-. 3 n ' - , v-- - , J- - - V J--I . A fc -4 t - ' ' VU ' r ' '. - ' ' .'y.) :-! '.'' a . ' , ' ' ,; . c- tir :." ' '.vv.vjr-,t.--.M- -.,:-. i ' - t' ' ' t . - i, i- k . . , ' v . - T IST ALL THINGS. VOL. VII. Xi:V BERNK, Ci;. i: COUNTY, N. C. Jl LY !(. !ss4. .,NO. i;. 0 . - The "CLIMAX" COTTON PLOW IS KIN(r OK Til K COTTON FIKCD. a a: 3 5 r3 o to rs tn 3 C S1KCIALTIKS T Fir Wcsm; 'Aen" Hrroir, ( lo.i Cmh-r n 1 I't'tot Irwo An" Cirlur, with hor !o- . Irk Vim .i rgli1 Pi ' irtin nth hor !o . Irk Grata Fan. Fl Cttr(, Co SJeIlr. Our WVh!.) ul Axl' falkd ai l pint J, either Iron Axir ',, Si4. -jiinow IIoU DiSn, loo fell o-Ut upph , ties. r Tl .:nbi- JT. VC. WIIITTY, ; . CRAVEK STBEET. NEW BERN, N. OETTINGER BROS., KySTON, N. C, Annouiic th ArriTal of Thcix Jew Spring Goods, ' ; ! cossirnd of a splenmd line of Ladies'iDrcss, Goods, Gents, -Youths and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, , Hats, ' Trunks, YaliseSy Etc., Etc. : A ;Ne wi and Full 1 Supply of T vt,i-klioId,r or th( Atlnullc .in.l Vrih Carolina Killroad. (it.Mi.iiKN: We now present to you tbt unli annual report of the condition ot your Uo:ul. :ind doubt less it will gratify ou to learn tliat since your l.it annual meetiug there lias leen inmkod improve ments upon it. In fait we can s.ifi-ly .i.sscr i: :s at this time in as oxl :unl safe condition as at any x'riO'l of its history since tin war. Therefore we ha e heen enabled to draw in the p.seiiger schedule more than two hours under the lessee nianagemi-n. and something more than an hour under our own of the past yeaj. We find by ex (erience that tins high rate of spet'd for this Koad can be kept up and the trains nm with entire case and regularity and with as much safety a is done on ;inv other road in this or any other State. In fact, pre io(istothe change of schedule, a run wu-s made from (toldalvoro to Morvhca! City with His Excellency (tovernor Jarvi, the I'resident of the Hoad and others, in two hours and thirty eight minutes, without trouble or danger. Of coarse ac eident.1" will occur on all railroads. o human loresight can prevent them, however much rigorous dis cipline and attention may tend to wards it. During the year, we regret to h.ive to jiav, we have not entirely escaped, yet uo fault, we think, can !. attribute! to the present man agement. While on NoveuiWr the .'50th the engine No. known as the Governor E.rag?, wa.s on the run with the pAssenger train from Morehead west at the Newport station the boiler explode, causing damage to the engine of about two thousand dollars. There was no other low, anil it seems miraculous that the ejiginetT and fireman es rajved unhurt. This accident, how ever, detained the train Ies.s than two hours in the run to Goldsboro, 1 another engine having leen suln (i. Lewis. Hence Wi- 1m M I c ed. on theL'Sth day of .March, liom the liaukofNew Ilaiiot r. ( ;oldboio. ten thousand dollars tor six months at the rate of eight pi r e.-nt jn-r annum for the payment ot the steel rails, also from the same Hank live thousand dollars for stt days at the same rate ot interest, with the privilege of short renewal, and lour thousand dollars from His excel lency Governor .Inrv.s. The latter amount without interest and time of payment to suit t he convenience of the Com pa n y. These t wo amounts were lor the payment ot duties on the steel rails. The the thn'is.md dollars referied to . i. i i. . . - Will be paid by the Nt d.iy ot .'ill;., and arrangements have been made with the Hank ot New ll.inovel to meet 1 the coupons due at that time, and also the interest mi the ; :nlr.'ne!i; FVKMIXs. WITH V The intei'c their cliii keu. never HaggiY r argt'r ruovi. debt. Then-lore, thes.- d.-b not possibly embarrass the pany or interfere . f I ir t ions. There is no iio.it i n g U-sides the amounts named sequence to you except tie seven hundred ami te: ance due on purchas. merly belonging to t h Kailway Company. I'h amount was .K,7H. 4.(MK) have leen paid, was subsequently -topjn seijuence ot litigation iu s ea n m.-i-'pera- !t 'ii- i v ' i.ousa m ds bai : cars lor .Midlaiie . ongina on hi 1 av lis t-Ii t d in eoii whu h the ieiise.s over that year. The condi tion of the Company cannot be better put than in the following coinn arison of the operations of this ami .ae year 1X81, when the Eoad was tinned over to the Midland I wa-s m"t ;;!atif nanway management. .Now you will tind all increase of earnings li'.0(K. this too as we have before show n was one of the years of de pression while 1XXL was an '-up" year for business of all kinds, in ad dition transported between SUOand bid' car loads of material consist ing of iron, rails, timber for bridges .w:U fur warehouses, ties. etc.. for the 1 -iinpanv In !s-i not one-fourth of tb.- imma.-e w.is carried over the road. 1!.;- of course eausf a luuch wear and l-..r of the locoir.-'tivrs. cars and road i- if it had bci n freight for others. "! at a fair average would have unoiinted in the aggregate to r'S.000 or .-.v. in hi . i-.irttie rundinon of the ma !.mer and cars we call your attention t the i:-...rt of that excellent and com-t.-iu otticer. the Master Machinist. The bridges and culverts the Superin tendent reportu throughout the line as ' absolutely safe." and all the buildings under his charge in good order, and tin se w!. . i know him and his experience and competency for such work will be lieve it. He had orders to takp on t all wood indicating in the slightest degree have him dei'av. and it had been done. Wo rr,m. tlu STATE NEWS The Cleaned from our Exchanges. of the ehildien in mil young tui key s and their success f the one i i. i , .1- uuniiifii aim t un t -.-:;;!it young chickens hatched and brought home, only two failed to come to rains it seems have not been gen prospeious matui ity, and of sixty oral, but quite severe in some sec young turkevs oniv three died. As tions. (Juestioti Answered A Midsummer Nonsense. Kit of A few weeks ago a copy of the Hack- ensack (.New Jersey) Mepvbltcan fell into the hands of Messrs. J. A. D. Ourliani r.' ruril : They say tc- Stephenson and A. A. Patterson, of this baceo has never been known to te place, and among the items of neighbor so large this time of vear.- -The and all grew warmer I ami more ainnl doors, and : he tirst m built a regular place e mature hens and ano: tui keys. The iiickens the w ea I- them irters o; t iicr Wilmington Star: The hand some silver trumpet won at New : em ii-,- 1 i.-lr,-! ;-u-:-i- : lie I; kindly tei s. but s they I i of t lie and the company was not a party. It is proper to state here we will have old rails and other material which can In- sold for about l().(M)d when we get through replncing the jv rn rails with better ones on the line, and with more abundant crops, the splendid and costly addit ions to t he Atlantic Hotel, the through arrange ment for cars to and from the .Mis sippi river without breaknii: bull;, as well as through arrangement for passengers without change of cars, and united effort on the part of the friends of the lioad, should we not calculate upon a more remunerative year J Moreover, the recent im- .... . V VI 1 I'luvi-Mit-uui miuuiu eeriainiv cause .'.i. I mend him to you especially for his ex cellent work on the Trent River bridge. 1 lie span over the Neuse will soon be like it. which will add strength and se l unty to the trestles there. When the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad was turned over to the Company by Maj. Jno. Catling, the Receiver, "who was nisi i the Receiver of the Midland Railway Company, by his request that Road wa operated conditional! v for him by us. In no event was any expense to times lan upon mm. and theearnings we were tn have, if any. After its sale a month or two ago a similar request was made by its present owners. A statement of the Receipts and Exjienses is herewith furnished vou. and it will be noticed the latter exceed the former over one thousand dollars to May 31st. 1SS-4. AVe are bavins: mile-inistji nrenared anrl mev lav." for and regularly to their mi. the turkeys icbelled. grew up tln-y fancied I lie '. tent over the milk hoiisi branches of trees specially designed tor their roosting p laces.' As they were beyond the reach of most rob bers, biped and quadruped. I left them to their choice. The first of .September I met .Mr. Cummins at the pustoffiee and told him my crops were about ready to be harvested, and I would like to call round and see what man's farm in ir amounted to. Accordingly a lew days after he presented himself. I was tin n cutting up my fodder corn and shocking it where u grew, and I think there could not have been less than ten tons to the acre. It was not a heavy crop of forty or fifty tons to the acre that we some- read of. but it was a fair growth, ilr. Cummins stood ou the i edge of the corn and looked about him. I did not let him know I was aware of his presence till he spoke. Ah, good morniug,' said I. 'Mornm', said he rather subdued- Berne by the W. S. F. H. Co. No. 1, during their lecent visit to that .classic burg, is attracting no little attention. It is on exhibition at Honnet's. A gentleman counted fellow UYirL-ni:in eleven car loads of vegetables and Now was John hood news tiey found the following from Hohocus: "Last Wednesday as John Ten-Cate was crossing the spar near 'the spring' near Ro.encrantz's mills, lie fell in the water, which was running very svvitly at the time, and lloated nearly to the railroad bridge, a d istance of a quarter ot a mile. One of the men eftjployed by a telegraph company jumped in to save the boy. but the water was running so swiltly that he also came nearly being Jrowned. having to be rescued by III WARREH LELi" three of watermelons at the depot yesterday morning. They were from Georgia and Florida and bound north. Carloads are passing ', through here every day. Franklin Timr.s: C. Y. Swan son, living near Cedar Rock, died suddenly on the night of the !th ulr. He was well and worked all day .Monday, retired in good health at 10 o'clock and was found dead next morning-. Caswell KI!is. son of Or. O. L. Kllis, had the mis fortune to get his leg broken on Mondav. lie was attempting to. Ten-Cats drowned! That was the question that occurred to the above named gentlemen when they read the paragraph and in their desire to know his fate thev wrote to the editor of the licjnibiriin and this is the reply tney got: Office of Tik: Hackensaok Repuiilican, I Iackknsack, N. J.. May 20, 1SS4. .lcs-.s-.',-. Stephenson ? Patterson, (iKNTl.KMK.v: Although the question submitted by your postal of the 19th, as to the fate of John Ten-Cate '"and his rescuer." is one of a gravity not to be disposed of by a careless touch of the pen fo' lowing the dictates of an equally careless imagination that might be im pelled to a hai-ty conclusion because of caused the accident. If was, of course, very painful, but at this writing he is doing as well as could be expected. Raleigh Farmer am Mechanic: Political Vennors are making their Htltntn fnr Hi .llaal.1,1 na. -r,fl, ' ' . " v i... ..... ....s oatdelav The Master Machinist ' cartailmcnt of expenses and in that been argued before Judge Seymour ly; 'what pon are ye "bout.' .Yer will be ready to set un without He- corn's green s grass. Perfect rails are being selected 'This is only fodder: it was drilled the tracks at Morehead Citv and . too thick tn ear nn T-iliri.rw.. fr or I- .1 1,1 i .u. .- . . . . l - u.uauuii., aun me main crac Bnouia the more of it ut- imu-Fuiii-eu at inese places, the rase of Branch against the Company has tli a inf irer.fiAn t AUn J et into a cart and fell, getting his frivoou8 idea as is frequently notice- tangled up in the wheel which , able in instances where the equitable adjustment of mind and matter may have been, apparent or in reality, neg lected by nature, or the training of the child may have been pursued upon a plan totally ignoring or in a measure doubting the existence of cosmic force as an element of regenerative power in . I , , . . , , mwu, auiujcu luauuc.inui UiJU Lilt? Almanacs About this time look . electric elements of psychologic proto otit lor Maj. John Gatling as a can- ! plasm are derisively relegated to the dulate tor the Senate. It is a ; tenebnous invisibility of the palpably good sign for Democratic success in ! obscure, where notaglimmeriuggleam. National politics to see so m;my , t the scintillation of coruscating fol i,i i n j. - i V guration, age where not even the trans old Office-seeking Kats actively fig-1 piendent irradiation of a lambent sheen tiring in State Conventions. They will mitigate its condition or mellow its have long noses for cheese. Fx- mournful moan through ages that may Gov. W. W. Ilolden predicts that 0J' may ,10t "e born tne c88e maJ he- Scales and Stedman will sweet) the 'I 'speet that's book farm in", and hastened to the wreck and at once, , thoroughly investigated the mat ter. He reports no blame could le , attached to the engineer who was, running the engine at the time of the disaster. The locomotive was 1 way save do inconsiderable, l or information in detail respecting the financial condition of the Company and the operations of the Road, we refer you to the very fnll statement of tbe Treasurer and General Book bour n-i.iot, !.., ..... . . c . i i . T, . . rirtri, which .ill 11 . 1 t l l 1 1 l- one of the be-s on the Road, and isl d' ha-s oeeo rebuilt, and will, in a few days, b put again on tho paAenger : U Wl" U' recollected by you tlut trnin. This is the secoDd accident ''nral . G. Ix-wis. one ot the ortheVindon tbe Koad, a similar eiiwu selectetl to examine and re one havinc ocoarrfd xome vears J I'ort nPon the condition of the Road ago. Another of a more painful 1 wblle I)iWWlnS from the possession y . A-e,n c,ii,,..,i o-ii i. Character, we deeply refrret. -When WI l"c -"'ulrt"o iv.uwa voiup.uiy wno ueciued in tavor of the Comnanv. i m on c lore US dried any. what Vi The two Christian cases were continued ; 'spect its gwine to be worth?' by the plaintitr and will regularly stand j ip,ut how about growing anything for trial at the next term of the Circuit wjrl. rm.., fn)1-,! r 'r .i,. Court. We have no other matters in I WlUl ri' ftuH. Look at that litigition of importance. croji of yellow eyes. I must pull "We resectfully refer you to the Re- 'them this week port of the Committee of Finance. No 1 'Wal. I wouldn't b'leeved it no greater praise could be bestowed upon : how. Ye've managed somehow to the treasurer of the Com nan t If nrill ...... - . . . ' . . i Per r til ii ma ro cmw w ier.' nnhm v o e "..v.v ii-'i-y",- Howener. yeu say "he and his res State by 10,000 majority, and that . chibook, the tip, the bulgef so to speak; the Civil Riedits nlank of the Itn- if the rpfmipr iiH nnt nmiu Mm kon this here CUttin' ou't up and shock- imblican nlatform will have a (rood I were he not rescued, and there would deal to do with piling up of this I ue uo rescuer nor yet a Tescuea; out as mTir,,.,f, ; you imply, when you say -'he and his ' j rescuer, there must of necessity have Tittsboro Home: We wrote an i been a rescuer, and as sequence a res editorial which appeared before cue nue COuld n ,0Kicaly exist i,np..,,.f i without the other, the other without ...... v.s. ....c.n... luc .js.s,!, iul0ue; er3o, if John Ten-Cate was rescued, which farmers were reduced ot re- i then had he a rescuer, if he was not iUL, . 'i.oin ovwrylxxly- (mow iu tba.-iu-.. ; t Largest KotsI Enter;::--: i iiierioa, ntyitb( wkUo iiaww (;1.r tn ... -! York on boards li'p (trfne no i .1 1 u .Urn, Iu the oorTj dsjril of efiilp i h i i i Ai. ifnrni.-i, ha learned Unit uu vt the )!::,-.. , I th TRuvl'bwi carod kMmwlf, .la. m- t'. r ti,r -. ah oMinatft foaic iw f Ayer' "Sdrskjparilia. Slncfl tlion Mr. "Lkuaxo bits fOOTIIIIii. I 1 Avku' SAJlgAJ-JmiLUA in uuinr iinl iv cmiea, and he ho heVer jt lifanl ef i;r Tv -ur loefTrrt a fad leu) lira. . Sirme yiifcgoooe of Mr. l.m-AXii'n ( Im laborer! bruited Ala leg. Oul:j Iu tlm I i.l atfto of kla-bhKxi, attvtflr orolmi m ,i.i,,, OT lump nppoared on tbe liijllroj ljinl.. I! -, -tJbla itebjux of tbe--kln, -wiUi t-ninig . I darting labia tbrongn ti luuiy, mmlo It. alniMt bitolerabla. ' The log -V-mmo h. i liiousl jr enlarged, and ranniug iiirers f.ir.n. !. discharging great quantities of cxu.-i . . offenalre matter. ' No treatment of any avail until the man, tT Mr. LntAxn's ilii . - tion, Tvnj anpplied with. Arra'a 8a u . i a -rilla, ir)ktcb allayad the paUi and frrim i . healed Uis aorea, removed tiie aa ellii.c, m l completely restored tn Jlmb to line. Mr. Lelaxb baa ttersouallr tued Ayer'.SarsapaiiiIa for BhemmaUata, vltti ntlre raccK-n. ; . :. after earefnl obeervatiuii, -iteelarca tli.it, i i his belief, -there ta it lucliclno In tin : i eqnal to Jt for the eareV Llvr niitnr.li-rr. Gout, the-ffctit of' hljitli Uvlnt, i-i.ii Itlmom Boroa, yrnpllor.n, anil nil Ui varlona fofma of lilond lieira. We have Sir. LfeiX.ft.s pnrni .taion e.ir-. a all vrho'jnay desire farther eri.lenee in 1 1 -I to the oitntordiiuiry oilfU.To piei-i i, ArEK'a SahsapajtilLa feraoe Lim rmxn ally either nt hia-mammoth Oci-aii lli.i.i. Ixng BranoU,of t tbepbpular J.elmul If Broadway, 27th and 2tb Streets, New Y-i . Mr. LEUiKD'a extenalve knolc.l-i, . ' good done by ttda ime4tullej e.ra.1 1 1 .-.i , . r iA blood poisons enable hint to gtre in.j uh r-s much valuable information.' ' ' -"-'t v'':- Dr. J .C . ly er & Co Lowe H,Ma-,. Sold by allDragguU; ej.tila bottles f Professional Cards. be ,-ieen he has again been faiihful and 1 could afore." - ..Ave be a rcncrous public to come and ex- barked over m "",' .-? r. v j t ' liD his horse, ki OETTIXGER BROS. SIGN Or rrilE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT.' VM. Pell Dajiance & Co ':-J fcROpERIES, - i ruiLs, Confectioneries -AT- HOIiESALE. south; F.r.o;rr. street, neivbern; n. Wc are not members of Trade,' nor have we ever been, amf wo carrvinir UiQ Lanrest and iest Selected Jitock. of Fancy and Staple Groceries "displayed in .the city, consisting: of tlu lowing: 23 bbU. Rm la U. WorU Flour. ( SO Sswth Lftkt Floor. " - - 100 Tip Tep Wxit, ' 100 Puriij I'rour. SO -4 ?ut9 Faatilr. . ; tV) u J Saratoga Extra Kto-ar, . . 25 Jam River Sap-r. Floar, ,',V to hhla. Pk. jOOO lbs. rt XUelts, S00O IU. Loom CT-.. - ' 6OO0 IW 5hoa! l.i-.. 120 filoM MvWk, 8ttmp, etc A 50 bckU Lavrd, 10 Tin Lsvi. j 25 Tra Oum Lr-i. 4004) rbv tUiewl finji diMw, 10001b. t&aviat Crrtaarwry Hitler, 500 raJIood Cld:r, r Ui ilt, . 13 kbl. Table Slt- , . 180 boxes) Soap. . . 40 ba Cotfe, ' v" 20 rro-sa mdc Co.-. 100 etn( Calea ao-i t n.-i.- 130 bcXM Franch an ! Ai-r-ii: ... 1' i ' - " 6J VoieaSTJa, qaarr, h :' :-. i - 50 eaaea in 10i iawa Bakiog l'oa-n 450 Wzm Plajr and Twi..t T 'rr 1 JO. 000 Matiiaia and tm L ix-xt. mx:. . lb. Lonll i ani S3 , 123 Boxea Eaiaios. ' Ii5 boe FrtrtK-h and Am- r -...-. ( t 10.000 Florida aailJxua:-a nria " 1000 Mswaiaa Lemoo-, ;" 000 Porto Rko Coeoa Si'-v ; S0O0 Iba. Peeaaa, Filbt-ru, Ait-.c-'.- ; 'JOOboxaaSotcb Herr-.D. li Caanail Paackca. SaHia-. I.. -r. shifting the freight train at Kmston on the 2$ta ot Mnv. ;i car iru r. NVilliiim Fields killing both. Kverv i precaution was used to prevent ir, 'and we hnro written evidence frum some of the most prominent citizens , of Kington, who witnessed the ' scene, exoneratinc entirely the eon dactorond those in eliarge of the ' engine from all blame. We have ( been exempt from any other aeci dents, and as before stated, no snch ! schedules have ever before been iruu on this Koad, from the day the J tirst rml w.us laid up to this nio , nient. Tbe freight trains also have been J run with regularity, and all freight i offered haa been moved with com 1 meodable dispatch. It is known to you that uioeU of the present fiscal year has been calculated to test seriously tbe work we have had i under management. Kxeesaive rains, m a critical period in the lunpro vemeu fs we were having made, caused delay and expense I that would not have leen other ' wise inenrred. These rains were followed by nnnsual dn-ught in some section.-i, thus frvm the eoun'ty of Hyde, where it was reasonable J to ei)-t't t large quantities of cor:i 'for transportation, wo obtained but ' ahont one hundred thousand bu-.li , els, or one fifth of the quantity Jjf transported in 1S.1. The corn .is uot made. We sutTered enual loss , , r i "i pro(ort!oii on the grain from tl.e ttie liOard OI northeastern counties of the State. Our rivers, too the Nruse am! Trent, (ml thecr'ks emptying into tl i-:n. t-ii-ludav t'-'iiteiitn.-a. 1 1 .i .- i..-1-r M.i'TlileUtlv vnKrli ibiril..' !h.- '.i t: ' tllou ste.imlx).!!.-. iim-a n. :g i':::g back to your own control, stated it had deteriorated in various ways about thirty-two thousand dollars from the the date of its surrender to the Midland Kailway manage ment. 1 tins amount ir is now known was rather under over the real loss to vou Governor of the State is .satisfied of the fact and a committee of the Hoard of Directors of the highest intelligence, consisting of Messrs. .1. C. Wooten, C. C. Clark and. I. C. Davis, after a searching examina tion reported its condition to the A close an 1 never relaxing attention to immediate duty is required of the (ieneTal Book-keeper, aud the present one. ilr. :Saruuel L. Dill, has rilled the office unexceptionally well during the past rear. The present improved con dition of the track is sufficient cuaran- tee of the faithfulness of those who have I SO green.' ii uirecuy in cnarge. ine omcers of the Company generally have been ac tive in behalf of your interest and aided greatly in the improvement of the Road. t han ' I,resident of the Company is under Thn oDiigations to .Mr. v . Dunn, Supenn- ieLi..cLiL ui rieiKHi. lor vaiuame ana 'We'll go up and look at the field corn. JJut what ii your objection ; r to putting up ioduer corn as I am doing?7 ''Jection? why I sh'd think ye must know 'twill spile cuttin" o:i't sortuigto inaehinery as an economic : rescued, then had he no rescuer, and measure in reaping their small grain j your expression, '-he and his rescuer." MTU irn ar.i o miio i miinrt .n.o i 13 oiu ui 1 01 ce or conerence was attached to our views that reapers of the most improved char acter have been purchased iu all sections of thecountv. And iu every case the purchasers iu that it implies a non-existent fact. Yours very truly. E. K. B. For tho editor, who is absent. P. S. Our llohokus correspondent says John Ten-Cate and his rescuer are hoard ot Directors to be equally as advice for any purposes that will re bad as that renresented bv General Jound to your welfare. 'Jt can l spoil where it is put up in shocks of that size. It will dry.' 'Dry ! How long do ye 'speefs it's gwine to take it to dry?' 'Three or four weeks.' 'I wmililn't crivr. flmt- fr ir . i:.. L lcr"u' asiance at an umes during in nig fjno-er0 bv that time if "' the vear. Tlie trains have been run un-! ' . 1 " der his direction and those under hire ' IeIt out 1,1 the rain, with promptness and safety, as it is' 'Come and look at it six weeks needless to inform you. I from now. You'll find it right here His Excellency Governor Jarvis. as 1 very likelv till the snow liie. lr.l lie nas uirae neretoiore, win in the fu ture curdiallv give his influence and lv. i il..lin-lifi..l K ight reapers have been purchased , ?" lZ '" " eZ?rlZ in the neighborhood of the Gnlfi are correct in saying "he and his res alone. A significant result we learn cuer," ro'ske mine a mint julep, that from the farmers around the Gulf is ' most delicipus of all mucilaginous mix tiiat harvest hands have not been tnres.-Safesn7e Landmark. so pienniui m several years nor disposed to work for more equitable wages. Lot us have some more CEAS.vH BROWN, att o-K'ifcnr A T - I, A .' . KKITANSVILLK. R. t. Practice IntheComHtviOf IHiplln, I ti 1 1 Craveo. Jane unit Onslow Collection ot Claim a apeothliy." Corree'pndDiefMliHMl. v i jAttbrp.ey'fit-Xj. i ,' ". ,, l01.I.OCKSVIIJLK. ' " !' v i ".'Jeasa Couiuy. rii. Will practice ) tbe Courta ef Cai ti i i, 1 umivw iuiq traven, . .( Hpeelal attentin.ii given to till .l ' Claims, and. aetUiug KUtle of ill-i-. aoaa,. .! J,. - , lumi macliiia rv. Lewis it not worse m every depart ment and recommending such im provements as they deemed essen tial to your interest and the success ful operations of the Koad in tin future. The suggestions of the commit tee have !een fully carried out except a to ditching which is now going on and should be linislu-d before the winter. Kconomy. how ever, would dictate that the oi.li nary force on the sections I it and we believe m this wa. with -lirht help, it can be dole- dui t lie summer aud eai'y ;;: tin- l.iii. Thus after sin h po;t.e proof ot the dilapidated condition ot your Koad caused by the negligence and matteiit ion of the les-ce r.i.iii.iire nieiit no alternative u a lei; bur to ha;ea t'lu ii.l u:r j ms. : .'a- ;iia ; in ; ; o cii.t-:: .is keep the tlallls t In- w iiei-U s-o-1 come, let us go up to the iield con:.' On the way I took him across m garden. The ground wa.s coven -d Now. in conclusion, it is our nielan- with tomatoes, melons, and wintei 'holy duly to inform you of the loss, squashes. Flat and lutaba -a !nr durniK the year, of one of our most ac- . uips occupied everv inch at so.u c UM-. intelligent and zealous members. ' ' , , , , We n.-ed not sav we refer to' the death Sroun1 w uere l,eaS' ('arlv Porat.-i-, f ii.-nry V. c; rainier. Esq. Though ; etc., had been, but there was lio: .-, fui hie some time previous to the sad weed to be seen. event, yet it was unexpected and caused ' 'What 'pon earth ve "-ot li-'o ii.-;inguii.hed lawver and citizen was known, i 'ourleous and kind in his in i r-our--- in everyway with all men, hi- f.i!l eaiinot but be regretted by all, and most of all by us. with whom he was so Ion,: and intimately associated. Th An void h. o r will leaves in the Board of Di not be easily tilled, fully submitted. J -us D. WiiiTFuuri. President. '.1 are lie -p. 1 1 wel e In re-s.u 1 II II UI II L.' of to 1 1 1 :..!.-1 !..- : :-k ; ' i,.- li s ', ll l e i a - in-1 D ; i ever f.- ' run up a;n ' of ti a i :is . ; : h t h 1 ,i!S iarr.-.o! rherei'i .n tag K IIOWII hen u r-w ri 'l e from t he K.M.l tre; -h; n ii' -a . i : A! a It nt l ve ' lectors o! ate Kpos;t -oi i : i ,i !:' -; i : : ; "ii s ,.j following l ii n an i - accoriliiig to miiiirti-e : is Ulaler .Ii s rirrums: 1 .-oti.l;;:-: preset. ' a: l I o ti ; : ti : i : s a i. , : .::i2i I ' s a io ti ire . his l,a rii a k .- ai'e. . Ill 1 Ii 1 1 tl ll.-lll 'A In o! to the People of Norlli Carolina. K M.i.ii.n. N. ('., .1 tine V.K lS.s-t. eiir meeting ot the r.x inmitree of the Board of of the North Carolina on th offered . and he ( ' i t'l esetlteil: o.d. That tin- President i-i-ietary be ,1111 hori.ed to n lpieal to the people ot the tatniLt rhat the l'.xposit ion " a bi on d all e pec; at ion, i.it the biltldillgs. though i;c not sinljeieii I : that more s are needed, and to elect 1 heed more help." 'eifeliee u ith the abo e Ieso ii stati as these is. Why my ground wen'; raise melons. J-'act is, I never have time to bother with a garden. Mis -Cummins allers has a few yarbs at! ! a little lettuce, that's all tin' ganb-n we has.' 'So it seems the old Flint IF'! farm is -,K)1i )V something, or it must be the -store stuff." Super phosphates and guano have a won derful erk-L't." 'Beats all natur": suthiu' : "nother does ir. here the str.lTi-. Them rutabagas s w itoppers, sa: tin". The fact is. there's a good deal virtue 111 hoe manure in ;tiiv so:!.' Statcsville Landmark: Over s loo bushels of western corn have been sold at Statcsville bv one tirm since February and there are two other dealers who have sold largely. Much of this corn was used by dis tillers. A great many farmers having run short of corn, have been feeding their stock this spring and summer on wheat. Gen. A. D. Hazeii, Child' of the Signal Service of the United States has offered Mr. .1. A. 1). Stephenson, of this place the position of storm and tornado reporter for the sect ion of North Carolina. The busy season continues. The fanners have saved their wiieat a magnificent crop both as to quant try and quality and the oat harvest will about end this week, (.'urn and cotton -ire as prom ism eo plants inu' u'ood is can in all direction the tobac i an- nink- A Ciiinci- 11. -tull". m a 11 u:-, i hat .'' a ea ha in o w : 1 1 1 , What" sort bright hoe with 1: and keep ti 1 t he sin face, wi man weeds stirred. The old man was s; ielit ! moments, then said Wal. 01111u man. 1 mils; to ye ou niakiii" 1 liings gr. poor slle." When we lea'died the looked at it a tew liniments . i he 1 iMiica-Prussi.iii Y;ir ! la-e. We heard yesterday of a some what singular coincidence, in which one of our German citizens is con lieeti-d. which may be of interest. Tin Te has been in this city for a week or two past a certain I'leneh "11:1. by tin- name of Febzelton. u"in U agent f. : a book devoted to rr 1; ciafiie. Dining' bis pen miliar j m is he im-r up wit Ii Mr. "Win : 1 . -1 1 ::'st. who has been a resident el ih's ei'y lb; a number of years. ion com oari ng' notes ir was An Irish Jury. An English jury will listen atten tively to the eloquent appeal of ', counsel, prououueo it "a first-rate speech, one of the best we ever ' heard," and bring in a verdict against his client. A Freuch jury, 011 the contrary, being far more impressionable, will let an eloquent advocate play upon them as though they were an in strument of twelve strings. L:i ehand, the greatest of French advo cates, used to sway a jury of his countrymen as he would. hile defending a prisoner charged with murder, it is said that the jury did not consider whether the prisoner wa.s guilty of murder, but whether the murdered man did not deserve to be killed. An Irish jury is equally suscepti ble, and, under the spell of a law yer's eloquence, who knows how to appeal lo their feel ings, often give a verdict contrary to the evidence. A M r. Cob-lough, having the right to dispose of his property, and be 1 lg w it limit children, left his landed and ot her estate, in the county of Wexford, to his wife. The heir-at-law. Ford Kossborough, disputed the will, on f he ground of undue in- lllieuee. In those days Irishmen had a prejudice in favor of an '-owld fain-I ily." especially when associated' with a title. The counsel for his! lordship took advantage of this! piejiidu-e 1,1 make his most telling: ATTOENEy AT LAW, NEW 33Un.3T33, Z '. Praotlaea lo the Oonrta or Otot r.-1 . Hyde, Jonea, Jnolr, PamUtui ! 1 countleac alao In -the United Stai . 1 New Berne. , ,. v 9 Collection of anamrn a wnn.- m i 1.1 cJaliaa agalnat vtela a a.cUllv . plUce iuuriloora alKiVetntiMMi iloiiae, fuafsi-14wt; . , . L. J. MooKax, .-'.' ' f ; "Wm. O.a m. K MOORE k. CLABKE, ATTOEHE Y S A T LAY.', Now Heme K.' C. Will proetiss H the Conrta oOrtert, Craven,-Greene, Hyde, Jonea. Ijenolr, tJt.rlow anil FamlicocounUea. ' AIho in the HnpreDie COIirt nt RnlrMi anil Hie Unlu-d fcwatea Uuorta at, J.fw IHn and Kolelgh. , - v 1 i- a- Collpotlng a apeolatty, . apt tsrtf OKORHK V. STHONQ, It ileiKh, N.C DAH1KI. R. rrniiY, ,' . - KluaUm, K. C STEOKO tc PEERY, ATT!IREVS All" COUSSELMRS AT LJW. Having formed a copartnership for ine practice of the law tn Jonea count., will rrmw larly attend the courts of the out.,. 1'rom 1 attention paid to colloclloiia. raayia-dAwtf BXiU)N) yTTZiiY. ' en 11.. H01.LXBD, j , 1. owa b. ooiojs HOLLAND & GTJION, Attdi'iioys ; atf jaw, Office on CrnvoD m., two doora above Pelloctt Will practice in the Coanttea of Crav-nn Jones. Onslow, Ourleret, eamlieo And xJeuoIr Prompt attention laid to oolluotlana. 4 apriiUwlr. - ,-,. r. m. kimmi..;. rrucaixiia tLkrn.. SIMMONS MANLY, ATTOKNEYS AX I.AVf.-' Will pinctlceln theOoilrtaof Craven. joa, OiiHlnw, Oun!ret, I'aruiico, Lenolrarul Hyde,, iiiul m tbe Federal (ourt ul New &crne , , felllldiWli . ' . ' am lot that fiat : 1. e a r :l!n so 1 1 ta; :ir s-at I'.o shot; mp.i: :ne p II- ; ; 1 a 1 1 1 s : o 1 1 Vel tin s s .am hold w e 1 1 del ci am d Y. wa v. Yi of the 1. v. el! fill, ''d otte t!u-y were en; les 1:1 t he brief lag.-tie known ia n war: and r 1 ! e v w 1 :l 01 u : c.i a- -;.; -. 1 Mr. (b.-aaiis raged on but san as the not only h in the vice, belong IU Flench as vain: while I lie winning Holding up tl her between his linger, he thus twelve Irishmen bo I e a 11 cat . : 'iiig t ha' holild all e. : side wa eh.U ge led All; i'h silsta :f Crave 1 ae si ;iV.vl a vy c - oil ned t hat celebi ati-d lotte. which . 1 s7;i. tiom t.der C,-u. oeeur- w hieh e will by one coi t humb and fore appealed to the before him: "Tell, nie. gentlemen, would you disinherit the owld familyon a ragof a pocket handkel chief like t his '!" 'l'he juiy brought 111 a verdict against the widow, who had also excited their indignation by marry ing again. She appealed the ease, secured a second trial before a juiy in a n ot lu-i county, and won hei C.lse. At the Slipper T.iliir. DR. G. L, SHACKELFORD,-. ii i-r o rk 1 e tt tist:- NEWBEEN, K, a uli.-c en Mifidlo street, over Mlm Kat4.Cry niwiiy s .vlii!iiKry Htaro, oppoullA JBacUst T?n 1 rum Iri ,lcal Fxprltt ("huirh. DR. J. D. CLARK, 1 i."Nrrits 1 : -r - NEWBKIU, ijp.r H 'm.(n sir.-et.. between Pollodt,. aprI7-d4lr'1, 1 S X 4 AUI -1 no; t.llgs d-Uol I .1 til I 'i.l M : .Ml .Ml . 1 a' A W lb Hint. : A 1 1 a : i. W And every thin in the Grocery and ( Onln tioiiery Jine, which we proposi t sell nt tin VERY lowest living profit. . Wc.canyT'a Full Line of OMifeotiauerv and Fancy Groceries, on which we charge a G R 0 CER'S TROFITv ONLY. 'o solicit only the cash trade and TiOr-'r" "''" '-.--xf. ... in . -. 1 -,1:1:1 Stat. 1 1 1 v 1 id the I liar wi es' ly Ti 'tis 1 1 !os, a : : : nil A ill's , ' e it: i e iiav r e- piMinng :h. form to thi 1 tn pi ' i wishes men : . of Hi.- 1 1: : 11 ' " : s 1 mi in . 1 1 1 ia t'i '-. '. lllli to Coll Fxc.-l 1 : I . 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 g leney the Coveinor and to the sag gestioos of an engineer of tho ex l.Ugel lii tares 111 1 eci SI. '1 ich u id aceollllt perlenc and ability of General V for any mcrease of operating ex- rd to:. T U . e a 1 : 1 . c attach, d A e request to aid Us 111 this amount ot their 1 1 our Ti e.isiii'i 1 . M r. Falci.h. N. '.. and : .. 1 1 . ... : i 1 1. poll 1 cceipt of t he . --. e a 1 ei t ; lii ate tor a eorresund .j. number ol shares will be issued. W. s. 1'iiiMRusE. rresident. IF E. Fui es, Secretary. ' Mi. ine. .- na- to; ra v:ctori..ii.s and in -What, another cup of iea. Mi. ij '!ii'v tie- i'icia-ii salleied i:n- ot j intnii-y .' ' e--laimed the landlady. '.''. tin- g'.'.-.itr-.: lieti-ats of the v.ai. as he passed his cup tor the third A In :...s eh,;:.-- , ur Frein a betid time. - .mi dellghtedtoseetli.il ',' had :..;...... -hof undei !i::n ::,-! ;ei a 1 e en ;,, 1 ng oil 1 sii ppei ." w .s rti.-ia.v U m-.-'f -a..: :u :.:. -,-," :,'.qonded linmley. -I ' 1..- : - 1 'a d !: ' - i . . A!'. . .!- -, a - i , : : t e I : i: 11 g 1 t o n lg h I . a 1 1 d 1 1: e .': : !'-' ' e. . i . , s t e 1 1 1 : 1 : s 1 1 a i i it I ." 1 a ' ? ': 1 s . : : . .. ; ' : : : 1 : , 1 : i : ' ' ei v complimentary tome.'' i s -. a ;: e a : s. - : ; ; a , . , : e .... r; : ' o : i e l.mdi.idy. '-'. 1 1 I : a mm! '"-.'.'':;'. : ' . .; , e -: . : . ; i -s , n ; le i : : 1 1c laugh. -' 1 ' - '' v ' "I geliel.ib;, I! I : ke t in- I ea 111 s, I I . , '.-It ioU,:.t I b-s aiiollt Mime '-., 5 i ; H i I 1 to'! is.-, a:.' I lie- Cool, made it. . , . , . ... ; 1 -a o-e. i , a w ' a - : a- i -o a Id have ; :: t ' 1 , , ; . i ' . ' i . . W e : i. ' i es ; ...ni :(! 1 : 1 aoei . a - he ' " . s ' '. - ',- ,a s,'. . a iT. a ' : : i t : : : i ' i.'i " 1 1 ii h i s -p.oi:. ! .". ' . . -.oi.bl i -ig'e ti on i tl:.- t as-,- tl. il . , . , ' . . . ; I : ;. . ... ; ' " 'I s! h l e pi 1 1 So i e I ea I 1 1 : ' . ' a. e . ' '-: -. : : I ' ' . . '.'..Is ' : I ,.e I II -e 1, n et ' ll . !.:-;. ; I . ' .. :.;.-'i t ;.! g -... i -!: i; .'..'! i o i ; to j . W ; , i i e t I a a ; I a. I' U e ! I .1 I t e epl. o- w " 1 , I , i . " I ,;udi'. : i .: s , ; , .. : i 1 1 ie i oma . : : , . I , a ei 1 . -- lamu : . i i . i i a: ; .11 1 Ii n a n . 1 s t - ' a . peephole.'' a I e e I i o -a a 1 1 d 1 1 1 1 1 1 s t not lose a 1 1.- ai :: ---d "o an opening tiotn ,' ,aee '.. -et a tee." : i '!:. .'. V. ill.dl tile eeeatant ' ' i i ' N il.lt eiialiee V. ill OII lose.' , - : ! 1 i '.'. a ' a 1 ' a ' - - h 1 i 1 I s . I ' I e s ; a , . . o , , . , , ; , . ; , ; s ! i a '. I i 1 1 I to ol I t'l .1 Elizabeth Iron Works, V " ( I! .s, W I'KTTIT, Irop., : 'so. o oy(l Water utreet,"- INOItKOLli, VA M M'KAl 'l 1' H. l-.K OK KN-.INES, BOILERS ist Mills, t-.a' v O.U' sn . tin oh, rr-'V SS. I I JtllOa-IS;, ,1 1 M,.s I )im rijition. , : ,- i .-a lei AM. W(IRKI,,"vi ' n ll I7-.1AW1T .". .V -y . Notice Extraordinary. -' 1 .'' ' I .. I mi. ; ..; -. I M ; Is i . .- - I up, aU cla. ' "I wre ..f BHKD Vi V a. mill I Uiiuwtha l. Mm s cuar, trt -. . ia xi noor to 'V -nm! M i.hllr it4 f I .l.-n.-H.ua Hod ' . e H" -I: Wnler.to ?. ' . ii" a..-, and ni-ea . t ! Ml. OA I, fli'KK ' . ' . S - ! I'A I.MEK. Is il I ' r. l . i I s 1 1 j A small boy , ; -., summers w;:- a 1 1 e n . i : a in com pany i : it ins i .0 .,. the minister, a Vel tail . faced man. was 1 e.uiing services, t he little boy wa remark to his lather atici wonder at the tall divine: the Lord.7' l.r. undi proper s stein the boy Sill Ve ! was igr 1 , l:ai . I I. lio A tt summoned for I gte.l I case, pel l t . 1 : ; g 111 -Is that I s.i .- iieh a 11 ai 1 a 11 gemeiit 111 neai ly every ediicof ionai 111st i tui ion on tin- ' 'ontinenr which I isi!ed."' explained Mr. Arnold; and 1 thought it might be in vojnie II'. Imf 1 e'u et to 1 very important 1 ps a broken leg. is over." GEO. V.,J.IIARVEY, - '- tt I IIHOIV I) T.. ''I IT s. l ot ICTH ST., iMIM.AOKLPHIA a. 111.11 ihw. SlI be fore I lie e en I ll Where lo?" "Across the way. over 1 here is house eleaniiiit, and 1 Mrs. I!i ou 11 her e. just saw Mr. lirown eroinjr home ,a,v i with a stey ladder. Phil,. ValU j Mnker of lit- nl Ir men 's Kin Cstaaaifaa i:...,i viion or ii. l.aiot kit las ataul iil-...V CltAlKS. W..UI.I Twer u Mctisra. IS. K. Bryan, 1m tI.-ini.-1-H.iii, u-o 11. Itohcna, Go, A.ollr' in.l otliern.-Hll nt Jlew Hrn, , c , , v, ; , - ' Oralera hjr Mali s'olkrttril. '? " , s J)aiyfJwiy ortf. v. 7. havvt

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