.'.. A XI)-:i'EM)KXT TINT ALL THINGS. Tor 3xa $fl.OO X? .5r,r . Vol.. Nil KW BKRXK, CRAYF.N COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER :o. lss . ' - .J 1 , Towers of CO CO .1; - i, d. TP MnjCTiolii I ' i :r. . Cr..-r I'. . -.. I .- I : r- ta CUor . Ho." .ito lr- T Wjjoo. . 'riw-r.' K.ce Thr h- r v. ; . K - : - Mi". .- - en. lltacoe'. In.priMM . M.-hm- Ki'ti::;- M t - . -:::'.. reilj. Jigt:n '. f . I" t - Mir :m ".' i.-:n - I i ( in v '. I -. . .CristJu;... f 0al for Uij.-i;. : i 'ui gi n ' I' I T. C. WniTTY, uaV! n -n:i:i;r. n kai,i:i:. s C ilKRT KOKCK I TMP. OETTINGER BROS., IliiviitT IletM'lvod mid pMl tl-ii- WEW FALL STOCK, AT.K NOW OFFRKIN' MANY -i'Ki'l Vi.liKS v Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, FL'UNITURF AND CARPETS, to Tin: WUOLESALK AND RETAIL TRADE T. A. GREEN . CURRIES THE . 'larg"et Stock of Flour, MetU, Sqgar, Coffee, Molasaes, . Sjnjpi, Snuff ind Tobacco -7 ' (Jc bi9jh to S'e florae. i w ia st-xk : v ' 500 Barrels Flour, V 40 " Syrups and Molasses, Brick Duildhiar, Middle Street. blow South Front. J - G-EO. ALLEN A: CO.. General Hardware, MACHINERY. MilUri I.TCHU. IMI'I.EMTS. I J V 1 1 1 1 1 M.V 1 I IM.VI.. Brick, Lime. Cement. FIasUt. Hair, Paint. Oil. Varnish. I utty, Giajs, Etc. Which w ..; i - .--.. Os" mot i " Jpsuranc'o Adepts t r Pl l ! v ttl 1 1U1 wl !;!; AMODtNC L.INIMCHT 9 Owi ' M w $muL II 4l iiw piMiM ill m at uil rarr CHICKEN CHOLERA. m Wf F. Kornegay & Co Afe Agents for ::. !' a ::. : - .; 3 .. TllOtt AkSoni. Richraon.:. V i . Y.r i ' ; Vytertown Steam Engine .i'i jinwn. n. v.: WN1"?! Oil.--:: Tbe Bo Cotton P less. OOP3 AT TflK I-ovVI- A. HK.ndi:h.shn a7 vtll stmiiith (3 l-J o 1.; - ' i : a i u . i : r i i v m l ire L:t'' I'1 7fUW . - - h -i i -. f.-ini 1 . i i -a. v r-- MAKE HENS LAY i ... i iV:- kind's Shnui !j.nintM S. HUDSON, A.-cr, iirK. nkw i:fi:nk. n I II I'Hsl 1 (,. . i , ;. J. I -;.-nt r i r 1 1 . t II I U I H 1 S . tlll iil' i'ciiirsi ni tin i x : -1 1 . l v tin' w.iv. it. W u!v I'nuiitv ;n tin- exhiliit i. it ii i not ii t in c em blazi n i-d vi-:- i'. ai',.1 tin- n-iiKirks nl sonic ni in- v:'nri 'd ln-ro thf emmty 1 Nimv Ki-riu- -.v.i-. ni whether there -iic:i ou:.t . were some- in: ami: Mr. Mnrtr.iti put I'll'' in izra mtiss a h is New 1 '.erne m I iiiils ar the Til ( ' . i I I ' I . . 1 s 1' venteil mi::- ex- h. I'!. l..;if I - it Tin- i r. '. i 1 1 r of i M li .w e 1 'een ii' i's lieailtle-). . n j m I'le - l.le lleelf. . Ml li s s J . i I'll til i ' I 1 11 C n i : : i . .vriiis n, he varnish ami luiish vent up Mr lien dal not reach 1 tonr days after n : ' w as 1 1 hit e to ': i-ar ejMuls, ton. e i the . 'In a pen nip. u i -1 1 1 1 n c 1 1 held I'm;; "I :n..:!.'v , i , , v.-i-ri a:i e!i. r-r a s lie ilepot tnr treirht. the tl w ith 'o to fuiil (Ul 1 of .;' Im t hese draw "St credit. I h I: tn sell" ui : it is .ill o. that Mr. ir of this is t he till est .a ill ' i . n . 1 i pi-n- I here a ;n sp; h.b:: n kUM-A an e o I marl in 'st w ho f:"s exh 'I shell ri n I 'f'T.' .r'n I. :"1 the ..Uo a ( "r.i i ba.id.ng; h s family r-H-kt-r tin ts great at ten ! am . and ti" :s a popular n-sert for the otin: jiMj'h 'OiUC U."s' wrd Berr" ;! .!e. n tn i k eeli i lie nn'Kt-r t me. Mr. Ild- a:n: ngs arc much ti!a,ire.!. he has beaut ; t nil v repro : . : i i - i a lire n uinluT of our n .it i ve ui:d 'lowers, and maiiv ipiestimis ir-- asked a have all ti'" whetnei wo ready I Mwers growing wild, Our ti.li, too, ,ire admiited to be 'ho most natural looking of any; the work on those in the State ex hibit by Mr. Herbert l'.nniley is ipi.'e .is well done and the display larger than that of t'raven. but Mr. Urimh-j and the other i.-hthy-t a ait-rni i sf s followeii the lnstrno t :on s of 1 r . 1 i idso.i . t no : n von tor of the pr.K . ss. .(n.l used die for c"ior;ng tin f-.sh .h'li-r mounting; tniiu tlif action ot the chemicals used i-i ' nrtug fin- skins, ,.r some oilier U'.'k.:" liange : . i r ti;ne. !:s atisi . these dyes the I'Llnd of February, theaunivei r :n the course,.:' s.cv uf the birth of Washington. mii, finding this his motiuinent. the highest artilicial . . .Ie M.u riie case, e x pen u.t-r. ' eii on her f.sh i!li tln ;p.i-t,iia'i' cl Mr. I Id ward H.rry, i:-i. !o.;ig a practical p.im'or. gie her his advice and villi- valuable hints which eniblcd her to t'; her orders tint he; hsh il l e le f t il an get i 1 - t ill t alii lok .t.s if j is; drawn frmn the water 1 he d;spia of fish nets in the State 1 o...r; nieut tuadobx ('oinmissiotier Worlh is very good; he has there in in itii.it lire every kind of net used i : i- the waters of t he St ate; ( ''raven " Inirrowed Iroin hini a large net and use.', it effectively for iliaping. All ; he exhibitors are known anion g , i i.emselvcs by their county names and have their own fun between 1 tunes. u itmg ' each other to tea and to lunch in old war tiniu camp la.shioii. that is. each to bring his o'.vu provision, and chair; 1 think hey tl ispetise with knives and forks, but tumbler are m common use, w inle "Thurber." when, he is of the pirtv. furnishes coll.-e cups tilled u ;'h most excellent coffee. I spent i:i :...:ir ot my tlav in Ins exlnuit, xsi::,' d -tie roll t kinds ol coffee ai.i.le on the sjin' and served m .'tie i ups by a mo., obliging young '!.' leu. a ;i i 1 1 i in o ladies all uomisfl a ecrtificro as a good i a ; t ei , s h. i M he need ,t . 1 1 e '.linked us, but sa:d he would r it her We slim re -oiiKia-nd him we agreed to do ' . s a co wli-.cl eillds . O Mil c.-k ir t he :a anyone who id onlVeo must also. I gave una) i" brand. M. u name "!.. ir v. i- '.V I s i- l:e;i ii.u ii I. lot ured i a part each :ud Java, a: 1 i iir be: " t i: if ..! Mr. Aiexa like the f Mocha, d w as as 1 could ai lor w!i Miller !i-ii . isf III be.lll 1 mill . d Mrs. "Il alid easing " M's A: 11. 1 1 Ill It ASIUM.ruN . I i K K. ( (etu'.ier J I st. Tile IVi-sjilelll llll.s letlll'llell tn tin- ('.ipit:ll : 1 1 1 1 there ;ile many ntln-r sjns ul the win ter reli.iblli.it urn t ii.it u ill he eonijilete in aluiiit six weeks w hen ( n;;res will have .is,-mlileil. Inrthe sliMir lin.il sesMmi. Many senatnrs ami lepreseiitativ es ha e a!read retiuiu-il tn their Yashiii'r tun immes. The diplomat ie cnips is here in its usual Inrec. and sileli ihr. The sneia! wnild. tm. that heternp-nuiis hut potent entity has also come hack to Washington and is preparing; I'or its important rule in t In- drama of W a sh in 't mi 1 1 1'e. What w,,iil,l ashm, out si ic:et t .' wit hou : be with round of social enterUiinments win u cabinet oihc ers uprein mrt poit sena- tors, their wives, and daughters, sisters, cousins and aunts, meet in st ill l ng draw i n g rooms, in hale ear bonic aeld gas, swallow tea unch, ch.uniagne. chicken salad, and sandwiches. They are at Judge A's at U miiliiicht. and repeat t ho same pertm niance at. Senator ll's at 1 o'clock in the morning. 1'hese senators are c.ec;ed to legislate Im iif; - millions of people next da;. ; these judges of the highest court must give final i n t er u et at ion to laws, and make judicial precedents for all t line: these cabinet otlieel's have ministerial iunction.s through-o-.r the postal, naval, military, financial, state, and judicial ser vices of t he greatest and most wo L'ressive natlnn nil this i. anet. he objector mav be austere, mint. mi ca), and everything eNe that is ab horied; but ho must insist that tie-so night orgies are not the pi' per framing mental, moral, or ph sieal. for the perilous s government. Uice ol The cool mg inter is i i d to the be one ofVuisual inteu-st Capital. It is tin' lasL winter of the present administration. "King out the old: ring in the new." u the fourth of March another presi dent will Im- inaugurated, another cabinet will U- formed and the quadrenial adjustment to the new order ol things will follow with more or less friction, and discoid. dust ten days before the inau guration of the next president, on structure on the planet, will be un voted with fitting ceremony. It is expected that visitors fro in all parts of the country will be in Washing ton during the unveiling c. reinon-u-s. and manv will no doubt remain until alter the inauguration. K.u h succeeding year makes the city Ix-tter prepared tor the enter tiiHiinent of strangers. The hotel and Uiarding limise area ot Wash- I Higton is ever increasing. Anyone can lire comfortably (il his ideal of comfort is not too luxurious in the capitol oT his country, who can pav one dollar per day for food and lodging. Those who w ish to pay more can have pleasure of doing so. At the expensive hotels grouped about the Treasury Department the ehaiges vary from three to eight dollars x?r day. according to the location of rooms, Mauy improvements have been made during the summer m the streets, parks, pnbhc and private residences of the citv. A iart of the mammoth pension building h.is been eompleted. and is now readv for the hundreds of ciei ks who w ill soon oc cupy it. The million dollars i-n proveinelit of the wings o; the Cap itol is progressing tao:ab',. A million oiibic ai (Is ot mud. dredged pun the bed of the Use n d u m pod on tin 1 1 mi ,ii', h a e '.vamps that txirder the iivcr trout of lie- city, and many .u -res ot s..!:.l g;.'iind have boon made A new opera house, the largest and finest ill tile : . li t clva I. hi Ite s been ock Will M on w he pai n 1 1 -1 1 . lecteil. and piesplent la Mis. can h.r i I ict ion and Fart. up; us tree once had I lie bad His, d .ding man inc. a exbal it-s leavess a poiS' ui . were sup ivhleh sp e was tat al t i i a w i regi ui . lK-a -t. 1 sh. ut sclent w n ; ha; that Us w 1 1 1 g : n he Hi vest MOe ui ; .n a. ' id lie. I ecu I e es ,, a: I: II 'his oi I NTERVI E YS. linl I'romlnrnl Vlnllnrs Saj- About Npieial Feature, oi'ihe Kxpoiillon, Mt- ,l ..i-.. ,,c ti, t.t.iV ,,r tl,. .... cx.w. i.. ,i..u ".Carthage tir? was tn- I.rn.iklyii ( nton, an lutluoiitnil lie-; that has ev-r i-it.-.i an newspaper of character and ealidor. lias snent several duvs s spent several days the Exposition and is Mr. Clarke's first here studying o-ir people. It ... :. l .1 1 Nisu ui mis m;uc aim uie seconu , to the outli. II-- found the Exposition so inter estiu- that he expressed regret r i it lie eonl.l ,Mf ronviin ! n-iieL- Ioiit;'er. ' hat impresses me most," he said, --is the evident pride of the people ot the dinerent counties in - their exhibit and in their opportu n it les. hen the people take so deep an interest in such subjects, thei e is no belter proof of orotrress. "Another tiling that is notices ble is the absence of mere trinkets I tried, to find some trilling sou xcors nt ni visit tor my children, and 1 have found nothing. The oositioii w eisei on t if. immi idea of business it is a serious and , . , magniiK-eiit etlort to show precisely v.haiou have in your Stat-, and attention of the 1 ecu diverted show. in.lliagers has to making a I wrote to my paper after my .' view ot the l'.xposit ;on that if "' -'iger had been put down ill : Hiding unawares, he would e thought it a National E.xposi - , . ,, 1 :: ..ml not merely a collection ot pioducts of a single State. The tin a ti .e'v is so crreat that it is as - Mig rii subjects political and i. as well as industrial, h- talking about politics he v expressed his couvictiotl that W lie ('les eland will carry Xew York. -I ; a obliged to be so,'' he said. Mi. Clarke has been a Kepubli c in editor all his life and was once Managing Editor of the Spring field 'Mass.) Kepubliean. He made up ins mnpi to spenu nisnexD vaca-, they Wlll have to t,n,Tt;r lllllt,ss -lid :, tnn ni North Carolina. Iron, which I rendered. A committee has been forme t he declares he does not propose to in this city to administer temporary i -bo d:v rted bv an vthing. iftatr and "vor .rlJ'O'J w a ra:.-- 1 m ; n Tin Handwriting-on the Wall. ... , .,, ,. . . llllth will out. I-.ven Associated l'ress nes vani.-il before Ollicial figures. Accoiding to the latest reports ..he elections of last week show tl c follow in suits: extraoidinv re- 1. The Kepubliean plurality in ! Ohio is reduced to about half of w hat it was for four years ago. j . in- xkcpuuiiciixi inajuiiiy ou the sr.i.-e ticket, is less than nothing. Ti.e lb publicans are actually ia a ) w). (',' ', while four years.ago they had a positive majority of over ;i.(mmi over Democrats, tlreenback ors and l'rohibitiouists combined. The Kepublieans are not only in a minority in the popular 'ote of Ohio, but they elect a minority ot the Congressional delegation. Four years ago tiiey elected 15 Kepubjicans to Congress. This yeai' they only elect 10. Four years ago the Democrats elected only r Kepresentativef : this year thor elect 11 a majority of the delegat ion. 1. The increase in the vote of ( hio over that of four years ago is bd, boo. The Democrats cast 3!.000 votes more than they cast for Ihvu cok, while the Republicans, in spite of l'.laine, Dudley and Cor ruption, cast only 1(5, 000 more thau t'.ie.v cast for Garfield. In other woids. io (irhf 1 iro t Ii irdx of t he new 'ti w,i,v l ss 1 irtnt Ih-mneratie, while a largo imit of the liepubli- caii one third was unquestionably ; obtained bv lraud and wholesale luibei v in the large cities. ( o. In West. Virginia the Demo- , or. its have an absolute majority, over the Kepublieans and Greeii l ackers combined. nearly three. times as large as Hancock's niajor-;- of l.s.sp. They swept every ( V g , 1 ual .iistiict in the State, is i c a "victory " t he Ke- s ai e welcome to it. i.guies show clcaily that s much weaker than Gar uit the popular title is t him C Is f the e'los n spite ot all he does: ooiiied to defeat, and tcinocrats could gain Gurtield's Kepubli- ..re o ei t iios,. east ioi rtau ' lu-y should and will gam at. loo. omi) U1 Democratic New where nearly the whole ic ble press, ii.s well as the nt's Geiman.s and l'mhihi aie in open rebellion i ni nipt S'.n i out ism and ' . .: s.: . Y. ) . W,., '.. Shew . at Ni ( )l It alls i : est J'ho fig'. tin- gro el s-.-ell . entellil 1 t 1 llgo htlio- a-w s , i i he n g. also maps l inimesto.g I'ting is 1 trger i as i ef ': n-e. 01 : g ex i I, . i 1 1 : 1 1 g lis HI sip .i to left o I la1 I l y s: a; Palace. 1 1 til Is llll'l lee! - i -I o , si r a ' ' 1 1 v :n V; Gaiiciy . ;on "I .1 "!l. The fac . : ii and ;' bv ..n . .'.no mi ; d eet w Hie. i . : i .e o. i : ! i .; and I 'ii : I o ie! pi i : a l'lio ,a e i hal ge ol I he it 1 e. 1 le occupied 'Cl at the Coll i ell ( ; ft : nr.N 1 . al .no. a: ii : :i g v . .man. but tut lire led i.or a li o.gift her too :: ti.e- mat t ; ot P-ct . She s. ' !.. :.s ei u: va h-sci ng. i ti.e',..:. w:io nas called 1 1 ' he is go-; ; ug along, i ii.C lie.. : . ' I'UO toot bvl'.'to sip i he V - . "then you -tilde t o w a 1 ' -If mi ia c 1 ie- !; ad 'c A TKKRI I! I.;: Sf "EN I T,le Awrnl SU')- - ( r.n h- ATtRT'AVN. .. 1 let . . m.. -t '!i-In.-- n:i!i -Tl: i State. It ht'irnn in ih-' r. al raanufmiurmi; Lnn inu- '-a ti j manufacturing Luii-'.ins mi liic ' sde of ac? riv,"r ".'I'1 l!!'" u : ';irl;:,.-"r "' !V';' !-!:.V; river t two i-i.in'l w l: niaiitil.'i'-tui in ::: iiiutimi--. ; burin i 1 Everything on 1 1 - , an.j the lire sin lan.is wi Mil' the j Parc OI ule l i ii... Mil .- 1 1' ah This was the and L-ontamet'i , with line ii. ! territory is a I- - I 1. 1'ilTi liji ' i;:ni. !. fc-ir-,.-l if utio.-is Vl-in. s. the t" n taei schncl m rajii-jiy ,"iij-!s could ruins: lnU uw- ' i ;. A l M sides the ir.;n j tiat Aad u.u -.- church! ..;cl all . lire (4trc:. 1 hall, academy buildings. Tin that very little household be saved. Tlia tltc .1 ..nn .-tl.!..l I f ; K r " f -. t .. r - - fnvvn' tnwv,!:,.. i;,,.,.',vilie .-.n.1 t a i a responded to the call fur le-lp. bin as the tire would appear in diitVivut piace.; ' at one imieuie Mirai.e i . om ti ! ints erf "f .'!ttlle ,!:v:li l were filled with leaves. j igmted Lv cinders, ar. i PtiiT breeze wore on in a Thr ail; which were f anned l.-.v a I.,. '. The,,- ! w-ere one humlr d il'.Vl n Uie ; one time. .' The people work h::r l f'-r s.-vrrr.I became panic stricke.'i.'aiiil ai'l 'last nigl.'t hundreds of them were roaming the . streets or lvmg m spots which the tire bad nnt t'Hiche,!. eveiy place of shelter ! m h e, lUi b;irJ (f,n''11 "j'11' w;,ni;'a and children. A large number of pce- . pie were brought to" this ,-itv. whore ' they had friends to care for lin'-in. It i 1 impossible to con ;-i turo ti night. Strongmen were uie; i realized Uiat eyervthmg the'v tiu'ss.v'sed . iTiTnion on.! i-li. i rt ti E-rrllii. ;'-. t1'. i- was being swept aw;.y. Most o; those who lost dwellings ow ned tiioni. hdving ' purciiased them by the savings of many years. oi one ol iiimsc i.'uuiru oai was aJble to stand the los;. The manu facturers who suffered were doing a good businers and hud or.ieis to keep them gfoing ai 1 the winter. Tin y cannot resume without outside help. The peo ple are thus thrown out of employ- mat .;,, tl.n 1 r.f nil H-,.,- l,.l n.,,1 hour. Work in tins line w:ii no c... tinued until shelter is pr-.-videi! for the i homeless P;jl'h;- -Mo"! 7 T " ' j to Allen E. Kebbv and i . P. Kvlhcr. ( '. , Carthage, w ho can be safe!'.- misted to I Cok after tiie wants of t-io people. N" i ! one was burned to death, but a score of ! people were badly burrj.d. including ' tiremen. li.e loss new loot-S up over ! half a million of d .llai s. T'.a: insurance I oannot now be given, but agi i.ts sav it will not reach one-third ..:' that lummut. . . . Stonewall Items. Weather drv. c cat on ing its end. Mr. Haywood Lewis and Mrs. F. B. Miller were married at the bride's resi lience on the. Pith inst.. J. '. Baxter. Esq. , officiating. W. T. Caho and T. C. ilrt'ider report the State exposition as one grand suc cess and say they had not conceived what North Caioiir.a w as until they '!' it with thf ir own eyes. Mr. Joe Perry. ne::r Vnndemere. while hunting a beef in tho woo is. on the lSth inst. . aocidently shot himself below Uie knee, breaking the small bone aod lacerating his leg awfully, so much k that Dr. Attmore doubts whether he cun save the leg i r have to amputate. The barbecue aad grand rally of the Democrats of Pamlico is to take place on the 1st day of November instead of the 31st inst. 0 last. Gov. Jar and Mr. C. C. C be on Iiitid. E--to come and let Died, on the on Smith's cret hemorrhagic ft-1 of friends and loss. At the res I informed 31 u in mv . li m. L. C. Latham 'k Ic.ve pro r.i-ed to ybody are rcp'-osled ive , .ne grcmi time. 1 ia-t.. at In r h".ne . Mrs. Latira Lar.gly o: 1. s!v lea-.. - a ho-t . iativt-s to n;..arn h- r ":. 'lift' of Wm. K. saw- ver on the same date. Jnurbe A!exand(.r. ii stepson of Mr. Sawyer. The little boy was at the table tor t-reakla.-t aim at i- o clock w-,as a corpse. .Mrs. . j. ieary died on the 1 1'. ; 11 inst. e.f dropsy. Mr. Hardy Casey's infant c'ni! 1 died "il the 2nch last.. ..lily n few m .uti'.s e! i. Pnver Aiil.i', El'in 'i: Jol iiNAL: -s t,v, rv .-th'-rs-c-tiori of the count v ha been tie nd 1 r 1.1 througli the columns of y, excellent small space tiov t ti the countv that wo hav 1 I.- r.'.i-v e i n .'lead is 1 . ' . W s.-l and r. but sleeping, and th-ng! almost midday, wo have are now fully awake to a : duty and are determined t that though we entered ti the eleventh hour, we c. our day 's woa-lc a n i si i . 1 same pay. at Iim.-:. as tie -e in at tile lir-t nr. and in . t' a I Ci'llU'-l at to plfi'Tlll exp-Ct no no entered pay is tin- . :;.'.1I1S f-'I- pr- el ing honor of m mg t;;e Lug- e leveiaii'i : elections, of any -Cur Club was . ;. i ur.t y . li:;;:i -1; .- -i ..... las! urdav and we hav doul.de the r.aim s . ess i t giving e: of on W,-st; H a w k i r Pr-'ck: i .rr. so We ie.-. i f- a : r . h I'll -1 J. L. K -in crotary. !'. i ir.g - o rv; i; i' lli XV 1! 1 iter. ' -t Ft ..: I .: Isaliv es n, rl I ib,. am v Y. Core Croek Items- ( ieii. Lewis, from -Raleigh, and Col. VVhitfnrd. President of theA.& N. C. K. V... came to see us Monday. They -:- this road will be built to the Sta tion. We siv eonl for the people. Jll-it received a letter from Swansboro. -it-kness there now than at any i five years, but no deaths lately, lattic IV.iree still continues her hope her all the success she M're tun.' a Miss ?, sciiO"! needs. No lain for thirty-six days. Kic" in "rout abundance is being cut ana threshed now. Mr. Voss has a ma chine that will clean- about 230 bushels a day. separate rice from straw, etc. The Messrs. Heath are the largest rice farmers here. Corn is good, but not much cotton. Capt. Mac. left for Raleigh on the 20th in company with Messrs. Walter and i.ee Murrili. of Onslow county, to visit the great Exposition for a few days. Walter and Lee came through from On slow on our new road yesterday, re port ail well in Onslow; only one In- leppndent candidate. C. S. Hewett. vs. II. E. King lor legislative lionors More young ladies out to see the con victs. Sunday, besides men and women to the number of abnut fifty. Come to see us. ladies, wo like to see you. but don't luck s i sideways at Lec and Hud-die.-ton. They are not the best looking, and may be married for all you know. I think some 0f (mr boys fell in love wiili Miss Pet tie I : she must come agam. A'.so'Miss A D : so says Sn-ii'.h. who is. we think, next to the best -looking young man in camp. Southerland not excepted. Tlolder fie'.d is the bashful lover, is as brave as a siieep when the girls are out of sight, and nuts c.r.e ia mind of salt water sand crabs, and can get out of sight about as quick. Politics pre-tty brisk in our commu nity. Think we will have a pretty good turn-out on election dav. Was at the ion udi. i to near Phil. Holland. Station last week jr.. candidate for the Senate. It would have done you good to hear Phil, in his defense of the Democratic party. I tell you if I had been a Rad. I should have felt blue all over, just like the man (and the only w hite Had. there) did who was leaning on the counter of the store in which Phil, fpoke, and the darkies seemed to take Ids speech in good, cheer. After Phil.'s speech Capt. . Mclver made some remarks, in -which the col ored portion argued that if the Captain was running for Governor they would vote tor him. fast' with hi: Mac. ia gettioz on pretty road, and the boys (the white ones. I mean, and not the prison ers ' are enjoying themselves finely. Bench. Barry. Lee. Hammonds and Johnny maele a raise j esteruay in the way of fishing. A big hole in the canal near us here was discovered lo be pretty full cl fish, and nets were made, hooks fixed, brush and pole brought to bear, and after about four hours hard work fishing about two hundred of the finny tribe were brought to grief and to the surface to the great delight of the fish ermen, some of whom were almost frantic at the sight of so many fish, as they called them. Beaufort County Items- i-'i an the Gazette. The merchants are now realizing the value of the force-pumps iu laying the dust i:i tho streets, as those who are not bene IHted by them surfer much from dust. A private letter from a prominent guallemau at Englehard, Hyde county, says the Democrats in that county are all right. "We expect to give Simmons, For. lo and Skinner 500 majority." Wo were shown by Dennis Mackey, colored, of North creek, a curiosity in the shape of a hill of potatoes which contained 42 potatoes larger than a hen egg and a number of smaller ones. It was of the haman variety. Mr. Theo. W. Poole, cand idate for the Senate, aeldressed our citizens in the court house on Monday night last. He made an able and effective talk, which was listened to by a large assemblage of our people. Mr. Poole is doing good work in this canvass. The crops in Beaufort county are not so good, as was at one time anticipated. Tlie present eirought has cut them otf materially, even vhere they were prom ising tw o months ago. We are informed that the crops on South creek are better than for several years. Altogether the outlook is not promising. The Washington Light Iufantry have b ciar.-.l their intention of being pres ent at the inauguration of Clevelanel in Washington City, on the 4th of next March, and Captain Warren has ordered weekly drills of the company so as to l e in readin. -s for that important event. We s:uceroIy trut you will not be dis appoiu'ed in your trip. boys. .i sailm- on n Northern schooner 1 oaditig at a m-.i! at Jack's Creek, near P.;!.;-g-. in thi--county, l.t week, ac- a-nt I in. hi: rrd a 1 1 the lv. ; : with a sun. in wound, and was avs ago for treat- a t 1 hero Too 1 art "i e 1 n -,v i ii. -t struck him in the e arm and then glanced fearing away the flesh part "f his breast, nearly Wot rating the vital organs. Ht is now at tic iious. ei Mis, Padgett, on Water S-a-'-.-t. and is l ing attended by Dr. McDeu.M .. ! h Lets. from t!ie ex- cutive commit-th-' Pitsiaeiitial and the State We -.- ti tickois i.avo ! een sent to every county. . I'l'li -afa a,- .hould be made lor them fr cn i-vi ry reciuet, f the chairmen of the eo-u.ty c- nimiftees. If tickets have not been received chairmen of county commifi-es should telegrajili at ouie-tt) C':ai:rinan Lottie. C ner.-s-.. .;..d ti ic fs arc 1 u i cished by ti..- c aid: iat-'S f .r ''. .tigres- in their re sptctive di-tri't- who shecald be noti :; i ii I:.- v lovi- -., f l.ei-ii distributed. Kiu-r ()j :t:,. .-state ters. I': ii . iiimo- the r. n a ri ot! r.try .- w. nt : !:: oily t :t ' ' tin- i a.d par; asod linnks -I ip.o. Mariner' I. I ' ' at . I 11 ale . . a fixed w lot ' et I", per ' . al 1 ' - ,11. - so'.i I, !l !!; lii.ol i-fed 1. v a crib l uin- id I e st- i. in i-h-ar ... deck . f av. s. olp,' :a t : ri'. : '. i . ef. 0 miles. Ligbt-liou-o r.iiai-d. -r.riiKN ( ' K' 'wan. I". S. Navy. 1 lini ii. Aipointrnen1s by the Ulshop of East Carolina. FA I.I. VISITATION 1884. Nov 2. Sunday, M. P., Chriet church, New Berne. Nov. 2. Sunday, E. P. . S Cyprian, New- Berne. Nov. .", Wednesdny, E. P., S. John's, Soutli Mills. ! Nov. 7. Friday, M. P., S. Johns, Newbeun. Dec. 9, Tuesday, M. P., ion church, Beaufort count v- Dee. 10. Wednesday, M. P.. S. Jamen' Beaufort county. Dec. 10, Wednesday. E. P., Pantego, Beaufort county. Dec. 11, Thursday. M. P., S. John's, Makelyville. De;-. 12, Friday. Swan Quarter. Dec. 13, Saturdav, M. P., Juniper Bay. Dec. 14, Sunday, H. George's, Hyde county. Dec. la, Monday. Fairfield. Dec. 19, Friday. M. P., Aurora. , n rep, 3 Dec 21, Sunday, Trinity, Chocowin- ity. Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 2U ville. Sunday. E. P., Haw Dranch. Monday Vanceboro. Tuesday, S. Paul's, Green- Dec. 23. Thursday, Peter's. Washington. (Obristmas) S. Dec. 23. Sunday, M. P. Bath. Dec. 30, Tuesday, M. P Dec. 31, Wednesday, M. S. Thomas', , Jamesville. P., Advent, Williamston. Jan "y 1, 1883, Thursday, M. P., S. Jlartin s, Hamilton. Holy Communion at all the morning services. Collections for 'diocesan mis sions. As opportunity may offer the children will be catechized. The bishop requests that irf accordance with the resolution of the diocesan convention. i ar-.angemeritB be made in each parish for a nieeti of tho VMt wit'h the j bishop. Noted Dry Seasons. An interesting record is that of severe , drought, as far back as the landing of ; the Pilgrims. How many thousand i times are observations made like the i followidg. "Such a cold season!" "Such a hot season 1" "Such dr iry . pi 'weather!" or "Such wet weather "Such high winds, or calms I " etc. All those who think that the dry spell we ! are now- navmg is tne longest ever i fenown. will do -wrelt to read th? follow- In the summer of 1621, 24 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1630, 41 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1657, 76 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1662, 80 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1674, 4 i days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1688, 81 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer "of 1994, 62 days in suc cession without rain. . In the summer of 1705, 40 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1715, 46 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1728, 61 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1730,93 Jays in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1741, 72 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1749, 108 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1755, 42 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1762, 123 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1778, 80 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1791 , 82 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1302, 23 da s in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1812, 28 days in suc cession without rain. In the summer of 1856, 24 daas in suc cession without rain. In the summer of lb71,42days in suc cession without rain. In the 6umtner of 1875, 26 days in suo cession without rain. In the summer of 1876, 26 days in suc cession without rain. It will be seen that the longest drought that ever occurred in America was in the summer of 1762. No rain fell from the 1st of May to the 1st of September, making 123 days without rain. Many of the inhabitants sent to England for hay and grain. Lebanon i.Vn. l U'ader. Itelii f for Disahleil Confederate Vet- erans. Hu'tvli'si PICKETT-BUCHAN-AN CaMI' i CliNFEDKHATE VeTEKANS, N iRKol.K. Va.. October 20, '84. ' The I'lckett Ihichnnan CanipCon ioderato 'e!eiitii8 of this citj pur pose by ussistiince of lrienils to hold a tair anil concert on a grand scale, with other special attractions, during- the month of December. The net proceeds of this enterprise will be sacredly appropriated to the re lief of Soldiers and Sailors of the late Confederate States Army and Xavy-, who are sick, distressed, dis abled and unable to earn a living now in our city. It is impracticable for these persons ami such as these, to go to the Home in Kichmoiid, even if it were open and ready to receive thein: they are men with families ami wo do not w'sh to add further to their misfortune by sep aratiug them from their loved ones. Vt. therefore feel that in a pure spin: ot chaiity we can and do ap peal to yon for a contribution; be it small or great we shall feel equally grateful. Anything sent us will bo promptly acknowledged. Mannfac-niii-rs ul' all kinds of goods and cues are earnestly requested to I F. help it s and we will propel lv its and we will propoily jilaco adv tlia rtisomelit on such articles, so in a sense il mav benefit them outside ol I he gr.it ilicat ion, w hich p the i ill it ol a generous and noble ileT. To ' lie Hanks ami Banket s. t talists and prominent men am ap in sf 11 u! l"i:s ut the colli! I ry. w e a iieal ! ,r a confi iliiitioii and are poi suaded "ill not ask m vain. ur nierclianls and citizen.- generally aie eoiitri hutors. and to one and all We respect tally relet Noil as to the iepiiiis.;!(!lit,v i.l'.dl tho iitlici-r.s and managers , the ( 'amp and this en terpi ise. Any doii.it imi can be sent to t he ( ha ;i man o ( 'mil in it too ol Ai range incuts ur to any otlicet of the ( 'amp. 1'ieijiit and other cha: ges on a ny con t ribiit ion sent by rail or .stcimci wiii In- paid by us. With kindest and lu-sf wishes ami n-gai ds. were main. our hiimble servants: .I.S .1. i . 1 1 K IP iN lb 'I'll. Conunan IP ll"l I.l-AV l'.I.I.K.N. 1st I.'t '. A i.iii:i: i N ash. jud T. B. .I.P km '.N, Adjutant . .1 PiF.s K. B,i;ny . Troasuroi . (il'.''. W. W'li.suN, Chairman Com mittee of Arrangements, I'lckett Buchanan C;iinp, Confederate Veterans. To any body who has tiist ase of tlr..at or lungs, we will send proof that Piso's Cure lor Consumption has cured the same complaints in other cases. Ad- dress. K. i . uazki.tinf. Warren. Pa. j y L G d&w A Marvelous Story tolb n two urns. ' - FROM THE SON: " OenOtrnmr My ftrtliT fwfldo t Olonr, VL H ha bnn frMU mffarar from -"'( u.&. tndireTEolotod tattar wilt UU ; a inartsloof aeat Ayer's SatopariL bu bid in bit aw. I tlilnk ble Moo4 hare oontelMd th limor for ttfcxt t u' years ; bnt It d4 Dot ibow, wwTTik Mm farm of r tcrotuloaa (or OB Dm n-it, anttl buut fire yt lgrt. Fram a ti poU wtitcb p teard at that tlm. tt grdma lly tpnmA to mm to ott bia-entlra body. I awinr yon h M , terribly aTHiotHi, and an objattaf pity, Uo, he beg.ni uilngyour mcdtelD. Sow, Ur ar few men of bii ajte vho anfoy aa food butlh . a In baa. I eould aaally nam Hfiy parauut , who would Uwtlfy to tlia facta in bla eaa , ' TourftrnlJ- ' yf. JM. FBllAir. " . t FROM THE FATHER: i1 ;1 a duty for me to atata to yon Uia iMMtl I , hare derived from tu oa of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six montlnafral waaoompleuly eoraral win. , a terrible humor au4 aarofaloua anrea. 1 humor nnne l an Inoeaaant anl Intoler itching, and the iklm. awaked aaN to r the blood to flow in many plaeea yhn I mored. ' My aaffarlnf wera graat, " life a burden. 1 ouinaoaad tba aa ol SiBSAFiKiLLa in April Uat, and ba-a us it refularly atnoa that clna. My ooadiu. i began to Improra at onea.' The aorea ba-o all healed, and I teal perfectly Well in every respect being now able to W to day'a work, altbonghTSyearaolaga, llany Inqnlra what baa wroagbtsneb enra ta my eaae, and I tell them, aa I have bora triad to tell you, ' AVer's 8ARSAPaiULUH. Glow, Fts, Oct.' 21, W82. Voura reatafuxly.'v V -; a ' A vkh's SADiAt'ABxU.A - onrea Scrofula -and all Scrofoloua Complaint, Xryelp -olaa, Kcxamft, Ringrwoma Blotch,,", Sorea, Boils, To mora, anal Krsptlm of the Skin. It clear tba blood 4 all hopo- '; rltles, aid digestion, atlnralaM the action ot . Uie bowels, and tba rafltorM vitality And strengthens tba wbol system. L.."' s Dr . J . C. Ayer & Co. Lowell,! IWim. Sold by all prngglsti; f 1, to bottles tot t ' Professional Cards. ; CEAS. -H-i BROWN,; r a n p v I? v 1 a r . r . a A M. A -W VM JaV- m aV at 9 VaY i - - v -. '.. KBIT ANSVIIXK. . C - ' ... . " o Practlces in the Coontleaef Duplin, lf Craven, Jones and Onslow, ', - I . I collection or Claim specialty. . T Correspondence solicited. -r- P. W. PT!T.T.T!TTTrTt. A i-i, aT XV L LisJAJLltSy a, u JJU IHLIeCX(TTI.LJC. : ' Joass Coanatr f Will practice in the CoarU of CarVert,'. Onaiow and Craven. ' , Rpeclal Attention given to th eollfci olalma, and settling Mfett). of dac4-aM. sons. -uia i DR. G. L.SHACKELFCaD, tSurgfeon ..DuntfM Office on Middle etreet. wvac Mtaa Kat- raway s Millinery 8Uoppoalt iJapllBl , Church. y ( j. ,, . - Ten Years Praetleal ElMlilkM, t , Hn-JHXvl O -e- WILLIAM J. QIBX& COUNSELLOR AT lJkW, ' Attends nil the courts belli at NW Hero. INorth Carolina. - Particular attention paid to ollaettng Claims, ana onnveyanriny; I'niled Htnt I'-omicUaioner. Sept. 48th, 18l. I.. J. Moouk. We, E. Cl-AUKsl. . M0,0ftE & CLABKE,:x AlTUaH iil D AT li A W t New Berne. N. C. . 1 Will practise tn the Court of Carta ret, tVav." '.' ven. lireene, Hyde. Jonea, Lenoir, OnaloV ' o . an.l Pumllcooouiitlns. t y "'v Also in the Hiipieme Conrtat Raletak Md - ' .-' the PnlU'd Btntes C6uri at NewJKern andi-: v.' Kalelgh. &f Collpcllng a apeoialty. apidwtf V OIOKdl V. STROMA, DAltlKI. B. TXtHa-i Ktlelgh, N. 0. Kinso. : W t orriTrtaTs a ntiiinv . ( . " O A XVJ1 VI Ot ATXiiAAXe KINSTON. H. CM ATTDRXEVS AIL COGHSELLOKS H UV. Having form ml a copartnership of the practice of I he law In Jones county, will rata larly allcnil llie court ol tne asmer ITMBPt nt.ttnl Iim nHliI ti colliictrnna. ' maylU-tUtwtf fcTltoNU A PERRT. PHIL. HOLLAND. JK OWU H. OHIO HOLLAND & GUION, U". I x X ncjn Mix AJUTT office on I'ruvi-n si., two doors above fa(oek . Will practice In the Counties of Crave JoueK, oiihIow, Carteret, I'amllooAnd Ixeooir Pronipl ntU'Titltm paltl to collections. arZ Zll-IIAWIV. i si yi MtlNH, C1.KHBMfT KAlt.y. SIMMONS & manly; ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Will .racllcc In the Court of Craven, Jones, Onuiew. Carlcret. Pamlico, lnolr a tld Hyde, aiol In On- t-.lciiil I tuiri at New lrna. fii.iitiA-wli DR. J. D. CLARK, NKWBBai, i. c. I ifTlc' anil In on l raven street, .ad. between Poilosk pr!7-d4wly JAMES REDMOND, Agent arid Bottler i.K TIIK BEILGNER L E1TGEL BREWING CO'S PHILAIjELFHIA LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. Till- beer took pi t in i u ins at the On tt iiiiail I. x h dot ion th e 1 a ri- K x p is u it , a ii other in w ii i in fa vol il e I . all-1 w be Fi il s..'ii' li; kegH t al Philadelphia and a K t ops bolter than t lininloB, ami ia the) ri vet known, .r criiles. ivr V. (i. SIMMONS, COTTON BROKER and COMMISSION MERCHANT OlllollllTOW KriMKC, ' NEWIiEJtN, N. C. . ri-mpi iiiici.iit.ii given to nieuta, nml I he II H , HK..ST M A UKKTrBICKS obtalne-tl. Pal roniijcc l ollcltei . ,sepBwiav . V - s - -s., . I .X 5 ' f-i. -I