X .v ' " ' .' W" J,.'V ; -..v , . , .:.- .'r -.!" -. ,&.,. wt . VS, M. 1 1. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Term $B.bO Per "STo4 NO. 2G. VOL. VII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, SEPTEMBER i:, 1884. """si'' . i i " , i. '.put Towers of ' - uu C3 CO f ' Mroli Cotton Gras : Crrr Cotton Giiv.., F" i. r ami ( .'udt n-cr-to Cttwuww . Cot too Prea jtbe bit iq u.-h; i . Tmuo.-wrf IIato,-k Tospinlon; 3iclkin Uttings and Ma-bia-ry Sappli. Acnl fr Tjlor-llaafacrinj- Grvtt M ills. -,i " - A JUipKtfallj. J. C. WHITTY, V ;;, URAYKN STREET. NKWHERN. y. C. ,. "" f - t71mnW Well-Ef Itl Family can aJord to b without a - GILBERT FOKCE PCJItV - oinsie Having JLtocclvetl WEA$FA!iL STOCK, AKB KOW. OFFEBING SPECIALTIES IN : ' 'in '": ' i, " v" - GoodsV CIrfhlng, Boots and Shoes, FORNITUUK AND CAKPEltS, Dress a TO j IlV7JJJLlt0a.-LiJL -tnJ , s : w ' . !'.,,SErTE3IBEJllT,'lSk4.- Av CREEN U cakihes I.Tgei Stock of Flour, Meats, Bugar, Coffee, Molasses, r - Sjrajm, Snuff and Tobacco J5tjT srssfBl t Xtt Bores. . Xr is stock : 50D Dairels Flour, : t an avrrms ana Lioiasses. .V4 ii si U Lnti e4S priots, aod will b sold at mo. w CriCs: Buildlns. Middle Street, below South Front. 6ED'MTiTiEN & CO., ACilviTH FOR h People's Life Assurance Corap j OF LOUISVILLE, KY. Issue roliclea oa'LlTes, piysble in Five Instalments, at from 4 to 10 years interrals, according to the ape of the Insured. T premium arc palj trn th a.wraent p!in xs U u.ui'. : Tij Us bot Cratar ie Life Ia-uranee. and enab'e :hc rr i --.'.t dsriaf IuV It " prwnioallT a SaTinc Han't. :r. ; ; BiosUUj UMUt to b drawn at tho i-r.i ot rtam :-r -i, W' sb ina rIlU rjall al ! -ath only, if ! r- i Cirtraiart rih full ynrtwi)r futnishfd on appliati. ai ' Tl-Yr -iPOLirtEa MTlfd oo brat torni.H. - . GEO ALLEN & CO , National V ICfc--Sr I .rim in n t I i imk. I? ft PUB MMlb miff1 t-v rr riima , mo akooxms: k''l!nsfltAI mm rsrW ' n4 la il tu, Mtet i mm utv CHICKEN CHOLERA, I staqi; u-i.-llniSUW AA will ilililf SmO rii i an mmm ttaa mt b. " k te mmm ITMEDIA n m iMtlwnM mat f .T..-., XI Will ' GEO. ALLEYS & CO STlviVM EM.. i n i and noiLi:i; .GeotU Cotton Gi:s, Yv tvis ! i: j Lnnifii"L Cotton Gin. Self Frr.lcr and Comlcnscr, Lnnixaa Cotton FiUt4 wiih A.ljaub!.- S. i i - tr - t'VV. I .tM'apJdi Jekl.w. lrkw rtrj low. . OEO- ALLEN & CO- Strength ! c4 i o .to. f -"-4 t Ct 'B Company Kngincs, i;.nl, Sw ind MR BROS., ntid Opend tlxeii- THE JLVUliViu i iiiu rnE tf Mutual i.t u.ui'. ::i hT Mutual ct his ,-!. t. Wire & Iron Co. Uleh. : T -oa n hbs i'Ur PURGATlVf 1 to U VM-kt. m;T j rr to rvd c. comrUista tr-.- ruii h..- nor. ui ainsra soil r ..-m wi. ii K i i i so--. ' MAKE HENS LAY W U-qinol M - "-v Scai. k.s and Dr. Y ir faces ci-st w.ird RK will and ap- p-nntmont.s ar nuvle. !: Mir'i, in this dir. -otu! ho.ir thorn vet. f.ir as mav I'.T.ITl' S i'M n: nn'.v tl:f r . ! ciil.u 'In- II N li.ird tii keep i lm- nf.i-.nii i- on . ii ; 'i.il id Ih !itTi.'''iir "l ;i gieat Mi' Kh.-tll i-xpivt tt) .''f in NuvoiiiIht ;-..r.l in this State Ii , i vi 1 1 f nie.!i! a . tin! it : so let it V-' St' :h iru.' It, tuiif. F'Ri't :lif c u.ti: r i r i I tfi'inN ,v r ,!iili t in' stf am. r 'iiin e are .in l.ntU to look lir a tin.-k trade u lion tho fall tratlo full v opens. All (. l.wse.s of goods are moderately low and our people will have an op portunity to lay in winter supplies at prices calculated to encourage large sales on the part of the mer - chants who seem to have antici pated them. TnE cotton season seems to be fairly ojen so far as onr informa tion extends; this section will have but little more than the last year's yield. The nsnal state of affairs exist, however, in that some who bad good crops last year, will have something lesa this, nnd some who were behind last year will be some what letter this, and in that way an equitable distribution by dame ; tortune will be reached- Other crops than cotton we learn are gen erally better than last year, and so ooi farmers have that ranch to en courage them. Since Tammany has declured for Cleveland the boom for the ticket has risen immensely, and the city ' of Kew Y'ork is ablaze with enthusi asm. There was never a good ' reason to doubt the position which that aged Democratic organization would take, but still doubts had been expressed and being more a matter ol hope than expectation in certain quarters the question of i "how is Tammany goingl'was often asked by persons who could have answered it themselves quite as well as the party interrogated. It will be late when Tammany ignores ; the nomination of a regnlar Demo- Erratic convention. . MIKING CP THE ISSUES. In all Presidential campaigns, the first few weeks after the nom inations are made by the contend ing parties, much of the time is consumed iu mere skirmishing. Quite like two contending armies Ihe sharpshooters are thrown to the front aipJ the prominent officers furnishes a target for the experts at long range and sometimes serious damage is done in the killing or wounding of some of the great cap-1 ( i V. N . turn th tains of the contending forces. But , "Kagontendment des tevi es.le lus i ,,- ., j carora"' and a delicious assortment when the main lines moe up and' ,. 1 . , . , . , , ' . of beau or peas, potatoes and as the battle is fairly joined, the firing j paragTKS wiil tempt your activities becomes general and the only aim . to renewed effort. Then '-Aloyan is to damage the other by an indis-1 dogmatique du Prairie" with criminate fusilade into the ranks of! "Pomrae do Terre." And it uoth , .. . i .i i ing else interferes, the climax is the opposite side, and the banner ,. ,.vi.,i,P, lj.. 1 1 ' capped bv "I n ( ock.uoriiin f-inaks- un.ler which they are moving and j perlAnum' t.t niatutmalis" with the uniform they are wearing Is salad, and if it be so disguised as the onlv wav in which the distinc-j to be a mystery, after awhile we tion between friends and enemies1 convinced it was formerly a hen .... I or a duck. Alter all this, served is known or attempted to be recog- . f . , . nized. Such has been the case in the present campaign; the sharp shooters save been busy, the great captains have been hopefully leveled at but with no wounds inflicted to cause a removal from the field, nor any deaths to cause the call of new officers to command. Some damaging -lnVi have lren hurled at each i f : he great commander-', l' ir a- er have only aroused t he rank and tile of the armn- and pi obably dra wu them :nto a d 1 column lor tla- great oiisl.v.ig'a on tin- foi;r:h ot Novem- T! k upon ; lie r leaders has Notes, and ,muo :ng re- USelessnesS ect o! retiec 1 out-tripped as to cause I'.id to arouse 1 kei't their ol" e.U II ol changed reuiain a- . pro; Wl'.l niilliiet and a : tion to their thel-a " i.'rtity: those 'A idgl'.iel tai an- , . , '.' - , , M rr... I. '.a a Mr ' l i. .- . aoni.tt.-e- t uu;:.. - w lay ri a. r i a-l I. ; a l i. ii r- I it , h 1 .uu- .en; al If it much -., , . .I i a.t t.k."M.Kl to save Mainf . how nil it take to rescue Iowa. 01' K El' ROTE A N LETTER. N V M RER KKIHT. V.X H' VK, Aup. 1 ' I. Dear .Itrnai.: My addivs i-. large, if not cosmoiMilita!). and will give me scope and verge. I hope all my letters have made safe voy ages of the broad Atlantic. l-'or a while there w.is a break.th.it could not le avoided. That was unlor tmiate, for 1 received a .Int UNAl., lu which you promised our 1 eadei s a letter a week. Hut I have been catclnug up. and believe 1 have senr, you nearly, if not tjnue. that many. 1'roni lnterlakcu 1 sent oii two in one eueloie; and teel si te iiilr possess much interes;. a t i h about Uerne. Uut my heading is geiieialihis time, because my chat will not be about travels. "Would you not like to know something alwut a tourist's j ever3- day fare! I was strongly ail vised to buy -'hotel coupons' tor my journey. Mv adviser had just retnrned from a European tour, and his ejcoerienee endoiseil the com 1 fort atui cheapness of that plan; for he said he was "fleeced" every time ne where he could not use "conpoDS. ' nils is a system oi tickets, good for lodging aud board at a large number of specified hotels, aud costing from 2 to $2.50 per day. Another gentleman, of experience, also iu travel, as strong ly advised against the whole sys tem, and claimed that any judicious person could travel more cheaplj-. I have tried both: very little of the ''hotel coupons," however, nud don't want any more. EUROPEAN LIVINti. This differs from ours. In (Ireat Britain, to a large extent, four meals are taken daily. I?ut gen erally a light breakfast; a lunch at 1 p. in.; and an elaborate meat and vegetable dinner at f! p. m. is the practice. In Paris many take only two meals; "dejeuner" at 12 m., and a large dinner at 7 or 8 p. m. The traveler's plan should le to take a simple breakfast at X a. m. of coffee, chocolate or milk, bread and butter, with honey or marmalade, which will cost from twenty-five to thirty seven cents; then catch somewhere in his rambles a lunch for as much more; and finish with the '-table d' hotr"1 in the evening at sixty cents. TABLE D' IIOTE. This is a grand institution. I was told that a man would get up hungry from it. Mark Twain said that he knew some Americaus, who said they had gotten enough; but he also knew some Americans who lied! If I had had the management of Mr. Mark for a while, be would have written differently! If a man cannot enough in one or two hours at a table from a dozen different dishes, he deserves to be hungry. Just think of one's opportunity for gastronomic distinction. First al ways an artistically folded napkin. a gTeat mystery, holding a piece of bread; then a plate of potage a laKinkum Flnidaster i'neuuoteckie. This is usually nothing to boast of, but it helps to till. Then "Poisson a la Chartreuse Poetic; or a "Sole du Shonemaker;" and these fish are good. "ow come Cotilbon Kricard aise Sur Due de Broglie;" and like ly enough it will be some elegant veal with various Trench iuanipula- tions Bless your soul, here follows i)late with clean knive. ; and forks. a regiment of desert marches up. It may begin with simple icecream: or as to-day with the most curious omnium jatherum I ever saw, viz.; a layer of cake, and then plums, cherries, peaches and strawberries, all cooked and served with sauce. It was good too. Perhaps then fruit, cakes or 'con lections ot variety: and nuts and raisins. on may think this a burlesque, but it is not except in the outrageous names these folks give to simple things. I had such a dinner tins evening in Lucerne, a the Hotel de St.Cot thard. It cost (ill cents. Mow ran it be turni.hed for the mniief So three meals re-pectab can le gotten gelierall lor -jl .in to f 1 .'Jo. M furnished rooms and -i twii meals a da in l'.d::i less than one dollar. W t meals a day. . .ne wa- t al at Hotel lMgon in P. rooms and service wit In for eight francs, or r 1 ." When on coiidii','ed iiartics the lunch costs le (juality i!i lhiiope pa:t. got i vice, and burgh, for go: t Ir. eo ile ii' ln'tr ins. w it h till Cell t - Lilt i: ,i i;- pi'r.i- get lor L'o cen's. .1:;-: -a.i.iow , e.en '"'" d.o.'eii rreiie'a woiii-.: make -o;:,e gesT U! e. a 1 1 d 'I-'' ol; 1 t; I, go I -; I hell o:o- C.l II -t e j ' ; II ' o .1 I '.oil '..!!: gel : e '"" " ! :;i Pa; and til! up w.-u ;hat .:m. a - o! '!:. aiel Take .1 gl.l ol .it 1 : I : : t . : " e,,,t'.. too. I a 111 ' e ' e : I . i ; : -; . . 1 1 , u ;; ;.e -"''- i" ''i ' he! .1 . '. g N.-I'tl 111'.-..:: v ' ' : . : . . i . i : . o n , . . , . ne, w :. w a- i ' lie . .;;. : ... . - large :i : : o; . ..: a u, ;, e ; he ei tilts I ii "i ''en i .. : :.e . 1 i i o - - ii ; i ; - n e i i - - " :'' : 1 ' -'':-: -: ! el eel 1 . . -ii I Toll 'a i ! 1 : ( '.:'. '. : : : : : ; . n i'. 1 : : . i ' o . o j . e : 1 . I'm' i' .i 'r.r.iorl, al. I t--;- ii .;. 1 1 in 1 1 oe-. I . . ' li,i'.i tin' r-.j'f" ' 1: i ! i ' a 1 1 : . o : i i a k ile I 1 1 ' " i i ' I a 1 1 tlriN its and ! he u i;. -.'!' o: : 1 ,a'e In" . '. kei'pcl - w v;,-'n i. t.i! ,fN 1'lie nl hot il.l 11 1 Ml') '.l.il ' I ; r t e ilia- lat a Ww II 1 11 i - oi ; ii.i: a tri i't-:oi'e us, .triil u i o:i! p.tili.ii: iiM-il. la! cc peroii ut'if eh. He, d , ii the -alllc ha. ( 1 1 1 1 gcti ! Icm.i ii w a so inciiM'il it the outiage, that he well, 1 ' wou t tell what he did: it was very quiet, very; but it opened some body's eyes, though not a word was said. The fact is. the summer is short, and money must be made in a b: i f period. So every man, wo man and chilli, well and lame, feels the neces.-ity of being diligent in feeling in strangers' pockets. Lit tle children nm along, and let down the peculiar iioiis for clogging the carnage wheels as they go down lull. That's the driver's business of course and he is hired; but he is -a-1 1 1 ' 1 1 ; for children to do his work, and then they persecnte you by running along and holding their hats lor gilts. Everybody wants to be paid lor h oking at you, and tin I'tutcr-. will snatch away the ;ir-t iii. mile from the incautious . r. I'.ut it is all very funny, - ry sad tio. This is a poor de m Switzerland. I must eo, Wild is ne on a letter about them; there t space enough left here, and been out shopping, Bro. Nunu, must give in m3' experience, 'he present, adiew. I expected I've and I'o: to see the sun rise on Mt. Rigi to morrow morning; but it stormed so today that I give it up, and am posting now to Copenhagen, and will have to miss many charming things. It is to be regretted after one has come so far. But I have had a glorious time, for which I am so thankful, that there is no room for complaint. I want to get home now, and see all the folks. Since I have been on the Continent, I have missed tho JorRN'AL you have so kindly been sending me. Hope some will meet me in Denmark. Adieu. L. C. Vass. EXPOSITION AOTES. lltxv .Tlaitrrs Proerra at the Grounds, l-'rom News and Observer. Kockingliam county is to have a neat anil attractive exhibit. Its section is nearly completed. Wake will have quite a handsome department- It is near the engines at the western portal, aud has a' fine light. Mr. Fred. A. Watson, ! who has charge of the papering aud general decoration, proposes to do all with his usual good taste. The Harris-Corliss engine, asi bright as a dollar, is now swathed' iu bandages like a mummy, so as' to preserve its brilliancy for the opening day. The telegraph office is in the southern aisle, nearly opposite the ; exposition offices. The telegraph! and telephone services will both be 1 excellent. In each hundred feet of spa,ce in the halls there will 'e forty feet of benches. These are for the comfort and convenience of the public. The ice water which is to be so liberally furnished by the exposition com pany will certainly be refreshing. There will be large reservoirs of ice water at each entrance. The toilet rooms for the ladies are being neatly fitted up. Careful i servants will be in attendance.' The ladies will be pleased that pro-; visions have been made for their comfort. The road to the exposition grounds must certainly be put in order. This is a matter of such special importance as to interest; every citien of Ealeigh who will have to use the road. Convicts ought to be put at work there at once. No pnins ought to be spared to have the work thoroughly aud carefully dune. A reporter made a careful examination of the road and found dozens of bail places iu it. The matter is called to the special attention of tho exposition authori ties and the people of Kaleigh. The Raleigh and Gaston railroad will make special preparations for the transportation of passengers be tween the exposition grounds aud the city. The trains will be larger th. lit usual and will run more fie queiitlv. The depot accommoda tions at 1 Iargett street station are ceitaaily to be tine. The large shed there will accommodate many' pet.; de. There is a general belief that this depot will be retained for perm alien r use a passenger station. It will certainly be gratifying if this bea fact. A depot at the end of I Iargett street possesses all the ml vantages. It is nearer the city and will save the railroad and its pa-sengers much trouble. Hargett street is practically level ami a far better thoroughfare than Salisbury st i ect can ever be made. Co ii. Haw-Icy writes that he will certainly be here during the expo : t i i n. iti ill;:;, (lovernor .1 arvis paid a tu ;he exposition grounds. I le p. i;d pa; ; a-nlar attention to the S ; ile exhibit. Tin- shelve- and cases in the State exhibit arc all covered with blue cloth. Mr. Peter M. WiNon yesterday -aid to a reporter that the experi ence gained at Poston and Atlanta u ill be of great value, and that the e 111 a. lm w;i; vp very pleasing ami lv arranged. In the south rai' ale tie, coal ami ate-, woods hand-omelv cut and pol me industry. he ttirpell .1 bv li-t lllerv. all the t- p'.Ue tiee. pine ; oil one immense -: on another iron iillMllal pioduets. maiiti taet in ed pin :trl o-r. e"c These extend a gie.it d is Tui he sou' ii , the : I -- . . . - i:: Mi. I . M . W .Noli . . : i :'.: a:. .a,- ,.: ...!k. I" ., . -,i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ::i nil' o'i . .- r.- .- :;!:. He :!i .-top , No; !,,;;v. .ooi ,...'.;. c! ..ioi t 't ward , : i , ; e . i : : : . ie.- ft mn t Ii e c. i -t ei n . . ! !hi Sf.Uc Ioi ' lie ile : : ii. cat ii'!a . e-ti iiia the kal-om i 0 l a ot the ;:.a;ii i a : o 1 1 1 1 : licg.lll. 'fill- will he ; -. -i.eil :ti a few day-. loirlavr! I k ( 'o.. of I liirham, wiil 1 a e olie ol the ii.ost l'e 111 ,1 1 ka 1 ile .11. tl ,lttl ;lCt IM- ot all the e Ii! ill s. lia-ii i lepa it in en ! is 1 1 -1 r i hand--o';.e!y lilted Up aild Ihe papermp. j ' . 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i r and g'eiiei al decoration will he elaborate. .V machine which makes sli.iiou cigaiettcs will he show n. The design of the front of the space ol this display is re markably attractive. (ireensboro and SurrouiuliiiLr Country. CiitEEN.s;;i;, N.C., Sep tern- i Per 1XS4. t This is a pleasant lil tie pl,n-e. named after General Nat han h-i Greene, ot Revolutionary fame P is located about two Jinih--. ea.-; of the scene of I he ('aniens battle ol j Guilford Court, llou-e. the most im Iportant battle ever fought in the 'State and li e ii.i s" important to t he A merica n cause! It was near this place that Pne gallant Poli-h General Ko-cuisko 1 1 ndei el sign . 1 service in planin g and executing themasteih ie!:.,;; by v. hich tia American a.-;n. -Meeiiel m cro.-..-ing rhe J .:.'i. ..a ; li.sappointrag Corn w a 11 is in hi- ; n n ' pa : ion of ! it capture of Green".- io tcs. Crin ford t o, inly, oi . Inch Gice.; boio is the capital, was elected from liowan and Orange, and was so named in compliment to Lord North, who was heir to the litle of I Guilford. This section, with Kan dolph and Rockingham, was set ' tied iu 1700, (ten vears before Guil ford was elected) the south and : west portions by Quakers from 'Pennsylvania and Nantucket, and the north and east by Prosb teriaus i and Baptists, and r he influx of im migration has not materially dis turbed these ecclesiastical divisions. The principal and business street in Greensboro, northeast from (he railroad depot lias a number of handsome stores of brick; the dry goods trade is well represented and i there are two wholesale houses in that line. There is great room for improvement, however, in flu street. The grade might be im proved, and in a rocky country like this it is a matter of surprise to strangers that it is not paved with stone or macadamized. The street west of the court house, though nar row, Is beautifully shaded, and has many pretty residences. Gen. A. M. Scales, the Democratic candi date for Governor, has a fine resi dence surrouuded by beautiful grounds at the southwest end of the main street. On the opposite side there is a well conducted commer cial college. There are several hotels here. The principal one is the Ben bow House, kept by Dr. Benbow.a member of the Society j of Friends. It is well furnished aud the Doctor spares no pains to make his guests comfortable. One of the special features of the house, is, that passengers by train going north or south are conveyed to the hotel for meals and returned to the train, all for the, small sum of lilty cents. Greensboro would have appeared to better advantage had the site of the city been southwest of the rail road. No doubt in the course of time that portion will be built up a a large number of neat houses have already been erected in that sic tion. The weather is now delightful. The backbone of summer has been broken and the recent rains have benefitted the crops, and especially has the travelling public appie ciated the'moisture in allaying the clouds of dust that have prevailed1 during the drought. A few miles west of Greensboro there is an extensive nursery, wheie I saw thousands of choice varieties of peach and apple trees, aud the place is furnished with an ample supply of water in case of drought. This whole country needs com peting lines of railroad to develop it. It was a grave mistake when the State paitcd with her interest in the N. C. Railroad for a long term of years. The corporation now controlling considers the inter est of Virginia more than that of North Carolina. I was in one of the local depots a short time ago aud there saw ready for shipment a large number of bales of domestics and plaids, the products of North Carolina mills, to points throughout the Western and Souther n States. Fruit is shipped iu large quantities, but the prevailing rates of freight are such as to discriminate against the East and force the merchants there to purchase the products of our own State in a foreign market, at more reasonable terms than they can be obtained here. The consolidation ot the A. .X N. C. liailroad with the N. C. Railroad would have been the wisest policy for the State to pursue, and in order to have separated the road from political manipulations leased it to a North Carolina syndicate, and if there was not enterprise eo:-gi. throughout the line of the inn.'; t' have secured siulieient capital P-i that purpose, why give it aw.i. The Lord helps them that help themselves." and a people that ;n vites capital must manifest the : faith in this proverb by t heir wol i- and appreciating their own roundings ami resomces with fbe pluck and energy to go ahead: the courage to set aside an element that always comes to tin- I'loiit: with theories, only to cud in failure, and they will attract capital. Greeli-boro has not as man. In dustrie.- as oti county, but tia taut when a -a t he popul.ii ion portal! ', i i 1 1 become pol t ,i 11 1 iiae tie him; a i.i i i . With tie' I ollt e 1. and t he ( line. In pa-s o Vi car load - : i a , Kiel! o. i.-f i) I o,: 'I ai U'linir.n - i ; i 1. nn i tio ea : n all '.'1 ! a i i i . i ' n I lu-r est g'ai'.a P" 'ii " .1 '' " ' ; '' ' ' 1 1 Jin.- Wa-ii i,i a i .: i . lieurtily .'ii'ii.rr it!! ! tii:.- h is a -in e en i e I .a - . , kind. Dis. Iloltnes are ; ;: .- d :.- t'icinen and -k 1 .led int. , ' their pi les-e m. We 1:1 - I r : l. dorse tl e'li. ' a.'.' N. ,'.',. Mr. Blaine is tr ing tu carry iitej--.ii one shoulder and whiskey on the nth- r, Onslow County Items- No marriages as heard of, but Walter Murrill says he is going to try it next yer if not sooner. liud C-.ij.ih says he can't get any of the yruiHjj; ladies to come to see him if ic is leap year. Perhaps your horse is too f.ist. l':j;ih: Arab horses are not fit for this country at all time:; get a slower ur farmers -ire busy picking cotton, :n;.l our politicians are busy election eel ine. We have had no political speak ing of int:'i i'f as yet in our county but Major C. V,'. McClammy, Democratic elector for third district, who spoke at Richlands so I heard. Mis- Nnrey Hurst, daughter of A. J. Hurst, jr . lets frone to Kinston to attend i be m-.xi :-es.-inn of that school: ami Miss lata Harg-.r. daughter of Mrs. (,'. Ste-j.ht-Bs aiul -i-ter to Mrs. F. J. 1'ulford (if New Heine, has returned to S'llem to c ii'.t.nue her studies in that institution. ir friend from Ward's Mills forgives tin editor of the Joi-hnai. for x scaring him al tout Shriner" Vermifuge, aud won't lode any more papers to keep people from read ing them. It was only a mistake, probably like it was when a certain sweet pie was eaten some time ago. Considerable tickuess and some deaths lately. Mr. James Woodward, son of the late L. (I. Woodward of Richlands, died at his residence Thursday of ty phoid fever, ngod about 23 years: and Mr. William Wilson, aged about "') years, died at his home on New river a few days ago. Mr. Wilson leaves a wife ami several children. fiig deer hunt Tuesday with us: about sixteen guns were fired at deer and only two killed. Mr. Lee Murrill and father, Edward Murrill, were the lucky ones. A. Lee. J. Holderfield, H. Smith, I Ed. Murrill. Frank Melton and George , Ward, all good marksmen especially the latter shot and missed their game. , All had excuses, of course some too far and pome not far enough. i On Wednesday- the convict camp, as hss been every day lately, was visited by the young ladies of this vicinity; among them were Misses Ida and Laura Sanderlin. accomplished daughters, of : D. E. Sanderlin, Esq., and I tell you if ; I had not been already married I would have been tempted to steal some of the ; handsome presents of flowers and "beau catchers" presented to Capt. Mclver by these young ladies. Our schools at present are very scat-1 tering; our free scbools will commence about the 1st of December iu this coun- i ty, but we have a few good schools, and only a few. going on now. At Rich-' lands Mr. Frank Thompson, jr., has a i good school, and at Swansboro Miss I and farm lands. Hut if any causes ex Mattie Pearce is taaching. Miss Mattie list, the Board of Trade, Cotton Ex is an old tMcher and a good one. Mr. j change, and all other butffciaes organi Lon. Ilewett is teaching at Piney Green, ! zatious, and every individual who feels and Mr. C. B. Frazelle has a good school i an interest in the progress and develop in Stump Sound, which is about all we ment of our city and section, should know of now Ed. Franks and Cad Koonce keep on , bragging on their crops, but Jack Mur-1 rill can beat them fifty per cent on cot- j ton and I expect on anything else but I bragging. Cad is a good hand at almost anything, especially watermelons. The other dav Lewis Harget sent a large j melon r.s a present to a certain man, and Cad made a substitute in the shape of a very small one. carried it all right 1 so he said, but the man found it out and so did Harget, and now when Cad car- ; l ies a present for any one he carries it in his own name. Fish at Swansboro are getting in their ' prime. The big seines are - all doing I something in their line. Browns Inlet, j Kogue Inlet, Cedar Voint, Haw kins'. , .Shelly Point and Mount Pleasant fisher-; ies are all iu full blast, and you can get : a mess of line mullets at either place at any time from now until the 1st of No- vember. The first named fishery is near! Mr. Ii. G. Ward's, the watermel- on iiia.li who gave Capt. Hancock j 2;c. freight on a load of mel-1 ous and sold them for a cent apiece, ; -nme time ago, was as mad as a March : hare, and says, '"Pod bugget, don't talk to me about melons any more." Cleveland's l'rospccls. Wilmington .slur. The change that has taken place iu rke prospects of Gov. Cleveland since he ioi h of Aiinist is verv srreat. almost ' phenomenal. If the election had come on then it is known to our friends that we had the gravest fears that Cleveland won! 1 be defeated. But the outlook is very different now. It is positively bright and growing brighter (-very day. We sincerely believe that unless there is a reaction before November unfavor able to the Democracy that Cleveland and Hendricks will be elected. New 'fork is all ri.ht now. The 6''tr. Tam many's organ, is out for the ticket since Tammany wheeled into line. The out look in the West is full of encourage ment, and Indiana is safe we think. In New Jersey and Connecticut wt- have a u-ool showing. i':ela .-ti.':':i ram s, lie! K.-;. The lir.-t broad and manly confession of the lcvolutionarv tendencies of the contest that comes from a parly organ, may be found in a leading editorial fr.-m the Chicago Ili-r.O:-cnt copied in today ".-paper. The Iuti r-(irt,i,i is one of th" ablest and most earnest Republi can organ-t ol the West, and it is hnally force.,! to blurt out the truth, in the face of an incompetent and im fricient Na tional Committee and of the regulation ivckle-v s pi Tui-'-s of dependent organs, if proclaiming Illinois as safe publicans and painting the I the campaign in glowing Juste for the P l-ogr,-.oli.rs. I'liiim t ;.-:idar- i ' .'-.' i till 'xi : th- -)-'uiii is loreed lo pro ami summon ihe party ir.e measures tu halt the is gravely threatening a - -s m ( ilno. Illinois. :. -;:i. and even Iowa to l: 'PUlj.lc: M 1: -a', ami K.ia- Ti: r " ' t ii: 'i a i tt thi the : I'liiitn the I; i r'y organs .tigii would ii-.-ues and iiav- cay ii aine - -l.t- tli.it .a-:-. b;ai; .-iitarv : I i lied the strirtly -t Muarter of a .o w s. . that n.l t! e. lu a n i i v 1 O old i-.-ues h: at new i-.-u battel! It to tia and 'IU . l'i:i t'll'i ill a i 1 1 a . ill 11 ie -eoIlR-s ,';",( i ii il i .-th. r- .1 t .ng Hi. ii-ini oik I !,,r s ,'.' ,1,; ','. " ''.'.;' :- ; '' ''' '' r . - - : o oi dealer i VOserccf. It- e of th ral i ..... i the ( itinpai'. ruroliach ha '.0 pound- ..I , t.. 1,,- order. It call the h oap ever sent P any North Carol ina. At it !iZ ABSTRACT OF LISTKD TAXABLE8. The following is an abstract of the taxablea listed in Craven county for the year 1884: Valuation. Acres of land. 314,911 S 577,912 Town lots 1,048,048 Horses. 1.063 61,143 Mules, 528 31,385 Jacks, 1 10 Jennies, 2 151 Goats, 440 743 Cattle. 5.753 34,553 Hog. 9.542 11,196 Sheep. 2.032 2,234 Farming utensils 108.786 Money on hand 47,785 Solvent credits 149,819 Stock in incorporated comp'ys 15.985 Other personal property 249,809 Total . . .2.349,659 Net income $15,498 Bank stock 30 915 White polls 984 Colored polls 1,084 Compared with last year we find a shrinkage in values to the amount of 140,430. The shrinkage does not ap pear to be ou any particular class of taxabk s, but seems to be genaral. The number of acres of land listed is 9,816 more than last year, yet the total valua tion is $41,300 less; the valuation of town lots is 818,050 less than last year; the number of horses is three more thnn last year, yet the valuation is $9,405 less: there are seven 'less mules listed, but the value has decreased $3,588; goats have more than doubled in both number and valuation, being, it ap pears, about the only profitable thing in the county during the last year; cattle have fallen off both in number and val uation; hogs have decreased about one- fourth, which is attributable to thechol era: sheep have also decreased in num ber. the dogs must be held responsible lor this; there is a falling off in the val uation of farming utensils of $5,138, caused, no doubt, by the short crop lost year; there is $8,023 less money report ed on hand than last year, and $6,850 less solvent credits; under the bead of all other personal property there ie a railing on of i!l,te24, and ot Btock in in corporated companies $13,577. The shrinkage in farming utensils and personal property is undoubtedly caused by the short crop of last year. Many I farmers were compelled to ran the old I plow one year longer, and the old furni- ture about the house and kitchen had to be dusted off and made to answer until times softened under the pressure of a heavy crop and good prices. But really we can Bee no cause for depreciation in the value of town lot come together, holding their interest in common, and investigate tbe cause of such depreciation and inquire what is necessary to give the city an upward boom. These figures furnish food for reflec tion to the business men of New Berne. , We desire to call special attention to one item, and that is the amount of bank i btock listed. Is it possible that the city of New Berne owns less than one-third of its banking capital? True, if we ; haven't got the capital we are fortunate i if some one else will put his money here, j But where is the $50,000, money on 1 hand that is usually listed? I There is one other thing we wish to call attention to. It has been referred to several times by the Journal since we located in New Berne, and we in tend to continually refer to it until there is an alteration sortie way or other. The number of white polls listed in 1883 was 1.029, in 1884, 918, a falling off of 45. The colored polls listed in 1883 was 1,078, in 1884, 1,084, a gain of 6. While there is a slight improvement in the list of colored polls, still the list is small when compared with the voting population of that race. They list only one hundred more polls than the whites while they poll nearly double the votes. This simply proves that a large number of the colored people do not care enough about taxes to even list, notwithstand ing a lailure lo list is maae a misae- meanor by law. This poll tax is applied to the support of the poor and for edu cational "purposes, and every able bodied man within the prescribed age should be made to pay it, or the poll tax fhould be abolished. It is a matter that the next Legislature should seriously con sider. Provide more effectual means for compelling persons to list their poll tax and for collecting the same, or abolish it entirely. Democratic Meeting at Yanceboro. According to previous notice, the Democratic voters of township No. 1 assembled at Vanceboro on Saturday, the 13th inst., for the purpose of ap pointing delegates and to transact other important business. The meeting was organized by elect ing (i. F. Lancaster chairman and G. J. Dudley secretary. On motion. Clement Manly, Esq.. of New Berne, explained tbe object of the meeting. The eonvention then proceeded to elect four delegates to represent the township in the ensuing county conven tion. The following delegates were elected, viz: J. J. Spier, A. H. Wil liams. J. B. Gardner, and Aug. McAfity. On motion, a committee of three was appointed to draw up suitable resolu tions inviting Senator Vance to speak here during the present campaign. H.uvev McLowhorn. W. A. Ewell and J. Dudley composed said committee. 1 During the absence of the committee j tla- meeting was very pleasantly enter-: taint- 1 by -tirrmg speeches from Messrs. j Frank Hancock and lieu. Ash, of New j Berne. i Mr. Charles Sutton, of the Greenback I . l- I I... pel s illusion. asKi'U II1HI ai. aoiin .i. j.ieksoii. their candidal! for sberilf. be allowed to speak. Mr. Jackson came a brief talk . ad vo doe trine. The c mi 111 i ttee ' which was granted, forward and gave us ailing ihe Ireenback , .ii rt-soluti Jis 1 1 pi irtetl the f '1 lowing : la-solved. That we. ihe Democrats of Yanceboro assembled in ceaTeution. do i epe,'t I ul I v ri"uest Senator Zeb Vance' t.. -peak here the place lamel for him i a r-uel, time as he ean make it conven ient du ring the present campaign. We tiank he would have a large crowd from th" a I Joinai e- amt ie. Sp. i c!.e lii'ina m it-muitil. 'lenient M.oih . one of ( raven's favorites and Pi',, nli-' 1 sons wa- called for. and he re--.oi.d.-rl nobly. It being late in the dav. his time was limited, so that he e. .u 1.1 le t 'I iscuss any one of the great PC'S of the day at length . but he cer .ii i sketch them welland met the iiilviiuced by the ( ireenback er so !e that thev almost come to the -ion that they would riitlier be ie g. .ad old Democratic party and ioe the great victory that await November next. A ftel' the i lose M n lv's sp'-ech a i levehmd and i bib u a- orgai.i.'.ed wiih a hu ge Mip ,p -1 Mr !I r; : i i . ' lie' ail a n a i; i . I'-h He nt pil! 1 . I. D I. lto.l'e writes, a poi m III the ,si a on " Hut ler and K.-'oi in. " New ol k Mr. I'' "Igt Mr. hutlei "Ah. isi ill 11 vit he able to relm in t I. d an ad passed, w retell. mil ' r. as the "No .loubt. h. r 1 iilher l loctor's daughter replied a mean a ipiaek. Tin walk' only ineiiiber of ill" ( 'abinet who d haul is dead. This will douut- less prove a warniug to other Cabinet members who may doing some work. bav thought about AiEEWHIKT rox thi usi or DO. To BUM th4 W- , U ftntty, i to 4 t'HU ; 7 StpetltKUVllldtei.it th. . proper dott in task cate. for ConaUpailoo, or Cottlrewan, to remedy U bo effeetlv m im'l Pn.i . The; insure regular .dally action, ol o tore the bowel to boeltliy conduio. For IndlffetioHtr Dyipopria, ivo -Pills are liiraluaWeanil a mro euro. Heart-burn, Im of Appetite, ra Stomach, Flatnlanejr, Dlulna, Iie ache, Mnmbaeu, Hausea, are all roiiuv .1 and eared by ATX' Tills. Id Llrer Complaint, Billon DUorir, aud Jaundice, Ateb's Pilm sbouM ) Siren la doea large enongU to excite i -liver and bowels, and remove conr; Al a pleattlng; medlaine in Us Spring, . Film rj Unequalled. ' ' trorme, ceased by 4 morbid enmi ti .1 the'We'elti are 'expelled by tkene rim Ernptlons,' Skin .Diseases, ami I tile resuUoJ Xndigwtlontor Count 'pm 1 eared by tbe rue of A yes's Piu-s. Tor Cold, ek AYES' Pili.s r . the rre, reniove Inflammatory . nd allay the fever. ' , .; j" - Fa Diarrhoea ana1 Dysentery, c;ui. ' ' -sadden eolds, Indigestible food, etc, in Pills are tbe true remedy. Rbenmettnn, ' Goat, Nenraleln, n 1 Sciatica, often result frern digestive tl-- 1 , merit, or eolds, and disappear on rtme tbe cans by tbe use of Area' ru i n. Tnaaore, Dropsy, Sidney Com pit. I ..1 , and oiber disorder eansod by debilay r obftrnation, are cored by A vri's Pru . SappreesloSH .and Falrfnt Slrum na tion, bare 'asi And ready rem'; In AYER?S PI Lie. - ' 'b jic : fMv Ml'. ... f Foil' dlreetloas, In varlotu language, to eompany eaoji package. . ' . ; . Dr. J. C.' Ayer & Co.; Lowe ! 1,1'.::-. : SoUbysJlDrnixUts. Professional Cards. CHAS. H- BE07I.T, AT T O It N Y - A T - t. A , KBTAJI VlLLiK, jr. C. travttfrsael In T.KeS Vsnntle. nrnimlln V , . Craven, Jones and Onslow. joiieoifon vi ijiaima a specially, Oorraaipuo(leno aollclta. , n.arfwti P; H. PELLETlXn, -t-ttiQrney'a t-TLt a w POLtOCJBUVIIXK. Jeweei Conntjr. HI. "Will practice to the Courts f Carteret, Junt a unsiow ana unnt - - Kpeclal attention siren to the oollpr-tlun i r claims, and settling .estate ot d(x-i-ni-l 1 -sons. . -, , v - itturlnii WILLIAM : J. 0LAEEE, COTJNSELLbB AT LAW, Attends all the conrta held at New IVu.i. North Carolina, o . Particular attention: vatd ' to colli i claims, anl conveyancing. umvea Hiates uommiesioner. , BepkUtbeUWi. .. i v L. J. Hoobbv , -. '.' .Vi'U. E. Cum. it. M00tE;VCLAEIIE, , ATTORNEYS' AT LAV, New Berne, N. CL Will. practise In the Couru of Oartort-t. Co. ven, Greene. Hyde. Jones. Lnulr. Unmow and Pamlioooouutles. . Also In the Sunreiue Oonrt at KnloU-h m l the United BUtes Couru at New heme ,n,l ttaieiun. - t - - . mr oonecting a speolalty, . ' .. apftdtrif eitnitai v. BTROiro, ,-JP SAjrncL K. fmkiiy. , Balelgb, N. C. Klnston, N. C STRONG & PEEHY, KiNarow, i. c. ATTOKSKYS Mi tOCKSEUOBS -iT U. Ravine v formed a eonartnenhln tnr ihe practice of tbe law in Jones oonnty, will ri larly attend theomirU of the sauic, i'r- n. 1 1 attention paid to oolloctlons, mayialAwtf; ... . , r fcH'ttoNQ A FERUT. ., .. , ' '' ' - PHIL. HOIXA1ID, 3. r. .. OWIIT B. tlCKiH HOLLAND; (Sc'GTJIOIT, Attorneys ' . at ajiav, OtHne on Craven St., two 4oors above Pellock Will practice In the "Counties of (Yuvmi Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico an4 Lenoir iTompt attention paltl to oollecuona. - apr-owiy. , . - , . '.iii .i n- , r. M. 8IMMO.t8, . ..'''ManKrr MAHI.T. S I MM OtiS & MANLY. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. . . y Will practice In the Courts of Craven, Jrmer, OnBlow, Carteret, Parolleo, Lienolr anil liyue, and in the Federal Court at fiew Beroa. febOdAwl , ... .. DR. J. D. CLARK, v SEWBEas, . c. Office on Craven street, '-between Pollock . and llroad. a- . a'prl7UlWl7 DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, , Surgeon Dentlnt NEWBEUN, N.'a,"r: t iitiee on Middle street, orer Miss Ket Oar i in wav Millinery Htore, opposite Baptist ,. I'lllirell. , ,--,V ' . - Ten Yenr Practiced Exparienee, .''a' sep'Hdawly . " JAMES RED HO ID, -V K Agent and Bottler ;,' OF THK BEHGUEE L E1TGEL BEEWHTG COTS PHILADELPHIA v '";' ii ..-' . t LAGER BEER New Dcrnc, N. C I'l.i- b. ei took preiniuniH at the CeB 'o v i - i i n ml l.xhihuioii at Philadelphia and ,' '.,. the Paris Kxposition, Keepe better tha Va. ;ui ..ther in warm climates, aud it th'". I i , in. biui.l wherever known. ' ' I oi in kegs or crntoe. d ...-.' '. Notice, Common, To AIL : V'lO' N Iterel.y l veil tt) Hi) tllOSS thftt Wl. .'' . I o .i i. Hi.- luxi Hie on Middle street and la., ,M:tiit.. it ii. Hint i fn I ly ay mpatbl -w.i n : lien, una niMi i ( ii i.i better luck ntxt I I in i- In Hi.' i line i In v will be rnronslruot , ij " 1 1 1 1" i.i. t .-..ii iin.i u'iii.i riK.r. Tsisaeve) for : ( It, tiiK tti- timoltlii't.i latitreisee. ICAe. . Als... i Hd Wtirr, Olnsjer Ale.' 1 tit Hui lii very fine Mineral Wtr , iilwity in g .,..1 tstlltlll ltn todljHk. AlUtoieh I t he lee II'ium- wui badly tlanutptlb) Are the Ice didn't Uiirn up. - . . , I All know Kliere to And me. ' I y U PALMr'B. - f J- t ' r -5 r " f '""- v-yj-..;.. : v