.. .... i .. .-. , v - ' " - ,, '- ..V Ai; v ' faff.? " i x m-:i i-:x i kxt all thix(t: Torm $B.OO 3E:r "STex-. "rrtprll i: BKRNK, CRAVKX COUNTY, X. C., JI LY 1 NO; W. ( )L. VII. V- 1 Kill r - II t The "CLIMAX" KiM, or Tin: .5 5 3 .33 Hl'lX IAl i.t . "Ir :n fTin Fn.. 0ItiTtUrn. .:h :: -"MK.VDOff KINO" M r K .1 Catten, Cra ,-.i-.i--i I',-'. '.V ;: ui Vxl" fihEi i r.n.l, - Ir :. Ax.' " 1 Skia.. ?u::.oa" Pout Half tHtr. 1 'a; (:. r. .: r'. - tV Si-i for lUjtruJ Cmt:.i i- i-. s IV . .-. J. C. WHITTY, CUAVEN STKKKT, NKWIlKUN. N '. OETTINGER BROS., K8WSTOW, N. C, Announc the Arrival of Their New Spring (roods, CONSISTING OF A STLKNI IP LINK OK Ladies' press Goods, Gents, Youths and Boys' Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc. ii A New and Full. Supply of We beg a generous public to come and ex amine our Stock and Prices. OKTTIXGER BROS. SIGN OF "THE CELEBRATED FEARL SHIRT." Wm. Pell Ballande & Co., GROCERIES, IOBMJGO, SNXJFF, CIGARS. FruitSiConfectioneries -AT south FRorrr street, hewbern, n. c. We are not members of the Board 01 (" Trade, nor have we ever been, and wo are tiie Lamest Fancy and in the citv, - carrying Stock ot "displayed lowinir bis. &et tn the Wor'.-i F'.. South Laks Fl u-. Tip Top Flour, PuntT Floor. " i'ATBtoja Family. . Sntir Kit V. i-. 1 lei !) ') i' James Rirer up--r. Fh a-. 66 bbl- Fork, lb. Fat B-k. 54)1)0 lb. Long Cl-n-. 5JX lb. Smoked Sh-'il -li50 gallona Molatwe, Svr-:r-. 50 baeiets Lard 10 Tirc Iju- i. 25 Tia Csai Lai 1 . 4000 lb. c&ict Cri x.v. ( . 10OO lb choicest Cran: r;. H . ', 500 railotM Vtn-jcr, 500 raJlona Ctir. iM ba lt, 15 bbli. TabU Suit. 100 boxes Soap. 40 baj(s Ccffw, 20 Jfroea F...t. 1 '? 100 boxe Cakes an '. i n.- -150 boxes Frfn.-h xc-l A-.-r- . ' boxe Sodi, (ii.'Vr, in.:' v. 50 CM Ptck'ea .:: ;'.i.s. 100eM Ilaiing V w i -r-. 450 boxes Pin and Tw': i 100,000 M4itta aa i V . v-. 1200 lbs. Lnril lard :i 1 M V 125 Boxes Rauias, 125 boxes French r, i An. r i:. 10,000 Florida and Jara.ti.-i ' ':u; 1000 Meosiaa Lemor..-'. " ' 2000 Porto Rieo C-roa N r't 000tbs. Pas. FilS-?-J. A-- 200 boxes Scot.-h H-rr:::. 'j f,. Otaaed Fechf .-i.-.i::-. -. I- And everything in tin firtnrrT lino which NS c ; VERY lowest living profit. -Wecarry a Full Line of Confectionery ami Fancy Groceries, on GROGER'SIPKOFIT lYc solicitvonly. the Come ahd'Vce.iis. COTTON PLOW cotton" i i i i i I I 1 :- : id.-- Or. LESALE. and best eleeted Staple Groceries over consistiiiir of the t.- Grocery and (.'m lec th nrOI)SC to CC11 at which we charge 0'LY. cash trade " v ; v MIltMMIT ItlKK. 1 :i v,- r c : rii -l i' t ravels : , . 1 bv water ; ii an i' per : .it .' "r"ld!v. mont varied ii.it e er lefe 11 nit' impre.-- in hint ; mv idh," Iri t h. 11: n 1 1 r v u ; 1 1 1 , f!,',. f.,;!,n . i : 1 i i r t i 1 medial! the ne; incident: I hi' viim hut .fii in S.ui ni,wi other ' 1 1 a, UI i't' 'iv ::...,.. .. '.v ::.a: " , i .'-::..': ' 'i m i;i lu-rt '' ' ,. tii.Tf .i i i (. li" ;'1,r i :, . . ! !r;:i ' .i'i'.i' :i ret urn 1 ''''' " - ,.M ti.'iiir. ami t'u rr -i"-h'l , in i.i. I, v ,.! i!.u : . i 1 ' i , i :,. is.v ..;..in-l:i:if!,t, '''' ::.,), . .-i .ill :I ii u ; : ll1 iv i a i i deep TV ! h I o 1 1 a : 1 nl with go iv, -d at al ks i -m u good lortune m eheri.-heil el t ih 'k humble -treet. with a i- long a- pos- libit I ral ,1. i ,i : : u .in, It: ;ng. t t h preemus Tai I ,-r An ' a I It' Iie ad with me. a- g, 'M -eem ed '.in'.' t Imrealnuit.-! 'o;; :; t of -ome of m e u ii ieh lobow ed might, a.-uii't- -uj'i',-t ed, 1h- appro- tn :ir:.itt'l entitled, " Uem m iscviiees "I an Iron llt'ds ead;" but sntlice it io that when 1 wa.s rrry "close the tn-,1 rink." and the contt-nt ( m po.rse were in such a con fhi'ii rh.it an ats.i ,,f them would .ive h ird 1 "shown the color." I v a - r.'i j a. - tfd b the i use 'ir, te -t a ge 1 , n e alloy and ad i u - t -i ;' r t hem . I wa- only to,, l.nl aunty ami was kiii 'ovat.sl .it a hotel in t letor- ol into ; he le. oil n t - ot the i com loi t ably m in in spur ot the valley, and druiking in the 1'iHi Ii t le.s.H Idealities ot one of the greatest, if not thr gre.it est , w,oiks ot nature in the known world. Score- ot ready pens h.ue a! 'anitfd to ile.-eiubr it, and have proved uneipial to the task I Words are quite inadeiiiatt- and genius is l-mmrle.-vs to do it Histlee; it tnuxt w --en to !h uiider-tot'd. Star King, than whom there is no bvt'vr .mi Imrity, said of it. "No where among the Alps, in no julss of the Andes, and in no canon of tin- might v l recon Kange, is there -uch stupendous rock and water scenery as the traveller here lifts his eves to." thus bringititr it into I'timpariaon with t he it her works ot nature most i rated h-r their grandeur. The road ..: liie -t age rellli,iliy bv which I was einp!oed was. at that time, ver heail one iiuinlretl miles in lengtU extending from Merced, ii town on the Vi.-alia Di vision of the Southern Pacific, to a station on the south fork of the Merced river, culled "Clark's," a di-tance of a Unit seventy miles: from the Litter place over the moun tains, into the valley, the distance was t w en t y six miles. Now i happened one day, that there wa an unusual number of tourists in the valley, about ready to -tar; tor San Francisco far mole, in I'aet, than could be accom modated in the regular stages, and it Iweame evident that the head ol the company, who was then at (.'I. uk'-. should be informed ot the lac' . const', I ueli t Iv. at aooii: three o'citK-k in the afternoon, took stage for Clark's, which I reached m tiv hour.-, .viid at once placed the mat ter Ik-fore my employer. At hrst iimlccnleu, lie hhaiiv, a; anou; k, told me I here w a- but one wa out ot the ,hflioiiIt, ami that was to send a man into the va!!m that night, with inst ruct mn.- Ua. graph to MelTt'ii the Hex nig. lor several extra a near the point, ami I knew that I I could reach tbe valley bj a trail 'em- in. telegraph!.- ri,.:m,,:,a ..hnr.-be- t In ..a -:,.. the world and ''l".v " Reived a .,v. K. M 001 e -a w an oi,,eet Vsin " i.ni i.e-.M',- .'links nni Merc,:. i:i,,a:i !:, ;i,. '!-' O'i-; 'v n meek looking .,, 1(V.,.tll.I,.ilU.mv ,!; w. r.nnvf'. W '1;!li' "'''--' ' Piie-.iitn c -.'. i"'. ic i -' ' M'ni.n-la and v t he appearance , , P , - ,, in- u, i --e :i -i I " e , a ' ' . -- ' : a. i l.e i let eet ; ve had tie ver. 1 , ., t '' , . , - ' " 1 '" l" ' . , -- -."in.- ... , . . , , , , being a balloon, it hnallv lea :a --".no- 1,..:- u i- -"'1 ::. 1 . , n-h'- , 1, a . h . IT e , i : . 1 : e . - - ' ' " . 1 " : ; ' 'y ' ;'' 'Ul ;i ,! ' y: 1 ' " t he held of M r. .1 oiiti V. IJriiwn an :1 . ioi n, , I ,...!. , , . .,'.,, ji . no a . i'-s, -i , i e n m ol linn. .... , 1 " w ' -' ' '- 1 . , , i was vi.-ited :-'.' -e'ei',il parties wc ;; ., i ' , . , i i , , , . , , ... s ' . ' : . i : : ' i . i ii v pa rt ; o: ; le. r re-em 1 noi I , ,, ' ' - i ' ' '" 1 - ' " ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' : i , 1 1 i.c,o i ''' , " , . ' , , , , , l.ai ml t ha: r was a i eal baihion an i 1 " 1 ' ' ' . ' i - ' - , had sign- ot naving been oceu; eco , ,.' -, r , . , ,,,,,, i i - ie - c ; i ; o i : lie : ra I n a: ,n- . . . , . , , ' ''''.' "' 1 -,'i'no,. i- .. ... '';., i ,' bv human oeius. 1 ne ballooi. , i i - ,, i , I ,. . : ! i e ; ; : -a i : k e 1 1 1 1 p t o w ii . ,i in A ii- .. , , ,. 1..,- i ',,1 a. .',iiiM -'' lo-.l'.. w .i - ..rn. .,. . I came troni a .-.m; h-ea-terh ditce- i . i i ,- i ... i i - . ' .i-: v l .n-ei! t : i em I ' t I:e light . . . . ' , . ! In' Mel. .. .eel. iiuh.t '. ,. ,,i ,,. , , . ., .; , 1 1 1 m and ereaten ei m.-idera "'" "- ,o, , . ' li- . in ei ii. Oinev. the eoiin: , . . , , , , ' e "'lag ;ii"":'. i- ea-i. to, , i .- i ' , . ',- mieinciii in the iicis: lborhnod. 1 . . :,,!., : . ii i, ,. ,, i i ,,, i - i .. ,, i. d a- iioned tow n ot , ,- , , "a ,-, .. , -, i, m , n 1 1, n ' 1 , , - ' , - . c 11,- Point lake al! !i,- . e. . a; . ., . ., . , pa-sed llilllU'i 1,1 ih nvrt ih iv-l , ,-i...; , . ,, -::. :; ere houses. Mi-, lloien ' ., ., ' . : ' i" i : . ' 1 : . : 1 1 , -1 1 ,:, .. , is... ... A .:'::.. :i a : . . ... i- , del ice el Mr. 1 h . l.i'uwn inm ,. ! I ., ,.,! ... r . . ' ' ' ' ' , ' ',-'" ,, ',,, U : ' :'' : e -1 ' o 1 1 , 1 1 -, i p p e , 1 1 e 1 1 in a f . , ,.,,,, -1 . , . . ' " ' , ,"i, ' ' ; ' ' ' 1 e holl - e oil ! he II i . 1 i 11 ' ' ' ' C '.' ' '' ' 1 "1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : g ' . . 1 1 a 1 - 'li-:.-e ,-,.,'- ... ;;. i-i - ': - ' 1 ' - - -: 1 ' : : .... , . , , , ll e -. 1 1 wa- a regiuar -' ' ''' ",",) " . . e'. 1 ne !e:mls were drawn, and . , , , i ' ' . i 1 ' , : i ;'!.:.. ' - - . . i . 1 , ' , e . : -. 'a . - . ; : i : i - i .-.'.-'.. e . ; ; , IV oun g e n i .. i : en a ; , -1 ! he oel- ... , . . i - : ' , , eli , , c i -: 1 1 , c 1 1 a I o I ! 1 1 1 1 in the , , . , , , , , , -i , '. ."i c . a .i ii i . - a , .. , , , -a :,,::,- i : , ! : :: , ; . : . , . 0:1-0 j m ; ai 1 i ; am , - n Air. 1 o wn s . , . , ' , . . .... . - , . ; 1 ; 1 d e , 1 o ; : n g , o e , 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 , '. 1 . ' ' ' ' ' - ' .' 1 - , : .-. " ' :"''' '-1:'- wen: on: be'."W ',',''', ' ' ' ,'. ' - -''''; : " 1 ' - - : : ' ' ' , , ; o " 1 1 1 'i i I ll .' A 1 v, i !a !H i - t ii e n il . ... ' ' ..ti. .;, ,. i.. j, ; i, A: ia 1 ,11 1 :i k he! d -e; . . e 1 . -i ; u 1 - ;; 1 -: ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' '' ' ''' '' l 11 ' ' ' ' '' ''''' . '. . ' ' ' ' ' ' . "i - e--; - a - 1 ,- c 1 ' 1 1 ' h 1 1 c ' 1 1 ' ' o 1 I i o , ( i , o 1 ; - . - , . ' - e i ' - .:,..,-:..;.;. , ,- ' , -. ; ' ' - ' o '' ' T- ' he house. ,1 mi t he " ---'' ' '- ' .."'i U - A - .'. ,.:,m d " .ok tia- ii--eo-; e casually " -Ve" - ,-'.r"-:,. '..i yi'.-.'-- . '. v, . -. ! ' , ,-.':. Ih ',i-.i''"i h. ':-.--. . V ' t i 1 , ,, a - e n!,,-:,' Mi-. ' - .' .': ' a ' ;';.,''. '.-'..': "';' : V- , , -11 , , - 1 s 1 , 01 ; ' , 1 ; ,, 1 e -'- i : ' ' 1 - -. : ' 1 1 .e ". ball', in the '' ' ' !'' '.'"' 1 -' 1 1 n - u - - a.,i ,,i , 1 . . , - , -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1,;. i in- : : . 1 . , o -. . : , a : - 1 1 ': . : 0 1 1 : -1 ' T 1 1 , , i h.i" I -up'o-el .,.:,';.'' :.: .. -A'., a!:-. Ihurii come . 1 v ;, ; , , . ,1: 1 , . . . . . j-, ;,, ;,, ! ; ,,:le -trail l.-ading t" " ' . 1 1 1 , : , 1 ' 1 k i , ke .1 i . . a , ','; , . .eel w.kk .iionm! the yard. , ; a , -1 i e; v. : ;i ; i,,-; 1; -m:i a p (p.,,-:, -1 I ', . 1 1 ( -; . . ml 1 111 ncd into it . as be, ! you oil' -l .1 -h:, ween I I.it.-r ; : 1 e . m u i -t ei came on!. 1 .Mic y -ik i mM'-.-: ! i 1. :!'.- . ..; 1 w a-desiioii- of lea ing a message could walk oil una ti.e d.'d 11 : Finally, about id o'clock, just as Vr" 'i;"; - '.'yy ' 1 'V'-v'1 ' ' at a small hotclorlu: ch-houseqmte St ranger, you mu-t have -ol I:.-!.! oi the telegraph boy had returned to l"Tj':! .V"1''.;,;,, m'o-Ja 1' ' .'! lrom thrr.'. t;aii tn brt'ak. AlttT t u rn : i' -mi In ir-i'. a1- 1 i tin1 i 1 1 T i I't II.;. Cdii: .-at l-lif ,-atrr tn tru-t t hi v own 1 1 1. ! t;in i 'ri.M.-nl tn I j 'lll'llr '- iMlil. i a- ra;ml! a- 1 1 vi i'i ii i l'Ii a n 1 1 i, ll a , ' i a . i - ! 1 1 rni . taki' that i' In- Mi I I WIl hlll'll ii : apiir. hum' 1 1 ; iri h : rn li.rw;tni 1 1 ai k ii t--- a n 1 1 tin' I . irt in in - 1 1 a t ii it i -1 iii'iiuit: ainl I li.nl raii u i ' n 1 1 1 iiiil ii:il t lirre i j u.i roint t 1 -iippn-r trr- nl t lit' I, 1 1 1 -1 a i 1 1 . 1 ' '. - . In age road - -uibmiil me-, ami 111 W ner. - u 1 1 , 1 I 1 m , i d a lew i-t .11 - ' ia :i i ii ; in urT 1 ill; Ml 111-1 1 '11 li in i a : a m1 I he ca :i-e o 1 1 1 ! - leal t ilel e, w it ll e Vel IliTVe , t - : 1 ! Ill o-t . and 1H e e- elle' 1 ate the darkhe-- ill , ' l iat -trained t, trying to trout, while t he pour orutc a k t ii-neai h me like an as eii . The minute- -eenis like hour-, I might almo-t say eteinit: and full I h :rt ot them pa-.-ed belore 1 could -ee enough in ilianli'l what wa :he troiinle. The morning li'nt brough t in e a refl a t mh . 1 had taken the wrong t ra il : and was on the very bunk ot' a preei uci --one ft t he h:ghe-t m the Wolal till let launch ilea r! 1 io -and had my horse advanced t furl her. 1 should have been : into etern h mi r thousand t not: me in t ;-v thiough feet id space, ailing on m (bid 1 T Ill li on pi e-erve Kiiee-. ami thanking i lo! ; veran i t. M a lie. me from another midnight 1 i through a ( 'a L lo: n ; a n or m her 1 1 est especially in the vicinity V o.-.-in it c. ( ' . I '. 1 l.s ; n )''!, t: (.KNKKA1. YZ llli IIM"N'P. V.. .IuiiclM. Thl inornmg a tram c, n t a ;n i ng Co! . T. M. U. Taleott and h:s daughter. Dr. Hunter McOuire and a youth, was thrown down an embankment or the road between l'.on Air and tins city, and all the occupants were inuired. Col. Taleott and Dr. McOuire very -cr:o;i.-ly . Col. Tab coit wa.s until recently general manager of the P. D. Pailioad Co., and Dr. McOuire, during the war whs medical director ot Stone wall .Jackson's division. Pauis, .June h'h Alarming re ports of cholera al Toulon reach here. It is said that twenty deaths occurred ye.-terday and the city is in a state of panic. The govern ment has ordered the barracks to be o acuated and sanitary precautions are being organized as rapidly im possible. I.ATKi;. Pepoi ts of the exi-tence of cholera at Toulon are officially confirmed. Troops and dock labor ers have been chietiv attacked. It ia pronounced distinctly Asiatic cholera. (Quarantine has been es tablished everywhere. The news has caused a profound sensation in Pans. "Wasiiinw i'i 'N. .June The committee of the North Carolina State I'.xposition. consisting of W. S. Primrose, pre-nlent: ('ol. V. II. S. P.urgwyn and Mr. .John Nickels, with Senators Pansom and Vance, waited upon President Arthur this afteinwon to invite him to be pres ent at and open the exposition next October. The President w as unable to answer definitely but n a lew davs. It is though! he wi and attend cither at tin some poor leetl ru biznes.'l '' i acce nii'iiiii-' ,,r .iti-r i nine' liie ei,o- h', n 1 1 - i- ' -ition. T in--a in e com in 1 1 i ee wa : ; e, 1 "1 on Sen .i 1 1 ir i i'V. win) was ie --l.'..'it Ijllo'c! to make the npeiiillg ad --In lire-- ,: tiie occa-;on. Tin- Senator pel 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 , 1 1 and to m ; -ed r.. be on cin to li.m, 1 ( let, e i,r 1 -t . .ii'M',. ineii.iiii I'e.uiii- me ue- A i.e-t Itillluoil. . . . . i - r .. I , , . l . . , . l li i o 1 . . . . , t.,,,,. -, , i , . i 1 1 , i , i I'i'.u' .ui .mi-, i 'in e n i e.ic iien , , , , , , , , . , 1.; . : a.i.ie . 1.,' ,, , , , About 10 i. c;oek ui the morn ; . .'hu,' ,, ,. i , ,rn,,.,i M i , , a 1 1 e r , I a i k . It was raining. .. , . . .. -, , -ell el il l oil ,11 . 1 o! ,,H I el, il III, ' , . , . ; few I : 1 S : : " , . t 1 1 C t a III 1 1 '," O ! ell. e kid wiios jii-; 1-e M e how the difNjherifi wa.s get excellent ami the ,ie.uh rate is hi -lev, ting along wi rse thieyes, a the average. " I'll t I I VKS I.IIM, TH ASK. 1 in :.i :i ial "!' I r. Isaai- I. Hori'ii. h-'i 1 van ia . Lnram couutv. l'or i- . will iiiTur at the approacli- tiTin of the rnitt'd States Dis :e: ( 'our:. Toledo, Ohio. Doreii '.- a prominent man in liushsyl iina. Mr was Postmaster, pen on and bounty claim agent. i-!r:aii and proprietor of a drug on . I: i- eharged that Doren 1 his pension clients out ot 1- of dollars during several th . - a n ar-. II;- alleged plan of opera-!i-. a- epl, lined by the authoii--. w a - to ijck out the let t ers of - :1 ';'"' I, - clients, whit h he as Po-tmaster ::,r Id ca-il do. remove the drafts ' e;,clo-ed. Volga the lialhl's of the i:''' ' m i-oi.s tor h,.,,i 'hey were in "''' ' '-ml, il. eiidoi -e t lie d r,i i ; s h i mseif , ' ,ke them to a neigli 1 i..u ing town here he w as -, known, and get ' ' ' 'he money. Then he would quiet ''''' ' -llt In- clients with such amounts as he cii.i-e to gi-e them. It is also al leged that some of the claims were ii . i u 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 r . Doren fell under sus picion, and an examiner of the pension department began to look into his transactions. He disap peared. Two months afterward, when all trace of him was lost, ('apt. Abbott of the secret service was put in charge of the case, with instructions to tind the missing Doctoi if possible. Doren bad left a wife and considerable real estate in Pu-hsylvania, and Abbott con cluded that sooner or later the ab-,-en; man would communicate with his wiie. All the relatives and in timate fiiends of the couple were looked up, and their mail was sub jected to espionage, but m spite of tin-, as was afterward learned, let-, teis pa-sed undetected between liu-ban I and wife through the medium of a nephew" in a neighbor ing town, a fictitious name being used by the I )octor. Abbott waited patiently, and wastinally rewarded with the in humation that Mrs. Doren was1 preparing for a visit. The detec-1 live dropped down from Clevelaud. and w.i on her track by the time she staifed. The old lady first went to the neighboring village of Ibiwn. w here she stopped two days and one night with relatives. Then she gave out that she wa.s going over to Greenville, in Darke county, to see friends, and thence, by another route, home to Kushsyl vania. But Abbott wa.s at the depot, and noticed that her trunk was checked to li'chmond, Intl. He boarded the train with her, ar rived in liichniond early the next morning. Mrs. Doren left her trunk at the depot and leisurely walked up town. She stopped at a puvate house in the outskirts, and w as then' all that day and the next night. The detective was kept wide awake watching the trunk at 1 the dt'pot and the house where the 1 old lady stopped. The next morn-j ing she came down to the depot ' and lionght a ticket for Indianapo li.-. There she went away out on Meiidian street and dwelt several day s. Still no signs of Dr. Doren. Whni Mrs. Doren returned to the depot -he bought a ticket for Vin-ceiine.-. on the Wabash river. The detective followed, and the two reached Vineennos at a verv early man in the morning. The trains i .'Hung and going on several ! ad.s. and Ahbott was kept : watching the old lady's feints, 1- many tel.'gra de-pate wiote : ic stepped into the little otliee aud wrote a The detective also despatch. He stood so that he could look over her shoulder as she addressed her message to C. ).'. en. ( Muey. 111., a town u iiiciiianit county, saving. mi coming," and signed it L lie detective coined as rote. Then she went our am ailed tin.- baggage master to her i run K to ( Mnev without . . i . . ' C ' ..... I 1 . detective partially s Dr. Doien, walked d worn a line long ti he was very proud, id been told that In--an ; tii e it. Hat t he ml i les: r;. :;:! tallied miliar ;i e ' h" ia ard. the man raao-s the sni'ioth aa von could jihotog' aph in every a The face i street was make it. bov the t: :-Thar; ant i n;;' him rive said: out to ne . i n i ; : i I'm after. The 1 H a w as ; hu n i didn't know A - see, had ret nn;t"i to the 1 said: -I'm gi.iiig that man i ight away, be any trouble, but he of one door as I go mi' go to the fii ait U" r, ai out on gi n o him and at the top ut yum voic with you in a iiiciiitc.' AbbiTt I hen went the im.n e Aici ;; to a;ie-t ere won't v sli p out in o'.her. Voi: I if he comes ell 'murder' .and I'll i e over to tc.e house, rapped and. as the nni door, inquired that moment In the back tor answei e 1 .Air. Owen. At i w J Joren and I wife near a window earnest con versa; ion . engaged The min tor said: -These is no such nmn stopping here. You mu-t be mis taken." "Oh. yes there l.-." returned A1 -bott. ! live up town here, ami I've seen him and talked with him. He knows me." and he bru.-hed past the minister and entered the room where Doren and his wile were. Stepping up to then he ex tended his hand, saying: "How do you do. Dr. Doren 1'"' Olad to see you." The doctor with an amazed look, said, "Some mistake here, I guess. I am not J Jr. Doren "' "Oh, yes you are," cottlidently replied Abbott. "You're from Kushsrlvauia. Ohio. Tin from Ohio, and Tin an officer of the ("nited States Secret Service, and I have a warrant for your arrest for forgery." As the Doctor protested. Abbott reached his hand in the Doctor's coat pocket and pulled out a pass book and some letters. On tne book was printed "Dr. Isaac B. Doren. Bush.sy Ivania. ..'' and some of the letters were addressed to him and otlieis to'TL O. Owen." Then the doctor said: "Oh, yes, I am Doctor Doren. I don't deny my identity, bear in mind. I know all about rli.it matter, aud can ex plain everything satisfactorily, i was just about to start lor Ohio to settle it up. How in the world did you happen to come here?" Auuott replied: "t in, your wii here told me where you were, had no trouble in linding you." Mrs. Doren indignantly proteste, that the officer's words were tal-t aud that she had never seen hii before. When Abbott detailed In ;' movements en route, and showed her the telegram written at Yin cennes, she was verv angrv, and abused her pursuer roundly. The Doctor demurred strongly to being locked up, and offered to hire man to watch him. bur Abbott w a inexorable. To jail he went. Ab bott found many letters that ha,', passed between husband wile, in which the former had signified his intention of settling in .Mexico. California, or the Sandwich I.-laml-. He had also cautioned his wile t" take a very circuitous mate in order to bafile pursuit. He had execut ed a power of attorney to a relaMve in liushsylvania enabling him to dis pose of all his property there. The next day the trio returned t this city. The Doctor fnrn ishe. ! sO.POO bail, and was leleased. He was mi bsei j iien t ly arrested on othi : charges, and I'nrni-hed bail. l:i his little hamlet he is a shilling lit. and there are niativ of the brethren u ho protest his innocence. man, w hoin tl recognized as on". lie h n beard, of w ;i and Abbot: !. would haul! V,'AS!IIX(JT(N I.r.TI K .June 21st. 1X.S1. al lire of the week in Congress m Senatorial. Ingalls-Iirown The weapons used, however, sharp words, not arms, and h both parties were liadlv A f was i! duel, were t hoim wounded, in the fray, neither was mortally hurt. Senator Ingalls charged the Senator from Georgia with committing a forgery upon the Record, and Mr. Brown replied to the allegation in a manner that such an accusation would naturally .uoiise. The Kansas Sen a I or claimed t hat in the. oflicial report er's manuscript, language had been inserted in reference to himself and in the hand-writing of Mr. Brown, which had not been spoken in the Senate. Mr. Ingalls said he was always ready (o submit to Ibe for tunes of daily debate, whether ol vhiory or defeat, but w as no! -eenre against the parthian arrows that a Hying foe might di.-ciiarge from the safe ambu.-h ot the printing house. Here the chair called the Kansas , Senator to order, but before taking his scat the latter succeeded in making I he remark t hat Mr. Brown's -mode of attack ia quired tin'. same: amount of courage that was exhib- ited by a thug who waited until his, enemy was asleep and then stabbed him. Senator Brown announced: t h;it he would reply to these com ments the following dav, and a crowd was drawn to the Senate in expec tation of a scene. A large number of representatives appeared on the floor of the Chamber, and stood in silence awaiting the crash, while the visitors7 gallaries were unusually full, and the press was present in lorce. the Georgia Senator re turned Senator Ingalls' greeting of the previous day, reading from manuscript, lie said he did not wish to speak under the irritation which, the remarks of Senator In galls were intended to provoke. The language of the latter was a deliberately nlanned insult. When tin, ,.i,.a" n',Ii,.,l i,;, lonida,, s i f did from time to time, he would agree to withdraw the ottensive re- , worthy of note. Ours is one of the beet mark, and then proceed to make J farming sections in Onslow county ; we aiiotim:-. lie claimed that in thehave all kinds of prod nee and stock, course of an eventful life, aud in his many conflicts ... 1 . . Witll l)ra C IllCIl, where there was real danger, he ; had never before been accused of lacking courage. He ventured uc say there was nothing in the person, character, or antecedents of the Sen ;i tor from Kansas to excite the, fears of any man. Mr. Ingalls re plied to this tartly, and then Sena tor Hampton came to the support of th" Senator from Georgia, saving I he had spoken in the chamber the w ords that had appeared in the j :ecoril. Here Mr. In "alls arose ' again, but, tie- the disappointment "I everybody, ignored the question and presented some Kansas pe titions. At five o'clock yesterday the bill for the suppression of polygamy in I'tah passed the Senate, but it is thought to be too late for action by the House thisscssion. Senator Vo-t made his record against tiie bill, --, lying that although the struggle against Mormonisni began in his own State, and although neither he nor any man. woman, or cliilu a.mong his constituents had the slightest sympathy with the insti tution, the bill violated the Con stitution. Senator Heck thought, on the other hand that it contained nothing illegal or unconstitutional, and that polygamy was an organ ic d conspiracy against the civilixa ; ion of the age. Adjournment in ,-ighr begets in i he House ot' Representatives a dis position to work 'hi- : ime on few it spent in that end Routine business lianl md lrom ie houi s will be of the Capitol, s abandoned to con-ider appropriation bills, and sessions which last until nearly niidiiighr are in order. The House cki-es to consider contested elee- a -es at pi es Mm Porter 1 'ii finally d to go 1 1 1 the , w is killed, under ii..-in an 1 lvas-.,: nit, tint In ill up again -po-ed of Pie-nleii:. inn T hi: The the -ess- , 1 id 111 he o: ,i-i nan deed., (io thick Up 1 II ei , ' fraud week char; late ! dlM M e-.- 1 rain, is ie la-t e Mil nielli d I; 1 i es t ill It md in know n i--uing ; .111 11- .,i! ia.-t Ire.-h u d 1 1 1 1 -' 01 dor a ,e IV Wt ie ehai'ne ol .tidier-.' Co w . 1 -in i Ml '!-- o i i ll 1 city for ih her h, a ihi : 1 : 1 1 1 -nt Ai intent! ,1 V- I il II - tin! i! li vania lias a pump at every crossroad , in the cities.'' mil pleiiiy of milk &um Branch Items. Our mail- don't come regular and we don't get our news as we ought. Mr. M. F. F'-acli. of Raleigh, olo of the il i rector.- of ttie Quaker Bridge road . I was here last week in the interest of I the road, and said he tliought it would be finished by the first of September if the weather continued favorable. If Mr. Leach makes as good a director as liedoiR a good looking man, I should almost want to be a convict myself. We gave him the best we had, and hope he will come again to see us. iur read : Quaker Bridge) is progress ing finely (.'apt. Mclver is the right man in the right place: but some of the Joins county people seem to censure him ab ut quitting the Core Creek road, hut v. . don t tliinlv the Captain acting againm orders at all, and we don't be licv lade w ha- any more attractions far him than has Jones county, as the Treat, n correspondent of the Kinston ri (- I '--,.-.- .seems to think. The Quaker Ih ul ge road was to have been built first, we think; however, we hope all will be well in the end. dipt. Mclver has not lost a man since he has been here; one made tie' attempt this week bm was pursued . caught an i brought back the same day. "Where did you start to, Johnson?-' said tlie Capt. "Nowhere, sir. Oi ly to get some huckleberries." "Huckleberries be hanged: now you are lying: where did you start to? tell the truth.-- "Well, sir", to tell the truth, I started toTrenton." "What for, after a dink?" "N-n-no s-s-sir. butl thought I would get one when I got there." "Yes, yes,'" said the Captain, "you just wait awhile and 1 11 give you huckle lierries and a drink too," and you bet he did. but in a different way. Another cold snap this week; almost another frost, and the crops feel it sen sibly. Mr. Fred Harget has the largest cotton I have seen; he is one of our large larmers. Mr. i?ilas venters is ' also a tlirifiy goaliead farmer; lie ha on us P'aee aoout an eijrnt norso crop makes about 400 barrels com, 2.r) bags cotton, besides peas, potatoes, and wheat: very few farmers raise wheat and other small grain enough with us: lie also has a fine lot of hogs aud some fine milcli cows; hasone tliatgives about three gallons milk pel day. and Silas has on his place a natural curiosity in the shape of a natural bridge of solid rock over a stream of water about eight feet long under which the water flows I at a depth of reveral feet. The rock I bridge is about four or five fet in thickness; near by is a splendid spring of WHtpr which makpR tha rtlnpp ntit "one". me tnousamis, Mr. James I HUD Diucc.tru hull auuus UUUJ (.- ,,, hut- d hiiva anma cnnloo and varmints also. Mr. John Brock, while passing through his field, saw a sD.'ike. or a part of a snake in a stump hole: thinking to kill the gent, he got a stick and struck him, tlien caught hold of the snake's tail to pull him out of the hole, w hereupon his snakeship wrapped his tail around Mr. B's hand and arm, and was about to pull Mr. B. into the hole, or pull his arm off, aud perhaps something serious would have happened Vi:iH n,,l ATr H trot out liita knifa nnH cut the snake in two, pulling out the cut-off piece, which was over three feet lorig. The balance of the snake disappeared in the hole, and Mr. H. don t think he cut off over one-third of tire snake. Mr. Brock is a man of truth, and will testify to the above. That suakH and Mr. Francks' crawfish oufjht to meet aud -ee whi'-h i the best man. Stonewall Items. 1 Corn i- selbiiK nt SI. 00 per busliel at the burn door. Mrs. lion Lewis, near here, is very sick with pneumonia. Dr. Attmore ia attendine her. Mrs. Tom Davenport has a fine boy. The first at Tom's house. Nothing like a nice pre-ent. V. T. Caho i- oir to Raleigh to hel us 10 ;i (tovernor. etc. Pamlico was fnr eoke aiel IIu-hefi. Will take any selecl.'il. Noah Kllisoii. co1.. while getting off ol one boat on another fell and disloca ted his thumb. Dr. Attmore, with the a -i-t ne'e of fir. I toss, matte it all right a-.tam. H ill inj; corn is the order of the day. The hues are still doing severe damage to yoiin corn. Cotton a splendid stand though .-mall and all crops art? clean of oi ass: all they need is good showers and warm weather. It is too dry to set pot ito - prouis ami far rice. The latter is hying for want of rain in the loose swamp land. Oats are splendid and there wai never better weather for ri'it ping them. I nt I -i.a No Si 10 a L LiQUT II L'SE. Pamlico Sound. N. C, May 21. 4. 7',, ,, ()!! I m,,inioii StumnhiKit Co., .nrMi'. 1'n. : ( I e 'i 1 a-: m ; : n : He! ieving that every man who is prompt and attentive to his hoe's lioulil receive some prai-e from Ins cmpievrs and the public generally, ai'd -ii iet un es f nun an obscure source. 1 take, -lea! pleasure m commending the promptm'-- ana utmost regularity in tbe luriiiing ,,! vour excellent steanrer i In .111,1, Icnli . under the command of Pip. T. M. Sauthgate. Being situated at a station that the steamer passes u ltlun a few ards of. and having timed the hour, etc . nt which she should be at the station. I iind that, wilh bad wea ther and s met me s strong h-ad winds t 1 cniitcn ! with, there has been but about twenty inu-.i'tes variation in the lime ol passing here, and on all ordi nal v Mines I can tell within lirr minutes of lie- time tic sie-iincr will l.e :n front of my stair ai. Tin I'- 1- no otin r -iramcr rioiniiig m 1 1 a- - ami ;.t tin- i, 11. ir ha 1 h,a ,- !,. ,-n j.j times ,, ,-t that can mak" Hie a',,, im- 1 , c i . gii iari; v ;m 1 i 11 ;cl; d 1- p i '. --li ! 1 a, an, ! in AVi ,!!' ,- and I llu.d; 111 ti i lei ill -p,a . - 1 . 0 It' I I , - a I i , r i -1 1 r - i a . ; 1 1 " i m..i. , I I y , llMCI-e,,;, .1,1 ,-t , ,( ,, I a it 1 i,l 1 1 1 li,,pe ,, -en, a il ',, , ; believe ..(iy ' iadid.it, r entered u p"i i a I 're-i witll Mieh t rein.-nd, ais ill V j'.il ! V i Id- :.s tlies-e ufjainst him. In thiseitv ttie Tribune is the only paper whir.li i supports Blaine squ iroly. AVic 1 uric I Evening 1'ost. I ET ..7V: TT Vegetable ; Sicilian HAffi EENETOCi: wi the (Irtt preparation frtrfaetly nlnft...: i , core dlMMU bt lbs ftcfclp, had th I it cewful rmtonr tt faded or gray li.-er to I natural color, growth, Wat yooilihil Ix-aic It ha had tnsur Imitator, but noun lntvt full? net alt tb raqntranteDla nctsttul s..,t the proper treatment of the tinlr ant) o . Hall' Him Rmwn hae ateadii t',-v lo favor, and tpread ita fame and un-i ul... to every quarter of tbe glnbe.' Ita toiin,i. leled iueeeea can be attributed to tint causa: tkt mUrtyjUmnU Ui Jnvmin i. The proprietor! limy often heen nrjirli, ,J at the receipt of order from remote conn tries, vhero the had Beret made an oitort fur Ita introdnctlna, , 4 t r . ' The ! for ahort Urn of HiU'l 11 . Bkxkwxb wonderful!;, laipmna the i i aonal appearanee, -It aleaaaea the eeaip fr. Ml Imparl tiei, cane alt hanwra, ferer, mi drrneaa, and tha liferents haUlneM. It atlmtcatea the weakened glands, and ermia. them to pnsh forward a tw and rlirorvtis growth. The effects of this article are i..,t transient, like those of aiedholle f r, pk. tlons, but remain long time, which D.utot its use a matter of ecottomr. v, BUOHNGIIAM'S DYE WHISKERS Will ohante'thd beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. ' It produces a permannii t color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, It Is applied without trouble. J i.if" U'. ... . ,i ; -. TBESARED BT . ' E. K HALt; tMM, IE. Sold hf all pMlotS In Alo.llrlnt. 'ii .. . 1 rOB ALL THE TO El' 3 Scrofulous, Mercurial, "ml , ; Blood Ulsordcrs, the best remedy, bewn tl innat searching and ihurwuy i blaoaVfrnrioer, b Ayer's GareaparUIn. Sold by all Druggists ; 1, six hoUlns, fa Professional Cards. CHAS.H BROWN," attoknby1t.law, KKlAAVri.LK. W. C. '' ' K,-. , rractls In tliaOtMiDtleaojr Duplin, henutt Craven, Jones find Onkw, ,- - - . t col lectlori or Glalm a f c1alty. Ctirnwptaeuo fcollcjtul. , , - n. r!."ln ilPEtLETIEIv" Attorney-nt-TaAV. POl.tOCJJIVII.I.K. - ( 'JMMCnlr. N. . Will prsotloe tntHeConrtaf Curtnrel, Jonr On Blow and Oavon, c , 1 . Hpeclal attention given trt lh n ,!!,. ion tf clahntt, and tettllng eitUto ef. imwu-i onn. 'I',- -A f s? g.i , .I1II..UWU Wm. 'JCARICIJ. ATaTpKKY AT LAW, rsria-W '33J3H.3NX33, sr. c PiwHuea In he nriK orOMtaraf, v.i . Hy tie, Jones; lno1r, I'Miiillon and V 1 1 . countlea : altfo ia thm ItuIUtd b.Ule Ome New ltrn. . . . , a. O-olIwiloli of anamn'a fwffK auul I, clalma axulnat Taapla a neealnlt v Offlne four doom almvw litutum Ilouaa. marUJ-tUswir U J. Moults. y I '.VH S. CIkHk K. MOORE ICLAEEE, A T T 0 E N E y 3 A T L A XI , New ISerRe, N. C. i ; 1 -Will praetlao In theOonrta of Cnrterot, ( ven, tli-oriie, Hyde, Jouea, Lontilr, OuiUow anil I'arnlirocoantiea., .. aIko in tlie mipremaCfmrt at Halvilich and ilia I'nlu-,1 HUitea (XWita at Me Hartie aud KaMtch. ' " i-e . -Ctillecllng a apedaity, a . apSdirt f CKOI1ISK V. STRONO. HllelKh, N. O. ' J&lnaton, N. U STRONG & PERRY, - ATTORNEYS A.U COIWELLOM AT HW. Having rnrmed a oopartDCrahlp for the pi.'ii-ta-e of the law In Jonaaoounljr, will rou larly Htteud the courWof, tha axua- i'rouipt attention paid to oollectlona, s mayl2-d4wlf 8TKOK0 4 PEBRT. ', vt .. ..j PlItL. HOLLAND, IK. ' own u, otrjojr HOLLAND &.OTJI0N. AttorneyH -at .jLaw, utile' on I'rnvoo at,, two dooraauore Pel lock Will practice In the Countlaa of Crai ;ravm Jonea, unslow, Cai'teret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to eollecuona. apra-d4wly. j. - r. v. srajtoss, CTLRiST BUA.WLT. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. an practice in UieOonrtaof Craran, Jonea, ihiHlew, I'urteret. l'ftmltco, Lenlrnd Hyde, am! in Llit' federal Court at Mew Bcroa. .., I ft'bdtl&wl) , . DR. 6. L SHACKELFORD; " iirooon Dentist NEWBEKN, N. 0. , M 't all.-, . a M ia, lie ntrrft, over Mlm KataCar-. ai s irtli. .MUl'aii ry SUirc, opH)llte JtapUat i,n Practical RxpcTlamea. ., p-jiMiAwly ...i-t ;" ? I)K. J. I). CLARK, i ilxtiht, , oc , on cruvfii htrect, between Pollock hi. a I o,,l. prl7-d4wlji Elizabeth Iron Works' ( H s W. l'KTTIT, Prop., . J-ii 'J - J . ic) and 280 Water street, soukoi.k, va ,, , a M A NI'I AC'I I'KKK OK ' KN JINKS, BOILERS.' S:iv. i.ntl Grist Mills, 1 I.II A I "I' I NH, ' 11 J i--si, 1 lingers,'' i a 1 1 1 x i .s .n castings,- - C I e 1 i'HC! iptiOD. " ' lor Aid, WORKIa uul7-d4wljr ' (JKO . A. HARVEY, un HMiiM) st.. ', : s. I'dl'HTH BT., PIII1.A DELPHIA V I I - 1 1 1. 1 ' lKalt. . ', , nil. iuii'. Kin Cataa i. i it.. 1 ,!. Ntylca aja '! . f ; m ..!. n K Itryan. Oao " ii ii u. A. Oliver : A i u Hei ne. , l5 Hi. 1 1 aolli lied. ) (lEt). W. J. UAHVIT . Ill Orrli i i A w : Notice Exfraordinarya ' - i x nl' . iii..i oi. ., " .! -I - k ' Ml. .,1 cl. ' A s I' en U.-lk-.l, 'r.oU. , - I r ie, u i st iup,!i0cU.1 a;.. - ei -t i,,-,,,, a 'ii. : i I iit,,i cure of RUtCI M I I , clc. ifv nr.' tol ir.Hi, itiirt 1 know tha ' ii I. I'AUMMCM ;Uer.Ti ui I, 'ei i. in." y siore, tioxt ntH "a , 1 1 ' ii, i ,il -niiili l-n.iit mill MldiliaaU i '. . i 1 1 ( a N . I ' 1- A . ,i.-i ' ,r: ami cool and dalialoua Mora ,ii... a.', r AI -, and e Kock WMlor. 'o a.. h ini-Kt t.lata to ainrika, antl 1tnfM I, ii loolietv SAL1-IK M It !rtAL I'I I'KK, oura fui nuderliiit liumnlly. a'