- -re .Hi!'- f - ' nv rni c. - Tilt: JOURNAL. V K. 0, SOT. t W84. Ok tbUa witl thi& bat 1t U to iliow I for the Democrat. With quiet,., then how lacttfy tby hv wapHl. ! earnest work. good. Roaml matter of Theso Georgia farmers tloubtlena ' fact speheM, aach as that inflilc by had good time for while; we cad Gov. JiBVia at Kington a few tXMiglM how the frailri were j week ago, the.v are sure to win in dtw to cbartb in new carriages t North Carolina, ami it i )i. n ..rt- ExrosmoN xoYes. Law for Farmers Hiring Farm Help. Hieing Minors. A grefitmany farm bands are minors, under the age ot twetiry-oiu-. such person T u V Ticrunw "Political AUioe v ; th.kt for Pr'eAWeat :i I VVilVwUrtt, Otpt. W. L. : ktu . cf renaajt-muU, is com. .;. ciuli l :t 6r. rridnc and i Tbr i- -f":ti2S..-4 II. ViTWUlS, ot New every Uhj..: c i. wfk, f r Vw-PrtsWnt. Th At- firmer, mn-h.tr, withflae borssxs o." to we eoliejs and he girU taught to pisvr tbe piano; elm forget t dj; t lie philo-'j'hT' .(ini' "i' a '" l." oi now tin day "f fr n i u ; lu have from Wisrou si n . M u li hp true t lo-re n .. Ol' ('I l. KI. xMi's ttn anil ( ' i li e: inn. K, UlllO, our en Me 'in . r 1 1 . r.. .tin tii.t: he lr . law la. "Jfot&laj" order, bat .- "m lliinjj th rnenitxrrs of , ; i-ry C i know, their eafldxlate '. c t b. t .'ectcd Uiijtw. . .c, mm lrtTl aotnetUiog on ' ytr, doctor, li.r.ik otH.-vr, editor or ajjythiag el.e, jtlioold ! nudi iv, and thi-1 i, fire iri.'ii yo ok.ikj. As oou a a niii lfif:n to snil fnor ibaa Iih im.oiue lit will ivoti DO rubbing imxih ti.-.ir , .mil jpin prtatiug tint whielj diw.-t not ll.mj: to him. Hut to the ;ico"iint ul the Booej leuder: ATLANTA, . AiU'us; Jt. -Tin-Uaitetl States Court' .;rc tw-jjiuutnp to Lake a new cLias ofamct, uamcly, sails of big mony leading oompa Biea OjpuiuC farmers ho have tvor rowed njvoy oo longtime. A' thf last terni there were several ol th'. eaae fiearti .tun jaajcmt'Dii ran dered for tlie .imouuti tjaiuied. bibr 'In' i m i r .. ri not f t i : tic k' : r.i: K.ilfib, .ii.ii ; ii. ir . StAt c w here c vri hl.s xht!(il and 1 1 liout .i ii i :. ; . ii Itut in t.u I he ! i i - 1 1 " t n 1 1 ulrr.iiH N t 1 It ; l r i .i : . .i: i th ( '.iroltn.i I i ii ,i n ran fii i 1 N pious .i;.ni:iMi .i k i" i . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 r . i , 1 1 . God Work and Qnlrfc Work Now Belnc Done. Krom News and Ob(ir it Kvery day ;i reporter ol th iSVtr (iMi Oberver visits the grounds, and every day finds something new to .seo and fresh evidences of progress. lit irnm Nearly all visitors, and there are labilitv niany each day, enter at the eastern door. The broad halls stretch away in front and left and right, and the building seems immense, but it is oiilv niter one has made the errand1 i'.i . ... , ... . , , ; nou int Harvest, without legal iv.iim, or simply bceaiise he can '-it mole The Flower Mission. AmoDg the many noble charities of the city of New York, the 'Flower Mission" is one of the cannot make a contract, which will j most pleasing. Its object is to dis be biudiug u;i n them, except for : tribute among the sick, in hospi necessaiies. l',craiie ot tln'ir in- tals and in tenements, flowers, experience in '!u- .sharp cuiiilics ol fruits, dainty articles of food, peri business, the law rclixts f l.i in iniai odicals, newspapers, Christmas the obligation of keeiiinir theii laesents for children, and other I., ft-r lt Dr. hi L T . : r. Tfos msc .aad Boform , .f New Jer7 held State :.::a at XsbarT r&rt oo ' list for' Ck parpove.o i or crtcdmslfleiyier or , t.r ?'.( rxUting yatkrasi co ! i r . iarti:. A rwolotioo - .! red d-rclrin j It tttpropr ..'.'! tn lo cKOiw'oa of XAtioasJ s, but d(Iriox "tkX. woold ' C.e coorM do their doty :.rtuo whea the iasoee are '. at tie ballot box. "A resold i a adopted recoaiaxadiof r.Tort be made throoh the i-i's Chriatiaa Teaperaaee . t : r a State (had to opes " la every - araUabie - ecUTlj ta Tacated aaloooa. gaaine . temperaace. , Mea . - rued to ttroof driat eaaaot t rek short eff wtthoat ome- : a a sabetitoie.. Mea who - .,-utocaed to- --ireea' J U a cid thfo g to taper off . -.-;SAL ClU&MCXZft W FOL- . "ICS. JCUV U. SXSX.TC, !o the t J. t tV-v hM a well "written t i rtse II oral Character is Mr. EiEtTX, If we BU . i ou of the twoMlepab- r , :r. vrs ot Coo sreaa who had li IS7Q to rote against ;. r:A commbeioo bosioesa -.: siast stealing- the t Tildes. Ifb Irthe .:t - we sow. hare tn . . tLothia a proper - cn thia mbject. 'v tie j-Toand that there ': lot two pohtkal par :-, aa 1 there U bow ao :e;i the Detnocratie iVr.cja rtlea, tW. plal v rM bt;h.skleadrw. : i.-;..ticcU fxotn WhAtthe !i n' twea and not from y a . ' ', '. : t d 5, r withhiuioa thie r Is a real laaae be . t o " pjrtit? npoo the :tir. Tie IpabJiaias '.--.J for prctctioa. the t xr. T for rerenne. To Irj'aaJ that aoj v n pr.ct.s bat the : L: which said tariff tr-a: deal to do with . a r-. i ! eiTect wponthe I i ; ! e for proteo ; i !o fixed so as to shut i evra;ietJUoa, with . m, ail will brio; bat f i; l for revenae "' I sou to bring io a r- o .: :e to pay the ex f tcr.i:r.en aod to thw : '.I ;? 1. j uidastry will be I: U L-ne that there are -crais who hold to the 'i i.Icj oo thai qaeatioa ' a: any BpQbZkaae 1 i tie Democratic Idea; "- a d.t;"ac6 party base ' -v cf e:h party wiQ . . :. oa the piriform ! c u : I j their cooreatiooa. - we d cot agree with Mr. ' thai the es.'jr atrogjrie b t; lo partte now ia to -i.oa or th patronage (OTt-f of the gorervBoeot, ; ciiia it U. true,. And '. I tuere not be a strangle f I-e pArty ia power wtO . s'r-;z!e to keep, in; the : i'.i strode to pet in. It .: tha: the people abooJd ; u the party la power baa corrnpt estrarafaat, and la execotiog the laws, or ..t u;.i:e bal laws." it shoo Id - ! out and anetber pot in. . n.L'Mtae eooagh. Let the . mqiire why it is that the . t:.-a adffltntitrstloa cootio- : j ; .'o cp niHioaa of mooey in : i.'iry that the goreraueat r.. t need. Let thea inquire : t;.a land grants, eUr roete . N aai ether Jobbery that baa i r erpetrated epoa the people f rt ' ; Xij.: tweaty year and see it a .z-o woald not .be beneficial. I. : them iareie the character H-.i caaJidAt offered by the two j zd jadeof their fltneiw. i. Kl.VM ' N. Sept. - UK. T i:r. V 1y I"nr TITf I . i . 1 Iii't tfll oa in ni last nh.it put the lm - tn tan;liii: ami himiI pii'lmg. Von itre it i nil" a U u t in 1 1 1 1 -. a . The boys vrere all suinnii'lied tn i nn.r in atld hnld a ii 'li en t lull tn iniinin tte eantlulates tnr the ihrteieht coiint oftiees and haw a grand old love fea.st. When the da arnved thes were all on li and earl v ami prom pt I . aouie coming m tlie dav before and tour ol the .Ati eet around the building that its sie is realized. I'vrn visitor lioin a distance says the building is iar largei and its stle better than he thought before he saw it. Inside now t lungs are in a tangle. 1 here l et order in a ! I t h ; s r liaot ic 'i fusion. Kach set i it people woi ks . -t l on a section lor .so:;., county r iiiv.ite exhibits, regardless of i i i body else. I i i ii t, green pa 1 n i n", are be gi 'i r ' ti rior ga . I he Nort h l 'ai cannot receive ! lis i ii k . so well i on c. in con nect i ic's. Gun. Hoke. the i pi es'.deii t ot t he com pa ny . ha ii. m !i personal attention ngrtem. n.sit the.v wish to avoid them ( 'mi.-eqncntly if the tanner hires a ban 1, under twenty-one, to work one year, or an v definite time. hand leaves just before things calculated to minister to minds diseased, and cheer tlio des olation of a prolonged illness. There are similar societies in Boston, Philadelphia, London, Paris, arid, indeed, iu most of the chief cities of Christendom. The wages elsewhei c, the farmer cannot ; purpose of all is to brighten and keep .my ot his back pay. or iii any ; cheer the lives of those who are win get damages for the minor's doomed to suffering. Other organ breach ot c -ntract. Tinier such ' izations provide the necessaries of ciit i::ast;u ces the ininoi' will be en-: life: these endeavor to do some thing more, and assist the icstora- 'I to t ill 111 Ked paint, blue a 11 tl I l .i . ' o; !..!, , .., 1 I I 1 SO Ml f i wi t h t he ,.any si- for mp'h iiuihi- icieiit given i the In ipile ike 1- t mell IJ tie ot t he con 1 1 r rv. oil;. One ot the the State. Gen. H finest business men in tin Whatever he does he doe. that be sure. Mr. W. K. wlio has direct charge of the u . has shown remarkable etieigy . Much is due to Ami :k. ml many ol tuem oetore ilay on the nooeoftbem sof.tr have defenses 1 morning of the convention. When been made. The prospect is thai 1 the hour arrived Buttermilk Collins, this term of Court will see a still j who is always lovely and serene, greater nnnlwr of thee saits. but arose iu all of his majesty and the nnaiber will be hunted for u . called the convwutiou to order, hort tim to eome. a manv debts when it was foond the Ihi s were all hare not begun to fall due and will 1 brimfull of patriotism, bad whisky, promptness r. T., (ha I tfn'i:i! ri i7h tji sm . free loveism r-.uli- etlmt.s. im jv t w v vi mi t-t- j v . s. r ? - , tost few days several new snita have , calism, devibsm, Mormouism and been nlei in the Uuited States i the mowt ol the colored hands de Court. The Freehold Ind and I mauding the right to marry white Mortgage Company of London sues j wives if they wanted to do so. It Walter A. Baaely, jr., of Greene was also found very soon that the coootr. for 12.700. This indebted I large hall was tilled with demon neM was created in Jane, 1832, t j spirits floating arouud on pinions into t he gi ounds and in front ofthe whieh time the defendant borrowed j of fire and brimstone, rilling all t he main Im. Mn g d:ides. one branch fllfiOO and gave his notee for tlie I hideous air with the pertumes of running right through i;. the other principal and intereet. This money bad whisky and enss words, curving anumd by the m u liinery wsa payable at tbe Corbia Bank ofThings, however went quite io'.ely shed and the Ixiilers. S-. there are yew York, and by the terms of the I for sometime, wheu Liig Bundle, special fat ilities tor moving hoavy agreement tbe oote were to be de- j letter kuown as the (Jonstiiutioual artices. clared due at the pleasure of the i Law maker oi tbe 'eok, arose in all Yesterday two cars came in loaded bolder iu case the interest was not I bis grandeur and for thirty minutes jt h the Forsyth county exhibit. A paid within thirty days after it was ; louryti out sucn sluices ot eioipience repirter took a look at this and tith rati hired at ' throw in ' t : recovei :!. ser lee.s . '1 here ' v. ill; it's' . dlell. Mr li m 'egoi ii : obligation : their chi i ; , services .i years old: ,: out. they a: until that the t . 1 1 i r i ; t wen' oi. . he pa s s ; he W h' illl thc . ; nn ill ti ' line him at the !. nr. :f he thinks he ' iow a rate, lie can e coni ract entirely, atid ,i hi.s employ er what his actually worth. a ao' 'k r con -I' lei a 1 ion ' 'n i he hi; ing of eliil ' m. i i n ' I ha 1 1 ' he Patents, being iiiider o supioi t and cue for n . a I e entitled to t lie; r ; 1 t hey a re t wen t one : , 'I the cii Id i en work e cut itled to t hen w ages time. When thelefore l, School Exhibition and Picnic. Editor Jotjknal: We were highly pleased to bo present at an exhibition of the closing exercises of a public school last Friday, th Sejitembcr, at Deep Spring Chinch, Jones county. The asM-mbh nut about '.) o'clock, hail a liioion . ii ex amination on the ai ii. -lis s' .idies taught in eomii'i.u xhco!. The children did adtnii a bly : Ironialiap pearaiices they lme ieeti tr luu. t ! prepare for I'utare iim-fulness, anil, may success crown their ; doi ts. At i 11 o'clock they gave an interesting! entertainment of declamations and compositions, which was an le.n r to each one of them; I he exeicise: continued until .12 o'clock. Then j the ladies of the vicinity brought i forward their well rilled baskets, which was bountifully spread in the church yard on a table which ' Hon of the body by exhilarating the I groaned beneath the- ponderou heart and giving pleasant thoughts to the mind. At this flowery season of the year the rooms ot the society iu New York are open two mornings in each week for the reception of bouquets and baskets of nowers, weight of the. good things of life.; The invitation was then announced to all to come and partake of the ' nourishments set before them.j After the fragments were gathered up, the whole crowd, with a few ex ceptions, marched to Wilcox bridge, b ROYAL ) A1IWTJAL STATEuIENT. om-nratlon Audited Abd Al Iom ri) to the County Cooimla J sioners of Craven County, " V. " ! state of North Carolina, ' ''' .-x ' i CVto'cn County. )i;''" I. Jdsf.i'ii Nelson, Clerk of thefiaard ( f 'oinniimiionerg of Craveo county, do ili.-i.l.v ceitify that the following, is a 1 1 i. i ai nii ni of iheamountsnd naturs ' rnniiiciiK.iiion audited by the Board ' of ( 'oniriiiHKioners of Crmren county to tlie members thereof eeverslly, thenum- . and the distance traveled attending the meetings of the Board during tb period commencing September.. 1st, 1888, end -ending August 8l6t. 1884, as per records of this office, to-wit: , James A. Bryan, chairman Board of .i Commiimuniert. jy? .' Twenty-fiye days attendance at ' v, meetings of Board at 82 per day- f 50 00 Two days examining Treasurer Y . : accounts at S3 per day 4 00 j Attention to Poor House, signing , ' vouchers, etc 63 00 Absolutely Pure. Tills powiler never vanes. A marvel o purity, strength, mid wholesomeiiess. More eeonoinioal 1 lian the ordinary klndB, and can- nut lie sold in compel itlon wltli the mnltltude which are at once conveyed to the ! about half a mile distant, and spent ,wrS nospuais ruin distributed ny the i the remainder ot the pleasant alter- powdkikm adies who visit the sick at their hoines. Last year, two hundred thousand boquets were thus given noon in music and dancing and boat-rowing lor those who did not participate in the dance. KHi Wall-st.. N. Y. novls-lydw Executor's Sale. I will ti-U for cash. door m Winston, N. I '. it the Court- House on the TWENTY hires a liainl under Yesterday parts of the big Cor liss engine, the luo horse-power one, were t. .ken Irom the North Carolina dejM't to the grounds. The wheels of this engine are the larges' yet seen here. The railway track runs doe. ' The notes have interest cou pona attached, like tbe coupons ou bonds. It seems that in tbte par tjcalar tbe f iOO of Interest became doe .November 15, 1833, and was aot paid. Tbe debt to the company m secured bv a mortsrare ou 320 acreaof land in Greene county. As ! Eagle perched upon a liberty pole the company ia a foreign corpora extending into tbe aerial regions of tioo it has the nrivilece of bringing 1 more than 17,000 yards with the tbe suit ia the Coited 8tates Court, tip of one wing resting on the east which it baa done. The aoove suits 1 eru shore ol Maine, the other u;kui make the hefinnioir of au era ot ! tue western contines of California, iu uiuoo mcuij wiiwin i-iii""- marveled exceedingly at the grams thenes and the immortal Clay to iUlj grasses. Forsvth will push all rattle iu tlieir grares. The force of t;ie Cnunties close o'n this particular his eloquence was terntic and m j0i, 0f the display. It is re great it produced an earthquake ported that Chatham 'will make a which was felt for several miles strong effort to take the lead in this around, lie pictured the American respect. Chatham is very active about her exhibit. The ladies there natokl misery for the people of the State. About three jears ago these oonpaoies set op business in Geor ri, . advertising noat extravagant todocemcata to make farmers bor row mooey. Thus on $3,000 worth of property perbaM f 1,000 could b borrowed, hrom tnis f l,uoo would be lied acted 1200 by the agents for eomai lesion, etc-, aod npou the his beak seized upon the frozen leks of the sterile mikI bleak Alaska, and his tail wagging over both the Atlantic and Pucitic and wafting gentle xephyrs into the faces of Sumatra and lliudoostau, saying "peace aud good will on earth to all men, especially to the hands now here assembled.'' lieu Whittleld savs when they are at work. Mrs. .lackson, i i I'irtsboro. who always exhibits mk Ii curious and .leasing articles ;it ; he Ian-, will have at the exposition a map (if Chatham ct.uuty, made up I i io.ss and eirth and chalk. The skill shown in these is remaikable. and the effect is very pleasing. A plaster of pans or chalk view ofthe State, in relief, would he a cuiiosity and of real value. It would show every elevation and depres sion, on a scale, every stream, etc. It would be in fact a bird's-e e view ol the S;a'(. The department ot agl iciiltuie shoidd li.'e one made, to lie exhibited iu the geological museum. he a long and lonely sickness can form ma have to pay them twice. I'n- the least idea of the solace which a less the child has been enianci-, single fresh and fragrant liower pated, tint is, has had his "tiiuw" ma3- sometimes convey ti a worn given him. payment to him wiil not 1 and weary convalescent: still less genet., !! j u-vent the parent from can we realize what a broken ' toy collecting payment again. If the or two may be to a child confined child talsely represents himself to to bed or to one room; particularly, be of age, or emancipated, such if the toy is one which admits of fraud will not prevent ihe parent i movement and change, from collecting his wages, or the! We have known a poor little girl value ot h:s -ci vil es. ! to pass several hours of each day A child may become emancipated ! for months in playing with a toy by agrccim n; betw een h i mself and : bureau of dolls' clothes, a bag of parent, b the parent's casting him pieces, and two or thiee awful look off to shut lor himseP, by i he ing dolls, the whole not worth parent's ab-o-oi-ng to p uis nn- thirty cents. Every morning, known, o: by , .e .m nt'.s becoming ' about ten o'clock, after the doctor so poor as to be unabic to care for had been his rounds, and her the child. Ii all of these cases the ; bandages had been adjusted for the child becomes entitled to his wages, day, she would call for her bureau may sin- !.,r them it necessary, and 1 and its accompanying treasures, re.oi ; i he .'mount due him at t he . aud at once lose all sense of an un- rate he i i. oi may throw up his happy lot in playing once more her contract and i ecos or the act ual : inexhaustible drama. value of Ins sei viccs. Their is a j The flowers and toys do good in giowiug tendency among American I another way. Poverty and pain C'Uiitsio favor children w ho are are not promoters oi good temper dune to earn an honest and charity. Those who are living for themselves. This ! afflicted often find it hard to under- teudency is in keeping with the j stand how tlie "world," or "society," spirit of our tree institutions, and I he child w ill generally be given the right to his wages whenever there is any show ol authority for ! this society lrequeutly assuages n. The Courts of some of the ! feelings of that nature. One aged S'ates have gone so far as to hold : sufferer said the other day as a that whi le the parent permits his , beautiful bouquet of flowers was i hild to g.. and hiie out bv himself. - placed near her bed, ml to leceive Ins wages without! "Why, 1 didn't know any rich objection, i has the parent then loses ' people cared enough for me to send h:s l ights in ; i,e i u i-m isi-s. and pay- i me flowers. I would rather have a i nt to the child discharges the - them than all your medicines." ii. bt. Hie st .it iitos of some ofthe! Another incident of a similar na v the society, besides fifty thous-i 1 have attended many exhibitions ' hunt ,iay of octoukk', 1884, the remainder i - , r , , . . i in uie rfiminai instill. oi xne in-ie rt. w. iud donations ot iruit and canned ' and picnics and 1 never saw the kino, consisting ,t one iron safe, ten shnres vnmic fo Us iMiiiiY- tlieme vi'.s anv in tlie A IV. V. K&llroaU, seveD shares In i ii i " i the New Iierne Cias Companv, and other artl ueiiea, anil uoiii an .i iieai a ui e Liic cies oi property. ones enjoyed it equally as! " ' meat, aud many wagon-loads of he must see to it that i Christinas toys. wages to the party to No person who has not suffered belong; otherwise older well. About o o'clock the party dis banded and returned to their re spective place's of abode, well pleased with the manner in which the day was spent. Respectfully, Votrk Ami. Stonewall Items. , Sept. u, ism. ANTHONY DAVIS, Kxectitor, Zach. Swindell has moved to Stone wall and occupies tlie new house just built by K. H. Baxter. Steamer Elm City on her last trip brought the largest cargo of freight for this place she has ever brought before. New goods are iibuudar.t. Sickness has not abated but very little. seplK wlw GRIMSLEY HOUSE, AT Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U. Well furnished, and Table supplied with liic nr.si me rani kct nnorcis. sample rooms lor ciiiie.-.ercial travelers RATES UI ASOSABLE. W E. ORIMSI.EY, telS-d.n-wtr Proprietor, NOTICE. Meetino Board Commissioners, Craven County, Sept. 13th, 1884 It appearing to the Board of Commis sioners that there is not sufficient time in which to make the necessary Regis tration as rpnuired bv law. it is nrhv Col. C. W. Jacobs died at hid place on ordered that the Voting Precinct estab- s . ..l. T.-.l 1 1 :.i 1 ..... " v.ruooe uk isirtuu rtnu v. ,i l ainni vy n3nea at Uover Station by the Uommis- his sons to his home in Maryland for gionerB at their meeting, September 2d, interment. 1884, is hereby abolished. Voters inter- Mr. Thos. Miller and wife, who have i ested will govern themselves accord- been on a visit to Mr. J. Ii. Quick, tlie j ingly. father f Mrs. Miller, left us on steamer ; By order of the Bonrd. as some stvlc it, can be so lndiffer ent to tlieir misery, lhey grow morose and bitter. The action of ii-gulated the matter ture occurred recently. A beauti- Scitcs lia( b. pio:ding that unless the parent -l ful white lily was placed by one of gii s in tin- vitinna certain time t he visitors in the hands of a man in tin- i-MiiiwM-i that lie claims the , who was near his last hour, it minor's wages, he loses right to gave him exquisite pleasure, and them. In New Voik, notice must ! be said, nominal ff 1,000 8 per rent Interest , reached this point of eternal bliss had to be paid, and tbe money had they nominated a candidate for the to bring in live years' interest, no House of Representatives and felt atterwhether tbe bonowef wanted so gvnwl over it they went right on it that lour or not. Tbe real in-1 and nomiuuted another, uud here UrMtnaiitltll wr nL Harimr'ls where the devil cot loose. lien Vesterda -oine m i i laife and got the money and lost it, tbe hor j further says it was all lbg nnndle's tine timbers arrived at the North be giveu within thirty days ol the ! "1 don t know the lady who sent rower now find themselves in tbefAult; if he had kept hw tiy trap Carolina depot. The arrangement date of hiring. j it to me, but she will know me in h ju.t nf atiirV. kn arlll mxrrilMU- c1oah1. or eveu bo tiled III) some of of lie ikiuiI Hill 1 ie sneh as t n sliow l-'ii'M Al'PRVTI('l--; ni .ren 1 i- . heaven by th is lily. ' 1 OUtli S Com- lr pnabtbeni to the wall in the Fed hw eloquence aud tlauimed up some them m the rough and polished r ces are persons "bound" to another i'""'0" era! Coart, to attend which ru any of the sluices he turned loose, we state, as they were exhibited at to learn a certain trade or business. of (be victims will have to travel woukl Dot have had any trouble; lioston. i They are more common in theme ,u. em ! 100 -mile. .Tltoa within another but tbe Big Bnudte ami the Pope few yeara there will be wituesed j ltb cume with their war paiut on, wnoleeale eviction ot farmers, t determine! to liave a row, una they with ceoeo . rivaling some of the got it. Storiee coming from Ireland. Ben is using a mighty sight ol '- 'cuss words about itandsasil they ITUJiittSS OF THE CANTAB. !dou't iu tbev will have to Aa election day draws nearer the .sleep with Dr. Pridgen a mouth iu ean ruse prows warmer. The Na . sieao oi a ween, or ne win turn lioual forte- are concentrating in ,oul 'e rwepuo icau party . H a S I w ilr.it if tm I f I I i i f t i. r Ohio and West V,rgtol N where I mk CoUi he ia aIl40 ntv ootM amee are expecting a uecisive , 0f some very bsd thints and has got battle la tbe tr favor on tbe 4th of, to repent and go at once aud smell October. What effect tbe elections under the Doctor's arms oi he will 1. 1 ... 1 1 n. i .t ia. these State will hare on the j rkU' u U,A" "" , , , Ito&itv he would vote for that old great contest in ovember depends I id,;, ,nd fox hunter, Dau. Tay h.r. Open circumstances that will de-, Rut Buttermilk is sharp; he did not relop oa!y after tbe votes aremtend to do that, but whs only counted and the smoke of tbe battle btdpiug tbe Pope to get Dun to run la cleared away. U tbe Republi - " an 'pendent candidate. So 1 I rarju thrn lln prm it ptn .mis caaaahoold succeed in both these trt i, ,n it ,, ,., i,,. by good majorities Cleveland's setting 'em up. chance will be greatly diminished. 1 Ren is now running the machine If they both zo Pemocratic. m ttJIS county, and says it the wintt BLAJ7tB'8 chMQces will hopeless Oo the other hand, if the Republi can hold Oh(o and the Democrats The m ills uliul aNv.r. at the ' j-lianit-al trades than upon farms, grounds, the buildings are becon. bl,t ,t,ie fovcrning them i- ii.. r nay ... .i,.,ir , - .,.c i- eiiualiy apiilicablc to all kinds oi tl ...u '!t..r ... ),.. I.r....v.. bllsilll ."f.-s ...... 14 ... ' . . . I II. UVIO. of many hainmejs is heaio, trains t lattle in and out every little while altogether tin mated. The Hiddenlte fciems. The new precious gem discovered, a couple of Years ago in a mine about fifty miles distant from A bov nniv be bound out 1 ' ' ".ge acei , .i. v,-., mm Kiiunii a ni,,,., a farm until he is 1 wentv-one ; luc ",uuu,lr LU uc a'u,o't bv a written instrument. called ' qual to the diamond. It IS placed scene is quite am- t nt. traih of the imrtv don't b he'll be cussed it he don't West Virginia the final result will still be in d-ubt, and th remaining two weeks of tbe canva.v will U vigorows oo both aide. Our State cauvsa, wuu u is of far more interest to our people, progressing in a wanner satisfac tory to tbe Democrat. The West Iweo pretty thoroughly can vassed by both the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and they are now turning their face-S East ir.ird. A serious accident befell Gen. Stalks, the DemiH-ratic ; candidate for Governor, while trav , ersiog tbe mountains a few days ago so thai he w.v unable to meet Dr. YOEK. at some of hi appoint eients. Gov. .Iakis, however,! met tbe Ioctor at Charlotte last Saturday and conducted the dis cussion ou the part of Gen. S ai Ks and tlie Dennvrats -. : e l.- .sed with the result. Vhife the j-iin: .lis, i-icii. ..c cording to rerts irom .u; Dem , rratic papers, h.vs ga-.n.-d votes tor' Gen. S. ai.ks, an.! i; ;s the done of that gentleman t!ii' :- ii -u'.d eoutiiioe, we rind 1 1. uio. ; ., ; . pers 10 tii K-i-st --pi-.ing ;'. .niii that tn in tli f vi-e : t.u-: :!.a: the greatest vu-'-m, 'h.- tietter, turn 'i ni all out and they may go off and start a Utile hell of their ow n. Now, T.re, Pen is a good one, and the Doctor is a good one; can't you ease off a little aud not put them iu hell with the other niggers when you get to be Governor. 1 like Ben and the Doctor both; in is) fact, I have a right smart good feel ing tor all the niggers, .mil now c.in't jou, for old fnendship sake, eae up a little and select a little ciH-U-r pUc for tbem. 1 don't think you ought to ! ko hard ou t he naiuiH in-cause that greasv nigger , .John W illiamson hip'd ou out j so bad. Suppose you just put .lohii , in hell and let all the balance go to Hong Kong or to the mouth of Chagres river. That will be bad enough for them. But you must h-t me keep Ben and the Doctor Li re. 1 think you'll fa! ! . n h- e with : hem on first sigh: . Now Tre'oii must hold up a Yesterday the big tn;' in which tlie restaurant on the Kuropeuu plan will be kept, ri lived at the expiess office. In a lew days it will be put up, neatly tiooicd and furnished. The b.ll of fan-, iriff of prices, will lie approved ,. the exposition association. Mention has been mailt- et t he attr.u-tions of the W. T. Blackweh i: Co. exhibit. We aie iiiloiimi! that Mr. .Julian S. Can, ihe enter prising president of Blackwell's Durham Tobacco (.'ompany. ha made out of bright leal tobacco a ship floating upon a miniature ocean and christened it "'The Golden Belt," which will be shown tn con nection with the exhibit of BLick well's Durham Tobacco (.'ompany. at the exposition. In t he distance, un a bold promontory, is built a lighthouse with a revolving light, and near by stands the veritable windmill .all the while going'., so familiar to all visitors to "I'.rM'a coast. As the "Golden ! b ! i " s,t : K majestically along she is made to play that o'd familiar tune so dear to all Carolinians "Carol. i. a. Caro lina, llciviii's Blessings Attend Hei." To ;.i'. ..inpli.sh this required ci iisuLerable forethought, since no "Articles ol Apprenticeship,'' which ! LU. ,l "Vu u l"efeCUl' '1' ,,wt i... o,,r,.n...i l.,- t ... ,;,,,,r'" c vaiueou account ot its ai.dliisparc.it or guardian, or by ! , rc-iiy This gem is of a clear, the minor with the written consent ! u 1 1 1 grass gieen tint, sparkles ol his parent or guardian. an,i:'ea tlia'1' and is very hard, n-ni i, 1 1, ..ii i..r.n..t: i,o,.i ,,,, ,,,. ! They vary when cut from a traction until the j.:, .,,,,1 ,m i.; j .., ... ,. ,,,:) ti, ui auaiat to auuui sii or seven apprenticeship expires. If either j aud U.e demand for them at party fails to live up to such ;lrtl. l- to ? loO for a karat stone is far clohe becomes liable to the other neater than the supply, and it for the damage so caused. Such i comes chl from Luroiji-, though . I ni'iin- TT-rt o rliv or.' ATI c iti i n- Arl- articles must conlorm to the local , 1 ,-' "-"""J iJVouua ".-un- statute governing ihe matter, be iu writing, aud under seal, must gen erally be made in duplicate, and in some States reeoided. It is the duty ofthe masiei to instruct the apprentice in all the kno v ledge of the craft or business which he has undertaken to teach him, to watch over his conduct, give him good ad vice, set him a good example, be kind to him. employ him only in the trade lie is to learn, and keep all the covenants undei taken by linn in the articles. It is said he may moderately chastise him if nec essary, but beie he should let his moderation bo known. It is the duly of the apprentice to obey the1 rn Usie ilea ler in the I could Uiriiish a mas ay eil tlie U ir . .o ; 111' i'lllchasi-.l the time i ' i h J ...!., ! : ii. and s,- . them in- ; . ' , . s ,'ci l.iinl. and has ..;v e. press the Hi II sic box. -(..-Ill,-:: Belt" is 1 lain. ched. only await: 1 II g o tin- I po- I t loll . lilted S'ates " IC bov ;, , is e m.c. So Mr. !lls notes to the (''lM Ml New , oi k. the ago to Sv. , T . T 1 reVi ived oy and iio'.v tn,- "' e.o1-. to 1 f ' he t.g '; ,- t. :'' master's lawful his property, p learn ihe trail t he ' CI m out . a covenants :::,.! the artlrle.'. lor t bird '.'ill iu mo- e or b pel lo, services ol a m : ti bl-i ,i ken the r-o: v ag. ,s a I: is ,11 to each .- I .' 11 . 1 s -t.nr i-nrl.. ils-1. .' is m w i- g . txs. Perhap sotne of Oor people will rrn -.'-iber hearing or reading a lew J'cjum of large capitalist going '7t ia Georgia to toaa money to t j rxners oa . kmg time, takin g r;. rrigf 0 real estate for secnr party mcc tie sir a- a u i'y. It ws eoa ide red greatljoint cinvw. i i.e arg-.a.. thtj for Georgia, aod many abases ; vanced by th.-v i.ip.-r i were heaped Bpoo th legislators of; there m danger ,f Mr trwn StAts for tnelr sbort si? ht bv ho!din: kin' I: edss in making nsury laws aod we thmk .';). dug- r ; thoa keeping capital out ofthe ruary than real. t.:i r Lite, aad many wished that they to gran: to our coi.-.-i Lad beea torn in Georgia. Bat rentv ::i their desire ' trosa ttxl accoant given below maiiy if the candidates i.n cCthe Oeorgian beore they get the d;cns.stou with c cc6 of (it .had of the money th "old mau" ::!. w.fin will wish that thev never rrhar C bad better : kjdheafer- Hi;t the s-.ily -rg':'; - 'ha' - X3W Cflpplog" gireo below w diacossiou hoald b.' .LMinl nici I i.tndcd"o by iVieod, and we pub- caas. :: draws a .-r -d t M il. lb l5t It, not for th pwrpo of offer pubheau sneakers thu thev ..;U j tdrice to" OUT farmers tiej ' noc otherwii get, i. one that ti e hare taor advice from people tn- i Democrats ought to be .vsh nne l Citap10' r-7 4 t8 y other - and it should be dropped. c';.as oo th gtobe, ad wrympj The oatlook is really encouraging ..tile on the p. k ir n iggers t hey c mean to do any harm, and a t he m will vote for oil. but don't like to vote lor a Deim !!.:; but a.s v mi have .i bill ot b 'T t he las' one ol t hem 1 n poekef . t hey can't he 1 p t he IU s. Iv.r I think they u more g.-o.i ( hristians al'et th.-v I !. -i'i-.I tor a 1 ::. ..crat like ou: 1 i ' I ante you again Ty : e . 1 . i s . u ; r . . ;,- .i n 1 1 in I ie v e m c -ur- in loV .-. ( E i - U I'. v 1 d i i u ' on t 1 tut i, expi The: u : l.i-.. a haiid tio n in exhibi: lie ol lit'.' lad s. care lor ii,:. i e.s's. ess, sta m all ihe IV in in in apptelii ice he iuasi er i; value ol iieiit is in ic duty of iliquile ili- a p pi i-ii t ice. all el ueit V. ! . v en a n t on J nel e a re i eglllat 1' 'tis i ; : ms ;,nd .. . . i pt; : '! n md New Jersey have bought them. ; W. E. Hidden, a young enthusias tic student of theology and mineral ogy, ot New Jersey, went down to Western North Carolina some few , years ago, and in his prospecting tours over the mountains lounilthis I now celebrated gem, which by a I friend was named "Uuldenite." ! The stone seems to have made more ' impression in Europe than in this country, judging by the demand ; the interest manifested. They are found encysted in hard rocks that : run in flat veins, thus evincing the stability of the formation and iu permanency. The gems are con cealed in pockets inside of stones, lining the sides, and have to be crushed out. Hundreds of stones may be crushed before a pocket is found, and the number of gems in each pocket, varies. Sometimes as many as eight gems, varying in size, are found iu a pocket that is, ihere may be worth of gems or 1 .uhO worth in one pocket. Xcw Orlntnx Ti ni's I) i nincrat. Elm City Monday for their home in Cur rituck county. Freeman Small and Miss Penola Tingle were married at 3 o'clock the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Jno. Tingle, on upper Goose creek, Rev. Alonza Holton officiating. Cotton picking is getting pretty gen eral. Pickers plentiful and weather all could be asked. The crop of sweet po tatoes in all parts of the county is re ported excellent as well as extensive. I learn that Col. C. W. Jacobs is quite sick at his place on Goose Creek Island, where he has been for some time super intending the erection of a fine steam saw mill on his extensive farm. Hope he may soon recover and that his days may be many in the land. Mr. G. W. Lukins, of the firm of Lukins & Co., Philadelphia, has been with us for several days looking after their interest as one of the preferred creditors in the assignment made by Mr. T. C. Hadder. It is the general opinion that the business will be amica bly settled, and Mr. Hadder will be running his saw shortly. The com munity sympathizes with Mr. Hadder and wishes him well. The Democrats of the county hold their nominating convention next Satur day, and many are the candidates. One aspirant for Legislative honors has pro mulgated his platform or otherwise his ultimatum to the party. I will just say to the aspirant, if he, by any hook or crook, should get the nomination, thatl know of my own knowledge 20 or 30 Democrats who will not support him, if what they say can be relied on. and I believe it can. Our sheriff candidates, or a portion of them, are doing a good deal of driving. a. ti. Dowdy and Jas. vv. Dawpon have each brought up a hind quarter and hide. The 27th irist. is the day to get the coon and go on. I hear some talk of Frank P. Gatlin, a one-legged Con federate 6oldier, by the people. He has not been bush whacking eirher. And some want Jas. M. Caroon for treasurer; neither has he been driving. What I have to say is hold a fair convention clear of all rings, and let the people have who they wish to vote for and all will be well; otherwise, I am not able to sav. In (Jreat Luck. Artist's Friend (pointing to a sketch) "Sav, Harry, where did you get thatf" Harry " hv, got that out of my head." i Friend "Well, it's a lucky thing for your head that you got it out." ' Harper's Bazar. 1 Holmes' Sure Cure Mouth Wash and j Dentifrice is an infallible cure for Ulce- j rated Sore Throat, Bleeding Gums. Sore j Mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth j and keeps the Gums healthy and puri-1 hes the breath. Prepared solely by Drs. J. P. & W. E. HOLMES. Dentists. 102 Mulberry street. Macon Georgia. For Kale by R, N. Duffy. New Berne. N. C. and all Druggist's and Henti.-ts. au20,l wi!inr To anv bo.lv who bus di-iase of throat or lungs, we w ill seud proof that Piso's Cure for Consumption has cured the same c-aiipiaints in other cases. Ad dress. E. T. IIa.IiIi.tine. Warren, Pa. set 4 d wlrn JOSEPH NELSON, Clerk Board Com. NOTICE. Ordered fry the Board of Commission ers of Craven county: That the VotiDg Precinct in No. 9 Township, known as ARNOLD STORE, is hereby abolished, aud those voting heretofore nt Arnold Store will vote at BROCK STORE. Sept. 13. 1884. JOS. NELSON, Be 14 dwlm Clerk Board Com. NOTICE. Ordered by theBoard of Commission ers of Craven county: That the Voting Precinrt known as RED HOUSE Pre cinct, No. 8th Township, be and is here by changed to R. B. hLACKLEDOE'S HOUSE at Camp Palmer, and will be known as Camp Palmer Precinct. Sept. 13, 18H4. JOS. NELSON, ee!4 dwlm Clerk Board Com. State of Noiitii Cahoi.ina, i Craven County. J Superior Court (.tftveu County. T. A. f.ireen and others ) vs. j Kliza W. KiKseJl and olhi rs. J To Kllza W. iiissell midt!. W. McLean; Take not c I har pursuant to Uie Judgment rendered m it." above named action, the propeil l-jf:riocd in VI i complaint wan of fered tor hale tit ilie court hnin tn nald county on tlie Jst day "f Ki ut mrwr, when and wheje Hie h:ime wns bid off by James A. lirynu foi the mi in oiTJoo. nnd that amotion wid be made beloje Hih Honor J. L. OndKer, Judir of naid cnin, at the court honae in Tarooro, iu Kdfcoiuhe county, on the i;.d day oi October, JSS(, to h;tvp wod sale confirmed. This Huh tender, IKS I. OLKM KNT MANIiY, Rep 12 d v. td Attorney lor i'lainl ifTa Coal, Ooa!, Hay, Hay, Ice, Ice, Wood, Woai Total ioft 00 WK. O. Beojson, Commistioner. . ". " Twenty-seven days attendance at ," meeting of Board at ?2 per day $54 00 Two days examining bill of coat . (court bills..... 4 M" Total $58 M - T. H- Malubon, Commipioner. , ' Thirty day attendance at meet- - ; ; ingsof Board at $2 per day ... . $S0 00 ; : 390 miles travel to meeting of , Board at 6c. per mile 19 50 ' ' Total $78.60 8, W. Latham, Commissioner. Thirty dara attendance at meet- ? inga of Board at $2 per daj .. . $0 00 ' Two days aiRninK v.u-liem aa chairmnn pro teni 4 00v Four daydfxaminini; hill ni ( .u (court bill) . 00, Mileage and ferriage ft 10 Total 877 10." James W. Bmnr.K, (rmm,iiontr.t1''. Twenty-four days attendance at ' meetings Board at $3 per da . 848 00 553 miles travel to meetings of Board at 60. per mile 97 60 . V' ' '. . Total. ...875.80 ; The Board' of Education was in se- -sion six days, for which service the - Board made no charge. ,.' . I hereby certify that no unverified ac-' -counta hare been aadiied by tbe Board. Ia testimony whereof I hereunto sub- . scribe my name, at office ia Newbero ' this 9th day of September, 1884 -. JOSEPB NELSON, Clerk Board CkMnmissionara," set6dw4w Craven County. Brick, Brick. - "1 Por sale lu, any qonttty at prices Co suit ' tlie tlim . .,,..... Urlrlc have been nnmimil by gnod Masoiia And prononnoed flrHt-rlHn. , Knmples can t- nee 11 m n.y uuire. Ordrs 1 solicited. InnaKdAwtf K K. JONES. M. V. Std. W. M TBOKrSOU iSTOTIClC! STEED A- THOMPSON, J ; Do this day dissolve co-pnrtnernhlp, Ht. - Thompson retiring Tmrn the Arm ; Mr. HtreaT ' . revnmltiK the rmipanslbllUlcs at the Bras from rtnte hereof. ' ; July 21nt,18W, , . M B PU KEri, . f epJdlw4t, W. M. THOMPHOM. ' ' Coal, Hay, Ice & Wood FOR SALE BY WATSON & DANIELS. AI'PLY AT THEIR i c 1: 11 o u s e , Near Foot of Middle street, New Uerno, rv, CJ. 6T Call on us Lef ire purchasing else where, jvlo dwly NEW STORE! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! 1 1, ii- ii 1 1 1 inn. 1'Ill'CllI S.llllr 11. mli. i:..rr. I I ,. .1 , r : .- j : li.-n. aN an. J 11 111 bo" D i n a in 11 ... ... , . , 1 :.! I irirrs; il 11 m ni n in : !,. . .1 ;. i , ; , ,j , - : -1 11' from M. I'.uk . ,. . :., - h. !::..:! -i' l'i.il.i.i. '. ' ',: -. ,' - , i- !.' -:i w.itli.i,' c:i!c:. - -. - !' (.'i'.i'' I ni i''li'. m hi. ii . . . - 1 . .fc(..iit v h.r -J, Ian : , , li I - .- I. ... M ii llu- lift " : . ii . 1 - 1 1 -1 - . . -. .ij-lt:.'. u. f !n- c jar. iii wi 1 u ' ' " ' :. jj'i 1 i. v. ' '.J . iu ' cl -i in -'. ' -v " It li i .i'rf ai' I'icli ri.r.'.clii ii. ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' - 1 . ' 1 - ir-, u 1. 1 ii :i. 1 - k-r .1! i. 'ii . iiki' ' ,1 :,, :: ; :, 1, ii iii. .11 r i-r 1 11 : -' ! - :i .i ' ''' ' ' " -: m. 1 ' 1 1 iui i .1 lire 1 : 1 1 ', V,r. i .' i '- i .' 1 : .. . - ' . . ' ! 1 1 1 1 ; 1 . 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1; .1 1 : in- ( . r 1 ; 1 l 1 -.i . . i , , 1 - . I 1 v-.i I " llu- i 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : . 1 1 ; ! . 1 . : . T. r ;i-;.::..:. .1 : i.c -iinw . .-'i1-.:. . i.i i.-v . . .f ' r r . i r r i-1 1 ' (- ii. ii : 1 ' . : 1 ' I r- 11 - :, . -a . 1 ' - . - i - . : II. .I'.'il. .' I- -.li.'.. '.ii'i'.i.l !-i- !.. w . -, ', ;,- I;,.; V.. : iT-vrri) 1; 11. : . ; "" (:- . ii-i' ; 1 1 r . ' m ' 1 1 ri.t' rank- : -1 r 1 " 4 - " ' ' I'. -.ml In 1 - :::' ' "'- " : ' 1 1 uyr ;,.,-:h: - ii:i.i:iX--.V 1. 11" I- lmkv." "WI . 1 . , . -i .- il 1VL !.;ii;.. lii'ii. . . Yt I I ..I I . . U 1 1 1 lulu I ic in l'. !:l- l . Uli. it r i i 11 ir 1 ai.ii I . : t',!iir.i -i-n; .. .Mi -.'.Min ;il ii-T.ir. M.IIri 'A i ll. .1 I II 1LI.-1- I hi A Naval ri'.i-apineiit. 1 In the iiinlst ot rnc culm e'cinciif when the air was lurnl with .-eie.iin iii- simt ana ouriiii ,-iieii.- rue Aiiiiiiial, on boanl tiic Ainciic.ui iI.il: -liii Invincible, hi aid a cr.it.li mi llu- pi)i ! i 11 r.v a mi lei r at ihe sa uie tiiiii a i-'lit .-hock. l!c called to : !n- 1 1 tl.i 1 ' el ! 11 . 1 .-T ei : W'a- that the Iliitish ram .-truck 1 ;-. The ijiiarternia.-tci' saluted: Ni'. sir." he -aid. --it was ler 1111 li- li, mi a .111 . Mi A!! 1 "c A 1 1 1 1. sjiair. I ". t wcni y 1 i.iv s.ilelv a iii il. -u si. . . mi lei wiili tiie ea 1 in uess e knew i h 11 1 a ,' 1 ivu ilMlte- the liiviii I he hot tmn ul tin -.- m-i , i-ii- t he clam LiD.it -.v.. !.!,; n Kv; I rouble' li I iv . 'Hi M ,- Mi -I i-li mi . I think 1: a a cry . ,i tlisl "f turnlr.i; Iu w if.- into , f -.U - .-'. 1 .. ii'.-heiiK, a puiar 11- 111 1 ; 1 n-r. 1 Main 111. 1. 1 u .1 : IV, lliY deal:' il all vmi r teeth ache . pull them out at once." F' French. a -ni i-1 I'.. V, A.!!'! I I At'., , Y. h.. !- t he 1 ''.nlrij.l, H e:i ief Than Danirli. UTiai i- ihe heaviest th;nr in ; hi- ni id.'" a-ked y. ouiijr Sii.u ply ol Mi-. I'l.e'.el. ill- 1 , 1 1: 1 1 1 1 . :is H. 1 : -ed a biscuit 111 his hand. I -hi'iihl .-ay it was money." Ah .'" inquired the 0ui11r man. 'i t--, bee, 1 u-e )n:i never -eelil -::UX en-'Uh to 1 . 1 1 (- -u.'iiiien t to i'i o::i boanl when it is due." Mr. Shaii!y eats hi- biscuits now without a-kiu any such conund rums. A Ho; elc-s ( a-c. W hat's the matter, eld fellow? Vou look sick." -Jam." Ihisiness dm!:" -No." "Health bad.'" -Yes. Dyspepsia. '' That's too bad. Your(00k:Dg is not verv good is il?" -No." lYife gone awavf "0. Girl Las."' Warren Leland, M.I! I'M. MM I 1 li l roiD pur- NOTICE. I- Having qoallned aa fixecntor of Um last W ill uud '1'fSta.ment of Oabrtel Uard)ea. ', dee d, ail p rsrma havlDH claims umlnU tba '- decedent are heieby bonded to exhlMitba name to me oa or oefore Uie Ut day of Benw . lunihur lHttA Aug aid, ism. , . : UEO, . OONNEK. Execntor au28w6t - . of Uabrlel Hardlwn. . A DESIRABLE FARM ; On Tiit FiTer, la Jones Conntjr, ForSj . , . . . I nffpr for sale tba OLIVER LAKDIIO V FAHM, Hltoatedabovtslx miles below Tre V -ton. the oountr sea.t of Junri nonntv. mma about Ave miles above Pollokuvllle and '. ' within one mile or the new Quaker Wrutmt -WU AIVM. II.DI, . . steamers are passing to sad from Newbern, , mnoKsviiie ana lrenuiu two 10 four tuuoa , , every week. . I . This Farm contains about One Hondrsd - and Mnety Acres, half of which Is cleared and under a good state of cultivation. It Is j : in a good neighborhood and within one mile of a good school and church Prtea ai,tM, oaeh, and tbe balance In equal payments, i For further Information addres v v . ' c. k. foy oo., ' - ,'i ' v sppllwUn Newbern. C. , : -: THE HENDERSON HOUSE, Now under the management of THORHTOlf .' BROS., Is prepared to furnish Board and - '. Lodging at reasonable rates. .- - IjIveby stables. ; Horses and buggies constantly on hand for . : transporting passengers to any neighboring town. f ' Jy23 dwly Henderson House, Middle street. new uerne, st. vj, - The Methodist Advance,1'4 . (VOLUME V,) ' ,- ' An unofficial onmn of Boo thf rn MrlhodUm. v : edited by Rev. W. M. Robey, D. U.. of Ut y orth Carolina Oonferenre. ' . In order better to meet tbe waste of tha . people and to enlarge Its sphere of naefv , ueB, the price of the Advance has been , -' ' Reduced to One Dollar and Fifty Cents A YEAR, (or eight months for one dollar) ' payable always Tn advance maklna It one of ? '., the cheapest papers In the rtauth. . ,t-. . The ADVANn Is an Independent Journal . ' acknowledging aUeglance only to Houlbera -. Methodism, but depending for favor entirely on Its merits. It Is In harmony with all th ,- official Journals of the Church and Is Indsbt V ed tn them for mauy courtesies. It antago , -s . nlsccs none of them, but seeks lo co-operale " wit h them In giving to the people an unexv. ' t eptuinabie literature. " Sample copies furnished free on applies) '- . tiou. Address , METHOOIHT ADVANL't, ' ' ' ini2tidJlwlni Qaldsboro, H. iX , " ' Latest Kofei EniGii;; or (ioons, ( oasisi .ni.- nl Dry til-:, (iriK-ci-ics. toots Shoes, Hats and t aps, Na lion-, vYo .daii.l Willow x:i:'. ifra , Toliae co, lid- . Cle . V. I, , w. I . s. I I I II I- A !' f- : CAS Ayer's SarsapailiL mil . I' TAY LOU 311(1.1! I .- f, (no i i'( I i i u I c. SMITH, v Dauii' Ayer's f ' r II hriniii'ii i - Goods at MACE'S XT N ! !ii:i,(l VV ( (1ST, ' - ... i -1 a i ill , M il krl , . i I.ii . i: sin, 1. of '-s inicrc-J Revenue, JitOTO jcvu OJieimi: " Datnlng Docembsr 1.1884; Cleslsf MaI.IUw urmtt Tin ai sricas or Taa United Slates Government. $1,300,000, Appropriated by the Geo end Ooyradi t. $500,000, Contributed by Uie Cltixans of Niif fTrlw. i i Sarsaarilla (lOllt. til.' ClVlTt- Of l.i- Flu-lllll. Si.t-c. 1-Ir-ij.l i-i-arinlis fi.riHS in" Iii. .ml W l.av,- M. I.; ;..A' - ;-- T-", t!i ,-xt;-ii a: y .-:i--:. . x ill; In ini;. Suit 111.1 1.11 111.. I. For Sale, Lease cr Rent $200,000, Appropriated by Mexico. $100,000, riatcd by lha SlUt ot Vt $100,000, ' n- vi-ai::i.:.a 1- s. 1.1'y t-itl.. r .-r. l.:s :;-,:iiir..tlIi !s-up Iiraii -h. -r at tli-1 p ;-:i:-i i:-i..i.l-.iay. LT: li rxi.-I j--.ii sir--.-.Mr. l.i lash's eiu-ii.-ivij Kn Koeii dune l-y Lhi? uiiequallcil t-radirat .r.,1 blood poisons ciialiles him lo -iv.- ; n : iiiiiL-h valuable information. 1'Ilia'AKlIi) IIY Dr. J.C.AyerA. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Urufgists; c 1 , ix bottlus fo' A bmcll Farm in Jones Co., six mile- li .in Trenton, s.x miles from Pollocksx-ille. two miles from Trent river, anil near the funious Quaker Bridge rond. Airily at ouce to C. C. TAYLOR, dw New Berne, N. C. Appropriated by Uie City ot New Orissaa. From $5000 to $25,000," Appropriated by Innumerable Btatt0 Cl4-ki an J horfsigrn Countiiea 1 . ru C.frv Stats) ir4 T-rritory tn tha Unian 'id nariy ii th L6tnm Watiaw as CounUia af tha World. Tha Blggtt Exhibit th Bl0gtt BMUfttp Blg.ett Induatrlil EiwU la " ' tt or hi i nisiwj. rr!.iriT?0Ka mm EziriBrn OOVeTR MORI ffrCI AUD A ur bUBJmrrm thai twji EXrOaUTlUal BTBB The cheapeat rmtea ol travel i the annaia oi traaa poftalioo Mcarisi 6tt gk- pcupiC CTCTVWfWTI, For miormatiom, addraM '- ' ! . - ,i" - V.- - - Director Csasrs, W. L l o, a. - Maw QauAnafcar - - -v; ---',.; r

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