JUJINAL. . t. X CU tC It. 1884., -4 at t rl DOM at MVa irl li X I? U n.Mr elaia by of U J t hAira!j hi ti eooatr? that lUstuu, iartl t& Dao- '.3 r-irtr Iron dret l U o ion. Mr. WiTTKSSQS, of lb Wny tbl. Bat It to a tcr RTQ SO AflJ SA ILaSDAIO. hotaU la tb country. ... ., i . i, . at Its suu- &r9kltm'&o'U- !! eootlaeeJ that tW wl- Cf tb iocuUr prw I oC ra la the E4pti4' Oocacfl, -vkh ta end th coofcroTenj th taj-tUfc Orphan A J tan .a; as rptaa' Cirit TbAt U ft boat M p4 wt ;t a. cccU be nJrMtd- .,5S Frracb S?oUjakaiCl-u .11, .,tj U WilmiafVtt l4 v ,f two 'JTotr.wij : , at I'm I ton pM tt 1t tfi irJ ia W tara4 lootKSh. i QerwX fear c!tUn of thUeitj wUi? : !:!imtJ la thU dilawJ" ! l b fcJ 0 Ul ft UlT i 1 . - - '" . . i ol th papers kr U ttii s iua win be ioMirtrrateu . ... r c( KortU CuroiloA oa.th , I s oojthk to e8li- - m almanac' tbt r ;-. We don't W rs. SOJLLXS 'ill CTft U i i: will tUmbtle hp rood T:ik in.iAbetb City ca!I u !t t th4 facC thalejUJ t t .'.! to elia( capital ftf ..vclc-meat of tho 'bjt-r 1a- i lxv in lvAUi!Jco iKMod. Other . n Narth of M jpet Urya la i f.- their ystr trad, aad l-;.ait;a U &J1 that lUnvU Itt ij U Zcrih Caroilaa! raapia k WneSt we- bopea Garal "i'J h!eh eea tbUwlate - ,n 'r remova aH tyectiona-' !ii a;..l CQArt ncb aj'will aiJ ' Tin lb! great ladoatry. . t :. t tLd im;tIoa of tbe t Ai ro'o'aiiMJoner WOBTB : Uli to aubmit to tb Leg i KipnixstacnKB, .of V r , fr fci eppojution to tbe ill a ot Sir. McCCIXOOtas .ry cf tbe Treaaary, . taa be UvUto taxiT laan, aad that w ?:e: c i . f r .e so nearfy a free trader aa Cvixocn la la noaainated 1 1 ".it of tbe TrtrajrarT. it U I'.ty to bia eoarktiooa. h i coainnatioa. II aaya tie xoiee ef Vlrgioia, aad eil UjU aha U aa aolid for -.v'iia .aa. . raonajlranla. : other ilr. ErsmxsxaoKS la ,hi cr not a to Vl2alA poai tii tariJ", it U erideat tbat ..j j rotectloa Idaa I crowm g .la IISTIXU AXJ T1TTXO TAXES. Oae of the questions ' Uk&lwiU pcoNklJj bo broa'bt before tbe f aecuriax a more anifona valasr tton of property la tbe Scats. Tbat ..rvi iaeaaStieaaboald'exls&iaa the pirxeot method of Taloaiioe. Vu -h coaaty bas It board of aa s. -n, sketLaz entirely ladepeadeat cfi.ii aiwt her-, aoma nai-aafn r. lands at what they think It 0oU briaff f s- M for eaab) at. poblic otery, whera JaJ'.ns its, valae by taa aoioaat of peodtsee actaaily aaade -.ix thd pla-aUtloo, while Others ttiQ Ct Tialkia . tceonllnta arbat i 7 t'uak tber Uad is capable of rnaclas If properly-caltivated. And we may add; there are aomey ii doabt, wbo are afraid tbaitbe valaatioa la their particular soanty will be bhzber tbaa other eonntiea ' and they wilj pay more ,tbaa their j 05t 'proportion oT tbe. 8tate taxra. Cat aeearinf a aaitorai ralaatioa :.o a!. J be noiae mioreeffectaaJ neana efcor.ectinf. Uxsey rayiaj tarea 14 beeomiaf more aad nore a rol eaUry met oa tbe part of maar rer' Ttarl Aad. too, . m the CAaAaaa JUceri' wtTl aaya, the prtseat method of Uaitinf Usable a oreas too vide a door to penary. Ifaay nvaa thlak it amart to cheat the rovenjment oat of their taxea erea tboatk they bare to swear to alio to dolt. - wtocavm hi rcBuc schools. TW5e York' WrU diseases the shore qnestioa sad concludes 'that pU20 'opto ion regard cor porsJ punish neat io the common SCBOois as reiic of Itarborum and oabt erefyvbers to be abolished. PaUla opiakta ban undergone a Treat eoSBg oa taU subject with the last thirtv r forty vmr. 9 ett resMmber wWa tbe toaeber tad school Cite earliest in -l amine, kept open the cre.-Uet ref . boars daring the day 'ThJppeJ the moat wu xr I tba best teacher io the "tsaX ckiWren regarded go chool as a iiort of panish Ictetlby tfceir parents and 1 great rejoirsag when the jf school was aMouncvd. Is for the bvtter, hot tay teachers vmU lad difflcals to mf atuM it were iaoTi ajnoag t so eooM not a the ! woaM to better; erpel h wLoo, srtnr tb .s ehlM, of to en- ' erea if tae .o tboolit bedMnrd neoctuuMf The WtrUH or tb oinIon that nch boj are better oot than is r abhc chcol, ,beCAOse tbir exampto h airmfal.to other acboUr. It alo cita thchooU of New York Citj a proof lht whipping is uot Inili pooMbto to giiol ai Allotment OtMxlieot, vU 1ctpiim?l iwpiU. Tbe (ttU Vhronu-U pablislie,f a j COaniniction in whirh the wntr ) ogpaata thai it vouM h giwxl ol- 1 ley for the next General .UwmNi . to prtTi for th .Iraininc of the Uoda owod bv the Stte )!oirJ of ; Bdmutioa br mein of ennvirt uoor. tap hukkchuuu f K"""'0f OM and w not ongioal, tft A8 in I ClrMMr blire, hoton that tbe , JOUBXAL biM been nririnc for the taat foor r9r. 15at no matter where the fclw orlrn- ' " i practical, and one which oaght to oomlnand the attention of the Gen era! Aaaembly. ' There la a jreat deal written and said aboat tbe defects in oar public school ajstetn . Tbe create t de fee t la tbe lack or money to carry oat tbe system. What better work can the coartcta be eegaged in than draiaiag tbeee lands ao tbat they may become a source of revenue to taepobiie aeaoohi T A beginning hae bee a made in White Oak poco in by building tbe Quaker Bridge read. Tbe cattiait of this road shows tbe feasibility of draining these' land and It farther shos j that tbe laada are far more rsJnabie tbsa before estimated- If another road was cat through tbia same bod Cf land . at light agtei witb( IM 'Qoaker Bridge road, it woald theW be getting la proper shape to sell off by sections. t Senator- THOJrraos aad liepre- aeoUtiTce TxxxaiLU KnQ and Cnajrwfat bare aa opportunity of doing good for the whole Bute by eoarriaciag the General Assembly of the important Of this wprk and procure ma - set for 'cottiog addi tional roadathrooga these lands. -xoet AvrtcE fob pabxcbs. 'Tae JocwtllTlbioks Yery little of the) advice given to farmers by editors who' never spent a Lj at work -on the farm lo their lire. ba$ think . the (bUowiag from the Orfimu JVwaJ is worth re pe.blishiag.aod moat hare been written by some one lam u tar witn Ue farm? v riTB USTAXBS OF FAUMKUJ8. 1-To thiak thai aayone can farm; that s'Hta wbo has starred a a eaaraaaer for a patent tooth Dick or bad beea -onaaccenKfal as a carpenter, can jump Into a boMneas mi airing high lateUigeace and pre aerrinff efforts: aad. beinc utterly nnfajailiar with aejails, be awe io make aaoney. 3. To let foolish, pride or narrow MadaJ prejodios oreveot tbe adop Uoa ef w i methods when they bare beea raced by practicaJ men X. What is H bat Lb worst kiad of a' mistake to pay tuiaJrcds of dollars for good farm machinery, j and 'allow it for want or proper skelter to rot and become aseleee s rear er ao sooner tbaa it aboold I .-4. TU get ap after tbe ann, lean ea .fork handle. peculate for an boor or two apoo what th weather is going to be, let the weeds gee a good start and tbea wonder wby larmlac donl pay. A. To leaw lot of nne hopped wood, wet or kalf-apiit wood at tbe pile., a loi of old haraaas jji the kitchen, and maddy tracks la Ute diaing-roora aad expect to see the wfrcsaa folk good natored. rirm wotes. nnul. .TUB LABOBKH3. I expect farmers hare noticed how easy it has beea ta get labor the post season, more eeptwiaSf for pickle g cotton. Now really there ta not aa many laborers la this section of country aa there waa ten years ago, bat the casage in their condition and that of Ufc farmers has made an appareai aarplaa. When I began farming in 1567 aoontry was fall of laborers who wm biivd at to tin tier month aad raUwja. Cotton being a good prior i except for part of that year) and ftirtue be ing generally oot of repair, advan tage was taken of thu to mend up, ditch oat and clean up, so that by 1S70 farming waa looking np, and there was none too many laborers. iarir icrr working (krir otrn land and mul-img mvust by it. Taea canie two yearn of low pricee, ao very low that farmorn were diacoaracVd. They could not hire the bands beeaod the crop at S oents'for cotton autdd not pav'ing the hammer ol Walter's gun, them. Laborers were too pLioUAii; ( causing it to explode, two shot en the land waa idle and teaais abnn,1 taring the right eye and some in daot aad nnsold. Then rawe the, the i'zcja. The wounded tov w;is general setting up of idle hands aa fanners bj renting them the sur plus lauds and nelling them the mrina teams on time and a a rnle there has been bat littie improve-1 ment iu ttis country 8ince except I waeretu fj ' ment for extending lhel'.M PV.ir land be needs ad manage with, & YaJkin V;lluv lUxnlu from h ota noHf, ptfUf hi men F;lV0ttevl,it to wilmmgt.m, ami with ready DdMf ul U)"Wlfr- -, f(,r- the construction of the H il thing he need- for cash, and tbu is, ()n(iK)w & (,amlm:i the only true way to farm. (,U.J5vi. i attracting attent,,,,, vur wm nuuu.o "um caii Pe ilone tor our latxirers, lor tHej- arc, or soon will Ih, destitute. If e not find work lor (Immh they mxaM eXher st4-al, starve, or go avaf, aad m don't want 1 1 n-in ' to do eitkif. Now m lli-e nine uy 4 littlo mouey go a gr'at way iu uart.i lustead of huvlug leniiiers, hire men and make liwei. .1 man offered to burn and deliver U me 11X1 hnsJicls clean oak ivJit- ni U , ceul per Ixishcl. 1 told lnui todol if. Tbey are U'tter and pheiT ikiM taunt ai that price. 1 ep't to liwa a lot of shell marl tor lime land tiuirk yl will be .us .xv.1 ,i.s ,!.. Prcpaijiad bun', lui.-hel for bushel, iU tesn tiitit ?Uf t nth the I coet. j IT land iatendel fr ttit nh Ixitatot'H is ridgel up high irke' sweet potato ridge., and left su UU aanted it will drier and fluer... AU the time onmes to plant it thika f left alone as it hi to sob and soak th winter rains. J. r. If ye awte atm U a it tie JotJOV aeert ot hiir- feusr or I a4i Kst tS-ai lm. 'i prt mm STATE NEWS (ilrBf4 from ear EirhuBjri. blaAtern ReAeetor: Mr. H. lh Pit rick vrpnt out hunting a few Java since auJ killed three turkeys and a large twonjjj lu k. (iix.d hantiuR for one Any. People in theee part houM 1h careful about sendtujj money by registered lettor iinleJi we had better mail routes. Several letter pent from (ireenville Li-nt week came uear Ihmiih lost, ami after diligent C Arch h.d lxon m;de were fonnd in a valine in Hotliel. Wilmingum AVriVic; S'e he;ir that typhoid puotunoni.l quite prvvwlent in nome sections of Ten der comity, although the cav.s have proved fatal only in a few instances. e regret to learn ol tlie iieatn (r Joseph . Duncan, winch occurred ;U Inn Lome :U K.vkv x-rurrel . . i'oint, IVn.ler county, thi morning. ; Kl wa typnoui anu pneii . vu.-K-th litv FaW. Farmer.. in thi vicinity are nntiu;Uly do preuiel by reason of tlie very low price of corn. The crop r;usel wiw far from a mod ooe, and it is difh rnlt to market the grain nt Xi cent a bushel. Indeed we have heard of urn all ktU com selling at 2. cents a boahel in town lst week. The effect of the low price will be to keeD corn off the market until ne- cemity compels the iunu:rs to make aale. Weafern &i'aci: Big hogs call i forth considerable discussion the.se ! ,l... hnt Hm bet we have heard are the porker of Mr. Tboe. Spngb, in Salem, three In noniber, which weighed espectively, 4a". and 315 pounds, net. Total llol in. Age, 1 year and n nays. -uou. a It. Linville, bring near Kerners ville, this coonfv, was in town the past week, and tells u that his MOOS Slileil a WlkJ cat iui men dogs while out hunting the other night. The animal was brown and white striped, weigneu aoouc twen ty pounds and measured three ft-et is length. It gave the dogs a li vely tossol. Sraitbfleld Herald: Ne:vrly M) bales ot cotton sold in Suiltbftehl last Tuesdsy. Mr. David w. A vera, from the npper edge of tins Township, eight miles from Smith- field, is one ot tbe nest farmers in this portion of the State. lie has a large farm at nis borne pi ace oe sidea other plantationa. Resides his tenants, Mr. Avera ran seven nlowa in his own farm; with these seven males be cultivated ICO Acres in eottton, and raised 1C7 boles or 400 lbs., over 23 bales to the mule; besides tbia be raised about 275 barrets of corn, aboat 10,000 lbs. of oatSy, LU basbels of wheat and a large crop of potatoes, Tarboro Southerner: Wbo be postmaster is still agitating the Tarboro pa bl to. Daily a new Rich mond takes the field. So great is tba Dumber now tbat tbey cannot be eaaily ennmerated. We think there is sneb a thing aa being too previous. We do not think that there is in this county three bales of cotton or 'fifty barrels of ooru in the field. Oar people in (heir year's work are nearly a month ahead. A colored man in this county with ooe horse made twenty-two liblea of cotton and between thirty five and Ibrty barrels of corn. Mr. E. Zoeller says Mr. Beuj. Selbv. of Wilson, has not been seen since tbe fire at tbat place and no one has any information as to bis whereabouts. Mr. Belby was em ployad at Us brother's livery stables which was bnrnsd, Jl absence was not noted nnlil it was too ate to search for tbe remains in the ashes. 'Wilson Adreaee.- A seveu years old son of Mr. Isaac Woiuble, a prosperous farmer who lives uear Nashville, nicked 208 pounds of cotton in one day this fall. How is that! In Greene county, near Beth Beamon's, Mr. Geo. N. Farm er, ipa .of Benj. D. Farmer, oi Wilson,- abo Jrea visiting in Greene, fell in a ditch anil atrk bis breast against a stump, and diod iii s few minutes. Mr. Farmer suffered from hsart dlaease and it la thought the jar from tbe fal1 brought on his disease in its worst form from which be died. His remains were brought to Wilson Wednesday and buried in tbe old family burying gjoond. We are glad to know that Gyt. W. A. Darden, tbe ex cellent rsfwentative-elect from Greene, ts in firlf sympathy with us in our war against this high a on marriages. Waynesville AVw: fto many uc cidents have happened by the otire lea handling of guns and pistols that such items as this are no JougMT regarded with surprise by Uw CAfal reader. The victim I wtioac sad deaJit ot have to chron icle this weeJk wajs Un uufortnnate littie Walter Jlrown, sou of tjrs. W. Ilrosn who lives riear town.' Walter and a crowd of sjrjaJJ boys were out hunting Saturday even-' ing last, and in handliug the gun he had the barrel (Kiinted directly toward his face when Muster Hugh llerron came up to him and acci dentally dropied his gun, it sink carried Uoi nd I lie services of Dr. McFadyeu cj;c suuiuu.mel, who louud Uu mjuries too se.veri for liftolw sustained, and ileathi onsciod early Kuuddy unHuing Wllml non SUlr: T)jtJ ,n0i lV llirianu Ht:it,. W o flunk ln-Iuve tuai utiuu oV .tbtM' connec tious will t maib', aiijtU aji early day, too. An ofheer ol tlie Si'li- mingtoii W'eldou Jiailfoxil 111 loruied us yestTilay that Iimuujio live engines which sold for ?I.!,."Mi two yeais ago, could How ve bought fur JO.IHKI; ami that steel rails had de.ii.ue,! ul cr ." jwr cent in value 111 the sawie Xjuijt. Ihe price now be 1 11 Uxiut ft.rV to fi, 'T ton. Jf dK'S sccin that nov is Uie 1 :i;r ti tuiLi aud ecjmp railro.uls. .( Yfti'rdJV uijfiuiig. at about ten , miniitcx n( i tr iiM)L, ilicer is. II.1 Terry went t (h reu'4iAA t4 Mr. Batsoii. SiiM'riiitinU'iU oflaghfs on Princess, Ixtween I'iglith and N:iith stieel.s. to awake him. when the back door of Mr. .1. M. Hard 1 aiek's store, situated almost in ..... .r If- w 1,..,.. u- ,w J , w ' . AluL ':lH 1 ,,7vT;'.,, i,r ,.1 t.. ti... I M 19 10.AI MAAM BC .io n m i"' i circuaisuuU', a IkWJiv -i.red in dividual fcinio rusAwiug oif ai ,lue d(Kr and made fort lie street. OfticVr ,' Terrv inmiied off the piaza whi're hq wai standing at the tune mnl , F5ve him sue blow aeross the legal a club at linn its ho ran out of the gate. The faitlve, after gaining, the street, rau down rrinceasto, l.ighlh street, rtnd down haghth o Market, otucers Terry and Merritt in hot pursuit, the former tiring at him two or three times, but without effect, and the man finally succeded in making his escape. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. S . 1 .,rk V,.: M. W asiiini; Ti'N, 1 cc. 1l'. Presi dent Arllnir is now looking as well hs he did ln n he lirst came to Washington to preside over the Senate. Al the time of Garfield's 'death he w,us very much overcome I by the sudden l esonsibiIi ty of the pumfiil situation so unexpectedly i forced upon him. Ho was very 'much wonied during the first vear .iiiii. M I i -. iii- ' i uti iim ..r i.;.. ..;.. s 'Pi,., .,1. I fotin , ,..,,., .,..,r,v, r I. t he nrti, was mxwh tll:UI :uivthinc he liti, ,v nns v 0T , (t.r u. l . 0lu, year ago last spring he was really very ill. lie had been m bad physi cal condition for several months. The doctors ordered a change. The PresnU-nt. under bad advice, went to Florida at the close of the -eason, when the relaxing days of spring were at hand. The result of this trip was bad. At one place the President was taken 'down with an attack of inflammation of the stomach. This illness was reported as a meie bilious attack, but the truth is it was a most serious case of in rl.un nm t ion ol t he stomach. and if it had not Im cii tor the most skillful treatment he would have died. This would have precipitated the awful c.ilauiity Kdninnds a I'lm l oi sr. Kxeeill leromo ! the eountrv . When tlie President reiuinedto Wa-shiiigton he was still ordered to wander in search of health. Ilis Yellowstone tri p waa made under very favorahle circumstances, Imt it was verv l.itiuiiig and the Picmi- lent felt, it necessary to go to thei had called at Ihe lute House dnr seashore to rest for some weeks, i ing the week. Generally there are Hecaino back in the fall in fairly a dozen or more among the callers good condition P.uthedid not get; in this t i me. They increase greatly back into a first class condition of i during periods of political excite health until he took to horsebaclrj ment.und fall off at holiday times, riding. He riues now when the ; the time, the now Administration weather will permit for two hours 1 comes in there will be a constant after his u ork is done in his oflice. ! struggle on I lie part of the door- l saw the President yesterday in the White Hons, library, where he now sees his visitors. Grant and Hayes preferred the Cabinet room. Mr. Arthur always rock every ono iu the library. When he is talking ith hisjjcneral visitors ho stands up. v lieu ne is receiving 8Kciai callers he sits behind a small wiit- ing desk and, wheeling on his re volving chair, talks to the visitor, who is seated in a chair upon the left. I have never seen the Presi dent look so well physically. His color is good. His complexion is clear. His flesh looks solid and bag ost the flabby look of a year ago, wiier. ho was in such poor health. He was dressed jn a snug fitting business suit, a dark -mixed goods. A red rosebud was in the tight, narrow lapel ot buttoned cutaway coat. his four - The president is always willing to talk freely with ieoj)o jn whom he lifts confidence. Newspaper cor rea(ondent.s who treat him fairly find the President as accessible, as any of the public men of Washing ton. He lias a prejudice against interviews, lie thinks it is not in keeping with the dignity of the po sition. So during his administra tion no interview coming from him has been published. His reasons for snch a policy are very simple. Upon public matters he has regular channels for communicating his views. Private matters ho thinks no president should over take np for piiblio discBssjpu. I asked him yesterday il he would not say something iu answer to the criticism that he had not given his party the aid he should have during the hue campaign. 1 said to him: "Some of Mr. IMaine's friends think you could have saved New York, and they charge you with more than indifference."' The, President said in reply to this that whoever excused himself, in his opinion, ac cused himself, aud he should not depart r.om- ni' 01 silence no matter wuat pj?Ucs;n was made. Ho did not care u talk aUopt tho New York Henatorship, beyond his roferrlug mo to his private secre tary, Mr. Phillips, who was uuthor ired to say all the President desired to have said iion the subject. Tthe President in talking almut his daily work smke of one of the severest tasks he has during the day, and that is his reception of his general oaJior. He stands up all through his" rcce prion of this class. Till He s generallv ouciinics'threi?, hours., has in thf work to be eoustant- ly shifting his position to cut short too importunate interviewers, ami has tostand always on guard against too great a demand upon his atten tion. He is not always able to escaH from the house to take his hnrsteih.if k rides in t he afternoon, as at times the diiiminds upon him are so pressing from people wlioknow how to break t"h rough' t he most in flexible rub's. The President believes that the llecuti ve khonlil a hous separate tinct from Ihe although he has I ii' irnvi (li'il wit h and cut ircl v ilis evectltive ollices, never seen lit to cm ImhI y this su jj,.S sages to ( 'ungre-. on in his mes This explains his I'oinlnes r l:nii; out at ! 1 cottage in t he S said yesterday: hliei s Home. I I "Vnii have no nh and fatiguing it how dejx c-v-n'ig to live hi the same In, use. wlicre you 1 work. The down-town 'business man iu New York would feel piite dirteruntl' f after the close of his day he wen' to tit down jn the at mosphere of his oftien to find icst and recriMtioii instead of going up town to cut loose absolutely from everything connected tvith work of t he day As 1 came back from I lie lilu ,ii 1 asLl'd Mi. I Miilb ps to give me .Mr. Aj'tiiU,!:-' k'Osj.'ioll so I. II ;ls Ihe New York .'je'uaJi.'r.Vi;. ; concerned. He aaid: "Jhe J'lejijeiii f. not .1 candid. He, IS la-ell : I IJ 1 Mill Ilo be. No on.. i aJthol ied to -.e ik tor 1 1 till or 1 1 1 r him li, !,r po s 1 1 lull ol seeking the honol. lie will not do anything, imiii the li rM o t h( last , I Ueoli-l -I elll U ! I II I 111 - p.! lo. ''Then V. j.I t hen III th s ! o I .1 hi- ol the I II lliol iij .-,.il.lH.I 11 aine repot lei I e'st i'."d . iy " "There IS .1 bsol n t el II o I nth 1 11 t with '( . 'Jbr J'n sideid could n draw li'ilit p.'V'Joii he has iicei oeeiipled, lii.il o a . ail d id .1 1 r. " "Might li;- Hut lake uliit,- i-iifh action if hi Irien.U sliould jiersist dragging hi name through a hope less tight "I cannot speak .is to what may or may not U' done 111 the future. Cv.iaiiily no contingency has as yet aj'iseu' t('ivc(ii lull's, for a singh' word or act iioju hiljLij ivali !i'r Io the iu;U,ter. , i Tbe Tresiilpnt Wil dent elect Cleveland arrives in Washington, tender to him the use of any room or rooms in the White House for the purpose of consulting i.;.. iv;.....i - 11 ;n v i l u a it j v i 1 1 1,- i i it in iie t in also give him a dinner a lew days be lore his own retirement from official life. These courtesies he! regards as due Mr. ( levehjud, and when it comes to liiitillmg the re- J ipiirementK ol" courtesy the Presi-j den t pei in i ts no one t o sii rpass him. KANRS AT TIIK CAPITA I.. j s i . sv i ; : j Washington. lec Hi Last; Saturday a fresh colored. cood-j looking I'.nglish' woman, well' dressed and having the appearance j of a lady in good circumstances, J called at the While House audi -.usked to see the President. The sergeant at t lie door, who is an ex- peit in detect ing cranks, suspected j t ii in something in the caller s man ner that she was not in her right mind, so he asked her it l.er busi ness was very urgent. She replied that it was. She had invented a machine to kill or lay a ghost, and she was anxious to see the Presi dent to have him ask Congress to nppmpiiaio a sum of money to em ploy her to clear up all the haunted localities in the country. She offered, as a test of good faith, to lay the ghost, ot Guitvau, which she. says haunts the Washington jail. She had also a psychologized wheel lor telegraphing information to the people. Turn it from yon to send and reverse it when you desire an swers. This she wanted the Presi dent to use. Save uion these two subjects the visitor was apparently i vp upon ' as sane, as anyone. She was per siuwled with difliuulty, however, to give, up seeing the President, but finally went off to see Senator Kngene Hale. The sergeant in charge of the door of I lie W hite House said that il.is was the only craax. isiior who keepers to keep out crazy people. At the installation of every new President a number of claimants to "the throne." present them elves and insist upon being put iu pos session at once. Generally this class is made up of dangerous luna- tics. They nearly all are sent promptly to Ihe Government asy lum. Tbe dooi keepers never think any crazy person is harmless. They always get them nut as quickly as jxissible. They remember that from 1SS0 to the present Adminis tration one-half of tho elected Pres idents have fallen by the bullet of a crank assassin. It souuds like a large number to put it that way, but it is nevertheless a fact. Lin coln, Grant. Hayes and (jarneld are the Presidents who have been 1 elected since that period, and two 1 tt rli. .m u'flrfl L-il u.l V li.,f nAotnf. ism can show so bad a record for its rulers, Mr, Jilaiuc, cvpr sinoe his experi ence in the Garfield aNsassination, has had a perfect horror of tho roaming cranks of Washington, it is doubtless one of the, consolations to him that at least he now will escaH3 the attention of the crazy people who swann hero at all times of the year. There was a man who used to haunt tho walks in Lafay ette Park last summer, who bid fair to follow in the tracks of Guiteau, so far as some high oflicial was concerned. Ho was a tall, red frowsy-bearded man, with a most powerlul figure, clothed iu the shab biest of clothes, lie was formerly a mail contractor tiud had como to Washington to collect a claim against the Treasury. Of course he had not succeeded. The injustice, his failure and dreadful poverty were not long iu unhinging his mind. He used to send to the World correspondent tho longest of incoherent letters picturing the ter rible injustice of the Treasury officials. He used to walk in the park late at night muttering and threatening. I remember his coin- ! ing up to me one night and telling that Jesus Christ had appeared to iiiui tne night uetore aud ftaa di rected him what to do, Jf ho had in ono of his inspired moods "re maved" the Secretary of the Treas ury :t would not have been surpris ing. Mention was made to one or two ollicials one day of this man and a day or two afterwards he disappeared. I never knew where he went, but it is probable that he ia now an occupant of one of the wards ji) $t. PJi-'abeth's Asylum. 1 1 is astonishing no eftSijy this asylum cau be made to open to iu clooe any eccentric individual who in an unguarded moment makes threats. It is always easy enough to get a certificate from a half a dozen of tho physicians whose clientage is largely among the ofli cial class. All of the justice offices are appointive and directly con trollable by the powers above them. Suffrage is" bafiisjiod in the District. If you, as - an iiidividuaj. arc w ronged, you will have to hunt a long time for' redress if you are 111 coniliet with the oflicial class, Any one would laugh at the idea ol tin' Itttri di- incliti under our institutions. But some of the in cinerations helcin the tiovern incnt Asylum have had the look ol the most arbitrary tyranny. There was the case ot" liiggins, who hud the idf':'. that Grant had destroyed his doiiie.Iie happiness by spducing his wife. ' lit' Was sane npou eyery point but that, and ho was thought to be sane upon that point until he appeared befpre a (louse commit tee and said his info jiad been seduced in spirit. One day I iiggins disappeared. It was afterwards found that he was liri-U shut up in the asylum and alter a time taken Io l aii ope 111 charge of two Govern ment agents, lie was left in Kng- laiul anil ireeil upon 111s promise iii'H-i to return. This was the str.ujgc.si p,.it of 'he pcrloi inance, to release a'ii jjaS.ir ,,1,111 upon his MiW'd. Allei a tune "iggfrjs came lioine ami la iimu cai lying on a siic 1 -ess I'u I grocery buinc.-s in Ihe noi l hw estei 11 part of the city. Naturally one might be inclined to ask where the money came from to carry oil' a man to Kngland and to oa tl;;' expenses ol t lie agent." All in c.VI iL.'.it.ioi! oi flit' Secret m'1 vice fu nil of t'hf 'l'lfiisiriy M'pait incut uu it t hrnw s'liiiH1 lirt rwin , this MiHjVi't. i-'oi tlii.soili('e-rl(i,((Mi.; :l ..-;a U4 Uyil i,JrlriiUeiJ Ibr fij N-(1 ,Hhel. medicine har, won for iLseii lon pcruul. 'flip BiM'J' hus IrOCJ.l sueli Universal aptirobation 'in' its- own ;lij.litl jiiti'il ill hillh', u iillOUt 11 1 viry. rte, aiiU cminjtry, an4 amotijr all sin-:!.' ienl liiiiiLUiull ujum it a US 'j , r3.4-ypr $rgaiari'Ila. If is fjie lunilit niv. I f anv 1 K'moiTatie I n lars 1 1" t lit" Tiviisurv is ever stnai t OIlollll IO JXl'l ai UIU llisiiii v oi iiu.- 1'n nil from the days of Col. Whit ply, . i. . i. , i . : . r il.;.. will make the great spns.it inn nl 'Tu - iadnijnlsfrnf i'-ii. GENERAL NEWS. At a recent carnival iu Denver, Col., all the guests appeared in cos tumes made entirely ol paper. Congressman Follett of tho First Ohio district will contest the elec tion of Benjamin liutterworth to the Forty-ninth Congress. A movement is on foot to secure from the Secretary of the Treasury a recommendation that legislative action be taken for the relief of the whiskey dealers. Kingston, Out., Dec. !. The vitizens of this place are becoming ! diiiiiiicu iuiuuin 11U1U IUU OllhUl- pox stricken village of Stoco visiting the Kingston market. Measures will be taken by the authorities to prevent such visits while danger of infection exists. Boston, Dec. D. Hugh O'Brien, the Democratic candidate for Mayor, was elected to-day by a plurality of 3,424 over Augustus P. Martin, the prescut Mayor, who was the Repub lican and Citizen's candidate. The total vote was 51,906, a falling off of abont 7,000 from the vote at the natioual election. By a peculiar concatenation of events, the free traders are gener ally in favor of protection to the Louisiana sugar industry and the protectionists are against it. This is because the Government receipts from the importation of sugar are about .150,000,000, and if that should be done away with the rev enue would need very little further rednction, and the remaining pro- I tective features of the tariff' could stand without disturbance. This is the reason why the free traders are for a little protection in Louis iana. Alas that expediency should so often bo the foundation of prin ciple ! N. Y. Sun. Little Rock, Dec. 9. Joseph Cook, leader ol the gang that rob bed tho passengers on the Pine Bluff train on Saturday night, con fessed this morning, aud implicated Clifford, Adolph Parker, anil Kline, his contederate8. Clifford and Parker are in custody here, and Kline is reported to have been cap tured in Garland county this after noon, and. will be brought here im mediately. They are all youug men, and residents of this city ex cept Clifford, who came here three weeks ago Irom Chicago. Parker is the son of a leading fnrnitnre dealer of this city, and only 17, years old. The police have recovered nearly all tho property and money that the gang got on the train. Montreal, Dec. 9. Before Veunor died he had completed t he mamiscript of his almanac for 1885, which has just been issued from tho press here. In his general forecast, he says we areiu a "moist period," which will continue for two years, extending over the Northern and Middle States and Canada. The fall of 1884 ho pre dicted would bo very open, W'th a mih, uuscttlpd winter to follow, with great falls pf rain aud snow. Ho also predicted an unusually green Christmas aud a mild New Year, As far as eastern Canada is concerned, the forecasts have been fulfilled almost to the letter. Tho country is destitute of snow, and the rivers are free from ice, with mild, rainy weather. New Orleans,' Dec. 9. "The world," said Director-General Burke yesterday, "never witnessed an exjosition of the magnitude of tins. There are more machinery, more art, more agriculture, and more exhibits of tho natnral re sources of America, t han the world has seen before at one time. Two thousand car loads of material have been carried to the Exposition, and the buildiDgs are not yet half full. Two thoqsand car loads of freight are on wheels or in vessels, and we shall open with more in position than has ever been seen in an ex hibition heretofore. Applications for space have been allotted for British, French, Belgian, Prussian, Austrian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Siamese, Central Ameri can, and Mexican exhibits, cover ing 100,000 square feet of space. Our floor space is about 2,500,000 square feet, and we shall not be able to allot space for a week, be cause the ground floor and the galleries are full to overflowing. We slialj add a- building 4QQ feet long to the main building, arid have it finished by Dec. 10, although not a post is up." Washington, Dec. 10. A dele gation of Congressmen, headed by Commissioner-General Morehead, of the New Orleans Exposition, and Senators Lamar and Hampton, called upon tho President to-day and luvited huu, iu view of his in ability to be present at the opening ol tho JviKisifjon, tp tak:e parp in the eerenlouios while ho roiuained iu Washington. It is proposed to connect the White House with the Exposition buildings at Xew Or leans bv telegraph wire. At noon, the 10th hist., in the presence of his Cabiuet, members of Congress, judges, Government oflicials and foreign representatives, the Presi dent is expected to start the ma- ehanjnory of the Exposition by electricity. ' I'leslueiit Arfhur will probably give his answer to-morrow. Invitations have beeu sent to the House and Senate asking each body to participate in the opening cere monies. A Hard Year. Apropos of the late groundless alarm aniong the colored people on account of the election of Cleveland, a friend from the neighboring county of Columbus tell;; a popd pne. He says an old darkey was Iieard remarking fg (.big pffect one day recently in hfe hearing: "In de spVing 'and sutnfner thar wus so much rain that the swamps wus al) under water- And pp shingles could be. got. and )u de fal) de wed der wus so dry dat we wus almost dying for water, and now the dimocrats hare done got into power! Hies.- de Lord, its a hard vear fur niggers, auybuw. " - livmi'm Inn Sl,tr. llurM'r' Miiffiiziiio. Willi llit yi-ar l.ss.'i tn,, iinpi-irtaul srrials will hi' oiiiinK'ni eil in UarjM-r'x Miitjaziuc, imp (if them Ly 'i)nst.inct I Vniinoro Woolson, whiwe "Anne" and "JVn; Ljie Uajor" jiliiL'tnl her in thi front rank of AVhiT nri ijw.veltlen. Her new iiovcl will be cllcj "isabt ngeju, ; ' an.J it prini.vs U) ho us strong .1 story as "Aniui." whiln Biiperior to it in artistic treatment. The other "At the lit il (llnve " is a lr ijlit, liumorous novel loeateil in Home. Switzerlami , by a writer as to whose identity the publie is permitted to Kuess. It is to be fnllv illustrati'il by Mr. C. S. lieinhart. fron'i , 1. ... m.,.l., .mi.) .K.. f .1.. ,1V, , . 'A"'T"V l.'TrV t,f'" ritieiH, with the Iodide of I'otansiurn and Iron, ever offered to the public. Envelopes and business cards printed in good style and cheap at the Journal oflice. A Good Oiiorluiiity to Visit Xcw Ik'rne. , nradford ;l'.i.) l(oiul!k';in. ; Through the efforts of wmw of our friends in Bradford county in connec tion with others in New Berne. N. t'.. the fallowing arrangements have been made for persons living in this section or adjacent hereto who may vir,h to take a pleasant trip to the sunny South during the winter months, viz.: Tickets are now on sale at the otliee of YV. II. Fitzgerald, No. 1.Y7 West Baltimore St.. Baltimore, Md.. of the Baltimore Steam Packet Co.. (Old Bay Line), good from Baltimore to New Berne and return at the low price ol 9 no. Of course while on the ho;it state room and meals are pjxtr . hut they can be taken as sireri. ns livin: in Klinira, N. Y.. or in this vicinity, or at ; ny points south of Klmira the Nc rlhern Central Kail way, cm leaM'hoine Wednesday mm n ing and arrive iu Baltimore in time to get a ticket, take the steamer down the Chesapeake, spending Wednesday nitrht in refreshing sleep on one of the elegant Moating palaces of the old B;iv lane, arriving at Norfolk. Virginia. Thursday morning, and having ample time for a transfer from the Bay boat to the Nor folk Southern Railway, which is a short but pleasant run ol about forty miles to Elizabeth City, N. C. Here the cars run right down near the bank of the Pasquotank river, where lies tho large and comfoi table steamer Shenandoah, of the Old Dominion Line. Passengers will have about two hours' time at Elizabeth, when all go on board the Shenandoah aud have a delightful sail down the Pasquotank river and into the North C'arolinasounds. Thursday night we spend on the waters of eastern North Carolina; Friday morning we awake in sight of the city of New Berne on the placid waters of the river Neuse. New Rerne is sitm.ted at the junction of tbe Neuse and Trent rivers, with a water view of the Neuse Bay below, of at least twenty miles. The natural re sources of the back country is rich and is capable of producing full crops of all kinds of food products. It has fine timbers of various kinds which are con venient to the riyers and creeks. Hunt ing, fishing, driving, rowing and steam boat riding are perfectly practicable. Shell rock for makiDg lime abounds in an unlimited supply on the Trent river; a fiDe opportunity for an enterprise in lime manufacturing. The winters are mild, and this section is specially adapt ed for raising early- sorintr lambs for Northern markets. Fruit growing, truck farming, bee culture, and eruss growing may all he profitably engaged in, ana oniy neeu the energetic nush of some of our progressive people to give aiun demonstration of the prolita that may be reaped therefrom. As a pleas ure resort. New Berne possesses many natural advantages. Iu addition to named already, th&re is wild goose Bhooting, wild turkey hunting, and. ducking all the time. At the lakes just below the city, near the Atlantic and North Carolina Railway, there is an abundance of wild fowl, while the forests are full of deer, bear, coons. opossum, and kindred game. over in unslow. by a pleasant drive of forty or forty-five miles on good roads, may be reached a country in which wild deer actually roam in flocks of five to a dozen, while the New river affords the lineut oysters south of Lynu Haven Bay, and equal in quality to any in the world. -The settlers are a genial and hospitable class of people who highly appreciate a visit from anv well disposed person during the leisure of their winter recess, and will see to it that a sojourn among them is inepen sive as well as enjoyable. New Berne, as may be seen by the map, is the center of a rich section of country and enjoys the advantages of both land and water in providing deli cacies tor tne table. It would be well that some of our neonle should avail themselves of the rare opportunity to see mis pieasant land. Teachors's Asgoclatiou. Editor Journal: Allow mo space in your paper to state to the public tho progress or our Craven County Teach ere s Association. Whereas, a number of the officers and members met on Sat urday, December 6, at the colored graded school building on West street Meeting convened at half past twelve o'clock. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, and also other business was attended to, after which the president gave out cer tain work to be done and presented at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned until the first Sat urday m January 1885. All frionds of education are invited to attend. Alexander Bass, President. J. O. Sutton, jr.. Secretary. Vegetable Sicilian HAIE EENEWER waa tho first preparation perfectly adapted to euro diseases of tho sculp, and the lirst suc cessful restorer of faded or gray hair lo its natural color, growth, and youthful binuty. It has had many imitators, Imt none have so fully met all the requirement iieedful for llio j trope r treatment of tho huir and fcnlp. Hall's Hair Uentwf.ii baa steadily pnmn iu favor, aud spread its fame ami useiubuKs to every guartr pf the globp. Us Jiipur T Jele steppes puu be attributed to tut tli( cause: the entire fulfilment of Us promi&t. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote- coun tries, where they had never made au effort for its introduction. The use for a short time of Hall's Haiu Kknewer wonderfully improves tbe per sonal apear.ince. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates tho weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth, Tho effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara tions, hut remain a long time, ivuiijh imiLcg its ue a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE WHISKERS Will i-li:ingo the beard to a nnlural bitiwn, W bi:tn k, ms desired. 1 1 pn t uee ;i permum-nt ro,. .- i Imt will not w:ush away, i ' isist i nj.: of a .iobi preparation, it is applied uitlnmt tr.uMe. rnr:r.Ai:ri rv E. I. HALL & CO., K;i:l.i'.:: H.ii. . jjl Ml- foe, all Tin: re: KlTllflllolln. li'l-.-lll-ijii. lUooil DiHlnlns, tlio brut leoii'ily mol st'rtri'liiiii; : blooil-purili. -v, is 1.IT.-I1 ml ll,. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. S'lM by all Druggists ; f 1, six Ixjtllos, $5. Jack for Sale Cheap. II.UKA I'IMi i ' ' N i I S i ' A N I s 1 1 . 1 K f-'i ii; o-V l .J ( ' 1 1 i Mum s,,i,. Apply i iil-.s, N i IT ?l I'I.!': in .; ( lv- i:i il:, i i "l . Stolen, Hue WIUTI-: STKKlt with dark red shiiiililers, and one KKI 'I)V. They were bronchi Io New Herne on Satur day, the.lilth insl.. and came across l'ettipher's I'erry. The owner will come forward . prove, properly, pay charces. ami fiift t(iiis;ii'i'', II. SWKliT. i tec. iy. iv:-'" ijwv,- Extra Early Peas, u II,. I ii hkIic Ik i ,i t , , i : ii. si Kuril Karli. s l-:.-u'I. , nm so wirl h'.-i i I v Ki lil. -J mi All kin. Is .,1 , ;:, 1. 1 ),-r luiKl, iiiovf , I'll A? r Mi i'i 1 1 . ; n a- s 1 1 mil si reft, i'.:i 1 1 uu ,r, . i.i d 'i At Gost. "J-hp Kntiro Stock of Hardware ami Hoiibo Furnishing Yioods in hitore, north east corner of Middle and South Front Rtreotfi, will be closed out AT COST within the next THIRTY DAYS, by order of the assignee. umSGdwlm C. A. HART. Aot. w royal sw:jji Klr1fi 0W Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies. A marvel of purity . si reiigth, hikI whoieHomeuess. More eHiitniUiiI limn Uie ordinary kind, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low Uist, Mtiort weight. alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cant. Koyal Making Powdkr Co- 10 Wall-et.. W. Y. novls-lvdw FOfT 1885 WV IiX ABLE TO AT.LI ro a i. li m r Will be mailed tn ftll aDtlicADta and to cunomen of last rear w uiurat ordarinsriL It containa llliutrations. nrlflaa. deaoriptions and direct iom for plantln aQ Vegetable and Flower SEBDS, BVI.BB, eta. D.M.FERRY&GO.Kg'T Wholesale Dealers. FLOUR. The Klour lloiihe of w YI.1K. SMITH A CO. of Jtali i mort lirus a nut loiutl rput-ntUm ft r tlieexi-utof t lie 1 1- l.Ubi i en; mid ehuriwUsr olf (HlflK. I lii'ir IIItA.NliR OK FLOUtt ARE ALW4Y8 IIMKORM, STKIC'I'l.y HKI.IAHI.F. nd de livered at ihe LOWKST MARKET 1'KIl'KH. CAKES AND CRACKERS. The Old and Well Krio-ii Firm of JAR. I). MASON A i'.O. Hupply a mil line if every viv riety olOikoK ami ('rnrkt-i'B. KjtliHlaction In every Instance (Guaranteed. I am Sole Agent here for the aliove firms ; being in daily receipt ol telegraphic market quotations, I can therefore guarantee LOWEST PRICKS and FULLEST SATIS FACTION. Goods ordered by telegraph. JAS. W. MOORE. decio dwtf SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS AT TRENTON, N. C. TOYS for the HOLIDAYS, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Candies, Apples, Oranges, NUTS, KAIS1NS, VAC, FAc , IN FULL LINE. DRY GOODS: Calico, 5 cents, Homespun, 5 cents, N. O. Plaids. 9 cents, ami other ( JikxIh at LOW RATES. GROCEEIES, Cheap for Cash. ill --'J il.t-wlm Dissolution of Copartnorehip- TIIK I'OI'A UTN KHSHII1 hVrplofore cxlat inn ln-lwei-ll I'HILKMllN 1IOUL.ANH, Jn., anilnWKN 11. (il'loN Ik IIiIh day Unsolved hy iiiulii.-tl ro iHrtiit, Mr. Holl.iud retiring. Mr. (Oilon will cull 11 imp thf' liriu''(e of law at I lio Kliind of Un- lau; Brill. rrm.EMoN lioi.i.AMK. Jr., OWK'N li. IIIUON. 1. (Tllllirr litli. issi.. 7 dtf Owen n. ii tioiv, ATTOKNI5Y AT LAW Office on Graven 8t... two diHireauove 1'ollock. Will practice In the Conntlea of (Graven. Jones, iniKlow, trrteret, lamllcoand Irfinuir Frompkutteiition paid to colleotlona. apra-dAwlv. SALE AND EXCHANGE 8TA13LE8. Ilorst'8, UnntciPn alid Carriogt-H for Hire at KiaMonallo lUiLi'H. CKNTKAi, HOTKl, 1.1 IT, New Heine.N.d .1. W. STKWAKT, dor I ilv.'lni ' l-xftrletor. Brick, Brick. For sale in any quantity at prices to u the tiiiieH. Brlt'k have eon examined by good MattODi and primouiirt'il Mrut-cJa8S. Siiiuples chu he neon tl my store. Orders Boltrtt-ed. luneHd&wtf K IU JONES. Bail Bros., WHOLESALE GEOCERS AND COM M I SS OT E ftOJ I A NTS, NKW BKIfNK. If. C (iAw Oysters. 1 lutvc tliiol i In llrnt-rlnsK oidcr, on ('ra von islrt-t'l, m dMr from M. I no it Hlrot, liooiiiN for my Kuhiiiks. J mil now pre ptirtMrio UirnUh my (ld (und 1 in'W) pitronK ( y stern In fvi ry style cooked. Also, fiintlllcs Hiippltid liy tin' plnl, fjiittrt or irnlhin. 'J liiinkintr 1 1 piil roiiH lor las). I'ur'R I lit- roiwii;t' : J Iiumh (o n 1 1 n in- to kt litem or I i wtf A. K. KJ M ItA I 1 SM'i .t I SM'ial Shi;i 1 S ii ciiil SX''ial SK' iivl Spctlal SIM'CI A I I'olalo I'itIiiI.it, ;i li l:i " I i I i I i y.'i-r, 1V:i l '" i 1 i I i ( r. liirnip IVi 1 i 1 i . r, Hcjin I 'ci t i lizT, Kuilish T'l'i l iliyiT, Oniiin I'V.i Uli.iT. AMI ((IMI'l.irnC FKU'I'I l,l.l,i:s KHIt A I.I i CltlH r i.l. ( N i n A l I j i : lasts ... j . i :v iu. lev i-:. ... .:i .in- 1 1 NOTICE r nil u i,i.i,. , "HI II I,,., I.U ,,l III, - 1 1.. 1 1,.. I I Jell 1 'nr. , l-l li. i ' II. XI Norlli llpul.. ill ,1 Hl- III lion I r:i i-k 1 1 W M X I , , I I:. I, I I i i.miki-: BRICK! BRICK I MM MHM S. II si.lirll.-il Klll.K ti, 1,1 l inli II poll ii,,,. I. ,, I..' I, Of I W illll ,1 .III I I W 2.M00 Sacks Ilissiilved lionp, 'jJfl0 1 KERRY'S l,tWt " J'me Jalaml. 1,0:0 ". l'okouiokt'. ' t. . Meadow's Kxtra liarly Peas, Seed Potato. fteniiH and other Garden and Hr-Id Seeds. i-'v'' CORSER POLLOK AND MIDDLE fiTRKKTS, . f"" WAREHOUSE COTTON EX0HANG2 PIJICE, NEWBKRlC W, oJ dela'4wtf ! JONATHAN HAVENS, i tiM M ISSIOV MKKCHANT, NEW BERNE. N. C. ' 1 1 :i : t. -i.it to I lie sale of ( 'ol Ion, Klr un 0 ' i - i l ,i i f, I mi , 'i iii8iKtiel to hi in . !' ' .".KiiiiKaelilK. iu-2ridlw uP.iu l;0AKI)INU HOUSE, Queen Street, Kinaton, N. C T. .1. I'OBl.AW, Proprietor. in on 111 H i; I' H Mllli 'iH w'Jm FREE PRESS TUB WITTIKNT, IlllKlllTK.r A.M 11W(T OK W K.K.KI.IKH. THE OBEAT FAMILY PAFEH.. TkK Taoka of Readtnii Mattbu III InrmiTi Vkitt W w STJBSCRIBOii JST OAy AJTO KICtTTI Till PIH FOB TUB BALANCE 0M884 FREE KOTFiw lAminiiinr. AOwna WANTED KV KKVWHKUK. THE FREE PRESS CO.. Detroit. Mck. FREE PRESS MORTGAGE SALE. Krvtrtneof the iwnr of eal onntalne.1 In a Mortnafio JH-pd ei ui"l ly Kd. J. Wlille and wife, U. (' WInO'. in Jolm '. Woolen, .lr , (and by him trmii.fiTri.l i urn, recorded In the otnee ui rtetciHwr in i eiu" mr imifru oiimil, in Hook KB, Koiloe nil, IW. 1M, KM and 1WI we -will ei-ll for .h al Hie (XH'KT HOHHK In NEW UK UN, N C. on MONOAY. JANUARY 12th. I'., io TWKI.Vr; orlora. M.i Wie iirprty ooiiv-od in Mid niorternffe, lieniif alz tiuudrd arr-s of iuiid, niar i- lon. In HAIQ oouniy Ol I mvi-ii, iwnn-uniri doarrllwcl Iu mnrliriit;i- nfrri.ii Inulmvp, MITCH Kl.I. .t Kl K.I.HH. dotl d w:KVI AnIniif'B of HirtH('.' . TDK UNKIVAUCD HEW FARMER GIRL COOK rSTOVE. the New Kni'iurr Uirl u l i 1 1. . t i.iui K. nuilrnl (looklnj Apparalua. li i.uh imc. lim-eand Oven , ratent rvt-n flo I . mi-iri ltrrth Plate, lVer Aeh Kt ami AkIi I'unlinor. Th Cnitw t'lncea all have rolil ulr iru, and Dm covers aire amootli nml hmi . Irne Hlnicleirwn l).K.r. 1 1n l.leiil. The lamely lnerenaeil naln oi ihla move ntluat irB jHipolftrltr Kw r m..i- lully war-ranted. ll i and Tho Household. 4MB' P. Mi DRANEY, Sole AKentr-vj oc4 . NEW BERN K. N . C. dw ' AN EXTRAORDINARY FAMILIf COMBINATIOH. m mmi jqdbnal AMD Demorest's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, WITH TWK1.VB flITT l-AI-KU I'ATTKIINI TOOK OWN MSLKC'TIMN AKUOK ANV BISK. BOTH PUSLICATIONS, ONE , , ron $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). THE DESl Oi v lo MVtiinoa. pirtstned with prtfrtnM Wtc Ktujravtnaa. iniotcwrararoa and OU llotarue. Oomineaotaur wltb tho Nuvumlw iimin each Xasaalae wlU onataln a OuvrMN ukdbh, enutnnir Uw boidor to tho anleottna Of AltT PATTKUN illustrated In tbat uuuv bor, anil In ANT 81ZK. DKMOHBHT'8 MONTULY la jiMtlr natHled tho WorM'i Modul Maffmlno. Tbe LanrwaM 'orra, me iMTgen ta mrculatkxv and ta beat TWO Dollar Family Mairazlnu laaued. lMwiU be tbe Twenty-flint year of Rn pubUnatfcm; It II now improved ao extertKivuly aa to plane It la tbe front rank of Family Pertodiuala, and equal to any magazine. It contains at paarea. buva qnartn. Hie z 11 H loebaa. elevanUy printed aad fully) illiutratnd. eanb number havtna atani enfrravlDira, oil picture, or art aubjnota, pab lisbed by W. JennUuW neoxireat, r York, f iictli Journal at $3.80 Pr Yeai, F o u w bl FOB LADIES ONLY A BB11BDT endoraed by the lum rtiyil rlnnnnnd UrnKif lata at Ita hunic r.l- A IIKDIKDV that Mr. C. W. li'(-lll. ltKAIKHV that Mr. C. W. nl'Hc.iH, kNM water, Ara.;a.Varalel btt wiflWni kl tfl; aliil'd iKMl. iiml lie 'iMfllrvf-aaaVed her tla. ' wllrvr. aaVei in u ritrtfnlneii A KUnHDV (rfwtilobu ntdfnlnenl Allulok ' iiu-ri'liuiivanld l "1 would nave alVen tMAaa H.MHI rk I would a ulrkle for wliat t wo hoi.' I li'ii of ytmr niedlolne did (or my daiuiMer." A HKBIROV In reicanl to which H. J -' h.'IIk. M I), Hrlmiilat; Thofnnavl.lf. ... K im. "I uan ri-oall ltmluim n in wLU h It at fordeil ri licf after all Ibr uaual reinedlea IiaiI failed. A 1 KM Kill ulMHit wlilrlillr. K. h Kerrell, liCiraiiKe, ijn wrlle : "i have uard lor Ilia laxi twenty years the medlelne you art puttliiK up ami ronaider It the btml' ooiptd nation ever Kottcn UiyeUif X (uf tltedlaeaaa lorwhti'li it la reouuimended." A KEIUKDV nixnilwhli-hlT. Joel Hrautaaaa Aiianui, Mid: "I have examined Uie r ilM', and have uu hesitation In advlalti( Ita imp. and onnili nlly remuuaneud It " A IIRKKDY whlrh Hie Kvv H. H.Johnanai near Mnil.ua. ja,, aaya he baa Bad) tn kta ramily wini Die "almoet atrHsftteUiip" nii ri-i'oninieiuli'rl It o Uireo (riili "aLu Him ii u lie juot what II 1 nrnmuietMirVL A ukiikuv ii wbU'.li I "mi v lli-iiniuou Nay: "We have baei rniuuerton. lV n ftir'nunjij naa, with raWnlivh'liy ernaMliiiff il.. l liearlii le lu.a HiaMpi iih i ). m A HKMltnV of wliln "i "Hi.ini4. ni.ir, ' t t ' lAii.ar, runkiri Li ifroa. u, lour niootha. mar kiivf "We a., 1.1 irroan Lji ani never kiII II. hi any pUKe t0 rUaul as wnoiril HKHMl " 'rV. A KRMKOV l.y wbleUAT. Baoah at ' i finiiKP- ua., najii: -i imei'd rmeof theaucii , I oimiiua:e uu' n of VK'AVIVa .Uk.tmua. i I ION Hint ever fame wtUiln my kMvkaaev ' ,' i u llli a few nolllek. , " ""unris! "i wnieii ir. . :. imaa, nntavi; Hiiina, A la nay; "I am lully oonV illy convince) h.M' i-laaa .. oi Ale, , ,,,V 11 U uiirivaliMl for UiHl cIiibi M loi-li 11 I'liiiina to cure. A Mk'MKIlY nliolll which Mn. JnllBl O. WbH' hit, of A I lanta, wfll and favorably kffw '--.,' . ai i i iv fr in.-1 , ii imu nwiMiii aitfraeraj J usu , 9 . riiii.f An,, nl. KajH. "1 uaed 111 la rtmi. i fiiif Ihe war. on a lame plautalioailQaaraaA ' tiutnlMT of riiKf h, alwa wllb AlauiluLa aZ A HKMKKV i. I.inl Mhloli Mr J. W uii..i f .';v . -.. f i rl..r,N ,e. in ;rtli,.tIM,Cut . yj i nn ,1 lu.i iiieuilx-ra of liln family of t.Tu ' i IVV Linini iriiKiiiny of uuiiiy ears' aiaodipii ' fjV " hl. Orra4 Ueeartty I1,.k tZ ' I RADFIELDS FEMALE Mf ml fur our Treal lae on "Tleelll, ..I ..I .., ,,,,.11.1 .. " 1 itu a n-iKi.i Ukuii'i.AroaCxv, ; ..MtoHvO. dw rb txra 'arw'-r ck Kninit teiTurnnlfO Mofmall. 1 71 : i ' f vi 'il . - j .." T i 4 i' l-4. V "at i. ;, ' " r ' ' 4 ' J ' r 4 -f ' . a aaaai-a. r - m a