THE JOURNAL. Ediut WKW BERSE, H. C. APRIL 1. 4aW,r4 at tk Poat m; at N w Br' attar. purpose to encourai A higher s'andai 1 his district. T:-c engage ;n .1 bet :er county others - t should pn' him :n p. r t i n t h i- 1 i ' i 1 1 1 ' i '.rrut ..mi in t in- in .1 (.1.-.. mi piomote 1 UK ('OTTO MOV KSKM 1 1 . i r in 7 TTT. .. .. - . . 1 , : (1 hi r -,-. r cannot jiie mwket for cotton at New i , and the York .luring the week was weaker aud tile range nl .line after sou:.- tl nc' n 4t 'iii - w..s downward III In Hi"- Int. h. 1 COU I : t y e 1 1 ! V - 'I . 1 K-i ' .ik i n g tall.i: e . I age l.r U'rlli r.h letga a.t v H't-t- t ! i n i . i r ! I. i - o! cut t on aii .1 lie i : 1 1 -. 1 1 ; i I . in t i ' .lav - Till MIIINV. '. 1 1 r . 1 1 1 . m !! a lew 1 'A I - I Id,.- . .a. i forgotten. i.Mlg a cii 1 ! much : n , : ; state of TffB New Bkkne Weekly JoUttNAL begin it fifth year with this Uaue. The Juuksu bow. v ir ia ia iti eighth ear Living beit: issued a the Kinston Jmvun.i: f- more than three years. Since ' a 20 th. of December I -T? .'. ha- a. v i ; failed to go .n its week ly visits in all the ml ioi n in &r counties. We are than k ! u I to oar numerous patrons for t In :r 1 1 4Wa 1 haarty support and feel much .-:.-onrasd to coutiuae the JorRNAi f.w nmi vir rn It li ,v he- i gn-lrt' J J come one ot the permanent institn tiona of New Berne, and it is, and has ever been, our desire to m ike it indispensable to every household m the adjoining coan ties. when !. lil' tn-r !, ol : e I :1 '.in i-.'ir rest U--." and v their own li in poo i ke s Ml i . 1 ' I Solicitor A l.:. K.N pro ...- t higher standard of i ary . i v ; THK Pamlico Enterprt speaks agaiu on the Blaib bill and is a little more considerate. The editor gire his reasons for opposing the bill which be says are because be beiwTea it undemocratic and an in novation and -encroachment upon Che orreigti rights of the States. TaUa.ia.aJl right; he can do this withot being aad. Bat when the editor of the EmUtrprite pronounces Ua bill disaoaeat, corrupt, and pro pose to hold every Democratic 8eaaior and llepresentative ho rote for it responsible for treason to hie party, it look like madness t something withoat reason. We do not visit to crash the Enteryru ! fU Opposition to the Br A IB bill; and w know it cannot frighten oar Bonn ton nnd Representatives by UreaXe tnf to read then oat of the part J, a holding then responsible for . treason, because they do not adopt tbo E mUrpriM't views i n stead frotlaf thalf own eoarictiona. THE B RI HE TA K V K I TKOl 1!1 A The Senate inveig-it on e.-u mo tee of NeT Y"ik d. sou days U-en buv.'.y engaged :n !.u:.r ing np evidence ot lr:!-i ! tl.i sale of the Broad w a i.u .r m chise. The curpi't.rion !:'.! -H'ubt tin; franchise was tiff inv-.ul.-.l bv ex Senator t .;, ami ih- manag ing members pu' upon the stand to testifv, aud only strunj: ciiciim-t. in tial eviileiioe eonl.l tx obtained bale htst week. Spot sales amouiit from tluvse very short men. orie.l in ed to -'..W bal.-n. Hgain-t l.'.iil dividnals. Kventhe cir.-ninstauce bales last week. 1 lie receipts at ort (lnsw.-.U of siguinj: a check for one million UI1(Mllltei lt, ,u, hal. -. .u'anisl of dollant bad eutirel) efp'dtbe 7-U bale last week. aii.iv7'7 mmnrv of J ATmI! SH A K T . who not bales ibis week Ust vear. I lie if wifh.-a.l,ni7 tins trencberons mem- """ Septenilr i k m iii a n i fet e. eV '. Ii' Ih.l' 11" . e ep. - M il . ' . v . . ' h e I 1 1 1 : . i , , ; r .. i I. II If 1 : ...... 1. ,:. mail i, , - ii.. l-;n!i-h r . . ..uiag'ti a- - -i. ..1 he l'.ni'li-;. n i : i v i ly in then p' ; r. h i . . ' : . . 1 ue haliit t . in. -i; ' I. s v - ' long r ul ! n g was p! . . ' stn.t d Mi.- Kn gl Is Ii pa pel - I " ' I"' ,m M'lisible vv.iv ot inert ;:.g : ' Mia i .ii . 1" ii .it t he spinner Ii :'. ; .. Ir vv e . t tins advice to Mill : e . leg I'i r u t -Iio-A II by the cable!i e I r r. .ve.l .1 an n g the w eek . l'i.e la :. T IM lUeselit prevailing a! o ii id Minn- depressing eltert. Aplll .Iriiverv clo-ed 'Ills week a' '.'Co. .i j, cnt 7 t lii-i tune a: v eek. S '.'! a.o ue.ikrlit-d lol v. il ' .! a -long noun- demand. anM . I. d ! w ,-eek at IIJi-., agamsl '.'jr. tlrs a e 1 l-t week. The soulla I n 111 ir s . his v ii k failed to in an I lest !i..- activity winch they showed la-t we. k. and tin- volume oi sales vv.i-. a;.n h reduced. Weakness i t I.'ver pool and the aUsence of a strong domestic demand caused a slight drop iu cotton futures. Sk's are on ic frvitn last week. The total future sales thi- week were 4'.H..VR balcw. against ('.."', simi 7 vi ago r.ip-.iMi .j! .i trim r :pprr . - i , ; i sir-., t . i , i , . - ; ,in,ii f. a s, - li icii lay i .-.j,. it .1. i-' r r p;ri. was pacing . tj, up lo ., 1 1 tin- :il'- : 1: e.:-e, I 1,.;, -and -ca - ill . g ' met i. j mi .!:-- . I . i M V . M 1' : ' s i : p .-. A;i-'; ilia o;i board? Aud ain't the boat , by him, ready to defend ourselves found at the landing? Then t he if wo should be attacked. The cap captain ships a new crew aud roes tain summoned the second mate on around the Horn. Come, my and told him to call all hands aft. lad. tell ns, are yon with us!" The mutineers came aft with ul'Iv I w anted badly to get ashore, so looks in "heir lace, as ii-ual. without stopping to think i told them that i! la ot roust ipiences, I told 1'cte that 1 'to spine he won! H.'iil.l stand by him. Another Janeiro and have The captain !: id t he t i me ; :" i;io hen; punished s iiior who was sr.mdtng n.-ar us for mntiny. But he wanted toeon aiai .v no n;i a ncaiu :ne give my (ie- rinue th" v.-vi"-.', :oid ni.d -v, : !:e:n. 1 ill', vv . ke ..ii : : . 1 1 . 1. : 1m lie ot : : to I'c-c and to make ! hav j Tin. y co 'i id ii ; v e in a I., vv tin- i..d ! nn;'i!dl'v h:;...,- oi loot 'he money vv i , i . , ; he le and vv uk i trade w:tii :!j ( ln jirop tin -i:- cl tiothiir ACID PHOSPHATE AND Aniiiioiiiateci For Ooiion uuano. tit'.-i s i rut 1 cxcli..: g. ',V.,"! , 1 1 :,. i . 1 1 1 ' 1 till1' li: . a '. . i : 1 In Tii Tw. t VV IV a g -1 e 1 d i.l.i: . e -eelned ' i ; . lli ct frr .1 nio- 111- p'.st. . M.f t". Titeii he tinned to mc and ni-Ti t- ).y tin. Y.-ii ai'r i'.ie very one to do th." cr; '' p:.- ;.y 1 i.i. Vim mi-, thotigh we '' " !! -r: 't .ii." 'o l.iii: tiol odv in the mm;;;' " i a. mi sac that nobody ' ii I'.'l- :ni . :.- ..o;n w oiil.pi"; hi. it as it t !.. y : : i.'v-.i: .1 ' ii lllro. Now, t he mate, he's n; iMIIg rir I u- a i-i.',. I. Hi- k, n s in t he ids "i ii vv , v it i igi.t under In - hunk. at. 1 1 1 1 . i .v . i h lie 1 1 1 v a 1 w i v part a . -o the co. .-ay s. a; . t he's " 1 ir I r . T ! , r see 'lid 111 I f I - i : . ; m o ..i in i . : e do e-. -' . 1 : i noi t r r.i : pen ; . r. But .n k.-e: s ; v ., pMeN. Xi.ey i . ii; t l.i- Pi "1,1 o! in- t I'd. th . : ' r o a : i ; ; , . ; , , i r 1 , . drawer rk . . I . -o : he cook sa v . and ll. ir. .MM:.!. 1 doll t es. bv urn. for roing to 1 !,jl!s lu.V ooi.'al tint It:--ii, iiii-ing :i n dried t he ption lit' v a I) a was i ili.". lint cotton; aud the COTTON ACID, and the ns. Jmt cotton, payable Wo iT..r the GAME (rllAKO 4( STONO ACID P:i;SfHATK. ZliLL'S BALTIMORE s-LUBLE L UE, (. -' .'V. 1st, ISSi, I. ;.. :,, , filing pu-.iia. ;g iusares the planter against anv ileelim- in cai:..... W. ran r-.- .mtn.-h-l t'.rs,- (Joo.U to any party deairinc a i'l Pv- l-CLASS ( ( ) Ki;i !. L I'KIITi lA'AVAl. Ai l i,Y Tf) ii a1- -ia:: lacy Thj r.iptaiu Oi' GREEN, FOY & CO., South 1-Vont street, New Berne, N. C. in i . u: ,1 ; i, n; l' l: ad a i r i v, - t. ':tii l tllr at: o lit I,;. r lia'l ':- t i light IK'V' Will) to ;. l..v de if !- -k la trie Alter he ' !;e r:iI,. ,,i, lg oi.iu ; bird in the cabin .MM. Mi. T!:v him shall ! a linn' ' on i- SAVE MONEY BY 3QWf3 YOUR GUANO iliil 1 1 1 1 5 T HOV'XT AIKT. OS lb irwkdaj ot AprU Um DsavUU St Sew Kinsr BaUxwd Ooapaar U1 trmia bwsa Staart Ms. Abrr. I. Q. Thro-fh Mim of wttt sicMd at alt. Airy for I W ifcm, via Btaarv la sssV. MaftiMvUW, Daa- vtUa. Lfwcsibvrf. itmom4. Whl osw Phlnin. P1lildip6ia aad K Yrft:raa? sabsr pUos of any siaa la a Vmhm4 Bisten. sovlh. aortb, saat or ma. - AW. 4a Ufcw saaaacr. all goods i far Mb Airy ssa iatrrsMdiaM Btaat sad Ml- Airy. i W wMWa ttrova a iom pni frMBi aay ef tm Um Cnil State. Fr rh raisa. parfsetly aatis atory la tk ! molm of ML Airy. hT mfimm I pa. A pvtitioa ia mlao for a dailr mall 1Iwm 8usar aa4 Ma Airy, and a telegraph ot UNuaass tt si ta tba aaar fatars bs lm tb abor named poioto. Pan- Kooat Airy, in Snrrr scanty, this Stat, im th present objective point of thCap Fear and Yadkin Vai Irj IUUrayt and which point toe grading-)fth road is expected to reach' ihla samnier or fail. FVr ban in year Croon this date the track, a SI b laid and tbe trains nnnlna; throajh, between Greens boro and UL Airy. It is destined '. to becjon th most important town , l AVeateni Jforth Carolina, next to AshcviUr; tho conntry is one of the ftacat In th world; it is a great stoca raising: and mannfacisnDg nectio, and its trade, as indicated by -Ibe actio, of the Virginians, rery important. v e I e j :m iii i ... i.i ujiii.wi l 'i . ' 1 1 1 ory f hi, had for twenty ' Uil,' nt , ,,. ,"ir. d.ioe Uisiue keeping The Brilidh eiK.rt trade in t. books of any kind. Aided by a tile inuufu.'tirex und .Minis dining however, hi the two uiontn.s ol ltvMi snows. heavy detreitse Iroui the siime (KTlcxi of 1 vO. The total valuer! Lhe iibove bthxIs i-xiMirted m the stand while undergoing the riRid ,ruli 0f i.vso u.uued, is les in examination to which the ex Sen vnlu? by Xiiio,ijl8 ibau iu the same ator sedactively mid 4irxiiilT nab period ot l.vv. 1 be import.s oi raw tt a I U 1 1 s . as vv el e oil See ! snow Co r iitgllt t : r cl I ill in n g li' At !: no larr , r t li i n v 1 ' i M-eo'i.U is a in 1 1 i M i 1 v a n : , 1 ' r by loir r vv n. !' e-.' in. I l.e . 1 on , i i . ' r '. v a i".' 'Hi"' v e ; I I i ,,v e n s- ; -;:o - 1: . 'sir ii : i g a , and. a ', ic k V elo id ,Ild IS -he .; v. ;ht it w as Ann ; li v .1. v - i ::-. ,ng lvc,T rs r,'W. I s-ga, age troni i'i;- p..r of " a 1 p.i i 1 1-o a. We 1 d" i lay s 1 x- lore ! t" II ll IV I'll i lo i M I I '1 r . r- I n one. "I " ;en than l.'les tor mi: . oy a, II l-'It n if t h v i-'n'' a '.oi on to steal t lio-r vv ' nt to g.-i i !'ri ' r. a fei k -. w 'no m ' ::1; : In.' in . W'e i tie sailor:- ovy,-d In in. ;:nd tney c.o.-i plc'ed !ie,v vorage w:in .nit attempt ing another murine. 1 :sM',:,. W e was i .nig ii ? navigation, and slowlv away tioin rose to be captain of this ship, all gilt do si me "' vThieh never would have hap- 11 nevei use petied if 1 had not stopped to think d the critical moment when I was .k i HI , KKYK in.M) PEKTM.IZER' Sower. K ri.m urinleil by W.C. Wllle l, ' o .cm- i nc a 1 1 ei ca Ul ll vv 1 1 ll r ' ' la st r -' Is. W t '11 put t hem i u t he sloi e loom, vv here tht- '11 til.d .pa-,, k enough. II it w asn't t lie stolen pistols in my hand.'" A en- orl; 1 rthv.iw. J. C. WHITTY, Iron Frimt, Craven street. New Br, If. G. a ! ii i : , . j .i Sl .l LES. . I I, I s slid 1 e Ii a 1 1 : : : : .- si n won 1 craving appetite. memory did enable him to take a bottle ot milk with him on the goes ..lit .'I s'gllt. had, P.-. ii draw n the 1 :se win-t iv e s : IH'. iUg a I snow ..s i; to'ieli. . i ! uted to I la.' sailors i;- 11 1 e i r. TC IS u, Tn .1 e is an i i- : r !i cr .iljA 11 rrrit ,1.. .T. lt V ' l ivu au u w .iih ua .," ' . W e S t VV 1 1 1 r t' VV lMug jC.,3,S, 1 tMJ le in value than OJ. h dd's t iu the rtoie time in icvv. jected him. Ia the mean lime detectives were basy with the members of the board ot aldermen who "parted with" (lie franchise io search of evide-oce frni that direction, and with letter suc cee as the seuel ohows. Inei tor 1JYR5E3 with wonderful skill and adaptability -elected, it is ?ai,l the most pliant member, who b.ip peoed al to be the Vice President of the board a the more likely to ' New Bethlt-heui Church last Sun divulge the hidden mystery 4,i , day lo large eongregat ion the transaction. Vice President J.iKHaE iu u luuinenl of lurgelful I Pelletier'o Mill Items (f u planting ia now the order of the day; every one la trying to get done Brst Our Hchoola are still going on. and will continue until alx.ut the hi st ol M iy . e reckon Ki'V. Mr l'uckett preached at Ms h.. : 'id t ,1 , e s I lo Heed ol signal , I u-e .r h rush ps the melting a:..! Ma- whole o.v ; ,.,-s. The ad n 'h .' i ..ier ii t el i is. a .roar . : a . e 1 eg : lis . ml is tear I s v m :1c.' vv . i u s t lie I, or-. W Me and i hd n t l.e cr. k an :n c w s Across the rn cr in tiaslow one death iKvurred this week: Master I iv id Haskins. son of Mrs (dune neaa worse than SHARP'S made a ; .41)(1 .Ktl.,, slU f Mr. B. V. l-'iesh confession which ld to Lin arrest. wter, in the loth year ot his ace. Bail waa at ouee given and (he Bit tie Dave was a bi igh t ly and alderman! re,llei lhe sott : jmpath,7e with his mother and . . I rieuds. isipeacumenr, oai on oanua nigin i , ... .u v . I t apt. .lohu I rTers show , ,1 Mr. OPowjiKLL the bondsman , lH.:lllt .ml .tereoi.t ,ca n called uion the district attorney to,lst It.t at ilns plac . ..nd we. ta relieved from the bond which. I.e. with all the rest that saw it. pro was informed, cmld only lie done by j nounced it lhe In-st of the k'ud .. i r ... " ever saw iu the countrv. I lie the surrender of the avcasca. Nice ' , - ( 'a .f ai n is t ruv enng in the ; n Tresident JAEHSE waa thereupon , ,SItfc. ,,, 0lf(,r,i OxVU..u As.v- delivered to Iusjx'etor Hvehks j hm,, nd we wish him abundant and. by him, to the custodiou at i snci-es.-. l)r. J. S' . b inder ap nolie head.iairters for safe tpfii-ipl-ol for and succeeded in getting isg. On MoDday the grand jary s 1 1 1 ' I Ms III . I 1 a I 1 1 . 1 . .in e x el m a ' .." : . I - i of d i s p ; i ; r and 'hen i Uace! Nol The 1 ing along at t he i a an hour. Instinct to push for shel'er d 1 1- ii -n the cainn calhng for the rider. ,N . i in in is brave who wd; no; ti uggie .icainst late B m how useless ! Mn; 1 . v n is : , r n t un ton'ghr. Tin- . ..- ir iittno.sp'tere is so oppiesscd with wh.rbtg snow "ll.' one mils; brca'he by gas; s lhe wind iiow N, raves, .sin ieks, en veloj's. The breath ot the horn 1 1 1 z "i.i rii'-i, , ' 1 1 r Us t s . w : ; ! : e : s The : i a. 1 : s bli.tti-d oil ' in an in-tan: Iiisi..,et is Mattied by ! n ;: ra anr. 1 he !ior-e has Me!.'!'' lie Is In-w il,:.-: ed Attel t.,at i.e c.n run no inoi . t n- li.-pt li ot snow . . ' ilol elided :ne. and he III l' e st I., III.- vv ' i I e v el In- i o 1 a . 1. Mo e, while t lie old Cilptal". U j i a . i v s 1 1 a t e 1 1 : r as it iie v v . I . : . sailors i; i o s e i : at tne. .. .. 1 .seine .. hen. tlio-igii' notl'.ng of hitting n ,. w lien I " , I t lie . Il: ', rs WeTe i ' i'k Mi r Ad t Ms made me wish I had : .-v ei he. i: 1 . t t he s, i. Alter w t- h id I . s e d. 1 1 1 . . ( i , . . i vv i Weir ea I I lc 1 al !i g 1 1 y In- - on 1 1 a nist trade winds I u li M I vv . g i- a'Miirt i !l I l o .1 a n .1 I". I lie tirst ,'V trade-, vv he ; '11 -i i ; ' s : lie TIH1IFS1EE Kimi rLTCKvL 11PLF.ME1ITS and HACHIfEHT K 1.. ii... VI l-KlJt. AKnt f. i- t'AiUOAHKIi' STANDARD Iau2 w8m DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, Um. KM a. a? A Rerord v for all Diaeuee of the 1 neya, slonmeh mna ttowela. A ' .f'.nrt :1 I: o iing a 1 1 e r vv . :'!e w.i'i : w el v ...dd no! wo - k vv . i s s. , in e o Ms, i :im ;on tin- e J rp. t: ' r' Col. a 1 w 1: I" M w i - As ; la : ..'.! 1 i ' ' ie Me ca p' i : I 'I....! 1 I . e v i r do ! C ipe llonw-d' .' 'I.d. .oil. so l.e s.inl .:. K t .1 i ; : i mo M.d n.i l il o i , e 1 . 1 w as, ,, .-, a; ,,. ,i, ;,ro-pe. t ot .-ee:ug a I l.e n : :. t a ' ' e r vv I. . Ward l: o .1 riel Ms Ml II i V w Mr! ::;.' ( )n "'li 1 id Mad ll the pump s.i I d he vv i Tneie em. but t:::d out v .is lea k .led that iii ot: ml s mi that mid pir i-ni ov er t th .rt . run two in ed Attel ; ..ii .n , inn.; o 1 le slops. Iiir:.- his head I t'oin tin- i : t M g blasts, an. -ays by h a ' ' : ' a d . : I can do n . nine"' Idle 1 d, 1 i lo: 'A a! .1 . -I his saddle and te. . - u is lood e li 1 1 1 illg and ills lltll lis. gl.'.VMig asr.rss 1 here is a tietce. m.'ir shllek to lhe blast, !!; I.,-- IraVel, : vv , I ' h o A i a, vv t::a- 1 ::t i.ia ,oi he.!.',. .1 M - lea : . i the -a i 1 no a 1 "'U t the n - ::d that the r the rapt ai n trailing on n he g,.; to let a tne d i.g. Wed! jllst chuck those ia As1 usual. I d;d not stop to re- ttoti ricking- by Machinery. .: . , volnnteeied to aeenre the 1 tw prooiem 01 picting cotton in ;.. , post, m and was shipped on '-lie Held has at last been solved. In- b.,. k ii: .1 iul.1 : hat 1 was a biave 'U;,i during the coming season a i 1 ed I had on several occasions, 11 ,ni1 ''(T of machines which are now v. lent W'.ik. peeped through the ; ' i u g in ami I act u i ed under the pat- ..tM : ca , in window, aud had seen ent ol .Mr. (. T. llugg ow ned by 1,. in the drawer of which the 1'nPe.l St at es Col ton i lat vesfer ' w.M he two pistols, 'lhe captain's f'ompanv. whose oitie,. is ,j, thci o .- .mn opened rtl of the after Cot t f.xrh a n g,-. will n.- in active ' . n. so that there was some dan- "I'''1 oi'-n. fin- exhibition which .. : t' waking the skipper, but this ".is n-ceully gM.,--, .a, :h. ;io,,r ot lil no' fiighten me out of under- the Kxci.ange iiiio.-i the gie.d ills Mi'k g tie adventure. It was -oi v .i id:, g.-s den,. ,n ,a : . d ihat'h.-' agr. ed I should go into the ui.tehn.e would dn u.e .nk it i- m cabin and .secure the pistols at seven tended for. Since that time work bell-, if lhe second mate was then f1,1' ''Cguii i, the new and al'. as he was pretty sure to be. At inipioyed machines, and it is safe length seven bells Struck aft, and U) --tty that when t hey are completed wo:c repeated by the lookout lor- tlil w'llpick fully 8(1 per cento: vr.ud. The second mate was stand- the cotton in the field, once gone ing att bv the wheel, and t he coast . OVt'r- '1 here are also in course of I stole through the port t' inufaeture small machines for ,',1' iv ,l,iriiil,i,r,',it,tii,a ilium, planters who have only a limited room ol the mate, who had left his mtui ncr of acres of land' under cul TO SK US, and find cut how much more we have in stock than we can door half open. He was snoring tivatum. po?sillv crowd into rur limited space, heavily. Keiieath the bund I found . l- u,!ur the most favorable eircum- : a drawer, paitlvopen. I stuck in j i;iuces tne united states (. otton inv hand, and alter a little groping, j iTirvester Company does not ex I found the pistol and took it out. , lH'ct t0 outright many machines I got .safelv out of the mate's room, tll,s ison. but it is determined and mov ing soltlv through the for-1 t!l'u the people of every section cf w.ud c.ibiu, I gently opened the the South shall have a chance to ot tne alter cabin Grab Orchard Wafer cure lor nrillflwla IGj-nuine Croh orcha-.l Salts in sealed pnckaires at 10 and !" cu. No rennine alU sold ia baik.1 Spring and Summer, it DONT ITT THIS DOWN until you have read it all, and then COME c, 'li lt ten time. : ' ing .. I p. nd n in. iit at t h was a bo ,' v.'.- : o w nr II : I;.. earpell ik--:::.g ab.ur tla d, t i.e .ibs!: net io; ... a , COLOK 1ITZ IX TUB JFST BOX. In Joe eoooty last week two eolorad mm wer pot oa trial In (he 8np3rior eort for ' capital offeaaea. Im taa Irat eaa th jory was com ' poaed of whit Ma of iatellirace. TWerldeac) waa entirely cirenm taatial, Wt notwitaatandiaf a very ttMf eaae waa, nada oat by the SUU agmlMt th prboar and pal. fijoptnio waa aim oat onaaimoaa ncalast mlm, yet tha joxy thonf ht taMra waa a UiUa doabi aeeordiar. ta ih tontiaoay and they very raadlly tjara ta aciaoaer th beae tit aai ratanved a verdiet of ma faOty. Ia ' siacr eaaa the jary waa owpoad f aia white men and CJafW colored arcs. TVe teatimony waa 41rec and poaitire. The jary eoaltl mM Mrer? th aiae white aa werv ta favor of rataraing a rardiet (witty at oaee, bat the tkraa eoiored aaea were obatiaate aV4 Ua iatad a verdit of aot ilty. Turn good people of Jooee are load la tWir eoodemnatioo of inch eaadaei. It ie ekarsed by aoone oi thm that taeae eo4ored men went a tkat Jary with tair m i ad j made mm In unalt tatat nrlimar arwl it ia . " . - , eripplr it ci real at ion fartWallrrod that on o( them k. ' ' , th ,rUr foond a true bill agnnst hi in for bribe taking, aud that night this aldermanic perwmage adorned the inner portiou of cell no -iS in the tomb. When (be bars cloaed with a dismal bang on thus gentleman it sent a thrill through the aldermanic nerves of all New Votk, ami a shiver went over the whole board who bad shared iu the Broadway boodle. The Governor has de lirerad a message to the Legislature teaching tbeae fraud., and the franchise thus unfairly obtained rill like); be aannlied by that body; a well ajerritted puniahmeut and viae that will )rove an endniing les soa to all who nay wub to erp -trate a similar oatraf e. Plaia Lmmu Niwpobt, N. March 2-Jd. Editob JorBSai I have jut seen a paaaphiet on the silver ques tion,'' wnttea by Mr. W. II. Oliver and read it with aocli satiafaction. Its perusal suggested to my mind the folio wing propoaitioos: 1. It ia not the bo nine of gov ernaient to make aoj ciaas of men neh, but to protect all elaaaea aud give all a cbanee to make them aeivea rich who are willing to prae tie indnatry and economy. A letjiaialioa thateonches the gorerniag ciasaen makee the masaes poor, and once the masses become disoonraged the commerce of the nation begins to deuay. 3. The permaueut wraith of a na tion depends on the permanent proaperity of the masses who are the real wealth producers of the na Lion. 4. Silver is .wculiarly the money . pretty lit.le orphan K"l Irom that institution lor the purpose ..; rais ing ninl educating her; her n.m we lb.-ve, is Jiaisy Austin. 1 lie Doctor has no children, and he wdl no doubt adopt tier as his daughter. We have seen her and ue like her. and Iioie she will prove as good as she looks. Mr. a-son's hog is not dead: this is lhe seventh week he has lived with.xit eating or dr.iikn.g save a very little by drenching this week. A flue steer of Mr. at sou's got mad and jumped in a marl bole (or spite and died. ;i i. 1 his mule got mad anil tried to do the same thing while Mr. W was iu the carl; rau over an apple tree, upsal the fodder, and Mr. N 's heels looked as though they were stand ing ou nothing, and Mr, '. said cuss words and his son a.d "p i, don't sell Pete, for be U a good mule." "Don't talk to me about a good mule," said Mr. .; "he has ruined my liest apple tree and 1 will sell him for my spite." Cut all parsed off after awhile and the mule is still at work. Another prizo spelling Ih-c ca : a off last Friday, in which Miss Anna Cox took brut priie in tirst c Lis I and iliss Laura Taylor in second I cIoas, with Mises Lora Weeks and Hattie Meadows as second best. The people generally loye to send tbeir ehddren to school, but don't 1 waut to spend much for loks i. r them: they seem to foiget that a teacher can't learn the children without books We don't mean I this is the case with all, but it with some. We have somesuiait children iu our Bh.W'ls, and th. v need more books to study in. 1 , b often knowu the trail..: aeverelv cnured for not learning ;i :i w ; .T a i r 1 ir sin il.-s at i . H.. is gi , a . ng vv a i : no w . The wind d"esu'i -i.i-i , cut as It .1 .. i . 1 d,e : '.MM.,, 1 s.voij p iss, an, I ait . i n II'- vv : 1 1 . oi a n hoi; r - ' . in: Illllst sleep. And days a :: . :. .nd tears .a w id, nave g. Veil 1 1 . . las's inroiigii a MtrM' solid: winds will in, M I : reveal i.i'l -. and. I .d e r and stalk. T hei e vv : d Me vv o m i s ol regret today scarcely a , in n; braliee toi;io: ro;v . d in- pra I : lt-s ot the uest ale a the leat lakes .a t lie ra st . Tie- a w 1 11 1 s' i 'Ml: s . d w n l.-r rl.iini their victim,- on the one; the no r : n g g 1 1. sol mi m n: r . 1. iu a :, .1 pound of tiesh on the otl . r. M . I I At, ;u ' , . ',,. am l-lg vv : i ' e ' . I ! I 1 . . . ! ",s '. ! be' ir o.-d- ' Mil ' 1 1 w .is 1; vv 1 w e pu. a : ou ' . log w atrh that . ry e 1 I ties! y ' !.e I. ' . r.lst ie. :d 'I..- w .-,-!: t,, it "ii dr. k. 1 vv i :: down mi :' the sa d.u s . -id- r.-tc" C M : i 1 II e 1 a - be I'm ri gr U Aurora Items J.lti to talk sin pi srd ,e had! seem e.l ... .lis, :;e nie. i,:g i.-tevvas a rattinl brawny i.dlovv. and v. a- the wa-kede-t look, tig ni.ui in tin- rirvv. and that was s iy ing a g '. d deal, tor tlo-y w.-re a h.u ,1 lo k :n g !.,; ot s.i do; -. Af'er talking abi.iir things ae'ieladv lol a few moments, ', te said: Now, y uiit.g fell v . ;; don' t it a ' nioie do we. I could n ituess the working of tbe har- ii.-a: the bicathtug of the captain, r,s!(,'u tlie plantations. Ocular who -eem. d lo be sleeping soundly, demonstration is what the planters I groped my way to the table and wanr- aml th' ar to have it. succeeded in opening the drawer Said a gentleman who lias large uiicresis in Anssissippi ana .Louisi ana, aud who has taken a great in terest in the development of the machine: "No one kuows better than a planter that the perfection of a machine tor picking cotton in fLe South will be the salvation ol tha: part of the country. Nothing is needed so much. I have seen many inventions tested for the ti r s t time, but I have yet o see one placed bef'oie the people for an in itial test as far advanced as was the cotton picking machine exhib ited on the iloor of the 1-: -.change. It picked cotton ,M'd delivered it. and wha more can N- al.-,-.ii on the) first '.est. o i: --.-there are some minor detects which :re yet 'o be over.- ;". ! -:t th -.r s t-v.iy- the case. Was there r-v.-i a thing made pet d !: at 'irt :" At !' o'Vjee ( t t d,. ' '. ;;.,;, lj,lr. ve?-tci 'omp.-uiv :.! l!igg. t d.- pi ,.-i tje ...-nr. .-. i i i : f 1 1 1 'he neoj.Ie ot the vl- Sotttli wdi tiot be .iisappoidited this J he rna, Lines will be put ration ;n the tall. Mr. Has 0 ami . securing tin.- twoliistohs witu o;r uiaking any noise. Then I stole b.u k to tiie door and v, as about to entei the lorwaid cabin, when a t nought struck me. And strangely . a. 'iigh. tor the tirst time in inv die. "in 1 .-toj,, ed and u tlected. -v hat. thoiight. L at these men a: . biii! on leal muMny.' What il tui-i in ran to shoot the rtnecrs with o. ingit. I hen desc i'lsiols ? some one said that p it .nig '.tito t j. eaptaiu h.ul brought money with gave orders , ; m ! o t radc vv It h ni China. tup- II. rn ag I :i;l-:i propose to secure the i i i w a s i.ia oi. ry , i.nd -ink or .set lire to the up. alte: murdering the i tlictrs. - Mark T -1 v An otten Usual, l:c has dono ome lest for his numerous patron9. Again ODS : IT. -trn , PRIKTS. nil. Styl,, Second Mourning-, Percales. GINGHAMS. -u.-kcrs. CTiatiit-'rays. American and Imported, WORSTEDS, s Ay .'ij; and pel haps :;h ? They cubic e -1 a p . ' to the s i i e ; e ! ; i 1 1 ; c' T looked t- .v..;. I the deck. and. :i:i ;:g!i the d-uii to the .vt ward i-aMii:. I e. Hal m c da: k tigaics inov M'g stealthily ami easily about. What could I do.' A thought stiuck inc. 0:ie by one I removed cattlidges lioin the i evolving season :n active llirl.-is, and Ihils lelidi led th" pis tols harmless. Then I placed the es in mv pocket and stole i otgai.Miieil his company thiough th" i'orwaid cabin aud out 1 "mk'r tht' 1;l'vs ' the State of New onto the deck. I was iiustautlv j .ork" au1 has! s,,f a-"i3-' a small por scicd by rougn hands, arid t he r lon. "' ' stock for sale . The pro pistols were taken from nie. Thou ; ce(-'ds art' intended to increase the I found mvself flat ou my back. with a man's hand over my mouth. ooKeu up ana saw pointed at my Hen !;;; is on the d. Spring g", si s c. um n We regie! to lea: I. I I. l'eed is v cry k . ( 'ash .John will saw ' , his pants is hail soa d. ( )!e hit man" : s dings and gr, .eeries. 1 A. It. (hi;.:, ash i ng! on on in -s A I Ol'ials ' '1: 1 :. - : 1 1 o n ..: M.n "i i . . : . . ; N.-V.s IS seal i f 1 a ., d. V olir I a ; 11, els .Me ; w " Is dull. ' i-n .! .1.1, s ,y s ; . ; ' 1 ii d k d ; oo n, v .. . " ' """ tireast a siieatn kinic, wnich was m , o ird this ship. ; tlu, graSp of -i wicked looki ng sailor, j Wilde always ' i ....... fi,.,r i i,.,d f.,n.. it.f,,'... n-n. . kiioeke.l ib. ;r by th,- niatcs. and I aIlll ,aVl. mstlf up for lost. I : don t see now- vuii stand if. .Now.1 N manufacturiiag facilities of the com pany and for that only, for knowT ing that he has a good thing in the machine. .Mr. Jbigg intends to hold on to his interest. 3". Y. World. Greenville Items. losed in v eves, exnectiu lt to tee! you i, ,,1 a , bailee to get ashore at ; the .steefeut'er mv breast. Then 1 .i.m-;io, wniiiiint tnrow it i, i ., n ....... i ,..... ,, iwav ig.s is good ;n ;he high i,te. - smart y oung t. liow nld re! a i-ib on some make a lortuiu- in a lew . ,i; n i y . .ike yon ranch, ai years. 1 T woiiliin't like any tiling bet-'.-:," said I, but I can't get ashore. , i pt a , n ain't going to put into alt. r all." : :. tut. i: v it w M i. ns, ,i:d. 1'eie, nd ii. ea ll in .It .n;. !" 1 .1 g P. i . a Mi a . 1 1 in. tn :: . ny . " : .- pi i ed 1 Yt e . I'd. vv. - i i e 1 1 1 . I ' M, a , : of the mae in all eivilired rotin lue cuii.iren, wnen u wa.sin. M i , n tn-s, and any legislation which ! n'atM' Uuh '," uot f"ruihing !,.. p direct lueui. r.vt-u iu ,ir KtiRH'i. we 4 . r il. r oueu nun io, an.i even statements wheu chal-(j laaaMMl Coa faji Thorw i.i llm ai "i V letflil il loll which jvims ti ... r..- v.. .i.... .a ,- .f i 1- at aboat Tn-otoo tkat i throw advantage into the bands of '"K"-' aml i I.N 1 An ,,nl r-i m.u.m fli. LlJ'11 lw often find two, and even t li re. children studying in oue lone spell jvims tl, ing tx-Xik that nx-t lorts: and as party wao iataraated biaiseil in n ol ten I, ,u r. a: .- see n interests of tbe labormg people, who ft- 1 I . I . " . v . v - v. waaait ea tmm pnsofier apiiriw.u4?ci , ojfjjQte nine ten ths ot t be u ation s I i af ta waaiUinr aiagMtratea I popaiatinn I 1 1 j i ng i o st ud v i n g ou t ot on r is h ' k . K KKi' !' s l hp In this .Mi, . d rasaiaded hini that he, the; t. An a-t to demonetize silver is age it is an imperative ih-,t-:;) nj an act to cripple the curreucy ol the lor every one to lut-p (Mif.te.1 in ie lauorin g cla.-es. an.i thus bring on to e v er v t li i n g t h a t may 'uvea 1l1.4t.rn4t ol one of o.s.iile r., tK-ann' iiix.n whatever he in .v I .- priaoaer. The magistrate war.lVu.ot her. oursinng lor a livelihood. ikABlJj sparned the profioailion ami 7. riie rin: step '..ward d.-e i :n ho is va i u enough to U-l ie . t h it Informed the over xealous partiian 1 everv n.itmn is t4 begtn a curse ol i,e- kn..s m ali is generally ': (hit da wi. mv bn.r i l:,niiM ,-an legi.l.UloU that thiows -ll ad v a n one who know, the I,-a'. and w : i.i ill lut ii it ii .1 a oi i u e o v e r 1 1 l il fc,' t V . , , i . t m;i : I n v . tin- boa: -.allt to I e i a:: vi'ody oi !!:'.:''.!(' ud ma;. to vv r: ' .- . I.K.IV- s MM-rad VV .1!. ill-s to fasten : At ' de vv heel aaatatrare, was a tiepoiMicau si hoead aae bis mttoence for the M ill, Shad (10 cts. Mr. J. .J. Cherry h is gone to Bir mingliam, Ala. -1-1. l -: i..... These pistols haven't so much , t ' V'-'MT-meeung was .us a cartridge among the three ol 1 uc" l'"st cnurcn on u eo- them.' said Pete. nesda-v ni-ht 1U'V- Mr- ofli- T opened my eyes. The sailor ciatln; who had prepared to stab me had j . 'T- Cr.augei of Kinston was paused in his murderous woi k. Pete !n tovvn C!i v "dnesday ou business handover me and in a tirce whisper IU l'ourt- wanted to know what 1 had done . It seems that the lower the price w;;h the carti aiges. Then 1 t hi ugh t ot cottoi; the more the farmers try that 1 a glimmer of hope. j to make. They are now making Tiu-ie was a box of ca 1 1 1 i .i ges j st ren nous etlorts for a good crop mi the cabin iii.ii-r, said I: bu t , aud we i t: in k" w; 1 1 .succeed, how d;d 1 know ;he pistols wasn't , .Much amuseiiit'iit was a Horded ""'i''':' I d:.';n'; have time to stop , by a drummer Irom Ualiimore on U;'1 last Tuesday win. was taken for Mr. i 'tie : (lie .i.;..Js propi-M d it j ldouiit IV. uce. u:te a immiet ol I should ni- sent back aliei , lie I people took htm to be that gentle ii ! r;.l. s. in; I ,aul I was al raid ; man and theic :s cettainly a great h.y vvii.e', U:.i me the inoiiH n: I j reseiiiblaiirr. Kv.n Mi. p's lath go; : i.i . k . I V ' e s w oi ,- im , nc! t.iiiil.-i'ii lii.nlc a i ii-li mi ; !,.- ilniin v . nld loin :, in,- a 1 Plough: dai k i met' tin: k:ng i; : ji.tiniiM. dn,- e.utndge,. -And.' said he. Coiiit has pist ended and we we'll give you your lull shale o! the learn that iu-v'-i- b..!'.ir. 1,-.- ,.,.!, .... a;.'s money.' 1 said that 1 amount ol'woik been .1 isjiatched. vould go daek. The .sailors pu-hed : 1'lie er.'lek speech of the week was :..-!ovvaid!lie cabin door. I g 1 an . e. I , ,nt. .v yi r ,,ls, .;, M.,re of Martin ,v er m v sho'dib r and caught sight , ,. d- h-a i d a poi t ion u t i t and M the green light ot another vcssi 1 ;ii- sample vv,- got was verv line. oui.- distaii. .- of!. That gave me ,. nndeistand that he is a'promi in idea. Ait.-t lVte had shoved nent candidate tor Congress. He is ne :u:o the door I made a, , plain sjokell man and is no dude ..i..i. i i . . i . . . . " i , l i ' l l . a lit ,ii.' i c m i i.i ii a u i.l lieu i a d h i ' 1 1 1 1 i.e 1 . i I I s ,;; at t l.e top of my voice: -Sh:p ahoy 1 Cai t and l-'uil Lin,- iu all si, -. '., .-. lClegant Line All Wool Mourniugs. Summer r'iaiiii"l. full line. Novelty Moods of ail description. Albatross, Illack, Cream. 1 Ih ate Sh;des all colors. Nun's Veilings, all shade. Tiuin and Clucked Lawi s, India Lineup, N'ainsoaks, and every variety of While Goods. WHITE GOODS. , India Lin rt hile Goods LACES, Bool fold Laws, Checked $ To. ehons. diK licit imincrse line Col ton Laces of all d feriptioaa, White Silk Lact-s, (Jritntal L: ccf . All Over Orientals and Oriental ITouncincrs. EMBROIDERIES. All Widths, SWISS and CAMBRIC. All Over Embroideries and Em broidery Flouiicimrs. EMBROIDERY NET. A large line of Ladies' and Gents' Suimeiystii A full line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose and Men's Half Hose. Ladies' Jersey Gloves, in Silk, Lisle and Cotton. Velveteens in all Colors. Silks and Satins a large rline. 1 Mattings, Carpets, Cil-Cloths-full assortment. Curtain Goods all kinds and styles, in Scrims, Muslins, Crinkles, Etc, Look at Our Leaders ! dd ; ciaiiM! aud'tukt a.u Irom th. ti sack were the requirements acn procmg are simply pro,a,-ing cla-s the means graeeftll and sh.-xild receive the maintamtr-g their elf respec . srcfnt condemnauou from all The lougei the laUirmg class,.- are encou r.i gr.l to maintain their in i-.lre in no Mll-Mlg I'T h.s ,,, I pilM-IM! n ' i- ii ip who ,1,1 ..:, s i ; ... inn us , d" -1 d - k I ll es VV M, i Mr' d, ., P. ,'.V ClOst- .' Have , 1 O . 1 -i.edl I ue A'llel icie.i a s ;v . ::g np a sdvr oidd s. , ;;. a ! n e a ., i i e l.e -nr. .n s IPs ua:i m the I agle .'" t hull age orator, hold lar so the crowd 1 bet he does," 'in- im ul 1 1 f ".do: .r .;!,.: tift.-.-n C.iicke ! 11 mcsi-un. .ie. Extra weight vd. w: I i a : Extra N lie HanAurg-, .jc. Rick Ra.-k Braivl, ."ie. Full Size Gents Ilandker.d r I. i i - Fair (dinT r-c H V. Heavy li in. Nete I'.iper. .-. Novelty II air Pins, iv. f.a'ka: Pear'. DreSS P.uttaijs. da .?.' Jersav s, ."iOc. Cailv'.rcli's rtraw Hats. ' . Ladle- Hvse. .").-. Nan's Veiling, ail sineles. v. Turkish Wash Rags. :!o. Silk I Iii'i.'.kv reli i- fs. ."ic. Biautiful Colored Lawns, 5c. "c. Nice "SA Lite Lawns. 5c. Garter Webb, best, .lo, Table OU Cloth, 13o. i . Ladies Ilandkercliiefs, 5c. Md- K'li'tmg Coitoo, '20c . lb. Envelopes, fc. package. s (i yds. Spool Cotton fc. Children's Ifandkerchiefs, '2.c. Brass l'ins, oc. paper. Children's P.,lo Caps, 10c. Gents Half Hobo, ."ic. Collar Buttons. 5c. doz. Oil Cloth Baby Ribs. L'ic. 'red 1 devndence an. loiiier the national v eor e:s's. u the tiea the I a 1' i n g 1 assrs ieei r rued a o ii n s t them they lose hoj e Uol ce i-t- to pr.sluc. wealth, aiidj isf -n. ie a i tional decay Ix-gins. 10. good citisfo, whether Repu c DessocratJ. When th.e people) a raw tlx" color line jary box they simnlv prove their legislation ntter mcoai potency to serve as jarors ia a court of justice, and ba office seekers go into the coarts and try U further their .n tereat by aiding criminals to e.cap-e juavtic by po-kiog j urie.a, they, "00, should h put down as danger. mi men and the (people of (1, community ought not to hes -.r.- :., condemn their end i,-; ,:..) i. Id them no to public g.ire Solicitor ALLE.n 111 pre., n" 1 g v a-e to the jury dunug Jone mi faeiior coairt aaaoatK'! it to U' iu Mil a tn. r v tin o.Mil Ml,-, e. -M lie I dl.e kle.W hat Is a oil Ml tile vv . I , 1 r 1 prod. Ilet I e U in in erce . lie must proti ; ' . v . prr.ence ol tin's, uh,i vi,,K. t he s im illii- I . , nl,: a. II t . ' p r : 1 . and k 1 1 o n-I when to ; n . s pi ", 1 net a ni upon t he m irk.. 111 a s t i; I v I hoi ni a Id v the t o . s vv , 1 : 1 . g s K I t-11 s t 111 , 11 Vaar, ..::. in iii e w . rdi a WE 1IAVK l)Ol'BLED (HT A LUE AH V COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES. MirSES AND CHILDREN'S UCE km BUTTON BOOTS AND SHOES, ami on: id: Don't Fail .INF oi rn i s r M.HT'F.KS Id THE CHEATEST AND I-.VI.i: SI UN IN THIS CITY. .'. V mi.- 1 l.e. , - - ; - ri,-, ; -nisf;.:---.i . I'm -.a cents li ;r. k i m -. 1 v 'o See Our Dollar Shoe in Laco and Buitoii, Fuiancal .leg, n.-rarv and 1 1.1. 1. and t he ai; by wl,.,n L'iiAS, H BROWN. mam 1 The m oral . le gene racy are i'i.xi-i) related to each other, and wealth loses Ms cc:irety )ust ;a proportion as the masse '.'' their g.d moral 1 1 ri.ere'or." : . c. n gly uuaisv lor 1 1' n to legislate l"l the I.el.eU' '"I 4 .ij.l'.ll J ' t lie e ; ,,-11 sr of lis ' r . These are ' I.e pi.llll I li i s - . r v i d a r. a to 1 w 'Us 1 n.'Ss 'OS, ol 1 less Ilk. ell. -lit In s,,ii; I,,, nni," inih it he u : s des , s -: o, L er mi . i;n 1: 1 ma 1 A W w a v a : ' v i : ! I : 1 1 ' in; soli - la t tint lis M; .' 1 r'Uorei ' ' 1 of 1 1 by l tie, ' he r a in I-eop, nt r: vv i: , wish to ;:o..l hts inviolate. Id L. IT-LIK I.N s. V 1 i. vli m , v . . f -,.,. 1 v i r .-H le e r re- m I I'l ira. t. r 1 ' r 1 "a. - t j.-- t. iniumi'iil .-sv- 'inlarv s : -.TMMan viid Ihi Jerei. pt-J ;.r -v rovp.-ndence Adjrestsw. 111-'-' T 1 ! 1 H. 1 VI . Tren ten . N . 1 lies! s 1 ie I hea : i v a llioh : M: M . d I M-v . . i. blink i. M s. 1 y . ' .dd t- V. IVel. :. i ' .- -.. ; n !,,- . d , ' 1 ' ' . ' . . I;-'''- ,;,, , : m.Im:::,.. : : v : 1 m , Ic went out im deck and vv c stood 1 I ft! Oho MANLY I'viild K'i's AT LAW. febodAwl) W oiesale Trade l'i...l to meet all retirements, as 0 ; - M. interest of our WHOLESALE i land fail to call ou us as we take 1 .. iiii.'t he beaten. 1 AST j atrons, and as many more new O. MARKS.