: ' -.Vcv . . .. " " : ?V ; ' -; "?...- ( ' ' tt o -. .- ,:;. -.'','"- ' . -ok- V ..".-i ' V'--e V 3 1 $ M . . H 1 . E II k 11 1' k II . X I )1-1,EX.T)EXT IjS" ALL THINGS. Ton i$B.OOPrToAr. VOL.. 1 KV HKRXK. CHAVKN COUNTY, N. n NOVEMBER 27, 1884. NO. .'!5. t I r V' B 4. ii f. a . a J. , a J r h v. . . ; Dorr i Stop Half W a y 1 ' r . - m i : -1 . I -j si- v - olora .". '. ' .". -from '. rr r rami rntoyr A -. biack an.l ,-oi.vi A verv Itva al cn from 1.:0 pii.! '. ' '- 0004. irt--. . .t Tho r t fc h!.i. a botleU !k. will tt.ia.l SUfld U2 all "tit r. Vei-rvtswaA. pi.... t: a ffxl M reai ei -t- Cos nfa. ?CSt. . Me. an NV- "Vh-.t.- . 'ttr ' Iimo tUcreJsVm atflAsd an- eoiorwd huttmi taikratthtf for V hi-oi or ' , faocr ttrlpon, f.r 2-'.- jir . rToh.ii A...v '. fu. c 1- 1 Lrrx-ul -r fr - 1 pi. 1 i.-n n til Hubr .irr ' i-.vl ..Li i. -: .ii't KNAl. : ' t'-t'l-Vi-u :i in Ips - the " ,unl grr.ltf.l il nut ! clotted I ' ri I : States, h i -j jiinpiril :it : . .i.uii sIipu :n ilii:mii ;i:ul :c,it section in- dul in ro- civi-n hi in at . infill liist. in- 'f rhc lc:iil- : r, i ii ; . ill t bis .,-,;' s.is: h.tr .in i.t r i iot ir r i - Jill t I ,t ;t II. I ll'lUIKT.lt, , 1 1 ; a.i or I'niln hi t ion thi- ipti of Mr. nun i:kdin(. hf mi: North ( nrnliiin ( I.i i-tl.tii Missionary Asoriatum. Tli is f.iiivcntio i int'T wtii tin Hunch ,it 'lit-.r Swamp, I.i noii county. N. No "i'in',ot kIi, Dr. .1. T. N';U.-li. Pi liyeretl t lit1 annua The work of thf ' reviypd lor the y. ueetl of moro ze;il in the tnissionar due Btteution. e.illPii tlie house Record i ui Secretary be! Bro. C. W. Howartl w ev.iii'i i;t i Convi-nti '0i ioii.il exercises I IurtuT. atrstriftory examination ..pa; . to the work of an on Sunday morning. m adjourned k!i de- r I- Bio. J. J. e.idciit dc- iiddres.s a t 1 '.' in . convent hi was st year aid our and faiti.fulae.-.- canse icetMVed The Piesidenr tt) order. The ibsea t . lec'ed ills rejM ( ' Tl e l.vai;; he fob wel "un '. B Oa pro tern, uiid Bro. I. I.. Iumh;". Asst. l'.ro. A.. I. Ml') V ! elected Treasurer pro tein. Ti: following committees were apponpi d: On Breachuip: V. ( o. Henj. Brown ami S. W. Siiiuiell. Or. StiUistK K; Caleb (."iinnon. sr.. r. W". T. Mayo and A. .1. Move. (hi Kduciition: I. I., t'he.-mitt. .1. I.. intielil and .1. II. Cowaid. On Ordination: Ueoriie .loyner. lical i-ing Point, Cbap- .' ell. . I'amli noort. Thris Beaver p. Biver- exe t ti : o.. O' I fc' ir4 ml liar:. A full tin of (vo.i wOoita alUwU for f I SS- WnU th trt V- i ad mmi " "!''! l- ' ." Utrftj pir.. ! p-rU, Cf(l ;n . . r. :...- : . cr. , -.. k booka And po rw n!rndr. r.ioi T r :. t r.nn- c 3. v. ' : . Bnofea. All kinJ oi rrfBTT ino.uPn 7 . ; t- :. nr.i:.-l s ... ; I? W.xtrv for Jflc. ffbel LArr tck of Ij1i' Walking J-k. l,.:uri- an t 'i . fr- r.i :i L. !. whirh w r -rTort natima t Purohixi ikxi.. ctlir. cuiT. nfiMi n.i nr. ! rh:r. AI-. t;U ifitlt for Ih ju1t cUbr ti--t VxtSy Jt Iti lir hin ri. l.i' n , utrutw u! if aot aprtor. m aht hirt oli id N r'-rn W 1 h Lh i-ontroi at K.l.k CnTi-ml Stwxhi "li n.I . u:r N- K. Tif Sh. for ilM. AW ir i!n.i m.l SH. f.x- 8- 'O. v..-r.-for (Ml W r laa tot Ot Et Np York tr.uf-lur;r.i t on;pni p.ji aJr PTiaco Shvw. ta Lii. Mt" vnJ ' "hiHryn '. that brn o ul in thaa narkat for th paak &iWo yr. r.i 'ur:r. tht tin-r -vP iiin th tt MUuif bctLOQ to lh trd: ttl01C" lit! Vk i ..i io. r f :h. n;uitr. t!- i ?"rvr..'h kttl in.i workrd tuttOB hair, for ') ' ) ' r.c! Ut.. naaburx inifvnf uJ iCMfCofea I'txti i tal cr'icho edfxtifr. ( riti!a! n j tfnmh Ix-ya. Car rolW. Be tpfcc. Wrmnj f r. Sc. pr rjuirf. Knv.-I opM.Su. a. pact. . ai Mhl fork. 3c a r. !.:. aoh A Larja x:k of children tkOM for 10r. a pir. rth IV an.! 2"-- , in f,nu-T artpaa, auittl color ajui black. Haopakiru. 1 5c. Aad att aoiilMW -raraatj of all kin-la cf -! to nunyi l ruccti.i. . X" A liarpar'a Baaar IHttera giro aita ah Irc Imodium to .V or mora. Wbn yoa ntrd aoj guol in oor h:a tx sore to ruie m sec r.s, a we rxaraaCni our $rcaa u low, if Dot lvr, tbn tlie tovrest, .mil you will feel faUj rernviU Cor cqailnf. Aent fc tkDomtStic, Darii and IToujr'ho'.d Sowing Ms ChlnCS- BicliBSoW bj rw w.Tirmttetl for ." year-. DUFFY & SV iOPDLE STREET, ; ' 7 ; XEW BERNE. N. ('. made a; Au.i.sta last i.-lr, K Wuuicltl anilJ. W. Ktheride. ihankin: Hod most ler- On .Ministerial Character: N. S. :.u tiie debveiance ot the liicbardsoti. .1. W. llodces and S. 'he l n:-..l States from Li Taylor. lT'-: and di-racc of havini; ( (),, 'llintricts: ('. VY. Siv am. .lolm '"''tuc an. I lacenuiary i:. Wintieltl. .1. .1. liawU. .1. II. WofiJaril, Asa Arthur. I.. .1. hap man. Joseph A. I'razit r. K. J. llrot'k. lieu j . Brown. W H. Cox, W. V. Draufrhan. .1. T. Walh. 1 1 . I 'i e.-ide nl . in which a "b-ti'-y, ::iai - Tiled to v . li -cc; I' U It is the first candidate for Idened by tie inoculate his il passions in mm . r TRIC'l L- he ( 'onnnittee i nets subaiitted i rt: asr .Man too, t: E. B. Bowers P nt ego Pan teg el. I n ion Chapel; 1J North Creek P co. Chapel Hill; 11. S. Dav Christian Hope J.-rrii ti.ui Hope, Long Acre, 1 bun; U.S. Gi:rgaiui. Salem District Salon Mde, Tinioth: J. B. Burns, 1 lookerton District II ookei ton. Coiinth. Bethel: C. V. Howard. Mill Creek Distrii t Mill Cieek, Kuteka, Pleasant T'uion, Giddous ville: .1. T. Davis. Wilson IHstrict Wilson's Mill, Wilson, Bethany; J. J. Harper. Martin Co. Poplar Hill. Man nine School House, Macedonia, Christian Chapel, Kobersonville, i cause tl ion s Grove, Lebanon; H. N in field and Stanley Avers. Antioch, Eden. I. L d; ti- iii.',:Uu. :o"js, m.-te.uioi enconr ig-'ii;; a nat' aal originality, such a.- ; I0i?Sc5wl b.v the otlic r nations ot the earth. Ever, nat: in, save :ar own, has a music peculiar to Use!!', and the style if depe ident oi. the gm.era! tuin of ,ts inLabitant--: ro e must be to labor on i. W e must bring in i! lie- countries, with il r characteristics; down into the body op' every grace from . but be as much ! u ' ba", as an ai tist "ying an cxfires ;s no nation where . -i cies of music is l"ve-song of the e"gh" -aft, thougli oud the utmost y. The war .songs '. idians never fail . astonishment and i :ioe who niKlorstand i-.-ii' language. The rid oh. the psalm of e ballad of the Eng : i of the Balian have 1 do not men- GUBERNATORIAL VOTE. FIRST DISTRICT. '."11' '1 . it' Jar- Bux- g , vis. ton. Beaufort 1.717 1,743 2,001 Carteret 083 705 1,171 Camden C31 523 699 1 Chowan 626 t54 704 Currituck 088 32." . 978 Dare,, 283 200 ' 241 liutes 1,009 518 1,183 Hertford .'. 959 1,131 1.129 Ilvde 799 592 867 Martin 1.386 1,295 1,576 P-Mnlico 584 386 748 Pasquotank.... 573 1,052 898 Perquimans.... 749 979 777 Pitt 2.228 1,771 2,436 Tvrrell 410 353 488 I Washington ... 621 950 648 ' Totals 14,545 13,443 16,562 York. 1.681 597 564 811 413 286 tTK 1.3U5 674 1,234 005 1,239 979 2.285 335 1,072 SECOXD DISTRICT. I t - ' 1 ten oi. noi Ii so;p; c the Ct lis!:. : their p. tion wi Bertie 1,188 Craven 1,'190 Edgecombe. ...1,723 Greene 863 Halifax 1,775 Jones 575 Lenoir 1.088 Northampton. .1,512 .. 988 .. 947 ii. Vance Warren Wilson.. ..1,573 1,721 2,816 3,470 950 2,426 796 1.370 2,041 1.482 2,172 1.389 1,614 1,338 1,695 1,046 2,264 746 1,620 1,733 1,155 1,146 2,135 14,784 1,823 2,525 3,316 1,094 3,789 7o5 1,399 2,351 1.612 2.142 1,493 kind.' teristic v Be Totals , adenc i .ge tor its choice of another in. CulefM we underestimate! p not ism ot the people, North: Teet D. Lewis ami V. -V. Thomas. On J inar.ce: .1. B. White. Wni. Balden anil W. V. Draiighan. Bro. 1). W. Davis was appointed with nri.:wh to morrow :tt 1 1 i m and i eel South, thev will rteet it -a. i scorniui anger e trj ucre, j;ro j ( hesnntt at L' p. m i- trdlbetbe l.vt instance, as The convention adjourned n.-ll a- :he first, unil no turther tlis- to morrow morning at 10 apjx. Kited miscreants will dare defy Devotional exercise h p.ro. rhe warning. " Harper. The 7iwji.- '-Mr. Blaine took thf occasion of a serenade, at A'igiiva. la-t evening, mteiiiletl as a personal compliment by his to rtismen. tt) deliver the most bit ter and mischievous sectional sveerh that has been hoard in the North for many a day. The au gn:jh oi defeat seems to have ex tinguished nil of the generous senti meut which he professed to have, when he iH'Uiiod li is letter of acceptance, or rather it shows that that sentiment was paraded in the hope of winning Southern , ,,..1 l..i,1rr r;t.i,t In Mi-ir ..... U......K , on Statistic ,n.e.v- ins real icmpiT. xie pennies the Northern intinenee that con 'ributed to hi tlefeat, and treats the re-.nl' a.- a transfer of the con trtd cf the government to the South, until a. m. .1. .1. SlU.i'NI) PAY. The President called the conveii 'tion to order and Bro. .1. L. Burns iled in devotioDnl exrn ises. Pro ! eeedings of vesterday rend and ap . proved. The Hoard of Managers recom 1 mended certa'n changes in the con stitution. Bit. A. .1. Move moved .that final action article xi be de i lerreil cntil tt inorrow at 1 a. m. All the changes were adopted, i On motion, 'all the church letters , were passeil over to the committee Antioch Chesnutt. Bonn tree's Bouutree'.- (;. Allen. . which Wheat Swamp Wheat Swamp, adopt Briery, Stoney B.ranch; Dr. H. D. Harper. .Tones District South West, Pleasant Hill, Haskins Chapel, White Oak, Deep Springs; N. B. Hood. Pungo District Clark's School House, New Lake, Head of Pun go; I). H. Adams. cannot with prop into the music of i lie oth. r.vefc there Berea. is something in every one of them -otch songs, be- '. an of a peculiar the charac-! , , f n,., ; Bladen iu ui uic-ic -.. 1 1 n nn ., -' introduced Dunlin 1.063 Harnett 995 Moore 1.452 ... I Inn nn. 1 lllf we ?s a nation tail its i.vuo iiul it is only by this general i study that the music of any one na tion can be rendered complete. The German thinks the French man mad: the Frenchman stops his ears to the dullness of the German; the English compositions in stanzas have long been the jest of the Ital ians; and it is nor a great time since the taste for Italian music (which is I Nash now carried to a most ridiculous ! Orange. Sampson. Wav-ne . .. ....13,422 20,633 16,492 22,299 THIRD DISTRICT. 1,278 1.F30 1.426 2,162 2,479 1,214 2,239 724 1,254 1,397 1,797 530 1,284 1,246 1,215 1,688 2,551 2,233 2.796 ...2,108 ...2.330 1,511 2,159 1,174 722 1,426 472 1,240 1,591 2,600 Totals 14,238 12,674 17,041 12,895 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alamance 1,447 1,27? 1,629 Old Ford District Old Ford. Tranter's Creek. Oak Grove, Mt. ' extravagance) has been adopted in Pleasant; ,T. Latham. America. Plymouth District Free Chanel. : But while we mutually langh and Chatham 2,159 Durham 1,158 Franklin 2.034 Johnston 2,063 ..1,556 .1,159 Wake 4,280 1,888 921 1,998 1,707 1,367 986 4.648 2,481 1,576 2,130 2,801 1,837 1,670 4,772 1,245 1.671 1,196 1,987 1,826 1,528 1,051 4,278 Holly Neck, Saint's Delight; W. O Wintield. Hyde District Middleton, Ne braska. Springfield. Swan Quarter, O'Neai'.s Chapel; Jno. It. infield stare at one another, there is not -ne of us from whom all may not borrow. True melody will please in every country, and the art will Totals 15,856 14,792 18,896 14,782 FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell 1,446 1,790 Forsyth 1,765 Granville ....1,822 Guilford 2,251 be in selecting every passage of! Person I,f08 Pamlico Broad Creek, Goose i this, while we regret those singular Mm wOi WtMT1nn inia wW tfSPURGATI. hMH7Ti Vt3 ial I rui ra, aJ(&a fraaa 1 to 11 wka. rut ta- rrtoi-ni to micJ s UWaaj aaaaaifefca rs-r r iit Oroeptninc Ik pint Lm iui ftgui. ItMinM U4 UDILI dlfUM. SoU rvrrywUfra, rjna ia aaa Baa fci ta aaaaaa krjr cxad tar Maria. mm WOMajSO" AO0TMalIMa.jljrcriJ a m mm am aw i i CMMatn. L a. Croup. AllltRU. HrnfirhftU. N'rtarrU KWunMtl.m. jousi -e- JiKlR I AX V . i Zrfr- t.' I'tt will !Hiji(3iiua. rwUttv lemb.p 41MEUM. aiUl wi'i v.:. nr. BJM CJM N, tm In' tmim. tt It mv BaAr hiMKJKi u trai Ikan cant. tMT CTUH liama. naw mt low m aakai 1 The convention adjourned for 40 minutes. The convention reassem bled at 2 p. m. ami alter singing 1 proceeded to business. . . m T rr . 1.. . . r . 1 - wl.i, n he professes to believe is N A V , , -1 v ' iraught w,th misiortune to the American Bible hocefy, was intro- .Inmil ri-v thn a-rn v.inf uin -i ml v. count rj. lie snows no concept ion , , , ,. . , . of rhc principle, that the govern-' l"alu 111 u"Jtu den; b-clongs to the people of the v.. ! . . . ' . . .. i ii r i v ..till n.it li. it hurt v .... u....t,,, ..,,,r..n.!..-.v..ra tn r. r i v.. 1 " en t called 111)011 Bro. ,1 the old antagonism ami hatred and' Iua,u s,,lne vcr-v timel-v 10 to lurtame the fe irs of Southern r, ..rf-r.-.s V n:ore . i r i t tat riot ic. mis ch., vou.s and bit teily sectional and Keeording Secretary was author- thai, Blaine exhibits ""ui"""lu nceivable. an.l copies oi in- j.roceeiiings oi nauv causes of tn's convention ai d distribute them l,e country has, among the churches Creek, Bethany, Dawson's Creek, Concord, Bethlehem, Bay Creek; Aug. Latham. Bethlehem J. W. Trotman. Kitt Swamp Kitt Swamp, Trin ity, Union Chapel, Weir Creek, Blount's Creek; A. J. llolton. Onslow Christian Prospect, ities, which, not harmony, but the peculiar turn of mind of the people, have introduced in every nation. As the sweetest of all musical sounds is the human voice, so the highest glory of the art is in follow ing its modulations and expressing the sense of tlio.se words in which it Rockingham. ..2. 361 Stokes 1.181 Surry 1,370 1,796 2.040 2,248 1,103 1,502 966 959 1,550 2,101 2,199 2,491 1,490 2.443 1,329 1,371 1,603 1,877 2,047 2,208 1,082 1,577 1,027 1,433 Totals 13,504 12,404 14.974 12,854 SIXTH DISTRICT. Richland, Union Chapel, Sneed's ! adds meaning to melody. Ferry, Tuckahoe; A. O. Warren. The introduction of this into Kinstou George Jovner. ; music is the triumph of the human White Hill Grantsboro. White ! voice alone. The music of the Hill, Amuoii: J. W. P. Holton. Anson 1,632 Brunswick 702 Cabarrus 1.465 Columbus 1,577 Mecklenburg .3,289 New Hanover. 1,359 Richmond 1.340 Robeson 2.253 it the society There being no special business before the convention, the Presi- T. Davis, t m ti L-c On motion of Bro. George Jovner Evengelist Walsh. at Large Jno. T. narrow spirit i u his lie feat, is .ts am :ra; i: It-do jaandciM a co. Buaata. ; SsfilJmE HEiJS LAY r to th. ton tha r. d from ai . d by sue: j i .irW sa; 1 st-rcn.n ' i a !.".-t nigh' . n i:.io of the :!. prepare rt gartletl a It was a na.eria's .rom .lmiri.f r itirtn ' Oil lUptlOll, tile COIlMitl0tl iltl- ti; ns fr;.t. the ' t M NwUI m ma m mmwm t B CI r i. aa. Mtiiii'i ilinurtwlTBiJ-ai.a -CHICKEN CMC &.ERA. S?W2rz aU-it ' Till-; GOLD WEATHER a.W. AT B la: 1 bv. hut h( r fxiNl ' i ' ;v : i OfiK i.N Tlir ' IT g' A i to I I W I dit .. s. ruMi-ng malignance by B! vine before t!..' ttt in in that lie mign : t r B ,-esidvii t . obtain the nm; hern Staies "t tleleat and hum li-i 'journeil until to ' at 9 a. m. I )pvot Bro. J. L. Wintbl I'.orrou 'iial e tunr ling p ises by t spirit."' "Blaiue or for himself at nd in response , band delivered' 1,vv speech, which1 The convi'i.tion was called to us aoleinn vale-! order by the Piesidei.r. Devotional speM-h full of, exercises by Bro. A. Warren. .'. ;ts preached (The committee on preaching re- idea occurred ported that Bro. J. I., lb" tis pi e.u h :, as candidate 'at 1- m. and Bro. N. B. tlood at ' i few votes in p. in In his hour Letft r.s from the chare':. ea called ion Blaine re- for and passed over to the comimt- A Plea for Vocal Mnsic. Solinus. who has the art of say ing pretty things, tells us that the origin of music ;;s from the cries of children: The variety of notes that express their disgust to the state of being in which they find themselves gave th" -.!?it for that orderly variation of s which we call harmony, long btiore the old Greek collected its the forge, or the Kgy clippings of the ma.- " ;th what ;)Oni) Eus bins ascribe tl Zetl us and Ampl-rari-s with Cadm doe.-- Isidore makt Pythagoras, when from Maneros! -Tosephus, proud t. of the Hebrews, a. honor which he asc inventor of all arts .vho bv : birds, the notes of the sweetest in-! struments, are but dead sounds, in : icompaiison to those of the human! voice. They tinkle in the ear, but! convey no appropriated idea. The voice gives sentiment with its har mony, and awakens every passion ' of wbv'i the human heart is capa ble. It was on this princ.ple that the immortalized musician of antiquity acquired that fair 2 wh ch has come Stanly.... Union ... Totals . ... 873 ..1,481 995 896 1,057 922 3,206 2,349 1.739 1,934 606 &80 1,896 921 1.903 1.867 3,727 1,751 1,958 2,361 1,100 1,838 1,084 926 953 928 3,040 2,879 1,675 1,992 614 620 Catawba 1,867 Davidson 1.745 Davie 913 Iredell 2,346 Montgomery . . 695 Randolph 1,976 Rowan 1.979 Yadkin 920 ...15,971 14,584 19,322 14,706 SEVENTH DISTRICT. 619 2,303 650 1,887 1,954 2,072 898 1,067 1,107 1,603 2,679- 1,708 898 901 926 1.834 2,044 1,828 1,359 2,636 1.372 1,153 952 1,213 down nwriy tt ear: inv ), e . K ue e ,! g does : 'i to npo-: idle i m t o 1 CcS it : the o ..1 fud .JCS to ; .1- w.ii ! are upon the people 1 tee on Statistic And !tr H; and Sammtr Suitu rtiuc t- oa ua and grt nr WINTF.R Ot TVIT Baimr. Uj OJtLT FJCCLUStVK . . ' T - tTKMsillSi i J mat boy bofora T'" ( jtn -i Wa ha a KuU Luv oi Swu.imb. . . . i jr tt-t .if C, O.-.v cnmplaaa. N.bj S ci r n. 1 i'i;uii n::m .-.f I'.if at' Crtrkacrawa. Otr Una of '"WrfoaW la tS lxf. tir -.--r ha i rkya. Yjhuw and Childrn' Suit from $'J W up !t.v i'., r Fall tin -f t'adararaar. Ag.-atA for th t.'l..ort- ) i'vrl il-.;r-. Wa aall a g-.axl w ! iU ITU Ug'a f It . ti srsi l"u:T IUn 1. ; Ca rtjcki-.ow!o., hT 1H-1 al thru C t liioa :h - Hoaa. " Oar Ha 8ttx-k la vary tsrxn citriTpri-t r. ym-w TJaa acd Searfa, Gk-. Ht-awT Hln.lk .- r.; Coilar and Caff Battaaa a4 P-val-r Pr-,.- ' fJafradaana Jt Ok.' H -mim aaarkat. Wa lia t .r f 1 -: ' - A" s.ia t - oi I ' . i : i. --polled by the t ei- t of ; he K. 'iblican party. Inert- i bub- ti: . i is new in the -..lee fr.-iii tio valley of humiliation. Ii.e Acieiicau people have heard i . 1 1 r I aboir all that he has to -a .-I the danger of admitting the S.iutu to lull pat t toipation in the ttair-. 't the (iovernment, and . ail be is able to sa in regartl ..ting our industries. 1 he oi . no ai iict-ii against h:iu has i. pa. it .. . lie has been t oltl . i l.. o. w an t eil . He has 'i ' hat hi- -;o: :t-s .li.oiit t he . ti people ai e danders, and more .-.ensihility ami a "f pt-rMinal pride, he . . tin k 1 v -u ! is o 1 oil w hen as I;e -t. ail. na.l tha. If ti ll e 1- arpaaa. Oil i kxna, Kafa. Truakaand V;L. Wa ka a tan pia at StaarCarp a fra! nr. - pi. : he is ll trne en : tr: '.gain i in me en.!..: . ' r , i ; On riKifion nl l'.ro I K Wotlipr- lngton tin' time and lace of holding the next convention be made special " order for .". p. m. The President appointed the following committee on election of officers tor next year: J. I.. Wintield. J. T. Davis and Dr. W. T. M iyo. Bro. J. J. 1 larpcr. Corresponding Secretary, submitted his report which was received, adopted and ordered printed. Bro. V.. A. Move submitted his rejMirt as Treasurer, which was re eeivetl, ordered and adopted. The ( 'orresponding Secretary sub mitted an additional report, which was ordered printed. The committee on tin- nomina tion of oftieeis reported as f..!li.. which repoi' was ;i i n : a:, ui -1 adopted: 1 i.l I.ds o! ttuoCMT voaca, rwuu toa mot-n. rt HOWARD & JONES, Orr-. EPISCOPAL ''HURCH. Il i V -.1 ' -1 : n . s ! ' 'I:-- I r io- collll i iw ai illy .late ami President, Gt 'resident. W. .Tiling S.-eretar , ( '. t. Secret a i . .T . .1 . 1 .1. . :n ; : " ice Williams; Be . W. Howard: i a: per: Treas iquity if the :cm r.s du. - Je.bal, many ages preceded all tho.se, as expert in the science which they preteiuh d to devise. But to what end is all history with its conflicting opinions, in deducing the honor of an invention from this or that period, or eonfiiiing it to , u one or another country; when ua-1 c tine has given the oigans destined :,i for it, and the cap fity of using ;s them to all people, and when at all St: nines men have ass. .redly employed ) them to that purpo-e? She who taught the nightingale to sing, she w hose early h urn the sweet lark warbles to the morning, .she who poms forth the full melody tioin the daep throat of the thrush, and gives the little sparrow the pleasant, the articulated harmony, she also, w hen she. gave to man a throat and breath, taught him to modulate. This i the work of Xiiturt. in harmony with the laws of Nature's God. Tuns far music i lu-i gift. None of the 'sweet tuned in st rumen ts" know n to human invention cipials the natural voice in sweet :;es: thev are all harsh or on the .vings of so s, and waich will live' Alexander .... 792 rile harp of Opheus, i Alleghany 514 :iu- .veto but accom-1 sLf L027 -e, -inch e;,,:.:.::::1- r a-' the chrrms j Cleveland 1.691 . hat moved and i Gaston 1,097 savage inhabi-! Lincoln 903 .. nrmeinlo that. Watouea l , ive tamed the Wilkes -., and to have! Totals.... :id tigers follow: v. sung the pleas Totals 12,441 10,251 14 536 10,876 EIGHTH DISTRICT. THIS AND THAT. Courier-Journal. The Indiana voters were not afraid of the Gray. Wrn. Mahone,beingoutof politic, can now come out as a dwarf. The contributing department clerk is kicking himself all over Washington. Discussed among tho office-holders: "Does decapitation cause instant death?" PVBRident Cleveland is not, as is sup posed, a shle man. He is "wedded to Reform.'' - Mr. St. John supposesThav the Kansas Republicans who burned him in effigy must nave been very drunk. Dr. Burchard prophesies that the in auguration of Grover Cleveland will be celebrated with Roman candles. Grave responsibilities are gathering about President Cleveland. What is he to do with Gen. Logan's eighteen rela tives? Blaine's plurality in Pennyslvania is more than 80,000. Where was Samuel Randall when the gas went out? (Hannibal Hamlin did not think ha would live to see a Democratic Vice President, or HannibU Hamlin out of office. Gen. Fitz John Porter is of the opinion that the great Republican mistake was in putting ah Illinois brunette on the ticket. The Republican attempt to make Salt river run up stream, in 1884 will make an interesting appendix to Mr. Blaine's book. Pennsylvania, which robs every other State in the Union, is shown by the elec tion returns to be the banner Republican State. The Ohio man will occupy a back seat for four years. He is of no service to the Democracy, and has done the Re publicans little good. A Chinaman has run away with a Chicago man's wife. It is understood that the husband encouraged the thing because he hates Chinamen. Cleveland carried Boston over both Blaine and Butler. Hereafter, space enough in the White House garden will be reserved for a bean bed. The Republicans, some of them, have hoped to see Mr. Blaine put in through an error. It would be a great error, indeed, that would put in Mr. Blaine. It was a splendid fight that Col. Mor rison made, but he comes out ahead and perpendicular, leaving his opponent in a horizontal position. Washington Post. The Democracy have the Presidency and the House of Representatives. What a blessing it would be if the coun try were rid of the dishonest old trade dollar Senate! Ben Butler is disgusted because Mr. St. John ran 5,000 votes ahead of him in New Yoik. The old varmint should be thankful that Belva Lockwood didn't, beat him too. There are Republicans who complain that the New York Tribune has misled them. There has never been a time, since the party was born, that the TVi bune has not misled them. The Rev. Dr. Burchard is vtry bald. Butting against "Rum. Romanism and Rebellion," all in one lifetime, ia enough to remove the thickest hair from the thickest head. Why is the Republican party like an unsuccessful burglar ? Because it tried to break into the White House with a Jimmy and a Jack. Bring 'forth the cheese knife. Echoes of the Camp&gn. -A ...1,40 375 247 1,032 816 419 544 1,127 763 552 1,548 943 595 950 1.278 1,251 2,030 1,385 1,162 759 1,301 psocicry, rue uan-: Cherokee.... o1 he advantage of j Clay Toe hearers oi' tho i Graham .... . in.'o a people, and Haywood... , ,, ,, ,i 1 Henderson. o-idtthe wal.s. JacUson ' is principle, that the I Macon n-i composers of all j Madison. ... .10,220 7,423 11,654 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe 1.925 1.566 2,665 w F: PI ISO. i a a di in ' ys will t it. ii. i IP; u.e a t be pa 1 hicn i ce acquired their on this that true taiued at present, sonatas have their ' serve it; but it :i of sounds to ,ie honors of has, and al ... -.-; "inel Baxter .;. iur. 748 356 217 859 646 656 7S9 937 497 771 330 1 Mitchell ' McDowell .. ' Polk i Rutherford 1,204 Swain 404 Transylvania . 390 Yancey 6S0 643 181 62 440 843 215 267 1,089 963 578 429 1,278 67 284 418 505 368 268 1.184 782 713 708 1,087 635 951 446 1,517 494 460 740 351 403 1,251 995 420 612 934 753 624 1,939 8,272 1.941 594 205 137 744 977 345 493 1,388 1,148 638 481 1.232 158 323 662 KIT 1 V E I IKE IN WILSON. liter. an s i : w Ol.i i 'i iv - : : . : i i : 1 1 , i --: ' iA : A. M 'AK1 I ) an "p. N. : i . : n : ' mi- . V'.LK.- B. 11... ci i in. -i U.c:i mad. Polloksviilo Itoiti JOSEPH SOHWER1N. Ill ' ' UALUjOTH CLOTHING STORE BOOMING. ::..-:; i a-poi t . w 1. ;ch w a - .: b.pt . d . ( :i mo' ion ,,f p; o. .1 . 1 . Da ,n in- :; r .1 . !. ill ell. - .0 I 1.1 W .Il -( reek and 1 'a i :n et t w t ., .-: I . d i. . ::;:. ' b -t of . !oi. . i -. . oui n ; ; f i ee . : : , i . i ,- ('..it i. '.! sti i an : : : i a ! i : . ': i . a I ' e: d i -c;: - :.-. t : :.t en. ii! ' ' . r lepolt. ;,G:RAND DSSPLA f5 - OF OUR UN; QUA..:': STYU - " Fail and Winter CLOTHIN im in v. n t ra. Let ISS'I' it tic. i at lite 1 Idlest tr i : i ; . . . i , I : . ma ; i. : :-2 , .t Ot) -Vortli ot Isropet-ty Consumed In Ta SI. ..ir. This i Fi iday 1 morning at ten minutes to' hroe c'cloik the alarm of ti i e was soanded and our people rushed from their warm beds to the scene of confla gration. Tiie lire originated at Mr. H. T. Coleman's bar and restaurant. Some think it originated from 'carelessness of lodgers in the second story. This is hardly prubable. however. Several persons saw the beginning of thd tire and they say it was without a doubt set on fire, -because it began to burn in the rear of the building on the out- w hen compared side. At one time 1-iranch & Hadley's . the mellow soft- an a" tlie stres on Tarburo street were in imminent ilaaper. ny naru woik. they were saved. Although three stables were burned evt-ry hor.-e escaped and there was no .-utTerin by man or beast. The following is a hurriedly p'.eparcd r.-port .f the losses: II. T. Coleman, stock. srn.O. no insurance: W. J. Harris' stables, occupied by Bullock. , 2.000. insured for 1. (!': T. J. Cunluer. store. s.).'ii. no i;ur,.i'.Oi-: the market huse, .siiU". la i:.-ur. .:: .-: Jra s-J.OeiJ: r.o in-ur.mc Pick Allen's bacy s.jiM.i in-uranco: le-a-E. T. Hud-en. .see: staldes and -:0;-v S2a. i': P. leaker AT :---lei ir.i-arance : rb...- t .' -i.'" '-. no msuran-- : ined I v Pr::n. 'a tV Fulc'a.-r. and Weaver Ci i!.tetl .--"i "'.'' wi.li at. Totals 11,503 9,263 13,523 11,466 i The vote given in these counties is the Bennett and Dockery vote of 1882. ' Total vote 1880, for Jarvis, 121,827: i Buxton, 115,590; majority for Jarvis, j 6.237. Total vote 1S84. for Scales 143.000: for York 122.934; majority for Scales 20,066. I arc rough. the pure tout ot the throat. What w-as the t praise of .Martini, but that he r t ii.- ban: boy emulate the d "i t i,,- human voice But to I- ii ts 1 1 -1 r to be the same: and . ho h:i c heard uch attempts ii--.-. un tiie "iily instruments can : e e pee ted to equal t he -. ma;- w it tiotit tear ot i j . i iiounce t he thing Tie- U ; et: to man ( he ti rst ! ih-ti iimeiits in his ancients wci e onl ine u.selcss.l-. when d to dciiioiist! ate in in u sic tir t saw its i.b; l.-ss. coeval with ; ;c. and ii.ituial to .lie tlieil have lived, s w : ! ' ; ;n pi o vc w hat ,o .v.-.l i'u lis: art is ci'st an -lings, air. ' : cs an ur.ir.e. :". v. it S. p. s. -. I", liriii-,n--e: P, : -aiit uni, . Selby, stables, o Silas Lucas house i c-700 occupied by R H. T.- - v.. 2."e": :u-ured n.. stool; 7u0. ;.::: rciul Hotel, .-ai" el. - "ase o .'"u- ,-. L. H. ark. wiih .-. J. '-.'.' ia- Tolsnot in Aslies. iFrom News and Observer. Tois.not, N. C, Nov. 19, 1SS4. This place was burned this morning at 1 1 :30 o'clock. Every business house in front of the railroad warehouse on the Edgecombe side was burned to the ground. The fire originated back of W. M. & J. T. Wells' store. The loss is variously estimated, including buildings and goods, at 825,000 to S30,000. There is no insurance whatever; none could be obtained. The fire was the work of an incen diary. From Turnbull 's corner, includ tng his store and goods, running north on Railroad street, the stores of Sharpe. W. B. Land, Jim Sellers and Barnes' drug store and Killebrew; ou the cross street east the eating saloon. W. M. & J. T. Wells'. Hoover & Co.. and K. B. Wil liams and other small buildings were alt destroyed. It is sad to look at the havoc made by the flames. Q. S. lb :: N i" n . h hi lit: ''I K (' ti. i . : lie. J 1 cle ..; :mp P.. J. i i. I i. I'-Uv: I. Wi i'h- 'ure. bv L. Alex turn la i. ie-s Dallas. Texas. Nov. 20. The private bank of Adams & Leonard closed its doors at noon to-day. It is believed the embarrassment is only temporary. The assets amount to nearly ?'5u0.U00. in vested in Texas bonds. The liabilities are not known. The stockholders w ere Samuel J. Adams and the estate of Jackson L. Leonard. The bank was largely patronized by the cotton and cattle men of North Texas and has en joyed unlimited credit fur fifteen years. The embarras-rnent results from the inability of the firm to realize on large loans to cattle men. The suspension created gia at .urprise in the city. W siii:. oup. on rs. .1. M TRICES REDITU!' TO Sl'IT THK TIM K .cur .suit the .'. VO our P r wa:. : .ils. a- ar J :ht and rem; i it is thou ': Nov. 20. Tie' the tSIallory tin (lalvesp u. wi:h ashore on R r-e' Ail a ana r . from Pas i n. gat lock la.-t are safe, will t'l' n V' :its I i V " K . ETT r9mJ bairr. -. aaoey, aiwxkl Umpyct -ur l. i r .- OlothtllLT. Im aovahWa wr.ffr th- .-'"' ; : m : mmrwmn a may smui. KartaraMa ami oCLt Oit . rWa itoa oi Hto - LaJt a l t. ' Svita ot Ootbtsc lrtui 3 v t : Lata aariaT of Carprw from .' t -i . LaatMa'aaa! Iriaawa' Cloaka and W .ia;og Ja. ' f. La data 'and Gnta' Tranka aoti V,t- acl? 4w KTWtfuIiy youra ill. .-. v -.-. '. r o it-, r i -l-.Pil - !IU Pt-.1N , ;.l-i.-r.i 1 ' 1 ' I -' ' .'' : a a . - . . , . ,:i ..it; r t . ...v.- , , tec P. , .. M-r VI, cm .,:.!:, .i !. . oleic. ' a t . , . , ; :. ! g: ' ! fail " - .:-.'.: ,.,. . .,; . a, u n . . ; t ' :,. n.-t s. In.. . r t '. ilns. .i , r.t . ..n i Kin in. s, .,ii.i i. p. . i i , " a - . r : 1 1 ,n . ' i u i. ; :, . . ; in o.-i .'-...a.-.,... i. ,j . ,,i.,,.s ; , ; j,r ! i. et. i 'i.s , ; an ! . lie h' r . :a f ' -t - ic.c.g , , . , ,r. y , . - i ha i ge o I . i i e i . , i . ' ; . v . o: e i -1 - ami :1 s.s : r.. r- r , ... I :i mot e ai ' 1 1: o. I . 1 ..:,.-,;;.:,.' s. a-, li. .!.:. i .pi . 1 hi- I ' be .-van gel .e tl '., I ; .. -g . a i to i . lose .:' , . -: 'bell ,; no ' ! 1 1: Wltil till' C tl ell I lot' . A'i o'l ". a ;P Al.i.-niMI. l's ;. st ! : s, r, (. ,ve N"' IT.. 1'iit - .to,-- ; . . i pp. ' . . , , ! ' ' r en oi's 1 p ' -y t n tne Li:.- un- j.i, ,M.ir , ii. A,' .-v.tugt ".-'.,:. :"!"" Iri" ,r'; will remain on tin.; ,, !.:-. ..i.'d v' : : -t nt in Mi . .mn pfor.is. g '! I'.O. .!! i , . it danuary. . . i - i iti'i-tr ...:.: wi" oniiro Bio. 11. . iie::; 'tt iic-iiig .i.e. fo.-cign muvie. into oui musical . i; Nov. 20. The e -mp- currency to-iluy Palatka National tka. Florida, to begin a capital of ."ii.i."i.'0 of the treasurv he N -rfolk A: Wi-sterh A: ailed rnier : L to:-, .s I i . -.1 - Fala lill-lli'S-. Willi The -crctar;. oa- authorize 1 t railroad c-ciipanv to extern! their pier near Nerioik'oat to the lighthouse oil" Lambert's Point, provided the privilege does net in any way interfere with the lighthouse service. I.. ..NO. 'N. N v. l'J. The House of Com mons to-day. by a vote of forty to thirty two, rejected the Irish compensation for improvements bill, which sought to ex tend the provisions of the land act to the country towns and villages. Notice to Mariners. Notice is hereby given that on Decem ber 1, 1884, the characteristics of the lights named below will be chaaged as follows: BRANDY WINE SHOAL LIGHT. This light will show red between the following compass-bearings taken from the light-house: N. N. W. i W. around towards the N. E. and S. to S, by E. f E., embracing about 187 degrees of arc. Throughout the remainder of . the arc tha light will show white, as heretofore. CROSS LEDGE LIGHT. This light will show red between the following compass-beariDgs taken from the light-house: N. W. by N. around to the N. E. and S. to S. S. E , embracing about 192 degrees of arc. Throughout tho remainder of the arc the light will show white, as heretofore. SHIP JOHN SHOAL LIGHT. This light will be changed from a fixed red to a fixed white with red cut The light will show red between the fol lowing compass-bearings taken from tho light-house: N. W. N. around to wards the N. E. and S. to S. S. E. f E., embracing about 185 degrees of arc. Throughout the remainder of the arj the light will show white. SAILING DIRECTIONS. Yessels bound up Delaware Bay are clear of all danger on the east side of channel so long as Brandy wine light shows white until within 1 mile of this light, but should approach no nearer Brandywine Shoal. When clear of Brown Shoal, vessels should run for the light-ship at Fourteen-foot Bank, or. in case she should be off her station, then run towards Cross Ledge light, keeping both Brandywine and Cross Ledge lights ivhite until abreast of the light ship or about midway between Cross Ledge and Brandywine lights, thence keep Brandywine a white light until abreast of Cross Ledge, thence keep Ship John Shoal a white light until within 3 miles of this light, at which point both Ship John Shoal and Cross Ledge lights should show white, thence pass Ship John Shoal, keeping the Cross Ledge light white, thence run for the Port Penn ranges, keeping Ship John Shoal white. In coming down the Bay, keep the Port Penn ranges on and Ship John Shoal ichite until within 3 miles of this light, then keep Cross Ledge ivhite until 3 miles below Ship John Shoal, at which point both Ship John Shoal and Cross Ledge should show white, then keep Ship John Shoal white until abreast of Cross Ledge, then steer for the light- ship or Brandywine, keeping the latter a white light until abreast of light-ship or midway between Cross Ledge and i Brandywine, then keep Cross Ledge wliite until 1 mile below Brandywine. then run in the wliite light of Capo Ilen lopen and Brandywine. ; Bv order of the Light-House Board. Stephen C. Rowan. Vice-Admiral I'. S. Navy, Chairman. I.VNCiiBllc;, Va., Nov. 19. A tale of deep .listless comes from Buchanan, ' Wise and Dickinson counties. These counties occupy isolated positions on the extreme western circuit of Virginia. For a number of weeks a fatal dis ease has been prevalent there and many deaths have occurred. The nature of the il iseitHe is as yet undefined, but it 's believed to arise fr. m poi-'iiious water. The drought that iias e.aiMnued fur twu months has nearly dried up all tne streams, cisterns and wells, ami it is supposed that thf water left is impregnated with ininr-ral ; oisons. A reliable corresoiiileut writing from there tells a pitiful story, and say- that in some cases as many a four corpses were found in a single house. New VollK. Nov. 2). Messrs. Barnuin and Smallcy. of the Democratic Na tional committee, were together at an up town hotel today. They were audit ing the limited number of bills yet re maining and closing up other matters of business incident to the campaign just closed. The total amountof money received by the Democratic national committee was S333.000, and of this sum 52.01-0 was received Ihrough the popu lar campaign fund in amounts of less ' than saOO. The national headquarters will be entirely vacated to-morrow. ::d, aiiaui orarjrbody kaowa aa'tha uo--fui manager af tka ' " . ". ' Largest Hotel Enterprises '. o.' Ainorioa, Bar tliat whlla a paaaetiger from Now Tork oa board t altlp going around cpa Horn, la tUa early Says of amlgmtlo a (. l irorula, lie teamed tin arte of the ft j f "' the reuoi had cared bjroaalf, tlnr age, of no obetluate dlacaae bf the f .v- j'- v . Ayer s Sarsapaii Blnoe than Mr. LXLAXD laj laoommo awi'i 8AaarABn.Li tiiany ain.imr nam, aiita..ia has nerjet heard at lie (ail. ar to effect sValrieafoiire. ,' - '. Soma yaart ago oua at Mr. Lr.C.ASb'1 farm laborers braised kie leg. Owing to the had state of Lis blood, aa agljr sorofaloassaailli.g or lamp appeared on the Injured limb. Hor rible Itching of tiie skin, with buroLiig and darting pains fluoagh the iantp, made Ufa almost Intolerable. . The log becama enor mously enlarged, and mailing skate formed, discharging great CjnaatiUos of axtrrmt'iy olitmmlTm matter., 'o treatment a-aa of any avail until the man, by Mr. La la tot's din-o-Mon.'-waa supplied vita. Area's Sauai-a-MtU, whioh allayed tha pain and Irritation, healed the some, removed the swelling, au.1 completely restored tha limb to nsa. ' Mr. LaxjutD hat personally aaed ; , Ayers Sapanli for Rheumatism, with entire eucecn ; an l, after careful observation, declares thru, in his belief, there tt no medlatne In lite .:.! equal to I: for thaanre of Uver X)lor.lira, Gont, tha effecte ot high. Urine f-ult Rheum, Soree. Eruptions, and all tbe varlons forma of blood dlitrasra. - I We hare Mr. LXLAXtrs permission to In rite all wbomaydsalre farther esidenee In mptrd to the extraordinary curatlre powers of Avxb's SAaaarAKbU' to eea him person ally .either at hit mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branoh, or ai tha popular Laland Hotel, Broadway, Z7th and 28th Streets, Kew York. Mr. Lbxakd's extenslre kaowledge of the good done by this auaaqaalled aradtcator of Uoodl rflssas enables htm to fire Inquirers moeh raluable infonaatlon, ,: - . . a- waTti n.'; '.-''-,' ' ' ' ', Dr.J.C. Ayer iCo,, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drucgistsf tl, six bottles foi $3. . . '. t . t' 4 tsr '' I ' ' i 'Professional Cards. ,CEASvnr BK0"V7IX, ATTOBNEY.lT.ItAV., KKITASITILTJK. W. O. , Praetloealn theCoontlosof Doplln, Luolr Craven, Jcmee and Onslow. Colleotlon of Claims a specialty. Correapondence aollclted. ,. . KtM-fiwsm P.:2. PEUTIEll -A.ttomey-at-ILi n POUOCKJIVILLK, . '? JsassCsssr Will practice la the'OoarU or Curb Onsrow and Craven. Boaolal attention srlven to tha v.: olalma, and aettUim aalata of dec. sons. . -. -, t,, , . ,1 C.,B. THORIAJ ATTOBNEY A! Offloe on Craven etreet, near oomer of Pollock i Stanly Jin i novtit C. Rs .TJIOTlAS, Jr., Attprney 'at Xiai-vv .. BEAUFORT. X.C. Omoe on oornerof Turner aad Front atreoia. Will praotloa la Carteret anj aojnming oonntlea. - I . Prompt attention to orrllaritlo'i 1 - ... nor dwiy .. , 1,TLLIAM"J.;:0LARKL,' COUNSEIXOB AT LAW, . Attenda all the votrrte held at New Heme, Nortn Oarollna. Particular attention 'paid ' to collectlug claims, and oooveyannlna. United Htata .ommlaaioner. 4 Sept. 18th, IBM. - -, '-.' dw L. J. Moobx. ' , War, K, CUwa MOORE & CLAEKE, ATTORNEYS .AT LATT, New Berne, N. C. , Will praetlae In tha Oourta or Carteret. Oa- ' ven, Greene, Hyde, Jonea, Lenoir, Oualoar ' and Pamlico oonntlea.- , Also In the Supreme Odnrt at ttalelrh and .. the United 6tatae Oourta at JSaw hium aud Raleigh. a Collecting a specialty, apS d vtf . sxoaaar v. antono, Raleigh. N. Q. auurm a. pkbrt, KiaatotuM.O t V STBONO &' PEBEY, KIMBTOH. . Cw ATTOKSEIb WL COtKSFLLOM IT, L1W. Hawing formed a aanartnarahlB .or tha ftractine oi to e taw in muss eoi arty attend the oourta of tha - ,w In Jones eon nty. aril I reau- gourtaof tha eame, Pr-.tuuV attention paid to ooUeotlrina. - . msyu-aawu Bi ttojNU rsitST, . FHrL. bollard, J. ( owrsa H. OUIOJI t ' HOLLAND & "GUIOITr Attorneys at " jfLstx-vv,; Office on Craven St., two doors above Pelloek Will practice In the Counties 4f Orawea Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir ' Prompt attention paid to oollsoUona. - r " aprtft-dawly. -v't ,, , '.. ... . . i. , Hi ii ' '. ,. '7 r. M. amiaoAH, OLBKUr KASTt.T, . SIMMONS & manly;. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.' . . Will practice In the Oourta of Oraveri.Jrmea, - Onslow, Uartret, Pamlloo, Lnolr and Hyde, and In the Federal Court at New Berae. . 1 rebtkl&wl) .-....-.., DE. O. GLAHK.C Na.WBKRJI. ir. CJ.';--, ;,-';' Office on Craven street, between PoUocJt . .. , and Broad. 1 aprlT-uAwlT ' JAMES RED MO CD, Agent and Bottler- i V or the . -a v. 1 Itl' IJU ATX MSiMJm : ' BEEG1TEE & E1TGEL. " BREWING CO'iV PHILALILPHIA ';; ''V New Berne, N. C. ' This beer took premiuma at tbM On , tenniul Exhibition at Philadelphia) And ' the Paris Lxposition. Kww. heittor thar . any other in warm climatcw, and is tlfv favorite brand whorever knowii. . For sale in kegs or crates. d W , ,' KLEN-SODOR, A st ia I', tlie Im-si in the world lor Laoadnr .im-: will wakt the cioihiK white and wset u-llliiillt M-. -ur Imilliiu ' li ih the lt lor li.Tlet use, in" flptth itmittii h, . . -1 clean. li In I lie lfBi sofc, for ehavl, face Rinooth an.l ttort.nnd prewy B.m cures Utrht r s lloli, rureaa cureK rliiK-wnrin, and finally' happy, lo 11 Ktirsalehy J WM, t s. rami ilnor from the cor" Mi l. lie and ttoath ' Also nt tho name place y t ignrit. i onncco, etc, til ait In eroat , Hrletv 'atrttll. 4" A A TFtv TTT.

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