1 V 7 -4 USTDE'PElSrDEN'T 1 1ST ALL THINGS. Term 0B.OO Zor T"ci IL. 14 L W r KM , NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER 2, 1884. VOL. VII iff lfft .1 1 Towers of CO CO loo CWtatn: -Bo" Cattoa Press Wf Hk.i . Cr-lUi ThrMheT5 r : Hncok'ii tnpu-or ; Msekine rlly. Aceu". fr Tylor MmoMiUriag ai ( lilulXSMiI CUlogus as 1 ; Rt-5peclfull.T, j T CKAVKX 1 IV RmaibT tW WrlUigTiJatf,l Fn tlr GILBERT FORCE PUMT. a)ETTINGrEK BROS., . llA ifr Kecivel nnd Opened tlieii- iMEWf FALL STOCK, AKE NOW OFFERING .v Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots and FURNITURE AND CARPETS, ?0 WHOLESALE A XI) SEPTEMBER 1, mt. T.' A. CREEW Xrreat Stock of lo or, Meats, Sngar, Coffer, Molauei, Syrup." Snuff and Tobacco t bv;ht 'e Bro. 5ow ia ttuck : SOO'Darreb Flour, 40 " Syrups and Molasses, K2t at i kfi and will b sold at umc. - Urtck BoUdlnXt Middle Street, below South Front, tf People 9 s life Assurance Comp'j V. . OEXOUISVILLE, K.Y. 1aa Policies ,oa Um, payable in Fire Instalments, frees 4(0 10 years laterraia. according 10 ine . t - age of the Insured. - SfwiaiTJ t T r i 'TI tt t i""rn- T Jil i "i '-- l A--.' a. .)'.. r M '. .CafMM. Tk ia aaw fsaur is Lit' la-mran-e. ud 4rnvL.'.a tie- ;--r;7 Ii. t i iiii in a impi) Ufin It U pf-tc-Jc;iv x Si.nr Unk. m wi:;.-:-. .. .bp. mB trrjj aatataat, to b drawn r ihc tu i -f ' i w 4 Wa slo Lm Po4liei?j pyblc t deatu inly, if : .r 1 fV4TJr witA tail prtkrlr4 farnifhf.i m rp'.. hTZE POLICIES wmei oa bt t.. ,v v GEO ALLEN & CO- We Still tSurvive! T'VtSaa tt Mf OMOnr wwij nv-i rp't ru: ' ;-.-.- :-.- . pW9t attttuat r e4 ovlerm In tjl lin , ( lair mA Iran W ,rk Ulr ' tat)Mlltn.ath,if IMHtrSnr 4al W -mAm r. ,i..-r Ir.MixO ore a flt44 r- n.im I nlw! 'ju,tn l. -1 4 .l 1 434ri4ce flti emitv. m.! ttm to m '.i : fT-..wi i. s: :i . 44 tae4"v4f 4K ltHI Vrnjctaa an4 otur l;r.-4 f.'j':-,.- -i , , . i rcfctr:.; NATIONAL WIRE I IF.CN CC. mm Am wOX mm ytBtmij eaeatTV tae l4Mt4 la , wm t rUl w-a vic' fr-m 1 aw ta w T l.ivr R 4 4K Wliminn "lt. MO. V aaafe a CaJM ro.ita iwHMWaelhfU WSBLWWSL HEWS LAY ft. y 4k 1 . t 'U aaa m. uit ii4iil amtm CH1CXOI CHOlaERA. QEO. ALLEN & CO. m , Georgia Cottoa Gics, I t fntwrHtttl Cottoa Oin. S- ': J ' fits-! i;a Al,:- rTh Monarch Cotton r.-rs Xa" Ca!! atul rsaaiiM ttafliBla tti jhi:. Strength ! - 4 1 cJ odrr ti.i t . l.i-l.T- Tonii-'.-.-r . ry Suppli t Kan; l-r. I ri-n - to-t n i . pdriu V:-u:g ' loinfur Trie Li.-l in a. r-.. K n 1 Mi. Enjinf. Hollers, S ti JLJ. , STIJKKT, NF.WI'.r.UN, N i'T-r J to b-. wit':."'.H a MANY sl'fcCI ALTIF-S IN Shoes, TUB RETAIL TRADE; ALLEN & CO., Mutual at I loth. Bnllrt- th rntlrv. tttm In ih-r rv.,,n 1. , l U ll .-k. o.4t tr rrat. I ! Kl lv i. 1 -. s; 1 . , .-r. Cr-np ,th- Pr,)!,.- 4 N Illir ini4il4m. r r : -iij.-- r-ii:.r-. JOlN 14. ,ll Hui t 1 jnr. t. 1 iuJ IL J U.tjOM m '.V alalia m clsumr C-m. I S I i M) noiu.i: o:'"S cr and C'ouilensn 1 w ior . w. GEO- ALLEN & CO (H i: V 1 KOI'EAN LETTER. NTMREK NINE. lxi: .Ii'i'KN'.u.: lt me tell, m .innetlmij,' ;iU"ut Mavcnco u if l:!iin'. I c.irue ht're from Lu- rnc vi.i l'.alo. I: was the dreariest I.- I ever b.il iu my 1 1 1 - - For the r: Mini' I siaratfi! hum my i- '. ; ; ji.it ; , a if i- !ifvH.sary : , . i ! t:i :! t Copeu- . -i r ii T ' 1 1 .M-Nsioil.- of the ;. , . i AMui" Ali I lie '.rll !,a.I turned in- ,--n.;ll. a.ot were ..: .,rok,n ami tin y,r uMcratice of ro',,t, and thick Boor l.-"-'U' ' (. v , n ,'.1, n, v l.Vtaik. and I'.ut ihev seemed I did not " Travel to ainbody, is not I thi-li ' l.-h too. it. tho" talking ' eh.i tb.'ii: the ntot pleasant occupation a man can engage iu. It is lonesome bui- ness. and I jut bbgan to wish I was m good old Xew Berne, where the people knew how to talk. But at bust I got to Mayence, which these folks call "Maintz" or Mantr.." It is the queerest old plare imaginable. FirsM had been un tort nnateas to break mv spec acles. Wak the aid of a gentle - man on the tram, 1 had stuck them together with some black thread and a toothpick. An elegant job; and one eye took an angle eastward and the other towards the top ot Mt. Bh.gi. No skilful S. K.Eaton. was at baud to help me, alas! Why j didn't become alongl Ue would ! have been the wittiest n.snafac- jturer of good things, I have met : abn4,from tb English woolsack to the Vlpiu Glaciers. But a he i ' wa.s not 'Unstable," I mast find ! rUw..lAP Anpn 1 J ..... .. la not my lorte, the "uotei man the "uotei man" i proposed to send with me a man, who 3on!d show me the store, and ni,i Qir. translate mv p ass ca French into German. l"liad sen a K.r i.rr4.l rn two lec. louuirinir about the arcade of the hotel, and : steered clear of bim, bocanse he , looted like a trifrling guide, who wanted to torn an honeet(l) penny . intodruik. And lo( tm very con- cera was one into' wboe hacds r ' waa committed. Well, beinjr iu for I it, I inade the best of a bad bar- gam; found the optician, and he could apeak Koglish leetle," so I neoded "uo "empty cask, ana as soon as possible dismissed him .was moaeieu i inorwauien, ana, qn.llitv. Tlie labor of culture is anxioas to continue with a satis-, all Europe contributed to its erec-; ft t d j, th II .fl.-i.in1d'W i 1 .1 l,.lf T-.-rllll. . f.iftory rewani. rraveiierg must;""" iu u "...i ...... ter clear of professional guides asj base it stands, clothed in a Mowing far as iviuih P V rnn iniidfl onr- toga, with one hwt advauced. a twlvea with Haedeker or Murray or ; Ca&sel. ijo I t endered through the old, ci-ookeI frtreets. Ihey twist and are jnmbled np in the most as ton ishing way, with no conceivable plan, except to be a place to walk in. l'et they have one singular property. Plunge into them aslj might, and be uncertain where I ! was going, yet at laat I would come out on the Schiller riate, where his, monQwejit was, and wonld bo all ; right. Or, aboe th bope. I j would catch a glimpse of the towers of the old Cathedral, and bend mv 1 coarse Dy tnem. nat queer ex pressions I heard, and signs I saw. Here is one man. saying in ani mated strain, and classic German, but good English in sound, "Ron op a hole;" and there ia a baker's or huckster's part, marked with a very- ugly word; bat as it is German. it must be eye; "Gat." of interest proper for the public I like to see everything so coming oat of a chnrrh, I observe another arched doorway, that looks as if it opened into .unie queer cJinrrh in an ont of the-way alley; an old man opens the door apd enters with the sod den ringing of a bell. I follow boldly, and the boll dangu again; but as 1 look in, my eyes are greeted by green grass, and shrubs and trees in a large couit yard, in the miiiat oi dan stone wans, hdii pavea ; ktrrets. My courage oozes out, and , I dro birk suddenly, and walk .iwav. not unasuaiiy Iiriskly, sir, ; iitit I do get awav. without looking! i'.i. k. I think I hear a gate clang. nid somebody coming behind me. Is it .i policeman! Have 1 gotten int sonic forbidden grounds in this great military post, and t'ath ..lie Iri'iig)iolil! tint J gii aUait my bit ii cs . .ui.l i..ii'.il moii-sts me. J ' i ; . : u..i'n in tin- middle ot iiu-.-. narrow h.i-. 1 don't kllost ;..il Din v i'.,irics untibl ijo. if ;hi- iiif'. There jte often no si den at k , inert ly a ,s 1 walk in s ime pi ic i iro.ul . 'l'tic-t' ; reels ro'igh. 'on' clean. 1 11 .rt of curb; or s of two feet generally are ! he new part ol a vi : n . ::v ar -.'and 1 , I d 1 .-'rnn;' tiro 1 1 1 1 . 1 ail and straight o::ie iu-w btllld- d. or going up. important mili onel by S mm ! al w:y arunn d. tin", i outhfu! : i.ed lu ; lie fact, n ' r;n t from g.-. I"l:i oung ::.i- ,ii ! he iioi . :. . Thr.r a I' ' r. 1 ); ai..l I : rue; ar . ; : : a a M. 1 rinaii ( on liT.I' 0 'II. ' ual loiaN rhes had ere :. 1 rnerel - Kiwerful warriors. but the right of crowning the German Ein lerors, and their worldly pride and vain glory stand out prominently in their marble monuments in this Cathedral For oxample, Arch bishop Peter vim Asfeldt. 1 .".", is sculptured as largo or larger than life, while the three Emperors he crowned arc represented as only one-half t heir natural size, and so far inferior to him, who professed to be lowly like Christ. Their pride and capacity destroyed them and l.i...:... TM. ' ! milieu me cuy . a un eie i.es.- 'l.-n:.- of the Diets, and one mam- 'l ,,,,(lv K"11"1 : '"" 'l I ' i 1 r. n of Inlaws. I he luMin.'iis canons leveled m their eiioi lien-, wealth, anil w hen re- piof, l the Bope tor their woild- '' replied, "We have more wine ''led for the mass, and not enough to turn -our iills wit h. 1'astrada. the third wife of y "'"i." llut nffor l'lu-ious of fb"l "! wea" " 'l,U bottomed wl' !nd 18 mfhx ('0?,n' ;) " ' i . lld wdown; and at the head stands,1 the grim marble skeleton. Death, , with vigor pushtng the lnl down on , , the Ge"ni1- who dws not seem ; ; w,11nP bor f ,mi:m'-v , ; nt qn. Jhk flf that on the ?T0? churdl' with its : surroundings of banners andean-; nons e,tc-' appropriate to a soldier s . caeer :, , , ! 1 on menuon one ome memorable man commemorated I efU: Boniface .who was an , ugluhman named W infried In, tbe 8tu century he w.tl, other, , fme au Apostle to the rude; f!1?',?,"'1 '! HVi i W7 of ''emfito cr.; .:,nd 1J. have boen th0 first Archbishop ol l!int7 i,.niuMtir. e close this hasty sketch (4FTEIHEE(r. Ijet me BDoot tins city oy reiereuce to its honor in being the birthplace and home of the man, who enabled yon to priut the Daily Journal. John Oeusrleisch (or Gooseriesh, literally ) called Gntemberp, was born here n the Hth centary, about its close, j The house in which he was born' nd h'8 printing office are pointed out. lie is credited with j the glory of inventing movable i tyiw. Opposite to the theater has i been erected in ailbperi plot a' w"""1 . , , , l printed book ia one 1 and nnd ther. Ti printer's quad in the inscription in front is. Joiinnem Geustlcish pe flu tern berg, I'atncjum, Hognntinum Acre, per, totam, Kuropam, coll.tto Posnerunt, cives MDCCCXXXVIII. On the left side of the base is a bronze medallion, representing Uutemborg sitting at a tattle wit n a dek, and iwintmg to a case ot drawers with one hand, while a man stands before him with what seems tooea broaa piate wun mi pressions on it. I suppose ho explaining the change now made by uses of a changeable type. On the left side the medallion shows a boy turning a screw like that of a carpenter's bench, or of a cider mill, and Gutemberg is examining the proof, The printer's inking balls rt on a four-legged 9too). The following inscription is on the back of the pedestal: "Artem, quae Graccos latuit, httuitipje Latinos. Oermani so Hers, exit, nd it ingeriium , Nunc, quicquid vetercs a)iuu;. nan untque reccntcs Non sibi sod poptib- oninitis in sapiunt. " The world knows now the power and blessing of this man's woik, though his iiiantiei is unUnown to myriads. It is a satisfaction that i the goou wn May all the do will live alter ns. i evil be forgotten and die. So much at this time about Mavence. I.. '. Vass. Un te Haltic si Sept. 2, 1S4. iictr I lciimai k. M M III'. on Tin: : i r.N . i:i 1 1 Ml. I H'.Ai: Jeri!NAI.:-A das to I.e ui.M'kcd with a white stone! To lie on Un- castellated I'liine. -ting b Kicts. ami enlUtmg m its d.escnp Hon all the skill of litcr.it in i'j and illustrious artists, is the realization of a delicious tire. tin. Hut no ado quate description can be gucii in a hurried note uf travel, and I .-hall just send you some of tho many impression made on my mind in the simple passage down the Ulnue from Macnce to Cologne. Tln- jxirtion embraces alou; scenery that i. especially In fact it ends bcfoie ( 'ologne. Our steamer was i-iu to 1h uiieoinfortable. a all of attract we n iled, si this I ve. ach pal I ot u . i - -ii; ilist ance. l lie -inok i n inly no h .rr: Inc. It was e i to have . ol ladle.- T !:el i i, ne seunnne he presenct In tae: i-a-e. tl fol get nk it i" too rs of toliaci et iier t he i ,11 , 111 to person ell Ol-hke un ; "ei r e 1 1 d r : n .1' III'1 l.,-t U i-i- di :nk:n n g - Ie o ii : till ay ; Ve a a Ie rk Plo- I Ihle Th e-!i N'eliU- g d . U sal .Ith pla, and and ried: while ( 'npnl scene, enter the and Clio and Polyhymnia too tread our decks in buslitnrd feet. We are indeed on historic ground, and every Muse may weave here a chap let of immortal renown. .SINGING. A I' and of a dozen men came on hoard the teamer and established tiifiii.-elves in a cluster near me, and persecuted me with their smoke. And didn't thev swallow be. an ne? I'.ut 1 freely for " soon they produced ' I began to sing. I I n.it I e er heard tiliel I d not rlood us, but i i e freshed us with a A ml t hey were all so e.iii'. Then I forgive 'l Ve ! ! n bo..k n i in . ; now new !,!. and liiei t hein t -: ,i ;i Iter reason. On all excursion boat a comes an inevitable s'liug bam!," Whether you waut them o; not they establish thein- selves, a.d frequently make so much noie that you cannot, hear; and then soon they come around i with the hat, and expect you will pay them. !So their performance i degenerates sometimes into a nuis- l ante. 1 expected the hat to pass . around, and to begin with me per- haps. But no. It seemed to be a j party of friends or students, and when their station came they got i oil like aiiv othei gentleman. Thev I deserved a vote of thanks, and it j a .y one had proposed a collection, (! everioody would have been ready! toadorse their applause with a in. Thank you, gentlemen, forj tint sweet music, so appropriate tin. lofrvii.. nrwl 1 nrror. A o tt- amid the historic and enchantments of this river. VINEYARDS. One of the first places of note pa.s.sni alter leaving Jlayence is 4t.r, S r.n.1. " ...-r,-.! ,f nhf . 01. .u.s . "'i.w, auuuL lunacies, a cast 01 oteiuuerger i ot vintage ot 1822, containing 105! ' "-allous has been sold for 2 500 j " , ' . . "Vj. . bnrVlp 'hi vinevard vies with that of the Chateau of Johanisberg. farther down, the property of Prince Met ternich. Many others are cele brated. But these lofty halls are wonderfully terraced. Sometimes the dirt is put in baskets, in which the vines are planted, t keep the earth from being washed away. The grapes for the best wine are allowed almost to rot before they .. ,.i i.. aie tiiiiucicu. ,n mitt ui-u i aie earetully picked ui). Though the yield is less in quantity, it gains iu has to be carried up precipices on the shoulders of men and women too. riorue of these vineyards are nearly 1.000 feet high, and just one succession of terraces up the steep V11 lT 7 r-,IUU mi joys, still fresh and abounding. Johanuisberg, w ith its white man- Loye on earth u a ricll 1rophcCT 01 slou h gh un on the bill, contains 1 tQe ,ovc abnve the buiu;nK G(;(, only Nacres. 0 trees are allowed Love ainotitied love, sealed with to grow near the vines, as they ! the holy soiomn 8anctious , won d cut oft the sun s rays. The j christian marriage, is the only pa. yield iu good years is 40 butts, and j siou t0 rel on or (;omlort- n lif,. they differ in quality according to j Th lltlinn nf (m,.:;,,,, hni,t the part of the ground tho grapes come from. k iMance and FACT. ! How wonderfully t4ction , and i stern ami cruel reality, stand to-' isigether here. The rocky crags are crowned all along the river with 1 ruins of olden castles; with large ! towns dotting the plains; and farm j houses, where hills slope back; and! often magnificent residences or i modern castles built in ancient I style, I nt these ok', and mystic j ruins! lirowcrsberg, a 'massive ' quadrangular castle of A. D. 1X00, j with walls troin 8 to 14 feet in : thickness; the Kossel, hanging on the edge of a precipice over black. eddviiitr pools of 15iiirerloch: and the ruins of Khrenfels, halfway down and clinging like a limpet to the bald face of the rock, whose now shattered walls once were the N0t:ure rel'tiire of the Archbishoos of M.ivenco. .lust here the Khiue , ..,. , 1. cems to cut its through the mountain walls, mak-, iug bv some grain! convulsion a ilossal srortre, where small forces 1 mill check great armies. Yonder1 :.."ui,s a white church; there rises that s ii r Kalkenberg, and be tic iierneudicular crag id .1 "-stein Kliein-tein, See those 1 1 o 1 1 ; t- i and turreted walls of iowu r.acharaeh. Twelve , and p iet in esque towers once !' i.h'd it. .straggling up the hill id -. how strange they seem I yet IlO'.V v and .iiii. .ifels crumbling, they are Jike Ihit tiiqe tails to tell of (.... .ilels and Ochseuthrum and t. r wonderful and extensive ruin, the i'ortressof Uheiufels, built by ( Diet her. in lMo, and dO'.S feet a'oo.'t. tiii- Hhine. And who h..- not heard of Mh renin eitst ein. tie i i 1 ln altai ot t his famous river ? I , ...;i l the Prussian government ha- -pent lnillions of money. Its e;-;ein- hold a water supply for three years and its, magazines food enough to sustain SIMM) men for ten year.-; and it has a well -10 feet ileep in the solid rock. Passing Cobleii.-:, at the junction of the Uh ne and Mo.-elle. with its illtlT-e.-:;::g i;i-'oi:e memories and build-.- id !e.t ing many ea-tlos ami IV ol nuns, 1 uien--! -tnking and I. ildtcil ie .-kv, 1 that lien- - A , . ear 1 m a till .1 1 -1 des. W 1! U dull ;d ' I I I III r.i-;. . , i 1 1 ll id ( In :sr 1 i.e S 1 u 1 d III an .11 lei 'a a : II, r a . I'll - e 1 1 t il 1 1 1 1 1 1 : a; . ll IS 1 111 pi l-oll lllell t lh.lt he would, on letiirnn.g I .'ud.esliei ti Uevote his il . to 1,-b his Vel ed. east Ie . to the ; freedom tie. His ' woman. daughter, now a lowiv w-elcomed the long abci; She, us all sweet maidens 1 1 U" i ; m . 1 1 o M :i:i are truly oil'mdox. loM'ii ,. u, young kuigiif: :i:hi ne. ; ;1 i tleman. lovt d her. i'lia: :,o ; fooli.sll vow. It Wa-. d. -a:!;. j .and j ir.i its could not; turn stern icsohe. His eurx threatened, il she it ni-ed ..;. di So, in tiie hiigiith 'a lie i ce s .she SOtlglil liie '. h'.'. el 4-i go the ll .elidlx pi i , ;p,i-e -and olack Rhine . , , i .-.oi , A startled li : m n battered coi pe !,c 1.1 ; t lie boa! men aid int. weird houi.s .see the Gisela hoveling about ; vitml .s ,-tl :i.l in tie form oi nit ruined tower, and catch hei obs amid t he howlings i' the stoun. l: ii. Now I Lb- neve m love, ana till tins is mighty pretty to tell; bur let me advise the i girls of New Berne not, to drown ; themselves in the Neuso by jtunp j ing from the top of the cotton tac j tory or the Old Dominion wharf. Better run away with their knight, lift-he lather curses and threatens i l a convent, and the knight has any money, or a- good castle. I hope they will not, imitate Gisela. So I will not tell any more romances now, but keep them until 1 get home; and then if the lasses want to hear them, let them come to see me and I'll instruct them. I . 1 n 0 1 be i. tie Deauties ot tins scenery can- only daughter. C i: church. He gained and reached bi legendary. ue esaggeraieu. nom,c times ir wonderful i is soft and rural. Now ir, is wild, drugged and suggesti.e of conflict j and deeds of blood. Again popu lous cities and peaceful spires tell of a reign of industry, quiet and prosperity. Altogether I must I ' ' " ' l""l C0Dfess that this was the MOST ROMANTIC DAY in all mi- lilo Tint- nv-,...a;,.. T '. i.'-s 1 courting days. This may be safely said, as 1 am so iar from home Time will smoothe out wrinkles be fore I get back, and if not, the Journal must come to my aid and defend the liberty of the press. Really I became tired of looking a t castles. The romance was dying out. So does all romance, except always that of the heyday of suc cessful courtship, which issues in blissful accomplishment, where the true mating of love grows radiant ; ..... w s-, . . ;ti, ti, !,,,., rA,-.,i..,r ,.,n. i ;i,i.T ,1,,,,... , i',.i., and the dews of maiden lips. A!! that romance is good, and wears the immortality of purest lo.o. Fruits of that garden are perennial and its fountains How with mur murous limbic, whose soft resonance soothes the dull years of latest age, i and whisiH?rs cheeringly of Elysut 1 in the fear of God; and tho radiance I of unfading and uualloved conn- dence, rpspect, and devotion, will then make truly blight and songful every earthly home, and the land win De nappy. .May an tne nomes in dear old JSew lierne know only such delight. This is what the Rhine has taught; or at least a few of the current thoughts jotted down for our social circles, ' J.. C. Vass. Oopoiiuagon, Denmark, Sept. 4, 1884. Onslow ami Jones t'onnty Itcyis. September 20, 1SS4. Editor Journal: In accordance with my promise I write a few items which I gather by observation: First, the improvements at Polloks ville are perhaps well known to your readers, but as the writer has not passed this plaee within eleven years he fec'.i constrained to note a few loading un- Pr?7en2,eDJs- . . , , Mr. C. K. Foy ii; Co. -s telephone line. working from New Berne, tl-.irt.-.-n miIe8, works well and is a source ol great public convenience. Mr. I-'oy and others should at once run a irarnro.tu to Jacksonville, and in ray humble judg ment it would p.ij Item the opening. 1 ftud large, new and commodious stores here at p-olloksvillo. Prominent among them are J. V. Shcpard. who does a large and profitable trade. A. G. Iiarrus. a large and full store with good trade, and Hudson & Hudson, who ap pear to have perhaps the largest trade with best 1 icMtion: store utd residence attached. The truth is ni 1 .ini, ov san; sr.. has the most invit;nt; aa.i pletisant resid&nce in the city. His xenial ma;.--ner. and his gco-i and amiable wife, never fail to make an old f ri. nd and in -valid feel very much at home. Al ti..-ir house, by the way, ai-- found m,.ne comfort. Polioksvil le is then-foiv my surprise. On through Jones to Onsio.v 1 t.oti. the good crops and much ini;n..v condition of farmers, who seem t" b a Tear ahead and as independent as -i-b!e. I have noted meiitieii ef Mj'ite ll. i -tc. in your paper, but certainly 1 have seen species of other products larger than you have ever mentioned. 1 noticed in the held of cotton cultivated by Jno. V- Coston of White Oak. Onslow county, a few stalks of cotton produced by him from seed sent hull bv lion. Wharton J. Green. M. C. known staple, which endured kept green, and is nov about six feet high. Jones and )n-l..e.'' 1 count les, and I! evi 1 el!'. to gi-t the i 'jiirs truls . LNP"N. Sejil. L' - UH b. 1.1 1 a-p -a I'. 11 v 1 - la nd . on ; i.e o! Iiel.itid. o. t-l e ill o'a n. 1 1 . i ii regi-Tel ed t op ,, . e ; call led loir.' !(- as O. ier's h the iirouth w .- V.,-:! i, ,!'e I : ng .-11. Ie li P.C . dl ,-t 1 v ;h 01 w a I'll ai. k. i 1. U'i,. t a e; a- P in I ei 1 . : - wit M l-s lldel' d d 11 Mr-. in.-: -to pi'sseii; I 1 1.1 idsoii . and ii 1 : ;ers received slight en ner inj in les. Herpetology. The beautiful specimen of rattlesnake ir rrotcdus, kindly furnished to Clarke oc Morgan by Mr. T. P. McGinn, of this city, mentioned erroneously in your last issue as presented by Mr. W. R. Bell, was by Mr. T. P. Clarke prepared and tastefully mounted, and will be found in the collection of the New Berne Asso ciation at the State Exposition which ;.. ns on the 1st prox. Thus reptile, which was killed without Iicmilt mangled, comes from Jones couiiiv. near Trenton, and ih four feet, nine inches l.m, and eight and a half incite.- in Kirtii. having eight rattles, and consequently is eleven years old. li u as a m ile. He had three fangs, a i;.;;.:e i ne. iibout half an inch ntr and two Mitallcr ones on each side. In dis e; ti!.i,' hint it was found that his ears ire I n't ween the nose and the eye. On re. .loving the skin it is seen "that the bodv is cleft longitudinally from the threat to the anus, the cavity being held together by a threadlike filiment from the ribs on either side, and that the i 1 1 . have a joint near the vertebrae. which eimuies mm to move tne oanas on his belly when he moves forward. The serpent cannot move tail foremost. The venom lies in a sack at the root of the foremost or principal fangs, which are curved and hollow; these are raised when the snake strikes, and when he hits the concussion forces the venom through the hollow of the tooth to the point and into-the wound. The lesset fangs, in rear of the first, seem to be substitutes as a reserve in case the first are lost, as often happens. The side jaw teeth are like those of a cat. There was no appearance of fat on the flesh such ns animals show, but it was full of oil which exuded freely. An ancient African promptly preferred a request for the carcass, which will be delivered to him that he may '"try" out the oil, which is in great request as a specific in 'Tumatiz. "' The venom of the rattlesnake tastes and smells like an irritated wasp smells. The small quantity of blood, seemingly not more than a table spoon full, was observable. Tho arrangement of the in testines is very simple: a long gullet, then ths viscera, and then a long ali mentary canal. The jaw-bone is not joined in front, which allows great dis i v"uu w cuaure ii iu lane luurgoprey, i while the skm on the throat is flabby, j allowing the passages of a much larger ammal, such as a squirrel or bird, than it would be supposed that the snake could swallow. Some years since one of the most prominent physicians while visiting a zoological exhibition in the city of New York was bitten by a crotalns. and though lie had promptly the aid of the most distinguished of his brethren of the faculty, be died, while there are men in the mouiittuns of UForth Carolina, who for a drink of whiskey will allow the snake to bite them, without expe riencing any- injurious effects from the bite, and I might add nor from the whiskey, though my information as to that is not so exact. I am told that powdered charcoal and hog 's-lard ap plied as a salve is the remedy used by these men. H. Bosser. P. S. I omitted to mention the very small quantity of brains found ia the snakes head. The serpetit, among the ancients, was renuied very wise, and in the F-syptiaa hieroglyphics, the figure cf a serpent is the emblem of wisdam. The brain cavity in this subject did not measure more than the eight of an inch. Our Lord Je6U3 Christ exhorts us to be "Wise as serpents, and gentle as doves.' Cowper paraphrases it thus: "That thou mayest injure no man, dove- like be. And serpent-like, that Q Kian injure thee."" H B. Toxlcalogy. Editor Journal: Saint John, in the 15th chapter of the Apocalypse repre sents the celestial choir of the redeemed as chanting full-voiced the song of Moses and the Lamb, saying "Great and' marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty ; just and true are thy ways thou King of saints. " thus we are ad jor;iiht;d thiit the study of the works of God "s creation is an act of piety. The sceptic demands Why did God create venomous serpents to bite and kill man and boast? I am like Beaumont and Fletcher's character "much she pondered it, but could not solve it by riddling wit or common sense;7' but though I do not know why, still I have fnith ttt hplipvp ttmt. it: wns ilnnp wiselv I and well Dr Isaac Watts savs of the Book of God's Decrees: " i "Nor Gabriel asks the reason w hy. Nor (rod the reason gives. Nor dare tho favorite angel pry. Pet ween the folded leaves." Wjd is His own interpreter and He ; that they had ended their labors and will m;ike it plain. : completed their ticket. The doors were Dr. Dick, in his "Theology," avs : opened and the good news made "known, that one of the groat joys of the. soul in ! Some one roared out: No sheriff nomi the Spirit I .and will b& learning to un- j rmted: I. T. Wilson, register; John W. derstand the mysteries of God, In ni former article 1 carefully avoided using the word "poison,"' in reference to the rattlesnake. Poison, derived from the Greek jn-o I drink Latin and Greek jiotio. is strictly ap plied only to deadly portions or noxious drinks: venom to animal and vegetable , mes wnicli clestrov or mini'" 1 ( ill - rupting the blood. What U the deadly principle of the serpe.it ls ver.om'r llvy. Edward Fon taine. Rector of the Episcopal Church at Austin. Texas, some years ago. iuformed me that he tupposed that it was similar to hydrocyanic or Prut-sic acid, but it responded to no test for that poison The Keportsof the Smithsonian In-titute say that the serpent's venom is entirely similar. in its t itects and operation, to matter taken lroni a human curpje i which being introduced into the itenh of 1 a living man prod lies death by morti- 1 .'Cation. It seems to act by coagulating : - and ii--composing' the blaod: separating . the albiinu n and serum, and destroying e iisi!uidi; . Heuce the poetical idea so r lie. Uei;;iy met with in Ovid and Virgil i and 01 !.; r I.ai in poets that it freex'-s the blood, every 1 end en. If t i.rei:t v bv hypothesis be correct. which cMn nteraets this increasing tho c::ciaiinn and lor : I ij urpot-e alcu ... i.Uj vai i us ius art,- ad- a. "i.ccs.l appli -ati -;.!; and the p.,ul ol an . . an ...! ii a v 1 1 : ; 1 ii' , ..; tin--. -..id a A foi n i !. ,. e .. a-. pi. .al.,- i- . t e. en I '. ,r- . nat advi-e r -1 ire art i in -. r him. Texie. u bv u u 1 U 1 . :' ; an;;.. -- li.-n-' o i-i der..l! 1 -i'iit a f 'ik.- 1 -i;,-k : ri hint to the e. round . ... n his inoui h. then f t. baccu an i lU - m.-ulh an ! thro. a 1 a - pi 1 r ef. Pi calh a. id een I t - 1 have tie niece of (a. to the Won lid .eneiicial. A r p. -w.iered t n .t. would should in all -o b I : -altp- 'I. also pro', cases enh da. aci. I rge the wound by cutting with I a f harp knife and promoting copious i bleeding; then a poultice of corn meal should be applied, and, when the wound commences discharging, frequently changed. Rev. Mr. Fontaine informed me that on one occasion while out gunning, ac companied by the gon. of one of his parishioners, the lad was bitten bv a rattlesnake, on the instep. Mr. F. killed the snake so there could be no mistake as to the species. He then sucked the wound twice. The boy was perfectly well in two days. Mr. F. says that the taste of the poison was like the smell of un irritated wasp or bee. Mr. Clarke distinguished this very plainly on dis secting the head of the reptile described i heretofore. The membrane of Mr. F, - ,IIUUU. nose, auu eyi?s was considerably allected by the venom, and bo did not entirely recover from the effects for nearly a year. In roy case I sucked my son's wound twice, with impunity. The draught had no taste except that of blood. I know that the serpent was a cotton-mouth for he sank his fangs so deeply into the outer part of the Dalm of the boy's hand that I had to caich the snake by the back of the neck with the thumb and forefinger to extricate him. My son is now thirty years of age, and the wound was reoeived more than twenty years since, and still the cicatrice snows two blue spots, like India ink, where the snake's teeth sank into the flesh. The fascination "of birds, squirrels, etc., by snakes has been doubted, but? I lei V P Bpttn it. f T-ll. 1 1 1 ,1 n 1 1- ami r.BWt ....... nU ! for it. though I cannot explain the rationale of the thing. If you want to know anything more of the rrotalus you should go to the Ex position and see the splendid specimen prepared by Mr. T. P. Clarke, Taxider mist. The science of poisons i'b called toxi calogy, from the Greek word toxon a bow, because the ancients poisoned their arrows. I have frequently been told by frontiersmen that the Indians will catch rattlesnakes and then throw before them the fresh liver of a deer', and by irritating the snakes they will bite it. This is taken and dried and will retiin its virtue for years. An arrow or spear head smeared with this iDllicts a would as fatal as the rattle snake's bite. H. BossEB. Jones Uounty Items. Alexander Hawkins, a very healthy young man aged about 24 years, died very suddenly of congestion of the brain at his home near Trenton, oil Wednes day the 24th of September, leaving an aged father, brothers and , many rela-, tives and friends to mount their irrepa-' rable loss. Died, near Trenton, m Wednesday the 24th of September, Mr. David Jones, an excellent citizen. His disease was bowel consumption. He was quite an old man, near 70 years old, tad leaves several children and grandchildren, to gether with many relatives and nume rous friends, to mourn his death. The Rcpubjioan delegates assembled at Trenton the night previous to thsir c&nvention of the 24th. and with them arrived also I. B. Abbott and Palmer, colored, of New Berne, and a short time after in rolled Sheriff Davis and W. Dunn of Kinston. Rumors were rif among several that these gentlemen had been summoned to heal all the trouble of the party and cause things to continue in peace and harmony as in the days of the past. These rumors were in a short time varUied by one of the delegates sho.uting for everybody to adjourn to the court house as some good speakers from Kinston and New Berne were go ing to address them. After going to the court house, Abbott, who is none of your little guns, made them a speech which was quite a creditable one save the politics. So did Palmer. After they concluded one of the Kinston ora tors arose and delivered a mighty speech, one tlat will be long romein bered iu, TTeutao and don't you forget it. On the morrow caucusing again com menced and lasted till the fatal hour ar rived to assemble in convention. Hoses Green, colored, was made chairman and Noah Hill, colored, was made secre tary. The townships were called, when every one that answered to his name from every township was a solored del egate, except Trenton; she had been honored by one white delegate, Calvin ; bCOtt. On (notion, it was resolved that the lelegates. with ehautman and secretary, -epAir to. ijne giana jury room ana noia thear weeting with closed doors; carried unanimously. r.acn asiegate snoui i dered his chair and away they went and ' closed the doors. After a long deliber : ation a shout was heard in the room. 1 which the outsiders took as a sitrnal Bryan, coroner; Oapt. U. 11 roy, sur veyor, all whits, and H. D. Strayhorn, colored, for representative. At the an nouncement of this a long shout went up and the crowd seemed wild with joy. One old darkey through his excitement exclaimed, '"Bless God, we have got just wfcat we have been praying for for the last sixteen years, and we gwine to kcthim too, sure fact, a colored man." Congressman O'Hara wan present during the convention and addressed them, urging them to forget every hard feeling and unite their party and select good men to fill the ofijeea. He urged them to pile their votea every one for their county memUBr, and U swell the Senatorial ve4e in their county all they couid. r.o they could help defeat our Se.nnwr in this district. For, continued he, Zeb. Vance is our worst enemy and his place is to be tilled during the next Legislature, and the election of a Hc- publican U. S. Senator may be secured bv your votes. The convention taken altogether ill compare favorably Vi ,th any preceding convention. It was u little noisy, but thev had betw'r order than they usually nave yj. jiiic h occasions. A Card. 7'. tin CoVes 0 t'riictn ('utility: Feeling a deep interest in the sucoss oi the Ki-puhlican party, and fearing if 1 consent to be a cand idaa for tRe oflice of Me 1 ill' at this 1 cming electien. it will be ulated to .ntinue dissensions in ..ui r;i:i' , and thus endanger, to k-uih-estviit. tin succes- of the Stale and per haps the National ti"ket. I therefore nio.-t re.-peetl ill ly deel'rie being your landnlate lor said position at thi- lime. 1 am profoundly thanktul for the vigor, m- and liberal Mipport you have giv(.n me in the jiast and tr-.-.-l ymi v.'ill appreciate the motive impelling me to tl.e omr... imw pursued. As the battle ;;pproai.hvss let us elo.-o our ranks and oiice more give the gram! old party which for nearly it ipiarter ol ..-alary has so signally hl'-r 1 the N ale .11, a rousing vote-. Vi'vj respectfully. Lt. Si IM- -v. I. Scill. -' . is -til . sillier 1 n.jiirv. c ilililied ti le.; more or (, 1, t.llie. Ills ttllj.r.tv einei.t 1- t ..- -..eeiiv a- 1,1s conuaion on . . . 1 1 1 1 - da I loim-iii It will be several da- i.. lore he cm fully re.-iline the cativ;ii; -Llr. llaii i.iade a second examination yc.-t.ldav and -ays his injuries are in -le serious than he first supposed .hem to be. The left leg. which was permanently disabled at Gettysburg, gives the most trouble. The limb has been twisted in some way ami the weight of the body on it caunes acute pain. Letters and telegrams expressing -vii pathy fox Gen. Scales pour in from iveiy direction. A telegram received ei-terday from New York says, Thank 1 li d for your escape. Providence is ai the sideof the Democrats." Urccnxboru Fatriot. KING'S EVIL trailJitj name onuorly given to f . : ' -Jbaeaumt ?-a Superstition Hint itcoui.l I curctj by a ' king's touch. Tho woild i. wiser now, and Ituows tliut ; SCROFULA can Only he .cured by a thorough j i lion of ths blood. Jf this In ii the diMHwe perpetuaten (In taint i generation after generation. A earlier symptomallo tl.'vi-lo)in. i. Kezemtt, Cutaneous Isrur - ' - mors, liolln, CarOiinel.'j., 1 ,r Purulent Ulcers, Nervoiet I i stool Collapse, etc. - Jf allow. j i . tinna. Kheumatlaiti, Kcrolul-.o i tarrh, Kidney and "Liver 1 Tubercular Conumitlon, tin i . 45U othCT dangerou or fatal lualudu -, : produeedbr lu t yp; , AyersrSarsapaH' Ii Oti only powei-ful and alirnvn re! blood-purifying medicine.- It i w 4 ual an alterative that It rr4lii 1 the pyntem-Hereditary ISoroiiit i. ' the kindred poioons of nontncloni. 41 ami mercury At the sm tiinc . riches and vitalizes t lie hlooil. 1. 'healthful actios o the vital 01 tircjuvcnutlog Uie entire vya 1 cm. . Regenerative UzC'S T mnpospd tf the murine , , Hnrntparilla wit h-, i ellr, m unpin, tne torluirt rf J,u roN,' and otlir Imnrtfictitu t 1 t?ncv. carefullv and mi.nt i boundetL L Its formula Is 1 ci-m n i 1 j to the medical pnii.-tmlon. im.l i uuyiuuuiiin (ajiiHuuii ly iilfwriin1 i , fif K84PXRII.Ldl us an ', ' iVbsoliito Cure For all uWases' catised "by tho vitlnti. n e the blood. It h Crtncrtitnucd to t! 1 st pniHfeablis' defrree, fir Ix'y.m 1 : other preparation for wuUili hip ' are claimed, sod . hthnrrforo tlie t In : -1. s 'well as th pent blood purifying 1,11.;:- Ayers Sarsaparil : n " V;. i'nAB.KD BY ' ,' D( J. C. 4 Co., Lome!!, .'.. : ' . ' I AnalvUeal ChnnUU. Sold by all Dmpjrlut: prkic f 1 ; tU ,t- ..-;. botttes for $5., Professional Cart! 3. CFAS. H..BE0V7ir, A T T O li N IS Y-A T - f A .' KKSASSVILLE. N. C. Practice In lh Count it4i of Iupli, 1 Craven, Jone and OnuloTr. Coll4Mtloo of Claim a pvcifilty. Oorreapondeuce olMteil. . narf.t P. H. PELLETIE?., -A-ttorneynt-LaAv f r r "POUOCJCIVtLLK, 1 . ' Cmiaty. ft. Will pivMc tn the CoartiefCmrti ret, J ... Onuov and Craven. RpechU attention given to the colli ' ' . ettaima, and setUUm Mttata of ilm-. 1 . on. ' f.- '. i "" .- ,r , 1 ., . li. J. Moon. v V-'. ...W. B. Clak , ; MO0REI&, OLAEED, ATTORNEY SAT LAV ' -vtNew BerAe,- N. C. WHlpraottse i a ths Courts of Vnr tent . ( . ven, Oreeae, Hyde, Jouen, Leuoir, c and PatalrcHintiem. -. .. AJm in the Buprerue Oonrt t H1pU -ii i. tae United. States Court at fe w ! 1 Kalelgh. - . . ' . . - . , 49- QoHeotlBK a spaelaltj, ,- ' : pA d . f OXOROS V. 8TBOH-S, ' ' . Rlelgh.N.O. ttAirisr. . rt 1 1 V . KlllHt4U, STRONG' & PEEHY, . KINSTOI. B. ATTORNEYS AXUr COUSSELLOCSE AT li HaVlns formed V conartnermhlo f .r 1 Eiactlee of the law la onee county, w irlr attend the oonrt of tne anuie. J 1 attention paid to collect lone." nujiiHitivu ,. SXMONQ A I'KKnT. phiu aoiXAim. i .;,.'iw . r.t n.w holland?(K;:guioii, Attorneys;.iit DJLtfvw, Office on Craven at., two door above relltx win praotloa In the Counties of Crav4.11 Jou(, Onslow, Carteret, Pamllnoend inimiF Prompt atteutioo paid to otillecUona. aprArdawir. - - .-7 rr-r 7T'"'y.'." " f. M. StVMojCB iJp--i tflKMIT MAHI.T, SIMMONS ma;.' V, ATTOKKES AT, LAY.'. Will prwtUte in the OOo rte of Cr t-n . J m. Onlow, Carteret, Pamlleo, ijenotriin.1 kiyuu, and tn U h'edenU Court at New Heme. febSdwl ,f .. DEIVTIHT, '4 NKWBCRt. If. C. Offlre on Craven nreet, ttetweea rpllork and Broad. prl7-dawly OR. G. L SHACKELFO, u t g- e o n.: 13 etttlist NEWBEBN, 17.' d. " ( ifflce on Middle etreet, over Mla Ka f'! pRwayi MUUuery Htore, ppoeita tiaptivS ciiurch. . , - , r Tn Year Practical Bjiala, ilsdawly willia.m'j;'ciMki; COUNSELLOR AT LAW,',. 1 AneHilKHll the court held at itew Bcra. North CnrolliiK. Iiirtlciilfii uttntlnn paid to colleethic 1 i ij.iinH, aim couveyanninK I I 'niu-il siiium OoiuiDltwloner .,, . 4 , ni-i'i. 1.-.111, irtrii. JAMES RED MO ID, - 1 .i, ; .0. V. , ' Agent and BottJer A.., ' OF THE BEEGNER I E1TGEL - PHILADELPHIA . LAGER BEEE New Berne, N. C. he il 1 1 1 took premiums at taS Oeu vhi'.iiion in Philadelphia and t le an y fa , ,n- Fxpositiou. Keeps better ttuua ther iu w arm climates, and ia th in brand wherever known. T , le in kegs or crates. dw - Notice, Commonjo fill. Sell e U lli reliy ulven to till tliOM that "f- 1 o a i,y ihe. lasi tire on Middle tieel and -Hie M.iiket Hock, Unit I fully aympathlra nil il.oii ninl wlith iniMii Letter luck -next lino; Iii tin- tlniM tln-y will be r-voniruvt-inu. -. - - . - - '. Tlii-v cm 'I .i.l goo,) nar. Taaaraa for ( hr..int or Kinoa-tii?. I lcarK1te. Kta. A Isn, k.mhI cool Soda Water, 4lna;er Ala, e ttvtp Itm h, a vt-ry fine Mineral VVatr, niu'xyH in aiMxt eonillt Ion to drink. Allhoniil. 1 iiielpe lloiimi v iHvlly ilamaned Ity ore in ' iee .ililii'i Inirn up. - ' , --. -.. , ' Atl know a here U And tne., ; ' . , V. b.FAUUa. - 0 Mi. I. - -