- - , 0 V - .. V V .: ' " .. .i.t t, .... ..... : ... INDENT IN" ALL THIiN. OS. Torma 411.00 Year. VOL. VII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. AUGl'ST 7. Inst. NO. 1!). - I ,1 " The "CLIMAX" COTTON PLOW T: KIN(. OF Til K COTTON '3 a iar ; "Inn (r;n fin. t'ardw- Cat'. W -i i-:ciai ri I " II vr- w TH K KHI 1 Fa 1 K. Fruit Grower-' Association i- do:ng a good work m North Caro ln: v. Kv its annual Fairs, fruit is collected together from different vortions of the State and placed on exhibit ion. and here can be seen w hat can lx and w hat isboincdoneLt Qf. I l U V I U H t C LEVEL AM) NOTIFIED OFFI- Illiteracy in the United States. CI ALLY OF HIS NOMINATION. A document of much more than In presenting the letter of t lie usual interest has been presented Committee, Col. Yii.as. Chairman GENERAL .1 iily g, ravaging Iin: motion " '' ton in of the Committee of Notification, who had also presided over the National convention, said: "lirover l leveiami. dovernorot of New York: These I .I'M -In O O e EH p-i 1 ' Firm Y'Mfo; "Acm; Ac' CaitiTwr. w.tli !KAtHW KING' M Y-M Cuttrr, Cora sV. - ui Axl iaubrd at i pa: ti:o '. i. Skaio. ,"4iii)0 I'oat lol Dwt-"r. i i nx foil Uy fociriastito l Ctl.)Su-- i:. i frarfs. A i. mi this, one of th :ndatries in the Stuto. At the Fair held in in Goldsboro on the With and 'Ust of July there were not many counties represented, !ur the several sect ions of the State were '' 'aere save the trans mon e di-trict. 'n the tirst table ::r er.r,-ring the building was a d.-.!a from Wilson county. Here were apples, pears, peaches and of its deliberations to.x.itoe. nice enough, and a very u you through the fine display of canned fruits, jeliies, etc.. hy Y. M. Edwards. Next is 'arren county with a very tine ex !".:'.: of grajies. I iu:itord had speeniiens of apples, pears, pe.irhe.v tomatoes and driel t'r nits. !y .M. n. a- very fine, l'cnder rnim mosc linporiaui. : gentlemen, my associates here present, whose voice 1 am honored with authority to utter, are the committee appointed by the National Democratic convention, which recently assembled in Chi cago, and charged with the grate ful duty of acquainting you ofiicially and in that solemn and ceremonious manner which the dignity and im portance ot the communication de mand, with the interesting result already known ordinal v t han nel of news. "Sir, that august body, convened by direct delegation from the Dem ocratic people of the several States and Territories of the republic, de liiHTating under witness of a great assembly of freemen and gathered in such conference in forethought nf The display of dried fraits the election which the constitution T. Hughes, ot this county, imposed ujK)ii them to make during the current year, liav Caiu, i -i i- ji Mr imuiic consideration in une cir-. worm is cul.u relating to illiteracy m the Lower Egvpt. ", United States recently issued by j very poor? The N the llureau of Kducatiou. In this I lower than ;ir an. circular are collected comparative j when -Id. pci -on srausncs oi illiteracy in tue years lanune. 1S70 and isso. The tables given, Paris. July I's. The ir- erimient indicate that in the decade included ; has organized p.t- of -;tni';:r between those years there has been supervision on the l. Railway an absolute increase in the number and on other lines. of illiterate persons of ten or more i Toulon. July l'.s" Fn-itlvrs aie years old, while there has been a : now prevented from iv'iiniin- to decrease, though slight, in the per- the city. One who h id returned centage ot those persons to the ; died yesterday. whole population. Thus of the! Mauseii.i.ks. Julv J.s. Noon. whole number of enumerated per-! There have been live d.-:t:i.- loen sons ot ten or more ears old, in cholera here since ;i oY'cei. rh: lsTo, l.r.js.osj, or 1C per cent, were ! morning. returned as tin able to read, while 'Washington. July it, v. ,-.(i.".s, 144, or -20 per cent, were un- Cameron has couveiied the Geiieial able to write. Of the same class of Assembly of Virginia, upon the re persons t,l;;,4.")l, or l.i.4 percent, quest of 'two-thirds ot i he members uere in 1 S() returned as unable to ot each Hou.-e. ro meet in the cap: read and O.-J.'JU.O.") J were returned tol at Richiiiond, Wel!!esday. A.u as unable to write. Of white males 1 gust 13. of voting age 74S,!70, or ! per cent, Panama, Julv l's. via Galvciio;.. weie returned as unable to write in ' The National Government has 1S70. The number of such persons: cancelled its ud. rs for the enfone unable to write in lStfOwas S.SC.fi.iO. : ment of oh-.m -..or in.. v,.,n,.1tii,. Jhe canal company is opposed to .ludire ISyniun Stois Out. Hon. . P. Lynum. one of the ate crow ned heads of the Republi- Beston Items. xhibited T. C. WHITTY, CKAVKN STKF.F.T, NEW IU KN. N e.K !i. mens ot api fruits, jellies, Chatham les. torn at ( tc, from this count v. .OEIXENGEB BROS., jv KINSTON, N. C, th Arrival of Their New Spring Goods, nominated you to the people of these United largest wat.-rmelo,,: there were next ensuing term of that great six that averaged sixty pounds office, and with the gravest confud- There were also fine speci- eration of its exalted responsibih- caniied tles liaVl eonhdently invoked their sun rages to invest you with its functions. Through this committee i.ld a l'ixhI illsiilavof t , ...v vuiihihiuii r, uiu j -I j uii CM1CI1 L apples :md dried fruit.-.. is delivered, that you accept that New H.mover; ('apt. S . Nuble candidacy. This choice carries made a tine displas of grapes and wu" lc proionna personal resect cantaloupe; Donald .m'ltne. pears; Dr. Thonnus, pears and jeache. Samp.(D; Mrs. Y. E. Faison. a display of canned frnits, preserves and jellies that would cause one's mouth to water on beholding them. Mr. T. I or ,.s. per cent. Ot the who e num ber of colored males of voting age enumerated, in is 70, S70.177. or SO per cent, were returned as unable to wiitc. 'J he number of such per sons had increased to 1,022.151 in ls.so, while the percentage to the whoie number of colored male adults had decreased to GS.7 per cent. Mm-h the greatest proportion ot illiteracy was and is to be found in the Southern States, in which, of the whole number of persons enu merated of ten or more years old. ! any quarantine. Dr. Lopez, the company's jiiiysi.-mu. died from dysentery Satunb-y. The hospitals are filled. The canal company has advertised 'for tenders for a m-w hospital. Heavy rains are serious, ly delaying work on the canal. Caiko, 111.. July 2J. Five young sters. aged from to 7 years, vis ited the house of a man named Pit man, at Pepper's Mills, yesterday, and rinding the family absi-iir. caught a great number of 4i' per cent were returned as unable geese, ducks and chickens, several an paity m North Carolina, stands among the redeemed. He has re pudiated Republicanism and next November the i. allot that will drop from his hands into the ballot box will bear the name of Alfred M. Scales for Governor. This change of political views, that will be re ceived with such gratification by i Judge l'.ynum's many friends, throughout the State, is'not a very' recent one. but has only recently been made public. In fact, at the . time the Liberal and Republican' conventions met in Raleigh, Judge I'.yiium initrht have been ilis-ed as a Democrat. At this gathering of 'he clans in Raleigh, a consultation wa. held and the result was that' it was decided that the nomination . tor Governor .should be tenderd to Judge Rynum and a telegram was ; quickly sent to the Judge asking' him if he would not accept the nom ination. Judge Rynnm paid no at-j Lcinion to u.c (iispatcn ami rne con vention then met and nominated York. Still desiiing to strengthen the party hy securing Judge Ry num's active iniluenee, the Liberal and Republican conclave met and formed a State executive commit tee. On this committee Judge Rymim's name was put down and he was duly notified of this action. Immediately upon receiving the notice. Judge Rynuni wrote to the party sending it, to take Ids mime oil', as he positively declined to allow his name to be used in any such connection. The course pursued by Judge Pynum in refusing to ac cept the nomination lor Governor i No marriages or deaths to report this week. It is talked that a revival will bpgin at Hood nwamp soon. Mrs. Phoebe Woodard in quite sick at her home in New Hope. Mrs Samuel Smith of La Grange in on a visit to relatives in Saulston. Mr. Kzekiel Smith has the best high land corn that we have seen this year. J. V. Hill, Lewis Reves and W. B. Smith have the linest cotton in Sauls-ton. There is a great deal of Bpoilt wheat tins year caused from thre6hmg too wet wp suppose. Mrs. J. H. Wood of this. New Hope, township is visiting relatives and friends in the Bucklesberry section. Henry Vinson is the champion turtle can lier -f this section, having caught twelve very large ones at three sets. Henry says that some of their shells are large enough for a cradle. The recent heavy rains and cool nights have done considerable damage to crops. The general opinion is that there, cannot be more than one half of a crop made through this neighborhood. We understand that Billy H. is also a subject for matrimony, as 4ie likes to pass over the river and rest under the shade of old Uro. Ms. and help him cull those large melons for Gold's mar ket Mr. A. T. Uzzell has just returned from a visit to his Jones county planta tion and leports crops as good. Corn crops, he says, are better than he has ever seen on his place. Mr. Uzzell is a fast judge of good corn. I General opinion is that M. W.,the old I batchelor of New Hope, is on the war j path for a wife, as he recently being the purchaser of a very fine horse and buggy and his passing up the road twice I week and Sundays lor a rarity. Hurry 1 up neighbor, for we have nn eve on ttiose pigs. ; Mr. Geo. W. Best lost a very Rne muie last week. Mr. li. examined her .,.! .T'O tl.n. Urt.l t 1 ; 1 . l ; . t i . oajo umi one ii,u i iem n iwce oi ...ju in un inline hi aci as a memuer RMnd in hnr Kt..ni-h n tt,.-nir. and admiration, but it has been in ; to rite in 1870 and 3G per cent eats and two dogs, and dumped of theexeeutive committee, alarmed he hu 7 in ISf. no manner the liuitot these senti- "eio so classed m it,so. Of the them all into the well Chair. incuts. The National Democracy white males of voting age euumer-, tables, knives and forks, bed cloth seeks a President not m compli- ated in those States lo.l per cent 'ing, in fact everything portable, ment for what the man is, or in re-i were returned as unable to write in ! followed the. live stock, the last ward for what he has done, but in 170 and 14.3 per cent in ISSO. Of contribution being the family just expectation of what he will i the colored male population of vot-; wheelbarrow. This about filled the accompiisn as ttie true servant ot a "g m me soutuern states S.Si well up. The outcry made bv the the bosses and they decided that . j manner. Mr. Best bought them last one of their number should pav a fall at special order and payed George visit to .In, Pre r.vmim ..,wl -ut u- rsennett two hundred and sixteen . , ,, dollars apiece for them. Was WTOI llfll iirt'nvjiiim.rj ' n,,..,,!,,,.!,- ,.,,, tci1.i....B.:,: Some one broke into Mr. Lewis ... .... . , , . ".II ' ,M,' Heave s kitchen lastSaturdav night and found Judge l.ynum, and found : carried orf half bushel nr .ml llli i her that t he Judge was a femo-! i-omething near half barrel of flour; CONSISTING OF A srLKNMD LINK OF ft i tins cuunty, iiaii iree people. Fitness for that loft v 'per cent were returned as unable to : pigs, chickens, etc.. attracted the crat. We are told that from that I thev also took about twenty bundles of on exhibition the famous Le C-onte trust is always ol momentous con-1 wriP 111 io and ,t per cent in attention of neighbors, who rushed time on several earnest interviews jn est morning Mr. K. tracked peAr, which he sars is thr pear for 9aence' They conceive the public : 10- to the rescue. The loss, which was.weie had with Judge Rvnum in the rrLTiJ.i'l this climate. exigency lo rx now ot transcendent ' -i "ese are cry suggestive Iigures. heavy, was paid by the boys' pa- Ladies Dress Goods, Gents, Youths and Boys' Clothinir, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks Valises, Etc., Etc. A New and Full Supply ol ' We beg a generous public to come and ex amine our Stock and Prices. OKTT1NGER BROS. SIGN OF THE CE LED RATED PEARL SHIRT." s - " l Uii i.-Miir .-tux, un J Hational Wire & Iron Co. exigency to be now of transcendent 1 These are very suggestive figures. ; heavy imnnrtanfp- thnt l-.ilwirinna r-nfrm I 1 hov Seem to demonstrntp that, tha , ranta j .. , . ...... ............ o .viiij, . - - - J.t,.uuv iv.iO. nnplinrpenc-bes, apples and dried ; ,D administration as well as legis-. agencies at present directed to- Galveston, July I'S. Concw n trnits by H. E. NewK-rry. Mrs. M. lation is imperative ly ne. essary to' wards the eradication of illiteracy ing the present drought and condi 11. 1 lodges, of this county, had a tl)e prosperity and honor of"the ia a large section of the country '. tion of crops in Texas, the .Vcr-v erv creditable exhibit of canned , repubIic ltUtI :i '""'ftent chief ; inadequate. This is a serious says: The aecorfnts from growing nii' annle tnnninin ( , ! magistrate must be of unusual tern-1 matter, and one which we need crops that continue to reach C:, .ruus, appus, tomato win. said to, per IX)wer x,.y h;Ut, observed ' scsircely say concerns the whole , Keicn are anythin- but encoui N letter than seupperuong cab-; with attention your execution of country. Iu this country, more ing. In some districts a full eio;. nage. canned corn. etc. bne exblb- cue puonc trusts you have held and . man in almost any other, tnere is ot corn is assured, but ited an apple from a tree one bun- performed and that is the cause of need that the citizens should be in- dred years old tuat Wltn vvlll(,j are now so teiiigent. ibis is so by reason of , crop is not satisfactory. The yield v , , . ... honorably invested. They place the peculiarities of our political , of wheat and small grain has 'been taokin ana a large display ol their reii;lnce lor , iu. usefulness of system, which secure for popular ! abundant, wherever planted. Cot grapes every variety also toma-1 services they exfct to exact for the opinion a quick expression, and tou, in all sections, is in a prccari toes, pears, apples, x-aches, white .benefit of the nation upon the evi- which give the popular will a ready ous condition from continued both -weet and dry. all from uence ncriveo trom seriees you aim euectie accniry. ine evils drought. The heavy rains of . V.,-.i .... F-r. .,-. . . 1 r.... I o.... . . . ii nninfo hn-flnl nif.innDl, ; n : - : , 1 , u.,c jTiiuiiiiru on i.iir .--iiiif 01 -' " " 1 " -fcu v itiz.i.-iJoiin iu ti sii ing iiiju eariv summer retarded V . ... ',... Tl . I. . . ! finn stain a-iirfl n-II ,wU...tAn.l I. ! 1 1 , i i c' " 01 . mo uniif me ciec-, " -" "m it.ii uuuuswuu u, putuiiug. and i tie crop such as it ' " ' '""""v. ui l0,-rt to such prool id character and N a-sumgeon, wno in nis memorable is is very late. The drou giowing me gra, wDicn is to train competence to justify their eonfi : iarewen address warned the coun- the past six or ei'-'ht week the vine along a strip of timler so uence tnst in the tore in the Stab will bo administered with conuueii- ''.v uninformed classes. He enun-;drou surate intelligence and ability, with iciated a sound and weighty doc- longer incalculable injury single hearted honesty and fidelity, trine of political philosophy in his done, and the cotton crop wine, both -weet Cedar Co e Nursery 1 ,, .. - . . . ...... V ...... W.-M I . I ... 1 .(. , Ofc. ' ' J eiiueaoi' to unrig mm uacK under would like for T. W. Uzzeil. J. P.. to loiKs tlag, but all to no purpose. : visit Mr. Reaves' now and get par Lie had walked out from the midst ! ticulars. of Kepubiicanism and nothing could ! We had the pleasure of visiting the induce him to turn back. Chariot tc White Hal1 sectiona few days ago and Obxtrrcr- : found crope looking well The farmers 1 are highly pleased with the Democratic State ticket, but there is some trouble HaiileCs I'clui n to England. : about who will be the next sheriff; L'ixdiix. Julv2S. Mr. Henry M some are in favor of Grantham another Stanley.' the African exnlorer. sir-1 .erm- "me olhers P068 hlL and "7. portions of the State even the corn rived at Plymouth this eveninc.' Iu Z "a 't,e0 WS?L. J HU.11UO, .Tim uCn mail JOU V. llJjn: 1 vJI an interview with nn Associated fear that we have a rad for sheriff the Press representative Mr. Stanley j next term. said he had returned to England I Mr. Nick Best came near having his considering that he had completed I child murdered a few days ago. Mr. the work of establishing satistac- 1 "rt"' Bl " 1 ,r tJurBP- coiorea gin bdoui tory trading stations along the in main hi iT.: A. GREEN t.1.- CARRIES THE , Largest Stodt-oT Floor, MrtU, Sngwr, Coffee, Molasses, - . Sympa, SacfT and Tobacco Em Iroagl t TStw BTt- Xow id t,vk 500: Barrels Flour, 40 11 Syrups and Molasses, Koafht At th Lrvett th ftiet. i&d will b- sold at ume. w Brick pulldLnS, Middle Street, below South Front, t; that they can be covered with a Ivoard at any time to protect them trom the weather. Forsyth; a good exhibit of peaches, apples and dried frnits. ( raven; tine apples and peaches by Daniel Lane ami 15. H. Mallison; German millett, oats, milo miaze, wheat and fine stalk of cotton by Mr. Geo. Allen. Pamlico; Japanese persimmons by J. O. Paxter. Wayne; a large display ol apples and witn resolute ami il.iimg tear lessness which no fact ion. no roni bination, no power of wealth, no mistaken clamor can dismay or qualify. In the spirit of wisdom and invoking the benediction ot the divine Creator of men, we challenge from the sovereignty ot His words in commendation and ratification of our choice. - Well done, thou good and faithful serv ant; thou hast been faithful over a i;ra pes, peaches, dried fruits, canned few things, 1 will make thee ruler 1PURGAT1VF P Wis fruits, jellies, melons, tomatoes, a huge encumber, by Mrs. K. V. Klgerton straw lorries. muller-rit-s, c,ibtage ami an extra tine sample ot honey comb. Lenoir: Mr. J. M. K irkpat nek . xh:bit-l some very line peaches, and M;ss Willie Pountree a large b-mon . Greene; tine Iwets by II. 11. Pes', lories: jicacl;. - i::d grap-.s by C. P. Si-t.tr. ta M a la ljk etlr arvtrin In tttr-sr n . h . in. pavs wlA ft Pill micA roi i to 14 w rs. k . may Cm rw,.i -.1 to iodd.I fir- 1 m "l"t T F h.MU Complminta th F1U t. .r nomgul. trkfiKUM m m I.. ftr dw tmafUTU u4 klDtri dlmm. Sold .nrywhtn, w aaa tr nanfl br Ste tm atany Ctrevlart tee. I 8 J lN-'t C" rv. - The f: n e A''. I '..intern 1 1 s.U t s I ii ni made wers. think I. mm Croop, Attsm. Frrwu-h lti, Nron!- Ct. Kho4ftAtm. - .:-u S ASv. u;4 ' -- :i 1 t c"3f-m nsa CM inrs, nun J' h t. gaHIURE HEWS LAY :orii The Les, . the .11 ren, e tine, de b igtoll. IPs e e el over many things.' In further lnl tillment of our duty the secretary will now present a written commu nication signtd by tin- committee." Col. N'llas was several times in terrupted by applause. At the eloso of his remarks Nicholas M. Prince, of M issouri, seci etary of the committee, read the following for mal address, prepared b the com m:ltei : N I V, c ' K K C IT . July L'S. I S.s 1. " Hurt, (hi'frr t r. ,'.( nf r ir York: "Sir: In accordance with :!ie i ii tom betit 1 1 ng the n at in e ol t he corn in un jc.it ion . the undersigned, representing the several S'a'es and fen itones o tin- I n;on, w .-ieap po-.iited a committee h the Na tional Dcmoerata' citiveiitiii w.'nch a.sseinbled at Chicago un the s; a ol .1 ul . to perform I he pleasing i-lLce uio.ch b tins means liase the honor to execute, oi l : i toi in ; n ir oil ot our noin mat ion as the eau-l.-l.te of the 1 b-inocrat ic )ait !i: t i.e .-lislllllg elect loll for t he office ot nation, as hereto- ""y or ttie dangers likely to arise j stunted growth, and everywhere the puhlie tmsiness "niu uie exercise or political power cry comes up for rain. Should the lit continue for two wcek- will he will 1... .J l - .- ' . 1 ueci.uauou mac -in proportion as , cut short disastrously. On the the structure of a government gives ! other hand, with general rains torce to public opinion it is essen-1 within a week or two, a fair cotton tial that public opinion should be yield may vet be made. Thesitua enlightened.'' To the dame effect tion of tiie cotton crop in Texa.sjs was Madison's declaration that '-a certainly critical, well-instructed people alone can be London, July i'S. The survivor.. a free people." It of the British sf.eamshin l.avham. scarcely be pointed out that which collided hwt Mon.f .v the reasons which give weight to with the Spauish steamer C,;;.-::. these doctrines of the fathers of the not far from Coi uuua. report iim' Republic have gained greatly in , on the evening ot t he collision t he; torce since they were first an- was a thick log. The Laxham w nounced. The participation of the : going slow and both steamers people in the work of government ' soundiug their whistles. TheC.; ;. has greatly increased during the in- struck the Laxham amidships, ami terval. The intervening period has i the latter was neailv cutasund.;. witnessed a general democratiza- The funnel fell and "t lie steam ten or twelve years of age, ran away from hi3 home with the child and was gone some time before Mrs. Best missed the child and after diligent search for some time they succeeded in rinding her track and they followed it about three or four miles through a large po cosin when she was discovered AYER'S PILL.. : -' r "- ' ' A Urg proportloa of th dlmju ),!, K eania hnmma uffarUif roralt from il.-.i i -maat ol lb ftonacb, bowel, and litr. ATKB'I CATHABTIC PlLXA Bat dlrwl r v,. .n tli cm organs, and ar pMiallr rt , ,,.i to ear to disease aaaaed ty tlicir 6m . ment, ioeladlne Constipation. 1ml . -tion, Zyaperl. lieadaeno, trmn y, and ft bott of ether ailments, lur s.t . ( whloh they are ft aafa, sure, pronij t, . i pleasant remedy. - The mteni-e um oJ i . . Pills by eminent pajraiclan ta rcir i . tloe, shows anmistakably the nuimi...p iu which they are bald by the aiedicai frui- -sion. " V " These Ttu are som poo tided ot yt"U.; . ubetanoee only, and are abeolntttl j fr. inn calomel or any other lojarlone Inf retliuni, A Sanror front Headache wrltee i "ATEK'e Kills aro Inraluable Irnm, . i are my eonetant companion. I Litve I a erere salferer from Ueatlachn, eiel .. . l'il.ij( are the only thing j could !.' 1 lor relief. One doea will quickly n n-r bowels and free my bead from 'I are the molt elfecuva sod the eaoinut . 1 lixve erer found. It is a pleasure to ..... o S)Kak In thejr praisa, and 1 always uu n when ocoasiolt oiieia. W. 1 Paok,o W. t Paire Urn . Franklin Bt, cUehwoad'a. J uue 3, "I hara used ATwa's Pti.iji In Tunta-.- lesa lnstanoes.as reeommeDried by you, I have norer known there to fail to nnyu.ii the desired resnlt.- Waeonatantly ktwp n . ... on hand at our bonis, and prize tl.ttm i. pleasant, safe, and reliable family n.t.cli, FOK UrSP81A tbejraca InraluHl.ie. , . ... I.T.UAl'KS." Alexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. Tha truA-Koh B. Hrtwr, wne, , from jtllttHta,- Oa ev: "For s..n.e t. . past I hare nan euujnct to oiwrli front Which, In spite Of the nee of n... . clues of TartouS kinds, I aullered tneonTenlenee, until . some nionilia I began taking Aveb's J iltj. . .'J y entirely eorreeted the costive hlit, .i. i hare vastly unprored my geueral beaitli." ArER'l CATABTIO ItVLM eorrert ln . . . laritles f the bowels, athUBlato the , tite and dlgesUon, and py their proaii -1 tltoroagh aeUon glre to tie and Tigor te t. . whole physical economy, j . ; . .- , rajcPABEo art" ' Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co.p Lowell, r.Tass. Bold by all Druggists. YOJNO, OLD, AND MIDDLE- inrn . HUCU. ' i Earn, or any scrofulous u little tnfnt,. may bo aaado healthy aud y its vse. -- v . .- . -.. , gold by all Druggists; 91, sis bottles for I v All xperlrnoe the wmnlttrful - beneficial en ecu oi Ayer'8 Sar&apar i 1 1 1 . Children -With Pore T.yr. H Kara, or any aerofuloes or - st"- t Professional. Cards. CfTAS. H. BROW, ATTOJIKE Y-Ta T - I. A V KEWAaSYlLLRB-. C. Practices In theOonnticeof Dunlin. !.-- Craven, Jones and Onslow. . Lxuioouon-oi turns a specialty. Oorreapondenea sollelteU. . n arfiwtim P. p. PELLETIEr., Jttorhey-rit'I-'aw .; rot.xxcKBViL.i,r.. i''v.-!.isMI County. K. Will practice In theCcrarts of Cartort-t, 3m. Onslow nd Craven. " Hpscuu attention ilTrn te the roii,.fi Alms, and aeUltngr-ostais of l,--. . i i . )ns. . , . . y um. i w . Arirr. JT. CLAIM Zl ATTORKEY AT LAW, Practiaea In tba (Jourt of Oartert.. tv-. v. Hyde, Jonea, Lenoir Famlloo and counties ! also Iu tha United States '"'i t . new riertre. wn Collection of eanrwn'a wanes and al claims afralnat esaelaa spawlalty . ' A umce lour door above Gas tou xiousa. marailAwtr . t he nation pei nianently iifod tionot our institutions. Many re-stric-tions iioii the exercise of the elfftive tiaiichise which wire in existence in Washingt oil's time have siiire been swept away. Popu lar opinion is also more readily con ceutiatcd and organized now than it was then. The need ot having popular opinion enlightened andin lorinrd ha-, ot course, fjreatly in-' c i-ed '.a i . 1 1 1 soi j iu-11 ec. The re-Maii-s ai'e primarily re- :i -: : -I. 1... piovidin-; the educa t.o., h:.!i is lu-cessary to make t ' 'i.'cii- useful nienilcr of a ' -nl pi oicssi ve State. Are I i.r -t at 1st i.'S uli ich we have Dot iced '" i" '.d-e:i as j . i- - inr that they, or of burst. The vfr.sin; the hly scalded, ham's clew chief engineer, in engine, was Imni The ino4 of the 1. boarded the (Jii ( ongn river, lrom its mouth to Stanley Tool, a distance of 1,400 miles by river. When he left Congo country he was suffering badly from bronchitis, but was much benefited ov tne sea voyage, lie pulo"izo4 I Rhp wan in thp nr. thrnin., n, i,n.i the trading prospects of the conn- ! into an old well, but at seeing Mr. Best trv in the vicinity of the Congo j she Put tlie child behind the well and iiver. Mr. Stanley considered that: took to tl'e woods and made Rood her Gen. Gordon commands perfectly i esca)e" practicable routes ol escape frorri j The Last B"rlck La,d Ivhartoum whether bv way of an- t,,,..,.' v . , , ' '. Lditok Journal: Yesterday morn- z:b,. r on the east, or down the Congo , inK the Iast brick in tns new ro the west coast, ii the Nile is school building was laid. When blocked. the work approached completion Miss Mr. Stanley considers t hat Gen. I liennio Bishop was invited to place in ,,o- fho i,n.B.,t l,u""""' m "'''"''"' wii ui mciran season ;iseeml the il .list o w.. i ,( ".(III mi 1.. j in .ii irli t , 1 .. i w . I roni il a t inn erii mminloj tlia U.l.lur ..,,.1 ' Rtlelgh, N. O. thence pi oceed to I'.ahar and Klga-, W"H s00" at the top of the gable, and . STRONG & PEHEY, hizil and join 1 niiton I'.ev wil( : t"re completed the brickwork of a Kirsayrow, aj. cx, eoniii, amis !lo trooos havin'.. . I l'"'ld inK under the roof of which so J ATT()R.EV o KM COCBSEUfORS IT - tlW. their ;. .se . ion C IO. (Mid worth of get ation of children is expected. The IVolV. (mi with ibis addition to liis force to Mav- tho li"'t ,,nH on the 30th day of ),.,.. i ,,,,,I .1,,, ,,1 t,,.r .... 'u,y- a'"' a8 11 naM reuuirea about . . a..uuu to uo me wort. I ' ' t tr!thlp. I.h hrit-k whit-.h whs to r-nm, ill Steamers .l, Imilrlinfr- nlrhniio-n if uau o tOllllOKCl : U J. Voobx. ;'i , VaT. K Cunts. MOORE & CLABKE. ' ATTOENEYa ; AT LA7, New BerH;"N. C3. Will practise In tha Courts of Carteret, ("ra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jtmwa, Lenoir, Oualow ami 1'ainIlcocDuntiea. Also In the riupreme Conrt at Ralelith and the United btatos Uourta at New heme aud ItHletKh. , , , .... , - t'ollectlng a speclalt, -apSdwtf BAsmr. x. nttr, - sUnston, ti. tt . llnvlng formed a eopartnarsh ip fny the Dractlt-e of the law In Jones amdLv. will rotr.t... m could then proceed ! 'rt brick was laid on the 15th day of larly hiuui) the courts of tha saute. irouit . a I ; ii -i in. l . ; I a : -1 'T euu. 9Tm St. JO . by BT'l sXJa, I S- JUtUSOS A BvSUO. SUSS. . GEO. ALLEN & CO. OFFER THE ( 'ELEISRATKI V Cox Cotton Planter, '. : , -I c . 'ar- L'h ma a s t li c! ; u: at !a . u e u ; a ll t he 1 e::iee: people W I'll the ht. . , : : : n i a i n : . r. 1 1 : i ; g e r : i 1 1 e : i u . i : : i . t . 1 1 ; .. - ii and an engr. l- submitted, iu ti.;- e. m mu n ie at l s a if I at i, 'ii . w ar :'.i,l 1 'nit. pi ;i a af ii n f ot o aniiiiat d 1 t if a ! II I 11-' en: w ill L i 1 o f r II ,ffe . a . e a - -..,. h. "t r o 1 1 1 if appr - f- ire incai.al :t:ir mis education: It' ,-o, - no alternative but that the n-t be taken m hand by the il ( o' fi'ii men t . The illif G, :eh ; - . t hreateiimg tot he :'e ie-s ,'t' the country mu-t u.i :.i eradicated. i la Elet'loral Vote, .i.i j (." v. ill be offa-i"i.al!y : w.f ii-cti. .n this tail, and a ai..f speculation as to the vote we print the to put m '. t'Tai .'"Wry.- ;n s' 'iiii'tlaiig 1 a : It! pi. i : i . i 1 upon WHICH ISTHF lU'sr K.VdWN AMi I IIK toTroN rivNiru v r l ; i i i Mil l :.! if a rt: Improved Cotton Seed OSIKR. rKEKi.K.ss, HU'Kmin ( I t sri i:, Willi M r-l 1'IOS ' I . 1 A m. 1 ). i (;i:r t ii 1 1 : i )00 IIAM)U:i) COTTON Shovt-lt. S.tilf-. i "ork-. t.ra-- in,! I'..; .t. TOOLS AND IMTLICMi; OP KKKY KIND M I l: I ( V I'ltli IIOKS NTS per ,...r p.-r I u a a :i did at e la-- and , oi.!: a 1 : -i and n t ! Ma ' ' I r i : . A laUiuni. ;' toa. i- ..' A:kai.-.i-. 7 i i- i . : ; 1 ' r I : i . 1 1 1 . . a K.-if-,. . '.' K:,-rid.i. 4 !,::.-. c, i i i 'i ' la: i a . M..-.. : t K.-raii.-k v. i:; M.t : : l,u:-;ai.a. M i.:.- - :.; 7 M.ir l:m.'. . - N"'r:e.. .. -' M:-.-'.--j. , 'a N-va : i. ' M i-- niri . i V w Ii ,!-:p-! . re 4 N' -rt!i ( ",ir. 1 ; i . . i . '':.: . : "-"i. t i: ' ' .r 7 , i i . 'a i ' . v . . . . . . . ' - ;t . If. i'; i-i -.: :. I Vir .-irri t. : '.' '- v.r. -. : W,-: '.r-;:.:.i. W. : : : h ,; :- .-. . 1 :..''".'.. I . g I., f.o.a. r, .- . ' I - 'J . 1 ' - : -''- ' : i '" ai ai ,. e,,ry t-.. I . : c : -a i -. i, i ! - ,r,. to o. ,. : .. : .. a'. . aaa t r . I.', i-u ! ! if ar.-. t-- : T : - .1'-. I. ! .7 i.'l'u,. ti.-iti a Capt. Lothian tied his wife a: child to himself and all three v . thus hauled aboard the Gijon 1 rope. The Laxham sank tivc:, minutes after t he collision occurr. It was not long before the Gin began to settle. Terrible confu-h prevailed on board. The capta stood with a revolver in his h.in but he was unable to !a !:: ord. The lUl-.-eligels ;tnd the ele.v , fighting tbi their lives. The boa were lowered and tilled to tic gn wales, but they could not act ; ;.:::, date halt' the people. Tlio-e were so t'oitiinate as to so,:, places in them were obliged top,, off the others with knive-. Ti Gij'onsank bowtir-t. 'fhe,;i::. , deck was crowded with men a: " omen, t he i apram and i.fh. stalnlilig on the innlge. It is , -ma ted that l.Wl pei son - -ei i -ia-. i . Vs' a-i UN' ;t v. 1 . , '. . ,1 a : v . ' V : (.'iilbe rt-on. i;. pat7i a. r. ; r- -!. : .a . ia t.'.-nress ir..-m iia- It it K- l :: ' district, attempted -aaa a t-. , : shootim; hin:-eif infill- r".;:i ia li National hotel. Hi- rial.",- f.-r r covery are slight. He had been dria iipf hard re vnt ly and ta that cir a: -t.tiice i- due his present ft tt.iit; n. I IX'TNNATI. J-iiy A ;::::' I'lo-:..n ot-currtd m the i.--u--- '-: ;: :a I'pmesr. il i n-t-f. i. -ir. el. tins in- i A y.-iin,- -on ,.f 1" .ti-.. : r 1 a - n 1 . t ! .... ( i oi 1 1 o 1 1 e ;eaeh the eeed i!o n o.ti 1 i son s 1 1 n: tile lii oiild ta 1 ! I hex ( ongo. Should the intermediate ports I endangered Mil. attention nald to collectlona, maylii-dttwtf HTHoNO PKKrlT. .oillit tlie soldiers re- AV ,w V 7 Y7 . 7 " ' , " ' , , "r ! " ' T ,1 , M is io-ii nev or -li,,i,l,l w uu l" wl" oe seen PT,,,.. Holland, lit . onm K. OOIon no ll. is jo, II in X . oi -poult! thecontracttirH .Messrs .Brown and(l,.r-l rrnT T A UTIA OTTTnitT '"'f cans,, (.revent the lilan. 1 ,l,i. have not been idle; and the well j HUiiilAJM U S UUlUXf (.uli! cross to I giinda, built and substantial walls'will bear evi-1 1 1 4 m eyn at ' svOVTa ie Stanley slat ions, and pro- dence of the faithful manner in which umi,elin ,,n,v.n ,wo aonr,bim Fwlloek o .-, ro.".... u.e.r omnia. will pnu-tlt-e In tha Conntlea of Craven the wood-woik was commenced on the j,bb, oimlow, Carteret, Pamlloo end Leuoir lotliJunc anil has been kei.t up with 1'roin.pt attention paid to ooUaolloua. the bri, k w.uk, and the roof is now i ready for the tinners. The massive lumber un-tl, and the workmanlike I manner in which it Is all put up, shows' a'-o (he faithfulness of Mr. J A. Sinip-,-on in "ai rx inir out his part of thecou- tr.t.-t. The interior xvt.rkwill now be ! will prneiloe In Hit-Clot iris of Craven. Jonea, e , ,ni menced . and the larj;e force of ex- oiimIi.w, f url. r. t. 1'ainllco, Lrnolr ud Bytle, n,-,,,'.., .-.ii , m,.-T e vee ,.,11 m cr' I'lTtir-a , """ 11 ' ' "f ..wi . v -ivw t 1 III Gor- mg with alt re I u.-ed ' 1 1 at-coin pa ny , i hey x ..ii id be sure to lie had gone on. Mr. ie v, s the -eliding ol a aprM-dAwlr. '. M. mmu.ffl, , CMtfBXT HABI.T. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT, LAW. . " i-n ; ro. ; he i . : i g x ai !. i lei : a n i ll g. ; a! ten lied 1 gre it ej xx oiild ire, ! xx oil I in be dl. : do u:eat 1 Til, iii'.aide ail lex e he ( oil leav; iM 1 leate pel iloiis likely to i-s (d'lile K.aghsh to stand 1 1 n 1 1 1 e 1 1 d -a , t real . g o! the a' Pot:, i -!i-h ,n- i;i J Ui X- 1 -s A- 1 have i a; r x if i iat v y on r r ... h- .1 !' 'I-'IIIL' in th- - , tar a- 1 h,,X" cr..p- fi. Mr ai in th. 11, I. I , 1 1 1 1 c x 1 1 1 111 the'!! I 1 'ht "d I''.' hlaiid an t xlii!". which .Mr. Simpson has in his employ xx ali ei.-ure the early completion of the work. (i. Korpig-ii News. M l:-i-II.I.I'.s. July at. The lower cla--es dislike and oppose the physicians bt cau-e they have ent the notion that th,- phv-icians have been instructed lo help t Lie cholera along in order to K'l il l of the surplus population. A paper, r.-.td 1 y a medical man 111 H. ilin. lau.l ii, f cholera as sweeping otf beings unlit toi tie- -truggle of existence, has been xx l irlv reproduced in France aud has helped to prejudice the people against the do. tor-, and to confirm them in their l ed, ! that the government has adopted vi. xx- -miliar to those of Herbn. An iii-taiice of the popular lm-tility toward th.- pl.x-ieian- occurred in tin- city ye--t.rday. A doctor was going into the -1 il in- to at tend a patient when he was e. . n I route. I by a party of the sick man 's neighbor aimed with knives, xx lm h.i-. d lain axxax and piexcntid bis a, a. : -t- ri ng to the -uireier. la-: n. Jii'x :tl. The p..rt of Hi i, lea in S,,.n ,,!, i ii declared to be in fer!,.. 1 wi;h cholera. 1 N.rts bet ween , niiz . i 111 A ' la 111 ft e. both inelllsix e. fflilwl DR. J. D. CLARK, llIN'rl'IHrXV . NBWBBEI, .'. t.ni.f in, I'mv struct, betwwen Polloak una iir.oi.i. aprl7-dwly DR. 6. L. SHACKELFORD, v : l Surron DentiHt.1 NEWBERKT, N. a - "'.''''.'. , iili.e en Middle n( reet, over Miss Kate Car- nn ii - MiiPaieix Miert'. t.ppoalta Baptist f In. O'll. ',' , ' T.tt I ran Prat'ttral Ksporsesiaa. ." .-.'sl.wly , , " a- Tt. 1 ; 1! -X n ; r xx .,-a--d '.'-'. age i : o. p. .una r. I''" ' x 1 ::l,a i . . XX -il'e't. I S I'liu- i xx 1 1 t Ti ,!.-. ted. 111. id.-Ilt ra panic i fltv A I: -,'l.ed XX i-.-d p. alio ,l,d the I'. II led of he.lig I v A -ad the fll'.le -I ne.ir ihi i 1 i r 1 1 1 xx a - e !.u inel I tlie ll '11-. 1 If ll.-ld XX 11 ll ,1 V,,,i the If lea of XX :i- Ic't pel'1,1 It I ed t iy in t he -table, but :,s lor.-.-,1 i n t he open a 1 r xx h i Ie he xx , , I . pro, in-,, a e tlin. Th.- l-.P i x ,-x eil ,i a xx h , 1 ba la ' x I'he aut hoi ill, i efii-i . 1 i i-tanc e. and the fa 1 1 i.a xx Notice Extraordinary. X I AHI) Oil., fl 00. ' "i o si. .Wc.,1, s OH, Wots. 7:;. ' xx,.,,, i's I'.tln Relief, 2ft eta. ", , i .Ni.hU-'a HeallDK Ryrup.Wota. sallcvlH-a.il 00. "."'. it ll. tot f-AINand cnraorBUtVt i, M A I ISM, etc. .Hid in. nn- nil good, and I knoirtfco ., mo. a w. I I'AI.MEK'8 QniN f ml ,'t.iii.-rtl'iiiy Htore, nezt3oor tw ,. e i ot s., ah I rout and Middle aU. - - . lie. N t ' . r h. A . ' x..i, , -it, iln.l I iintl deMdona Roast .i, a. , Al.'.i.nd Keep Hock Water, 1 ii.- -1 i ta, , m t.. ttmoke, and fine a 1 ' 1..I..W s M.I.I K M lOslAL Wft : i -:.-., an , , lit laim an Uy, - .,- ' w I.. PALJfKB. , . M . a i , f. -i il i d el P .11. p. t. ai r tlie I,.,, I'. -il X 1 " t net oil XI lax I I X at 1 r. d I I , In l. p. in.i Eliabctli Iron Workp ( m as. w im:ttit. Prop., ( ;. -'so. '.'sj 7-1 and Lm Water atrMt, MHI-1I.K. VA ' v , XI l r xi 'l I'KKK OK , , : , ' KN(iINKS, BOILERS. ; Saw and Grist Mills, SUA FTISS, ' 7-v, Iiill-. I I itiifrens, - ;' nL,it; am CASTINGS, 1 e I . '. . : I lescriplioD. -' I 1 ' i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . mil..! lor Al.I, WOBKta , ttul7-dwb - Th BUILDKK JltllCK. LDCF, t'EMKN'T " M ATI lit I A L ii. 1 Kit. r v i s r. . i. pet s.-, II, FERTILIZERS, Will I-. tli)U." thcuT AI Ilc'l a.- i : l ' :, I .oxv laid' v t- s I r t .-ir ill .Tease; :g!: lai.ll It X ,t 11 I. ,'!. u -.,,. 1 ': : - t a i' ,',o: '" xx a-ketl , i in a n . 1 1 he lives to : ii ol, i, .,. v.; dun,-, sah, he t ddest tlog on de iilalita- .!) hirk. I. I'i Th" p. ;nt -: - ,1-i l:sf. ' Hili He.t.U -. i ard-. T. ic ii neat o.d 1 1 i i.'.-- t. ' -ii .1 K. K-i ii lie don I live be dead, sah." until .li-i ' at a trial. I 'halt.-! M. Ttg.'i k g.tgrs. Ueeds. l.len l''..d-, , i i xx , .ai tiaud . Hlanks for the appointment of I lu r- seers, and for making ( iverseer a report, .. l . at.-. V.t- h i to Ul f ... I IV ' .i::'"l'l:':i arid e XV .ler-ex they xx ill -til ,-, loritv. while if and Indiana, or X an- carry i'l"'l .Mr. li.aiiie n:a. ( '"Ut, eetf.". : t i - . -li'.u id g. i to the other hand . it id ai! the St,u,. that tie-in. and in addition i "um cti ut. Indiana . but not New York, me ten short of a ma thev carrv New York xv York and ai v two il.t o a . x !',- fr. he 17 A n Ih t Iia (.' r. t i . d ot min lol.- ! I a : g our i i h t ok I ' a-l . at b -bed d i: ax i-t r i - 1:11. 1 1 1 x : : 1 . elailie.l Ih. fr. i i-l iiu;u l- -.1111 fed. aged 7 ! S-l X tie ai-and pel ui in the .u i' ai- la:t- .ntlel and alou lb"' do NEW KAVEN PALLADIUM. i t AND WEEKLY.) .,ia a ulv ',. 1 He gola. telegraph- th a reached that city to the , croiidon has captured mudir six.-, he has -cut Herb, on hand. ot the doubtful States, they will have j Debbeh to ascertain the truth snoughvotei to elect their candidate. ports -Iticiai if the p tp- r -ui- , i- "i I be i a- : . I I b in k t .at '"ad. t 'i.d i be ed iter tackle A - -a tlie large -oua: -ee a lio pound squash pie .i-u i e of doing so bv Hit ll 1 a. i. I t- II them 1 ha- been the iic.i xv it Ii tic -se ro. d -. li. any xx i-hmg t, have I h. illitig on Mr. of toll. I'.llt he ill i t-i pu 1 it v That I ir. 1 1. million a. -edal ix .-. alter a d recommend- b -bac. is where Itlackxvell s lluiham Long ,'ut comes in. t 'onnoi en rs know that its flavor and fragrance are of nature and not of art. They maybe eluniHily imi tated, but never reproduced. In pipe UM.'Vi srta ' J. H. 1 la-den any time between now and j or cigarette they always tell for them-. the October Fair. ' selves. 1 Ii.MIA I I Xltl.J-lif-.lt i h. i.,.-1 i,,i o-ri iki ui? nitd turn al tha Tfoftii l ., iiihc in Norili (larolina WHO I. in,., in,,,... iiii.-i ,.f timber land or watei . i i. . a 'l'li.- it-iirra of our start an, M.. I hit x .. Ktvt-ll Hie 1'ALLAPIUBI fvtal ., i . en ui a ui i lii-.iin-liotil Now Ku(lsnd, rs U.e ..if. leal I. .prenelitHllve of Uje -Tur steel" - .ai.-. i. u l nil New Kiiti landers who think ot lix itiiiiK iii North Carolina send to- Ue i'AL-. yxi'ii'M i,m,'t i-lHnee's" letters. . lei ui mt uud oilier partloulaiw address) SEl'H U. JOHNBOM. Ilnslness ManaferTaa PAXXAmuk, aria ..-,:- fW Daysn. Ootid. ,

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