. . , : JzA S .hfi : -.-.i-.v : - N, - . - - I -S1'. ' - .. si v INDEPENDENT IN .AJLH. THINGS. Terma 92.OO Xox- ir A OL. YIT. NEW HERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AUGUST 1884. In C3 ' ' ." :S V V ' , . , I it--,- j-1- r1 1 ' " ' ' " " 3i k,T. nr H M I I ITS ur "i Towers of Strength ! TROVER ( rtVKI. VM). nur.l srnse .-strain! oi the HI Ltifr ArrepilDg the .Xominallon for the Prenldf ncy by lh Drmo cf(lr Natlnnal ronvmtlon. CO to ccz UJt t 3 i . Tin- i'V ';,.. ; S i; a Mgtoli Ctlo CtM; CWrret Cotton Gins, Feeder nJ C'mden-tor : Cot- toa Clenr ; Bc Oattoa Pre (the bct ia nje); Tennesow Farm W4o; CviwoITa ilice Thrcakers and Separators ; Kemp's Mnure Spread n; Haoeoek fojtratot ; Madiin Fitting and Machinery Sappliu pen rail j. Albany, .'. Y., An following was rtH-oivixl Col. Lituonr, Sfcrer. ( 'levti;inil, i ho is a; n.ir I, i U , w t i fi - r : in t Rt ii ; hi : i! ic . i :. 1 1 ; AI.HANV. N. Y.. 1 i CiKM I. KM ".'.N I ii - v.- . n; r i mi en im t inn IJ, Hi fori?) i nr i.ii- Ii : . n ,i I ! lor t Ii-- oilier i ! ' I- . I'n;'. Stale . 1 . , ; l. n mi ,! f 'e .'(n 'en .. . 1.1. -.1 : Cliic.:-. . . . . !..!!!. .e.ioll with .'i ... ; : - niii'ii ei.ii.fite.i; a, . t lit- rviKinsihiiir i:,!. ;.i UTf ptiUlCO, I Ils-SIHIH'. 1 ii;tr e fall? considered the platlon:i ail el by the Convention und conli approve the same. So plain n statement of Democratic f.iitii .ni.l principles upon which that party appeals to tue snuraccs oi ;iu in . ha'ni kept in -.sail ly inUTfering with the and customs of any of our ! which arp not offensive to VA sentiments oi' the civil and which nre ennisrent citizenship and public. 'AW and self imposed re-1 The Cuban Crisi?. citizen should becare-; previous to the great insurrection view. Thus, laws Un- , ; rha.. which en.lc.l sn ilisttsrrnn. Iv bv the surreniler of the natriots ' Pndenl at z'auzon in February, 1 878, Spain rnle'l the island as the Romans rti!e;(l a conquered province. Cuba was so fertile, and the cultivation id sugar ranc was snch a profitable industry, that with the taxes which she collected from the planters Spain was enabled to pay a very large quota of her total expenses. Among other imposts upon the Cuban treasury were the entire pay of the army stationed on the island, in normal times about L'0,000 men, who received during their colonial servier an increase o I fifty per cent ovir their pay in Spaiu; the total expense of the Spanish tfeet .- e . 1 1 oi a ! I : i 1 1 . .cli tli It--i : e ! illv I: . u I ! all' 1 vexatious, nation to a ; its suprcai t ransporta on- ie iiberauv I un i ts of the i, .' ie general govern - i .i 1 1 ii . e tid protect .. .'. i w -. ; i will e n : : In- coillitry to : 1 i I ! i . I ' U e i S. .i j iy the wages ot pllll i and they are entitled honest work which the ','.::. paid should command. :a- duty of those intrusted ;iic management of these to sec that such public ser- 'ii' A tr Tajlor Maamfacturing Company's Engine, Boiler. Sav &ad pp neexi3 uo supplement or . GriM MULj. Sai for Illatntd Catalogaea aad Price LLst? J.:C. WHITTY, . ,.: CEAVEN STREET, XEWBERN, X. C. f7 lUomW ttial no WalMiffoIaled Fanil y can afford to b without gilhebt raises PUMr. - OEIXEMGrER EKOS., . I ' AnnouBca tie Axrivsl of Their ,fe Spriiig oods, i" - f ' COASTING OF. A SrLET)U) LINE OF Ladies' Dress Qq6ds . ,iJ ,Gcntsz Yoiiths and Boys OltW.Tg, v-, Boots, ShocSj Hats, v . vftunks, tYallses Etcif'Etc. . . A New and Full Supply, of . .AVe beg a generous public tp com.e and ex amine our Stock and Prices. v y ; : v XpETTINGER, BROS. ? 81 C?; OF "THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT." t.. metis.! al Wiro & Iron Co. , J . torn '.iinasuct Mlls. 'rf ' csrN w mCMHt t "."'. - W . . .-vr . tpl. I"wn. Kjt t l m - ?, i -H TTIBnnr. "'T It N ' r mmi . pi A "IT IT THIHT a i tw ii i - 'OU Fence uoDiov - --...'- fr P e o p I e's-i rj u t u al - m g - - - OF LOUISmLE, KY. Iatue Policies a Llrcs jft7ab!e la F1t Instalment, at f- -1 from 4 to 10 year interval, according to the -. , , t k ! , ,,;e of the Insured. ' - ' Ti peoiuua are paM oa t2 aMnnnt plan, as ia naaal in other Mitnal Tii U a mv fitTT ic Lif Intaraace, aa J enable the party t colUet hia ianxraaea daniiy lii'o. It ia praeucally a 8artBga Back, in which to deporit tmU wonthtj ainvjcct, to b irawn at th end of a certain period, with Urevt. ""'; - ,-'."-t J. - .C'l, W'a alw ws iVlicisi payahld at oVaUi oalj, if deaired . Cue5r with full prtvulan faroixhed on application . FIKB fOLXClEa Mad oa Vat tcnfcm - - - GEO- ALLEN CO- planation t It should be remembered that the office of President is essentially executive in its nature. The laws enacted by the legislative branch i of the government the chief execu tive is bound faithfully to enforce: I and, when the wisdom of tho jHditi a 1 I'cUtt " 11 L v . i .-, IV . . ''II.. V ' 1 11.- members as the uominee for that office has outlined its policy and declared its principles, it seems to me that nothing in the character of the office or the necessities of the case require more from the candi date accepting Buch a nomination than tbe suggestion of certain weli known truths, so absolutely vital to the&afety a"nd welfare of the nation that they cannot be too often re called or too serionBly enforced. We proudly call ours a govern ment bf the people. It is not snch when a class ia tolerated which ar rogates to itself the managementof public aflaire, seeking to control people instead of representing them. Parties are tbe necessary out-' growth of our institutions, bat the government is not BT th paople ! when one party fastens its control upon the country, and perpetuates its power by cajoling and betray ing people instead of serving them. The government Is not by the peo ple when the result which should j represent the intelligent will of free ! and thinking men is, or can be, de termioed by the shameless oorrup tion of their suffrages. Whan an election to oflico sbxll be the selection by voters of one of their number, to assume for a time a public trust, instead of his dedi cation to the profession of politics; when the holders of tlie ballot, quickened by a sense of duty, shall avenge truth betrayed and pledges broken; and when suffrage shall be altogether free and uncorrupted, a fall realization of a government by ' the people will beat hand; and of the means to this end not one would, in my judgment, be more effective than an amendment t the Constitution disqualifying t!x3 Pres ident from reelection. When we consider the patronage of this great office, the allurements of power, the temptation to retain public places once gained; and, more than all. the availability the party finds in an incumbent whom a horde of officeholders 'with azeal born of the benefits received and lostcred by the hope of favors yet to come, stand ready to aid with money and trained political service, we recog nize in the eligibility of the Presi dent for reelection the most serious danger to that calm, deliberate and intelligent political action which mast characterize a government by the paople. A true American sentiment rec ognizes the dignity of labor, and tbe tact that honor lies in honest toil. Contented labor is an clement slat toned in American waters aud to encourage the home budget the Madrid Government always man aged to keep about one-half of the navy in and about her West Indian colonies; the expenses of all Spain's diplomatic and consular establish- and retention ot subordinates ments in America. Xnrth and Snnth . I t !.. 1.1 ,1- .. . . - 7 ri iiiiiuiu em li o nieuL uuulu uc pond upon their ascertained fitness and the value of their work, and :ce is toi incoming. 1 lie selection d retention of subordinates ey should be neither expected r allowed to do questionable party 1 1 in service, flic interests ot the peo ple will lie better protected, and public employment will be open to all who can demonstrate their fit-iu-ss to eater it. The unseemly scramble tor place uuder the gov ernment, with the consequent im port units- which embitters official life, w ill cease, and the public de partments w ill not be filled with those who conceive it to be their first duty to aid the party to which they owe t heir places, instead of rendering patient and honest return to the people. I b. lievc that the public temper issnchtli.it the voters of the land are picpaied to support the party which gives the best promise of ad ministering the government in an honest, simple aud plain manner; which is con-istcnt with its charac tei and purposes. Tliey have learned that mystery and concealment in the management of their affairs cover tricks and betrayal. The statesmanship they require consists in honesty and frugalitv, a prompt response to the needs of the people a.s they arise, and a vigilant protec tion i" all their varied interests. If I should be called to the Chief Magistracy of the Nation by the , suffrages of my fellow-citizens, I will js-uine the duties of that office wirh a solemn determination, to dedicate every effort to the coun try's good, and with an humble re- , nance, upon the lavor and support of the Supreme, Being, whom I be lieve will always bless honest hu ; man endeavor in the conscientious discharge of public duty. G ii over Cleveland. To Col. 'tn. F. Vilas, Chairman, and, 1. I'cstor, and others, nit miters ot' Notification Commit- tic of flu I-Mweratic National ( 'on cent ion. 11 EM) RICK'S ACCEPTANCE. Hon. I'm s. a. Hendricks has written Ins let ter of acceptance, aud it is the ,,.,os. sens.bleof all. Here Cu.ban Deputies are so completely outnumbered in the Cortes that the lC ''" ' representatives ol the most insig- iNPi an Ai-oLis, Ind., Aug. 20. j n ificant provincial industry ofSpain i kn i i.emen: I have the honor : have far greater weight than the to acknowledge the receipt of your . whole of the colonial representation communieacion notifying me of my mit together. Moreover, the Cuban nomination oy nie wemocrauc con-1 budget m never discussed in vcntion at Chicago a candidate! Cortex all the expenses ot the Spanish con tingent to Mexico, which ended with the withdrawal of the Spanish forces under Gen. Prim, all the ex penses of the invasion of San Do mingo, planned by Gen. .Serrano when he was Captain-General of Cuba, which cost thousands of lives and millions of dollars; all the an nual expenses of the government of the island ol iernando Po, whose only relation with Cuba is that it is under the same flag; and, finally, the pension given to the Duke of Veraguaa, because he is a descend ant of Christopher Columbus. All this tribute was exacted from Cnba previous to the insurrection, though the taxed people had no rep resentation iu the Spanish Cortes. I lhis taxation weighed chiefly on the creole population, because they and not the Spaniards are the ag riculturists of the island; and the iniquity of it led to the declaration of independence at Yara with which the insurrection began. The war was a costly one to Spain. She landed in Cuba betweeu De cember, 1SC8, and November, 1877 nine years 112,000 traops. The transportation waa entirely by steamers. Some 50,000 of the troops were Carlist prisoners. They landed in tuna nearly naked. Tlie expense of clothing, arming, equipping, and feeding this immbnse body of men, and the cost of sending them to the front, were borne by the loyal Spaniards of the island. Spain im posed taxes, sequestered property, and nsed every hitherto known method of raising the sinews of war; but without the effective and almost unlimited aid of the Span iards of Havana, Matanzas, and other cities," the mother country would have been obliged "to let the wayward daughter go." Since the suppression of the re bellion, Spain has granted to Cuba representation in the national Cortes, just enough to swear by. As for any practical benefit to the interests of the island, this repre sentation is the merest farce. The FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTKI'T DEMOCRATIC ': VK.VTIO-V. We have received from oar corres- at Plymouth a f a !1 aecouut of the Democratic c. invention tlie First Congressional Disti neiii ,t iht place on Thursday, the 14iii inst., f:"in which we condense the follow in: After temp.jrMiy organ int i m and the usual cotumkie. and report the permanent oraniz ttion was f-ffectfd with K. II. Wii.birne, of Chowan, as chairman and Frai k Vaughan, of the Falcon.. II. . Sluw. of the Edei.'.on Enquirer I,. . ii-r: il. of the Greenville "ran .!. a J U Smith, of IV 'Washington ' -Vr-. fi.-. as secretaries. Hon. Thon. -W fc'kimier. of lViip; mans ;or! II in. 1.. uis C. La-ham. Pitt. i'ii- s. -v "rii ly placed in iiomin tion for RepiL.-en.atives of the Dir-tii a ; in Conn-i- -. CoijiTiliiiit.ii ,uy spee-hes in ii ;niii;.i tion aiid ndursement were ma ie by the friends of each and there was a general j expectation of a live!- eon test, when Col. Latham arose and in a very grace l ful speech withdrew his name. ' I 4Ir. Oaksmith. of Carteret, then moved that Mr. Skinner be nominated J by acclamation, which was carried ; unanimously, and the usual committee appointed to notify Mr. Skinner of bis ; nomination, who soon appeared and re-1 turned his acknowledgements. GENERAL NEWS. St. Paul, Minn.. Aug. 19. A special j te the rionetr l'rtss from Casselton, -A rkansas, says that eight tramps took possession of thatplace yesterday, drove families out of their (houses and com mitted other excesses. Four of the tramps were captured by the sheriff, the other escaped. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 19. Fxcessively hot weather continues throughout Canada, the thermometer ranging from SO to 9.1 degrees in the shade. A large number of cases of sunstroke have been reported. Dies Moines. Aug. 19. A disease which has marked symptoms of cholera ha.- appeared in central Van Ruren e.-unty. Local physicians pronounce it flux. Thirty-two cases are reported, one-fourth of which were fatal. New York. Aug. 19. Another order of arrest has been obtained in the Su perior court against Ferdinand Ward in the suit brought against Ward, U. S. Grant. U. 8. Grant, sr., James D. Fish and Wm. C. Smith by Wm. H. Bing ham, broker, to recover .?48,000. The papers were sent to Ludlow street jail, where Ward is now;onfined on another suit. Bail is fixed at 48,000. Bing ham claims to have advanced the above amount of money to the firm of Grant & Ward on the representations made bv Nomination for Piesideiit'.il elector 1 Ward and Fish concerning the firm's being next in ordei. Wm. B. Shaw, i dealings in United Statea government Esq., of Chowan, and Wilson H. Lucas, i contracts, which the plaintiff now savs of Hyde, were proposed and duly sec- were fraudulent. The reason for ob onded. The contest was expected to be I taining the order is said to be that ne- close, as Mr. Shaw's geographical posi tion was against him, living only 12 miles from the Congressman. The call of counties commenced with Beaufort, which obtained leave to with draw for consultation. Camden was then called and broke the geographicil line by for Lucas. Carteret returned the compliment by dividing her vote 10 for Shaw and 10 for ,,,viTw if v r ' n i Z oh ' smen were suffocated .to-day at Bray, quickly by Pamlico, Dare and Pitt the i owi t0 an accident ian un5erground other counties wnnrs vrn itip' sr. i.l for , .... , , . r, YiT r T j . i canai intenaea to connect the rivers A, i, , r '. lOiseand Aisne, in which they were Wnon tho mil truia rnmTilororl if tt-mo i 1 w.x F. a,vu " employed. C.-"" ' J i-UpUO.11 b.luW liuu. , .to nominated. The vote was announced: i gotiations for a compromise of the suit brought by ex-city chamberlain Tappan and the release of Ward are pending. UousTOX, Tex.: August 19. The Democratic State convention for the nomination of Governor and other State officers assembled at noon. Col. Thos. voting solid j R. Zonner was chosen temporary chair man, ine convention at 1 p. m. took a brief recess. e . Paris, August 19. Seventeen work- Alexandria, Va., Aug. 19. Walter W. B. Shaw, 1464; W. H. Lucas,. 150-; and Mr. Lucas was declared the regular Democratic nominee for Presidential elector for the district. Mr. Oaksmith, of Carteret, submitted a plan for the better organization of the' district, to which suggestions and amendments were offered by Mr. Caho. of Pamlico, and Messrs. Warren and Brown, of Beaufort, which were accept ed by Mr. Oaksmith, and the plan finally unanimously adopted as follows: FIRST COKGHESSIONAl. DISTRICT ORGANI ZATION. Resolved, That the Democratic organ ization of the First Congressional Dis- j trict shall hereafter be constituted as i follows, viz: 1st. The Executive Committee shall consist of sixteen members, one from each county, to be appointed bi-annually in the regular Congressional nominating convention by the delegates from each county. 2d. The member of said Executive Committee in each county shall consti tute the local Congressional Committee and shall act under the general direc tion of the Central Committee, and be entrusted with the management of the Congressional canvass in his county. 3d. The General Executive Committee shall appoint a Central Committee of five to whom shall be entrusted the general management of all matters re lating to the control of the party organ Roat, about 16 years old, was accident ally killed early this" morning by Lewis U. Nails, who was practicing at a target, mans Had twice Htrucfc the tar get. A bystander hearing a scream ran in the direction from which it ' came and found Roatlying fn the road, with a ball in his right breast. The bry died in a few minutes. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 20. A Courier Journal dispatch from Franklin says: The town marshal, JeSsee Offutwas fatally shot yesterday by Henry Taylor. Taylor had been , arrested f,or drunken ness by' Ollnt. Af1r the trial two men went to' A store for aigars. While Offut's back was turned, Taylor shot him three times in the back. Taylor was arrested. Detroit, Mich., August 20. In the Greenback State convention this morn ing, after a heated discussion, a resolu tion in favor of fusion was adopted. The platform adopted reaffirms the Na tional platform. It commends Gen. Butler's letter as worthy of hearty en dorsement at the polls; deplores the ! condition ot the mftnilf jart.jirincr mar. cantile. producing and laboring classes nave "yed neither far nor frequently. which is attributed to the contraction of the volume of money and to excess- ; ive taxation. j Bismark, Dak., Aug. 20. If has , rained steadily and hard for twenty ! four hours. The reports from the. west ! show much damage. At BelfielcL one hundred miles west, the crops were en- ization and its campaigns in said dis-. tireiy destroyed by iiail, and at Little trict. ; Missouri, it is reported that eleven miles 4th. The Central Executive Com- ; of railroad track were washed out. No mittee shall have power to establish all j bail fell at Bismarck, but a steady fall needful rules and regulations to carry of rai. Harvesting is about finished out the objects of this organization. j and will be damaged but little. Speeches were made by Mr. Shaw, of Paris. Aug. 20. There were four Chowan, Brown, of Beaufort, Oak- j deaths .from cholera at Marseilles last' smith, of Carteret, and others. The j night and one death at Toulon. The following names were reported by the j public health of the latter city has im- . proved. ' The report that cholera had appeared at Dunkerque, in the department of Du Nord, is denied. the i "Cf -' i CARRIES tllZ" ZUTffest Stock of Floor, -Meats, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, , j. Bjrnpa, Snuff and Tobacco Krtr brovgfct to T w Bora. N ia stock : " 500; Barrels Flour, 40 Syrupa and Molasses, BM(kt at lowest cofc prie. aad will be vli at tame. w . Brlclt Bulldlaff, Middle Street. beloTr South Front, n I3PURGATIVF r ' 1 1 f A4 wUI Mtiiily taw Mao fa tk ntln j rtmmm Im m moaikt. An? pmia wW U1 Imkm t TV1 bJcS ! I to tt rka. mt te retsrd to wand t im. If llt to MCMa. Ia Wmato C plr tkmam Fill b no aqajO. rJli'" ttltm T tt-T " ' 'r,-mm-r j Sold Tr7-hcr. mwmmm " trr S4 tm Cli ! ft . L a JOUNSw CO . rt-c-n Mxiu J u ...J CV. ltn. Bnxvrhltl. Xrarml KiM. Unnaiuin. JOH V)M A ye. I'T KB klKlMKJIT , md gr.-m.ii AMIMt. N4 VHI pniUr .-r. mn rwi wm mi IM- lariHr&SUL: MiAl v.: air.; mmm mm Arm lm Vvm 1 .jmuli ft c1i-t;. fmwoi Uim curt (TUl tmmmmmMm. IM11 u 1(1 frr- hm sy M ItA. Mm. iul of national prosperity: the .lbihty to work constitutes the c.inital. ii:. 1 j the wage of l;lor, the nice me . ,: the vast number of our j .oj.nl.it i.-i.. and thi.s interest .shnn'.l Ih' p :i ousj.protoctoil. (ur urki::;r an? not asking inn eax.n 4 iiie :i..'.i.l gence, luif are intelligent .in .1 :.. .'.-.'. citizens They seek the - ri,e ,-,-. suleration which t h..se .I. i.i ! i, . .hare other inters!- .it -t .U. . They shon lil ieee:e ; ik-m :u!I h.n. of the e.ire ,iu'l ;i T r . i : ' i -: i who n i.ike .ite! e r i ; . : : - .. . the eii'I tli.it t 1- n . 1 1 - - ', . . r . ; . ol empiiij i'is .mil i i ii '. alike lie Mili-e; .-.!. lcr;ty ot the e.eii.ri . ; ia- . i lierttae "I both, U- .;:. i. - telatllip: to till- Mll.MT-. -a e fhoill.l nut ih.cour.iee . . tlHIl Ol' thoc win. eo;i:e . . edge ;lllegi.i:ie.' to e:n ... :. anil ail.lto i: l . t i ; .. ' yet, :is il ;ne.Ui o; p: . : ' : workingnieti. a .!. :Vr: e: : :. . - . prevail conceri. ::i ' ; 1 they come or i-i. -. I.imi. ilo "t !!:.',. I Amei ic.m bi compete n . ' ii :.. ' to our ii.-i.i I u ti. I.-- i ; e ' nation ' i: . tV.. ' ' T i e : 1 1 1 ; -, . . '....ii . ; - . ! loi 1. 'U ; n g -: a' em .-:. ' . il ,l e t e.i . ! . ! .1 . i !.i-r.-. ' '. .nit 'VIVM- . '!!: !'e ... .: for the oilice of Vice-President of the Tinted States. May I repeat what. I ..id on another occasion, that it i-i a nomination which I neither expected nor desired, and M t I recognize aud appreciate the lnv.ii lienor done me by the con vention. The choice of such a liodi . pronounced with such unusual unanimity and accompanied with so geiieious an expression of esteem and conli. lence, ouht to outweigh all u.iTeiy personal desires and . I my own. It is with ind 1 trust also from a of public duty, that I the nomination, and t he 1 1 1. lament of my I have examined .e deel II ;i I l"'.l of plill- i'-. the convention, a '. i ' 1 ; -ii Inn i t ed to inc. . sii'ii -itol siili-t.nice I 'f-e iiei .ipniove the ; e 11 i -el V . 1 1 1 . A . 1 I 1 .N I K 1 ' K s. I . Yi!a. I'll. iii . 1 ;!!. Seel et.il V. . 'urn m i 1 1 ee ol 'el. ocr;l t lc I'nlr pi elel elli.'i's this i.-elllU'. i,."i -.CIle But while tho representatives of Cuba have proved themselves un able to affect anything iu the way of relieving the island from the in tolerable exactions of the mother country, the Spanish Government have at last been forced to yield. They have remitted some export ! taxes on Cuban produce. The ! menace of a new insurrection has ! j been bandied about pretty lreely ol i brought by a candidate for the Prei j late in the loyal circles of Cuba, I dency. Its precipitation is extraordin I and it appears that its echoes have i ary. The grounds on which it is brouSht reached the Government offices in : Madrid. counties for the General Committee. viz.: Beaufort, Geo. II. Brown, jr.: Carteret, Wm. ;F. Howland: Gates, L. 8. Smith: Hertford, B. B. Winborne: Hyde, J. M. Watson; Martin, Wm. L. Morton; Pamlico. W. T. Caho; Perquim ans, Dr. David Cox; Pitt, Henry Skin ner; Tyrrell, Jos. A. Spruill; Washing ton, S. B. Spruill. jr. The members from Camden, Chowan. Cuirituck, Dare and Pasquotank are yet to be reported to Secretary Frank Vaughan, and added to above list. After the usual complimentary votes to its officers, the convention adjourned sine die. A general feeling of harmony prevailed. The Blaine Libel Suit. The suit ordered by James G. Blaine against the Sentinel is an entertaining one. It is the first of the kind ever Turning' Over the Dusty Pares of the Past. ICon tinned. Editor Jouekal: From Smiths Creek to Pamlico the hand of progress has wrought its changes, but most notioer able is tbe Neuse river light bouse sub' stituting the old Point of Marsh light boat, and the placing of beacons to mark out the shoals whose whereabouts were formerly guessed at by the white caps of the breakers upon them. , At Pamlico there has been the great est change, in a quarter of a century, of any place in this changeful Section within that time. A solitary dwelling and a small farm has been ensngsd into a thriving and pushing village. 'And where the old proprietor was buried, as he wished, beneath the shade of a lone live oak, that he might rest Bear the scenes of his lifetime, in an awful soli tude, there is to-day the largest ceme tery in all the neighborhood: and the old man's solitude has been exchanged for the hum and bustle of a flourishina town. And tradition tells as that right about the spot upon which Dsu s mill now stands, was the first- shapel ever built in that section, which was for the services of either the Chursh of England or its oiispring tne Protestant ttpiscopa Church in this country. ' The site has long been known as Chapel Point, and nut tew nave ever taken tne pains, to en' quire when or why Chapel became at tached to it, not it m most likely -te hare been as indicated above,, belonging to the Church of England, and fell -into disuse during the stormy days of the -American revolution, or the period which followed it, before the Protest ant Lpiswpai unnroh bad recovered from the shock of those excitisg tines. Here is the centre of ail the progress on tne creek, oecanse nere tae loemen come, to sell their krs, and here the tnriity citizen comes to get the lumber to Duna new nooses, or which a great hum bar dot. the shore on either sids and here too lively trade is carried on in an tne commodities oi she vicinity eimer ior casn. or Darter, u -,v''-ti: 1 s . But the boys bare come for. us.. The boat is at the landing; and as a stiff breese' disputes our passare wd"' will leave tne village and start for the old homestead where at onr last visit we -spent the night before- the gubernatorial election in August,, I860, bad, hurried to the polls in the morning to vote for jonn-rooi, wno aiea the nmtaay of my present visit, in the city of Washington ana to wnose memory we can only say Kequwscat en "pact; Over the waters that ws are now. rowing, I bare many a time . passed Deiore, with ait honored father and mother, to the- old ."meeting house" to. "preaching". ' And 1ck; and many a time on pleasure bent, with no such restraints as those good people ex ercised, over our ' exuberant uniritBi There is the "Lomt.-Foisis.! Persimmon' Tree," Barnfield'' and Graveyard"? lanaings, just as tner wee ' save the changes wrought i by iheJiand of. time alone. But the old house is cone and a new one in its place, and there sits two oia people in the piazza with '-"silver threads among the gold'',;with a whole some set of young men and maidens grown up around them, nd , are now pleasantly enjoying tne evening ot are; beneath their own vine and fig tree, frOm beneath whose friendly shads they AFE17 V' -i-ml'V are flimsy. The manner of its bringin makes it an attempted injunction a ! threat by implication against anv The probable intent of this late printing by the press of the current act of the Spanish Cabinet is to in-1 scandal concerning his private life. A .luce the nl inter-- of CiiIia to make ' readingof the editorial sued upon shows dace the planters ol uuba to make tha(. the ch of niaUce u ridiculous. sugar out ol the present Standing Xhe rep0rts it referred to ure not onlv crop. But the appareut concession , common talk thrououghout tbe country, will deceive very few. There is no I but have heretofore also been printed, assurance given 'to the planters that j Th article really constituted but an in thedutv now remitted may not be uiry- Does Mr. Blaine shrink from newspaper investigation in his private imposed again alter the crop has : record-j Was he SUre when ordering been harvested. Besides, Cuban i the legal action that it would be de sugar cannot compete in Europe i termmed before election day? Could with licit nmilimpfl from the lippf. I he not have found a speedier way for end the low rates rnlme- in our proving the reports in ai kets offer the producer. There is absolute little inducement to ii 1 l..i ( 'ii Spain. hi. .a so She ik A- .neck if t h" i V. Sun. no salvation ong ;is she belongs to is going down hill at a pace. The thorough land is close at hand. ai.i : .ol.ir lition.-.' i ellliM an v ccurioiis. icket: for ':cc lrei !': -aa. T ill 11' w om.in Ne tal Veil A, 1 he 1 ir.l mwt HENS LAY : , it I m tmmmmmtv im mm Ml I nor.iiuf w CISICllEfl CHOLERA, ISSSnUm t m s sr fti t r ' mm..n -sft tmwm osss - .(,. i as r uimtm 'm C mm4 n banr . lm tV : r utl. UJU. & CO. t as b ercvi .-mS. 1-4 C Sl 9 1 STEAM KNGINKS AM) BOILKKS y ' Georgia Cotton Gins, 1'eeders and Condensers. Ltrmmaa Cotton Gla, Sif Feeder and Condenser, wltb TstcBt Sutiouirr IWatrr, which reiiiorr thao 1 sod iu. from t!.-- i.r.i. " v ttel with A JjnaUbU Sol Board. The Monarch Cotton Pre, the bt hand prv.- (ut made. S.W Call n4 sxaiauM smafle mavkines. Prices very low. ' ; . ' - . GEO- ALLKW & CO- .i Mi. Mi. :-el ot ' ll!. I b. i. icl. It lelll ; 'Ti a 1 ol the .,!.: v ; . 1 . .i : !, cs.en t i.i 1 ; der of tin i; .1- pea. com in u ii it . M : . between proper sul)ects inentral control and tho.M- can be moro fittingly left V. A A to tl - 1 1 o -A - with I to the I.lKe .. p. i m. il copies . ; to -t V h.i's It's II ll.lt oi A circu stoi'i since tough or. York Badly Takca Down. In the discussion at Kind's creek on Tne-uay. Dr. 'ork had the wind com p, Lelv taken out of Wis sail by a little Wilkes countryman. Tbe "muleback" .'uididate w aSUsistf HJricks with I h i- p.. wr. pHrfSj ai vils of wrath r ! Uuperation on the Indiana states ii, .ii. wIihii a little .Wilkes county Dem . . i t Lack in the crowd asked him if he i: iri't vote f r Hendricks in ?G. York v. completely nen-phiSKod. At first !; at'empteJ to deny voting for him but a t tt-r .-. pi i nil i p. aicl tu if-timr s ii,l he "leckoneil if Heiiilricks was on the with TiMen lie msvbe voted for !::.!. " .. ; :. I 7i n-n iclr. ' lie ( upirar In L xico. . I.- i i. Allium '-'e. Late special ,i Ivi, from the t'i'.y of Mexico to the . if -ay that the authorities ! ;. il.at any conspirators have been -Si. t. iiwr.il 'liavarca is to be sent to ;r ,,t n. Ktreme secrecy is niain- ! i y the authorities regarding the trial ..'.I . 1 :-po-.itieii ot the jirisouers. Iiie '..'.-. i Iliciully publishes the full rev..! ut:.. nary proclamation seized at J. i .Ian s i. use. There are many strong ji.'ir.t.- in it against tlie existing admin itr.ili -m The coi:r-pircv had not suf liciein hacking to warrant an insurrec ti.'ii and c.aild not have suceeded in any event for lack of men and money. Tic t asiness situation is duller than c r le tore known here. A Kinaw'ay Th.vI.v. On August ' n -.-.-tion t? of a fr.-iglit train on lie- Richmond and Danville Railroad, while standing on the track at Salis 1 ury during the absenJe of the engineer and conductor, ran away and struck section 1. twenty-five minutes ahead, knocking five cars off the track and smashing the engine. Conductor A. B. White was injured, it is thought fatally. the reports against him un founded if unfounded thev be? The truth is, Mr. Blaine, under tho mask of inviting, is fighting investigation, lie invokes the tardy processes of civil la.c by an action intended to deter the piv-s from discussing his private life. II" calls electricity to his aid to hurry the suit for frightening other papers 1 rom exposing him. It is a proceeding worlhy of the man who stole the Mulligan ! ;.-terse- I ltd iaiuioli? Sentinel. Bread 1'!-om -U. Vanhadia. 111.. Aug. 10. It is six weeks since rain has fallen in this sec tion. Corn tields present a most pitia- Berun, Aug. 20. The North German 1 Gazette holds that the British govern j ment is responsible for the attempts which have been made to hamper and seal up the German colony at Anqury . Pequina, and says it is displaying a spirit of mean unfriendliness towards a nation. Losdon, Aug. 20. A dispatch from Pekin to the Times says that France has reduced the indemnitv demanded of China to 200,000,000 francs. The French minister has been ordered to withdraw if payment is refused. Hocsto.v, Aug. 21. The entire session last night of tlie Democratic State Con vention was occupied in balloting for Superintendent of Education. At mid night it adjourned until this morning. On reassembling this morning Presi dential electors were chosen as follows: At Large Judge Silas Hare, of Gray son county, -and John H. McClary, of Bexar county. Marseilles, August 21. The report of the ravages of the cholera during the last twenty-hours in the southern depart ments of France is as follows: Herault, U deaths: (lard. 5 deaths: Aude. deaths: Eastern Pyreueso, 16 deaths. Washington, D. C, Aug. il. The secret service division is iu possession of a new counterfeit 10 note. The note is on the Third national bank of Ciucin- J nati. Ohio, and made'its appearance in ! that city Monday night. It is of the series of 1 with brown or chocolate colored hack. The vignettes ok the face of the note have a very coarse, scratchy appearance, but the back is well exe- ; cuted and calculated to deceive. ( L"WEl.r Mass.. August 21. The' manufacturing companies of Lowell are i to shut down work during the week j commencing September 1st. by reason of the accumulation of goods and low ' prices. Kansas ( 'nv, Aug. 21. In the Oreen backers" t (.invention yesterday, after a long discussion, a resolution was adopt ed arraigning the Democratic party for its failure to remjrrii'.e the ipieslion of prohibition, and declaring that the pn 1 late, fail ly l'e..ge The p. the r m.-v-e v. i y slo k and hie sight, especially those plantei Some tf the eajjy planted look well, tint three-fourths of the a. was feede-w late. Hii.Ls.r.oi.0. 111.. Aug. l'J drought is doing great damage corn crop. No rain has fallen b eral weeks, and vegetables of kind are drjing up. Water f,.r is scarce in seme local:;.. .-. and i i turns are parching. IL.nv !:'.. 111.. Aug. iti- 'iht week has been vci v div and hot. -houtrof r.iu would n t cm.- anc The weather now i- m...-t I "a v T. i . ! ' corn, and the crop i h! I nig .-ut 1:1 a mo encouraging manner. In the s. uti . part of this county tlie ,- i-.i i- "iiriTig some, but not to such an . xiinta-; create s.'riou n alarm. M'-GiiKoo):. Ia . Aug.- Tii . mue! needed raiu for coi n cauie . !. ! a:.d has accomplished gr, at ;..Pnll- all crojis not i- y. g,,; i., . . but fro.-t or hail can preve lion of Iowa having an u:.u crop of corn this season. Waiiash. Ind.. Aug. p.i. mercury at "i ; tK. s',.:!lj, -utfering for want of rut:-. (TN' INNaTI. Aug. I'.i lie southern Ind iana and Ohio a Kentuckv for the pa-: .-i x weeks ha been phenomenal I:: u o -st loealiii,-; short corn crop is assured, are almost a failure. g-:.-s tinder, and farmers !i an! v. -:! r i ;.g distances for stoek. Wi'Lina r.d,::-d H'O miles the rain-fai i c : a :.:!' i.. - beeu three-tenths of an Warm times with tic .-trikuv ..! miners in Pennsylvania. ljetectivis are swearing in assistants to aid in mak ing arrests, and trouble is anticipated. ibil ted I .Ma . ! lh la ! t cm : Wile on Hincndment slioiih i tho popular vote. c3. (a. AugHst j 1 ' Hftti oVwrpia regim Ml . i:prri i ,t i i n .1 Itfej-O tendnnc le nt m 1 1" o In. I I Ii- u bm it - union en rre, ( I) lone State .'imelil . a g i r. : l .1 I o- But now we wish with the poe to say! Backward! turn backwasd, oh time in thy flight; ,; ,.' " ' Make me a child again, just for to-night; Mother 1 come, back from the . echoless shore, ' ": 1 i' "'V Take me to thy heart again, at of yore. " There is the old hand:toill, the old woolen wheel, the old table, the old mantel-piece, a reverence for which In spired the owner to preserve it, beneath which "we children''. all used to keep a reeord of our height and test our memo ries as to when each could first reach the molding on it; and-who could re-. member when they could .stand. under neath the lower ledge. These are all preserved In a condition, that sarries us back so perfectly to childhood hours that we even doubt the truthfulness of the old mirror when it seems to say "-look upon this picture and then upon that "and reveals the fact that we have .changed even more than they. Just to the East rests the hallowed ashes ef father. mother and sisters in the sacred spot Known aa "tne grave yard, "over which huge pines have cast their cooling shades, sounded daily requiems, and dropped their annual offerings of straw and burrs for half a century, and in which noble service the black gums have taken part and changed their hue froni green to purple and shed their rich fruit in annual regularity and faithful continu ance. But it is in the family circle that the change is most notable: the inant whose presence was of only a "few days' dura tion when I last visited 'this place, is now. a stout young man full of vigor. And, best of all, when we assemble around the family altar he appears ts conduct family warship, and ip humble and fervent voice presents our petitions to the Throne of Grace; thus filling the number of three generations that have led us at the same devotion, father, son and grandson, each ra their course, wjthin a period of forty years. Of five who had spent. their childhood in sporting around these grounds, three are present and one sleepe peacefully between father and mother in the silent tomb, while the fifth, and oldest, is in a distant county, and a letter from him serves as u faint substitute for his genial presence. Taking a lingering look at the things and scenes of the prcsr, we grasp the satchel and are off for the duties, pleasures and sorrows of the event ful rcsent. C Snpposfld to be CheUra. CiileAoo, August 20. A dispatch to the iMiilij Neu-K from Des Moines, Iowa, says: Cartrell. a village t 250 inhabi tants, in VanBuren county, is being scourged by a very fatal disease which is believed to be a violent type of grey or bloody flux, though some of the physicians pronounce it cholera. Tlie disease comes on with cramps, succeed ed by bloody discharges and spasms. Deaths are one in every four attacked. Thirty-two persons were ik Monday. Ten deaths had occurred. Thre died Monday ninht. two children and one obi lade. The disr-aitt U lasen increas ing for llif past two w.V. At Wilton. FOR TKI Ci tf DOSE. To in,, i r . r tit gently, 3 m 4 thorough! i, 4 ( t cTr't t . i pmpcr i.e e. , '.For Constipation, or (.i. MOMdr Is ss elTectlTa & A; TUtj iasva "regular dlly -. tora tba fcowala to heniliiy re, - For, Indlg-aatlon, or Dyj i t , PTt.tJarAfmrft1iint.lM ftn,la,,,r., r. . , 'Heart-burn, to of A i ftotnnch, Xlatulenr-, HiiO,. . achsr Nmubneaa, Ktuira, ai c s saj orad by Arxs's riai . - laLlTcrConiiilKlnt, rnhnx : 'Sod ftTaoadlaa, Ayku's I'n i , f Ten In dotes Urge e u!i i liee and txnrelt, and remov . -AJa cleansing medlrtue io t. . ' !r.Pll are unequalled - V Worms, caused ty a mcri i , ' the bowels, are eiinli.,! 1 i .' t'' Eruptions, rUln ! . . t tbe result of In,! , . n . r sored by tlie use of A if u iJ Vor Colds, take Ami s i ' , She pores, remore luflitmt, ' and allay the Inter. j''Sr IHarrtMB and I ).y i a sadden solds, lodlgestilile f.w-t, . : . '- piLss are tbe true renxs.;.. V?; Khenroatlsm, Cont, r 8olatles,0Ilu result from : ; - . nest, or Soldi, aud d.. ; . ,.r , , i .jtlw eanss by tbe use or An ' ' TnitinrB. tiro..,. Kl.h.. . r ; Sod; otber disorders esojo il i . , otstmctlon, are cured ly - , Suppression, and ralnful ! .tloa, bave s aofe aud ru,!j r- AYER'S PI!. Fuji dJreetkmt, In Tarloos U sompaoy aacli package. Of.' J, C. Ay e p i Co. . Low ' " r, it , ,-.i,. . " vX ' r iV - 80,4 J 0 r-t v,Wft Professional C. itjU -chas. n. r:;:. XT T O It N K Y - A '" -T cV'f '..'.KKIiA S SVU.I.K. iv. Practices In thi Vuni !. r.r I m Craven, A.nen en. 1 1 iiimmv. -ollepiwn or Claim n ..t!i. '1 CurreHpon.usuce auii. iir.l. - I. y'V. n. telllt: f jfiLttornoy -ri i -1 y. pfpf & fOI.E,Ot- K S V II. I . ( , . . '. . - . . - JTsinwa ,. 1. 1 Will prartloln theOourUf r.oi, Onmow and Craven. Hpecie.1 attentlnu Klvn toU 0.1 clalma, ana settling euii ol ic , , sons,- ,,.: . . Wm: J. CL A3 : i ATTOKXEY AT L.V Practises In the rvmrta or ihi n, , Hyde. Jones. Lenoir. rml.- 1,1, counties: Also In the CniWeU t :,.. -Mew Berne. . Collect.lWn of mutmpti'i vm-.-i claims aenlnat vessels a ii: . .Offloc four doors alKive iisu.n 1 '. 1 U J. Moobjc. , , -; 1 wk. K ( I a SMQORE'&CLAi::.' ATTQENEYS AT LA. '. '. '"'. -Vow 11.... ' IT Will nsojrtla Infhl r.,nr r.r t . . , Ven. Greene. Hvde. Jiiupi. Um,,. . and Ptunlleoonuntlm. Also in me Bopreme court M lac, the United fttalM llenru mt Nw . . . .. - SW-CollsjeUhs' a Specialty. r '- OKOKOS V-STlOWfl,- ' , DAKIFT, tr. , i r BaielBh, N. C. ' Kl..i..... . v-STEOffO & PEnnr, ' : " KINSTOIS. If. c. ITTORmt' iTL COUXSELLCr.S iT L '. Having- formed a conartneraMp f - practice of tbelawln Jonenoount , larly attend tbe courts of the suiuo. i attention paid to collect inns. jnoyia-dwtC- i BliiONa A Tl ..... FHII HOlXAKn, JB, . ' OWSM TI. I HOLLAND & GUI0:; Attorneys ot jL- '. Offlne on CravSn SU, lira doors above 1 : WUI practloo in the Knntles nt f-rH. Jones, Onslow, Carteret, htmlloo al I,. r iTompt attention paid U collections. t - -.v ,-f pri4l-dwlT. r i . " -:: v,;i.:'T,t - " ' '. M. siVoxaUi;.V)-V ' ' etEHSKT aiKir. SIMMONS & 11 All LY, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. WUI nrscttcsln thsOonrta of Craven. Jnnct. Onslow. Owteret. IVralloo. It,olri.d ):v,i,. and In the Federal Court at New Jrue. xebttawl v ; , ; , DR. J. D. CLAHK,- DEPTl'ltSiT, ' " c, ' SBW1BRI. ST. C. Office on craven axreet, bctweea rollook and Broad. ' J .i Sprri-dAwly DR. G. L. SHACKELFCr.D. nrgeo n. ';,'! entist NEWBEBir, H. c. v , , Office on Middle street, over Miss Kate Car. raw.ij- H Millinery Mtore, opposit itapust Church. ,,.., Ten Yeare Prweilcsdl Btxper1ss.es, - seplttdAWly . . . . Notice Exfraordin-r;. wixA,nrT)iL,ros. - 1 . M. All fol Mt 1 u... tl 4 ttl Ml... WiHHl'a 1-1b Relief, ST. ctsJ' f" '' lli.r Nol.le's Heal Ins riyrap.Uota. . live miles west, one death turn occurred uhich physicians aseril to cholera. Th" n-'igh liorho. . I is not in the liiual 1 1 ie- of t ravel . '.It! i ,i-,-ahatcliei ii,; iia'-' ! 1 : e ; captured in 10) bv 1 1, I i II : 1 . 'l.-nr. : .-I i It a 'lit r.-gi--.,-. hv a mgl slllfe dr. n -Icll lie. i r 1 allicr ! ! ! poor wearied wife t a Iter nigh t nursi ng ring from lhat night and horror t. ,1 hale a bottle i n any was 1 1 ! . -, i -lied fe !. N..;; VA this n.iiiy i . With 1 nei-t: l'r i .. ! 1- i: nidcrahl, .lis ii ia i lie : -; 1 ,.i, allium il as D Mr. . that ment ne l' -A - 1 r. : v. er had been read im; xcnaii had ;.h 1' in that the Irish 1 gi dug for Ulaine. Iwavs been liberal m his .thllien.' classes of citizens. : it would he a good stroke iil take a vote of the Marshall io!ie excursionists who were i'..r.s the fir-t of la-1 week, hive the proof positive that th case. The vote was ac ken on the train as they left. It stood 117 for Cleveland anil 7 for Ulaine. The result was discouraging to the missioBary of the Gazette, and that paper neglected to publish it. Waterloo (Joira) Tribviie. Ill I ' .tl.o 11 1 as he .bu-e ..f b '. -lice ;. oicu (ai! .1 Cedar iivl thus uch was ir,l ing ta losing sleep the little i .lies flnd to ch: I- irenls. i lt.'i I'. Taylor's ( 'hern Keni.-dy of Sweet !nm and Mnl an iin.loubtvd croup prevent - an 1 cure for I 'ougbs. ('olds, .oping Cough. Consumption, and lung and bronchial troublos. i 2"eti. and 51.00. This with Higgers' Southern Remedy, an cipially eilicacious remedy for ('ramp. Colic. Diarrhea. Dysentery, and chil dren u If . ring from the elfwcts of te. th ing, presents a little Medicine Chest n household should be without, for the speedy lela l of sudden and dangerous attacks of the lungs and bowels. Ask vour druggists for them. Manufactured bv Walter A. Taylor. Atlanta, (ia., pro prietor of Taylor's Premium Cologne, auglo d wl m ley Hoe., si.oa. II,.- relief ol I'A I N and cur Of KHEl'l MATIHM, etc - - H ImmiI.i they are all sood. and I know Wis are Kor Kale t W K PALMEU'S Cigar, To bare... and CnnfertVmerjr Htoro, next door lo the corner of Honth Kron and Middle sis. N.-w llerne, N. C C.-fl. A. ALSO, von can and eool and dellrtoni Hnna Wnifi . ilnuiT Ale., and Deep Rook Water, t .trln k . Kln.-Ht. ("iRars vo smoke, and fine I obiic, -.. to chew. KALUE MICciAL. VWkJt ,iiii h I or Hinrerlug humanity, , . " W. 1 PAJLICKR. Wh all l'l-i. Dr. ASA JONESi,;: Middle Street, Newber& N.CV DEALER IJf 'I . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ; BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTflraO,,El; f K. nl f..r the DlAMONDBHlltT" taUMra. .Irlwl ll.im, Laundrled ILJ4, An.l iiie ... ichiaied Warner's CoruilnsCoraot. 1'rlce SUM. ... , : 1 full ii-.. of (icnie', Indies' and Children's I nl.rellr,l.lllsL,lnen.0110loMlandPape . Cllai v Mini . -iki.. Milk and Llnea HaJMlke. ichu-fB, all kln.la of lienu , Ijadlee' and CUII .li. n sHaiul ami Machine Made Niowa, Hutt bet cioats, I lata and sh.wi, Iid toe' Cloaks an4 Jackcti., iuhI i vi-iyUiIngusuiiUy kept In saral c cIiish l)r 1 lixwls Htore. . .. ASA JONES.1 V " Middle si,. o. HapllslCkurek ,' mard-lAv-lv I n lines' Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dent if rice is an infal lible cure for I' Ice rate.i Sore Throat. Iileeding (Jums. Sore Mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keeps the (Junis healthy aud puri ties the breath. Prepared solely by Drs. J P. & YV. R. HOLMES, Dentists. 102 Mulberry street. Macau Georgia, i For sale by R. N. Dutfy, New Berne, N. I C, and all Druggists and Dentists. au20dw8mo ' "- ' THE Hl'OT. " V. S. MACE "8 is the place' For goods in the Druggist lins '' 1 . r; lie also keeps Hardware in heap, I With Cauvas, Rope and Trlnev - : ," All this is true, and much morv too. If you will find the "Spot,'- ' , (His goods are cheap as apy keep ' The place ig Market Dnclf, . ' A y?S?cS

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