' .-7. T--f i.. . v " ' . s 4 ,-?.. . 1 : - . -v. w . - ' .'.. . v , .V," V" - ',-'iw'-.'.;vi.'...V - J", ; . t V 4- V"', . l" , i -N . , '. ' , - W "' ,v - . iw. " 1 . " f A ' Torm $B.OO Per STr '. lnDlTJJTsTDKTsTT IjN" ALL THINGS. YOL. VI T. NEW BIvRNE, CRAVKN COUNTY, N. C, JANIARY 2), ls85. NO. 44.1 FARMERS' vV Wo have made FHOVISIONS :a ready to sell at or on Credit. ' 20 boxes Side Meat, . 100 bbls. Mess Pork, t - 25 bbls. Sugar, 25 sacks Coffee. 25 bbls. Molasses. 50 boxes Tobacco. 100 bbls. Flour, .. Besides our usual-assortment of ; DHY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, "and1 ether Merchandise. - - if' OH-TTINCER max senweunr. -,. :x lining in! into ear 5fe Qnrvr. The Drick Store, N. E. Cor ner SOUtik Front Uld Middle Streets, we will, in order to mikr non foer Lrga Slock, k-U fur th ; . -' , t OCR KNTIRK STOCK OF f!4inVr Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing .J 11 III I Goods. Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, - . I1LY GOODS AND OTIONH. .U OHEATLY REDUCED PRICES! IV RKMEMBEtt, FOITIURTY IAYS. v , 1 1 " ' . - ' j J -A U U U Lallli . : 100,000 BDSIIELS OF IilCE, Far wbicd 1 pay t& Hlfhttt , m or taj-Utor Corn, Cotton. LISSSAL ADVA3TCES HiDS r-wB orras rou sjl a full link of Choice Groceries, (lai(ocadtocrriT),lEOCK HOTTOM PRICKS for GASH, eon.; ting , la part fi . . 30 Ilk. "Eura Extr" floor. - , 50 IfcU. "DaJay" Floor. ' x SO hblM. -WViu Sm Flo.r. . SO bbia, 'WjWt ClMicn Floar, SO MU, OTt& Lair Flvw, . . M III. "Jfo Br Flor. j 5-1 bbl. MSC Gwg" Floar," tht i . g .1 n i in ic " 25 Saak BI Cte, ' ' t(l Seaji LUa7r,n "Jar'' "M-K-hi." , 23 hbls. Pork. 10 boxes L. C. liclli-s and Hack 4 ItMt rJiia had backet Lard. 10 tsb Batter ; S3 Cbes bent eremry). i I. SO boxes Cnckars aai Cakw. ' - 25 bbls. ti MaUmms aal Syrap. " ; 20 bbls. ((or yt?ar old "Fruit'' Vinrjrr. ; v" Ubbla. Sjar. Te Spics, Kat. .tc, rt.-. WWMTy-aS ! lin of Canned Good A can be found ,n ':. l.OOkJ bosessf Cinrs froat$l.lO in mi pr hun lr-.l LnrSIart aai Gail aal Ax's Snuff at . To&acvo ebap by la hex. & boxe goapw . . Wfaffa a aVrra La Parer Sack.. If ySf 4V SOi tbiak W ar la eara-. eaii .vi r s.-n i v .ur ..r i. ru i i: 1 eoania jnr pro2a to Walter X. 15 tixx-tin fc Co., ".: Bd rront Store, South Front St.. New Borne, N. C. v- ".- octH dJtw 'GEO. ALLEN & CO., I )KA1 General Hardware, MACHINERY, AGRIfTLTURAI. IMl'I.KM T llIJIIII-:iX" MA'l'J'WI Al. -Brick, lime. Cement. Plaster. Hair. Paint, Oil. Futty. GLus, Etc. Solicit" Consiummcnts of Cnttnn. liicc Wfcwh will 'n rriT! r Cir.si i:i . ;.r ;-.. X ir- :. ,(ON ():-'r FAVOKAP.T.K Tl- K Insurance Agents fur To Cotton 1 AM VOW PRKPAiih, f' GIX al ta (lio of T. S. H. v.- ; ! '"Ifill ' nt Sol Co '.tor. B4tj(in( ';'l I",.- :.iri- I will par :h.- Highest M.-.rke' Kc ft ft T ( ' 1 aJa ; Af.'ni l . lHOI.II i i"i or i ics ojo:. door nohth or .cotton exchange. AT.rilKUS ,V..AVOOD. SUPPLIES. alHy Heavy Purch:isos of othtT Supplies, and are Reasonable Prices i ROS. GEORGE ASH. STORE ! r & ASH. SCHWEBIN & ASH, SIGN OF FIVG. ' VV A4lVl I Zm U m Market Price. We will 11 Rice, varket. for One Commission. OIT PRODUCE IN HAND. I . Varnish, Ktc :kms. Policic Fire ;ml Lif c Growers ! M'"t F.ivor.ti Terr i ' Tr:. Pr Cos: ' kTtVi ri ' r, e .i i:it 1 H K 1 ll.HTHOl SKR ICE. Htr.in and I!uo In North Carolina. r m bo a f lu,pf rllnn r,lr f Secrm ICf fur North rimlln, In.prr llon Dl.irlcl. in I - l'.i: vn i i:t, .l.ui 1' I'i lti us nejiloct of ami ni;itttn ; 1 1 : rht ttif ;o the wants and necessities of North Carolina inside waters on Atlantic -o:ist. on the part of I.:rhthonso Board ot the Tinted Sr.ites, amounts to a criminal abuse of Nie service. I'uhlic attention w:ls called to tin s1 matters through tlie eolnmtis ot the MeMenfirr last February in ample time to have re rrivid proper consideration at the hands of our Representatives in Confess during last session. It i proper to s.iy that publication of the grievance w.ts not resorted to until private eorre-spondence with (lie Lighthouse Hoard had teen tried and failed in the accomplish ment of any result. N LIMITS, BEACONS, DCOVS UK STAKES. From C.)o Ixxkout liht to the l'ryinp Pan lightship, off Cape Fear, there is uo light whatever for j this hundred miles of coast. al- though there arc many good hnr- Ixirs ot safe refuge for small coast- ing vessels, and w(th the exception nur fQn sKlr0 (,i the public benefit. of buoys marking the entrance to I because t he ncoole and renresenta Heaufort harbor, there is neither beacon, buoy nor stake for this en tire extent of coast line, inside or Outside, anil along which are ten nnHiarkel inleta. New and White Oak rivers and Hogrie sound are navigable waters, throughout which there is not to In? found a single buoy or stake placed by Govern ment authority. WANT OE IIANGE AND IIARHOK LIGHTS. Heaufort harbor is without range or harbor lights whatever, although wltb the restoration of those in ex istence before the war vessels could enter in the night time. Now they must stand off and 011 all night, and no matter how rough the weather, it is impossible for any vewel over taken by night off the bar to make harUir. The hook of the Cape. ! about ten miles south southeast of j lWiulort, affords a good harbor of refuge, lor vceLa unable to get in over the bar, or lor passing ves-1 seU iu stress of weather, but it is : unmarked and practically useless,; ?avc to those thoroughly ac- ! ;uaiuted. A good range light 1 ''oald be in the interest of general aim mere saving many lives mid ( much property. core snfsn staked. Cor ionnd is nn indi'Mvpiinnhln i waterway to the inside coJwstin? ' 1 tnvle. It is shoalv and the channel I very crooked. One who shonld ! look at the -buoy book" of the i Lighthouse Hoard would conclude i that Core sound was admirably i staked. Hut let him attempt to i ran it. The stakes willed d for in the1 1 kk) k are many of them gone, and of thoso at.irwliaf ninst of the. htinda : are off. The Lighthouse lJoard ap-1 : p.ars to lntve abandonetl CVire iound altogether. At one time the keeping up of the stakes was let to ! oritrcr and the work woic was done. A ti t of spiLsnxxl ic economy seized the Lighthouse lioard, the1 contract was annullel, the work assigned to the buoy tender steam er, and that settled it. The tender1 w:vs through last summer; she wivs ! seen pAsaing, but left lohind no signs of her visit. The inner buoy at Harlxir Island bar has Inen a half mile out of position for six or ight months past, high and dry mi a shoal, a conspicuous object iu plain sight of the rente the buoy 'fiider passed . but it continued to 1 i there, and lies there now. KnN"i;risHKi i.hiuts. 11 irlwr Maud I.:lit in. irked the etitrancc n.t" ore. Irmn the l'atn heo .-ouud. it .is one of the luovt :mportatit and iicoes..ir lights on the ins'de en.l-t llailmr ll.llld ittords t he only so::: h. Til -:de oi ; ,,- retugt 1 'am I if 11 the nlllld : if t", : i ir-dics and cveept the ' only light to the sate -h.Ml has 1. ithout N eue r: i-l Uoy.il Sho i!. marking the .in. 'borage 1 . here to flit I'll! f f if hi ml tin M i n gi n lit Ul.in.l : g. ui gf roii ; lough w. i : 1 1 ; h - -: i . been also he li.i! bor '.: i- . I ; 1 1 i :i Mie nigh! .e her. ;n t lie ;.. i :i,r i I -hi ; id b i; . 1 111 -er 1 I r':.. ire j,; 1' i'u,e . ! e No: I, 111 to! t :r l:i,e an!.,:: i-; . tl ei ,;i e liar h.iv, I he i I ' ! L, ' e 1 , : , . ' i : I !.r ' a , ; a I I ei . .uii e. ,ue 1 ilia' : l.i ! a!.i. eorreet. epeei.ill .stcuiubeat'i, where there on i o much total attraction, (iull Shoal, in its present unlighted condition. is perilous to navi gation. It is the Hatteras of the l'ainlico sound. A vessel was lost there a little over a year ago, and the tine steamer New Uerne. of the Old Dominion Steainsli ip Company, was ashore on this shoal a few years ago and nearly lost, with all hands on lxanl. Ten regular steamers in the carrying trade pass (iull Shoal, to and fro, every week, to say noth ing of transients and sailing vessels. F.verv consideration for the com merce of the l'amlico and its tiibu taries. the safety ot human lite and of property, demand the immediate erection of a light on (lull Shoal. Wilkinson's Point. in Neue river, sixteen miles below New l'.erne, should also be lighted. It is danger ous, and with the opening of the New Heme and P.eaufoit Canal route the traffic on that portion ot the river will largely increase, and it is the point to run for after leav ing the mouth of the canal. SHOULD DEMAND OUR SHAKE oE THE PUBLIC BENEEITS. The appropriations tor the Lighthouse Service arc, or should be, ample for all the necessary aids to safe navigation. There is noiuiiti want of lights, beacons and buoys in the waters to the north of us. There should be none here. Our commerce is of sufficient importance to entitle onr section to the fullest consideration. We have not had tive have never demanded them, It is time that we assert our claims and require of our representatives in Congress as efficient service in securing local nublic benefits as other constituencies have received at the hands of their public and representative men. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SEKVK'E. When but i'evr steamboats were owned in North Carolina, the State was divided between South Caro lina and Virginia, the Cape Fear region being assigned to the Dis trict of Charleston, the balance of the State to the District of Norfolk. These two inspection districts cover the State of North Carolina now. Kvery vessel propellel by steam must undergo annual inspection at the hands of the United States In - sector of Hulls and the r imneotor 0f Hoilers, for which an inspection fce of $10 is charged: it was until recently 2o. Every master, en gineer," mate and pilot of steam - boats must stand an examination and obtain a liceuse from these in- siwWnrs lxfnre eifbi-rnf tl lem c:n be employed on a steamboat, and they must appear in person before the inspectors to undergo the first examination. This necessitates a ; visit to Charleston or .Norfolk, un - j less the party to bo examined is lncky enough to run up. with the! inspectors somewhere in the State, T--1. .1.1.' -lIU8 la a narnsuip, so mueu so mat rnan.v competent .persons in our sec-, t,on ofln faiI 40 tak nlt lieeuse, 1 4liereDJ missing good opportunities on regular as well as transient ves- '-S a"' 4 too frequently happens t,,at ors wanting employees, be- inK restricted in their selection to sacii as nave iial opportunity to ol)tftln 'ense, are compelled to takp persons not so competent as "omo without license whom they really prefer. Delays ot two and three weeks have occurred m get - ting the inspectors out to examine loats, the insjiectors of the Norfolk and Charleston districts having too much territory and too many steam ers to attend to. Within the la.t few years the number of steamboats has increased out of all proportion to the inspection service, and they are rapidly increasing in this State as well as in Virginia and South Carolina. For example, there are at New Heme for annual inspection fourteen steam lx.its, where eight vears ago there was but one. Then are now ow ned and for in-jn i-t i"ii in Noiili ('.iioima between sixty andseent" .-team boa; -. -eat;e;ed thnuighout the 1 '.ast er n port ,,:i ot the State, and it seldom iia.peii.s ; ha; the 1 1 me lor m-j ,i el . :ig a 1 1 y t o tails on the same ila. Inii- it i- t hat t he inspect oi ai e move. These -teamels the aggregate not le--1 leeli -ed officers. Null by reason of l ncre.i.-e ot owned and lor in-pec State, and the n u m 1 n-r e.t on I he leipllie in than 1 To ( ' a i o i ; : i . i . i earn '. ii iat . ;on in the ol" 1 a ell -ed to he em . ,.i , ,1 oftieei . loved e m ph i e, 1 is cntulei strict, w 1 bollel- III,! into a d,-;r hull- and 1 among her It -oli.e eoi a, ees-'.'o'ie t, e: n watei -. ; ii, ii i 'ugh -h : .. . le: make ' n .ii. i'. 1 1 a n 'H II l it i are t and -'.ate-. iiihv : i ii h . WlIJ.IAM A. 1 1 i:ai;m; "' t -l.-tisf-d from N it-wH anil i )bsei ver. in k ;eneral asslmhi.v. SEN AT K. Monday, Jan. lSSo. j President Hoykin called the Sen ate to order at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Kev. Dr. Marshall. The minutes of Saturday were read and approved. j BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Hill providing for exempt ing cer j tarn personal property from taxa ' t ion. Laid upon the table. ! Hill concerning concealed weapons, I placing it under jurisdiction of jus ! tiees of the peace. Laid upon the 1 table. Hill making it unlawful for per sons to practice medicine without license. ! Mr. Kohbins said several pliysi : cians, members of the Senate, had I requested ''iar f '10 ',(? informally I passed over; that there would be a I meeting of physicians later in the seasiin who won ( rnw ill) a hi and submit if. 1 Hill to alter the constitution 0f, the State. Droviding that whpiping ' i be mad i punishment for certain Informally passed over, felon i? there should be :i Tnll meetiiif. ! of the Senate. I Jlill to define the duties of Su-, i perior com t judges in certain cases; j providing that judges shall be at , I the county seats on Monday morn-1 ing and shall stay until Saturday night. Passed over informally. i Hill to regulate the sale of prop j ertv under mortgages and deeds of trust. Mr. Connor said that a great deal , ue spnt T0 Uu' ,I(U1SI ot representa of iropertv is sold under short tlves tlli!t at - o'clock the senate notices or notices placed in obscure , proposed to go into an election of i1:ico: and this bill was inromleil t.rt iilace.s; and this bill was intended to ' remedy this, to complete the record, so that the claim of title can be traced. ! respecting malicious injury ro pcr- ,r . -in i i. sonal property, passed. Mr. inston said this seemed to t1. -i r; i i. i 1 1 , , - 1 ., , At Hi o clock 1 resident Hoykin lnm to be useless legislation; t he ,. ,- . ,- .- ,, . , ' ; gave not ce that nominations tor question would arise as to whether if. , e. . . c . . , , .. ,,, . , u nited States Sc ator were in or- the second section would bo manda- J (j torv or merely directory. Informally1 , ,, , , .in , , J J i Mr. Huxton nominated 1 1 on. Zeb- nassed over. I , , . ai .1- r-n t . , , - , ! ulon U. ancc. Mr. datling Bill to establish a ,r r,,. , . Mr. I in 111s 11 aeeo i liommatioii j rue eridian in the various coun- I ties of the State, tor the correct 'enacui-01 suies. : to amend the Code in regard i to malicious injury to malicious nnurv to personal roet. i Mr. Hason said that whenever a wanton and wilful destruction of , personal property was committed, 1 he thought it ought to be made a 1 direct crime agaiust the laws of the State. Mr. M:isoo moved th:it Hie I Ton Carl Sehurz. who was in the hall, be invited to a seat upon the floor of the Senate. Carried. Messrs. Ma- son and Thompson were appointed a committee to conduct him to a seat. Hill to amend the Code iu regard to entry of public lands If- ""41 .l 41. .nr. Alexander tuougUi, mat me oi II ought to be reterreu to the com-j rea(jnp.s mittee on finance, as that committee j m to'amend t he 'ode in regard has charge ot the revenue of tho!to the advertisement and sale of State. real pr0pe.rtv intended to repeal Mr. Graham read from the report , tllat r)ortion of t ho statute which re- ol the Secretary of State m l',:nujres tlie publication of execution showing the amount of public lands , in various counties. .Mr. Graham said he was willing to vote lor an amendment lnaKiiig1 f lie price l an acre. Mr. Hower said he agreed with' Thomas II. Heiiton, that these lands ought to he so as to encourage set tlers and not be made a source of revenue. Heferrod to the commit tee on linance. HOUSE. I 1 1 e House met at 11 o'clock a. . Mr. Speaker Holt in the chair. in Prayer by Kev. Dr. M. M. Mar shall, of this city. PKTlTIi iNS. Mr. W hit ted From cit izens. ask ing the repeal ot section .1, ll'.i of the Code. ( 'oinniiTee on fish interests. Mr. Stantoid from citizens of I u 1 1 1 1 1 1 count I e it i ve to draining the su am t oinui it t ei lands of said county, n agi leultuic. minerals and mining. Mr. Peaisa .!o!:es t - 1 1 1 1 1 : . t loll nt J i;i:i l.elloll e.'Ull! . I n mi pposing .!" .bmes Proio citl.ell.s of lie annex. i eou:it t" 1 1 ion- and gi 'if anee Ill I.I. s ANH K I'.Si i I.I "I'I i ''S, Mi. (veiinan To facilitate the lee tioii oi le net it ing the si li'ouni territories filiate the he stock law i. ,-it ions and am- To re; hi pr, r. A ol Vl - before justices ot mmittee on i ml lei. try . To amend section nie. to prevent in eny o . : ng ci o i-. I ': oi ,o e V.I lice-. .'o pii.iiibit 1 he Supe ri k s o i ( in sio w and s 1 1 o m licencing 'f r- ( tint i 1 1 c ot! 1 1 -ter gardens l n ii n d a ud ot her water-, e on li-h lnteie.-t. n J o 1 1 1 Ti i amen d section tin- i ode. concerning oil: m ;t ! ee on ; g 1 : i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 e. : : . i , g a 1 1 1 1 mining. i ) . n I ' l ; . .on ! o i ; o 1 ( ! e I o f tlie e X in : i . 1 1 1 g ; . i a I i e 1 1 m o 1 1 a s . i i : . i m n . i i'i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it r' in. l; ;.d I. pl.o ; a i , u' i i ; n mil;'. Ml. I I ' . C III"', eii In .Unci, i I !' i . i . 1 1 1 1 ; ! i ' '1,1- a , : si ml 1 In 'I apply 1 ! i ' . e, unit . Adopted. The In. I lin-ii pa--.-ed its third readlliL.'. On motion of .Mr. Stanford, the house ad journed until to-inoi row. ; SI". NATL. Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1 ss.". At 11 o'clock the Senate was called to order. President Hoykin in ; the chair. Prayer by Hev. Dr. Skinnei . The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. PETITIONS. Numerous petit ions lor t he repeal of t he purchase t a wei e p resell ted by .Messrs. Means, from board ol trade of Asheville and merchant s of Concord; Mi . Jlill. from merchants of Goldsboro and Faison: Mr. Sher rill, from citizens of Catawba: Mr. Uason, from citizens of Cleveland; Mr. Miller, from citizens of Halifax and Warren; Mr. Buxton, from citi zens of Davidson. Mr. Hill From colored citizens ot Magnolia township. Duplin county, asking school act be not Mr. Mullen, Halifax, askiug standard keeper that the rraded repealed, from citizens that the oilier a Do died. i ',ls"n repoi icu i.i vora oiy on th; j,iU sumnionmg juries to lay out Pl!Ilc roads. ""is. eh . 1 Mr- Connor reported adversely on 111 regard to the advei'- tisement and sale of public lands. KILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Connor 'J'o amend the char ter of the town of Greenville, Pitt county. Mr. Huxton To authorize, the board of county commissioners to employ counsel to aid in the prose- ' cution of certain criminal cases. .ur, iroy moved tjiat a message . United States Senator. Carried. I 0,1 its ,,lild reading, the bill ! amending section IS., of the Code, , n Tvu.'York, of the count v , of Wilkes . " Mr. Mason seconded the nomina tion of X. H. Vance. Mr. "White seconded Hon. Tyre York's nomination. The ballot was cast and resulted as follows: Vance 30. York 7. Mr. Connor said that hi.s col league, Senator JVrry, and Sena tors Hond and "Williams desired to be recorded as wishing to vote for ' Senator Vauce, but were absent on j account of sickness. j liesolution in regard to pension ing Mexican soldiers. Mr. Means said he had been ; asked by Mexican veterans to in troduce this bill. Their services were well known and he supposed it unnecessary to make any remarks , un0I1 tll nil. Passed its several pales adversely reported by tin indicinrv committee. r i,',,,;,,.. i,, was one ot tOS(. wjlrt thought it did no good, the cost of the and only enhanced proceedings. Mr. Connor moved to lav the bill upon t he table. 'urriod. On motion of Mr. Scott the Sen ate adjourned untill tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock. jiorsK. House met at 1 1 o'clock a. in . Mr. Speaker Holt in the chair. Prayer by Hev. Dr. Skinner, of the city. Journal ot yesterday read and approved. r,i i.i.s. Mr. Johnston To make disturb ing graves a misdemeanor. Com mittee on judieiaiy. Mr. Martin To exempt Pamlico county from the operation ot'sec t ion L'.-v'.T ol I he 'ode. which refers to shooting of w ild fowl nt night. Committee on pi opo-it ions and grievance-. M 1. ( I la . n gel I'oempoW e r elel k of t he i n lei i i a' com t t o pro bat o and register deeds, etc. oininil tee on judiciary. c'AI.KMiAi:. Kesoi at ion to proem c m h n for the protection of slice; bandry. Ailopteil. 'I'i i exempt certain ch i --c - It! IL- if sons Ironi woiKitig on I lie road-. Mr. McMillan m o n 1 to a mei adding no pelsous except ! ho. ciilpted b the board of c comm i ssionei s. Mr. Jones. ,, Alex imiei. n to amend by adding lawyers, chants, farmers and mechanic M r. Stan loi d line, ed to ; abi bill . which un I'm pre v. i i led. A message wasieeeived f;o; sciia'e proposing ;o go mti the elect ion of I n it ed Slates tor at the hour of 1 1' m. :' t !ir 1 the t he -ell;! in an in 'ii : ,1 1 : 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .nice. I:. " . lleli,lel.,,:i line of lion. ( iveriu ill ' n ,. . ! :. . . I . " k e - C . i ! l..;i. 1 Mi l i. in.' iii.: ill v. 1 1 , III !i!l li lake; ami ! h- Willi it- lei red (n mot ion ol Kolnnsoii. ol IMaeoii, the House adjourned nut il to mor row at 1 1 o'clock. SKXATF. Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1SS.". Senate met at the usual Injur, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Key. Mr. Noiman, of this city. The minutes of yesteiday were read and approved. Mr. Connor reported adversely on (lie act to amend the constitution, article 12: also adversely on the bill to provido for the election of a linance committee in the county of Henderson. Mr. Mason, of judiciary commit tee, favorably on the act, to repeal certain sections of the Code, so as to make, the statute of limitations applicable to suits brought by or against married women. 15 ILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Mr Mason For adjustment and satisfaction of a portion of the State debt, and for other purposes. Mr. White To amend section 1-0 01 inc. ooue, 111 relation to staio ments of clerks and justices of the peace. Mr. Connor To enable railroads and other transportation companies to extend their lines. Mr. Mason introduced a bill to amend section 1.240 of the Code, so as to give clerks of infeiior courts authority to probate deeds. The Senate proceeded in a bod3' into the hall of the LLouse of Itep resentatives, where the vote for United States Senator was counted. Zebulon H. Vauce was declared i elected, after which they attended the inauguration it Metropolitan hall. At .5:30 the Senate returned to the chamber, when Messrs. Troy and Hill, the 'committee, escorted lieutenant-Governor Stedman into i ne nan. On taking the chair, Lieutenant Governor Stedman said: Senators: I thank the President pro tern for the kind and compli mentary terms in which he has alluded to me. Called by the duties of my office as Lieutenant-Governor to preside over the deliberations of this body, I shall endeavor to dis charge the trust confided to me courteously, impartially and faith fully. For errors committed I ask your friendly indulgence and for bearance. YVhen our session has ended and our work has been finished, I hope that each one of us ..... . -i in.iv lee that ne nas contnouteu somewhat to the glory and pros perity of our great Commonwealth. The Senate is now ready for the transaction of busines. On motion of Mr. Conner, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 11 o'clock. HOUSE. House met pursuant to adjourn ment, Mr. Speaker Holt in the chair. Prayer by Hev. W. C. Norman, of the city. Journal read and approved. Messrs. Womack, Turner, liiggs, Venters and Murchison, who were absent yesterday on account of sickness," asked to have their names recorded as voting for Jlon. Z. 15. Vance for United States Senator; leave was granted them and they were so recorded. HILLS. Mr. Granger Hill to recharter the town of Kinston. deferred to committee on cities, counties, towns and townships. Mr. Jones, of Himcombe, to in crease the number of judges of the Superior court, and to change the judicial system of the State. In ferred to committee on judicial re form, i Mr. Mcllae For the relief of disabled Confederate soldiers. Re- j i erred to committee on finance. ; Mr. Stanford For the relief of; certain soldiers of the lute war be- tween the States. I referred to commit tec on finance. ' ALKNDA 11. To annex a portion of the county of Jones to Lenoir. Mr. Pearsall spoke at length against the passage of this bill, and on his motion it was t aided. wu not ot Ho s i eceived ironi me enaie an-. incing that it would at the hour I :.' m. proceed to the hull of the; use of Representatives to can- cuss the omt vot ot I nited States Senator. cAi.KMJAR. Resumed To change t he time of holding the courts of Davi- ami Yadkin coun ties. Passed its second and third ( n motion of Mi. siiiiil'cn 1 ! oi'ise i i .ok a recess uni '1 t he . i lie hour of 1 1' in. At ii'o'cioek m.. Speaker Holt called t he 1 !oii-e to oi del , and it was announced that the Senate ap- I'l o ailed b the 1 . ;I Keeper of t he I louse. The Senate came in and were -.-at ed within ! he bar ot t he House. President Hoxkin then called the (le'iei::! .s-eml.iy to on'ei and ;m lioiinced i hat t lie joint meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing .1 -eel il I the i'e - 1 i 1 1 of t ! n the lolls of : i T i 1 i! w a .use-- t h, ins ami wei e pi esen 1 n,i nies. ! I oll I i I c i HI- . I'l l''! IiUleii n!' , H : l ; i . 1 1 s 1 1 lull 1 1 e,l To the elec itnr '.!- lead. ii'id that Hon. i-i! :;'i i'tes ill ! e s ; i i 1 1 1 and tie 7 ote - I II till' inakinu ' .nice. I I oll-e t lion, ill the I I , Ul-e Ml juillt d I- ,1 ; I'M u;e-. ; i Voii.. a'! X'.'Mli'e w;i ,i - lleeeed hill eoinmelieil.'Lr i a, I .". and e :eli ileel.ll ed ell. his 1 el III I t in- It h da liiiiU on the . l' t he ple Seli.lte and .Mi a; ; I nta .Mi t lie i i a ii Ii of .Mi . ''" ,- l'..in:!v Judp. recently del i v- i' . a i.ireweli .'ulihes- which excile;i admiration of all his friends until si .ale ulheious person ilisrovered thai Washington had delivered the same ad dress niiiuy years ago. Swansboro Items. Our Kcliool opened last Thursday. 1rth ! inst.. and iR progressing finely. Mr', j Harry Mallctt, our teacher, has started J right, we think, and will build up a No. 1 Hchool. J John Pittman and Ned Jones are jab bering over the Hammock place. John wants to rent it to Jones, nnrl thry are 1 worse than a parcel of blackbirds: loth parties are afraid of being cheated. , ( 'apt. K. Willis launched a fine sharpie : last week, painted up in style. This is ; the third or fourth boat of this kind , Capt. Willis has built and launched since he has been with us is a No. 1 boat builder. The Captain S.ime of our people have so much' Special uiu-ntlon idven Co th mllmttVm ol" ' meat on hand :hat they have built Rcaf- i ,lftt'. bpiiiiuk e(Ate of daowund prr - -! folds out doors to smoke the bacon ulU -y; J haven t got house room. One bad fel I low says it is nothing but pure down : stinginess causes him to do it. , Mr. Roht. Gillette, son of the late Seth Gillette, died last week of pulmo- nary consumption. Robert was a good i boy and liked by all hiR associates. He was tweuty years of age, and lived with hi.s mother, brothers and eisters near Duck Creek in this county. Talk about your big fish and big coons, but Isaac Hewett, better known as Swamp Sam, caught the largest red drum fish this week that we ever saw or heard of. The fish was six feet long and weighed nearly 100 pounds. Ike Baid he thought he had a whale for once. The fish got tangled in his net and was killed after a struggle by Ike with a crowbar. , Capt. Heady caught the largest coon I ever saw; it measured 4 feet 4 inches from head to tail end, and 3 quarts of oil were taken from the beast. But thii is not a circumstance to Ned. Farnell's 'possom. Ned says Durant Morton and Ezekiel Morton, two farmers, killed a regular genuine N. C. 'peesom that weignea 40 pounas, iull weignt, ana lat in proportion, and we reckon it is so, for Ned is a man of truth. ; in their hp0a. cnt Thiin h illBt , . o - j j Killed some very tat ones, and they are good too, because we tried them. Bertie Loughlin, son of the Captain, received his birthday dinner last Tuesday, and we were there, and the turkey was splendid, and things didn't look liks hard times, though times are pretty hard with us at present. Bertie was awfully surprised when he lifted his plate and found a gold dollar under it. Couldn't tell where it came from. Rev. Mr. Futrell preached a good sermon from 2nd Cor., ch. 5, v. 1, last Sunday evening. He is a good speaker though a young man. His appoint ments for this place are every second Sabbath in each month. We are sadly in need of a good church, a place to preach in; our old church is neglected i and bids fair to become firewood in a I . ; -ii' . 1. .. 1 . ; yu6ub w new church in Swansboro, and we will, if possible, before this year closes. Our hotel is closed, too. Where are you. Dr. Blount? if you don't come back and at tend to your business I shall report you. A day or so ago Mr. Mace of Beaufort, Lieut. Patkefjof Washington, D. C, and others-pame in town and found no public piace to 6tay, and had to go to a private house. The Counterfeiters. At the office of Commissioner Gard ner, yesterday, we were shown a quan tity of the spurious coin found in the possession of Ben Allen and his alleged accomplice, Louisa Allen, together with the moulds used by the counterfeiters in turning out the various denomina tions of coin. The moulds are mere blocks of plaster of paris, with the neces sary indentation in the centre, into which the hot composition is poured, when an upper block, with its appro- j priate impression, is added, and the two i form the exact counterpart of the coin i to be counterfeited. We were shown ' the spoon used in tranferring the liquid 1 metal from the vessel in which it is 1 heated to the various moulds. The 1 handle is lengthened out, so as to pro ! tect the holder from the intense heat. , by a thin piece of twisted iron. After , the coin is moulded powder is Hashed j over it, which gives it a dark color, and then it is wiped off witha chamois skin, J which takes away the bright, new ap j pearance and leaves it witha semblance of having been in use for sometime. A file is used to do away with whatever ujievenness or roughness may neces sarily occur in the process of moulding. The material is in short bars, evidently prepared with a view to the use which is made of it. Tho parties were seemingly in a po-, sition to carry on an extensive business, and it appears that they were inclined to make the best use of their time and op portunity. The colored festivals are said to have sulTered quite seriously from the imposition of the bogus coin, and tlie store-keepers ami bar-keepers have nearly all been "stuck "to a greater or less extent. Some of it was even imposed on the tax collectors, as shrewd : as they are. ne store-keeper gave a live-dollar greenback in exchange for its equivalent in coin, which he thought genuine at the time, but afterwards dis covered to be spurious. Detective Carr deserves great credit fur his success in working up the ciisb and the tinal capture of the counter feiter and hin accomplice, together with the tools, material, bogus coin. etc. Allen is about 40 years of age. ap parently, is a mulatto, and in stature is live feet six inches high, hieing some what low and squatty. There is no doubt that Allen had other confederates, j The case comes up for preliminary examination before U. S. Commissioner tar, Iner this morning. Wil. Stir. Some Events of Yesterday. Yesterday morning the ollicers and employees of the A. it N. ('. railroad, through Col. John 1). Whitford, its presi dent, presented (iovernor Jarvis with a niagnilicent watch, chain and seal, the former of North Carolina told : the latter a North Carolina gem. On fine side of the watch is the Latin inscription "1'nrti et I'idcli nil Difficile. " l'.i low tins is a wreath of roses in oxyd ized K"ld: all t-urroundu u the coat of arms I :'. the other side is the inscrip tion " li om the Sea through the Moun tains, "and below this a representation of a train of ears. The watch is the most massive ever seen here. Within its i ase is this ineription: "The officers and employees of the Atlantic iV North l 'arolma liailroad Company to Tlinmas ,1 . J a rvis. (Iiiviniin i.f North ('amlina. An ever vigilant watchman upon the citadel of internal imp! ovement . and distiniiir-hed by h is em irient serv ices to lb,- Slut,.. January P-th.A. D..ss;,." That day was tlie ( i.ivernoi s birthday. The presentation was .by a written a. I dr.-- ..a -atin. ne.-i arl i-t iral ! y de -ir;ii"ii. It i - signed by the donor- of The waicii. :i:n..i!' wla-m ale many i.f t!a- i.iborer- on the p. el av.d 1 1 - sh-.p-. both white i.nd e...,r, ,1. Ati ninth" t re.-i-un r s . .nice i i. v. Jarvi- .re-.-iited Trea-iin-r Worth with a vej v ham i-ome ,i d -liead ed eioie. The cine wa- ei'en bv Messrs. 1 W. I'.ain and It. M . louan. so 1,,n; i li rks in the I re.L-u ri r s i.t'nee. The presentation w a- an nn-pi-..niptii airair: and Tiia-uiir W'-ath wa- laken l -ur.ri.-e. ( i. , (-laior Jarvis" speeih was fuilof f i el I lie;, .-md th.it ol In. Wort h in accept in 1 hriin I --,.tn e e , it . 1 lion eh - i 1. a t . was i , i ,i ; 1 , - Ac's awl I 1-srrr- r. AnioiiLTthe be.iii'sc made m the " ill of a ba. Iiclor who died in Spoi-w !, N. ,).. recently, was one v i s'liu i t , , a church, provided thai annually, mi the anniversary of his death, the bell be toiled, ami tin' same number nf str ,l,e. stui k as lie had attained years. The residue of hi.s estate be bequeathed to another church on condition that the family burial plot he kept in Rood or der. ,; V Professional Cards. CHAS. H. BROWN, . ATTOIIN K Y - A T - I, A W,V - KBMAMSTH.I.H. W. 'i V- . " ' Prardre In tliPConntlorl,tipl,.lDOlr ji , C'ravmi. JnnoH rend Oiinlnw. i ,M 1 e.,1 lotion orciHlmiiniipnoMlty.. " ' ('irri.H)wniil-iii:e wollpltffd. , W.r6wBm "r t ' P. H. PELLETIEBv ? f ATTOKN : Y AT I, A W,V'-. NEW KERNE, N. C. 'V iiro on Houtli Profit, at nl 4hlMi Arww rnmi ilic oorner o( CrnrMi MnvU ' - . Will practice In the Ooui-1 of . Cwtnvn, ( v OWEIV II. OXJIOIV,: ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Office formerly oconpleil by Hlmnton A " Manly, oppoMitc (iinum House. Will practice In the OonntlM of Cn?n ' JonpR. onulow, Carteret, l'nmllooand jmnftt ' ', Promptaitentlon ipld to eollMUotM. t A . apr29-dwlT. . . ' . - -a V : , ., 11, . C. R. THOMAS .1 a3 !..'.?'. :. ' ATTORXEX AT, .LA W:;' Offloe on Craven ntreet.1 n Btn)f Bnllolng' ,,r near corner of Pollock treet. nov4dwlx c .rT THOMAS, Jr ; ;4 -' Attornoy At 'kjm.vxr,' 1 . BEAUFORT, N C.: (rncc 011 corner of Tiirner and rrottreeli. Will practice ln Uartvret aod Kl)olBtnc counties. t 1. 1 , . , Irorapt attention to collection of elauaa, WILLIAM J. OLAilKE, t COUNSELLOB AT LAW,'1' s V '- i ; Attends all the conru held at Nw ttHm. ' World Carolina. 3 , Particular attention paid to eolUetlug' -' clalmd, and conveyanolns. . . ,' : United Btate Oommlaalonar. jvwt.-l J' Bept. 18th. im. .dtr ' . '. " ... I .11 '' L. J. Moore. Wu & Ct-z. ' , , MOORE & CLARKE;1 c i ATTORNEYS. AT.' LAW, . New Berne, T.0.:iJ.''l'-y -' Will practise in the Oonrta of CrUrt. Cr ' ven, Oreene, Hyde, Jonee, Leoolr, On low and Pamlico oountleej '.. . . , v- ' Also in the Supreme Court nt Itoletirh fend ; i the United States Courts at Mew Kerue ana - Collecting a specialty, aptdwtf f OKOROI V. BTBONO, BAJHIt I, KtllT, ' . Raleigh. N. C Kinston, H. O STRONG & PERRYr K ; ATTORNEYS JlIL COUNSELLORS it - Having formed a copartnership, foe th C ' ,' iractlce of the law ln Jones county, trill regnx ,' arly attend the courts of tho trnat.' YrilULrt ' attention paid to collections. -mayl3-d&wtf HTKONO PSBST. f. m. simhows, cxnmrt suCjtlt,' ".' SIMMONS & UANtir CI ATTOKNETS AT'lAyT'iy,.".;.- Will practice ln theOonrtsof Oaven, Jonee Onlow Carteret, Pamlloo, Lenolr anrt Urtte. -1 and in the Federal Court at New Bern. ' febdwl --r-- ' DR. J. D. GLARK,? DENTIHl1! KKWBKRJjr.O. ;" " Office on Craven street, between. .Pollock and Broad. pr!7-JAwly JAMES RED HO LO, Agent and BottIej,N OF TTJF. M BEEG1TER L EUGEL ;, V i " BREWING -GO'S ( PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. 1 v - '. This beer took premiuma at tbv Ceo y tennial Exhibition at PhiladelphisV nd ,' the Paris Exposition. Keeps bottfir Uuua ' any other in warm climates, and I 4bH favorite brand wherever known. For sale in kegs or crates. dw NEW-BERXE AND PAMLICO' Steam Transportation Co'y. N kw Krrkk. N C, Oct. XI, DOM. I'AI.I. SCHKIH I.K OF THK HTRAMKK !" u'" int 4-i!fcL mi and oftor Noveniler &. J . n vm w Mrriio n Hiopplii nt AilnniH mi' 1 ft bin'wii 1 J . A m., for Haybnro. M-ck. Vundemert lilli.VH J ,'nvc Sttnicwul I nt H a.m. for BTtif stopping at Vjtiult inerc und Adft l(Jrek. Sat a nlHys ' . boflve New Krne at 9 p.m. for Istka'x I juhIIuk. stopping at AOauis Creek. . ,' . t . - : v .!:. TiifSdnvH '' - i. ' livc Lnkn bnndliiK at 10a. Jn. IbrltaW iteiaif , Ntopping at Aiiaun Creek.,?, l, ! l!v tliU arraiiKement we are able 10 trAk r-loht- connection with Ihe Nor4tiersi steam t-ns, alHn ))iiviri2 kcmi1 aroommodatiotis belli , fur pHRbeiiKr Kml frell)t nt very low ratee nsk Hint Die inerrtiantH ami producers along Its line In lilve li Uielr cheerful support.' l-'i-elxlit received uuder oover every day of Hip week , .. .". For further Information enqolra ttt thao Qce. KiKit of CraveD street. - V.. H. I'IKKCK, Ant. New Berne, N.O.j n hiiv of iu Agents t tbe following plssf ST AliK I.I-K, Adams Creek. 1) M. S' ATWIN, Jjike LMMllng, .' 1 1. H. AUUOTT, Vanilemere, ('. II. KoWI.KK, Htonewall, s II. HiWI.I-K, Uaylioro, H. H. GltAT. V Inn il.l.oviv (icuftiil MnniMter. THK NEUSE L TRENT EIVER Steamboat Company r..ll',wiiiK Mciiednie on and after . isl VLM, ISM I Steamer Trent f..f I'oiiokHviilr, Tren CuiaiiiKH every Wed . 'iiiniiiK on Thursday Steamer Kinston i.'-rii f .i Kiiiton everyTt'lO 'Y t, illinium leavi Kin l.i tii e.iiv Mi IN HA Y and .ii. uni mi.Ii,!i i Ud Kleld ii ud t o i- i.eii. i.Iiik iii ill i'ia- ..... i s m:, i a, . i.. ei in nee! Ion with ' . o a .ih. I'liinliniL r relicht i ' . , ' 1 1 1-. . i . w 1 1, ai apply lo w I. - i i;i iN. .Ik . nt Newliern. 1 'Nil. K i list. II, I ' l. : i -. CllokHvillr ' I I iN. 1,1 nt Trenton. '. i.) ci m. ii i. v. .P. i ly old Field. Pa-.ks, Quaker ltrld(co. I v. w HITK. (len-l Manarer. oli7dVw Kinston. N.T." JOJUWOKK. KXKCOTKI) WITH fFAT-. NKJSK ua dlripatcU nt tlie JOUK.NA 1. Wlltli. -1 -,;-;,-' ': ..'( " - i . i I all '- V