutional an end men t . The Pope has, decided to create another Cardinal in the United States. It is intended always to have two in the States and one in S in: h A inel iea. P. nis. Ajiril L's. The steamship AssNtieii. bound for Madagascar with provisions for the French forces, has been wrecked at Provi dence Island, in the Indian Ocean, L'lo miles north of .Madagascar. A vessel off Para reports falling in with a mass of spiders floating in the air. The rigging and sails were covered with the web, the long threads of which formed the balloon for t he tiny aeronauts. For several miles this spider sivarui con- tllillei there land. Tin bs th . the Captain estimating that were millions blown from total quantity of tobacco sold ie l-renih Government monop leiartmeiit duriug 18,-.'5 was d.s.if kilogrammes, represent- ill: Th ui ie sum ot o 1,1 .,4,sl) francs. , Vel' irro fiUKlllll htll-in ho'lll 1 iMiac (onsllinption pel ne.tU , the population, therefore, was j herptbrp !Uo grammes, or about two pounds i Kimlish. The value of the snuff! was ,s. 000.000 francs, and of to bacco for M a l it 1 1 hewing 0,000,000. i. April LIS. The lite in yesterday's lailway disaster i near Ciudad -Real, where a pas- anger train leii turougii abridge, proves to have been much greater i than was at first reported. Thirty eight corpses have so far been re covered from the wreck in the river. Fifty soldiers aie missing. It is believed that the weakening of the bridge which led to as collapse was the Nvoik ol Republicans. One of the supports of the bridge had been cut through. The Paris Communists have de cided to put. up to competition the monument to be erected to the memory of the Federals who Nvere executed and 1 uried in the ceme- tel ( 'o f Pere La Chaise during the mine. The Prefect of the refused ti) allow the monu to be placed in Pere La e. but the Municipal Council ise to erect it in another part nie Ch pi, f IVlls. The thirteenth session of the Su i erne Lodge of the World, Knights ot I the ( h Ft. Ch S:i; v tliias, at New Orleans, elected following officers: Grand ,.-el!or. John Van Valkenbunr. Madison. Ia Supreme Vice ; .ee.lor. Howard Douglass, Ohio; cine Keeper of Kecords and j dl 1 "e II. K. Cawao. of Mis-, Miprenie Master at Arms, 1 C 1'.. Shaw, Wisconsin: Past . Supreme Chancellor, John It. Lin ton. Jamestown, Pa. P u.ms, April 2.3. An Irishman : s.is rli.it an emissary of the Clan natbiel has arrived in Paris frouF New York t p buy a cruiser provided j with torpedoes. Tynan is expected ' in Paris soon, where he and O'Caf fer;y nniII direct the dynamite and daguer campaign. An acting agent ot the new party, 'which aims to unite all patriotic Irishmen, says that the parfN has already consid erable funds with n 1 1 i t'li to begin a e.i:;ip,,e:i with cruisers provideil' w ii .i toi pi'd-M's. Revolving guns will ; : i- ec t the ci e '.vs if attacked. N'fs: ; P.i i win he employeil men of-war in vari- I : ml'S. :il erest ing i i lust rut ion of t he All 1 1 :. i el ', ,i , n ! ies ol Nve.l -boring opera :. :.s his 1 1 1 -st occurred at Piiitoii "i! l i . nt. Faiglainl. One of the Luges- bieweiies there had occa-s-,,01 O'lliele.lse its water supply, lb-, .on s,. w ,is had to boring, and ; le- w ,,: k w as earned out by a local we'.i s; nkei. The sjiot chosen pi -,i-,l an unfortunate one. and. alter i depth of 17d feet had been ;p-... -Led. Mi-s-i-s. Le Crand Sut (;.:. a: m well engineers of 1.. :.. ::. well- c, insulted as to tin ha', in i seai eh nt water. 1 ins nrin, old considerable experience n. i king opci ations at Pur vis,-, the abandonment of : ng. and suggested a fresh :e:i tin y selected. Thissug w ,i s adopt cd, and at a 1 only 1 1 1 leet a supply of 'p.l M II I a . - , , . g.ii pel Ill a .mill i'ii tr. ! I, I hat toe level pi.ii-; o-allv id . I s n: ic; tot s-.iin-e bi-twee :;.di, d n ards. ' ,,,-, -t- Ftigli- 11 A :. a i . h. ' w i- e I i. I I II lol I get a the e. aet height .ell the sun s!n lies, i , :' iii'K'iiLght. by ma: k oa ; he ground, thte i d : In-:: (, lacing in th .,- I::,,- nearest to th ami eac W'h , i , iw ol i in : t l Mi STATE NEWS (rloiuioil (Yum c,nr Ilxclianires. Rocky .Mount lirjmrti r: A ored man told us the other dav. he rode thirty-four miles live years ago at an expense of S to vote with the liadicals at Taiboro. and in remoinberatice of that event has never voted since, because no good came from that vote. The wheat j and oat fields in the surrounding country appear very promising, but i our people are so industriously in 1 clined the.v plant more cotton and i corn, more labor is required in the i cultivation of these startles. Cioldsboro Mcxxauicr: Three tramps emerged from under the Pullman coach of the north bound train on the W. vx; W. railroad, when it stopped at this place ves- j terday morning, shook the dust off inemseires ana then quietly pro ceeded down the railroad towards the south end of the city perhaps with a view to making a start at the beginning and "doing up' the entire place: but the police received intelligence of their strange arrival. ' and the "poor, friendless tramps'' are now tapping the railroad cross ties in search of a more humane police force than that which pre sides so well over our trampless ' city. Asheboto Courier: In the final settlement made last week by the sheriff Nvitii the - committee ap pointed at last meeting of commis- sioners it was ascertained that there correctness of the reports made to ! coula not ao established a currency is not a single insolvent in 12 town- him as to the condition of the ! L , ',ad. f"?1'86 the wrJd-. 5I-r-, rn . i .i ii ,, ,. tj:j ii e . , . i scott said that the Democrats had dis- suips ui tne couniN, aim mat uicie is a balance of over 53,000 still in the sheriffs hands. James Lowe, of Cedar Grove township, Randolph countv, killed from his flock a two , ,. . , year old sheep a few days ago. the net mutton of which weighed 70 pounds. The hide with the wool U1J. "ClftUCll I.J lUlllWS, illC IJIIUIV :t -...'.,., ,,,.. , ikivcu iniuj h ueigueu t pounds, a l i ; " 1..- . UULLU" xuouia uisieci ins flock, as he has a number ot others for sale. i Wilmington Star: The opera loss of 1 tiou of hatching young shad from the eggs is watched with a great deal of interest at the hatchery m the lower end of the market. In one jar we were told that there were tilty thousand eggs, and that the most of them hatch out young fish, the highest percentage being i 00 and the lowest G5.- Messrs. W. K. Davis iS: Son had on exhibi- i tiou yesterday, at the fish maiket. i a monster specimen of the finny tribe known as the king of th .' . shad, or "Tarpin." lie weighed one hundred and sovenfv pound Several ot these fish hive been caught in our waters, but this is the largest ever taken. He Nvill be preserved, we understand, and taken to the .State Exposition. He was caught in the sound near Wrightsvillc Inlet. Elizabeth City Economist : Just as wc go to press we hear of the death of Col. Ferebee, of South Mills, who died on Sunday night. There is great com plaint of scarcity of fish among the fisher men who catch and the citizens nvIio eat them. Is the supply being exhausted or what is the matter. It would be a great misfortune to our sec. ion for the fish crop to be cut off. The sale of the lands called the Park Estate, a body ot 2.3,000 acres of swamp and forest in I'as- quotank county, was sold by 3Iar shal J. P. Hill at the court house in Elizabeth City on Monday, for .13,.'57j, to Timothy Ely of Phila delphia. We understand that the eastern half id' the estate and 1300 acres of the estern half was taken of them by their paying o,000 to Mr. Davis, ot Pennsylvania. We hear that Mr. Ely intends enclosing with a wire fence an.l making a cattle ranch ot his half. We have not learned Mr. IbivN' purpose as to his. Statesviiie Lnndmurl;: At the recent election on the stock 1 a v in a section of Sharpsburg township, the proposi'ion was carried, theie being but one Note against it. Last week the track of the Western North Carolina Pailroad between Statesvillc and Conover was laid with new steel rails, between Mi. u day morning and Saturday noon. Mr. A. L. Milligan. of Concord township, has a Nhite oak on his place that measures 21 feet in cir cunifei encc G inches above the ground, aud a black gum which measures '.) feet in circumference. Notwithstanding all the vicis situdes through Nvhich they have come, wheat and winter oats in this county aie looking splendidly. Farmers seem not to attach much importance to the recent change in the color of some of the wheat. Our judgment is that one-thiid more wlieat was sowed in Iredell last tall than the fall before, though the acreage last year was very large. l-ayetieville .' new ltishop, Mr. two a Me 1 ' 'Of 1 1 1 l-;p)s.;upa! chili i-l building was i'.c 'nr. a:r.i dav the Watson, pn-ached 1 1 -el lie'li- in the it tin- city. The i-el v I acked. wit ii an Intel diallee. tinned -ahoiK '.' ol t he o ihopi.eL s.'II.C Hp was h iv W. I : - lady wi tOW 1 1 s 1 ; 1 igen t a lid a p( 0 ecia 1 1 v.- a a- Fl ft cell pel Si m s w el e CI ill - Yes; ci da v n i, ,'. ii : n g at o'clock. Mi. J. -I. Mm..;'. .. in- dest citizens o l oa r tow n. dead while 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 ' I 1 ; g a Mi riit d atld 111- lui; old ovei nig in, a 1 1 . n no i i h - i i 1 :. A I T'. 'lie A 1 I -1.1 t hat s i w a - -n ,.1,-s Removal of Convicts. Mi:. EdituR: Several weeks ago I had a conversation with Mr. II. li. Bryan relative to the author ity of the commissioners appointed by the Legislature over the con vic's. lie told me that they had tin' entiro control ni mnr i ?p it tliom from one road to anot her or to any . ... ' ' ' . par ot either. .Mr. Mclver m- f irms me that he received an order irom him to the same efrect, and also from Mr. Thompson. Since then Mr. Pry an has said to me that the commissioners ought to hold a meeting. On Monday of court week in Onslow, a meeting was held, and it was unanimously agreed to move the convicts to the Quaker liridge road on the 2(th of April.! nat vyi lily wiuic luc uuic ui , ine cnairnian ot the executive coni moving them, Mr. Mclver got or-: miltee called the meeting to order and j ders from Mr. Bryan not to go. On i reported all the precincts represented Mnmlnv Hin fi Air vn nn i"n1 that Beaver creek had two sets of i-'. T, at i," i delegates. He then appointed a com- myself wrote to Mr. Bryan, who ; mittee on credentials from all the pre was at Carteret court, stating that j cincts except Beaver creek. One of the we had been informed that he (Mr. ' delegates, Mr. D. H. Harrison, declined Bryan) did It at the request ol Page, and wishing to know who was to be the judge, of the con dition of the road, Page, Mclver, or the commissioners. On yesterday, April 30th, Mr. Xunn received a letter from him in answer to our joint letter. I, in the answer, was ignored entirely; ' suppose that Mr. Bryan lorgot to ' use his spectacles when he read our! epistle, eonsequentlv did not see I x- ' T-i- . - UN name. 0W, Mr. Editor, what I NVish to know IS, upon whom : Ollgnt Mr. Brvan to relv for the Nir. liryan to rely tor the! naivci iiuKc iuui vugiiL nc to reiy upon the reports made by those interested in the condition of the Core Creek road, and who have no ' authoritv whatever from the State . . - . , , . , to act m either the Quaker Bridge or Core Creek road; or ought he to accept the reports of such gentle- Tl n s2oi,,lo.ltT, t.-" r ijiv.il i.-p il, u., uuumillll, 1,. 1,. n :..4..i i i.invus, v . oie ens, an xiyJiu.eu I,,- ii,n sjff 11 ,.,li;.. i,;i. o.v i i oiaie, an luiniipu, "'g" minded and humane, who.would not, Ullder anv Circumstances, allow anything to be done, or any work I Sale each- to be pursued, that would operate! There was one thing which I noticed . t, 1 ' .. ., , i.i 'particularly; very few white Republt- to the injury of the health of the , an8 j the meeting. They stood well convicts. off. I was informed by a gentleman of It seems to me that Mr. Bryan that party that the colored people have ought to have consulted with the already made out their slate and have eommissioneis before he revoked their order; two of them he could easily have seen any day in the week. I am truly sorry that he re voked their order; his course was calculated to reflect upon their conduct, and one would naturally suppose that he either distrusted t heir iudement. ability or 1m mnnitv: ''...,.. i,.:,. u eonsi-i ueum iuiukm lutv are uu titted for the trust reposed in them 1 by the State. I am happy to say 1 tliat the supervisor , t -, i nas oeen anu ; and hisjudg-! examined the work, ment as to the condition Of the ! load agrees with the report of the commissioners. Since writing the above, I have ' , , , . (. received letters Irom two of the commissioners residing near the road in the vicinity of the Nvork iionv . to be done; one of these geutlemen : thinks that th farmers have some-' thing else to do besides spirting - their teams up and doNvn the road upon a useless errand, and asks verv pertinently if the waters of Onslow county are any more poison- otis than the waters of Jones coun ty. I for myself can state that they are not any wetter. That the people of Onslow may know the reason whv the order of the commissioners was not carried ' out. I ask YOU to give the above! sn-i.-e in vour inner ; spa. c in Nour p.iper- i r. (i. SIMMONS, , Chm' of the Board. ( m m I The 1'uiversltj Normal School. ! The next session of the University i Normal will be held at Chapel tl ill ! irom June 17th to July 17th, 1884 The Board have been fortunate in securing the services of several dis tinguished instructors, and feel as sured that the success and reputa tion attained in previous years, will not only be sustained, but greatly increased the coming session . Nvhich gives promise of being the best ever held, ami one of unusual interest and practical benefit to those who may attend. Prof. J. L. Tomlinsoti. Sup't of the Winston Graded Schools, will In the Superintendent, and will bring to the work a very successful experience in the management of Normal Schools. The full corps of instructors is not yet complete, but the following are comprised in this list: Prof. I-:. V. DcCrraif, the distin guished Normal Institute Instruc tor of New York. Prof. IL E. Holt, the eminent teacher of Vocal Music in the Pub lie Schools ot Boston, Prof. T. J. Mitchell. Sup't of the Graded Schools of Chailotte. Prof. A. L. Phillips. Principal Chilton High School. Pl-ol N. c. 1);. tpill ( 'pi Mr. eigli. . Mrs (l.llllsl A. Lea.ar Moore i i . w s h iin ipal Kin. i , e g e . L. L. 11. mis, Aitisis. Pal s', c . . M. . llnniphiey. ol the .in Ci raded School. .'.('. ,- -on. in- I e- Co. c Creek Items. 1 ' , U.' 1! I . . - II i r-1 ! -p-s are s. r:d", pu ai I a-1 er r.p a- i-- r- s it u r- Li v ,V 1 for air-. t d. -pot. t in V Mii Ti el inn! i-a -in i Jones County Items. Farmers nearly all week. cotton ; ' are busy planting will plant their crops this Thecoloied people have commence;! to build their school house on the old 6ite near John V. Mallard's. . 1 h,ave been iformel that the order has been countermanded for the re- moval of the convict foroe to the Quaker Bridge road for the present, at least. Trenton is dull as to trading; politics , are all the rage. This is one vear that I electioneering will have to bo done without the aid of money, unless it is brought here. Short crops may tell 1 even on elections. Who knows? The Republicans met at Trenton ; ! ,i 7 y' 7 V . 1 y call a convention, but it appeared to me more like a ninh than a rnnoantlun I ! LO . serve ana a colored man was ap pointed in his stead. The committee retired to the grand jury room and stayed there over four hours during which time it seemed, from the noise that they made, that they were having a real pandemonium. While these pro ceedings were progressing, downstairs some called loudly for Mr. C. E. Scott, who took the floor and told them he was glad to meet the good Republicans one time more, notwithstanding that tlley had treated him very badly some f,me smce'he wished to tell them that he was yet a Republican, was born a Republican, should always be one, gloried in the name of the uartv. it had done something that the Democrats cone something ; franchised the people in choosing Mag- istrates and Commissioners who were ; levying their taxes, and when a poor ! man fai'ed to pay." them they would ' !Pdlct and, ?;re m "t for, lU (At 1 ! this remark the storm of applause was j so ,leafenina that he closed up. I - The convention endorsed E. R. Page j as their first choice for Congress. , wne of the colored nrntnru rpmarL-pa ,. , " -s that this was a colored convent on. and , , . . , i '--"j cF,JttcurTa. upcipuu,, i,ji c,.-iy , precincl in the county was represented by colored men except Trenton and ! Chiquapiu which had one white dele iniormeu tne wnites that they may have all the offices that will require bonds men and that they are going to have nil all test.. Polloksyille Items. Everything quiet in our little town. Miss Lillie Ward is visiting the famiiy of Mr. A. (J. Barrus. The Polloksville merchants, magis- trates and steamboat agent have gone ,naks , huln,t,ng tlu "iiK- Some ua-t-K uvjuuie uirrei tjuus. rines. Diicn forks aml spades w m Kn1,i oi.;,-.,, missioners and constable on the first Monday in May. Our nominations are as follows: For commissioners, D. S. :.YTU N- p- T111 Geo- w- hue: for constable. B. B. Barrv. Stonewall Items. Cotton planting is the order of the ilav. From orrsent armea ranees the see'd stands a chance to freeze. In Bayboro, at the residence of Jno. V. Stilly, on the 1st inst., his dauehter, Miss Sinai and Jesse Riggs, of Bay creek, were married, Wilie Mayo, J. 1'., onaeiatin. Miss Challie Whortou, daughter of C. C. Whorton. the young lady that I wrote was burned so severely a week or so ago. died at her father's one day last week, after suffering intensely ever 81Dce8he was buraed- On the 2nd inst Mrs. Haywood Lewis near thls place' after 8uffering for sev- erai day8 of rupture, died, leaving five children, a husband and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Truly a good woman passed over the river. On last Friday Rev. B. B. Holder re- ceived a pounding from his church members and friends of this place and vicinity: such an one as. from his ap pearance and stature, he could bear the repetition of af often as tendered, and uot grumble. The pounding was wel! merited. Mr. John A. Deans, of this place, died on last Friday evening quite sud denly. He was taken Thursday and died on Thursday with a chill. No one had any idea that he was dangerously ill until he was found dead in bed. He was about ."iO years old and was former ly from Wilson county. The funeral was held in the Methodist church on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Holder. Dr. Vick. of Selmu. Johnson county, was in attendance, being a brother-in-law. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss. AN .VITOIJRAI'H LETT Kit. Lord Wolncly'll Opluloil ol ;eiieralft Lee, Jai-kiun and Grant. Tin fuilowing letter w;is rei-i-ive,l from Lord Wolseley by a lady who for merly resided in Mobile, and who has many friends here: War Ofkick. Lu.ndo.v. th Dec. 'x:l. My Dkah Miss S.: I am grateful fur your kind letter and for the valuable 1 autograph it contains. I have long been j cnllectiug tin' letters of eminent people, but have had much difficulty in obtain ing those of the great men on your side of the Atlantic. I have only known j two heroes m my life, aud (ieueral R. I K. Lee is one of them; so you can well , understand how I value one of his let-1 ters. I helie ' that u hrri tune hasealmed down in the angrv passions of the Till the nera L will be ai't-eptp'-J as the greatest and second as a iington himself. I only kiii-v I'nilP'd States v, ni ever had . to only Was i! 1 .l.iiksoii. patrn ,n,- aiv. Hi-- name will live forp-vei m A iii"i n ull history when that of Mr. I' I train ha.- been hmg forgpptten. M.ell at I'-.i-t is my humble opinion of m,-n li--n i,-pa,,,1 by an ouLsid, lit of iiiiiii.irv history who lias no ,,, at pre nil i I am ghid t" I.ear that ny ir.U'di v.ihi" I trteiiil .Mis L i well oid ha iv. San- w.t.s on,' of tie- bright- i-t I 1 1 - v om P-ll 1 i, no i kl; V i'p-in tub. I,, I ,1 l I i : th ,i,i,- I , ' l '. J r , -l.t in Tl, ,t h-u 1 -I p-r r. ;.-.-p it. ... He. iieir, pn 1 a most in lb -ill,-, t , is niato failblu I.- ri.iA r ol .1 f AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. N. oiIkt roni.!. ,i:.t.- :n . f. n, .r.,.us in llprlf attack aslliosO atfV-clmg ll.e llnoat and luipgn: ii.pne so tritas! with by llir-major-ii j- futt.-r-er.-t. Tlio ordinary cuuli or (.-old, 1-pi.p.illirg lrliajpi nun a Ipill'lpg op, uiicppipi-.. US !.-jp'-spipp, iH ..II. i. l.,pt Ope lwniniiii-g of a ffe.l pu-kip.-i,.-.. I:'-. Lio ioi 1'i.itipKAI. Ims well piov.-ii etneary in a forty yenrV flgl.t with llnoal ainl lunff il,noaH-, Mid bli..ul.l li laken in all Cflw.-d ui villpoul delay. A Terrlblo Ooncli Cnml. " 1 1 1 1.- : 1 tfwpk a sev, r,Tl,l. w l.U-li nlTYcU'd ii, Iipi,..-, 1 ti:i,l a lei I ill,' :,ii(ili, r.i,d l.ajifttil infill .1 ' -) utclit willip-iit p 'I l.c .I.tI.pi (::,'.-, li. 1 tried AVMI-pi ClIKIUIV I ' 1 ( okw., -.vine!! ra: ve,l my hniK", ii,diie-.l sleep, and altoriled rue Mie rel i,e'-osaiv lor tiie recpuKry if niv ptrenytli. Py tlia CPNtinuepl nc of llie I'ip ioiiai. a p-iiitn-ip. ipI cure a erteet.-d. I i.iii n,, (,' yeari ,'id, hale and lieaiiy, and nin ...TtiBficd yonr CIUCURY i'KCToltAI. waved nie. Hull per FAiioauu lltl;." UooLlnglirtrn, VI.. .Inly l.r. Utj. Cronji. A Motliri-'n TrU'Ule. ' While in the country laid w inter my liul lioy, three yearn old, vv a taken lllvtitli i-rr,n; il peeroe.il an if be would die from imiiu lAtion. One of the faniiiv Hiif.eeld the usn of AYKR'M ClIERIlV 1T.ITOKAI., a bolllc 11 which van always kept in the liouao. 'JliU wag trip,. in small nnil frequent rlcSAft, fil.il to oiir ileli'ipl in l.-Rji than half an li.Mir tl n litllo patpt-i.t i,t breathiiil! eaily. 'j he ilfw. lor Raul that the Cm liltv 11 TOR I, iiU are,! in y ilarliip.'-H life. Can ou uontler ai our gratitude ? Si i ic-r . : s n,i i-p, Mkh.T'imma 'In-vKV." 159 West 12Xtli tit., J.civ V nk, May HI, I,,;. I have In my f.-ipp heftltate t reinely f,,i tried. Lake Cry lis.l ANFlt'H Cl:l IIUV I'T.-IOIIAI. 'Iv for never.il jeaip, ppi.,1 do li4 ,:1nioniiei. il li'1 i, 01 p tTcrl u:,l colijiln nil. I e,.llie olive in r ' , eit v i, p ." Hal, Jin.!... Mai. 1. .... li k: " I sull, and all'-i cess. I " :p red f,,i to :i,: p ;.- 1 il.il r. ' I e ! Cn i n 1. 1 but f .i il fripin liii, 1'aleslu i n. ,uli in i ;ipp u. L, l in ll f I nhould l,,ii i-ii i rouqple 1 . I '.O lie: p', I ea. ,,i it :j. i. No case of ati affcclip.n ol 11 c ll.' ;-t -.r hinjr exists wlllcb calilatt he f ' M'' o-. eo.l by the two of AVer's Cum in 1 i. h.h.m, and it will attempt cvrt rl,, n II c ,.i-pj..m- iipt already beviond the e.-n'ioltf mi .ii.-ii.i-. PREPA RFI) Il Dr.J.C.Ayir&Co., Lowell, Mess. Sold Ipv nil Oi iiffclKt. Professional Cards. CBAS. ATTOltH H- BROWN, K Y - A T - I, A W KENlAWSVILI.K. If. C. rraotloes In Die (Viuntlo of Duplin, Lenoir, Craven, Jones arid Onslow. Collection of ( 11b I 111 H a Bpeelnlly. 'pirresponiienffe solicited. n nrawtfm P. H. PELLETIER, j V t torlney - n t-TLi aw . POl .LOCKSVILLB, Jones County. Vf. C. Will practice In the Courts f Uartaret, Jones. Onslow and Cra i'e. Special attent on itlven to ths collection ol cLalma, and setsnng estate or otusassa sons. M nusnwtf OEOROK V. UTRONO," s D. Hilelgh, N-CT-s STR0XG & KINSTOH, Bf. ATTORN'EIS AJL COUNSELLORS If" Having f.irniel a c.on&rtnr8hf p for p fact too f tin- law In JoncROounly, will rga- ui arl v at tnd the fonrls of the name. IVompt atteutiin nahl to n ill ei-Nona. rnayl-cUVwtf STKONO 4 PERHT. fnil.. HOLLAND, JR OWIN H. OCIOH. HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneyw nt t.w, (Ofnce one door west of Oaston Honse.) Will practice In the Counties of Oaven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, l'amllcoand Lenoir lrompt attention paid to collections. api29-d4wl v. blMUONH, CtKHBNT HAHLT. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Conrtsof Craven, JoDea, Onslow. Carteret, Iamllco8nd leuolr, and In the Federal Court at New Berne. feb14wl DR. G. L SHACKELFORD, Surgeon JL entist NEWBEEN, IT. a Having located permanently In Newborn, I respectfully tender my prufeMlonai aervloea to the public. Office on Middle -street, in Pat terson building, opposite Baptist Church. Ten Years PractlcaJ Experience. p2hlAwly dr7j7d.clark, iKivrntsrr, rVKWBKRlt, M. C. Office on Craven Blreet, between Pollock and Broad. prl7-dAwly j U J. Moohk. Wm. E. Clakk. I MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Iti'iHO, N. V. Will jinirtlHp. in the f 'ourls of (urteret, Cru- ven. lireene. Myile. .Iphh-h, Lenoir, Onslow anil I'ani 11,-pp ci tuiit ies. AIhpi in the Siipreiiii' 1'inirt at It&lelgh and thel'iilti-pl Slnli-h C,,uil8 nl New I'erne and I K 1 .-1 tl . . I r t'pilhM-Mnx li necln 1 1 y. apOdwtf m. .T. CLAItKE, ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Practises In ihe CourtHuf Oarter-nt, Craven, Hyde, Jmii'H, 1 i i , Pain 1 loo and Wayn roinitlcn : iiImi In 1 1 1 c I'n 1 u-d StuttiH C)urt at New Brm'. t n . ( 'l lerl 1. m -f sejiinni H wiiKeg and all claini-i ti-i;inht t-Kst-ih h ni'.;ialy . Ifll four d" 'I s Hlmve 1 .HStOIl HoUBtt. Iiuti Jl -U.V w! f Elizabeth Iron Works, ( HAS W. IMCTTIT, ITop., 2S0. 2S2. 2M and 2M6 Water street. KOHTOtK, VA M A'' ,11 A I "IT I1KK lK ENGINES, HOILERS. Saw and Grist Mills, SIIAFTIXJN, I llllJ"K, I I angl'ix, FOh'(iIOS AM) CASTI(JS, ' H l-;ver I es ription. 1 1 1 l , 1 -1 i - furl 11 1 l.-F All. ppu Wi HI K In -UJ.-MP ly ppu r On WeaKNervousMen i.. -Ability, ikM(f4 VI r , j.r i-iiiM ii re drmy 1 1. i.r.i t ii.-rfnrm IIIV I ! (i - Ij ar -iiiil t'r - , m- n o youtti. vie . 1. ji.-Tfffl. fcnd lafittn-j toi -' p-i t rob ut hi-a It h I liroriovM niuihod in J THE MARSTON BOLUS. ..t i r-r mn' n .iniptrmg iifr l r; iiicnt-a. 'I'll l Irtpfitiutinl of , -r -ii It r h I 1 1 y nd l ill'- t mnhntl ni holnif l hr. 1 real urn rev - I- of HACSTON r.CMLCYCO.C W.MthSt.. NrwYork. (iK(). W..I. HARVEY, i Hi ItH II9IUNU ST.. mid 7 S. KOI HT1I ST., PMH.AUEI.riUA. 1 s i i i ; . n i l ' i .-,. 1 1 iv in r ii ' n Ktnr i'liston i.l llo l.ntrit Mjlri li j KlBfUoa, N. O cue : ;a p.p:u ii A.'"-- I!,.. II H' 1 1 . 11 1 i K- e i a .. ;"" - -. t ,4 Ok J '-i in Mi 1 i . it.d s.l llle i ! ( 'o.-n a: 1 1 : M'l" - in, ii l v. hi , 'ther paper II r ii 1 1 . It eo -.. A. i Mlvr' I -l : : l- Mill, v H ai Uy . ad u-iti.- 1 and II. a.. I., i - i sv t : i I, and ni.in iiient ill th e ,l,-bll:U . ,1 iseasi-s. ,iX U ( :.al ., s , , -. 1 1 1 ; : - in: . llidrra I,) 1 1 1 . 1 1, 1 1 , ,1 . JilljMAwly liM). W . J. 11AU.VK-) pt co ii y. cast er

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