r s THE JOURNAL. sjwr C9. a. HOT. . 1884. Jlt ri-y fraiec who briaf cottoo ta auxfcrC will aiSTt that there u .na 'mAacy lH for th prolncr at lcesrtil jer. Tet thw name tuman will j right oa making ' hoplaj thai next year the pne rjn t better. The fact U they Uatlaow how to tfei oat of the rat, ftl w frankly eoof that w eat UI1 them bow to ft oat. WeUiiahit rather too pre- 4 fur alitor, m&a j of whom ver volked a day on a :o bo coQtwaally telHnj ..a what they ought Co do, and -.taJaljadrleo la ot ooo Cd1 to editor alone. Oo to any town and take a swat at the loafer torwr or at the hotel and it will not be Buy miaatea before aome w1m ha4 wlU begta to dilate npoa what taa firmer anyal I rf. We Xar oaca been a farmer, aad we know how diajputiaf all aach a toff U to tboso wfco kaow their boaiaesa. . aad doa't want tho'aJrioa of thia . clAAi who aerrr tooceed at any thiaj 1-ttS loa&af.y : Tut thra ia 0 better medium . ;e.S.2 inforoatioa amoof r-.-.:or thaa throw fV thair local ipr A too4. Iltw paper w.:i st3t oot th aaeewsaa Urmmn U t I : V t r Li t i Ti' L t. ': i tvensaatry aa4 leara their t, rprt their aooceaaea aad that all their Burner i may prolt bj t&ea. A . : ro:er, waa wUhee to beadt - ;r timer, viS aot heIUU '; bow he aianoreU aad eoltl ! tS that made him the J..-.J. not will h healUto to t : caa of folhue on another c : I. 9 i .f I Vt haria their ' local mws- pahllsa theaw czperiaeam x tni ationa, a practical ; m.m',1 be 4rtrd, aad the mould be rrlleTedi of trlag ,1 air: a boat matter .of w :.: ii hi U txoraaC - . J c rasxu haa av . atan d la y luju'ioj t the farmer of 4hla ' ! .:. : ciiika bm of IU ecltmaa - : .i.iiujf kaow loJe aj&ooj . S a to th beat moda of -; And moaarfof aad alao -itma.la aXok . ralaisf. a don this throagtoar . :ti, hat w wUh to lm i Jocutu.la thU'repect it aaouref Inform at ioo -ca work aa weil aa th(o- j ol the day. '..., j- r to do thl we offer the fun xar to lae larater la t -s5 artuiVj Jrm eil cr ci D i rerai lod Parmlar ;t h Urtweeii'-thia . aad the Jy rf Jiaaary, 18S3. We ; ; tUe mera theory of aay ., tt.t hU actoal eiperlence. '. ua bow the farm la made self-.- .i;nj wkt preportloa i I iz'.ed ia cot too, aal, the aet rw . how moch ta eora, aad the j : iv salt ; how mach ' la eereala,' .--wj, etc, eta, and how:-It U e. '5ow'ww kaow we 'hare i-ii-ijr itaccessful farmexa la Kaatera .,rth C-iroliaa that caw jir uaia t i" z art Idea on thUaabject that - -uiM prore beoeflclaf to their fel- V' farmor and help to'fet them wuiUTt'jeoTd nita " iaUUb ; below aa article oa v i Tiiog UuU wooil b4 ot la torc: tj winj of MrKiUtsra Urn. : cr 13 BOt tot tt lMtltW '"S t j t!to. LegUUm m oo m rr . - j, H3a laon ww wii bjitb) uoy , Ixw Iieep hm&bdij will b - ... fc rn . c.-o-. jr-isd. TSi cooatry bctweea t' ,i titj aa 3Iorhd City U ' fi. d fo stock rvictoc all it ; ta liU tor mom atrpriaiaf tei , lo Co LreA. Um way and a new ana prvs labia iadaatry will aprlog w -. 1. - . J V't ara B4yr la portion cpwardj fca to iTI iaa dollara 4 wool per r.'".:ju UacUr snea eircwauLaaee . j.I crowtni oaftt to b prodtbi lu t eoaacy; il boc prottabie, it : ta b nada ao. Th reduo . ti n 1 tba tariff o wool kaa re tb proflta to joss that ex teat, it U U9rs bat t&are hi yet . 'c.ia croa poor taaL No other farm' aaimai ia ao veil adapted to ,tii raaovaXioa of wora oot aods aa . U ' t a theapk 'la tfcia oooaactioo a ctsaot do bettex taao to present to arraJni th following from a . lata aJr La til SmrvlJTew Ywrirr: Ia ivncvmiiaj wora-oat la ads . ahoep eaay clay a rery important nuw unn iupi lira nvia uc jrrowa oa: taa laada, to ba eooaaoied 4ieria y onoap raeioeed a plot . avfter plot by aiorable bardie; for . ;a t&ey (eed tbey aarich the cnl Clair wtll-aeattared droppinf. llatHa eara aerar farm aa import Ant A ficw Is ihflfin ntiii r a.n1 nin roCatioa aero aa M EaciAad, where jacii Cans la deroted to taroip-, to a...-s a . k v. . . w ici am hhu vj iuwp, w . wUZl aom rraia. T&u heep A T ah.- I. M . - i ii Mini k 1 1 m lbau m- aared aad prepared for wheat or fear ley. . Tbia caaaot be dooe here, ' tf area If roota ooold be grown a . artefally aa ia rJg-buad, they ( vaaAd bo fitoaea fast ia tbe groand Jast at t&a Ubm tby ai be mom '. wraatad. Bat taoagb roou ruaot, - ipeea fodder eropa caa be srowo, aad ii U to thoaa, to eoanectioo . ' iheepi, tkat ike Urmer thoold s A . M p,A Ii if ill a f 1 "i ii a t 1 1. a f . r- ' tility of Baoh af bia hind. It masi be aadaratood, bowarer, tbat tbu ,'. tplaa Laaimplj a aiaAaa to aa end, ' taa cadi beiaf ta cpcitj of the -4al tolftow etorar. Lod tbit wJ frawiood oropa a dorer will . ttow. or Us mad to grow, voy wSart' lotaaoa. too caa niia wt ,ra U OA, baa aix -rra ot Uav poor ta bear eoed- nara sufficient to pat it in such con ditioo, &nd wbo is aUo po&ased of SO sheep; let him plow np the land, us the favor of handing n a coi'V pot it ta aa rood hiie a possible, , of the rroceodiugs ni the l'nt and sow thickly with rye. ami i Aunual Session ol the Smithem let him proride himaelf dariug win- Immigration As-sociHtion yi Amen ter with 100 roda of hnrdles lej8;ca, held at N;uliville, Teim., Marrh or more which he can make, him 11, 1'J nml in. 1M." These pro aelf, if nefi b?. It will lJ extrn ordinarilv poor UuiL. which will not TieM a crop of r e unBicieut for his porro!. In the spring, when the rre is about tie iuches high which ihoild be early iu May let him incioee with liw hurdles half an acre and turn in Ins xheep; in ad ditioo to the nc, it ntuHt fed daily half a noand of grun pr head, to enrich the in mm re, and fur this he will be well repaid by the extra tleah npon hb abeep. a well as t the fertilu.if ion of hM land. The bet food for tJiw iiiirmKse in one which contains a large proportion is pursuing the n;ht eturse. Ir of Oil for rtU-umg tnd aUo of nitnv eaa.s. 1 know it is only i,e-esK.ir to gtm. An excellent ration woald tx bring this tuir land that has been a quarter of n onnl each of hn olwcured hereto'ore by the shade aeed oil cake and bran. Kach day of African darkness to t!,.- bnght heahould move hia heep to a fresh vision ol the Anglo i.ut ;o half acre, by resetHug the hurdler, make it the ni.t iro-.pei on- hmd a tok which need not occupy over under the sun. W'ln-n our Curat half an boar. In this way be will Creator made tins wonderlnl woild CO over the whole mi acres in twelve he kis-sed thia fair land of ours and day, and by the time the lat half blewned it with a most salubrious UM rl nffti,. Antwill Iw rndr lclim. and imohtiiteil within its te be repaatnred. The rye, being rmnnwl hMfor th seed nanicle is formed, will prow rapidly after -h ancvaix-fi rro:miti. t he more ao aa It U reoeirin; constant aoce-s aiooa of manure. 3ir acrea of well rotted wmter rye, with the- above mentioned amoent of grain, will support, in food condition, flock of fifty theep, and the land wilt be left in aach aa improved condition that it nay be aowa in the fall to wheat aad eroded to fraaw, with clover added la tbpriir, nd with every prwipect ofwod rwalt."-Seil md Wt. THE TXUTH IS EJOt'UH. Wa Imtb lhal Oorr TrrrU (col) v!h wm 4WnJis la a em tor Mlliog ! kjktT. te U V. 8. Cort.t N Bra, m rU til Uia wk tad aaot aad m. TVai ka mhml lUdiCAiiam ooaa. n Omm AJvomei. Tl TZruililijn nrfr Minn . . i , . ' In tb year, aud not like the beai uxigfi to Mr for when tbofKajrt onr wn Nrth .,,, tmtb ad oUiff bt the truth i -orthweteni State, hilx-rnate five toU. A. Ujhi charge like tbe above ' montha oat of tbe twelve, t lie I.iUt will b tare to t Mt od huff tbe j of men, in whatever avm -atiou, m ist rrtx- tht makei It mac, tin the r . oooit iai tended to bart. We were preaeoC wbea tbe m of United Stataa va. Cieorjr Terrell waa called, aad ba Iweat to trial before a good Jary, three loartbe of wLom we dare aay were Democrat, aad tbey retaraed a -erdie of yot gailtj" ia lea tba too minatea nfler they took" taa caa. Whether any lu tracliooa arra girea to Terrell by ta ' olSoers of tba coart after hia aopittai wa kaow aorr Uit tbi we do kaov if b ia like tba ret of tbe colored iaoa in Nortb Carolina he neaded to aach instruct kmi is aald la taa above item to barebceo tiraa. '! We bellare the officers of tbi coart ara'aa free from pottieao 1mm ia tbo dlcburge qf their official datiaa aa aay ooort ia North Oaro Uaa. ' Wi tbiok it tbe doty of tbe preaa to defead tba eoarta against aajaai abargea of corruption aa well aa to expo tbeoi when they are gailty. Wbilo tbe re ia oo direct ebaxga of oorroptioa made lo this case, yet ; tbe iatimatloo ia tbat George Terrell waa released for tbe porpoaa of bavlnf bia to rot the Rapoblieaa tidtst. Saeb waa not tbecate. Tht Kerth Cmrajlaa Fair. ICampiotiarn Tmjfm Obarrt j MR. EDiTor: Aa I am iu tbe dty of Kalelf h, Sortb Carolina, where tbe 8tate Kxpoaition Is iu progreae aad will ooatiaoe until tbe SStk of the- peeaeBt month, I hope yon wilt allow me to gire yoar readers a falot idea of tbe 0jtkibiL Beallj, I am ao greatly aarpriaed aad earned away ia aaaiemeat, tbat 1 am at a kiee to know where to begin. Tbe first thing tbat alrikee me mottt forcibly ia that aay oa Stat poeaeeaee no eaoy farted reaourcca and in such iaexbaastibie qaaotitten. Being far removed from this State oar Ideae of ber bare always been very eloaefy aaaociared with tbo of tor, pltab aad tarpeutine.'' Hat not ao Dow. This exhibit tears away tbe gLiaa, Uimogk which we bad see a bier bat dimly, aud we be bold aa empire; rast, rich and rir gin. aergy ajxl eoterprtse bive pue t rated tbe deep recese of the earth and lrt)tbt ap r.ch and pajkliaa Cma aud ores, which tor m oa of tbe aioat glittering cou ateUaiioava tbat adorns the diadem of any State ia tbe I'nion. Oa tabtee aad ahelres nrraoge)! for tba porpoae are Urge uuggeu oi pure or almost pare gold, cryaUU, sUrer, copper, iron, mic, coal of aereral raritiew, teviumitf of CexiUle saodatoDe, amethysts, sap phire. ic, Ac Lnut, but not least, we see beauUfal specimens of tbe new aud valuable gem known tho Iliddenite. TbU njineral i" aaid to be more valuable thMi the diamond, aud ia fouod onls iq this State. Tbe dusplay bos that North Carolina produces every mauuer of fruit or graai that can lx' grown m any yL.4te, and a. Due in quaJ;:v x llnl gatherel from any soil. Tbe di-splays machinery, art aad handiwork how thai tbe e pie of North Cirolioa are not i.in: leg ia emu!i or nieatul ability. A uojit wonderful cunomt was poiot.tH.1 out to me in the Altvuiaru i exhibit., bein th trunk of a in im moCh cyprv. tree, indole oi which can 1h ijaarterel one eompans ot the State (uanl. thirty three in number. Time and neareuiog mas yloml t aliforina aud tlie Ve: low iiXine National Park to hand the banner for lare tree.s ihovn to Nortb CarofMi. The pHple Ht-U U have awa enel from their leliiaxgs and a; par to hase all tbeenero iV g' in' refreaned wi:h new uf. l..es bvejut d:.eovere.l that the ..r. surrounded by untold :ii;di"t:s 1 undeveloped wealth, and t he :i' lwo!i command a (;'. .:; .n a State comajQsurate w:th;he:r resources, wealth aui ability. It certaiuly eajipses nu State ex hibit that I hare e er seen, and ms uirpnse at ail tbia array of wea.lt h coold not bare been ftrealer ujoJ I suddenly aud uneipectedly awak I eoei from ajTht' repoee in some foreign jZiiry I Vj nrer regret biivtQ visitel tbXUd North Sute aual uyii this mafniaceot dwplj. Pb-pjuto. ' A I.rt Laadholder's View. I'-ol. Robert Beverley has done coolingn make a lHk id - pages. m wlm-li will be Iu iimI anrnetuie and iiitere.-tin.' i 1 1 1 i ti i i : i rel.i'- nig I" neail .ill tli- S hi: liei n l.i tin- ireed t'. lonel lioveilev ad States. V- tiii n letter fmni (' dress, n1 to tin- l're-lden' .1. Mi-Whil ter. in hu h. jire.s.-mg In- ifgu-t at able to lie ;ire-eiit. 'in A. afte: i it Ik'iiijT rt lev -a s : Iblt oil h .i t- m hear;. m whole heart. Ml tin- r.m-e that .1 0111 1 - , -o mueh to our Southland, and to our w hole eon u t ry . and our .issim i at ion bosom e ei vthing necessary t the most siistenanco ol man. and it has Ix-en settled with a race of freemen white that are not equaled on the habitable globe. 1 was educated to Kdieve that slavery is an institution ordained by God, and that the l'.tble, the Word of God, si taught: and doubtle.sj it does suit for some lauds, yet I believe though I was a Urge alnve owner' it w;v a eurse to oar fair land. It baa been said that our e:iei vat- ! ing Sonthem elnnato will nes. r be deuaely populated; but our South ;Uod w about the same parallel witi. I Prinr. flnrmnnv nnri Itals' iu I'll rope, and Tekin in China, the most .'-"v, j . densely populated countries on the (flobe; while orway, Mweilen anil Rasia, iu high laiituiles, vs hose Ifovernmeuta antedate ours several centuries, are to day sparels pop nlated. Iu climate where a man can work out of doors every month I W ana l"a" Why acini the prenrrth of oar pi n duct let the Xorthwewt to pureba.-e food upjlie. when our eounii.s imtlarly cultivate! will produce ai ore food per ere than the Ninth weetl Why send to the North to porchae onr roiuufactnnil phhIs. wearipg apparel, griciiltur.il im piemen ta, and railroad supplies when we hftte all the ruw material here, cotton, wood. Iron aud wool, of which to manufacture all our wants. I believe with eusilflge. and need meal there is no countrs so much th home of the fdieep as our oo Southlands Jfo, bring the North aud North west to us ami hold out open arms . .1 . . . i . . .. a ,u.uiiu ,umo .uUiu.u u. ,.,u . m r lw i.prtilnif a if wil r1 t h rtl kuw - We wna tkrm amonn k. aud ms wonl for it. if they will iume they will uever recrel I he mov e. Theu i. . - .r-; ..- . a . i I..... . ... mo oj, U4 oi .u. u- .u.i soil will be left at home to restore ft fertility; but continue toshii all tbe products of our soil uwh.s, and it is only an arithmetical calcula tion, and a viery abort one, how aooo it will lie reduced to utter slerility. Our Northwestern friends may think they hare an inexbaust ible virgin soil. I am old enough to recollect when Ohio thought so. bat bow now withCThio, and even lbinoUT Kely npon if, when you ship awsy ad the pioduct of the soil, whether vegetalilc, in the cereals, or cotton or wood, and mineral in the way of ii on or coal, to be manufactuied abroad, you wdl destroy the productive power of any country on the habitable globe, and etenhty and poverty mast ioiiow. i woiuu encournge ro r-f ii -rt li rl v tiA in'jnnfipf HiiniT in-. . .. , puri,iast vote:- ..i... rp.gmut from the North and the;' Jt b evilh.. ..,, diversiJed agricultural imm.graui , rom.(,v js lhi. from the Northwest, who. like , SOIltlIlu.llt ., t', foreign immigrants, have ''" i ;on: ot t,u. pUi,il0 lUWJIf 1 111 IUC UUIM-IH-.I I I UIII.TI rigorooj dimes, rather than the raw immlgraiit. from tbu Old World. Yet rre want both, we. want all, hare room for all, and we will give tbem a hospitable roetinj; Tbat saeh testimony m.i have its clue weigbt with any tli.-ttiint reader oi tbis j);jer who nm not kaow wbo Colonel Beverly in, take occasion to uifiitioii that he was prfsideot of the National Con vention of Farmers held l.Lut year ia Iyoaiaville, tliat he is President elect of tbe Virginia Agncultnra ."S.M-iAri- am! fiaf. ;is w sii nniisi" oe ta propru'tor ci ijiore larins tnan ' any otlwr man in Virginia, rnoiei than a dozen of which, aud lare one.i -it that, are worLetl under lnsi o rtuui a 1 .1 u o r " i -u :i . Iwiun'rii:'. South. "Hf aaioo Dortor." It was during siae '.ii;.. i;e rondo) doctor" nourished. He did a thriving l)iisitie.is among runaway negro", who were promised imniiin 1 1 from punishment :n case el re capture lor a small nun; . tie of the voudoo doetui '- n;c!ii 1 of ojHTitt 1 11 g to seen re .1 1 il u k chit Wen ;nd mi piece.-, o! -ilve; I'runi .1 du4. He then pru' iirr- a skiilni, which he half tiil- :wi wa ter, j'i.u-in tlu-' pieces ei : the skillet opsiU' t-ach in-r . He then retpiest.s his da;' to tail;. name one of the piec alter tin-. eiitMiM . win 'in he desire- ;. e r. ,i:n vent. When the wa'i r ieg;:i- ;,. lie tlms an tvca-.ii ei .1 1 le.iih. r from llif black chicken .:r.. the -k.iiet. ninmbiiiig -Miiuft lung w ii "., :-. ii ill :; "elii gi I 'ie. A ..s ' i : . .CiT '."i.i tin' 11 to 1 . ' -i'i 1 I.li i , i wouj.l do. aiol a 1, 1 i lll.ii u . ol ' In- : l.i'i.rl fc i, r -kil.i-: lo- It.- kio :o I 1 1, .Ii-i'- oil liene.i'li a a. nl .it'ici- t 4 ,i In r ' r i i i : - :ln 1 h KU-til Spirit ri AIU; .. i i, . i r 1 1 i ii.. .red to ti.r : Across tin- '.' were t iie woi Arr.iii. I 'liiiii- tllOl ilfi I tll.it li" -a other J'hwat'- : ii.i. plv. .r.tr;r!i tin !) U ' it I p to the bottom o" ttt.i; stone 'I shtili live, wits dij ;ml birrul. it !" .1 !e 1 ill ii.i-. 11 o n i Hribcrj in I'uiilns. The iraet iev ol' br !i-u h reached a dev lo; n ; n. i country tl::i: call- f.-r :! .: .! a tent ion on the p i 1 ... men. I: ba .tlw.i i.o d. u'.:. i earned on i o a in: ,. i a r .trill. ni ; re to never on so la: ge a - a !. cell t ears, u ii d t he I ' i - i fear th t it is on the iu.-;v.i-e. The bribers e spi'.tU i. ;'n a b means ! :;.oi:e . to w :..:. the poor-e.-t and a,o-: mailt portions of 'he jn'op.e ' 1 lie '-t l:..blc. IIllT. ill addition ; his. t in n l - ! he method ol' bribery b;, tee i:oii:i-e ot (dliee, ulrell h.l- beell so widely com- aielited oh. but V. hieh to be ,..ed l.elit . 1 1 . Hot ni. I !nr I . U j i ' I ins Iie.eil. Mll .-"on tie !i a be: tei stem I '.: 1 ael b'. niulll'V, be t a u s removed, he ein eked; and 11! iriuedv can In- t. t : n ol mil pi '1 ; : wdl go on. T'a o! i guorau t vi . : e i -: !e vast ta fe: e . , ti.ttioiial elec t :: -ains now at I l,r in a 1 1 a gel s. i j'.'ei Mm that until eil t a U r ii to eon :i ; i i'i n : i l. lie t o gi ov. . Nor is the b. On .ei! lorm of 1 1" . !i i e ;o c. ni : . : i ; .- lators am! ot her qude as reads ' .- t!ie most ig!;o:a!: are. Tin - purrl.a. is .: oi a .ii-: a lid abv a s elt ect ed 1 moiie. but in S. 'ii i it i- none t l.e les ,i 11 . ' as it . t ; - es d .Oils . : i - not men' ot :i svas . Ol a bers . ol ii. ir" .ir M We a:e a of pur. a. I a m ; 1 1 a r s i : 'i ; he mode g legislator-. ly means on -iiares and boiuls. ! inteiested parties .'. :ll do t he most good." ot ; he j adges m e not ion . so that last i re is poll'Trd a' l's TV ot eor" r .r ih;i:i ii: i i in re tl.r;. 1"'. '-ill si aa i a b e s 1 1 -1 ' ; liable to 1, souice: tl.ougii in . --: r is ni re M's t he eshing purirs oi me cm eon : rast ; , 1 1 en : I n lion ' i e s all l n g else w here. Sac! i is the es h r. e to eolitend, to Griil a reriKd i SI I'll '.'... and it is ii. . With i a a u e d e.isS ni rupi is, teo, it ios is leaders, a; ! he prn: l. . rrupt lollowe i purii ing pol 1'V n di:!: , ItV ft The. i ns a simple one. i tie ;. :s increased by the venal Ian' nl the newspapers, by s ho.-e in l! Hence led as to t l.e rea d ni l" es and t ii c atr.i'rs. The -i ; . .si :ia and the takr eir r e i e ni o s e 1 1 l a a I - iiidii 1 'i j.i.ij ish; a t.r ap he people are mis character of can ni lnet pn ! lie ii g i s e r .! hi ibes v. eiild ot e es 1 1, if ll.e i I : in dited i d ai. d t he lied. Put ex'e rieuwe roses that hiibery is one ol the most difficult of all crimes to prose; while ut the same time the posvetiul interests involved in most caes ol I'.oliiK'al bribery render it extien.els diflicult to .secure the punishn.ent ol the i r lliili::U. t'Vi'li when tlictr guilt is undoubted. Il eaudidates t h it bad been elected bs purchased votes could always Ik deprived of their seats in const emencc, an i tlcetis e eliei k svi.u'.d be . .m's en to the In dent; ot v. tt-rM but . .... r ....... . !s avai .ib e in t hif eiuti t r . oss in j; to the art:san character i f our le.Nl.it : e bodies. 'f ,. . .f . ,, i , ,'i . tl. .- i ,.-i'.wt. .1 ,.le.. " ' 1 " ' ' ,, aie ao' to 1. decid, the interest im the di in iiant party. ; withloile regard to the justice oil the east ; a lid. so long as this fill praet n o eotil I lilies lio e! (.'heck to bribery ea n he oo 111 this quarter. The i . ; r:: civil service wiil i e h tation of the otl.ei s, ha' iir.e t ual ook. d tor of the h ; :'liip i .;':! not ; '. iribery. il, a - ai c ; i , . will v a I , iio'.v. a fleet t he ot i litis true t hat ; secure in tht: .a t.-n.-is . ; . sv h . n a d . i' , p,.-..o;:s ti,. 1 not be dip.M ... I to ssvt 1! t h" em . i parts ; but theie t funds toi all ti j maiiy corpo; ..; a : , ' i i e i r i I o . ii' ol : 'i i i .. : e so , " ,, : . . ::i- ! hei . -" . n- 1 ha . i - men Sh. i a d I o j i ... Wii! , o. ' . - '.! the ! s - . tpnit... t . ill. , m(Mlt ,.U(, .. scek llu,. , WAy ,u.v t r . never he ans -I .tors. ctl'ec . ..o llt of eiiiiiiiiten- a. as to the ices. . , tl,.,t l,.-il...rl i.r.i.l Tlie improvement ol piui;e ni en t on this mi lieet 1 1 , ii t en! l eces- h : i r 1 1 Iv a wet k ol tunc . ..Mil it i-ini- not be; in t oo soon . W .- in ,i v .-a v. i indeed, that it has alrc.dv licf,'un with the dlsriis.siuiis of t his car's filliv.bs hut iliiich i;,iic iiint he ilone in order to pru.I'.iiv t; o tie 'sired etleet on the puMv n:i;.d. It lis esjn-e:al', l ii r n in I eii ' .11 those 1 w ho profess to lead ami c-'ii ii-cl t he ueoi 'le on 1 10 1 it ii.-.ii sh i oei ; -. he! her I . 1 official st.it jo;:. :n ill-- pros, or sewiiere. to lead the p'.lieie i'.iiht r. I. xp e . ; i ol 'i , f 1 v lii.i' n . i ' V ! '1 ft: ciaiii ; . : r :i "Hi c to ! he. I 1 g u hat e lis le lit 'ii lie. r g It n ) 1 rti . b know ledg. re.-ui: ire' -- :)' ; .'; la'l'l ai, 'i. peb- cat e ; : . 1 .setting a:i es; tht .I'l'Ur ail, pel If c! . I i i e . t" lis,- W I ! pi 1 1 '. c .1 r e 1 1 ' . .Hid pef-Iil do mil' h ! m ' w , a 1 id I eh t ;rei at The " ti" 1 1 . . a ; : ' ' 11. i A ' ' 1' r.n r . .1" : '. a el "s oil.1'- I -Oil . 1 Ml p, " -Si- IV " - ' plied are .fcJwavs broke." sttin Tiim v. ' tlie tirst 1 1 rt 1 1 I s A Railway Lesso!;. wis a hot, dusty d iv. wheti ' or three passengers entered tin' :u on t he Iowa 1 )tvi- i .; ot t he eigoand Noitlnvestei'ii I.'o.ul a: dgev:er. Among t )!!! n as a !i-lil ore.-.-ou voiing ill. who ;. I'm: : ru li en! i i r-. eaiv.lll i .seat ii: s II. opjio.-ite Wire a Mi:!' le i : .,.! shoes, and -hiniest He e.i ! ried a bl'U-i:ed 1 lie '. frojit ol mi- i '. .In-' :.c:o.-s w h r i !l:e I ol -t. . ai.r. Ii 1 1 i:; : i ii e hi the ai-ir him. - it sick . a' y a nti ! .1 1 '.: i; i ng mo: , e; - i t i red woman 1 o Idlng a I tievei saw oil a;i n raged. s i-Mnm:. : than tla' -ei n e 1: '. a : I . at tl The d th ost ung lien ' : r g ii : i no I Ml .1. Ul'Mi on the id' brains m,. !!. to :uy i i -1 ' 1 1 1 -a ( he a i sle ., !:d Ii men ; -aid ii I be ot any a it let me hold mi look your erv seemed the lei ill -h .-.ur-ilest ss.is most de- I ' i e I !' . i'i lioiitc.' and i i m - .i.i i . ' 'a. ! h u:k you. sir !"' said she, :::uloi:s!' . t:n tin d." and her - i u: s i l ni . I think : he baby w ill come to ." said the young man. with a tie. --Poor thing! it's too sick m to make i t I'.ll ei l.i do '. ii am come lar ' l'l'oni What "Yes; si hell 1 s ll oljectioti. i . I, i ad a m. s I will hold ii I ie you lie llase sou 1 .,aek IS st,o Hill-." e f" mIis svas 1 1 a i n m s the J.ast'. ai iiii well was Ms hum. i i i 1 1 ha -1 ian 1 1 m ;. " Ah .-s. 1 s.',.. J . I l.e s . ii: g tii.it:. in ;o;;e. .; - i,e r.,ni e ciajie la ll.e little i'i'. eon d a s inpatlielic ai the bit ol . l ,. celling hut. I .y tills ';:i:i' I 1 '.I lis'. : I: . 1 ss a s e had taken holding it in the his : ai ::is. Now sou i-in lie dossil and rest a 'utile. Ilase you far to go?" To Connecticut," replied th? ni'ii'.iiii. almost with a sob, as she sse.uil.s arranged a shawl over a ' vabse and piepaied to lie down ill -t he seat. i Ah yes. I see ! And you haven't : I'i'iiii's enough to go in a sleeping- c . h.ivc srii, iii;iil;i!ii !'' The poor ' u: man bin- !a il taiiitly and put one' h ird os ei' her face, while the tears i':"ppeil iaisscen her svorn lingers. I I'li ki d. out ot the window, and i a nils; ca::,e c.v my eyes, while 1 cli.iiigid my calculation of the .siting mail's mental i.'nility. He looked thoughtfully and tenderly' (I. "n at the baby, and in a short .til! e the mother svas fast asleep. A s'-omaii sitting across the aisle1 lioni me. who had heard as much - oi t lie conversation as 1 bad, eaine land offered to relieve the young i in. in of his charge. '-I am ashamed 'of mvself for not offering to take ni'thebabv fr-Mii the mother, before. 1'oor little thing ! i t's asleep." --So it is. I'll surrender it to mi now" (with a cheerful smile.) At this point the train Mopped at a station, ami the young man l".-e in his sear, took oil' his hat. and --aid in a clear, earnest voice: T. adies and gentlemen, here is an ojiportiu'its (or each one of us to shess thai we have been brought up m a Chi isiian land, and have had CTuisMan 'athers and mothers. i T ilMilll i irilll in r ;it t l:t ! I if i I h.is cii;,i- t he 'c Mlack 1 1 1 1 1 . :i ml i mi ( 'omit ct k m!. Her litis tl. rui'l litT I'itliy is ill. money t nnnli t tr;ivel iS "r. iiinl is :i!l tin'tl --oouriiftl. 'i;it will . initii i u .lV 1 is ..- oilSli --In-,.:il l! ;:t it ?" .lied :i lis liDiM tln'.fii i' . att-r e toler, lisinr ex !'! Ti'.ke ti :i cuilt'ct it'll. , ! 'i. cj Do !' :r t! il!v. rhe Vuiei in nt izens" i.'.vt i t'soi1; in !I zf live tl'iil.i ;." f w.is elect ncul. Tlie di-tu s .. j',;, . ; 1 aa; went a ; cuntl sil .ei do!lai j and . i'.nd t he way t he quarters and teti- I ci'iit pieces rattled in lr.woniu nave jdone any true heart good. I 1 wisii 1 could describe the lock ! o 1 1 the woman's face when she ! awoke, and the inotu-y was given ' to i n-1 . hlic t ncd ti. t hank us all, 'and failed: she broke down com pletely. Hut e didn't need any t hanks. There was a sleeping car 011 the , : ram. and t he 011ng man saw ihe mother and child transferred to it. ar once. 1 did ii"t hear what she s.i ; 1 1 1 1 Ii : :u . w hen he lei! hei . Oil t ' r must ha'.i- been a hearty (hid bless, uii ;" Mure 1 ha n iiin- nl ii- in that car ! ink that little less, ,n ; ,1 hnr.-t. 1 1. 1 ii'al i;i-i piMir i.lMi 1 .- th.it l-lollu-s ' Ir t I ' i-ii : !ih r.'NCI a u !!: .t i ti it . lit: 1 ia i a nil a : W 1 il I 1' ' i ; ' i M N I 1 1 ir 1 1 . w a - oi: i - i 1 1 : 1 1 i iilli ii in. 'ia; 1 1 1 1 1 !.o A t r. aif mm- i-r I ! i . e . a : i . oe. --iloli-t ;ele'- a 1 ways tho pi'oiniMn'' ' I.e ;. "jlil! el. 1 icot on to t hat act topped at a hotel.'' The Quick Learner. T'ne newspapers have been called i lie wife's foe, because the husband, while reading tho evening journal must not be disturbed by conversa tion. A worthy clergyman in Eng land found it the rival to the Bible. lie had taught an old man iu his j parish to read , and found him an j apt phpil. Alter his lessons were; linished, lie was not able to call for; some time, ami when he did, only; found t he wife at home. 'How is John '." said he. "How iloes he get on w i t Ii Lis reading?''! )h. nicel.s , .sir." i 'Ah. 1 s:ip;m-e he'll lead his Bible ', very -'Ni!o! ta My now '." i Bible, -ii! lie was out of the1 Bl '. il'- and into the 1 : e w-pa pers Ion g ago!" Tins : i a n-i: ion fi om t he solid and es- eiiti d to i lie idle and superficial ha- ma:i bums in the experiences of mod. a n la'e. New - iaM-rs nie a daily necessity to r i - in intelligence, but too much nv p. -per leading may become a w :s; e : rime and divert one's time li'-ia the ..i.ihivs of j.ennanent ii teiligenec. (..'in1 need, to read his o's n l;i tile i ie: ta- ics and present literature in i r knowledge of nil times and J Ill's liiei atuie. !: s.'b-.i ii s cis' asr of throat . :vv w , ; 1 send p-roof that Piso's '. ( '.ni.-'.ni)'tion has cured the nn'lunW in other eases. Ad E. T. HAZi:rriNE. Wnrn-u. Pa. j v 26 d&w or 1 1 : l '. (ai re dross. A YER'S Cherry Pectoral. No otlior coitijiIaiiiL- art.' i-o uis.,!.;i;s in t heir atL.ac!: as those atlectin llic Llnoat and 1 tings: none ?o trilleil wiih by Uie nm.iorily u surrcr vi. Tiic (H'vliuary cough or coin, r-'snltiug l-frhaps f nun a, trilling or iiiicoiisi-iuus ex-jx-Mire, is often but tho beginning of a fatal ei.ikness. AVL'fi's Chluuv ri:cTHAT, has w.-'.l i.rovt.) its ellicacy in a forty ; fars' iibt u;ih tliruat and Jiin vlii-eases, and should be taktn in all cased wilbout delay. A Terribb; Cough Cnretl. "In took a severe cold, hich nfTtotcd my luits. I had a terrible cough, and passed night ii ier nijjht without sleep. The doctors Hve me up. I tried Avek's Chf.kiiv Vf. -mUAii, w hich relieved my lungs, induced sleep and afforded nie the rest nece.Ty lor the recovery of my strength. By the continued use 6f the rFCTOiiAL a in-rnia-neiu cure was effected. I am now i.j yt-ars ol-I, hale and hearty, anil am witislied your CiiKitiiY 1'ECTuitA r saved nie. Hon ace Fa lunnoriiEi:." Koclvinghain, Vt., July 15, lt2. Cronp. A Mother's Tribute. " While in the country last winter my liitle hoy, three years old, u aii taken ill with noun; it seemed as if he would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the use Of AYKH'fl CllEKKV PECTOIt A a botlb' rf which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent dost s, ;ud to our delight in lops than Iialf an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The ioc tor said that tbe .'Hi;i:itv Via' ror. vi. 1...U saved inv darling's life. Can you vender at uur gratitude'.' IShicerely yours, MltS. KMMA liEDNTiV." 150 West 12Sth St., Sow York, May ie, I- 2. "I have nsed AyfkVs Citrnnv PFc:on.r, in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most ell'ectual remedy for coughs aud colds we have t vi r tried. A. .1. ('it am:." .Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, IS? J. " I suffered for eitrht years f . nm r.roi.. hit , and after trying many remedies with no m-.c-cess, I was cured by the use of Avki:"s Ciii u it v l'tnuRAU fIosi-.ru Vai.ll.n." Byhalia, Miss., April 0, In?:'. " I cannot say enough in praise of Avvu's C in-: it it v Pi-ctohai., believing as i do that but for its use I should long since have died from lun troubles. K. BltAOLi'N.'' I'alestiue, Texas, April 22, Ho case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AVER'S CitEiaiv IM a toi: a r., and it will always cure when the disease id not already beyond the control of lncdienje. I'll EPA BED BV Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold bv till Druecistfi. R. THOMAS, Jr., fx X XiaWi BEAUFORT. N. C. Offloe on eoi-nei' of Turner ana Front streets. Will practice in ( nrU.ri t md anjoining eon n 1 ie-1. Prompt atten! ion to eolieclioii of claims, nov 1 dwlv H. .1. IUKER & BR0 , 215 Pearl St., New York. PROPMKTOHS "P TIII- East iDdia Chemical Works. impoktkf.s OK tait India Goods, Chemicals, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURERS OF 11. J. Baker & Bro's. Special! Truck Fertiliz3r. ' For testimonials au.i any information ! call on or address J. J. WOLFENDE.V, Gnii.rdl A'l'ni for Xortji Carolina. I'i'.y'.lWtf PEA-GROWERS. ATTENTION 1 rested Prciiiirr Extra Err: At $3.50 per Bushel, Din ll fro I IJ. 1 1 ll i- ii re i-l-. lucent 1 I 11 ll 111 lli bo lie. n ni.i hlllJ 1 P i i' ii. Ii- r rc i t'.iii' 01 Im r mi 1'nrly. None so Prmliiflif Mi. K. 11 i'.-x ..uk 'I'I Hiiisl'n Premli r I Ir.M ear . t i l:.-!-.v.- 1 l.n.l." .air c i l! I s Kmit I-inilj F. n. a ROBERT BUIST. Jr- sKF.I) J.ROWI-IH. ' : 1 .1 '.. I M o h. : ! . 1 : :!.!; ( K S i: ! j.li ;. i e of A in ns on ii' . r i o t ( ! I i : 1 1 1-. i I I. ii ; ll i il'.IM-.' Su li;i:- Coll'.-li ; ) per ci'i't Actual i ko I ah !o 1 1 r i 1 1 of i i 1 1 a i i . - i t a 1 c ot' I o t i- Ii . Niii ai. o i ' . -1 1 1 a , iil.!iiilf ol Mila. S ii 1 1 ill :t I c l n 'j. Ii e i a . !.:i::ti I'ia-toi, SPECIAL TKUC'K FEI'.TILIZEH, - !. t N t '!; Alr':;F-- . J. WOLFKNOKN. 3. ers. : y o:.l a (T bt le p i... uurt '-:o- s rat- iMHAi.L. P Vf- JP Absolutely Pure. 'I iiis pev a.-l- i pi. rity. stit-MKti. en a i riiirn l I ii a not i ie s 1 1 1 1 1 ill I'. ai lew icst . i-hdi n.n.'.lers. Sold PdSVllKK Co.. 1 " Miirf I "iili- 1 11 Udf tiliiiii v Mil -mh1.. itinii TV'.' import; I'I TL AND ALE WIT, !in S.iH ; in tne rs t s :. o. 'I'UT M- !"--' i i;i-;m us, lu m "1 N'lVKM: I- Ii i.. "K. V V . the TKN n. c. : Traciw ir J'a:r- 1 lew Tlil'eti ! il int. rly itdo:,i i deceased. ( t.)lie pjiovn Tract. f Itinii '-:ui;ii-U uaiiiin I'nwii il T'( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ail l .: -!( .lann-s Mi liiiiii. .Kciir. I'i i'oCONill or 'JIlt.'!" I A second known iis tlie I- iirnifold Me ! auitl I Tract. j A third known ns The Mrv lendal Jarmon Tract. i A ourth known ;is the Tlivlvaw fatont i Trct. ' ' A fifth known -r the- Kilnin Hatch Trct. I A large part r tiiesc hmds is uk valuable uh j any landn in Jones county Two hundred aci os of which are cle:. red : nd In cult ' vat ion, i fliny will le sold id ilu-r or in pac-cls t-i ; suit purcliiisers. j For further information npply to I. T. Wil son, J'fcq., Itetrihter oi" l-ei)s, at Yreiilon. ; TeniiH of sale: t no ihiid eali jnui tlie hnl I i:nco on one and two y oais time, with mln I est at eigli t per cent from da y of sa le. I A. J LO FT I AMKI11IKRS 1 Oct 10, 1SS1. biwtod State ok XoKTrr Ca ikh.i x.a, I tnslow unly 1 inslow County. s Supt-rituM out t. Bt-bre Cleik. M. H'. Hioodizood and wife, (;U lie 1 . and .fo sepli Mofre, IMaisiljrls, Arainst ! Alexander Moore, Kobl II. Clatk aiu! wile, I AlHVnret A. and C K. Moore. I h-t lidnniK To C. K. J.oore : Take noib-e that an action ns aJ.-ove en titled lias been commenced aainsl von m I ttte Supei ior Court of Onslow eountybeime i the Clt-rji of said com l, for the purpose ot ; making partition betwet-n uie v ft eetive ; tenants in common of certain land lyinir in .said county and descrih-ed Mi the complaint, 'and that y m are hereby leqmred To appear i ar the otllce of the Clerk of ihe superior ; Court for the County of (tnslow, on the 0th i day of December, iss'i, and answer or demur ! to the complaint riled in t his action, and that i if yi u frill to answer said complaint within umwiine uie piauumHWin npply to thecourt for the relief demanded in i he complaint. A. C Hl"OilNS. C. S. C. oet. 7th, li. (M.jr( wl i Land Fr Sahi. A TP. ACT of I'OKi'Y-l' IVK ACI'.F.S on the North Sl je of NeiiKo Ii,it'r, opposite ili citj of New Rcriii'. ill he si.iii :iiio.'ihr or in flu rt n acre lots. A No. 1 Dwelling ami Oulhonsi s. Viilnahie for iruekiiiLr. Apply to J1KNKY Mil. I. Elt oe2l ild v Im ( iohlsboro, N. ('. "Grace was in nil Heaven hi her eyr in vvrry fiexfnrr di-mifij au r ! luvc. I I o npr.v. -.vaI Moihor Kvc.ainl ho niH-y siiitr-" her fair d. h.'t iiil ui i s,1 with Uie . Kir ; etionilo;.., pijuiiis ,ir. na ! aur.h cas- Ki-.rt. l.a'i on re. Ills fl'OIl. !''.( Ol' CO T tl fl M Hi M'f IM" :(! -t1! t rc;i t iii c n 1 A j "iiiii-er of i--male c-n: - di !'ec1 jy can r -t hy ;s v MlpJ.i cssiou i;I 1 lie KiUKtion. In i:y.tY i sterling m! unf.nl- UK:0 . CJ will ellt-ct rtM'd tiiicriiislu . ii:ivsjcHn. It c- poMd of riet Jy oiIic:nal !: clioiits, ft., happy coin).:. 'h:is e teon su r passed prepitred it!i yclentifie s..:l ;tiie fni'-Ki iUiteriiils. Ii t.-j palm for ' i.nstaiicv of str- .. he pd ii, of R i-2 q .eertiiiiity f elle.-t. " prepnnal . beauty or pp , (V and relati-- j cheHpnoss J It i " mony !i fnvor it s ri1,. 'Jievur fad - H'h.en fairl v -i. i ' Carters vjlle, 1 This wii: -erlily that two 11,. m-' bers of .,iy . ninicdialt lumily, altet having suV red for jitany y ats from ?uei-s 111:1 1 rrei! lari ly" h in; haviiii? boei, treated wit (tout bene fit by vuriou.- ined 'w I doctor;, .'ere at leiigtli ( o m pi. 1 rt-' 1. y rriiFU b ouebcdile of Dr. J. iimdMeld's Ft" male Heuliifor. Irs etb in ki.. I. ci-tses is tru.y woi m1(t ! u I . i i id m t-1 1 may the lemedy - mlitfl rU'i mun'H Bctst i-'riend. 'fi i s respeotl u ! ' o ; a N ' : 1; Srt: i foi' nn r Ix .( .k on : ) , liit 1-lnrpllli-ss of '.'ou:;t:i lie.'. . i:a 1.1 a raai 11 .a :.a-; Alii! 11. .Ma HEALTH RESTORED lail Bros., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM M 1 SSI OX 11 FAICU A N Ttf, MiW HEIE. N. c DA X. KELLY Horsa-Shoemg Shop i l',I.A KSMIT i.i.m: -:..H.-.,l I.I.V. Dam,-' d Gocd.s rt MACE' ,i i:;;,' f:vr. lii.i.nu t os r, K: -.M-GO-DOR. C. K. THOMAS, A 'J' Toll N I. V AT L .' tlici' on Crii t .i si ri c ! . ; ii n an I. 1" i i 1 t ; i v ;i r coriHT of Pol lurk rect. nov J1 vrly ! . iiT slrps.i j Th.; Largest Merchant Tailoring and Clothing Houce ii: America. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, F!: iladclf A r-. tho -1 i.-.nj-le, of T'llS vtocit J Willi E-'-a e SAi.i:-- New Till-: CNPl VALPI) IEW FARMER 8501 V Not ) r ' ( vri . , i lll Nt-A j';'J , , ('Ooklll . A ; 1 Ovt-ii, P:n,-ni v 1' I'e. i ,l. in cini.j to nri..ke i'i i U t ni'tl l -:,u,iU ' i ; i h Imt 'j.- - hn-'K h ml I . Swii.irtrt lU'rth i ';m loor. 'i he nir 1h;h k, and Ihe v . 1 in-Mnpd. nl' k o MiIh stove SI uvt- In 1 1 v -.far- ''IVITS HIT St)i r. . ,,; )., Lnrffo siia.le , 'I'll 11 !;i rH j t i jin -u ;itlrst its poj u In i 1 .v ranted. P. M. DRANEY, Sole Agent, or 4 NT;V BERNE. N. C. ,jw THE HENDERSON HOUSE, Now iinii. r tlie niaiiaseinent of THORNTON lllttis. is tre,ivre.l to furnlsli Jionrd nml I .o-. liiin at rea.-iaiiilile raten. , llVtMtV HTABLL'S. llnix-B :iml '.iir-BleK eoiiKt.'intly on homl for traiisjHii t in; i .-..sKengeis lo uli ui lhooriiiK THOHNTON BROS.. Ilei-.lerson PiouBe, Mlditle Ptrert, jyildwly New Heme, .N. tl. Brick, Brick. I-'i.i wale ill any quantity at. piiei h to u tlie tilings. lirlck have heun -xanimed bj- good Musdii anil proiionnc.-il rl rKUi-laKS. samples ean I seen Ml mv Ktore Order Bolieil-l. iunesdAwtf K. n Jti.NES. Bargains, Bargains. ? Don't Stop Half Way. t , HJLl IT ALL ! Worsteii ilre.ss coo(Jn in all t:olorn. jilaic and lijjurd, 12c. per yard, redooed from 15c. anil 1'. Ottoninn iln h-i !oods. 1 .":.. 2"c. and 25c. gor.d vftlue nnd verf cheap. ' Double wiiltli ( Hflmieri-s .-it lfc.. prr yar-i, worth COc.last season, in black and colors. ;md the bt-st line of (ml l lack Cashm-re8 in the city, ranging in pric from r.0-t. per yard tip. jn.-t tnnrked down, both in blue, black, and jet black for mourning. Also a tit-w nty le. double width, figured drew goods, for 871c. tn black and colors. A verv hantltjftine piece u( Jersey cord dress goods, black, for 05c. , reduced from SI 10. Woolen pluidf. lie. to ?."ic prens Piannels, single width, 15c. Double width (launelti. till wool. 50 inciies wide. The very be-t black Drefin Silk at 1.00 ier yard, worth Si. 25, w.irmnted all boiled silk ; will stand alone. Satins iu all colors and black. Velveteens, plain and brocaded, from 45c. to 90c, the last priced being almoet as good as real velvet. Corsets. 35o , 40c. and 50c. White Handkerchiefo. Sc., 5c, Sc. and 10c." All linen Handkerchiefs, hem stitched and tape border, 10c. apiei e. A lrg lino of colored border d handkerchiefs for 5c. apiece or '0c. per dozen. Ladies colored hose, 5c. a pair. Ladies oil color hose, in nolid colors, black and fancy stripes, for 25c a pair, very cheap. Also, a full line BulbriKrm hoe in all iiradts. laleaehed Donvst ics from 4c. up. 4-4 goods in bleached nd brown, only So. per yard. The t est 1 4 blenched good for He. ever offered here, worth 10c. Prints 4c. and 5c. lied tickings bine Denims. Colored table linen 25c. 5-4 table oil cloths. A full line of pood woollen shawls fur 1.25. We sell the best, 5c. and 10c easels ever offered here; also easel frame. 25c. Nursery pins, lead pencils, collar buttons, tooth brushes, tooih picks. prkrl books and purses, suspenders. Linen Torchon trimniinRs. 8c. Webster's Hrw-llina; books, aii h inos or I'ertumery, including I appen s celebrated H eel live ftnd -Bye Extract for 25c. per bottle. Large stock of Ladies' Walking Jacke's, Dolmnns and Cloaks, from auction sales, which we are offering very low. Gentlemer, 's Furnishing Goods, collars, cuffs, neckwear and undershirts. Also, sole agents for the justly celebrated Duffv & Ives Dress ShirU, kich w guarantee eijual. if not superior, to any shirt sold in New Berne. W e also h- ve the control of Kaliske's Custom-made Shoes. Call and see out N. K. Calf Shoe for S3. 00. Also our Hand made Shoe for 85 00. sold elsewhere for SC. 00. V- are agents for the East New York Manufacturing Company's pop ular State I'nson Shoes, in Ladies. Misses and Children's, that have been sold in this market lor the prist lifteen years, and during that time have given the best satisfaction to the trade: a genuine ladies' kid shoe of this make, with a French kid Hap and worked button holes, for --'2 50. Call and see them. Hamburg eilf? ngs and insertions. Cotton and crochet edgings. Oriental and Spanish laces. Cape collars. 5c. apiece. Writing paper, 6c. per quire. Envel opes. 5c a pa-k. Knives and forks, 5c. apiece. Towels, 5o. each. A large stu k of children's hose for 10c. a pair, worth 15c. and 20c , in fancy stripes, solid ciders and black.' Hoop skirts. 15c And an en dV;s variety of all kinds of goods too numerous to mention. W In ii .Miii iuM i ;uiy floods in our line be sure to come to nee us, as we guarantee cur prices as low, if not lower, than the, loweRt, nml yon wiU feci fiiMy I'eM.tiil for coin i n i;. Agents fur Mie Domest;ic, Davis, :uxl Household Sewing Ma" chines- "' machine sold bv us warranted for r years. UFFY & IVES, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. 100.0(H) BUSHELS OF RICE, F.t whieh -c wi!i j av the HiErhest Market Price. We will nrll Rlr.. Com, Cotton, in this or any other LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE i: oi i i:;; 1 di; sai.i: ioice Groceries, to arrive., at IM)"K LOTTO M I'KK'LS for CASH, consisting i:i j.art of: .VI l.l.l .I'l 1'h! oil i-I.N .".il I'M- oil l.J.I- 5- I.LN liar, k !..-." Ilvi, '- N'-rth i:lr., ' Flour S w.-iii ' - ( '!. Lilkr" l;. ti. I' ol I Si. i l;:.. t 111 ll) - L. 111 I'. i' i !' m ; of ! 'Ill Ml- il" .',,, I ,-M',. oi-l --I'l'l. -, Si.ii--, ( '.IT.II..1 I , II -1.1" :. JO r i . i - w . , 1 oo 1. a-! 1 ..! ,. oil . . We o ual I . r a ori io 1, t oi r or. lire ill . ;iia Walter J9. 31nrxxis & Co., Red Front Store, South Front St., Now Berne, N. C. octH d&w SAVE TT1E EXPKH8K Ot BUILDING A BRICK CHIMNEY. Iff tin P.' C fTSond for lfiwTijt H cir rul.tr with full iufurinattu. ! Also GRANITE ROOFING, I CHEAP AND DURABLE. Scud for denrnpilvo drcnltr, ftall Infktrmalkoa CHAS. H. TORSCH A CO. S. X. Car. rrttt iod Chutes OtrMti, BilTatOXI. BRICK! BRICK!! 1 or Hide ly H. 1! A (Uto'I T. KftiMtn. N. . :-drH ho I irlti-d Siecti lUitHlonll polnlH on the A. A N r itidirowd S;dnplt' to m-i'H Rt Joi'HN a I. oflW. or i w::in d l w J0NzTHAN HAVENS. C !l M I rtsiov -f r 1 1 , t, NEW BERNE. N. C. Will uttel d u. the mle of fivtuin. Flic, aod all oil, ei pi.-tlnei r'.i'Ktuiied to hlin, , s jilpits r inslnii irienlK. e2 dl w wjtro BOA II DING HOUSE, Queen Street, Kinaton, N. C. T. J. FOJiLAW, Proprietor. In the centre of Brick Hnlldlng. In A. K Miller s o-2 w8m W. H. MOHRIH. EHTAHLIWIIKU ml J. J. BUEGESS. of N- C. WITH W. H. MOREIS & S0USr Commission Uerch'is, Koh. 23, 25 & 27 Commerce 8i.9 jNOHFOI-K. YA. ftpwlfil tti!tloii KtTen tt ftHWm of Cot to, rnln. J'eanutH and (Vnmuy Produc gn rnlly. Liberal Oafth d vunees niiuti od (On HlKnmenu. Prompt retniniand htcliMt msr ket prices guaranteed. au'i dw tjanl (TED! market, fa- One Commlnion. ON FRODUCE IN HAND. a i ri.i. link ok Mo Laekb. no r in. e i I.- - a- ii l.e f m ml in tho ei t v . (Ml j.er him. Ire. I. ;i ii n ! net ii rt i 'i- ;ir lei j. ml vour orders direct and I'm M e iBaiiilillll -ar - ! wtiaoea aia- pi