.r i - - t ii tc a. II N N , IS i H f KU, I X DJENDEXT IN ALL THINGS. Terms &t. VOL. NIL LV HLRXL, CRAVLX COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER 1S.S4. VI: ,vi ' T v I . .' 1 .' v- -.. . , - - "" -... V -f -: ' -.r.' . - y V, KL- 8 Be! 7 9 - 1 J 4- Towers of Stiviiid nun ui) v.n vi. i And .mo i.f this tn-1 th ! taste, w :i-t'. CO CO i, il.l." . i i r : :;i a -t , Uracil t- ' :t. (rinj . ('- , trail j. Scad for I'.lntratr.i Tiiji fi: m Ker- tr a. - 'S '- M : c-S CJ .i mi ; I i". 1 1 .Ul. I i Hi.-:.-1 Iik, ! t! liinl - I ln c . .me : i-ll you at. .lit I u.int ;. r-ll n'sp Inn- mi call a halt m; ill.', anil taik a hi n a'e lidin.'. iittiiiir mv 1 1 . i n 1 1 r - :mi' - 1 1 i :ii h-.' ' anil . W :iro: h.ul a li.ivi' bt'on so, fur ; -;.- on hundred a in'a : n for seven r.Mon :,, ,1, ...... if a ! H : In' n r. In-:i iic if i t . ke to 1..;.'. Tli.- 1'ilitor i: n i. iiard h v ii.-n the . : Koine, :ie.U'h '. II I lift l"n, ehavm Iik.- a 1ml; lahy, and n' ii;. '' feet in t hr air on her "si'ootin; up If one . A n l re i n :!ie Ami il. n limine "Til t j.e sun ' I . IF "l ent . i ..v th-'v 1. if, .-. .on in. i k - id.- i"-. j:. e.ei, ..lr in.- w .mt cs . ; 1 '; hi-r l n 't 1 1 . -Hut t.ik" (Ii. ir- .-. k. . A n l very li::le hr.v,- t n a I. .-.it r tre 1 h;.. t n u lie a a : I e .1 .11 K.l . 1. par- I all t hen Mite, , ike rued' 1 1 a v i T. C. WHITTY R?mmbr tbat no WrH K-vj i i: vkn st;:i:i;t. I Fa:!.!'-. m: u';ki:n. n. ' OETTINGER BROS., reaoii. or at least out ot i ater, roer;nc her back end, i :! mi ; ; u aionnd her mtow pad- the ra'e ot sixty revulnt ions - in iMite. and miiUni; evervt lime; !y. l tiple on Poaril the .'o.hI lady's uri r, and aetuallv ere vi' l.y :' I .e. tie, on sin h naughty -nd-i.-t: !'! go about the world, k-. k;nr u; behind and before, :-. way k.'t.-n-;. or little children .4. in outhtal play. By the way. i Surtitit; Ca-;Ie was a signitieant placard. "No dogs nr ehddrenal io.ie.l .rh;:i." N1. as that doggish mean, or chddtih' W e '.eft I.iveriKiol Saturday night and reached (v aee nsto'.v n on Sab bath at ' p. m., win re we took on niore'p.issengers. The Oregon, the race 1iotc" of the ocean, w as lying there waiting for the mails. She u ill tvoat ib by 1 2 hours perhaps. We settled down ro our quarters. r.tc IlavlkfiT Itcsci ved Opened tlifii- C1EW FALL STOCK, ARK NOW OFFKWN'G MANY t-i'K- l .VI.TI K.S IN Dress Gosds, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, KURNITUKK AND CARPETS, TO TlIK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE l. -SEPTEMBER lit, ISM. i " I a 1 f t T. A. GtHEEN - t - CARKIF-3 THK n largest Stock of Floor, Meats, Sugar, Coffee, Molaaaes, 8jmp, Snuff and Tobacco Htci broatt lo XtW XWae. N'ot in flck : 500 Barrels Flour, v , :.40 v .!1 .Syrups and Molasses, Xilit &Ulove4t dh prtcn, irsJ will be (told at uii.f. rick BuUiUniT, Middle Street, below South Front, tt and 1 tound niysell 'satiilwii'hed bete-n two Kpiscopalians, there Uung three citizens in otir state-, riviim. Hut we got on famously, and I hop? I gave them some good leaven. One w-.ia a student trotn South America, and the other was: jui'e a famous character, ("apt. Cutter, the fanner poet of IHig Island. His educ.it ion he says , hns been limited, but he does the btvst circumstances allow We had a I'onrcrt but I hae t.t got to t hat yet . l-triNox. We wi ll- evpevting som.' sijualls. or something worse fro in the out i '.e. and we hail them within, too for babies were in sufficient Hum- ' tiers, and of suilicieiit wilfulness and the wind blew contrary to us. So the ship showed how she could pitch and roll. Ui-sult. live ladies at the bre.ikl".i.st table Monday morning, ftve out ot perhaps l.il female saloon i.issengers: and tfie gentlemen few and far between Your humble r.ervnnt die.s not like to U; oild, so ho too refrained from I freak fist and dinner on that famous Monday. KealJy it seemed as if my extremities were going to be come very intimate acquaintances, l'olks would cling to the deck rails, and contemplate the deep blue sea. Many citing to their chairs, and just : laid themselves out in their deck chairs, and drank lemonade, ate pickles, or sipped beef tea, and had souielxdv waiting ou them all the. ' 'tliers find f.m'.: with .-v'r :hi:i-. 1 'f r.i.i-t boi f .r broiled .-ii ie'kci: w me. Seme t.v much c !o.l an I -..rue n .l.ne. Ai.il ruinll" nt in .si el ry V.Miti' ladies ileli.-.it.. and ne-e We nften li.-nr them r.in f..r n . . 1 luit ot te n Ui i(-s in re hai ni t ,i The' l v tlit-m n a so un.br: Tn tilr,v yoiin ladie.-. do mebii" T.i sit .ir: 1 sup the fen'mu- i me. I lo ii.. t think it dors t!-.'"i ..,..), It b In" liealinp for th : r (.U... V.'iii'H hide's we r.Mis.d. r de.ir. Y. t still -I i ma n v d i . aet .ju-er: Tliev order one liish. tie n anothi r Ar..l mix too many kitiu tvetli.r. Tbo' can alFer l i; w itli irreat w. It is ho much ;ijr-iii.-t their health : If that is i.ne. what an- tli.-y then Net fur t he rn I -s ,,r 'eiu lelii e I. . n n ladies now sluaild t At home, on land, or en th. If of t he in s.' Ives they take e. .. d rare Th. ii: j.r.-ve the t rue jewels rare. Atlar.U'- l )eeau. Sept. Jii. ss Huviro i . II . ( 'i rr;:i:. ' '1 Little Neck. l,.i::K- Island. SAP.I1ATII. had a pleasant service mi ooard today. Iliad t iie pleasure of presiding, and the smiion was preached by Kev. J)r. I'Htton. from t he State of New .Jersey, while one prayer was made by K- . Mr. Kit tenger, ot l'erinss 1 vania. So we got into New York harbor during the night, passed quarantine and custom house, ah. that custom ho;is I am a converted 'free trader." Hurrah for -free trade 1" Which party has that plank, editor ' I am '-way behind" in American affairs, but I'll vote for "lice trade" anyway! . Ah. yes. as I was say ing, wepa.ssedth.it dolorous custom house. Oh! my purse! it had; grown lean U'fore. and now it is all, shriveled, starved and hungry. How can I get something in it?! Editors ought to know everything- do tell rue. Yes, we did. after hours waiting, get through that custom house, rat Iter it got through us. and here I am in "Americay" again. Hurrah tor our country ! I'll not draw any comparisons now: I II complain ns much as I please, btit won't let the foreign devils" us the Chinese profanely say. tiud fault. In truth, (iod has been giKid to me, and to us all, in our recent journey. How much we owe Him lor His daily blessing, and how- lit tle we pay. Oh! for grace to live uetrer lives, anil to honor our Maker and Redeemer. Hoping to see yon in a lew days. I am. Yours, etc.. L. ('. Y.vss. THE INNS OK ('(II RT. LONDON. Passing through another great archway, we enter a similar quad rangle; and now through a narrow : court we come upon an extensive enclosure of beautiful trees and u'io ' sward. Lofty iron fencing, and i.iniiense open-work iron gates ".':!: square pillars, surmounted by ti-aiitil gritlins with shields, shut out all intruders. The iron is al most rusted through by age. Here reigns, supreme-, quiet aud rest ful ness amid 4,000,000 of people. Lord l raii'-is P.acon planted many of those trees in the 17th century. The (...rden was laid out in A. )., 1000. P. icon. Lord Chancellor of England, and one of the greatest men who eve: lived, was the Treasurer of ", rayV Inn. tunl its most eminent member. I lore he died. "Whene'r through (! raj 's Inn porch I s; ray . I meet a spirit by the way; I v. nrii beneath the ancient trees. And ialk with him of mysteries; !l" tells me truly what I am I walk with mighty Yernlnm. " The erulam buildings stand as In-- memorial. As we pass along (Iray's Inn Lane, w remember too that those iU,be patriots Hampden and P ::o lived here, while doing valiant work in the English Parlia ment. i-TAPI.K in Passing across Holborn street, enter suddenly through a dark cati-v another beautilul IiMde preen most ever, it, was a lishmenT. tian Yo:i graph. etc papers th p ive III h; eiegr. ocks great I The I) I. Stan.; Truly re is would Solomon voir newsp mh pestered" him naps with your t news about, "pea; lush:" ''Pise in preeiuus -Magog; "a corner m by t he Queen of Sheba !' Shall we h-ol; dowi lane from Fleet street .' we are on the ite of , era." A I-a l name, li train sr. there, in mem ' Satan. In t' old i.en .Inh! ; ; as Dr. San.. Cheshire Chee- e. houses mentioned above Ccifiiiihil S. row! n M.n'.o parts id v.-spiipi r estab lv News. ('..; . I. P;;neh. Tt-le-d in. , king ne s ) end! V.ii.i' ISTEWS. Jones County Items. in.. i nil: ;. kites; rom Tats s'tolioS in iitt:ni wo . Mad::id. Oct. l.'j. The ofticiid 'r- yKanue Barker has opened an in .i tt:' announces that the cholera 1 e"-'uK house in Trenton and he has epiilemii: in Simin is at an end. also opened a meat market. LoNDoX. :. 13. Catania has ."" farnlP" are taking advantage of i, en visited by another hurricane. oU ....... ,,f,,- n.nf,,. jviug, james anJ 1 1 ii m i eri nas senr Af a i. ISO) 1 IP ancei : hen b..' :i T..v. ii : it came II!!: ' ' 1 ov.'l' h :, !'y oVi' I'ooni -rare s inoi.arcii, d in i'ubhc net of sullerers. Oik-aco, Oct. P. Senator Pay anl delivered art address on the issues of the day in Lattery 1 armory. The vast burldinc was . ' l.il .' , . - ....... ., ,.n..v t.CIC J- WU tor the re- convicted at our last Superior Court for resisting the town officer at Trenton during last week and were lined heavily. Our merchants are complaining of dull sales. Hay that their sales are not near so good as they were last season ' are using .... -. l -, , . s. in;tn c., i.xju as tney were ro ,oed, many ladies being present. Short crops and the neonl Atter the address he reviewed the ' more economy I suppose are the causes. levomnt! and Hendricks marching j I have been informed that the com clubs of the city, several thousand niissioners have had the registration strong, and was subsequently ten- books transcribed. Now it is the duty dered a reception by the Iroquois 7,f ever-v vote 10 ee that his name is on ."M?e mat an are prop erJy registered. A:Y,ER'L Pecto: InN re. r- c o (leaned from our IJaleigh Visitor: teen foot snake that on Thursday night Newbern Avenn bv Thomas, is on exhibition in oni the show irulows of Messrs. A',", ec P. S. Tucker vV Co's store. IlM'hilDires. The -o-e..; lif ''V;n captured last on Past Mr. Hein v L. Club and its ladies Loxjjox. ()ct. V2. It is reported that Gen. Lord Wolseley has sent 'to the. War Office despatches in which he bitterly complains that Ins advance has been paralyzed by the, failure of the commissariat and transport service. He says that Hie railway to the fust cataract is broken down, that the stores at Every Democrat in Jones count.v huts "hurrah for Dr. Cyrus Thompson." I can't rind one that says he is not for him. Thompson has a kind of magnet ism about him that takes with our peo ple una no mistake. The Dt nncrats of Jonei have nom iniiu il that prince of good fpl lows for siientt. John L. 1'arker, who is worthy vi uie support ot every good citizen in Wady-IIalfa are madeouato. that ! the county. I suppose he. too. will be the camel corps is w ithout camels ! around- always in good humor and that the w,inin..- rif t,,':aa you will fmd in him, too, all that s ...v.j -.i.vii.. ,n 11IC lubna ... 3 is ate ai.o stia.ieib spot amid brick and Durham li,-p,r1-,-: There mortar. This is an old Inn of cry for water all over ran- S: i.i.iueeiy, euuuecieii wicn brny s well as several other Stales. V.d P;:i. as is Parnard's Inn also, 'it ought to be a imnv dutiful people w a- .lCe the property of dealers in and God's blessings would be mote wool, or wool staples; hence its abundant. A 'couple of pick name. These, like most of the pockets were arrested in Pa!ei.h ii. ns. are now let out as offices and vesterdav. Let all it-snh ntial chambers for all kinds ol pi ofessional men. LINCOLN'S 1NX. A little farther on is this famous Inn. dating from the time of James I. Thet illustrious poet and dramat ist, rare old Pen Johnson, worked on These walls "with trowel in hand who attend the 1'xposition keep an ei on his money or some of these swindlers will get it. and then the Ex. will lose its charms. Goldsboro .1V.v.sf niier: ."Messrs. nail oc Pearsall, of Wilmington, kindly offer a special premium ;t ten dollars for the best bale of cut- corps have been found to be in a rotten condition. QrKF.Er, Oct. 13. The govern ment has increased the reward for the arrest and conviction of the authors- of Saturday's outrage to 1,000. The police are at work upon the clue obtained, and au ar rest may be looked for before long. It is thought the infernal machine was j, laced in the building on Fri day night. Four men were seen hanging around in that vicinity that night acting in a suspicious manner. San Fkancisco, Oct. 13 By the arrival of the Oceanic to-day it is learned that on September lo Yokohama and Tokio were visited by a terrible typhoon. In the latter city 3.000 houses were wllolly or partially destroyed and twenty per- ai.u a noiace in ms pocKet." Are, ton raised m ayue county, oa-cx sous killed. The loss of life at sea ..iv in inn iuuii" mecnanics m nioition tic our coming fair. n Newborn thus improving their busy others who may have the proeres's hours? Our Merrimon, while he of Eastern Carolina at hear" are plowed in Western North Carolina, earnestlv urged to follow Messrs held his book in his hand; and we , Hall & ' Pear-sail's example. The are proud of him now. as he adorns secretary should be notified of all the bench of onr Supreme Court, special premiums, in order to give Jr i?if wm- up, ewoern boys: them publication, Mingle study- with your toils. And has a force of hand you. who have tue great privilege j ging the foundation for" the oi aueuuiug our nouie caaemy, oe ' ban-k building, on the wise to improve your superior ad vantages, and litt the beautiful Dkak Jochnal: 1 promised to tell voir something about these 'Inns," lor the delectation, if not the information of our legal breth- ren. I used to be very friendly with "the remains" of .Mr. William Phickstone, and often have won dered, what are these Inns of new corner of U alnut and James streets. It will be constructed of brick and stone. Wilmington Star: We examined yesterday a map drawn by Alaj. W. L. Young, to tie embraced in the book he is preparing for publication in reference to the "Semi-Tronic.d ( )bser. e now that grand oldTufIorlril,-- .ul,0,,, tlJ"t'!'l.ein orcl) nua. u snov, s i no area oi tue sugar beb, the gulf stream, the suowless area, the mean tempera tures of the various towns, the counter currents, the area of great black phosphate deposits, and give.-. a graphic impression of the topo graphical and climatic situation of was appaling. No estimate could be made of the number of lives lost. The typhoon was followed on the 17th by another great force, but of brief duration. Camden, Oct. 13. As the West Jersey Pailroad train was coins' -Mr. Harding over tlie cross-switch at Third street at work dig- this morning it ran into the train from Puiliugton. Engineer Joseph Carman of .Burlington was dragged out from the ruins of his engine Kim City up to her former high name, as the Athens of Morth Caro lina, by your worthy achievements in high deeds of philanthropy, science, learning, and Christian nobility Gateway; and that imposing Li brary ilall. This Library is the oldest in London, haying . been founded in A. D. 14!7. The build ing is modern, though in old Tudor s!!o. Put look at the date on yonder archway. It is Ki9o, cut deeply in rock. Did any oue ever ' ; me. Uasn t thorr.d ne gen-. Conrr how. if ()llr srovbeard.. Jemat, r.end stuck to h.s birth al-; h bar sagelv shake t hcr'sapienl most 1,-erally for three days lie fcks Bt suc ;impll(,tv, It mtv l)( mo. ALLEN & CO.. I1?,A1 .KMK I.N " 1 General Hardware, MACHINKUV, A0KK I'LTlTtAI. IM PLOTS, , . liL IIJU KS MA TKKI A I insists ne was not sick, ana uan a good time: bat a little bird told it, that he sn.l to his wife. "I don't understand this. I'm not sick, but before I know it. it just comes up!" AL! tli.it was it, and we did Hot sp.'.re h;ui. Pu; hf is a capital fellow, w- can talk about D. D.'s and "s:ch" in this way at such .lists, and he does not mind us a bit, but uist l.iu'hsa. little as the b s sa -on the wrong side of the mouth." I was troubled very little niselt: indeed had ji roved s0 good a sailor heretofore, that I had thought 1 might escape altogether. Put though our sails rip, rain falls, winds blow and keep us back, the wavivs sweep ocr our deck, our gallant ship shoves her way through ; he white caps westward. Logs at -t dn a w a th Brick. Lime. Cemdnt, Waster . Hair. Paint, Oil. Varnish, lutty. Glass. Etc. Iiiiihii.' scene, a in th Tin -un gilds the moon lights iicU fin ive an.l nil their ' Solicit Consignments ottoli. Which will told m: ,0T OT FAVOHA15T.I' lit that some of the more recent im portations to the fraternity, who have in times still to memory near In-en hugging dear Plackstone. and sleeping aud dreaming with musty Coke, like my friends. luioli. Holland and Tull. rna hae been puzzled like myself. Let ns start this pleasant morn ing from P.rook street, Holborn. We cannot begin our si i oil without being arrested by other things of iJeepest interest. Just here -once was a gate, known as Ilolboin Pars, defending the city. Pusiness has lung ago swept it awa. In this house near us that genius, the poor boy poet, Chatterton, at 17 years of age, committed suicide, in de spair at his inability to support himself by his pen. Yonder, a hundred yards away, is the famous Mr. Mackonochie's advanced litual- istic church, which is iii.ing a gooi w. rk. I hear, among the lowes i.t-vcs and vagabonds, w ho for int-rU thioiiged this neighborhood and doing this, notwithstanding iiis abominable lonlerv witii robes see more dmgv arches and stained h , . ULn w all '. orsuch queer octagonal towers coming work. His ideas are cer evervwhere! What stairways twist I ta,uI' lstrate.l in an unique and up their highth! -Lincoln Inn's i ?,ovel wa-v alJ(1 wl." 'doubtless attract Fields," are no waste grounds, but ' "ie :Uteutl'1 Northern people, extensive and elegant lawn and ! Jhe !ua' W,H be lai)d.sonK-ly litho p;.tk. like the enclosed grouuds of ffraPued- Gray's Inn. Here in olden time AsheviTle 0'Jcch: The Peems me I'liiory nourished: and here was creek bovs, Sam Ilemnhill. Sam William Pussell beheaded. Ballard, Greg hiinibeis. jr.. Hardv dead, li-is fireman was badlvhurt. The lireman of the other train had both legs broken and was badly scalded, ami it is thought he cannot live. The passengers were thrown from their seats, and some were cut by broken glass. London, Oct. 13. The St. Joiic'n Gazette has a new sensation this evening. It prints statements showing a degree of sloth, incom petency, and favoritism on the part of British officers in India which is unparalleled. The Gazette says that it has indisputable authority lor saying that we are approaching aciisis in comparison with which the .Sepoy rebellion of 1S37 will be commonplace. The principal dan-1 gers ar ise from the disloyalty of the I .Mohammedans in Calcutta and I citizen, aud if elected win make a good officer. Gen. Matt Ransom, who is loved and respected by every coocU man ot all parties, will address the pedple of Jones I county at irenton on Thursday, the liOth of October, on the issues that di vide the parties. Let every one thet can mane it convenient be at Trenton on that day and listen to this eloquent anu nooie iNortn Ciarolinian. Our nominee for the House of Repre sentatives. P. M. Pearsall, informs me tat lie will open the county canvas about the 21st of this month. I hope every man in tne county will attend and listen to him attentively, as he is a live Democrat and will give no uncertain sound, and should he be elected, will make us a faithful and honest represen tative ana win oe watchful of the needs and wishes of his constituents. Dr. OriKsom says that Dr. York has not the qualifications for the Governor's jhair and Dr. Grissom says further that he does not think that his qualifications or uisi antecedents are such aa to entitle him to the support even of Republicans. Well if he is not fit for the Governor's chair, according to Dr. York's own tes timony at Trenton -he is a mighty man on the stump. Any man that can meet scales, Jarvis, V ance, Coke and Mote head,someof the best stump, speakers in the State, and run them all borne and have an open field to himself certainly must possess some mighty qualifications. Here is a genuine case of dostors differ ing and when doctors differ who is to decide.'' Why the people will decide witn drissom in .November Our Superior court convened last week. Judge Avery presiding. There were many casea disposed of on the criminal docket, among which were the tollowing: talis Kd wards, convicted oi larceny, ten years to tne penitentiary 5tJ r -r- . No other ompIlati &r o attack M thoe alTeoltot th tli rru . noD no trifled with by thfthajpt' en. tnte.OrdiairT tovStieoUl perbapi fioiiX trifling ar- oneoni. poenre, ii oftea Vtit the beginning oi tiekoeM, Arcs' CaniT Pctok veM proven it efflcBoy ta a forty y with throat aftd lungtUaeBMe. and Uken in all eases wltliout delay. : A XsTMbU Cwb1 Ci,i. "J lMJJ took acvreoli1, wl.i. I my lonpa. I had a terrUilooougU. ..., nielli, aiter aigbtwitiiont aloi. 'li..i pavem nr. I tried Avm Cm WUAL, which- nllered my Jaifr, u aieep. and afforded me ti. net hp- . for the reooeery of ttiy atreneili. i ontinoed uae of Mi rciToiuL a r uenteure wa e0eete4. I am now f . v old, hale and hearty, and am aiuiiiiuJ .. OlucKjtV; fCTOKAl, anved me. . lUSekWghate, Tfc, July 15, Imu. Crolip.-A Mollur! Trll.nl... WhIle ta the country liint winter n v l . boy, tliree year old, wan takvn illii. K eMniM as If he would die from .,,.,., latloavi One ofthe family aiwiroi.st u... ... ol Ak.k i CBKKr,i'KiTonL. a 1 "Which, WVW always kept In the Jkm..-. ""a tried livvnuJl and friii.nt ci. tooutdelisht in leas tlian liaii an l...... little patient was brrailiin? ni-ilv. In, tor ewihl hat the Ciikkh 1'i.'toki i . area ury darllii's life. C an von sw... r OttT fc-ratinaderl. lawry youri, . ' - Wks. Kmma Cri.v, ' im Weat 138th Sfe; Kew Vork, A.m, i... . - I haw ttd Arm's Chcrrt Pr.-r-. in ray family for eereral year, and do i hesitate Aa jHtmoasee it the mom ..ti. .-i. remedy lur coughs auu eol.l we ht ft si ; :; - a. i.( km ike Crystal, Mlna., March li, Jfei " I rfnff ered for eljrttt yean f rom T( ron 1 , i i and after trying many remcdlne with no -oees, I was cured by the uae of A vra'a cm n- ,BX.I',E'70,A,-' JwWAUa.'' Byhalla, Miss, April 6, 1st., " I" cannot sy eiouHM praire of Arrn's CmcBKT PscxoKAa. YehVTlns as I'de II. at but for its nse I should long sfiice Inn i..-d from lung tmabkee. ' ' E. rtiiAXooN." . Faletie? JeMvAfiril J2, lttkt .-.'.. Ko ease of an affeotion of the throat or . longs exists wUch eannot be greatly relieved by the ase Of Arxat Oimf Fectoral. and it will otaoy eur wlien tlie dlaease not already beyoad Ha control of mcdlclue7 i ; . Hwint-ss -Dp.J. O.Ayr&o.,towelll r.Tasi. : ( -n" Sold by all DruteUts. - Professional Cards- . ....., - A T T O R N 5 Y t A T - f . A V . KBAJiaTIU.SI.-ir.1. ' Pnastioes inhef!nnntlMof Dnniln T.o..l Craven, Jones and Onslow.' i-onection-or uialros a opeelalty. Corresporuieroe solicited. a.ar'iwfi't ' P, H. PELLETItr.r POI.eOCKSTIXI.I'' Will practice In the OmnUefikrl. OnsKrw and Cravea. RniWllLl tttlaflHAn . w turn I . voiai uuj, uoioreu, larceny, niteen ciauna, ana setuing awteA of deof. years in penitentiary. James Harrison. -. ' ,; -.ft colored, larceny, convicted: iudement suspend ea. inarres tsagly, concealed weapons, convicted. G. H.- Brown, guilty of an affray. Nathan Huggins, convicted of moving crops. Providence Bryan, A. and B. deadly weapon; 12' monens imprisonment in county jgil. Margaret Moore, colored, larceny and housebreaking; judgment suspended. Diamor Simmons, colored, A. and B convicted. Mary Smith apd Jas. Jones, co.orea, convicted; jucgment suu-i peuded. MKJIORIAL. DR.,G L.SHACKELFCr. Oflkse on Middle strewt. ower Miss k'i rftway-s MUllnery Btore opposite Oiinrch. ,. - .' v , i Tela Tears Practical Xajpwf aepaidAwly Z7,: IT i "' nMMilil'm luiiA i,m . -WILLIAMALAREE, Attends all the courts held at N W. Officer ad Brother, of LenoLodgeL', Ao. 471, Knights of Honor, Kinston, N. C : ljord iir John Soane's Museum, anil ihe Chamber.- Musi-um or the Hoyal College of'Sur- Kelly ami IIi.l j,'r(ins. arc both situateil opposite to their excellen; I his 1'ielil. In the former are many went to Cr.ic i l Hoi.-u-th's famous cartoons, and hunt for a 1 in the latter the valuable anatomical about 1'or.r ho I'.'lh-ctioTi of the preat ihycieian the run.'" le.ir ainl aiiatuniist. .John Hunter, made hi:n ta Tlii-i'i- n the beautiful chapel also. Chambers fired a el which lii'Ionps to Lincoln's Inn, and which bioii'ht linn was imilr liy liiijrij Jones, the .-killed architect of his day. All these law school- have their cl. :;-i l-. Law inns le united with it-li::iii. 'isely ihe poveinniciir v. ould not tram any one in human ).-. without laying beside it. and on the conscience, the Divine, as the basis aud life of all j u.-ticc. If a lawyer would be truly preat, he i..'.i-t be pervaded with an inner he, ut know led pc of the truth. tn-f rfyiup: and elevating all his ept ions and all his cfl'oi ts. all - motive-, and all his aims. He 'en. by d; : lie. pr;ice. be pood. uood. . hard to walk thronah I.on- o line t hmu oiilv. Hut I Mutoii Kever. John ;b rt Chambers, took ack ( f ten d-ips and ii lev,- da s a -.o f . . After ii h'. it of Ciey pot one -on m t he faithful flops a' to a tree. Crcp larpe into him. to the pronml; lie then pave him the benefit of an other, both of which oniy wounded him. The bear arose, caupiit one of the dops in his embrace, and just as he was about to pive the fatal hup. Grep ran up am! caupht bin; by the ears and held bun until Milton Kever eoiild cur his throat. J I'0"ITI tVOsKV llombay and the llussiau invasion which is always threatened bv wav i ul)on -vour committee devolves the fd Afphanistaii. The Gazette'prom-, md and Pfl duty of announcing the v; ... ...in-i t ii t .i ; permanent absence from our convoca- V.ses to jiubllsh still more starthnp , tloU3 of OUr worthy and beloved bro- ie-. euuiuns in wnicn rue oppres sions of tiie natives of India bv tax UtUKl tatf s Go lu cot mianer. Sect. 18th. lfK , , L. J. MoOBB. ther. Alex ander Nicol, whoso earthly ties with family and friends were sev- f.nuiei s and collectors will be sliown er?d, nd whose cares and labors in ;ts the crimes of m as had a lip lit Warren Hastinp.- Wasiiixu ii:., Oct. 2.!. The Secretary of ihe Tavv has issued this peiicia! order: licieox established for an advanced cour.-e of professional study for naval oiiiceis. to be known as the Naval War College. It will be under' the peueral supervision of the iluieau of Xavipation. The principal building 0n Coasters' Harbor Island. Newport, JL I., will oe as-ipned to, its use. A course oi instruct mn embracing the higher liranclies of professional studv will ... III'M. 1 hi tiiis world were ended, by his sudden and unexpected demise, at his resi- ! dence, on the 6th inst., in the Gist year of hie age. i A native of Scotland, he located in ..lino. , , l n-iuwuu wueii a youDg man, oecominj being always prompt, punctual, honest and agreeable, ready and willing at all times to perform every duty incumbent on mm. possessing a generous soul and a sympathetic heart, he soon won, and ban ever held, the confidence and es teem of the community. Iiis, in a great measure, was the modest, unob Lrusive worth of the quiet citizen. To know his intrinsic worth required to be his intimate, personal friend, for he made no parade of his greatness; yet so normal was it in his nature, that he MOORE &"QLAm& ATTORNEYS 'AT L4T7V New Berne. K.. ?, . ,; Wl 1 1 practise in th Courts of Carteret, m. . ven Ureene, Hyde. Jonea, Lenoir. OnaloW ', and l'ftinllcooouotlos. ' Also In the BupremeOoorta Ralelab and , . the United -States Oonru at Nsw Jerue and " Italelgh. '.'- . .. -Collecting a specialty. apfitfwtf PKOKOE V. 8TRO0, Jtilelgh.N. 0 LH' ii ri aiiiiC't UN" il OOard. COllSlstinff could be nowhpr. anrl art in nn anlmra ol a.l the members of the faculty, and including the President of the college, who will be the presiding oilieer of t he bo.ii d. The course of iustrur! ;-)!i w ill be uj ion to all oliicers above ihe grade of naval cadet. Coiniuo-.h.ie S. V. Luce has been CSident of DXHIII. K. MCRRT, , . Kinstuu, M. a ' STRONG & PERRT, ' i KiNSTOr. . . I TTtlll I'PV t' I Mr nnltttsinf t aaftaaa fli lUft.iHl is a.lL tULIiilLLLUUJ. IE. l!H Having rormed a oo partnership for i practice of the law In Jones aoanty, will r -lurly attend UienourUor the aalusk JT-.li) attention paid to oolleotlons. ' , , muyl2-dwtf STIUINQ t'ERBT. run.. houab, jr. OWM-cr; avntfC HOLLAND & GUION,- Attorneys t' JUny''i' j Office on Craven St., two doorsabOY Fetlock win pmruce in tne uoimiiea or craTem Insurance Agents lur Fire i -. r AVa4ra saw wVa a iia, aTaMa ajai tiiu mm aeesplety eluai Uw a4o.xJ in tu m:.r,- sy.:. n m ilir- ainth will aaka I rill aawri Qih: f.-nm I ti- I 1 --k .. m., 1- r-.-.r,-.l lo a tag a t ihi-. r.r rn-.: l ospum ik i-iii. n.. i Utens ar tt in r.r. aaJ Kl H .Iiku-i. Sol.l nrrti i mf asall for La Muapa. ClrruLi- r . i , . i:.- , i . m it n m u u .Cotton Gins : 4t WfMaip, Vt a I Th Doaa Cotton ; Cflm AT THK J U I of ihe r.nnCi.it "ft!, ir v-i..r livrr-,- 1 ' " ,: "" tha-vt-s and vagabonds, uhof,.-.. I " ' ept ions and all his ellorts, all vi.lins ice waur at ,vi-rv d-...r "in'tiie I (.'ottiMl. Rift'. I'JC. i:i'.i:M.. ;n, rl thronged this m-ighbor hood: !'"- mo'ives. and all Iiis aims. He builiiiuf:-.. i il m t i ; -i ! H ( 'i -. , ; ; , i lt-: 1 trip i ) tlu- bv' S;-ito i ".x : -iti'.-n . 'i"ii--v a 1 V 1 f Wm - :i T-t T i . i . i v . i - . i i ,,... 1 i . . . T . - I . ' i ' ' . . - i , . : . . ' ... i ... . . . . n. t . , i . . i i i ii.iiii m' 1 1 1 1 v i 1 1 1 i ' i . ' 1 1 .i - ,. i r ... . . . . . . ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 , in.. ' ii " . t ' ' ill ill. i . i . i-(.- iia-.i RMilt'l" l 1 dlU'Iiii. " 1 1 ( ' i r "" " I I-. KM'-. :' ,: ' : - t.ib-i.: Sepulrlire"s rlaireii. i,,;e ( ' - - - 1 ' 1 1 ' n l e tiling only. I.lit t This week th- ciorc-d peoj.lo h -i.I ; ' i ' ':' a i'-p.vi: i.-ei: .1 , , ;; s , : t h. I. ai nder , I .1 , i m.'-t o u ,, . " - 1 1 1 ' ' 1 tne.r lair msi.ie t(- Kxp..-if.-n -r-i:;..!-. '-"-m ';-.". i . i . J. lie a n nouuee- " :it , t ;: ,- .aid - , . unbailed. ::d that "n TlIK TKMl'l.I. Next wf.,.k i,-.c Ariea.rMnd r- -; merit tmi! the Irish Nationalists III. Lit.' Pnliri.- Vc'1'' ; 't- ..Il ImiMi.ig .-the ve.i-.bh- New ., ,-,n,pr,sestwoInnsof"o,n-t. v-mn-;: " '" !-'" e aooiit t , , impure Insh-Ainen- :: .I,,kr-i:.:.;.,:,.-h:,M. .. ; a.ei and Middle, and five Inns C the -st aul v; ! N,.rt:..n, n.-n ' caused an unex- L . -- -! ' t . ' 1 . ' - aii l : : ' I ' Tin- Temple is on - i ; , 't i ' ' 11 "r"" jff 1 1 ' hi'. . . :. ; ::i ;. : r , , . ' , -, ,, .. , ,. . .m- k.i-a t . J. 1. 1 , ng m ce . . .'i - t o tieu 1 1 an e t he cllcct O I : :..": I -..:...: M-i, g:...,- Jj I:,-,' ; ' N : x .' . . , . , , : ;, , ( I 1. 1' I '.T S i K Kl'.i, "1" vi- ,,..,:...;., , -,; ,:t eloouencc. They :- : : . H- . : a':.- d .-.i n C , ' ) ;,, ; j',. v .' ' a'::' 1 i'. 'i i :.'-'k'.-: !' ' ' w" '""'side .' i'.'r.iast ','r l' ni ill-1' A J-'i-k:': '': v'-A '' '--.oa ' ' " !ie;l' 1 ":5 t" Irilil:icu who are : . .- -. k ; i,.- : .. vt-, . . i;.,-' j-o' x .... .' ' ' '" lit if V. l nn gih ni -treet .ii-play. an.i tho in uaai "i: a ": nn. k . a com ; n g from Amelica. 'J'heV have iu. , , -. .. .:!:. . . 1,-ri-.-' w " -. '., , ' 1 - I 'ci-t. d:d not famous or in- m-i...w .-yprv-.. tr--.- w:.i. n i- ut-.i by procured Hum Certain cities in the - ' a ' - -Ti:.- ' "Y,V ti 'i ' ! "''' l'lis.m -t.md.' --.iuitU- ..-shi:..t a- an . Hi -. Pinied State- authenticated re- h":; ' - i'" ' b r. ::V n.'- - .tra: ,1 -Vb.ve Vu ih'W l;"A bn ' "lr aa" "X n'"'-',' .'ni "fau" a!- ' ' - --I'-'ie'lb-eches made by ; ' : '' .:.! i...-, j s,,-;,! ,,; ,ig i : :i t o pi ie.a . Heiiee came out er,,atr ,.,., p. ;t , j ,.; -t !: a ; hl. AiexaU'lcf Mihivan. t he late 'i'esi- ... . . . . ,. . . . . . , . . l; id ; : H ! i ' 'i 1 ti i Lro t o f he i i'n 1U1. -.. i, i -, ., ,. . . . ... i en : i .1 I ,e 1 i -. i I -i o-n 1 1 i : ; JI 1 a,, uh:21.,,: .Vl7'- .. . . N ',:::..!;d -. .uol I.o-a rri.s vi-:iiii ,.f the Vorthl.,.-in hi .li-,.: .y ,.r. I y- I;', f". 'ij 1. t in- c. 1 1 1 or of t he Irish li'. ,.. BE HENS LAY ;-;i,-;.;vi-:llili:BI I w --.ami .- ...r-.-- tm ' , ' . . . . ,. , ... .1... -. I f. . -. . i',. ;.. : n 1 ' "I - -i i" . 3 i a -. , . . . ' !:..!.'::.;.. ,, a d !'!:.( : ,", . ' " i : ' . i . ': - - a .1 : : el i in- en - . r. ... : ' ' 1 : v:-:: t . K - . , - -.- !;.;' ' ! -; ' ''':': i " n : ; ed S r a t es -. : , ... . . a : . 1 : i ;.v.-.' :.. n.-Tol ;. . . . r 1 .. -. I - . - v. . . 1 : r ; .; m 1 1 : m-i a- -1 -nan evtrv n .1 L. I . u ;;li tin- r.i ml - .. ..' ! ii;, . i . - - 1 I ': - r.-i 1 i 1; eb.-i.-- .mi hi- -1 : .i.- 1 -V: ' . ;-i :-..:-. . '.' 1. i' 1" t-- no- an.l f-v.-. T. . I.imh . . . 1 tm' .-I p. w..-.- i--iv. .- .- , .: .. t!. ',..1,; . m.-n f : 1-. and esf-H.-ially his I... D ' ' ' " . .. . . . 1 . ' ' . 1 u . I- ; ' ' ' - - - ' " '' .'..l'"! .'i..-v. We do ll...-t Ml.l-relv ' : i ' ' -..-'. . ... .''...i.i'.i li.'iii ', 1 ... .' ': .'- '':''' -a --!-' a .Hi i- , ,ir !...,,-!. .,,.,!, .l.r . -.- , -, m . . r - .. . - . - . ' .... . , - ' --"..' 'b- " . . : "-I 1 la: ii.e! iL't d'.-d 1 , I! .' : '.: ... . . ... i . r - I- r '. I ! pr-t. 111 - -I -' 1 . - . a 1 ' :. : - . .; I ia. m i - 1 !a ! e b. -1 e-. '" :-; ;. ., ; .. ... ..... . ... .. , ,; - , . 1C. 1 w ! I. :.- r-.m.-. 1 1 . I... i a. " 1. . n- i.i.n.i 1 .irni. . ..11 s iii. . ' ' . ' ,' 1 ' - ' ' ... ' .. I. : l..i.ii. - y ' ." ,. A ::h-.-:.: g ,. 1 ...... . r , ... ... . . - - - . 1 ... . . a -.,'...- u . :.-..''..: .uj 11 :.. .1 Ve a-ked ii' . c - -l ::!-, . . . 1. .... . . 11. ' ' '- ' ' ' " T " ... i.o.-.. .... . - ... '!,-,.:.., I.e, .. eamg.- the allbe-od ; . " ' . . ; . . ' ;.. .... ,; di -!-e: I b , - 1 . , -, i 1 1 , a . I..- ,. a -I I,.,. 1 im- '.'.. W.ittrtiiun, N. V i ' . a 1 1 ' - 1 1 1 .- - ...- - . : - : .m.- to I.i.N l.AKi H"M.. . a ' , : - e : ; a re. a ; f t it .1 ' ' 'a r I . J - 1 a- -Irae. .1 , ,,,, i, ; 1. p - , - . ' '. a a . : ; , - . ,. -a , : a, . 11.:.- !-' i:.-d ir--.tr us .I.-hii lrden. , . ' ' " - , ,. . , . . - . 1 . . ,, . , . .... , , , , j : in! ! lb- r ".ut .pian -r. -A,:e n. m el -Inn-:" ba' .1 a "ii . a m 1 I -amAX'a !f on. t he ' 1 1 1 ' . . .a a I e a 1 e . a -; : . : '," "," . I -uae. a.i . n,- 1 hat 1 la- ,, ,.., e, I l.r : r. 1 ai' a a. a-,,;h. m4: i.e- ,r,ta- .ishcimari. wlr.. wrote m, V-T.ooo aeH a . 1 - . a r.--v .:i VV; : r,,-'' !"' "...I-K m-...,, F, v.,s.,.i ' i.i' - .. ..ia,-inaei fe aa!,.-- -lae'M.bff. a.-.ei-iuaA a,ai e'a-aaiiu .a the 1 "h;a-b -o..-aa.; aa ;e-aa;-. : ;;,,: "; ' x'." :r: ;VaV;'r":;,J:;::l;NU" a r'"rr' y rre. r.'ik,n.' ShiuL-lc M.chinerv : a' a " V ' ", X ' 1 V. : ' '.' i. ' 1 " ' " ,. ..' .'." : ' ' V ! '.nal ...t Then ,l,e.v are ,.,-.- rrir.e ,;, ., s- ;tuti.,,W!;h ,;:l(i;.r,. 11 i.l.ov'i.f .h'l--ed iaal,:,-,.::,,;: ' - . .... . .. ... - . iiia. 1 a- e ,., e a.: ne .11 , a , , 01 me ni'lii ihe eis not a hie j ..ere have been Son all -t ri.a- at r'"! 1 " " 1 ; 11 1 1 -v ' , ;"" . l"-'' i'"d lbabeia ,:i the ;a literature where Dr. .lohnson. ft:. f!,re. i- .::.! , ;. a- lb aial.-a V mob 'here tore J. W. Cor.r.r-. . .- : a ...r--a y' m:;,s; ""w ' n,:!l ,,i:v,-,-;,,l,lsi,li)t', aud r:?'" sl? "nrcclm: i-,1 P..!.,;, p.;.- up f!,e suv-t 'pavement and at t"' m".' S'' ' -I l.K l'bii 1 -'-Vaa 1 a.M le el t h ;s grea t naa o, ., ,1:-. A . ;aa nat and ate. and lioywcll best. Tin- a- ev.i aa.;A.-er taeke.iihi) p.ila-e with the stones. Kinston. N. ( ( 1 14. issi. -a-. -'i'-' ' ' "a-i.ie , , . . , e - i oi n is 111 ;t gn i nee u i oi og. makes -goon ,..r annaia -a- aan- Tne erahtarv was called out and A. 6. Hi DS0. A-'r-r ' "-:"'"- "..y ol r..v lr.:.. W -Maa .a a :i: .;. .: the great lexicographer, i ng L'.l't 'O. a n . I ",e a 1, m a-, i .-a.-iiil. several persons were wohihIp.1 on . liHMTION imt-F nkw 1 ! 1 ' r N S , -- .:-:,- ,:.i-,,::r ju.'- l.ol.ow mju mi. . .-ir-.t.-.l bb-i-t --ieet l- the great newspaper This include i . id ge and ' .cotivc. both idAsfnmcrous attacks were I i.i.v j. r. . r. w IW.i.n. . . I r a--. -. aai.. f'!t bui.dlllgs. -a:'., aa!.- -a.i,.-. - '. It seemed to me that ill- COUStl'lllTtlon. im-idf "" -a. 1 88 Jimea, onitiow. Carteret, Famllooand iiepoir "" i I'rompt attention paid to oollaetlooav r apri-dwlr. '.-('l' t ' but it would crop out all along the path way ot ins ten. He was raised to full membership in our Oror on the20th of February, A.D. lv7s. aud at the very meeting at which he arrived at maturity aa a Knight of If aior he was elected Reporter of our Le.lg'e. w hieli office he continuously held, with honor to himself and entire sati-iaetinn to tlie brotherhood, up to win practice In theConrtsof CraTen. Jonea, the time of his death. In consideration OnHnw, Caru-ret, Pmnllco, Lenoir and Hr4e. ; M. StMMO.tB, CUimit BtAVt.. -tl ,' . SIMMONS & MANLI.1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW," .-. IT ii AMOOTMC LINIMENT fm "K MeaVfttfltf 1 ttaMfis, W teuoio l iHJain, "nuc i tJ '-Nli ft ( Ti liwn m flk-t f vm o m trv tMMM 9m eWMrXlM r.aft4ltN 4htaf m ff Hi mill tAia mmm L w cnu Ptw. 4ek. I a kW fall to eWft f CHICKEN CHOLERA. W--F. Eornegay & Co of luotracted services as Keiorter, he was made Past Dictator, by special Act of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, at it-third annual session, held in Ash ville. N. ('., in August, 1BS0. and. being elected by I.enoir Lodge, No. 471, lie served as Representative in the Grand Lodge at its ioui th annual session, held Raleigh. N. C. in August, ISM. eali ni- to promote the interests of Ihe Order, in its mission of philanthropy, the faithful labors, untiring energy aud inn; devotion to its principles of our worthy brother, whose loss we so much a. Tar. have enriched and accelei ated in- onward progress to its present mag nitude and importance: and . al though uoeeuM not dispense with his services the Reporter's disk, that he might iass Ihe higher chairs in our ivorlge. to '. ! 1 1 e i i iie was entitled . we are now con- ir.iira-l t- how with reverential ni s: a !" td.it (1 ispensaliori of the Su i'i ne- Ihetator ot ihe univer-e which n. a ! vacant his wonted s4-.1t and t'.-vei- Inched las (amiiiar v,.iee. Un! li.oagh the moving ii).. the Hashing eye. t !.- i!.,i:,!y form si. a ! 1 no m. .re g 1 a.-,- on r -a ;a : a a : y . 1 i,g w ill memory cat cli with pi.-.nogr..pliie a. -curacy i;;.. n itsvil.ra-t- ry de l.- the s. und " ;u of la-I. r i-nt a-. I.-ran. e.-. '. h. .-p w ele. mie e. h.,( ! a . a k I : v oi 1 an hi?., rts to ,la . 1 11 1 1 -aai . -iia: e-t.-. 1 : opinion, n .ev hi.- ha.- e 1 memory silence iiery unkind -uh hie every discordant t hough I n-i -pan evt rv baaie u ah the ram una In th Federal Court at New iie ma IUltXKCWJ) DR. J. D. CLAR OfR.-e on Craven street, betweea poUook ' J aiel llrnad. MpTV-d&lrlf ' ' 'i (- JfiRSES reduokdJ : BEKGHER I ENGEL BEEWINQ CpV PHILADELPHIA "'i LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. , v;r . 'Are Agents for the f Talbott &. Son. Richmond Knjf t.-. !' Wttertown Strim En Thi- i r took prrmnims at ttl C . I. nnial Inhibition ut Philadelphia M4 ition. KeepB better than I . Pan- IT - o: her 1 11 w arm .nl.- brand nhorevor known. 1 -..! in kegs or cratea. limatne, and ia ,th V , dw - . 9. 1'iompt attentat It you would have appetite, fli h T rU, lorrstrength, and, igotako Aje'1?" rsaparilla, wriierr--iU -confer "'C :. j. simmons, i; COTTON BROKER aud a., -ti COMMISSION MERCHlNr o,,,,,,!!,. nvrniv KiciiAITOC 1 .NF.WIIIiKN, N. l'o.inpv atteatton IVH tn.

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