X V ' i ' - . -v r . V'.. IXDEPEXDENT IN ALL THINGS. Torm $B.OO XX'Vtxa YOIiiyil. 1-:V BKUXE, CRAVKN COUNTY, N. C, FEBUl ARY .", 188"). V 'loliava.mailo lately Heavy Purchases of ?r.371SlbllS' ami other Supplies, and are rWdyto"&eH at Reasonable Prices tr or on Credit. ' 7" 20 boxes Side Meat. Tt 100 k5- Mess Pork- 25 bbls. Sugar. . i- 25 sacks Coffee. 25 bbls. Molasses. "W.-V.- 50 boxes Tobacco, Vi t; riOO bbls. Flour, Besides our usia assortment of ChPGOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, and other. Merchandise. OIT-TDWGER BROS. lunstoniTi C. MSNEVSTORE l fcT4 iitvttr "Srw Qwtn, Tb Drick Store, N. E. i:oitli' Front' and Middle ireet, we win, in ordr to f r oar Lrg9 Spria S(oe kt jell tot th :S!Xovn ESTlniC STOCK OF r. ..Boota and Shoes. Gents' Furnishin , HJ TI-. 4 43J UUUlis li.au!) li li fc. D I I I M h CT RKMOIBER, FOK ' yW- Dp sV '1f "' i.. ;:'NtEb.l)WANTED! . . 100,0W'BUSJIELS OF RICE, f wkiclk v will ca; tIiHJf hest Market Price. W will kII Rice, jra, Cotton, m tkit m aj tkot market, for One Commission. LliSlUi ADVANCES MiDB OIT PE0DUCE DT HAND. WE OITEB TOR S4LX "V - i hoicerGroceries, Nw7 , ., ,V 1 ,.), -EOCR BOTTOM PMCESt CASH. i.-tBfs r .s,- 'O x' w ' ,-Vv i.il.Iifj' Slav. . .' . .. 5) kbU. VKit Swaa.i1of . ZH LUa, 12hWV SUt, bbta. ''Nona Lai Yomr, . kbU. Xaa Better" ilow, "50 btU. St.forjn Floor," thai U x e.H.l u mvi(. 15 J?ck lit CuSm, -, . 1'J Sfcs.-Lajwarf,, Java" aad -Mocha." fcbf. Pork. llbiM I, T. P- lUri IWk. si r3avt anJ baclat IrL Mt) Ua JIatttnr; 25 CoaM (Wl ercaoaorTl. . . aala. f XLUmt aa4 Syrap. . , , U aLa Wovr ja aid "r'nut'" Viix-gar. DVUAStfta TtM, Hpicw, Kxtraets. etc, tit. V carry M ttna S Eat of Caarwsl (ootfc an a ko foand in tin n : t. 1 .C'0 tcXM f Clxart from $1.10 to 1 1 ' VO jkt KanJrvd. I.. - Uirl aaJt Gau aai Aa'a ija J at majaf-tarr'a pnc-. Tubtcco ehap ytW box. boxes Soapw V s-rr a drr la Paf er 8a-ls. I f jn il oat t&iak ara ia earno call n or va t vour .rr-i-r- .i :r jr. 1 - - raac ftaM U-' ' . . VxXox ZBxirxxiH fc Co., 7ronfr S to re Son th Front St.. ITew Berne, N. C. 1 ieneral Hardware, ; .'.!:t,i; if'.' ' MACHINERY, AORICULTfRAL IMPLKMTS, IJtJir-.II;:iJ-J Hftcir, lime, Cemk?nt, Piaster. futty, Glaa-s, Etc. Solicit: Consuniinentcs - . .WTkiek iU b mML eo arriv: 0TO.tO'rr KAVOHAMLK In UpCCiYCTits for r26-L?rCotton fm . t V Ws , a. A V ai dvtG T. 8. TTrf s ti. f.iT . ; I will mj Sed Cot tor. l-ttpX TkfirniolM ' n iu. "?" - .v. - rwiij t Highest Market - I H Ii J rpr-;.i tu b u v r tt Dji '"... - '- 1 Oiicit CaaiUiMB f aam RfereilC3 eiVCIl Th'T, it Sir- 1 .tfMalT ba ('f.'Tj - n ..-'',' .' i " . i ! A, I..' .... .1 I ij: i.iric cotton (; k or; icz ohe nooa nobth of .cotton exchange. ''''A'L'PilBUSViVQpD. OEt)IlGK ASH. TI3& Sz ASK. Cor- ruke TTV-1I rn,rrc TTni uuiUiCUOO i oujw, U U U t U rKIutoZ TIUUTY DAYS. SCHWERIN' & ASH, SUiy OF FLAG. A FCXL UNE OF ALLEN & CO., MA TKHIAI,, Hair. Paint, Oil. Varnish. ot Cotton. Rice. Kt- W ir.-h, us. I'l'.K.MS ler"i tr. ur Br: "i Fire and Life Policies. Growers ! COTTON Jtfoit Favorable Torms -; ; -y uih.-s' Pre - . a: Cost Pnc Cottrr. Sc'-d Kir .... . . sKNiiin: v im K t TMK. IK V IS - MIKK.HAN ( ONTROVK.KSY. When Senator llwvi.Kx's re.so- luti ii roijuostm I ho TroMil i ,,. Ul UL "I to tin; Sen Me ft historical statement nim'cniitiK the public policy of the executive artment of the on- federate State r , i n : e up l" S.-n.itor N' r. a h eii he :! at ly . during the war, i ' r ooiinU'ration made a -.peedr lit ilenied some st ato 10 W'ai 1 opart iiient !,: s nie.l ;:i tl ( i i.e. i a ; t .-' ll i: l: m a N . he people ( So lar as 'pie of North ar w a.- n iieoesar y lor Senator to have denied the.-e stato f.r thv' "in' thine; ahove all h:c!l .ieeount- for ills popll .. I nat lie h.us never decen ed V v m : : t " her- i i r i '. people. 1 1 1 1 doubtless our r.-i.ler- would hk to know w hat old ,:,; h.ul to say to the charge of . liein; untrue to (he ( 'onlederacy. so we publish Ins remarks in full. Ho sai.l: Mr l'nr.si PKN' T: As the Senate w ill prohaM v Tias this resolution and place upon its records an nil otticial paprr. tiled in the War De psitment by (ieneral W.- T. Sher man, which contains statements atloetinj certain persons, it is but neht and propr that all persons so affected should be heard in the same forntn. As one thus inter ested, I desire to oticeRome state ments made in that communication to the War Department. In order that I may not be misinterpreted I have placed in writing the material xirtions of what I desire to say, which shall be very brief. It is understood and, I believe, uot denied that in a sieech made not lone ince in Saint Louis, Mo., General Sherman said he had seen a letter written bv Mr. Jefferson Davis to a Governor of a Southern j give every energy ot my body, mind, State during the war, now a Sena- and soul to the success of the cause tor, in which Mr. Davis threatened to which I had pledged my aile the coercion of any Southern State giance. General Sherman, profess that shonld attempt to secede from ing high respect for me. for which I the Confederacy. As there are, I ! thank him, thinks, perhaps, that he tvelieve, three Senators at least on , tijJS tjoor wno were Governors of i leathern States dnnng the war, ; mvself bing one, I immeliately on :thV iiwanin of that statement i denied throagh the Post of this city I that any such letter had ever been 'received by me. The newspapers j 'hooq after stated that General Sherman had been interviewed as to ray (Uni.il, and had stated that ! he bad not auaaeu to me as me i person to whom the-alleged letter j had ln addressed. I very oat I nrally thought that this denial at both ends of the line had concluded the matter so far as I was con-1 Sherman says that the commission- third reading. cerned; bat it seems not. In the ers whom 1 sent to meet him as In-' n motion of Mr. Troy, the Sen statement filed in the War Depart-i approached lialeigh, to wit, ex ! ate adjonrned. ment, as published ki the papers of I Governor Swain and ex-Goyernor the country, I find tho following assertion: At Ttaleigh, though tho of the public rpeord bail bon carried otT, yet a li timber wore left behind at the Ktate- SfJg.FZg'i.'SZgi km heouuiruri during our nUy there. narnelj. from April 13 to April 39. 1S83. t Th rv-ord and jiapr ere orf r haxx kj by protrewtovmarah slhI clerks. who tiolivered to Adjutant-General SATer Kuch a cootainetl material in- formation, and ray pAraonal attention t - i ... . . . k j - i . .v. i uf' Miffu-ipnt impnrtance. Among thel1'11". iHvause they had seen uio con -.ok coI1.-c.h1 st th pJuc ia IUleigh stantlv doing it, and they 'i r, r told 'w.l a clerk .r aecrptary 's "copy-; i Jenei al Sherman or any ot her 1 1 i n o ' containinu ht-otn and let-; miUI thecoiitraryofwh.lt they knew l.-uer of Mr Ilsivu to which I referreil ' in iTi Siint Imis "5pch I gave it I li tU attention at the time, bw-ause Mr. I wji then himelf a fugitive, niui In- opinum had little or in iiuperuince. buL it explained to my mind why Gov ernor Vance, after sending to me coni !n:joonera to treat for his State 9epa r k (.'. v , had not ( ailed niv iimtcr. It A,, e..i,ubjfTi n common talk nlieiit try h.'-klnuartem at th. liniu. nr. a. , stated by t'olnnel Iaytn in a r.-eeiu letter t" n-.o from Cincinnati. "I nni 'juit -J.r- tl.-it wo jenernlly t.ilke l thnt it th. 'lerir. of lit v. rnor xi'.' v ..I: i the stilt'. , rTli i.ils to take N rth Car')i.iiii out f .tie Cai iVacmc y . iu I have -tu'.-'i. but thev were afraid f J -Ier. I a i.m ;.r. 1 wante.i pri t.-cti t: ' i "iiei rir.ng thts 1 have tl.e fol low uij; observations to make: 1. That :.o letters or documents of a ;n':r clmracter were ever left at my resale!. oo :n 'lie governor's in.ili'-tcii, uh;!.' I wa governor, at any time. '. Nocleik or -ecretar of tn;ne ever a-ed as a roposiuj;v l,r my eorresi 'Oinleui e a copy book;" all rhc: opi. 1 .ub letters being first Iter i . ik reij uired I . a tie ecu ! JVe bundle- jSI e t he V then bound :nt .1. r- - , . - - s eilil , er t .. :e . i ' - .'. ., ;.. : . j. iil.ii. rile-, i Iu t ; here I s .tixit her m i' !er i .iverrotl hv iieueraJ Sherni.iii ihit more nearljr ooneerus nn, and to tin- attention of the Senate. It may ho that Northern p-nt h ' moil wlio wore on tlio vicuuiou side during the civil war cannot nronerlv lumreciafe f lie l'oelin."s and ; nentiment.s of those who wore on 'the side of misfortune, and defeat. 'i-i ... . 1 :. ..-,.. seem u re-am u as .pine a sin that wo do not readily join in the denunciation-; of him who was our leader in the war. and hasten to condemn him on all occasions as the sure-t way of excusing our con duct and commending ourselves to the piod opinion of our late oppo nents. Saieh no man of even the .-lightest sense of honor coiihl re spect a Southern man w ho would thus debase himself. Surely the most tlaprant and rampant traf ficker in the issues ol sectional hatred would prefer an adversary who walked uptight on his toot to tin1 one who crawled upon his belly. 1 I i not, what must be t bought of h is " " '"ihoo.l ! Now, sirs, be it known to you, that those of us who pledged our faith to each other for the establish ment of the confederacy ave up all for which we contended when it failed, retaining to ourselves only one solitary satisfying reflection, and that was that we had at least served our country faithfully, hon estlv, and devotedlv, as we under stand it. ; This satisfaction General Sher- j man's statement would to some ex-1 tent take from me, and this it is. sir, which 1 resent. It is (veil known that I was drawn into secession un willingly: it is also well known that in regard to many of the details of administration I was at variance with the authorities of the confed-1 erate government; but it is equally j well known. I hope, that, after my own honor was engaged and the ! houor of juy native State, there j never was an hour during all that i uribappv time in which 1 did not does me a kiniiness ana commends me to the people of the country by holding out tlio idea that I was dis affected while Governor toward the cause for which I was ostensibly fighting, and that I was anxious, to separate myself and State from the confederacy, but was restrained by fear. Sir, 1 want no man's respect or good will based on the supposed virtues of treason to my country i aim me desertion oi 1113 assoeiaies. , Tho good-will ol a man who would ! respect these traits in another is not j worth picking up from the dust d the common highways. General , Graham and Surgeon General ar- , ren, told him that I wanted to make , separate terms tor the State, but j was afraid of "Jeff Davis." I do, not iH'iieve it. it cannot uo true. The two gentlemen first named are dead; they were eminent North Carolinians, of most exalted charac ter la all resjiects, and most espeo ially for truth. They kneic I was faithful to the confederacy: they kwtr that I was not afraid of oppos j ing Mr. Davis when I differed from n in North Carol.ua. The other commissioner. 1; Pd ward Warren, was surgeon-geiiei al of the State of North Carolina, is now living, and is an eminent pin siciau in Pai ;s. His statement would surely carry a.s much proof of w h it was said there as that ol the witness cited to prove t hat there was talk about cam, of '.'lie desire oi . 1 1 . .1 ! a Vance and other State olbci.iis to lake North ('aiolm a out of the conic. ltia.A, but ;hc weie ai'rai'l of Jell. Iavi and uai.tid protection." True ;; ;-.;i.a; 1 -,e;a a commission to ,'i.m lauiei a il.ig : truce to a.-k pro! eet on. in s-parai terms for the people ol ln State, but at that moment tin- war was virtually en. ied. Lee had .:;rii u .l.Tell. liichluutld had I.llietl, i'lesl delit l)avi and his official house hold were fugitive.-, and (ieliel.il .Johnston, i "muiai.dtiig the last remnant of all arun devoted :. the South, w as about to march w est ward, no one knew w holier, and in.- 'cr tla of the State. W.tii 'i his i oii.-elit and embassy w as s-i a . a i and 111! It ''.lies nil. lei" ll ; s p.-r ; . ; r ; s i ,-' a i n 1 .-: . .1 . : .! I .1 i i Is I 1 . I I . "ill' -'IOI...I ' I 1 ' I'l'' i 1 he , 1 1 1 ll I I'H ol ! I i 1 1 1 .1 l '. ".is misseil 1i.un oe'ei .n .i heeii In'.ir.l ol since. ' which I shall vt-rv btieilv 'on-l.-iis.-tl from News fir.dulistTver. MIL a:XEKAL ASStMHLY. Monday, .Ian. 20, 1SS5. lue Senate mot pursuant to inurnment, Lt.-Gov. StedlllHU in the chair. J'ravor was offered bv Hev. I r. Marshall. '1'he minutes f Saturday were read and approved. i'.H.I.S AND KKSOLVTIONS. Mr. W hite To compel children j to attend school for ;v specified, time. Committee on education. Mr. W illiams For the relief oi l Allen W arren, ex-sheriff of Pitt count v. ( 'om in i t toe on propositions', ami ''livance.- Mr. lluxton To make seduction : uuilei promise of marriage criminal, j Mr. King Pesolution of mstruc-i tioii and request to our Congress- men in regard to the surplus funds ; in the Tinted States treasury. Mr. P.ason To amend sub-sec-1 Hon (i of section !IS5 of the Code.! relating to burning churches and other buildings. j Mr. Thomas To amend the Code, giving man and wife the right to waive the homestead and all exemp tions, that they may economically obtain credit. Mr. Cudtrer To prevent the i practice of medicine and surgery in this State after March, 18S., with- j out a license from the board of i examiners. -Mr- Troy To amend section 137, 01 tuo K'otie' .relating to there- '"oval ot cases in conrt. Juaiciary TTVVTTCITT? 1 TIT-aTWT7CJ I ' , .. ' ' 0 J judieiarv; and House bill Xo. L'33 .ill to amend section 3 40?,, of jTq en;U;,o llefemlilllta who are cx. the Code, by adding the words "and L.nrnr and ndministralors of ,le. the setting of gill nets.'7 Passed its third reading. Pill to amend section 2.832 of the Code in regerd to hunting aud killing deer in certain counties. Substitute: That the bill shall not refer to any counties east of the Y. vS: W. li. li. Passed its third read ing. Unrolled. Pill to amend section GOT of the Code, showing the manner of in corporation for all purposes except railroads, banking, insurance, be-! no.volon t. scientific, literary, turn-! pike roads, and bridges across uu-1 navigable streams. Passed its third reading. P.nrolleu. ) Mr. Williams asked that his vote I be recorded in favor of Senator Vance and Governor Jarvis, he be ing sick when the vote was taken for Senator and when the resolu tion endorsing Governor Jarvis was introduced. Pul to prohibit the importation S;le nr obscene books anil pic- tures into the State. Amended to p into effect on the first of April. ( ponits second reading the bill js;lssi.(l ayes 2o, noes S. The rules were suspended audit passed its ilOt'SK. Tw House met at 11 a. iu. Spvaker Jlolt in the chair. Prayer (JV i;ev. Dr. M. M. Marshall, of this city. 1 he journal ol Saturday was read and approved. PETITIONS. Mr. Worthiugton Asking whole some legislation upon the fish in- forests of the State Committee on ! fish interests. Mr. Harden from a township in Creene county, asking for the re peal ot the stock law iu that town ship. Propositions and grievances. ( AI.KMJAU. Kesoiution iii regard to pension ing Mexican soldiers. Adopted. Kesoiution ot instruction in re gard to the public printing: pro vides that the printing shall be let to I lie lowest bidder. Mr. l'.usbee moved to postpone uutil to nioi row. Mr. Womack moved to amend so as to postpone until Wednesday. Mr. liusbee accepted the amend ment. Pending i he consideration of this bill the House, on motion of Mr. Tate, adjourned until to-morrow at 1 1 o'clock. SI". NAT P. Trr.siiAY. dan. 27. 1 S.". The Senate met pursuant to ad journment . Lientonant-dovernor Stednan in the chair Prayer was oil'ered by llov. Dr. Skinner, of this city. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. ' ' M M I T'l r.r. KlOPl.UT.s. Mr. lo'lnns. of iroiositions and gr.ev ances favorably on the bill relative To the protection of schools an. ' ui temperance societies; ; a vo ra 1 . ly ' In 't'l a n g the sale oi' U' U s at t he place of ; 1 1 1 tiirke county: e i'hl legilh Itlllg till' : i : 1 1 1 bias t T o I pistols. I . v Hi knuckles, diiks. sw ni .1 a nes." I p;i iposi; ions and vorably on the bill ndwig and . 1 1 iving e III Lello, I cor, ! V . I I I 1"S. to he ell! it 'e ' i;i-; i! ui :ou . to '!" ,. !e 1, : s . l,: I .line Pt'i'V; i. In: i , , T 1 1 . i r hi- 1 ell e i.l 1 Assern- i 'l oi . 1 1 ; o i : : i r 1 1 !' 1 ::i "i uliy ofliee o; I 1 I i ! i t e: e, i ' i" ! I . r 1 ; , 1 . 1 "1 h.e'ii he I , 1 1 1 1 : ' ", I'l W e.llles,h. .litel 1 i . -1 . i : 1 1 ; : l u--' .: ' '..li . .1 :ii i : e. .i i . i e; !' - ' i : : I e : 1 1 el ei 1 : - ' : ..-',":: "1 ! he es'.tte "1 ' . - I'" , I I I ' ' 11 i 1 s, i , - '7 : : ,!,.. m u-i.-i-:i - : i iii.l i"i t . i i s . : ' -: i ; e l.V Ml. Me. Ills. l'i 'II ST 1 11 ' i M i . lie ' Mi. (...we; innveil th;it the liill. 1'iieiiileil. relating loth" cany- i :n- ol .I si,. s. . printed. Amend- ed. Bill to regulate the sale of prop erty under moitja;o and deeds of trust, pioviding for a proper adver tisement (in newspapers) of them, and providing that a return of the sale be made and entered where 1 he deed is recorded. I!ill, as amended, passed its sec ond reading. Ilill to allow justices of the peace to issue processes outside of the counties in w hich I hey live. Mr. Todd moved to lay the bill upon the fable. 'ai i ied. Leave of absence was LiTantt d to Senator Catling. Mr. ilhams introduced the fob " 1 0 V in"; bill: To prevent the sidling or tm o! coin, frroundpeas or field-peas in small quantities in the nirht time. Oil mot ion. the Senate adjoin ned. iiorsi-:. The House met pursuant to ad journment, Speaker Holt presiding. Prayer by Pev. Dr. Skinner, of the city. .Journal read ami ap proved. 1HI.I.S. Mr. King, House bill 2: To compel campers to put out their firvs in the counties of Onslow and! Pender. ( 'ommittee on propositions and grievances. Mr. Pou, 1 louse bil No. USD To make assault with intent to mur der, felony. Committee on judi ciary. Mr. Adams, (by request) House bill No. 2S2 For the better pro- LCV.UUU Ol Itll Lll el . ltnilUHLlco tin ceased debtors to testify iu certain j cases. Committee on judiciary. 1 Mr. Pou, House bill 'No. 2S9 To; make the using of language calcu- lated and intended to tend to a ; breach of the peace, a misdemeanor. J Committee on judiciary. j Mr. Pou, House bill No. 200 To i make the battery of a wife by her! husband a misdemeanor. Commit-i tee on judiciary. , Mr. Martin, House bill No. 21)2 i To incorporate Payboro lodge, No. 1 331, Free and Accepted Masons. ' Committee on Corporations. Mr. Patrick, House bill No. 291 To lay off and establish a new j county by the name of Piehlands. Committee on counties, cities, towns and townships. To amend the law in reference to the standard weight of small grain. Passed final reading. The chair announced i SPECIAL OKPEi; Pill providing for the relief of: disabled soldiers. It, was, on mo tion, postponed until Thursday at ( 12 o'clock. ' i Resolution in regard to the Ulairj educational bill. Adopted. ' To amend section .'!,-12." of the1 Code. Passed its final reading. j To exempt certain classes of per sons from working on the public1 roads. Passed its final reading. ' To define the duties of overseers ' of public roads. Tabled. To amend section 1, chapter l."i3, 1 laws of 1S.S3. Passed its final read-; ing. ; To prevent the sale of pistols and ; other deadly weapons. Mr. Pritchard supported this bill! in an able argument. The bill was further discussed by! Messrs. Jones, of 1 Jiuieom lie, Pear son, l.ovill, I l-ari inger. (.leiin and1 Norris. The bill was I hen t abled. 1 To amend section 2.S21 of the: 'ode. concerning the stork law. A perfect shower of amendments; wei e t hen sent !oi u a: d lot ho clerk's ' do.-k, oxeopting various counties in the State from the operations of this act. Mr. Woodai d moved to re -refer to the committee on propositions and grievances. Mr. Hayes moved to table The motion prevailed. On motion, the House adjourned. si; NATi:. Wkdn Jtsp.'. v, .!.! The Setn'te am: pur j mi rn ment. Piaver bv K' 'v. W. ( ' unary is. -uaut to ad- Noii'ian. i:i;r. i: i s : stanpin'i CM Mil ticks. Mr. Cowan, of corporations, favorably on lull creating a new township in Greene county: favor ably on bill amending charter of I. a Grange. Lenoir county. Mr. Todd, of corporations, re ported favorably on bill amending the ( 'ode relating to local o u. Mr. ( 'onnor, of judicial' idverse- boaid employ of .'. I' ly on on of county I 'o U I 1 s I i It t i:n ci im; l; I t..: Mr. l'.o secret. il V w ;t hill l'i ,'t deeds , : 1 1 1 1 1 1 In-1 i Mll.l els ; ant hot:; om 111 Is;-; the pi o ,.i case.-. ami i:i: 1 1) i ' ll tuai ll .lav - lei e A ill' I' ll .It Hell Mi sHO i !' III. s ,'I ( ,,1 the seel se 1 V 1 ee . . I'. Veiei ill I he 1 ' ' 1-e.lee l is. . s ; 1 1 'i i ee N 1 I .',i .inn :i i 'he ' ', Vi s P..!! : fe ns.: . M:. (':..:. 'IM !'h ' I , - , - I : . ' . '.Ill ' i . I ' ;s-e . ; : : r '; . . . , . 1 i i , I. i : e : 1 1 . ' " : M : . M is, I'.iss,. i .- - s, I ' ' - , i ; i ! s 1 1 ' i li i : i .1 1 I "1 1 s Ml. I.'oh the ' ' i - .that iw ie.ue-' ' ': ,':! i;. taken ui. i Mr. Means s.i..; su.-ii provision ' hud been iiiailt- in drawing iij the bill. Passed its third reading. On motion, the Senate adjourned to meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock. HOU.-K. Tho House met at 10 o'clock, Speaker Holt in the chair. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. PETITIONS. Mi. Pou Petition from certain citizens of Johnston county, asking for an amendment to the constitu tion to provide for the payment to the use of each race of the money paid in school taxes, and that 110 one who has not paid tax for the previous year shall vote. Judiciary committee. Mr. Pearsall, to allow the city of New r.erne to issue bonds for the purpose ol'city improvements. Com mittee on finance. Mr. Phillips, to provide for the election of a fence around terri toiies adopting the stock law. Com mittee on propositions and griev ances. CALENDAR. To repeal section 2.S32 of the Code, in regard to killing of deer in certain counties. Senate sub stitute adopted and passed final reading. On motion of Mr. Glenn, thevote by which the bill in regard to over seers was tabled wa reconsidered and the bill placed on the calendar. To repeal crop liens, to take effect January 1st, 1SSG. Tabled. To prevent the Superior court elerks in the counties of Onslow and Pender from allowing persons to stake off oyster beds in certain waters in said counties. Passed final reading. To make so much of section 2.837 of the Code as not to apply to Pam lico county, lieferred. To re-charter the town of Kin ston, in the county of Lenoir. Passed second reading. alexdae ( Resumed.) To repeal the stock law in Piuth-' erford county. Tabled. To regulate fees in actions of claim and delivery of personal property. Passed final reading. House adjourned. WASHIXUT0N GOSSIP. Jan. 20, ISSo. At the Capitol on Saturday, the London explosion formed the chief topic of comment. When the n,ews first reached the House of Repre sentatives, members were disposed to doubt its authenticity. When it was confirmed they eagerly sought information, and agreed that the matter should have such attention and action as its serious ness deserved. The Irish Journal istic Representative from Chicago, Mr. Finnerty, said, when the an nouncement was made to hiin: "Of course it will be laid fo the Irish, but there may be Nihilists in Lon don as well as in Russia." A timid member said: "What if an attempt be made to blow up the Ilonse of Representatives, where would we be.'" Senators received the news while in secret session and were also incredulous at first. Senator lalmunds immediately introduced a bill to prevent and punish dyna mite conspiracies in the United States. The ellect of this will be to turn aside the bitterness of feel ing against America, engendered by the explosion. J tilling the week boih Houses of Congress gave some time to memo rial eulogies upon deceased asso ciates, and both discussed the In dian qtie.stiou, sprung by the Oklo homa lands invasion. The Senate wasted time again on the Inter State Commerce bill, without being interesting even to itself, and con tinued its talk about the Nicaraguan ; treaty within barred doors. The: House passed some appropriations1 and fifty private pension bills. ; Congressman Hind, of Ohio, I made a notable speech against the! lalucationa! bill. He argued that! a bill appropriating money was a ; bill for raising revenue. That as ;he measure originated in the Sen ate, that branch of Congress which has no authority to originate money bills, a privilege of the House had been violated. Therefore the bill was unconstitutional. A less our-; ageous legislator would not have; identified the abstract principle of: the rights of the 1 louse with the fortunes of a pending bill in which ; so many members are dearly inter ested. Instead of disassociating' the principle of Senate aggression from any particular measure, he selected a very important bill as the text for his attack. Mr. Willis thought a I.'--.-; worthy bill might have I. ecu chosen than the one he h.,s li, -,-n advocating so long. Mr. I lurd asserted that when the Sen-' ae passes a bill, which takes one ami. he.i million dollars out of the Treasury. : ;s time fo enforce the ' ;.; im ip'.e that the power of origlll a' ia ... !i:i.,'.n 1 il i i s beioli gs to the Ut Hives. 1( I- ::sriru; innul ( on HI' e ; iii'- last i e iii tosouaie i e - on . urn ny pai't leiilar el' eoiisiilera ml ie el . at oil e I. ill baleh in- ,i li.l.elal V "i'ls. dereaf. ..i.i Sei. a i e ! ! . . '1 1 i)e e 1 : : I . I i : I a ' i -l mi' e.Mne to o I al'.'lit ' ; , e; , . M ';' Ti.. V ;! .;,-', .ai a-euieiil . . i " 1 1 e i'i , ," v , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i i ; i -. . i 1 1 i'i ; : , e 1 ,.;,.)! .1.-:- is: -1 i.l i " i s. wiio.iid h " :v t heir iiiisii iiids ere . v,.:e oi: d.il a . pie si inn : wish's i i i ! . i : I 0 1 1 : s !. .-iU iii'' ' ' 1 1 ol !':e S. Hi.!! e ;:..;i. liieei ; li s i !e o ..." : : ion were v eli i .Hided, and Vr-. Siaiio'i ale! eiia. Susan A ,'!:'! a'..' ;i'r.;is oi.tvrtiiininft '. iiateN or mil lie said ofol her mem bers of the sisterhood. i Stonewall Items. Jas. Ormond ia the happy possessor of a fine boy, who made his debut into this climate on the 24th inst. Jno. Lupton, our postmaster, and as good as there is in the department, is quite sick with pneumonia. j Mr. Jas. H. Miller, the clerk of our ( court, is still breathing with but faint hopes of ever being any better. He has been a long sufferer. Mr. Irviuu; Bonner and Miss Minnie Ross, of South Creek section, were mar ried on last Thursday. A long life and pleasant trip through the future is the wish for them by your itemizer. Sudie. 5 years old, the little daughter of Mr. John Kobbins. of V andemere, died on the 20th inst. of malarial fever. Oeorgie, aged 8 months, the daughter of Kufus 11. Baxter, died on, the 25th inst., following her mother who pre ceded her a few dave only. Wm. A. Harvey, accompanied by Mr. Geo. Lukens. was on a short visit to Stonewall. They returned to Aurora on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Lukens and Mr. C. H. Wood, the photographer. The attraction in Aurora for him has not yet lost its magnetism. Holly Hill Items. The farmers seem to be very busy pre paring for their crops. January bids fair to close out with a smile, and many symptoms of spring. Some one made the remark that we had no use for roosters near the mill, for C. P. Fulcher was sure to blow the whistle before they waked. Married, near this plase, on Sunday, the 25th of January, Mr. Cason Price to Miss Puss Fulcher, Rev. R. Gaskins of ficiating. May pleasure and happiness attend them forever. Mr. D. P. Gee, of Pamlico-ooutity, and Miss Mollie Rowe, of Beaufort county, were united in marriage at the bride's father, on Thursday, January 22nd. Many entertainments were enjoyed. T. B. Tunstall has opened a school at Holly Hill, in a healthy and moral neighborhood. The schoolroom iB very comfortable. Board can be obtained in good families at rock-bottom prices. He cordially asks the patronage of the community. B. Fulcher seems to have taken a great interest in the raising of poultry. He has near a hundred and forty hens, and they are said to be good layers. When he picks up the egi in the eve ning he looks like a man ready for market. Socialists in High Feather. CniCAQO, Jan. 25. A meeting of So cialists was held this afternoon at 54 West Lake street, at which those who spoke advocated the free use of dyna mite and the indiscriminate taking of human life. A negro woman, wife of the rabid white Socialist, A. R. Parsons, presided. C. S. Grifiin, the first speaker, in reply to tho argument that the use ot dyna mite had led to the sacrifice of the inno cent in London, said it was necessary for the innocent to suffer in order to accomplish good results. It had been arranged to have the explosion occur in the House of Lords first, in order that tho crowd of innocent people in the House of Commons might have time to escape. The result was that two po licemen, officers of the Government, wre about the only ones injured. This explosion had demonstrated that Social ists could safely go into large congrega tions in broad daylight and explode their bombs. It meant that the poor people were taking an equal share in the affairs of the world. When the op position should realize this fact the old idea of equality would prevail. The dynamite explosion in London meant death unless the world were set free. A little hog's grease and a little nitric acid made a terrible explosive. Ten cents' worth would blow a building to atoms. This statement was received with great applause. J. I'. Dusey said that dynamite could 1 be made out of the dead bodies of cap italists as well as out of hogs. All Chi- 1 eaKO could be set ablaze in a minute by electricity. What was the use of the ' fools in Washington saying they were the masters? O. A. Bishop said there were 5, OIK) men in Chicago who knew how to man I ulacture dynamite in their kitchens for : the price of a good dinner. Private , property must be abolished, if they had to use all the dynamite there was and blow ninety-nine hundredths of the pec- ' pie off the face of ihe earth. ! Mrs. Parsons said she had often want-1 ed to be a man, but since she had heard , that t was a wom:m who hail b own un ' . 1. . l)..f.., 1 ; 1 . 1 ; , ; v, T .ts ,1,. uwl I U 1 Ct 1 JtilJli'IlL UllllUlilt; lit Ijouuwii niib . would nut swap places with any man in , the country. A. R. Parsons delivered a lung and rambling address in which he advocated the use of dynamite in unlimited quan- 1 tities. An Old Theory Overthrown. The lung existing theory that fire can not be communicated by heat from steam pipes is unfortunately not correct. On yesterday, at the Insane Asylum, I was notified that one of tho ward dry-, ing rooms was on lire. These drying rooms are supplied with steam iron coiling only. Combustion was produced by the contact of some bedding with the cells. I publish this as a warning, and a novelty in mechanics. Eugene Gkissom. Insane Asylum. Jan. ltfth. Melville Mauls to iro Norlli. I'nn.ADK.i.rniA, Jan. L'7. Chief Mutineer Melville issued to day an address to the American public wherein he expresses his belief t hat the time is now ripe for the making of a successful vovage to the north pole. The route he advocates is by way of I ran .Josef Laud, and he declares it in be an entirely safe and feasible one. It would be, he ihink's. an actual saving of life to make the attempt now beloiethe knowledge born of experience ex piles, and lie iiusts there is some man lit America v. ho will use to the occasion, and, from his abun dance, supply the palt r. sum 1 e.Ui s,;e .. !;! all Aleiie expedition." 'I'll is siitn he places at S0. '0(1. ml;. 1 e not i s. o I ia! ; :n I' i;ii:: i lie transport snip is . el i ll. ol s l.ill.lMMI it be Is ll ne a will ' - patri ai ei si-rts, lite. 1 Hi aeli nee. I he I. .ci mil im I e I 1 1 is ,,r OSlI 1 HI pi. elites ex po, to his iMi P i: i s. .1 ,ui . l'7. The l'i iii i is sa s thai on the a i i I va 1 o I I lie re en li 'leein en t s sent to Ti Hi . 1 1 : 1 il the i' t,;l I. .ice ill thai coiinttx under the i'it iich cotimiand will be lli.OOO men. (ion. Iliiere do l'lsle has no t itied i iie i lovernmeiit that al! the nrep irat ions for conceited action anions the dill'eieiil bodies ol French troops in Tompiiii hae l.een completed. An order for a general iimvi'iiicnt, to warn un oeiaipation o the eut-To count-ry is believed to be imminent. ... , No:-t5;;:i. - - i Professional Card. ' .i)-- CHAS. H- BR0TO?VV-k$! A T T O K N B Y A T li A "W ? KKNANBVIIXK. . C. ' -v' ' A- , Practice In tketToantlMor tMplfn, Ino4r'; si ' Craven, Jonea nd Onalow. ' '- . f , collection of Olalmii pwtairyj' J1- " . ' Correapondenc olloltml. 4 atarfiwtm . P. H. PELLETEBlt, U V- A T T It N" K V AT I. AW, . NEW BERNE, N. a Clllre on Small Kront atrant, lbtr door '- v from thp corner of Craven atreeL ... '4C't .. Will practice In tha Oourta of ChrteMt,V ' Jones, Onflow anil Craven. . v v-'-' Special attention iri ven to th oolleetloa ol elm ma, una nettling eatate of deceainj p., , . . sons. Uarl-wLi :T K . ATTORNEY AT LAW.V J Office formerly occuplM by SlmmOna at ',' . it Manly, opposite Uiintou llouae. : ' V V ' Will practice In tjie Countlea or Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamllooaml Lenoir 4v Prom pt attention pa4d to eollocttonav - . ' "v- apr2-dwly. , '',' ' " 1 J '. -b '"' C. R. THOMAS, A TTnnVuv A fit T a rr - onioe op Oraven atreet.l'n BUmly BnltdlM near corner of Pollock atree. novMwly Attorney BBAUFORT, N; C. Ofllceon corner of Turner and Front atmetA. ; ; Will practice In Carteret and adjoining '' , counties. . , , . --v j t r ironipt attention to collection oelalroaV- " V. r novldwly i .- t" r".'. ' . WILLIAM J. OLABKE, COTJNSEXJiOB AT LAW, ; ' ; -y ; .' " Attends all the ooorta held ai NivBmii. ii.'.j Korth Carolina. l"Rrtlcular attention naid to ooUato.; .s ciaijiiB, anu conveyancmic. United States commlaaloMr. Sept. 18til. 188t. it t l -It ' . dw ' U. J. MOOBB. WK. K. CXAftxa, t . MOORE & GLAMEMO ' ATTORNEY S AT-IAWV' Sew Borne, & .J,,s"; ...it . Will praetiee in tba Courts orortert,Ora-' " ven, Oreene, Hyde, Jonea, Lenoir, iualow -' '' ? ' 1 and Pamlico countlea. . . . . v Also in tbe Supreme Court at RalelaH and ' i -the United Mtatca Coprta at iiew Parue and Raleigh. . .'' Collecting a specialty. . , apSdwtf ' OKOROK V. 8TROHO, ' DAXJBbB.rEK.ltT, '. f Blelgh. N. O. jLiaaton, H. w . STRONG & PERRY," kxnstok, a. .. . ; v ATTORNEYS ASL. COTIfSELLOM AT IVH.- Having formed oopartoorahtp tnr the ' practice of the law In Jonea county, wll 1 reao larly attend the oourta of tha aaoDa.' Prrtspt attention paid to oollectlona, - . mayl2-ddwtf HTHUNO PERET. r T. At. BIMKOfTB, ci-BKijrt Buurzrr. SIMMONS & MANttp- ATTOKKEYS AT , IW. i ' '.; Will practice in the Courtaof Craven, Jonea, , ' Onalow, Carteret, Pamlico, jhtthoit and Hyda, "". , and in tbe Federal Court at Htw Bern. , .. ' - 'i febftdAwU -. , ; . A ;', . '.. DR. J. D. CLATlK.r ; iEivTiHT.Vrjt':'''- neWbebu,. . Office on Craven atreeW betwaoai PoUockJ ' and Broad. ' aprl7-dAwir. . , james 'red no HO.' - 11 i Agent and Bottler i .. OF THF. o ii i . i j i i i tants t BEEGNEE & E1TGEL EEEWrtTG-CO' PHILADELPHIA LAGEE BEEE'n New Berne, N. CV This beer took nromiuma at tha Cea tonnial Exhibition at Philadelphis And , '. , , h p . Expoaition. Keep, better thai C V' r ... ' -. any other in warm climates, and la tot r '.'"' ,' favorite brand whprBver known. " ''?" ' - v TTi- coin in bnrra - ,-mtM A WtW " a. yji naiu u '-' "a v. a fvvn. Mr NE1Y-BERXE AND PUBLICO .w .; Steam Transportation" Ctfyi -. -.''.. NKW 11KRNK, N. C, Oct.l. UN. ' FA I.l. SCHKDL'I.K OF THE 8TBAMER' , , CITY ti U" ISM : an II' n on Hud after November &, WVtllU'SclH VK 1,1'iiveNew Hrriic Rt M.pp1nii nl AilatiiN UIlU StillUlWH H. 2. m., for Bayboro, r.-ek, VanderoaM riiliiyB . , .- l.t-iive stoiif-wiiii al sa.m. for Barntf.. Ktoppli.K al 7Hii,ioinere and Ada aUraaJU j' :-1 . .'jfPVlv a Kiiturilavs- -" -.'.' ''s'.v'.o Leave New iiefne at p.m. for Lkf liiidlUK. "topping at Adama CMftk." :.'..' 4- i i Tueadaya- "' .'';, U uve Ijikc LnndlnK at 10 a.m. tJlWy? 'f Hi-rue, Kiopplug at Adama Craeau - ?: -.', t ' ., -f t' '4 - , t By tli is arrangement We are abla to trial, ' v. cIi.hp .-enneciioii with Ihe Nor4hern attain . ,-rR, h1h havlni; good aocoznmodatlona tiotlt ' -' ' Cf ' fur paHsenireri. ami f relaljt at very low rate, i aHk Hint 1 lie morel. anu and prodaoera along '. :f . lis line to give It their cheerful aupvorw' -' -Freight received tinder "cover overjr day i ' ' Ihewefk ' : ' j i, ',.'" For further Inforrostlotr anqnlra at tha W f ' , , doe. Foot of Oaveri street. . ..' ! v.. u. I'lKlU'K, Aet KewBonia.lT.O..V-' , '. ir any ui un ai;iii at tne loucrwiBg p4aoean ri ';. -v ' AUK I.l-' I-.. AdamaCrvek. 1 1 ,M . A i s. in. Lake Lwudlng, 1. II. A HHOTT, Vandemere, , i . ll. I'.iu'l.Kll, sumewall s il h'i'. i i .it, navnom, S. H. UKATl i lan'JI'l.' M I iloneral Masafaf f 'J TIIK 2TEUSE & TRENT RIVI21 Steamboat Company ' v, following Hobednie od and after :nM TM, IsXi ; ' .' - . ' , i k.-1; - - Steamer Trent . .. V..-.V It. i n.- f..r r'nllekrvllla.Tre- V;- -' 'i', i ".. ai iiiniiiiigii every Wad 'v , J n. 1 I rnlio. n luriilng uu Thnidar,'V.'- Ste amer Kinston ....' : , ' ,r . ., ... . . ...... lot Klnaion everylTH' ,t ' I, I iH'.-Ai o inriiliig leavee .Kin '. Tj ,Y" ...iv MONDAY awl " , . . n .... I,,. . i..!v old Fleldaad - ? ,. ... ' 1 1, tr' li.g and own- ,-l)KI 'Hi nactloU With . oil eaniiuia rreigi.v. . I HlJll' m apply to i .jia , S I ! I s I 1 . ll .I'l I I N . .1 K . . at NewbaMU. t ' Itlsl'tH 'Usville. , . , os. nl Trentonw . vi-.J k io v, jolly Old Field.". s. iuiiker llrliige, ' " t . w i ll I K. trt?n'l manager. 4-1.7. 1 A- W KInlon,.0"v 'i i: vvoitK kx KcrrrED' with -tvat- HKSS aud -dlapiMih at' the JOVli..NAl. UFF1CK. . .. : , .. , v . . 4 9 f''0 - "! C ' tl "... i . r: it A-1 fe"

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