'V1 - - - .... ,, - . s.u 'riiEoi'nN.i onja r. : 'v J' ' D. v. tt t w r.i. ' - 4 Kins:, n Th 1 ( ch:. c i - iXif to n milt smxt C Putior na i kMiM ' '..m,--T .. Try (MM UrwIuJi or ''!t t ... goo4 took. , Oiainiac vl UT fT!riC " -tMU f-r r-l ootum, ;A f"f ' 1 hot 'o-n t'HM- hlMw.. T-.- (. N.oiit. a: Ft iLa f niht CUrt houiaaa. nan'uil aia-i' :tr mabai bi ' II tla WMUt H n I 1 sua ah.i d'uiiait aititrid in ".. ii04 h '.nHiMa'" ir I. "'"ho- (Via, " U W)Cii"r:n4t a ' : auturoo.al !tf 'h knowa r. t ii'n nor Yiian tvi her. aadi in th r -pat rrnbi Haail. II wiltti wo fnm l tf TaT.or 'a tmrit in Utm Ja)cm.nJUa Mn pi-v.-w hitswif rtghl bofot th pteoyt: Dr. HaakiOA. that omjufw Jooattt. ia m nt for ta ain. kha Dy of A lanpiCt, " Oat llor o .fun w -r t.- a: t l)Htui4fr Bni. wtU ba ck-mal aoaj no' .j.pr.. ,-. ur 2o.l jvi.'. hmuMM U b twiMCtU by Ihrm ,-i:,k-nlu. m Uu; nv.pW wUI piMUolic. .l..!lUiton Ka Kn, Pavraua BallftseK Co. Prcmtii.- u .n -.rouh rp.;r. il- b.i r Cr4j an J trv awTfcaU Doct P"rkiCTn .jT,hr of tr--a ,-. ' aW qiita rtamboymM a)ar Uttt week ' I Jom.NAL. TWr d-'O-X faaeT U Ui of j yr R r Ktho-hl, u,n - MMltC wiw . -r,i-, - TbvfnaUM UtmU Xx Lockwood ImuI x)ptn4t tra MniwUM lor tit , rwialaa7 of tW Cautt4 8ttK on til i '"-ftU uckot.' wm Uwu to soorptiag. . alw waa eomrWlM u ad ail ah wm over - U;MroU. XoatwtMSWtiUlaooar . Bally Ji JT kiulana kad 1 . . aa tf tat Of that Datnornaid eaadidat - faiU bt th coajurauoa a tun wort wf ad h wUcJtokia tta twrrvr. ; al. C Carter. Ta-.ct L Crax IkaKiaetymUAt Sunday and Motaday daaronag to rf juat Uie-trowbJea lVMrtt -. . kuCf d Ut. Cot. OoUi t wttocdftfa Kapobilcaa caadtdatoa for tbhMrimU , r tarw. It ta -rtkai that will T ttra. ao U Dr. fiaekioa haa to bring it khMt br twJmtotw TW wm tf &ht mom that paa aaitira ao th Oraia frocn (SistLhilaM .' W Suoday. to wkiah pia.ola ao4 knt-rea -wwf froery oad. Oaa ma bad bH aatM Uroaxb ktm kaad, "wbicO aid no, how are r. itrwraat horn from contioaaioc '- hia way i Uw . wmp-ai aifntt. whxla a-ranU rrea! had csta, Ut ara o eosaMarad daaaroaMi. . X' CafcbaaCMathaaetaMictHwin ; fotr tha Lrwtaiatatairvin Laoair caty ia fall of fua ! J haaioc. Vfaa ha fcaaxdJ th u i- W. GraftT, Dan. i. ! Taylor aad J. C CUrtt wvra all eaatlt- - alacva for tha namat ffara. h- warat. a Brar. Rabbi'' otiow da, "away, all loaM by hlMaalf. ' h h (J a Ltl AO " tt. tel k coatdtv!t US hwnjarT. Tba "P'at " iCIaHun wer b.r-iled a to CaLimitr 1 ia TburadAf. . eharyaaj wta piacaaf Itia fc n d a .. rw arvAiaaa yewir.(j an-d althajwh . tbary warw ualy aia'j to ewo fair Jala at Mto x anir a,,lw, th Lord ' Uaytt adotawai taam trI-7 "bhth crltwa and Baa4aiaaaiM " aad dwaaaed 1 m iloilar fnm each on for b hungry I "Ar lha caniiJat to Laao rvcaty ' fax lha Mock Law or adaatv hV tw tha qoaatio m batuitf aai by th pan . aacyto tn t cotaatry. la tha aorta roaoal or " at?" waa on a aakrai. af a txmatry cho.J 'toa.k-r. . "OHJ I "to act - particular. " waa to rwpy. -tona lUea it nxaad aad anaaa Llea M flat. - 1 Itwch eitker way." Oat caixiiaUlaa ara rary aaoeth to h 9rt that acboot taachar. ' fhilto tayturwaa Iwfora JuKtia W. C rwida laat WadaaacUv. Charyad with lha burning of Jam WtUtotaa' ttwvr lioc hra M(Mat yaara afa. II eoa tmmm tm luata m fir to thw hoatva at . . to rawc ( mm Craem Strand who ai4 him Arc Ur to wnmik th , orUntv Ha wiad pralirainary eTtami-natji-aa n i waa cuauaiUCai to atl to await UUI at tf.0 x ttrta ear Bupariof CjarW ' , ? - - ' . That XTbIicait Aad) Dacaocraiid alao tora fnr thia dwartct had a gout aadieoar laac Hatat day at SLOrom. -whava thay . apokaota th aalijticai wan-a ef tha day. ' Tha aiatbtUa? ara coraJ OtttaJ is fVd partt aoai aararythiaa T ' . tfy. Each (pamkrr fatfy Hluliil luaraaaarv i friaada. ahil it mwt ba aajd Mr. WlQiaaao got buar tuuaiioa frota tha Damocrau tbaa thry aauaily giva . BapttUwaa apwdtrrs. iW traktr ara wail matchad, dittews th iajuea with attach atnUty an t fairoawa. aad wha thay aav wiU baa fT 3ct with thair kararvra. It ia to b bcpd alt caadtdaW woaldl Imilato tha gentla tnaaty HjU thaa yoaanjT man appeir barfora tha pawtfto and gtra their Tltrwa of the piJtticul tTir of th eoontry. U woaKI alata th rhsrv--twt ot Hump paaaktny and tt"rw coaft deac in potitiotl d iae tauatooa, which the daaaattotroua of thacmatry hare almost - entrlT deattrnyed. Tha di.-ui.in x Satfarday ia a hiarbtawar of jtwd for the Mi uf North Carolina, and i: i Maitl W ttow u cimiinx inm 4nr uaV ai aaar tha Ssal Tba W!w Fort eoturvd camp tnwtm, a boa &a mtiar bekrw Kiuxioo oa trve towvrTraaC raaJ bad a bi day laat ; SaadaTT t to etimaiel that between . ta anal thraa thtfojaari paa7I ware . preaaat an that day. Th t:u from Kew Barna bcuaubt as a good erow.i. ; a-hiIthaSaiahal4lTa.a bro,ht do n ( a Tery larga ami Chtojt crowd The .rxatrtoia wara brJd to tha fifim air. un , derthaatodaoi heavy oaka and pine). , r trnr tha ar reajl ica 6f pr.aial wor- ,N(c. whaa - . " fba truT Wtrn O -d a lirl temp. e F-ra txa Uarned to haw the Uaft Ow toy tha aixiMtraa." Uera thia aunpW peand. aa the hic. tlnAforty yaara aa, tnet Ut Sunday tc w orahlp, to faith aad la fear cf a judg aara. naet sitcta aunuav w tnaotto coiaa. ' Utatt Maker and thetr Oaw. Mry whlca paopU ware pxeaoot aa t ieMwa xrvatly to aay tba pr. kaiias. Amooc laaay froaai KiruataT. roaticatvj oaar porUy Thow Chow ix-i-jyTUijt ptxjiriTliy a dataoo br.-h aJ aarmiaa' mCloanUy puxxa and hap jpr for hiapi,t So to tut in the ajn -j :Mj4 araoaa af euofaaioa V Aad erraxura cooapLir.t I How swaat to ray wul . -.- lacorataaniajoof aucLs. ' Ura too. wa saw and heard t a. -..-a ai itiopad cans a CXeio horn and luaten- 1 t a poararfat jrnaa frora Rev ' a . r WtllaaM,hopfaatadhiaiawlf Am- .y : tha "Bxk at and wanted '.. ary body rasa thwra. Thesis-; g craod. aachaatiag. naal lc such re:-:" na ataht bava baaa bcaxd at B.r-u -a wkant Rjshard Wasjnar " atirrwd tha a-r. erd atf aaraat aoooda." Tha p-ix--e l inaa coatiaaad UU afawi Ii) o c oci at aigMte ba raawwad the follow ,n ; d ir W1B! Will Tha Kraal I pol iucal w r r r - , -that laat caatarr la now ai- ot :o . aad that trary Clataland ..r M . -u-. , piay taka aa ai Uf part tn tn. : tr-.it editaOai 0dhaW it t ret iti rt.n -, taa- kd thsraM ei'0m' af on to I a s (it l-.at aotTtaa oi (irownej and l" - !( at lha Utat Chaap Caah S.01 e IirMPUWSY HOWARD'S, that h . nuif iialha aacaaaary tuna t.i urhiev ta reaUaaJ victory af alined in these Co t Scataaat. Tha war baa .tuA.i - 'aua froiBtha Frvaidaathal t'riAir ln t.14 lowaat auoaty otltcva. Niw m 1 tf peauai. aeaoa. hat thara wiU b- i.' '4-r aatV rrery an an afkaiulderx hie -ae book aad rrwa d-a tn tha dntat . b. at eb Stora a UUMPU&ET vt iuvi. AROS,aad bayaa aapplyof Dry i - t . t .. .wW Rmu ud ShaM. (tu. i ?. 1 8 to tirto pf leaa. da ncrun on 11 -. W mt.i Je m - i ! ' lio: i I; '.- v .i .r ( rii- 'i ) V !'WT ' l-a K Hi Mr. M: lhf a Mr , . .. , , j... , . M a a.a 1. . T work of D.. -r ' t:hnk- . Th ot-,,, . n.l W.-t r. At i- put, Co;i-cUr of thin. th 4th iii.-i 1 .a n. ti.'.i . hi I hra-. Ths ag'nt of ib' N'u' .m i RiTT Sta-a.nb'Jit t'ompney Mjoli nerlr to J P Quianrcly A '. ' B. fiuika hu ban appoirjtoal k (aiavktar llridif o Trent riv.-r. Mr. Jahn T. Da-.in h tiMucii rrrv fin r-.i-f. H- ha ft-'ty jcrowui and haa rn-mM to aaotild o broajrlil tn without Jcljr. Tba A. M. K- 7. Oiurrli. Cl.r.ton CKapel pirratt. will htrin a camp iupt ig ander tha paaiora! charge of I.. P.. Frsbaa, on Fttday next at Pleaunt "llial Cliarch ia thu coacty. fa and a half oulr frotn lh city, on the Kinnon road. Tho. Q. Skinnr anJ J IV K j'l.-s. eatAaltdalCal for Conraa. aJJr's.'.i v rx crowd at OrcapnTUla Laat Hon In Skiaoavr, ait ai name impiiea, is r.ii:i aw Cffioacot, (O macti o that br tho Un tie campaign i mrer Mr. R-(oa wtU ba? tknmtii from ha1 tn tiarl. TH S-wnyia" .4 mrn-tu My Uir baxit of bJckorr a-! in th art". horr tiUlUNlf H ' riquirrl. i obtain! from iotrth Carotins an t twt ronnrwfr. witiiitacdinr tbi-a fairt tct ( f tb tut blif, buitiy pck and ixhot rav Imrial for cjaxrtarea i importai from other &tatna. Owr merchant" mumiaf from New Yfk lejjert tha Oeretan i lK-tn away bo" pr. Moai.'ai tun otTirr t bt thrvat l ooa on dT;.auiJ 'a clrction. f)uaiAaa he-employ in from ei,ht toon ho&alral ao-t twenty mrt, an.i wbn chtra to b RrpubIaC&J hare no harwitascy in declaring for CUveland Lad Haiad rurka. The ind u-atwoji cow ar that the fctnirn will be rlrcUd by a tare najority. Oar atrotat, Mr. C C. Taylor, while at Sox w MUl Uat Saturday avea-ureal the kta ot a whit aiuinrei from W. L) Spac, of Skht'i Hridie. tlrea-ne Cajooty. Mr. Srwoce the ,iurTl wtCd in iim mwni nd (rii-nv ir-i ta) Catch iUti. tut wa uoabte to do o aoai wa cumpHed to (hont it. He aVkiRaJ th ruriawity and ntufTrd the kta, whli-h Mr. Taylor bro-sttht U th. city and turned orer t tiie tlrni of Clarke at Morgan to prepare for lh tapoeiUoo. btit we fer trwvl they hve rra3erd it U- lte to do n-.ach vith it. TaVeaar 1 1 CaVamaTaaara faf . Waeat Is now t the lowest tiur- ;n tba todno market aince 17-,'1 rrtaamt. A card frvxu U. J Dn way a: i ) Ul Fort atau- ti--r u a h.-y front in that aasclioa on Ue morning of tho t3th and thw thernKuneter waa don to 42 Soma fearn were entertained tiiat thai tobacco crop had ba-n damatf"-! . but the feoeral rrpnnivn wa that owing t the dry WanUber it was ro mjurol eri oa.aly. tartctL at a ra.au Mr. W P. Parru-s Moor hire clurd a brick atoren nn the t- Mr M. Par; an Jt.'J J W. contract for nix dd market houw v. the contrv-tor aivd w ill b'iin work in a few dy. Now let the city build a decent market booae in the plac of the burned one and the f. of Middle treet w ill again b the btny center of tho tr r.v andf market producu trade. IrrUanl aa the Hallromd. A fJin droripa'd out of the engine on the up triln Thuraday morning when near Tn-waroru. The thr-.ttle lever tr-jvk enifinaor i Vi. Brinkley. in ftia-.inT a v,-rr ;inf'il wound Th- en j gme retame,! to the city an i Dr. J. H I In ghee was c.i 1 1.-.J to the wour. ! d ". u: 'and anotha-r engine forwarded i the train up ; Hy the .vcviaet t i i - ... le i. - at Ooldbro tr mi-s- I. but no gr- a'. damage :heri . -ed ight 1 u ' n- Tho r. .Ai-.s d hoe de..h is isu-. tviae l ihr morning ei : t. Ur-..i. u . r land f r :.-.yn b-uht p.- .p. ttv i .mjc.I ia f ui: .mi :. t am .eg :h :;.. bn-iunt n. . r.t.v !Pior. . . ' ' C; 1 t II c. ; r. n I i ; ' i rit artu n- i. an 1 tho vnd csp.s-ii..y the and I'Ur. to tli.- -. value and int wi.iing e r.-1' ' ' rn- o-nn-.::: ::. -.ce ' Ms.r . Mmr i . A :ri; lalh Orinl'i 1 1. M vi: v . a t 1 a-r Sr. .-k r. el . a. t Th- iw-rn- their duty in Nov em U-r otnocKATir roi'MV (oste TIOM. ... :i.,. r: of rav n ' ill lit v S- 1 "a :2 l'r; the ..iu -.11 :. 1; i:.t.-.i . I . .1 ' - w h . r'- '.Viuiford . N 'J. I.ithani. Alf'Til :ur: N.v 3. .I'H'l ..r. Mj. (rvirJon X1 A ! 1: N :.. Sa:utitl W. ; ii M .;.!m.ii and John ' 'i I i '.Tiner. Jamen tc 1 '. . 1 i.ir.t i-on ; No. . . i i .-: w .r 1. T. A (irten. i i I.. Mid. ilef.iril. K. K : i ). I i i iu.i.n. JJ w.ir.l. i.: Mar.lv. V. H. V.'T,1. H. S. .. :vn-i f. 'K. Hanc.vk , Mr. lian-t-aii:i; aliajaTit. Mr. S. W. mall i ) lh altmat4j, tlllfni th place'; i. M. Ut'W. Steven. n . V. U. Ilrin T. Mil!.r and J. W. Moorp;4th t W I'hiilipe an d . I.. Krnn H .-. y. J iv. P Ini". ltnnaon, .i:, 1 J. U. I! I-ane. tt and !i.v .ii t. r: 'A W. Pr y .) . i , rii ;:t'. Mm n Mj n and ir ii- H i 1 1 n t?.l r coin rinir.ation. 'r'.i'd for fuTraa- ::.' :i rrr. i:.r . l): "l Ul ifj.i :.ei.t i ". :r:r.A!i W. p, I. pt I! N. Sui.;.. I ho r.( r; ... .id i . t. Mr 1 . ir.c loik tin" mi-, for Sec re - i cluur an l an- us for tli o I .eiris- '1'iiin.ivl th.it n.'iu i nati .tn r :ii: I f . r nuinty r w-r 'tli.'ors wi re in W. ii. Pr.nsin S(-ve u. in for the Mr. Steer.Mi r.. 'imnsteil M IVY. vnatc. iiiiii.ila-.l Plulfinori H dUr.d. jr. Mr. I'leuient Maniv o. on. led the nnnation of lr. lioii.ind. Mr. Su.ven.'ti .idvocati'd the nomina tion of Mr. Holland and iak,j that his own name be withdrawn. Mr. Hrin-um withdrew the name uf M. 1VU' Stevenson, when on motion of Mr Steven. n Philemon Holland, jr.. m .is in. in i n;ite 1 hy ace-lamation aw the Ivni'xrralii.- car-.d i.late for the Sonate. Nominations fur the Hou-e were de : ir.'.l : n . .r-1 er. Mr K !. Whitf. r ! r.otiu timed Enoch V.i i-. worth N.-.ta ,r. T... i.o. i;. miii.iti'd U. A. Kus- A 1 W. irth 'inin.ited Kinsrv. The tirt ballot resulted. 20 for Rus sell, I1'1 for wa.lsworth and 17 for Kin ney. WK.I' the econif ballot was being takBii. Mr. Kir.sey earnestly requested th.it his name be withdrawn Ilia re quest was granted and K A. Russell re ceived the entire vote of the convention as tha candidate for the Houoe of Rep resentative in the next General As sembly of North Carolina. Mr. Kd. Whitford moved that Mr. Fretman Ernul baj nominaiod for sheriff. Mr. C M:nly moved to amend the motion of Mr. Whitford bv making no nomination at all. He stroke to the nmendment. K;ving his reasonn for i tTer- icg it. The amendment was a.lctted. T. A. Green waa unanimously nom inated for Treasurer. F.n oo h Wad worxh w a u r.axii m ou s 1 y nominated for Register of Deeds. l'r. Frank Duffy w..s unanimously , nominated for Coroner Daniel Iine was unannrously iiutin- j nated for Surveyor. M. DeW. Stevenson wa. unanimously i nominated Sub-eltctor for the county. : On motion, a committee of thret-. 05ai.t;ng of I. H. Gaion. A. E. Wads worth xud R. (i. Mallatt, w appointed to inform tha nomine of the action of the convention and ask thefr presence. . While the committee retired to per form that duty. Uirt. pointed speeches were made by M. LW. SteTeniton and Jamea A. Bryan. i The committee returned with Mr. Holland who ascended the stage and acvapteal the nomination and promised a ttioriuirh canvo, of tlie county. On motko. the thanks of the conven tion were tendered the chairman and the aacratay for the manner in which they had diarhargsd their duties. I h- convention adjourned. W. B. Lane, Chairman. II S Nt NN, Scretry. Ta toalnrf i. Tn Detuocrru did well in their con mention ou Friday. Every township in the ,-ininty was reprieuleil and a g -J tnket was put in the tiedd. P!III.EatO.N M.HJ.AND, J K. , the candidate for tho Senate, is ayounjr man of tine talent, graduated with honor at Trinity College in 1M , cjirry ing off the Wiley Gray medal, studied law undei S nuno!.. & Manly Mid was granted I,. r.se hy the Supreme Court tn the early part of Ij'sS and is now prncticmg law in copartnership with (J. ii. Guion. IIa . who as liceutKHl at the same time. He u a bvild. fearless, elo juent shaker and would be worth -omethir.g t- his county and station if dec ted P.. A K'-n.!.. tlio nominee i or the Hou-e. is one of the sturdy old farmers of the county. He represented the county in the Legisla ture before the war. is a (t xvl farmer, a m.n of intelligence and good judgment and would make a good representative. T. A OREK.N. the nominee for Treasurer, is one of the most successful businetw men of our city. He started in the world a rnxir b-y. was apprenticed to a carpenter t) learn the tra le After the war he en gaged in the mercantile busineoa in this city ar.,1 by ocon .my and strict atten tion l - bu.-iuos h.ts amivss.l consid erable pT pt-rtv He is a g(i 1 financier ir.d his inter with that of t : i sufficiently identified conntv so that itstlnan sifelv entrusted to Ins C-s 1 1 1 : . i:th . of D 1 Wo I !: :1 fir - U i gi-ter s -i ess Ul. -t ',.,-. 1 . m ik " -rt- . tarn t tV. 1 make s a pity e rs . We s w , . r t b party and ill I" i i a I r.il I'jj.r. - ,:. i M i - - . i - -. a : . - . . -r :. A hi an -1 - '. ., w u.g ,-t- .- . i-n.- Mr ...... ."..iii; :. H-pub- .: u 'a. turir.g town ' :- -tak-n ns an in- o This, m addition , : ii factu ring to w ns .- e . 1 1. nu. ratio gain will . -.facturers are not. a g. i.er illy been heretofore, a th- Republican candidate. hi init for ; The Quaker Bridge Pi. . -. The picnic at Quaker Hri.lge on Thur dr. a was i-ij,..'pj. .- . grand hi -c (. A ;..! i .v d i f ! i i i- - -.i,d g-n r l III: I n i. i a largo : - " . u i I lien and Onsii.v. nniiiii- -. N i rator hal t'ffii r i'c!iion, but P". It. Sim mi uurcity being preufnt resp t.-.i 1 1. i-. K- 'I- .miff . al tei lircMing invitations, in !jK.'ty;h of about thro' an impromptu quarters of ,in hour. His subjeo". -internal im prove and he merito wa banpilv rliospn handled it in a manterlv manner. lie urjed the neoes-sity of unity of notion on the part of the people of tins seotmn in demanding of the State convict labor to ' construct roads through th. reat 'hite Oak tvs-oin and thus m a measure pro vide ba'tter and quicker transportation for their produce and dev. lop a lare ho.iy of rich lands i-eloiiBrm t. the State. It was a -uwe. h rit.oiin i n praeti.'al ideas and wusweii r. ' i iv.'i h all prer-ent. This Ratherin wits 1' til- J'U I j' '-I celebratintr the completion of thf 1. tilke l of (Quaker Hridge road, but w. regret to sav the work is .not ret coin-plet-d. The diti'hes cut on th. .1 n.-s county side are not sutlicient to t i k the water otT and if they are n.-t cut u ider and deeper the road will be ( ie. service. Tlie commiasioners have or dered Opt. Mclver to take his force to the Jones county side ami i ut the dit'h"s the propT width and depth, vahi.'h will take two or thr.-' weeks tune, and then it will mde.- 1 1 one of the finest roads in the Mate. But the picnic was enj yed by all wh i attended, whether the road wan completed or not. The bands furnished splendid music, the young ladies and gentlemen sang songs, old men danced how could they help it when a pretty vo.ing lady would pull them out and everybody appeared to be happy. We wouldn't care if the thing could be re floated when the road incompleted. The Quaker Bridge Road. We learn that Capt. Mclver. notwith standing the order of the commissioners that he transfer his force to Jones coun tv and opened the ditches on that end of the pocosin road, has moved over and commenced work on the Core Creek road. Thus, a road that has cost the Suite several thousand dollars is aban doned just before it is completed and just in time to prevent the farmers around Richland and Cum Branch hauling their crops over it. Two or three week' work would have made it passable, but without thi it is utterly avorthless. Tho farmers in that section have been quite jubilant over the pros pect of the long wished for nearer route to market, but ala. an enemy hath ap peared in the Held and blasted their hopes, and for what cause they are un able to tell. Capt. Mclver must have some good excuse for disobeying the order of the commissioners. The people of Onslow and of New Rirne would be glad to know who their enemy is in this mat ter. The llubb -raipe. We forwarded a box of Hon O. Hubb's farm a few grap. dav s fron; ago t. LaPl- N "mingtou. one 1 the moft sucvessful grajn3 growers in North Carolina and ht sends u the fol- lowing answer: WtUiLVUTOS. N. C. Sept. 20. 1"M. Mr. H. S. Npnn Ih'ir Sir. -The box of graphs and card asking me to give them a name is to hand. The grape is cf the sp?cie Cifin I "i.;inn, what we use to call Muscadines or Pullace. of which the White Scuppernong, Flowers Tenderpulp, Thomas and Mish are varie ties. There is a grape very much like it grown 1 up about Whitesville called Sugarpulp. The color is thi same and very good and sfrt alike. Till we learn more about it. call it Hubbs. I think it is one of the best .f t he Muscsdme or Scuppernong family. I want s .nie of the vines. You r oi l f rieiid . S W. N-iHi i:. I a listed Tslablri. Since publishing the statement of taxable listed and calling attention to the diminished amount of aggregate taxable proferty in thai county, we are gratified to find that much of the deficit is accounted for as appearing on the de linquent list. This list we did not ex amine, as it was the abstract of " listed I taxable" that we had before us. and I that abstract would be better called iin j listed taxable. '' I'pon that list we learn one item of deficit, that is the Sl.OOO on city lots, is almost wiped out by a S10.000 entry in one item, and a trimming up of odds and ends will very I likely show an increase of property I which w-ould seem to le more in accord ance with the true state of the case. We have hail it intimated to in that such publications, as the one above alluded to, was calculated to injure us aa a community. But the truth ill m I jure no p?rson or community, we think. ' arid if by publishing these matters, we cause one dollar more taxable property ! to go on the list, we are defended. ; The Exposition. 1 The b-vs in the streets, ladies in their parlor, merchants in the busy marts of commerco. and the mechanic.-, in their . shot, are all talking of tlie great state , Exposition, now near at hand. The1 New Berne Assi s-iation. eoinpri.-ing the i 'exhibits from the counties of Craven. , i Jones. Pamlico, Carteret and Onslow. is now rn roie to the capital, and we believe it will be creditable to this sec- ! tion uf the Suite. Land and water, field and forest and mines the plow, the loom and the anvil the sturdy sons of i , Tunal-Caiii. and the beaut if ul. deft-fin- 1 gered daughters of P. -nelope all . all contribute 1' give interest to the nva sieti. Home cnic may siieeimgly in quire what givi-1 can come from collei t mg large cotton plants, I uig staiksof eoru. heavily-headed bun lies of rice and millet, bed-quilts, and "varmints. " snakes, stuffed birds and tishes, hi-rs.-and mules, big bulls and eovv-. fat sheep . an 1 hogs, and tin- whole h t of other things the people are sending to Ka! eigh.' In reply we would ..imply -ay that one go. ie-uli is th a u get- up a ; gen.-r- -us riv.i 1 .v s of t lie ho -,. an.i p 1 1 1 . s" i : f e mo n .ii '11 pr..spe n ddt'ereiit 1" li ii.tiir i. i r - : r..;-n . l..! . - ..ttle. 11,, pr,-- ,1..- . V . w ii i -ii so en rage.'. M r k the former over lie' 'to an.', killed buii . 'i he Mr. -lav. r and fo pr..m tly arra-sted aud ti d . g'a i . i manslaughter d TI -i-. b . r..p i it as t! :: th- . . . . ke 1 1 if he d r;:T 1 1 . o r t w le. :. I I ure ( I i ek I ;, a . . : - 'A -" : : . : . - ; on o: : i " . :, ' s. ,- ... . w- .. r.- i Aft. r M: !. .: . Wef.cringt :. i i . remark - : r t; l'h- i:e.-t;:.g tli 'i .. : - - The fall or ' w appeared. Julgingfr. ' must have parsed a .-w, a Hie: re dn r.iz(' 1 1 a- night. 'Religious M.itinjf in Onslow County. September IS. 1SS4. r.MT' !: i ; KN.w.: Will you be kind :.. at:: sp,.ce in your columns f : . : . - iii r giird to a meet lug 1. ..: i.u .i. - 1 el. i hi.-low county. ' " ' . : . t- 'ii 1 1 u rda v before the 1st . . .ii .- pioniLri and lasting until I i lor.- the 2nd, ut which time ute i. .ii.. i nterfere 1 and the meetings clos. d least I did not get out again. It may ! - that Pro. Bryan did. however, until r ' iduy night, when he was to leave. 1 preached Saturday and Sun day morning, and praying for Bro. Bry-n in the first prayer, to make his appearance, he did so during the morn ii k sermon; preaching at night, and then morning and night until the meet iugs closed. From the time Bro. Bryan cauu the meeting was somewhat re markable: first, for the large and atten tive congregations to close of meeting. S-Idom do we m'. congregations more attentive and liMen better, even if the good old Welch preacher. Evans, was pr. a '.nng at the present day. In the see. n l place, it was simply delightful t i s Christian of other persuasions pres. nt. and so feasting upon the ser mons preached by the brother, as much so. I think, as the members of Fmma's l "nap- I I ii the third place remarkable. l.e.-a-,s,. ti.,., ,- w as not one lady friend f"r.,..ilir-rt..f...t uli.i i.nnio f.im-nr.t fnr st. w ho came forward for ......... ii '.,..-.. ...... ,u. ut. i.... u.u praier. while a number of men did, from time to time, four of whom made applic.v.i. r.s for baptism before I left for Masonboro. Others may have done so aft-r I left. In the fourth place, re maikabie tor the good sermons the Bro. gave us during the meetings : al 1 of them seeming to he well planned, though di gested aud delivered in sympathy and love, as though much of Christ's love wa- i n his ow n heart. Seldom'have 1 seen preaching more reli-hed and entertaining than that which Bro. II. T. Bryan gave us at Fmnia's Chapel. I trust the Lord will be very previous to him in his own country, and in China, should he live to get there. May Cfod bless each and every convert made at Emma's Chapel. ts the honoring of his own name, in the salva tion of many souls and the strengthen ing of this church at Richlands, is my praier. Truly. Geo. S. Blst. i.'ihiiral ,'. ci ' Ut please copy-. Senatorial Con yen (ion. The Senatorial Convention for the 9th S-napiial District composed of the counties of Onslow, Jones and Carteret, met at Swansboro, Onslow county, S. ptember lUih. lM. lb. . invention was called to orderbv M. Russell. Es,p, who called P. M. Pear sali. Esip. ot Jone.s, to tlie chair as temporary chairman, and J. N. F'oscue. Esq.. was requested to at as temporary secretary . On motion, a committee of three was appointed on credentials and permanent oi gac ization. and a committee of three on rules and resolutions. The following named gentlemen were appointed by the chair ou credentials ami p-rmanent organization: L. Dilla hunt. jr.. of Jones, H. S. Lee of Car terpt. and M. IRussell of Onslow. The following were appointed on rub's and resolutions: Lewis Bynum of Jones. J. F. Cox of Onslow, and R. H J.mes of Carteret. While the committees were out mak ing their respective reports Dr. M. F. Arendall and P. M. Pearsall were called upon and made sound, sterling and patriotic Democratic speeches. The committee on credentials and permanent organization reported each county in the district properly repre sented in the convention and recom mended that the temporary chairman and secretary bo made the permanent officers of the convention. The report of said committee was unanimously adopted . The commute tions rep-'lied tl adopted : on rules and resoiu- following which were Resolved. That we. the Democracy of the 'Jth Senatorial district in convention a-senibled . do hereby express our ap proval of the principles of the Demo cratic purty as set forth in its pl3tform. both State and National, and pledge our support to the nominees of the same. We recommend that the rules and resolutions which usually govern leg is! .live I" ulies shall govern this conven tion. On motion of Dr. Arendall Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Onslow county s choice, was endorsed and unanimously nominated by the convention. A committee of three, composed of H. C. 1 oscue, M. F. Arendall and Fred Harget. were appointed to inform Dr. Thompson of his nomination. Dr. Thompson being present, came forward thanked the convention for its action and accepted the nomination. It was decided by the convention to have Senatorial executive committee ap pointed, composed of three from each county in the district, said committee to be appointed by the delegates from each county. The following were ap pointed: E. Thompson, jr., D. J. Sanders and S. L. Gerock. from Onslow, Dr. M. E. Arendall, J. W. Pelletier and Dr. R. Lelfers. from Carteret; Jas. B. Stanley. Dr. N. II. Street and F. M. Dixon, frmn Jones. Moved that the proceedings of the meeting be sent to the New Barne Jovu nai. ft r publication and that the Tran .icript and .Uesscieer, of Goldsboro, and the ith jiliunc, of Beaufort, be requested to copy and publish the same. On motion, the thanks of the conven tion were tendered to the officers of the same. ' n motion, the c invention adjourned P. M. PhAKSAU. L i:. Sec'tv. t l:m n. (iPN, SCALES' ACCIDENT. The Kriiilillul Fall Wlllell Clime Near lleln F-aiul. The accident which has thus disabled General Scales occurred while the Geu er..i whs cros-ing the Cow ee mountain. w:i.i h .lividis Jackson from Macon on ut v. The road is very ragged and places, like most mountain in. Is along high and dangerous s. Ceneial Scales was travel buggy with a companion who ng. line a esceD u ing ii steep th r nl a portion of the har- w a v which caused the buggy irse. The horse became dashed elf in a mad run it narrow ben.! in the mountain ro-e up per il one side and on the a 1"0 f. s.t chasm, the n tie .. 1 a i .ar. v aw ne ep.s.-t. the A- it did si. ( l. n. Scales -: .a i:d . and land, d . ei the I re'-:pice. The I;- .rse tuiiiba-d i.v. ! the ud went crashing to ." f it below . Ill ill lea v Iiroi eroiind Cell. Scales .Id . and going over the pre ed the buggy. His fall was i.J would und ou bled ly have is death but for the fact that .. ot fif'ty feet, and before jagged rm-ks below, the fail v, a- broken l y a tree , -he.- ' f which i.-ii. Scales l ' ;. I e j,.- ... i I . ' u as -ma-hed to piec. - and .- killed. I ' lllli'lili; I'll in ! : gau. ; I. g so! I 1 ground . 1" a: o 1 that iciie . f his I f 1 : k-n . i.t the .; p pau.s , -V 1 lence r I . g b I x 1 perl Witii ah- ill i . 1 I". : II 111.1 le reen-b i i - ii : i : i . - i :: i ' h.i I f..r ips oi in 1 tha a 1 1: : u 1 i . w r he n.xt. , bv t- b-gi. la.ai l i ; Ague t l ,-clopm, I.t until in- '.. '.1 be by th. i- ai rani " V llil which pei ill ibi b taith in A er s arsa par ;. be ex phuned by t In- lac; I est hioi id Hied , clue ev er not approached in exceb new candidate for public bv fa vor. La Grange Items- Cotton sold Monday 0 10 for ti best. Hut ill! le moving. J. P Joj uer lias oomiiieoeeo .v-' his bu ihiuigs on vonh rl. Yl su.i t White, of the revenue service, here Thursday iutei vie in.. F. B. I i distillery. Rev. Mr. Carpenter preached Sunday and Sunday night, his r- appointments. C. 'p. Barrow left fo day morning to purch u!t imore 3b 1; id stock fall and winter goods. C. V. Jovner is havimr his t-tore painted and it is said that Job Whitfield I will occupy it as a place of busice.; La Grange is at last rights. We see that V asserting her M. Manton is cm executive chairman of the KepuPiii committee of the . tit-v. Some of our n,. reliant busy last S .t -ii d.i. . Tiiei trouble about ehmee. 1. work was ahead of anylhin Shade I. Woolen re e hurt one day last week by mulp. Mules are nieeii: only sale place ;;b ,ut one n recch. ; were :' was it the ri-lit some day "s i season, a severe . iek of a HI!.! the o lj. The Tirol rai l e I (;rovt, dosed la-t ; 10 additions to t h, , .-, meet . eei: dm re t u: I e-l.i; oi I 111 I 2 con v r vvith that Jinna II I.'. ,1. lO.t II ' I . church. A. J. R ishei y had the til -t this season in town Saturday, is in lh.ee rear of E. Smith s. UTS ' I lis ihu w!ieli 1 tir-t-cl...- l proposes to sn-ve teem in fir- t-c I...- - order 1 ieei long, wen auu tsuusiauuaiiy ' . j put up: and the best of it, they have John rilghman !,.;s renin! the hots.---? . n,aae the county a present of their next door to R. hi; field and will soon work- The coulUy furnished them the open an oyster saloon an 1 restaurant. material. where tho hungry- mav ;m. pease their i ,ru ,. ... , .. . appetites -if j rne cotton pickers good time has come again and they are marshaling W e learn that a protracted meeting themselves ready to get a big ride some has been progressing at beat Swamp y or i0 miles from their homes to pick Disciples Church foi a week or more, cotton at 50 cents per hundred, when &evoral accessions have been made to they could get a plenty to pick at the the church. same price near home during the pick- J. C. Carter, the La Grange Republic- i ing season. Cooks are in demand; fam an candidate for the Legislature, is still ! ilies who have had cooks plenty and to i in the field and will enter the county j canvass on the 13th October with the ( other candidates. We advise all mechanics to take in tneir tools w iien they iinisli the day s work. This is not intended for Elijah i Taylor or Hardy Barnes tiny have had advice more forcible. j N. J. Rouse. Esq.. will address the citizens of Institute tow nshin at Lenoir : Institute, next Saturday evenimr. Mr. Rouse is a talented young man and a . verv popular sneaker : Mrs. Carpenter has sold her stock of millinerv iroods to Miss Alice Peacock. ii.-. i., i- ...;u .. ...;ii. .'.i.-n i uai uo. i, in c urn it iiiiiiiiit. I Mlilif in one of Him. Woolen s new brick . stores as soon ms comnlefe.h ' , . . ' ' ' mence O.-t. 13th.' " Tlie citizens of ' La Gramre will he visifeH s,trdni. n,i I 18th. Let the people turn out and' hear ! the claims of the candidates. i j On account of the death of J. H. Woolen s son. Rav. Mr. Carpenter did ! not preach at Hickory Grove last Sun- , day evening as announced. He will preach there on Tuesday night, the 30th , u t- ; work has been suspended ou Sun. about twenty-five or thirty of them ; WTooten's brick stores for some time, for ' sprang to their feet all at once prepara 1 wast of lumber. We are glad to see I tory to make nominations, each.lsup- lumber coming in and work again going j pose, having his favorite man. Five or on. We suppose they will be pushed to isx succeeded by talking at the same completion. ! time, in placing the names of their ' The members cf Ilick. iv Grove ! favorite ones ia nomination, when the ! Church are request-d to mee t nt xt 1 chairman arose and infifrmed them that 'Saturday. The pastor can't be there. 1 iie could not act upon nor understand I but the church must be prepared for the : tbeir motions; that they must make one j annual meeting, and other business may move at a time and make as many need attending to .nominations as they pleased. Amid ! Capt. W. S. Bvrd was m town Mon- f fat tconfu8i,on some one nominated j day. He has purchased Jesse Brown's ! inston, colored and the i vote was f, i 1 -i .- . i i taken by all holding up their right farm, about 1 miles rum town, and . .. . - T , .,ii i . i i ,,- : hands that favored Johnston; some of will, we learn, make it his home. We' . .. , . .u -1 v, i . suppose that the Captain is drawn bv i , ""t Vi Vi, a u T? kTi our excellent schools. " j ph'nd oth an(? had held up both ! hands. A second vote was taken and V, . V, . Fuller is consi iermg the pro- I Johnston was declared elected. Elias priety of being an independent caudi t Taylor, colored, was placed in nomina date for the Legislature. His platform . tion when several of them commenced is a novelty arid one of his ow n make: m0ying if they could get a second to No hunting or fishing of any kind for j amend the move of Taylor's nomination five years, and buru up the balance of by nominating some one else. About the old rails. I time jj0 2 had ma(je nis movei J. W. Grainger. Democratic candidate ! 3 would get up and amend his amend for the Legislature in this county, and ! ment by placing the name of his favo- Ueorge Hodges. Democratic candidate for register, spent the day in town Fri day. We predict that these gentlemen will be elected if the Democrats go to the polls, and we believe they will do it. While ginning one day last week one of the boxes of Mr. Noah Rouse's gin became v( ry hot. and had it not been discovered us soon as it was. a fire must have been the result. Mr. Rouse uses horse power in ginning and it would seem that these aie not entirely without danger. We learn that quite a lengthy and serious '"rumpus"' occurred among tiie colored people on the excursion train latt Sunday. Knives and pistols were used and it is said that some were seriously if not fatally hurt. The fight is said to have commenced a short dis tance ea.-t of this dace and lasted to Kinston. We regret to have to announce the death of Allen Wooten. son of J. S. Wooten. of our county, which toid: place at 2 o'clock of the morning of the 20th inst. He was about 13 years old and the oldest son. We extend our sympathies, knowing that the parents sorrow as bereaved parents alone can sorrow. The funeral was preached Sunday morning by Rev. J. D. Carpen ter. There seems to be a great difficulty in getting a meeting of the Cleveland and Scales club here. There has not been a meeting since tne organization, ami no by-laws have been adopted. We suggest that a little more spirit be put in the matter or that it be abandoned. There J is work that might be done by the club if it wet e thoroughly organized and put I in working order, i-ut to have a club that is no club, and to expect work of it when it is not in a condition to render service, does the cau-e an injury. The township executive committee stands ready lor work, an I a pr ice;- organised and working club w.iuid be of much help to this committee, but if no help is tocomelrom this quart-r it should be known. We feel justified in saying that the Deiuooi ats ... were never more unite! than they now are. no coaxing to do th-ir same time th -ie ,:.! Dr. Wilis leu h. re news reached In re l-'ri : he w as icirtia : I v ; - . i tnis tow usiii p and determined . th:.t thi-v ue-.l liity. hat V.t tie be - rgan ix.it iot;. Thursday, ai.d ay morn iii g I h i ah.: ii o u iii.; Thursday night. JJr. Wills was removed to ; v i. ,! das evening and is now at lu". M. Hadley 's. His conditio;! i- no I rt: .. r. N i et i;:ii ,t;,(l i iiib-i ;i . Tiie sweet gum. as g-atheied from ;i tree of the same name, grow ing along the small ,-treanis in the Southern State-, o 'main.- a stmuilat ing expectorant prin ciple that loose lis the phlegm producing the early morn i ng cu gh . an d -t nr.ula t'--t'r.e ciiild to throw oil tiie false niein- I ran.' When tht Chrk M '. I I. in crimp C' 'inbined u- j'rincii'h ..id tields k t" v. Ki..m::! :n. th.- .-n. win th-- ..ping c igh. 1 eahng lUliein pi, .lit ill TYI. 'I:': T (It M AM' reined v I r Coiigh a:: 1 ies- y i : s- hi: Wi. ; i to I 1 I ' 1 1 g I . I '. ,-. I. hod drug : t. i- r , i.iv ; ii - npti - p t :' '1 V !! It 1 la Ig. M'Ss si n ic, N ii . t ! ra ; I: A u i: d.iu p.. -t. '!.--it . :h lie city, tins c H-r Iv I. ui- e-n ite ri At ioi fort cou i Mary A. I-'sl lence. Ii ly. September Hlount, aged Jones County Items". 1 The owners of cotton gins are putting them in order, preparatory to put tlie fleecy lint in readiness to command its highest market value. Seed cotton is selling at Trenton for 2i cts. per pound, corn (new) 50 cts I per bushel, eggs 11 cts., fodder 00 cts. per cwt., potatoes -lO.cts. per bushel. Died, at Trenton, on Thursday last, i little Lizzie Francks. of typhoid malarial fever, daughter of W. W. and Annie C. : Francks, aged about 3 years. The grief- stricken parents have the sympathy of i the whole community in the loss of their dear little darling child. ; The convicts are at their old quarters on the Core creek and Trenton road. ' and have commenced work on the road. As Capt. Mclver is a man who means ; business, we shall soon have our road ' completed to the Core creek statioD. as i there is but a small distance to clear and ditch. ') I was informed on Monday by Mr. ! Jesse Heath that the citizens of the Core creek section ure now preparing quar uis for the convict force to occupy as soon as they shall have complsted the i road through the pocosin. Mr. Heath also informs me that their corn crops i are fine but cotton has a plenty of weed ; and few bolls. I Major and Alex. Hawkins. Edward . Stanley, Stephen Moore and G. H. Mc : Daniel have completed a new bridge across Trent river at the old Wilcox nlfiel. T Vini-r. Vicion infArmoif aartiieli ia ," , ,, L. j spare, are now doing their own work and having a cheap, nice, real quiet , time of it. I "White oak snakes appear to be very numerous with us this season. Hender son Kornegay was bitten by a large one last week in Mr. Thomas Harrison's corn field on his ankle and he imme- diately corded his leg and afterwards walked about a mile to Mr. Harrison's ' house, who gave him a plenty of brandy arld 1 '"im a Trenton on Saturday land he said it never made him sick Mr-.Ijew'' He ?ncout?red hre"? I during tho last week and dispatched ; two ot them and the third slipped away, , , . J . ,.- I ca,ne near stepping on one during the 1 last week and lie frightened me so I let i him get away. ! The ReP"blicaps held their township Pow-wow on Saturday last and don t "",forget 'f u was a Srand nef r? n0v Jubl ee" There were present in the meeting only five white Republicans with nearly a hundred negroes. The meeting was organized by placing I. T. Wilson in the chair and making Daniel Johnson, colored, secretary, The chairman informed the crowd that he was ready for business, when rite m nomination. About this time arose an old patriarchial knowing one and made a "pint'' of parliamentary law of the case and as all of them ap peared to understand a great deal about it a lively time ensued. About fifty or sixty commenced arguing this point all at the same time. The chairman arose and rapped the table with his cane, but to no purpose. The excitement waxed hotter and hotter until it appeared like a row was imminent, when this same old patriarchial father arose with a cot ton bandanna handkerchief tied around his head and waved his hand and moved an adjournment. This quieted them and I became disgusted with negro conventions and quietly took a leave of them. A friend informs me that they finally elected their delegates. They elected D. Johnson, Elias Taylor, col., and C. E. Scott, white. They are terribly divided in this township and C. E. Scott appears to have a flush hand. I hear some of Scott's political enemies report that he is to have the nomination for the House of Representatives, while others report that Scott tells them to nominate one of their color for that position and give him the office of Register of Deeds. Wednesday, the 24th of September, will tell the true tale. I will be on hand and send you a true statement. I have been informed by the Republicans that they- are expecting a washing out on that day- Sensations in Hie Blaine Libel. ClllCAiii). Sept. ' Ex-Congressman John V. Lemoyne. of this city, will be an important witness in the Blaine-Sen-tinel libel suit, and is preparing his statement. He was a classmate of Mr. Blaine's for five years in Washington college. Pa., and was a witness at the Hlaine-Stan wood wedding at Pittsburg. March 20, lal. all records of which have been destroyed. Lemoyne is a Democrat and opposed to RIaine, and his testimony, it is said, will create the most profound :-i nsation throughout the entire ci 'iintrv. M-'i-i: .-I., and vile tra is guar; diiveti. wiil tell. Buy the genuine arti do not expend your means on di. Shi iuer's Indian Vermifuge iiitn- l it taken accord ing to the COMMERCIAL. 0f:ci:. ( OTT. c futuri Cplaiu Sept. . s cl, t! P. M. V, :Uii .s, d steady : irleans KL TU Ii emtier, iber. ember, -n-.ber: - Herie - at 1- li'.:1.-- O;; No 1 le, Ne mark. It". " In in. u;j "'i i--: .t; '.". .-i-.i:p -s ."! A It K K S v f r Sept. 1;.m: Nl IXK 7" . to :-r l1 per :o ,,e pound. - bushel. r hundre,": per 1,M. :o.;ahc iiiong-s. si.ooal :- bushel. . 1 '0 pel" bush, c. per bush. t. -1'CC 1', T A Tl-llc'I W' 'C'L Nkw : I. c ;:?a:7c. per pound. WiP LKs: ALE TRICES. :ss roia; 5l9.n0. Packs, and Hki.i.iks lhalllti r.i: smoked. No. "J. s. ' J. 'J.l .a , 1-V r -.s.J.'-'.'.ar.iii-. Salt 'JOo.aSl. 90 per sac k . Molasses amd Syrups 20a4Ck , 1 IB. AimcllunilPUllll!9l ( .rfKV ToB000 Co 'Ituated In the immediate section of country that prodttoes a eraite of Tobaooo rtint In t.ca "s, :lavor and quality lsnot grown elsewhere In llui wiiilil t'ui uiiiaill ) uf lilicaW iisirfn rn Til " i ip. -ed by tlie quantity produced. We are In position to command the choice ot all y r n y f r r r otrerings upon this market, and spare no pains or expense to girt tba trad tha I L ) I LLu' EINSTEIN'S, SY:-:: ' ' " ... ' " K m Kinston, ;EiG. JUST Flo ME AGAIN from the NORTHERN' MARKETS with the Largest Stock of Goods ever seen In lir.:! and they are going to be sold at ALMOST NO PROFIT AT ALL, to ,". pose of them. -.--' -.y . FOR THE LADIES, wo have an unusual large line of DRESS GOOI such as Cachemieres in all colors, Ladies Cloth, DeBeiga Henrietta Clo.'.i, Pin Check Suitings, Ginghams, and the prettiest Calicoes yon ever aw. Look at our handsome line of Cloaks, Jackets, Circulars and Dolnaan'n. We can show 100 different patterns. - i:-": : CLOTHBMGJift . - . v.;.;. -. ' - ONE THOUSAND SUITS OF CLOTHING, to be aold to the male re lation of Craven, Jones, Pitt, Lenoir, Onslow, Duplin arid Greene couij. within the next 00 days at UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES. ' " Furniture and Carp oi: On account of the large increase in our Furniture business, we hare Lei compelled to build another large two-story building adjoining the one we are in. for the exclusive use of Furniture and Carpet, and we ( can safely say now that wc have on hand the Largest and Best Selected 13took of Furniture sti I Carpets in Eastern North Carolina. We have Walnut Suits at prioef tint will astonish you. See our $1.75 Bedstead. - ' --'."- We are the Agents for the Oelebratediv'Hess" Shoo. 13 BE SURE AND SEE US" BEFORE BUYING EIWSTEDW?Sp GARDNER MANTJFACTXTBEES AND DEALERS IN " Open and TogniiGL ROCKAYVAYS AI1D PIIAETCO, Farm and Spring Wagons Carts;' Truc!:r, Drays, Harness Halters, Collars. Hatriesj Etc. 13rortrt street, opptwsite JlwleXar', HVXlller'n. IMPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES-NEATLY EXECUTi:!). GIVE US A CALL ' ' ' - jyl d&w6m To Cotton 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO GIN COTTON at the Gin of T. S. Howard on the Most Favorable Terms. I will also buy Seed Cotton and Market. Bagging and Ties furnished to my I will pay the Highest Market Price for Cotton Seed andlllcfl. I am also prepared to buy or sell bale cotton at the Lowest Brokerage, and solicit consignments of same. References given when uesixeda. ' When you have Cotton to .ell or Cotton to Gin, be sure to see tat ? -- I am also Agent for the Celebrated IFi?OI .IFIC C(.)TTON OFFICE ONE DOOR NORTH OF COTTON EXCHA1TGE, ALP11EUS W. WOOD. W. F. Kornegay Co.; Are Agents for the following Manufacturing Companies:)" o'-a; ' Talbott &. Sons, Richmond, Va. : . .'V Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, (Inst Mills, Tobacco Machinery. ' Watertown Steam Engine Co., Watertown,'N. Y.: --' ; I'ortalde, fctitionary and Marine Engines and Boilerf. " ( " ,', Cotton Gins : illship ; ullett Patent Steel l'.rush and the Light DraftCottOB BloOrB. .- ' ' V The Boss Cotton Press. Perkins's Shingle Machinery. After years above Agencie . . . i niatlilv lieenu.se we desire vperuiice in tlie .Machint ry nusiness, wc nave selected tna COOHS AT TIIK I.OWl'.ST POSSIULK PK1CKS. A. HENDERSON iIkii Only $47.50. Only $47.50.' The Alleger Organs. ! - .a -i i . c 1 -i esle.l In milKir nml n iml I" -. ; '., i.-..'! ilwnll, I.'- SI IIK THAT lOl 1U TH hi AL'LEdEK OKBAH. V..U .-an g'et a I.eaulilui WALSl'T CASE UM) CARVRD. llihlv liaiilliHl llli.l ; -a we I Fnl well.. While 1 he colli 1 a 11 al .ou of nillKte is 1111111 liH'Seil 1 oiir I lull M'lS OI i ucl ii nine us, lul SUM'S altai'Iinl lo ui I', -.lent S. I' C Mi'l R "p. nl; Ann H'C Hellowi. -asy that oilil -an play 'Will ; tin 11 Mill l.e lll'k look in -In. led, lee oi ill. Ig't" ill. lee.iliO' pii riier t- intr.iilu il in a 1 mlit liox. Ill, I lieilveleil oil ,,i only $7.r(). eel tills i iiaian is e llleln I luivi- ile il.er i 17. .". 1 a : : ' lO'e.l nil llllliKK TOM E. MITHIMi 15 V 1) KLA V. S i V Kl) II. V. M.KtiKH. K. f. r. a si Nui iona ailKl ii llil F. (t. SIMEONS, COTTON BROKER and COMMISSION MERCHANT, .pos?le fOTTilV Kll UA(iK. NEWBEiiN. N. C. It a Priilni'I alien' IM i i, I. -onsill- j llleuls, and the II I I M A IIK'KTI'KII 1-iS obtained. tur l'atronaae a. Hi lled. nep2 dv2lli aa fr I at m as r ni UU lillll MUM II IVJUil f H0NCSTf POPULAR. . UNIFORM, RELIABLE SATISFACTOHI Is the Most SMOKING. TOBACCO EVER PUT UPOH THE CJIF.XET. Henca Oaalars and Contumara alwsys pro rtounca It THE BEST..' j KINSTON1 N. C. il.:"!' pay the Highest Price of tlio customers at C?0St GROWEll. i . i a . .a . to turnisli our patrons 1JJB. 11IU3J- S. HUDSON, Agent, HOUSE, NEW BERNE, N. 0.V Insure VOI R C.IN HOUSES with ' WATSON & STREET, ' uuL'tkaVi'im Gen. Ins. AQm.1' COLD SPRffiGS FARU FOR isALE. I oil. r for sale Uip above vaubeproprty ' ;' i-iniHisttnn of i iin. Thousand Two Handrail 4 aieo sixiy l-'lve ArroH, Four Hnndrad aadaat-. r i-ii it I .it U.n, lHiiuu-e In Umber, lylac lai-. i -rn v eil e-.uiii -. f. -ui intiefi bolow Newbara. tX laiirn.ifi ii in miuit-.-Hiiiy Hitnated beta aaa s Ha .v -.. luillnwul (lialf mile frou fl an.i a .1. . j i.s . .liiil.le ereek. A.ldreKB ' I. J. WOLKKNDEI . ..v-'-iiail Netrlaern, 1. .ff w M i ill l; IS r, aoiiia- KSTA BUSHED 1M7. J- BURGESS, of N- Or WITH . . t ' H. MORRIS & S0KSf:;;; w. Commission Ucrch?f3fv Nog. 23, 25 & 27 Comment St NORFOLK. VA, J, V,'' special attention given to aalea of Oottoa. . (imln, rvanum and Country Prfduca Ma rnlly. Liberal caali a dvnncea trade aa con sliinment. Prompt retnrnaand h-jheat ni ket price Kiiarauteed. aukdwUaul r -..t-jtK "i ' - " " t " Js . . T V v

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