VMol M 1 ! ff I H I. t IL HAH PKtt, I X I )K PEXr 'T IaNT ALL TH 1 ,XC VOL. IX i;Y I.KKXK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. WW - :oavi ui' .T aJTotfir- Torma $2.o6 Per Teki ' u DURABILITY, NEATNE'JS AND COMFORT '.IN i i i i ; a .: Jl'STLY I.HIM 1 1 : 1 Ziegler Bros. Shoes, OF wiiRil vi; it.Wi; n . . NOW hm: s M.r. : i: AD I ! A ' ! I'! i Sprlng&SuillllMTTi'nilf (. i:oi M). : Mi : !. p ist . .i -, r 1 n ; , i k r i i - w ; t ii -rd snr doe,. :n i: i i N I ) I 1 i;i I : i;i in. l 1 " lln-x ;'(. I-I UmtI .... .t . ' r - ' - - : " ' ' i 1 1 ; !. f, , 1 ..'!'.:. o: ; loiittiov -and s t ' 1 : i ; 1 p 1 ' I ; t 1 1 : i I i lit1 II f s We Is a- u o ,.-s o i ! . i : : l 1 . -..pell-. .t!id oil r ! i v s.d w n; i-t tJi.-'i i i.-.: . Mingle 1 in horn a.v -eera i ai r r i N -1 vveinvite vor TO i iiMi: AND KXAMA wki.i. as Tin: ili.M. v.- at-m ay 1 T? T. Of JlJoJ .likcwi? hsre open - i 1 kind "t Low Figures, Especially OV 4iAr rtaer. D O F.TT I N d ', 1 'I : kets. for ho svmn of State Shoes, -::-..: ,'i, iC : I: . i - ' : -: h ;..;., . i, , , i i i ,11 '. a i. - ' ; ' - ' :.i!.ii!.iniifiit - ; ' : 'in' c.iM n- ry y : - M. i;r. I i : i irki-t !"i tiit ir i'r(K!u. :.-i the out llkt1 A 111 .11 Llt'lcirr ;il,i .is It i;r-i : i.:-. i!iH;,-ult way. .,n,l -I"''! t hr rii.u.uijr si-i-iii-r- u;i !"!'!! ;t fv,'iy t i:rn, ami : ami at ! a-r n;'.'ii the sumniit cf Mitoln-ll '..-..t' ji'od'v iiiiuintain." highest a:i.l i i M . r i.i" thriii all and hmk n;!i tin" circiin vatnos 1 '; 11 1 n i t ,i ! In i r en larod and al-t-n r.ii.t n n-.l vi.-imi. 'J'licy may -h.Mit ('. ir ,i:rc and si m df i,,y. or t ii.-i-r w:th a;n.:!.' ardor, or sii! I: c'.v. -!. 1 1 in t'li t a! 'ha', hut tht-rt' " :11 never ta;l tn he a deep under '"iie nt rrverenee and awr. The ' h"ii'h' ruiiint he repressed that In"-! h:r!i laid; the tirma- i .1 'I'l,.' I'f llltV ,i!.'d ; lu-sc rerk v f, .r.-.-t Vitli Tin- i.'.-. and :n rl v ii.i-s. and tern N i r t h a i a i n a i s p r a 1 1 lller! inn : ASH BUYERS. ............ v,BD5INi T11K IH'.ST STOCK OK Gene raj tVlerchandise I i t ) i ' 1 N MMTc'V THAT-. WAS KvEU K K IT VA W will gtTC 'lic ef th- ir i'- a' . . .a nr.TTi ( ; vu uu ) wilh tl.r aui ol" this "trrU'hes away in t-vrn ; - , - . Ironi this centra! Mimmir. rh 1 i 1 ii 'it i ' 1 1 j i r t 4 , rnninit.iirK s;.'mih hv i r i t 1 f r !," "' I'r"f!- n.inuslito lulls, and th- hid-, t- ' ' !. i:!..:.lli-tli '.t plains, win:., t hr hi -li ran 'rs m r !, i I s :ar i:i..nii.ru 'if alia'ent States can I.,, sren in th . ar.- distance s' St.itr- are v::!.;( , " . !'r"in the snniinir. l ..'. 1 a - i ; r in ..n ,-r . rns , , . . . . K seems untui run.ile (a.c tin arriM-d in tt as p.nt Mindav last. , . ,. , , ., , ,. ,,,, . i ,- . 'D'nes attaehed o he tiua n ; a ,;i s riMHet.ii ! .ran "i t. u here s hewn , . ... lri.i .- ... .. ....i ...... .... . .. ... . .in.i .lll-y iHMI ...it ,iin- iiil .11. l it to'rther tin in a 1 u dr.H I snr! rrinarkahlr and r - -1 .n .. ; hrm fv. shuilid hi ;n lr -ii.r e in j ,'perations ovt-r r !eiU in eon neet lull with -u:e. nmv leine' irise- r r : , . -1 1 ' h i- hai r;er--t hat He wngheth the mountain- in scales, and the hills in a balance and that before the mountains were brought forth, or ever He had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting: to ev( a lasting. 1 t. js Cod. KM. I.A.Mrs I! K A T DKIiATK. "tt.T.-l .:) I: atrr 1 t". a I her of ih.. I ' phi " i S, I.', in t f i' la t i in i vi i t to the a ua: i 'I' ll IV I ' i Ap,r. a pn,,r, .1. liH to o,Y Inll. h, i. : not .! h,.:a; p- ah ,1 fro,, hut t; rally ralh .i i , r ; ti T t ht- ?trn cates. a- i:a,:, The Inii.in then taken u ;i Mr. Dawes, th ti rp gPSPion . At 2:50 the d t Ir.i; 3 r- t i lh i. 1 it:, r river a'. :iiKr ii: 1- nr . trcecy IJoOi Right and Wron-. Ilatteras Iclet was washed out in the ' fall of 140 in a urpflt atrti-m t;u..-j Quidley lived there; he told me the tide was waist deep it his house and he ex pected to be swept away, and during the night of this terriac hurricane when he and familv h.nrl lnf oil v. I: a i . t A I r, pi at; a at r. i v Hi ai hal w-.s ". i i'- m ju of 'I'.t into , xecti- a.::-i',ii that tie- rs7e rovidi-ijr f.,r -a r,-t sessions omght ta le abro-ated. and there never jai- a time uiieu the '.'rncration of those ruls was niade so plain as at present. His iMr. Sutler's) x"'rinee in the Situate couvioqed him that there was no use and no necessity t,,r secret sessions, except, perhaps, in . aa-iaei iuK ireatises w ith foreio-n na- , .i.i- j j r. T J uw t. ,.:-. The Senate of the Unite,! States ""emy went down and he knew wu- the only legislative body in th 5' g great had haPPd, but he w, ail. except that now-had any . he fnr Wh";0b in morS pp.vi-ions for secret i(,E, 1 he found the water 25 feet deep where At the conclusion of Mr Hiitit-r-s w 6 6n a high beach the day -h a, h Mr. Logan gave notice he would bhe,f?ue; a"d U gaT0 him euch a 8r a-k to l,e heard after the morniL busi- t !P C.,Untr-v &t 0DCe- In .a s tomorrow on the - object open 1 hurrica the,t',(le m Paml'co river exe. -.uive eions pon was Reven feet below normal. The Mr Uiddleberger' submitted as a sub- ' anTchi'116 m f Tranter8 cre -mute fr the Pcndrflff 'resolution re- i fu",'1 cl:owinity bay were plainly vis- laung to executive seas.ons, a resolution i wVUhinT Pels of the bridge at providiiic -that all ,!,,, ', ,' " i ;Va8bm.t0D washed away. Per those relating to treatises should be con- ' CB 1 thJ0 Stug rt sidered and actedTInoi ter the Senate1 i y the PeoP,e of the Al be in open session. - , . 1 marIe regl0n to an appropriation to ju v-'. ., .. cui. uui tne iniet nt Nnira rtoan BRIEFS. lit ' Si.mi J ones is preaching at Louts- w i were r.i."-opei;,.,l. 1 r. . lad.li 'lie slir' ' I'er- a. Coard oi . -r al-o charge -ucli iMr:ions . r !, I'tire I il- a;eii KIK3T0S'. March. 1886. a 1 1 1'iv'r.i! ii ; original -,n a co; brr -ii, -h w,,rk l- -.nridental t the in lit) o:,rrt. sii;rii is to deter mine the aia a.- and positions ot tin ri.it ui al o -tn beds ol North (aro l ina. i a tin- s.wno manner a doiir f.,r Maryland, 'irc:nii and of'lirl S;.itr.-. l.letlt. NN'ltlsiow. win IFsV.OU. WAWT GOOD SHOES, - '-.C0.Be fir. iJXY o ooEEICLER BROS., instate Penitential in TO BE HAD OHLY PATTERSON'S. r 'Ereiy'iair warranted to give satisfaction or n't monexr'refViiided. rnt "y-t.r arr.k0f the i-n atPetteFSon's Shoe Store, i,,ri.. -i , ' 1 1 . -- ,-r..r v ,f , t ... ... wtn Crptmn oi a lew Indian n a m es, ,,iir h a- t hr S iv. in annua and tin' I at iu I, i i rei-eti : 1 v i in - . i ... ... . i .. i , ana ,in' i'l llir luill'M llioi mo-: nil- -'vvr."m1nt' cniprom.s.n- An-lo Sixon.drvo.d iae rli.mi't'ii their , , , , , , , ot enphoiiv which one cannot iratures since the , ... " , . , , - '(-.trv ii, i iiiiLn ii ion ail' ion ', r. made man v ears J . ' , 7 .- , or firoiuuiuce ithout doit; ; vi. lenee la. 1 - : n , :, en f :i t, i . . . to elevated or portir srii t . me n ; . It they were bestowed Iioin a fan cied i eseui bianco to the o'oiect lor or alter, which th, v Here n mo il w the resemblance is not u-uallv ap parent t the ordinary oo-rrvrr. while their : neon -'rm ; and un , , , . . wmie tncir is a i re .id v d;rrcrm' the operations fl i . , . ,. , .'''v'"i, coutliness is ....w..... i. .. ., .. r. 'nt to al V I II UI , , 11. v. .1 ISO ut'IIl the Suprnntrndrllt i Survey . ; t i i t i r iln, i;oerum.rit work. The Scro.sby win locecu iroin nrre aionir tl.o nnplea-au;I app n " a i AT narireu iv u- i I ; W e are standing m tne rt nine "' ,'t southern nart ol V.nu", cuntx with 1 hiniomlie on the south and McDowell on the east, at a little a.r ' , . ,, i ,- ,i uistanee ironi us is tne 1'otato fop. shores ot thr sounds lor the purpose i, , , , ' .f,., .,.., . . r,n ' . supposed to bear some re.-i-m b ance ol icw i n 4 general t he grounds to . , . , . , , " , - ., '" ton bunrn ol Irish potato tops ie one o rr during the cominc . i i i , ,, , , ,, , I,, upon wh-.ch is a landmaiK dnio tin ' M'.lson. and w;n reach r.eaufor: bv , . , , ., , i , ,i , i . i , , - the point at wluch the.-e three eouii the end ol the week, at which p ace n i , , , . i- , o i i.i 1 tie.s all ixiruer. Looking northward active work will tK'Cm and the sur- i ,i , , , ,. .. , r ,,. , , vre .-iee close at hand several peaks of vev pro-c utrd northward. ... , . '. Vi i .,i ,,i i the ldack mountains, cmeiamono- 1 lir i let ai I ot t he rrosb v or t li ,s . i . , . ... , , , , , . . " r ri- ... ,i ; . . . them, the two 1, lack Krothrrs.t he a work .v Inch l-important to the , ,. ' ,,, i . t i ,r- ',r.i i le bear .mil the L at 1 ail peakimorc xoide ot ortn (. aroliua is due to . . ., ,, ' ri,., f e.if i,,- ,i i- i i remote is the loan mountain run- tne lliteicst tclt t)v the ledern . .. . c , ,,t , i i niup; to tne iirarul at ier peak m i tov r rnnii n t and the people ceil- Ti . i , r,i,.. , , T, ... ; , r .i northea-st, and we can extend our 1 11 I ri,ill'l'ini:iml,i lli.i -It,'.. ,,t Vi iley between the Ovi ""ii x ; ; I; f" Cat Tail peak -and the Koan mo.in- in the .Northern states that anv ad . , ., Liitii i nr -ouiLr oi iur a,, i II 1 or river. In the northeast are Table nock, tut' iiawK Kin and the I. in In tin va SIGN BIG BOOT. Iiddlg Street, New Berne. N. C. thr supply is a Ihiou to illation, and. there I. II. SULTAfl ASKS A QUESTION! nlv all u ho at he o -tr r larger class, the consumers AM E YOU READY - ,' X . - . . . . TO. UV YOUR rSRRIWC SUIT?: i ir Nohhy Sacli and . If toy dott BAxe your purehuc until you e Catawsy 8uiU t Very Low Prices. Boy Sailor Suit frm $1.50 t. 3.m. Ik 8trW Hftfs cw jM rarpriM you it th Stock f Underwear m COMPLETK. . Ia Ladles Dress (3ooJs and Shoes Give'XTs a Call, and See For Yourself. 0 m. n. Sl-LTAN, ee7 dw-Sa ..r.K.i J. .vf.' a.r.sia dltloli d the -.v hoi .... l. . .- X- i . 1 i,vi,i , ' , . ' ' ville mountains part of thr P.'.ur ar" vo'Wril with i:trat ritrre-r. nor .. . "... ,v !l uho ar nn..r-..,i i, ranpe-vvlnie directly east i- , 1,, 1 ,,, ,, , , the big l.tlte. or C.rei n Knob, also idu-:rv. but that much ., ,,,.. ,- 10 , , . " t'.viL yj 1 1 nr i.iiir liillLtr. .I1IJ Hi ....... r ., . amontrthr.se is t tie souirr ot thr iiiv c-t:catious 01 tne crost)V, con- -r i i i , .1 . ,r,n 1 South loe river, which run- north ducted a.sthev will he i n connection . w,'i, -h ,,r,",,.nl',i J, , , west and 101ns with t he Nort 1 Toe. w 1, h , he stirv e 01 f he .-state author T1, ,, , , , , , ,., ,0 1 ,: ... .1 .... I nose are the head waters o he itie.-. will 1m' ot creat benefit to our , , , ,, 1 , , 1 ,.- , . (treat Kanawha, which tosiii; people, and we have reason to con- ,-, - , ..ft ..... 1 1 est ircinia. tunes with thr rratulate our.-clv es upon having so ,,l , ., , , ,,,,,1 .11 . . Ohio and Ilovvinc throiiu'h the Mis- :ntlue tia . dcleca uoninf oncrass, ? waters into the a.- w athotit their intluence m secur- j,- M' . mc the as.-i.-tance ot the govern- , ,1 , ,i . ,, ,, ,,,. 1 1 Da the ftoul lieast wr can .-re a d un lit tne :ate could not have ac . ., ,, , compP-hrdrhrdr-ned work, n time fn,,ou',ta, 1,1 '-l'w,-l county and for ,'t to be ... anv Kreat benefit. ""' -nn h NMide the area in this State now ttV " T'TTr ' . , . a i . . ..ru 1L1 r , . Houth is the fsoutli Mountain and LOW TKH 4 r .uST()MSHICf rion. Near the latter 1- the head ol -mail, ur air assured bv l)r . ...... ,.,i i,i. ii iii.MiMi Luai i , , . there is fullv.i haif muhon acres v , ,u'n; "" that can beutdi.ed. That.sabout '''J h,'"f T'T 0,lt 'war" the same a., .s now productive in f ,nto ;S'! h olma. here u the Che.-aake and Delaware bavH "own by the name4, the U a- and the ovster indastrv in those iVV J,Wn "R. ' ' n' "'f localities is worth something near 1 1,mmi,immi per annum. If the Si ro-by and the Hoard of Agncul "ure can. together or separately, n an appr.'Ximatrly tijiia! volnme mingle its waters with rl,.- Atlan tic. l'residelit Sivain. of t iie i ;.:vei-i. ty ot North Carol : na. v said : h it ' Intllrate IT1 od i li r n 1 1 o nn 111m Srhrino. a "a V.iu s:a: April .;. (ilad.-tone's --ummin c up toui-ht was by all odds his creates: cilort lor many years. I: is difficult indeed to re eall a more thorouc'h. brilliant and masterly handlincol any subject, '"hr mai.iie; i:i w h.rh hr smashed, pulverized and destroved the puerile aic'iineiii- of his opponents macnitici'lir. r.etore his Miumphant blows the whole wordy labile, reared with such pains by the picrnies of th,. opposition, "ertned to crumble away to the veriest atoms. His voire lasted weil. his manner was animated and h:- aia'umeiits clear and lopiral from the been n ti i n " to tlie ,ti,l of this tremendous oratorical triuniih. ' The speech of Sir William Har court. ( hancellor of tlie Kxehequer, was an acreeable surprise. We w. re prepared lor a tame, half and half acipi icscence in the Premier's policy, but he delivered a powerful address, givinc Mr. Gladstone hearty and undivided support. Joseph Arch, the representative in Parliament of the newly enfran chised acrioultnral laliorer class, pledced himself tonight in favor of home ruie. Arch is a man who was supposed to be peculiarly suscept ible to the personal cuulanoe of I 'ham hei lam and the influence of the P.irmincham caucus. He was taken up by t he caucus, petted, and iu; forward in every possible way as a Chamberlain man. At the propel time he was to pull Cham berlain's chestnuts Out of the tire. Chamberlain's supposed power in t he count ies of which sucji threat ening' use has been made is built upon his alliance with Arch. The critical moment for which Chamber lain has been, planning at length arrives. Arch is called upon to de cide between ( ladstone and Cham berlain, and places himself at Glad stone's side, as welcome a recruit as anv the Pieinier has yet rc i e. vcd. f ollow ;nc Arch, several Scotch members, who had been on the fence, declared themselves for Glad stone and home rule. The whole srheme so elaborately prepared to unite the Scotch delecation in op-po-;tioii to the Premier is in a fair was toward collapse. The labor representatives In Par liament are now solid for Gladstone and home rule. Not one stands out lor Chamberlain, Trevclyan or I lai tinctou, a fact full of hopeful sicniiicance if there is to be a new elect uui. The .Radical associations, . too, have becuu to move into l.ne. The situation in other respects improves, and the anti-Home Uulers are lo.-mc C'"-1 hourly. The speech of Samuel Whitbread, Whig member lor 1 Jedford. Lord II artinc ton's intimate associate, has com pletely broken the solidity of the Wine phalanx. Disunion and de moralization prevail in the Hart- i on motion of Mr. Conner the senate took a recess of twenty minutes to review-the parade of the District of t'olnmhe. v.f. r-rar. celehratirn- i versary of their i "f n'.inn ',a'; A recess the -. e n,. Appn.priar: n 1 oh stantially a- it rat priat 1 ns ( '. -icni .it Ser.ate adj urta d. I h a-;: Mr. M . report.' I 1 rum th, eoir.rrittee the T ir I'V tile rep,-rt .,1 til, 1 1, niocra-1.- :n.-i:i b U"ferre, 1 to t i,,. Mr. McKu.h-v ;.r the m i n o r i t v i i v e of the committee. Mr. fCNeill Pa printed in The i;L manufarturers r, w orkmen in ., ; ; t h. durti. in , a t '.,' t.n : 1 Mr. M, in-, i; . h a petition -i. al l i the reh-;d:i box . Mr. Mrr Utiles, reported for a Corgr. s. cuiM's ana en. troubles in tie- a" twetity-tifth arm i : I'lirture for the seat . t a o ex i a rat i. n of th took ,':p the la,l. ,n Tr.- iall na-.-e,! i'r. m th, Ajr,i - -' ' ' I' ni t he a v - : hhi. : la. i i il tie r- :-r,,al 'in tn . : ; I v have from v.av i i : r r a. at in an an . a, f r, an the 0, mm i a res, iluti- n r, v i 1 ire: en.il ino iiry into i'-,e nt , t the pre.-eni lah. ,r t.-t. 'i'rie re-, ilitt i, ,n took up the bill reiama-bv him f mm i ot7nU?5d getting, I think, the committee oais "-for the re- ton hnilr th. hS?- yer8' f WashiDg" l.ef of soldiers of honorably d is- To hrint , ,. u charged after six months' service who I rlZ , I ?u the queet.on fully before are disabled and dependent noon thei? , CoDKre8' the citizens of the Albemarle own labor for support and of d?Dend- 1 uT had a hthoph chart made (a ent relatives oT sold Ur who tied I tn I " ' f,n DaUtiCal guage i, a large service or from disabilities contracted I oha tinlSiSf.f "T therein ; nart m tne Admiralty at London, Eng- The amount the bill would acid to the rDd" which chart was made from the per..-i. ,n Habilit es r,f the Goverment ' r TVJ J ol North Caro- neaily as Mr. p.lair had been able to hna- by he British Government, about turn an estimate wo Id not be more ! Z T fift7T8iX year8 BiAc: tha.i---'-,.eu0.hfi h ThebiU ncludod he f tbatCbar Bh9wedour rivers, har--:ii.L every :-ulJica h h iving we ow -find them: honorablv discharge 1 fro m thrm? 1 f? ' an inlet precisety wlre was now snlTcring Kfrom disabi I tv an 1 i "onat .7 a' the oldest was dependent on his ownlabor I SLtthp' it l . nerer eartl f support, llu rewasa very strong 1 hp9M, v. a,wy.9 been a bald ' feeling throuahont the i,n Mr , . acl V a very pertinent quesUon . Hlair said, that something like iustico I nleLf " 8an1ed "?, -ike other should bo done to the class of persons ! T U not and ?P who w ni, b(? benefited by this bill aK?r' o, for two reasons: the inlet Mr. Van Wrck submiUed an amend- Y 'r?tS torwa,ds a cape as does Beaufort met providing that no so.diers pensLn I . "d CaP? FearJ CaPe u:ul-r this act should bo loss than SS a , V. " VearB 8ince' Roarke month 1 marshes was so narrow I could throw a At 2 p.m. the nftttcr went over for i iTrZ'nTthu' here is now p day and the Interstate Commerce bilL JS.? i ' allowing in heavy was laid before the Senate !DOrtjWestJBe8 the waters of aU e Senators Cullom and Palmer spoke in ' UD and "vers of the' Albemarle re favor of the Interstate Commercl bilT f nfXVv in'Z0 TP At a:C0 the Senate ad iourned. ! ff ... "P,' .ts.aPe. of h3h tldes H'HSK.-The House resumed the con- lZ Z . ;e .','--' . i llll Luis Vlsl. d'i'' was a,iop:e,t witl.,,ut thorizes the Speaker tu vestitration romm ,.f bers to go to the West, w ith send for persons and papers. during the se; committee i- t ent session, wi as it mav deem the ilou-e it during th ;uen recommen. I-r. iper to make n. I: au la, t an i ii-i-en mem- power to I to -U a, ret eported ed 1 11 t.ll. restilutian- were sup Morris p. . Keed. Warr.er an! Sjii;:-, speeches. ,.ppo.s. d hv Mr I'nder tiie call of the i-iate-introiiuce i and referred as f By Mr. Town.-iiei; i I I. a pensions t.. the parents ,.f he, diers on proof that ;.v ,- i lie pres- ti ais ke. The M Tr i--oa It indall. Ili-cock. in short 1 1 acan. other mean- ,,f uppi.rt than tin manual labor, Tne chairman Committee lai Uie Ih-tnat of (',. then uk the ih,or n r iaisn., -- i , from lliat I'miiiiiati . . A Senate hall to. :-,:,, f,,r ,r,. the interests of the diked States Potomac riv r il at- was amended no money shall be t p ended f provements to the ;! .ts until lh. - to lae i m i. ...d j..- .. '. th'-i,. at " : bills were '. o u - : ath- Tizing a.-ed sol- thom leration of the IIiiril-Kimni. rnntcni.,1 lection case. -Mr. Hale I i.1 declared that he had ri ached the conclusion that there had been no legal election in Tenth District of Ohio. Mr. Kly (Mass.) supported the claims of the sitting member, Romeis. Mr. Creen (X. C.) denounced the Re publican side of the House for deciding election cases on party grounds. Mr. Pettibone maintained that no re liance could be placed UDon Mr. Gerst mar.n. Mr. Hurd "s principal witness. M r. Breckenridge (Ky. I made a strong speech, iu which he endeavored to point out that Mr. Romeis was not tutitled to the -eat. The floor was then accorded Mr. Hurd, the contestant, to sneak in his own he- lialt. Lie reviewed the - I .o -''"' 1 1 II 11 1, 1 1 1 . . 18 the reason also that 'Mot. tj i Currituck Inlet. There can be no pres sure there now, for the waters from the northwest run through into Pamlico sound. Another physical changethe water was fresh even below Roanoke marshes, while now it is salt above Edentou. Enoixekr. Haslin. April 12. 138(1. Hev ville. Ex-President Arthur is again in a low " state of health. o a And now school bovs are on a 8trikeJi, It is at Troy, N. Y. They demand- less hours of study. , . Secretary Lamar is on a leave of ab sence to his homo at Oxford, Miss., for""' eight or ten days. ' .Viiii Of the 60,000 Hebrews In New.York iui City, it is said not one of them is the keeper of a grog shop. - - ' ' 1 ' Accusations of the engageinenfr--)i'j President Cleveland to Miss Folsom, a pretty Buffalo belle, are n-anrtrtntaJL; , amci muti ui vaiuaoie norse tlesa,, is to take place on the 20th. It is the stable of the late Geo. L. Lorillard. ,J't The bill before the Senate to increase the rate of postage on fourth-class jutt ter has been reported upon adversely.' ' The exodus of Jews from Knsdari""' Poland for the last year has beea-eryujj large. Most of them leave for nerica.., , The new stamp law in Cuba -weniinto effect on the 1 . "ith. Cirao nt n win be taxed uniformly 50 cents" per' Eleven more of the New? York: Qitr'i aldermen have been arrested on allege , 1 bribery m connection with the Broad way railroad. ; il A receptly passed law; in Maasaohtt setts prohibits the sale of cigars, cigar- -ettes, and tobacco in any form, to tHsr'Ji sons under sixteen years of age. Four mrm mfl i i . FL,u,'tico "urn tne lost steamer Oregon haye bees reCOT.i erea,in ;them were oyer 5,000 letters t for the poetoffice at New York alone, -HUtit ., u7 present admidigtratSf" there has been a reduction of 237 in the - clerical force of the Treasury ' Depart- MehZsultitls ia an annual earfng of tfs!d-i,o00. m . i. . ( The Easter article to appear In tn.r' Chicago Current is to be entitled 'A--f raham Lincoln." Hon. John A. Bjng-,,,f ham, ex-Mmreterto Japan, will be the ! contributor. ' : i vt3m The Legislators of Connecticut 4wrt of unanimously passed a resolution ,ex ti t i, m of t h been sett led . Tlie I hut-, j mrr.e.i . H if-::. -A Georgia, e ill tiian the i hi vs. Rameis. reports miIhh elections. ii ing the l igl R omeis. p, il port unseatn declaring th: the seat, and taking the gr ir own of the umbia ported eating in the so that r mi- , ;ues -1 i l a v e pin j:,.--..,r. Turin r. i i i up as a privileged ,;ues ' c. liU.-t.d ease of Hunt la this case there arf, three at, i! by the Committee on ;' in .ij a It y rep, rt oiiiiirni- of t:i- contestee. Mr. e seat. The minority re g the sitting member and t Mr. Kurd is entitled to another minority r p a t una tiiat neiiher coiitest- 1 he Strike of the Small Boys. The boys of public 6chool No. 34. in Brooklyn, and of the eleventh ward public school of Troy, N. Y., have for some time been dissatisfied with their hours of labor, and on Monday went out on strike to compel acquiescence in their demands. The strikers of school No. ta wontarl o holf i..,. --, - - - - . . . 'I..U i j v. 1. 1 . lluhh every ----- . ... .- , nun uoii-uuuuav every rri- very eloquent manner, occupying just i day. In default of these mmlerata m. one hour, and at the conclusion of his J cessions they would not, they declared remarks received long-continued ap-, continue their studies. It was not a pause from the Democratic side of the sudden or unpremeditated movement. Ii'.se- 1 For sometime past.Sat a neighboring Mr. lurner (lta.1 spoke in supyort of I candy store, they had been conferring tne majority report and dwelt upon the i with a number of biff bovn hn hH necessity of the House deciding election , been discharged from No. S4. These cases without partisan bias. The vote ' "walking delegates," by dint of exhor was taken on the resolution of the j tation, argument and chocolate-drops minority ueclaring Romeis is not en-1 convinced the majority of the pupils titled to his seat. Defeated yeas 103, I that they were suffering intolerable n '.f 1,1 - . j wrongs. Consequently, when the school x lie majority resolutions, confirming hour arrived Monday morning the strik Mr. Romeis right to the seat, were ing pupils took their stand on the pave agreed to without division. There was ment in front of the school house, and trien a contest for Drecedence over the Innt nnlv rofnnoH tn roo.,mn u i , onsnleration of the appropriation bills. I selves, but prevented other boys who Ir. l! 1 is i Kv 1 in ptinrno nft'na Pi... I .,1 1 1 J -- Mr. Willis (Ky. in charge of the River and Harbor bill, steered it aiound the obstructions presented by the Military Academy and the Con snlar and Dinlo- mutie Appropriation bills, but his course were willing to do so from entering the building. When the janitor went out to expostulate ne was invited to come on," and had to take to flight to escape assouu. ine situation was a threaten, uly elected. Mr. . opened the de ma lorn v n :oi : P." -aip it it. , re was At ,. : N a air f w 4 m H-m If.. .nmm mtm ta.l ,InwwfcliminiiWi ii rrTfT"" w lil ,mm4 mtmm m-w J".ni a.l STxj.. il nmij n w i V S . t"iir -1.-, . .t KX ituiu T i.i 1 un -n.u-. -1- A . ... . I mranl.A.- -..I. , . b. , . '4hr(l.i U. .il. 'dir 114 mmt.- wik- .Wr riuini kMMrlli:ud r-l 7 C-w --ECeS , TKjmilT. Cm XasX . Tr: K;. H. Ta,. r HARRIS REMEDY CO., Urx Cmcmsti, QBvf .Ta mrmmt. rr.ixrcai iro the P.Lst. r; '..na. a ben ran I : .i r i i 1 .nb -re; ion the : ,c i s in a i us. .is lone ago ,t.s t lo 11 W 1 1 il .1 oh 'ice President ::i a all,, el Hit. i v e r a . thell iiiCo'ti ramp Tii. Giad. hel'to In a d th. a 1 .re fte rak me is 1 1 o i i e i r c ird. ir i-ombi t ha ( ';.. I"nr mod I'l'r bnl. IV r broil; split a 1 ti -,1 .1- i :i a ant nor contestee was Boyb'. of Pennsy 1 van i bate in .- upper; rf th, and ijuoted from evidence him in hi- p . it i -ii. .and tha not en is r." aii:i f..r un-.-.i it Romeis. I at searaeii anv ground fir contesting the seat. 'Mr. R .bertsoi:. of Kentucky, spoke in Mr. Hurd - behalf, and asserted that in the pn-cinct of the Eighth ward of l"..led.j la,', one of the statute laws of Ohio had U en coin lied with. Discussing the charge- f illegal voting at this reeia t ! ,. denounced the methods, which he -aid prevailed in the .inio el.ctions. and remarked that the tissue bi.il.'ts ef Soutii Carolina and the build, z.iug of Laii.-i.u.a mu-t pale into m.-ignitiaanai? nl.ai the coun try learned the raeth is m wh I ll'.io Ri 'Ui li ill i I- ail- Its Were i ...... ..,.,..,.11. muuu uiiu, uumia luunn . lavun. ne taiuauon was a threaten as delayed when the obstruction of the . ing one, when a diversion;in the inter- " iT ociuiioMuu uui was i esi, oi iaw auu oraer was errectea by the reached. The delay, however, was but j mother of one of the strikers, who, tak temporary, for in half an hour the latter ing her son by the ear.led him off to the was taken up and passed. presence cf the principal. There a board I he only discussion of the measure ! of arbitration it was a rle, in fact arose over an amendment ottered by i speedily settled the matter in dispute. Mr. Price (Wis.), proposing the reduc-j The incident had a strong moral effect ia in oi the employees in the Department j on the rest of the strikers, and when of Agnaulture. This gave Mr. Skinner ; several other mothers appeared on the N C. 1 a chance, of which he availed j scene, together with a couple of police hiaiself. to attack the Commissioner of men. the demoralizatisn became com Agnculture for retaining in office "Re-1 piece. The leading striker wascaptured. publican pets. ' who did not come under Being offered his choice, and pre ihe Civil Service rules. i ferring the thorny path of knowledge, r ue River and E&rbur Appropriation P without any more holiday, to the station bill was then takefr.'up and left as un-Hiouse, ho succumbed to overpowering tinished business; w?n. at .1 p. m., the lforoe and re-entered the school room House adjourned..:;.. I along with his deluded followers. At TI .1 J J . . . iroy uie uemana was lor lour Hours i"h t! arri, n in .-ri-:jioitiA.-i. liie funeral services of Mrs. Julia Latham were conducted yesterday after noon by the Rev. "Mr. Crawford, and Rev. Mr. Broarden. of the M. work find hnf: nn aaacinr. a Zl - 1, r. , ---- ..,. teachers not acceding to the terms, 200 pupils quit work, and gathering out side, threatened violence to such base- ' spirited boys as continued at their Mr. 'r, x t. f seat ; i u -1 i Ah, P. Church, at the residence of her ; desks. These "rats"' were in such dan- j mence struggle for Home Rule, and indorsing" Parn.ll A .3 . - 0 - uvn,ajiu ,Jiau8Lunp. ... .... . the striking mania .has got amonghe , ' school boys in some of the 'Ndr'thern yn.ico, uui, toe -patter orthe BHtHgle" put anpd to(the,mqyment- n itaai1 ' was young America nipped in the bad, t " " The Italian government has addressed a nnta in -ii ta'AT.ni . . nt Chilian government j-elative to loeeeof; Aft Italian subjects sustained during the . Chilian Trap against Per 4nd brjKv;r4t-!'1' inebultan of Turkey has made cdnv plaint to the Powers of . the .expense v., i Greece is putting him to byjier ' ridicn 1 hich compels him to keep .anrmyapn , u, the Greet frnnfSn f ' ..rr. ' " . - i- . ivi cuui U1UUB COSb. The" tar drivers on BOmo'of 'tne fin'eU,i in Baltimore are on a strike. 1. The- 4b30iT been but little distorbanceso far, though.-j'a fs-"ci cliikb is ieareo. xney ay they wish to do no violence -tMt'"aiie&. English and German t syndicatea haye o.-t entered into a contract with the Mex , can government to send 600,000 Chinese A to Mexico within tho ntt-iimk.-l 1 months. tiThe Mexican government ha- ' promised to giye .each, ChuaamaniiSl)1' fit acres of land...,.. . uumMi Moody, and Sankey , the great ney i vsfc rf -istjs, have began their series of fourdaya,,,. t work at Norfolk, Thendnaark p! that oity saysithatthia" yWirehotiBe o?th3 , CI Roanoke Railroad Jo. had been ehgsi:eailMl in which, to hold the meetings, i At Ihef u. opening of the meetings ally SjOOOpeori- ,. pie were present, and hundreds were turned away, not being able to get in side the building. 300 voices composed t,1'i thechoir. a ,1 .--fie ,zi.f The German minister of Tear has given " ' ' orders for a number pf dogs to betrained ' for the yjw of .teetiag ,the,.yaluf theinoi services they . might render to sentUels. -Jf. encmffaH in UanliW j "ri:!. r Urtj i---r. . i& guaiu uviioE une nieht. It is fnllv' UpWbttaX ttiot VT help of these sagacious animals 6ki- "x posts would be far less liable to surprise, and that the drurii won I a al ,., notice of the approach of the, nemy,..., much earlier than it could be detected ' by the sentinel without sucn assistance"' " At last divers have-been; abto mate- a thorough examination of the ? stakp m steamship Oregon. Soma of them ,re inained down over half ah hoor iBri'5 state the sinking was caused un".- aouDteaiy by collision. On the Side of the' vessel ; ten feet rminw main, deck a hole six feet deep l and three feet long was found. The heavy iron plating was crushed in ' almost to the bridge like an egg shell and aha was broken in two. A diagram of the vessel as ?he now lies is being made and work' to rescue her cargo will at once corrf- - A :. nf V.tgu; g Mr. Mar a. int at th 1 v - 'l'i 'tile A ft 1 I : 1 hr h .van. . u : ' v . 0 1 1 , 1 I" , 1 e - e 1 V 1 .Mr. 1 - h.iii; t In- DIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, --r 1 .rllAVE IIEMOVKK TO TlllIK TT0 STORIS, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, AjmI kep of FLOUR, MEATS, COFKKll, 1(;ak. svuri's MOLiASsfcS. SALT. TOHAC'CO, SM Kl' AM ck; ,; ., TCryUltBS In the OUOi'KKV I.INi:. i Fill s,Tot K ,l( LOW FKICKS tor CASH. in i Ii : , - w a : a., n d . ti av , ii g ha. a 'J i h Spring and Sum hum-. -1886. k Oux Spring Stock . f Nobby Sack i.-. ( utaw iv S its oofBDlete. Plaid 3nitt Straight Cuts, varietj. Boys, oathi -z. i I ':.:'.: - - S . 14.00. Men LSIae Flinn?: Siz.- r Oux Blue Sails : 10.00 - e ; .- . i , . We havit a lajy-r ti; - k :" -.. v ill - Ma' dJ hov h .',0.-. --!!.-pyiag 1.0J for. 30 it 5 Hits. M t - M..- - koatired duJcrcut -tylts. Oar itotk of S ....:.. .- P.. . , as. Alio tSibr.r.. 1., . - l 1 ah ..c A coin;, a::; v ol iHirn ;: 111.1 i e-s- and that ha v. or sam tir. -.dr. d r.ei n ol nioi al gr.i-. i;.c : -u ol no; iilairrc.ii, i. ; : il" :u d: tie I eti t . I ...(. ".'. !'al at hi.-t t hes j .oi.t ad ',1 ' he 'le,' II ; w -the pr I le, Ier. CI -i hemes ai r . or a sat :-f.u l!r are esvry svhei . v choice. 1'iie ci v : o u : - 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 'V a 1 1 lei' 1 '( r I . ' t .1,1. lorv the u-1 nig- In fa v. II i . 1: in:: ik i K- .- i 1 muel W". Latham, iust beyond th ferry, over Xeuse river. A large number of relatives and neighbars were 1:1 attendance to pay the last tribute of aii'eetiou and resjiect to this mother in Pr 1, 1. Mr-. Latham had utiairie J-tho ripe 1 whether iz" id years within the past month, and i.ir a period of over an years had r e.-i le 1 at tlie homestcfid where she died. I ; r a longer term ot years her name . 1. . i I , en a househi'hL word among her .-. aghbuis and a lond remembrance w ith ail w h , i'Vi r came w iihin the range of i.er :v oaaintat.ee. She w as a remark able specimen of tb x'ople of the olden 1 tnr.r. connecting as she did the charac t' ristijs ,,i two eeutuia. being tine of tie- . iy few ivit ill til!- -eCUon whose birth an-.'- h.ti- the ! eginning of the ger that they had to be accompanied to iutir iiomes alter scnooi noure Dy po licemen. Whether the scenes of law less violence and disorder of Monday are tyn be repeated by the striking urchins depends largely, it is thought, on their parents and guardians The May number of DemOTest? Magazine is very attractive'.' Mrs. "Hart's social, -'That Other Person,'! is - contin ued, and there are several . excellent short tales. "A Walk in Paris," and "The Familistere in Giiisoe" hnth illun- trated. are very readable articles Mrs. I The Democratic Discontent It is Evi dently 011 the Increase. P Mr t t: I ' v V. '-ent. f I'llgal. -nilabh M. P. ved a: Boll's Ferry Items. a: -k-1 at. industrious, generous and her charitable acts were in- rable and her Christian beuevo ihe crowning jewel of her useful mini.-;, r of the N..r;h Carolina n ure now living ever travelled r '.::t upon which she lived, but idlers the kind reception always her home, while nianv r.- have pr.-.v ! .1 i,- r tu the better e b y n . Mr-. Latham leaves seveial children, atai children and ereat grand children . w ith a host of iriends. mourn her "i"-.'".' linn ctiu iiiiuiaiib trate.l. are very rea nave gooa suppers and have decided to Croly contributes "What Meney wll. strike the strikers. W hen we .remem-1 Buy, ' and W. Jennings Demorests, "A 'ber that teachers stand iu mco pan id i.s. , Jtoral Revoiuti-n Pemfing.'' "Art so far as the discipline of their school, Work inMeU.l." "Home Art and Home is concerned, we may reasonably ex- Comfort. ' and -Prom Pencil to Brush,", pect strikes to break out in our families wdl prove acceptable to many. The if tins pastime shall continue to grow frontispiece of this number is a beauti ui public favor. W e shall then have the ful oil picture, "At the Spring " youtUful scions of our houses determin-, ing what their hours of work and r'ay shall be. and their pay for both, what I tiiev wan stuuy ana eat ana wear, ana -u.. . :t .1. : dies shall enioy. All this on pain of a sl CI!1TlclSil& liWM rsiosraa DEVO strike and a boycott, with the old folks , TEES uF DEMOCRACY, locked out and compelled to sleep on 1 W A.-ili.t,To.N. April 12. Democratic . the door step. Galileo was right the discontent fat administration indiffer world certainly moves. Bullimore Sun. , ence 10 party interests is evidently on ' the increase in both houses of Congress. Pensions Allowed. ! Senators and members in numerous ia The following persons of Onslow i ftance8' whilf , holdif. Lheir own county have been allowed pensionslun-: somewhat in public, .appear, to der an Act of the General Assembly. I "1x?d ,uU nr.esUaluJt .uPn, he ratified March 11th. A. D. 1985. entitled ' !adlts of their families, and it is yerj niicic?iiu i'l listen in ine spicy ana en ' r ti..- await- ;;- ' ' i v each to I'd i. - .Tr , thr tar--, i . g . i.e : . i v . 1 1 j o t 1 1 , , ! . i - eat'- eti. ; .h , ei i - w ,. A . .. ,-t . i . .itz i r :. - ; :, ' . m a- a, . ion, ( 'a,,- : - i v - :.. e i; , 1 - -1 -e . i .... ill,.:-.! I w all humid i t. wh; h - piiliii: ha" Aii Act for the Relief of certain Sol iers of the War between the States:" ISOLPIERS. James Canady. late of Company B. ! Regiment N. C. State Troops; Tost ' ' v it ' r !.-'. . i .: " i .is abaft; a . d i ' a 1 1 n.ig, . v '- ; : - :: t r ke ti c a --'-: . . i r ..::! ; i : - a,'' I. si.;. Ma.. I. :i-r king tr a Ion; n earth llr-liillr Wiirk. Oscar runaway, late of I Kegiment N. C. State Li Jam . P. - W. Pngdsh ?gimen; N. C. late State I el t i pro- v ed . .- i.. anp v li: C. I ment u. 1 n l ,;. ' I 1 "P. R. P. -ti Itegiment ' L,y wounds, z'.adoe Jam R-'giment N Henry R. Ii. h U, zim. arm. J. W. P. tte.vay. :" Ihginiei.t N. i ai in. ate of Con: p. State Trooi.s; r. v rli late of c State Tro. Mii-hbur nt X. C. late . ate ite of Cor State Tr. .1 J. "I Thoa i.ellt nds I'S , li ia the market. Aceut for Jj.-. .M.ai Celluloid aci L.tiLii C VV'e xrts now r - - - ' tt IIandkrchif5, etc We bout a: i ir i Wear, Purses. IP li - . -The Ceifari: i PK 1 bJt ia the in rk Boy's, an-i M i Straw llitt. rg-. i . , We ire a-,''-1 11"" He cir i". i - lpi Mi all ; , P..,: ,bt th 1 c Id.- i:;iiv;iv. I; C. S. T : killed. Mrs. H.u:-ev u .vt er.v- n. l.,te . : C Cona wav at" tf n ...... . - ...i .'('.ij uuu tertiining criticisms emanating from the lit s of some of the feminine devoteesof stalwart Democracy. The President himself would find it much more diffi cult to parry threats from this quarter than he has w hen meetine the renroach- Company K. es of those of his own sex. But while ' Troops lost these prominent leaders are not just yes giving their own confidences for the of - m', any uhlie. there has been a deal of private Troops: lost c. nsult'ition and exchange of opinions as to whi t is best to be done, and it is a A. fact that even so radical a proposition aided has been discussed us the following m- ample of the Republicans iu Andrew nij, any P. Ui Johnson time, when the leaders of the ps: lo-t Kg. parte .... in, tel entirely from the man of Company they had elected, nnd tsolated him to the Iroop-.lost extent that he had no party following whatevar. Th-l 'resident is undoubted- 'oinpany A. ly sincere and conscientious, and actu- ps; lost ale 1 by the l...-t ;.:.d purest of motives hi th" ...,!i's- l.-i ! ,- p-.irsued. Those omp inyP. u ho are ii i- 'ont, ;.!, d concede this, but s:uisalhd t!u y :-ay that does not help the case. The part v. th, 3- -ay. is languishing of dry rot through the policy the President wido w i f ii;,.-laid rio'.vn . and if matters do not '.: j; -. h.inze th" ac tive workers those nnon f I th i.-V ; 1 . Mr.-. Marv ; --- 1: l; .- N. N C. heat and burden of the day : rested w i i 1 go into tne next absolutely ';.. thcr the Mrs. the ollloi. il I ) i, ii -g M N.l e W. N ' . .-. Mar ;. WI a y i , . S a 1 re s.vins'-n. lat T. : killed. y K. W'halev alev. lata oi k.lle i. cf C wi h A. ap3 dwt( HOWARD & JONES. ' e ; re--. .1 ti i'l- " ' : a dialing t this year pie from ! 1 'oul-Ii Sim a.-tr- d h me ollld a. but thus should not keeping on hand tlie great I.011-. d ' a Dr. in th 'dy for coughs and colds without heart or e 1 'resident will get re tha party man : ii-h him or not, it .ia n'ipatrd that no I 1 instituted here ai,- ., i-.-atislied will a it'ii tlie expression I 'u t it is understood II matters remain, I'D mo.-rat ic Con .01 s assemble. in 1. .11s will be brought, i : a o'. ing and con i t ae aii ministration , .; is at variance .e great body of the. so- of the party. '"C 4"': v,:v za"; .. -c .Vr'f i Z 'i-aa? . ilta ''?i 'r.-:s

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