- , r " s ',- V'" 4, " ' . " - s , r ' - "v".i - - ." . ; ...":' s ' V.-.' ! 1 v 1 X mOJ 'EXDEXT i:N" ALL THING!- Torms 012. OO I1 or TaT Pprl'ii KW BERXE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, Jl NE 19, 1884. VOL. VII. -XI V The"GLIBIAX" IvINCi ()1 13 Z3 ZD a T3 s W o 3 ' S3 o o 3 Tin-: cotton siKciAini- Tenn" Fintf -'AsW Hirrow. T; "Lroo Ag c.ajnreoi. ia fiM, ?ei Co tun, Corn hhel.er - CMiwIl' W Rico Xlir!ier TVwl aaJ AXi 6aitl en.i -m,- Poat Hoi Dijlim. 5 :hjary w4 Machine Fitunits of of Jy Scad for Illastratf 1 Cauigao CKAVKN strkkt OETTINGER BROS., ."tKINSTON. N. C, f Announce tho Arrival of Tbeix Eew Spring Goods, Announce tho CX)S3I3"flSQ OK A SRI.KNIdP LINK 'F "Ladies' Dres6 Goods, Gents, Youths and Bovs' C'lothinir. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunl, Valises, Etc., Etc. .r. A Nev and Full Supply ot ii We beg ammo our t w i I m u Bias orTriiE celebrated pearl bhiki If fliif - GROCERIES, iTOBkcCO, SNUFF, FruitsConf ectioneries AT WHOLESALE. souni FROirr street, newbern, n. . - We are not members of the Hoard X Trade, nor have we ever been, and we '-C-carrvinff the Larirest and Host ele ' Stock of Fancy " displayed in the and eitv. lowim 25 bb!, SO loo - 50 Bat m :K tV r . A; alii La' Fl : Tp T-t) PritT Vi'iar. F! i'. 15 Jraf Bir-r - ?-. Fl 65 bbU. Pork. B00 lb Ft B. i 600O lb. Loot Cb-i o 5000 lb Saokd -- - - ;. 1250 fllas M .-.:. ' SO baekct LJ- i. 10 Tnts- I..- 1 s ifl Tin Cn 00) lb. chce i -x: ' t lOO) Ibn ;hok-fl l Cii' '- . 30O (&iioQ Vin'jc, 5O0 itoM r. -:. i 11 bbL- Tbi- Si .. XtW bote Sor iO bt ro(f'. 20 (roM liwi:.''- ' ' liW blt Ck' r ; ' -x. . lx boi-K Frvn-s l : v- -ll. boXM .""'ii. .Vl.-'V. i. '' T iiikit P.e'tl- . i-k. IM ae lUl:a I' .w : - 4M b-'i- y. i " ' ' 1UO.0OO Mtf-iiaoi i 1' 1 : , 12tt) tb. U-ru.t..- :i : 123 B.-i- K-i ..'' !23bofM Fr'TJi-fi v -It). 0)O nrii "lb' ' i ' 10H) HMMin-i Irn: JIH Pjrt.' R. C .- i . 3.H !b P-.-i.-v ': . JOt bo ?..'..-.. ( 'nn-d P-ii.-1 - i ' . And everything tionerv line, s in I VERY l..vw We carry a 1 i Fancv (,roeeri .GROCER'S ru We solicit nl Gome and see tl. 1I 1 v til US. COTTON PLOW EIEEI). sr. 3 4r. i r SLi ins ie 1 rin . n l fop 1 r . r Iron Ax.'--mitT supri:- punwa, & '..ici-fel: Mi t:n ll. U a J Vr.c . SKWftEKN, N Arrival of Their generous public to conic and cx ock and Prices. OETT1NGER BROS. Ballance & Co., oi are ted "tT li-i- Staple (irocerie eonsistini: f th 'A I I ,;i r N I V U K fORM ( I I It ( a ii.ot : g Reform ( ".;il 1(1. VI NK f the Massaehu , held in lb -ton. ",mi'v:i: from s A 1 1 M s u as re !I M.I ived: .IVNK ; .-.r jr ' .' M l i: sv 1. .1. W ( V K I KK, lie form '!. car ir: 1 rrev: veil f tlic meet i ng of t lie : !r- a rd iii'"!!. atiil in ra : i; a; ;on o f it rrda . l.e th ulieet i if your h 1 i- h irh are discussion to-das . Iv mv mabilits I regret i'itri'iiii' to be present. I presume there is no question as to he ftttitmle of the inemVxTs of the kefirrn Club toward the Republican nomination. We will at onee t;iihi' tn ilefeafthem. ti th:. l..,;i' i; -eeins to me i'iir repoli-e rannot be too explii'it, or our action too quick. Steps slioulil 1h taken .i;:h the least pissibli delay to en able us to exert whatever influence e can on the oilier coming Con ention. We have now least li an no st a ml hilt before t hat Convention. for Mas.iehusetts poos to it pb ilpeil to the support ot one ot her ou n jiolitieal feeling, one whose nomination would actually drive many of u, iv a choice of evils, to vote for ijlainc. We should do wli.it we can to prevent this, and we can do much. Could the Dein-i-eratie party be galvanized into that decree of momentary good which would lead it for once- to the interests of the country and itself, by putting forward such a ticket as Cleveland and Carlisle, the result in November would not 1h in doubt for a moment. Kxpenence tells is that the task is a ties perate one. Blaine is the other tiorn of our daemma It we w ill we c.'.n ilo more than we th:nk: bu: to do ;t we must act. Therefore im mediate steps will t taken under the auspices f the Reform Club to ward calling a conference of tho.se w h. 'hmk as jB4? think. YS't-11 K-t us be reprtvsontotf at I bteag" in Jnly. If we fail there, also, then, as (? i.'iii ! firiten,' or dwi'llers in the woods, so far a I now c.x:i sec, u e sha us; meet together m t he - Ivan s and name our men tor w lioin II ca.st a Sell rcsjct :ng Note. I am. HAS. I AHAMs, .Ik. A de, in at ion adopted The l.iraiiou ,ig.i:i)st the nom -t the .if lilaiue and l,'rt"an was in the following words; M a.s-aohusvttH Reform Club ice-aid the nomination ot th Misrs. Maine and Logan, by the Republican part), u a distinct and unqualified repudiation of all its professions of reform, and as an in suit to the country: and that the members of the 'lub will, under no e.reumstanoos. stip;xrt them." Charles Francis Adams, p-.. was selected as chairman ot t he commit tee to advance the :ndeiend. nt movenient, with IJovi'efleld Stouey. I.e-erett HaNtanstial. William Kver.-tr, dames 1'reeman Clark, . Joseph (luincx, L. W. Higgins. Wmslow Warren. Richard 11. Davis and other- associated with him. Th. h were many 1 The h S j to in li.e failures that hac taken plai e among farmers and merchants during the faat y ear ould not h iv(-bt-en so general had it not bttin tor the Iixvse and unbusinesslike meth ols which art' so prevalent. Kvei sinc the war tliere has been a mama bT engaging in l.irge traus ac'ious, ami the idea of acquiring .uddeii wealth lias become so firmly flved i a the minds of the people that its eradication is a matter oi eitreiiie dirtieults. The dieno;ne a al acce.-s ot a com pa rat ; el sm.llll nilliilct seems to ha'ie set tiie rest on tire, and they rush into ail kinds of enterprises and speou Lit en- without a proper know .edge of tiie un leldnig law - of trade, and Without !a-llig able to see far enough into the :Ti : u r i Cfli tlic ord i ii i r - render ' goes ill d: -astern c:s.sr,;,b e itanlc. i i "'l .tic e ell . d :!.. ; in an The ha 'm-.i.i ng a ' ile ma: hi- o i : g t m- on s w hell due. to his i red.:, f.im 1 1 , and Iiiele is a ,i 1 : oget her ;. his ; 1 1 . .11 II ' . - . i , a i TH 1 ( ratcii (Hunt) Court Hons H' .!. ' is; I :; -: I'll,' court ,11 e asval e. Ill ,i- rapullv t muse beg in, i ss', ll.lS t .cell 1 1 ! 1 f ( a" aril eOruplet inn as tlic cin'Uinstan at tcnc itig construction have permuted. The tax therefor being limited to ,i yearly levy of .twenty two eent on the 10(i valuation, ihc time le quired to collect t ho whole amount is necessarily extended over a period of several . e.ar. It po.sMbly might have been less costly to have issued bonds tor the. estimated cost. f-'L'J'OO, and have had the work done by contract and expeditiously, but bv reason ot the heavy burdens already upon the county, and the fact that it was compelled to pay at the rate of one thousand dollar per year until September next, for the present building whether in ue or not. the commissioners deemed it unwi-o. and that in the end it would prove by no means econom ical to add that amount to t he debt, and decided, therefore, to place the construction under the immediate siiK'rviion and control of Mr. .lohn 11. Lane, ot this city, than u horn there ia not a more competent m reliable builder in the State, with instructions to push the work for ward us rapidly only as the funds therefor were collected. This course has delayed the work on the build ing', ami will cause its final com pletion not to be accomplished un- til some time lurm; 1 1 riilliin; year of lsso. The tlelay. however, will be to (lie gain, rather than to the detri ment of the structure, giving the woik ample time to settle and solidity, and tiierelc prevcii'. it I i hoped, t hose ga pi n g and ugly cracks and fissures, which s,i often dis figure the walls o! quiekb -built hoiif.es. The commissioners being anxious t state of the lirst i t he lease t expires, ti of the s na e t tie trainling in a ulbcielit forwardness b d September next, when if t he present court house be occupied by the ( 'lei k upeiior Court and the Register ol Deeds, and thereby in a posit it'll to surrender the piop erty of' .Mr. StanU 's heirs, ami find ing that the t i available for this car's work would not be suilicieii t l o enable' I hem to do so, borrowed from a gentleman m New Voik.Mr. Sperling, a brother of Mr. Sperling of this place, the sum of five thou sand dollars, giving their note for the same, for two years at S per cent interest. Thissum, they think, with the incoming tax. wiil enable them to l.1oso in the building, and have tho offices referred to ab,,ve ready for occupation m September, and thereby end forever the pay ment of one thousand dollars per annum rental for a court house. As ji,n will perceive from the drawings before urn. the building when completed "id be second to none in the State, and to but few m the South. For comfort and con veniemv it will be unsurpassed by anv m any State, while for solidity and durability. Mr. Samuel Sloan, the architect of the firm of Sloan r.alderstone, of 1'hiladelphia, told the chairman din ing his visit a lew weeks since to inspect it. that it was superior to any work of the kind t hat he had seen in Noi th ( ;aioiina; a compliment w hu h Messis. Lane iV Clifford, the latter the master mason of the work, though tally meriting, may w ell be proud f. The nione ieferted to abo e, as borroued from Mr. Spelling, has enabled the o jin in i -s,, uiers tocoii tr.o l upon favorable terms w :th Mr. l'.rown. of Ilillsboro. tor the completion of the brick woi k. w Inch he expects to h.e lead;. l u Cue roof during the lattel p ut o! . 1 '. an i n sp.-ct i. .a o I t h which t he coniuiissioner- w oul 1 1 like I! pel C-I c : c tile To ha e oil III , o 1 1 W ale le ngei'i a a;r bt 1 1 .I'llC o an o;i o the W I. c 1 1 tlic - k w o 1 ii . ds m th gel' sta- "II. U" d I: s 1 1 i e 1 ie i "earl a T1IK STOKY OF V CASTLE. :i t he brow of a little hill stood the castle, its turrets and towers look ing grim and strong against the sk It was one of those grand old feudal castles built by a Norman noble, in those long ago, warlike times, with dungeons and under ground galleries, hidden chambers and .seciet stair cases, closets and cupboards behind the panels of the wall, with many more secret and mstcrious i. laces in the windings and turnings of the halls and stair - cases. Here lived Kditha, the daughter of a powerful noble. Her lather was a strong, warlike man who w ent about Had in armor, and who spent his time in hunting and fight- ing: and whenever he went dashing: along 1 he high uy on his splendid horse, with his armor gleaming in i the sunlight, there was always a train of attendants, armor clad also. following him. who were ready to no ins hiiiiiin.' and to the in Ins service. Those were sad days, when a man's power rested upon his ability to tight: and Kditha's father was solChadwick. Deputy Collectors: ail ferocious and bloodthirsty, that but the latter having died in office, tiie country was full of his enemies; Kalei'di Xi u-s an i (!,m-. r: and Ediiiia, who was gentle and j Oats have been improved consider' lovely as a woodland flower, neveriahlv in- n. now Tim .,mi,..,, dared go bevond the Castle wall aione. tor lear ot ner Jatner s ene - mies who were always lurking j .i,000 to the funds of the State . -x-around. trying to gain an entrance position company, and the Rich into the castle. ruoud oc Danville system has made Lilt the castle was Strongly a donation of 1 fMMI to the s-.ime guild d. All around it was a deep; moat or ditch filled with water and crossed only by a drawbridge that o uld be raised or lowered when ai' one wished to leave or enter the castle. The drawbridge was aiu as guarded when lowered over :!.e moat so that no one could cross .' laiut being challenged. The castle was filled with several hundred retainers who were ready to defend it at a moments notice, ami w ho were very gay and lively, and danced and feasted and en joyed themselves to the utmost, Hut not withstanding all this gay ety. poor Kditha's life was not happy for she had no brothers or sisters and though there were plenty of hiijhbied, ti no ladies who. weic her servants, she did not have any ot the pleasures children enjoy now-a-days. There were no books for her to read tor no one could read in those days except the priests!-, and her mornings were passed in a long.' low loom with her mother and the li.Ji.s e ,n i hi ii d. .rin if ivi'iif lieanti-I " " " I till pictures uch embroidery as we never see. Sometimes Kditha would climb; up the dusty, winding stairs in the j tower and gaze out of the narrow, grated window c'cr the sunny: coi.iitiy, where the little shepherd : boss were watching their white' flocks on the hillsides, and often j she w iahed she were a shepherd in stead noble. I! ei most t iirnei c.lstlc of the daughter of a great lather was away from home of t he time, but when lie re l there were gay times in the , with blowing ot trumpets and feasting the night. Then the t heir I idlest aud drinking, far into ladies would put OIL silken robes, all cov- en- w it h cmbi'oiderc, and go down into the long, oaken hall, where a lug tire bin tied and roared in the great health, and there wasdaacing and rejoicing without end. At siidi times Kditha was ar racd in her garments of eloth-of-gol.l. with pearls in her dark hair, and her fa; her. who loved his little daughter in Ins rough way. would take her on his knee and tell her she wa tin' fairest lit 1 1 o maiden in t hu whole land. ne night, when the noble re turned alter a long absence, laden w p'i iii'li spoils of war, there was : gte.it i eioicing in the castle, Ihc tire bullied higher and brighter than ever, t he Willi flowed more freely. am I alter men i si.-- an . r cha, cast b k 1 1 e - - the I.idies had all retired li auk until they lost their 1 lei! a.-leep like beasts in : s. 'i'i.cii siietiee fed upon ; t he lii e burned out and settled oVct'. deiily t here was a strange noi-e heard without and nt nioi del .1 ,-.1 ill lee! id's. .- the iw n and illst Li castle gates and armed killed the while they itha. King heard it all She i;ii- 1 Il'cUlMil! i moment, t lie e Veil li aw bl idgi mat in ing tiie 1 ungual the men .led had lath eneiir.e e her lid. :i' in lT .el' u ins a i in - gi a s , n: ou i ' I e.U ing : he STATE NEWS. Gleaned from our Exchansrcs. Durhain A p)-tr: Work on tlii cotton factory is progressing rap idly T. I'. Crowder. a whit, tlagman on the Air Line Jlailroad fell from the car at Trade stive depot. Chailotte. and was ciii-l;. . to death by a moving train. Clayton Ihul: The farmers hen and yonder are busy li i:c- :':. their wheat. The curlew bu. , im petting 'other day .Chatham c ! stolen his pocket, ; Wilming ; egrain to !l use. Wo get: id t li i oi n ' hatird 'iettian ' i hev I t.'ial unity seed Hi -;: A peclal if! Mr. C. W. iv. .1. !!. isier. ami Church at lr- Star li'oin i ms u-. I ! iromiuen; mi he '.Jet hoilis lillett into Ciwinn. a i pastor of ; Kockingha died there m. Riciitaond CO tin ' v. at clock yesterday of the '( 'ollei-to:.-' ! morning. l-'ou ot this lacf hive died m tue i , three or four years, viz: Gen 'C.Abbott. Collector, and Me? i J:. E. Rice, R. C. M vis and R. W. , ties of the Seaboard ir-I.ine s s. 1 tem of railroads have subscribed object. We clironicle those evi- deuces of public spirited generosity with pleasure. They are but in keeping with the reputation these . splendid corporations have estab lished. Raieigh Faihtrr and Mechanic: The at tendance at St. Mary's school terminal exhibit, the past two eve nings, was very large, and very en joyable. We have never attended a school exhibition, but long ex perience in journalism trains the ear to catch the echoes of popular success. lion, John Manning's speech in tribute to the memory ot Governor Jonathan Worth, at Chapel 1 1 ill last week, is highly commended. It was made in ac knowledgment of an oil portrait of the eminent Quaker, presented to the University by his grandsons, a number of whom were in the au dience. Raleigh Evening Visitor: The crops are looking fine. lVaelu s are plentiful in market, but the I'1 ltes isueu are quite nign. At the regular meeting ot the Hoard of Trustees for the Institution of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, held at the Institution on yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. J. Young, was unanimously re-elected Principal of that Institution for three years. AH' of the old teachers were unanimous ly re-elected for the next session, which begins in September next. The present session closes to-morrow, when the students will ieturn to their respective homes to ei-'oy the vacation. The Institution was never in a better or more flourishing condition than at present, which speaks well for the Principal and his corps of teachers. Asheville Alrunce: Mrs. Judge Fenner. of New Orleans, has moved to Asheville to spend the summer. In some parts of the State coin is so scarce and wheat so. abundant that the- faimei'S will feed their legs with the latter. The troublesome potato bug is doing destiuetive work on gaidciis in this sectiin One gentleman told lis that they had literally eaten up his entire crop of potatoes, and that he i-Oniitcd as many as fifty-seven on one vine. It is surprising with what rapilit these bugs can destroy a vine after they attack it. A serious diffi culty took place at a bar room o:; Cane liver in Yancey county on 1 :- Saturday, in which Ellis (Lirdn. : was shot aud mortally wounded b, a pistol shot at the hands of W :i Ham Wilson, a son of the sheriff oi that county. The report of the -. ; ,! oecuneiv'e v,'l.icl. vubiU'e leceivo !, is to the effect that the parties to the difficulty were at a barroom when a dispute of some kind arose, when W ilsou drew his pistol and shot Gardner, th ball entering t la breast and passing through body lodged near the back 1 It is thought that the wounded man cannot recover. S' at ess llle .1 .o '::.' i nc v - lca t harvest known ii l liU: and' t'V'.'f 1 rede 1J1K Rsn ctor. buiiig aiil n: ,! chili . Woolen. k, holdl s lieell dailv F.pisco, : 1 1 : 1 1 has i!,d loll l X niel mo . a o.c -(,lui Ii ach in I csl i ii, ser- a iiu:n!n s ai e be eh sv ; 1 1 lie 'lis. cutting in. ; his niai la to h.uvcs i n led lie ot her dl gl ii si vi !' Iliie Am TILDEVS LETTI.'Ii. lion. Samuel J. Tildkn has been so jirominently mentioned ;is j t'.e Democratic candidate for the' Presidency that his letter declining to undertake the task of reforming the Federal (lovernment and giving , his reasons for such action, will be' ofinteiest to our readers, hence, we give it in full: Xi:w Y..1.K. Judc to. i-s4 -Daniel Munr.inK. Chairman Demo -ratio State 1'ommij.tee of New York: la my letter of June Is. so. aJ dressed to the delegation from the State f New York to the Democratic National Convention. I said : '"Having now borne faithfully my full share of labor and care in public service, and wearing i marks of its burdens, I desire nothing so much as an honorable discharge. I wi-a to lay down the honors and tails of even quasi party leadership, and seek the repose of private life. In renounc ing a reuomination for the Presidency I do so with no doubt in mv mind as to tiie vote of the State of New York, or the vote of the United Statts: but be cause I believe that it is a renunciation of a re-election to the Presidency. To those who think my renominutioii and re-election indispensable to an effectual vindication of the riyht of the people to elect their rulers, violated in my person. I have accorded as long as possible a re serve of my deci-ion. But I cannot o ercome my repugnance, to enter into a new- engagement which involves four years of ceaseless toil. The dignity of the Presidential office is above merely personal ambition, but it creates in me no illusion. Its value is as a great power for good to the country. I said four years ago in accepting the nomina tion. Knosving as I do, therefore, from fresh experience, how great the differ ence is between gliding through an official routine and working out reform of systems and policies, it is impossible for me to contemplate what needs to be i done m the iederal administration without an anxious sense of the difficul ties of the undertaking. If summoned by the suffrages of my country to at tempt this work. I shall endeavor with God's help to be the efficient instrument of their will. Such work of renovation, after many vears of misrule: such re- form nf crstninu ami nlininu .. l-.;u T would cheerfully have sacrificed all that remained to me of health and life, i is now I fear beyond my strengtl My purpose to withdrasv from further public service and the grounds of it svere at that time well known to you and to others, and when at Cincinnati, though respecting my wishes yourself, you communicated to me an appeal from many valued friends to relinquish that purpose. I reiterated my determi nation unconditionally. In the four years which have since elapsed nothing has occurred to weaken. but everything to strengthen. the considerations which induced my withdrawal from public life. To all w ho have addressed me on the sub ject my intention lias been franklv communicated. Several of my most con fidential friends, under sanction of their own names, have publicly stated my determination to be irreversible: but I have occasion now to consider ques tions aud events for which I have no responsibility. The appeal made to me by the Demociatic masses, with appa rent unanimity, to serve them once more, is entitled to the most deferential ..ir.i,iprylinii una v-roiia iiic?T.ii n Ac position to do anything desired of me. if 1 POIU,s. Ohio.'!, Kentucky 3. In it wore consistent with my judgment of j Uann, Michigan and some other duty. I believe that there is no instrn- States show a higher condition. The in. ntality in human society so potential j average of condition of the prin in us inlluence upon mankind for good ci ll Statos are:Xew York 08, or evil a, governmental machinery fori, , - , .... . , administering justice and for making ' I'ennsjlrama 100, Maryland 00, and executing laws. Not all eleemosy- j Georgia 93, Texas 98, Kentucky 9(i, uary institutions, nor private benevo- Ohio, Michigan 91, Indiana 01, leney to whidi philanthropists may Illinois 711, Missouri 00. devote their bves, are 0 fruitful in ; j, increa8e iu the area of oats benefits as the rescue and preservation ; , . .. of this machinery from the perver- ! 18 4 ler cCQt- The average of con ions that make it the instrument of jdition is 98; It was 00 last year and conspiracy, fraud and crime aaiust j 101 i ii J une of 1882. Averages are the most sacred rights and interests hip-hest. as is usually the case, in oi tne people, tor nity years, as a pri . ate citizen, not coutempiatiug an oin cial career. 1 have devoted at least as' much thought and effort to the duty of influencing a right action of the govern mental institutions of my countrs' as to all other objects. , I have never accepted official service except for a brief period for a special pv.rpooe. and only when ii'- .ji'.-iioi'in seemed to require from me tha: -acriiice of private preferences to public welfare. I undertook the State . administration of New York because it i svas supposed that in tlip.t way only f o'l'ild executive power be arrayed on 1 ..f ii form, to which as a private aixen I had given three years of mv hie. I a. CHjited the nomination for the fie i leiicv m 1 "Tj because of the gen er.:l c mvii-ti ai that my cuiditacv . ivnii 1 present the issue of reform -. hicli the Demncrati." rr.aj n'lty of the ' ; ropie desire to f.ve worked mt in the l e'ivi'al iiuveniment as it had been in that of the State of New York. I bi- tiive 1 tnat 1 had strength enough then t ' lt-U 'vate the Administration of the 1 1 vernmont of the United States, and at the close of mv term to handover the i great trust to a sutcessar faithful in the s m:e joiicy. Though anxious to seek tiie n P-'s" of private lite. I nevertheless . te i up ai tiie i''ea that ev..-ry po.ver is a trust an i involves ilmv. Ia reply to iheaddryss of the coinnmtee ci tnmuni- ! eating my nomination. 1 depicted the -btii ail tu-s el tie., undertaking, and bk Ci'.v: my fcciings in engaging in it to those oi' a s ddier .-uteri ng bait!'-: but I .hi i; t vi it 1 , h ad the entire c":i i - i at nui : my powers to th" publi-' servi -e. Ta eli'.y ye.tr.- "f continuous in..la Inon istr.ui n. u:;.i. r liie a t-rui a.40ang mila- -i-n-a-s oi nit. -line war jtiel i f b..a : lii: i . h.ie ii. feet" ! tie- whole gov ernment -'-'. ill 'f the United Stat.-s with . .ia: el' -u - growths, f.ib" i ini-irii' - ' ti 'ii- ;.:. i corrupt pra ti-es; powerful e;,,s e- !.:.'.. iC'tuired i ' ' i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i iv iiiii-r-e-l- oi ..J5i":al abus- ,. and th- in rai : .-tan-lar Is .! th.' pt-npie have I . en isn- : pa iri-d. To ye 1 i .... i iiese sal- i- a sv..rk P .f g leal 1 i ill' ai . ;y an 1 iab-.r. an 1 eami-.t ' p. i-lu 1 1 wiTi-.m t la Li -t i i.'-i-c and etii 'i' l.t an.l 1 -r-. i.al e ; i- ai - t, be a geli the r ii ie-1 u 1 1 1 : ill it 1 ainl FtreiiKlh I posspsed. or could borrow from the future, and lia mg reached the term of my capacity for such Inborn an their welfare now de mand?, I but submit to the will of (od ! in deeming my public carper forever closed. Sam i. J. Tii.den. j THE CROI'S. Depailnif nt of tcrl-l He no i-1 of flilturo. N ASiiiMiTON, June 10. Returns t 1''ottou planting, made to the I e 1 I;h ; men t tf Agriculture, indicate a teinieney to an increase of area, checked somewhat in the South west by lams and inundations, and m Moith Carolina and Tennessee by low temperature in the planting season. Replanting was still in progress to some extent on the first t of June. In the lower latitudes the : apparent increase is about 1 per , (ten t . It would have been larger ' with a better planting season. A comparison of the area with the ! ores ions crop is as follows: Vir ; ginia S.!, North Carolina 101, South Carolina 10(, Georgia lb.'i, Florida 101, Alabama 105, Arkansas 10G, Tennessee 101, Missouri SO. The temperature of April wasi lower than the average throughout the cotton States. The rainfall was de ficient on the Atlantic coast, and slightly less than nominal on the Gulf coast; but rains were excessive in Mississippi and throughout the southwest, causing overflows of rivers, injuring stands everywhere, and causing a large amount of re planting. The latter part of May svas warm and clear on a consider able portion of the Atlantic coast, I causing rapid growth and affording j opportunity for thorough svecdingl and clean cultivation. In the West fields are grassy aud chopping out I is not yet finished. The season is) from one to tsvo weeks late; but plants are generally thrifty and , vigorous. The main cause of the ' relatively low condition is want of Slze wuicl1 ''-W weeks t)f fine weather may remedy. Yet a con-I tinuance of bad weather would even now be disastrous beyond the Mis sissippi. The general average of the condition is 87, against SO in June of last year, and 89 in 1882. ' Figures by States arc: Virginia 00, North Carolina !).", S uth Carolina (J7, Georgia 9(i, Florida 09, Alabama ; .(, Mississippi 87, Louisiana 72, i Texas 77, Arkansas 85, Tennessee 92, Missouri 90. i The increase in area of spring ! wheat appears to be nearly 900,000 i acres, or 9 per cent. The condition : of spring wheat averages 101 per cent, being up to t lie standard in neatly every district. The con dition of winter wheat continues high. The average is 03 against 04 a month ago. It svas 75 in June last year, and 99 at the same date in 1882. Since the last report Illinois' average has declined 11 States north of the 40th parallel coming n j to the standard in all ot the Western .States. 'The general average of rye has advanced from 0(i to 97. i Cottou. New Youk, June f). The movement of the cvap. ae indicated by our tele grams from the South to-night, in given below. For the week ending this even- ing June Oi the total receipts have1 readied I'gaNf bales, against 8.129 bales last w eek. ."i.v(i3 bale the previous week and S 0vH baies three w eeks since: inak ing the total reieipts since Heiteinber 1st. lsS3. 4 7t!4.s'Hi bales, against 5.S4 "is:l bales for the shuk showing a decrease of 1 0s:i,:j:!7 bales. period of S2-'sa. cilice Sept. 1 . lWi, I K. M. The exxrts for tho week ending this I evening reach a t .t.il of pi.CTIi hales, of which 13 frj.'l were to ilreat Hritain. to t rain e and had to the rest of the i on tinent. while the stocks as made up this evening are now 4"i9.7l'7 bales. There se. ne-d t i by no I mger anv doubt that the rioithein parts of Texas. I hi :si i ua and Mn.Rissippi hn ve su Ifered -o much from frequent and heavy rains that the prospects for a good crop in that section are seriously impaired. To il iv. with a f urther improvement in the laverp nil market, a slight advance was ma le. the offerings from sellers being very small. Th" close was firm, and . as com pure i v.alf. the close mi Th u rs. la 'f la -t w eek. there is an advance ..f :t P i for III.' ie I cri 'p. otlon on I le- -i a has n III the J ire demand f .1 l.eeii so largely ilealt II . ou- fortnight. Neill'.ei' a- exMirt nor f'-ay liome 1 lie s'l m li ui has been maintained, n ly fair Idlsill,...- has (leell ledl" I'll I 'inns. Ou. .tat ions were ..n M .r. iuced l-tlic. To-dav ihei e was a and in i i ' I i i ii g up ! . Tie- i"l .1 1 . 1 f 1 til.- w . . V. 1 I xport busir lose 1 li rin a- f. a' i .o d d. 1 11 1 ii.it.l a l'ivl r . of gr.. II... II K' 1 . I, . i. .-g!..H ha- at l.i-t b . r; di lnol.'is 1 ...... '1 le- -li- - I "':, d is oil tl.- : . ot TI. a 1 -.a I ! r :i i. -f! k" ... ft - - I c- S'.' i :l ', I.. -,. T he I .. a i- di l- e '. ai' .1 . II" i..l d. -n. i' ly Im at.-ti. Tl I ! 'ii I . I 1 I'.'bisli ti s .- 1 - 1 'II I 1 i. ' . . .. i .... 1 1 u . ; , i-e .i : i . 1 -ie- i, ii a- f I- Ml 1 he . , .c.aed II ' I. s will be l. t lit t I t I) I ) .ok and T'. hi i I I I he lot runs v. bt house. i ll. i lav erv -1 I " . I, i. need-. Ti." -e sv 1 1 . 1 1 ii .ai-ii K.i AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No nfliir complaint lire so htlldtoua Inlttltlff ' ' attack ruolume Rfr-rtlng tlia lliromt and talgR . - untie so trilleil with by the majority of nff- -er. TLe ordinary cougb or cold. Moulting ierlia; from a trifling or UDronaatona as- l"'nirc, i often but tiie beginning ot fatal Fkknesa. A visit's Clltnnv rKCTOft&b fck n ell proven it c ill car y In a forty yean Igbt Willi throat ainl lung iltieaaea, Hid ahobU b taken in all cases without dolay. , A Terrible Cuugh Currd. .. ' " in I"T I took a sererecoM, whtrb i v ii , a-. I hail a li-rnlile oouIl au4 mm4 iii . -la uiti-r ni-Hit without sleep. The, doctor . pin' inn up. I tried AVEH'UCsnur I'M.-. Toiu., u Mi'h relieved, my lung, lndise4 ' sleep, ami afforded me th rest liar sair .' for die recovery of nty strength. c intimied use of the 1'i'eroaab A Parma- m iit cure wns effected. I am now tU rears: old, hale mid hearty, and am aatiaa4 jmu y ; chkuuv I'ECTiuiA i, saved me. . , lIoKirK FA!BhQ.OT0a3l -Hock inghain, Vt., July 15, lot. v.. ' Croup - A Mother's TrlbHtaW'. '' ".' -' While in the country lost winter my 11U1 , iKiy. three years old, was taken II) wllb oruupj .,' it seemed as if he would die from atrajigw- C lation. One of the family auggeatoel th ua .s of avkh's Chcrry Psxtoual, a botita of ., , which was always kept in ttia Bouse, Thta was tried in small and freqoent tfoaoa, and , " to our delight in less than lialf aa tionr ilia g"1 little patient was breathing atully. Tba Vm '' lor said that tiie C'ukbuy CnnOur. bad' ,. saved my darling's life. Can you wouttar at , our gratituue : Hincewiy your. 150 West 128th St., New York, May M, ! - ' ' I have used Ay rut's Cnr.Br PircOIU a In my family for several years, and do oki hesitate to pronounce it Oie most effectual remedy for coughs and colds w hare aver tried. A. J. CkA, Lake Crystal, Ml A, March 13, 1W2. '- " I suffered for eight years from UroneWthl, and after trying many remedies witk no aae cess, I was cured by the tue of Arril CHKm V I'KC-TODAL. ilOHKrM WlUWI." " Dtliaha, Miss., April 5. 1W3. " I cannot say enough In praise of ATrn CFirnitv PtiToitA i., tielievlng as I do flint but for its use I should long slneo liave dlvd from lung tronbles K. f)UAOIU." Palestine, Texas, April 22, lHfcS. No case of an affection of the throat (w i lungs exists which cannot be greatly rellr4 by the use of A vim's CllKlinv rr.r-roL, and it will nlwayi cure when the disease im not already beyond the ooutrol of medicine.. -rBKr.4B.ED it "., Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold bv all DruBElfta.' '. ' W'Ve Professional Cards. CFAS. H- BROWN, , ATTOUNKY-AT-LAVv KKIVAHVILMt. . Cl I'nvct Ices in the Cuniitlesof Dnplln, Lenoif ' Craven. .lories and Onslow. . eil lection of Oliiiius a specialty. ' ('orri'H.iiiilniice solicited. B arSwUns .. P. H. PELLETIER, T j ttornoy-at-Law. ' -,. OLLOCKDVILLE, Jones County, N. ', Will practice in the Courts of Carteret, Jtuie oiiHiow and tlravea. , i Kpoclal atwntlon given to the oriUectloa Of . claims, and settling eetate of deceased per ". sons. BuirlwU W'm. .J. CL.ARKE, ' ATTOUNEY AT LAW, , TSTH7V 93'. O. ' I'ractlses In the Court or Oarteret. Craran, -Hyde. Jones. l,eoolr. l'amlloo ana Warns! '" counties : also in the United SUttea Oonrtat New lierne. v ''(''' x OoUectlnn of seamen's wage mad ai cluims OKainst vessels a aneoiaity. - s OfTlce four doors alKive t liatou Horue.V J roar'JI-etAwlf I.. J. MOOHE. Wk. K.eC-aAkx: MOORE & CLARKE,; ATTORNEYS AT LAT7,' New rtoriic, N. O. .,' SV ill pructlao In the Courts of Carteret, Gra ven, Oreene, Hyde, Jones, Lrf4nolJt OnalDVr ana I'Hmllco couotU's. Also In (lie supreme court at Raleigh .r.l the V'nlted States Courts at New Heme Audi Kalelgh. e Collecting a specialty. apSdwtf liKIIKllE V. 8TRONI1, Rllelgh, N C uAiriKi. k. niir, Klnsloo, Ti. U STRONG & PERRY, -TTi)RXtV!s AH. COUNSELLORS AT, LAW. Having formed a copartnership for th I riictlee of the law In Joneeonuntr, will reero lurly attend tiie courts of the sauie. Prompt atlention paid to collections. mar2-dAwtf HTHONG A PERRT. PHIL. HOLLAND. Jll OWKH H. OUXOKs HOLLAND & GUION.v.' Vttortieys jt Law, i irrice on I'ruvi'iui., ' wo doors above I ellook Will jinn-tiee in t a.- i "unties of Prwrrem J'Uieh, i niHlou. Ourleri'i.. l'ainllco and Xjeavolf l'n mil a "I lent Ion pshl to eollectlona. H.ejit-i:,iwiv ' cuscst giiai. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will pr lief in Uip Court of Owven.Jnpin, ' mikJi .w. i w r i f rk t. I'ltmllt'o, Inoir nd Hyde. I iiibl id Hit- I- f.lcnil ( ourl at New JitTD. G. L. SHACKELFORD, ii i g " 1 1 nentmt NEWBERN, N. C. Middle si T eel, .. IT MIHN K t Cars OtlM.Ml1 llaptlst "ti ii r l. . Ten V.. l'r.rllr .iv. 1 il F.iprricnoe, 1 l T t 1 ARK, I ' 1 I I K W BERN, R. O. i m t, net ween Pollock AlirledAwlT VAii) W..I. HARVEY. i ll. UK IIMOMI NT.. "...I 1 7 S. I'M IITII ST.. I'll I I. MKI.PIII A I 1 1 - I I I I ' I s. il 4 . 1 1 I to r ii. i'. Klnr t'Mstens l.nfr.l itj Irm nd I. K I ) h. I II IIS 1 K!i:,!f( i 1 1 ii Iron 'ork8, V 1" I I 1 1 1 . Prop., ii SVater Htrwt, . -1 ai.d s" Mill 1 111.. V A N I I A ' II Hill UNLINKS, HOILERS. and Grist Mills, il I I I JS, ' 1 1 1 i . I I .1 V' siiitgors, CASTINGS, i . i 'lion. i All ssi iKK rn nulT-d&wly Notice Extraordinary. : i;r. KHfcl'J . i. i i k now Ihrj M I U luur. Ti - i i . in il door lo mi,1 Mm i lit U . , : .1. nr'. mi Ho i lan k WhIpt, 1 - . 1, . him) fine, M I i i A I, i'll'EH it 1 1 M v , V L". rAXJOJaSL ;c . - r .,v; s. o

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