? i'h' 'if INDKI'KNDKNT 1T A T.I. TtHXO. Tonnes &S.OO Por "Voax. VOL. VIII K HKRNK, CKAYKN COUNTY, X. ('., I )A KM VAAl in. 18$:. NO. :J7 r, r !' ti r ,3 J X LOST! LOST I LOST! A Golden Opportunity, r you dr not buy our CHEAP OOODS ! Sadi :.. - . ' Wrast by pr.x-urinj; ! : n " goods, such j w k-er - . ... DOWN PRICKS, w.. Our auppl iea th; - " famish toi with 5r-" ' Dress Goods. Cloaks. v, . . Blankets. Flannels. Donu :itii . -i rlv.MflHft Clothing- for all :ir.'-s quality unsui ; issal 1 FURNTTUKK ! I-TRNTIVKK! In nj quanta. : pru-oHthi; arc DOWN Sl'KF. KN 1 1 v lUhd KMttmtl BiiU-.i wc oiler r . .w . .''" 11.15 FoUimg Baekew, t.-. .-U - Ui line to compare fTorHv w.-.h th- - Wt ' oeko.l up vita no- - ;' . . . 'I - . 1 . - I" SeT PAf Hair Cloth and 1M u-a S j t CARPETS ! CARPETS ! till s.vir-s :uil qu.umos Wa mOI kWl U Well U -.11 Zird-r Br s . ' ; Bay -t.i Shoo and Leather Co- Shoe-. br.obrui Pe.irl shirts. ia tut cioagh goods of ach $r-'t .-v-t ri .? . ; .. v ' ' UaU&hi oat place and t low prio : " r; .i- '' Tall Not to Call Goods uvr-iys Shon with Pleasure. Come eirly, coon- d'. , Corac wh'-u v -u v. . We are rra.ly t . d ,J- To hear. t'1 d- y Yoar whim" in i y i'ir : . Or oni- 'Uh-T 1- - r--. T c k .'r '.. 1 ' ' ' " 1 ;.tiu '. : oi: r i i(i1;k ri;o. Sign of The Celebrated Pearl Shirt. XIXSTOX. October. 1885. This is the Age of Specialties. OUR SPKCIAI.TIKS AIM. Clothing, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, SHOES AND HATS. WMlkoAlUlbr JiL MK' 1 rB (MelOfHATt, rtifl-.n.! C. - r Prtraa MM) ft mil ap i.in.nl: i- - On Block n riOKWIUlI i.v.r- Mft JW. klf mtmrm jmm mr k fM tftnll Inr Uk ObkratH PEA HI. III1KT f ! lr--T hiTi. tn-ii. - i o. r 1 Shirt la ti:r u n ' ' aamsH 11. hots, i - Ctfc. ruiilwl ul Umd. '"u. lot skin . .' .. mat lmmni cwU ' r- Jmwh tul Bi -' - WoatdmlI Kttovttco t .wr -: -ri : Ti.uk. s .li. CaMkMi ftlwik4MV cs qo ot . RafMmtxr, w nk i p-s"ial;T of all '.he .it ocSQ dwU R, 0. E. LP DUE. LITEKPOOL iALT HAY! HAY! HAY! Lime! Lime! Lime! Rosendale and Portland Cement. PLASTER, GOAT Craven Street, below hpres Othce. Enured Por Tlie Race. I have entered the Race for Sv.prorr.a-y amor.g Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. In BOYS. YOUTHS and MEN S CLOTHING i EriCT to v i r : as i i ' a n t ; i v r 'i ' " An All Wool Men s Suit for $7.50. HOY'S A SD YOUTH'S IN PKOP i; ri- ' : -s tT. - Best Goods, Latest Styles and Neatest Fits. At tEKTY-PIVB I'F l: y . ';'"'' ' ; no af alter what ny one t. ' : fy ( 'onio, e I .-.;. i ne a . . " - - - A ' M . 11. M l.l'W. o.-T J i: GEO. ALLEN & CO., di:aui:h i General ITarcl vsirc Bailders' Material, Machinists' Supplies, .V a dune rv ( tt-.;. Gin, Engines. Cotton Press-s. Hay Presses- Cid-r Mi'.'.s Grain Fan, Rubber and L-ather Be'.'ir.g Laeo Le ath-T Machine Oil. White L-'ad. Mixed Pair.:. I. ins -d Oil. ' las?. Putty. Lime. Brick. Cemctu. Piaster. BUILDKRS' MAT! -RIAL--Mechanics' Tools. Builder's Harriw..r-. Car-av Material. Saddlerv. S:ei:r. and Gas Piae. Iron an 1. s 8taam Fitungs. AGRICULTURAL I .MP I EMENT.- . us. Cultivators. Harrows. Etc.. Cott m Bactrim: and T: s p Twine, Etc.. at LOWEST MARKET P1 I s Agents for Fire and Life Insurance. GEO. ALLEN & CO ' 1 ' V c I v 1 DO -IIOK . : 1 HOWARD & JONES. at- II A I H. KT(. KT( j I IX. k m r UK II N . n v 11 K II 1. V l. ' N i i ' r.--l I.-1 i.m . k i :: .s ii v r . i ; r.- 1 ""I i ; .1 . ;i 1 oil ' 'i TU 1'. i.-c," .i i.x'.ition ut'snf i I; :..r M,r oM 'Corn i. l i t . at u !i;cii w.i al a s .n';. 1 '.ii, .in .imp;,- itore nf r.- . I 1. 1 1 .mi i lie i ii .in v (ill b 1 '..'ilea; h it is an ex , , . " eoheet ion w .is kept, lhis . . ' na- been eoiivert. il into a (anions , . . a;u e.iar. n 'I 1 1 u r in a ii v irrand . . , ..I i i.-n- ;!,.oi with LTeuerous im' w. , , , , ol a i.'.ent int i lT' . so I u ni. -rxtond, , . . . . to; I iiad no' lime to vi-it and sam- , ,, pie. ;iioa'n 1 reeall an .musing at snci orK by caudle light. It is -a'd tti.it a d.rauh' ol tin- mystic nectar make one m - through -m h rose colored spectacle-, lliat een tue "lilack Duflnci" ,i grey 'i..' II. Ill Hid Ik' .-Utlu-ed with the rn:ne-t Alji.n glow, ("il.ui 1 did -ee t lie Al p- t h mi : j ':, ; 1 1. -: .ec -t acle.s ! h m: k.n i . i: i. i n A ;i ' her pi ice t . -e i n- ! ol k - ; -. .- n ' d b. ar's r ! ' c i i or Hear den. l.eni 'I i- pros nle I new- and elegant i(urfrr- tor la-r revered tutelary -r h are ke;' a' public ex- p. II-.- I hive told liow in t he : a . i : ; h cen t u rs l'.er: lmld us V . k illed near hi ie, and mailt it the he i 1 1 . 1 ; i - emblem of 'jilaren" or Hern The den is a Irfrjte circular -torn- e- do-iire. about fifteen feet lie. p. -nrmoiinted by an iron railing " . 1 . i l . s 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 l o I o 1 1 sepal .lit o ' III , u ' n.eiit.-. which are all excised to e - in, but h.tse openings to the .'. red del:-. In 'he mMst rises iei"s iri'f withn'l' leaves, but well i.u.ched lor .limbing. ne giant bru ii was playing in the water ot ie in intain. and licking his ssveet -. a s . m n g cii b gal! an t I s ell m tied ee t Well ' V Ire' for US. 1 Mil . . i , pi e. i' e tl;e honor of h a v romp. c s o! Americans look g i hi- 'im'v.'!-' Another I'd . a i- in 'lie clo-e.l iron ... :g with ins lusts .. ta de-ire";., get outside t'o ,c i. id p.- k up strav nuts, etc, in iraseiers. Only one at a time . loAi diu i division. An Hug- ,, ., ...r l. 'I ir.i lh.i .lei. one ars io ,ii. d af'er a desperatt i m ile tvear w.vs torn He ii - hug too affection .N ,;ied outside. mis" some iH-ars tai'stru- sveie made m Arra-. i .,:it them home. 1 "1 ni If r-: a.l ( hailes the Ik. Id's ; u- .. . .ave.l well, and mv mother, a Princess ol I'oMiigal. and :. , i, c.iiplas w:;h them with- tier ladies took large pair ill I heir ii dinger Hi inn improves by production. They tormed acom- i - .!.' mi. irom Hern to New plete set ot hangings !,,r his gor i : a-do newcomers general g'coiis tent ol state, which aceom- n - seem- to In- a good spot pinned him on his campaigns. 1 he N n i, C uolni.i ,,r all who wish relies are varied, from both sacred eh. i -ming Ii ' .lust try it. secular history, showing the -rlt,Mli, typeol lileat the court ol Hurguit In IT'.t.s. when Naii!cou stole dy. an.l .nlorcing l.'-.-.m - ol nicies .,',,-t. millions irom the treasures to the defenceless. indignation ;u tna: .piauit old '-Rath hails" or against al! wrong, and lull and lowu hall ami used it for his epe- prompt ad in i -t r at i o n ,. ,u-t:rr al d.tiou to l-.gypt. he also plnndered t he bear den and carried Hern's i.K.Nl.KW. II sr l.'K-. pe-s to the .lar.lin de Plan tes." 1 he many I'lioiic i'U.l.'n'- 1 can Paris, one ol tnese wa.s a lineal n ot d 1 t be. 1 he I nisei-its who U-sccniUiit. named Martin. Irom a .p, bear- pres.,,,...! . ne,.i,, : he 1 ."it 11 cell' lit V. bs t lie 1 Mike ol Lorraine. Wa- not this robbers a- i. ad a- -tealing a wont a u ' s s weet heart! l'He rreiidi made tun of the em i s den . and one of them, -ee.nj a griel -u: tt.-u ll.TIt wo in it, 'g... it.tr -oriowlully into the s ac.'-i- -Lot. d ir.-ii to sa . Do not jrieve , isa-r t In d y our pet? , lor i. ...... i.l.. i i . ni i... ,r. ..'ill l.ti oi s,.;;: i.e! .s.-d liein !" 1- :- danger- -U- to m. k'.e a w..;n ui in her in.lig : .-ton k i'i 1 is a o.-ar bereaved ot her w hdp- ' No! and so the I, ...nw ..,!t,,l. a wi'ii llishmg eye ,; ,1 , ;: ;-Uir i Sw :--dame -Imt ..y.iV, Mr. b i' i g...-d 111 ui's wild . : .:..-r kind-." tenter i , - ' ' : - 1 :.,'::' : : : i !!:. (, . ,. .-. , j u.-itti-ring. . , , ; ,'.. . ,, , ' '::nm. .!i:l;.V: k'-:m;. n. : ' ''';::M " ' " '':U' ' . . . - ' ' : rem i :. w.':. :h. i .- s ,- . n ..-' ,'.-. ami .- . ; -; do'' tlo'll IC -. :-.ed to i !.' s . t y e . . . Mm i, : .o 1 1 1 1-. w m'a! P. ol. :. .11 till' d.CU-- . . . . H : . :. : w- .- 1 !,, !. , ! .It 1'. . 1 1 1 V i . . I ' 1 1 : A : ' - . . I , - . whi' slmuM I .-.ii I , ' ! i 'i' in I Vrn." : i In - crow in,; 1 1 1 . v i : : 1 1 i " w 1'.. r: .i Mfh-..tt :..ti ;!. 1. 1. .i:.! 1 1 ':: ' ' 1 '. ... . . I ; u i' n r : Ii i r , " I'.. r i , t ': i . (" : lil I Inn. i rrl.ri!!.i:' thru 1 ,-. , '., ,7- i.m , ' , . - " ! -I ' ' ' M ' ' ".. ' ' ''. ;..('. I'.ili'. tin- i lis I r.ir ii ii . I ' t!'. w s ., ' ii'- .u I' ' '! i il i " ' 1 ' 1 '. r.i- ni n ,i n . I I rln' ( lv'i 1 1 ,i in ; m 1 1 : 1 1 - - 1 1 in i : ii ; 1 1 ' ' : i i l.i rk ru-sf". ": ' In .I.tiiil. ir . I -1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill.. - - ci'N' lir.iti-il il i- hi i .iMi in ''I l'.irn" Iw twi.'ii ( '.it hul ir- .ml 1 ,' .-Ii : in i'i -. U.-tniL.' Iroin thr 7:h tn the L'vh il.IV. Tlll'll U i'i r t lie en cilu-'ll -lull-"' .1 model ol Iti-vKy pit-'-ir..-. ;t ,,.ir,.,l t,y 1 l.ilU-r .iii.l Koll.. .olopt,,! . i : ii.. ti tin' rri'.it ii-si-in 111 y, ,iinl tin trninih of tin1 KeforiiKit ion ,i--ci'iircil . No more ni.is.-; no nn.ir.-; iiiul sunn' s.iiil, iioor.iii, ln'ciii-i- flint instrument had hft'ii ctimifi'tt'il J1 'ii""-'i with so m.iny superstitions rites ii r :-. ropery . ()n 'JTtli .J.i mi ii ry witlioiii d i -order or bloodshed. ,i determined iTowd m.irehed into !h.i' ejr.md ti.it hedr.il. ;ind distroyed tueiit live corrupting .ilt.irs .md numiier- of im;le.s. Auildtho-e III I II - St ood i m passion ed w in ,'le, t Ii e next day, and in strains of nolle.-t i la.-.-ic and spiritual eloipietire elioteil I he e m an ei pa ted Ss i -s. h n i'k : n c "ii the broken and pouei'es- images and idols, and looking hp to (iod - ,il mihrv -treiitli. imi to abandon .le.-u- Cliri.-t, bul In -land l.i.-t in the liberty wherewith ('nri-t had made them flee, and in thelitrht and regeneration, wheiewith dod , , , , ... .... , had Slijnall V ble--ed tlnin. llioll'h , . .. there have been (1 net u .it ; . .n - -line. . , . , . . , , . et libertN ol sr.i'o and iie:f. "t " . ., . rehtriou were permaneri I o:i.aiid .. , ,' . . . t lie hanni r ni 1 , ,( r - i n lt - l u t he , , . likint tida . e in I ile mi ' :c o! ;e' . . p 1 i i ' ........... i. .. . I reedom ol Hern, the i e and .-t re n 1 1) ol t he S i - s eon ledi'i a l :on . How good it is to -an.! in :!u noble cathedral above the s'.vi!; Aar. and in the .-oh oniet ot dusky ese look 'I'."1 the ladl.m' pistures memory -am; ' places . n her lellg' helling e, , ' ' .v.: -.-; ;;c-i::e.-ol memorable epochs, i-elroratcd within t he-e s ail-, and within -on ml of t l:e-e in a m -ii . c ii bdl.-: ep.K-hs. w iio-e b!e--::ig- weie bm uc acro.s- the unr.-i Mc, i,,'e m to sii id pere n n i n 1 ft i: : r : n t he "id Not ; h State!! M " - i . ' V . lleie 1- the line-t e. .':!,-. ' : ci ol zoological -pernio us. and of cs -t al and minerals i:t S w 1 1 r I a :, d . Mars are e i j n -1 e 1 be r ; t : ; i All : i f 1 s e an : in .1 1- .. I : i'i .re -e ; " d . 1 in uc n Ii e. ire: ' ; i i . ; . ! m , 1,.; e-chamoi-. : ,-r i'd ;. the Alp-, none o I : he : : t i .-rr seal ! at all. or a 1 1 e in j ted to in os e a v. ay . I en joy ed i . ni . i g n : Ii . n t . I'xTliaid d 'g "irirr . " ;- pre-eis.-d here 11 gi atelu! ;;:, . ; Iiru he is -all ' o base i "e.-c lied from t he st or in - and -1 ; o . I '.e an tifnl. noble brnti ' " h it le-son-do-t thiol teach men. .i:ni' w. ik foi their dying lei I o - ! 1 1 1 .- r i 1 k i i r it -1 i; 1 1: -. Among the n o-t I : : g h ly j.i j.-.-.i en r lo.-i tes in tie- lnu-etini ol .m i opin ,e.-, a. e i iic-e -poi. lapnieo ;1' K'1"''11 : I'-eine-e in H7b. l-r"''; Hurgundiau al my "nder ( 'Italics the Hold wa.- utterly routed, m the three battles ol (ir.UldsoIl. Mor.lt or Mill till. ,llld . . .i . .i i N'anes . The luke lo-t hi- trra.- ure, Ins glory, and his Hi am 1 o.tHKl sold lers nc.li 1 s hall a - ma n s its w'l'"le Sw us force. 11ie-e seseral hundred -indent- and a V.';',:1; MivV::.!i; ' "t einiiH . ,aio. i i i t hi . a i 'ouncii nan, is a scry exu-n-ise .""l handsome building in the l'l.u - entine style oi arehitediiie. I.i .Inlv the two great nitional rmnr 'M. ' leotisc bodies, roii-r triuj t h e S w i--l , e it e r a 1 A s- 1 1. 1 I . . i - i ! y uu'ct he!.-. i:i' a o.i.el ;!-:. must I t 1 1 1 I . 1 1 , 1 1 . ( i r I 1 1 , Italian, an. I t:.e s - . o... . to-iiiian. aie.oi ' erat i-m-. - tn r ..ti ''. t ra n -1 a-. - -pee. l.c-- n . ... :. :, lutnui-. .c. -o:i.ii:-:i .- s.oii. In tin- new p .i ; ..; sp'.ell.P.l . .!.!.. e-. Ii ilid-ou.e h aboiii, I. Hair ;. ,: .: t he -t i ,-et s. u , ., , ':..-; o '..-...- : van; richly i ' i ' i si : bean; mil ;!,rA r: .,1! ; ; i ,. .-, . coll! n -I ' .1! olitld ' '. e ;: i . " '" ' ;'' ,": " ' "'' ';,' . 1 1 !c,'i h:i.-; '' -e U 1 II '. 1 I . I '." . P 1 d.d ; i. , e II ,11 u : . . i ' ' . in VI. I :.e - . : i H I l e-pert llllly II. on f he 1 1 1 1 1 i.' our Women's Literary, and Missionary Societies. The s'.ectacle svas a )rijailt ta' irir: 'nr n 'i-1 Ihl'i'i 'on. , t s 'lit i n ! 1 ;'; "I . 'in,; tin strt ts. Short -kirts and strong, active I : m Ii- 'tvi. -rope for hi sty svoi k; and they were stirring the dm., for it hoi been laming bii-kly. Many siidi -oein - of labor did I see in S 'i ; ' .a i la nd . Now ladles, have we impiosed in North Carolina on the ! i i - o i our S is.- progen i tors, or li.ise we ret rograded? Have our women come up or down' Are they honorably dealt with, svhcli denied the piivilege of such athletic and public sports, as improving and beautify mg our city avenues, and billow ing, if not drawing the plow in ennobling agricultural lalmr in a duly siin! What shall be done about it in this day of Woman's lights' clam th Suisse ' Will they indignantly street broom pursuit. l,a la i i'i.. Vi iN nt'KKX. I must not leave Hern without a si oi d about this representative for mer Hurgoniei-tcr of the city. I condense the statement. His beau tiful residence I mild beautiful grounds in the suburbs, with an un surpassed view of the mountain giants ni the Oberland. 1 Hiring the boin b.u .1 incut of Strasburg in IsTu, man. benevolent Swiss pleaded witli the. Grand IHike of I'.adi ii and General Yon Welder, that the children, the sick, and the aged, might come out from the hor rors in i he beleaguered city. Per-mi--ion svas granted. Col. Yon Hureii, ol Hern, and Mr. Hischof, of I '.a.-le, ss .-re appointed to bring these helpless ones out. Mr. P.ISi to Gen. Y. Werder. "Ol lot said course, General, you will stop the bombard ment while sve go m?" That idlieer, holing that he had pel haps already pased the line of strict military judgment, leplied. "I am quite sure gentlemen, that in undertaking so bcantiltil a mis.-ioii as yours, you svill have no tear." Into that city of shot and shell these Christian ilel'oe- ell'i-reil. por t IS O ol tlll'ee days h. y n-mained. organizing plccioll- caravan ol the sick. ml the little children, tune the bombard men t 1 Mu ing that Colli llllled ss : trust in G...1 inn-joii of h the defence, -of warm hear t h intensity. Hut with t hey can ied out t heir "Is chanty, and bore -s ones to kind honit s ed burghers in Swit- i land's cit n-s. Heroic deeds like :in- are sserihy ot immortality. Hern has a reputation lor such acts oi magnanimity, and holds more than one Col . Yon Hureii . The i , an ,i ncrou 'I i ss inch t his survived an ic is a lit icean voy- has a lived through nearly two lines. '1'hes have taken root. and r.- bearing rich lruit to-day. in ia! New Hern 'mi l her wliisp elins. be-ide the meandering and t he broad bosomed and lllli Nelise. 1,. ( '. Y ASS. v Hern. N. ( '. ti Tret, I In- Obi Men of Junes ( ejmty. IS .'t 1: 1TKMIKK. I pr Hid d hist w eek to tell Swine of lie- g, m id trails i .f the parent and patrons . i tn:-g...i old-lime school. The first g -..1 gentleman I w ill p-ak of wan Mr. la- Meritt. -r.. w h.. reside.l where Mr .1. li. Hanks now resides. He was a kind, good-natured gentleman who was h.v. a ny us all f..r Ins many kind attentions- towards us: besides, our pa rents h.-id him in high, esteem and taught us that it was our duty to re--pe- t and love him. We all considered that Mr. Meritt sins too good a man to . 'uinut an error or do a wrong of any kind iseveral of the school boy boarded at Mr Merrill s and would often speak f his k i n ,1 nes- and fatherly care to ward in em. Tin' old gent'eman at that time w as not a member of any church, but would always attend: be certain to at tend svheiie . er there wax any preaching at the Heaver dam church. We could alw ays tell be w as coming by the cough ing of his horse long before we saw him The old gentleman had several go..d biases, but was afraid to drive them : alw as s t,s,k a seaL near the pul pit, and if it was cold ss-eiuher. would puil out his handkerchief and tie up nis head, a- vou recollect, it was very Laid. Would raise the tune every time: in. mallei hosv d i lli cult it was to do. he wi.uid n aiie ibr nigh in some manner. Mr. Meritt a- a - . - r y kind and hospitable strangers , an I traveler-: the string of h si as alw ays hanging on .f hi- .1 s ,r . all travelers bad . pull it. walk in and share .i- d. or hit , -iit-ide . do Was t. o- l.o.pita ly si ithout money or price. I n card a young man several years ago rdaimga g . . 1 ..tie on himself: said in. .t tl id gentleman took a candle is le u n. wa- tune in retire to sleep and . s ort.-l him to his room. Alter arriv ing their th,. old man went p'eping all - . r thr io ni to if even t h : n g si-as :i - ; ii r n liiioii as to make his gu. -t .nf rn.h.e Vhi! tlie old man was : i:.g tin- ... renm.n-el getting in I II s'- ' I' lie- Cd. an that le- n w h ic h lie ba.'k app-c.r ev. II i 1 m m . 1 c. in - ; . ., t ': , I bas il, ing! t 1 n. v i in this ant good ..Id hi i 1 d svithdr. P - sv and wh-n he all take his li is. m ether I ..-d wlu re !. c g-t ni mpi.-d . s h- :. si k- .ne. The . id .ii- with it - r. i ill i ri n g 1 n it .s a I d SI 1 1 V sir - -in Mrs li :. 1 1 I. in : -- 1 1 1 'in ii. v nr n I . Huiiiii;; it t.T dlseu-.-i wiii'er evenings, in ;.'.!- r .;: i . a- i i c i - 1 i . ss . s t-n i-i i-.'.yr :. -: L- i i . :. ii'-i - a! s .... - ; : l f -'A- S e ,r- I -I" rr Ir : i.-r Pr W:.l H .pti-: ;' . : t s la i,-r ,1-r-na.il. : . - i. t - , i - in- : I. ;:, g : -s . . - - : . : . ; - r.-1 . r I , i a ".- si i.o K;,rsi th- ;:,. I si a fr;.. 1 to -,;. ai; i : r.-n i- 1 1 erg -ai l th - . . i C : - vim --I u t nanr j : . . n . . t .-- 1 k i : 1 si . a r , . . I : I !-.:. 1 1 ! -an lllll. 0 -a''"- r.ng fr m tl- r : - - " ' - I i n t ! -. . ' . . r i : - . : . s I ,i 1 . t III .lili-i I -i.l a recipe that si 1 1 1 r ii i - ' !' ' i i !. , I! 'l id- gr- ,: 1 - i . r-d hi l n. ;-- r .n ii i : . . - : l.i-.-lf . i I r d :: - ii, .1 -: l-u T. I mi is, A '!-.' ,. i, .7 d wy ft . i t .H Ki ir ': i;S vl I n w it!i plen-.i n that I go l" tie- ,. ,. ; a, , ;,n,j rvt v.mr VHlu ihle p..i-. r. f ,r sshil - 1 peril-. its column- I .on La ll.e lone l.etn at h.m.e i 'IP hem.- - u ,., t liorne. 1!.. n m fur . !f 1 1 -i .pi ii I i ..ri. ia. it r u i i,-l tne back to the .ico oM pi. ire. home and f rien.i s. Union ( .pr n i u t; loir 1 i.-t i - -ne almo-t the lirst lima; licit I ra-l my eve on chronic). - tic .le.au ..f mu- (, mv deare-t lii. nl-. Mr- J- inoe I r.incl;-. ft Tl I mi . i - t , '."; s on i , . j . , r ;i g r n p h . i : ' v niimi in ,i i:: e:.-i t t: s i a -i,- li.'t..,-;! years, ulo, lir-l uenn-t Mii was then i pi ue s , a an.j 1 1,,. many h i ppv .iiiVM we have -pent together in tln.se our luippiest ,,,s 1 -.em to hve lifteen years before I gather strength iea.1 all the par.igr.iph. '1'ii. ii. mul iiotniilil then, since 1 h;ve l.e. n here, have I washed to he home, if only f,,r a -hurt hour: but n h is the wanderer's hit: .he must ml and rend of h .me an.l friends and hide hi- grief from stmr.goi ss lio know nothing of him or his grief, or drop n u-ar in pilemv. with no one for companions out the stately palmettos which line the hanks oi the beautiful Indian river, 'there is still a duty for nie to tender my most heartfelt sym pathy to her bereaved husband, father and ne .th.-r :.ici al 1 her family; and in thin far ctr State when I retire to my lonely couch i si ill pray tint He ss iio doeth all t!.iiii- well wall se..t her aniline the .-no '.!-. :c. 1 when I i I , . rambhngs ;n,...v,i- ': ,,,v tempest. tossed hark has l.e.-n -tear. .1 s afels user life's stormy si a and s.i.-ly moored i n a hea vt'ti of i". -1 n i u- re finti. in'vo enter and trouble in v.-r c ne-s. I i,,,pe to met t her imiiii: I have r.-tii'.i-i ii. i c North Car. In. a. f..i a three iii .nt'i'-. cruise duw n among-1 the kess. f. lv-v West. and from th. i Sab'e. and tie sand I.-ian.i-. . I b is e i mi I s far as ;l,e St. 1 . b?low tliis p there and saw e to T n lug1 1- and Cape n among .he Ten Tiiou a tne i . li 1 1 of M c a o. been 'i c-. n the riser as ..'ii-s riser. M s .-nty miles hi'-e. Spent three days wlulo there t wo manatees a cows, some call them: osv li n. 1 wniild call capturrd. or considerable i them. ThOfe 1 -.'-.w- would base ss'eighed twelve huniir -i p nmds ea h. The St. I aides river i. s i!i only pli'ce in the t'nited Suites w in re tlie manatee r.m be f 'un.l. Tt.e sea c.uv rat- and lives on the manatc. grass, ss hi'h is found nosvhere els. . and gro.ss i-: immense quant it ies ;i It would he srription of St. 1 .tines rn . e 1 1 , r t o try: man nee h f . Perhaps give a de ii I go any !:. as be fs : s a n a sv k - mouth is w s: small rout teeth, i, r, scmc- -kin half n belting Pi a heavv i lol.st.V farther. 1 1 i- a d . lli neither ii h n. r aninia ward 1 , k i ." n-ntn shaped -. nn-w ha; 1 1 ke a I.m ac k es . s , j i ii- t h . i, Tliey I; -n e . . i p ; - a; .- ii ; thing like tun!-. -.ivy I I nn "''' thc-k m ..ke g ... 1 I think, lb- i- prove!.- 1 f an 1 1 ke !.:.. -..;!. sv !... t . : order, and that i- all th, ; rhim-rv he h - c." tec U t In g nn .- Ibike? They are very -sv f:. They p,.ssessone seii-e. that is of h.aing. .erhap- it is the most acute d .my ananai; so much so that you camel I m ; 1, jn oar in the wat.-r half a mile assay so careful a not to alarm tlcm. I le-y n-e to the surface i-nd blow liketurth just stick his nose out. Thev eat tin :a lu re and .l.in n il .. los M.e.l ortl. III.' ' " , , . per pound. I trie 1 s .me. I can t sav , . , ,,..,., ..,.. ,,'. mouthful and soon ha i ti...uhli for two I threw ti. ii...e .m-il ...ir.i. We are progressing .-lo.s.s w ith the hotel at Iio trouble in meiict ne r. sibly be i. season. 'rang.- . ant on the The grown I think l... not fud r a 1. Uue to tie Is I .' , I I. k lie I U II f , .re-c.-n ne coin can S s. 1 ing this in a. I a ah - in. I'i.es are abund . -r. . 1 'a 'i seasons, .ase i l; . nr I, - 1 ' h I p( -i teg. i ,on. a : :.. r iiig. sj a , . an l it is a .1 i. c ail. i injure prices kets. other I orange ,f l'loi i ia fruit in N'oi thern mar Though sve are line like some lac. ---s ;rcr f n.or.ev. anil the I- a rv s uh us like your cotton c apple it. .pi-, only a few- -In Tlo- only !l that I did : t ago. or some can look b i -1, missed it. So We are h..'. ally . thf them as all. and I il'-I night and f on the r i s i well -alls:, i 'rack er : th .. : inal florid i in Heels like . a es sir I ,'eed I ah r i! Th. -r. I.me I see regiet now is l ss cr.ts' vear ; Khuiiia. 1 here 1 just lie. 1 is occasion do w n as lo sv ,- comes in at I-- if you are . , 1 ab- nit as a..- Average c jil the ling s' rs and Tar 1. 1. H. .li City. new ana si hat ss , I.i lir IT I- h.lb N v. I,,h .-1 am i- :',n. ls-."i. beginning to i s- after al I. I il'lINAl., the organised a CI u h, sim i-exi-ting in : to promote ' ' 1 1 y , ami s i - .1: recti T.. ... he .rt of a the I, Ittie - :c. of school o. go bad;." . - : !c- svaicli- f a live;-.-. a foil. living p ..nd doing Old states- '.uh want. idly I" i .pie t I" SSaldlUg r th- - I ens Km r . h J have some Since my h worthy cit;. I 'oiniiiei ci . lar 1 behes New 1m ne ttle pi- ,-p.T c i n i i s !',.-- .- a W ei I . .. . a ne -a- i it v r ot !".- a- 11 s I. w for 1-!. i ;t-r i ' Hi" -t 1 t.- l.ete ii Ve Hid M- Willi .lie tlie p is i n 1 I . -I e-I -. .- g r.-.it iv - I 1.. I '. II. ivlt.T- :n,g letters nn pi ace 1 - n t- 'id , I" ,i-;..ry : .t iv- . i; v. d I!.- ' - 1 ' ' '' . : ; " ' ' hot:! N ll ' u ' 1 i ii NEWS BY MAIL. -Id r A . SINsT E.X-1' AY. MASTER HODGE. Wasihs. ;t. ..v. Nov. :iO. -V suit was entered today by the District Attorney firthe Cnited States against John Hodge t" recover t'-I 11. Inn. with interest from May '!. 1 -To. The action is based on an account svith Mr. Hodge as a former Paymaster of the United States Navy. THK CHINESE IN v A - 111 N' ,T' 'N TEHUITOHY. e a-hini ,ti ..v. Nov. lin.-G.ir. Squire -.f Washington Territory, in his report i" Secretary Lamar, says that by the Territorial census of lssr. there were 3.-'-T'i Chinese residents in the Territory, in 1 "during the business depression a strong popular agitation has recently sprung up in a few of the large places, having for its object the expulsion of Chinese. The hostile feeling against the Chinese has been greatly increased by reason of failure on the part of the Covernrnent to adequately enforce the Restriction act. large numbers of Chi- . uese having stolen into the Territory from the neighboring province of Brit- , ish Columbia, in violation of law. It is ; often difficult to identify them, and the i customs force in this district is evident-1 ly too small to prevent the wholesale ' smuggling both of goods and China-; men. " The report suggests the necess-! ity of increasing the customs force, and j iu view of the feeling among the peo- 1 pie. and especially the laboring men, . the Governor recommends the necessity . of protective legislation, such as the re vision of the Restrictive act. and also I advises the revising of repeal of the ' Burlingame note. Richmond. Va., Dec. 1. Under a de- ; cree of court appointing a receiver for the Richmond Whig and ordering its sale for the benefit of its creditors, that paper was put up at auction today. The highest bid made for the entire prop erty was S4.0C0. The bid was not ac- I cepted. but it will be reported to the court for action. Half-hour guns were fired during the forenoon and minute guns dnring the I funeral, in respect to the late Vice-President Hendricks. The federal buildings 1 are draped in mourning and the flags on . the State and many private buildings i are at half-mast. A I.IBEI. s(. lT AliAI.NST THE N. Y". SVOKLD. N'esv York, Dec. 3. Mayor Wm. R. Crace has begun libel suit against Joseph Pulitzer and the New York i World for 830,000 damages in the Su- : perior Court. The complaint was filed . today, and sets forth that Joseph Pulit zer has libeled Grace in his paper at various times during the last six months. Pulitzer was arrested in the afternoon , and taken to the sheriff's office, where j he gave bail in 8a. 000 and was released. , FIGHTING CHINESE IMMIGRATION. San Francisco. Dec. 1. A convention of Knights of Labor was held here last , evening to adopt measures for the pre- i vention of further immigration of Chi-! nese into the United States. Delegates j svere present from nearly every trade j organization on the coast. Resolutions i to systematize anti-Chinese movements j in every city and town, and calling on ; the labor organizations in the East to j extend their sympathy and aid, were I adopted. The Pacific coast Congress- i men will be requested to aid in the pas- ; sage of an act to effectually prevent the arrival of any more Chinese. The cus toms report just issued shows that since the passage of the Chinese Restriction act in ISs.Jlb.OOO Chinese have landed at this port, and that nearly 4,000 have bepn permitted to land without the le gal customs certificate. TRAVELS OF CANADIAN PHOSPHATES. j ottasva. Dec. 1. It has been discov- 1 ered that a large part of the phosphates exported from Canada to England and Germany is reshipped to the United' States as British and German phos- phates. It is understood that the Amer- , ican Consul at this place, in his next re- , port, will point out the absurdity of forcing Canadian phosphates to make two trips across the Atlantic before en tering the United States. FOREIGN NEWS. London. Dec. 1. The surrender of King Thebaw. of Burmah, was unre served. He wanted terms, but hi3 re- ! quest was refused and his unconditional surrender demanded. lie then acceded to the British demands. Lima, via Galvestion. Dec. 1. Caceres 1 is making an attack on the palace, apparently from the direction of Dolivar square. An incessant rifle fire is going on from the palace and its sur roundings and occasionally the thunder of a big gun is heard. The engagement ' ha not yet become general. The streets are deserted except by a few persons svho are curious to witness the proceed ings. At S:50 o'clock this morning fir ing was begun from the Mercedes tower. All railroad trains and other traffic are suspended. London, Dec. 2. The German bark I-'idelio. Capt. Mayer, from Wilmington, N. C. Oct. !). for Walgust. was found on her beam ends in the channel. She had been cut down three stakes below the copper on the starboard side. She was towed to Dover. The bark was partly righted after her masts had been cut away. One dead body was found on board. The Norwegian bark Ocean, Capt. Uendricksen, from Mobile Sep tember 14. for London, has been totally lost near Quiberon. France. London. December2. Upto G o'clock this evening the liberals had elected 228 members, the conservatives 192 and the nationalists 4;. The Tory net gain has been reduced to 3S seats. The liberals have become jubilant over their late success. Rangoi in. Dec. 2. The KiDg of Burmah personally surrendered himself to Gen. Prendergait. commander of the British force, and has arrived in British terri n rv. Hew. in. Dec. 2. There was a sensa tional scene in the Reichstag yesterday svl-.en the president read the Emperor's message, which was countersigned by Prince Bismarck. After Bismarck's speech, which created still greater sur prise. Dr. Windthorst, who was greatly excited and hardly able to speak, moved to discuss his interpella u .n. The motion svas carried. the ss hole house, svith the exceplion of the conservatives, voting in its favor. Thereupon Prince Bismarck, followed lis- ail tlie members of the HunJesrath, !."ft the le-iuse Dr. . indlhorst then in 'v.-l ;.. withdraw the interpellation in i r i.-r f 1 C' -usider the Emperor's mes sage. Ti.-- progressives. 1-1 by Herr bed:, r. svaiitaig the immediate discus--i n of t!.-- message. challenged a d;-. ision on Windthorst 's mo t: n. svhich svas carried. In 0.-' discussion of the budget, svhen the io m "f Bismarck's salary was reached. I 'r. Windthorst renesved his question r. curling the expulsion of the Poles. Prir.c- Mismarck. who re-entered the demh.-r winie Dr. Wiodthorst was ailing, refu.-ed to discuss the matter, 'i :. salary item svas then v. .ted. A . d : - . I '..The PrtSlient of ti.- t" -in dl l.-i- informed the durdgn ;:.-;! ii, it it is f-ar- 1 that a struggle i : ss i i r- and Turk-vis juevita- .'.:: -i s:;-;; si.i. ". Tic C.vrmfui d'lic. ! ! s- ;ir,i.'-..."i ( i.-rmal'-Sd N v. id- dc 1-di; :- i i .. -. . . - i ;.e ; ;:.- i;.. r- -. . - - - ' - I i ; .- ia ;- K . ; c ': . c. c i n ; '; xtd I d- I.'", .-niter ; . '1' ,.y ss;i'. !..- icd ut tic catici r..i , I Jai; ;rc v. tic j-r.-s- ice :' li.-- M::.:-try i f. r. :j:; dde ; ,;. Tic ti.catrt- j..,-. . ;'--i.r ; aid ll :: K .s ' .. I.e. i -vim r.. a. tic '.i- .-i. nguiU'-r. h.i- -t .ru..: f. r ;.;.;n cr :li. i-urf-..?.- d f, :c Mini." :. ! in as- r i a rei'd '.: ' The Knvaniiali Convention. At the late Harbor Improvement Con vention held at Savannah, the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The improvement of har bors of national importance and the ap proaches thereto has been, and is im peratively demanded by the great foreign and domestic commerce passing through them, and judicious expendi ture for such objects is a wise invest ment of public funds: and Whereas, It has long since become the settled policy and practice of the g.neral government, looking to the general welfare, to appropriate money to the improvement of such harbors, and the approproaches thereto; and Whereas, In consequence of very in adequate appropriations by Congress in past years the harbors of our South At lantic coast the natural gateways through which the imports and exports of a large section of our vast country . must necessarily pass have not been improved, deepened and otherwise adapted to that class of vessels having capacity to carry the large and increas ing commerce of these ports with econ omy, thereby imposing a heavy and en tirely unnecessary tax upon both pro ducer and consumer; therefore, be it 1. Resolved, That the development of these harbors and the approaches there to is a subject entitled to the highest consideration by the Congress of the United States, and that it is the mani fest and imperative duty of the general government to take immediate steps to secure the safe and easy navigation of these harbors by vessels of such burthen as the large and growing commerce of the country demands, thus reducing the cost of freights and insurance, pro moting the inland commerce of the nation, securing new avenues of foreign trade, and bringing general prosperity and increased wealth to the whole country. 2, Resolved, That the work of improv ing harbors on sandy coasts is admitted ly one of the most difficult problems in hydraulic engineering; that it is of vital importance to the successful and econ omical prosecution of such work, that there should be no lack of needed funds since an enforced suspension of opera tions not only retards the work, and adds greatly to its Jcost, but seriously endangers its safety 3, Resolved, That as nearly all of our Atlantic harbors, and all upon this Southern coast, are of the sandy type, we regard a stoppage of these works, or an embarrassment of the same from lack of funds, as peculiarly deplorable, and in contravention of every iaw of econ omy and good policy; and with great confidence in the skill, integrity and energy of the officers to whom the plans and work of harbor improvements is entrusted, we earnestly recommend and urge that, in the future, adequate appropriations for these harbors may be made in accordance with the official es timates of their total cost of improve ment, such appropriations to be applied in annual installments of such amounts as the exigencies of the case may re quire, in order that these important works may be prosecuted vigorously and in the speediest, best and most econ omical manner. 4. Resolved. That while we regard the development of the harbors on the South Atlantic coast and the approaches thereto as an object of paramount im portance, we recommend the improve ment of such other harbors and rivers as will facilitate the commerce of the whole country and promote the general good. o Resolved, That in view of the se rious detriment likely to result to the various river and harbor works now in progress from the exhaustion of avail able appropriations, and the consequent enforced suspension of work on these improvements pending the passage of the regular river and harbor bill, ic is the sense of this convention that Con gress, immediately after its assembling do pass a relief bill providing for the prosecution of these works, an aggre gate sum ;to be made immediately available, in advance of the regular ap propriation bill. 6. Resolved, That a special committee of one from each State, represented in this convention, be appointed by the Chairmen of the convention, to prepare and personally present to the Congress of the United States a memorial em bodying the views set forth in the fore going resolutions, and to urge their early and favorable consideration. 7. Resolved, That a permanent Exec utive Committee, of one member from each State represented in this conven tion, be appointed by the chair; and when this convention adjourns it shall adjourn subject to a call of the Execu tive Committee. Stonewall Items. Louis Henries died at his home on Tuesday, the 24th inst. TullyB. Spruill, aged 6 years and 7 months, son of Albeit Spruill. died at his home on the 25th inst. of hemorrhagic fever. On Thanksgiving day, Judge Shepheid, accompanied by Burney Tingle and Festus Miller, two of Pamlico's beet hunters, accompanied by many others and a lot of hounds, hied away to Smith creek for a deer hunt. Mr. Benj. O'Neal reports nary deer but many other things were shot, such as targets, dollars, etc. After the hunt was over they congre gated at Mr. C. M. Caroon's. where they served a good Thanksgiving dinner, and all got back safe and sound and well pleased with the day's recreation. On Monday of court week Jas. T. Lincoln and son went out of the cor poration of Bayboro to settle their dif ference, but when they got opposite B. F. Mayhew's house could notgo farther, so they piled in and wound up by the son's being bruised and pretty bloody and Jim with a sprained wrist. No other damage done. On the same day or the next W. N. Pugh, J. P., and Elijah Lupton had a email bout with but little damage and but a small amount of blood spilt. Lupton charges the whole cause to Mr. John Barley Corn. Well, that fellow has any amount laid to his presents. C. C. Taylor, of the Journal, and B. W. Cobb, the pos- j sum man of the Messenger, were on hand and seemed to be doing well, and especially Cobb, for it was said he eat all the possums that could be had: the ' last I saw of him on the court ground, he had a quarter of one in bis coat pocket and said all he liked was a little possum ale. Whether he got it or not. I am unable to report. Judge'hepherd held our court last week to the entire satisfaction of all who paid any attention to the court. There was but one penitentiary case on the docket, one Sam Gibson, negro, for stealing one bale of cotton from Nelson Caroon who was promptly convicted and as promptly sentenced to three years in the pen." There was two casrs for trad ing mortgaged properly, G. S. McCleese and Bob Mewbene. colored. Both convicted: judgment suspended by their satisfying their mortgager, which they both did. Hardy ;Moore. a negro meacher. was convicted of slandering a negro school inarm and sentenced t' jiil for ten months or pay a fine of one hundred dollars and cost. He is now in jail awaiting for next Monday for the meeting of our county commissioners, to see svhich he svill do. John Daven icrt svas put in iail for refusing to pay th.1 cost in a bastardy case. Wm. 1'ot-t-r. sr.. secured a verdict for one hun dred dollars and cost for damages to his crop l-y his neighbors who drain land from above his. FRANCE ANI TONlH'IN. 1'si.is. Dec. 1. M. Patenotre. t ie French Minister to China, appeared to day before the Tonquin Committee of tin- Chamber of Deputies, and spoke in fascr of tlie continued occupation of T'liiquin. He said that the evacuation of that country would bo a onvardly ard dangi-rniis proceeding. China, he .i. -dared, ss-.is well disposed tusvard i 'ran-'. . Professional Cards. CHAS. H- BROWN, A T T O It N E Y - A T - I, A W , KEWA1VSVIL.I.E. If. C. I'raot ices in tlie CoiinliORo! iuplln, Lpho f Cras'en, .limes iitnl I ImkIi.sv. Collection of Claims a specialty. Correspondence solicited. n. arSwdm HENRY J. LOVICH, COUNTY SURVEYOR, Is ready to feurvcy, proc.'SMion nm! plot lands Orders left at Hugh lovirb's Ktore, foot of Middle street. New Hei ne, N.C, will receive prompt attention. fe2ttdlw wtf Cr.KUJCNT MANLV SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOKNPJYS AT LAW. Will practice in tne Court of Craven, Jonn Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir anil Hyde and Id the Federal Court at New Berne, febtid&wl O W 12 IN II. UJO, ATTOJINHY AT LAW, Office formerly occupied by Stannous Manly, epposite Gaston House. Will practice In the Oonntles of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, 1'amllcoand lenolr Prompt attention paid to collections. apr29-dwlv. P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT 1j A W, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office on South Front street, thrd do . 1 from the corner of Craven street. Will practice in the Courts of Carteret Jones. Onslow and Craven. Special attention given to the collection o claims, and settling estate of deceased per sons. lanldwti DR. J. D. CLARK, IlJVTIW,T, NEWBKR.H. aT. O. Office on Craven street, between . Pollod and Broad. prl7-dwl PJ AN O FORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. TILLUH KSABK & CO., Nob. 304andaoa West Baltimore B(., Palumors. No. 113 Fifth Avenue, New Voik. lUSr MEN RK. MEMBER. "JToao I Saved U Jfonra Mads. . Do Your Own PrlntlmE. I Only perfect seir-MMu I rubber stamn nrMiMv. f offered. WortananshlD ungvrpassed. Prints pcrfrtly. No business man stioula be without one. Entire tatitftictUmffuar arUerrl. Catalogues nnd testimonials free. Price amannoly law. Refer br permission to Hon. A. H. GARi.Avn. Attorney General United States. -TH F, WIIFl-rs III IIBER STAMP PRESS IM'F't; CO., Augnits, Ga. WATCHES AT GREATLY ItE t! need Prices. Address L. 6. GRADY, Halifax. N. C. ocl" dsv INTEMUX.; ADVERTISERS should pildreta GEO. P. IIO WELT, &. CO., 10 Sprace Street. New York Cit;-, For Select List of 1,000 Newspapers. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a free trial of thirty day of the twe of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the epeedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous ZtebQity, lorn of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. iN'o riflk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet inaeaied mveivpc mailed fre by addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Kick Aurora Academy, AURORA. N. C. Session lSiVS'I opens August;:, lssa. I.ITKItARV IlEPAKTMKST K. T. KODCer, Priii ; Miss Aiarlha Whitley, Assistant. .Ml'SICAL IlEPAItTMFNT Ml'5. A, (r. L.aUe. This school Is situated In a niornl and pro gressive community. For further information npply to auglOdwtf It. T. BONMEIt, Principal, RELIABLE SELF CURE favorite prescription of one of the most note .md successful srecinlists in the U. 3. inow retired) for the cure of NerToui Debl)ltyv Lout Mitnltivod, WViiUnew and Decay. Seal in plain sealed envelope Free. lnigists can fill it. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana. Mo DAN. KELLY !& BR0 Has oyi?noil a Nesv Shop near the Market Dock, and will shoe horses, the tamest or the wildest, a! the low price of ( mu Hollar all around All Kinds of Blacksmith's Work, repairs on Hnssies. Wagons, Carts, etc., done on shor uoiice and svork (iuaranleeJ. bp25 dwllm MONEY SAVED is MONEY MADE, And the Way to Save It is to the Store of Taylor & Smith. 1 1 . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 attention wa- jr'v'i l:i ili- M'li i tinii i l our stock l ;.!-, ami tin- l-t ol" prop.' sitiullS Mill I li , llCIHC AM' Sl'll so low. Y- h.n a Tull Stix-k and k- i: re!' u ih oil wit Is cniia in arrival. (,isc us a Ida I an.l sve will i-.i n i lire Satist.uti. il oiiaraiitcrd. Middle St., below South FroDt -i i i : '1 u'fiin r