'. K 1 k 1, - THE JOURNAL. n. s. trr. rsrmsK. C AUG. ? Cm If I at th Fmm lm Wa " hmMmmim - . KPtBUCAX BICNDER. v - . at-- tMkt; il pfAT WW IUM IOC n,VUJll- grOWll ,nt. til.' I can ofKortl Carotin bar, mu.lr- f.u tui n,. aabiji Uodr Id being ! v 1 jnj ,,,, , , tllulibrm!,, to endorse th uom- ( ,,;.h, ,T, ioitioa of Dr. YOKK m tb ltu. ( t.lkl. ., ;. ; crjXi2Ulial32tatliy luwpteilf ;h;s nv . GsacUT, th "candidate of the ' (.oUr -t .-apr... then 'LlhrIRpoNlcaiw," f.u fif mili.,t, i ..; Presidency.. J that campaign, t an," M. with the Democrat it was elKi i.iTai.it i.i:.- m Lv.teca two RepaMUuuw and many ,:ui.N .upon r , of thm preferred Orast IoOrkh j Th.- U-st ...v Io:y. "Ia tW wreeeat eamiaijr, for jnVire foreign t!.a eJectioa of OoTernor, with tbe i ablin itisiaebotee between j inve.-in.. i.:. to DeatocratA, and we predict , ing th:it i,; f. t waoj Jod Kepobliean will ,-ew iM, . ; rvier ScAtXS to York. It tiiejhotl ;th . I: --utlieaoa mast rote fox a Deoio-. Anl omu crii lor Governor, t he thinkiagonw Wjii ; .,.! wrtaiiilj &oC tale a man who, iU wb : a member 4f tao LejisUtnre rn.f . . . . . osed meaaores iateaded for de- ( ,,i:r r -. vt:ia t5 material aod iudo , other Um tn jJ reooureea of Um 8tateT and 0v- i w i h to . k t j . ii-d approprtallooji for the relief V.pit.i!:: i ,, cf thiit nafortaaat clvw of oar M Vut in ..p r '.. rittxeaa wlto har beea bervft , t f rfjuos. i' Aciooff lha maay colored liepub 1 -aaict Craxea eooatj there are! s :ae who read the JorBXiU we I'.lr.X they: poaaeaa auffleient iatel- '.t3 to Democrata. We wish 'hich to at them oao question which ; v.ocM claim thir atteatioa: Where , --y.i l tlut aafortaaat claaa of yoor , ; .Who aart.teeB depme.i t'-'ir re-uwa and throw apoa the . i cuminBUMiBrw, w w, i (wihm v i v---, is--rat, whom Too are called - ta elect a' Goanor, pre-, .1! Instead of beiBf eared for ii cdeyaut and well fitted "P MtfciHi er ' liolOt)oro, trjy 1 hire been, laogaiahior in i :i eountT Ja3. B Ota taalioO al Ar. lfil Mlki money and m..::y Mne- : tlcaa Uaader. iotenicentj,,,! ,iisrr.minate acunsf -I lpabiteaaa of (.raTea or! pjM-,. amI (,TOm.lit -es. under the . :-er eoonty io orlh Carolin I, m.u,on th ,t it the .r thev r..-u.iJ twi wr hmo. . .., . .tmtr i 1 UVAlt JiV9t Jit aatnber o the .Yarfh hk4T coataios an ar-; :'.-.n P. L. EtXlS, rrincipal : ' Creek . Acaieoij. oo : do ou Friday "eTtaing." tij oo tbe profftanjine ; n. "Cair tinging," r. rixi, ?-of eoarse w do n the trauiinz tn voeai . winch ahonld to a part of : of mladf, bat aioipf ! s;r.;:inof a FTtXlf aODf.w w .ea we remeaiber that , iu xoml wioate ia not a f th roar of atndj ia Oar Is, bow win the cfilt ' isn to ing a pretty aonjr . andnptrited. .Wail there '. a few pablie Jultooi teacber re oceaAMmal leeeona ia : ta u tie, a a who! it. U neg . !, ua.I ueglected becaaao. the ern do not (inalify themAetTea ia oor jaJment, oao of tho ', i i:;ortatt brauchea of tadj. 1 i c!ioot law does not repair it ; '. Uught, huee,bt few teaeln e-4 tn.iw bow to teacb it. ' -Then i' Boihuj". may Mr. l ixuthat lend ao taoroaghljr f d :-r-I gloxm'od mdnet and i the pirit of cbeerfitlueM t s;.ir.3J or a rood aong ,..',,,, , , , - 1 sUiteilieUt that our two t '.'ies li.ol t:.:N tro,theo why ahoukl not t f,,, llwrimtn ate,! aca'"-: u, rates tr ".a;tt; ia Tocat moaie be made ,'offreibt t'rum Ch:. i.o : Ka L ! t the pohlic acbool law, one of the ' llaUiaiorv and Newport's N.w nmrse of atade in oar pablic ! bavins ?ivc louer rates and , , . x- i the retort .in advantage over our ' - " . . markets, and we jtladlv note that Thi ni I oapabla of dome j the t rouble h.vs U-cn rcinelie,!. a a fjol work ia Jforth Carolina; tt iilhe Kerti from the lollovv.n .n I b - takea by every live i tion of the Hoard ot Mn a-ers ,,; ' . ... ... ! the V tcli-atie nti e.sfert I a v r,tc'er ii aonfliti wieiii in n- : -e i:t shaping the pabfto chooJ ! is. V nop It WUI taw on toe ' -resins 1 jvr.beiar ao aaiended u I , .. ; UirtuN nmllrlnrr I n i t il raaste.' TSS'OtOn. J v... .i. ' iiwu. tue ,-. "Where;., the -...d 1 juher the impression that th,mitt, yieldii o :h -r. - .of tbia aeatipo will be nn- !of the Nortolk and w est u4uo(0odthUfail. The phi n tin f; Li. been mora diremifled than has lyn the ease for many ycan, if erer so great beiore. The cotton. crep while not ne lex-ted entiraJy, baa been ron.stder ably redaoed by the larger farmers trjia rice a ad tacreaain; the -r.-a;a f corn the main stay of .ur acceaefal Urminjr potAto,s. tnr nipa, mnl the root crop has Uen foaewbateiteodetL reannt hive aiao- attracted attention and a tv Acre beta aad there have bvt: (viaated more aa an eitr.:netr vthaa a a dependence tor pron: Om the whole the proxpects at tiu ''are encooraffinn and w.th farorabla aeaaooa from now tint tha fall a mach better crop m :he arvsata will be hoased than ; aiQaHj'ia the eaae. The cotton! prod act will no exceed tht la; yeara-Ve think, hot the other crop Will more than im;ie:: sit.' the Lack of increase or even a de reeae ahoold itocror. and nm. o: a f ear moat reliable articles .m" c-.; tiratioo, Will, without a er'.o:: drawback, greatly exceed th.r : (he .. last year. nee .:: frobabfy eoooe near to, :f n 't .t 4Wed, the crops of former r ir". 'avail tte .loot productions b,d !a.r CO be Tery large. The so.us.ms have tbeett more than an average m favor of the planter. Irxr h.ws lieen atjait ' eqaal - to the demand and noma what improved in us reu laxity and it la booed will continue Map to the cloee of tlie ttathenn tiatey " and with conadenw- we took forward to the money crop, m which, we are alt interrated, with great hxtpefnlaesa. SOUTHER ISYKSTMENTS Mr. I. W. AVEBV. o! An; ast .i. . 4ia in a I.(tr tn Tin- 1 l.i'i . m -re j Mamufactrcr J?r-i show-, tint (the capital invested in Son'liern ! maoQfictnrs is mostly Suit tirn capital iorvsto1 by ' placl tin. : h' ; ii nu n . iii-. In-fit i'i h i e 'l i in i ! II bronglit to i'li'. it ;irl. ell M' . i , . -'. i : i . 1 1 1 r i r ' i 1 1 1 1 t i ' i i . n i. :i : ltJ,ow vi :1, :n f 1 .l.s 1 1 . s t; I"- .1 k. ii lOUle t li : '.: ot le t'araiei "OH l: me.' i i . that mplov idle Imud-. a:nl. ; rpr'-e :i h ii 1 1 p.,, oin 1 1 . . ap' :i,ak. (oi bet Capital l i I NJl ST 1HS( K13llATHt FRt m; h r. I s ,r,H1uen.iv he ir i ajjicnminmion in :'. eights n OM Uae Ultll s. w,4:,.r ..... s.ime:ifues the deW-ma::.... anjust ftDll M,mcl ,.s ;, M( f ..t jnnt, but 111 elltier .a et a re ii. proper w.iv t i t Uj hn0ir the iw,.!.unt to ti.e 1 1 emotion of the man i-cr- of the ;:, or lmw antl the reme.lv will he -i.her obtine.l or u h evnlanat on given a-s will remove the ta t.' ot nnjmithf. Carry in ft coin pa n n-f . like ererttxidy el, are :iiiou to CJkn ,lo r.lltit should be ret 1 thiu thev view ! reinein the matter i i Jm bnt oue t-ndpomt. mid ar. aol anppoaed to have th. I n tei est of orh plars or coirrn x!;;:.-. i. their especial harRe; hut it is et pec tod that those places and Com modi tic have their K" tnhans an well a the rurrj inr conx .r.-: ion and that t bo purilnm will ! a much altfe to the interest of their wards as til'" coni panics are to their. The ttiflicnlry iii tins is whcaiiwked into. The enr ntr it Vrn env trn .n r.i t e- arc coin part ll!e-; th- move a- one i u iii vidua I, while tho-e who are -up-poeed to protev'l the other interest jreiicmllr re not nrninwil. have OO ackiluwled gtd he.ul and havono one whone eiK'cul iiiihii.'im it is to look after it and hence complaint.", indirect and almost indiscriminate, re kbniit all the remedy sought d freqaently all ever obtained, and rlflht here, we t.ike it, is here thf nrfeswJties for Ixiards of trade And eotnttjen-i al exchanges largely Oli.'f. rt"d in snt'h cases alluded to m wh.ri' tins can -now .m.l do abow tlwir true value f, a we ; com mum t v , and la point ot this ieopy the follow ni,; tronithe Noil. Ik I We lllllibsbeil s, .M.eillio -la a- I - NVherea.s, the Nortolk and Western U.ultci-id Couipanv. hav ma. promptly .vwiitned the in rrTort to have rem. : ii : I :at : v e : :. led the en lius u i. ri mi tlt ion :ti rate- oi friftbl nia.lc by the Chicago l; it. ' Corn ru 1 1 1 - Hifaiust N'ori'oik and rort.sm.Vdth m a aritl tailed .l,ii,e and I .'111 mind K. K. ue : a ortolk !' re New Coin pan v , future the hav . .-an, uti.l I'ortsm from Ch'ci; ort s New, ft re. be i ' 'Uesolv,., the Morrli.t b.Hrti .in a.- O nioiit h b.-. a' a : . a i i ' 1 1 , the tu.i: Manilla," ik .old Mr ( a-eir Sloil 11. N l. "I'i I rh. ' . i . 'j : - . 1 that. est -ii. nt : r.i 'in : pan v sC.pp. 1 11. I i :,. : s.i;: , ,- i;. i : ( , . ....v. . t;.. -ae e: ; 1 1 i t; N ( :..r. iif: . n j an . d : t spec. : a; j -tuiu-b. .. . : fieri- s i : there . m pre.lu te.l j tt would b ; sal.xui in (holder. lCa aia.li. He '.: v e y ear i '::. eii-ed a- a slave ird tin- 1.0.A.N S BLACK LAW. N In n in. in Itt'comos tho cai. . i 1 1 1 . r t- nt ap.nty in this country fur .i Inirli utllce. his vilc jiohtu-iil r-oril anil his pi i vat v rh;i r.ictiT ,u e at oih'c sifted 1 1 v t lie oppi '-" c p.i rry mill all h'- 1'luii.lii - .nt- in ill i.p to puMii' ri'-. ii. "1 in .irii ! ilt'i I iiinil he I uTiim .. :it st.-i : 1 1 lie lu j : rt lie. : I i c i . .11 ,i ! i v , ,i i e kept ill 1 1 1 f 1 1 . '. k i i 1 1 1 ! . ( I" i 1 1 1 1 1 -1 a i i I ' i ! . n, ' : i .i t i ;i ' p.- . ,r will eei.Ni.ler the uirre limii vvi,:r'i SlU'ii eii.iri'.' originate, ainl in. ike lip their Ver ilii't avoi'itiU to t lie i ircuiiistaiices siirron tilling the ihIiv iilual, who is mi trial, a: the time he coin m it ted t In' .lilt-eil 'tie l. i- 'aint decency and i iht . Ser.atoi .I -UN A. I.'H.A.N. I he Kepll hlleall e.i 1 1 ' I . 1 1 ,l t e till' YlCe-l're-aleiif. ii.if Im i n aiiai:iieil npmi h.- rciniil on l he tu;i:ive livc l IVT. liii llie puip.ive. we suppose. , ot' i ii i a r I :i ills elianee- toi t he lie 'in vote I n t he Soul h. W'e ih Imi he lie V e ! he I ! I .1 r''e Will 1 1 ,i V e 11 1 Hell '.ve vl.t a :'n ;:.e ni-ioc- :a o;;h II ol ; : i-; ; I . e v .ne ;n::i; f o x o , . . i o i riie i jo 1 1 . ; ii i e-. o : : ! , e : i . i a p , i : ' v t stleMit I eard i e. rd. or i !. a r.ii : e r ) ; he genera Kepil'.i the . . ' i '. ; .i o e -. I ' 1 1 ' . . i - ; 1 1 e 1 1 . i r e 1 1 , . 1 1 1 . . . o I e . i p e o ; ! e Ml i 1 1 I - - e . ' ' ' ' 1 1 who if i ' e . I ' ! : v : M e 1 1 o ! : . . : ' I , : I ; k , a . - ' , '. V e ! hi II. i la e : I, ; Ii ol ! i.e i a ; . v h:st..r. alii) eh i I -etc- ot ;..!'. '. 1 ai . .1 a ' e to; 1 1 e 're-n 1 1 ' . e-pee; i . ; h . s 1 ; ti.w.u d 'la m : : Sonne: da . w heii We cat: v e r ! : o in .in oil p.u ; : al " iio'. '. ( iov ernor Sr. ,1 . 1 1 .n . ot K . i -.a s, the 1 '; oh 1 hi t ii Hi candidate lor r-esaleiit. a life lol; I ie .11 hi 1 . a i: . i'ech delivered at I'olt .lci'l 1 . . ha.- I !.; to -.iv ot" . I 1 : N rei eli ' A la r:..-re ii it, i'i,! .' in f, r a. in i . I " the .'!?'' I l hit l it li v t lute per- - n '.i.iht m tt.e sal i f k'iv mi; . r i-u i.ji.i e to .ii, v ,-oiomi man. "oii.tii r iii. I .iioul 1 le arre-t't'.. nnd. u;-i i: i ns ( ,,f the charge, slioui.l ,e ihr.-vt ti into pni,d for two Triors. 1 was j re teinuf lw at that tnr, in an Illinois u n hen it lull." oolorfsi livi anna' to n v h. uise an,l itajd "I'leae. nii-ter. iv,.;. : v.utire nid stmethii) to eut ' I l.ti.'i; i ha.i ar.vthin: to cat in two i tv I i-alle.l my w ife ami tohi her to it t the boy bi slice of bre.1,1. but ter it all over, anil get Siime meal. "Would it not be belter. " she said, "to bitve the b-,y runu' into the bouse h e v er v h1 t s .'ins to t vt at' li i n us ' 1 ; .) ' No. I vt nri t this t syople to e I li.tt 1 am not afraid U give and usuin any ,f i ivl a p. r u D fortunateo. The limn, I Jurv w.t. in nwi.iii at ihe time, and an indictment asn found ll;alnt me far ttivina au!tenaiir to a negr. 1 w.ts accontinxlj arrewtetl and brouiijlit l fore the court, an ! pleail guilty to the ohare. and bated in open court that I would do o aain, and whenever I f uinl the la of man interfering with he la a n of ( J. si I wou Id violate the tiu-. man l.tw e ei T time. The testimony iiv.-n had the desired effect, and the court announced to the packe.1 court n nise that lie found the prisoner at the bvr ' Nat jTUilty of the charge. " atnl 1 i s-t free The man who was the prune mover and factor in the j.a-sH:ie ( till! bill wnii ii.ine other than John A. I-tcsn. the nominee for Vice President f the Iveyubiii'aa party. Whatever may have been I,"- t.vN's teeiititrs towards the in-roe- at that time, they will c.in.-idcr that he has sii flieie n 1 1 V "iyiited" to if i eive their votes in November. ITlK.NhKVl STATIMK S. In his opemnp iuI dress :it the Fruit 1'air at (ioldslmro. (loveiuor JAKVIS said that the people ot North Carolina had always lieen too careless atwiut preserv inp stm i.-t ics. H'e think New Berne will readily plead guilty to the charge. W ith, perhaps, the exception of cotton, no one can tell with any certainty the extent of oTat ions m an one in dnstry in one veai. We think it important that a retold should be kepi of the operations III eVel do paitnietjt ot busme-s in the cit.v. I'iie t ralis.o I imi - 111 tish. ov.-tels. i ice. rriick, fruit, etc. lor e.u h ve.u would make an i ii ! erest i n 1 k tor ia len iiee ;n itfter vears. I b li of t hi' Ke Hi bl lean o b ect l olis la ('! KVltlaMi is thai he hai led two lliiii ilerel - while tillilia the otTu e ot .sheriff". 1 f he h oi let t he mililb rers est ape al'.d la'.letl lo pel tol ill Ills d u I v , pi obabl v he w am id !! be the 1 b- i!l bl It a li i.llidldate ! .r 1 ': - .dent . A i am , ii at am , . ! ( ', ,, v ei nor l ' : y. l '. v N 1 1 ' - veto in es-a e- show s tha he :s a l'rieii,', to ihe working cia.s.-. though not a deinaoaue. aiul that la- was ii'ht ill v et oe m a; cr taa act.- ol the 1 .eep.-lai u re. The .-rfor: to airav the working men a i : 1 1 -; i i : u i : : i New , oi k w ill r.ve the lax on l.i ij u,,r. 1 i.e i le t a : !i-d - . .it elll.-Ii t - l i n 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 ;. 'ia' an :i, : --a i n ri i . t liiteni.ii K.-v I: a- Tr ' a t I Ve .' , ) t ,' . . ' '. r ,1 ! I -, I r i - l -s a ;:,-.:: i ;..r i he I : -1 a 1 ear '. - i' i, .. '.::. ai. s.ippjv .si, m.' . a'.T.-s-.: j .itiot. s .is ;,, t u. I ' : : ' ' ' w i . a : , 1 1 . j ; i i : - a : . , ! f !... ' i' ' a. -I . : . :. a- ' be ;: roes . pu ! , ., : ' e 'a ' i '' i'l.e 1 ' I" . . . ' . ' a . 1 1 i - ' -. v ho : ; : :n of la.-t w ,-ok -,- '".'' ::: : i' ,-. 1 : i.e ; raci ice .: ': .:":. fa:::g '.'.i . ! : .. . i. t-i , -' , ,1 a t : i. a g ':...' ' ia- i. . e:pt- :.!, -: : . ' - a ij : i.-t d . p : i - s j . , , .,v . 1 a i-.- : r 'l.o i; so,; ; v , ar d .i- .p.lti-d M .ti. th..e ' a. s. :.:s :: a. ;;;; -. g;a:a a:oi! ' . : i: . a ' i i . a . - . ' : a i : ; , : : i .a -p, , , . -, -,:i.. 'i:.:,ai 7''.. '.'... '.". an i a re i.- : ;' " -mot e t !..-.: i ' :.:'. i ' ' ' . i,. :.-ve:.ue oo ! , ' 1 .ii -.oi: i os. To i . ' ' - i - I'M.:'.", I. :, ' , .-. . ; a,-:,- ; j.".- jiia":- a- ia 'in pa : .- 1 w;:h r. . ,-d :,g ::-. ai v .-a: : . ', a.- -, v : - : -;. .'-,::-: .lied lr.-in grain. --os .,:.! i.ei materials, .ut . : ,- is, a l .(Mio gallons, ami ! s -1 a- i , ; , ! a : i o ! - ,.f l'l-rin en I od . .. ., -rs. . . i.ei 'ease "I 1 . io. , ' , - 1 1 : i . J !.,. i d e:pts irein tobacco s ..o.ve.i a i 'ii -it lei a b'p diminution . - , o ::, p. i re, i u !i I la I. .r i ho pi e .a! . : g v .-a r. t lie total amoiiii r I e i o : , ,1 1 iv , ii g 'Jh.'. i i.J,. I' ': i. a i leer ease , ? '. b.o 1 1 )'.i. The amount of to ol, on withdrawn toi consumption, iiowever. showed an increa.se. the diminution in the revenue being the result of reductions m taxation. Jiradxtrett. The Fruit Fair in Uoldsboro. (7ia. 1. '. W. Johnson, Chairman A p des Largest aad best collec-' tion, not les than one bushel, J.I Van I.indley, first preminm, jlj. (i. L. Anthony, sex-ond premium, $5. Host six named varieties, 12 speci mens of t-ach. J. V. Terry, first premium, $10. J. If. Kagsdalc, second premium, ifo. Preservinft Crabs Iie-t assort -inetit, .) . V. I'tM'ry, first pieniium. .?'!': second preiniiini. 1. Tears lie.-t collection, six or more varieties, Kasdale I'.ros.. tit st preiiiiiim, lu. J. ';in I.ind lc, second premium. ?". Test . siiiftlo variety. N". W. Craft, first premium .". J. W". Terry, second premium. Teaches Test and largest collec tion, not less than one bushel, d. Van I.indley, first, 1.1. (t. h. ! Anthony, Becond, Best six 'named varieties, 1 ' specimens of c..cli. I.meback Tro.-.. first 1H; sec ond, .". Crapes Largest collection. S. W . Noble, first. H N. W". Craft, .-. tond. i. Test six named varie ties. Scott Truss., first. lt: J. II. Cahlwell. second. .."). Test Wine C.iapes. .1. . Noble, first, ?.": N W. t 'raft, second. Nettaiines Te-t coilccinm. .1. ..a lain.iev. tii-t. l.lliebai k 1'.: -ei ond. r 1 . 1 :, -: single vai : e! v ol an v I'i u 1 1 , hi. W. (,. 1 'bom. is. ti;.-t. .1. W. 1 1.11 lies. Second, s- ; . Japanese Tel'si m icon - - Test sili cic v a 1 1 et v. .1 . ( ). T.ixt.i. first. -coon.:. 1"- T.est exhit.it. Tr. W. C. l'lioin a.-, I'i r-r . second 1 . I.iiCe-t and best collection ot liu;'-. .1. Van I. in. Hey, first-. U: N. W . i'i aft. -. co.,,1. ('! i.v ; . . .1. II' k, i'httirmnn. He-' co'liecf.on ot Jellies Mrs. .1. IIS isser. tirst, ; M rs. .1. R. Tad d i -on, second . ?t-'. Te-t collection oi l'rc.serves Mis. W". K. I'aison. tirst. .": Mrs. T. W. slot'iim!), second. liest smale vaiictv TleselVes W . li. l'ai.-on. tirst. fL'i Mrs. M . 11. 1 1 oil of s, second. 1 i'.c.-t collection 'aimed Fruit Mi-. K. T. T.oldisoii, lirst. $lii; Mis. Ii. ,1. Fai-on, second. ..". T.est ;ar of Canned Fruit Mrs. 1'eiielope Ilerrine;, first, L'; Mis. W. ( '. Fields, see Hid, 1. T. st coliectii.ii Sour Tickles Mr.-. T. T. Tad, lis. m. tirst. li Mrs. T. W". Sloi";m'. sf. olid. Test S.veei 1 '.ckles Mrs. M. II. Ilod-.es. ti;,'. ...1; Mis. .1. M. Kol ni'C n. second, .-1 la ! VI. AW A1C1-. ('.iiiiual Fruit without sujt.ir . Mrs. . M. I-Mw.irds. of (iuiilonl. 7" - - Mis- Kiikpatiick Flack Haw .lell.v, -rl. liss Mai.v Hyatt Test .j u Teach Tie.svrv es, 1 . (',!. . . IF. N. (),'. Chairman. Sun Duel Apples Mrs. V. i;. Faison. first, rid: Mrs. J. II. S.icser, second. Sun Tried Teaches I. W. Terry, tirst, $10; H. W". Foltz, second, ". Fv;iporated Apples M.T. Hng;hes. tirst, 10: J. W". Ilnnter, second, ro. Tvaporate.l Teaches M. T. Hughes, tirst, f 10; Mrs. II. C reuse, second, $."). Test displa.v vif dried and evapo rated - M. T. Iln-hes. 10. Test collect imi of W ine by Manu facturer W. J. (Ireen, oh! medal or silver cup. Sweet Wine I. T. Hives, of Hilfteeomhc. tirst, Mrs. T. A. M urpliy. second. ? 2. Special premium on Wine d.W". I slcr. Seeretarv s Tin choice peach t ices. Dry Wine Col. .1. W. lsler, first. .": Mrs. A. F. Murphy, second, 2. Sweet Cider T. W. Smith, tirst. rJ; T. I'. T.oykin. second, 1. ( luxi I I". H". .. llaatrr, Chair man. Test Doen Cat. baft 1$. Voltz, fust. r.V. Mrs. M. II. Hodges, sec ond. 1'. Test Tomatoes T. Volt, tirst. Th Mis. K. T. Tord. u. second, 2. T.e-t Com T. F. Tovkin, tirst. Mis. T. T. T. rdeu, second. 1. Test W atermeluii Muj. C. W". Mii'lammev, first. ,: C. W'. Par ker, second", 1.2. T,-t Mu-kiiieltins Mi.s. i;. T. Toiileii. tirst. v.: S. W". Nobles, .sec ond. TV Te-t collection ot Vegetables Mrs. M. . I lodges, first, JflO; Mrs. li. T. T"'i ilen. -eColiil. ?.". , . l . .If, . .'. 1 ',),, ;'.vm. '"...' -n. Te.-; l.vhibo b Floii-t I. '.m I .: In lie . -1 1 v el medal . 1 '.est I i ii i bi t ion i y An: it cur M : -. .1 oh n Wrenti, . i. T.e-t Toiiiiiet, assorted Flowers Mrs. .1. li. Peterson. r ,ss varieties :n boinjuet : 31:-. . P. ( ', ran pT, second. S 1 . Test Toiiipict as-oi ; ed ( ', i a.-ses Mrs. . M. F.dwar.ls. tir.-t. 2: I b- v . J as. Sprun t. D . D. . second, ? 1 . Test ( ';;: i;.,s,.s John 11. (.'room, til-'. Ml-. .1. li. Tetcl-oi). sec ond. .1. " . I ii i i . vvi, l.o p; elli , iiili ot ic! cd t, ,r Tu i.e I , is, -, but a v er.v li : : c. .ii,-,-' a ,11 was -eli by M rs. I O ill. i'i W , I i t ' . 1 We i i c - "I I m a,, e ( n. -M. 1.. I ei ol.l 11 : ' l iii I ' i ' t : . i ' I o : :..!., 1. 1 v a:-'i ,', : M I. lb-o the ...mm:--: . : . m o ; : 1 1 . W :-ie M i. ( , o i 1 1 - : .,. i o . n .s' iO i 1 . 1 1 . . a I'i. T ii:,. oi i: ; ill 'a'al .'.. i'V I . , l l . . s . ,i i.u i i ,: l al.iio.l ( ,oo,i T Mi's. II. ( 1 iiiii: :';.. : a- s- ii ' s a .-.,,iu ; o i o i i . takes : L'-i ut. Mat iv tt'li.ioco .. .1 ho :s :, -.id;. ;,, - , p.noi: the :o-:-, :he p:pc lights at..; ' a i i s a deep o s , ; . . M is in. .tit li 'ia- stem ills-cad ,if ' : a ' .ii his ii,..;;: ti . :. si, ii.os the entire . : . ; e . i . 1 1 i a .in lues 'i: o ;' .; his lims a' a and tios,-. while ( :,o i: :. , I ol I ' e t : ' - . : sti...;.. , p. , t i l I . H T i l ins ii; a ti o : oss , ; . t It'll splo.ais a.ii,'.s Co.: l :a ilaM I I ills sat i.stac- ace. M. A'o,; tie o." iii.j; tiie .lead away." a.s the l i cm Inn, in .-aid to the cholera. STATE NEWS. Gleaned from our Excltannea. i ,,.., m r .'.., w,k. .- i .i lurui.rs tell ns. that t bis years corn did about fin a lice, m two weeks, crop will be the largest seen in A tattooed African negro has many year-. The ci ops are. gen- .just uaturalized in Delaware. He erall'y good: cou. n has apparently is supposed to be for Blaine, recovered from the damage done ' Mr. Tilden is an indefatigable by the cool nights, and continued j reader. Possibly he may be the rains. It ;s large and there is but man who tackled Blaine's letter in little lit.-t. The wheat is pretty the hope of reading it all. near all threshed and the yield is, The absence of newspapers sup gratilymg. 'lobacco m all sedions 1)orting- Blaiue puts a good deal of ot the county looks and gives much (.xtl.;l lvnl, on the Xew York promise. Tribune, but Trilby is doing as well W dson Mirror: The remainsol as coui, be expected under her ad Dr. Movler's mother, ol Marlboro, ,i;ti,,a imiona was tnniigiit to wnson yesterday, ' and sent by express to her old home in Massachusetts. Jerry Fields of Greene county will make C00 pounds of lint cotton to the acre, lie would not take a hundred dol lars an acre for that farm. The Iliads met in Nashville on Tuesday : to nominate county otlicei-'. They j nominated Tight Bachelor tot cor loner. Jim Ilarj.er for treasurer, and J. J. Drake for register, and then a row over the sheriff, and the meet ing broke up iu a great con fusion. Warren Journal: 1 f you elum at the svstein of county government, the real estate in this .section will depreciate oO per cent in value m live years. Mr. J. T. "White, living near Macon, is trving pea nuts as a market crop. He has up wards of eight acres in cultivation. Tev. Dr. Tong met with a very painful accident last Sunday morn ing. He was sitting in a chair iu hhs porch, when he fell backwards out of the door and dislocated his right arm. The physicians soon set it i ight illnl lie is abl to be out again. F.i.v et te die )h.-irrir: T.utlidges will be plentiful this tail, the fann ers iepoi ting many and large covev s of voiiiig birds. Proclamation of on.iluwiv has been issued against the murderer Koy tills by Justices .'oak and Williamson ot this conn s our worthy postmaster w as quietly w alking down the street yesterday morning a little bird flew across t he street and perched upon his head. Is this an omen that his head is i:i danger? We note w itii interest an attempt of one of our city agi iculturists to raise three successive crops on one piece of land. The land w a . first planted in oats: then in corn, which was cut f. r forage just before earing: ".d his now sown with peas. Newton Knt' rprixv : The sound oi nit' i 1 1 res 1 1 1 n g macnine nas i e- sounded :n t be suburbs of the town j all week. There is moie wheat than j . man y w onld suppose raised inside ' of the town corporation. Mr. Prank j , Michal on a measured acre lot i , raised 10 bushels. Wheat thresh ing in the county is progressing i finely, but on account of the Size of thv crop there is a great deal in the : county yet to be threshed. August win be wen advanced oeiore tue crop is finished. The largest crops in the county have not yet Ireen reached. We expect m a short time to give some of the largest crops in the county. W'e have heard of one crop which we specially desire to mention. Pink Hull, a colored man, raised on five acres of new ground, without any fertilizer. lGo bu.shels of wheat, an average of 3.') bushels to the acre. The land is owned by Mr. A. M. Hewitt. Chatham h'n-onl: Several weeks ago we mentioned that some per sons had removed from our jail an illicit whiskey still that hud been captured and placed there for safe keeping. A few days ago deputy marshal Ira Phillips arrested three of our colored citizens, George Rich ardson. Robert Thompson and George Taylor, as the guilty per sons and carried them before Uni. ted States Commissioner Claiborne ,) ihstice. Out on account ot tne an- seiice ot aa important witness their preliminary trial was postponed un til next week. We have heard of men being ai rested for breaking out of jail, but these are the first whom we have heard ol being ar rested for breaking into jail. W'e are inlornied by Mr. N". F. Phillips that Mr. N. D. MeManus, of Tear creek tow nship, has one of t he old est orchards in this county. it was set out in the la.-t century, and has been bearing fruit regularly for the la.-t eighty-live or ninety years. Some of the trees now measure seven tee! in circumference and are st) high that a good many apples when they fall burst open. And there is one peach tree that was set out at the same lime, that is now full of fruit. Notwithstanding frost, bad fruit years, etc., there has been every year a plenty of using fruit, and generally a little lor brandy and cider --for the .stomach's sake."' Many "f the apples measure this season troin ten to fifteen inches in circumference. He also has sweet potatoes as large around now as his apples. ( ottini Mills Miutlinir Uoivn. lln1 I'liiimi px.i'.s niainit'iu'turi'is ot NfW l jirlaml luivo bi-jjun u sjnn-taut-oils .shutting down muvt-intMit lor Auiis; and Septi-mbi'! which iniiiists ;o bo ol lai.'c diiiH'ii.sions. Then' .no ilin.i 'Od ; i.lk-s in New , Kiihiiid eiiai'il in the niiinuiac ; i:re ol 'cotton j.'oo.N. and ihe Ark- rijrlit ( lub Miiiiftiuie aro started: a tin ve::: oi. lor a restriction m pro- , i'i n vv 1 e:: t hi oo I. 'iirt lis laot i: i : :i 1 i cos should 1 ticct ion. to , ! the III. ill ass. iit t.. ; I ; he plan . This tailed, the s , ,! 'not more ; hat .h.iOu.lioii , agivfinj; to the plan, j .nine in ills individually 1 1 hell olitpiii. I in. in. ivT'-: spindles though . stl.otetl I ' 1 1 i . : i I ! 1 V i I! I ate n n m i !n;: ;iio o; 1 1 1 : 1 1 r. il.lt - oil oi late IlilS . leell ,1 ail tiade. hi:: lohhers ai'. - e pleeoilil'.l Thci 1. : ia- ii i , u ket. , ai a pi ices i liiic tin 'ii hand li-ht ; Iii. 'lit lis" Olsi t '.1 11 ; i easiii -; l' oil oil : id i : oh- c .a-rii A:, o Atnos I : o i tiie . 'I, is lo) iv etin li t s ;,d. Tiie - A ' 1 lie . r, ,, l; St Ii ,l i.chltl 1 He is .-' witli s,o to ,!!. Mrs. ; t v-tive M aholie t ill lis up h is hat 1 keeps :: down in iron, m-i'il to have exchanged ,'.-n : ioinati '. li-. had coin ai! h wort i in ! ill lied has wi it ten six s'tolles. If the lad!.'- ev. woilh lor in. ninate Mrs. Soutli "i cm. lent, her letter of wili make Mr. Blaine's accept .nice look like a pararap THIS AND THAT. Mr. Logan, judging ly his letter, j learned all about the tarilt, as tie I The tallest liat house iu New York has ten full and three attic stories in front, fifteen stories in the rear. It is 170 feet high. There are many of twelve stories, from 1 iO to 150 feet high. World. Mr. Burrows, of Michigan, says that "Hendricks never drew a loyal breath.'' If Mr. Burrows' breath could be examined, it would prob ably be discovered that Mr. Bur rows has been drinking. The editor of the Watchman, a so-called religious paper of Boston, -upports Blaine. Many of Mr. Thiine'.s former party associates have long been of the opinion that a watchman is needed for him. It may have been noticed that Mr. Blaine's letter of acceptance has been followed bv awful and de structive hail storms. Should the' Tepublican party lose its grip on j the weather and the crops, its case j w ill be hopeless indeed. j Seven thousand barrels of whisky were destroyed in a recent tire, i Such a conliagiation l ight in thei beginning of a great campaign, I when both parties have determined . to succeed, may be considered a great political calamity. A i expected citizen of Texas is in jail for stealing six mules. This will be very unfortunate if he hap pens to be runninc for some office. Xo campaign can be successlully carried on where a candidate can not frequently show himself to his fellow-citizens. I The references to Blaine in the I address of the Independent Repub-1 Means are by no means so severely! accusatory as the remarks which I for years adorned the editorial col j umns of the Globe-Democrat, the' 7oi- A'-eL- 7Vii tha Ohiencrrv! ' nm other papers now saV 1 porting him. M. Louis Font-Din- , patch. j Warren Leland, whom everybody knows as the successful iiKUHier of the Largest Hotel Enterprises of America, says that while n passenger from New York on board a ship g"ii".' ;irounl Cape Horn, iu the early days nl cini' :.ii. n :u Cal ifornia, he learned that one ot liu i-.tfoers of the vessel haJ cured hrnise.f .k: uie voy age, of an obstinate diseaso by Vac uje of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since then lr. Lkland has recommended AVer's Sars atarili-a in iiiany similar cases, and ho has never yet heard of its fail ure to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. Lelakd's farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad Btate of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Hor rible itching of the skin, with burning and darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. Xo treatment was of any avail until the man, by Mr. Lelakd's direc tion, was supplied with Ateb'i Sarsapa rilla, which allayed the paiu aud irritation, healed tho sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Jlr. Lelaxd has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for Rheumatism, with entire success ; and, after careful observation, declares that, in his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to i: for the cure of Liver Disorderg, Gout, the effects of high living. Salt Kheum, Sores, Irruptions, and all tho various forma of blood diseases. We have Mr. Lelani3 permission to invite all who may desire further evidenc.' in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of A veu's Sarsa rAXiLi.A to see him person ally either at Lis mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Brand!, or at the popular Leland Hote', Hroadway, 27th and 28th Streets, Kow York. Mr. Lelad's extensive knowledge of the pood done by this unequalled eradicator of blood poisong enables him to ive inquirers much valuable information. PREPARED BY Dp. J.'C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. Engine. Gin and Press FOR y-iVLiK: I,OV. ONE CHAI'I.Y KNGINF. five and a half liorne power, complete, with new Iiisi.iralor. o.NK BBOWX'S ilN. ih.uIv- new. ln-.s Liiiiiied loo l.aies ,-t eott-.n. (INK NKLSON l'KhiSS. ,oin;,. te. Tiie above will he sold for Two Hundred ami fifty I.allars on time for le.ie wall ai pr, ,va-, i s i r u r 1 1 y A ; i 1 I" i.. M. M rioov, ; j, w,i k aisi-.oii, N. C. For Sale, Lease or Rent A Small Farm in Jones Co., six miles from Trenton, six miles from ruliocksvihe. two miles from Trent river, a.ai li.-ar ll',' lain, us junker Praia., road. Apply at once to C. C. TAYLOR. ,lu- New Berne. N. i '. Only $47,50. Only $47.50. The Alleger Organs. " , .a hi e i :.',. -la-sled in in c si , uta 1 v icit t '., tf ! i.i mm. he Sl'KE THAT OV HI V THE Al.I.EGRU KKG . ..a . an nt'l :i l',a::'.:u!V.UM Tr.VE IIAM) CARVKD. ii.hiv li'iiiiia-a ana ,-.l Fi U"'S. v i 1.- '. .,- ,-, ai, ' aail : ai , ,t u..,a. t'.,iK s,,' .'iisi- 1 ii.it a oi. ill otii ..a..' a 1 . . at i . , w . 1 , ii 1 . 1 1 i i , s , ......j w: I ! i-ioio o , '. a.: !. x. .... o ; ii,n.K :a 'a;.u-,i. naa , i,-i : v , i .-. ! , ai s ... : , , , ..: : ... s IT..)!'. OIIIIKIt TOK. M1TI11M. 15 s- UKL.1T. LI.Kl.KU. N, w :.-r . vV i:-"i' v ni.'-ii ia J. J. BURGESS, oi N C , W. H. MORRIS & SONS, -C E IVT E TL A Ti Commission srch'fs, l'o vN L'7 Com merer NOIU'Ol.K Y.V. St., r. it: v. M s;i.r . Kiiion. .i "si .11.-i t.. -11 It I V I'T'olii. i'tlt'- -i-ii f;t!. a tlvaiiv-L-s TiiatJc n coii-j'1-.ini'i r-Uiriii-ainl li:j:hfsl liiar- j tiiiiHtiu-. d. auJ ijanl ra. , v. Kill a ' Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A ie.rv.-l : purity, streni-'Tli, a-id wlinl. -rcnent-SH. Mure I economical than ll'.e nr.liiii.ry luiuls, unci cim noi be boI.1 in competiiioii with tne rami It tide of low test, Khort weil-'lil. nl'Jlii or phosphate nowders. Sohl on 1 v in hiik, llnl ai. Hakisii PttW DKK C".. 1'HJ Wali-bt.. liov J. IN CASH 1J ATTENTION, SIWOKERS! All contestants for the premiums aijgreat uitr above amount. oiKTtd by hlackweti s IMir bam Tobacco Co.. nai-t observe the following Conditions on wliicli tbc- premiums are to l awarded: Ail bacs must bear our original Bull Durbam labii. I' . -. Kei enue stamp, and Caution Notice, 'i'lie bf.ps must bo done up securely iu a parkiitfe. with name ami address of sender, and number ot ba' contained plain ly marked on tne outside. Charires must be prepaid, ('mtrsl ,-.',, .v.ir'ui.' t Ailpack afrcs should be forwarded Decomber 1st, and iuu-it reach us at Durham not inicr ltan httem ber LVi. No mutter where y u reside, send vour packape. advise ul,y:paii thiu va n have done so, and state '.lie number of bacs Pent. Names of siiccessfal contestant. with number of bates retuni.ai, will be publi?h-d. !ec. San Eos'on. Herald : New York. Herald ; Philadel phia, Time: Pnrliam. N ('.. Tobacco Ftanl; New Orleans, Tiinm-lh:mw:rat : Cincinnati, In iuirer: Chicasro. J'aity A'cusi Sail Francisco, Chr:micle. Addre.-s. Bi-ACKWELL'S DCRH.1M TOBACCO CO., iM'ltH.VM. N. ''. livery genuine jiaskage has picture of Bull. See our next announcement.- UNIVERSITY OF NQSTH CAROLINA. ! THK XKX l- SKSSIi'N IlKfilNS ON THK i LAST TH1BSDAV IJf AliI ST. i on which, nnd ontlu' two siicceetlinsr days, ; examinations for admission will I.e had. 'J'lie , itist ruction eint, races not only Hie "old cur- i rictilum, " but also branches of especial value to teachers, tunnels, merchants, anil other, business men. A I.uvv antl Medic. ii School attached. For Catalogue and for the report of the , vlsitin" committee ol seven Trustees on the instruction, discipline, mcrnis. v.. apply to PRESIDESiT BATTLE, or to . T. 1'ATTf Its-IN. Sec y, July 21. 1MSJ. It Chapel Hill, X. CI. Coal. Goal, Hay, Hay, ice, Ice, Wood, Wood. ! Coal, Hav, Ice & Wood,1 FOR S LE BY 1 WATSOH & DANIELS.! APPLY AT THF.IR I IC E HO USE Near Foot of jliddle street, I I ! Tew Heme, -T, J. 1 8aiT Call on us before purcliasinp; else- j ! where. jvl3 dwly GOLD SPRINGS FARM FOR ?ALE. I oiler for sale the above valuable )?oj-i y conslBting of One Thousand Two Hui.drr-d an Sixty Five Acres, l-'our Hundred under en' l ivai ir.n . ha la n. : : i iin t r. i 5 utr i i (.'ras't-ii -ou i: ! , f - ur mi!'.- I !'-w Nt-w' n by railroad. I: Is ad : v-. t-'y s;;'.;t:-d in-lwei n tht- .A- A" N. ('. ilai:r.:,.l ii.o :p:::i I n in t. and a df-ep naviiiti!. -w k . wo.ij- ;-;.iii- n, N. vvlern. N. C jviii'.Uitf JAiES REDStlQKD, Agent and Bottler "K Tiir i s-:i j ji tf a i i :i BERGNER L E2TGEL 3REWI1TG CO 'S PHILADELPHIA T A BEER. New Borne, N. C. Tliii- beer t. tei.i ial E.hi! iv irein. a ii ,.- aa i ti ! at J'lchoh 1; o t eu- ia ami i than ,s the the Paris Exp'.s.i.' any other in w ar a fiivririte hi -.ii i w 1 For salt in la-s r Kii, r 1 1 ; . i ( y i V. S. MAtli'S ;s ! lie j i I', ,r t;oo,is in :ia- I'ru'is: iii t. li.; also ke p- Hard win, m i,.-.i Vilh CaliVl,-. H-lpf al'ai 1'vviho. All this is true, and much n.iu, If you will ti'. 1 ii.e Spot. His irt.e ,ds ai . cheap a-any k.-e The pine.- Mark- t flock. Hornsr School, OXFOED. 1-7 Vj 'J' - 1" Id. s.a- . . FOt'KTIl MOM) t V i , ins i . K I I.V. :rinity college. ; ; '":::' . N ( ' ASA JOXKS. Middle Street, Newbern, N. J., i.'EALEh IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods WHITS. siir.L'S. l'l.(!Tl!IM., Elr. ..,.iil i,,r in,. i'i.V M. 'M' -iiili'l l.a.ur.-tlr-.e.i cl.'". I .ma.. a :. .1 -I-lia. rtet. A full In Cndel won i 'nllnrs .-in, ehlffs. ai! .Iron's 11 ,i -Ills', I.: in;. i Children's 1 1' ! h; ml I 'a per .in. n Handbt'.. and Chil- .! h- r- Kut)- :it-s clonks and i In -jit in a HrBl j ..1..1 .Mjt'.lllir ti. ilia! - 1, a, s. I. ', t-ta 11,11: '. s.o i-1' 1 , ii: let it I !:.l ASA JONES, Middle bt.. nil liitpliBt Churcli Iff A 1 Brick, Brick. Kor kh1- in any fjiinniity ut ti, 1 1 in. lir'.-K litivt- bi-cn pxmiii it. ril i and ii oii'H, ticed fl i M--tj.hs. .SainpK.M can br ticu at in-, i solicited. ,uuetd& wtf K THE SEASON. REFRIGERATORS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLKI.S s-as .:i;il U' t'HxIr- of t t I kc r 1 1 -I n n , in. ! i u i i 1 1 u FIA' TANS', WIRE DISH COVERS. FLY TRAPS. ETC.. ETC.. ! AT THK , H 2 A U JW AM. House Furnishing Store L. H. ( UTiiEK. Knll M For I:t k -t !ti ji t ijiiii- ih' hot, KTair ins i.ijub a i m t I t l:i r litnV' p, et. i-HtmMlK nnd lowest priest, call on L. H. CUTLER, Miilille street Ferdinand I'lrich, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS I iools s, nit Shoes. .Rcdrs Twines. Paints, Oil. AN AS. GRAIN SACKS. ,Mvl 1,1. A Itl I Ti i I At M;itiiil';.a , . ! s Priccii. N ; s and SKINKS Foot Mi.l.i if strc , t. I i-;vv h;:rnk. n. j drtw j important ! J. L. IIARTSFIELD, l PEALKR IN School Books and Stationery Confectioneries, i Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, GLASS & MAJOLICA WARM, FANCY GROCERIES, ETC. J 1, HAiasKIKl.K Kiuston. Yvb. 2. 1M NEW HOTEL, AT Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U. Well f'urniHlu'd, an-l Tahle supplied with j the K KhT I lie ju.trket Mftonls. Sample roonjH ior romniercial travelers. ! RATES REA$OFTABL. W. E. GR1MKLEY, Troprletor. felVUAwtf . W. VVAHAB, (!-iuo-eKtnr u K. H. Windloy.) DISTJU-EKS' AGENT FOU Pur aIld GrU - WIS.ES A2TD CIGARS A CHE A T I A HIE I '. 'vjmger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer aSD forter. SERGNER & Elf GEL BEER, CIDER. PURE FRENCH BRANDY. 11. W WAHAlt. St. Snr lUrnf, ,V. C. Sc-Ath Front se .'JI,-(1 V- iv li . GEO People's Ktlutual Life Assurance Comply OF LOUISVILLE, KY. Issue Policies on Lives, payable in Fire Instalment., ai from 4 to 10 years intervals, according to the age ol the The .rciiiiuiiii. ei.nipauios. Tliis is :i ni vv fiaiurc ii. l. f'c Inviiniiu'c, und enablci. the party to collect hia iii-ur.n.f.' 1 1 ii r i ij tr lit'. . It is practical ly a Having. Rank, in which to depot-It small 1 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 v n i : i . i ; i i 1 1 r-. t,, h. drawn ut the end of a certain period, with t,-r. st We ii!--, 'i I oul-'l rs sstie 1'alii it s p livable at death ouly, if desired, with full particulars furnished on application. ITl.'K POLICIES on best terms. GARDNER MANUFACTURERS liesi and Top Buggies, ROCKAWAYS AND PHAETONS, Farm and Spring Wagons, ('arts, Trucks, Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc. 1 tro.id Mtrect. opposite Alex. AIilli. ; - HKl'AIIUN'i; IN Al l. ITS CHAM UI.S NKATIiV KXK(UTEp. (.1 A ('Aid- ACTUAL FACT I That we will clo:e out the "balance of our Clothing AT COSf We cannot fit all, but come and try us and we will guif you in price. '!" iv on t v - so veil Child r 1,1 1 .n s -li a -. k ti.e iiantK. list's f rum live to tep years, milblf . '.t V '',.'' as, in and Jail, :u actual cottt. A few bailor Suit jp P ' for 1 te balance of lit no and s-itaiu. V.- have a full line ,,f seasonable niitdo A IpacH. Hirilian and prap d 'Et CpalUt -i."v -linen Dusiers; ( lanv.e. I .isle Threail and HiilbriKKn 1' nderuhirta, Jean Drtiran, I'aiicy 11. Hose, ('eutiiiie I. isle Thread, at 50c. per pair, black and color. -' ' A K"."l white Linen Himtl ken lnef at 12c. .i'.jV' Host ipiality White and I'ereahv Ties at 25c. per dozen. .. ' ' ur Hest Shirt at i?5.."0 per half dozen. Dude Collars and Bows. .' ":': ' White Vest. A new lot of Walking Adams tt ( o.'s I-ovv Quartered Shoe.v. 24 inch Silk I'mbrella, black or brown Oil Cloth. Matting, Trunks i , nka and Valises. HOWARD fi JONES, opp. Episcopal cChurch. Kinsfon Collcgo, NKMKION 1884 '. ' via. I i-.kvi i.. t:,ii noilUT, IErT ' i r t , , I lit I, UK II I' II July '.'1. Isht. LKWia. lTlnclpml. JrM lui Hog Cholera Remedy. 'IMIK underMgned ban pnrchafed ' t tti rtieli I to minnriK liirc In North 0ro- rT Una tne uNI.Y RtCl.Ulll.K ItKMKJ'Y Koa" lln,. Hul.r.KA yd dlKt i.veird Klrt pr . .ired l, an eniliienl ploaii mn rtr Ihor- iJKi.l.v 1nv.-nieMnii ll, nmnrr hi, a um ot Hon Clirtlprat.r hwlnw K.-v.-r. It nk.da onljr to I tried to prove I. mr 1 1 . n. itiid ) ,iu tauiu' bn. Amenta wfvtite.1 Addresa. X'. N HKAU Kt.l,. M 1)., Je'. vim kvpii HprliiK, f. O. Dr. Cm. K. HyVCUY, SUKOJCON IUCNTIHT. A in i,rrr.'.l to d Klrat-i'lajHi Work a Uir bowfii rVlna. Heta of uwtta from rllAKiun. . .nl,l fllllnr 11 Ump AimkIuub a I una: a. Si.tKl up Btla Proiat Sta-cx. Km rn,ia, feb'JRw TV.v.fcr, 1. c Brock's Livery Stables Horses for Hire at any time, Day or Night. AIho, 'I'lihcn mi. I in i ii 1'i.r oil lC'Rs . II l I I I a in. . II. tnal 0m 1 J I f )( K. K INST iN. N. C. Br.O.HAiPri SURGEON ttH'J li Indian, N. C. ?S1-I: Opermtlvr dentMry n wlalty. Offlr i tnlr In "pern Mouse 1 n t ronrt tba plo Found f : A whj- In wlilob to plena.' our cniumim ; to wit: 1', Ioav Irlc?Ki lor CJhhIi '' which (m ttompellMl am to Inrrrauc onr fMtl ' IMcarorlie aoooroiuoltlon of our enatoaa era.nnd liM lndnoad ua Ut aell In Ilia fauir' t, for even a Imm margin than .vr, In ntr a -compete with ami nnderiwll our nelihbort( e" ' We are an ra to tnaka a anle wbfnivir w can get a comparison of ifonda and firloM. , J. SLAUGHTER, Jr., & BBfc, ;; WHOLESALE 1X1) EFT 111. CBOCEII, . . KINSTON. N. C. '." ROBERTS & BRO., "WlioleHule Frovisions, 4 Groceries, Dry Goods Boots and Snoe. All of wliicb -Wf r offering VXBT LOW. Order, solicited. Satisfaction guAnuiteod. dw NEW BKBNt. N. a DR. POLLOCK'S NO. 7, THE GREAT SOCTHERJi REMEDY FOR fill t'nrea Neoralflrla, Bclailoa, Colic. Horn, rnt lilw-a. (V.Ida, l'alri Id Cbrai. Hide pain, lapra ThroKl. T.xtliachn, Itarrber. Htlnira, UM Arhe, and all bodily Dalna. U. (Jholarm Ual lieen cured often by So. T. Try It. wtf ALLEN & CO., Insured. j.:ii,l in the ussesMiipiit plan, as is unual in othor Mutual GEO ALLEN & CO- & GLENN AND DEALERS IN jyl d&w6rji CianeR. Also. a new invoic of 8taT ' C ' 'o . " T t " handloH. Hiiitoble for bkrlina M Ma ' ' le for ladies, at f&SB. ' 1 fw , , i - v. -. - -,t a. .v. tf; ' T' 4T- ;.V I- ;:;ira.sT,U-;:;,i-'.'.; -V . --'

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