-A N, " A v -t . ' 1 -1 . s 4 . s - S t: V a : . a ago J07TAGE ORGAN attai-t! mtaia etSw . aula a aartaft h nawa funs toTOU. act . IWliiWi"' LX wlUnt OmM av alakraard .vu..nr I1 JODiiiimr. arW; . .d. , IMM Wu In ni., lariMJMU MtTitlS. i t.)tAU r aciXJTir. Urr SATMI aU (namllBt a TJ ' ;HZ rOFUIaAB OHQAH; :.:i!r-cfoa Eook4 Pfaao Stools c:.::::3 Canes' Organ Ca Cnar l4iafft w4 tec BSRXE. 31. iD. : O N U MEXT8, TOMBS, . t i,!a (ira aaj SnUdiM ort ! . : WILLIS. Fropritor yew bcrs. a. c Job Printinirl -Ml I t .t.mr 4u laj Job frtstlatal. ITCfJ -TO VTM O rTKt, t r. ' t w Qycss ! VI tr' -n. nil ! : - .t r rnnwaa i ; n taia aH- taraaa) l . . r V i. . l:'EiD SEE ' I! Selected Stock . . .a It ummI '1 Uzi cf St-ctadk,' : ! wi t tiJt Mock of ftH (0a t ' " . -x ' t ..a a ui (cdaf9 lor goedjk SAH. IL EATOaT ICE IClViillivKf. f ni vats cocjcayoR --4 a 9 atella A-MWaHat aW "p A- Jaaaft f ML wi i mr.M 'urhiture ! y mym tn jtv Bt P&t Turn "-t ' i rirt tm itiM JOIIX SUTEirS. OS KIDDUC STREET. -iJ J ahaw M. tt Jammar. t- on on Ban. !ator Italta. rhamlw "- . Wa.nat Uailataada. Itvaaaa. Wanlnoa. V. t..rw t ftarra. LutaaM, Aoeaa.Cantra T b.aa, IgrauaU EOCX BOTTOM PRICES. rOTJTZ' S NOaiS AHO CATTLE POWDIR3 a. f IT t HaMr wi9 mm tt t rn.tr- ti.- a - li.- i-.'-.rr fr-n Pt-tsM to IWMaa t rt m fw m ftMB WTtjt mt 4rra ait t . " T B1XP TlVTi rrffMUr. . nODEflTS & BRO., "Wliole titile ak Ittii D K4 LKsV ll -t .'-.' flS - ,';;' . ErvGccds ';. Beets ari Sires. A3e rUck w axi offsrtn VX31T r Crimrm ollcittt ; , SAtiaXkctlM gxiTnTsai. . ' . a , M . In- M MM- IMS M Wta W ta, Pa It M W, r W , mm f'immm. Aak I '"af M .r . CI mm 1 1 h att4 TW"Wt 'a aaa ,p tf fM rM aa. -tin ' ' r- . k --..a -a af k m 1 1 mi ! M -' ,mlh m W mm m fc s. I. " V r . -r 1 - . a SI XX&VZ. JT. c ' AYER'S Ague Care -JTAIXIST .17:1 S ':ZZ , -ur t'lfT -. " .u.iwa: r U !1 -i '"n ' 1 Mi-ntt if"- "" ""' r'r' ' .an, t a"! 3 1 ; - 4.1 trial. .! ' - ' 1 ' ...-alar - i I ' Is-- r.'.:,.a mmmtj Or.J.C.AyeriCo .Lo-a-H Mav JU 7 all ' --'i Steam Traspcrau: IV ti , i MOUaUj - - 1 ..- I ... v ' acaxnr Taitav at . . auinlaT l,av H r ' a nv.. HP13 ' ':v,r Crvk. iwultha ! A frViMjr up fcT l. -ira'...r. Hanna a.--oratH-'.a:i. :i ' r paa- antntnd ftlrrt at i-ry Var r: tia MTcruasta m1 pr.xluoitra a.m. ta ,,n (trail UMtr cho-rfu! aupr"rl . , rorfttrOiar inbnMUou ntalr al t .r 1m. root o CrTo ir.at. Anlal rnr. or axii of ita Afanta al tt foitowtn p.ar A BR Lt.VL. AaJua . 1) V W A1X. ika LnJtri. H , U. H- A M H TT, Vandarar. c. h. niwu.il. hwiiu, U rovrU.H, BaybortK W. K. J Av.jHJs Hjalth. r. M AU.ITTT B K' . K!Tr.la..v af rrHHt racwifad nJT . r Trr flay Um rtI. . II ttinTW w 1 y (Wnoral Mat airr TUE ITEUSE TREITT RIVEE Steamboat Company W1HUalIXHut'etl'la on r rrhtoy. ABaM ki. Ial : Steamer Trent WUl Imt Saw IVnit fjr PolVkTlil Tren In aod ilariati:a LaoUlna a-ri-7 aadny aM Frkiar. nunint oa Thnrklaj aad miiuqay. Steamer Klnstoo arm ! Nawtwrs ft Klnata ttt Tl" -Ua. T kail r Kl l A T , rawrnloa laara Kin aano dms ary UOJPAV autt TUL'TIHDAY; looehln at liy tU ny anJ ait tata imillata puibia cotb rU. am com- IVatauaaiwtMktOOH aoanartton w .:h tha lA 1 s. tk arr Nona OanXUia I . r- roc tuniMrialtrmaUoa app-ir ' W. K !rTlX. Ja.a! s.-wi- ru W. r. ITAIT. Klnatoo n. S. Btaara. lrvJi- a L T. WtUn. Aot al rrD'.. r J. f. 4trtTBJT. Jollj obl rVM J. K aaasa. (luakar rUJa. t M. WtllTa.. lira l Mua(". at7dA K !nn . .1 i hTw. W A II AH, ' inj i ian u K. H. wiiuir. iSitjTIU-KKS' -m;KT ful. Pure Rye tviid Cora Whisky ATWltolJ.i.K m&ES AND CIGARS .V OKEAT IAKIF1 r. Jmger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer aXP FVFTt'li. arRONXR & ENOEL BEEH. OIDKH. PURE FRENCH BRANDY. - il W WAI1AH. Jk VM .St. v Rrns. .V. C BELL, THE JEWELER, OFKFR.S TIIF L1SBEST DTD M3ST CCMFLETE STOCK 1 ' F Watches, CLOCKS. JEWKLRY. SILVERWARE AND SPECTACLES T r f.-tjr.! :'. h..'- ' E r y r: . - - . . 18K riain Gobi Engage ment and Marriigo Rings a Specialty. No charge for En graving. ASA .Iom;. Middle S'-root, Newb'-rn. N 7 ; . ; v . T! , A : r - s j i . v . r j Dail Bros., WHOLESALE GEOCEHS .t-l COMMISSION MEBC11ANTS, j ' A y tvts asvr iibib. x. c tw THE JOURNAL NEW BEXNE. N. C SEPT (iEMBAL 5ETVV Sr. .1- iin M i' n. ep i-. i. '. 17 . The n ki rs ( 'I , il their . ii. : n at ed li . ! l; 'a Sn vni.ii i: ...:.! I'r. n. h ', , I V I ' . ' ( ! i- 1 ,:-i t . 1 1 . i .tt M i n mil, itt.n-k-'il ;in' ,l,-!.-.r.-.! i ,. 1 Sh vni.h v ; M 1,. t ! : li I. ; : i o : i . ili-Ml' ' ' : Via:. .n l: if i ' .I'.'iiiiif rrf . Tiif n.r-.-;i:t' 1 nr'i' t!,f luiini- '" m.t!' nn e 'T"I t t ' ' 11 ' ' ' -. n. ir t-' ' w OTT I" i. ; 1 " - - monitHT- "i i lif i '. ' 1 -! H. lVAIlt.- Ill tilt' k '1 I' ' ' ' i n - had a narniw f.- i;- ir.-n; I.-.; d'itti "ii l'riil.iv I'M . - .. ratlvt.u tuni:f I l-hvt K; k.i. II-- I. akf . Four milr-- "I ' 'if I -ii' i sudilf :il i'oi l.i !'.! 1, .iioi .i:i : 1 1 . 1 1 1 l . - mass ol ro k in tin- muNr ni I In party, two of whom wfif lilitly injured. Tho eoloj:it.' p.n ty have obtainod data oy which tin expfot to b- at'lf to definitely e.-tabl:s!i thu exact ape of the mountain. Panama. Sept. ti. Letters :e reived yesterday (rotn theintfiior sav that a revolution has tx'eii et on fix) t against the State (lovi-in meut by prominent leaders of the Opposition. FighCinp is repotted from the cities ol So oi ro and S.m lose de C'uentu, huJ a general dis turbanee is apprehended thn)iigh ont the State. Fears are expressed that Antioiuia and Ciindinauiarea may also be thrown into disorder, ami the aecvssion to power of Fresi dent Nunez is not ander cirruui stances auspicions to the peair of the republic. Washington. Se.pt. 15. The i II.,., I ! Marl.wi .-.I Vwir V.nL- 1 ..'"." . M.u.sUT to ITHUCr wno is now on - . nis wa v co cms country, is men ununi to day us likely to lie appointed Secretary of the Treasury. Assist j ant Secretary t'harles E. l oon has j liecn de.tigniited by the President as acting Secretary of the Treasury 'for ten days from to-day. Sis Fkancisch, Sept. lo. The steamer Sun Pablo arrived here last eventng bringing advices lrom Hong Kong to Ang. 14. Information had leached Canton 1 of a friglaiful inundation in the province of Kiangsee. The news is dated at King-Tak, the ehiet centre of the pottery manufacture, and one of the four great markets ol the empire. The ticxids lasted four days and the entire country was submerged to the depth ot sixty fee... Whol towns were swept away. It is believed that fully 70, 0X) rmin it perished. It whs feared that a postileuce would fol low. Cholera ha. broken ont at Amoy. Tbe Dumlxr of deaths is not given. It bat been declared to be an m fectoU port- I'KTKH.SBt'KU-, Vj.. S'pt. Di. The larjre fruit, camly and berry tsket factory of George Brown iS: Co-, in this city, has stopped work, throwinf out of employment over 150 person. The factory produced abont 15,000 bnsket! per day, which were hitiped North ami Sutb. It is stated that the factory will tie (told. New Yokk, Sept. 1. The ctitored people are making snch ex ten.ive preparations for exhibits at tbe New Orleans exhibition, that the cooimiasioners decided to ap point mn ailditional ctdored com tnissioner for each State, and no assistant rommi vsioiier tor cadi Congress ion al district. 1'ITTSBl'HO. Pa., Sept. lb. The strike at Harlman's sttel works, at Boaver FalN, Pa., is a failure. Thirty men returned to work yts terday under a promise to withdraw from tho Amalgamated AssiH-iatioii ' and Kuifihts of Lalxir. and others are expected to follow today. The men had been ont eleven weeks. V ll.rAK.USn, Sept. lb I . S. Minister Logan and family have ; arrived at Angol, ( hill. The ex : press tia:n upon which they were pa-ssengets a attacked by ban j dits near Coihuc. They also at-; tempted to wreck the tram, but the courage of the driver prevented it.' PniLAIKI.l'lllA. Sept. lii. In every county in South and West New Jersey hog cholera prevails, and its spread and the rate ol moi tah'y is most alarming. Si AK1H. Si'ia. 17 --The n.n i .-ss day b.for t oaterdity of ih- friendly Ar:!s .tn 1 poii- i'is-,,r;iiii; the cenv,,y r.f pro 'I'liini and wemcu to Su.ikim. m de feating tt.e attictin party ,,f li.iden- had an inspiring t-tfect en the' friendly iritn-s. Two thousand of the Am.trar tribe attacked the Had end. w as. a:-. 1 after sr. engagement of four h,-urs .u --eed-d in dishvigin,; them, killing t.-vet-.ty and eapturir.i; many armsiui-l . .-.tn.eU The l,m of tile Am.ir.ii - i. . killeil and wounded. M oKii, Sept. IT.-' The re--rt . f the j-p gr..i af the i-h..lora in Spam the post u-ra 1 1 a u - i -i .vs f , l-.nl. Ky.-'.J . fresh -.f.iK.-t. irr.i i i N a -1 1. ,-a.ies M frr-t 1 ib-iiir." h-ali.s . 1 s r : -. At N'ar :rf. :- i..: - !: in in. iri son;.' IQ.-ri-as. nuhurns fit .it il-,..-ir. i ho r. :h. 1 t UlU 111, 1 1 -a 1 aulhoriliw hvt' tHitt chAnge in th present ' htuons. r n .-i L ; n a 1 1 v nr.ir,'..iic rou- Com and ('ot Meal. The subject of prinding corn with the coins has been discussed in the p.ipers, yet at the risk of leinr nought tedious, I venture to give m views and experience on the -ubject. More than forty years lio, ni.v father was the only man in the icinity w ho practiced grinding corn Willi the cobs. All corn led o stork or animals of an;, kind. . i .-pr v w i i;c. was in i xi d : l h ot her i: .tiii and ground without --helling. His re. i 'ii lor this were, that coin a wr hea and In-at mil: kind oi !i ed, and was liable, if ied lively, to ,:.;uie the annua!; and thai the i-.-i) wa- a correct loii and g.ive tone to the stomach. 1; made moie i., Ik. i'e-ides con; ai n in ' moi e nut i i .. i.: than could be olt'set by t he ... : n.'ii.il cost ot' giimliiig. Many .en- the long arguments to which 1 .i e listened when a bo . bi t w cell ... and his neighbors, i ; 1 1 the i -j ect . a ml p.. 'ii I .:i ci nt i . !! that i he s ; ; ' ' :e , e i . 1 1 icu t and . . .-i-.i . . .. . ot s,.!iiiv. w -, , ;i -. -. . ! . i I . . n 1 1 .:: a i . : . .; -. -. . . ; n resii : n w a ;'. . - ; : . ..irn iloor, linn- I . : : ; . e ! ;-! lei s. '1 ' h ; - w ,i- ie r h a ; I o . !... tile s( longest ,u j 1 1 i n e n ' 1 1 m-i! i ' i a as : ; in a v, one .. I . i a : ..; ', . .-pt-d the prac' ii e .; ... 1 - , I ; -tied Willi the I e.-..i i ' . lie n 1 fi'.ii; i" d i I .:; - I' inse!t. 1 located in anotln the town, w here not one ot : I e , n habitants practiced it and all w eie opposed to ir, and being detei fil med to satisfy myself. 1 tried many experiments until I was perfectly convinced of t he suHriority of teed grouiid w ith the cobs, either alone oi mixed with other grain, to that made I'-ou shelled corn. Meal made i.om southern or western com i- ptvfeiahle to our northern co: n. !! i! is ,; as heavy or as heat i ii lt. and in all icspects. w hen Used alone, makes a bet tel teed, but still I would rather it would be ground with the cob or mixed with lighter feed. I have fed to all i kinds of animals m various way s. : and for different purposes to w oi k ing oxen, to fattening catt'e audi cows lor milk, and young cattle for growth, and m all cases have found j the results the same, always in ; hair of tlu cob nieaL eyceol in the fjttenincr hotrs. which would. ; . . . " . " ' . . .. if fed lavishlv, he wonld eat the1)f)t easily disregard, rsometumg liuer parts and' root the coarser i the I "'"st clearly be done, however; for "Tound cobs) out of the trough. It although the fellow had hitherto rs surprising to see the revolution ' been kept at bay, he was evidently in puone sentiment in trie neigu ; borhood. Thei e is scarcely a fanner in the vicinity w ho shells five biisliels , of corn in a year, and inai not one. 11 they want .some for h.inily use they buy it. I will give the results of some e peiiments with working oxen ' drawing stone, building roads, or . in the woods fed high. 2 quarts each per day, or sometimes more, each pair fed alike, thai is. as many , Kjuiids of each feed. Those fed on clear meal held their own as to flesh, but sometimes !.st a feed for w.mt ol an appetite. needed con-, slant care .m4 watiatduluess. occas ionally p 'sic or some kind of dos ing, and alter a lew mon t ii s t heir j hoofs grew hard and brittle and j difficult to shoe. Those fed on cob; meal feldom missed a feed, almost i invariaoly liau a j,oon appetite, in variably in warm w eather stood the test tvetter. the hoofs weie softer and tougher and held a shoe much longer, and m every instance the oxen gained in flesh. Milch cows fed on fine meal alone will -gain in milk for a time, but the result will Ix- that the feed is too henry, and after a while goes to flesh and they will become dry. or nearly so, which would not happen if fed with meal ground with the cob. In fattening cattie the same objection exists it is too heavv and too heating in its nature to produce the best result loo pounds of meal ground with the coU are worth more fed to any ani mal, except hogs, than thi same weight when ground a:.d led alone. Correspond' tu r Country li'iit'--fKJM. IliiiTsifj on i" I'mdiict One hopeful sign m the South is the general and increasing dispo sition to depart from the stc-icn-: typed industrial methods of tin past. Heretofore our people have been wedded to cotton. With die exception ot a small area in I , m i i ma devoted to the grow ing of sugar. t the entire section south ot the Ten nessee river has been devoted to that. single crop, ;md the fortunes of our population allowed to be de-I pendent on its vicissitudes. Wo have raised cotton and bought the necessaries of life from the North and West. All these lei I lie lands, these untold millions of' rich acres ha e been simply outlay ing gai dens devoted to the support of Northern factories, w hile our brawn v farmers and strong husbandmen have toiled through the heat of' summer and t he sleet of scant living is true there development winter simply fop the vouchsafed them. It has been a w -ilidelful as m e.lsii it-1 1 actual of the .l ist net n m . 1 In i ui ii ! i v has n a : elf since s,;i . ,, hat t hree-ft lis , i in s ; a ; I e till- I C i oiiody call m-i e has be w! -an III say ell a 1 1 If I st lien h. M Il I let l,.!ln mult ii n . i la! '.Hi lar .lal by I they siirr, ai i i lell) en t s of pel leliee sho' t hem inore s 1 ; - ;i.s. s tb.e : ii h'i endeliee. but ex s t hat each y ear makes did, moie substantial. of the outside world s caprice. This is w hat e of i he S.f.it h must do. It is a i e .bit ii-n to I t-fleeted gradually: bir cm-:-, ie.-:i;i: the banner of the iu-w depa; tine is a j fresh step in the right direction and each advance is an .u-cessioii ol gci'iiinc strength and uio.Mierit for the South. Let the cry be , -1 ivci -itication," and let all com- luuni'.ies send to the Exposition those who will take note and tell ineni now rue oanie has neen won elst-w here . II and x J-.r posit ion l'"i' ---a- Tin- l'i:kp r i-lliiiirton's (-.xiicrimpiif. In a m wiiiid-tloor room m one of the 1 don a a; oi el eil short. .- iroI1411le ai.-l in I'.llC - it 'iiildiiiiis of Lon- w i i 1 1 1 a ;lt ;i table nape: He was a bndt tim e, with a . and a face hard a granire sf.itue. 1... k I ,il' lo i eat gn at ' ore . .11 t 1 ; 1 : : 1 ; 1 ! 1 n um, -1 , .--s he ii.ne it. an his -i.ietary , i ii w n e 1; I said: ease your ( 1 race, t h it ! he bullet prool bi east alled again, and w tshes 'o see olir (il ilce for a "If if , In. in u i , plat- ha, c ; m m In, .men t i lie I Hike .- Ince i iiai keiual, as Well it might, for tin man in rjiies- more independent tion was the most pert i nacioiis boi o lour miles lrom the city, and the w hom he had eer encountered. ! quarrel was getting hotter and The bullet pio.d eiiiia-s was his 1 hotter. own invention, and he never loit a "Blank City!" shouted the brake chance ol ilrclai iug i hat I he safety man, putting in his head. I'he of the whole l!i itish army depended ' two men in the last seat, still talk upon its instant adoption ()f t his j iug, rose, the red-faced man seizing unpai allolci! discovery," which he the other by the collar aDd renew cari iedab .at vith him. and exhib- . ing his threats of having him ar ited at ail limes and in all places, rested. The train stopped. The Had this been all, he would soon conductor rushed to the platform to have been disposed of; but, un- j assist some ladies off the train, and luckily, he had contrived to interest j when it started again, the two men in his inveiii ion one or two of the ; were gone. Duke's personal friends, and to get j The conductor looked blank as from them let ters id 'rec.ommenda- he realized the fact that he had ' tion which even Wellington could -i.. i. .. determined to give me jiuse no peace till the matter had been fully .roue into. ' For a moment Wellington looked so grim that the secretary began to hone for the order which he would gladly have obeyed, viz., to kick the iueiitor into the street forthwith. But the next instant the iron tie cleared again, and over it sinile. d t he very ghost of a glea in of w inter sun- a precipice. Miow iiim in, said lie, tu icny. ; tneir aiimeuts, wnue imploring nis The observant secretary noted charity. A few years ago, the beg b.uh the tone ami the smile that gars of Florence had become snch accompanied it: and he inwardly : a nuisance that the authorities or decided thai it w ould have been ' tiered the arrest of any person found better for that inventor if he had begging in the streets. not insisted on seeing the Duke. The lavorite resort of the frater- Iq came the great discoverer a nity was tho hill leading to Fiesole. tall, slouching, shabby, slightly red- The steepness of this hill compelled nosed man, with a would be jaunty the traveller to walk slowly up to air, which gave way a little, how-' the top, and thus gave the beggars ever, before the "Iron 1 Hike's" pen- 1 time and opportunity to ply their etrating glance. trade. But one day, owing to a "I am glad to think that your detective's happy thought, it be (irace appreciates the merits of my came the means of entrapping a invention," said he, in a patroniz- large number of them, ing tone. "They are, indeed, too The detective, disguished in plain important to be undervalued by any clothes, sauntered up the hill, one great commander. Your Grace sunuy morning, humming a gentle can not fail to remember the havoc 'song. The unsuspicious beggars made by your gallant troops at. cliistered about him, imploring his Waterloo among the French cuiras-. charity, and showing him their siers, whose breastplates were not cripped limbs, blind eyes and wan bullet-proof; whereas, if " faces. "Have you got the thing with I He strolled on, humming his song, j you ?" interrupted Wellington. The inventor unwrapped a very showy looking cuirass of polished steel, and was past beginning a long lecture upon its merits, when the Duke cut him short by asking: "Are yon iptite sure ir is bullet proof ?" Quite sure, your Grace." 'Pur it on. then, and go and stand in that corner." The other wonder ingly obeyed. -Mr. Temple," shouted Welling ton to his secretary "tell the scntrv nit.- to load with ball-cartridge. and come in here to test this cuirass. Ouick, now !" But quick though the secretary was, the inventor w a quicker still. The moment he realized that he had been set up there on purpose to be fired at. ami to be shot dead on the spot if his cuirass turned out to be not bullet-proof after all, he I leaped headlong through the open I window with a y ell worthy of a Blackfoot Indian, and darting like la locket act oss fhe court yard. : vanished through the oilier gte iway; nor did the Duke ot' Welling ton, from that day lortn, ever see or hear of him again. I . vin Ki'.i;, in FplTi'K's illtAWKi;. Huron-' r'..r V toh r. wiss (,irl- .i s,..-: elloii,, physical si to tie ..... gills large a- leijiiisite t hey are set :k the land ,v-e ;th rv.l s.S t than I wo 1 ha h.-r t se albc-ls. T bask, :';:: the cal ::c: she drops ireinatuie lower I o c a I'.iniiier- :hh lei's at 1 ,ss . . , mon i e and it only w hen old age. but merciful, mbs her of any it longer. 1 have little girls. ,,f U or l 1. down a mountain side. rough pathway, under ..f bundles of fagots as a r bi id ies, which I hey no ' ; 'I-. ! than t le-y Inn i I ed la-i s. I have seell ''il ls i '. or . the lar. !onu a w l"l . ;e as d. aliii il' r.i s lip the heavy of an a-.ole.l A'.lg'ls i', s w ; tgilig Hi ill : rell Am I I ha e hail : -i tel . ' I . : ' 1 i-T pi. i II: t. gills Is i under burden i i-ngt h by the w om a n- ir a hand- .id r. nt.T si (ell.!.' 'giili ,'iiui.trv iii the hour of us ..I." True ; aial a grateful - Loiiau's relatives are still i - a k"-":s S-.Tf , f I i, nc it. A Sharper's Trick. Railroad conductors are not often the victims of sharpers, but occa- Road, was telling a story to Andy sionally something happens which 1 Atkins, that all train men v. i; eii shows that they are as mortal as joy, accustomed as they me t the other men. 1 appeals of t ramps. On I:!-, recent "Tickets!'' shouted the man of ' trip he said he eiieoaiiieied. brass Duttous on the r. U. auu (J. j lioad. one eveninc. as he enterefl the last car of a long train which had just started from the citv. As be approached the last seat, two men there began to talk so excitedly as to attract general atteutiou '! say you have!'' said one of the nieu, a choleric, red-faced fellow, with a fierce voice. -'And I say I haven't!" retorted the other, just as fiercely. "Tickets, gentlemen!" said the conductor, mildly, as he stopped j by the seat. j "Tickets! Yes, that's what I: say. This fellow here has robbed me. Taken pocketbook. tickets and all!" cried the red-faced man. I'm no pickpocket!" replied the 1 accused, indignantly. Then w here's my poekel book? 1 had it when 1 sat down here " "Pel haps y ou dropped 1 1 n the floor, " suggested one of the oasseli- eis, jioiitely. And a en-ueil for the missing w h i I'll, ho w e vn , was M-iirch b,)()k, -.. be t. mnd. "You've si oleii it!"aui 'in ioer. coming back to his rii.-.; i narge against the man in the seat with Id in . "1 haven t!" "I'll have von arrested!" "All right!' I'm willing." All this time conductor and pas sengers looked on without a chance to say a word. The train was drawing near the first station, only ! collected tickets from neither of ; iueui. no woum ueeu tu- j lightened a little if he could have j seen the two sharpers going down j a side street, side by side. j-uo iuui- oi nic nue was icu i cents. The moral loss of such a i trick cannot be computed. A j rogue always works hard for small wages. But there is nothing which ! insincerity will not stoop to do when it becomes a part of one's nature. Trappiusr Beggars. Italian beggars are noted for the persistency with which they will cling to a tourist and show him while they grew in numbers and in ' importunity. At last, the large and ; long procession reached the top of the hill. There they encountered an omnibus, out of which jumped a ' number of gendarmes. Instantly the beggars scattered; the lame ran, the blind saw, the flea f fip-aril llwi ilmnli wt-ifiL-n it nrl tha consumptive became strong. But thev were captured, hustled intoi the'prison-vaii, for that was what the omnibus was, -and carried off! under the charge of the single stroller. ; -m- j Children's Etiquette ' Always say, yes 'sir, no'sir. ves j ;,n Minni- ',wi ' V A :!,,;, ; ' " 7 se no slang word's. Clean faces clean clot hes elenn i....,c .,,,,1 .1,,,., t ., ., ,-i . SUOCO .Hill U.I .UI II 11 Ll Li tt 11, ilJUl- cate good breeding. Never leave your clothes about the room. Have a place for every thing, and everything in its place. Bap before entering a room, and never leave it with your back to IV'IH i'll. IV Hi- ward the oiiiian lememuer 1 - Always offer vour seat to a lady or old gentleman. Y.,r.,r i.nfvm,,. V..,f. l.i - chairs or tables Never overlook any one when leading or writing, nor talk or read aloud while others are reading Do not be hasty ing reports to the di- f ,- ...i;,,.-,. .u. fs Ullil , I paragement of Never talk or whisper at meet ings m- pubbc places, and especially in a private room where any one is singing or playing the piano. Be careful to injure no one's feel ings by unkind remarks. Never teU tales, make faces, call names, ridicule the lame, mimic the un foi tunate. nor be cruel to insects, bii ds or any thing else. Associate yourself with peisons of good quality, if you esteem your, own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company. s ; Alw.ijs ( Boa i der at he slice of u atel ineio liea;iest. ad of table ; U is placed be loie n a h , in for dessert : Mrs. I'.oggs. may pies; am ?" ( 'ci t a : n 1 . s: i ." Mav I ask oit i I ask i it I Here is any the price ot' ii t el melon .'' ' en per cent ." , '; , !i e 11 re hei w cell i eeu a :id a ripe w Yes. s; i a i mn t 111 1.1MH I ihe green, 1 ife- A i s. sir." And that's I'hat's wliv .mil s I buv the gieen luil Miuli wa-whispert-d (ertaiii. Binder funeral .Ma. goober. Irirtid. went." -Hus 1 1 1 1 it her. had bee don't, a "I do 1'itZ of a- after the ilo vim know wheie he i, child.' cautioned the who saw that the question i oveihe.ud. "of course I id no one else does." yelled the boy, brightly, "he went to the cemetery." Atlun. Constitution. ' Condnctors' Storl-s. Conductor Pierce, of the Wabash ' slouched down in a -e;it with ins hat pulled down over the left eye. a line specimen of the mii.i.-hi. : ivi- !. ment of Amenciin life. "Tickets," said Pierce. The tramp looked up. smiled and , said, with the peculiar accent of the "tough:" "Say, con., do you' stand any favors to ole-ti;ue rocks on the Q?" "Not-on this road," said Pierce. "Pull the. bed-cord then," said the tramp, ieaching his left hand into the air and making the motion of pulling the cord. "ilis nerve broke, me all up," said Pierce, in conclusion, -but I pulled the bell cord and assisted him oil'." "You had better luck," said Ai - kins, 'tlinu a friend of mine lunned !Sa3SSS::()TT0N tramp struck him tor a Lit. 'Say,' said ho, 'couldn't you takemy nibs i along to the nexl.' I'm one of the gang fireman, ( M. no, think of IT. and a Compton. ! on!, In' The t rai a inuvi . i ( 'oin pf on 1 ' a I got ; he struck -icy ad. " ""r' ' "s, i in i i a f f o i 1 1 1 . 'I thought I loid you 1 couldn't , take you,' said Compton. Th.r' all right,' said the train); 'I've got a letter here, tluiugh ' 'Well, keep j your letter. Put up your money, j now or I'll put you ashore.' 'Oh, 1 j guess not,' says Mr. Tramp. Just then Compton reached up tor the bell-cord, and as he did, biff bang! went the tramp's list, into his face. Compton buckled to him, but some body opened the door of the car and in fell Compton with the tramp on top of him. Compton wore a long goatee before the light, but when the passengers separated the two men the goatee, was in the tramp's hand, and as the train slackened up the tramp said: 'What's the matter with my nibs? I'm one of the gang fireman.' and jumped of.'' Ohbc-Democrat. The Boston of China. Dr. Yontoze-Hing, of New York, in a recent interview says: "Eoo-Chow, sir, is the Boston of China, and one of the finest cities in the world,'' said Dr. Yon-toze-IIing, a well known Chinese physician ol this city, to a reporter Monday. "I have lived there many years, and am, consequently, mach interested as to how it will with stand the French bombardment. The population of the city itself is at least 800,000, and that of the suburbs about 400,000. As a seat of learning it is pre-eminently dis tinguished. No fewer than :?,200 literary graduates a term that closely corresponds to that of 'senior wrangler' at the University at Cam bridge, in England or more than a quarter of all the scholars in that part of the empire, reside in Foo Chow. It is also the home of 7,000 'literary students,' seedy bat clever young fellows, who are supported somewhat in tho same manner as the 'poor scholars' of Ireland that is, by teaching and similar scholastic pursuits. Foo-Chow has a considerable inland trade and has greatly enlarged her commerce, es pecially since the extirpation of pirates. As well as I can remem ber, the imports of opium last year exceeded 3,500,000, of foodstuff's, S4.000.000, and of foreign goods, o5,000,000. Special attention is paid to the tea trade, as the Bohea leaf flourishes in the neighborhood of Foo-Chow. Perhaps the most important industry is navigation. The Min River, which is navigable for 250 miles, to a city called Shan gai, where a canal connects it with a tributary of the Y'ang-tse-Kiang, is the home of over fifty thousand boatmen. Thousands of fishermen also make a good living by selling sharks' fins, birds' nest soup, devil- fisn, dragonfish, gourarai, seaworm greenfish and many other species of fish. Jict.iu.tu. A man who opened a small fruit store on Gratiot avenue the other Monday morning locked the doors on Saturday night, and posted a notice reading: ''Dis blace doan' do some business next vheek.'' An acquaintance was asking him what tb ,0a V,3' n-d be .rt'llied: .( , " hell, Ishtart in nut a caiutal of .?10. Dot vhas all assets and no j labilities In tree days I make i ty CdltS profit, but my slltOCk goes down hill oafer two dollar In I der next tree days I trust ont oafer I two dollar und my shtock goes j down hill feefty cents. By Satur ' day night J vhas most all liability und shust asset enough to pay der 1 rent. I thought it vhas petter to ; glose oudt dan to hat some assignee , . II 1 I fume in inn! fe.ir nnn h ilei an.aes , . , . ,. 0 1 , , dot vhas left lor Sunday. : uor vnas icu lor ouiuihv . i . , T-'. ,, oniestic hcouomv. J 1 C I C 1 1 1 1 Cr 1 II tUC WllgOIl il I I 1H market after his )otatoes and as he started off she called to him: i 'Jtemcinuer, .lonu get twelve and be . 1 1" I 1 I . 1 I . aillS OI l la I K - l oiea eu i a i h o. sure to ask ii it will wash. When he returned, twenty min utes later, she held out her hand for the package he carried, but he tossed ii into t ne wagon reply: "1 )idif t gt i no cnii kei .' W hy .'" "Well. I diskiveicl tha witn tne plug to . caiik.-i-up n i y cr. She i he dis. backer w as coining up and going dow n. a io i 1 made mind you'd iot ter wait." Thai set;!-:-.! it with he heaved a sj-h ur Ian over appoint men t . and then hei i ed look returned. nieiit- .Never 1 have n any I i.ing 1 . 1 :i re. a I a i e Vet 1 1 V i 1 1 1 the seed ed to 1 hi V,,,u ; n ic alisv.ei . i . . oi li a; bell c:.i-s tin ii st ateinciit." is it that M tiiei. "How ah a ragged state, if . of any iliing "Becaiist other, w j x e"er t hilig III , e a 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 el took',' smiled the 1 i J is-, because tempted was a i g I'm failure before I took h"hl of it." . 1 tin ii to ( 'oust it ,it inn. A Unite (oil. They were st i oiling in the gieen lield and he was telling Ui "f his love. dust. as he was on the point of asking her to marry him. a cow, which was concealed by a bush a tew feet away-, mooed long and loud. Did the girl f.iinr away, or nin away, or scream:' No. She g ivi- one little iui percept ib'.e start and simply reinarteil: "Go away, cow. As yon were say ing, George. ' F V NK T A L DIRECTORY . PKMT.S TILL FURTHER NOTICE: Digging Rravps. from (Iiitlins and caxket-x. loan Outside boxes, from... Conveyance, from Fence and rave. from Tombstones and monuments, frou X-i--' A plan of the Ceinetrr; s kept, at my ebop on Cuwell tr et, two doors west Einstein' oi jre, where samplep of my Tomb- toia s ninl Mounments can ho s;cr. Respectfully, J. J. II A V". Kixston, May 1, 1 8S i. worn OLESALE A IN Brick Block, Middle ' PORK, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, ,; SYRUPS, MOLASSES,, LONG CLEAR SIDES, BELLIES, AND BACKS y L0RILLARD, HAILR0AD MILLS (Sali and Sweet), , And GAIL & AX SNUFFS, at Manufacturers' PrioM.' V Quick Sales and Small Profits. Terms Cash. . Call and Get our PRICES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Eainit, Acid Phosphate and Ammonlated Guanos. None but the best and most reliable brands sold. C. E. FOY & CO., Uriclt !lt;ST0fl MACHINE WORKS. MANUFACTURERS Engines, Saw and Grist Hills, Gins, Presses And other Machinery. Keep a full Inspirit tors, Belting- Iau'injr, Valves, Whistles, Pulleys, Orate Ham, Track Iron. Bevel Wheels, I-iag screws, . , AGENTS FOR THE A First-Class Engine, which we can other Engine in the Market. Come and see our new Saw Mill, nowlcuged to be tbe best Mill in use by all mill men wno have aeon it: Agents for the Cardwell Thresher. ; ' MILLER & LAUGHINGHOUSE, augSO s v PBoruiTomS. Jones CUihlSSION Consignments of Gram, Cotton, and other PRODUCE PEOOT ATTENTION GUARANTEED 1 i' v Goods, Motions, 1 1 !S, ?00TS AND SHOES. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Pork, Bacon, Flour Sugar,! "offec, Salt, Syrup and MOLASSES. SNUFF and TOBACCO. II A R I) Y A R E SUCH AS Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Nails Plow Traces Hames, &c. &c. i,ino, SupplU's (i E N E R A L L Y A L. S O MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, T11K l'.EST MADE, CO N T A N T L Y IN STOCK I'rlos low for cash. .'salisoictioii I'liaraiiteed. . 1 II i cr 1 ies t cash iricep tin i i for I t country Produce ' tz& Cull and xt-c lite North West corner i SOUTH FRONT & MIDDLE Streets, ! m:w i5i:km:, n ' M..r. w 1 3". DR. POLLOCK'S NO- 7, : sol iiii:i: ill.1.:! i r,, r - -H-, ... k J. L. TIARTSFIKLD, I'EALKR IX School Books and Stationery C'onlV'ctioneries, ii ,. i;" FANCY' GIIOCKHIKS, ETC. J. L IlAItTSFIELD Kiiiston. Feb. Zt, 1883. ;fS to $4 6 to 100 2 to 4 6 to JO W 8 to 80. 6 to MO : ' GROCERS I FACTORS, , a . FOY & CO., Street. Newborn, N. C ' vy , I J lock. Middle Street. AND DEALERS IN line. of supplies for, Machinery, uct if i .Ba1bet, Coupling-.. r" " Sheet Copper, i-t Smoke Stack, Ete, NAGLE ENGINE, sell from $100 to $200 cheaper than ij : ' 'fV with Langbinghonse Patent Feed, ck- ;'."7'' THE SEASON. REFRIGERATORS. I0E CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, and smaoiutble gooda of every ilrarrlpHon lncludlug FLY FANS, WIRE DJSB COVERS, ELY TRAPS, ETC., ETC., AT TBS H A. R. JO AV A. J&'JBl House FurnishiDg Store ; OF L. H. CUTLEK, Kull stock cotton a4 -plan ter' hoea. gralv cradles, grass blades and briar hooka, eta. For tbe best goods atad lowest prioaa call 1 L. H. CDTLEB, ilw Middle straM Ferdinand Ulricb, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots o.nl fSlioew. Rci)es Twines. Paints, Oil. CANVAS, ORITST SACKS. LOUlLliAUI) SNUFF At Mannfacturer'8 Iricei. NETS and 8KINEK v Foot Middle sfroet. new v.zimiZ Brock's Livery Stable I Horses for Hire at any time, Day or Night. Also, Taken and Cured For on Reasonable Terms. '- mnl wCm KIN8TON. N. C. " ( liMie.t School in tbe State. CENTHEVILLE ACALE11Y, MAI.K A1MI FEMALE, n MILLS, Pitt County, X. I. 1 1 A N I l-.l . M 1 '.I .Hit. Ph. H. Pnlversltf . . a. rum i.l. Miw Mil UK Hal ITU, BaJaid 1 i llillll- Al Kill in . AHIiiHtint. 4 in a, a. 1 1 1 . ! 1 1 . 1 1 1 . n i .m ai. Ovrroan Mid I r.-n.-i , Ji". i.. i .. l- .'i foi i ti. i iiifurneii ion udd rasa, as AboYt, A 1.1. I.N JOHNKON. ii net i i s. Htmrd TniatBV ' K. HAiHY, i:ON 1IKNTIST. j.' A iii iirt-arrd to da Firm -I ik Work at Un- l,nwpm Prlcva. sct nf u-eilj from f 1.1 (HI Ull. , i...i nniiiKsfi r,u up. a iiiiOiniii. li limn,.' Ian,,,.. South Frgnt Strc.l, Near I'mrta, Ii-i'Js' Nawb.i-B, N. C. Pg BURGEON "r&JfXr:. Mi,--k TiT?XTTT OTi i-.H . ' si ; fClpston . J . ' if. p. '-:r Olii'rntlve deiillKtry ft specialty, Offloar st ni-H In Op-ra Mouse. Don't font et the ploa, . ' DUVAL & NOUTONS ' HORSE TONIG; The Best Medicine JBcir -Horses "flitf TBT IT. For 116 (Jjr J. V, JORDAN and BANOUCK BKUeV v . . apKdw , I I, K tt, ,:v I.. .St , t. ' 1 -vl. -i i r- -' aaai.