. - - , . .-"-. : ", '4 '-- .;.. v..' . f . - -r . , ' .4. 4 ' Tl I Ej'J O tT RN A L . lWtH t4 e44v4 t "'"llH f'r 1 llln J JOl HI kU - M. J. JiliC i.-1t,I.. 1. J. m.A L A : Ai i klsi tra Ttems i ' Slaotvsa Tiid4j. - ftbaj aris e teatifoL tar. ' . - - WooOl stsad? at 3 a our i .n I-...- V4(ttM Hy. a' p' tj- br Um rmtf With lk jrvioc bui MTWtttjh tuttir ' lira U ( ' .' s ;:- i r- ci.t"T nun pnol .Cr. it". r-'.T lO All 1 " V m r n A u r i u . : : ; : ; -'. -mar-'Ai (n;iz(i N..- . i. V- t i -. ft;:-. N -.: :---r K r !- Dua, KiM., m tii U ;!-r . r . wml! frotu U win stxwatra , ' T(kMtM tn. eailnt ma:o aoaiMti'wUtf p Ukf o( Mr. ' . U Hjiimt Mrv Uxa4 Ctm-M. tf of v a. maay tiounw pUu tU ""- tUldO te tteae o f"t tk&l cha f ..? pr iximt. Wa'H tU roi '' TU rvB( 9M1 '4 loath lim. g u:x mauh4 Uirmuc lb a.i A:l;i!i - N Mr J ' 'A liiti -r f r k - t. i J H y Mr i.. N toe v ; . s t -t It.-- J n1 rT t ( it .1 t- : ii- P. si (Tot;, rtf!-.! t : ! r-::.r .. ' ut- cat: Mr. .' r -l. ; .: - : buutiifir '.- , r hi drnr. upen in f. .;;-.. r-1 tri. ai only kii. : ui r i -I ;-,r: ' ta to raptii j ;;: tjbi- . r. .. Th citr ..; r:- .' i- Dlr4 V. ry nt .rnioK. Jlr. R. D. Ken i nu f employ' of th (K-n- ii.v it- 1 i'. the Imkin houop. Joath n:t 'ir. it. a!-r a brief illne. of J. - ... i I r"ua)ot'.i(u contracted in the ., .'1 . :. 'i' t . He was iok Cod '. i- r.it- 1.Iit. tth ti fine nx-ord 1 -irtnn thf war. nd waa ahiehly a - ' !----:!ii'-t riiir.i'n of I Vtjpl tn i-mrtv llin 'hi i-i- wiii .iiui l.o leavoft a wifi- mh! j i x ii-lr-n. Th -.-nati yt-t'rM.iy t.-iis uitbi1 nrti-'i rek'rtrii hta flputh. " N t- r'iT Hftoriiiivlii- ' - -t . t.ik - n -" to I-i;ii:n. tn rt.arca of l J"hn I. t Sva:-.f-r-t. f tho h,-us'. nn-l Mr J K -j ' 'k;;.- i:-!.int ilirkiMirT . f :ti-- r n- '. r-motntxir Mr. Kfnne-iv n ifi! ! ' .idu-r f CjmpAr. I . L'Ttii Ket :: -t ; r-'miimiKT tho he rc- ... : w in-i wht'h ii priT-.1 htm ; I -K- I; ww t.oi'.w Kiohnn-n-l " i u r i r. r th.- .uttiru-T f l-'"-4. hm . i ri-ni" w -t'.t tn drivi- luck a . - !ral r-walry that n-a :-t:: -n-'r-. i t Uxii. They mailt? a I'.-jdS-iii rimstanre. I.ietit. Small of 4'V'i ii-nifr-t rii-t-ivcii his doatri ! t u-. i -u that I vy. apt. K. K. Jont. , .4 f ' I -Ti!-. Ktvi'iit-nt. acvrrelr , t.-.l- i :-. t ST;fn: IW'il i'( l.'o i r 1 ;i .1111 w ' i nJ . TIao I t-rt-.-iv ! f jir.'l h. ? ur "rn'-pathy Th K ii lcb l r f l la 1 a a . '-tfri1av thti txiy onipleU-d the r :! n -f its .'ft.ititution. Tho changes a ., t - pn bl i-li-1 in tho i-flirtal rprt. a h. ' wtt; t' ilt.-tributct u mm u p'w;bli. Va i i "i .'t . !t in" f.t oti -its y r Mr. J. ' ltrewnWr. - f . .i..ity K'riji 1 inU i-lliT ("ait S'. ii 1 Wt-tl.i ( tul l! r is p-it jjraml J..-.-. ; r . '.i - r . :!i ' r- n- W. ti I is . : .. , . Y c s I. J- ett. - t' ii M l,iurin. i i M A.J. I.. im k u s i: i o ;. VI. i K M ! i... i I (. . W. A . hi:r. . t 11 ii . supremo repri -n-nt.'i-v K. t. :Irr '.. Raifikxh. Vark at tli Saxrrlr Cooru The jurors for the apeci.ii le -i t f tin 8uperior Court were discharge! Satur day eveoing. but Ilts lhm r. JuiUf Khtpp, will rent At n over ii ilay i r t ln th purpose itf hetiting iih ttut . There were one luindrr-l ar.l t,fii - i; niAjnn the ctilenilar. I'f tlte-e ji: l--uient whj rendered in tliirtv-riht a ltd 'fiiif-triai made in nx. ieav t elk;h t y -i n. v i'.ui's untried, r-evernl u( thc-e were ('-litiistit l by eoii-ent , bu: they are ti lc tru-d at some time unless the parties boeomr disgusted with onirt? nini settle without a trial. The regular t-erm of the court will dtml-tless be consumed with the criminal docket, .i ri,'ht 'and jiKtice will in-1 b-j aJntiiii-tered. in this onnntv. wttiiont ! i . a- tin- i '.m-t .tnti n f.i-e of tins, tl s -sm n . t 'ae ntt-nt I to supp r t tin- ' i deiuii d u t v l- it tie open, Lliat i tt-ry ;t d"r.e him in hi- i:i ltd rt putalioii. -hall l.av course i-f law. nud n,. To tho Members of the North t'aro Jini; Setiuie. l td is i.o beiore the Senate to re , .1 : l,e law whi -h uilows dreiljjin for i-.-;i-rs. Astiie law now stands resi- it of Noi tii Carolina , Hiid they alone 1 1 1 i y iiri.de for oysters in water not I' - thin i-ii-ht feet lUep. It is almost i : . i -I--: : I e f'T a per-Kiii not familiar with tl.e situation to und, rstand prix'ilv the oy.-ter business. The sounds and rivurs in Eastern North ( ai olina are immense in size and are frequently called inland seas. The water in these sounds in places is deep. rarii;inr from ten to twenty feet: on the bottom of these sounds many ovsteis a r C1.IPPIMJS. (JENECAL IfEWS. A biil proiii! on .Sunday, and m ik: by a heav v tine, wa ; p ago by the Alk-msa-t S The early m, uti.p! the U n ilea titatr- : -. r pounds; in Kitnlitiui. France. Ti pound--: pounds. The tnitiiii sanitation are w id el v appreciated . ( ommission t latent sauitai v meth has, l-ali ;-l 'k:;:' i. putii- 1 0 1 a I . tut ues of , i-.e mine- mi.irc an 1 ire u e erv ia Ir s sent a England to studv up the is. prov.-l-1-. la t:u-1.- tisl.r.ure is m rs t cere' t lia vi. sw i ; n it-t.tution . K i.- ll.t-.r i.le for tin- c i.i rt - t , ; ei .n for an in j ;i ; v !! Is. is'o" o -. p- r-i n or remedy by due it und justice tul- pr, to be found. It is imi)sMble with ter toris to take them, the water :iir pm deep to use them, coiisequent .. ov-t.-is iie there untouched by i. .n. 1 o) man. It is an establi-hed : '.'i a th-- m T' a-e of oysters is per- uw: each spaw iui) iiyster than one million of voui; mmisitred w ill out . delay. N. t tthstar. itii dix'ketd in niar.v coiintu manv vears standing, or. lo. d-nial or ; 1 1." rr.ni Ji-.l s ttii r. lies of e hrtin -h . .f tho (o-neral Assembly refuses to tve more than three additional judges. The pe -pie are abolutely denied the.r lights m many instances Lecau.-e the t - ur;.- are not 0H'n to administer tt -'iti. Tlo quietly mu! nut. but is it ru'bt ' Tb-Te are prisoners i.ow m ( rivi.;: -. .uiu j ol that will hare to remain tie r.' until the latter part of May Li t. ie tb- v cm ltae a trial. TJo - are kej t there at a !.e ivv '.it'll"' b t If .' u ut y and -i Tr.e f t :, in m iv Lie inn cei.t. Why d. i. ; men.t r o: t he iener.tl A ssem : '; y t a k - t !: pr - -f - r tiov i.f tin- i.iittt r a l pro; . . . i ri - i : . it- t . V. -a .!.:- : i-, . - i i y i n.it;:: iduci s ir.o -o o-- ili. ttr. it-i vciii-r ;e op. lin t v ali ' w it P. V,-u , natural rocks on which ale only a short distance b.--nce no Oredinr can be i as the present law will in ivili-r over eiht feet annoi catch thes ovsters bv i lllll md. not it.d if the law is repealed mu illow them to be caught by ; .-e ;riD.I it vi'f a lj-.urn-i to meet a '.ho sisreu.! itied-y in letiruary. '. s.sfi -.Nor si 'Iflsi I lij. ri-r I J f r Jam th" 'I! I fafiU ptit tf bu btn jir..! . In f tiara oat awmf Uuuak. ' Marrh. Tn iixi.tpfn:. : -o )! f tt ia pftytnttoa for ltt ''"-..r n h. c.rr . i y that t : - unk4UV CJUpir-. TiJ a boat Aa ot-r b-tt ha twn ! .-' "r.i ia v ttlr -r tor litrir uccvmt. P r- i Ky? tnual f -aiiin -.Ii i n f in ti'-.-.-n T vfthmr o Wia.ir m 1 -- f: "i" T'..-t r.r . t ... lhaU (iva iVm nuln .. - J l-.-a:ur p.-o-.i'-.t-. ..! vxitttlrlw9mom. taf'O-C h-y ar- ofi'.l it t h .- . . :-. . -U-tW TllHIlll ! 1 .. kou" n C,T? lfv" -ir..-ral ., , . - - amnblf lt u- hT tbent ' ,f TH Hw F.ai th t-i iif-iJirT t-i'l on Wiljj4f.) t . !i Bit thrr. ndd: I tnn.i JaJftt, making tht njr-abr ii at tut U Umart kaa IVta i.-u to mi ryv II b : tot ha w will good crMtaaf till April. i troru4 cm ba tiiixxvl tot i, - i,ra "juiaa,' . . s . ' -. x tx'i'4ti Wat ineqtVt t.noM.- ttJbri woo .! 4?.Uia4MMMkiC-Ct haf a-usacLi ftlaiMa llftj .; i..ii. . ., " . , x' T W ki ' tiaf Vm ilwiy ajfaci i i.i T'lMibfitl trjTKj. la aiToc. H i t-'uf-f rwattr hm aaiawity trv-vMl- - ..- - t N sniM tbar tmmmm bmv! vf x 6 (! vii ihtaa lw k to Arm elf .-..- Ctuuiia da. 1 him 4 . a ii tjr. , ,,. . k i . rua kt-i liMl kirtlux ttT tii foams - a aatwrMal latMtenMtJi. . Itvl C4X ( --'.A mt mot aVa b td..a. Thy . mo ! o iky wtotatr wu TrT ataa-tnaar-taai tha .o4 uvtvr 0ta ar taattaj Uuaal lh afttuias, lkoQtaii . Ua taa j SuHf. Bot-ariahwaadiatT (h 1 r vaatir. Wjt Oiabvf 0 .. Liio astatiiiorf taa lalMMraiiaf oqr laM . r.tit..4Wo, Mr. VV'.C. Uoc4h. It vm aa i.l ! tn iW aau aa hwl fc . . Th fttiTl ricaa war aI Ju . LLtfa. o Ua . ' i ta Chi re h. -i ; . . ' r. Ar t a WlWsiUw f Oro mnty i i X.aaCtMT oo' Waxtattaday lVuxbtL - w w atia cf th trty rk a ajpto a t jiauirrv we lo.lrf.u t.i t rpaU -t Mvt Ua . ix i.a axk bafm ka rvactMd Eta- "-t.4 .a. kimmnUm ataavi. fcaaaa waij . t. 1 . . i 4 aaaao M flwilfi .-i.t 1 c.;U't d iaiaa 4 btl t- - la Kauuitt. TharWT Bocxnic i. iaal.., Ut WiiluMDj C VIooc. - ,s h-arlad rlaBava kaM Wft 11 our miiiat WtU WW haurd 1 a ku auciail cvralav. a iotn, . . u titaiaaat cixviaax. k vaa J- tyaa cuairtamaia. hqt toaiad rtl i . Ho LWraJ pairoai rf Tf C that Uoti'i aa laia bia) rarav -Mr(4 IVaa oot par4ajet aoxplaa ' ti, J anao. '"-.'''. ..h titxci4pt4i o '"bar 4od var - ' - l..4'1 .lay trUa uaat:aa4 ) a.: (tra-v4. If lha 4anaat Hri nmotKt Mu to mk" " oambvr fiftvra or aixtavn rrhap j ajaaifl! ot tMittarvar vroaid --t r. aanut ixbl. Oar Trantn fr:-ad win! l.ly et4ul iialMi.tlit'.l bvtmmn th i: i.int aai Cor Crm J usit i ;a .' .- mora ac t btu-r mail fciutiM wl-.n-Tr v ra cat Iham. ao 1 for tan v woaUS like t a N)uthrn Tho J JafTi.a for mcanc. it U)t had rf trw p. i--.! d-prtmi-1 V iaoUai lika U m thu ra'. aa lahliahaJ Ia Lajlc off tha nar ja iiciai diatrtt-t w bC ta liWomd AtHrmbly l- rr (Mtlbei thai Crara coun.y ha b.-.-a aatjvcted- to graat iccTrirnteni-yt fit tojtuj yar ia t4at tha t(inTi hiic te trirtl tx RaJaih or Taftoro tn ordrr aa eoofar with ia praaodiea' jud f of tfc d wtxlv't. Tha diatrarat auoaid b laitl ect aWi aa) ya to tho ci-oifttn. -4-t th pt-pla thrrta iaar Artifat. T trhot(ir .If-nrr 3 . Cipt. J.:u Parry, arritd from HrJe ctiuoty MocMiajr ith a earco of corn. Tb aciuoor f.'Jaiuti. b'pc. lion . Pay Bas arrirad frum V"y)ckioi( t-on-Jay nlhl with a cr,'t of rice, crn and data. lat.i.ltJ r .rd f -II o ttt b. .- - t.."vl a cae jn-ndin tn the i-r I . urt of this county for ma: y s: ( ..-.,; a "ii . t brought for -s n f t h i,in U t; p m hie h the c ity , i,i' ri .i- '. r Wt-ln--t f th- i-cccd o.il "f tl-.e 1 ite 4. term . f the court It t reporU-d during the firt week of the tnhat)itanti of th rlac - l-d it th-ir churches and Jervenlly i '.. th- I., r 1 that the vordi't '. their f iv. r or that He . .a son-.- tuy -lirert thttmifor- i hi u:ifrorable verdict. Tha '.'.Mf '.l.e - a anxious for a and la that the rant was ci- ;nK-td ti b callnKi up ha waa in the csiurt h'Mi-ut. tut fi-r ome unacwunt-bi- ri-4.ori h ei affwmtnatea before it railod K'tiult tha cae wax rjin-U una ;:i.' puintii; not oeuii prm tl w aa rorv:iautl I iave .1 pri ti . Ii;iii-.l :i.t i ' no 1 the , Ltd the w :th a To; A w i. it s', r. lo t a -a Till-: JK itl.s. a vi-ttint s. the bit... i:. thi-r ti.iv. !a:v.- man. "I rim s 1'r.vri's is. 1 tli- ..rt . tut a 1 ; t n t v f m- nih -r . s r N, ;i :4. t h it ll I 1 :-i :a i: i r-y mi; ; Wl 11 jr..' pla i trii r.'licacy of f raver' on the fs.t." ' rMimt-tbiiin w r.-i. .ib.-;;t that. ' ' i-:i:d the number with a tle-tikb'.-ful l. k at tl.e affla'ted visitor, - .-u hive Ui::; corfcunile.l, 1 tlt.i.k. " Yc. sir . t hey ;i re con f oa n. i I t: . isis. I iMJl tell ye "N". but . tl hae tnis tiiket; tile it .line. 1 KUt s- y. U hive a buruon on ye'ur fo- t. ari i a ma'-. I tie name of Hunyan wrote an alleo ry wh ich w called tha Pilgrim Prog re- s. " Well, aomeho w no. or e of my neigh bor Udd me that someit idy rodean alii ttator and they called it til- l'il;rini Progress, and that I cuil I tell what it waa on my fiot hy that, w henever an -Ix-dr a-skwil me what ailed me." sai l the veteran M be limped around to a rlitT pnitiniil; to the tire. How things, any way ? " he coutu.iu-d . ' .itn t the new administration oin t-. in-.-proro busioess'.'" "Very much. ' s.,d the member. "S'o look f. r a pl trucking aesisou. an unusually lare c t ttin crup. and an extraordinat y run f herrings; that much for tiie farming intereat. Then for us laboring men an atiolition of the internal ruvenue. which will cheapen w hiskey and tobacco, and a reduction of the tariff on salt, which you knfw n n very burdens m- t Mr. Bbem s ' both of us. ' Wei I . ;s an ce - -m- in w IVh couipoat I the Cabin vet''" mount d Uc in!' r- iidwit. "No, he is in the Senate yi t. "Well. ,'entlemeD. do you think if I send a partition to Washington that I can j-et ort'.s.-" "Kxcusc me. sir, ' said the rueoiU'r, "you don't want to end a partition. Partition means a dirision. that is. to divide." "Yes. 1 do; that's what I want them up thereto ilo tit A i v ide in v us somethintr down It wi.it!.. be very sir.pular in a mining .'otintr- n here it was impossible to mine ov Icu.d t i say that no blasting should ! .t ..".e: that rather than allow the use f poii . i.T. the mints should be closed . Ti.is is i.xactiy the situation v. it U the -:,-rs. I'll can ii .t catch t hem by hand ..n 1 vi t; pi1 - st- their bein ctuiuht by i. .-. N'.i one w ould nu i e strenuously ; ;..-.' the ti - e ot d r ks in shallow water than M. 1..I the writer, but observation I. .s ; .!;;, t 1. 1:11 that instead of its being i" o-j ii v ..r a hr..ikniir up of oystt-rs i i . I'chnv tht in. that directly is the i.-.trary : t!te more t iken. the mere r.H.ru is maie for the small ones lo -i" .u. J'.tst inri-tiie th-' 'luantity pio ..'.i. ,1 v. it. i. ;; i- known thai millions of "i -p.iwr.in; and i-r.ch one produc- i':c millions of youni; mies ev. ry year, it is tine if you allow dreripnt; on the natural t-yster rocks you would soon l.r. il; t -. i:i up but no one could possiblv such a proposition and the present Three hundred .v saints, st' .h n from can-, wt ; v ii-.oi.i; rep .rti.d recer-ly by a nianac.: r. i it- m .' - t apiece. Many S. ni ; e r;t r i have till- year pl-c- d t at lh-.- di p-- ..1 of i ; alom; t .. 1;. .. . !' t' tribute.! t . .. s. : lirewor.l. A Minn, -i.b; ;...i can "ke. i m.e -bo , months w it ii duced on tin product d an. I f md- n iiiia: huiches l.j the fuel pur a Mexican r s of I V xi- j i ; vi a',- ; rr. M: the voi smaller are cut sill ol to !'. 11 ! 1 1 van .n . I - v. ii h th ' tali to tlw o'.ver land. lii r -10 cent c.itipaines s ol towns . t , be ills- i" oph- f,.r - tii.it he ritirdii- si x stalks iiro- See'i Ti mar. t :1 ii t ,"piii ei .Me . il ctC 1 nini it I in L tO The fav ia ii 'i'i far..' . ut- it j-t-'-r bu-iness i- now in its in l. i- b'liiL' developed and if our His in l,.;isi.tture will 1, t It i;e f- i l-ast a few vears much il u . i ,r:. from it. ' 15. Swansboro Items. bouulit a eow of a io Some one j ikir.'ly a- kt that the C"-.v w as -i i o any teeth in i i r upper j ; t went li iine. at.d. i.p. n ex; cow. f und li'al -ii ' h.ei ; region and ; rootp, I - -,- tn.-n.. It w as wan s cut.- d:;,i 'utic i made to it trior--a:,,! to .l e have any t--.-;h in ic tr a;ip r jo-v-. Ii ha 1 c:i cr.; : t d :i;.o j Prince Hei.ry '-i ' ' il'eab. v.r bi-s.- u ba-k in ihe .-ii n-h it, i .; o;t;s: r.o a th-re were only six nr ti in from whom husb.ii.-l i Beatrice coii'.-i liav l-.-.-i There w . .: 1 in t I... royal la i i. : . r tec ! till lard to - 1- i a wile probably- a .- T,-..'t w ill I, f. Iiim am met tne d-s-'etohiiils Kinper-T Willi, ua. The plant. mmi i. lines af tl M. m t; . ;t ins . in I ; ;;s-i : . ir i '- -up world with I h;. t ir.. :,.!. It i.- -rirs; to diale.s in !'.. tree a ad Ei ;;- im K.i; I"o:o. knew have in. il iihiiiiis; li e - lh in tii t 1 i.h" co.v. mi he was .11 i- ;;ev. , tii" wor'd " Princess -el-cteil. bi-r of Who i-iii ilonbt the rra Warkt l'ir farmer near the city are pashinK their work Tifiriiisly. A n.le out on tfw Tr. nt i4Xd Tusrsday revialed the t tii i' they do n"t rely altogether on i-.-njiir ar nal fertillzem. tieliia are well dotted ksaoa. and L. J Mixire. Ew., hid more maaara out th-an ha ocoded in planting ma ptfaae. aoToral he pa boiriK 'eft on hit- hand atr plantinic Mr Moore is davclopinK qualuiets of a Rood I irra-r a.s well as a Kosi Lawyer. Hia barn and other out houses srel. arrX(ad. fencea are tn good a d itao . i tchea opened whero needed . strict attention '.ren U ttoclt and home- i thia way." "Well, sir you know the intlc DiiOureii. and, the beat of ali. the I provisions in the Constitution are such crop al diTrriifie 1. What hinders an ! that " "Exactly, provisions is what mMTitfBtit man srlth a Rood farm from we want." "Well, sir, when the l'res- b-in a lacceatful farmer Why can t idem is inaugurated " "What' does North Carolina t.avo a Kurmau ' We he tet egK-nog-eratesi r" ' "No. sir. you doaire tii tee the ambition of some man ' misunderstand; when he takes his --..t m thia aection letvJin,; him in this direc- he will no doubt be very liberal " Uon. "Hold, on. Mister'. ' ejaculated the - Tiiitor, "I voted for Cleveland: h" i- a The mptrlor Caart. I IVnincrat and so am I. and n . man shal I rVveral caaea were di-p-wed ot Kn- ra" n,m a 1'haral when I am ah nit, put ,.-r T, ori .-,-itin th moat Inter- I that in your pipe and smoke it' And i.'s Time- art' not so dull now because we .;. n t have any tbin to have them dull, "ur sch' i! is brighten in up things and wi- i r. it. n I to kt t i them so. Opt. Martin ro.Hid;ood iias resigned his captaincy of the schooner Lorenzo. and taken char-eof the line schooner i beloiiitin); to Mrs. Julia A. Ste l la n s. of Kiciil.in i s. Mi-s I.ouise Senu. Mrs. Ii. S. McLean. Mi. Ev.-rrt McLean, from Wilmin;tOD. an 1 Miss Nettie Wilson, from the same place, ar- in town visiting their friends u r; t relatives. J r . E. W. Ward and sou in town. i 'apt. Joe BloodiTood anil Cant. T. liobmson. started through the sound to i iQto the Minn N-'w Berne, by way of Beaufort, but I grounded on the shoals, which put them ba-k a duv or two. Can't we iiipp-d -laud. where it brir,-;s about '.' p.er pound of pure metal. It. is necessary to refine it carefully; in the crude stute it consists, according to r. recent analysis, of "o.l of plaiitmum. 1.1 palladium. U.O i Iridium. 2.C iridium, il osmil idium. 2.I.! o-iarjiti. .4 gi'dd. .1 epper. nt:. I l-.l iron. Tiie camphor laurel, a :; itive of China, and the tree fr. -m w hi.-h riio.-t of the camphor of cornmercf is obtained, seems to iiave been intioduceo success fully into California, one tree in Sj.'ru mento havim; attained a li-ir!.i of t !i irty feet. The woo, 1. every part of which smells stron.-ly of camphor, is liciit an I durable, not liable to injury from i". Eects. and much favored by cabinet makers. A license bill lias l.c-en introduce.1, tn Eej islature provid ing for the is-ue of --5 permits to all such male adult residents of the State as can prove to village trustees, town 'b-f i Hamilton-. Oct., Feb. 14. Within ,!e : thy recollection of man Like Ontario '"" was never before frozen over. Where the lake is sixty miles wide there in stretches a field of solid ice, but no man 20 bus dar d to cross. In other winters Is; j the lake froze in sheltered strips along l,V shore, and a strong east wind would ! break up what is to-day a frozen sea. M. ! Lshcrnien in tlijs neighborhood have lp not been able to lift their nets for thirty- tni'ee days. London, 1-Vb li. The widespread distress prevalent throughout Great i'lii". iin lias emboldeied the Anarchists in England, Justice, the organ of the i Democratic federation Party, in an article to-day -warns the government ! that horrible bloodshed and perhaps a lev oii'.tiou will ensue if it continues to i.'isiilt and neglect the workingmen. It t is estimated that thousands of laborers are daily refused work at the docks of i London and also at Liverpool and other iar.L-e shipping ports CITY t MEXi-.v. l-'ei 14. (via Galves l I' t). : H-pi'i'ts arrive ol a destructive ititiiidatior at Ma2.1t inn . causinj; the loss 1 of a number of iivi s and a heavy loss of 1 l-'ioperty. : .VNUsythLb. O.. Feb. 11. The Musk ingum rivt-r is gortred with ice from tii.s point to McConnellsville thirty miles. The mills here have been stopped by the hack w ater. Travel on the roads alou the river is impeded by overflow iut; ice. '1EN'N.. Feb. 14. The moderate sec ! ion of the Socialists have resolved, in view of the new law against Anarchists, to dissolve their committees and to cease pi.iblisiiini; '.heir journal. 77i? Tntth. P.vhi -i, Feb. 14. Eight of the Anarch ists arrested on Monday have been sen- fenced to from three to six month's! imprisonment. j Yv'as;!INot..ix. l-V-b. IF Th members I of the Chinese Consulate of New York I w Hi arrive ia this city to-morrow to be the quests of the Chinese Embassy here, !,.irinir the celebration of the Chinese Mew- Year. L 'NDoX. Feb. 14. Mr. Van Wagner, Alabama Claims Commissioner, sits three times a week in his chambers in tii" Temple hearing evidence in behalf f i' ' of English claimants upon the surplus of the Geneva award. Messrs. Kisrey and Reymort. of the American bar, con duct the English cases, which are most ly those of underwriters, Lloyds, pay ers of war premiums and persons pre sentiDg claims for damages done by the Alabama and other cruisers to their property on the high seas while sailing under tho American flag. Dickson-, Tenn., Feb. 13. Bill Beard, living near this place, becoming en-lag-d iit his four-year-old stepson, lulled his hair out by the roots, gouged him in hio eyes, threw them away, gnawed his ears off and then threw the bleeding trunk into tho fire, which was uurued to a crisp. After seriously beat in:; id- wife and father-in-law, the in human fiend was finally arrested and lod.'ei! in ail. !t-' fsl pram feaaalM U tl Ialla4 Ta Ml, ' 1 Om MotMlay 4tlJ Joy oar. w (ra- trail U.I t jWl Uat wk ho out mu that of Mrs. II. Cohen t. The Snu and Trent KiTer Steamboat Co. iTVa wa an action brought by pbuntiff flu reco-rer the valoe of certaia goods I Vppd o lUdl a Ferry, a portion .Tr" . ' ' " . .44f4rilaac mmuration claims tha of ! which were stolen beforn being taken he walked a wy he muttered -umieUi like "I've been amonjc the Jewi that internal paper will have said in print, I'I i bet a di liar. " md T . The Jadx Shipp ia urr to a petition for writ Ax kotmaa ctrrym. ao.i upon hear tmg tax oaaa. Ua iUmor ad mi tied hiai to fetali in UkO tarn of two hundred and flfty iilara foe hia appearaace at lha oost tariu rf tho Superior Court of Craven county. Not bouif able to tcive Um bond . Jerry waa rtaiAjaded to Jones County Iteras. Saturdav last Paiai4ail4taif- N ear a tosxiiUi ao we Jul seaio iilrrr- f-r the Nuuda Pubiiahinc Co ' of Natvla, N. Y, Tht- aiirerus-timeui.s wr keaded ' IVck (Jiveo At. "Cjy- aved Uirla." and "Kr to i'-jm- , era. rsiiisro tnen wo b' run autHner i-Jr-Tt-.-emr tr a " l" A) GO H1bl1r.1l K.- t:ao aoaot-tou 00 , ward. f Katle-I Publwl-ln Co ' tbi day. oaoealiy. a 1 ,,f K u.111 Pa We 1.1m cwwi r-..n i . euoiMina pw(- wilt tarn, (,,- Lelie-.tr-; U-th tbe cocnpim,' to .4.; -na aai bartaW Uwnm tho tbor oo fr itt 1 f the nr.; water, aa ! warn o. . -.'.r. U th boatoaa port ot tooo ur t..4 - , A - ,-r... , .1 ,- 4t itday, Tis thero thai tho hack - , - r.i.1Ma t&riia trasle: 'V-a thore l 4; .. houaoaaotasr N.tm td grt the ; K"'-"- a.Uii. .1 4 .i .uner; r thotra that tho le-st-it Ss:ral t-ec are thinkir. of tai.-.-.C- , in looa to tan at aad daaco. aud t i-sx-it' on the kU" 'My to Vnttin'.'ii ra.'f h 1 Taao I f wm 004 y qb of bin rxcv attend th inaru-;uraXion ,f President , 1 . . - ('-lereiari-J. Tl-cr rate ia no I. w bn .-' VrtluH- 1 . .1 'tswioarod with txher n-utas. and Ujc GrAVnjd XrpdUXS- cooTeoteoce f hmni yoor own ijuar 1 - , -. t - - r f, I taa wbiW there. bBit-- Um int.' r oti c . .'Vfi..Ii'AV(i. U .l-l! Wuai traerlled. -a inid e-m tn m.ik 1 4 1. rwl n r r-i --t-i-4-atinn rlmma that th r- ... 1 tvituruav last w-a.s a -tooc. were ae .verea. accorums to me da. Q Xrt;nton . ri,.ctv custom at that laadinft. as won aa they bu- yery ht,e truio - were ittQaM, to ine piaimiu ivui, who went on the same boat with the goo-it. Tha plaintiff denied that the Hoods had been delivered. The main uaue aeemod to be oae of fact (imply, truui-s, were the goods proporly deliv ered, or were they received after being landed br the plaintiff's agent. Jl vrt 3t Clarke. SI. DeW. Stevenson and W W. Clark appeared for the plaintiff. Niramone A Manly for the de fendant corporation. The caaewai nr-k-ufil by Uosars. L. J. MiKiro and M IHY. Stev.nson for the daintilT. ar.d ey F. M. Siniuiona. i iaq . for the corpo ratkin. The jury could not axree, and a mistrial waa ordered. While it waa only a question of 'fact 01 1 .1 1- case. 14.4 lo tii- delivery of toe -l 4 , the i . .:, regard to coiunr n Car rie r a- laid -lo 11 by Judift' Sti i pp. lh.it 141-4. 1..4,44 If .,.441.-4 4,..- - 1 . J , ,,nvlnmi. 1. 14VISV III t U 4IIII k4413 IIAlf UVtU laiuiril, ti 11 , 41 1 a trimrui i in iun4i' turauiiMi i , . - . . . 1 shortly they wi.l ;et real dull, rainy 1 .f pei 'pie it esent K;s have taken a sudden tumble. mercUauts here are paling 15 ceuts per doten : hams. 10 ci ntu M-:r n'Uiid ; lard. 10 cents, corn. 50 cenu per bushel. Not very much sickness in our vicin ity now. Some are sulTering with colds. Ur. Tho. Harrison is yet alive but nau&t certtiml v di- in a few days iu he liess not ate nor draak anything bat water for the lsst 12 dus. Mr. Tho.. J. Whuaker h..s f i;:li the future of Trent. -n and 1- exhihitn.g 11 by building i:e"-- -tores. lie 11: up one I it.st year and has the fraui, ot at-.- thia aa attractive trip . a I r I hCil.Lj.iLk I Of CoaraiaratM a by ai; w ttiMktMOtTlMfatty !a-U,od.tlC from this and t . '4. . ; a sfivirt : .' 1 - r oao Joabsa thoacarrilv ot news i n-inwitBo faiigT, nooave m . rt.. w here ti.ey ian.i goi -l-i Tliere are nianv landings cn Neu-'. Trent and ' Cor.tentnsa rivers thit are of great con venience to tLe people living in the r. .-1 h b. t h. "xl . v et do not furnish freight ol weil wi rthv ,1-.. .a.-h to i-isf.fv a company tn butid- ao thi&k of 1 itiK a wnrehouse and ke-e-pm.; an agent. ' the ail j v ' ccantiea r laatM of tho VTTrEt.Y 'become il.ug.-u: ... ajtiw . 't i.141. fOMcboa thiO 045W, iKb.-h a4i -p wilt bo aliMiBiotMd al I114.: SJU pttHNa. wkiiiVi all peri-ir.a who r.i'jire , t.i 1.. 'ainnued. u-..-c l-.--t' cster.iiy . T.a-ium!)-n .( the b r 1 ar- W. H Green. V Vf 4...1-1I I.Ltin '',- I V V! M.-iC ' 5t.-v. X.fCi feftlflft Vm, wta ia; o abal W liliam SimpH-a. wr-lay h --ar i "I .- ra. eimwuvrnvt bottoc. Thaa we i fie caniiJ;e trwo t ).-,ii;g.bly exam I - 1- 1 f mc Dr. Uadloy. tfio aitaodmg u-.eJanJ a. 1 : granted cert.tl.'atea I -; t emu, , .' , . 7iii ti. n4 llreii v, ik. i f Fay'.:. J. T. KewborM, C. F. Uarvey an i N" " "' ' ',';- ' 1 :' " J. iaoa.aa, taqro.. rpoot m day or t .'''"' : '' iaa woo at Ja. XoaJa RoosoV We'f'W- i.-1 : ' h . n p poa tlrtl ahuotaa t waa thoobjoct in J 4 -'-- '--r-e- v to w. ' ' ' Wo arw aavaaf Tory bod weather- "H"1""' Me,ims -UI ami raioy to tho diaadvaatae of Tha t4-kav ! -rs . f ;-- N tins taaaaoowJo)oaaaosaaoJaao T a w -jii aom imaa ia.hi.i.i i.ea l.ia aiwajo Jbooaa oaMMijb asiaahice fur ! their annual meeting 7a-ii; man o reoi. J - tT ' ' i . ' ,1 riO-ir! ot I radar jrau T-a -tif A rv; ad tlW J-1 xv" Ud to lrar3 sh.l nx. ilr U a pUcw i inow. i-'rt llr a tow waxer toei con p.i v Ta jv,, n.i(e a ktooa iiicvio. aaa 01. c mi. betor than m.rht bare ben exp- cf ; -T-W . .l .... . . - ... J . . . I. , ' . tyr taaaaawfiW tOU Suaday nh9tr co.r,tM,p), slld bT h mans woo una 44 . . . . 1 ,.,.i, . ,-...h .,. u. ,-), Inereart' nu:r.e:,us i.nrlirikis between ' I. ilb ksviiio and Trenton on fir- Trent river -There the farmers ship their ci-l- n ar d reir-tve 0 --is in return, nt itiu r t-f w h:.v. t'uriii-b. fr-igb.: r. ugh t-. -in-; ioi .a j-r.t It wi t eeriainly I - .1 . :e 1: ;-. :!. I, - t til e pe -pie t . - h ii ... r roi.. t In- r f r : g h is 1 1 1 A .-i:l'-' . r ". r - t . ; r. a 1 ; : t h I - 1 .1 1 1 u 1 -ah., in .1 Imw r.iti.i r-'d y .rds of th-ir i.oinea. put can a company aiTord to other uy aloug by the side of it. II is also preparing umber toleitl.; ,1 : ... dwelling opposite. Mr. J i.-epu sn;.: . . dw riling. The farmer say tli.it the w . ,t. r : e ht-en so cold the h.i.'e le,.;. -. ,b. iret ly but, ft ti t - n 1 and if the weather d m l 1:1 'ier.it- l-a : i y L . 1 1 1 1 . 1 w ; 1 1 their larm operation. li e w-:.-'., r .-cau-ing a n 'U gh time w 1 ; h t :, - 1 : . families are deju-i: lent ' :i t: - r ., .ii" s for their support. .r 1" M P ite. ,1 Tr-::-. :, .. . : 1 tiltit-. -:i4J. 1:1 tlr' i"r-:.t .ei t.e-i.: IVbruai y earner '.bin .v.r sn .: our 1 ti it Th- - .. p: .. : . ::..--.-. t ti.-- rr". it.eii I w - r'. : a:.. .. . pr- ar it 1 t:- I'" r ''...!"- ' ' c.ingbt th- 1 le 1 :t- ball . f i;-t r s ; - it . - n s o . h i e the sound dredged out. so a boat cm p:i-s at low water, drawing only 2 feet. It has been surveyed ami we hop... it w ill be cut out soon. 1 in. such weather' But why say thisy because we con Id n l better it: but really th" weather is very bad: une day rain, and the in st day freeze and blow, great guns. The farmers are very busy do ing nothing, and we are afraid if some gocsl wuuther don't come along soon, somebody w ill get hungry next year in the country, wu meun. Wo folks here don't often get hungry: we get lish. clams, oysters and crabs without darting for them, and we eat anything for bread to go with them that we can get. dried c'ouchs for instance; they lay on one's stomuch very well. Our Dramatic Club gave their second entertainment Thursday night, and al though the ram fell in torrents, the w;nl blew sparks towmdw-ard, and cold enough to freeze the white of an egg. we had a good house, and the plays were very good. Miss Minnie Ward as Rose in "No Kose Without Thorns." Mi-s Alice Knssell as "Kate" in same, plaved their arts well. John Pittman. i i.irry Ma! I. tt and Willie Mattocks ex celled thems- Ives: the latter as "Julius" Negro in Phantom." surprised even him-eif ; lie 1 1 iv ed the negro better than ti i,gro could have done himself, and (teorge W.-.rd a "Mr. Th-irne" showed by his a tins tint he had been on the stage before. We have not space to meiiiiou ail ihe particulars, but taking ali together, it was the best entertain ment that was ever seen in Swansboro. 1 hi Friday, the 24th inst.. the Club will give a not tier entertainment for the bene t.i of -cl.ool and church. Mr. Mali-it- . 1; teacher, knows how to make '. --Ivni! pl- asuit: his role as "Professor I'- 't di; i:i the Female Cemetery." was -1. : - -r 1 1 i : : n g. Tim-- wi-hiug to educate ; .-or i.,,i!i. 11 vail, and cheap, could n i tet r ;!..!, s. ir.i them hereto - n -. I. b..,ird at a modi-rate rate cm';- ; 1 , ir . i 1 11 t ite i i lage. to rot County Items. -"laiarial Poison. The drouth in Southwest Georgia last spring dried up the wells, and we were compelled to use water from the creek on the plantation. The result was that till were troubled with chills and fever. I carried with me several bottles of Swifc's tspecific. and as long as I took it. 1 superintendents, or citv abinrmeti ihat 1 I had Derfect health. As soon as I they are only moderate drinkers, and j ceased taking it. I, like the rest, was af that their families will notsuffer through i tiictod with chills. When I resumed its their indulgence. Every resident who use I w-as all right again. We have drinks in a saloon or public dace must used it in our family as an antidoto for have such a permit. ::nd infraction of ) malaria pioison for two or three years, the law will be punished bv liue. land have never known it to fail in a 1H- Absolutely Pure. lh Is powder never varieB. A marvel of purity. strength, and wliolesomeness. Mora economical than the ordinary klnua, and can not be solii In competition with the multitude of low tent, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal. Baking Powdek Co.. llW Wall-st.. N. Y. novls-lvdw Oyster Shell Lime, OF JJEST QUALITY, In any quantity to tult purchasers, for pale low. Address, GEO. N. 1VKS. felS wtf New Berne, N. C. Standard Fertilizers! I AM OFFERING Walker's Ammoniated Cot ton Phosphate, Long's Prepared Chemicals, Lee's Prepared Lime, LOW FOR CASH. Send for prices and testimonials, and SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUYING FOR CASH. J. C. WHITTY, 'Craven St., felS wlm NEWBERN N. C. At Cos! Idr3d:P:v: Preparatory to'withdr&wkl of 'one f Partners, our Stock ot Merchandise, . - FOR THE NEXT 30 BAYS An eatljcairrwill iocttre" tacatng. BllC-h ill! - , A ' 'v V0!v hi , ,. MamgutU Mualin et 10. " . , -. ' Fruit of tho Loom 4-4 at 8rc. i 1 An elegant Bleached Good at 7rw- . Sometfiinj; very fine at 0oM ' ', And others at io. and 60. 5 ' - ' An elegant line of Lav) let: Misses and Children's Shoe at coat. Also. 1 full Btock of Metros and. Boys Uand and Ma chine Sewed Shoes.'. Ladtes and Misses' ' Hosiery, Half Hoes, Cellars and Colls. if: T 1 s . . 1 ie. Liiices ana. .mDrojperies. .- v Sir IVERYTHINQ ATjCOST. ' Country merchants will Mind it frreat- ly to their advantage to oeo qs baforo all is disposed of. .si" ;,. - TERMS OTRICTLY. CASH; :t I-; DtJFro&IVE3; Middla street, i:.,: . . ja2i dwinv H.,torfyb&iiNB;-ir.i:cZ l.', ' ':-. .. -1.- - e. h. riiEADovs rco. 2.000 Sacks' riimri'lvA A -hnnal Y 2.000 Sacks Kainil '(guarantee Oer- , 1- ' ' V-44-d FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. Having associated myself with Wm. E. Eakle. Ksi7of Washiugton I Lave full use of Ihe Causteu papers, the most important body of doeiirueatarj' evidence in existence, touching tries claims, and am fatly prepar, d to present. and prosecute them. Hon. UEO. S. BOUTVVELL will not as my Counsel. A. K. ALLEN. offices: 216 Washington St.. Boston; 125 Tribune Bids., New York; 1429 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. dee2l dw2m Indians do not often act r.s temper ance missionaries among the paie faces, but the Independence i.Ca!.,- Independ ent relates this as i.rtietliitig overheard t'here recently: S.ti-.l an Indian to u white man: "You ;;o to p,aitv at Inde pendence'.'" "No. "said tiie while man : "I am bruKe and I'.ui'i go. " "What fi.T you talk so'r" said the In. liar.; "you work all time, earl: motley: hat for you no keep him? Some lime I broke too; buy whiskey, drmk him up. m.oitev all gone. Now no drink long time work, plenty money, n . btoho: you io all same, no broke too." I .V committee cl-iuiiu:; to re the youth ot Italy propose lo lemor on Feb. 17 tin1 menioi y of ( lord an o Bruno, who on that a ay 1:1 the vear itiO'J was single instance. W. C. FrRLOW. Sumter Co., Ga., Sept. 11, 1S84. Insure Your Horses, Mules & Cattle IN THE Mutual Live Stc$ , Insurance Company OF FRET5ERreiC, MARYLAND. Rates low. Losses promptly adjusted. fel2dlw(iw WATSON A STREET. Agta. man). 1,000 Sacks Pitta IsiandC 1,000 Sacks Pooo4nok6.-';V ''",Viili . ' tatoes, Beans and -the .Garden 'and.' " Field Seeds. - v .' '.-' ScV1 '':' i-i.a- Corner Pollock and ifiddle Streett.,'j Warehouse Cotton' Exchange Place, , -decipd&tt EWBEIty.tT. C. " 4, f burned as an atheist, m the Fieri in Eoni-. Iiruuo w. Dominican monk, w ho fi,.ii and visited sevt ral of the (lei versities and other pla -. S i. Alps during ll-.t la-t ve irs o Campo ie ,s jn ex 1'rom In.... -mi an uni rth of the tne six teenth ceiittiry. I tut a d-. .-ire to s, e again his native land induced him to return to Yi nice, n il' ; e ho was be trayed by a fiieud lo lac- laiiiiiiars of the Three, by whom ;,e w,,- hand.-.! over to the Imjuisition. The people of Washington i.Iendy understand that an inauguration only occurs once in four years. A glance ;n the advertising columns tu the Ua.iv I'.mOst every- A ripple Restored, Sonic two years ago I received a boy Lor: a White; into tho Orphan's Home, near Macon, from Columbus. He was jut' of the poorest creatures I have ever seen nothing but skin and bone crip pled and deformed by Scrofula, which had attended him from his Dirth. About eighteen months ago I commenced giv ing h ;m Swift's Specific. After several bottles had been taken and no visible results to be seen, I began to despair, bn r eon t i Tm nil flio mdftii'inA At. lnul ! signs of improvement became apparent, am. tr in that date to the present there ha- been constant improvement in both body ami mind. He is now about four teen years old, and is one of the bright est L oys I have ever known. I honestly believe that he will ultimately outgrow .he effects of this loathsome disease un der the influence of Swift's Specific. The two cases of erysipelas which w ere treated some two years ago with S. S. S. show no symptoms of return of lih- n e w - p a p e i s i i j 1 1 i c r. t e .- bodj- w ho ha a vci line of march ft in or w ite 1 tie' I til : 1 U-ease. L. 13. Payne, .-up't Orphans" Home. So. Ga. Conf. Macon. Ga., Nov. 1. lif-i. Treat i.-f cn Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. At ir.rta. Ga. For sale in New Heine at HANCOCK i:i;o:-. FOOT SALE. A First-Glass Business. A LARG E STORE (with dwelling attached? well stocked witli goods such an are generally kept in a country store, consisting of dry goods, not tons, boots, shoes, groceries, liquors, A GOOD GIN HOUSE ith a six horse en gine and nil equipments for a first clftt-sgin house: also grist mill attached. A Ml K LITTLE FA KM Of about sixty -six ncree, nbout forty in good cultivation for a crop this year. Will grow cotton, coin or truck, well ditched and not more than half mile from good shipping Dolnt. Want t o sell for no other reason than have more business than can attend to. For fall particulars and terms address Jhuhnal Office. febll dwlra Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICE, SOUTH FRONT, o. Have First-Clnss Facilities for transacting a General Hanking Business. Will receive deposits subject to check or draft. Will buy or sell K.chanre on New York, Philadelphia and Ihiiiimon.: will make loans on well secured lapcr, and inuke. liberal cash advances i n Cotton, Corn, Rice and Naval Ki-ires, nini hold on Fturnge either In thi3 market, .Norlolk, Haltlmore or N(v York. f, hlti tiwtf I STrcT in Brer - nnw umi j V' MA6HIIHE. It is ltniveraaily ooncafled , to be the nnert-nziiahaa and ' best-made on the markot. Its wood-work is pie-tram t ly decorated its aibwujr and , - - ' i AGENTS WA1STED. Leader Sewing Machine Co. KLEN-80-ppn,;H: A SOAP, the beat In tha wortd'lpr liandrr . use: will make the clothes whLU and sweat.' without scalding or boiling. , ..' It is the best soap for Toilet oae, makes tha " flesh smooth, soft end clean. . ' v j It is the best soap for shavlrig, leave! tha face smooth and soft. and prevmas chapiaiiK," and cures barber's ltoh, enrea chapped lianoa,' cares ring-worn), and Anally will make you happy. Try It. For sale my. ' ' . - '. WM. U -PALMER. -Second door fraro the corner of , Middla and Bunth Front streeta, , - JSewUerne. N.T. Also nt the same J)lacrytrt can ibid vf! Cigars, Tobacco, eta,, all kinds, and (Jkiu'i"- , in great variety at relaU.ail.KiMxl. dw XT. ltso. . la ' a ' V f ava 1 XlJlr Y s . ........ V 1 . Whit" .'b of a seer ' price lor for .-'IT). :a- be. ii sic!, n out ..v..-::. . n.-n--rcial . .'vn tlt .s Wi-l plentiful ii kill.' -an per to ent It liars nd id ;.i-s v : J . :.i ?5 A 15 5S I ELS. . oil the 5th inst., Mr. iit lie!-!, ot Dupliu county. :vv Jnr.t s. of Sampson Gmham. E-q.. J. P., of- P0C0M0KE, The Great Potato Fertilizer, For sale by 23Iwtf E. II. MEADOWS & CO mgi homgl Isomg in, 1 c b.l and Ja luring it l.'Isl ill' 'US twin he M, tie : il ' fre KI. r h 1 U ll.- aft in.i- it ;f tie ar- i : . i r jh an ; - l put. :...ii .. a ::.- lh;- s,.,i- .., L.n'.e gage" have had their ii.e merchants :.r" . -t ite m rtg.l4,'es. whl l is. of our cm. '.ens r w . ! w 1 1 id. (.'apt. n tin- pla Mis. r ami On l:-l r. .it W, Til Mass., slUO.I Ihe re ism. I I h. "l.; t : 1 1, e . liial'-r lav. of mi tn .; .. .S. ; Wom-i iiUSt t-i that ll ; prtc o H , ,.:: A--- r t . - -t.. at Beaulaville, Mr. f. J. be. tt ami :-Iis Katie Bass: J. W. i Irisbani. Esoi.,ollieiatmir. I'h" a.tteniiarits were: Mr. W. L. Mid- ; "i-'.in :.n-.l Mi.ss Callie Bas.: Mr. W. M. ; :'.is:n..i and Miss Laura Southerland: Mr. 1 I. I., ilui io'u and Miss Annie Williams: ; .V.r. iit; a u a Miss Cora ' I chill, :.- ; r- .a ja M-.ilpa;. 1 .! r tl.e .:.-i- . CI' i'l.llt.V. l"i ariy t'hri.-ti: ' v in,. n ,; cii DIED, . at her residence . of congestive i:. aged CO years. ie Lake. nslow countv. Inn; Piliman. a-td t:0 itii. near Lichlar.ds. Onslow nleuri-y. ?.ii-s Ma; y Pittman. ar i. a 1 ' -v mouths. h . w ii r L ia . 1 ti.- ' '.V -i: ruining farms .tn--r woi k.ug : r w- a-es. 1 ; . i- of u: ir. v ot ..laitlik i :' 1 1. . ii her auk in -i ri ie. !.-ni a ral m.'i ali-.'li' 1' at age week m unites, j - alone to ; buoy had . am! had : .1 tl; rv th- vn.pl .ind tn and a at in. . or Mi '.vom G1MERCIAL. tr.d I'i til. OFl-tCK. Feb. li P. M. Nov.- Yi dull: spots quiet, w Middling 10 ;3-4: 1 .1" s ;t--r d ;. -r r- tl. li-. d CO.MI-; AND SKE MY Stock of Holiday Goods! Fresh from New York. GOLD, SILVER, AND PLATED GOODS OF ALL KINDS. I bought for CASH, and can sell to suit the times. Come before they are all gone. Im possible to keep them at tb prices I have put on them. DON'T FAIL TO COME TO SAM. K. EATON IIDDLK. STIIEET. decfUd&w At Market Vf hatf, . , , . i i-. t . . SeUinf? trRB,Malnt; Oils, Tarnish, ' Glass, Putty, hd. all kinds tSueds.. , . -. 'jLr$pr',: 'C Canvas. Ropt, Twine' Oakum, Oalvnn ized Spikes and 'Hails, and. other -f-hip Building Supplies. ' ' .' ,..'- CHEAP1 M0K0X&II: ' For Sdle,v ' Une 4 year old Mare, well brok. ftonll ann Kino. r , One S-ycrir old, not broke. ' me iroiul farm Mule. Two dozen I'eni Trc-as. A n .il v to .1. 8. IsANS, - 1 ' 1 - -deo21dwtf Istonewall, W.!. -l!., ; 215 Pearl St., New,York.: rKOPBiKTous ur THR'' v' -.ii -;V . East iDdia Chemiptl Works , v '... '-.-'. i j- i . IMPORTERS Ot East India Goods, Chemicals ; i; Etc., "Etc MAN UF ACrTUKERS OF ; '. . v. ' -l- -'-, H. J. Baker & Bro's. fipeclal'ri m S Ts . xrucit itii uiizoi. Tile . 1 . c i an 1 . an l -ilUst. I'lember. October. ?h - ember, Iec inf er. au Iv. 11. "11 1 i.tj? ' 10.71 10.7! Its of . :RY:S t Mia d . jr f-w CMUudcratiott. N ell - ek t VF Middlim tru-? .V ,.i,--tVc' -4-'.i50f ma Aspin ;!t1 FR it PIL i. ti. f ': O'J. Smcr ,X Mwownava w ho Urn ad w -a v hSatoct, tmunmm ta ftiUT r rirtj wmtnaai of a tool onaautf Maeafaart a ar (Mid al iht 'si. ct tn xaj.oCaQjFeaa&trj friwoi, tto i Mfiww lVia W. mm area lam .-.-- il prcot ot . this sad bnOs 'th d.aa.laata,fea were f ujhi rnorit than ordinary rie. Xhi tii44 ug i-jAa were aitK 'o i a Br-ar I of Iw.ttr-r for tha er.u;ng year-. C U. Ctitler. r. F. For. I) M (l4orta. ti. Ror - rv-t Tho. Dani -l' t wl: Mr. Tn,.tTl, n CX sb sstrerae 1 r COS. is l.,r I'tanttrig dl iut. Httr.Bs, '- C s ri ? ex Mini. sl ii ar i .: s ','.! usl : ten yiti; For testimonials and any Information call on or ad drees ' '" ' J J. J. WOLFEiNDEN- NEW IJEltNK, N. ai-."?''Vti Qaural Agent for North Carolina oc.2 dwtf 4 -t" . r-- " 1 Oll- ''.iT. '' ."V- V-' 1 . H.I 'v iir ; 44v we- rs 1 4mimw, IkaTtD aWas arpuask-1 Ji. I Juxk elect the G- D. M. Ki.boro. W. F titar v. Ultea and L-'wia Hyeurn. 1'r Ifmg wa r-el'4-td I'r.-sider.t Green Vw-e-Prem lent. i'imr. a- mitt4fe- II. M int" if" Al.er. H. 'I .11 I st j nt abl e I .lii '. Tne i4.1t.4ra ner vl Mai. i, i tatr taaeci f.voa . hkaseif tha) rv-"- i . 4siOeaCa' m, aiSatirtrate.jrwili a; ... 1 be a yuai -rf: Oilocry coupi to j erf jlu. ala SaaraA r-.M) aa aaf tbass taa4Mr aew.- tio 00 tctr mm fothws: . . -Jloar. Jia.'yHtt Stand sp rfht there Ia tf rti 1 M 4 r. 1 4. .- .4.1 n 1 w M.MI. o tutvlip "riVta Cloa lo hu. ' "n Chanc-'l-r W li -Uopyvajr Tihw hand, Voo'of I'-'bJso. r -4.)Wti ltaa.stsw that to fll f h" r,I'"J ' ." c.-rt . I'.imiwr. the Pr. lte.1 I Har rell. I. " 1 ttl i V. ;J - - ' rr ,1. : - i l r. J a : 1 ct 1 t IK)()KSTOKE. : J. L. HiiETSFIELD, BOOK'S ai:d STATIONERY. !! 1 I-'""- at-d b "' "-op, t .1 itf;4. t Special PQtato Fcrutrcr,,.;t- ' Special Oabbaco l-'tertlHreTaS . ' ' Special Pea Fertilizer;? t, -7, Speci.il Turnip Fcrtilter,!.'; C Special Hcan Fortlli?er . Special Iladihli FertUlir.f y Sp.tcial Onion FertillwrV'vV' .-4!.'l-r.'c .v; r. SPFC IAL. AND COlVPlLK'f E , . FKICTJISCEKS'' IfOBl:' ALL CIIOPSS. ON OR ADDRESSi- r r.- WOLFENDEN;-; J, CALI J AJ2W BKItNE, N.'Or.'li'T--"''-: oc2dw i . ' ' . -j' laVKldh la r rJ l h I & a Til r le rlkr Orma4 . YeteTjry l..Li ordr -t ri-r r.Qal i.molii" vn 1 wv ; ;:! '. v-si r I!-- 7o. Vi i t a .-in . :a.: ccticucrics, '. i .'-... Vc's ( i'sse -I ',.','... -.7 7ia-.'". f t: till; ,.f L' if tin's r.aitk. tri.lv. J". I.. H I AliTSI-1 ELD. - I" 4j I. M t-4 ar t Stalkffer ttm Jatwaof In., n a a Kusft e ihiata. thm.1 aia't ....hi t-ti . . k.. -,f.' .. K.n.i i W. L Jew h bona; aa th saatulrffneear. " ' J ' ' J '' ' ' lla. lavDao t 1ii".f"f ft I turoa ' P ' ' -' ' --low I ' thtomsh ihf H9' fan W i Ot-.ia ! f f 01 i'T ' l- tot nmrnilt 51 nn 1"dvwir n.f ,' "'" t"" th ''" StrHlKM. ... , , ln-.cr.e.i -..f.r.i . . . men. .-rs "Wsi. i.rW t$4i if ihi tVIIaS --ia-a l P-- ltf4aid saol ae Dmo-ratief m,"Bthl '''' 11 '.ru'' " '"' law- boo SO do tuafaaua a4 1 1 if1" 41. .m urxlerataid U! Tb (a e Ptniaa ta tt-r .'It ir - 'n Joau ia a dcucna. . flia a Decoocrat acta ",''- '" ' ' "- "' fcaj fc .ay -RiSpiaewnUUe. ' Xo. be hf - r. ni-irk saaitta) m) J?at brssa. Tab Ka-lbi '' -:' ' : rii ican. sad la-ssow. rt. inteUyco - ;T'r r-;r"'r-r' ' lw w 1 ; -do. If Ta CM Staaa 1-raivd f).iiranJ lif..- .:uJ jt ., r I i'-4H j a can. .Vou JbS p crrtt to j ' .Si-ura Vr!.j'n aad bao IVMLUygss.! 'reaaa. Staata- t lataaa. t . it'f. : a r-x. - . . . , , I .JLy peraoo poaa.-ine any knowledge - -.X; ' ia rsfaraac ta Um sloop 4fiacvr-rv. " . 1 ' f a t i l ?. . se sPyrvip! ot -la Peri. maaCf ,"1U confer la rvr 1 dreas. T- ". f ; . r . x r - 3 ','-..ri ir. .receM veiaamaKaiiag i , .... a tfn .Ml AT T. A. drt'eii's Old Stand FREELY RELIfiBLE SELFCIIRE - v: ntr-i .itil s'jf essful itrecialits la cha U. & ftcw rrtin:.!) for th. ."Uft. of SerVftfM DeWUirf I-oat M:inhool, IVenbneMand lejre ,v t:i J'Ijim scalfd Tivcl('": Fr, rVutTglStf CXB SB i V Address DR. WARD &. CO.. Louisiana, Mo.s v ' '" .'.vC, NOTICE. '"-V; Miiiv (iv ,-iitiicy bnviiie thla ISth Say ' -.lui.iau i . i-'-v'.. .pmlitii-d us Admlnlatratrixof ' '", the 1 Mute if 1 Biilel (jwaliney.doceaaed.aJl ', in 1-..11K ha .i'ir laltii HiralnT tho deeedeni ' ur.- ln-i 1 - 1. in ill. -.1 to t-ihlbll the aaoaetotrie . "-' Km itl Aiin in im 1 nt 1 Ix on or before Hie 30th day' ' ot .1 rt 1 1 1 111 1 , IScO. 'i ',.'- 4' i a 1 J w " MA HY aVTAUtSXY, '.''. 's . ,'i.; '. x-f-V.-'t-"' i-. 4..mVrtiv-.' , Brick, Crick. 'Is7 JvIIDDLE O tit; TT-prri :l;T IMS PMIi'LS ON (Q- l or stil be 1 lim-i lh ir), b tul jirun s.011,1- Cirileil in any ive been 'jiiiuitlty ut prices VS aa -A."?.' s.l-.1! 'iia.iiied by good Masona Hi 1 1 rill fl I h' C. II US, - 4 ' 1 rim i m . ri iu my atore. Orders I. .id 14 ir 1 c-ist '.' r i.-ii i I'e t"r .r s 1 1 d 1 - I' ll .'s"rv 'of (be jocnxAL. ' i T cn ly ho bi d iseaav of tiir.-a: . r luce, w will send prixif thit 1'iso's; Cure for tonsumptiou has curevl the . hi ir the puzxtiug ii'.ies'.ior.s aaane complaints in otheT caae. Ad- 1 .laming information fi r the m ill! b T. HaZKLTIXX. I welfare of every home. Warren, Pv. L WAXTdUR A. tayloi:. 1...I ;. :'..r t lie an.iiseni. nt n vviil gather aroiii ir the puz4.liii4r ijue .1 ll'." b and coini reasi !1. 1 tri;-i . The n. Tn n assi. io-dav tor 1 lahli 11 ies linn was :nni-. ut bv heavy advances and endor- dv ifM3 A Atlanta. Ua. .. ,'. 1 . -.i: -i Iran-.ihited, 7c. . i.'. --L'-.i ..'.tsi.b'O per sack. Ask your druggist '-..-Sin iuerV In- M'.ibAfcirs AM) YUl'l"3 20a45c Jinn Vc-rmifuiie. an 1 if he fail to sup- i Ki:.tci.KNE 10c. and the general depression of the cotton ' ply you. address the Proprietor, Davi.l Powder Sr.'i.OO. goods trade. E. Foutz, Baltimore, Md. Bhot 51.60. ;' v - , ments for the Petersburg cotton mills ox X" C5 C3 Xa X 3 Loriilard 6; Gail S" Ax "s SnutTs. Grain aeks. Hipes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum, Paihts. Oils, etc., etc., before purchas ing. Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Ajsrent for Hazard Powder Co. JE OLRICHt nov26dw j- TSEW 1?ERNE, N. 0. I l'iIit"UA wll GEIMSLEY HOUSE, At t'-'.C ". ' t .' ;-.r j , Snow Hill, Greene CoTN.y .. Well furnished. D4 Tabla au'pplled wlm. -. Uie BJ5ST Uie market, affeeda. .... .- . . Btunple room fcir-coiumerclkl travelers. . - W. K. CJIUV"! FY, OlU-dAwtf 1 n , -

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