..--;-f- '-. 1 .-. -. 7- .af . a. , ',.-"-. mimifiwriwui i,'MewaiiiBai.iy i "': tj- k VfIHMI VHlt n It Vow - r wan theieuitef, for Mr. u nt;;; sot, of the Ce"-Joi .:. httf r itil U K'T"' : Prv h T within Ui rr pUctJiaw.a Jfl.lM in wi..t . Haw mmi mk ioo l'K in :h" wiaUJtjf aV-T trf th Sni- :h t.m forth 4iaelttin of (h Wn -,'2w which wiU ttb the man tnUon fa Dmoe"i Prendeur, Of tiuawlatioo of the IVm.vni.o I party f lThM been pretty cenerjby c.r V -' ettiated by ft l-mocrutie pr " Jo the State, thiit NV.inrinof ' DuKx, lb Doai Dft for 8t.te Trea urtr on th I.iNnI Rpnbbean ttaiet had dliOd the nomiairioo. ,YSe hare not ri ht letter of dciln store yet, bat w name . . f paUIa&edia the Republican paper ; a tbe candidate. In the meantime ' U.DCXE baa received nunj eom . plieeta from the Democratic pres.. ; a' aad after allwb he flnd.sout what J--". tc WTow the DeooocniU think . h U, be may conclade to stick 5 ind prtlatJy iwk who '-the TT- VArartf. V FrnwVK aartTjprtprljadiU: Imtioa-tor frmidrat ot lh Umitad bcr. JMI prticulrt7 la ui coming wit! b tab- nniw, md us aofDia - je-t4 to tlx eljil crmUay by th dm- . htiwit '. Hr. Fxbwxa'apopaUntj is very , LklTOtt4oedtOU CongTioniL - dUCrict. WO the Demoemta saffer " (Lmaelres to 1m defeats! again by ft Xew YoikWoodarl - -. ' TmSDeOCTtteConTHltloQ held . st t& eoort hoc on Saturday m Lansookraa d pood deiejfmtion - rpoiatd to the State coovestion. "ITieTeailuk de by Hon. C. V. j CtAxoa offerioftbe mwlntions ; intractiaff the delegates to dm ; , 9itrj effort to have Maj. Joh 1 nrcaxoiated ff Lieutenant ' GoTtraor"ad:JoiD S. Loxo for . ' SaperitBdet of PoWkt Instrnc -j Hon weft Ml of patriotiemtnti meat, wdwHl hT tendency to heal l dUwcW aod preeet a united front U NaTerober next. F. M. Simoxn, Esq , lo made a rior oupeeeh, Vk which he pronounced ; tb Peaoenitie oathwk a brighter thaa tor ataaj year. ' - TB OTHER !IPk ' , Ve hare aho a In former iue aomethiajrof theUwconfent anMjnj?! the ItW caw, ty qnotinff fnm i BawtMCtf(lu'lc M.liiiK pajK-rx, iu retfittothw'amiMtMW of Elai e, Uit it will V" ,rrB for ,,,, 1)'m' ' trata oollo flatter Iheinsielvts ttut, they will Imiimi -wJk over"' iu t,irpmt Wit nn in-cnnt of the tl-- siooa in tb rnnka of tbeir of, aentv I)U(tatchea were ent frow n-vtX poliita in the 'ew Eog-I4- Sfatea, Kew York and the Pacifier cot ciTiag uecoaot of the wildcat . atboaiajTiv, ratification Veetiags,, boom lot of cannon, sus peOJtlon Of basin CJ, forming elnb, BUXTfila nomioattoQ will be eu thOiijUtically endorsed by thOe n in h' "KluatrUJ deTelopmert of j lh Scath. It t Uue that the Siutherc who it 13 keep green In their meraoft,, h,T Bot T rec0Tered from th. . t Jie tk prJadic eogndeml by ." . wiil km tirirttr th Soiid X0Pt - -'.. r a . . , i on end of llw lir.d u the ci!:.r :l-i.- , . rai tb Solid Sooth, nod ft he ,l(fn- of nphi j, ,,Mn,.nt ardi ! tki e my expect to The flares pv,u for '. rh ( .1: . I chrookl Ute sam resnlU that we 0aA ,i,ow (hat tho total ulu,- -f i .. bare ftr tie tut twentj-four years. jreai j,nd h rnnal prop.-rt y n lsfi a Tie lMorr ppr welcome, an,OUnted to 1-V..':..spj ..ml tn Eiani M b candidate. Ivcjuse is;u l0..'s:.n,p sin ,, -fen : toej Uum uias 0 an easy man to brat. Wbtttr thia be true or j Bt,' the food eltiaea. who deire, . tbe". peace Mad prosperity of the "whole eoantry more than party, j - wB! fegret to any man ootnin-' ated toe tbe high oOce of Tresident of theae .Uaited States whose r chaars of election will depend npm 1 hia abfjitj toaroase tiotiaI proju ' dkee, aad open afrh 1 he wouruls . tbat hare beee. tlowly bat steadily b calls g for a number of y ears. All greet -.qopetioos of pivernmer.ul polle -fiaaoceis tAXiff. in'rnial rereaoe. eitil nervios reform, aid 4 ,ll 1. 1. 1 ..krtisen of vba BX-atK Rtves ont th eom - meed, " tvte m yon shot." The DaavUIe. aad Copnh lavest AtioiK hare. been hiaorurito.1 and run 1 dacted for the -fiarpo of on forem & k.' tbe latfiertance of thus eomm in !. - a, nA Riai?iK know that w a.-n the yan km bejffn to eh)se up thm old " oesmad will have tbe .im rffect ts aroeaiag the Sob.l North that it t ' sad ta 6S and He n in'ensjiy popoiar with tUoM itm still bate tbe 800th, and will ai ike r fgor eoe eaaraae upon the o.d so.-r . mi CaXDIDiTI TOE COiar..vs i v iXCOSDlrlSTKKT. We publish tb list of b:. ; from tbia coaaty to the a Weldoo on the Wh nst eaoreetioa i-s a imfi..' aad ahoald not be .iasre ir do. edditioa to pljuria ; :: -he t -eandjdate for Coni-ren. Core be elected a elector for th- which U of the area :et i 1 t r Weluuw th liepabi'.-a:-. elected aa a Lie man to ; :-.'' elaiai of th KpubP.'.i,". fof Prelet. aad al:i)-"Uti ' leaa not the a .ie ..! -'d i ete, yet it wdl be dor..- -. ad ability. Therefore, ' Crata most rt lorward . who Oaa attain weil th i the IVmoeratic nor..i.f. ai d aat the true rowou.s a ft j ia the Jiational ad air . -'r c rn r 1' it n r ii -.,o ir an n. .: " . " . . - Vcnf.;:. ' ' c! nmrii i : ho I-m -. r .' ' i' - M u". : ii . r nii'i,- ':- r h f i 1 ' viii ! r ;hn rv u. ;. en;o.:n. ar.l -ifentlemf:: :' r be a;-i r.-r . .li. ;t h-. r.- ' :.y :!.. TenUon. ::!! ' of : I; : c u:. ' . . Mr i-Ki .:i ; tn v .!. i 1 '.' j. n t ' I ':icr;. . - . h i ni r it, '.''. evo:.t ..i : . the n i-'ti! t- , mn-:i Im't.- : - rr.it i" " i'. For tlie ...'..i! : 1 1 !- t r ! Hi' un ,ir ' : fUf follow ,!!:;:, Hi. STKVKN' N. .i ii: r. qualified fr ' ! !;:; wh.i woul.l prr-: t . : the tn k-: wtrh ! j '-.I ! COU'lllCiIl!I v.t.m . i list ; :u.i I. ! I if. KN - r,-. .. r i i ::i " era' :.- : i i i - be we bil h.lt tin' full !' mi , t tie I ". i'--1 1 -:n l"'1 ; th, d -.r i since the c.ucpaia tl; f I" ' nTEUFSTIN(, t xbe p,.kP.: lr.or .Ifu (ini'iKi i'i"'. under the above c.p:io::. givtM the value of larms. agn. u. the Smth for lS;n and in 170. V these figures the -.'-- or, figures out the eosc of the wr to the South includiu)? the losa of .UTe property. at o.00),00i,00), an a orage loss e: f72tj for every white inhibitanr man, woman and child m the (v, u, j, Jn order to give a jii;ht onc,tion of the magnitude of thl:( , ti. .vs.vssd value of ri,al md rer,on:,i ,.ro(HTty of the whoe ot- ytw KngLmd iu w.i5 ba. IitJe, luro thin ,u th(, K)!iS 8UsUine,i by the South during the anJ tlu, t xx,x, WP;1th of the sut.- of No'v Yoik. Now jerscVi ilnl U jn and Delaw.ire WjW 'A ,.. tl) in tl South frm to ir.. To pat the case still strong r. the aggio jr-jte eapitul of all in.xuuf.ifturo.- of ,,very klIi(1 ;11 n.e whole c-un-y, m 1S0' w. -.,::mi,wio,oo. s.ii. the jncu.1-:( ,-,f the f- r,r,u wo might ,weep completely eur of ow, nee every tn uir.f.i.-fiirnig ei.: rpi i-e. its capital and i' m ach i it r . ami a'i "lutoh blot .Mit of eint.-nee o . , r intftos- . ihi. k.nd m I n.te.i Sr-''"4' i; ,! ' 1 :- ; ' ' v ; " '' ' -ceoi !;.,: s.'.i;, , - would if oid lutlo m :.- ,"'"-'t.' "! "' The AV or.l eUe,ir oil. a r' i. j the follow :ug rds: ( Tuctmj facu r. 11 ori hj f i-,ua fill Muly- Ther ri? limply nm.ixin ami borid ail comprehension. In the liht of Ove tiiram wo rn apprtH-iat Uaa utruglra of the siiuthern rro;il durinfr the past twenty years. The war m or. iu ru!ta wer accepted in fooi faith, and the Sooth haa turned her attention t tha JeTpfopmect of her mab:hleaa rencurcea. Th.w? who are diapoet to criticise th little fTiitfrfs cnaJe between 1? and 1T will doubt- j rm dnait that no nuon n Uborrd ; anaer turn iremenaous Dorotc. ado i lhj mud tdmit that no country erer , md more rapid projfr! than li now Icares of the irar acd that tli ri r wealth is hoc Trt o frrat sut it in :-5j. but thejr arp pjjih.ci; thad with a vim and h ' enerir tht :mptr aator. ish it:k- r'r..ni ; tbe State n a loll hod e v ' I A steady road to her f. rn . r p, antI; Ir) is.; ,. fiiJT.u.w.ri.'.y. and i.oi; th. census : taken : .- unt hoped th.i: ti,e.:i,- ot ; be surpa.-.iod w ilbimto on Ttiv ON s 1 K VI 1HO V t Tiio , hold . tt.n ns ,,: w lae.-t.ng .0. . a . ni ot onio: for a r.; .' o a r f 1 not.ee f. l e is ol 1 t li and a . Ajeer:.i::i from :. Sim" .' we ha-. n tor r.i n i - IHH.flc th 1 t. iTe tine.-" alt. ii :a "a. tin " I s ,-r i i : V, .. .. k. . .. . nine ,1 o w,-i!th hidden in the fur in. i and ' ;i.l. in r i dor to ' i . ' ' ' .. K r I n.lnro 1 r.;d '"''i' 1 r. ;.c :. . ;!:;;,. i ilk lie I'e'.u i'i Hon. . ehan, leman. ' . o ; . f . i t . . -. ; i :: . 'i : a ' - : a ot r y to .:. .: I v l ' and I'la 'WKl: Wit; the latter g.-n : i . . ( : if. ; K w ;.; ; 1 1 Mr. I : . u i k Is I'.o o wo., know n oiitvah York as I ; ,iv. ("i r.VKLA n f '. licit:. or f in is o uiif.'e; known and I e -; ei : o 1 . m an ds - : , y ge t -':;..: e ' t conti. ..s ti. II. ;.. l ii - I'.AV U;t'. of I'oi.iw.ire. l! out iem an can not ea l i : lie ot New Yol k will either o : ;., o! carry the dmi'ittul State-, i-ut of New York! I his is a iries worth the attention ot the I'hiia.go ( (invent ion miles- the par'y -tin. asS it ha- done since the war. de IM'tidi entirely upon the part m i chinery of New Ai'ork. It the em p'.ro State goes into the Convention at ( hieago divided, the Peinoerir- ot the other States should r.inV .-ti t he m a n from I lelaw are. No-'ion'er tick, t can bo out on; than 1 '. x l : I and M- 1 'N AI.lt. I ett.-r from H)iC. S W N '' a KTtB, ,1 line 1 I . 's 1 . F.i'iT.'i: .b 't'UXAL: Uaving oCen heard th it H y de conn f y alo ie con h t supply the S'ato of N'orMi i '.i;..h;i,i .v it h i or n , wn;r e, a ro-pon d :i ; a c .f ; n a : 1 f i - . - ' ... :-.pi.--- ; . . v: g. . . ' - " - 'hi i a i a I i '. The i i c 1 , i ! 1 ' i ' .I'd t e ; a . a . c : se c I ops I 1 1 .f ; e i ., i -ci 1 ;n tht" I'ufi t I to ai 1 1 e n ; i ! t: in k and steam d in m u a : cat an; . w I Hvde couni one ,, the i :.a i i . ; filar a 'ke and illo-i pio.-ptloi; co ll ll l i es 111 . i i 1 ll ( arohna. The jrrowinj,r crops are in excellent eon 1 1 1 1 ion , ami consist ot corn, nee, oats and wheat, with hut little cot toll . It is 1 1 lie that Lillys hive III some lew localities troubled coin, but ma o oon-e quenoe so as to atlcct tho acm-ra crop. The writer, I 1 n 1 f 1 1 i on o Mr. (ii-ii. ( 'roiile, rode ..lollJol Mat tanviskeet Like, v.Mtin I-'.iti tioi.l, l".n i;le!iard. Middletoii. I.,k.- I. and- 111 and Lake I'ointur, and -aw a uios; Inaiutitiil 1 onntiy . 'lie tine. We ultt it .itrii t.inra a. ,1 . I , re- '-ke. !i n eo com tort a . fences dotted h 1 1 1 1 e r a n 1 1 t h i f t at- margin, m a ke- a n i n ' 1 '.Veil .1- plot Ul'eSi pl- -Ce'.i . Tho re :s a move f dr..: 1 ike. a:..! ,. '.re.o i v tlie i fan i.s si:n-cr:! ed tot. ti.on-.,nd and . . ! '1 lars for : ii.it piirpo-e. I I a- S r t h ( .1 1 oi n a : :: 1 ti , . -r a; 'propri a '-. 1 tifc.-n ;...(;..;. lars tor 'he pm p..-e o ! .;;;, c 1:; il ft.. m i.o I.im- ::,'.. Pa soiilai i the W 1 IK Wa- ,l:'i .Hi! and v:,.-:. '. , t c war broke dredge w 1- i ill pio 1 , i ; ' . , ,e in.! w. !:.. ':..'. 1; f. 1 w a - t .-.r ;. . ', : ., I f . ; s: I . t I, a' 'Ule f h a - I. ', , 1 f -a.. Hi lteif I- To fc co;; '.w ) ;;-cle--! -r 1 ! r 1 : :;;;;.;.;: . 1 1 1 c . 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 : : ; ; g a w t i ,e- ..lai e - - w : even Wilminptoh tvill have uroopcd it in: iiicn tney win sr-e ttieir error. N h.it riydc County want.'; is tn l ; i . k i I i r . i ' i : :r!;i-t . . : r i T ; n : - : this o.uinty an- exeeed- i';-a '. i i-.u:d ho-;,itaMi ; it st ems i r!n' c.mtiot do too much for and t he I. idles, oh. my! :ist .i- handsome, c!eer :!t-'.. d .is the not iV- w .h. 1 '.. would 'h.it tin- .-.ni I I . i mtv one : ro !:;;,., .-x.-r mw. 1 -"i'e wtil give K.on.d tn.m the:,-, m;ni h.i. . ! .rge and . lat.oii tin. ii-hont the ! orli hi jn tiio tilgli W. II. I ;i ' i rat i . ( dim e n 1 1 1 ir i ra' - ol I , : i i i u i ill ot I o o.-del : .lohll ' j . e h . i i r 1 1 1 a 1 1 , w ho. i ;oiu:,.,l 1'. Sj'eulit h. t Ii tlted lb ill ('. I'm temporal "t'gan i i ' i !. nr. Mr. Spght t iivention for a lew .nil"' m ' i. 'I' u rg; ti 1 1 a; un in in oia - . i ; 1 ; i ei i a : : i ' irtm 1 1, . aff;. . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i i we i 1 1 , i k t a ' ; a , . i . a -: : i ng puli and a juill ' ' lie: . lilt lie course of his IV - In- paid a glow ii'g and mei ' ' r: ci t e t o 1 o . a nc . d of the ;or:i-!ii - show , ,; w e l e I o U esc I; ' ei i . " : c -a n o! In. !.. II. II i; a . tempoi aiy org.uii.ition i - a . a .! erm a i.i ii : . i motion ot John . Ploiint. a c; : , e con -;; ; ii g , .; one mem : I t . e . : c 1 1 ; o a u -: i : ; . was -ap :iit .i to : oco'ii n.'-nd delegate.- to ; . P' , th ate .iii.l I ' : -t i 1 1 t i on on' ions. ..- l.alow-: (b o. . Sugg. Kenj. W f 'l . T. ( u.d. K. E. Ihv-t. .b If If I ' n. W . M i and W . M. I ' ,i: aw The :!.:: " 1 . ; jiy. .ugh , ;s chair n. an. Cm- . W . Sagg. leeomuien'Ied t to'.;.- a :;,g i!cl--g fi - and .liter- - : a i i ' a 1 1 -- 1 1 1 i;. r.e-t. i r. e. Hook. y. r. oiiii.imi Ed. A K isb.-r: v. E. A. Maiden .h hn E. I m. im ii A 1 ' mate. A. .1. 1 :.:::stin W . I '. A-w,.;;. 1 i;. T. M. do I . r i an. a. ;:. n n-. .. I ii : ;ug. 1 ov I. is.-;tcr. ; i -1 i : t ' i ' ' v k i ; , . :. 1 1 I I ... a IIare . E .! I i ; a . . 1 lal'IIUlldsoIa )!.. " ei .'low I' eiis. .lo-.ei.ii ln.n.ige. co. u 1 II tl t. .lolm a 1 1 : . . i is, 1 1 . worthing! 'ii.. lohll If U !. P. W . E Ia.i;. M. . ie. . f. .1 a cs. II. c i:- I'- ( , i I ' el.s. :..;, ,,i . . A- ' --I-- ( 'a ;; " , . i , ; ad.. . U.i n E-p . :! w i a ' ' tl' . ii.miitee wa- :. n -M. ( aiiaw.iv. chauman and -. cietarv d to the list oi del.efite- I :'. I loi'ii.iil.n otVeied the follow : tt ..tt.'i.: 'I'u it the delegates to. : 1 1 coti en t t. Ml be lll-tl I honorable elT'o; t la m:n : ion of ( 'ap n .o S-ate .Vidro: . aia: i til' ' In : ' . ' h e c o ! ; , a i I o 1 1 -1 ' . a- t ho- .- : '. no a Ii c , 4 la -1 1 a t a - a . Ini- m o' : . - -1: j. ported : ty ' ; . Hot -ad . a tew eilloo i ( i :a 1 1 ks on ( ' , i ' . 1 lartleli's oh.ir.ie r. -ervioos ami met : ts. and w as i ended 1 Mo-.-;-. John If ;v-n . t : 1 1 1 .1 "li n W. 1 Ilium t in hurt I ai t , c, i runs ,poeehe. all "I j ' .oi o 1 1 . c . , a , . i a i use i i i i ai i ii c i o a il : e a, .ippiau.se I ti nn t In con .n t n ai. and t he motion was una n nou-!y adopted. ( n mot ton of Col. I loam an , tlu clee; i-,..- to t he I i-t I let eon Von ttoli rlc I II -1 1 lie' ci 1 Hon.. I. P. Spciaht t r ( oi ( )n motion of P. c ,", '..;-..; h was 1 I . ana I-.sip. pao-ted to puli the enti Kit - , r , eo ei 1 : n gs o 1 t h i s com ., , ,, , t he ( o if Nil, aa 1 ,1r.v- 1 , , et !,e .b a ' i;.Nf p. Ni ,. ,, 1 ... . e a in . 1 1 a 1 ;i 11 1 01 1 no 111 1 lie snow s inai ' '' I ' ' and W i .-on : , . , , 1 , ,, , 1 . iil t he upper vein has been itn. l; '. reipie-t' d to1 ,, . , .... 1 1 , ,, .- ., ,, ' a tb a - i d. Ihy but tonis ot ad t he , , , , 'well- tell out. and the water from I a . tee ttainks 1 t flu ., , , , . , , , , , them rushed into tne uiiue below-, n w.-ie tendered the 1 n mof m e 1 f i o : 1 : c i m a n ,. n d secret at . an ct de Ian d adjoin tied. .1. I'. n.:'.H r. ( 'hn I 1 1 N !. . I . I'' ' I . Scc' . Polloksyille Itcir.s. e mumps aia- foal, at w,ak 1 town. . l:,v. Mr. Iav: heM ,i.M,,o I I a ts !, Acad. ::: at tl :nda I . 11',,, i .1 1 e i c , n i n ei 1 lioni i- I ! . I 'i . l,li 1 at . em!- .,, v ,, i. ,., i m . t .f 1 ':". J' '1'- 'r' I s ; i - i i ac: i s ot if l- inches On the Ronte. ' "City of Romk,' ) N. V. ILvKDtiii, Junel4, 1SS4. )' Dkai; .Im it.N.u,: UA life on the (ii-;,nit 1 . y the me. in w.ive. A home on t lie tolling 1 1' ltzmaurke, L uder l orei?n rfee.re he S;.i:o The di'op." is a l'.wt with me t (1 ,i v. ' ' ary. siiil that the report which -Iii-t cm,, for a word to .M-nd bv pilot bo.it as i- h-iives us. rieasant 1 1 ip .s,. ninnbnih, nndrr tin-i- : nial ( ,i; littl---;: and : i :ei W .ok.-: . this Soiithaic. a:-ro- tin - 1, ..f railroad to N -i; !k. un ( I ,,.,, ; , ,,.,, ( - ,t . New Yoik.. .)!!- , dds- In Mimin-T ie l'i. 1 1 e t o New Yo:k fr.-in New bet n. This c.-m;. .l-v- onihiig hr the eon-tort ami .,:ci of its ;,,-, g.i N! v- m , i Mm , ,! , . . . 1 1 . . , , - 'r.. y.-.i bo.ieve .r . I we,,t ,N ' 1 V "V'1" 1 'M''"- dV-l' v .''d '"-"''"i " J ! i,, r i) , in" ; lert :; ill' n e -: and the men a .- k e 1 1 me who i,.,. v ,,j ', : ' ' ..i.ilio I w a. I'l:e w rl't M,,. , ,1 1. l'.- , , , tod'.Ue ;,,,, , ; ;i Vr i ,' ,' 'u, a- k some'-oih to nunr ,ii;d te'l til.lt man w ho I w h I haw l.-i 1 e i 1 1 i. iju,:::.g j , 1 to I , ; 1 : i a h" t -v w i i i i a ; ; fll.li-'s aii , N)'':M ' '-'"l " i a... -1 , jl ' i i ' a irn nd who 1 , ., i , , , r , I ,i i , .,. kf 1 I w a as good a the 'l.ank , l . i ,i , ,. i ,.i. ,. t fc'AlicMi. and tlieli ti.eluokels iii i . i a ad eh I k- w el e as oolite a- d Hieing i I, . .1 .,' . . , , 'r, ' a a i'r. i.uion s cueek- i Had ami i ;, ,i i , , l,,I.,.OIIL, .1.-. Ol llll .-II.I M M.-uie', . then t ue made me w i : m name a lai I w a,-, j n;,- to u.d I w a,-, a tiiat and gave me a pirro ol p.ij el witii ii ,nies of' banks and brokeis ail ovi-r the world. I'm no; going to Auf r.il:.i : In Wall street a man'- ; i ii - ..:c ail ntixml Up. My !;::..!.: ac 1 ). 1 .. aaid he w.i l.ke '. e. ;;.d , .. aid nnLea.ike head tl tail : o.- li.tllge. pe eeilf. Stel la. g. etc. lb- could net tell what ami 7 made. No wonder n-o;i!e I t.e.ney in this place. J)cai .1 I i; N A :.. I well t by la K h. "Ihow ii Urothers" are lam on- .Id In., ker- ttie world over, and 1 ju.-t ut their lianor in mv uooket and m: i tiom t'-em heio-. o ei i, ;,,; manev and .-,-n. e woiv .r,,,. i ,m ,,t other i.e., w.-ie :n ; 'a ; e. i.oiiioi toi ( ';: Mm Eome." .,,, .,;, Cm .-.ati-litd. ' Fl 1 elm " to !iiv'ii.ei ami '-huve it at soi;u-bodv e'r..s'ti... h im -. ,. Pub - eoimtci. in !..,':.,- , ;' .;.';. .Mr. Editor .:..;i"; o;. .i ,i-; ;;r . Wall street ' , , j i ' i -; 1 d iffti;. on about 1 1 I S.a- x aic- me to loeik at he -.-lich ...... , ,, .1 l ' i,i- .lill'i..-!.,. . V 111. Illilt oi . i.iie i n;r,.,i Stato.- Hotel, at ii atoga. 1 m iost. Hope to find HUsi-lt in a ,,, ; ao and tell you somi 1 1 g .,l,,i; Cos liiar. W o hav e more ; j iii thiol- illllnll'ed sillooll. ( til st class passengers. I do not know how many 'more there are. Eiowa is and J). l)s., women and babi.s. organs and bride, and vour loon!,! nam a!l atloat an bound t..r the other shoie. Cloud- i,w. Tne pilot leaves us soon ami i ,,.,, , mvfiist h-tv m-te. w,. . .... ,ii ....... ;.i. ..,i ; ti',. 1-,,..,, ., , '(-,,.i ........ He will ,,, ...v , ,,-r ,., -nbrlnv . i ,. a ,',,, i,...,. i ft i,I. ; , ..,. j i, ',,V ..j j,,V;,,,r .. i . I., f. ".-e i i if -i:fli e ' . n . . i , : c mania- at I ki mile.- lii 111 thl . .I an.- in. A i i i Hani lid tic ' I follow, alio citv. Over he acre- ot -iiitaco land above one of u,e coiuer.es oeionSi n-ro me 1 'eia - wan- am! Hudson c a u at om pa n y. on which were tiftv dwollinir houses, ' , . . . 1 , .. , . f . , r U'l 1 I t he cave-in occurred it was accom panied bv roan n o-smi mis like those it an carthpiukc. Ihe people I I! -lie, I out Ot' I I 1 1 ' l.oll-..- o I'.. a I V ... : Tightened, not kiiowink' what mo cainlii a'e i . , , , , , rn , ment they wonal be swallowed up. in ,., 1,1.1 1, ,..n 1 1,...- ti..,i 1- 1 1 ,,,,,,,, 11- 1,1 I the I.g ptian ;rrmv here haveten rocLed lor a lew moments like oil- 1 . , ' . . , 1 1 11 . ,11 ideietl their 1 esignatituis, owing to 1 1 o a - o 1 1 a i.iKe. .nail ll 1 III 111 lists , . ' , wen wrecked. o one has veu- ; , 1 . , , , , , . . tuiid to lctuiu tothei.i fls vet. An 1 . , . , f ... , T-IOII I 1- rO Wl ., -l.-f 1 '1 . 1 " . 1 ' 1 . ' passed o 1 no leeeui taegisuuuie ; proiilbltillg the sale ol illustrated police newspapers went into effect : to 1l.1v. and hereafter sueh literature ' The following new story will ro ' w ill not bo sold 111 this 0Ue. ; miml t he 1 eader of nn old one. It 1 I....- .. l...f .. 111 1 ....... ,.-..11 ill,,.- PitNviti:. .lune Ki.-iie C 1 .1 n t j ',u d,-r 'onipain 's martanc, con I taming ld.ofto poundn of powder, i thiee and a half miles st of , ills ; ; city. e;. ded with terrible lorce : t his ii.. ' i mil: V huge number ol : plate glass fronts in the business i 1 , , , in the busine.-s portion ni i in- city w ere wreeked. ' , .. , , . .v new i.um mm-o. on" ains iii5 taut I;,, ii I Lo no o ra .' 1 1 1 o a s coin pletob demolished ue occupants escaped i!i Ul. Tho cau-e ot the eiplosi, n : le t liiaevn. (lltlfMfi it. ( ' 1111.. .1 i, in- i o. C pt !;. b, K . Atollews. the old ge if ! i ::. a a w 1.. . i - walking !';: S ;t h I'., : ol t tin to 1 tov on. : ; i oil ;n . i.l- e cli : e X, w V 1 lie', ill. I he ' i.l .1- - - - - - LATEST KEWS FROM EtJROPEi London, June 11. In the Jlouse of r'ommons today Lord Edmund reached Loudon yesterday ot an exteiisix e massacre at Berber on -bine 1 was very dilli.-idt to believe. ' '"''"' reason for this disbelief was 'he fact that a messenger who lett I ei ber on .1 tine .'i rejtui ted that just before his departure he had seen mis on: i-a.-na Khaiiia. tne cioxer-, nor. who was aiiion-' those alleged i to have been .slam. The messenger I had a!-o si id that steamers were w.ukmg their way below Berber iU"1 haiges weie passing to Jvlmr- tonm. while the roads west of the , - oe w L-i e uu 1 1 j saie, ami i nei e w a s ; 2; 'in unusual danger in that region. The news of the massacre, Lord . Kdimmd thought, emanated from collie emissary of the Mahdi. . London, .Mine 11. haul Gran- - mic, in ma nine iu cue puwt-r.s gM- the programme of the Egyptian conference, entirely ignores the 1' -. . 'I'l ..... i' r 1 v ' ' '.' 1 c' 1 1 c v' ' ' 1 1 Eraiice. The note 1 igieeiiiein . an J' ranee, l ne m it e 1 is limited to a general statement of1 'r the financial condition of Egypt, ft requires a revision of the law of liquidation, and reiterates the de- i sire of England to withdraw her 1 1 oops from Egypt when order has , ,a ' ti, ; i o, , ii , i o i e , i , me nine auju , , ,. .. , . making delmite proposals to the " 1 1 powers. 1 .... ,, , , T,. .... Un1 (jKiiloia and 1 igiiro ot Pans i cur ill the belief thilt, the Entr- ! , , , . " ;l;id l'leiieh Cabinets have i igiced. to give :i vague character to mue to the powers Ml relation , the Egyptian conference, in! older to aid in preventing Mr. Cilad.stone from being made subject i to a formal disapproval of the Eng- j lish Government. The I'orte declines to appoint a ilelegate to ihe conference unless; th.- w hole Egyptian question shall j he submitted to the conference, or : shall have been previously settled; between England and Turkey. Home, June IE Signor Maneini. Minister of Foreign Affairs, ad- ; dressing the Chamber of Deputies: touaj,saiu mat I'resuient irevy. and l'i ime .Mini-ter Ferrv of l'rauce I P'v,? him emphatic assuranees t ii.it the French Government had intention of modifying the po-! ' 'c;)' s! ;lt us Quo of Morocco. The I i Italian Government, SignorManein: ' declaied, wotiltl consider anv at-1 tt',nI1' ti the part of l'rauce to u''"ex Morocco as a menace o the' security of Italy. In that event j !..,!, ,,..,,,1.1 .,.,... ; ; 1 1 11 . . i hi in u-ieiL i "i 1 1 ic a ii g ( her armaments, bignor Mancinij severely denounced the recent ac- ; tion of M. Ordega, the Frenc'i Mln- , , ISi Ol it I i i.llg lOI . -n... i.-. i i i... . ' ..v i no i i eiicn .siiiiaiuou uas naci ' Mi ls el-Kebir. a seaport ot Algeria, ! 'p . .. , i oi a an g ioi . London, .tune 11. A hot and , '"'UI 1 ''"npa.gn is in progress in; . Athlone, Ireland, over the election OI a successor to oir joun James Y'm"? tl,c la,e I-'berel member of i'ai iiainenr. wno (lieu last montu. e borough has always been a wonderfully close one. In lb. G the j vote was a "- a"(l tlie election : had to be determined by the House ' of J'oniinons, and in JSS0 Sir John ' ,vas elected by a majority of one vote only oor Kdward Sheil. Hoinei lam i. I" an i nti ticseiu acaiicy l'.u noli! ics have put forward dr. Huntley McCarthy, a son ol I isim NtcCaithy. M. P.. for P-tiij,'- i a d. 1 1 1 1 in '1. and he i s ju - ' now ;;:;. ai ..Ie a tat'o'et for all so; i o! faii-e. f.oiii botii the Ubcr.il and ; t'on.-eivative com mil i ce. Tne I ,1-,,-f ,!...-i,.,, f l,i.,,l,nC I. 1 i, i hi lil io.:t t ion of a na in 1 1 1 . Ie t . whieli ll;tiSJ bt,t,n witt.v circulated in Ath- . one ami other parts of Ireland, am k ,. n ;,a, v..,i..c .i,.,t ti... McCarthys both father aud son are atheists and contemners of both the Catholic and Protestant re ligions. Si'akim, dune 11. The rebel; made another attack last evening 'The man ot war and the loits re-j tilled. Ihe hnglisn sergeants 111 the cowardice of the Egyptian officers and men dur.ng the recent rebel attacks. Cn v of Mexico, June Id. The Monitor-Republicano spanks of the nomination of I!Iain as bad news, saing that as Senator and a Secre tary ol 'state he was never a fri.-iii of Mexico A New View of his (.'ase. " """ ",u"' :'t,1"' . . 11"'' '1';t' "emg argue, w. s old b.i nnor ('loogrii. r.. a railroad coin- l''lll-x ua mages siis; a i nou m a coi u- l'"; , , . , 1 ' " 1 ,"'1 " " L1. " " '' ' hl 1 pitiful appeal to tlie fury. ( toot lemon ot f ho i 111 " lie - aid pist gaze upon the true, fiom-st. nine-beaten face of my client, and suppose he had been fatally wound-, e.l: think of the sad blow that his loving wife and little, innoee;.: chil dren would aave to i.-cetvo: but. thank la ,cti. it was imt so bad as that. I'af . el. la i w he mils' hue s u 1 -n-ieil dming the long d.Hs of hi ie.a h-.-.v t he heart -st i ickt i' com-, p anion ,, hi- life felt when they iu. iigi.t loin home, biaii-ed and a. i; -fed: Nov. . tell me. sirni I hi- .i'ld la. ,li go dow a Jo hi- gl a c iiu;i ii an lielpl, f i ...at -oi..,- a . ; 1 1 "in eau-o a - aft na loii '' 1 la r; ng 1 1; :- d'h el . ( T.-egi ij i not ire I to in- vol y much a gi i a ii. .ml l i-t n g a- t he bra ci ;. m-!c i . l.e - e ; , f e f 1 . -.1 n : go. '-ea -e ii; t . - .-:.::," i a . - I lau-r -a ,,k." (,.. ,.:,.' ccaa mled the .-. if. 1 1 a , 1 1 ; Ik : ; -i.c (!; 1 e'.l Ie' t .'l -o I n ; a - I ' fi tail -o ; .loan: I t if ered. A ,'. w h ".I a -' l a:-. -Kid If tlgge! ' 1 lie I , a ia a :cl ! id !e : a . - i .!.'.. i ' -. i- .i ; ' f ' a -1 . i i n i,:. j !;:i;,. ),. j;, i;;.. 1 i, ,. -.. a -1 , a ; 1 I . wa t i i . 1 1 ; . : ., a- the " ' - o . ; . i.- I t -tl hiell .11, ! .1.11. !-"ll- : ti... la;;.-- una, p,,w A-k i -r ti. in. M.ii.uf.n ttii.'d r T.iy 1 a' . At hint "i . hi . pi . a T.i fa '- Prrin lurn t '. ilugne. j 1 a 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 Aneient Wonders ifineVah was fourteen miles long, eight miles wide, and forty-six miles around, with a wall one hundred feet high and thick enough for three chariots abreast. JSaby len was liity miles within the walls, which were seventy-five feet thick, and i.ne hundred feet high, with one hun dred bra.i n gates. The Tem;i'e ot Diana, at Ephesns, was four hnn died and twontv feet to (tin Minooi t jof - tbe roof. ft was one huiidn-d V(iars jn bnildin'. The larpe-it of fi, m-rjimid. was! four hrmdnxl tind eiri,t'v-one feet in height, and eight hundred and fifty-three on the sides. The stoIie.s are about sixty feet in longtii. au.t the layers are "two bun- tire(1 n1(1 eihu Ir (MlipIoyed TiO-OOO men in hn ild in r. 'I'lipl.iliv rinth of Egypt contain three hun dred chambers and twelve halls. Thebes in Egypt presents ruins twenty-seven miles around, and contained o.r'UHM) inhabitants and nu,uuu slaves. i lie leintue ot Delphos was so lich in decoration that it was plundered of ijOO, 000,000, i.. . . ami tne emperor Aero carried aw ay from it two hundred statnos. The a ii (1 the em pen ir Nero carried away walls of Home were thirteen miles around. air Yio A. restores, with the gloss ami IresUnoss ..f yuutli, l.iilud or gray liair to a i.Htuial, r;..-h bn.wai color, or deep black, as may In' ,l. si;-. d. Ily it- use light or red hair may 1c thin U.c.r thickened, and baldness K-i tuo-jzh ut aiu-ay. curi. It elieeks failia,; of t'::e hatr. ac.l stiw.u lutes a w.-ak and sie'.fy rnuih t i ia;'.v. I: prevents and e.ires ?eu;f and dac.c.ull'. :a i i.eal? neai-iy every disease p-eefar to t". pi-a'p. As a I.a.lies Hair I'rci.inr. tl... Vliiolt is uiie.-nialtol : it i-"i.l.;i;:s nei-.l.er oii nor dye, rendt-rs the i..c.r s.-it. ' .s- . , ai, I eilken in api'i ic. aii e, a:f. ani a-'s ,. ...ja.e. agreeab: ', ami ias-ae . i Mil. c. I'. U:a. :,.:! writ.- a .. A- ; .. .'i '.';:. 1 : ! .-i t ai my he; .i.e. . - .'. I.i.lau oar. a. '. .1 a short ton - I I.. -, .- neariv 1'ii I. I !- il part n! :-. ' : ', . : Avnii's ll.v.it V:. .-.!:. ua: -1 a 1 . ll." I ... I iu.'OI til.' ,.ei. -1 I'-l 1 ' . ' 1 -- I Ii ive now a :n a ii.-a-l-.t e . . : 1, ;siy, and aia ei.avi'ie, -1 i - 1 c : a u e of your prep. -rati. -.1 1 .-: ... i .. .0. e atirely bald." l.W. Bowr-V, pr..p.i. a.r i f i!.- .'.' 1 ,'OAio'l t,;ilirn'. . " AM 1: .- il I". i i- a IM-'St .'yeel'.rat p:.' ; .a rat .' 1 f. : !. f 1. 1 'peak of it lrnai 11. v 0,0,1 "xj , i 1.. --. . s ti in .!- tU u-'.-.M.i ,.f I..-!.- !.-,-. : .a loaK-.-s it iz! is-v :n ,1 sott. I" a-- - a - a sure care tor .la.ai. ad. iN ; ' ; ', uae.U" tai- 1'. - ; -.-c:.r.t. a . : t t-. yive entire sate- a, ii.ia." ! Mk. Avr.cs I'Altta.vtHN. to. .i. j e lei. rat d F.lii!.airll I'.ea,,, '' ... icai -1., writes from ,' .--'-e;, f ' J--11 ; liver Slin-e lay hair lav I -ry evideare i tlie cha:i- ; I 'm-, pp-eure-ai, I liave is.-l A i kV ! liielt, an 1 so have lecn al.le t.. ,.- ei . 1 an appeara:..-.- of y . -at 1 1 f ell .ess - a : r 'a. I I i'i a isidera i 1 i 0 ai.-oaenei- to n, s 1 . -1 a ! t as, aetors. and 01 l:. -; . . ry.i... .. i .. j I 1 the eyes f :1c- pal,,! -." Mit-. o. A. I'laei-I T. -a rail 1 t- a : ' : ! r-.. I hi rts.. - ,. lh.-' . 14. I'--.- - ' " I'.v.) v,us;i. 1 :ii-';a 1 '..elhii .a . : . . I eaia.-otl'. il I 1 1 ne.l v.-ry racial.. . a I cist :niviiii I, aid. oa n a:u n - Via .p. toe fatiaig -topp,.: ai. a .-. .1 eun!nieni--ed. an 1 iu about a n.,na.. 1 was c.inpleteiy covered v. iii si.nv; 1 . . . ; :: 1-eoatinned to jrov. n-.n! ;s ii"-v :r- .: 1 i.-.f re it fell. I ia eu,arl ll- -I bl't ' : I - 1 ae o: t 'ie lijoli, bat :, , .v ue a i-ce.: .. : i as a dressing." V.'e havp Inlietr.-of pimi1;- t.---: to the eili.-a.-y of Avni's i! -.a: a neeil? hat a trial to convince tbe a.. el -la . l: cat of iti va'.ao. I I'.lT i III. I IIV D. . J.C. Ayer&Co.,Lowcii, r.iaib Soi.l 1 y alt Dnitsists. I cla I Kclipse Kimiiic.-. Kaulc (jiUmi (iin Imvc also sell Watcitown and Tallin i-ji-inc.-, Hrooks Cotton Pi-css and other First Cia Miichiiic ry . Cui -ivo 1 1 1 1 1 h I im is of Testimonials t'rom tip In m liirmcr- ;uk1 I mi i his men. M ' ! W . . '"I . a l frofit in I'onltry. A corrc.speudent trf the Whitney's Point Reporter writes as follows concerning the profit in poultry: The account of I '"-:' is mislaid, but the profits v civ mote than a dollar a head, t he number o hens kept being' aln a' (J-i. 1'iom aL.iut b( hei.-s and it ; it: k .-, m Iwt. il,,. ol low ing l- ! he ace ai u I : To! ; ! 1 e ceipts. si i.) ss. of which s- f. 1. '." was lor poultry, and tor eggs. :l.ii.". They wel e charged as follows: Total expenses, 11 of whteh L'll.ns was paid for wheat luan ami mid dlings, and ;).. !,i ;,,p giain, pr.ll cipall ei rn. a! I he market pi ice. This show- a balance of '.77. 17, to which must be added eggs unsold. -10 making a total profit of fsl. 87, or .1.7; per week. This shows no credit for eggs and poultry used iii the family, nor any clu.i ge for some sin a I pot a t oes t h at wore ltd led occasion illy for them, and the stock remain a about as if vis a , ear ago. Na While ! h pliant Pier in I he Tinted Mutes. Eight y aa is ago. in a paper en titled '-Two Months in Hannah," I made the follow jug statement to I he Ameiiean Geographical Society: 'There i - a report that a white ele phant is now on t he way to this eoiintiy for exhibition, whether by Mr. Ilarnuin or not I cannot guess ; out I may assu; on that no such incarnation of I ,,!y Eiuhlha is in tho Oriental mm kef. nor would it ever be allowed peaeeabh to leave either of the august courts of Man dalay "i- Pangkok '' Phis state- l ; ment I hold to lie as tine now asj it juasthen. I would rather believe I in the whiteness of a white lie: and in the sacieduess ol peijury, (ban in the combined w hitenes- and snored-ne-s alleged oi tia- elepiiaiit 1'coenl ly milled to v. n..- is rhetorically teillied 'the ia ate-t show on earth." It woi.l , not have been mare difficult to ..b-a-n KingThebau himself than otic id his white ele phants. U-iiilto.ttitn. Mm :3 'df'tii m ' L ies ai ,1 I..,,; , t : i j 1 1 . t . - T -1 ! . i reu. ii eai l-l: ' ii nn I: ' iir-iioi .1 a-' Oil l,e, :e In lit a elifll GEZALI & FERHART, : i ' i i -. : t ii. : -1. .i .p (i i ii i ASA JON, Uliddle btieet, Newbt r::, 71. J., ; T Jtli.UCU IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods GIHITS. SiiiJKS. CLilTMN!,. 1 If. ::l 'it P.. I'lAllaMi-iina lU.-uit.- In. 'i . C'io. I ac me 1. o 1 i . ... i i ., e-1 W. :e i i t '- i era in;.' I 'orb.'!. A rui, of a I.hio-, .: i -t.-,;.lien-8 j' I "lelerw ear, 1-ea I .-- I . . c e:i. Cr-i ! ci. alanil l'apc ' i ol iars ami Cues., s 1 1: anil l iio n n.i,i,iKe. i l.'.ef-, all klmlK e ;. -tits', I.iid-.cs ami eh:i. I 'ia-li's Haliil ami Machine .Ma.le slu.fi;. I',;i, i.er Coats, Hats me' s !,,.-. 1 i i,-k i ;, ,1, ..K,Ui,: , I He i; , 1 s, a i . '. i . 1 1 a i i. cm n i ; K. pi 1 1, :i i : i si 1 -8 or i . io. .b i..re. , i. .'SA JINFS. t ic f3 tnnrfidavlv VI .0,1!. -t.. or I'M.: MI'IMtrr.. ,... t niin, , ,'.t , '.'. -" iff?! FftftS Absolutely Pure. 'I'h ih powder never vani. A marvel ot . purity, hi renith, ami ImleiKtmeiiFM. Mor ceo 1 1 on i lea I th un the on 1 1 nary k I ruin, nd eftn i not l.e Hold I n com pel Itlon with th maltltlKte , of lowt. Hi, Hiiort weiKMi, mum nr pnmpniM iiowilers. Sola otil r Iii 'Hnn. KitY A I. Hoiia ' I'owiiKit Co.. imi W all-Kt.. N. V nuvU-ldW' Ii-. Iv. IJA(JHY, suiM;r. 1KNTIST. Am prepr! to ao PlrHt-i'lHM Work at the iowcut Frlocm. Hata of tee lb from JIf.no u n. Hold rllllnci ti so OB. AniHlk-lwn rllllngSa. -I. INI Hp Sonfli front Ktr--.. Nrar CravcB, fetitw Nrwbarn. N. C. Brock's Livery Stables, Ilorjea lor Kite at any tirb TV TlTI t . ' . way vr nigoi. Also, ''kii mill i'.vroil for ltea-..ot:;ibU; Term. mal wCm KIN3TON, fi. C. i m : r-.i ori: r U. S. MACE'S i8 tlie place I or kixmIh in the Druggist Iin4. i Me also keopB HardWara in bjeavt Witfi Canvas. Rope and Twiia. All this iH true, and much morr too, 1 ffyou will find the "Spot,"-- i I lis grols are cheap aa any kefp) Tlie place is Market Hock. j TUK KL1ZABETH Cvf i STATE 1T0BMA.L SCHOOL j Will (i ni June :.1884. continue for a Term of Ktur Weeks. I'rof. IIpui y Iloie k. ol I'pdii, Hi clebrata(i In-l'tiite wuiker. tm tx-i-u ci fstil aa "Cub ilurtor" i.r the ach.M.l. Mrs. M Miihooey, of the nerharrj Graded sciiool. will conduct a cltum f ctilldran In K imleriiurten irork, as appllcall to oountrjr HOlnaM oili. r ti-BrhtTB niwl lertnrew will be rm lilm.il lo iivp liiHtrurtlon o adtcIrI ul- - ii - . I!r.l can bo had at ral nirlna fn-ni - to?l per week. Tune tins should apply " emii.ty Kiia-i lineiuleulM f.r 'Clrculara iv- l"B inntl' iiliirii. For further inrormatl. D ap ply to I lie umlerkl((iie1 w w Henrteoy, rhm'n. I Or. J Hntl, 1 rvaurer. i'u ii i t JMataiifers i H H. Filwlpr. (W.I. fti'ffln. 'vfe-ff lead in ihe South. I mi a c 1 eon n l, i ... I il .1 . S c '.lino o ' uiill.M' - a ' . 1 . cr in, r .. k i. ii u.o. no tlr l , ,.,41 "O'l'ilt". l-itl o.ithlliK M .MKl M II.I ,T U Ut 1 ll ,,. I"' .1. HlHli.l I he l-l, ll, n-. 1 11 IK I., .V ,,, H i. n.ioiai. ; in. in five N ' 1 ' a 1 h oil l on. who Arc '"",l 'en I 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 un no n ti n - I Co h.oi 1 1 1 . . I W iillAIMlKIt, QER, II 1 KINS'I'ON. . C. A. Ion ! K - v i j f , : i -' ' .e A 1 '- 4

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