. .-. V s ..v. n K. II t K I' I. It , IIsTDEFENIDEIsrT IN ALL THINGS. a. -- Torm n.O0 For -JTo VOL. VII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, SEPTK.M "?"4'-r :"W - "-.v-V-VV . X " , I ' I - ' ' "" - - I " -r ' i v " V". - . . - .- e..e e no: 2:1 Towers of Strength ! UJ CO CO UJ f I : rV.M iii, MTI 1 I N'EH YORK. i'!l'iii)Lr letter, written by a NYw lYrnian to the Vir . rr: '1 ves u ;ulliyrablea ii n or 1 he hite of atT.iirs in irk State that w e republish intrianat itui t vur read ing it success; but from an entirely different aonrce for an entirely dif ferent purpose, in a disguise too thin to "deceive iiny 0De; am amounts to the veriest nonsense. THIS, THAT AND THE OTHEK. 'i i:r!t-r Journal. jhnlera has killed 1. GOO, 000 Mi.r. i '-.wo tin ; CrTt-r Co'-'-:, Wgama : Car-lwU'a Rico Tbrh r a i i r; IIn-.W' Io5pIrUr . Uach-.uo 1 er!!y. At-'"' ' Tivior Manufacturing (': (rrist !.'.!. 1. K- '- MiTlf I! a i- in-! like 1 : ; . 11 r roii u .neu outlined ') whiru it '.and may 1m' There will atr.ick: the tariff . N . V.. Au.. :-v;. I 'I a Sou ' li " Vm k Slate this to i. ; ,(. dr r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 in flit- 1'iesi . .1 . d a ' 1 e o ! n I lie t" .s ; lie Kr . . , : 1 : r 1 us - : !orrr loj .in 'in a vote iat'e the conceded majority in the .1 ' f oli I .illll. "i 1 I iihr pi o-'.,.-,ioii pal aphernali.i of an t: and already has a plan of campaign is hoped that Cleve-lefeat-d. be three weapons of sectioual animos- ik 111 1 1 U til and it la in a 11 s iii no in ham ha! for h has an . R;-s"pCtflIy. J. C. TTHITTY, Cli-VVKN STHEKT. NKWUEIIN ry RMi;erabr tht BO Well-Iinht. tl Faniilv -an i'TtI r he oiuuuiT Foiicn ruxir. N. ( ' HI TLER A LAHORIXi MAN. "He hart earned every dollar lie owns. It i time to be ilone with nonsense :ihout Hi'". Hiitler'-i In in a work- ; n"n.ai ' .V. 1". 'v 11 Pel haps this i so. !r:: then, men ma earn money othei u ise than by honet toil. and. we mideitand a used in political in one ho ,abors for h 1 d. . i I ire ad. ;!! and rii 1 hli eti . t mat is correct. we think Geu. E.rTI.Ki: himself wituesseth against the Sun for in his speech at Meriden, Conn., a few days ago hr said, '-but for bad health in my early days I should have been one of you"; and was at the tune addressing laboring men. Again the Sun says: ''Every body who lived in Massachusetts during IU'TLER's first years as n i lawyer at Lowell need not be told of his battles in the rourt in : behalf of the mill operatives against tue mill owners, itiev wereincess at, and constituted prettv min (ill his early practice at the claimant doesn't know to supnprt. Blairje or Since 1SC3 Russians. I utKburh milkmen use borax, gly icerinn and starch as a substitute for COWa A r.dif .rnia boy by the name of Snoolis has choked an American eagle to death. The Ti'-hlMirrie which h. 11'.; r'i t Mutler. U K' crtimr ;i .ni under Mr. St. John's m 1 oi.iiiii' that he will ret 10.000 votes in Kansius. Mr. Mi ni 1 h is vvritten a poem which he call- A Lost Morning. " Mr. M. n;;it have ipcnt hi forenoon in looking for some i;oo(l grocery butter. (tuiteau - .M; hi'i'ii-s i.f evil have frot so f 11 that (iarli Id' il.ct ir-. have be gun to d rop off. s i -aid to he for Blaine. It wa Sickles who irave his deadly sup port to Hancock in lsso. Ren. liutler's yearly earnings amount to sinn.noo. These, however, are noth ing to his yearly yearnings. dill , 1 Cholera Increa Home. An..', it increasing in P;d of Cuneo tin re h ; from the d;sca-e three da vs. ami ;, the adjoining villa;.;..-, and 4S de.ii !is in ; :. The daily bida-t in o; provinces oi Ir .L. 1 Turin, ."i deai a-, ..;,-! I'ai'inn. 1 de.il h and Novara. 1 u :i and Cam j 10 1 1 i o , 1 ; '. case.-; He; m 1 ' .Milan. L' !i s!i ( .. -pected ciscs oj ' : to-day a: .., !.. loru-x. A a . - t In t I a ell u Italy. cholera is he province the (irAKEii mtini.n ito.vD f'ulll plf- oS deaths nir the past .-'; ezin and " Mesh cases -i two (lays. i - cholera in . s follows: ; eh cases: 1 1 csh case; fiesh cases: nd .', fresh sll CIMM 'filet siis .1 ..pp:':::e.j -4. Five deaths from rle-ii" : occurred here last night. Tue in lease in 1 he 1111m !ei of deaths is att 1 ibuted to the hasty return of the inhabitants, especially as a state of infection is still pre vailing. A number of eases of cholera have appeared at the ( 'amor A (inat State Work ariii; lion. ' The- long talked of Quaker Bridge road 1-, maring completion, and if thu authorities at head quarters will not get to.) impatient and restless over the many niisreprt -cutations that have been forwarded kv letter and delivered in person, a great work will soon be ac complished for the State of North Caro lina. In company with Mr. F. (1. Simmons, tne chairman of the special commission ers under -svho.,e direction the road was authorized to be cut. we went over the rcatl on Monday and Tuesday last, driving a horse and bugfjy in for several miles on the .'ones count v side then, walking one and a half miles to where the force was at work, and where we 1 met our old friends Cad Koonce and E. I. Francks. jr.. who took us across to the Onslow side. Tl Seven Springs Items. Farmers are busy saving fodder. iius is the place to speak of the w eainer. The township Democratic club will meet at Indian Springs September 6. Speaking may be expected. Both the Seven Springs Hotel and the Seawell House are filled to overflowing and the guests have spread out over the town. A little row with whiskey and cusa words was the, only excitement on Sat urday. Old man Arch. Dail was mixed up in it. We ran and didn't see it; thought we grnelt powder. Some folks are just cranks enough to shoot. The usual tine. 00, was imposed. Our friend Dillon, at La Grange, is taking steps to have the remains of Rid dick Arnold, before alluded ? ditches have been connected, but ,' to the cemetery on the hill and amarblo men; is yet considerable work to be done before the read is completed as it should be. The canal down the White Oak should be opened a' hundred or two nunureu yards turther, in order to oiout piacea over his grave. The uoiUMUoro liitles will be invited to par M''' iu nie ceremonies. It is reported that some persons ,,,., ; editor of the Albany Argus, the Chair- ; Ileraillt, S; Gard, 10: Allde. . , m r,f "'e.N'ew York Democratic Com-, MARSEILLES, An". 0 1 There liar. ! miuoe. will marry Miss Pryor, of ..,... '. o , , , v' OETMjWER BROS., KIN'SXON, N. C, Aiaonnca the Arrival of Their Now Spring Goods, ity and scandal. The first, which is a mere pandering to the selfish ness and ignorance of the protec tionists will be combined with the demagogue's appeal to the laboring classes. The.se are to be flattered and humbugged by speakers who will pretend to favor cla-ss legisla tion, and will stir np class jealousy; while their special effort will be to h.tr rK.l fl, .. 1.:.. , i 1 - h 1 V 1 K his early practice at the liar. I mmoe. will marry Miss Pryor, l a Zr r I K ' , As he took up for the toilers then, ' A'"an; De" mL tliat an change in onr barbarous . . 1 . , . . i Jny Mould's income is said to be S4 a tariff system will reduce them to 80 he contlDlie8 t0 tllKS (lav- j minute. If Jay were to come out as a paupers. In connection with this 1 appears he stood up for them then j virkingman"s and Anti-monopoly can- ii?ngew!,Mak0f,80T dia?at-':for the fee he made out of them. etulZ a'closem' he WuW tVrnHrt nfri-r;The5'are r'U1 "O- Ward Beech er is for C.eve- 'Trh 6 ,P i ' i BUTLEE is rich and coutv from 'au',; Thomas Khomas K. Beecher is for ( atlxhc-s; and thus religions bigotry I .... a", U- "om j Butler, and Harriet Beecher is for ...ii an- niuujjuui 11 r iauu are maie . 0 " ..... uiv.i.j .u.u, uiamt. isni mere a tseecner some- U do service in the desperate 'of controversies he managed to 1 where n'h wil1 come out for St. John? struggle lor cue vote oi ttie labor- work up between employe.- ..- 11 -tic ijuuc iws relevant to the point at i.VUlf to iliocnaa Urah. minism or the mannor of Mm TTrf. make omce out c t apout the same "Wise men all at spa."annnnnciw fho New York Mail. Secretary Chandler t!le throwing of refuse matter into mast have returned from his cruse. the Sea, which the wind drove back " lieu. Butler ought to be sent on an to shore, thus produc'ng a condition expedition to the North Pole." says the I of atmosphere very favorable to the wb Ber?'h would' contagion One death occurred at 1 t .1 , t,, ' Isngnoles to-dav. lrank James thinks Blaine is not p.,,. ,,.' t) , , .. ,. honest. riala.h-lphiu Call. Neither is ' 1 Aug. -4. lhe following Frank honest. Both these citizens made deatIlS Occurred during the twenty some of their money on railroads. four hours in southern departments It is reported that Daniel Manning, ' f France: P.vrenees-Orientales, 11: camp. These are said to be di-e t,i more fall for taking th ., nit Ti,; 1 ey was aemented a few , , .... v. l . , o - - - wn. inn I'll c nnn 11 .1 sufficient to take the water , fT T V'use aw. nim.Btanding on ditches on the Jones county side are not i passed his ' house waiershoTo6 tX Z ! J-d ringing the farm be., wfth his branch from fall to take the water from the road for v enters fni n.i,;r.v. i, i 1 . which there is plenty of whs on several miles, and a ditch can be opened sufficient for this with' two or three day s work. With good open weather we tumk the w hole can be within three weeks ani road . of a "gal" baby and is all right ALr. K. D. Martin, on the cars from New Berne, bought a fine gold watch 1 be completed , lrom a negro whooffered ltforsale Terr it will be a fine ! cheaply. A few dayB after the owners 01 tne watcn, which proved ft have been stolen, came and claimed the watch. Mr. Martin is minus 810.00. Th thinf Ol tt'flrO AllftuKTi dnntl.n '...,. ..1.. .- vy. iiuin,Lu iicdio.s iiuui t jioiera here during the twenty-four hours Now as to the value of this work to tne istate. It. must be f-utAmi,A..a i,... i ten miles of this road passes through ! Ca'"U l grief and ta in j1 ,UHM. "incu nas neretolore been 1 lott liumphrev. Hod. Geo. Stnnf.m (pronounced, and, without an and ex-Governor Brogden, all Renubli- wt iiimi, actually i i-MiiB, uiaue speecnes at tue ijpnnra on were worthless. But this road Thursday last. Capl. J. D. Stanford 'nenetrates ti,oaa i t , . , ... ., "urns at a I point that wnl fairly show up the ijual i ity of the soil and benefit ,1 1 a rrrpr of tion could be made. 'ow that i ! A boy in the State of New York way-; l-uoieta is alleged as the cause 1 I laid his father anil wHth n frvtij r-a. I death POVPT'nnienr oli.i il , empiojere tuen, ana is now trying to I voiver, made the old man give up alf anxious to exhume make office out of alxaut the s:i mo ' lne money lie nad. there is teriai ior rresiaents in these I n td ending at 9 o'clock to night. London, Aug. i'f. Public feel ing has been much disturbed by flip fatnl f.iso of eli,l.,r... ,.,. cently occurred at Wateiford. ir. ' f"mV" of the citizens of Onslow county- land. The corse was mysteriously buried before any official examina- from Duplin replied in his usual happy siy le. ine speaKers were very courting lowaiun eacii otner an round, and thfe than it would at any other point. As to j all present. speaking passed off very pleasantly for material. CONSISTING OF A Sri.F.VPID LINK OF Ladies Dress Goods, Gents, Youths and Boys' Clothing. Boots, "Shoes. Hats, Trunks,' Valises,. Etc., Etc. A Xcwand Full Supply of !. , We beg a ; generous public to come ami ex rammo ; onr Stock- and Prices. f OKXTiNGER JJRO'S. SIGN OF "THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT." iu in nk.il iinu Limn iiuui . . " : . ,o liijid. nfl pftrnso ira jnvcNmnnu r Uu . , r ' -" demonstrated on the Jones county side u lne,1uesJtlon has "."sen, Should quacks where the first ditching was done . u" "owea practice physic and deal There for a mile or two, where the fire 1 death, to' a Buffering, community r burned off the undero-.i, One of those self-styled M. D.'isoma ... fe . w .. tioij aui ill i; . . ... . r . .. . . "C tip inttpr-nwlonH fml i " HU1H blUCB Was IOUDd tO be HHinD- I. - - ' " ' . icuuci .in uh seen i, a .. .... r examine from fnnr in c . i home-made article of hlna.maua still ma- t.lip body so n,j tn cot H,. ,.,ffnr n-i ait.;,ua .. u Pf'rlJ of his natients. Tt mnaiataA u T , - i.! ni.un-i ci i ' it nuuiu piouuce irom ten to i . . ... w v. unwu- nitffd . rni.. i .i. i. ., i l , - ' uvui nu io trtw mini m.1 hh. I..'. i. j' . States icsl. xue uiincuirv is tliat no odc r111" uulrels 01 corn to the acre, and 1 " . " upio- . " T ' Butler s return to the Assessors ; "TLZ li " monst -Ate the fact thT can le E"is tureTnd T woS' soon ugar and Sorghum. , of Lowell shows that his income from 1 bunei1- A reward has been offered i easily drained If the land sharks hav 6 been beynd the beautiful river Popular Science Monthly, ' his profession is 8100,000. His horses t0 any O" who will give miornia- don't succeed in gobbling uo these b.u' for thetimey interferehoe of a pby- , jianus evsry neighborhood school in " , .; .. , i North Carolina will yet feel the effects Our friend. Dr.'Wm. Onhh wk!dM .1 . . i . . i ... f.ftlo1.,l i:.i - , . . ' ..t.uu, . which is ; tv, i. -n, i w . uocior who atteiulea t he pa; iciit - " V .7 ' , u' w"o nas been practicing medicine in ern papers are sooeht onf. nn.l n. ast at hand, a hifrhlv intret inn- " ,., "V., J.,.o7; c ! asserts mat rue case w;us unmis- ,!,.,,, it; r:Ii:r J, " . ,aore ! ft11? . "uv county, leaves us to 1. , . i , " " ian icci, uign, oi rL-ililr- on. ,w i.,t,.. l,,. i , , UJ''IIU1 auu penitentiary locate at oiaaesviue, tlvoa oountv. His radel in large type as specimens of: article on sorghum as a source of Westerly granite, over his grave in the "t.aoiy one ol AMatio cuolcia, and board expected: but we fear their minds Albertson friends regret his removal southern sentiment, and as evi-' sugar, lrom which we make the Albany Rural Cemetery. The late Wm. Pe rapid decoinjiositioii of t he body ; have been prejudiced against it by re-' but feel that their loss is the gain of the lenc that the spirit of secession is following extracts: L- Marc' rests under a more modest is alleged as the excuse lor its hasty . Prt fl'01" thoe who are so narrow-' people of Sladesville. Kind and affable not vet dead. The followine nhraso ! "The important part which sucar mument in the same cemetery. ; interment. ' i1"'-83, to hiuk. no p.ublic work is to all he won the esteem of his patrons j's'.i. 01 iuy ueueut to tue peouie un-1 ana tne Kind regard of all who knew ten tots. Next in imjiortance to this ming ling of revenue systems and com munism Will be the. old hlnn.lv ohti-t argument, though all feel that it j published by I). Appleton - Com-! nd J'hf America are valued at 830,-1 tion tending to indicate these facts, has lost much of its ancient power. pany of New York, contains, in the ?go,5ooo. e8tate ,n Lowe11 at. but so far without success. The ' rfHH fin nrrppanrAA in AhapriM Anth i nnmrhr iir Sflntpmrwr - - v. v u V kIU V. kJVW UJ" I -w. Jvfiv V The Vegetable Sicilian wm tha Brtt preparmtloo perfectly ntd, .1 tu enr diWMM the clp. and th flr.t uo ' amfid TmUmt of foAod orgrajr lulr to in tumoral color1, growth, and jootLful 1. u tt kai had mny Imitator, bat ooue 1.,., I, fully mtall lb requirement ne,i; .1 i , the proper treatment of Uie hair and ;, HaW Hack Eevzwik Lu atea.ni; t . , In favor, and epread lta fame ami dm i m to miy Quarter of tbe globe. 1 u m ; . ; leled'aaeoeai eul be aitrlbutefl to t. t i tht frUinfklfilwvnt iti jmm,.. , The proprietor br of tea Ik rnr,, ) at the receipt of orders from riii..i r. tries, whet they had neTer made ao vi; ,t : r lu tntrodoetloa- - , ,, ' The nte for a hort time of Ha ll'w I'm ItEWiwin WWiaerfanjr Itnprtmi t, ,., ,. oum appearaaee, itereamee U i,,.,, all Imparitiea, onree an hamora, f,.Tor. i dryneee, ami tiia prerenu balilnrM. It Stlmtnatel'tbe weakened gliuidn. ami . n them if puett forward a uew I :fOth.1 The.effeew'of arn, ;,. ., , trariilenf,' lfke tboee cf aln,li..;,o . tlon,bnt remain a lonj time, u .. '1U na a matUr of eooimn.v. BUCKINGHAir, '' "'s'l':lf':"',',' TIIE ' WiU dwmee the beard .to a nm::r .-a i ..,. ' or blank, km ilotirrd. It prrxlnrrp . , , ,-, . .eolor that will not waha. Onmn.n , t a alngle preparation, H 4 ajiplied win, ,,t trouble. ' i 1 ' 1 . ' j ' VT ntETAHED fit l?,mi Catena, NX , ' Sold brail Dnlor In iledlclu. . ' Scrofulotia, Merenrlnl, nti l - . .Blood Dlaonlrra, llie Dett remiv'lT, hernm. li moet eenreliltia ami ii.,.i-.t.. fUoofurinet, it. Ayer'sCarcapnrinr. SoU !by ail lrngglti; l, alz bottiwi, t - ' . ... s. or a; . Professional Care TIT for excmple, is published here, and : plays in our national and domestic in Kentu'kV S.T W.sniyc,TuN. Aug. 21. -The .sa.dto be taken from a St. Louis , affaire is, probably, not fully ap-1 MulHgan leuers Department has received a paper "I'nless the South can rnle : predated, except by those who have foraging young man in Buffalo; ergo, i despatch from the Fnited States the I'nion, she will rend it in twain , fiven the subject special study, he is not fit to be President. Is that not ! Charge d 'Affaires at Koine saving and revenge her Iliad of woes" , Accustomed as we have become to about lhe 8ize of il- Brother Dana? 'that cholera has broken out at and so on in similar twaddle. By hearing of the enormous output of Tijp lare Sibley cotton mill atiSpezia. A second desnatch. io tins means it is hopel to stir up the : our mines, it is at first somewhat lUTv' Va" nfar bting deJ i ceived to-dav from the Consul of slumbenng a he of the old war : difficult to realize that, in 1S.SI, the ' aTfhe othw sTorieTllre SrtiaHv ! the Vnitvd StuU's at Genoa, says: leeling, and much is to be made of people of the I uited States paid damaged. ixss S30.000, covered by "Cholera suddenly attacked Spezia Logan's military career. He is to lor foreign sugar, ami imoorts insurance. ' on the 22 d. Sixtv-one eases l;:,r T. A. CREEt3 . t CAR KIR? THE Latffcst Stock of Floor, Meats, Bayar, Coffee, Molasses, , Syntps, SnnfT sod Tobacco Er bnxxst U Sa Brao. Now in stock : 500 Barrels Floor, 40 " ; Syrups and Molasses. "Boag-tU at the Uwwt caA prices? an 4 wiil b sold at nmi. Driclj Bxiadlac Middle street. blow South Front, tf attend meetintrs of -eterans hpre thereon, over hfty-seven million and elsewhere; these re unions will dollars more than the value of all lie held for political purposes, and the gold and silver bullion produced thus will be tried to catch the votes iu the same year, of many a Democratic soldier. ''In the year lSSij our imports of The third mode of attack is in sugar and rnofasses amounted to the circulation of scandalous rumors nearly one and one fifth million aljont the private life of the oppo- tons, costing one hundred and fifty sition candidates. This has already ; million dollars, nearly one third of boon done with reference to Cleve-, which sum was paid as import land, and some of the Dewspapers taxes. There is no other article, or are now displaying a Pharisaic love class of articles, ujon which our of virtue, which ia trnly edifying. Government levies duty which The 1 ernocrat. threaten to retaliate yields a revenue equal to that ob oy reviving Blaine's youthful indis- tamed lrom foreign sngar insurance. Mrs. Parnell is the daughter of Commodore Stewart, known as "'Old Ironsides" in the U. S. Navy. She thinks that the Irish should vote the Democratic ticket, says the Herald, that has been interviewing her. Tom Ochilltree is the observed of all observers at Saratoga. At early morn ing at tne springs, in the afternoon on night. Fortv-uiue GENERAL NEWS. dill. pp.ti-Ciu! Boston. Auk. 20. A special from Albion. X. V.. says: W. kins, of Boston, a partner of "V. R. fur rows in the medicine business, is here tO-HflV for tlio nnmADu .... I. . il the race tracks, and at night indulging j securing a warrant for the arrest of .VI- iu uai-uwm umvaao oi now ne aemol- i bert S. W arner the Wc Still .Survive! To Umi ft mt n-wc .We wvm:4 Bl riea llnlly anuouaoa luaI wo ar- prrrarra lo fw MlwunM art f.ram tk ha of lr lr Wwk. Wire rietk. " iiiil'l "X llaJr- "er u4 W4Mmr dMn, lnktirrti, Bmill- rvktUflikl " lb tan ecaxee vtw 4o tm ivrrol In hav'.n Uieir ewnti , i I rn4 Um tu todaairar luail Umu 'ithnil delay " tiiMww at Ir-Mk JTeiwiim aa.at2ia( luMa Mrl fr- oa ppi; a'.i-'m. ' rctrdt. ;" ;2Til,n017AL WIRE L H101T COt' Mich GEO;vm:!iL:EW & CO. r . . STK AXIENCi IN KS AM) HOILKRS GeorguCott03 Gits, Feeders iiui Ccndonrcrs. Lamaoi Cottoa Gin, Self Fe!.- and Condenser, viaaratcsSuioar IWater, b " . .FHtJ with Aiijn.-tatle S-'- d l;.-sr : The Bloaarck Gotten Pre SC, lu '-'. '..ir. i i- -- r : n t i . . rCail sa4 tiksaiae Mop? h:.r.e. Prio-" v.-rv - -W ' ' GEO ALLEN & CO mm V f ajalee ' ataat b aafl tmm Sfta. PPURGAT!'.'" crvtions. in which event what ignoble rivalry in infamy shall we witness! To an impartial and patriotic looker-on, the spoctacie of the im pending struggle is rather depress ing. Can do great contest theu be fought out in a manly way on great issues! Can the mantle of our office of the highest dignity fall upon no man's shoulders until it has Wen dragged through the mire? As I have showu, the weapons npon which the Republicans here rely for effective attack, the denia- suSar per person was lU troiniism. the bloodv shirt, and smnf- while m TS3J the amount by the one they hope to win over the ignorant, by the second all who are still influenced by war memo ries, and by the last all the puritanic elements of sooiety. Will theysuc eod in gr.ksping the coveted pri.eT 1 venture upon no prediction: but it is eorr.unly true that for the first time wiTliin a generation the lie aiocracv h.i. enlisted on its side much of tiie tiest element m the North: and if re.isoii can prevail :ud:er, if till' intelligent :s great Sr.it- outweigh in ; In- ignorant and the cor n New York w:!l Miiel M tai i Am4 W eMBleeay aac fft Ma nil la Ike retire i;un m ihn-o month i. Anr . W ma taee I mi lark aisait tm lull weeka. nurlk' r,-tord u lounl , aieifcalelaf W p nalBle, r Ftaal Con)4ili4i LVw I'll!, hair do eqnxl. ' lf- mm dUTU aad KIONCT Jl.aiw. s:,l . lerT.h.w, tm tfae. ClnaUrt bo. I JOU- s iii ' r. iiio i JOHNSONt AMOOYMC tlN(MENT rci i.ea i . - --g i iiiv wawvae 4.aMMi tVjgmae. lVyaixry. c In ii i mi at ine WmnMn OaaanOM. L jearto Ctoop. AithmA. BroncfaitJs. Nfnmt. KlMmwUwm. ;''!! N .i. 1 ; N T USnULVI .W'u.nl .Zs-.iri oat ot wn. laCjrm-xuon I i w:i. i . . oir B- Mat frm by itiL I-n : JrU k ccionL vTo- Hnri. Kdr.y ;n:btc,aoJ over I men .'! ::!;!.:, !. rup:. : give ; ('lev.-:. th.it ' cult : v.i ponr:.' th.i: iTi'ii ; ;:iM'ii To k I.,. , -I. : n i : many -d men : 'flit :1 lie re i n r.i. o'. our-- I oi our an- h: : lie f.n-t r Ui.illie e.im rev, n:a Mil ire H:iT' h i- i ad r. '"gun i - . i . - air a i i.i (i rover . i in if deny 'i ;glit and holiest op- i;ains al-o are gat Il ls es of what is .I dogma, aud lerhods; while : thus tar l--ioIl .Hill irr. gelir f A K to the l'o I 1 I 1 1 VI. V(livivi 'This useful staple furnishes nearly one-fourth 21.3 per cent) of the amount received from import duties, and more than one seventh (14.6 per cent) of the total income of the natiou. "That the demand for sugar is increasing much more rapidly than our imputation, is shown by the in creased consumption per capita. The value of the sugar used in 1nl' was fully one sixth greater than the amount in 18.S1. In 1 7:tij to 17:!. the average annual consumption of pounds, was not far from fifty-five pounds. 'Tn order to obtain the sugar that we need, we tind it necessary to buy of nearly everT tiopical and sub tropical country. lly fai the greatest amount . lorty per eent comes from Cuba. l-'nun the statistics it appears thai, during the p.it twelit ears. the I'liilnl States hae produred less than thirteen per rent o their sliga; supply, and 1 it t le m ore than twenty one per cent of the molasses run sumed. The profitable maniif.iet uiv ot sugar from the. sugar e.uir. iu this country is eolitiiied to a wry limit ed area, and to cspn iail la oi.ible seasons. 1- reqiirn u the amount of sugar produred in Louisiana in one year is nearly twice as gteat as that obtained nr; sr.ison. Obviously. It is desirable ;. i p. 'o dure our own sugar, the tiopoal sugar canr cjiinot br irgarded a the chief source of siippU, a::d we must place our dependence upon some plant better adapted to our varied soils and limited rainfall. The sugar-beat has much to roniini'iid it: i; is muti'si nil laired ished Bismarck American hog. Edwin Booth has furnished his New port cottage in a very cosy and home like manner, and the place, which is near Hanging Rocks, far from the fash ion and follies of the gay watering place, includes eleven acres, tastefullv ut in walks, gardens and lawns. laitl and sustained the of the First National Bank. Tiisnirt Attorney Knapp says that papers have been placed iu his hands by Judge Bur rows, of Buffalo, on wldch he will at once begin criminal proceedings against Warner. These are the first steps oi this nature taken in the case. Wilmington, Del.. Aug. 20. The Democratic executive committee met hi Dover to-day and fixed Tuesday, Sep tember 23d. as the date for holding- the State convention to nominate Congres sional and electoral tickets. By pare, precedent. Congressman Lore is assured of renominfiion without opposition. WaSHIS'OTu.v. Aug. 2l. A few da v., ago the Treasurer of the United Stales forwarded to the Governor of the State of Louisiana a package of 21.000 fr-.-e school bonds ot the State which had been captured at Baton Rouse in im:.-, k t ; . - 4.-1 .i , , , . lit,.ita ,,.,... nt t.,: 1 1...-: y icui.-vjeu. .smeriuananii wine!; Have ".i'-'ulh. 'i i'iiiirr.(Mtjum UUMlIieSS. Kaon l. ..r .1 to-wif all ,.. r-..n noi,-T : i-umuli ol ine government less it comes directly to their doors When the Legislature assembles next iiiiei provision snoaid be made for another road, from Geo. W. Smith's in , Onslow county to Isaac Brock's in Jones county. The distance has been meas ured; is less than seven miles, and would cross the present road almost at right angles near the center. The ex perience in cutting the present road would greatly aid in this one; more thought would be given to draining the land than to making a highway for travel. To be sure it will cost the State some money: but with such a body of land it can afford to spend monev in order to sell it for money and make" tne lands taxable property. We hope Gov. Jarris may find it convenient before his term of office expires to pass over the road, so that he may be able to make such recommendations to the next Legislature as will result in good for the common school funds, to which inese lanus neiong. mm. lhe good wishes of scores of friends go with him, and we bespeak for him at the hands of the Sladeavil lians a generous and kind reception in his new field. The stockholders in Joe Allen's clock raffle will call a meeting soon for the purpose of regulating Joe and the clock. The clock needs regulating as it wont gO only as somebody goes with it. Joe needs regulating because he goes too much, that is he goes in for all the money and the clock too. Joe wont let anybody know who draws the bloekand stui keeps the property. An indigna tion meeting will behejd an indignant public will resist such' An encroachment upon their rights. It is thought if he resists the demands of his fellow-citizens that he will not b able to buv more than fifteen or twenty pounds of aeeu cotton mis tall I A 1. CHA&.-i-H BllOTi1 ATTORN IS Y A T - r. KKiraaavtLLC. jr. c. Pratk)in thOMintfwr D0pllD, Jn. Craven, Jones and Onalvw. - Collection of Claim R a epcclaity. Correspondence eollClW. n.8iT.! n P. Hx.JPELLETIEIl, -A.ttoi3ieyat'Il(aw POUCKSVILUC. j -'.Jamea Ceaalv, l. Will Draetice in Vhrvtnr4 .fn. . ..' vi.nin v nuu ;ra vee. - Special attentloo given 'to the (villtwi 1. .n claims, and settling estate of detu-nm-a , ATTdEBTEr AT LAW, Practises In tbe Court or Oarteret, C'u." Hyde, Jones, Leaolr, pamllm ami V . , cqpntles; alsd In the United 8tua Com i ki New Berne. . 1 1 . . , CoUectlon of seamen's wages am! al claims against vessels a specially. Office four doors above (iitaton Houbs. ; 'martl-dAwtf . SCALES AND YORK. When four millions can be taken from the Government, and the Govern ment is not able to recover a cent, and nobody has to go even so far Canada, it is so wonder that the g. o. p. wants to put in four years more of its patriotic and disinterested ser vices. An Ohio lawyer advertises as follows: ' Released from the duties, dignities and emoluments of office, J. C. Castle, attoruey-at-l.iw . gets time to attend to a Pt etwaimi axit SMt wmt r Km en 1 act la n I r b4 at itum m rr aiMi fttai .iaara Oiaatiwa i.iiiii n i'i waT.anai laeab in mm rank will W 1U a 11 Mil ! Jill tmm. mm HENS LAY l-'rain 1 d linn; ( 1 el man v. an slios at i" rent y c; :i Oee' ;i t lu ll' tl. A::-- nr t ; Block. Cuvahoga Falls ' ('ur Hag covers one country and sN.uld insure protection to American citizens every where." says Gen. Logan. An Gen. Logan and his party have had charge of the American flag for the ,ist twenty-three ears, who is to blame 1: 1: has nc protected American citizens 1 . ,tvw)i re'r Your oiTrr to ...Imit me to a partici- ..'a. n in the new railroad enterprise is 11. every respect as generous as 1 could -,: : or de-ire." wrote Mr. Blaine to Vr. 1'iilu r. This is written like a s-tates-' If Mr. Maine had used some tl . iv id'uare expression, such as "Look a: t-r the li.comotive when the bell rii;--." he W'.uld never have been nom-i:.-.ted for Bresident. Brother harles A. Dana, a word with y. u Letwe.-n us girls : Would you i k;e :,y ransack your memory and let us knew, confidentially, whether vou re member any young lady about Brook f inn. for instance, who might have 1" k. 'i -weetly upon young Benjamin 1- 1 : aller. under the mlent stars, when the u.-rd u.,s z..mz afaig the line i !- or : .:',: If .i rcan wants to tind out how de.--I c a' he really i-. let him run for 1IMUI..L .wran. nidiiv . wake up an tell me if viz lvi-r done onvthing viz a.-hamed of.-" "What's the mather wi'l ye. Patrick'-" 'Och. faix 1 I'm nominated f-r Al lermin in the Bloodv ify:z iver d.in'oiivihing. it'll A ixth na eversince. it was only recent I v estab lished to the satisfaction of the Treasury officials that they rightfully belonged to the State. They formed only a part of the lot offered. The State and South ern railroad bonds of the value of near ly S3. 000. 000. captured at ill" mi', in. a-, and of which a maj. rit v. v I m d a; S2. 000. OO'l. were -nil- .'ooi.tiv ir-Oa- ( to the State. Di:s M"iM-. Ia.. :. :'. - -. t Democratic-Greenback f'u-a.n e..:V! a tion of the seventh c. iigres-iainl .ii.. trict. which was h.-l 1 at Indi iiia p,. din Judge W. II. McHenry. of D, s Main...,, was nominated far the long term, and Wm. Kreider. Greenback, r. . f Wint-r-set for the short term. CoLVMlilA. 8. C. Aug. 2ii. to the Daily R,-;ist, r from this State, say-: --John P. Moan, wife murderer, was pursued bv a ' this morning w ho surrounded l.ii.i negro cabin in Laurens count v. n.-;.i Newberry line. He c! i.-ed "th '.. and shot himself, living iu-tamlv. Bah HaKHi-i:. Me.. Aug. c,. ..,; position will render Hiam.- s :.-. !. for several days very douf.tfi.l. ! suffering from a I'ili.ni- a'.ta-i; heavj- cold, aud ,-.! pr. -. iit . , room. KoMK. Aug. 27. A f..!.-.. : , i : abroad in ( 'ivita "e'-c'a i y. the effect that the goverr.i. about to establish a i;u..r,ir.t ine uays against tliat city. th:., en furore of excitement among i..aii-i-and visitors of all el.i-.-e-; :.-'.'' j , !.- p of all orts. inclu l;u-i t "e i. lhe supervisor. Cant. J. H M,.Trr has done his work well and deserve". The Two fandldates Cross Sivorda at credit for possessing mora than an ordi- Salisbury." nary supply of grit." He will be apt ' sPelal ll8patch to the New and Observer. to succeed in anything he undertakes. i SaUSBURY, August 28. ---- To-day the candidates spoke here. It ill Bay. I Salisbury looked its gayest, and great entnusiasm was snown. The speaking s; i r1 ; fi, r., . rr j I 1 D ft'""5 "tre bmuui one or o. It. Ci.. ill 1 110 lot a tliimrjifiviil 1,,.. u;t u..:u.. j uui uuwiu uuiiuings, jnurw jack son's law office. There were no less than 2,500 persons present to hear the speakers. The demonstration was of such a character as to cheer every Dem ocrat. Gen. Scales led off in the debate. His speech, vigorous and lucid, pro duced a happy effect and drew con- are, kept painted and the tinual applause. He spoke half an hour good repair. The road- 'and 1 reSard his speech as one of the es 1, r been mowed or kent, ! m ? , ecUv. 1 have ever herd- . i- , 1 - - icrK s reply was strontr and adroit troni noxious weeds. There are no , fren. Scales, in reply to York's oft re nin DfoKeii boards or other trash peated reference to "Scales and his strewn along in the way. Secession Democracy," mentioned that On other turn-: how ,1 i IT... t iu 1861 lle was Dot a secessionist, but thi,, -? , V lj,n,,1'tk,el)tl that when called on by the State he en t lings appeal. One would suppose ! tered the ranks as a private and received I hero had been a recent cyclone i a severe wound. Header, did you ever notice, saysi i. IS. G.. in the Iowa JIomc-atm.il A when passing through the country, how neat some farms look ? Every thing scums to bo iu tip-top order. The hedges along the highway and trees about the house are trimmed and kept in lironer shane. The btiiiiiing sheds in si there. J iie old corn-crib looks like it had. the rheumatism mid could hai dlv stand on its pegs. Strcwu around miscellaneous v :m,i m (.(m. .oi-ion most con founded, you will see old worn-out wagons, reapers, cultivators, mules' ears, and almost every conceivable thing used on or about the farm. And if the master and mist less are well matchad, and -I.e. the mistress, equal to the occasion, you will very likely see a lew old hats or pillows sticking through the windows of t he houses; c". if lhe weather should be, very they may be withdrawn ady for an emergency. ! lie.-e thii '.I'm ft : and il ell I. bo ,0. . ;at her up ;i i a.i.v .-III V if Ilf'a. at.-. l a. M M -n aw tvxivaiv awpwa mmm ears t CHICKEN CHOLERA. I oelii f hra.ar mm bj sail (far Se. si 30X a CU-, tuwa, riTiaWl la nr raa, rm ; 0l . s. aiJ. UJA a. I. s- vujl an: s : GEO. ALLEN : CO.. ; ' i ; Ket . ;t -lte ng a A(iKTS I'OH aa Ii ; 1 me lne.- ot it-rt an mil ; i : n : IM . 1 fi'lll i '1 l-e A-i.-i v. f -I at Wat. r-laati-li ,-team- 'lii l.iv,.rpool for ill and was taken The doctor- pro ' ii" 1 e ra. a n 1 believe n pe. Ti;r.-e ' tie r c.'.ed at the slime be-iegrd tile 1,1.,: wer- sp. eight mil in a in i-i . 1 1 1 1 . tl . nant tin o report v I foiindati' the tl.il-l s tO T 1 ''I'. . i'ce;,- i; ' wi r.ll. w; I ( I (111 hie Clitleaf 1 ancient . aim make a n.v 1 hem out of natural ' hat your li,;t somrbi On I lie ot er thing a i :.. 1 : l nn. I !; i !iel e ,!.... I a ran n a: : Nor: Mid. People's nIutuai Life - Assurance I 'oiiip .v ' OF L()ITS Il.I.i;. KY. a i.- l'- IsQO.roliCiea oa Htc. pivablr in Five I na t a 1 in i n t s , from 4 to 10 rears interval, ,n i ording to the - , ge of thr Insured. Tll prsniaciA rv r: 1 :k ." Cifaaiav Tut ia m aW fcatare- it l.tf Ir.uri: : . iniraacw ivrxag li!. It i pnou.-.lv i S.i. -r.g Me . . ini'l BaoBlklj acasJUIiU, to be drawn j a - - : V. -j ;Vtt "';' ", "" V alir Foticic payable at i;v. -.:' - riimNra with MI partiaalars farabt'-J a pb --t-aon GEO ALLEN & CO. at iu n sugar, o t'lan: mii-t 1. e i 'i- more var : :.iel '.ir;. 'he -o:0i::n '.' r : ! 1. it 1 ' c;f s'.ltla :eia "! 'Il-'i m pt ion a: :.i::i":. A ( niiiiti a fi if ii ii : r ; ; is i " reports ',-i;-l fa-ohire- for : i.e Inite.l .-state-. In "s: length "f time there were 'ith furnislifd as follow-: ti ia. Kami -kv and Vir- Missouri 4 and Texas li. 1 " f j-, an the North where bainds. North Carolina i -i. - ' 'a-rv.-riu-. eeia-ral i. I'- : . Mil. 1 , 1 An r th. in t d Pars. ave bet ne rolo i-'i f'.r- bright utii aiarv ms. ,,f ( '.,,, n a riv.,1 ol of treason. 1 Iiimi hai-,:,,. i I'd-. Aug. ,T ihe bonii,.,r.ln.. : S.itur lay. 1 1 .a-i . bet. is as foil ox -p. ( 'ii. .,w, Si no A e 1 begin. We i . ellr.i ii l e h- air- me,.- i ;i: ... t wel ye , -Hi k - v. r batterv i ; ! l ; li Will an. ;ht not ,oll to lies of bonfire of sight. Jf inclusion place" is dv lias a hei hand. I.lllt Volil e alssrl s 1 , o : 1 1 r in to -,-,!: . I aa-I s ." In U llirll t .lilir. id ti.lllk inn i-a-e in e er . Alluding to this, York in the course of his rejoinder said Scales was wound ed in the back of his leg. LTp to this moment the crowd had been a remarka bly quiet and orderly one, paying par ticular attention to the speakers, but these words of York's preduced great excitement in an instant. The indigna lion was intense, particularly among the huge number of old soldiers present 'who in by-gone days had served with Scales. I Gen. Scales interrupted York, but the 1 hitter did not modify his language, j Gen. Seal; then came forward and de- I clared that York in making the state- ! ment lied iu his throat. York said he i had heard it. Scales said, "If Dr. York is not a liar, coward and seoundr:-! he will state who t il l him. " These vigorous remarks evoked tre-! mendous excitement and uproar for a considerable tune. York eventually j proceeded with his speech, saying he i had heard men suggest it, but did not rei all who the parties were. This sec ond -p. -ech of York's was much inter rupted. He claimed that a mob pro posed to keep him from speaking. His ;.u i i-e appeared to he to prolonn and intensify the excitement, w hii'h was very great. There was. however, no 'elision. Three-fourths of the croud eie I lene ..rats. S. A . A . MAI IKKS IN I.KNKKAI.. U J MOOM. ifyi .a : W. K. OLA ll k a. MOORE OIiARKE, - A T T 0 E N X Y, li 1 : A T L A XS , Nw Berae, N. . C. Will practise In tha Courts of Carteret (. .l.A1,P A" Supreme Ooort at'Kal.lnh snl Hie United States Oourta at Hsw Perils an.l tLAlalgn. o l,. -.1" v-! O. ' Oolledtin" (t a specialty', i ap6dwtf -- ' " i ' . GKOItaa V. STBOIfO, .', JAjtriSL B. rKKRT. KalelKU,M.Oi , . Klnslon.M. V STRONG & PEIIET, ATTORNEYS iIIL;COlIlKELL01IS AT H'.T. Having formed a oopartntirnhtp for n. practlne of tbe-lw in Jones oonnly, wi 1 1 t-v larly attend tbe courts Of tha aaius. J rui., i l attention paid to collections. ' mayl2-dAytf , BXHUONQ A PERRT. PHIU UdtLAKB, ju. : -.-.v'; was JU arION HOLLAND & GUI02T, Attorneys : at, iL-nvr, Office on t?raven St., two. doors above Pellm k Will practise In the Counties of Craven Jones, on slow, tlarteret, Panillooaiid Luoir i w,iiM. in wnLicin pajtf to oouoououa. apr2l-iwlv. .. ' SIMMONS &U1ANLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW.' . Win pnirtlce In the Oooruof Craven, Jones. Onslow, C'arteret, Pamllso, Lenoir and Hvdi. ami lu the Kederal Court at Nsw BsrosTT . febtidAwlJ DR. J. D. CLA11K, I JEIVrr,IHT,f ' NIWBilUI, . c ) Offlrp on craven street, betwesa foltook .. arl?dAwly t ami Hroad. OR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, v "'!,reon Dentist NEWBEEK, JS. O. ' i ua.-o . r:t win n I linn li. iii M Iddle street, over Mlas Kate Oa 1 Mlllheay HUire, opposite BapUsa Ten Vrara Practical Kxaarlsmae. riayiwly ; Notice Extraordinary: ;: J 1' ' 1 ' ' a! Dallas. Tex . lifted a a "f -,H"J ,, height of over ",(I(J doe; vi a- i al l ied up so feet. : oi .o.- u .i- d' -i.e t. property I '.tile - 1 .Jit . ( tm-. Cleie pro al.- seii eiary. thinks lo. i:i.i"iay in N'-w York willneni h 1. ia. eon. !-,,. ( ,r u, ! I .Ill hi.- ... - .it ."11 -. -111.- t UH- lie X I WIZARD OlUtl 00. st Jteoli'ii OH, 60 ota. Wood H I'Mlll Itellaf. Xieta. M'.ll.ei .Void., h HesllBKHvrup, 60S1J ' All I. a I a.- i li.f if t' A I. Jand enranf ItHm MAI1SM, etc r". t W 1 PALUEU'R r s.mih Front and Middle at. N l . H. A. w un i'ai'1 (,i and dellalona floda li is mo. I I hi-.v an. all Kood. and I hnsnrtv. . J 1'AlWKH'H IHamr w ' 1 nfi i il'Minry (store, nest door te) " ' Hie I" Ol Mill I .lice. .. iuk) I till- eollu-l Nt U IteriH", A I .SI I l .11 II iilpi . ( tlni 'InnL 1-in I IK i ( BSfc'-. i o . i, Ale. nnd Deep Rook Water, t i i ikmi-k u smnks. and Ansa . i-w NAl.l.lRMIOlfnflfaa j -miIU iihk humanity, . , " w L. PALMER. , io1' I'.iper. igilt 'd tin . :a 1 1. t w. fel-i the r Dpi: ron. no i rieij ii - . . i art or ftom nu v th . o :t.e can a c a a ii -e ol '' 1'e ijUl'C -' a . U collies I lellliH -r.lt le reallv wish- in i i.- sr. ! a r .-ik-tit 1 1 1 . i : . fe! ...ft f th a . 'i a I i k si i v. that thw t-.r,k,-e laden t ion 1 i ..unt, r f-it h ;l.tei T 11.-11, I r Th. r -n.nl will ley Leir 1. 1 iii.l oi na the . r -. . 1 I a. ai..i in circuiutiou. but bad piece are the most numer ork Mini iii.-l Lrjnr5.. " ' ',!!;.v , ';; ei'ciice tuat Arn ' 't an i 1 ars. a,s was not . -- i . rv w ., made I v sonie hi : - - ' ' - ' i aiaer. ar,,i it mav be l.a. 1 : -a:'.: t li.-ht a !:r-t-cias- humbug. A i:i.:;-: a. iie k. Mia-. .a S. i : ' :" o 1 1 n f i a. ( - .ia;.. retired ..n : ' '"oa;- .,; the -ja.l iu... in apparent -' 'o.1-' Next morning she Jwas : ii.d :- i n le-r bed . She was the ; " u th- late A-,, s. I'ortvr and : .. .in i-:.it. valued at s"n m ih'iii. It "'i- : a.t.-iit.oii to have -tarted on a i- r.-io-i ti ;p ;., a f,,u ,laV!i to last a vear. Mr. Valentine. h, r son-m-law. to whom a large portion of the estate reverts, was at one time a New York journalist. 1 i. hoiO - I ill I, 1 J. i I ' wad cl- t.-r ward- We shall st'th or ::i ar.- ai.ui: It ( -ill: ir : - 1. a-d ti, 1 - til I! ; -1 1 .- a i i 1 1 k : u ; waiaong. rK liane 1 i- i . i i 1 1 1 1 . tiiat a- ia : A -coi a ; n to r. tay '). ''.-' I '!-.!I.e-e Toiiaiiin and ii.,, ga-emeut with ti: this battle, it i- were annihilated. a: 1 1 at n- ' - " I - ...c - lava.le,! ..ii e... v i,ad aii eli- i I il- :. troops. Ill a-seite.l the 1 reiich while several thous- a 'i. 1 r i I H ia i d-. : 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 -i 1 into i a n i s '' iie: w it Ii glue ami 'hell I'olle'l tliloiig'n It is lil'st covercil I c oof coat ing ami is ai n:-heil ainl hung- in turn ! i .in h i. i . k. Th" Va,. iriil illrl '(ai s l s 1 'Olilier iid N'and'erbilt .s.iU.UUI.1 for Maud ,s. If i - f!y e -Si e I eat - the time ol Maud S .en lioi.aei will put the male mi., amnio and give the public a lieeexlo 1. '11 ' 1 -peo'l. 'i.i,. 1', -pe YVaikor i- d.-ad at I hint - -li.-. Ala. lie u a- the llr-t Seer, t.o W'.o .11 .1. llersoll Davis I'at. met. lie '- ' a man! 'er of the 1'iai f.a m Oltee of ,ho ,,le n.-lll' "1M1 1- i.i 1 i on vent urn . a n ( li'ii.-ia I I'.rrvai.-r i,,h tx- i lie l "poi I. d i iw u i' Ii l 'ol. W. l 1 1 - a! ' in the Slur mule ei i I M -HI - the matter was Settled' la, ell. y w anie.l .-'.f'.dii a montl, - refus. .1 to allow him it. 1 le 1 as titiieh as wa- paid lh Star cuiisel. and would accept no W 1- ', I ''I II II N a 1 1 " i All. ' i. l'r: and I want. and of the Chinese were killed. if I H Ml. -ihlillg il na:;. way. -; ; hut i hey I ieiilai ly Hirs." 1'ew I K'l'Sl Ml - an- not ina lc when used n,- Tlic U'uy The) ait- Dnliij; Ovf r Thrre. Work on ilia Albemarle exhibit at the State Exposition is progressing satisfac torily, liy the close of this week the entire territory will probably have been gone over by theatreut of the Albemarle 'ommitteo and the Norfolk Southern j Railroad. KHz. City Falcon. I JAMES RED MO ID, Ap'iit and Bottler OF TUP ' i : i , J ; I i i ated BERG1TER I E2TGEL BREWING CO'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER. New Berne, N. C. This beer took nreniiuma at the Oan "iiii ial Fa x I i i 1 1 i t Ion t a v at ITiiladelnhia and. ins i-.xK.sition. Kaepa better thMv -, i the I"; any other in warm climatea, and iab j. favorite brand wherever known. I'or sale in kegs or cratea, dw .' wv .V ."1. v - ' 1 - 1 t I? e ?