. 1. , - '.' -if - ...... J-.rj - Jt :av INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Torma Q,OOXxer,Vr. ,- VOL; VTT NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEBRl'AliY 2h 188a. NO. 48. ARMERST ;T7o have made lately Heavy Purchases t PHDVISIOIIS and other Supplies, and are ready to sell at Reasonable Prices tor Cash or; on Credit. 20 boxes Side Meat, 100 bbls. Mess Pork, 25 bbls. Sugar, 25 sacks Coffee, 25 bbls. Molasses. - v 50 boxes Tobacco, . 100 bbls. Flour. Besides our usual assortment of v ; DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, and other-Merchandise. OSTTINGER Kiriston, "Ni C. Pa. O. E. 5 -VT ! HAY I HAY ! .HAY ! 'v W SALT! SALT! SALT! SALT! l,C DO Sacks Literpcol G. A. Salt. Sail. for Horses, Gatile, Sheep, Etc. .CRAVEN ST., DELOW IAX scnwETJN, ; OEORGK ASH.1 7E-2EiWEWSTOR ! : O CUL V JhlKTX & ASH. ; ... . -: . . to: IIf'af botJ Uto oar 2fw Qrtr. The Drick Store, N. E. Cor- j ::er Soath Front nd Middle Street, we will, in order to mke r-;va for cor Lar; Spring Stock, m11 for tit .;;;-jc2rf;-5CIii2r'ty Days f ' -'. 1 f OVR ENTIRE STOCK OF : f Bobt3 and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing .Ljiilllljjy Goqc& Hats, Umbrella Trunks, Valises,! DRY OOOIH VTS'l vTIONH. T nOEATLY HEDUGED PRICES ! REUEMBER, FOR THIRTY DAYS. 1 FALLEN & CO, A STJPPLT 07 mLST AlfD BEST TRUCKERS PEAS, MCXITTX AND BOUND POD BEANSi Tr.UCHEHS SEED POTATOES, H-TST PEOOF 0AT3, "STONO ACID PHOSPHATE, LISTED GUANO. , 2 ONE AND PERUVIAN GUANO. ' Aha. WHAN N AND OTHER FAVORITE BRANDS - TIAUrrTY LAND PLASTER. Etc iTlsTlieTiDietoBuy. ii Ji We will now sen tne balance oi oar later stocK oi CLOTIIINO, and OVERCOATS at COST. THIS IS A I A CTi - ' -j .. Wf da not ttymct to St kll, onr ttock n broken, bu: i? w...-.u- :H vo-. w, r.l A Wo. M C06T. oar Stock ot BOYS nd Jk (iIH)TitM. Wltita Hhirta. AU o rllMti rjJrhlrt st ft ?V MtekOMISCTAatvwirtr. Our N uock tlita KM to arrir. rWUrm, Cb ffa. evllatoij aat Iimh. DrHmh II. B.-a At S3.. worth S-V rail l o of Nck Wmt. JT BX STT&S AJTD X 03. T. GfTita Fnniishers, opp. Episcopal Church. f tl 1 ii ii la 1 Ni Mfe miM trml r rMi tor tfc w LiTKK. j jcmso- aoot V.,,"N1t''J' a iiiiiiiyyiuy in 8Hiir,lflIE HEWS LAY 4t. ,imitM1MMlilwaqIW a a tl wmMi .rami ! ans S.cUn.ti fcw.i.i i .faig iranafrriv. ta SjA a 1 imiit r. arann. a4 SVT CHICXOJ CHOLERA. will LlVlii UrlULtnA. kllcun9n 1 S. juJ.C A CO . Bo. ILj. &E0. ALLEN A: CO., I )KA1 General Hardware, MACHINERY. AtiUhT'LTrUM. lMl'I.F.MTS. , r'9 HILII . I i:i!i M.VTEIilAE, Brick, Lime. Cement, Plaatr. Hair. Faint. Oil Varnish, . Futty, Gla5, Etc. Solicit' Consignments of Cotton. Hire. Ktc, " WliwCI W oid M ftrriTI or MorvJ Ia out Bnck WirehoGi. ON" 3rOT ITJVOrUYBXsE TEIOI9. . , ; . -y - 1 :k 11 .- , .' Ai:'cnt for Fire nnd Life 'Policies. SIPPL1ES. ROS. LODGE, EXPRESS OFFICE, SCHWEEIN & ASH, SIGN OF FLAG. CHILDKRN SHi "KS inrn Nomt 1 . i- : : rth ?1 7. S;-...- .:' 1 r Mir,? PURGATIV ., i & a etir y to in thn-r mo-.: ' . . 1 to IS WW k. may N- vf,-- i , (ooriAian tb-M rtu hT i mmd UMIt illvwi. Sola L . WHS ii 1 ll1. 9rT la-. IM I TH1 t.KNLKAL ASS1..MULY. SKNATE. Kebrnary lti. lsXj. in o'clock I.t. Gov. Stedman 1 rh, Senate to unlcr. following bills passed third C.l!!e. II) readme: Makmir the disturbing of grav.'s a felony: to authorize Martin county to borrow- monev, iasne tmndfl, and levy a special tax; to recharter the town ol Kinston; to give Richmond county the stock 1 i; to amend section 4.C of the i ."le relative to homesteads; to give Halifax and Warren counties the stock to authorize Chowan county to levy a special tax to pay Mr. I). E. Davis for services "ctnil teacher; to amend section .UI." of the Code: to regulate lees in actions for claim aud delivery of ;Tsoual property; to prevent the felling of tretv in Mill crek, John county; to prevent the felling of timtw in certain streams in Haywood county; to amend chapter l",.t. laws l-v5, in reganl to dividing "In- 1 tie U'tween Craven and Car i ret counties; to drain certain low ! ind- in I.mciln county: to compel w.ioners and other persons to ex tinguish camp-tires in certain coun ties includes possum hunters; no. erson to be punUhed unle-'s actual I damage is done: to incorporate i Fiverteville l.xlge. No. A. F. and A. M.: to regular of t) t(f. the catching M'iHT session. causes; to amend section i i o oi tne The following bills passed third j Code; to allow W. W. Graves to reading: To give some townships collect arrears of taxes in Elizabeth in Durham and Orange counties City; to incorporate Henderson the stock law. the incorporate the bank; to incorporate Fittsboro rail Carthage railroad company; to road company; to amend charter of legalize the marriage of John Jacobs Asheville; to promote the cause of .tnd Henrietta Spence, of Camden education; to amend charter of eoanty; to ameod section 3377, of: Waynesville; to change line be the Code, in relation to catching ! twen Mitchell and Watuga, to in dtaaiond-back terrapins; to prerent corporate Ansonville. tuts destruction of flsh in Potecasi ! On Second Reading: To repub- creek. in Northampton and Ilert- ford counties; to incorporate the Roanoke and Tar river railroad; to Incorporate the Catawba and Alex ander toll-bridge company; to incor porate white public school No. 9, Johnston county; to allow the town of Kdenton to collect arrears of taxes; to correct the charter of L-turinburg; to allow the clerk of Richmond Superior Court to be absent April 13 and 20; to exempt druggists from jury duty. A resolution instructing onr Con gresraen to endeavor to secure the opening of an inland water route, the 5ew lierne and 15eaufort canal route and the improvement of Beau fort harbor passed. HOUSE At 10 o'clock a. m. Speaker Holt called the House lo order and Rev. M. M. Marshall, U. D., offered a; prayer. The following bills passed their final reading:- To authorize Bertie county to fund and pay its debt; to incorporate tho I heaapeake .v or folk railroad; to amend the charter of the Hiawaee Turnpike Com-1 pany; to prevent live Block from running at large in Vance county; to amend section 2S34, of the Code, provides that the bird law shall not apply to any county through which the Wilmington & Weldon railroad passes, or to the east there- ot : to amend section ooj, oi tne Code; to repeal chapter 176. laws of j 1ST9, (relating to the highway of1 Ashe, Watauga and Alleghany counties;) to repeal the charter of the town of Forestville; to protect ; flsh (prevents tne use ot seines or Forsyth county. N drag-nets in Pamlico sound.) To authorize tho commissioners The bill to amend section 3320, of 0f Pender and Columbus, rcspec the Code, relative to the Governor's ' tivelv. to lew a special tax. mansion, wa.s tabled; as was also the lull to amend section 208, of the Code. The bill to amend section 311'.), of the ( ode, nuking it a misde meanor for a person engaged as an e:m ioe) to unlawfully leave his :uMiyvr during tli oiitracr. Mr. Scott s. in,; thev' ivj-, term of his opposed the U i m uch law 1 t ii.i; honest on tiu.- siibj cc :rv.i'uient and protnp" wen- tli.- I't-.st remedies, w a s i renin oi : 1 1 cil . MiitiT sr.ssi n. Tin- 1 1 . 'ti - vn.is ni th -i m1 h u in or tins evt-n ;:i. .i dec :d-d ly j. ', v m-ssi m pav men t The lull iie . i n 1 The Io(!. .. inll .Ivi-i .1 third re .i i ! i ii i; T, gin.it. .Mill.. t.T nl' tl:e I'.HlIl Ilrll, . 1 1 h.ir i r rson '. :oli o! li-h; t my .u-adeiuy 1 1 .in: In ri.e 1 1 i e 't .la. n ti ii ty to revent Middle : : ; me; : in - !i t : ; . ; in ii ' u t: ; several to amend 11. line" iis .::!: M u r : ree-i b .ml : adi r:i t . N A IT re -".Hi :i ,1 I ' .' l r 1 1. . Mill' M --1: . e v :i M t a ti 1:1. : :. St.lt.-M ;ii it t-a : relating to roads and hijliw;iV8 in Meeklt-noiir county; to enable tLe city of Wilmington to provide for the payment of boDtls matoxiBZ id 1837-3$: to authorize tht commissioner: or Wa&biDgton, l.noir ; 1 1 1 1 A-lic counties, respect ively, to lew ii special tax; to change the mime of the Albemarle and Roanoke railroad company to Roanoke railroad company; to in corporate the Raleigh Roanoke railroad company; to amend section 1973 ot the Code, allowing freight trains to transport live stock, vege- tables, trims, perishable material, 1 etc., on Sunday. To rcqnire insurance companies doing business in this State to pay the full value on all policies on buildings destroyed by fire Mr. (iudger spoke in favor of and Messrs. Huston and Winston against the bill. Mr. Gudger moved to amend that they shall be allowed to show fraud, and to re ceive compensation tor any de crease in value. Feuding the discussion the Senate adioarned. HOC Soeaker Holt in the chair. Frayer by Rev. Df Skinner. Rills introduced: To promote the efficiency of the normal schools; to provide for the increase of com mutation of convicts; to support the penitentiary for 18So-8; to regulate justification of sureties on otlicial bonds: to incorporate the Spartan burg & Shelbyville railroad com pany; to incorporate the Southern & Western railroad company; in relation to sureties on sheriffs' official bond; to hasten the trial of hsh the Supreme Court Kepoits. This was advocated by several members. Mr. Robinson moved to indefinitely postpone, which was voted down. The substitute offered bv the committee was voted down. The bill passed its second, and on a call of the ayes and nays failed to pass its third reading This vote was reconsidered; tne suostuute offered by the committee was again proposed and adopted, and under the call of the previous question the bill passed its third reading. To reonire the registration of deeds, etc. The bill, With amend- ' , , A , tV,- ,1 1 menus, passed second and third . readings. Bill to establish a board of health was taken up, and pending it. ortna Moraf on t hp 1 niKu fir. journeu SENATE. February IS, lSSo. At 10:30 Lieut. -Gov. Stedman called the Senate ro crder. Passed third reading: To pro vide lor the erection of teuce.- around the territories adopting the stock law. To increase the number of direc tors of the enitentiary lrom live to nine. To authorize the sale of spirit uous liquors at the place of manu facture in Boone township. David- 80n county An act in relation to the graded school oi Kinston To incorporate the Merchants' Bank, of Wilmington, To amend chapter 2.54 1883, relative to public laws of roads in To improve the law of evidence. Substitute for the hill for the re lief of disabled soldiers. was ordered to be printed and made special order for Tuesday next. SKNATE NHiHT SKSSK'N. The following passed third iea.h inp: To protect rili in llichlaml creek. Haywood county: ro prevent the felling" of timS.-; in Sco;i' circk. .lacknti iMiint: ;n elfct a cotton wether for ( "nai .:u : chaupe the naiiif ot Ktlijun k. !M;r cointH county, to Hickory Hill; to establish Vance town-hip. I " : i i i . 1 1 county: to amend ihe charter ot the town of Hay horn; t establish iii.i creek town, A-lie county: to ann-nd -eetion L''J'.l ami strike nut tl 1'vll ot t lie C le: to objects of t he Koatiok- ,u: 1 1 w at er-po wer com j llol- i'.t m ' !i . Norn :i .1 1: :. a lie K. Speaker lb , llev. . ( A re-oliitto ruct i n the report ru iry : hi : r.::: health lie ! e 1. S . N r.-l.it : : with tl lie pa 'li 'anl Til Ti e ' e atl.e 'III .1 r ii : i . 1 A. A. lor e'.l, j .n ii'i-ri 1 ;ii; 1 ' ' i il 1 A ' 7. A ;.e. ikei limine to or.ier. went to work ar 1 s.ictcd considerable Tbc following Iui 1 I . I s - thiril rending: I uicor .i a 1 e tin town of I'rincetown: to mc-oi imi ate thh town Mooresvillc; to give Per son and Granville counties the no fence law: to allow Mitcuell county toll v.. a special tax; to allow the t wn ni Durham to issue bonds for the erection of a graded school; to amend the charter of the town of J Iendei sonville: to change the name of II. R. Welborn & Co., High Point. A resolution in favor of Geo. II. Parker and N ed. R. Rawls, the con testants from Northampton, allow- : u..,,. , ,iirt i ..K.f.n-n '"S luV l'rl "v. a ' '"""'l pressed with a feeling of insignificance: was introduced. Motion was made j i feei as if 1 were a leaf in the forest tor a reference to the finance com-! a grain of sand on the sea-shore of hu nnttee (that as one member from ; manity. I feel lost swallowed up in the west phrased it, "Shy lock might j this "''gl'ty, heterogeneous crowd, corn get a whack at it.", This was voted ejlJ- many nationalities, and so 't , ' . , , .. . I diverse in language and costume, down and quite a spicy debate tol- sino th. .nnrr1,is(,f ,i,n,rv lowed, over a dozen members speak - mg and taking all possible views ot the matter. It was by some as serted that such payments were not legal. Finally the resolution was adopted; ayes ."),'!, nays 37. The county of Edgecombe was added to the number of thosh whose inferior court clerks have the power to probate deeds. W.SniN(iTON NEWS AN 1) NOTES. Washington. Feb. 16. lbSo. The thrf-:iu-ned extra session of Coa--r- has ht-eu the chief subject of spec uUli ju durintr the week on Capitol hill. There is a (inference of opinion as to whether it will be called or not. Sena tors arc generally of the belief that there need be no extra session, while mem bers of the House think it cannot be i averted. A Senator remarked to me j yesterday that he never in all his expe rience in Congress, saw the appropria- j tions in better shape, and that they could get them all out cf the way by j the fourth of March. Half and hour afterward I heard a Representative de- ' clare that the appropriations were in 1 very bad condition and he did not see how they could be passed in time to avoid an extra session. Then there is an impression among the Democrats that ihe Republicans are working secretly to force an extra session, whiie the Republicans believe there is aclique of Democrats who are trying to bring about the same result. The question was sprung so unexpectedly that many Congressmen are alarmed at the proba ble frustration of their well laid plans for the coming summer. Senators would be less inconvenienced than members by a call of the forty-ninth Congress. Many of them live in Wash ington, and would under any circum stances" spend the greater part of their summer here. The dynamite bill died a quiet death, the dynamite sympathizers were de prived of an opportunity to declare their views on the floor of Congress; and the expected quarrel was avoided, and the House of Representatives got out of tho dvnamite business without committing itself in any way. The House foreign affairs committee voted that it is beneath the dignity of the HouRe to pass ft dynamit re80iution similar in tone to that passed by the Senate. It behooves the Senate to look to its dignity after this rebuke. Ike 1 upper cnamoer nas oeen consiuereu very strong in that line, neretotore, while the House has had a bad name for easy morals random manners. Another House committee has just taken action that will be verv disap pointing to gentlemen who contested seats in previous Congresses, and who lia hied claims to be remunerated for the exnse of their contests. There are many of these claims, and many of their owners are now in the city, think ing to get them through Congress in the hurry of the closing days of the session. The committee ha decided to report only those, claims where the contests i were for seats in the present House. j Mr. Cleveland's friends and advisers, are expecting and hoping that he will announce his Cabinet within the pres ent week. They think it best that the hopes, anxieties and disappointments OI Pir " Bnoui? De over wun 48 800n t. , j r- -i' arations may be made by the fourth of Jlarch. Mr. Cleveland intimated to a ci-rtain statesman that he would make his slate public by the twenty -second of j February and that all the names would be announced at once. All politicians in Washington think Mr. Bayard will be the next Secretary of State. A great deal of interest is manifested in the work of preparing the new pen sion building for the inaugural festivi ties and many have expressed doubt as to whether it would be ready by the fourth. But one of the managers said vest rday. "they need not fear, every t:i:iiir will ready m time. We know just wlu-re we ure and where we will e.-ii. ht-i its. we wul have by far the linot parade, decorations, and pvro t chili. -s the people of this country have It is evident no time is th" pension building. A ot men work in rain and f.T- I ; .th day S r. u r.lay :.!.! w . ml night. next the Washington be dedicated with ip and ceremony. M iiiv ,'k'-t are expected to i whil, they are in the city Arthur w ill hold his last pub n. so that they can meet him i'r.-i-l. !.t pll -1 si 1 nan. Is. C' 'in piet i' ai . the monument .'iiotographed by artists from i s. There is scarcely a con-i--w . f the shaft that has not n by the camera. And these ivi Ii. en taken morning noon . iy .iayhgiit and moonlight, ar.- i.i.t satisfactory. A )ic--ii -. - the simple outlines and i" :!V.-t of the proportions is : The memorial is. in lt an .! i; rai.d . but it rrqu 1 res i::: l :' .:; p. a : ii t" in- : : at. . The . t.A appr ,i 'ii . I art that I have seen is a it -::..'. s the retWtioii of the t i:i :h-- lake beside it. Ii has !.-:rated by eriti. s that it is I --P.ie to .'..rrei'tly describe i.t I y any w..rd in the lan v ;: ha- b- en shown that he- ; c .rre.-tly represent on . r i 1 ...ii-. i . by camera . pa i n t- tl . 1 i I e -; I 1 1 : 11 v K.i- I 11111I1. w t e ;i ; .-1 iu 11 1 n i.l'.-r lapiila 01! : 1 c i - ilelllS. : ti ,1 ii ;u!,u -. M. ,.it;;is ,iinl ill linile 111 po: ulii-u- and 1 ' . r 1 1 . i - 11 .1, and his :i in T:i Olltll WUI'll u wliich to m ;ii k 11 a-. ,i . but il. in- . a ; a in Mils. II 11 Men If.'! oil I Hill -e. 1 lieell til N.i.ie. .Ta.co!. alllliei. Solo at I 1,11 i-lis am '1" - -1 . 1 m 1 -1 1 1 : :,e 1 le'nr. a 1 1 1. T . :, " a ! ; e a ' ' : :. 1 . ! 1 . 1 r 1 i.irk - u uui t he t 011: b, .1-. ,-e III ' Ii I II :llaee of 1 '.eir-.Il-l.l. v, i -; 1 v, .lir i.iiiin inhabitants, all Christ :, ins. and the majority Latiu ami Ci'-ek chun-li dignitaries. The village was apparent Iv one of the most attractive in the Holy land. Jfeir Orleans Times-Democrat. ' . S-' V-: -.V'--'"''i"iVi.': --.'-i': - -H- THE NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION. New Our. cans. Feh. 14. 1Ns.j. Editoh of JoritNAl.: When I have stood at the base of r- mie gigantic rnouu tain. and looking up beheld it towering aloft like a pillar of heaven, deeply im pressed with it immensity and stupen dous proportions-. I have felt awestruck, and like a y.igmy; an i in the same way, in a mighty multitude where thoupands , iuwu uihju Liious;inas. 1 am ueepiy nil- 1 have ceased tin; attendance at th Ex ; position lias great! v increased. Now the Louisiana spring has beiruu. The flowers, briefly sleeping iu the short semi-tropical winter. teem to have ; awaked, and w-ooed . by soft, vernal i breezes are opening and filling the air j with their fragrance, while they glad- i den the eye with their beauty. The j temperature is just cool enough to be ' refreshing and pleasant to those who do not wear overcoats, and the grounds -from Government Building to Main Building: and from that to tlortieultu ! ral Hall; and lrom that to the wharf on the Mississippi river, along avenues j shaded by a double row of moss-draped live oaks, and bordered by shrubbery i which Sheustone would not only ha.ve admired but gone into cestacies over is a promenade which the world cannot ; surpass; while, behind the Hall, there is another similar avenue of equal beauty and attractiveness. Heavens, what a place to talk love to a pretty I girl ! and if my eyes do not deceive me, i the young men hereabout are of the j same opinion, and avail themselves of ! favorable opportunity and congenial surroundings. And here let me speak or l ho visitors. Every one Eeems to be cheerful, j'03-ouH and jovial. Good-humor, laughter and iest are the order of the dav, and vou see no clouded brows and gloomy faces ,ach man seems to teel that he is called i Hocking Valley to-day that the Com upon toewmf m the general enjoyment missary had given out that aid was no and contribute his share, and all seem ! longer coming in, and advising the men keeping holiday. Hence you will not I to get work. This ends the strike which hear an unkind or cross word, but all started last April. Many of the men goes '-merry as a marriage bell." And ; went in last week in anticipation of a this is as it should be. hen one goes climax to a dinner or an evening party, he Rensselaer, Ind Feb. -Yester-should not wear a funereal face Ifhd morning the fast traia on the heart is heavy and he cannot shake off , t u-. ,. r " his melancholv he should stav awav Monoa route- whlle S01n at a hlSh ras his melancholy , he should stay away f ed thrown fron the track by otherwise, his stern countenance and bk Jhe carere dlaggel death s-head face seem a rebuke to mer- ab seventy.five ds. The baggBge runent and are a discourtesy to his and gnokin coach were badly host. If the guest hi not the virtue of j wrecked aad thQWn QQ their w cheerfulness he should feign it. and by about frQm fae . "bid dall care be gone.T - . v. - " h-j seventeen passengers on the train, city; many would think it a wicked , twelve of wom wre more or le68 Beri: city, as the Puritanical notion of mak- , oug, injured but none f ataU ing Sunday a dav of penance and morti- J ,, , ; fication ot the "llesh obtains but little1 Boston. Mass., Feb. 18. In the su here New- Orleans does not consider a Penor criminal court at East Cambridge long face "an outward visible sign of i yesterday afternoon, ex-Gov. Moses, of an inward aud spiritual grace."' nor : South Carolina, charged with obtaining does he believe that sighs and groans f 4 under false prentenoes from J. W. are the "open sesame" at heaven's gate. ' Higginson of Cambridge, came up for His motto is. dum viuimus vivamus. J sentence. The defendant having pleaded The ExDosition and places of amuse- ment are opea on Sunday, as well as the numeiouB churches, and it seems to me that I never saw in any other city so ! many of the latter. But no tradesman ', works on Sunday. The numerous char-' itable institutions demonstrate that the : eleventh commandment, "Love thy I neighbor as thyself, is not forgotten. reported at Pocahontas,Tazewell county, and a God of mercy must be well and more is anticipated. Owing to de 1 pleased w ith such good works. I often 1 preSsion iu business a number of mineis ; think of the remark of V. Imund Burke. . were recently discharged from the coal ! that as the towering lightning-rods j mines. Since their dismissal several j catch the wrath of the clouds and turn i persons, among them the mayor of the ! it harmless aside, so the spires of her ! town, have been fired upon in the night, I asylums and hospitals draw down upon ; anj a negro policeman was killed a few the city of London the blessings of . heaven. Man is most godlike when he iau0rs to relieve the sufferings of his f,iiw.man aTlfi nrnmote his hanninens: "If e'er I've mourned my humble, low ly fate. If e'er I've bowed my knees at For tune's shrine: If e'er a wish escaped me to be great. The wish. Humanity, was thine."' The French market is an "institution " in New Orleans, and the stranger who fails to visit it misses a great curiosity . Last Sunday moruini;. accompanied by Mr. Armstrong and Tom Clarke, of North Carol ina. I went down there for breakfast. Everything was orderly and decorous, and yet lively. "We found the beefsteak. allies .'.u.l coffee excel lent, anil it seemed very strange to see well-dressed, and evidently respectable people, ladies as well as gentlemen, sit ting down in a stall at the market house part 'king a tweiity-ceut break fast. There is a habit growing at the Exposition grounds, which is commend able, and it is this, the jouug men. in stead of asking one anoih.r to I a he a drink invite to take a .-.tiidw i'-li or some thing of that k ind . One of the tno.-t pleasing things : l the Exposition is the ch im in i." oi I el is. There is in the towers of the Mam l.uil ling a chime of. I believe, iw-nty-fo-ir helK. and each day at th-' opei.Pur ami elo-e. and at interval- of tu. h'-urs during the day. they . mime .- ex.piisite piece of mu-ic We cii music be cause our perception oi it is through the sense of hearing, and it is un.loubt- edly "a linked swei.-t out. " but it is very other mesi I "vit 1i' clear, distinct, sonoi down upon u fn-m like not. s from a c- ae-s. long drawn itilTerent from all i nl . K ..el! 111 te is .-us. ard coming midair, it r-eems .:-tial choir. The clf.'Ct upon tin- I'r.'ivil able: every vol -e is hv.-U arrested, and -v '.1 11 u - the t'-:ir down in'." Hut 1 l'e;:r :i; iv.y ' will i-xro .1 tl'e l.nni- 1 ;' and I iiiclu . i or ; i ," ; ing ti-.it t'-.e Fxp-'-i:. n b t. t.'-.at .1 1- a rai..l ' wonder ti see ' v.-ry 1 . 1 mians 1 1 r . - - -1 1 : ea 1 - 1. any tiling a pro:,, h :i: 111. -nt wi.l l e v i -; t 1,-. an 1 tee that all wi;. 1 c. tne and n:-tru. !.!. v.. .1 th- " wh... iir- at lit. Y. ti!,. - 1 11 . - -1 ol.. -el". 1 . . ii-iv ;;i . U ' imp.- -rt.iii aarai hi AT eoael Win nl 1 1 ,1,1 illl-n wlr. s ciiin s ami e rclii: I .Itt : Ill 1 he i-.ll oi 1 hi : - r 1 1 1 . s en- rlil'.i.-. k.lleil A- sooli i who inns; 1 tunc-. 'Us i was f.uiH.l 1 111 11 sW.UIijl was a'o.ivc T lei; ill 111 1 he wauls lie 1 e nolle tl.e v . t in- r.u : le-ii. s,l til. it II 1.- u . I.1VI-' I i 1 a ,i -..! Ill an: 11, 1 ou' i lie ' lVi I I 1 s 1 1 ; III. -ill at e':. I, .1, tn.-k lclotl..- !. mos'iii'iin ol u.i- ping n r be olid the o,.:; espied a tile :!;. into the room, panion with a ki Fergus, it's no well come our. cravters looking tern!" a 1: il a I o 1 1 s i ; 1 g ills Colli- he said: l-'ergu-. c. Ye might as 1 c'.s one of the r n -i will :i 1 in. GENERAL NEWS. Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 17. Near Klizabethton. Tenn.. on Monday, Mrs. John Young locked her two children in the house and -.vent visiting. Upon re turning, she found that the house and children had been burned up. Charleston, S. C . Feb. 17. The mardi gras was celebrated by a grand masked ball to-night, at the academy of music. The attendance was large and the dresses of the ladies were rich and tasteful. Albany. N. Y., Feb. 17. In the as sembly Senator Thatcher's resolution calling on Congress to pass Mr- Ed munds' bill to place Gen. Grant on the retired list was announced, when, ou motion of Mr. Ely, it was at once con sidered. Mr. Ely (Democrat) favored the resolution, paid a brief but glowing tribute to Gen. Grant, and hoped it would receive the vote of every member of the h:)use. The resolution was adopted; ayes 71. noes 1 Washington, Feb. 17. The signal station at 1'ortsmouth, is. C. reports j that a three-masted schooner, A. I j Crocket. 412 tons, from Savannah, Ga. 1 to j.ew ions, laaen wrtn lumber, came I ashore six miles north of Ocracoke, N . c, last night, ihe crew of seven men I are all saved. The vessel is a total loss, Petersburg. Va., Feb. 17. Henry ! Lewis was found frozen to death to-day near Prince George Courthouse. It is supposed that while intoxicated he laid down in the snow on the side of the road, as a whisky bottle was found on his person. ' Amsterdam. X. Y, Feb. 15. At the election here on Tuesday the Republi cans carried nearly all of the offices. Since then investigation has shown that 2.369 votes were cas. . but the figures re ported by the Town Clerk shows 2,444 votes for Collector; 2,416 for Poormaster; 2.478 for Assessor, and for Commissioner 2.470. The defeated candidates are in dignant, and a new count will probably be ordered. Columbus, O., Feb. 15. Announce ments were made in all parts of the j coach, containing most of the passen gers, was overthrown. There were Kuj, vioses niautr an eiucjuisrit appeal 1UI UtCl . reviewing his past career, ana staiea uiat nis mina naa given aw,av under his troubles, instancing the paltriness of the crime m proof thereof, He was sentenced to six months in the house of correction. Lynchburg, Va.. Feb. IS. Trouble is days ago. Other persons, including the nnne boss, have been ordered to leave town under penalty of death. The citi zens held a mass meeting Saturday night and condemned the outrages and sub scribed money for the equipment of the police force. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. IS. The Vic toria iron mines and furnace, in Rock bridge county, have shut down on account overstock and 1.200 men are thrown out of employment. Chi:a.i;o. Feb. IS. A dispatch to the Chicago Juter-Uvcan. from Springfield. III., says: "The legislature met in joint session ot noon for the purpose of voting for a United States Senator. There were CO. members present and two ab sent, one Democrat and one Republican. The first ballot resulted: for John A. nrnti Wm. R. Morrison 94. E. M. I . -lA-t i'.-ll Ti I, l ; j iL Hayncs 3. Frank Lawler 1, J. H. Ward 1. John Smith 1. There was no elec tion. Only out- ballot was taken. M-HlNtiFiELD. 111.. Feb. 19. At noon to-dvy a ballot was taken for United States Senator in joint session, the vote being as follows: Logan 100. Mjrrison Jl. E. 31. Hains i.Dem.j 4. scattering 0. The house then proceeded lo take another ballot. Representative O'Shea. ' I Join . i of Cook county, said he wished to explain his vote. Coming from a -eetion that was largely interested in iron manufacturing, his constituents fell that Mr. Morrison's policy was de trimental to their interest and lie must vote lor J. K. lloxie. while personally lie felt very kindly toward Mr. Morri son. Representative Sittig. of Cook county, said he could not vote for Logan iiuiier existing circumstances, and in a lengthy speech explained his position, lie voted for Andrew Sherman. Ti.. second ballot resulted as the first. A third bal ot was taken but the result was t:tii.-h:mred. I'OiiKKiN NEW S. ! .;- -N. Feb. 19. It is announced thai in view of the fact that the fall of Khartoum and the death of Gordon have rendered the main object of Wolse le.v's expedition impossible, the govern ment has deemed it expedient to change t he whole plan ol the campaign in the s-oudan. 'on, irackenbury . who sue-c.-e led C late Gen. Earle. has ! -.-n or.k-r. ; to ubitn.ion his advance I,., rhei and Korti. I-jbat ' is 1 , r t' meentrate his Bailer. who lllih inst.. and A bu-Klea. lias I I". 1 eVi w i a! K. il ( il 1 tin s ti . to .. U.lU heire' 1 fall back on ispatch from Ad "W'e have- at : : -.-oii aud trained thi 'i. : tea vers of the Taibot. i!-at to el . at a aril a T . . U ! . Ill ki! arl- : r.-traia. i -h is ij-ii order- t' inii'-h -. 11 run-'. ml'. .iir. -uppai. :...!, the;, lie- at ll IS 111 l'.u ! -" n 1 11 me h i - at the ve bt en ,. iiii.ear-;-. Krra Kti.a 1 '.,! i I li-le is am iter-. 17. S iss .th. l- I.. ,.,ia I e .. l. -. iliatini 1 1 ;ti neil 0 1 a ral n i hi'-e with for the repres adopted by the stated that the 1 t- 'a ip a v! :nn: 1 m 111 lehel-al 'iisiires recently cfnineil. It is polii.e of (leneva have discovered a secret dynamite factory in that city, and that all workmen employed in the factory were Swiss. - CLIPPINGS. One-tenth of all the French spoliation claims are held in Newburyport, the smallest city of Massachusetts. Prof. Stafford of the Tulane TJniver- sitv. New Orleans, comes out with denunciation of Cable's Creole dialect as wholly fictitious. Capper, the last Englishman to come over here to write up our sins and short comings, say 8 that he would rather live in the valley of the Congo than in our Northern btates. A London millionaire. Mr. Damiani. offers to bet 2,000 sterling that ghosts are not simple shades: that they mam fest themselves in the flesh, shake hands and have their photographs taken. A German paper states that eggs may be kept perfectly fresh for a year by rubbing them with vaseline which has been melted with three-tenths per cent df salicylic acid. The application should be made twice at an interval of a month, When the Kansas Legislature assem bled enthusiastic granger members had a huge banner up behind the Speaker's desk, with a legend thus: Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Corn, 190.870,431 bushels; wheat, 48,050,431 bushels; cattle, 1,858,925 head;. fruit, 331,715 acres; hay, 7,100,309 tons." "Delta metal," discovered by Alex ander Dick, of London, a combination of zinc and iron, is said to be as much superior to brass as steel is to iron. It is very tough, showing a tensile strength of sixty-two tons to the square inch when drawn into wire of twenty-two gauge. It does not tarnish as easily as brass and takes a high polish. The question whether it is lawful for American children to eat peanuts and laugh at school is now under discussion by the Schuylkill county courts. Six children of a Pottsville school were ex pelled because they, ate peanuts and laughed, and their parents have com bined to resist the expulsion by legal process. The French journals state that a duel was recently arranged between a Frenchman and an American,! the con ditions being that but one shot should be exchanged and that the precedence should go by lot. The Frenchman got the first chance, but failed to hit his ad versary. ,Aa...the Yankee lifted his weapon the . other called out: ."Hold, I will buyybUf shot. " After consider able higgling ttie Frenchman agreed to pay 355, 001., aM the duel was at an end. A colon YJjJfjftJbout 100 Japanese people of variousvTrades have established a complete Japanese village in London. The objeqtis, toJamiliarize English peo ple with tneir custotns, arts and indus tries. V isitors are shown through the little streets, whose shops are filled with workingmen engaged in embroidering fan making, china painting, metal working, screen painting, umbrella making, etc. The villagers possess a theatre and a Buddhist temple. With its priests and idols. An unusual occurrence is reported by Jackson Miller, who lives near Burling ton, Vt. ''A pcVtlfbn of his farm, to the extent of amaqre, has sunk over thirty feet. The surface is depressed, but re tains nearly its normal appearance. The earth upon all sides of the depression is almost perpendicular, and the tops of trees that went down can be reached by persons standing upon the brink. The theory is that springs undermined the ground, and the effect of the frost caused it to sink. A Boston congregation was myste riously seized, in the midst of a service of song, with a paroxysm of uncontrol lable sneezing. First the children, then the choir, and at length nearly the whole assembly, the preacher included, broke into an involuntary convulsion. When the premises were searched by the astounded 6exton, amid the cachi nations of the boys, the cause of the ridiculous catastrophe was found to be a cargo of pepper, which, during the previous week, had been stored in the cellar. The enterprising trustees had rented the place to a wholesale grocer. The hone industry of the country is an important one. The four feet of an or dinary ox will make a pint of neatefoot oil. Not a bone of any animal is thrown away. Many cattle shin-bones are shipped to Europe for the making of knife handles, where they bring $40 per ton. The thigh bones are the most val uable, being worth ?60 per ton for cut ting into toothbrush handles. The fore leg bones are worth 5?30 per ton, and are 1 made into collar but ns, parasol han- dies and jewelry, though sheep 8 legs are the staDle for parasol handles. The water in which the bones are boiled is reduced to glue; the dust which comes from sawing the bones is fed to cattle and poultry; and all bones that cannot be used as ncted, or for bone-black, used in refining the sugar we eat, are made into fertilizers, and made to help enrich the soil. As regards waste, it is i the story of the pig: Nothing is lost ex cept the squeal. Further Cabinet liossip. New York World. Washington, Feb. 17. David David visited the Senate this after noon, lie was asked by your cor respondent, what he thought of Senators Lamar and Garland for Cabinet material. lie said he thought that Garland would make a beau-ideal Attorney-General. He was a great lawyer, devoted to his profession. He "served with both Garland aud Lamar a number of years upon the Judiciary Commit tee, lie regarded Mr. Lamar as a very great and w ise man, who would be a very valuable counsellor in any 1 )einocratic Cabinet. There was quite a lull in the Cab inet gossip to-day. It will probably revive again when Mr. liayard re turns to-morrow. It is not believed here that both Thiirinan and Mc Donald will be in the Cabinet with Vil as, as that would give the West thiee representatives to one in the East. It was originally intended to give the South, East and West a place each, with the P.order State having one representative. Those who talked with Mr. Cleveland ouly hist week wonder why the name of McClellan docs not appear iu any of the C. linnet slates sent out from Al'einv. Oik- we.-k ago he was for .Mi. c --it l e and i.-il. he Secietaryshii) Ol U'vel.ind spoke of this tact to several of his ic docs not change his Mr. Lamar disappared War. as a ii c.i ilel . 111 llil c from ! Ii noon. v-naie early this after uas stated that he had u gone away either lor a consultation with liayard or for another visit to .Mr. Cleveland. The talk in Mr. Tniirmaii's lavoi today has been very strong. The only men who protest ag, i:nst his return to W ash iiigtou are the lobbyists. Keprcsentative Hewitt said to il a l hat New York wanted a con scivalivc and progressive Cabinet, but lurl her than that he would not talk, lie did not think it would be. in good taste for him to criticise any selections made by Mr. Cleve land, and especially since he had only recently conversed with the President-elect. Envelopes and business cards printed in good style and cheap lit tho Journal Office. - . . t ?-,' . -1 Professional Car&tV'; ?:? . 1 I I . ',1 . , , : T CHAS. H. ; . , . ATTOHNE Y. X - i A tf, Protldi Irt th dotintwof DnpUn, Lenotr , Craven, Jones and Onslow. ' Collection or Claims a afieojaltjr. ' CorrespondsDoe oUotted. ttarOwCm1 ." p. h. pfiLiarrmt; v.w vj.-v ATTORKB T'AT,LAV .; NEW BEtasz, v,-a.,,i - office on South Front street,' third door " from the corner jtf Craven stnwt. - . j: -" . Will practlos In Ihe Ooitrt ot Cartorst, A Jones, Onmow and Cmvea. - - , (special attention given to the bolltntum of - . claims, and Bottling estate of deoeasnt peta , sons. JanldwU .. 7. OWEN II. QtlJipiV, iTTnnvvv a n -xtr Om rnraiawl fmnn.ilnl t 111 A. . ' I I manly, opposite Oaston JuMu. ' . , . . v. 1 : ,v WiU practlos In tneOonnttaa ot Ottsw ' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and TLaaotr A rrompi attention paid toooiitietloaa. j j . . T. pnv-dawir. e-, : C. R. TIIOMAS,, : ATTOEBBY T L A W.'.'-J r Office on Cnrrsn ttnttA Htanlr HulMlnv ' near eornarof Pollock. strswt. ,. nov4dwl C. R. THOMAB, JrM : Attorney t v Xads.-w.-' , beaufobt, tr. a v. v Office on corner of Turner and front straeta. . WU1 practice lu Cartarat and adlalnlna . conntles. , . . Prompt attention to collection of claim. '. nov dwly . , . , , .' WILLIAM , J. OLAEKB, r-- t A,: COUNSELLOR A? LAW, - Attends all the ooorta held at New JBarnaV Nortb Carolina. ' . ' f - ParticulWr attention nald to. nllUna' ' claims, and converanclnK. . ' - -' Sept. 18th. 1884. "' dW L. J. Mooac Wk, B. CtJuxm, ' I ' MOORE & CL&ltelW' ATTORNEYS AT 1AJ7,, New IJerno, K.'C ' v;? ' Will practise In tbeCoorts of barteret. Cm- .- '' von. Greene. Hvde. Jouca. Lanolr. (jnnlow : ' and Pamlico eoantlea. - , i Also in the Bupreras Court at RaIkIkH w4 the United Btates Court at 'aw Perns and Balelgh. ' . . - w oouecung a apeoiaiiy, apsawti . ' OBOKOB V, BTltONa, F.lelnU. J. u Kltast stoa..J STRONG & PERRyV' V , iniTinD vt?s lai unit nmi a a"." r iy " aiiuanciB Aiib iuuaoitiivaa At . ka a, Havrng formed a ooartrisrahlp tor tl. practice of the law In Jones county, win rna larly attend theonrta of the aana. . frumps attention paid to collections.' - mayia-dAwtf 8XBOM0 PERBTt ' . r. k. aucaofli. -d.au BUT HAW SIMEONS F.l AU L Y , ATTOKNBT9 'ATf LAW. . ; t Will practice in the Courts of Cravn.-Tnss, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, ljpnoir'anrt l'yii, and in the Federal Court at Hrm Beroe. feb6dwl) y , , , . DR. J. D.VCLAIiK, Offlee on Cravatt traeK 'between FollocX and Broad. .... . ,, Jvv'awW-dAwJr Arent andBottler . ; -' 't SY? -. 'Vi-.-f. BEEGNER L ElfaEv ' ,. ifif LAGER New Berne, N .,,.;-,,, ,v This beer took premiums at tb Oea : tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and ; ' the Paris Exposition.' Keep be tteV than ':'hyU any other in warm climalesyMiAa tht s' i - - ,. ; ' favorite brand wherver kno-sHv. ,J , , For sale in kegfl or orates. - ; ' dw' ',' V: NEW'-BERNE AJID PilLiCO ,. -fV - Steam Transportation Co'y.-:,; -': Nkw iikhnb, N C Oct. il. 1W. FAI.Ij MCHKlifLK OK THE BTKatlKB ' ''t OI'XY -V;." - to uu Inbi eflect on and after. fJovmberB, 1W4 : .?, Wednesdays L.eave New Berne at 2, m., frirHayVwwt -reek, yaadaaivra ' StOT. nplng at Adams a,i,i KRniiMivlOl. ridays ;. v u L . .,, Ieave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for , 7 Bmi, t , stopping at Vaudemere and Ada : aCreeX, Saturdays -v . . . w. Leave New Berne at 8 p. in for Lak0.. ' ljindlriK, siopplnifat Adaius Oreek,.',, v Tuesdays- v f . ix-Hve ijikc JjaudliiK at 10a. m. lor Ksw ; . .' ., Berne, ulnpplDg at Adams CreeJt)'., , I . ' -r ' t ' 4l - . ' ' By this arrangement we ars able to ma .' ., close xnuecti.n with the rJOT4hrn steam-" ', . , ers, also having good acoommadatkras bota -for passengers and freight at very low rates, ;. ask that the merchants and producers along -., Its line to give It their eheerfut -anppcirt. v. -" Freight received under cover every tugr vf v, .. . the week r . ' - , For farther iDfonnatlon enqulra at 1IofrT) . -t Oce, Foot of Craven street. ' E. R. Fl SKOK, Agt NewerBa, rt.o., f . Or anv of its Agents at the following plaoasj 4 ABK ljiCK, Adams Creek. , I ,. . f I) M. WATHi N, Mke Landing, ' - -L' 11. H. ABBOTT, Vandeiaere, , C. H. KOWI.FH, Htonewall, ' ' , . .. 8 H. FOWI.KIt, Jiayboro, .--,. H. H. URA7. - lauiildA w ly lienerai Mancf.. vw THE ' ' . ; NEUSE & TRENT RIVEt:,' Steamboat Company'- 'u-" 1 will run (he follnwiiiR Bchednle on anii atat ' Frldn , Awran 21. 1HM : ; - " ' -'' "'- V v" : Steamer Trent l iV Will leave New llerne for 1'olloksvllla, Trail-. -X . i.m anil Inii-rinediaie landings every 'Wed- . . m-Hdiiy iiii'l trUliiy, iriuniliii; on ThnrsxlaF ' aiul Saturday . .!.,;-' ateampr Kinston 'V , Nrw'x-rn for K I nslon every TPKbT 1 '-V A 111 ll HVI PAY and M..1I I--. 1 I ICRS i . all ml. 1 a in . 1KIHAY r.uiriiln leaves .1 , uhoi, 1.01 MIlMMT oa.i , A - ; 11,11, I.UiB at jolly Old KlM an4 v " , ,, hi. ,."!' i i oih Klng aad oa4a Tliene nieiun the IK . S s I. in... For fin rmak. elosnBa.tlowltb- T ,, mi, North erollua Kralsbs. .. 1,1 1 - Information arplytQ . - ; w. K s t VKON, J., at Nswoarm." , w. F. htault, Kinston. ,, , ' . , B. HAtturS, rollokSTllle. ...... 1 T. WILSON, Agvnat Trenton, , , , J. P. Qtrtna-Rfcr, JolryOldT-ield. ... J. B, BAhKB, Qunker llrltlne. ' '. , J. J. 'WJi'TE.t.'ien'l Ma'naif'r. b7d4W ,,-, 1 ; . Slnm-ou. . C - A'- 4

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