THK JOTTKNAL. OV t It I u Vt.Kl ; ! I I 1 i I.! HtltPCR. KRN E . Editor. c. J m ' r- I'l State dint-fi., aud nr..! recp ti )-; ira .!' th.- j.. Ki . h n f).-5 1 w.i ;h' ur- 1 ih.i S :::.: s i ; M :-r- t .' :: jvo 1 1 ' i " ' i i rv i! r . HX) tx?r lnrmi:. Tiii". A-1. i'' f'-i'-p o ' jj:vv ; 1 3r:u-al.t.-!i of t -. !.- i : e tchoou?r C i i-i-tit- HVw;li!. The case jlpe4lH strongly to the Govern men, tor LaiV Suit:.: st.i'ions on car otst. K vennient :: , resr.rt ion . t ' . a le : :i I Airri'u',';; This '. e n r -lira! m r i i u i : i .ippr thro Y Illr i;r;.itin!i n j:h in (Ir wv i: r. 1 : eum id i . 1 1 .'err ii1' v ,i bene t'Ks 1 l"! : : 1 1 : to j;et -an .i n y eonseo ueiHi' : ,1 A--e'iil.:y. in;::i'n i- nimii !! 'ii-.: An-1'1'' t-:.t i- .i i:eees:l .re'.-: e, m it ueteii. ' le .11 !l"l!l . e S" .i ' e .Hi ! be i ' I ;e t o lie f.n ii; i : n 'i s is : ' -a nidi :i on any ilniilittul d d 111- f i 1 .- 11 S i .1 1 11 ell . '! II ,l I'e! t r r I'l.lll t ll.lll Klol ri.j .i nj i, i i ! i t he ein nt ,1 : a : . t l.e :, i .it ! iie:.- in il 1 i n ii I IE . i r t 1 I'ei Am ,i . : h k ' d-llieil u . : rv in ak breedin n dies o s,,;; pivs.siblt way t lie q l THK woman snft'ragiat .i.-p making extensive preparation0 for gr.iml Tally it: Washicy.'" City next month. The ve.jer.i die Si" .-AN I'. ASTHO.W is rep.irte.i .I're.i.iy en the grouiiil .r..ipping out the- line ! the enupaign. I.ii.i.ik 1kvkkk;a BLa.K.'S u! also lie there .ind the el" '!' coanlrv will iloiihtlesj et l hftle piece of her aiiad. They Jim strong friend m l.e put 1 !.-. I mi; e ; i-ri , w i 1 1 1 .1,.;: irs Mile 'e ; e p e r ; ti ; i : s : : l testing the '; .ili.l e':n:,ite Ml in.l i ' is u; teri n i . i r t he ( i ' em te w ; ; h t he in . nee et tl'.e n r ;ev : n i ! o t he s;:eh .i itep.irt inelit some eiuinge. NN 0 wlu-t her sneti ,in in- uiv tie ne tit ueee-si ' ie ': h.i'e :i n il e rgi . beiim to doab s ; i ' : ; ' i ' 1 1 cm be tit I ! .1- oent t ! :ii i'l"!b . .itter vlllih ' v i : lie to , Mi ; ; v i e r good an.i.s n i he - in. e ilhistr.iti w ir It -. I : not tn P it o: no I n.- -or. i-e :ti pom' .e ser n e- pn .ite !y tieetl ;r,shes .1 - sort of " v -t : v t'.i '. ttii i i . : n i e p The .line the A -ri foil men ,in.l r.i: -1 ; LT I It 1 1 S'll iter ail ,1 Itnre.iii ,i;nl on t l.e p:i li.shed reports is not of BoiR, bu soenjs to be t.ikiug icter to encourage .in expm- the Tuuun's suffrage s:on in ttus line oi itov ern men i I tiou or of distributing ,i.-te tcck rtov. in TliK IIoak r.esiJentul sUCCes t'on btll h.. p.i.s"d ooth Houses of 'jtgr-.-w. It provide for ttie sue ;d!'n of the eitlunet in r.i.-i of the tle.iJli of U)tb the President and Yico Presideut, begir.uuig with the Sevrct.iry of St i'e. It not sat isfactory to uiauy bo voted for it, bat the esigeucies of the ease de mauled that something of the kind "be pa&sed immediately. There w.U lrvntl ldz 1 ft nn nilwr if iiinstitU- down. UVUJ1 iaivuuuiruui wut-iei iv- (..- - -ri . I,,T t'V tt nrged th i" ' ht a per I A well edited r" 1 ! dm.eniinite more useful uitoraiii- "ii .i vc r turn itmong the tarmuig eomuuintty than any (,'rovernnieiit .igeney 18 cap.ible of. while ax a pioneer in the possibilities of the e. illmg the Go eminent would u'.i -o far be hind the voluntary oiploiers eon amnre as to h' utterly ridiculous. The project of teaching the Ameri can farming community agriculture he f tniiing interest. There are gtesMve farmers in every sec-' i of the State who are experi u!ing::i methods of manuring 1 cultivating ail crops, and stock ig, and the tcinle!ic to read purnals and the local rs in winch accounts of their siH ve.-.-e- and failures are repoited, ratio r puts them ahcr.d instead of folh.'A :ng the Agricultural Depart niriii. In oilier words, we doubt if the State can compete with or mateiiallv aid private enter- n tins line unless m is none rge scale, autl t'N en theu that who the S-ate'-larincr would be as much Ul preach bei ehied b individual experiments as the liid would be by the St .1 ' e' s ex; ier 1 in en t s. divan ' . Sturd: tebt r 1 grow n pi Ml - he g.r e.-t ,n d pie-,-;., ;;!: t ; . V e I 1 o thiol -p ye.-' t-rt V i' ll e 1 t a . 1 1 Ml t lie i 1 II I he .'. I lies' 111 i: ' low-: John . ( lies' 1 ' .lames 1 einh. c is .-: x ; school . the pr, . began .I.uiii.u was Ml : him, iiti Passing teacher alter cni-.-in that he had preach a- out sev :c ;.:.d ;; -t ho ight l,c i .il'..: d le wh ere calit d ;n sal spin il ail.Ttion. ( .. four able 1 -o ! i, , m ;i .lohn on the Moor, in vulsio i. he tore, d h organ, on ln h he c. ably well, and layet airs in exivlleli t -' i It dec l.ile- t! at the liet'ore ! . y c-il ; h- - collellliled the la- ' aloud a profe--:o '!,'. !i,,MlI.. vir.,1 times l'!l MIS 1 he ll.lll some N eli ! Ii g h 1 le e 1 e h. '.-. il i g 1 . M-t.t t oil- i lie . Ilillli.-si ANNUAL COUNTY DEBT STATEMENT. oms of Persons . T. II. Mallison, listing taxe3 No. 6 township '85 do per diem and mileage to date whose accounts have been audited bv the Board of Sam l Itham. per diem and mileaga as Commissioner to date nenrv it. uryan. services Attorney ro twara juiy oo nc rs of Craven County, and the amounts allowed during the period x. S. Richardson, printing blank Apes, and Mar. licenses S, pt. Ut. 1334, and ending the 30th day of Nov.. A. D. 1883. )lm- V; Stanton, listing taxes No. 5 townfhip '85 m. H.Lane. do No. 0 do i:. ihe law ad. 's three months in 18S5, September, October and Nt in il. is report. He i !..- : ii ; III i ' . e e g iVe . i k ; 1 1 g i II:- -'o ll. iil o. t.i 't '. e , l ; a- to I stantiv 1 he has b father -. bled an 1 1 . i . II . i c . t .an 1 a o i h . ease 's o h 1 . . i hill en le. !- lather . ;. l-i !. ver I-. As he . l.e he shollted t laM I. alltl Ml iiee th'-n t ( hi l-Mail. his - no' -Mice suf otlie:- .i:s,,r,ler.- a! - : ell Ml eX- - n ; i. t stronger i . - . 1 g e he la: hel 's act ;olis. iv. iirti-il. i -e. Mil a I- k.o,ii ; I.ot e I . !i A". N ail.-: 1'ees A-iutd John H. Collins. Solicitor, 1'. W. Carpwnter. Clerk. Mayer llahn. Sheriff, W. M. Kiiik. Sheriff Pitt county. 1 ii. llooUt'r. Sheriff paml ico count v, W ii. lirinsori. Justice Peace. Nature of Claim. July. 1SS5. Court Claims, Spring Term, 1835 : A.m't Allowed. R. T. Hodges. Sac-riff IJ. county, an est and conveying Giles Blanco to Nowbern, Craveu county Dr. II. (i. Bates, liolding impie't aud pay of jurors and witnesses J. AV. Stewart, livery for Outhbert and others to county bridges Daniel Stim.-on. lumber for counry bridge? M. HaUn. SneritT, r.mvi yiaz I'neny Bed to (ioljshoro Asylum r.o one- dres for Miiry Ross d-i turr.k.-y fee- July "85 ii . feeding pri-oners July a 40 00 13 00 14 80 25 00 7 75 40 CO 40 CO 11 90 10 00 8 50 28 47 10 55 2 75 10 80 168 10 -bM- Such Tin.- in 1 r v W. M Wi.tse;:. K ti. Hill. J as. V. Wni. II. Kliison, S. W. Latham, A P. Duvis, J 1'. Stanlv. Wash. Spivy. B. 1'. Dinkins. M. -es Mason. do do do do tlO do Cciistable. do do do .Klin M. Hargeit, City Marshal. Hnce liowe. Jncob Jackson, Himhos Joues. T. S. Allen. H F. J mer. .1 Mr. 1 -a ;n at tti! Id'. MOVKMKM h.M 1 Ii U1HN rMiK OK A PKL Tl.( 1 I V K TARIFF. We, coo tcdav an article from John spoke. education ,n been fur; . wtnihl be i ... gien. Tn his pica called in the and tor the . i::::g . f Thursday. :., on :. g man. w h. :u, his teacher beside ,.'. lock h id at 1 .111. e. I tie,- he a.-sli : etl t lie e had Vl-Med II, MM Ii. i he river .loi dan, and been c i;n in .Ml iled to o i t l.e i hose ii , a lid , id urged hi- inability i ca.-i hi i t' t he 1 ack ol 1 knowleiige, he had id that Ihe : ex'- ilia ' he with bad gg: reci the , of t ill.Mrve e s.u ti dm ing the pa-t week ! have been a biill"' t ; ,l..'l, t Mi ,1 T , beg II in: Marcus A nderson , A. L polled. M. Patterson. John L' . Smith.. Kristor Bryant. Frank Hyman. A hrsm l':inpitv. ' is i j u e s 1 1 o Ii a b 1 e v lift her John K Sammoni, were at ad satisfied j Wm. R Sammons. ::-e of the m. u ket. The , Wm. Cohen, .1,,, .;ll,ltli in i i 1 1 .. t I A mold Williams. i d : he i i njplaint of hoi t o h ;u the poits and at oi towns. The reflection ri-vioii.s week's short re ceipt- upon I,i t-rpool cau.-ed again in that in, u ket, winch was used again as a lever to sustain piieesin Constable. do i.'O do Slate witness. In Henrv J. Lovick, Cuas. Sutton, I Chas. E Butler, sr Willie Hollo way, I Barrum Forest, '. E. A. Forest, 1 Rob't L. Skinner, j J. J. Skinner. Warren Skinner, by Government officials is about as reasonable as one to prop up the most stable of the Kgptian pyra mids to keep it from turning upside ern pro on hi t-w lmk. Ihe spot market was Geo. Dees, active din nig the week, and a. gain Dr. D. V. Smith, . , . T . I M oi -e. was registered this week on , "". t l,e i 1 .-1 l-'ll; II I I' ll in: - . 1 I- I : . :g prices oi list week, i- r-i l. . 1 , . , Oliver Clark, gamed ill! ot 10 gjla8 Bryan I in- closing prices of last ' Green Bryan. ... - .- j Lis eves wi li the ueed ot a home market for South- i re;iti ves w ei e hicrs Hud how it can be ob- 1 mon. Tiu for tbe succesaion. S5ATos Sherman in th mking th Ohio Legislature for electing him a fifth time as a Senator spoke of the New York election las as the best in th world ami thought Ohio's should be like them thoogbt SJLMt'XL J. Tilde should be thanked for the effort he msde ial863 to have these I is psed. Be might also b ive congratulated th ltefHibhcan party that these 1a4 wen uot in force in South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida in 1873, for if they hud ten he could not have aided in stealing the Presi dency from Mr. Tilde. Wz hare been shown a letter by Mr. Outeb from Mr. IIexhy XlCnOLS, President of the Anti iloaopolj League of New York in rejrard to the feeling of tbe people of JTew York on the -ilver question. He saja with the exception ot the Teserable Jomt Thompson, presi dent of th Chase National Bank, U tbe National Bank men are opposed to silver; bat a very large majority of tbe ieople are opposed to dewooeUzing it. The League represented by Mr. Nichols is composed of the very best people in 2Jew York and bis opinion carries great weight with ir. , THZ comniUtee on Privileges and 2ectioo3 in tbe Oonse of Represen tative of tbe Ohio Legislature re - ported a reeolation on Tuesday an eating the nina Democratic mem ben from Hamilton county and the nine Republicans were then sworn in. If these Democratic members eecared their places by fraad, then the Iloase of Representatives did right in unseating them. Each branch of tbe Legislature on tbe aame day balloted for L . S. Senator. Ia the Senate Mr. Thvkma re ceived twenty-one votes, Mr. Shkk HXX seventeen; in the Qoase Mr. Thcrma received iorty one votes and Mr. Sherman sixty-seven. their liK'ai benefit to oue experiment stat ernment tion He trucking oi would eousu I f.-.i., i , , ,n ni.iiiiiiiiiiT .i nrntertive IdllJOl m uni ii.ii ..k " .... .. .. ias r.-pra'edly Unff. There iim) If and doubtless l.ii in t-1 s can t using is much truth in t h is article, but we eisU- of more doubt if the South is ready to de a n y j scrt i Us old time Pemocratlc doc- n iuu l y the Gov- , trine ot "Tariff for revenue only. a farmer in this see- With a readv home market for all lit his It .-slllg anted to know anything about ; oar farm products no one can doubt laising vegvtaMes he i that North ( 'arolina would double Mers. IH'NN and i her wealth and iH imlatlon in Willktt, Mr. .! . L. l H km, j t ban ten years. But would not a Crockett, Rodman or any of the revenue tariff drive tbe New Eng truckers around New lWrne, where ilantl manufacturers South quicker culiiviiiiug, rattier man mate ol the oomn oeiug moie i.hui epor s st iit ont by Gov-j able ami having the raw material practical science is used iu manur-: than a protective tariff? The cli ing and risk the ernment eiinriuuciit stations. There j in her midst, she can compete with is not a county iu all this section j foreign mauuf.ictui ers with much that does not contain farmers w ho le&s protection than tbe .ew can eive valuable mfoi mation on hearers that he was audience of atmut people. His voice was loud and clear, ami he could !e heard at a distance ot lull yards. His ot language w.u good, in l.tct, ami his quotations tioin scriptuie were apt and aix'iira'e. He was oblivious ol tiie presence ol his he.ii. is. A euro oils fact was that he s' t'ed 'hat he was ureaeh i n g at cei ' a ' n w , 1 i h nou n less ai sous ,1:-:. in. ,-s iimn Mr. r.r .ins. A ' tin- t mi : sermon s he pirno u;o . d ' h . he tl iction and t ii t-ii - h p' i , : 1 1 ' : -t au linn : it ihe i h :i :a-:i . SUI'iiosed he w .is a in 1 h nn- o : ei id opinion ' K. f. vv illiama, !o :he effect of tbe light i James Coor, m-.trLer hnt ir m elievei s a,., n 1 1 nel'..ll I eeeipts that tbe Hsnnutw ThitfnrA the culti vatmu of en' ton. corn, cereals and on stock raising. the Hut .. ;i cli lie l t . i h ill an hoiii il it was miles, and o on; as it he had walkt d home alter preaching and had just arri etl. lie prt'achtMl I'hursdjy. Monday, Tues djy. W'ednestlay and 'riiursil.i eve nings; in all rive tunes. lie ,i;d not land States. Il the tariff was placed j appear at all exhausted ..Mei the sermons, lie aiieioici school as the great difficulty s in getting not force th them to use their local papeis in ! gocxls to the South, where it proper dissetninatiug 'loir iewsamt t x-, ly belongs! o:i a levenae basis, which is the onh const-it fTional basis, would it manufacture of cotton is pies dm-de FEW SENATOR T.4NCE AND TAPERS. A few papers in the State, and they are very few. take isaue with Senator Yanck on tbe "Civil Ser rice Humbug.'' Some of their ar guments are extremely futile and witloat foundation in fact. For m atance, the Leuoir Topic in array ing itself against the Senator's pos: tioa says: Hr id th old !ir-nl fTAtm in ;l workiogv: All th Federal cfflc in ih StatM and food mu; othen brti8 mt proUad out imooi Lh two StAte Sotor tad th Congreomeo n J no tan w So is not hDchmaa or t lick ptttl of oo or th ocher of them bu t eknc at a iiogU offic. do maxtr it be ku grown grj a a "hei horae" in LtM docninaiit party. If Senator SmiLh or Coagraaarnan Jooea ha ao office within bta (Tift pri-rai cituen Brown haa no ahow for n toTr much out tid "l3flocac b may bare untesa ha bowa the suppliant kn to Uie S-n Aor or CoogrMsauii who di4pen? the paAronAKa, and iwein allegiance to him. It u a damoralixing ayttera and Senator Vane cannot prove that it ia not. Now the verj fact that Senator Smith or I'ougressman Jones wants to appoint a to office th t will aid them in retaining their positions Is proof positive that they will on deavor to have the n..i:i that the people want. Anil who are belter judges ot the qn.ihtioa tions and ti'i flcejtlun the Lvesf The ( sion may pu"' M Dai ipial ; tic honesty, :u or very first r o , pabllC ofllt'e' InghitnseM; I. the duties ot an HppOMKCil. w m rajscal w ho :n exami na: ; '; vice omniiss' hobl last liiM'.l : The i iv.1 S r-. common ; ;''-. it ought '.o ;. r pie ka i w !.. a SSeua'ors i;:d i not aptxiin: :,. tionable to their constituents. Sen ator Vance is on the right track and nine-tenttis of bus constituents are with him. perirueiMs. Il lU- would do this, there would le no for the Gov ernment, either National or State, to organize eipvtiment stations. The pubhea ion of I't'UM an's for mula lor ma:. ure by the local papers throughout the South h s doue more real gixd than the Agricul tural Department at Washington since its formation. The Depart ment may be necessary for the col lection and preservation of statis tics, bat further than this it is no good. THE .Mi RICl LTl RkL DEP.4BT HEMT. Tbe Ltst issue of tbe State- Chron icle contains a resume of the work ings of tbe Agricultural Depart ment. The editor deals in some criticism on the manner in which the money of the Department is spent. Iu many iostauces the ex penditures appear to have been ex travagant, and witboat any ade quate returu to the Department or of any U-neht whatever to the State. Bat the Ckroicl and the people must remember that one of the important duties of the Depart ment, if we are not mistaken, is to make experiments, to examine the mineral deposits of the State, etc. Now they cannot do this without money, ami it costs just a.s much when the experiment and explora tious of mines prove a failure as : 1 thov were successful, if the De partment sends out a geologist to examine supposed deposits ot valu able mineral, is it righ' to charge them with wasting money :f the mineral searcbe 1 for is no: toundt A ease in point: T..e Department sent out a com e : n geologist to make iron pvr.te exploration..; cost 'i4''i.l."i. bu: r.o pyrite was found. The Chrorucl- makes a ludicrous comparison .liieu: this ex ploration and criticises the Depart ment for wasting :nom-. pose the exph ces.siuh tin been aim .rig : State to ::. i, pendi'.ure ; men: ami the doing :n d.-v o f t h e S'.a:e. The South has not the capital to begin with; the protective tariff is no advantage to us in the purchas ing of machinery ami erecting lac tones. Our Northern brethren got the Matt ol us and they will keep it so loii as they are protected, lint if protect imi will bring about the great results predicted by the AYc ord we are in lor it. It doesu't ap pear It) na e tioue mum ioi li.s '"carae out (,( the and upou what ground where were t ' usual dm nig : Iih ! i i;;: ;1 W tlay, and recited i. s . - i. I ately . 1 1 is tat he: w Mr. llr ant's 1 e! S" ning. John a' ; h ',: ; he had o.-. n '.. people dill llot 1 e. le origin o! his n: :s-;, :i stricken with bl : ml m Ills e t s v. oiihl be would in- u : ; , 1 1 n.i 'ednes'la i elitllg aft er nooi. at . o' clot k i those pn-sfiit that it that m.M.Mes j tat ion was not MiiViciei.'. o'ioi- woultl be made that ni.i assured ' ly be Con Mici ii g. lie 1 1 1 cached loi j an hour and a i;u irter and w hen he s trance he asked hgh's. At ; he t : :ne lie : not light ici eipts were due to much 1 E. B. Roberta other than the bad leather con I K K inyan, tlltioiis tin,, eg , out the South. The J-B. Dixon. coiitiniiaiiee oi Midi a state ol alVaiis ..N '. H L'ukKe' . , , , Robert r isher. lor many wicks longer would, it ; (;eQ Vlplani8. was eeltain. dewlop, w bet her Hrtti n.ili V illiama. ri;;'n'ls or v rough . a tendency to ! Etle Ih.jte, fur! In-1 1 eoiice crop esi i unites. Jail - ; Ceua liayee liar;, ileiaciy closed llns week at i .loo., ,-g. mis; !.l,Sc. last I'riday. M :tl ,1 1 : : i g ii phi 1 1 ti - closed at '. o 1 tic., ig-iii.-t : .. Die. last week. The exports of cot 'on liming the ii: on : ii , 'i 1 -. i ein her, 1 sv, a mounted to libs ii.Peb', ot a al:it' ol i.'il, PTo.L'bv ag i nst Sli;,.-,yi bales, ol il value o; .ll.rj4S.5iiL'. mi tiie same mt i ; h , :' 1M. 'I be to'.: I tutuie sales this week w, it- ,;s.,.o(i( bales, against,(.()0 b.ihs last week. Spot sales amounted to o.lL'l bales, against 1 'J '.." bales last wei k. Dt-hveilrs on folitract weit'otiO hales, against 7. '( bales hist week. The itceipts.i: po:;-. this wt-ek .oi., ,: a ' t-i i to Km; l' - 1 : .cos. .ig,un.-.r ;,-s i .s; ..I-,-;., a- ,; laii.psi L tort James, Sam 1 Harris, lienj Loftin, J im Koonce. J. A. ThomHS. 1' A Sftpleford. V. (j. Hnnson, Ric'tiHi d i iri--en, R N. L)ulT Geo. Poppt-ndick, J. C. Thomas, A. Purify. Joseph Schwert, W. (.1 Lirmson, Ditmii AKiride, t-'i p.i.cis Jotjes. ,i, do 0 o do i t .io do do do do do d, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do a 1 9. ail 134 14 Total am mr,l f : August. 1S5 $824 52 50 6-. so '- 1 40 1 84 1 30 4 00 2 50 4 00 4 15 1 9 3 TO 5 43 4 37 3 00 2 63 1 50 3 69 5 20 : 5 37 3 23 j 5 43 1 1 85 ' 1 85: 2 50 i L 25 2 21 j 5 94 2 00 ; 2 02 I 2 00 i 1 CO 1 CO 1 00 ; 1 50 ' 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 i 2 to ! 3 00 3 22 2 17 2 17 2 27 2 25 2 75 2 32 1 78 2 32 BUIST,SPBERaEB EXTRA EARLY FEA -m rani irnT .... linrXTDDnnilOTIUir VAIUKTV for Market, o4 nHuu CAnLICdl A"u nflUOl rnuuuu I if t ed by this hut hhippkuh. rr PRICE. Delivered in New.Beine, Norfolk, Ports- ff PER BUSHEL, NET mouth a -nS Klcbmond, In lots of TUS Ill siitUs, u.t 5O.UU CASH, Suck lududuf. EARLY MOHAWK SIX-WEEK BEANS THE BEST VARIETY FOR FjRST PLANTINC. nr Prlee. Delivered in New-Berne, Noirfolk, Portinoii!h and STB nilCUCI Kiebmond, in lots of TEN HL'siHEKS iSucka liieiiKletl', nt -.. fm omnm SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SEEDS rwjuind Ly lis r.'-M-et Curdeacr. KtaiKSSfS-ftra ROBERT BUIST, JH. iUiUhWSh A. Nash & Co., OKFOLK, V A., Ma..ufiiurer and Dealers in Sash, Doors and Blinds, Stairway, Window Ola Palms, Oils, oc. Also, a Full Line Builders' Hardware. -- An r Kiisu-n: or Northern Prices duplicated. Kstlraatet furnished upon ftppllcjion Iull9dw6m '-:T.S-"'S . ;-'iio ALL & CO. DEALER I1V General Hardware, Builders' Material, Machinists' Supplies, BTachinery, Cotton 2 1 Gins, Engines, Cotton Presses, Hay Presses, Cider BBlla.'&f ; i -a I Grain Fans, Rubber and Leather Belting, Lace Leather. - ,s I i Machine Oil, Whito Lead, Mixed Paint, Linseed Oil, Glass, ' v ' 1 50 1 Putty- Lime. Brick. Cement, Plaster. BUILDLIiS' HATE- 2 oo , Ria't -..?.Trfii Pains' Trola. Builder's Hardware. CarriairaMi o nn i 2 oo Mate l oo ; ori ti ,C ill 2 50 y r.o ial, Saddlery, Steam and Gas Pipe, Iron and Brass: Total amount Court Bill. K. T. II Win. C -l.s'i ve 1 .'.!. t'l- s. v. W. 1. i. Willi:..-., II ?.SheriU, fees arrest prisoner and expenses to Newbern, support of M. Harris do B. Kite do Sally Wetherington do J. Wyley and family ...8452 50 -S tlnam, re. Ma, r:t:, Ii ri i i: Ji .11 '.Mill. i ' j 1 1 ' 1 1 . ir to - until :n i ( Ui-I.-i.i t ).ii- c i havr I ami i;. t if,V,, l: fi-.- '.'i .ili-r Line 1 Ial id.l. ; . II.I.VtT, W.-lls. lii liitun. A i Clark, A. TfUT. Mrs. Vi't-slt-y Gray. M:irv Licit 1 1 ii . ::i i , i s : . Norman Ipock, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do does the Record hope for tho fa-ithrrf wns n bnli; lim; Ills l.itht-r iii-iil tin- l i!iii : ini-lit'.s id ln t-fs. wlifitMi tare! 11,1 A tl' f. ; 1 1 .i lew n ,lulin i i. t.i. .i. ..i... 1 HK F X O IH' ST MOVEMENT. l" 1 'l, " ' .,, n l - T, , , . r I , T .. V ' , i V If It ... .,,;, t hit ar ojaf ' k iui" " '-i " " ' "v colored iK-ople have left Nort-ti ; eVtM1,MK U.A, h,,r .',. I(,,k l!m , Carol in.t sinco January 1st, 188G. j pr. . I. lUisLt-e' s. Tin- latter Thev co mostly to Arkansas ami , lives l'iki anls aw.y. STane to . o Abuer MurDhv in nae ai.'ie.i tin- a, it iiinni oi oai . Washii.tun I i , e I ; 1 1 n i : i ' . Mi . Tlltleli lias writ- ) I.. Austin. do ti-n a Ift;..i :!if Sin- ikt-r ot t lie , Jabn 11. Hell, do Hons,, nt' Krp;. -srlltativ,... t lie ! David Spelman, do siilMi-ft. an.l r!.r 1 'reside ii t lias ap. ( Horene-Leggett, do -' ,' i Hairer Hluunt. do pointetl a iiiiiais.ani t, take the i;.tUe Nelson. do matlei - i n t ti t-t i i i U-t ii t urn and i t-iiort ' a. A. Llovd, do M. Preecott ... P. Mooro Self and child M. E. Hall Self Self JFilie Hyman Jane Bryan Self Dan Kees Self Self B. Laughinghouse. Self Bonner Major J. W. Cox Self Self Caesar Connor Self .pauper, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Kansas, but recently there has been in a move in the direction of Cali fornia. Theso are mostly able bodied men and doubtless many of them leave families behind that will eventually become coanty charges. If thee people can better their condition by going West, or to California, which we very much doubt, they ought to go, but at the same time the State ought to see that they do not leave their families here in a helpless condition. Tiik "Civil Service Humbug-' will Ite pretty certain to tell on the Democratic party m the 1st i on gressional district in the next elec tion. We have been reliably in formed that there are alxmt three hundred light house keepers and attt-ndants m the district, rank Re publicans, holding on and laughing ration h. ( ', run n-s: p ;! .i'.th.hI 111 i"f bv i;,i; -up- been sue '.ial 1 1 i e .'I 'l.e i- .i : -e e ! i ; ir: : . i : ' '.v , i - in t heir sleeves at the hungry Dem ocr.i:.-. These Democrat.- havt labored lung and faithfully for tin Democratic party, and they werejfn.n confident, taking a common sense I tide' view oi the matter, that Democratic r O' i ; success meant that 1 lepubl p-.t n , pa r . . It '.sail officials would walk tin' plank say Dr. Ii. mad.- no examination "t the e es. Mr. St u rd I van t sa s hat Dr. llusber assured h:m next in u'.i ing that .John was iiudoiib'edly blind Mr. Stunli'.ant. it appears. Ixdievmg in the divine origin of the ' blindness, was actually averse to i having any real examination made, j 1 It ...l I (I UC ll'ltV I ,11 II Ll TL l UK. l.lll- r, ,. . ... .. -. . , . i . i Baltimore and a.shiugton. iirn imi liic nirr 'U I , il,, I Tiiif Wlwli , to inte. fere with (iod's work. Thurs day evening when John began his sermon he said it wan tl i liieu I f lor a blind man to preach, but a- Ins im aginary con greg r ion w-.-'a. d mm to take the text u-t d the ;:: - ' eve ning he would do -o. He pleached thirty eight minute- and i xplaived some passages. l'i:da timming John was led about ! he house. Peo ple came and ui-nt all day long. Among tbe vi-i'm- were Mr. N. 11. r.rougiitoti and Mr. Joini 1'.. Uay. ol 1 la b i gii. w h o heard 1 1 :ii piiai h Ttiur-di eVeli:i g. 1: ia uiolii ing Mr. Kay examined .I,.':,!,',, t-w-.-.ui,l he wa- blind. I I. it ii ,,:n liig .Inliii weiit ,ig.,::i to 1 r. 1'.:--bee' -. but n o e a :ii i n r : : : nt a : s v as made. As .i , , :. :; i, .. I ., n Self is J. J. Tolson. Ag't, rations for poor house June "85 do do A. T. Wyler, charged to poor house bill above. ; k. 1 1. Mosiey. support ot txiny Brown I Jas. F. eireeu. keeper Clermont bridge June ;85 ! Raehael Ireland, keeper Willis.' bridge dc I Alex Sears, keeper pxr bouse June "85 Margaret Oadman, cook at poor bouse June tJ5 M. T. Bryan, part claim coffin for paupers June' 85 do bal. do do do R. G. Moi-ely, rent house for R. Gatlin do A. J. Montague, Wake county, expenses conveying Jas. Hassell from Raleigh to Newbern and two months board Hancock Bros., medicine for poor house June '85 J. J. Koberson, labor and material on draw Vnnceboro bridge U. N . Kilburn, cash paid J. J. Itoberson for work on Clermont bridge... . R. G. Cuthbert. work and material on draw Clermont bridge J. J. Roberson, do do Vanceboro bridge Jas A. Bryan, cartage and flat hire and matorial draw Clermont bridge C. X. Cherry, freight on lumber, tools and material for Vanceboro do Geo. Allen & Co., material for Vanceboro bridge J. T. Hall & Bro., repair of lock at jail Henry R. Bryan, services as Attorney for Bd. Commissioners June '85... Dr. Ii. G. Bates, investigating cause of death of Jas. Daniels W. Ci. Brinson. J. P., fes in casa Fanny Bell, lunacv Wm. M. Watson, J. P., feea in case Fanny Black, lunacy i New Berne Journal, advertising notices for c aunty tax &c J Wru. H. Ellison, listing taxes No. 1 township '85 i S. W. Itham. do No. 2 do value, would 1 1 not be well to re- ja8. y. Biddle, do No. 3 do inir it tn a point huh'- ti i lu t ireen Rd wards. Broughton & Co. , binding tax sheeUu for county One ( initiex and Cuiii Henru on ! K- W. Carpenter, certified copies of official bonds sent to Auditor, and peu&iuu pupciv, uuu Luuvjijg to new court nouee, coujc DiauKS, pens. &c. for office Jas. A. Bryan. 2 days per diem June 6 and 7 '85. attention to poor house. signing vouchers S W". Rathani, 2 days per diem July 6 and 7 und mileage Jas. W. Biddle, 2 do do do do T. H. Mallison, 2 do do do do Joseph Nelson, county work for July '85 W. (i Brinson. 2 days per diem, 3 days ex. court bill W. L. Erwin. 10 days crier of court Spring term '85 Jos. Nelson. Agt., rent Stanly Hall for court Spring term '85 W. L. Erwin. duplicate of lost voucher No. 1107 July 7, "S-4 M. Hhlm. Sheriff, board of jurors May term '85 to Congress such linproveineu thev may deem advisable. The ileieiire oi mir National Capi tal is, ot course, of the greatest im portance. I notice that the Commis sion has devoted several months to examining the defences ot New Yotk city and Philadelphia, but as yet nothing has been done looking to the protection of the Chesapeake from invasion. Fortress Monroe and Fort Wool Rip IRip.-i are re lied Upon to defend the I'lilietl Siates Navy Yard at Porf.-mout h, the city of Nortolk, James riser, and our State Capital, as well a.s Fort Wool is incomplete and never will 1 Le finished. Modern guns and ships ruddering it u-eles.-, we must rely ' upon the torpedo and improved ord nance for our secuiity. As the Kip ' Raps is an artificial island of no 12 35 4 00 1 50 2 00 7 00 2 50 2 50 3 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 4 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 50 10G 52 1 50 10 00 7 00 10 00 3 00 7 00 5 00 2 50 26 60 20 00 211 50 188 36 108 38 13 75 7 15 20 00 21 72 1 00 25 00 5 90 3 00 3 00 9 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 4 00 Fittings. AGRICUIiTUKAii liafLJSMJfiNTS flows. Cultivate; s, Harrows. Etc., Cotton Bagging and Ties. B6peV' Twine. tc at LOWEST MARKET PRIUfcS. Agents for Fire and Life Insurance. . 5 GEO. ALLEN & COli: A 7.1 vr UAL STATEMENT Oi Compensation Allowed to t !...' Cu:ity Commissioners ot Craven County. Stat;: , v North Carolina. Owen Count j. ) I. Joseph Nelson. Rt-cister of Deeds, i.r uflieij Clerk of tiie Bean! of Commis sioners of Craven county, do hereby certiiy iliat the following is a true statement of the amount and nature of all compensation audited by the Board of Commissioners of Craven erL,nty to the mem hers thereof severally, the number of days the Board was in ses sion, ami the distance travelled by each member ia attending the meetings of the Board, for and during the period commencing Sept. 1st, 1884. and ending Nov. 30;h. 1885. as appears from records of my effice. to wit: Jamcs A. Bryan. Chairman Board ( 'omnrissioners. 28 duvs' aitenilanco at meetings of bDurd. including 5 days in July and August, 1884. at ,2... S56.00 SigniLg vouchers from July, 1884 32.00 1 dav settling accounts of sheriff 2 00 5 davs settling accounts of coun- tv treasurer 10 00 Attention to coor house from June. 1884 68.00 168 00 Wm. Giro. Bei.nso.v. Commissioner. 36 da s attendance at meetings of board, including 6 davs in July and August, 1S84, at 82... 72 00 2 day's atteudance to poor hoube 4.00 Signing vouchers 4.00 2 days settling accounts of county treasurer 4.00 e I' ll oil rest hat at of political appe irs to , i - , a t nn : in that . :i e ti a i de f.u a man tor t- an . ot.g whom l.e -. .ce Com nigh a rigid .tl ti ll ; -e t e rt'.ce a w h : . et. r. . - V . s : tn Ul ::.-egr:: :' a tii.ia :,: a :est mat), r.tnl c i: ark-e h he :- shrewd agat has ten' :t in We Cr. .a.'k Ct tit e '. a ' t far there ar el';, th. reg ir.':.-. ati i : he tie a gtiti. an:i -: .- an 1 ':. 1 1 A ' .tilt i r i ti -' I ill t It III mean! iir at; 1 w din- :! j watt . e e "' 11. e 'I' ftl all , ; , .u ,-;r I ui . many pe. . ; n'rli ii k u n ,:;e la:ge-t t here wen -. Mt. .1.. . i - v.-i'ie ,t; tali.;'-. i ht.- I'll' 1' Ir. e V .'illi 'oil! ma: !:. 1 el ot- at'el t t I : I rii.-N the shoal known a.s the Middl (iroiiinl, using it- granite as a foun dation torthe erection ot a steel clad l-"oi t with till the modern n;i pi o fint-n t s, i mi in 1 i ii g a Toipedo .-tatlon. which toiild he duplicated on ('ape Henry, to command the approach of all tsels iroin the m ean? l. nnhaveii liver, so eele t'lated I'lT its tine oysters, would make an ,n 1 in i ra Me rendezvous lor 'tils' a- it is entirely lainl-i-i ked ami Would he a s.lle h .itmr at all t . Il, e- Im site h .-mall ei a' ' : 1 it---tiie-, a -hurt i . 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 ii in I . ; n k 1 1 o i : i i ', i ;. to 1 teaei i 1 ; i y woultl m a ke a i on' tiiiioii- u atei w a to ( 'iin itm k S5. ht- 1. I C K t ' I a t .-1 1 til- i. . i g i . : : . ati . '' : ai -aid "I 0 - e i ; ; i , . ii i 'i :. : in . . t.'.e !tte. 1 lacing t in t. A ' live Mi. l;.i '.- . iou i-red It. i e e , - a - : ! d i'aini: pa i i a - to, roil t n little co-t . ):,: .' ,.; e ! 1 III a k . 1 g 1 1 iUl New I" t 1 , 1 1 1 ; hd.itlelptiia alnl extreme South. N i. ' .( , a u d u tiie t ra n - poi t a -'1 war. 1 1 1 1 1 i.-ioiis. iu.-ts ol the .ni.t iceii; en al! ; n g a c nice n 1 1 a- ,lti feeding prisoners Muy 85 .in suinmoning jurors May term '55 do feeding jurors May terra '85 do summoning regular jurors for May term ,1 i rent of chairs for court arc do turnkey fees June '85 do do May '85 1 1 . i conveying Jennie Black to Goldsboro hospital.. . : , nerving papers in Railroad cases a., fee in State cases before Brinsorj. J. P :., feeding prisoners Month June Sa do turnkey charges do d conveying Melvina Watkins from Goldsboro .... l idgere. Bailiff Spring term 85 20 75 10 00 4 30 6 20 5 50 57 00 10 Oj 15 00 20 00 12 00 9 10 105 20 8 50 9 10 , 46 10 i 4 30 1 8 40 8 40 10 50 9 40 7 r.O ; 100 80 7 20 SS4.00 Sami el W. Latham. Commissioner. 90 days' attendance at meetings of board, including 7 days in August, 1884. at S2 S74 00 S7 miles travelled to and from meetings at 5c. and ferriage... 1 SO 2days settling accounts of coun ty treasurer 4.00 j : 884 30 i Jamks W. BlDbLE, Commissioner. , 20 days' atlenuauce at meetings I of board, from Sent. 1S?4 at t-2 635 iles traveled to and from meeting at 5c 83.90 Thomas II. Mallison. Cuiiimm-sioncr. 30 days' attendance at meetings of board, including 3 davs in Aug. I8s4. at .82 '. 60 00 510 miles traveled to and tram meetings at 5c 25.50 S52 00 31 90 Dissolution of Cop artnership f The coj ar a. rship in the Dry Ooo4. Grocery ui.d Liquor business, hereto-d' 'iv. fore existing between J. F. TAYLOB , and J. E. SMITH, under the style and firm name of TAYLOR & SMITH, to, : 'A d$ this 6lh day of January, 1886, dissolved .t by mutual consent Thesaid J. E. Smith hJJ ' having bought the interest of J..-.' F? Taylor in the business, is authorized tiv" t -collect all debts due to the firm, and ; X ' assumes all debts due by the firm. 'I J. F. TAYLOR. r? J. E. SMITH. '-;"v, Having sold to J. E. SMITH ray n- ; ." tire interest in the Dry Goods, Grocery and Liquor business of TAYLOB Adi. SMITH, I thank my friends and the fW), -public generally for their liberal pat- . ronage in the past and respectfully tf; solicit for MR. SMITH a continuance f : the same. . . " ?v- J. F. TAYLOB. ' Having bought the interest of J. F. i TAYLOR in the Dry Goods, Grocery, and Liquor business of TAYLOB ft d? SMITH, I will continue the business d the old stand under the style of J. K SMITH. I thank my friends and the public for their liberal patronage in tbe past, and respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same in the future. J. E. SMITH Bargains ! Bargains ! AT COST ! and LESS THAN COST I- Hi- Jo h-rt D. I. .n K. Husdey. ii hi.tcKifdge. do tiu do do do do Total amount for Julr, 1855.. :15&3 ipe l.oat.- N . , a 'A a t ;i Ii point t.o.tld Voik c- ill N .v M t NilCRE of Claim. AUGUST. 1-55. AMT ALLCiwj V V M ' : 11- I .' M " r K : r a : x .- a re in. al l'il , h, tel.' C -Ii. U. t-h. Ap- ii'tl U oi k II ( . 1 1 :i"t k tl ' k l law ,li .1 for ' u : e.-tgti i out. trusts t i.t i s i t-as. 1 1 i The peo tti t . u ' 'fiii'e 'Ves w.i a: it: ohjec Irani llir irt of M. Harrii pauper, S -1 1 do B. Kite oo 1 do Sally Wetherington do 2 ' do J. Wyley and famiU do 7 do P. Moore do - ' i Slf and child do d 1 ,i , M. E. Hall da 5 ' ,1a Self do 2 I i , Self ti.ti 2 - do 111 is Hyman do 1 io Jane Brvan do 1 " do Self " do J f . 1 1 K- do 2 m i Self do 2 ' d Self do i - ,io B. Laughii;;house do 4 1 ' d Scif do I '' do B inner ''" ; a do Major do " do J. W. Cox - .1" ' ' Io Svlf - ti-' 1 ' ' ,1 Self do i J ti i Caesar Connor do 1 ' do Self do 1 '.' do Self do '. '' d A. T. Wvley do 2 5- ,i i Kdnv Bron do 1 r'' ' S85.50 I T.j'.al amount S505.70 Number of (.ay s the board has been in session is ihirty-three .33 . I further certify that no unverified accounts have betn allowed. In witness whereof I have hereunto su!-cribe"i my name at olli.-e. iu New ! rn. this 23.1 dav of December. s5. JOSKFii NELSON. Register ot Deeds, .i .:; 2 j -J i..;- n;;,L-('o clerk. E. H. MEADOWS 6 CO. 2.000 Sucks L! ! -:r-i,s t j ! l I i 5 II 1 ,KH) Siiei.- 1 1 !() t-ilfk- I lissolvod I?(ne, (v u i n 1 1 gnui iiii tee ine Isdintl. .t t n n kt. It tl t 1 1 . tilt t irly I'eas, and tit her r- k. f .ire it: . a.- S'.Hiti eppo;; a. olc 1' takt tatu appro a:ctht -ta.tiig g that her y u rsel ves. t ry v here a ...-ta ' laiina-ii. ri ''ablins on, s, and satisfy i drugi.-iu-i al. 1 s- k!i ail t l. '.- ar. t esi. ,. I, Id v:uo r-.-d i j u its d' - i. -K-r Clermont bridge Julv -5 !. keeper Willis' bridge Juiy 5 . ej't-r i"" r house Julv s5 iiaan. cook at poor house J u ly "5 . . rent of house for R. Gatlin July '' Ag't. rations to poor house July ' -" Collins and bunal of paupers Jul' - . mediciriea to poor house Juiy ' 5 i da.. S.iaritT. rent of office S. p;. 1st !v--4. t,. A. U-van. per diem an.l as Comru i.--it .ner t W. B.ddle. ler uiem and mileage to date T Bay.. k i '- J'.dv 1st. Iu 12! 5u 2 s (j" 20 Oo 100 00 10 ou is 00 Qfrrrn urns Linen pjicl Cotton GILL TWINE i i: SHAD NETS o!:iu:i;s takkn idi: NETS MiB SEINES. F. ULRIGH, NEW ELENE, N. C. TiUO EVTIKE STOCK OP Dry Goods, CONSISTING! OF Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing and Underwear! Ladies' Dress Goods, Worsted Cashmeres AND A SMALL LINE OF Ladies' Underwear, all l or LESS T3 AN COST, to i close out lmsiiu'ts. i A larye lino ol' Trunks, Vnlfsen ! and (fund Satchels, ! And (jetiils too iiiimerous to mention. Four No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, at S25 each, all new and in first class condition. Come and liny Now. im. SULTAN, vm nstci n liui Kinston College, l-'OU MALES AND FEMALES. ; i i;:i; 'I'ri in. tl. nj-tTitul Jan. 4lh. j s.-ss . i: i ir i "v" .-' "ii cli iiit'M tiret. 'i'hu , sday .:: - i:r ;! t.i .1 .t f.-r KV-'s(i is 155. I ' - 'i s -ii im .iy 1 niil'sli Iranclie. Iailn. i ii,:tn, Fri-i.i li, Survey i i k nod :!:-' liiuyht The scit' have - : i in The curricnhini. K.U'l" 1.1 Y. .) il. L- u;s A M. . Ml... I'nncip-il. f :. : t o ,sf . H.. rrot. MatlieiuAtici. 1 ri: I . Venn s. Prol. V t-;t i ml I nt. Music. "I:.-, r. il. a-w s ut h'.Mi.itlr I epiii tiuent : i '.'-s : i n -I r : n .) i; nior h iiir I isli (.lapses !-i!if i . -.v s iiiiucinr 1 Hillary Dep't. J'i; p :s i ri-i cl ;, t any time. ( :t: il. ums. n a )1 tc.t ten to 1'rlnoipal. K :.s:o.i. . (.'.. .Iuu. Mh, IkS;. dwtiw I MIUSTMAS, NEW YEAH, ; I'Ol'KTH OF JULY, ii '. i ' at a v . . ii . i i;ivn arp com! ng, and I hop a . ::at l.a -a La,,.,! le itlth nnd enjoy them. . . w in.- . r i : i- in st ri.Uonal -ways is to go in I'.I.MKU i li, Alt STORK, and get 1-li-a . I'er iswii.ih Kititikiitf;. I hare iiioamn is .1 I a j.,.t tip txpitusiy for I'Rl-.sKN I'- ! j.. ii HaeiuiK. in br.xes of 25. from iie d I :.r i n two i ml a half dollar b,, : ii-.ilii!u;r,sihi- ciuiicts'. kind at retail in 1 Hisf Im i pi K litte a Hue olgar, from v.. In,- .i'ii,' 1,1 i-k- fori.i.e t lgar. nr ood ooei bv the I'ox of ;ti or 1 1 nt WM. L. PAI..MKR, Middle street, next to Ihe t or nf Houth Front. NltW HER.NK. N. 0.

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