4 .f ,V s. . - v f v'"" ' '- www i- -V' - - ' INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. . "Voxrxxxm (B.OO XAr 5Tsax-. vol.. i ; V 1U:s:K, CRAVKN COUNTY, IS. C, DECEMBER IS, 1884. NO. 5, 3 t W 'X . V I I " ' " 1 ) . -4 ft h forward '1:1' We Feed Rfloney, aa 1 cannot indulge longer. Accounts and Notes not paid very shortly, w expect to TTRN OVER to our Attorney FOR COLLECTION. OETTINCER BROS. Einston, November, 1884. "GARDNER & GLENN majtltfactueehs and dealeks rrr en aod Top Buggies, ROCKAYAYS. AND PHAETOflS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Outs, Trucks, . i ; Drajs, Eauejj, Hatters, Collirs, Hames, Etc. Drond f"ti-et opixwittJ AN'i. rvfilU-r-'-. Cf &EPALRI.VO LN ALL ITS BRACnE3 5KATLT EXK4 UTKD. OtTir US A CA.LL To Gottoii T:l AM NOW PRPARHD TO GObST COTTON at k Gia T. s. Qra s ti Hoit Favorable Terms. I will "ala TSa4' Ctton Market. .'. ' Iiaz o4 f f frUbtA to ta - I U1 pJ Highest Mixkot -. kTi i i r- - 2 red ta Si I iaa al prfar JHIJ I Wkaa rou kav Cot t Q ''' 7 I asaiso'Afvsi Ut th Clbrar . OIlICETiOfE SOfiTH oALPHEUS W. WOOD. -WSERH'vSCHWERIN. LlflnUOTIl GLOTlllHG :-GRKD' ' DISPLAY OF OTJE TJKZQUALED STYLES OF tall anil Winter CLOTHING 3L?oi 3tIoji. .xid Boys. rfOClSt,REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. e, "- ' :- Evewy ICrrftU bcyr. who vwti to b dreasod nrut, ax 1 .( the oini- C;nw wive enotafy, abeold tDavsctovg stock when In want of , JIotliinc:, UntN or SIioch. la axrrortUe weotfer th STORM KING UMBRELLA. wnu-.ieJ r - turr. vr faa aary storm. - BsrrlBM svM oChar uvsrcoau vsry low Btast t1s oi Meat'. LsMliew and CtuJ.ln-n Swiaa ot ClcbiatsfTOea tXOO to $21 00. r l-Mrm tii ottarMU irom n ' LadtseTaad Misals Chjaka axt Walking lallM'Mil 017 d "Truakaaad ValMa TIIK GOLD WEATHER j r 1H svMt hand, ,ar e -I ' -.. Aa4 Straw ILM aaf samiwr 9uit mint u. ; ' ' '' " ' tm acrd frt yCwr WINTER OCTKi r ,'. - tern lb ONLY EXClX'slVE UKNTS' n-;.;-' K V"" - 4" b aHgy ho TVU h iltrea u v. .' . V aa a Full L.ne of Saeorub . .!. 1 ,r toeaawvewsL. ' .; ; Cm liiaa ot Qrer t is tT bt h.i,. ov -r h v ..' .Kve, Tooeha avd Chtl.lreu a tuit fr ni i . -'- , .J'lil Ue? radi-rvrar .Vent t r -Ji . ' r ' , Vl mQ a good Waiu Shirt. Liu.-n K.. ni 1;. '. "u ,.-- "i Staay. aVdam a A On.' .iho.-e c k no - - :;r 1 tr x t 4 ULut arke. We bars th i:!ajKe alt , .f ih, m : ' Cct ?hosa h "FVe- " . '. Oaj Hmt Stock ry c.rtnpirtv cr. -.-n ;'- KawTVeWand 9cf. Oloree ILmierv !! .-.: ; UMW aad CIT BatSon. at f 'paiar t'- - . - - Carpta.Oil Oocha. Ku. Trunk i. 1 r t ns earn pi rr of Xair t Arn 1:1 f I ' . . 'taf OjaM, RjoU and Six ,(.- lt ' , J "'A'-'' - ; ' ' " -wit".... ' ' l and PAY UP. Growers . or greatly reduce the dntj o:i 1 1 1 j th Hif hot Price of thetniniodity. On the Itepublic.tn ! side of the House there is an over j whelming majority iu favor of a re NUBsrr at Cost- Price for Cotton cd I ice. co lion at Us lwr.t omfcerag, nva w'f-ofjoo to 0:o, b turo le ni OF COTTON EXCHANGE. STORE BOOMING. a l'nJir- i'.t:.m-.. jr tr.. r"t:i St " .ark.-t up Jaek. t. '. a rs. uiltv l"v" K 1 ' r I ss.:ii'EKIN 1 r HOVfiRD A JllNPS. Bl eaTF m m aay V V W saaSJ W Oco. EPISCOPAL CBuRCH. ItLL t"K srP.MKT. HEIt 11, :i ( '.ir-ri'.vi r r i. en i "I' ll t Aithur's l ti ,' ,-,.1 Oillo. c" lull ... ' .(. lil'.l II; I'l i ". i ni.ui ( ; i 'i i in o ' ijj.it i n h ; II ; T1 . Nr'.V -l. r,:nl .i (1 1 .(.!!- i'o ( i n. im i i IV. -ct i .XT ill- fl.lf tT n :i the nil i .ui for Atier four ilaily Mt- mi-. .iire--s re" we. try, anil : i- l. .1 Tviu, i: I i nirs nnt:i to diiy. !'i; t.. i-h iff i : i c-t centers in ti.e .:.t.-;il r.i'lier tl; in in the Ir.-I.inve nut! .lust now. the f: 'mi-T of two .-e;its in the Ci'itetl St.,'. s Se; one InMn oaoh o: the n'kt . - i-es of New Vorl. and I'ithi.-. ini.i. is exi-i;inr .iitentioii. Seu.U' i C'.imero: will j.rnl);itily ! retnnusl from the hitti r St.ite, now th.it his he.ilth is U tter, bat what the complic. tied itaation in New dieted, l'resnlrnt. Arihor would hke t h- wat, bat f courxe his PrM - eut pobition foil.ids him from active or irsonalcaiididaov. For several ........ ..-.r-vf Ner York friends have bien he- hw most Impressive man- t the White House, and part of ." "Imember that wateber carb dav in conference with Mr. happen to us , a tin? wale ob tears Arthur." It i under,toHl that be " lle ru,U ob ,de dirfc, ct b au Unotwdluigto go into a scramble scrupuJous (inscrutable) Proyi tor the Seursh.p, nor to hd" The Judge thinks that he hL name mennoned arf the can-' ectiun result was very much the ufdate of a faction. Consequently STOrk 01 aa mscrupulous Providence, he ba-s not decided what course to Senator Edmunds has talked in advise his fnerjUs to pursue. Andy ! a gloomy way with ineuds about Johnson, you remember, went to the ungrateful remarks that have the Senate after the expiration of been passed upon his conduct dur- liis Presidential term, and should Mr. Arthur do the same, there, would be the strange coincidence : of two ex presidential Senators,; Ixith of whom attained the IVesi-, deney through the accident of as ', sH.,tnation. Tliere neems t) be an unnsaal tleire among the Congressmen who will not return next year that this; shall be an active session, and each j is determined to puh lorwanl h:s; favorite meiwore. It is not known . fet that any tariff legation win U. attemnted. Mr. Ho man. of In diana, thinks that the titriff could tve detmyed gradually by a serie-s of attack, each directed against a single detail of the s.wem. The fifling in the House iu i.ivor ol tree -nir, or, as Senator Vance wrc.iid s.-y. fre asnnt'liiin" lias inrn gaming strength lorseveial yeaiH, and the s siini is not lik iy to tiid without au effort to itai . peal oi sugar uuues. - rorii,eru Democrat said yetexda.y thnt the . i-'pie of the l"nitel States had been chainel long enough to sugar Unters, and that it would Ik? tn-t , erwonomv to s-ini ttipni all to N-.r York sud to pay their .ward di a first elasjt hotel than c,,n-1 one is permitted to enter the Sen- the human system a parasiiic dis tinne the present policy. -e Chamber uutil twenty minutes , ease may so completely exhaust the Among the hills introduced into -have elapsed. A Senator in com j blood of some ingredient necessary the Senate during the past week. 1 nienting o,on the exclusi veness j to the growth and propagation of one suggested in the Pre,.-; den;' message, to give Gen. Ctraut ) jiiisiou of 5 (XJO a jear for life to date from March the 4th, 1877 It ii understood that Gen. Grant is 1 in or health, and that his sou 1 Krr-l was in this city a few days ago . seeking uu appoint nieut lor his own uppoit. These things cause a , feeling of sympathy for the ex-1 President. Uut prominent Con- pre. ioinl fneuds of Gen. Fitz John Pie.ter say the bill cannot pass the House this session. Alter the in auguration of a Democratic Presi dent, they say Gen. Porter's frieuds will not opioe (tensioning Gen. Grant, provided the Kepublicau 1 ,-v'iijie ooeo uol oppje me renei oi 1 Uen. rorter Congressman Koliinson, of New York, who is noted for his attacks 011 foreign princes, potentates and powers, otTered in the House a reso lution providing for a return to the simplicity of a deffersonian inau guration. It prohibits the erection of triumphal arches, and the dis play ol' bayonets in Washington on inauguration d.iy. and provides that only the t'hiet .Justice shall accom pany the President ulect, on foot, or in a plain carnage, drawn by not more than two horses, and without decorations o i, er , I o I lie ( '.ipitol. Mr. 1 ;..!: 11 sou '.- p l it n-.d 1; ! e en ds on ! he ith ot n- vt March, and it has been unk'.iidly hinted that this is the reason why he thinks a tlounsh of t rum pets 1 r jiibdat ion on the 1 ; h u:i-uitel to h;s slate of nimd. At l.i.-t the Wa-hiugtou iiionu nient has been capstoned and .ipexed. On Siturday, at a height : ;.;.( t. re:;eh in . Miches vs 'ructure vv.L-. ' ;n ,i!'oe r.iili sto If kf. e ! 1 ic ia-e. 111 a . thee l.'-.-t the highe.-t Huh. When :ar Sp.mIeil ! the summit, higher up. ;. icn -l.-red - .i'. lmii-.- 11 1: ;i iie.'., was in; ..inner s 11 5.0 r.-spo,; Il.lt -'ll.l C. nt.-ndr d M 1 1. I II oil : - Ml . la ( i Me M. A : M. . 1 1 !.. lei. .led Met 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 s " i- deee'ldetlt M e t . I . , 1 1 s " , . ' ! . s r . ,ui d 1 'r : n; : r : e I hutches. Thl's ' t es, r i i ; : , i st I M M I I II M I i a . et te )i : : -t c. 'tt tuna . i . i m . I M M i . The Met h st ;it 'hi! re 1 1 and . ther i I i.t; i ches will i. it be I elV.eia!!'. The.V will, nd Irateiiial .hlcp.-'cs. it.a'.d that I"iill 1H.IK.HI 1 I'C 1. CM' lit. il r y K.n. i u i i v i 1 1 a i V- .. W r I. -HIN(i I i ' N . I hr. 7, Son of p:il,l Tli. .iti st T 1 n i e urn, - mi si, end t heir ii '-hts ;i:nl 1. d.ts dicnsinti whi; initio hne In en. None, however, line .ne:i '.e'rer .i!.l' ;o ne an ;llui r.i" i.m i d'.e.i i i i- it tne.i leehns t ! ; n i'l.l.'e llsliue, i lonner mi'inlier ot l' 'i.-Tiess. but i.ow euf-'nyed in tiie praetlee of l.iw in this city. He says that he tinds consolation in rhe phrase of an old daiky preacher he o:iee heard tell ot down in Ar kansa.s. The old It'll. w in one of his cermoiis had dwelt upon the idea that whatever happened w.is for the best. No misfortune could hap'ii to one that was not for the best, although it inijibt be very try ing to the soul of taith to be ahvays able to make the exact application of the Ie.HMV.i There was one col ored friend in t he congregation who rebelled lit the theory. He rose up in meeting and recited his obj c tions at some length to the theory r hut Sud lurk ii.s well as mnil tim i " U1, J 1 ln- Tbe P" 87 t .e revol 'n th cougregation aud determnied , i'ul 'V uu"." " " .""""""f; ' I UlUJIUaliUU 14 Ulll I U V 1 7 U I 1 ' 1 I . ' mg the late election, lie nas rague- ly threatened not to be a candidate for re-election to the Senate. This is a very prudent move upon the part of St. Jerome. He has heard of the movement against him in VermoDt. If the feeling 'there should become very strong the Senator will certainly not be a can didate for re-election. He mast have given up something of his political ambitions, as he is abont to bnild a very handsome house here. ' ue nas paiu i,.ou or ne .ol-uio e T-t i j jt a r- i r l. 1 iu,wl ' f'" ' He is too shrewd in noting the re suit following public men building too handsome houses here to start Out with a grand place for himsell it he had not at last discovered that his personal uupopnlarity is enough to (taud as a bar to any future ad va ncement. He is as arbitrary with the Sen ate over which he presides as any ledagogue with a country school. To his credit he has driven out all of the cheap lpbby isists who used to lounge about the Senate cloak rooms and loll upon the sofas at the rear of the Chamoer. Some ot lhe Senators think that Edmunds goes ti far. o one is permitted now to send in a card to a senator until 2 (U'HX'k in iur iiia-uimiu, nun tcnin one aouuuauc croo as 10 oe ln- when the Senate is adjourned no hedged about the Senate Cham ber said: "I dure say it is all right. It 1 dare say it is au rignr. ii gives us an aw lut loon, oi morality at any rate, and tnat is soinef ning. Gen. S.VT. Crawford, of the Army, is here for the winter. He is the sole surviving officer who w;.s in port Sumter at the surrender under Major Anderson. An army o nicer ju discussing Crawford said: "He has been a failure as a military officer. He should have remained in the medical department of the n ee-n LJ , 1 J fKrt ill T Li O t fl 1 n i.' nf I jiiuj. 11c 1. uo iuc oen. arren-s oeing renee ! the battle of Five Forks. Craw ford had a division in Warren's corps and he was so incompetent tnat n arren nati to remain almost , nil tht time with him so tlru when 1 llir Shir uan suddenl v came nuo Gen. Sheridan suddenly came npon . the field he did not nun w arren : where he thought ne should be. and ; u he would accept no explanations Warren was relieved of his com niand." Mr. Andrew llevine. one of the best stenographers in the country, and who reported Mr. IMaine's speeches during his Western cam paign tour, i putting them together tor publication in book form. Washington, Dec. S. Secre tary Chandler has withdrawn irom the management ol the Xatimial h'fpuldican and is now otlenng his interest for sale. He has come to the conclusion that his paper would not pay under a Democrat ic admin istration when it has barely man aired to make expenses under a lie publican ad rum 1st rat ion ot which he was a member. Chandler has owned, in name at least, the con trolling interest 111 the organ. It wa- understood, however, that this interest represented t he investment of cei tain .-hip building contractors. Chandler's retirement means the collairseoi the whole scheme 111 volved in tiie orij.n.tl puiehase ol the organ. Chandler v ill lesiiiiie 'he pi ae; ice ot law here alier the fh ot March, and will gi e .1 c!os, 1 .c ; cut 1011 than et er to i..bb alia: ; s. The other Cabinet otT.eel.s i. e 'heir plans pre 1 1 well in .oi. T. 1 .1 in . m 11 u 1 i i ix" link to 1 .11" :ee 111 ( Tie Igo, .Hid l; .11 V o , M 1 atel 1 . 1'a d a' d ' I 'a'al Ml. lei le 's , i e -1 ' 1 1 . Al t hill C 1111 s;il.,!-., I U e. I and :t w a . ; i h 1 i en I 1 1 d t' t.a 111. .s. i t u I II 1 e hi eared II. 'toil mti.-: ul. I. i s heard ul h ; in a nd i en- r.u 1. even a word ot h i in m circles u lu-i e his recent I tcit ies used !n ollci a .staiidine; t..:e fur .uii'i-i'int-iit. Secretary Teller will return to Colorado. He wdl try to Mii-.-ia-il .Senator llil! this winter. He is enerally believed to be very iic.li. although he lives simply and ple..s Kneit when called upon to spend any money. Frank Hatton, the CosttnasttM'-Generai, will probably return to liurlington. although he is talking some of going into the : .uli . ,ut business. ement Sei retarv Teller's niana of t'-e Interior Department will all. nd ,. i aeii Held for invest igat ion upon the part of the next Demo cratic Secretary. A good, thorough investigation of the Vest resolution now pin lmg in the Senate will -how- that Secretary Telh r, as well as Senator Plutnb, is interested in the leased laud contracts in Indian Territory, which have been mae in j iolatiou of law. But uo one thiuko much w ill come out of the proposed j investigation. A Republican S jiia-1 tor in commenting u the inves-l ligation said. Senators never put: much heart in investigating any of; the alleged misdoings ot their as o ciates. There is too much of a family fe ling iu that body. There never yet lias been any iuvestiga- L,uu l" clc"i"u' ul,luc UJ ulal """J has amounted to anything In the few cases where Senators have been hurt in such investiga tions it has simply been where the evidence from outside sources has been overwhelming." It is geuerally conceded among Iiepublicans that thre is no de partment of the Government that so greatly needs overhauling as the Interior Department. There is hardly a subordinate of the depart ment in the West whose character will bear inspection. Mr. , Blaine is goine to Eurow some time next year. He will first write a history of the war of 1812. and irive a sketch of the oolitics of! tnat period, lie will remain in Europe lor a year or two for recrea tion and rest. He will return in time to give his attention to the affairs of the Republican party. He will be a decided factor in direct ing who shall not be nominated in 1888. His frieudssay he will never himself enter politics again. The family of Robert G. Ingersoll has returned to Washington. Col, Ingersoll is expected here at the close of the week. The Colonel is delighted with ranch life iu New Mexico and will return to his log house out there upon the 1st of next . April. It is not true that Bancioft, the superphosphate, containing neither Representative Springer to-day 'an Historian, is to go to Boston to , iiminotii' uor potash, produced as . nounced Messrs. Fyan and Milliken as spend the winter. The story has! follows: - I-'irst Year, 1870, 242 bush-! e sub-committee to investigate the been printed in a number of papers. I els per ...re; 1877.1o2; 1S78, 1574; J 0&T$J I asked him about it yesterday. 1879, 4-1; 1880, 158; 1881, 223; 1882, ! hold its first meeting Thursday, 'Puh !'' said he; "svhj not Lapland ! ii14; H!t. In other words, ' and will at that time examine J. .1. o Greenland ? I would as soon go I his pI-', with superphosphate j Barker, who made the charge on which to either as to Boston to spend the ' alone, h.:.- produced id eight years ! the investigation is ordered. winter.'' MIENTIFIC MI(ELLANY. TnE Theory ok Vactinatiox. I'rof. Tndall suggests that, just , as the soil may be so effectually roiihed ot some essential ingredient , capable of producing another, so in , , he parasite that the production off 1 h second crop in tatal or e.onsidera second crop in fatal or e.onsidera : i,ie rjuantity may be iniposible. It would thus appear that protective vaccination or inoculation is simrly j the introduction into the blood of I weakened and comparatively h;:rm j less disease germs to con.-ume the material which might, become food tor simdai germs in a more vigorous and dangerous condition. Wixd Wokk. A gale at 1. d St. Loojs in 1871, according to Mr. . r - . e r . - Miaier suiitn, overturned a locomotive, exerting a force of no less than 5K5 ponnds persquare foot At St. Charles a. jail was destroyed in IS.., the pressure required being p.eshure requueu oeing 4 louuds per square foot. At m 1 1 1 1 00A u V Masl,tleI1,,' ff0' a bnck man' S10I1 was leveled, the force necessary being 58 pounds per square loot, Ik.low these extraordinary pres- ur Mr gmith has instanced numerous cases of trains blown oft'! rails, and bridges, etc., blown down ! by gales of i'l to M pounds per square loot. Successful experiments in dis-' tributing the electric light to great' distances have been made iu con-: met. on with the Turin Electrical Exhibition. A Siemens machine of .'Iti hor.se power generated a current ; which was simultaneously used by. several electric light systems spread over a circuit of about 25 miles. A motor driven by small charges of gun cotton is an English uoveltv. It is said to be applicable wherever sin. ill rowers are required. A Get man botanist has given in stances of the modification ot plants by insects so as to produce new va rieties. CriiKAT Worms. According to Mi. 1'. E. r.eddard. a London zoolo gist, e irthwornis two feet in length have been found in the British Is,-s. and various species as large or larger are known to exist m South America. Western Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The largest species known. hoWeVe'-. inhabits South All ;ca. Forty ye.as igo a specimen was described which measured six teet two inches i'i length, but it seems to have been neat 1 i irgot 1 en tin 111 I he ot her di. u he. i a eigaiitie clea'Ule : till- s line species v,,, si ;,t to '.e 1, I I'll .'II s 1: .11 ( t .li uu- - Ill elhell t caehes i ! I a Ha t i M. N e el . ! ' .eel i 11 : I'i tills six leei 1 u-1 : i -r iii ,inii c," taken live inches, k alU halt an l'ich. , Via c r.u, 1. 1 I n ". A shun 1 let tisi-li 1 1 1 s co a red . t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 r c plants iii a'.ae w !Mc!i hah: !!.. tc vii , , v, i n ir ti t n m ei i i n s IC! Ilia- '!,(. n hilia- ell.lUell 1 II ' ' . ' ' ' 1 1.1 1 I'l'liVc I hill itici Usui "1 nr.titic matter. A Hun i In.! . 1 1 1 1 s i . dules oehaalseh has ni'ire 1 t-i eli! iiriiud t .he 1 . .1 lu'.-K. I' i' 1 1 1' i "m'i - c i - eoiv;hs ujion '.: . aie . e en t ; -e ci ce li est mens n I ,; ; !r fi iunn He il is ,i, t tl ted . ,. i : ,., i, 'la-r I e 1 1 chidine although ;, are i.ne 'lie two lie'.v al'ie de ct'li.cl ly lielilseh. A l-'reiieh astronomer iris hemd reasons for helievinp that a cin n'-'r uitirer:tnce jireiiuiablv : ol c.ino wnich exists iu the soulhein hemisphere of Venus has an eleva tion of not les; than seventy miles, lie regard.-? such a vast mountain .us not incompatible with the plan et's volcanic nature. riCTUREs of Soind Some re- maikable photographs of a pistol i bul'.e.r in flight under the illu mination of an electric spark have been secured by Prof. E. Mach, of Prague. He lias also photographed the Hir streams whi-b one may see over a Ikmsen burner placed in sunshine; and h..s even obtained : pictures of waves of sound, these : last being made visible bva method in which advantage is taken of the irrt gular lefraction of light by air! ict iu vibration by soaud. - Manure for Potatoes. "Iouet.vn Farm, N. V. In the h'urnl jYcr- Yorker tor Sep-! tember I'O, you publish an extract I of a letter from Sir Johu 15. Lawes i in which occurs the following sen-1 tence: "Two tons of potatoes say j SO bushels of 5G pounds to the! ! uouc'J wula,u auuun ok iwuuiu w ru'ui uu x i ' iu" iuau'i- ty every year without applying potash; but no more. It is no use to apply ammonia or phosphate, The potato must have potash.' I imagine Sir John must have been speaking of the large crops ot potatoes grown on the liural Farm. To raise such crops, ammo- i ma and phosphate alone may not suffice; you must have potash also.! rsuc me sentence, as it stauus, needs some explanation; and as the subject is one of great practical as ell as of scientific importance Sir 0 "u 1 uu'f " n e us T 'T- ' followetl- Alt ordered to hold matlon- " a "eem from hts:up their hands, and. the robbers "P"""" tuaL ne coumnotmeau i r ur mi moi ui : r it ikm inrp it r u that ammonia and phosphates with- out potash will not enable the soil ing to reports got $2,000, and be to produce over SO bushels of pota- j 8i,ies obtained from the passengers toes per acre. in watches, jewelry, and money These experiments commenced $4,000 more." The robbers then in 187G, and potatoes bave been I disappeared, after enforcing a grown on the same land every year i promise from the passengers not to since. The plot without manure of ieave the train for ten minutes.,. A any kind from 1875 to 1883, has strong nosse. headed bv detectives. yielded as follows, calling 50 pounds a bushel: First year, 1S7G, 154J lM1t,kAl, .. 1CT lOill. 1Q-"a UU,UCIS j-o.i, ao.o, 115; 1871), 32 1; 18S0, 42i; 1SS1, SH; 1S82, 78; " S.S3, 1 04. In ot her words, the unm mured land nroduced 72S.V hnshols in .-icrlif: Tp-.irs or nn nvpr". is-n of Ml bushel ner ncre p ich age oi .1 uusneis per acre eacn year. The plot manured With 1 ,347 bushels, or an average of 16SA oushelsj.er acre per year. On the plot receiving a liberal dressing of potash, soda and magnesia, in ad dition to the superphosphate, the total yield in tight years was 1,301 bushels, or an average ol 170 bush els each year per acre. In other words, this liberal dressing of pot ash increased the crop only 1J bush el per acre. On the plot dressed with nitrate of soda, in addition to the superphosphate and potash, the yield in eight years was 2,4 iDA bushels, or an average of310 bush - -cj i ' eis eacn year per acre, jveu.ier ; nitrate 01 soua nor ammonia sans, witn superpnospnate aioue, were used in the experiments To y U id years ieeapiiulate: The average tii i .iT, r pei acre during was as follows: ! No manure ! Superpho. . li:ite 91 bushels per acre ICS5 Superphci'! ' te ft : pot ish. el" 170 Nitrate of soda alone 132 j ! Superrb- ;-phate & j potash, etc.. and nitrate of soda... 310 So far as these experiments go, tlierefure we u,ay y tbat potash ,,noa nf ,w.rHU,1!lf,v;i1i nfnotn. (ln(1R ,.nfi ill(.,Hlwn ,i1H vi,,i(i 0f nota- 1 1 to r., iH.r. ; f,jr vears out , tatoes. in iacr, in n.ur y ears oul of eight, namely iu 1S7D, 1880, 1S82 , ,i n,Q ..1,1 ,-vi,rtC,i,arn 7U J ""'"""'""j alone was greater than from super-! phosphate and potash. A hen nitrogen is added, then we have a ; larger crop, but there is UO proof, SO far as I can see, that nitrogen ; and phosphate without potash ; would not have given a lar; e crop also. No doubt, as Sir John sas. he potato must have potash."' What we want to know is whether the soil does not contain enough potash to produce a good crop of potatoes, provided there is sufficient availa ble nitrogen and phosphoric acid. I am inclined to think that where we depend on barn-yard manure or . clover or grass sod to furnish nitro- gen for the po'.atoes, we do not need to use potash our manure or sod furnishing relatively more potash than niti ogcii. But should we de pend on amnion 1 .John s. have pc be delic! is delic! LlAItRi nitrate of soda it sails of v. e should soon lind. as St. -. that --potatoes must ash." bur will not the soil ; t in phosphate before it i:l in' potash ? IoseI'II ii 1,'ttral y ic- Yorker. ' "mewall Items. . I niTu. is on a friend.- in Paia- Mr. T : . mi" -ni'i.:, Mi-. I. Ilvmiu:. in this .!;. . ses. reu- e Mllit !.i .:;il I: the fiol Isbor ice f. the hacpy re It i- n . t the . s, :;'s ''r.-. k. . ca d en !a-t k I. am- ivcie : - a hu'y on tir-t that as il : y.l ci a t.i e tir-t iy ai v I'-o.iii Mr J..s. M : . - "f e-ar t .' 1 .. i.,y ,.; -.. I.- .. W. I :.::. -.erlin-; a t '.riae; 'i'nur.l.i v iu th is i vt-r in i'aiii . a- f I- T A. 1 he 1 V,-d- n.-s i iv el slii. 1 hi: Mr-. M. I .an net t . lav r... in iy L.-u i v l i : w 1 1 . . ll 1 e iii ti, : n . 1 Ti -ia An the 1 la . arc- b . of thr al t or lun7 Cure lei sa n' e diebb. that Tiso's cured the ases. Ad- . o'.,.-un; .ti. ai h is laintt. in ctlier i I I. HAZiLTLS"E, Warren. Pa. GENERAL NEWS. Washington, Dec. 7. The Sig nal Service station at Chincoteague reports that the three-masted schooner Margaret A. May, bonnd to Baltimore from the South with a cargo of lumber, camo ashore three miles north of North Beach life saviDg station, Maryland, at 10 o'clock last night. The crew of eight men were rescued by the life saving crew at G o'clock this morn ing. The schooners master is L arvis, and her owners are Jona iuau may oons, 01 ruiiaeipnia, Pa, Potjghkeepsie, Dec. 7. Heavy winds prevailed east of here last night. At the Alteram lead mines the wind blew a freight car from the side track on to the main track of the Ponghkeepsie, Hartford and Boston Eailroad. The eastward- bound train ran into and demolished it. The engine of the train was thrown from the track. Nobody was hurt. JUITTLE KOCK, Uec. I. . Dec 7. At, 101 iasc nignt a passenger train on the Little liock, Mississippi river and j Texas Railroad, coming this way, when three miles below Little Eock, was stopped by five masked rob- hers, who switched the train, took complete possession, and went i thronpli ml the rasspnrftrH. flon. ductor liice and Express Messenger Honevcutt ' were in the ' baggage oar. The robbers opened fire as thev went toward the engine, and , both men were covered by revolvers, About seventy-five nasseneers were i tlie carS) and great excitement , then went to work. They broke j onn tilfi p-enrpss, safe, and nc.c.orrl- . A r aro in pursuit. The train arrived afc Little Eoek at about 11J. Washinotok. Dec. 9. A rPHolnt.inn has been presented by a number of rep resentatives, providing for the adjourn ment of Congress from the 20th inst. to the 2Sth prox. It has not been acted uPn' however, by the ways and means committee from which the resoiution fm.art-innrnmfint; mnstenmp. ZlX, f" XT: ' X 'In a en h.nommirraa o nnMnlA r r in the Ohio October election, wiilot meet until Fridav. Commissioner Dud ley will be subpoenaed to appear before the committee before it leaves for Ohio. A sub-committee has agreed to favorably report to the House committee on In dian affairs the Senate bill providing fof the allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians on various reservations and extending; the protection of the laws of States and Territories over the In dians. A number of Congressmen are moving j to secure legislation at the present ses- sum of Congress for the relief of whis . . . . i y dealers, u -00 , . ' . r , s. the adjournment of Congress in Julv a ; large quantity of whiskey has been ex- ported and it is asserted that by this exportation the government has lost sev- 1 eral million dollars. The proposition is I lJ UdVC U1C OCVI CLI J JL Ll.O Lit tL."MJ 1 point out to Congress the I033 that the government is sustaining by the expor- i tation of whisky and to request that leg- islative action be taken as a remedy. The whisky dealers desired a practical extension of the bonded period for nine months. Instead of being compelled to export their liquor at the end of the ex isting three years' bonded period, as is now required if they export at all, they propose to export the whisky at the end of nine months there after, and to give bond that the exporta-J tlon shall take place at that time. In i tne meantime cney nope mat me quan- i tity of over-production will be reduced i and that better prices can bo obtained. If the whisky remains in this country tne g0vernmJent. they say, will secure a tax which would be lost by exportation, Washington, Dec. 9. Representative Follet expresses his determination to contest the election of Mr. Butterworth a seat in the 49th Congress as a rep- (.Ciucinnati.) Shenandoah. Pa.. Dec. 9. Early this morning three blocks of houses at Treu ton. a small mining patch near here, were totalb- Luroed. Six persons, Thus. Barlow, Ids wife and three chil dren, and a border, named Fitzgerald, were burred to death. Only one of the Barluw family, a child live years old, was savtd. LONl'OX. Dee. U. Captain Dudley and mate, ol too wrcs-ked yacht Jaignonette who ia.i.ii ! ruilty f murder in the , L ii 1 in oi if... Uwj- Parker, for food to keep themselves alive, were to-day sen ttneed to den", h. It is believed that they will be cert.'.iniy pardoned. Lvnckbl no. Va., Dec. 9. Charlie B. Palmer, a gambler and bad character, of Chatham. Pittsylvania county, while on a carcase at S.-ie yesterday, accosted Wm. Aikers. with whom he had had an altercati'.n before, and commenced shooting I'-t him. Several sliots took elfeCC, and Aikers soon died Palmer then beat au iiioitVn-ive negro nearly to de-ith. afler which helled. A posse of citizen.- have been searching for l.im a'i day. but without success. They are greatly iiv.'t'i.si d. and will 1 rol.ably h in h ;t.,. near lerer if caught. Al though cnlv e..rs . !' aire. I'ii'.na-r has ..ic- throiicheat this se ll, r and desperado. . i ' . . I h e. a. In tie; 1. v'- A'ade lllinitvli i'a: Si.ilc- Si r ati.r a his ov. n eivmr- th.e entire Vnte of tilth' I .Ce.li"il "! till' e heeome nolo! tion as a swii C !.VM! I.V. i-latur-' t .-.! st I .red 1 epi e- Ill C'tlleV. hv .-.J.-I.-.l ' alid t ' t. .r lie- it in of t in re- .ear lef ct tO that i ' in ; ti a ili I h-rtl.e . guards . lie- I i v. per- Th.s lll.dlv ell', hi Tie in n.i 1 1 ii-i . t T e. I 1 ! li a i r n i nia pa.-t 1 .ile .ia r ten d i. ction in ,ve h. ill. 1": t'n ill the Wert to Ch itt.unvga and southwestern points and the rates have be.-r. lowered 43 per cent on grain, meat, llour, etc., from Chicago to C.'hat tanocea. It is believed that the new rate will be ratified by the Southern steamship and railway association, and . wri I become pool rate, i THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. - i The Srrmo" ,y ""ho. 'ir Tur- The Edentoa street church had need of its new building yesterday; for the congregation that assembled to hear Bishop Lewis Parker filled both room of the building now in use. The Bishop wears a full beard, whjch is streaked with gray. He has a strong face, almost stern in fact, and at once makes the impression of a man of a good deal of power. He is a plain preacher. He has no mannerism, but .drives straight forward to his point. riis text was II Cor., IV w-'For - ' God, who commanded the lightto.sbine out oi ine aaritnesH. ootn Bhines ,c our j hearts, to give the light of the knowis edge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. " ! The spiritual light of Christ was his subject. ''You may look into the faea of Nature," he said, '"and find no an swer there to the'everlasting inquiry, If a man sin nov may he find pardon? xou may look into all human faces, however great be their sympathy, you find no help. But the spiritual light of tne universe is the face of Cnnst which outshines the material sun. and which excited the curiosity of the1 very angeis. ynrist, 1 snouia say, is toe one absolute and eternal satisfaction which a longing soul in God's universe finds auu hib ouij one. ',i t ; The sermon was nearlv an hour Ion. but was listened to with the greatest, at tention by the large audience; and near its conclusion the preacher himself and many or the congregation were over come with tears J Among the com man- i cants were several very old people who can seldom go to church Miss Sarah Reese and Mrs. Nancy Tucker among otners. Alter .the service liov. Jarvia, u-en. Mooerts, ana otner prominent fen tlemen present, Shook hands with the Bishop.- r Bishop Parker dined yesterday with Rev. Mr. Norman, and preaobed last night at the- Person- street churchr lis has expressed himself, in very ooniIi- mentary terms abouttho North Carolina Conference. He will leave the eitji to morrow. Atate yflrpmwe-;.;. FARM NOTES KCTMBER . ' ' Editor JouiAt,-The task you have set me is a heavy one, and , will hare- to be done by installments. -a: 1 will begin by explaining the damage done the farming interest by itsvfriendg' In ordinary business no man expects to set up shop without capital or money to furnish it. .t - , ' But in farming, as soon as a man be comes too idle to be a good laborer, lie must be set up in - farming. H has no trouble, in renting land and buildings; lie nas no trouoia in baying a none or mule on time, because he has rented the land; he has no trouble in, getting supplies irom a mercnant, ror ne nas already rented land and bought a horse. But it is all done on his bare promise to maKe a good crop ana pay up. . , The result is, a farm hand who' Was already getting a 'little slacki is eon-; firmed hi' his idleness; spending most of his time in talk, calling it "iittendina to a little business.", A. good pieco, of farm, land is neglected; the fences get down, "the loos hogs get ,rn and get hurt,-" and thM makes trouble in the land. ') - V'.;;- A horse-or' mule dies or -becomes too much , "run down to recover, and the merchant loses his hill, and all because people will not recognize farming as 4 business, liable to the usual . 'business rules. .i ' - - This is ' the principal reason for the lack; pf . tmprovemeiit-in the Country. But a few more years like the. past .and present will regulate it; if in no other way, by reducing the surplus of tho.e who eet irresponsible1 men up in the business of farming. " ' ' An empty house is better- than a had tenant- iii t, : uni. ., than $200 on me whTchVou don't iret. ' You had better sell goods for cash than put on 80 to 60 per cent for fall lime and get nothing, John PkiKCK., N. B. If you have not' sown , oats, sow them. Mine are up and growing. Crop Report. Washington, Dec. 10. The depart ment of agriculture reports to day the prices of farm products in the home markets. The tendency to a general decline of prices appears to have de pressed values somewhat, aside from the abundant - supply. The average price of corn is 86i cents, which is one ceut lower than the average for 879, when the supply in proportion to the population was quite as large. . It has been lower but twice in ten years; in 1877-:78, after two previousj years of abundance. It is the highest in Florida, 80 cents per bushel; and the lowest pi ice is 18 cents in Nebraska; Kansas 22, Iowa 23, Missouri 36, Illinois and Min nesota 81, Indiana and Mississippi 84, Michigan 40, Ohio 41, Kentucky 43. It is 53 in Pennsylvania, 54 in New Jersev and 60 in New York. The ruage of values in the South Atlantic States is from 36 in Delaware to 73 in South Car olina, and 80 in Florida, increasing in the order of movement, except that Georgia reports 66 cents; in .the more Western States 54 in Tennessee; 61 in Alabama: 62 in Mississippi and Texas, and 67 in Louisiana. The average farm price of wheat is 65 cents per bushel, against 91 cents last December. The December price in thirteen years has previously been below one dollar per bufihel bnt live times in 1874, 1878, 1880, 1S82 and 1883. The vpr.i-e in Nebraska is 43 cents ar, ;n Kansas- 4fi in Dakota: 50 in Min- ' nesota: 55 in Iowa; 62 in Missouri; 63 in , in Illinois, 07 in Indiana; 74 in Michigan, i and 75 in Ohio. The average home- j t grown wheat in New England exceed ! one dollar: in New York it is 85 cents; j in Pennsylvania 86. It is 80 cents in : Virginia and 83 in Maryland. The ' average value of oats is 28 cents, against ; ' 33 cents last December, and 37 against i 35 in 1SS2 The present value is the j lowest ever reported by the department. 1 The lowest State average is 19 cents, j Iq Nebraska the highest is 60; in Florida, j Iowa and Minnesota, 20 centH; Kansas' 22: Illinois 23: Indiana 27. nn.i Ohio 29. The rane is from 42 to 60 in the South, i Th plantation price of cotton re-j ported ranges from 9 to Di per pound. ' It is 9 in Tennessee. Arkansas and Texas. 9 cents and 1 mill, in Louisiana. J cents and 2 mills in (leorgia, 9 cents and 3 mills in the Carolinas and Yir ui i i. The average farm price of the entire erop of potatoes is 40 cents per bushel. The lowest is 25 cents, in Michigan. The average in New York is 30 cents, 42 in ( hio. :t."r in Maryland. 34 in Illinois. 2 la hraa. t-t' m Nebr.tska. Heath .f an liiiiiiii-ii t (iiizen of Duplin. 'ar coinniunity lias been saddened bv the announcement of the death of Key. James Sprutit, 1). I)., of Ke.nnns villi. Duplin county, which occurred at his horn.- on Saturday night last, ah ait 5 ..'clock, lleceased was born near Kd i n bu rgh . and educated at the I u:eisiiv of thai city. In 4o he e .mie to tin- counli v. and has ever sin-e be, n a t cm.1 .'iu of Keiiansvilli.. where. he engau 1 in the pursuit ,f todchink: 1 and in performing nn the (iutn'H of the I'liii-tiiin ministry, he having been f l . in 1 he t line of his ordiicitioii to Iur death pastor of the 1'resby tei lan church at K eiians il !e. Ir. Sprunt whs a I rutin r oT the hit" Alex. Sprunt. of tins city. He leaves a family of four daugh ters and two sunn. During the late war deceased was chaplain of the 20lh.NvC ' Infantry, and for many years was! Register of Deeds for Duplin county, i lie was widely known and greatly b loved for his piety, his learning and all those social qualities which go to make n i liiiiiu li I iin iilii I man. ttar. Varren Ul.:: , .... - . . jrtiom. rerfbolf kntro ' "U titer. Largest Hotel En!cr;r:r yi Amsrioartajutliat vhll fi:v--,.: Nuw York oa boards (Ulp guliiK am... llarn, III Utm early days oj nl(!mit ,., tf.n'iila, h IwMed tknt ot of U o the rtwal bnd ure biuwelf. ilm1'. in as oiwtlnat diMM b)r Uio .. Ayeri--$arsapai 8iur Uien Mr. LwaX baa. roe.... AVKlt'n BxBftATA.UIU.1 la mxry . cmc. ir.l he ba navr yet lircrd vt Ut , ure to rlle-f rdleJ nre Sume y.-nrs ngone ot Mr. Llrl.A?r 1 . laboiorj lirulaed hi kf- Ovbig to !) ' tata of bJi blood, ang) MrofuUmr m. , orlampappeamd onlbvUiJttrad limb. )' ribl Itching of tb Skin, trIUi buruinK u. I darting palna tbrongli tlia lumji, .n lo I alimoat Intolerable,. TUa lrg twrame ' fiioiulr enlarged, and ruoiiliig uU-en f .i n dlftcliarglng great qnantlUea ot atr offanatT mattqr. Xo treattnant l armll onto tba-maa, r Mr.O,ELj( Ki. tloa, vaa mptiKed Vltb Arca'ii Ki. X1LLA, which allayed tba pala arid Irriu. heeled lha aorea, removed tlta awcllln. . bompleealy reltored the II nb to nee. Ur, Lcuoio hupetaoaaUy nod for athantnatlam with entire luffme ; m l, after earefol cbeerraVlon, deelarn ihnt, .hit belief,, there la bo medlcrna In (tie 1 equal to I" ier the eore ol liver lUorcUr, '0ot, the effects ot hlghr llvlnc. ' Bheom, Soree EripUenat and all !! various fbrms of Mood dlaeaafa. 'yyehareMl.LifcASlSrjeriniailoa t..lnT: all rhoraay dealra further erldeDoe In r.-ti 1 to the extraordlaary caratlre poeera f Arxa'e BABSArAWU.1. to ace him jh-. .-..-ally either at his Biaratnoih (Mean J ;..(.!, Long Braaefa.o t the popular Ixlan.t Hotel, Jroadvsjr, Zttk and 2Stb Streeta, New ) irk. llf. UTLajTB'S fxteaalma knoe-lectiin of Vo . good dose try thif uoequalled enxllrai .i . r blood poteons enable him to glre Inqul noeb, Valuable Information. . - pr. J,C. Ayer A Co.,tAweII, f.Tasa." , Sotdby anbniggitt; ti, lis boitici f..t tx f - ' Professional- Cat da. CHAS..H, BE0V17, AT T O itS E Y -AT - I A VT , . )'' etfcajAyiI.ljiB. W, C, '' Trtlojiln theOonntleeof Duplin, Lenoir . Craven, Sanaa and Onalow. Col le tlon M Claim a a pedal ty. y s Correspondence aollolted. ,rt.r5wflra ' V. P.-H PE1LETIEII . aw. , "Tox.OCK:rvii.i.K. 1 . -T.-'J.:- .,, ! Jsataa CMntr. If. ' i'. Will pnteUestn the Courts ot Carteret, Jnna Onalow and Craven. . Special attenttnn rven loth collorO. n t elalms, aad aetuirig ealat, 0 a 1 - sona. - Diarlw rA B'jhi; t j AT L A Y Oflloeon CTaTen et'reet.l u'fitanly Hui1.0r g neeroomer of Iotlook lumt- uov.i iy Ct It:-THOMAS, Jr., Attornoy- "t" Xjaw, ' BS4UtyjRT,'N. a :-;- ' . Oflloeon oortier of Turoerfctid Front arte' . Will practice - la Carteret and adjouuiif oonntlea. . v - , -.. ' t, , Prompt attention Ao collection of elulim. - .t,,V-sov4W-,r ..-..it-! - . WILLlH; Ja'tJLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. .' Attenda alr Oie oourta.beld t New Berne, NortaCerollDa. -''-. v';.. . , - rHTuourar trDHun - pm oullectluf oiaima, ano-conrvyanf inn. . CrJ ted suttee CoaaaoiaaioaaT. Sept. 18th, llMi. .' . ; . , l' 4w' " l: j.' iioous. ; , wa. je. cuaia .' MOOEEiOLAEKE, f ATTOENK Y 3 , AT,LAT7, , Kew Dorne,H,' jO,. . .' W Ul praotlae 1 n the Otrurta of Carteret, Oral Ten, CTreene, Bydev Jouee, Leuolr, Ui.duv and Famlloo oonntlea, - ' ; Alao in the Supreme Ooeirt at Raloliili and the United .btaUta Courts at, ew httum and Kaleith. J - . OollecUng specialty,, -' aptdvtf OBOBOS V. STKOHO. ' BAJT1SX . MT, y ',' ' ' Raleigh, f. O.T V. ' KJnut. -1, N. (J STEOSTO & PERRY, t . , ATTORSmaV tCOl'SSELLCES 11 m r . EtAvlflf formed ft eApartnrshlp for th pracrtlceoftfaeJawlB Joiiee nooaty, will r u ' lariy attend iae eourie 01 tne aua. fir 111 attention paid to ooiieenmui. maylS-dAwu ' r. at. stiuiuirs, SIMM0R8 a MANLY, . ATTOBNBY8 ATXAW. A' , ... , 0 ' Will praetlee In theCoartSo Craven, Jrtfces, . Onalow, Carteret, Pamlloo, Jnolr and Ude, . and In the Federal Court at New Berne. . , , r BbMwl. ' DKlVD; CLABK NaDWBKSJi; V. V ' Offlee on Craven etreet, between Tolloak and Broad. prt7-dwty JflUES REDHOCD, Agent" and Bottler!'.! . ... ' OF THE CJ I I 1TJ ATED ' ; ...'- BEEGNER & EITGEL' -;; xe-w T1TTT A PxiILAIJELa IlIiL LAGER BEER . New Derne, N. C. . -e . This beer txk premiums St the Gen lennial Exhibition at Philadelphia En ' the Paris Exposition. Keepa better th' w vim s, and it f o v. t ' any other in warm climates, favorite brand wherever knows. For sale in kegs or crate. j KLEN-SO-DOR, 7 A A 1 li 1pI III Dir VOrKl loN or f 1 UF , m U I ninkfl th clothe vt)lt i wlll.otii HHl(lliiu or iHilllnx. Il in tli' Im'hI B'Uip for Tollrt UM, 1 iieKti Mmoiiiii, Httxx mid mean. II Ik Mm: h'Kl hurii fttr NtiOTlnsr. I fHfv mrnHiTh hikI null, and prvvvn-' HIli I'll f H Kill I'M K itrii. PurHi cfTOt Pur, - H rii.K worm, am) lmlirwi i anli. tw wm L.. rl s-- .ini .I....T frnii) tlw corner ' M liMle HD'I Moutll Vtv New i A iH.r :o i li 4 same place yotr Ckios. I '.me i .-(, i-ic., ol all k ll tic In gri-Ht nrlet v Hi r-tall. a Cotton Broker and Comic; ,1 llclt.a I - The ltlBheat Prices G .NEW BEIUt . oildwtf V C... . 1.. i..i...nl. I r - - i- a i erv , rf.. . WMW V ' '."Z.i.M s f-v.l-J