v If . a . "I . n. 11 kHPt:u. INDKPKNDKXT IiST ALL THJXGS. Pi . r I - l XKW HKRXi:. CRAVKN COUNTY, N. C, SOYEMBVM U. NO. 33. VOL. VII. Barsa ins, Don't Stop 1 EAI5 Wor.tt-I ir---,-. (nta J V. IS'! Ottoman !r-s. : lloabla wi.iih i .-':- color, and lh bt hi from 50. pr Tr-1 i ' ' ' noarniat Alw ; - . lack and oolor. A ttt hanioni ;a ' - " f rm ft '.') Wonlon pltnj ' tUaaaia. i. ' Tfca Trr bl b.-i. . -boli! Ik . will n 1 t- Satin in ill colort an.l t . i TflntMM. plain n1 -r . i ; mm (uud a ml tt-c CorK, Joe.. V ir. '. a, llaaa Handkorehi.? '..-.. ' oujorvd bonl-rwl hn-i - ' '' ' Lala color-.! v- i ; i - gradr. Dl nhi1 DmMti-' fr i Prta o. al V. B.i n-r labia otlcktth- A full lm . c-i ' v " WimM thi bt v -'I alWfT pn. ;-'f.." Book. All km.U f i'Tf Br Extract for 3.V pr N-tt.- lr( acock 04 a . afaa. waich r j ? t UnUmmi " V a r-9 th ;-!'- Alao aire! ' -r -..V' ;u- fiunuilM tqiui if t -'i;-'r W aim hr h "n;r . f X E. CWf Rho.- f - v. forf&OO. Wtr i. nu ! r . la Stala friaoa Sho-. :n i j in M - Ulaj autrkat tor h r ft(trn aatarfactim to U ir i ;r. - : kl IjpioJ vnrk butam h- --. Kimbari da-a iar'a. c pn iac. cp -t:j" '- i. opaa. 3c. a pact- . Kai'w ml f -r t A larr we chiMrwn h-" ' r f" Uipaa, auiiil nlM and btiM-k i; -.It And aa aodlta rrntT f fa joa oord ny pv,; ptnitw our prwi a io feel fally rputl for wni:nK Afrmla tor Ue Domestic. D.iv DUFFY IVES, Minnu: stiikkt. ni;v hki:m:. n. GETTING II t 1 H'oii oil NEW FALL STOCK, AKK N'oW ( ) V 1. 1 : 1 N ' . Dress Goods. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, FURNIT(rKK AND ( AKPKIS, WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL I HAIH- SKPTKMBEK I.-. : - - T. A, CREEW Largest Stock of Y S vi ".: :i:!f 500 Barrels Flour, 40 " Syrups and Molasses, Bought at tic i. - .1 w Drick nailiiing. Middle Amd m wip,c-l ' i . win w "'.: . 1 1 . - f. fcoal'a. f .h .- . ; 1 - ,. -...4c. v r riitiaj u . - - . -i ( 1 1 1 I fge Mill XLl .V :.-". . ' - - . - ' - . JOHN&CM S ANODYNE LI(IMtMT n a C niti ' " " "D Frth will tUA toy U k Ux CHICKEN CHOLERA. iim W. F. Kornegay Co Are Agrr.: v. Talbott eS. Sons. Ruhiuou U'sttrtown S'. am Fr. ; m. Cotton ("1 n 'A The Bon t'ot'.cti i' . -1. v:V:br: : Ba ma ins. Half Way i'V A 1.3 Ho.-t'holri S-ving Ma EK BROS.. mid i-ti'l llicii' V -i'K'l i.riK.s :s (' itfcc. Mnl.issi 1:1 '. Td Street, below South f i o I: .. .. w m' a t. v. : ' ":: h- - n.i . n 1 k 1 1 n i- r. ':--. MAKE HENS LAY t : l i i, . 1 M i. b::: jlU!1 . . . .i;;i";;!it 1 i n g in r' e f I '1 ,.Nt. ,,n ' , . " , ' K w h ci .11 n ft.-n de:i thorn e .: eeici-illg ..ii acooiint of , ,,,,,,11, 1 1; ,iu-t ion a tue 1 .... I ... cut : 111 pro vein : lie m ,111 in r nf oftinp.iigr.s we - i . . . -.v . 1 1 ce r 1 d uals .!- s'.n ;ng 1 .... ... i i .tie i'' 1 1 : : v. tin miiii.Mug the :- iin.liT t" .1 he'U come cor the veiy ol to cr -elf 11: ip " . 1 '.i 'a ' h p" : ii -t.l'-e :--!le- h l' v 1 r i .:. ' 1 c ran. i ' - 1 - ' la:k"i large moM-d in :. . a c ii-i. lei in-. .,::-' :.'ii s 11..' t'.e coi;nT and 1 i-r be. A t -iv '-llo -eriolis p. ' ' . - ire 1 1 He t" ' b. . .'.'!' cl, the ; :i nr mid : n tin 1 - ; 1 : e t-r apt t i . ' r. ' ' ' a- can v 1 -- 1 j a o-o i . n -. : ' . :. ' a.-., ie I io :: : the i. - 1' 1 - -ue. bu; uha h oil', 1 ah-ol a' el fa! -e : - ' . .' - w i : : c 1 : are -ei tl - il . Ill . 1 1 1 1 . w !i a ii h a e to :: , 1 ' ' . v : iia t il" not con ' . : - ; : : rei a - i it: ens. 1 . ', ;i h ad to action oli 1 1 , , f ! ' L.'eIH ral good ol the A: a time when leading each ot m-r. instead 1,1 .i . : o;..-:ng .ach other, in their "Hioi.ii ileclara'ions ,.t principles, -acii -ide 1--UC- and laf'e ls.-lle.-e-i.e. iab abound, and seriously. - .met : ines d isa--roii-ly. oo :n pi a '. t e '.tie itl:atlon. 1 n t he presrii t 1 ';'e-i. h n t la! earn patgn those sale issues and false ;--.;.- ar numerous. lmliTidnal llob pelldelli e of political action . i-. porh. ip-. i:eer so common m ..ar politics as now, for the reason 'a..' p.ntv principles, at le.ust as . pr.:--.-.l .a national "platforms," . :a 'o '., '.r.l n;gh elging into ait and t. r tin- further reason hat t: . pre-e a t ha- come to be i crc iin-taliees only too well -.:"u:: '., ,. ,r rea.'.er- a campaign a i : :i ! irr ! t . . do w 1 1 h t ho record, . iar n t.-r and titness of the prin pal candidate-. The leading side --a.- :u ;be pru.-eiit campaign is . t . : i . p i i' nil'.' pi. -t ion : a side - - . . -. we -a . mo a 1 a I - e i lie. It - ii.'t a ta!-e is-IIe. beC.nlM', H ll.lt i . r -. iii ;i be -ai d ot t he t em -: .:..' n: .v. men; in polities, it is : a -. :;-!.. ; a t. re-t ed. and per - :,..'. i:.. . e n. . ii t . bat a movement .- i it ... i ..ii, a - i ' - promoters pro : '-::id: :- . for l in- general . . ..j . : e c. an m : i. : t . :i ml not tor . .:. -.;;:-.-. 'd :'.!. a 1 . -1 ; l 1 ' d ioeglii 1 11 r . i ; -1 1 1 -1 . t . . 1 : . pi ics. aii' I li .1- t . ". il" w i i h mom- . ami ii i t with 'i i m i ; We can undei-stand the .1 p '.! I !.l -ohllers, North ni' S.mi h. 1 1 ; i as 1 1 10 v follgi . ml we ran emu a eheml .1" i,v ii ik.h 1. iliall roiH.ii.loil to. -'-although the appeal is ..iteii a mi-loading ami dangerous o no. and j K.rtiinatolv n. so often hoaid , -w ,r was , eaa un - deist and. als. the sentiment that . leads one u In contliot ot ;L ii-en lIIr.lLrO(l 111 annH to Note wiili whichever parts ' h,. i. ,i.i- I'. -t reprosf n ts t ho priueipies !"i which p.... .u. 11 ji.ii- iK. endangered hi- l.:V. I'm;, -up oei 111 0 .iier iraois in uioi.mpoi- drawn 'i.v pom, ever bo cor- po-i ng 1 1 t o bo 1 1 ae t h ,r t he u a : 1 on 01"- wake. As Kiehelieu say.. tie animal.- ola't ' I ' h.is alreadv done it- dnt btho . ' , ' . , ", suiiviiu' -11 1 lei- aial o I lie wnlows ami 1 apnau -pension i--ue in a paign .-coins to ii- ; . tin i a m- in-iil! to and eer. -ell' d i!;-"n American in.mlh" : snr.lal --i-sue. ro.-i n-c; in-' -i '1 mil eomiemu. l-'alse issue- bki we liavi- alluded to iitio.bne .ntooiiri.olitics distractin- eh iceii-s which have no place then. Ti.ov 1 a . v, n 1 t he 11 11 - biased ili-. ii--;on a'nd de. i-ion ot broader question-. fhc iv a hindrance and a nuisance, and .erv -rlf u-s..-cting voter should see t'o it that he do.-- not become ei-t.uigled 111 their snares. When 1; comes to national elee'ioii-. the tr.i.. eitien should a.-k him-ell oiiU t ll s one que t ion the whole oommu:i:v too en til coin, tr! not lia' 1- be-t tor m pocket, for m ela-s, I'or m se. ci ot t ho- coll 11 1 : J 1 lie l aw nf ( eri" r.il 11 n -. cori .-ora ! ion 1 - n ai : 1 tie : il e. a : . e : i . 1 re.it ei 1 l.v law. ami m po w : : i t'"lii cert a:tl -pec; tie t h 1 1 . : - I ; ke a part ner-li ; p. am1 ii. .; h ai o iiiiiiiniili called coin pan a-, but ' i , , are rnl 1 1 v vor ' 1 1 tl en n : . . o h part n ei : :i a ti r m i - '. : I'.'.o : a all t he deb; - i ' t ! i.e in in . w h : !. a - ckhohier in n o-; eorporat ion- ,.i t l;o .reSetlt il.1V. tollllrd Mini il' t lie pi : ii , : pie o I' limited 1 ; a b' 1 ; t ". can ..:, y !o-e what ho put- in. . n iciii ber of a ei rp ira" ion cm in. make a bargun tor it. but m.e p ii : iirt can bi ml h is li t in . A corpora! ion can onl do -neh i'li- ness. and make -m il c. i-.'iaets. .is it- charter a! low . w ii : ie a fini t an do all kinds ot l'U-iiie - . A inio a ei.rporation mu-t not ,1" i.u-mess outside of the bants o i its oh u t. i . -ome di-cret:on is permit- A olas manutaot.i.ii.g'ompa.n .., iv i, n- ,r..j oi r i . .. ,- ,,v ma i.us gia.-s ol anotini . inp.ni ". ,,,,, .,, .. , io -co .i.'.iiii. at a I'loli.. - IcI 1 , ,,. j r -., oo.i. . . ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . II. n Ol an "Alia ooa,. 111. in ie.,. ,o .in..,,,, . pan v . 1 A tire insurance company, how- , r. cannot go mtol.te insurance. nor can a laiooad eompaliv go mto ,,,, ',. ,,,,. .. ,' , " - '" Th.-v . an make siieh contracts ,.,,v ' ,, . .....ii,. ,i a ,,, on. a.- an- roall adapted to the ohieot stated in their eha. 1,-r. XVhen a coqioration has made a contract that it has no right to make. , t, nay rotuse to f.d.ill its V .. - "A t . ' ... i t i ri ru tin itiii iHiViiii.iipi v'i it. I-or example, .1 a mining company should lure men to build a railway. ,t could relusoto pay for the road alter it was built. Th:- rule o! law was irobahlv m the moid oi the ; J ' , " , , corporation hath lieithei a both to be kicked nor a soul to be iot. t 'orporat ions make their baigai;..' through such oflieer- as the au thorie. l'hi- power is given eit her 17, ! ue i 11.11 ici 01 o a ..e.u me w. ...I ,. ,1.1,. Tl,.. .. I ,,, ,i, ,, .,,..i.i...,.r..-. . . . .... p. my must be attached to it- eon , , vti i u , 1 ' r I t t' n ""'- '"Vh ; ,., -i r .:. , , ,, I hero . . ..,,,,-r k..,.l ... ... p.,- towns and -eh , " 1 d 1 -1 1 a , : ,- . 11 1 '.:r or muniei.al corporation-. 1 hey aie not always eh. 11 i ei e. 1. ! ;; ' a..' r.."g;aod as corpora: ion-. 1 11. -:r poweis are limited to m. ik . n g and perform ing agreements that pi .mote the welfare of tin- people. can erect public bu: 1 , 1 ill: 1: ' la , .11, ' . u , n -1 i ai, t i,e I il'.M t !. :. V! i--aotiu-et t a, a'e 1 11 1 lepell 1 1 ilae :,- are ii"t allowed :.'. :. ti r. works 1, a t ii '1:: g th.. ' : . . .a- ; I h. .111'- Ib-i at at.d 1 W. : : ii.kA 1 '. . . . 1 i w. 1 11 V. KIN(J OF I r A L V . I',Y IJ'KE SUA UP Tlic lining ol two monarchs are broiigh' into startling contrast pist ut p: -'lit. The Kmperor of Russia i-v i -i t : ng at differen t points in his realm, and his approach brings as muoii terror to r lie untortune in Iiabitanfs as would the coming of t 1 1 .. .1...... t ... 1 IIHn ' ii"U 1 .1. ai "lie 'yuu pople were imprisoned, while all eio i.iu uniier wnar was piaoi 1 1! termed military law. The . . . 1 . 1 . . T 1 " ieu 1 mi t neo stalks 1 ne neausm an . I I . ..t- 1 .,....,1.1 ,.Aiil,i nl' fl.n '"' '"h 'um me i'i""i -"- 1 iiiiou states stanu sueii a 111:01 : Pi I J l. 1 I . - (Atl.Af.....1M,1 . : . 1 .. 1 1 I i lie i mi 1 1 1 11a 1 u 1 u ' lie 1 1 i.'u un. of m. ikinga glass bomb, it a good tree branch and a suitable '"1"' wore mailable. II the cow- aidle ltussian gets blown up. it will be largolv his uwn doing. The iron bind, wit hunt oven t ho velvet glave oei 1 ; . m li is met 110(1. The King of Italy at the present moment 1- m the thicK 01 the cholera infested region ol Naples, Wherever ho goes crowds follow h : m. and he is to-day the most pop- u! ir man in Italy. 1 1 is astonishing t h at k 1 11 -r- are so slow to learn t hat ' '" -' : , i-nt u-et ion t hoy can have 1 - t " t , k e a .. , i y t ho d esi re t h at anv- ' .!ha-to shoot thorn. Nobody ii it :- best i,ir,w.!ii'- t. -hoot King llriuDerr. anil he ;- -ite unguaided in my part ol In- kingdom. n th" iIk r hand there mu-t bo thousa' d of ietims .1 l.mperor AloxamU r who would t'e oii' too pdaii ti ' .i-.e a shv at linn. 1 nave no desire ti s ie on this ... . -i .ii to cut date t fact that I h .'e t'reoueiitlv inc. kings. A w -paper man :.- thrown into all il company I never had the .i;, ., -;.! ,- ,.e .1,., 'l ;" "'V, - lopean monarens. pronaim Lie tln v didn't know I was in hen. or pel haps t heir cooks i a da otf at the time I was in oi'al. Still 1 had once a very ew of King Humbert, and : i ty 1 was w ith had the pleas seeing his .Majesty make veiy low bow audit isn't day a K i n g t akes off his hat ;i. . . Whitney ami family, of Kryn . 1 'a., w ere seeing Koine under daiiee ol t heir truide. philoso- tl. , , .iXU Xrwm. Kev. Mr. Van x,.. ,,, lnany years had .,.,, establi-hing free schools in It. i and doiutr good geuerallv. , h ;,v,.rond gentleman had pre- , . . .,..,.,! a verv tine American copv , ,, , . ... ,, , 1 ., r ,,. , , ., tn Uui.t Unnihcrt and iia l.ion m iiii i iiniuin, iim ll.nl also gl en a nickel plated plow, made in llllliol tiois. to Krinee lorlonia, under the hone that it would do M.a.,l,M,gto improve the agneub tuVA, I:.,.,h.ds of Italv. The rrincc. iu. .,,... lMn" the riehost man in H .l,u " , . " t m. i it nose man in naiy ami the most uevout Lathone, owning in his own name a dozen ,,., ,, ehurches,in Home is the 1 "(; ivomt, is tuc ,Host ex t eiisi ve tanner in the king- ,i.. ami he thinks much of his hand- SllIm. Amt.m,m plow. But of this ,orc mav eo.no some other time. My l(llMn;.ss to-day is with the Kin. w uw lnu(t'' S.U1C:1V nag,- .new up in trout oi the hotel. UK ii I UUlLOll.llH o M1UOILC lUr , ,,irboi ana Palace, and before any , u, .t (1!ir. the coachman pointed .,,;.,. iliH , hat passes the Barber- , .ip,,,,, a,id s ai.f "De Kin- " -i i !f h'- ""!0: ,lUr reiua 1 ii iia inn. which wus gen ,.,.aiv vVrT understood than hi aiglish. .own the steep cobble-stone hill came tour coal niacK norses. 1 hov wci t he most fiery animals I ever sa w. a II. 1 llios t ol i he 1 1 me a C0U plo , , , , .- 1 luoin were on ineir mini leer. imh nil' the air with t heir front letrs. ' ' v', "'ithhtgh sea t s an d ol very ro ii g work m an- "1" UmhM ,. 1 he King was the , V-i- 1 - i . I i i . 1 ' if1' ' l ll 1 '.-l f II MU U pv ' , 1 a ue coaipanions. His m.! leg. -me liimly braced aa,-: ::.. bo-to.n o! the strong -110 a 1 -1 , 1. I tie hehl t hose lour 01 -e-- - ,th his lett hand, while , , 1 1 .. . ..... 01 . 1 1 K- r o 1 - " '". ';" ..: t" hiseheeiin- subject-. A:: mail who could 11 atiagc wit! -m il e.i-e. b one h.rii.. four such i . a - e-. ; ii a t wei e cf ii' a iy mad for a iiinawa. had .0 111 1 nei ce ami mu-e!e. flic l,Ilg w 1. die. sod 111 1 d.uk -nit that d: ;e o . in no par t :dar 1 1 in the co.-t uiiie of any , i. we!! dressed gerf nan. The 1. .' 1 1 1 1 -. ' I w a- an old nary si'.oO . : . ai.. i when be took It olf he . .1 a ':.;;:!. t head as closely . . ..p. ...! a- : in- bad ,1 ut got out ot s ' .. .- 1'; .-:: . " 1 hidi pal t Iclllal t ii :' ' ilele W.S ofi; '.stood . : '..- .. : .a- ..; ; he in-: lu! po: -i i . - t e w a - one ot gi ea r --. and ! hen- v. a little 111 its show ; ! 1 . . ; i 1 , v. ould i:k his . : : :: : - te!!..w m.-n in I he . i Naple- t he Vilest spots . . a- : if a- m obst-rv.it ion 11:- huge mustache, which tloia ,'a-h -.de o! hi- face '' . ' - , : a !. 1 d. gave a f ..-,!'- a ti, 111 w i... would 1. and w ouhl le- . - ! .' e :.:- n w.t about ;':.: W.- w .-: e a!! stand:!. g .. ::.- . ..:::age a- the 1,.'ms :a:i. i- and the I.ulii-s .-. 1-' .e..!; w a Veil t hetr hand- . :-. we m.-n hek- took . : I :: . ; 1 1 :. h.-ts. Tlie King :: . : U:.. cv t :: it we v. er. A-. : . in-: l.-s d.ne lace lit ill. will. 1 . -:...'. tii.;- wen; far to counteract 1: .::-:, 1 tb-c; ,.;' the gieat ..:: ' he and he took olf his hat .- '- !' a '',. .. to our party, a!! keep.no a tpght. re. 11 on . :.''- hoi s, s. l iie three ..'..' 1 - . ' : u ' : e w agon w ; 1 h h ; 111 : . 1. a io-. ,-,,! and 1 o i. :. at a - a.: :,.- toaicd tightly '..a ' o;..,:s-. l'liey w el e ill '.---ed 1 : 1 - ' a e, ,. .1 II d I e-p!e: alellt : . in..; . i . h-d -iicii sin, 1 ee :.', ' . :.- a- -m- Weie. ii.e i w o " .... -eat had thfll 'backs , : 1 . '. o : be K ng, and then loot . .g.i.tiv the hh.dbo.ud oltiie Th. s s-,,p,;!y w i-l, ,,1;; . ; 1:: i'.s. ..- ..s ti:;- '.' a g. m : ! .. !'. K il g 1 1 ii III ; 'el t .. . o f ola .llr p. ii.irl. - .We- a I oil I: 1 1 I 1 olll e W I'll out a body-gi;::rd no lias done lunch p.r ii.e sunitai; welfare of ihe !m;-.-i ia! "i: v. '' new Koine lii h ho 1,...- caused t. be built on the In ;'n'- .. a; ;'ao ia:l roa( station is mm-;, th- parts of" JV is eronod by Nap..'. HI. In his Now ibum- tU I e i-i tie of even tin- divad. d i' ': - tever. to wlm.li ai I ot !,ei ;::-':; i. city are subje.:". 'm. . 1 . -. J. in llioeil (it l .M I . i i e .u i m ; ' in an even more ilo:r..rr,;tio ni.;; - ' nor than lier liii-oaio!. .;:.!! erallv sei a 111 a iittle. lev.-pa, a-;, n. f. - 'io.-.!e !.:g in a i;'e' manner over n . I'm:! . . . ! . .. siioois. a. in 1 it iiiiecii i.ei.-i is a verv gomi ihio.". 1 . 1 ou ; a : 1 ( 1 -: e 1 1 1 - a i i : i .or 1 1 a: o in visiting the poo: am: help thorn. There is little 1!, ;': b:i is largely t ho i n tl uom-e . I 1 1 : s p. woman ami her liei.el ...Kit.-: h band that has saved mm to - - a noble example to :! . ;;U- rj. en Napoleon. SOI" i'H I.IIN IN1.T-: m n 1 r ' i 1 ' ;; . ' . . loaid t ii. !! ;; 1.1 ;!.: eot ' oil ' o el 1: h. t all its eot'oii would ie ! s instead ol s. ; does." said 1 ) .,l;l..!.l'i:0 , il- " o ; tor Uaii.e m New i!e;i.s i ..position, iic- iitly. i ii comnmn ' i :: on ; !: i- id ) i ' . What a conn. ! w .:: e tern; :' d to exclaim. Am: y.-r. . t.iy one. in.!! of it could do fiat, and afr. r it was done the sum vmbl l'epic-oat ba il small portion ot ;be .f:;e ot all our I'l'iuliH'tiiiio. 'i i.e hay . io; s : the North beat our cotton cu p- in money value, and 'he people of the f nited States oar ia ue eggs and nnnttrv i..-r -oooiei la O! all mil' ' t .T1 ,.,, ;v,,;.,j ;... ,.nr W'L -"'" ' 1 it is the maiiiilactuiitii. t iiat we intended to talis about, ami wo hope to see Director T.uil.e".- -rato-melit eriiied. 'i'iiat it will be do-m-finally wo have no doubt, p.; t'ui- i a utilitarian age. ami that oompro bends economy, and economy s.i , the cotton lnanulactuier mu-t moy to the cctton licids to save co-t o: transjiortat ion. o.-poo:aliy ;t" he should find ei.lleeted t'l.ele the iron, coal. wood, '.vator pov, ei and lab..; to earrv on the hu-i m--- . A i i.- .- he linds in a iiumlat.ee cvci-p; lab.-r. the easio.-t i t' ail to pi. onto from other lands. Indeed it w ill come of itself just as soon a- :; tin; - t it will bo employed. To bring t his about the fartm-is ,,,,,,! I a ,V , K-,. i ... m o f should best ii t lielii.-el es ijeNomlal. m,,,.i, - - i, ,, .. ,,.,- other cla.-so-, because lnanulac -oi tc- , , , are prist brou-ht to their own maf. m,,,:,,,-' rtt" ; H tn u . ,, ,,.,-. It... ' i i ... . ... '. .. c. - ,1.',, um t?' a -r . , V :;. 7 . c . t. . 1 ' '"" farmer ls a teeming population m mamif;lctlin.rs able to pav f.r ai! , , t u ... h , ,,!-.,. , , ' 1 .' his product-' have not togothrougn ,.,,. ,, , , . a,,,,-,, f, l"'"1,,, ''l he,- m e K'1:;1" ''e aa e 'at -i ion "i p ' now to o ve L? , La ,d m l.U labor. As it now stands WOI.,a ffrmvs rich lrom his inoduct-. tt-1,;1,i ,o ,,1,,,,,. twwT- I ii- u ' ,,. " ..,, Cl.ows thaV -mie 'i ' j VL Z,t ' , , ' ' ,- ''" that it is pret t v much his own iaui t . and that with his present great ad- vance in knowledge and under standing, he colli 1 remedy i; if he n-o,.l,l I ' 1... -..-l.l '.-t .a.': ,,;" did,; amU-,',,, ,.vt. ho would become";:,- ,1,.,. ,,a ,,. ,.. ,,,,, 1,,. .aa.... 1 u. j.i inn in a 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . l 1 . . . . . . . . . . , rush his crops oil to market, tnu- t . ,,. ,,.1 ., ,, : ., ,.0- : ,, tl) CI OW I 1 1 11 .-Ul .11 ban. ..opt ... i,... 11, ,1 1. .. -1 h-w , iec... itots. wi.o no! ., ..." : .,,'.' ,'..",0 i ii.j.,. '',. ooi th,retlR. tt.n.. ation , speculate would bo great 1, losseiied and prices would bo mo,-.- even thiough the steatlv, arl mo.Mate ll-.w o! proiiuce irom aie mil-.ti"! io ,,1- , . . T 1 , 111 ill K- t . 11: . a,.. . as we nave auoa.iy 'd it .1'iii' ig mat. li (a(..n;.s wit, :ialk,,ts as , . ''a a. i t. la Ot debt ami could -et ' ho Uj, t teton 11 r U. Kinds. ,,:ai i ;; ol, elatloll ot' his , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . ic trot her tarmei . there v.oiiid he 1.0 such woid as iai! doubling its w. . hii a: in less t fan t w -a : v i i a a (- am; 1 v ..I population . : .. 1: w ;s by co-opei at .on ;,:;.o;,g the j of small im-atis that fi. gland i came the c'. ie! ;a ; :: a 1 act in i nation ol t h-- "of i. s !.,, ao ". Stra:ie ( lir.nih it- id' la - -e.i. Among the sti ing.- e'm oil. (: ; he sea mi:-: s' , : f y he : a - i ! a.! etitll. i-s i t t :e - -; ; v . a ' - ' el ew e! tie- ( '-. I i : a ; . '. a k i . . '. Sea',.... am! the Aa .a i, at; ! . ; ! . aletm man. T he :, . - ! mantled 1-y a l;iiw .'.- .a ;..: ocean on tue 1 ' t a c. , ' . : a ... .r:; v. . d:ilic:i!t could be '.. ,' her ci e-.v . ( u tin- g 1 - . :.-; a 1. : teli ill V. .th the MellJ, :.:aa. , I-.. et 1 ell: I ' V. ill.lsii; il -a. . , - ' ' ' .'- 1 1 '' tcve: h d k:!e ,: ah :: : a-l . tin- i-xoej a ai : - . : . ..: two so,: :ue i, . i,.-. ; ! .. : . ',.. :u i . deist 1 i.a',l it...:.. , .: .. - was s.i;!;i.g a!, t.g .0 : ;. tho wh.d- a:..! w n . . ' '., -: . sup; ,! p: ov is:, a s -.- -, 1 '"' lt-1"- ;" ;1 lirl'f.e-.t les " 1" '1-"" .1 1 1 1 :"' 'l '' I; :iv" hi.l.is:..; Nam :k a satety i n car eta i .: . Ti : valve to .e:,i'. lro:ai eo i 1 1 1 e . ' I . ' 1 w t 11 1 e I ; . 1 1 ' b, , 1 s i 1 : : ';. '. ;. na'uie teed- f ."d at ills' to teach :;- i the I'oie; t,e . ! t : me ot . St.aksJ ! ale . be We. Il i.a . f l - h io! ; i i : !t!I.!. Ki TaUc. a Xil; I-'rorn 1 1 o m -. i have boon traveling a 'good al of lato ami mixing up with ' r :i t neir distant homes, and : oi'iinti v all new to me. and '1 Usill .Iter ali. I don't li nil much differ eti 'v un: much, either ia the way they live, or 111 Ikon- measure ot' ii ipp; nc-. folks who move about .a the same ciicles and have the -a ii.e culture are pretty much alike, f von w hot ?. Their trials and tribu 1 iti.'iis. their joys and sorrows are tin- same old story. Even the land ami climate aie governed by the -amo law of compensation and make the arorage of good and ol' bail about equal. There is no El '!'!. ido 1:0 Paradise in this sub iooii.iiy world, and folks are fools ho think so. and are always long ::ig t" move somewhere. "Tishome wl.eie the heait is. and the heart ought to be w hore home, and wo would all be pier if we would okini over th fence and 1 for what some lv else has I !:; !Vo been nioie than ever im d w ith this of late, for 1 have liming fanners in their homes '.roiina and found myself at except that Mis. Arp was leie. and that was a big dill'or to mo. 'i'heie was the good -inoiied mother with her e Inl and grandchildren, and she been 111 C . c. . : i on seel;; 1 Ii. :;iY with them ami they happy with her. Not rich .in-! ;:ot poor, they satisfied rue as ', ho best types ci our society. The h.ni.-e was unpretending and roomy, with broad piao. which was none too good to have a pile of cotton at one end. There is no cotton in mine, but thoie are some sacks of wheat, ami Mrs. Arp asked me the other day if the house was built for a bain or to live in. Sometimes they had a cook end sometimes l hey didn't, and that is the way at my hou-e: ami then, the dinner was ;i;-t like our company dinner ooiiL'd ham and cabbage at one end and a great, big old-fashioned chick- n the ot ; or. md Viinou- -hos liitorspersed be- i. The" !e grandchild occu mod it good .leal ot space and at- ;euti. u. atol hi- fond parents made aim c;a p..;- iae, and whistle tor me. ami .lane.- for me, and I had to take on alav,:: ir. of course, for t'i.iti- the v.:;y it is done at my hou-e. and our grandchildren aio ei .a u.vuon.i niiiiuiea p. .rents, w ell, that r t h.it t 'ie v.-oi Id is living ilivn a; o the K-ver. the about all for. (hi! inotor, the inspiration of the world. How iliiigi'iitly did. our patents work for ti-. how v, e do work for ours. I w.-s traveling the other day m a Ireight train, nnd the dirty cab was hot. awful hot. !or the day was hot, aml thed.K'keyscookedtheirdinner on a stove near bv and made it iter. A c;ood mother with three .tie e Huron had taken passage, and them, for the was oppressed and good water amino and 1 pitied ho heat and dust there was no comtmts no place for the children to ho down: ami alter awhile the little gnl. ot about six years, looked up to her mother and said, plead- Hi gi : Mamma, please let me suck my thumb a little."' 'o. my child." she said, -you aio a!ni '.-t broke of it now and I cannot let you." 1 wanted to bog for the little child a b: icf indulgence under the cti'.'tnu -i atieos. and o I whispered to ia , mother th.it I would suckmv own it it wo.iM do 1110 any good. In a few minutes she ielded and the l.ttie one was .1.1011 asleep. If i.v kind our Creator is to his oicatuie-. I saw a blind girl w here aved one night and she v in and prot ty and cheerful. He. o vet HI.! had boon removed from the:: sockets and a jiair of li.md soino gi.:--es concealed the deform ity nnd ni.c'e her all the more in-tcic-t ing. liow cage, b.- she listened i i n.' e o : i ver.-a' i d ir. in and how happv The blind are al so aie the mutes. W .! iinod and afiiiotod They are modest lull oi tiu-i. but It is a credit to it they always find e eared ! r kindly, H -ph-. l v by oiu our i w 1 !"1 ge in. ii olll i.l! ; toted you 'a- a w, h y f.-iiiuers' i! abent yon !ab..i. you; a,. T ue', they tin ni in counsels, ie ii-.n! the w :!! teil inn t la v are. i in saving ,1 ; .cop ill kind of iiteiature :,d ! v. :,i t.ii .::,., i n,. is.' 1- m mole when f, '.'( ,,-e eei i ai one,-.:. : ; , at- ; ; ni- f eu. a o .;; ,!,.,, ;,,,- j, :a bo i, .a i ai., Weatiiel. p. rii.it. '7 car- a mow :!,.! ;a ) awored the cms and wp white folks had to huddle up in one cor ner and give them our car. They kept us aroused with their hilarity. I a-ked one what they were going to meeting for, and he said: Don' know, boss; reckon gwirie to git some 1110' religion take right smait sight religion to do a poor nigger;" and he showed his poaily teeth. I am told they have got a now song now in some of their meetings. It comes in late after they have sung everything else t hoy can think of, and the first verse is "Juno bun got de goldon wiriK I.ightenin' bug de (lame, lied bug got no wings at all. But he git dar all de same. " Hi i.I. Aur 1 liiiiiilcr-lorni in the lliiMnhiui-. T'.yron's iiicture of a thunder storm on the dura, "Far along From peak to peak the rattling crags n m n n cr L.apstbe live thunder' etc. is a description not easily forgot ten, .and never surpassed. Heading the following, one cannot help thinking what a scene I5yron, with his marvellous power of language, would have made of a 'hunderstorm on the Himalayas. A patty con sisting of a professionul man, two young Englishmen, and a negro servant encountered one of those tempests in the mountains, while pv iolorintr Cor a rnnfp hptween Imlin ami China, aud one of the company ; ,fVo H.U nprmnr nf it- Suddenly a deep shadow ap peared to tall on us, and looking up, we saw the heavens overhead cov ered with ii blaok sulphurous look ing pall, rolled fold within fold, and gradually being drawn closer upon us. 'Kim, lads! run run i'or your lives!" cried Dr. Koland, and sei ing an arm apiece, he hurried us at the top of our speed to the mout h ot" a cave which opcued a friendly refuge close at hand. Hannibal followed on our heels: and hardly had we ensconced our selves within when the skies ap peared Io open, and a great bla.t 0f white light of exceeding vivid ness llluminatod everv recess o I the glon-nv gorge, followed instantlv bv a terrii(. cash of thunder that edmed from all the caverns in the mountains. ;.-;asi, at,.r .uu peal sue eooded peal with stunning rajiiditv, all,i j,n..,t hailstones, or rathi-r piocks ol ice. as largo, or larger. than a ligeon's egg, began to (all. Inst hopping and dancing fantas tically among the rocks, whirling madly round in an eddving wind that came sweeping down the gul lies, and then, as the fusts m- creased in strength, tearing along in solid battalions, lashing wildlv t he sides of the cliffs, and battoi- jng us even in the shelter of the oavo with tho hard, iacrrrod i. articles - - - - - "J.,"C, '--- Vfter the hail came sleet; and then rain descended in great sheets, and continued for an hour and a half amid, the almost incessant crashing and rumbliinr of the thunder. Just as the storm seemed to be expending its l'urv in a last burst, a neiV ami more terrif ing sound struck upon Our ears." The solid mountain shook and trembled be neath us, and a long and loud re sounding crash seemed to announce that the world was falling in ruins. Even the doctor cheek blanched. I fancied, for an instant; and the thought that occurred to all our minds was that wo had expressed ,,m. t)f the shocks of eai thquake not uncommon 111 Assam. When the tempest passed and the sun came out we saw what had happened. A huge mass of the mountain had toppled over into the gorge, completely blocking it, save a single gap where tho swollen waters of the pent-up stream at thi bottom were beginning to roar and tumble through. Vniitlis' ('onijuiii A Warm North 1'ole. 1 i ie g i e a i il es i tun 1. 1 nu t-1 ii i u l; i ue ictie regions now is, whether or not there is an ojien sea around the North Polo. Lieut. Greely thinks there is. ami a considerable number of An t ic explorers agree with him. Tiio little American flag which w is made for his expedition by Mrs. freely lias been unfolded to tho bre. .u at a point about four hun dted and lifty miles from .the pole. if tlierelore. the sea is open lrom near that latitude, several voyagers have already gone through most ot t he diflicult ics of reaching t he pole. Mr. .lost'i'li W. 'remin sends Io t he New York lliinld a letter on thi- point which is as brief as i ! is m geiiious. Ho agrees with Lieut, freely that the sea about the pole is proba bly open . and I'or t lie-e cu 1 1 ou - reason s: First In descending through a a'ui! or in sinking or boring an ar t.sian well we find ihal I he niercuiw use- in thethcrmoineterone degiee for about every liltyfeet that we dasiaaid towaids the Centre of the ealtli. That would make a dilfei once in temperature oi about om iiiilalied and live degle.-s in one miie. : 'id in thllteell miles the ill! ;eieia-,- would be one thoiisiiml throe bundled ai.1 -i t ti e de ..... The I'oi.ii diameter t he C.1I t 11 Is t WeUtN six miles sllol I.I than the equatorial, thcretoie the North Pole is thirteen miles neaiei to the inten-e! heated contle o! I he ealthtii.lli places at the lapiatoi. s ,;.g a- And a- a ill llerelice in leinpei.it un ol otic t hoiisalid t hi ce bundled and r. - t" -: ty live degree, it appe.it s to be impossible to "conceive how wat.u. s. ' . -, . w h i eh . s ; i e i ; e. I b con n e.-t io n . c. -. . b ; t 1 eee s, i ,, e.i I the i 1 1 1 e I I , , r fires, a i a i o ; i a s u ! ! 1 ee o ! Ml.'ll a ! e 1 1 : ! il ! I i I 'I ne Vole. till. 1 1 . i c ' ii : . s e c I : ! - ' i ' ! tin e a I t 1 , 1 1 ; t 1 1 e se 1 1 1 . 1 ! i . II i I i ,t ll-'.es pro e Its IniiMI'ss ,.M ' ' i i f oe pi , , 1 111 I I ol 1 ' - -u 1 1 ae o ) i- heated Ultet i,, . hi a i '.lie! has feel, -t a ' . , i . , : . 1 .ia ! he --..'.-el V.it .on- ll, u!e .,- -i ..ei II il boi ami ( 'ap, Saba.. . "', . i g : ii.it u a : ii i e i ' a ' . : i . a . f I. Vegetable Sicilian HAIE BENE WEE vae the (hut (iirfinrntion perfectly adpld i r.M Win' a" s - 1 i !, ealp, and Um ttrvt rc-ful i' tirr of fiulod or gray liair t lM I aim :1 color, iianvlli. nnd yoattifl h If. It I.hj. Lad many in-TTSH. but wm hT9 t f u : ' y nu t all tUrfjuti oiimhiU nvdfll tow ilic .r- ixT trrfttnHnit of lU InUr dL VMI1tW 11 l: 'm Hair Kkmwrh hat atotul: li. favor, nii-1 orfn.l m fame and to evt r (juiit lf r of iho glob IU OUpHral- 1 ied Biir-b rnn hf Bt Lri lnt d Io but OU rrmi- the t nft i uijturirnt oj ttt 'fXMniWI. Tr pri pnciori Imr oftn brn Burprla4 &t tin- roccijit t.f order from rrmot eoaa n ., w tic re lliry ttad ncrer ruade au ctforl for 1 1 ii t ro'luri i.n. '!. uho fi n nhort Lime of Hai.i'i llaia H r n k Fn w orulerf ully improTi tlia par ronnl nppf'arnnf'o. It rlftnimo ih cal from all inii-ui itie, ruri all liumora, fnrar, and dryii", ami linn jiroTenu laldnaa. )t t iii.ii.nlep ihf M oiiknifl glands, and nbje tli' in t ptifili forward a new and rtgoroaa pr'.uili Tlio etTocU of thla article ara not ti.iiir-.et. i, :,k thrwfl of alcoholle prepam- ti"is,ln:t k'mihIii a long tlmetwlilob its Uht a lr.atlrr of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DTE run tiii WHISKERS Will rl nr !' . I. ll.- l-.'u.l lu n i.alurAl brown, 1 1 pi ni ii. v h rmauent 1 i t Aioiy. I .M.sWtlns of ...il. r. II l !,! wllbout I r m rn IV P. P. HALL & CO..TssIina,&-A a. i ).v ni: ! TOR ALL TEE T0EM8 or Scrofulous, Merourlnl, nail lUoorl DUordrra, tlie bt remedy, lioranan tti mout (teftrrhiiig and llnugli t blood-fmriflcr, ! Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all I'rucglilu ; SI, li bottles, & Professional Cards. CHAS. H. BROWN, A T I ) U N i: V A T - Ii A W . KKIVA SVI KL.IC, W. C. I'r.id ircv 1 1) Die ( On ntle of Duplin l IIIM'll, llUlf H KtKl (MlKlO'W. - 'ol loct Ion of ( 'lalinn a p&ci&'A.y. ( orrrnpoinlencp aollclted. T H IT TtVT T t"PTT PIILLOCKtVILLE Jonci Caaa Will pracl loe In I ho I '.iiirti of CartcV ( iiihIow anil I 'raven. J Special ML'Tltlon nlvon to tha oolf (ii.ii.iH, ..un H-iiiii( pmHie or aaof K.II1K. C. R. THOMAI A TTOKN KY AT LAW, (.ilirr.,11 (-rHvrntiMwi.il Btanlr BiilloSna 11. nr rorniT of roll n-Ie alrMt. BOWlT C. R. thomas; Jr -V 1 1 c riioy at XjaaXM9v IIKAI'FOHT, N. C. 1 HTl,-.' on n.nicr ..f Ttirnerand Front Vaate. win prii. il..' In I'.irterat aad aajalalaf fl.lllll i. K 1 'i . un pi 111 1 en t Ion to pol loot Ion of nov 1 .1 u'l y WILLIAM J. CLAKKE. ( OUNSKLLOR AT LAW, . r, '-; Ml, i. In hI I the roiirln lipid at NaW llama. No I ' 1 I'm 1 ol I in. 1 '111 I W'u li.r tilt. a, Hon 1 .11 1.1 U imllaHng . 1; 1 1 1 1 k , n. 1 r 111 - an.'l I.K I nli.-.l sun.- i-onimlwloncr . ' S.-I'l. l-lll. ISM v I. I M.miKK Wi. K ci.Anaa. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Now Itcnin, N. C v ill pruri iso In the ( 'onrti of (lArlcrt. Ca- ' II. ili.'.'iii', l,tl... .lon.-ii, I.onolr, Onslow .'.ill I 'l. ill H.'O ,'OU ni IfN. AI.. In in.' siipn'iiip ('..iirt at Kitlfflah and Oi.- I'nlio.l nu.t.'N ciuini. ai New Hcma ana lUlclKh. 46 . 'oIIppM iik a Npf-rlally. apftdwtf OKoROK V. HTKONU, H llPlllll. N DARItl. K. rCKKT, Klnaton, N. O STRONG & PERRY, K1NSTOK, l. c, 1TTI)RM; S : COI NSELLORS AT LIW. 11, o ln a; f. .Miio.l h ropart.nrahlp for loa (. oo '. :, . "f II,'- law In .1 on i'H county, will rAaa- m.'Iv MM. iii II,,' rmirli.il IIib mtmm uo.-n oon pni-i i . li--t Ion may 12-(!,V wl f HI HO.NO a PKRRT. PHI!.. Hol.I.AM). JK nVEH R. QUIO HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneys nt Jfaw ' tfTli-o . in i "r:t en hi ., t wo doora above Pel lock U 1 . i i in i .- in i lit ( 'ount If a of CraT-en .lot ie. 'tiKott', I'nrlerel, I'm in I loo and ltnotr I'l'bbi 1 hH( ll Hill in 1 1 1 to rolli'Clloi.a. !ipl'l-(lrlW V. V. M . HIMM...N", ri.RHKNT MAXLT. SEMMONS & MANLY, ATTOL'NIIYS AT LAW. U '. .. ; i ! ' 'in I he i 'nuiin of ( Yn veil JonM, "f""", 1 j ' ' i I . I'j in M-o . I nol r ft rid Hythi. hi,-! ".li tl.. 1 .D - : i in t :tl ,N ew Hrrilfl. DR. .1. I). C LARK", I KNTINT, K W B F. H It . N . o. ' ar . Mr.-, i. hf-iw.-.-n PoMocJi oil- ,,.: i rl7 d4wl; I A N 17 C DCI1 fill till tl A HI EL O tl ELU lilU II II a AD'iit and Bottler ' r ;" '' ( ' 1 I E I I ; ' -s j BERG1TER 1 INGEL fs F.EWING CO S pHILA lSL LP HI A LAGEE BEER .( w i i ik , rv. c. at llie (D : I'l.ila-I. li'loa and I. i. loii.-r than .. : - i,r., ir tha r !, i,e w n 1 l I I I. f. .1 w KLEN-SO DOR. '. , Ijiunlfry a ,,,,,1 il, uink'-i y ,.V IH ,,lk rlii.ilM, i,,-(l lti.la. 1,1 ...!" J 7 J . M I, I'AI MKI1. of I ri.Ll lrM . N. W,Ti. N (' . ... ..I Hi.h tkI i, a,.--. .. ml Ciot.li a ,,a k-.-Kl. iia Ji

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