' v : r? i , - 1 - 1 i x iii- DENT IN" ALL Torma fiH.OO Por Vok.r. m:v bkrnk, cravkn county, n. c., junk NO. il VOL Vll. mtw s ESI V Jr. V t i The"GUlMAX KINO (If! II 1 1 -a o is pa W o 1 1 m jkii:ciAi.rn:s: "Teaaewec " Fnn Won ; "A'af" Hi.-row. CI i fru-'a r and J'-vlTer- Iron Cat, with h.-r bcs . Irk-'- Patent Samel" Mciia- "MEADOW KING" M-.r v. 1 li-ir. . 'Irv.n ('- '.l-,. 1 - Onii Fas. Fwd 0r Corm Sbe!.-r. - CwdlwU't "Wkcat m i .Rico Til ro.-r ::i S.-pAritnM.- Cr Wseelj end Ax! fiafcshe.l tad Ftnte-1. .nih-r Iron Alio --r T -niae SkM. "3nJia" Poet floUl Divert. loo felt ti.--eity -J ? r '. 1 .. tr..vi.. .-J Ux'nin j Fittings if all kani-i. J. (CV WHITTY, 1 'ETTINER BROS., KIKSTOW, N. C, Announca Arrival of Their inn nit k j wiwa CONST8T1XQ 1 lASPLESPin LINK of ; Ladies' Dress oltds, ; , Gents, Youths affiT Boys' C'lothinir. '"Boots, Shoes; Tlii, Trunks, Valises, iPctc. A New and Full pippb' ot - TiTxlJXT Purniture ! We beg a gcnercfuJjiuhlic to come and ex amine our block anri1 -j- jJmTlNGEK BROS. : .SICNOF -TUB CELEE&ATED PEARL SHIRT." l7m.PeII Ballance & Co., ?.;.,jGiriocEkiEs, T01SACC0, SNUFF, FruitO,Confectioneries HOLESALE. SOUTH FITa.lT STREET, NEVBERN, N. C. .:':.:-.v:;-'Wo arJ not members of the Board oi ;;;Trade, norihae we ever been, and we are V - carrying a tne Iirtrest and Best Seknued Stock-of. Fancy and Staple Groceries evrr ' displajed in the eity. ciusistinir nf the t..- 25 VU. Be- r. th' W r. : F'. ; Vi.inmi. had been r. 50 44 Soaih L'i.e VI , ;,.t.,j than mm 100 " Tip Top Klour, ,:i i t !ia.- he amount s- 10O - Pnritr Fiear. .,. w ;j. .V) ' sWtOft Yir.:.'.r. ,. 1 , ;,. 1 .. . . p, ., , ; , . . 30 " Jmt-Ji Hi'ti F'--;. -. a ,'.,;. at.d he , o;.:.' 25 Juno UnT C-.;.'- r. K'.ju-. . 1 63 bbU. rwx. ::!.::;g::...:;d.i:t :; MM lb Fit Ilo. ...a 3000 lb. Lob C1i-. , . ,: d 5O0) lb 5moi- ; s', . . t. ,,,, 12fx) zl!o03 I : 1. .-. -. .- -. ''. . .: hi: J, 30 back'.'U F- i '. is .-e ; ,,...:ik: "i; 10 Tmrri l.j..- : ... . -a is 23 Tin Ciu.-i l.i.- : : ,., i . , , . : 4000 lb, cboi.-e."-. ".-: 1 - v 10OO lb fb n-es' ,'-!-.- :: ' '. .' 7 "i: ' :. 500 fil'oo Vn: . , ' . .. .. 300 gill.'en ('-. i-r. 230 W -i''-' a -".000 ;. - 13 bbU- Tbi." Sa!'. , . , . i 100 box Sop. 40 b CotTef, s . 31) JfTUMS KiWDe' 100 fco (' 1 . . ' 13 bJX Kr r. 1 i '. T l- llMi L'- 111 4.) bi i . 10O.0M) (-.lv5 :: l IVSH) b 1.. - . I i'. F- 11 K ' : -i i 10 i y ' 1 lc1) M - 1 Jl li ) -'..) -i : COTTON PLOW t OTTON II i:i I . v sr. 3 lllAVKN STREET, "KVIEUN, N" Groods, O1 55 jljul nces i i K v f ( iil'.M'Y IlrHT lonrri' Ktpurl K ro ra tli ( ol the Board of Jaatlrft. li'.iPj your .it tout ion to the ,i,-:r i.: :!;. i-.'iuity. the commas M.'iirr-. thinkm.; that i statement rel.iTiw .i its origin iinil the amount of money that has been coHeete'l irom the people and paid 'here.'::, w.eild not tx nuintere.st- :,: to , ;-her ou ..r the taxpayers. ,o u!i!ii : : the I". .l!ow inp : At .:s .lime ti-rni ot lVil, just '!i:rty earsatfo. the county Court Mi.idi .i sii!scrr..tio:i in behalf ot' . , ' . . .i 'ie !eoi. hi o r.txeii countv, to the 1 ' , , . .. , canitai Stock ol llie .vuiiuiic aim North Carolina K.ulroiul Oimpauy of one hundred and titty thousand dollars. One hundred and forty seven thousand and five hundml dollars was in county tmnds, draw :nc j:it-tit at the rate of six per cent per annum; the remaining two thousand and the hundred dollars, ,h, at various times, paid in cash. M 'N KV I. 'I.I.KCTED. In 1 s.Vi, with a levy of sixty-three cnts on the poll and sixty-three cents on the lt)0 valuation of real and liersunal prowrtv, there was collected for this debt fO.l.'.'k'?. 5,5. I"or the year 1S.";. the record as far as examined, and they have been laUriously searched, do not show the amount eoltecte-d. but the le only, which was eighty cts. on the poll, and fifty cts. on the flCH) valuation, and which, there tx)ing no evidence that the valua- lion was different from the valua- tion of the preceding year, ought to have yielded about S.OO0.00 hor the years inji- . aud X there has also thus far been foaml no record of the sums col leeted, only the levy, but for the year 1"'., the levy was fl.20 on the poll and 7." cts. on the K0 valuation and yielded For the years LViT-'oS and '('. refened to aUive. the levies ware the same as for K'J. and in the absence of evidence to show a change m valuation, it is but fair to assume that the same levies, upon the same amounts of prop ert, yielded the same amounts of revenue. The commissioners have therefore estimated the tax collected for the debt during those years, at the same amount as t he tax collected for t he ear 1 v'.i, to wit: For t he vear 1 s."7 .. " IvVs For Wil , there is also no reoord, thus far, tiU found, of the amount col leeted. only the levy, which was $1.10 on the poll, and .d cts. on the $1(N) valuation and should have y lelded For the years Wi' to 1 s7 1 1 nchisi re no record has lnrn found that a !e was made. For t he ear 1 "72 no record has U'eli found of the amount collected, but of the levy only, which was !0 cts. on the ( valuation. For ; 1k year 1 "7 ! t he lew was "l.(Xi on the lo( valuation ai.d lelded I ; is fiir ! o assume, theretore. that the levy of ;in cts. of t he preced ;n ear of ls7' pro iticeil the sum of 1 7 4 t he levy was 1 ,hi on the loo valuation pn uluci ng 1S7."i lew -1 'Jo 1.2:. 17 7 1.2o For 1 7s : he levy was M.2". i.'i 1ih and 1 to dl'.ced Hi. 207.1 1 21.2. 2l.0oU.0OI l'.'.'J.iJ.O.i 21 .s'Jii. jr.. 1 20. 20,.Uo. Jl.lsd. d jl.biM). pa TJl'.'.bT" H Ma a ; a tot , I ol next year. l-7'. t w a.s fan. ltd. at: standing the ,-: s-.im of J t'd.'.ro been colh etci : :t was f .11ml t h a a v 1 1 1 :;:c. pal. ot :g.:i i.. -,ui:r in a now sp.iper. was :n valid, t he t ai s : u ; lir to leiriturv .11 1 1 I . J 1 1 T i have not lii.-eii ii'unii'M. ami the .--hel'ltr pot j .oiieil ills sale until the trc.isiiiei ol t he State oiiiihl le i-i 'li Sllltetl. ailil t'oilseijliellt !y has not et set ; led . ; !, t he ei 'ini ty . I r is t In o i ! i r . however. I n 'in tin- (lose collect loiis u h:c!i I he -herill reports ha nig' maile t hrouli.'i:; the other poitioiis ol' tin conn ty. that t he re a n ue win not te matei i.iiiv lie ... . , . creased roni hat ot tin will not he matei lall v precedingyear, 1 ssi'. and that the amount realized for the debt will fall but little, if any. below the sum of Making, as tar as has thus far been aseei tamed from the record, a irraiid total collected for the payment ot the debt of Since the funding of 1 r;.(HMI .11 the debt m 1 s 70. there has been collcited. m- eluding the .ir..Mio f,,i lss.f l.7i out of which . alter pay- in g the interest and the ! commissions of the sheriff, treasurer and trustee ot the sinking fund, there has been paid on the principal of the debt 7."7l..iL thereby rcdiiLin the same from 1 lo, 29032 its amount on the September, is?!, to I 1 s.i-j.Vmi its total on the .'."!h da of Api il of t he present year. Now to t he amount al ready paid. o2o. 1.V.1 1 add the amount still due ll.22o.00 now to t hat add the i n terest that will yet ac erne before the deb; is 10j207.ll extinguished, about tlo.O'iO.UO and we have the sum of oos.ilso.ll From that sum deduct the amount paid and yet to be paicl by Pamlico county, estimated at :,o.(i(io.liii and we have U.s.i'.so 1 the sum which the stock in the A. c. N. (J. Kail road Co.. worth in the market today, b ss t ha 11 F.OoO. will ' have cost the taxpayers of this county when this debt is paid. The par value of the county's otock is 1 jo.doo.oo The par value n tin State's stock is 1 .J'oti.OOO l'.ut if this debt was paid. Craven 10. 20, .11 county would have paid moiecish 1(5.207.1 1 tor her stock than the State has paid for hers, and yet in the man agement of the load, the county, as against the State, h.'.s no control whatever. The records ,, ; l,,- county are lot at all 111 the pel U ot condition that thev should be. and ill the opinion of the commissioners, it Would be money well expended to li.ivethein thwroughly overhauled am! examined; those : hat can be. hunted up, and those that are missing, where possible, remade. Thev believe, however, troni the data obtained. notwithstanding that the u cords f t several years could not be found, that the above st itement is. in the mam. a correct exhibit of the count.v's debt, ami n t he records lor the est 1 m at ed v eai s should come to llht. will be I'Mllld In differ but little irom them. 'I'!,,- nresetir lloard. .i-iiiinii ' control of the countv at a period 'Wlieil ples.sri; upon all MHis 1 1 heav v and lillin bei le.-s Hidglnellis. its papei was i.h-:n; into the li.mds ol s .cull' oi s at a discount of irom On to 7i per nn:, by untir ing elb'l'ls, have tiua'.iv succeeded in raising its credit virtuailv to par. and its obligations vvlncii. a few v 1 lis were looked Upon as a 1 in 'A . ' i 1 "ii ; va! 11 e. a I e I egaia led to- 1 i , 1 as aniiin the very IkM secur ities m the S:ate. ami are sough' no! onlv bv those having inonev of tin ir ow 11 t, hav m.j the ,i bv thes, hi. t: Vp ' 1 II I I a II, JINK. III ri-r 1 1 ii i nr Work on the Farm,tti l li ardr ii, Ktr. i : r ..w s i .-.-;'.:: Ti'imi'iiiit. I' v km V '1:k. Corn. A portion oi crop may be planted this' month. That which is growing; should have level culture, and the ; land stirred by hoe or cultivator at j least every week until it tassels. I'i,iy'r. I si' plaster freely on! he i "i n and tobacco crops. .').; I'.i'.'jii, lli'tx, Mtimjolds (t)i'l ( ',: .-rut. May yet be sown, or may be ti ansplanted in from the thinnings. vacant places Millet ami Corn Sow these for feeding green in summer, or for cured provender, or ensilage. For the latter, corn is the best crop that can be grown. JI-'.rrcxt. Be sure to have all the tools and implements in prime or der, and a sufficient number ol help engaged in time, R0 that harvest . . .... . . 111. iv ie for r irontr 1 in t ie nuickesr time. Cut all grain when in the iloncli titate Tlo nnf lpf it crpt. t 1 1 dead ripe, even topeed. - i She, p. Shear them, and let it be cai'elully done. Keep them pro- reeled from storms until thev have become habituated to the loss ot 1 heir heaw coats. Spread tar on , , , - , , the salt troughs to keep - eff gad j rlus. Hang bells on the necks Of j every sixth old sheen to protect' against dogs. Salt. Provide this in plenty for . . . , . - all stock at this season. Fit hi 1'tax and Brans. Sow these either in drills or broad cast. Sow also buckwheat, if only an acre, for family use. Mi .iduicx and Hay Grounds. As soon as the hav has been removed. fertilize lightly, and let them re- main two months before stock is turned upon it. You will then have a tine fall pasture. Manure. Lose no opportunity to it in his power to receive a good educa haul out and spread manure even tion. There is now no excuse for even ll 't is rather coarse Place 't on 1 t'le most thriftless to remain in poor spots, or where it will do the i?nnmce-the poorest orphan can now 1 1 V -s stand upon an equal footing, go far as most good. the advantages of this school are con- I'm LTUY. Every farmer should cerned. with the most bkssrd in this How be able to count his Chicks by , world's treasure. the hundred and some of the early What more can we ask fur? Living hatched will soon be ready to mar-i"7t ' "" f eovernn:cnt , ,, . .-i-i that guarantees to every man. woman ket. Many place their chicken i and child the iarsest iibertv consistent coops around in the garden, keep-'. with the general welfare: 'a Coustitu llir the mother lieu confined, but tion. the like of which has never been allowing the chicks to range at will. : known and enjoyed by man and hav- If placed iu the immediate vicinity , 'ng "r habition in a land fruitful and .' , . , . ' 1 bounteous in the extreme : a soil capa- ot the s.mash and melon vines they ble of producing two crops in the same will keep thttm free from the year : our waters teeming with fb-h of troublesome striped bugs usually SO every kind : a climate healthful ;.nd verv destructive. Ill fact, voting conducive to longevity: and poss-ssvd chicks will be found to be of a de- of neither poverty nor riches: with E!l .... , of these olive branches around your ,-ided advantage in the garden, tables, vou are indeed, mv friend., in Mistakes in keeping poultry is the language of the great Virgil, "too sometimes made'in this way: they happy and fortunate if you know your are very successful with a Hock of own good." from twelve to twenty, because the, J he.r e; to nur lef' s -nr'inB ano-h-r , . , - ii splendid monument cT the zeal of tne fowls have a good range and find trutees and citizens in the cause of t-du- plcnt v ot insect tooif: the number ol fowls are increased three-lold and the three times as many have only the same range to pick over, and w here there was lull and plenty for the small tlock there is not sufficient for the much larer one, besides the increase. nu inner are not ieu proportionately a.- ti,,. fo,T- . v i 1 1. O s Is,', In nee the tailuie and the reason tor It. ( i ;vc the tow Is and chicks milk, claboer and buttermilk, thev are exceedillillv fond of it in atlV form, aid it is nourishing and good for hem. If any of the young chicks at pear droopy, don't jump at the conclusion that they have the "pip," the "gapes." the ' cholera," etc . bur take them up and examine tin in carefully and you will find the "bugs" are the cause of it, and mac tenths of the diseases that ; i , 'ii ble poultry originate solely from li, ,-. It should be remembered it is mi:, !i easier to keep lice away than to dnve them away. Don't let jinn chicken coopj remain in the same place more than three da.vs before moving them to new ground. No doubt very many of the bioods have now been given a lull i.ii'gc, but they will find their way back to their coops in the evei'iiig, and they should be met with a good supper. The coops should leceive a good whitewashing inside, leaving them turned up to the miii till dried. Fanners would soou tind that their cattle and pigs w " aid not pax " if they were sei ved s ';., fouls generally are. An ".' baid makes an excellent poultry and it is now- ;l demoiist iafed lot ::,.:! better and mole apples ia be i a. i s,-d v ,ei e t he low Is-have he : iin ol ; he orchai d. Some v ears 'a noted French horticulturist d.-v o'ed uracil of h;s time in raising , b, ;. e v.l! ie! ics of fl'uit. 1 le sllc ,- with cveiy t hing but plums, ! :a disgust with his I'lum (uch .i.,i. a- teuced i; in and made a , h . b, :: v ai d of it. i Jir:.t .,, ,,,,), I'1 ins; ine a'l'i'iiil. the thild. tin t Ii e V- e I ; ll I. lie. toW !s best eu ims. The e t he v el V is. T,v thi w in t at, h Fi v much ol hsh: mil oil allied i !. then v on want I"i died an aiiia - w i '. home tlosix; ii'viaifiM'soF tiif: M".av BEUM-: (illlDEI) SCHOOL. One of tin; ino: j.Ieapant r-ntert-'d::-ments we li:c, e wi;nes-ecl jn X"W Pt"i i.e w;is that of I he closing exercise rif tii" (traded Selinol. whii-h were hnld on th Acadeniy (ir-- u on I'ridav mrniiHr. A stand had i-erti en-cto l in a cool, .-hady 8 pot. which : .s appropriately i!r -r:t- ! by the tiris. ar.d on this 1 1 1 e t:n-": and the graduating '.lus-i were scale i. while scats wo re provided in front 1 r the la rye isudi-nce. Aft-r the ii irT-. en' grades had t tlie sla.:,.i. 1'r r, i heir p.e t s ar. i -or Tlioiaa s i . : i. 1 anncui!i''M t open with .ra er l.y P..v. C. A. .J i kens. .Mr. Jenkti.s ''-'P' tervent in spirit, am; m .. propriate for the ee.ii n. North State" was then 7th and s;h grades, ma: y a-e ap !he (.Id the I th. the ;ai- (tience joining m th ciioru. ADiaiKss 0? w . v.r. By request of Professor 1'ii aaa . ;,' President of the Board of Tru .tees. H R- Bryan, r.oi.. aro: and delivered th addressed welcome. v hieh was s nrnnvinlp ri.l e. i : . T . n on -11. -Ii in - at . e--e " t"" : '"v sentiments t! t wp tiv.' die suhsta which i ; as f. Hows: Ladies axd Gr.NTi.;;:,ii:x : It is ir. d . a gratlfyine to tUt. ln:Moes aiul teac,,,;. of the New Heme AciJcirv. to sc ;- sembled hero toil '.v S'l 'many of the friends and patron- of the ?cliu"'. Tm-y nail u ?8 ai? evlw1 of the -.eat m- JSnVTv ;a'?,;,,,UCii:i.':i rising generation. elci.uw . inriee welcome '. to tics e!obiti.,:i of New 3erne"s children. The school, my friends, is to-d:iv in a more flourishing condition thaa ever since this Ae.uL-tnv building was ! ci it's. i tru . We have on the rolls th" names , five hundred and eighteen children Isn't this announcement enough to glad den the heart of every citizen of this : good old town V Five hundred and eighteen white children all being eclu cated and prepared for useful work, free of expense and charge to their parents. The day has now arrived, when under tne uiessmg ot uoa. ana uy ana through the energy and devotion of a large por tion of our people, every child, w hite and black in the citv of New Berne, has cation After weeks of au.xietv wt- have at last been able to Contract for ti.,. building you see before you. the trus tees furnishing from tl.e funds of tie Academy the sum of four thousand ,1 a lars, and the remainder to be made v.: by the citizens. Deteimine to-Jay b .-.'. there shall be no step backward. Al! , uul r,"i,--- l:,aL ae uui ;una a . . - triDUteil let tliem now go tv,rv aro al. : .i,..nrii, . There Will be in the new buib library room where will be kfpt dard books, magazines m-.d tha j pal newspapers of the owi.try. Ac. the cui.'iiS can nave th" omcht ,,i privilege of the library : .-it tin. re. r-; and examine the books, and carry a: book to your home upon giving .". prep receipt for the same. The library contains now. aith' uga its very infancy, one thousand v.'lui:. It is confidently hoped that th-' mm.', of volumes can be increased at the i of one thousand per year. Most of t!,. books huve h"ii purciaist ,1 u it '.x :i money rai e ! f i .m llie various ent, tainmeiits given during ti.e year un '. the supervision , ,f -;!;e .-h.wl. The ject of the li, ..u l of 1 1 u-tei s an i te ers is. to biiim a'cut ainnig the piip-!.-fondness for ge:n r.il an 1 ,-tandar i i.i rature. a love of letters, and thuselev.. and re line tia- community bring back to what it was. in point of re.lr. merit, ta-te f, r literature and g, r. ' culture, in tb.e days , f our grand la.'. 'a. aud gr ind nn tiiers. In t'no.-e f il days when New Heme bare the pr. title of " At la. Hi" of North Carolina. It has been ue.'hled to-day t aw. diplomas to thus? pupil who have . isfaetorily finished their o airse of ; a ; With these few olj-ervat ions we v. procei'd to the t xercises of the day. Next o:i the pr agra in me the s.v Ll TAT. !.Y l y Mi.-s M.,ry Allen, of lie- grndu .'.:. class. In reference to tlo on our i. bonk we had 'h-' word ".-p'.ci; lib sentiment. r priaten----. st ;. deliverv it w,,;bd have been '!'- :::.; to a fe-"radua e of Peace. S:. M Cireeiiibi-ro Coib-ge or ;.ry tb..- !. classical schools. i. !:i:tii'i. a::.; i t-tts, :: - . I ' i tb 'lh.anas c.bbd the loll- v.b pupils to the stall 1 who l-.e.-iv.--.'; c it cates of distincti al ::: th :r r. -: grades: Second bra b ll s i li .ii. Ar . : i ( .ra.le . ,-i .. .. - for i. ii ! I it M r. M. - a -lev Haia;.- aa ! Ku F tiitli I. .a.; Farkh.-ad. J..s , 'battle ( "i'edie. Daws, .n an 1 S. Fifth i b.i b i 'I'edh'. A !,. !!; Ma.i. a -t tt.i n ll 'i:- l , r: I bah la M a 1 N ' i : 'ippropriate . .ns maimer. v.vl.Kl'l. "i"' a : v . Mr. Fred Thomas, of th cla s, ca ne next with the which was wa ll delivered rraduating valedictory, hen ring llie mu'ks of a bin n orator. WITill'iiAVVN ANii i'ANEI. At this point ivev. Mr. Vass arose and announced that it became his painful 1 duty to inform the pupils and the public that Prof. O'Neal had withdrawn his ap plication for a position in the school for the re.xt year, and as; a testimonial of the high regard in which he was held by his eias-j. jR' had the pleasure of pre- i senting him. on the part of the class, a beautiful cane. As the Professor went forward to accept it a shower of boquets were hurled at him. He is a good teacher and his many friends here wish ' him success in his future field of labor ; w-hercver it may be. SONG. : The cane presentation was followed ! bv a song Auld Lang Syne from the 1 Third and Fourth Grades in words well suited for the occasion. MPLoMAS. , The graduating class Allen and Leah Jones Thomas, were present c llie President of the l.oar . Misses Maiv and Mr. Fred d diplomas by d in the follow- mg language : "Take these evidences of your scholar ship and good conduct, and cherish them as among your most precious or naments. In after years, when you grow to be old men and women, this day will be one among the brightest in your memories. Recollect mg that tn .vvledge is power, stop not herein your pur-e.it ol the same, but press for ward to the front rank, and endeavor to stand, a peer among the w ise. the good and honored of the earth." Tin: RESPONSE. Tiie response, by Miss Lottie Hubbs, was well read, but her sweet, gentle voice is not strong enough for reading to a large out-door audience, conse quently many did not hear it distinctly, though it was well received by all. The benediction was pronounced by Ulv. Mr. Vass. and thus closed the sec ond year of the New Berue Graded School. Aud now we with to say a word to our people about the future success of the school. It is hoped to have l he new building completed in time for the open ing, of the next session. But the new building is not all that is needed. Do we de-sire to make New Berne the edu cational center for this entire section' If so. we must have a large, well-arranged hall in which to have the annual commencement exercises, so that our friends may come from the country to witness them. No belter advertisement can be made for a school than these an nual exhibits where large numbers of people from the surrounding country gather to see what has been done, and see if it is a proper place to send their children to be educated. We are glad to see so much unity among the trustees, and such earnest efforts on their part to make this school a success. Evidence of this on their part will draw the hearty support of the community. Let us regard this institu tion as a common interest around which we can all rally, and New Berne will soon regain her former proud position in culture and literature. Till: MEl'TENANT (lOVEKNOK. Saj. John Unfile, of New Berne. Where there are so many good men choose from, it surely cannot be i iiicJ invidious to let one's choice 1! upon the p r of any of the many, r f veil the Good Book saith: "For ,::iv are called but few- are chosen." hf'Tio therefore that we shall be ,a.i'ib ne,l by tlie zealous friends of all r:uiiMates before the convention when we .-ay that our decided preference for I.i-uu-nant-Governor is Ma.j. John Habfs. ,.f New Heme. There are! a aav reasons why he would make an ; a (la.able and t-flieient officer and why be s!i.ul'.l be nominated. We will take i up a few of them at random. He is by ; '..! ore; of the best aud most elo- ' onent speakers iu the Stale, and as a ; -lum! orator has feu- superiors. He never does any thing by halves, and will a n v from the mountains to the sea-r-hi.rt-.it' he be nominated, lie has the i ndurauee and the physique t " stand' the fatigue and will not give out. He h .s a irreat amount (.if personal maguet-:s-i,i an 1 attracts peaple to him, never ::; b;, an enemy, and adds to his al i air sreat p,.j)ularity wherever he ... .. ii:s pleasant and engaginR man- :--r r.ia! bis kind and gentle words fin ,-v. -r he meets make even his po- ..1 f.: ia.il - lersi.nallv friendlv to him. m .o be mie ia universally mtaet with liked him. bi he i'e put on th ticket he will : far i'rmn being tlie strongest of an liilatf after he lias completed :r.v,..-s ,.f tbe State. He will have le, 1 ad to carry, for lie belongs to no - n a- faction, and it will be inipas- sav t! lie i-' a railroad ran- b l'b.cis in ia, manner connected U III! n v rai,i'o:el and i.- ii' t even the f any raiir"'.'l t"ek. except a j...itrv siiares ol llie rale uiousiy u- "Ma bet K . , b " !! i- perfect ly : i: 1 1 1 a : ran 1 a a a j. lba'h''- is a la'. '.a-;- , f ri e i x II'.'.'. n '!!!), ::i:.-s : ' ab a re. ata I : pv, si- i i a o: ii' "!' ' ! Ill-' S- nale : ' ; ::. 1 b 1' a : a: i b .; i a 1 v . the ..:..! i.i-: ::. !! i- a r -.-l.'-nt . 1 -i i.-:i! 1 r ia I 'b'bi- ' ' ii- tia. I 1 ' ii- P vt : p. ',.:.' , t ::'.:!'.-- r " ! 1 1 iiiv a i: r- ' - b 1 ; 1 1 . g 1'- wbia 'alien ia 1 ; : .y v.'i: ii 'in 1 1 -t l i, a 1 ' 'ill 1 h-tri'-t. f. ,r if th;.i a 1 1 .j w' c 1 t h n l 1 h - - w . n 1 i. :ar; m a very Democratic Muss cling in Onsbm. A mass meeting of the Democratic citizens of Onslow county was held at Jacksonville on the 2d inst., for the pur pose of appointing delegates to attend the State and Congressional conven iens. The meeting was called to order by C. Thompson, chairman of the Execu tive Committee, who stated the object of the meeting. (i. T. Earned was requested to uct as temporary secretary. On motion. A. J. Murril! was appoint ed permanent chairman and G. T. Ear ned secietary. A committee was then appointed to draft resolutions for the consideration of the meeting, which resulted in the appointment of the following gentle men : Stump Sound. J. W. Spicer: Jacksan ville, A. C. Huggins; RichlandB. C. Thompson: White Oak, A. B. Carroll; Swansboro. D. J. Sanders. While awiiing the report of the com mittee, Messrs. C. Koonce, Frank Thompson . jr. and G. W. Smith were called upon, who responded with thrill ing speeches. Through Mr. A. C. Hug gins the committee reported the follow ing: Resolved, That the course of our worthy Representative in Congress, Flon. Wharton J. Green, meets our ap proval and w e recommend him for a re nomination. Resolved. That we recommend for the office of Lieutenant-Governor Maj. Chas. M. Stedman. of New Hanover, h man in all respects capable, worthy and deserving of the position, and one who will add strength to the State ticket. Resolved, That whoever the State and Congressional conventions may nominate, we agree to bury all personal preferences and give to each our hearty and united support. They were unanimously adopted as a whole. Then came appointments of delegates, which resulted as follows: STATE CONVENTION. j Stump Sound Hill E. King and Dr.' E. VI . Ward. Jacksonville John Marshburn and N. K. Armstrong. Richlands E. Murrill and F'rank Thompson, ir. White Oak C. Gerock, jr., and C. S. Hewitt. Swansboro G. T. Earned and Major Russell. ! County at large S. B. Taylor and E. L. Francks jr. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. Slump Sound N. N. McMillan. J. V. ' Spicer, Ahram Sandlin and E. W. j Ward. I Jacksonville G. W. Taylor. G. Scott. I G. W. Blake, sr., and B. L. Kellum. Richlands David E. Sandlin. E. L. ' Francks. sr., C. Stephens and L. It. ' Taylor. White Oak Geo. D. Mattocks. G. W. Smith. A. B. Carroll and Win. H. Mills. ' Swanhoro Sol. Gornto. Major Rus ( sell. E. W. "Wwmd and A. F. Farnell. jr. , County at Larger A. C. Huggins .and T. B. Henderson. ... On motion, the chairman and secre tary wereadded to the list Of delegates to both State and Congressional conven tions. On motion, the secretary was re- quested to send a copy of the proceed : ings to the New Berne Journal. Golds i boro Jfc.sNCDfcr and Wilmington Star I for publication. There being no other business before j the house, it adjourned. A. J. Murrill. Chairman. ! G. T. Earned, Secretary. Magistrates' Meeting in Onslow. The time having arrived for the elec tion of county commissioners, the magistrates of Onslow county met at Jacksonville on Monday, the 2ml insi. . and after affecting a permanent organ ization by electing Dr. W. J. Montfoid chairman and Geo. W. Blake, jr., secre tary, the following gentlemen were elected county commissioners to sei-..-for the next two years: From Swansboro. township. 1 Gornto: Whit" Oak township. .Inn. I'. Custom Jacksonville township. It. 1 IVlletier: Richlands township, lb I.. Franks; Stump Sound township. I i '. Davis. The follnwing fcientlemen wen'rW't, d t'manee committee f..r the county: White Oak tnwnship. C. S. Ilewilt: Swansboro town-lnp, A. F. Farnell. sr. . ili'-hlan, Is tnwnship. N. Ib Armstrniig. Frank Thompson, jr.. was eleetid ('uuty Superintendent of Public lo st!' Ilrtl'ill. After levy ing the necessary taxes br the county, and transacting snnie mis ceil'iiieous business, the board adjnurne l 'i hronirli Ki eights. June ath. issl. Km ; ,k J, a io a ia My attention has lu. n ra;iL.,i t statement in your paper that "through freight and paasen- KH,r tr;lins , t),e mountains is what the ,,',, want." The present manace- .,., ,,f ,),.. A & N. C. K. Ii . it must gratify ynii t" learn. concur ilh v u m bos opinion. Therefore, u ii.ive in, w ears at Morehead aril on tbe road on the way to that place loa led w.ih f'.in.auie from Loui-ville. Ky.. ll, uht ah l all charges to be paid at p ei t "I d. -1 1 nation as y ou will st In io:, ' 1 w.i v labs. A nd we m hi hi . i ladiy sen 1 any freight nur peeple ,l..s;r,. tn Louisville or points I,,- , , .,, 1 , ,r t , an v tmint nit the North i ' it ni "j- Western North Camlina h' I a,F. S'e al.-n send freiclit thr.'Ug!, t 1 Iva'htll''!'. '1 wllle .'.it eliaiig,',, fi lls. I m til, r. m:ii i xeelb tit express agent Mi " 1 1 a. let'-' .11 is rveeivilig pac k a g - , '. ' a .'ir r,',: 1 ir. .ni iaii''pJ ia N'1" V:b ' tin n bv Ail bail and Hay Fine to N.'ie ' : , a'll charges pal 1 here. la Kibii lain summer e x ai i - ion I ket-. can u . . " be l.ntighl at .mv "f the s:ati 'ti- "ii n loadto Hi, buy. I'llliovb'l. M'ranO'ii. I.I. n Alpine, lllack Mountain. A-hwbe Warm Springs. Wayne.-viiie. i 0 . . . AN. , w e soil tickets t,, t Ie- ly I 1 ,w ,!.g . ints: Kaleigh. W nnmig in. p, , r t s 1 1 ) , . 1 1 1 1 1 via ii hbne ail. '..-la: n. H-.!nmore. Philadelphia. N, w V.-ik. I ' ' 1 1"' two la-! ,atles 1 a ,' .;,, r i.i P. iy lane or All Rail. Si, , p , - . i - 1 1 in ib" North ' ' imlma I ; ,i 1 1 1 ,. i ! :i n her w e-t will he i n n . ',e Ma. bead Mid baggage ;. I.' d thi-'iigh ail W'e 111 l.n'l b i 1 1 I Varren Leland, Largest Hotel Enterprises '-r.cn., H.'iys t!it n a a..?-tnger from V'','a oi. ?i;iril . sh' yoiirc nrot:tHlCJ 1 n. 'n t'i ( firly iay of nnijft-Htimi 1 C'n 1 ' . i. ;( mi:, il t!iM n ol iin- ontr oi ' ' - i - 1 ! f-i l ! i 1. 1 !'. . u- 1 1 jj til rty . '.i. ale . " :. Hv tut lit of Ayer's Sarsapariila. y,M't tiHMi V.v. I.mi.axd lia reeoninmii!l A nt's S us W AftiLi.t In luniiy similar cnsi, ami hp liar npver y't beard of it full ure to etlVrt ft radical cure. Koum years Ago one of Mr. I.PXAXn' farm l:ilNn rr hrulsed his rg. Ow I ic to tU bud mate of Ins blood, mi uply Kcrofulnwn f welling or lump appeared ou tbtn lnjur-Ml ljnib, Ifof ribl. Itching of the fkin, with burning and : drtrting pain tlirouzh the lump, HUui lif nlniont Intolerable. Th leg bcfjn enor mously enlarged, ami running ulcer fonht, discharging great quaiititiei of ltrinefy offensive matter. No treatment xrmm of Mf avail until the man, by Mr. tKLAXI dlreo tion, was supplied with ATI It's BjJMAI-A it i i i . a , nhtch Allnye.1 tlie pain and IrrttaitoH, healeil the poren, removed the awfetliiig, Ka4 completely restored the limb to use. Mr. Leland baa personally used Ayer's Sarsapariila'; fr nhpumallHm, wltli entire iwcih ; KitAa Rftr careful observation, delan that la -his bolii-f. thore U uo ruedlciua In LUa a or 111 equnl to i for the cure of Liver DlaortWra (lont. thn rffoct of hlfh llrlaa;,' Rait Rheum, Snrp, Kruptlona, and mil thm various ftirina of blood rtlanagra Wo hare Mr. I.ki.a.mp' K-rmlMloD to InrlU all ii li" may .li-aire further erldenca la ragard the ex1 rnnrililiary curatlrs powers . 0 AVKII'H SARKAI'ARtl.l.A tO M him pOrOn- ' nlly either at hi mammoth Oceaa HolI, I .ng Urnm h.or at the popular Leland Hot, Uroftilway. 27ih and 2sth Street, Naw York. .Mr. laa ami's extensive knovledg of (It . pno.il ,l,i, e by thla UDeqnaOlml rrxlleaitor of blood polaona ennblon blm to give inQulrajra much valuable information. - I'REPARRD IIT Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggist; SI. six liottles for VS. Professional Cards. CHAS. H- BROWN, '! T O It N i: Y - A T - L A W , m KKASVILLE. M. C. Pr.K-t ro In the Nnntlof IMipllD. Inolf Craven, .lmen and Onslow, t 'ol le.'t ton tf Cla tins a specialty. i '"iTeBp-mdoncv soIlcltrd. n- ftrSwfliB' P. II. PELLETIEB, t toriiey-nt-Law. roLLOCKSVILLB, Joimi Coamt. IK a Will iiniriic- in the Courts of Carteret, Jonoa. i insiow urn! Craven. Sppcial nttontlon given' tothe oolleetloa ol rhilniK, mid aettllng estate of deceased per k..,is. marlwU l)Ki::i.R V. HTROJf o, R ilelgh. N. C. dai in. s. rcmiiT, Klnaton, M. V STRONG & PERRY, KINSVON, H. C, ATTDRM'VS ANc COCSSELLORS IT IIW." Hnvlnt! furmed a copartnerajilp for the iiriKt Ice nf I lie law In Jones ecu ntVT'will reao-, larly aitPinl the ronrta of the same. Httenthm pal,! to colletlona. nun 1'2-iiAv.lf KTIIUNQ DERBY,'.'. PHII,, HOLLAND, JR OWJIH R. OVIOJV. HOLLAND & GUION, 1 oiTlei. on I'ruvi'n bI., two iloers above Pollock wail prartlce In the Counties of Craven r M,,w, Ciirt.crot, rarnllcoand Lenoir a I t attention imld to collections. 11 r'i-dAWlv. M. s'v-.-s., ei.XMXIVT MA JV1.T. S I EV1 r.1 0 N S & MANLY. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. ill jinn t l.-e In t he Oonrt of ("raven, Jones, lesi.'W, i 'artret, ramllco, Lrfinolr nnd Hyde, n 1 Hie l-'e,ier.l Court at New Heme. '.: Illill.twU DR. G. L SHACKELFORD, Surgeon Dentiit NEWBEEN, N. C. i it!!, e on Middle street, over Miss Kate Oer r:iw:ivK MllUneiy store, opposite .Iiaptlat I'l.i.r.-I. Ten Years Practical sepHdAwly Kiperlene. .1. D. CLARK, ! KNTIHT, ivKWBr.Ris. n. c. (KTlee ,,: ,'i'iven street, between Pollock and Hi, uid. 4prl7-d4wly 1 .1 M N M . K. Cl.AKKB. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New I tor no, N. , , ; i i t in 1 1 t '. .it ri s of ( 'art-ret, m- ,n. i.r.-.i,.. Hi!.. .I.ihn. I.rnolr, Oimlow an-i I1..'!. ii Mil ' e A :k . -i i h -s i : p r . iim- i I nt llMle-tiih fcnd ill.- I o - ! - ' - 1. 1 Ni Mf rue Hitii il v i . . j i -i i t . lipi'i Jwtf W r.i. - i . LA W ICli, a i i m;n ky at i, aw, iii'ifi tt rut Wy n . -1 vtuii's t'uiirt at 1 1 k v. ))) hih! tU . 1 - I M-i.. Hi imp. Kli;i!it ii Iron Works. ! V I I ill I I , l'rip.. 1 .'.I Jsli Water Btrjiet, Mll'.l Hi ll. .. i-'.Niil N i iioaKKS. r'.i'.. iv i G list Mills, s ; : -. i i in as. f ; :!.'.--. 1 5 : i i-m, ' r.t TI(iH, a w ' 'UK .n a.v ly ' . Un ; o n noLUS- ' .i- an t;m I.' ' h . I- I l 1 i y !. i:v, . I Si v 1 f I SI. I'll I I I. I'll I A -f . V-' ' -f . - " .''' r-. ' i. . ','-,',., -' V r.r .. i "r. . V'V All'l - r) t : ' : tiouerv lin-'. i.: VKRY m Wc r.irr ;i 1 Fanev hi' ' ' ! ' - (riKH'KU'.- ri: i Wo solifir Come ;ui'l 1 I I ir itslstsu .i M) lii snd 1 ' r u 11, iVO I H I V 9 iiel : .' bib a a a i , ' colli '. I ... He a r ' i a ! ci , ' lAKYfcT

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