"s- "if- .ra". 1 , ' ea i ft i mi i Terms XDKPKXDEXT Is ALL THINGS. NO. 43. VOL. VIII. LOST! LOST I LOST! A Golden Opportunity, if you do not buy our CHEAP C0ODS! Sack is lh Sib-it-i.;-:.- or' i 1 yon. better t. lo ih v . . Urtl bv procario. far i . A M0d racb m we k-'-r p out; DOWN PUICES. son.- : -r Oar "applies tai. -i-vea re ;irT farniah joa with tLrt class, newest l - - Dress Goods. Cloaks. Hi Blankets, Flannels. j Beady-Made Clothing for all ages, in style and quality unsurpassable. FURNITURE ! FUUNTITRK! -V la nj quantity, at prios thit are DOWN SI' KM K N i I " i i A W'h'.v ' ' iaiaSi avtSTASTIal BUteaJ o offT D-'w at f l : j - i 1'..- .t.r: a: w 91.24; Folding lackers, a-tei to sell i-. $1 - at 7 ' - A'.: (liit ltD to stxnpare favorably with th? tiur.--. W art i0ckeaj op witn fin ets of Wila;: Marel-- T-i-. I'opl ir i'.-- ;r, m 8U; Parlor Hair Cloib and Plush Suit, Chiirs. R ok r- , I.mnj-. -.c. ; CABPETS! CARPETS! all styles and qualities ; v VwtUI naitdU ti Well Routed Zeneler Bros . "l Bay Stat Sloe and Leatlir Co- Shoes, te c-lebrat-d Pearl Shirts- in faH tnougs: goods of such great tiriety that ntarli ill veair wiats -v. ae tiafiod st tmr piice and at low priea to t!-a yiti Tal Not to Call Goods alw.ys Show Corao early, ajrooMi'..', Come when jn'i n;iy, We are ready to help . vj. To hear, to obey Tour whimj and your far. , Or tome other dir-. To ek y.ur pleasure w -'1! never i lloci'ni- It piV' u- ) OETTIXGKR rH()S., Sign of The Celebrated Pearl Shirt .KISSTOS. October. 1885. - MAX SCHWEMN. THE , BOSS CLOTHING HWERIN We hare some Terr handsome silk Handkerchiefs. Scarfa J : i : Tie, Bows, Suspenders and for uoudsy Presents. Wtti-rtLtAOETrifctu..a.strn.isEX'i . mU tm akt stir thai mrm WIKIH'Ku la MDahctattr u ma, by na to mir eumoroen. ri kney Paar tm W. 4. 8bold aoT of lAm In an; ir. arttiom ajiv m.nii hi. tin out. w. will upon rm w dan it faar mm aukiamaBt aa to r. wUMr mm-a im bowt or five inouirr II hub baa. Onni.ud eltaapvat SOHWEEIN & ASH, - Middle Strtet. corner of Alley, directly i-pposite Dap':.: Cl.ureh. pstswtt -sl;'-s 1 ' i- i.A'd. l'8:85. 1885. s -Super-Phosphate Is Unrivalled for all Fertilizing Purposes, and especially J adapted to the growth A trial fc all UtAt ia Deeded to coo vine POOOMOKE- and our referencea are the 1 pattooiM (ormJlr, throughout the South. Xb following are a few of many Testimonial ' K. HL USAOOWa al Co.. Borne. N C. rai ST I tun at PlKtmOKE f.r feaW paaalTad battar raaalta from it tf.aa MdefPtotaUxaaod Catba. I eijs-a to u K at the ri Guice. tl. .-ar . ;.s,l. tee-. AT'. laawdPUOOMOKE upT ( :: n i. a UM I BtUaatadaad. waVIarptld POOJMOKK at the re : -.. ,n- a2f bbaSala o prauiula to Uieli..-i. . t v ' - :. ..:: .- Yktre M Foeomoka wa aal. 1-. it a s. :. ' E. H. MEADOWS & CO-, Agents, New Berne, N. C FBKEM.VX, I.I.UVIV MiiN .v HKYHHN, Mtr aaeM dwtm INJ c x- r - 1 I . . V , . Entered For The Rare. I hare entered the Race for Supremacy among Tealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. -In BOYS, YOUTHS and MEN'S CLOTHING I Exrix r to w i r : AS I i 'AN C'.Vi V'l An All Wool Men's Suit for $7.50. BOY'S AND YOmrs IN i'KOP' MrnnN 11 '-d- : Best Goods. Latest Styles and Neatest Fits. At TWESTY-FIVK 'A'V rS . : u Fi: . i v ;;; ; .-w: no matter what tr.y .ce :. os , ;; . : . :' .---. r Come, ei.tn.iae it M. oc7 d wm DASL BROTHERS, Wholesale Crocers, HAVH lt!Aln TWO STORES, SGUTH OF And keep of Kl.iU K. 11 I BIOLASaKS. SAI.I' liK( eTerythluir iu the l, U ( I I . i 1AW PBICKS for l' A M . ' ' 1 1 ' A 'i : . '.:i id v . r- W - -a:. ign. of Newmarkets. Shawls. Domestics, Notions. &c. .casu: GEORGE ASK. AND SHOE STORE. & ASH Offer their Stock ol Fine and Cheap Clothing. Shoe, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goocia at Grettly Re duced Prices. All Drv Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks, Walking Jackets and Blan kets at COST. Hosiery. ju3t the very thing om at w i,r mhoe In ui w.-rtd (er th. n;o:..-y of EARLY TRUCKS. any one of th-- un rival '. nee of a.- ou r placlers of th is section . a , r-. -,'ir-, ''",':- " 1 .. ' ' ... v li-e i'. .-: r T-. any o-hr fp-t. -,- ' a .- ten to :'.:v, : -...-i.-v r.r-:. 'A, -r.'. : . .'. a m hi r rs ' r. '-,' H -. -. . . a.-..-: , .. . . . v . ' " s '' 11. l 1.1AN I 1 i I'M I lit THEIR FORMER STAND, , 1 1 i j i t n . -s i; x rs n i ; ; l i 1 1 . i.s an i . . till v I M Is ami ill Crm ) 'I I 1 II 1 1 l N . . ; : ,- . t ; i . : . . . , . . . . . r : : ; i , .1,1 . ; M.tn-li M. trkKfd ;, .Top in i.iT ue tl, .tr ' i'tiili inters f.ll ! Pel Ilf; ;e in the : ; lien i-.-e 1 . : . i : j ! l rai.ee. 'I';:."-, ol ;t- the Nil) li l.ii.l lin in part I tor the 1 iiir: n ir the i matt si: :n im-r motitl.s the heat is not as op; re -.-: e a - ; ' is Ml Pile faro- ,uill t e V : i e . ; h u eat her last n strokes are li.e average ri,. T,r,,Y .... t . ei, a: 1 I,,,,,,,. ..un.-. ' " r j -V . ii ''! .'I e, y ,l.rte-;on Py SOUllils col a'.i reiir-i's. nioilities the " a ' . ! in- ; ,:a- a : ) : v; l n ds chir ; n g the sun, i; - Mi ' n w e- in n't.- are I rum the : 1 -on - hra.-t . and t hev ti a- ot ai a. ost di;l reealarity. A per!'eet! e.iiui -uuip.'er mpht is of rare mvu re n-a- ;:i the c: ol New l'.erne. slon of silver coinage I'V the pn--::' eiliis "1 t ), -toiler, L-n t t 'aiiri-.--. It is u-eie-5 for tile i ? "! 1 'e'cniter. I tinanciers ol t lie l .ast to ehei i-h de o- ,1, -Pel. ais sottlir-ss; lusivt- hones. Th,. real iae-s ol th,- 1 : 1 r : : i e; N'ovetn i r tin- c . m at e . i- -oiu. .11 1 im ik" L and . i'. and -ui !i I-its trauspar- tia-y th r o'-pM'ts a- a ereat tlis- iances,em near. ( w door laPor d'irin.i: the entire year is .-eldom i:iterrui'e. either P excessive heat or excessive cold. A "tre.it .leal ot :;:..;.i:.i-e pie- v .;ls as ! ,ie ilea 1 1 ii t ainf-s- o! tl.t- I'ian.i'i- nt P. i.stern Nor: li I'aro- ilia. Tin- i: :i 1 1. torm e. 1 t ii ; n k t iiat i ; Is ti.-- land ot pest.hni'e --where i lea' ii ties' i : des the e vet, ; a epiie ..ni ::' ;t id;i:' Prcath inhales no son with its del: -;h:. and the iron rata- of .laphet in. -1 : .- away u n tier tile prod gai.t'. ot Iiatnif." This et ror ot o ; a a : di was at one tune wpU- -iTt-.i.!: -;,at.r faeiltta-s for ....l..."..........-..-.... 1. .... ,1,- ra :,ui. .,,11 .,.,'., ll..l p,,t .1,1 1 tt i -peiit-ii , . iiie (lav lias na.sseii 'ht-!i .i western niati made his will My it-a-on- : i :ia . : ,. . iietore he started on a journey east lol'ows; to Islt the t.de water section of 1. New ",;k. N,--, ,!rM- alal North t'.ir.ilia.i ami requested the New linctlai.d an- en, pi i . : n- c 1 :n jirayers ': the lai'hlul tor his sale tavor ot the Mispc:i -: . n ,.; s;Ac! retarn '" Lis nioin.-ain hon-e. '- reiiiapi tuit out-ideot ; i, is ,; :, ,n j a tree 1 iy :ts pints, and we the leelmg :- ciMier .Pv: I . - i or form our o, ;;, , on ot tue lua'.thful- strongly in Iao: .d -;.ei. I"! Hess ot a country trom ihe p-elieral nlea seems to h.le-p:ead t i 1 1 o a 1 1 appeal. ' oe : .'.s ii.iia'iutants, lo ir out the West at.d S ;i'h t i; i' :'. longevity a; ,'t t!:e death iate. anti silver unve:ii-nr c n a'. : ic'i e-1 I'l-oti tl..- -. lli-teri. North Py the Wall street I'.ti iv .er-: :!: : ( aroi ; n a can :-. ui- a- . id a show it is ill the i n t el es. s , , t In- , ,1 ma; a- an;. S-.i't- m the I'mon. ists as a(ianist the .'.e'd'or ila- -. T plu :.': P-. . o :is:i;:ip;-.o:i. ;.:ieu U. It is a mistake ;, --up- in, iii.i. -i.,'iill:i-r; i .iil naili't teViT. the question is. stl i-i ikinj. so pt ev ,!, ; in the mnPPe and 1 sectional. F. en I't-n iis. i ,, n : i , ' - er :; p -.. n - of the State, have ', no longer u lilted; 1 ha e e .-i .- . :. ' aioi : ji.oe m the I 'am lico j sou to Pel ie e tliat theic ate Pot a ' ' : ot 1 ". . -1 . i : i a 1 1 1 1 1 n ; . . U is ' 1 )e mocra t ic an d IP-puPl can un . ci :: '..spur pod- t i..it there is Pers of I'oncre s trom 1 1 1 i " S'a o : 1 p it: oi th, Tinted States where who will vote i;nt Mi-p''i.,a. T -e ::;ha:".t itits ate ot tiner physique ii. The sen tune lit is a i-o tl , , ded than in lli-tern North Carolina. . in the four treat Middle S'.c. 1 :-'- v.-rs prevalent are of a Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and M rntl i Ptdoas ni their t harac- soun. Ohio :s certainly c!os,-P, tt r. a::-i a 'd lea, iily to skillful akin to the la.ist in her commercial. ' i'f.it :in :. . Witli lea-onaPle care indtistrnil and etliu-.at lonal tleve!..;. idol i '' e:, . c. one i-.iii keep in good heal' h in an y par; ot the Pamlico section. Malaria e:s;.s everywhere, el'her III a greater or l.-sser tlwjrree, Put t.o.i t:er are its baletiit lnllu- e-e.-le-s lei than 111 the swamp ! i:;,:- ot !.. -.it the di ' e Is t i . 1 ia-re I- . las w here ::i 'in- I have P-fe: ae.,1: , i! a : . v oriii , ;, a , - w a in '. ' . i .'!-. ; :a i -v a:::'.. M and nowhere in death rate Ies. : 1 ihorei s an - ''. States that !: i a ' ho -e w ho-e that ': draining : sit. g in lumber ti ' '- 'do- tiling, ..ni-:- . - ' : ..' ! tie : -g- .. !e do ' ;.. - 1 He lit. els wi.l ' .id l-vs cati be oss. iris s a .in: i d w el ,: i, ' - o. ' ue d. : ! .in :'! " ' ' -. -a - k ' s i k 1 1 e s s -T ' he -i;:n d ad e,-:i e u a - r s , i ; e..r. in A' . .:,': i i . M. :. i N o ! I ,-in -liaiiee new k km:, c kavkn county, : -. i . i ,i . ; i . : . I . i i i ; ; . 1 : I , i : : i : N " : -a. ; ' i i : . 1 1 1 i i ; . :: ., :: ,1 ..: : :. i t ..r in.-:.- i-.i . ; mi. 1 ht-.il:::. , ; i i r . i M '.(.,- ,:'; ,i. . :.-.ir.-.i i I :;!. n:. i l Mir;; - : i . t' : :i .i: i ..: i ..' ,i ' !i i:; . : ii.-r p. i - i ;: .- r...i- i - .-i a i..-: .-. . : . . i m :i . :i . .' . . : . ; ." .' m .iy t ir-.,;, i : . ; ,: iff;H- .-ou:.' i :. :. :.'..; wdi.-ii rlu- mil. i;,t. .:.'! i.- . l'.i;r .i vcr.i-.- . .i I ii. iirtiHT i: u, :a 'in- i i I . i : . . 1 piiH-y I.ind, or ;n tin- .v ,un j It i t-nci .illy ("c hi I'lilf.i ;:n.- r-f;iotis. or r-;.:.s n, i!:.- turpentine nnv .ire tin- pinuipil forest prowtli. .ire lein.irUnt'ly Sn 'I'lii'i.il i llns u.inii:nii tint tiiii'iy eiti.eiis in Ka:nii ".tt. living in town-. Inve tin ir P''ll'''s slUIitiier li-sort .lllie;i liie pllle. i'he 1 ils.in i :e i' llee! el ti:e-e ?''- h: ijj; to ,..,k .u,.l ,,:. e.l 1 e cell - I n ; loll . 1 lie .'on. 1 l 11 ee 1 - i: -' more "' ' !''' climate on persons from The 'l'ir"'"' iia iiiewcak lun;-. or t!ie-i-( ' irol in a w' ho are i-oiisu m pt 1 e, i s n,,; i , vaPha aii'l a pioione;,.,! m 1. i-li in 'arolina 1.-. 'elierall loilow .al P .i permanent cure. In a uoii, it ma Pe ael' t ei 1 w 1 1 hoi. t 1 .' , 1 "!"' c--Ui Ieta.a.loll. r il.it tlie is n part ol tue I iii.ru Si.iirs u .here co n u tn pt l e I'-'-i'-iits stand a hetter eii.uice ot i't'"1l- JIVI' than in Pattern ('.no Pna; r is a -an : ai ; i: m . ainl no wiu-re is the .tera: 1 1 u a i o 1 1 1,, . lilt - i eat ei . tii k Mi.H.u qrnsriDN in i o. t.KtsS. V. Friuprtl .if hli.- Thf Qnrs llon .l Onr of I' arty. WAsniSiiTi'N, .Ian. II, I-ssp. l'here is no chance tor the su-poi, situation in a a.- well tn- recoun izec! 1 All the .speculation al.out the com po.sit mu ,,f t he ( om n, it tee i i mn a'c is secoiid.ir.N . I ; v, : 1 i m ke tie difference what that o, .;: i :n i ; : , -, ' may do. The ll.-'h.- it.-. It i- strati- v "against the su-pe n - ion ,, t the coinage. The pro le.P. i : : ., - a i .- t 1; ., t hell C'on trrcss ad i ai t n - n ,- t At: the situation w ill i- j.rei :e!v t he si- me as it is t o,i a All 'he . ic a ! loll of t he tpiest loll : n t h, . '., ' . I a 1 . " he the r 1 tl t'on - i e - , or on ' , will 1 e without avail. '! i liat.i .- id a free coinap- P..1 P. tt:-; pu-tn d t h rotih the 1 1 on s,- are eater than the chances ot a -: 1 i s. : , , , ,,- ; j otesent C miane. Si;. '1 1 a ; i ', u m; 1 1 . of course, lie et,,-d P :!:- I':. . I .... .... .1.1...... ..'i' , .. ... ll.tl, , .111,1 Lll.O "o..l'l ., ... . . , . i- i tist as t he v arc . men t; yet t here are am ot: In-r Kep r--eut a! l v.-s P.eh Hi-moci.it- and KepuPi. cans wlio ai e a jain.-t pension of the plo-eli; -lhi-1 eo ;.- age. The teclmg ..r stiver grow s s! roll gel' as o li c a d a 1 1 ce s w e -1 w a : , 1 through Indiana and 1,1 teaching M:-son;i evet' pmiiei-ii IP-pi i -en-.i; ive .lll'l Sen at or s ; s t, e ii i 1 .oiay-l ,gan-: -uspensKui and many ot teem ol vooate iii:l:inittd .-ofiage. . There ;- j.robibly no' .. ip public in nieinPer limn K ito-, Nebraska. Iowa M.nm -, ratio. N t ada. t ' I egoli : ( w ho is ii,,: a sd v.r n, i-i. the lea. lei - ,. ; he K- minority., who hnows the n assures me . iVi-ly t:.r t hi- case. T.de 1 l.-ni. ,, ; ., -, ;,e Miss,ssi;,;. is a !,-,,, a ' , i iii ! i or ,,t t la- s:l i r :,. A e dadai ea;.-. I n 11. ' d -' : ta - s ; ii e - i- leaves I. , , 1 , . i .i':...;;- . .;.-: i.:t i n i e : : l 1 i e : - 1 : i I a ' 1 , ; j;,- 1 ),-n.. ,, : ,r ,- n. , , : . - -a-;. , :,-,. i ,r;t .-I lieis s '1 s; n s i 1 ". Tin : n.it lie:. er i r - t i e The. .!. : i- Is ii.s. ,!,-:. N - ' -': ' '. -in- ik.ne; ,1 section. il ;'!; 1 ' : ' : 1 1 1 States, and a. -' i Tl..-..- e enparatiVeU siimll e,. ::. :M coi nei l the :!)) . -. ! lioiil-.ctMl 111 'hell ; ":''' A . ui;:'.e o t he ' i . . S" i-. .c..:i-tiut;nj;tln I'.:- : : e. u n t : -. . some " j -. . - T : n. P -' ' ' : :.'. in t'av or ot , , , . - '. : : e - p: e 1 . 1 -1 1 Vel' , eeP : 1." o-;-i o-A t h of a p: . al e,. , -:i -pieioii that the ;n. .e:ri--. .! ti,,. K.i, ale en- lie;.- ,, .,. 1 1; - h en il -. a II III) ton ndeii -; : .;i p. i h i p. Put et one t hat e ; a ; h;-- nn al I U-puPl ic a nil it 11, W .L-..T, o.fo ...T,ji.l..r..t,,M. It i o'lt.iinlv (P'-iraPh- that a.- ini-ait ss men m the Last, as recites thai the una a ..f i 'hurch aud i il as the West, should UU-Oflllize StatP in tin- jant .eliiiir.i-trali. n ,,f the tacts of the situation ami lint temporal ana -.inula: .i.r.i;- o any dee,;e thein-elves with wrot)(T church or religious sect is dangerous to x i ii i the fret-iloiii , 1 i -Ii.'imm- v-airshit) and ":;',;U"1'-- " 1,111 M'I"-"'Pnp violate, the ,.,,:,.-.ir.,..f the Corstun - si.ver eo.nai- can pass the House, tion ..I the ri.u. l Stat, -a The re-olu- Atiy Pill liloviilm for free or more tori eel forth am ai- ,.:,..r r:!ns. tliat ex't-nded ( o:n.iL.'e. if passed, would th- . idm -n .!' ln- S- ii.-a,- i. i- r ivt'.iaia P.- killed Pv the I'resj- within the .-.wr . 1 r -e.,-;-. i , , . ' . , olhee rs of i h, e I ii ; : t- i ; ;t - t ' : r' - ei- 1 '"'rehire it is lar p,u. wa!l , :H ,.r, , . . , r Iioia pvoiiiPilny that illirilltf the i,.,,,,,,,,,; , ,... r . :. .... . .,- ,.l0 iTe-eiit se-sinii of 'on press t h ere :, iTair- . f -1-.. a e.a. :: uii.l t 'n.it w;H Pe an ehane;e in the laav re- : " "i 't'" t.'i- -tit-.u-.i-ti f-s-T i; ii.li ' t e iia-e of silver. .V. th.- I'r. m l.-nt t.. ..p;o: -.ir.y-u. ii - :K -er j if , ,' un er ai.y law. At Mr. Mors in'- :e'l a- st r - ,iu- Groonvillo Items. . ipelleil a Mr P.. S:i.' ' has ioi-'.',ni: l:ou-e oil l-.V.ins street, . -. ! nol iloals our in abundance that Ve'i e'aeei - and revives the inner ,, ,,, 1 wo coi, Ued iik-ii w lio were tried ' '.v ' i co u i ; - a,p , i,,i in u : del' and tain- v.cted were 'ranteil a new trial Pv t .e Supreme cur; and will Pe tried ' . , aam this Wees.. W e iiear inucii complaint of hard time-, and leal.V nolle ol US are making as much money as we would wish, Im: alter all everybody seems to have plenty to eat anil plenty to w ear t he st ns lie thankful for consummation , f i.a , T-a i. iz ,! eon.-pir-O.ir two weeklies piiPli-hetl here ; acv of capitahsts tos-.-ur.- i.h-..lutecon-are -; a i gh t ly li I -t - class papei s. Pot h i trel of all our currency :.i. i t lie re gu la th. -roll -, Hemoeratic. ''he tmii nf us v,,!i;ni,- ai. ; , oi.-, iiuei.t pur s' mdaidli is recelitlv passed I chafing ;mw. r. IP- I .. 1 1-v ,-, , h, spoke , -,. . . , 'forth,- Sou I lar': w ,,.ai l-.e said ''"'' "" -'M.i.ls ol that sPuinch j tlm lht.,.,inl,. lf , u.aiidtoiav i mg I iw ;. er. M Id Ceo. 1'.. King, i if tl,,. ,,,, ,,,.-:-. , a e ,j . v, n . v -te w h o w a - iieret 1 1 tm a- a partner 111 t he 1 against the j r, - p. - it , n ;..-a ,,ji ! yi'.ver P-is;iifs-. With Ills level tiead and coinage. deteim::., d w .1.. u,. have no doubt . w,lll",,1! ('"'-1 ':'!'.-- ;: r ... ' 1 ugh ga e u av t dr. 1. .ii and- l ,r a -'' ' s-. ' motion t-. go nit" -. -iii.v-. -sion. W e a: e -tr. : ;!-.! .1' lit." seeing Mr. Y,i. gav i..t.,,- u,at at the tide. P '. K N I nail licit- this court, ch--- ,f ti.e n.orioi i.u-o t. ii,.,:i..-.v u ra w a . i ' I s. di. ol ; I a- I e pi e -el l ' a' : )!,, r. John , (! ) . are i ne una I the press on ha. 1. 1. ''i , ,, ivr t hough, as a sort ,d n ;w,. shooting galleries add a ii ,1 g Jed I l,v with tell ponies. id-l t .11 K I 1 : i,ck atitl nil' '-on-- 'o ;: : ii,- iieeii in session for the ias- u.-.-i,. . I. oige Phillips and So- .... . , la-dm -. ' i i ; i n g 1 1 ' 1 1 ale on hand add h.i'. e i.oae good work in rid- ding the eoiiu'y oi a lot of eVli- doei-d .I n k l'.i'ah. an oid colored oii.-n.ier. g to tin- penitentiary . ' , tor two eais:,a b.uu iioozling an old l.n ,,r out ot a hall dead hol'se. Itouge ai d ,,-k- ,i 1 . g 1, : i .: r.. :K. d 1 he .1 id, g'e sa 1 1 he 1 s allowed to I , :.::i-ii-l ::: nil-- i i li ;.-. r go ot, t akdi g : I,, ::gs ! hat (ioli't lie- I- Punt i - ;., tii.riy :: :a; -1 mg to h.ti. tdat alter awhile he Py Mr. i Pea. r; . ,d A..,. . t : in: , , , : lorard .-ii; i ' lie i il: i g,.i:. u";' '1 caildg. A in-, l;v Mr. W: , :, : .,;' A..,.. ., :P - :. iio.il Pv ti.e ti iti.e ot (iay goes mi feii.a'. - I a' r P,:-. ! - :;t. . .- ;.-. . tor l, e , ars i oi ;i. i -; a k ; ng some- , d ! . . P., i - , ' , "s a;, ;;, :,,r his .iwii. not !' v:- .-. .-. ;" ; .v . ; i- .i.g ot -. . : v i ! -cer a ; a g mind I . . ... ;, P . . :i in ii a ', e weak : 1 1 s i , . , ; ... : : , ; many ot tin i , , o i i I p e , e , i e a - Well as si line o I -,i- wii.te- to 1 1 , : ,ra : i r 1 at e other e, ,; d, '- ; 1 . -I ,el : v tlli'ir Cl'dl Use mil Pehei; . 1' is w ell known that ineiei-.,iii ol Poard being sti high t.idi-ts Pe -iu-e where a negro wo mai: gt : - a. situation as cook she : :n u, ei 1 .a : e : sets up a Hoarding hi 1 e! s la ! : . : : ' ein ei at t h i.- place d is c"'de-l .ei tin- page ol ins last .1 I K I. a g I ea t in g li gill e . in ade with., pe l,ci 1 , d oil ': it less the w ol k , d s, , in eo n e , li ou r oil ice. Now . we :;, ten ,,- the meaning ot this ,,- , a :-,.... i:g .. to Oe in it ioi tln.-e 'A ee k - w e h a '. e 1 i; iei 1 tn si'lhl iii In '...-. Pi ;:: oi.i u-i,al liemstiom tri.s ;...r ot ie diimoial vineNaid. Well, w e ai i.oi :,. know that our . ' ell: s le pi. . ed enough til Pe miss- c oi ioldu Midi .1 gentle :. I w in n I in to me ll p m lss l.i I e i ol ,-. as in iliitv I iiillti.!. a : 1 1 e.i t" i: i ahe oil I Valid !',- :,, -11, h il.Ie I,e;lel". oil n il t ' I -' alee Ui'i'k- a LT-1. anil .is we 'aid eX'.H-ctiii-; a in I'M ., :,la. noils buttle that e: e : i :n' to open cni-hcd m 1 , ' , -iii to be till ' I. a in! ami el llei 1 V it 111 cut, in lit 1 ,j.r,.. t, i . : . - i s,. - i : i. a - el, . .11 r-rn-s. lt.f.l- WI. , i d 's. ,; a : . : . a s : o tii.it ex te 'if , in ; . r- . ! ...;:. -.a-an-, i to r.-volt a' - - - otin.d.t ;. I, ,-,-, ,le,l ;,. ,i , i : ieeo die j id 1 II t 11 1 to tut- i." . s. . : ha : We u e : i- i n : ; : e W 1 1 1 1 ' . t ., r : :.. . .';. t-d day-. II. ii II ;rii's t hel e- s...r.,: : : e. ; d a; - a : : 1 1 Ii i - li t s , , i ; n ,: 1 i . ( 1 1 .ijr.tn . t ne - . : i ,. : i . : i : i e S a ' e . -' i ; k to ko ., el' - ' :. el . ,,e,i U 1 : ell II one - . ::.t;..l ..! h -....il-i d : a ' -a : ',. u.e.l 1 - ' . - ;:.'! iad.e: . ( I i: s c :, ,- e a ''.-; .toll, '..11 n. c j am art r; j ,i ii a i ,,! k .l.w : : --A mi t-re-.-r t -i ii. ti..- M':' 'r,V !" ' : ' lluui r-j r . : i . V r. Hml-r : '' ; ' ; - r' , ,' ' .' 1 ' i'' : -i. -ni : M : .);..-: tee r.-p-rt. hr.-toP ''"t- the ealt-n.iur Mi . M aa . ,: lHiiriu- i :ia- t-h' T'tlll, lip ' 1 r :' ; t n i . .; : av i y l r. in original i I P r t! e it . t ' - ..a : . a: ! . - -1 -. I ', 1 1 1 ' i r a i : i i 111 -.-! I ill' I in. -n t ; n i . i -Pa . a i -.r..v..;. '. l .. by e or, ik riv hi,. I tTairs i a th- .rni-.n 1 hur.'P oramza- tion. Tilt- i . r- . . in I , i e ? . (a n-i ! iiin ,n Mr. l'--a ei.li,--i ii;, Mr. -k V --.iv.-r resolnti, n. ana addre.-.j ! '.: s i on it. lie acknou K de,-d la it I ! i e m il;,-y ,,(..,,,,., v.-,s an intri-ii,- r.i- -.a.i w hich ih.e --r--.-.i.-t -r osm, -ti oi t ... world ha.l loiii; ,;riipjl.-.l with ni i v.-re stl11 t-'r'M I'-'-.-' n ' 11 -,o:i.t they he,;. oi. S f ir h- the I liite.i '.ates were cava rn -.1 in- thought there !i-.-vi r had been a t mi- wh-n our paper or nn- tallic curr.-ucy h .d n, e.a - sound and healthy as u wa tmhiy. He had muc h ?0,'Haenc-" 111 V"' f'r:u't;c:'1 ".'?dt judement and integrity ot President .Cleveland . and his dev. it ion to con-lit u- 1 tinnal principles. Put many Democrats ouiu oilier wun nun on m..n.- -lues- tiona. and on details alfe a aig ihe tarilT. He thoughl the real pant invoiced to be. not suspension, hut iot.il stoppage of silver coinage, and if -liv.-r c uiinf wa ' topjd now it v,-,,uid 1- a Mow th-t would ea-P.v and -le-i-dily 1-ad totlie l'K lt ,r,',!V c ai-i l.-rat i- a: - ! .! r. I o i ; i : ; : i a e t h e ; s r.-s. d ut inn . Mr. '.it i av next i, r. IK-- t:.i: ,n Wd dr.-s-ai i a-k tl,-- pernii-.-ion of th- Sen c a: ark- on the same .--alp a ii- Jadiei d .r.g P. placed ; -o , , d ,.. - Mr. 11 i ma I, : - n. I ! a -v : - to. ti.-, :. !.-. ..: d ex-t-ut.e .-.--I ' A: w"r" '"' '"" 1 ' lourile 1. j, tl . !;I ir ';.-. u. following t-i.l- I t i:,lr,d'.i, i' i r,i: I r-fnri : 1;-v -''" '! l,",,1r "' " ' ll; mg 1 ai , - ll:,,:i to- I ,, . v . , K,:-d S d ..i,-. P. n.oi :.... t'ti'-tuat i t ion t : .. ;-. an ; -.. ; i.-v.-u; ti.e y ; y t:.- sut.-tita-- ay i. t . -i -a- ,'t f r.-'lioi..d to restore to -. ..- s-rved in th - :;n 1: Tiers of ii t i .v: t p.ip. r n,;l soi-si-r- late w ,,, . ( j o V . 11 . ' 1 , IU Mr : : .,. .one. a l ,-"i u -. e i i ary of the N avy i.e. l .-i i i.g tiie truth or .. . I . slit e in eat- w high : . . :e- i u: ac l'ir-s. as tiou c.P:: for lnt-r. fa.Mty ' , fli.lO'A- id:-'. i ,. .1 ti.e t.'oIIll.iIid.'.Ilt o; th- r . N" ; y Y.tr I .it Norfolk has caused th- i; '.': odd- iti-erspt ions ii-i't-tofore P r:.e , :. t :.- c an:,, n eiptureiiPy tiie I". . n. ,..'.. -.r , r i. . v lorees to .v uhi i te r.,1 e 1 . rnio e i : i plac- ! .. -t ru-o d -:. !. that i." e.tii--d to Pe : .: rv .1 k a t..Ph-t t . . - -' - n e, ii e i a . g : : . " isa': ii"i:: L'rtr 1 ! v ; ,' " '"" '" Pa : i i 'o I -.- i . s i , , . . ,, . . ,, i ... T.ri.t . . .a--- : pot--; n g 1 1 r. - I i , - i - : : . '..,' :' :. i - , . - : : p; : , a . the Siip.-iint. i ' :; . v- i ',.rk : i u a ;,:. g .. u iivae-i ""l".1;': p i -::' o v.-m, II.-' 'a. . .:. ' , a . . Kourih. Ta.:;. -.-g,;.i . : th grat In! 'e',ei..' ! - s v : - - a an - "'- -a-".--- ' i'l-a- ....... 1 is'iiiii'.- l tr.-::; t:.- r.... it -try -er v iee i , f t ae , ,a : . : : y . ;i : a ai - r per- a.- a , 1 r. . . - :--; t I , I o 1 1 ,- : , ; a .;:..- N : ; . i a i v their p... - t!.i- i 1 . er. v. ho a-iin-t t: - a- are -. :;r. i i !!,e N.r.y :- ii a-- up. :: (tv Mr. t r i y a . it . :. w a -. anil: IC-tUrel - g; pil ot thf) w a 1 1 were r c.-Et. incri"i.-e i f supply, yet we w ere e-'iit. Til" mine- io'dinu' only ; j,--, the present isioaev : t M that we mu-t" o : 'tiie nMLev -ap. ' i-j l : i 1 ver i 'i 1 1 -a-at- -)4 p-a- i n:. that being tiie To' Id 's clock of n. 'ii,e -a . - , t ie ctP'ris agaia-t i.'er v.- nil r al: :.-. ti,-? greatest in ; -t n ai iai iam i tn.--. i.v.y specie.- of p. rtv would -lii.nk: in- only exe.-p- n t j that result Peine gold and debts. Lion wu-uhi Pe incre.ist-d to the extent wd'.ii'ti propei ty wou'-d h-ive nhrunk. -ery pal p,- creditor. Mr. Vance said. k our silver dollar gladly-, except only th- -lass that di-tu.- cly au.i sol emnly agreed in writing to take it. Hut w e wero told that silver had gone dow n. Tin's was not eo much true as that gold had gone up. Mr. Vance read from the late finan cial reports of Havana markets to show that American silver dollars were at a premium over the silver coins of Eng land and France. In the course of aT his economic reading, he said, from j Moses to Sunset Cox daughter, he had 1 never met a case so weak as that now made. by the enemies of silver, lie had heard many cases argued in school-boy clubs and cross-roads debating societies: ; heard pleas made from the tail end of gingerbread carts. and had read endless platitudes in the Comjressiomd Record. but he had never met or seen worse abuse , of logi?. or a feebler attempt, to outrage ! common sen"e. than the arguments : used by our bankers, bondholders and gold men generally, in the discussion of this silver question. The rapacity of avarice, he said, was so repugnant to the moral sense of mankind that it al- , ways sought to disguise its ugliness by a-Miming the garb of virtue. So the bondholders and bankers told us that ihey wanted silver coinage stopped, not lor their own advantage oh nol but far the sake of the poor workingman, j whom they preferred to their own I chiefest j )y. Mr. Vance rid iculed this ' pretension, aud said that the war on i silver was in the interest not of , those who labor. but of 1 those who speculate in money. In j reply to the statement that people would not take the silver dollar, and that when issued it had always come back to the Treasury. Mr. Vance contended thai tiie U:w required our officers to pav it out. and if it came back to p3y it out again. If the officers of the govern ment had done their duty and complied with the laws there would have been no ditiiculty -with the silver dollar. They had refused to pay it out. There never had been another instance in our history in which our otlicers had boldly taken ou themselves the absolute dis cretion a- ro whether they would or won Id nc i execute the lav.-. The money lores of the time were the real control lers of cur monetary affairs. They were the successors of the feudal lords of the Middle Ages, but they did not iiave the same class of persons to deal with. "Of one thing I can assure them." Mr. Vance said, "and that is. thai ;u tills country, where the people rule, stiver is n it going to be demon etized. " Mr. Prow n remarked that owaiig to 1 severe hoarseness he would prefer to postpone, until Thursday next, the de livery of his remarks on ihe siier ques- tion. and Mr. Maxey stated that he. too. would address the Senate on that day on til-same subject. The Senate at 2:4 went into execu tive session. Ar -". o'ciock the doors w. re re .petted and the Senate a-i-j aimed. ir. ihe iioust". Mr. Burrows, of Michi gan, iron: tiie committee ou postorfices an I j i-t raads. reported a resolution calling on the Postmaster-General for iiii.irin.iti'iii as to changes made in the i.o.vs regulating the compensation to 1 railway companies for carrying the : :-'!s: and also as to what facilities are in- is-iiiT to enable him to mike a thorough and satisfactory examination of this subject. Adopted. Mr. Caldwell, of 1'enn.. from the c -r.mittee on Laws and Regulating the i t-kvtk-D of President and Vice-Presi- j dent, reported back without amend-I m-nt ihe Hoar Presidential eucccssioa j biil, and it w.-..- placed on tiie House: Cileudar. j Mr. Coop-T. of Ohio, gave notice that I lie would lilt- a minority report. j Mr. (ieddes. of Ohio, from the com mittee on war claims, reported a bill for tin- payment of ihe "Fourth of July . claims." Private calendar. ! Oa behalf of the committee on the ' Judiciary Mr. Bennett, of North Caro lina, called up and the House passed tin- bill authorizing terms of the U. S. t irdtiit urt f or the Lastern Judicial district of North Carolina at Wilming- ten. ! The Hou.-e then, at one o'clock, on ' motion of Mr. IJeagan, of Texas, went 1 into committee of the whole. (Mr. I Pleum. of Ua.. in the chair) for corn-id- i t-r.:i;,):i of the President's message. j Mr. Reagan took the tlaor with a long :. i carefully propared speech upon the j f . a a r. eial question . ad y oca ting the double j -.aiaiard of value, condemning the ua- I t: aal banking svMem and a riming in ' .v. r I a - l lellt i:i': applying a portion of tne sur tiie Treasury to ihe gradual pay f l li u public debt. He earnestly tied the r.roposition to suspend e.ana ;o oi the silver dollar, main-i.r.- tr.al such a course would have -die. '- -f makiui: a few more mil-i-.res 1 a-idm laiart ly lo the army r.:n;;o ;.:: 1 iiaui-.u-'. I! C n '.' ! u .- lea Mr. i ' I. II Hou-c '. j .i : j iiiiifii. lawltV nreside.l in tii- al-er.Cf of e .'. . - t-eu.'it. -r ti'.' nate to j . aaror Slierman. Mr. lu-alls offered ti.e i-iii i;:- re.-jo-;;i.-n. which, at his ia -tu.-st. w'as l.iid -a r for the present : it-.-olve i. That in the ..pini enate. the cumpulsory cotuaj; -n of the e of silver f Kebru-uspend-d -.nil i f t i n M-.n-ili :,:- Mr. lie.- view belter to it.'.rs. aire I by U. ...te le.i i'.'e lie'.: 1 a w t r -nmrt -t..ted mat n ,rs . as i t f " " : ' ii -ei. at Pn. -? dli- j .: i a. at . I In- r-diia :. 1-- i- I i.n.i-ut i t . :- r. ta: v f War. i:p .' 1 : . i eek's -aver td- arur:e. :::- of -,:-cr.-ta: v oi t:.e 'i da popula: ; m . h annua:, an.l our i of gold. Amen- -t on an exact - re. I3ut - coinage . . frf e. ia-i! en .i! ver -ha equality with 1 i be ..!-.,... coin - gold every wn whether right or wrong as to fi . Mr. Coke said, we should . that our governmiLt officials 6ho. ex -cute tiie law s. A resolution offered by Mr. Edmunds w a- atieed to. authorizing the Secretary of the Senate t- pay bills incurred in ihe atitai.h-.nee of Senators at the funer al of the late Vice President Hendricks. At tpj.j p. nj., on niotion of Mr. Hoar, the -Senate went into Executive session. At p. m. lha doors were re-opened and the Senate adjourned. Horse Mr. O'Neill, of Penn., pre sented a petition from the American Clay-Tobacco Pipe Association asking that the duty on clay pipes be changed from ad valorem to specific. Referred. The moment that Mr. Curtin, of Pa , who had been conferring with friends at his seat at the end of the main, aisle, succeeded in being recognized by the SpeaJser, he arose and said, "It was your pleasure, sir, to do me the honor to place me first on the list of the com mittee on banking and currency. I did intend to state to the House my reasons for declining the houor, but on the ad vice of many friends and of the senti ment of the public journals of the coun try, Hiave concluded to offer no rea sons of my own as to declining the po sition it was your pleasure to give me. I did not need the advice of any man, for my disposition in this respect was made up in the beginning for reasons of my own, which seem to be understood by my friends and colleagues on this floor. I do ask this House to excuse me from the important duty of chairman of the committee to which you have as signed me. '' The Speaker If there be no objection the gentleman form Pennsylvania will be excused from duty as chairman of the committee on banking and cur rency. Mr. Bland, of Missouri, moved that the House do not excuse the gentleman from Pennsylvania, but this motion re ceived no support, and Mr. Curtin was excused. This devolves the chairman ship on Mr. Miller, of Texas. Mr. Reagan , of Texas, rising to a ques tion of privilege, said he found in the Record today, that previous to his mak ing his speech yesterday, Mr. Morrison, cf Illinois, had protested against the de bate on the silver question beingopened ot that time, aDd had remarked that nothing justified this departure from the rules of the House. When he (Reagan), with the consent of the House occupied bis place in defence of the rights of the people, he dil not think he merited the rebuke of the gentleman from Illinois. Mr. Morrison denied that he had had any intention to rebuke the gentleman. He had meant to say that he could see no reason why the debate should begin yesterday. Mr. Reagan said that he had referred to this matter because he did not wish by his Filence to seem to acquiesce in the rebuke. On behalf of the Committee on Presi dential laws, Mr. Caldwell, of Tennes see, called up for action the Hoar Presi dential Succession bill, but ou a state ment by Mr. Cooper, cf Ohio, that the minority report had not been prepared, the discussion of the subject was post poned until tomorrow. The House then, on motion of Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, at 10 o'clock ad journed. A GENTINE SPOILSMAN. Senator Vance's Very Peculiar Views ou niif-Servlee Reform. Vasiiington. Jan. 6. Senator Vanco doe3 not expect to see Civil-Service law repealed under the present Administra tion. The introduction of his bill yes terday was merely the outburst of feel ings that could not be suppressed. "Even though it should pass both houscti it would be vetoed by the Presi dent,' he s lid this evening. "Never theless. I think there is a popular cry for the repeal of the act. Seven-tenths of the people of my State, of both par ties, would be glad to have it repealed. There is more feeling on the subject than you svould think. I know of several Republican Senators who favor the bill, to say nothing of the Democrats. I believe in civil-service reform, that is. in thn impros-ement of the service, but I also believe in the party in power having the spoils. Of course it would not do to turn the whole thing upside down with a change of administration, to burn out all old men and put new and inexperienced men in. But I do believe in the victors occupying the conquered field. It is all very well for the people who are in and who have the spoils in their pockets to call us, who wane a little of it, spoilsmen. The real issue in the last campaign was on turn ing one party of people out and putting another in. The New York papers were full of it. They said "turn the rascals out," and the will of the people was that they Bhould be turned cut. ISow, if I want a friend of mine put into one of the departments. I must ask a Re publican to do it for me; if I want a man who is obnoxious to me removed, I must ask that favor of his friend. I saw the defects in this act at the time it was passed. It was passed under Republi can rule to go into effect on a certain day. Before that day came the Repub licans had tilled every office with their friends. Safe jn their apostolic right, their salvation was secured. The man who wanted an office after that must come along and etand his examination, muft be stood up on the outside with ias ticket in his hand likeamanin front .,f a soap-house, and then must wait for some one to die. There might have been thousands of iucompeteDt men in office, but they did not have to go through any examination because they were already in. -'Besides this," continued the Senator, "sve want a fair representa tion in ollice-holding for every State. It was law before the passage of the idivil Service act. and it is law now that the oftices shall be distributed among the .States as nearly as possible in pro portion to their population. Of course, during reconstruction times the South was represented here by a lot of carpet baggers who obtained what offices they cuiihl for their friends, and people re;: as istc-red as trom my state were jusi ikelv to be from "ew England. Of course, after the passage of the Civil Service act. it was impossible to get any euan-Ls. Now. I was looking over the blue b-e'a the other day, and I found lha! in tiie Interior Department there were liaa people from the District of Ci.uml'i.i tin ployed, and how many do t'aia'r-: fioai North Carolina'.' Forty nine. The District of Columbia vr.h 'I'D-) inhabitants. and North Caroiiua with l.aUU.O-'A'l Still. 1 ,.r.l-l ;. t care so much who held ti.-m if th. y were In Id by Democrats. I lo.i y- a this C ivil service act slinks iu t-ie :- -trils , f tiie Democracy, particu ', -.riv of the md-fashioned Democracy, do be -are the President has not entire ; ii; : I t 1 his t-rincit'les as -et f, rth ::,;-:,.:o. but lie has resi-ted the r --a:- iat'.-r than any- ether man v al . 1. x-.a il-ne. I know if a man who li . i w -rke-i f. rme. voted for me and - :.: his mo-.-iy f.,r me. came and a: ked 0. 0 : r a ; a a e that wa- held by a man hsi-1 v.- raid, a-ain-t ran I w aiicl j.v. t..y i:.tr .-:;: ti u of liiis I ill wa - :. -: p.,. -at as an attack on tiie A-l-:. ;e,.-:r..t.. r. any more than Senator I eih- s; -ea was." -aid Mr. Vance. "1 h .v always held these views n the t ; .1 serva-- law and I voted against its : .--..e... 1 -hail -upport the Admiui I I ... n l.-.irtdy whenever I can. but I ..,-. t ahanee ray i p.nions to attree svitii .;. :. ,r can 1 packet them bee iuse I m.iv .. v. - ir,,- f.ivor to a-U of it. " "la e-cela-ior. the Senator said that in? eved ti-.,- l 'ivil-Si-rvice law would be :.. :.' i ..; ;:a- -t siieii of I'oe-r. ss. hut 1. la- eo'il 1 cot say. He had not ;':. :;h; et" the matter in that way. The r -:..-.;- .- heme- emphatically the pab-..- .. di ::i'n-i:ior,t that be has seventeen rel itive.- in rilice. He says that his i r ;!. r ;- As-i-tant Commissioner of . . - i Pater-is v.J - et Besides Clerk of the xoteiuif senate, with nsist and b - -V&Zce claims kinship, but x I whose relationship no ;This, the Senator sayB, Worid. -f his reiau" Professional Cards .S. H- 5uuw, o. X KY-AT- LAW, I A T T UILNP i i KENAJ1SV. of Dnpllu. Practices in the Counties Craven, Jones and Onslow. Collection of Claims a specia. Correspondence solicited. DR. J. D. CLAx DENTIST, NE WB ERI, . O. Offloe ou Craven street, between Polloc and Broad. pr!7-dwly F. U. ClXauSS CLKJLEKT UtXLT. SiMrvlORS & MANLY, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. Will pr.ictlce in me Courts of Craven, Jones Onslow. Carteret, Famllco, Jjenoir and Hyde and in the Federal Court at New Berne, febiid&tvli Owes II. (Jtrojf. I. H. Pelletieb, GUION & PELLETIEB, Attorncvs at Zjaw, South Frost St., opp. Gastoh Hottse, NEW BERNE, 97, C. - Tracttce where services are desired. Practlt-e in the Supreme Court, aad In th Federal Court at New Berna. One of this firm will always be nt the fol lowing places at times specified relow: Trenton, Jones county, Haiurday of each and every week. Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday of eajrJ week. Jacksonville. Onslow county, tkc first Uon day In each month. 17d lurora Academy, AURORA. N. C. Session IS-'SI opens August 31. 13X5. Liter .ky Department K. T. Bonner, Frin ; Miss Martha Whitley, Assistant. Musical Departs! est Mrs. A, G. Lane. Thjs school Is situated in a moral and pro gresslve community. For further information ai'ply to auglOdwlf R. T. KONSKB, Principal, ATGHES AT GHEATLY RE duced lTifM-s. Address L. G. OllADY, Halifax, N. C. oc!7 dw WANTED LADIES to work fo- us at lueir own homes. $7 to 10 per week can be quietly made. No photo, painting; no caiivussit.ix. F-r full particulars, pleaue address, at once, descent Art Co.. Boston, Mass , Box .',170. del9 lm WANTED Ladies and gentlemen lnetty or counirv to tnke light work at their own lioines S3 to $4 a day can be easily male: work sent by mail; no canvassing. We lias'e good demand for our work and fur nish steadv employment. Address with stamp. CROWN M'P'G COMPANY, 894 Vine St., Cincinnati. Ohio. delOlm INTENDING ADVERTISERS should pudress GEO. P. ROWELL Sc CO., 10 Spruce Street, Now Tork CU7V For Select List of 1,000 Newspapers. PBAMOfORTES. UKEQOAIXED IN TOME, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP ?.nd DURABILITY.. WILLiAM IC1VABE & CO., Nos. SS-4 and 306 WestBaltimore St., Baltimore. Ho. US Fifth Avenue, New York. USIN'ESS MEN RE MEMBER " Money Saved ie Money Hade. Do Your Ojvn Printing. Only iHirfoct t,lf-inkinQ rubber staiDDDrenmer oCTered. WorKmaaahlD unsurpassed. Prints perfectly. No business man should be without one. i?ltre Sfitisfartion maf anieeti. Catalorrwa aud testimonials free. Prica amnzin-ylu 1-w. Refer by viermlpston to Ho& A H u'- 'a .-.',.. a tt-rnev OoTvrfll United States. THE iVIIfiV".! 'fl'BnF.Il STAMP 1'REsS Zl'l 'tJ CO., Aiif UBta, Gt. DEBIL STATED MEN. You ar allowed a free trial of thirty day of the nse of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltn Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the ppeedy relief and permanent cure of Kervous DebilityAoe of Vitality and Manhood, and ail kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases- Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Man-hood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. IIlutratHi pamptilet insecUeJ. znveiope mailed free, hv addressing VOLIAIC BEIT CO., Marshall, Each, Hsuss Keepers ! If You Aro Ooinrr to ii()US13 GO TO L. II. CUTLER'S AND GET A Dinner Set, 125 Pieces, Tea f et, 44 Pieces, Chamber Set, 10 Pieces -Fine Toilet Sets, AND EVERYTHING IN House Furnishing Goods Line 26 and 28 Middle Street, n i;:wejs;3;xk, x. Better than Real Estate There ;.:o vc-y few inv.-sttn; v l -1 1 or than fivl t-s'Hie, li;t vi- know ni uiiv that is, anil ih;tt 'i c .s -i i'(iic :n THE FIDELITY KTTIUAL LIFE ASSOC'N t? PHILADELPHIA. i iite f.f I i m , ds ie ' i'i',1: : vat iea yeaiay I e en : l , K led ; 1 1 ll'ii ll" as die Lux I'll 1 e;i! e l.n li.e death ' I lb- i riirs. nml 1 1 1 in a . i- ii .1 as i ,: like valuii, . r. I l,e J.ellcy laui.ii Iraloi-S .!,,. s IM'! ! 'P.ll'e I'l i ii, a. '.. .-, a - a , i I a i i - a : : i a :.; a. I , ii I Is l A i I ' in' 1 "e I I A 1 . A 1 " en v " 1 1 u I t'X pell BO I.', ti- '-:,-'. ait I. ..ae- . : .:. I, ,'l. J';ie j, , ee-ai; -.: i ;iea j'"' e i -. -aa 'raan-e-l I.V Iielii:'. - ' "ee a s- s.-i I ' : v; il!..-,- ittl ,t r.-sei- V" l .- - ie n a v . ,l ," '. : . .d o isli uk s.. is .,: : a: I.' ' " '." ! . . - . . s - a 1 1 i : '. r, s -' i '. - : a dl 1 ne. ne,! I i.a , ;' - : r. . ' - n i 1 1 . e. ; , x : , e s - , e- : e , a . : I . : : . ': ml il'lis. , -1 : : i -, ,1. i '. ' ee i . i - - :' ': , I'llK'i', .. . V..d :e - r .did :de; a. !'n. -, .. . ;. .:. e.a ;,. di. i a jilan. I. H. : l1: V l-tTTK. lilel, T , 11. -N. C. !!! ! HltH ll V. Air.ntH r. a. hi'imfort, i l l'.iailieo. i , W" :i e p re al, lia-.-nients. . Truste , - , e s ,,i-e of Hie I , a jilans and ' ' :,- I'l-lty. Jr. . I - I ' 1 l - ll . Mi i-a. w r, i. :u. 1 H- e. 1 ' . 1 raw i ex. i a .-. a ah i im v is, :: '. I- dw If 1 u NERVOUS - . e Xof Dnpllu. he?oi div x