44 G I Si II S. ll'X V. M'o j- r -.2 r- Si a.OO For 7STekr. VOL. IX x i : r,Ki;M-:. ( i i: county, n. . NO. V N a " I II H y i DURABILITY, NEATNESS NB COMFORT a r.K 1 1 ) " n : .li s ti.y i; : ' 1 " : - Ziesler Bros, shoes, of wnicn n: uw t. v NOW 1'OK .-A' WE INVITK. OI Bay State Shoes, Of w&ich we likewise hire op v. . . y iadi at Low Figures, Esr.v " - . : .:: : ' Oar Seniar partner. 1 Ol.rfXi.. .. fceta, for tae purpose of BUYING THE 1 !!:!' STOCK OF General Merchandise TQAT WAS EVER KEFT I'.Y ANY HOI SK IN KIV-TON. y W will give notice of their arri-.t: .-. !:. t::v.- OFn ixi'iv r.K os. E2N3T0S. March. 1886. " "rtlKH. "SULTAN ASKS ft QUESTION ! E YOU t i TO BUY SPRiNG If to, don't mk jonr purchase until ye-a see our Nobby Sack aa.l Cutaway. Suit Very Low Prices. 1Ut flallnr Rnita from 1.50 to h."o In BtraW Hats w cu surprise aelUng tbin. -.'Oar Stock of Underwear is t 'O.M v:I'ladlea' Dreas Goods and BAEGJUXS. -wGive TJs a Call, and See For Yourself. :;. M. II. SI LTAN. 0? WCB IFYOU WANT ifH - ZEBCLER a i tateSPeiihentiary LJ ' .. AT TO BE HAD ONLY PATTERSON'S. Every pair warranted to cle saii-ta - tloti or money r.-i.iioi.-.i Patterson's Shoe Store UVV 1 SltoM10 BOOT, .Middle M EEICIIIESIS Mat id mmrm r iHmil tm ktk St M SEMINAL PASTTILES l 7JT -5V DAIL BROTHERS, VIHolesale Grocers, UAVE HEMOVKI) TO 1 11 I I It j(TW0 STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, andkeep of FLont, JIKATS, COFKKK. l tiU. SVKI'PS MOLASs KS. SALT. TOBACCO. SNt'FK AND CKi Ans, ti Tefythlnc In theTOKOCKHY LINK, a KIM. STOCK and at LOV fKlCCH for CASH iJin Spring and Summer. -1886. Our Spr-.r.g St s t'XobbySack complete. Plaid Suit. Straight Cuts, c- Tkrietj. liv. V ; pA 1. : 1 1.00. Mn5 Hp: - f i n. '. S : ps n Oar L'.iue u.:. it V1""1 j :: - We hT - hr - r - ' :' -. glen's n : It.. -, p .. - v . ao Jos ii-. y. v handred d;tT r t - Oar isck :' S : -ip. Alio IVilbr-ggan -.:. : . We h t : - '. :'.- :' -' -. v. . in the r.-k ' A;-.' tf ' .- V Cetiuc . : i . I..:. -. 1 . 1 - : . Wc .:- : , - .- g - -IUnli-r U '...-... . .. W 1.-, V .-- .. s Th - ( - . best n.c . 1 n H 'Th m f ' . . READY yoi i; SUIT? v. u it I'LKTll. Shoes l.o'o' PKli 1. Ter ASrONlSHINl'r ..r .is'.i . .xa.s . GOOD SHOES, BROS., l New Itrrin iImm i-a.T4.n i u h 1 li: r rl.s 1 ) !nw TU. i .T Hi :im: 1 e.i -r rim r-ftlc DMrfrt nt.qlW Bf I'.rrr L ipVlim:.-ii ki Ui. Ml c f 1 mi. u. iirl4 L - !- . Ih u (V . r TS lAATmi ( I s. h JM- tt3 v .CT-d TS i - - -i- - - ' -s--.-f.- - -ifmr-i THtATMEITT . i7 Usn7Tr M:t Ji TVt. 17 1 i HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mr z Chemist i 90- ;t . Tr.t. 3- ST IyCTTT9 yo . . , C U t .1 W il Y i i: . v, v, iiuoi. .,.'.-1 . . , i .... i ' ; . i ' 1, . . . L. ,ii .ll :i.f. : lie r.ulotl , 1 ; ; ii.it u.f.r action . ,, lii'.':..! and that it is a .e c il ra.-N :. .ear caiinuiiitv, ,-,.' i , . le he-' u'erestof 1 i- . . .i.. i i in a.', diin.uids i; continuance. I call the lneli.i of the graded s.'-ii. ...I to come t.. its re.-cue that it mav be continued as it must ami .i,.;i! be until proper constitutional it :. n cat; be had. aud would iigg, s- the following gentlemen, '.e-.-r.-. K.igriie Morehead. S. V. . , T , . , , , - i ......ii . -i . i 1 1 t . . i 'ui in! '.. pre-ent graded school com mis- liiietiiN to t he school a to continue the ehool. :'te 'a : 1 1 1 1 e expected to ; he a a :1a' !e tun .Is that !;,.:. tl.e c..(j:i board n to collect -cliool such l -..at- a- v hi.iv be willing to ;'-. .-.;,.! tl.e c. :n :n : t ti e are e.. au'ho; .-..l iIi.ca otiuie . , ' i . ! i : ,-. 1. t ::: i : . la ces- . t . , . : : . on ' he ,o. .1 as here- -. In m '..;! tir.s statement :h. . . . 1 :. ly make good my , v .,eu the graded school ! s :'.!- . -.kbl.-i.ed that it should . - . n. l. 1 te-peet t'ul'.y. Y. 1'. r.i.A.'KWKI.I.. A x ,.rv id. .l schon! .1 a. i: ! t lie It lend- ... these ire already beginning ider how ;. coiit.nue them ' taxation, (ioldsboro has n'i'eT1 'o.-eth.'r both " ,-::;., le to Con-ider ways h r the i "i, t : :. u an ce ol ; r oi great interest to irx-iuU ol pop- . -a .lild bestir them- il: "I ;P,- school and s ! :.,-d I:i add:- . . ti -.:.' .:.. ol the :;.gtue j.u.h.c school 1 t d r.'-Vi '.OO to keep ' imlar.l ot eih- . v r r n ri i s v x r t M i ni x r. i i . .i -1 . a i.j Ni.nlii in Sol .11. r. :: .M , I. .. n Mas , r. a able last ' n ..:k i .... he n v as 1 . a P e. i ::ig and projx)-- ; -b tb tsna Dav.s, I he toast u a V uppropriav re ' exc.-emeut pre -p 1 t i:e "Star 'a ere pi i e- i. I X A' it he n. : . ecu- 11 e and r, : es; , ,r, ,j . , r W .7 n ,t s an.; d bof'.e-. e.'es and ensiled, or, .1. Mr. i u n . e r h ' of -re. i' :. and '1 the gr.-a: a g i . '.'::' ate . a i s N ,- a '::.;:, an' P. '1 -i ' Ml- nid ' V al e . 'oim u In.g 1 iil I 1 ! ! I I: I Ii i . . . 1 w . x i, w ii ii v:,.,i .. :l .1 H r , .. ,11 .. I .1 . : i i: i : g ' : : : i i : r . 1 '.. '. e an . 1 . i i M A l 1 1 i ' i ..ii I .. . u i . ; . cxi.endi-d ui vh.'N' r.-uiny loi s - Lools. In six .t the S ti:li.-:n States the illiterates arc ahout .Mi per cont of tiie in -.ulat .ver In vearsofa-e ,uai ui . N ot wilhtan.i t ne e.n ::; efforts ailtnitte.l to have l.eeti made bv the Southern States. ;:,, . the census of 1mi, to educate their , children, and although Northern : emigration and movements ot cap- . ital have led to marke-1 improve- m exits in some localities, as in . ... - i , - , , . iiiriii 'j v iiei w ii'i'anii.f i Northern State still the imptove men t in si ho. !-. ou ; he 1 Jv more tli.iti keep p-.. aid with tin- :;, total an re ise : popuia'.'ti T:;.- t-'t expenditure . f the country t elio-.ls i a' ieat r".. i".-"i. which not ovt-; . i . .i'oo.immi Southern S'a'e-. 1:: l--n w as t . . .01 n.( m .u an. 1 : :: t h. t- States rl '. Maiylainl. 1:--''.: : trio ; of ('. e ;:.:'.:.. . States h ive on---:. ' and oue tilth . '. tion . Then m in that school houses .-::! :; and their teaehei n large extra expei: i . : u: . vet eidir '. U that they mav d-' u.' .:::: with the same anion:. t i inohev "4. The S-Hlth ; now expending. f her o ii money lansi.l by taxa '.on not eiiiv .-eh. ol l,.::..s i.;v,. and Western States, which were derived from the national bounty twice as much as ; 1 due r ..m b.l, proposes to add to it.un year to ear lor eight ear-, a m,iy l;lv. -,.;'; the pie are t ..-. guard I he -i In 1 :. n .! I'eVl I e ci-e. : c; i and .u.te as N.'tthetti and ; ealou-iy a i n any ..; States. If thi'v i.;: No , 1 ,.;,' -. hom.slv apply ti:. :;- danger if we add a r expended tor the - Ui', : ' ' - and sab '..-:.' : ., , ... , , her : : : ! a h a h ' pelnl.' u: . -a : ' I be p. . h an ! -. :: ! own. u pat ! '' tt ' o i ' e : e p ' : : p. s,.. t : i - : w as; ; ; u . . a :.l a St a'e : et ends of in eW I : i r. 1 ' ir..;:. ' in i.g. p tre.i--u:c- .-: :':.. wroug'a' nntheas; that m- .'.o w 11 So:i:!ier:t child u !i , h.id i.ns h .,! g on: ., .ft i p : ' .. - V r r 1 1 a 1 1 ar ! hey g- ' w .11 be able pi. Ml', e.l. e took S'gs mi' I II l , a i" . w h . : i w e o r e i.e.- '.7 ,,t eo;)h-. ,.f u h ca .. s. hooU and .hd gte n g'.n ' Pes w p.;. a, '-S. v sP.f p.;- , , in or,. ni "ti e v o t !.. X t ' : s a i s -1 -ia: : 'a a : g. ve P e S. .;: ' ii ::. .- .: Not ot:e do slolls goes 1 pay - her P; 1 lduc.lt : il g double her ; liU the In most i.oi,;,-. .; I PI - , ,. a : I : -. :i : . Mt. i: A. I.. .nr. " ' ' .: a n 1 1 I !: J I ! : I -v i: i w'i i y "'i r : ;; nitng 1 md ::i tin- ':ii'; t : .11 !'; ii 1:1 ami ili'ii' i ' '"'' ' people. I purpose Tii ''. ' et -i h. 'i: ' t h : s ff 1 1 'ii ,:, ir 'v !': U ! ow (iif.-ri ;,. h i -. . .- ice. ! ml::,:; th.i; the v 1 r : . t : i -rrtiiii :s i: aI i:ra i ! v : . i : : ' i - 1 T i t , i nn ; n 1 1 1 i n : i i i i! .r r ' h i a !::u- - s h::.- :h: is rarlj.-r sati.lv !...-: l-.i: n.i; it!ira:i.li:i- Ir.i'A li.u'k, vt can proven ati . l -'(.: i:rrrs!i:l far :n : i: g t i i a t ' .:: i re v. :' h an v rc; inn . Mr. , . , ' . . v ..... .... - ... : u use -i;,.'!' t lie war lias ac i-ut.r.il.itf.l a li.unL-i.im' tor'.uno by i'ir:n:i;' alone. He has raised and educated. i laro family, his two .mly sons having frraduated :t the ' fniv- rs-tv within the last three . .years. 1 he ol.iest is a snceesstiU lu'vyer at Kinstotl and the other is a professor in Kinston college. His , "Idest .laughter graduated at Peace . Institute. Kaleigli. and he has an- other at that school now. bo it tt"i" be seen that he has spent a great leal of money in giving his, I. , ! . 1 - .. fi..l ,.1 ... . A,l...ii..., I r i ii... ,1 . .1 u.i i. . lie has at his house the best educated i '.' i ' .t . e i 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.i ii n 1 1 1 i.'i ii.i.iiiiii,, for who-. eiitertainnn nr a largo ' uiot: ti t of money is reillired. He i i - r. . a. - n .it he Ii as anu li as gi veil is ...I as any in tl.e State, and all - ::: -:.ey has beti made by farm- 'dr. Koi-e's land is not the '. :;.'..-.-.! f ii"' a- ; ! as that ,.:i.r :;: others who liava- : eel, d well as he. II. ' . hi .:: ui t:::!ic.l e,tuc ,:.':, : g ;n i; ; - ea: :y days on ly access , . '... Is a t he nihg'a boi la .", ! : .led I .. i v v e.n s .1 g. .. 1 hae chid httll .is all eX.Ullp.e li..'.v w hat e.in be done in t!ie-e i. i : .1 : : in i s. i . i n n ! ai ti: : :: ', h n-ii upon a- the vor-: all :.t:-:he--e-. Will. now. w'aa' l.a be. n tue r.-.i.-eii et his success whtl. - ni.tnv other.- have tailed? vss whtle s- many others have fail e.i.' It :- h und in the fact - h it : n t he f; i : ; 'l.a'e he is a s-.t-er ui.m. Pt he .1 .es not touch a .Imp ot s,;ntllo;i- h.jUor-. In the IleXt place, he is industrious and attends si net 1 v to In s Usitiess. I u t lie tlrrd dace, w lr!e he spends more money on Ins tamily than any body i'1 - i' ui the neighborhood and has g: eti u : s c: dren the best ad van t a- g e s , as ia - , s n i i . 'ii . 1 nave already shown, yet : exTavagant and does not w . i - i" ,; u iy tliit.g or spend any money d le manages his labor th .nest 1 v w ; t h t liein and w 11 i . ..' . . e . . Cl.i. .. l e i m s i n t 1 1 e i ; l . c: e t .1 1: is success. ili a' I uies ale Vel V I ca; I led into practice nl coin in a n . 1 -ucce l 1 v .11 I use r: el v u- w up , i . g :, n p l ' -i-ems very i- a 1 P . 1 .11 1 te-.v cap g.-' 1 1 . broth, r I a inner s. a w..id ..; .; ig, met.- and 1 am .loin-. I s ; . o-i 1 1 y .11 iliat lo-re vr as ., .' :'!."'i: tin- ad van '. ..gi-s of a i -! ; c . 1 . . : i . u ho h as succee. le. 1 : t n ::..: g. lb- ha- ho' done ' ot Ho s h p. i ; a kiU't.i .;! 1 ,.n siicii rest ol ou. is is ; ; h ; n ;e he h I'll he iuls sue- 1 , P p i c 1 1 e 1 Ii g eherg . cenp- hdgineut and' common sense in. mag, in en; of his albnrs. ' be is a u.o; al. I'hllstlali a p h a e i. a i act er a s pu i e and - i - - o,n i: A. I' ,k,. h;;n P ', i. . m,..,,ls .n.l nn: I.- .,:..! e.-nnnaud I c N ' r " 1 1 ; w . 1. l.A w.n. In Isie.ii 1 1 . a i, e t he land i i e h and A orU it with the plow, l. at. d steel lake, until - i - a gai den. 1 ! y ou are : .ps p. get the ground covered "' tl as 1 '-slPie. SOW the USUal u grass m.xtnres, and a bushel 1 I : a u . 01 Hungarian 1,1 ten day s the " ely ,..'.,: the ' . .nl the NM-eds. , h ' s a I'e t o o: :;. 1 nil t lie law II , ; :. , . i . t -gi ass and I 01 ted n, - ' i - ' e a 1 . - T ; : .: . .. v ,'v;' . n m ,. ;- i.. .a::.. : ''"-,' ' : ' ri' ' ' , . f ; .-,. J!" ' - t;M '" ' v !::" ;' u ,. v . f..t!. ti.. lt . . l.-w. .i i:.- ::; ; 1 ' ,v r.iy . ... ,i i , . . , . , . C(ipe iih'tlum w.-.'- V n direction. Hi-,kn.-n.- ; hallways at..! suieir.-rt t .t rerengeful tire .f the p'.hc... . liu; " m,; P a arid the AnarehiHts .was brou.'nt .--'it bv the leaders of the latter. Auu-t S;.;,. Sam Fieldin. and A. K. l'ar.. r.s.' pr.. deaTorinf? to incite a lar,;.. m i-.s i;.. vt- ''o riot and bloodshed. thFe LtnT Xnul f0n0win(r circular, which wa di-tr:i-ut- el throughout the lab-Titu- .pi .rt. rs . f the city by thousands-. " A trnn T u in Y. irt- i n -..n (:-... r V -. ....... ..v .... .. ... ........ -Meeting toni..Mu at . it 11. o 1. marKet. i.inaoipii --tr- plainer i 11 d. (. will be pre-er.t t atro.-inns act ot t 'i "i r ..... rV',, fden Ii hand I; v 1 ! 'lw v;::'";. .s. I..- o c.i .t a: t len .en .- ;.-' .1 men w.,s rea- . dei.i - . - s that i a . t J" r.' ";i :n ' " L' I I " i 1 . A r.-i i ' l: A v.'i ' ' i" he r .a-: ! f.e.. ah- r- ..' e. : j r : : . - i r i . . . : I. u i . h--r- : r s . .f - ; h- ' ,, .," i , . . . . ,y. i j; .... ., w. n; uu I and d.-hm- i P lr'4':" l,'"' ':'"'" Mm r . . :. u ... H-' h.ir. in i ar.t . n. y, ,T ..f . '-iti ia .: t-' la: la: - : A:, a t . P.e v:uy " i:u- 1 1 h-- . r : i . . and. thev in: ac -u racy ana pr. ci-i march i nth- Ann. !,!' n,.. p' ! . ' . '. j H a i ha i d . 1 Vt - :. n. M-.-.h- : i ;u. i VP . i ; : he, I of tl.e ,..-. :b'",; ..I am c ' , a m n a r.i; t. P. : : l cried Pi t! Illinois 1 j,.r,,.. - As to- a : - i pphit t.-r it. s p -a k , f : the air f r, t :.e , r.-i... i 1 1 1 1' : i ! i i' al .- v ana over th- speaker - wagon, h wi- ta- eurnir.g lu-e "I a : n .mil" i .nn. it wa- well aim.. 1 nl ps i.-a : A iii.s-. and fell i i re. tlv m n." nil 1 1'.- ' ti- street; . -01111111 mi t'l-t we. n ti.- t w '.:- a :;: le s o'f p. .he. Tr... nist.nit it s-.i a ; ;r. mud it e ; -a r ir . win. : d with a 1 1 r r . : . v a s- -:i:c 1 t.. s! aK i:.--lluiiy w . a 1 1 i . 1 :.: : a M. n .-unl 1 piece of ; ;;;c. . i - . of tf- Pane of utisii- t Shot be-ldc thr- ..r ; piurt- r . f : 'v .IT. nf ii;.' f;ht. ha- n v,or in :;m. an i . - .irivt'ii a" nii ib liire, at .he A v, : t '.. i- t.-;.., ' i -t'l'iii' . :-'..-.. A ; . 1 " : '.Vlfi :Al til ne 'h tir to '.i;,. a jiiiice . v-.-r his r. were s.' i n C .li l u; idi lt liie ' Vnt ral was suiTering; the lt-t-. Tliev . ;' in a cunshet wound " . r inclined to bo r ;lv when n'.ies- t - ;; . a- 'o their identity, it -..-ntences from the but a lew pooceman mad.- them perfectly suhmissivp. 'i""- orniner ana a man named . . hv. ab. an assistant editor ot the I At 2 o'clock the postoffice appropria .lyhry.eitmuj. were found with An- i tipn biU wa8 Iaid before rhe Senate. v,3' "a a S aiTested- i Mr. Call favored the proposal to ap- Ai other Kreat strike was i inaugurated propriate SSOO.00O for the carriage of i""11?' seventeenlhundred men United States mails to Central and . ployed in the Doering Harvester ! South America. China, Japan, etc. He . orks stopped work without a notice or . did not regard it as a subsidy. It was HeJDIDf: and..w'lnt having made any necessary, he said, to the establishment demands. hether the men had been , 1 ;i ., inl'uenced by the recent riotous events d irected against workingmen remaining at their posts is not known. The mana eers of the works have asked fur police protection. The works are located in the heat ofthe district largely populated i'v f. .reign-speaking people. i a-1 railroad situation is further c ea rn d this morning by a ftr-':.- .if ..';; ; '-le'it handlers on the I. s- . t. i He switchmen on the . r id int handle r.r.v I'reieht .Mrs ' ' - any p. r: -n . nth r ; ;';,. t . i. K. I III KCH (U . .i mom.). May .". Ti : ..lihil (iotieral Conferem O: 't "iethodist Episcopal Church S .nth et here today, in ('enteiippy ehttrcli. and was palled to order by IhshopH. X. McTyiere of Tennes-s.-p. senior bishop. Four other b.Aiops of the church wore present. '. .::: Keener of New Orleans. Wil s t, of Maryland, Granberrv of Mis - pp .oh I JIargrovp of Alabama. !'.e-:i';ps these there are about l."0 delegates, clerical and lay. pios- e 1 1 1 , After religious exercises, consist ing of prayer, Itible reading ;;nd siiigm.,. Conterence elected Kev. Dr. .b.hti S. alaiLin. of the Ihilti ir.Lh'e ' '.iiifeience. Secretary, with the teoowing Assistant Secretaries: lr. It. it. Crawford. Alabama: Kev. I'i. '.'. A. Candler, North Georgia Cnnlcicnce. and Kev. John f . Yin cctit. Missouri Conference. K-'v. Dr. A. C. Bledsoe, of Broad St i cot Methodist church. Kichmoiul, t'.i.-n delivered an address of vvel :. :e .:. uehali' of t he people of that -"d Kishop McTyieie respond- ; o. nP.i in tue uaiue of t he Coule4"- -. c : . -. ... :.e.i hearty thanks tor the Ii ruhi a people so proverbial Ip.ispitahty. and trom ,i a m ht.st.jiii associations 11 US ! iisln Kie ot the .ps was i"er. J: 1 occupied The rapid in t he past :e lea '. p.ctivp ress to id con iti con- ! Ilial- V . .let !n Uliended u i.tirch tn.d' i li.liy IeV i y tel'ih s --I'-i '. he v; i...-;u v, a on. The i ' ci e t'.sei iih'eici'.-: t negleet i of Sab ding wele ie- hd chuic!.: .no ration. Attei: s and mat Hit es is growing evils lUl'I'llOili! sess; n s v. e: e toi ineii. ,; Pi . to the C "the ot the nio : vaiioils Ui lei ehce .roiiil- ihee of I Lit nit hd ti Met ho- .s; ( i.uich. 11. C. Hernandez, lay 1 legate lioiu the .Mexican J loi der . .'aieieiice, is the only native Me.x ui :n attend nice upon Confer nce. Ciov. Toiaker, ol' Ohio, fra u nal delegate from the Northern iiiiich. was expected, but has not et ai i i ved in the city , and it is not :ae.'. ii whet her he will come. Sharper;; VVho Cut Left, lucre is a slnirpei's game which ..s been played for the last hun ted years, and as the tinning - '." :- avarice the g iiun w.-iks tele it I.n out a le a i WilMl- Ij.e.P wee 1 . .'di' play It due ol' i i: iy and in: As the fa: .1: luitc e.isy 'ihe pi.ee . und i be IP. l.iii.i ii.e I' gas 1 oil. i.bhll s. ol d be -ii-ii Ac r a w lie 1. ronffressional Vork. i t.' i : I iy In the S.-r.ate today 'r. II ar presented a letter received l.y '.:n fr.'in I-Iaiitc Tompkics. Secretary of :!:" i 'hi i I.ivi-lative Investigation Com-r.iittn-. regard ini; the priutinjj c f the re ! 'r: if iliat committee recently submit ted t . the United States Setta't". Th" ! -U --r states that Teiii.kins. on cxrimin-n- th.' copy printed by older of t he iiiate. lin is that .-ui reptitious interpo I'itiW' h.ave been made in the copy fur-iji-iied the priuter. the matter interpo lated n.it bein in the original copy sent to the S nate bv the Ohio House of Rep re -entail vea. Tlie interpolation the.S. c ietary says, is of matter intended to ro-tle.-t en the good f aith of the majority of the Old.) committee and mislead the .e;.ate C'amiuittee on privihes and eh cti.ms. An inspection nf the c.-pv Mr. Tompkins adds shows that the add ed matter is written in pencil on soft paper and wholly disconnected from the "lli-jir.1 papers. He asks an investiga tion of the subjr-ct by the Senate com mittee, in order that the perpetrator of th.; fraud may be discovered. On motiun of iir. Hoar, the letter was referred to the committee on Privileges and Elections, the matter was ordered I to be reprinted in a correct form aud the distribution of the incorrect conies ' ordered to be stopped. The consideration of bills on the pri vate calendar occupied the time until 2 o'clock and a number of such bills were a; eix niuimeiLim iciatiuiia wiin LuustiUUUll- tries that we should have regular and speedy mail communication with them. Mr. Plumb said no Senator had shown that the sum per mile provided for by the amendment was too much. The same Senators who objected to this n n ndnient in favor of our foreign mail " .- lavnring the application of . a. no merit em'ood vi'is-the same 1 .. a fast train . Florida. in the prop mails ..as re t it was a subsi- -s t. - le.ent for forei 1 on the the rv ; . : at that we should a: ply to our for .gn mails the principle that had for many years been applied to the trans portation of the hilar : mails of tboU:::- : St pes. V.-. Vumb a.-k- .1 who w :ss to be ben- efned by the prop- ed arrangement. The U'liiuiui n States would be beneficiaries of this proposition. Cities and harbors of the South were so placed that they would naturally become the mouth pieces by which the Cnited States should speak to the people south of them. The South was now making cheap cottons wanted by Central and South America: yet Senators from the Southern States were opposing this proposition. Thev did not speak the language of modern ' by the Knights of Labor. ' ' M WJ' progress or modern civilisation. Tne ' A niimber o earthquake shocks ' boutn of today was the South of Cal- curred in Ohio on the 3d inst. Ai aOKB houn. of ancey and of JelTerson . placeg the force jarred the ijght8 tromt, VA, , ; windows. - Mr. Morgan interposed to comment on 1 T ., , . . , . . . . the unfairness, as he called it, of tnis i In the State of Georgia during the fast class of argument at this late stage of ! f,en. vers ihe,re have been artifitaally.' the debate. The Southern men. he said i tci'ed1 and PIaced ln Us rlvers ,000,' had no opportunity to replv to it. . uu 61iaa- - - ' Mr IPlumb said no Senator should be' Through the improved telephone,con cut off from reply by limitation of time, j versation has been carried on between At least his vote would be cast for the l NTew A'ork and Chicago, a d i&tance - of full opportunity for reply. -The South - of 1,020 miles. . of today, in national control, he con- tinued. responded to the wishes, inter- , ...... a ..;:a; l,. ,jus. , ests and principles inculcated bv Ca houn. enforced by Yancey, and repre sented today by JelTerson Davis. lie i Plumb) did not speak of that as in any sense oersonallv offensive or as cuali- fying tho personal sincerity of the men. Mr. Morgan remarked that no such impeachment or accusation had the slightest personal orTencu for him. Every name mentioned by Mr. 1'iumb was const crated in ilr. Morgan's mem ory as the name of an honorable and great man. lie hoped the State ol Kan sas might some time or other produce such a character as Calhouu. Yancey or Davis. The debate then closed ami voting be gan. A number of amendments were clf-.-redto the proposition of the com mittee. Mr. Pugh endeavored, without suc cess, to secure au appropriation' uf SiO.eOO for better mail facilities be tween Mobile and Selma. Mr. Morgan endeavored, .also, with success-, to secure an amendment where by ships belonging to American citizens and manned by Americans might come within the provisions of the clause. The commi. tee's provision for foreign mails, as finally amended by the Senate, and agreed to. reads as follows: "Pur the transportiou of foreign mails bv , 1 . :tn In cppnrn irr..;itr froiiiipTH.tf nni regularity in thtf dispatch and greater speed iu carriage of such mails to Hiazil. Mexico, Central and South America, the Sandwich, West In dia and Windward Islands. New Cale donia. New Zealand and Australian colo ni.. China, ami .T.-m.in SS 000 000. anil . ........ ..w. n ' - .. ...... . . UU , p.. p,K.m:nii.rihnal i authorized tn 1 make after due advertisement for pro- . proven the most serious, the Anarchism posals. such contract or contracts with ! threw explosives iuto the midst of th ' the owners of American steamships for ' police killing and wounding upward of a term not less than three ner more than I twenty-five of them. The remaining live years, and atarateof compensation j police opened upon the mob with very not exceeding fifty cents per nautical 1 fatal results. mile on the trip each way actually trav- A dispatch from Savannah, Ga., says': eled between terminal points in the "The centennial of the Chatham Artll ni.st direct and feasible sailing, course lery today was celebrated by a military between the terminal points as shall be j parade, in which 6.000 men, composed" found expedient and desirable to secure 1 of organizations from various parts Of the end above set forth, and if he shall ; the country, took part. The parade was be unable to make such contracts for j witnessed by 70.000 people. At the park any such respective services, he shall, so ; extension the military were drawn up, ' far as possible cause the mails of the . and Mr. Jefferson Davis rode along the United States to be carried to and from line amid tremendous cheering. The -1 sud places respectively in the best and speech of Mr. Davie was postponed for t expeditious manner practicable, m .oil an ves:els at I lor reasonai veiling 'P 1 :d the mi nt it n- : r-at i. 11. r , ir. mentioned a-a..! . if in is nP . -hall en. : i. . Pvnii .... - ...IP:, p : .11 t hi v. as v. .tin -iv. 1 . x - bury. Y.u.ee. n of Mary hit Plumb's ni as aa-i- i t Vcst.WiiPih it.d V. n 1 ui Mr. - s , I . I .. the bn. : : . r I 1 .. s. - it C.il. I 1 ...nn I :li- e.. I t's I I ' . 1 . t. .is -UU' p .. - 'li.ra : Siiai. ii c ( lie- i v.i buy bhips abroad and import tii.-m at reasonable rates of duty: and that laws prohibiting the im portation j i lor-, ign built ships are as unjust and iiuivioo a, Jaws would be that w. .-aid pro.hihit tee importation of ;au ether anuiew. ; 1 - i. i-n manufac ture. Adjourned. ldou-in Mr. Hall, oi Iowa, called up ' the Can, ph. il-Ve;iver eontested election icse, but again t this Mr. Willis, of Ivy., rniseathe que-tion of considera- tion. it being his desire to dispose of , the River and Harbor bill. He failed in his object by one vote, however, and ! trie el, .( tion chip was proceeded with. After debate far rin hour and a half a '..-.-o.u;,..:i of the majority of the com ' riiittv- on elections was adopted. It ee.ehi ias the ligluoi' the sitting mem ber. J. M. Weaver, to the seat. The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the Secretary of State of New York, enclosing a copy of the resignation of Joseph Pulitzer as Representative from the 9th New York Congressional District, and it was laid upon the table. The resolution was called up allowing the contestee. Wm. A. Pierce, from the Second Rhode Island District, thirty days to take further testimony, and the., contestant, C. II. Page, ten days there after to take testimony in rebuttal. After much debate the resolution wasa adopted. The House then took a recejs till eve-" 1 cing. .: BRIEFS. Philadelphia has upward of 1,200 po licemen. The Richmond Slate has suspended ' its Sunday edition. J Signs of cholera in Germany have , created a great scare. Bluefish along the coast have been ' r&ther scarce this season. . Charlotte claims an increase of ,3,000" in her population since 1880. Great Britain is having a great deal''1 of trouble with rebellious Burmafc,' -e: Baltimore butchers have had a big '.' demonstration denouncing Chicago beef. . o .y an . rs:i t oii'mue tht 'v.. in Jones. !u y are to go to Chicago work started there, by Since 1STC tho Congressi-rir.' has grown from 300, COO : 350,000. Tattoi:ng in Japan is prm ;:n extcatthat a law prohibiti ast been passed. I iurary to sucti ' Z it baa A new electric motor than been successfully tried upon one of eleyated ' rnaHs in Xow Vm-l- A Northwestern writer asserts ihat"1 there are no venomous snakes in the en tire State of Minnesota. 1 '. ' During the last ten years the city of' London has increased in population more than half a million. ui The strike on the Gould system !jf' railwavR has been declared at &rt-nii A band of Mexicans have crossed ver the Texas border and seized a large , i.i - . L . uuuiijw ui eattie. congress wm oe noil- j : fied of the outrage. Dio Lewis says that hot water willj i cure all complaints. If that is so, editors ought to be extraordinary healthy, or , : they are most always in it. " Kev. Edwin G. Weed of Augu8fca,(3af has detdined to accept the Episcopal-, Bishoprick of the Diocese of Florida, to ' u hich lie w.3 re :ejitly elected. -. Tiie New York Sii,' contains an illus tration of the new yacht "Atlantic,''' w.ach is to contest, for the American, cup. The mode! shows it to possess thb-, beauty and j,race of a Ewau. ' The spring grain lieet now moving out of the port of Chicago is with its cargo estimated to bo worth $10,000,000. It is the richest grain fleet that ever . sailed from any port in the world. -I Premier Gladstone is as quiet : and steady as he is firm and powerful. He says that through all th? olitical excite j uient that he has passed, it has never 1 caused him to lose a single night's rest. A Connecticut justice has created a j precedent by giving a drunkard his i choice bet ween enlistment in the regular4 i army aud going to j aii. lie chose the former and was enlisted at once for i service on the Western frontier. John C. Henning. a murderer, opn- lined in the (Jrawioru, llnd.l lau, says av.u, j ! that he has become converted. or a . 1. . l. I. .. I . i I i month he has studied his Bible almost constantly, and on Easter Sunday he , was baptized by a Methodist minister, who immersed him iu a bath tub in the coridor of tho jiil. Of the recent labor troubles through- out the country, the one in Chicago has awhile. is stat d that when the first railroad . 1 an in Maine, about forty years ..- . , ::ti:-.l tici'i.i'.'iiriTil: It was . morning that tK, train ad left vihe and ariuvir;,, at A rth Iiol s. il-xz tatio:: : - any .; i.oi by. Jti-a . n 'd , P . . i P .p v - ... . 'a: a i P I - r '.... tiamt, a n-,j . ad asked ...a. agent v in. he ha.i not'dis i tiie Pag before, aud he replied, . . .1 a g- ni' in run our train in pass V. - I didn't ,1 A .'.t-iv Const Line. P. a . uPj,hp-, '',. .!,', says: a , ; ...-W Xork. l'liiladel' i P- ,t aroad Company to : mhie arrangements r- p, .:. -a-! line trade with i : . . . -' jrio.k. has led p., :;,;;; .: !.. .- na-asares to in - .;- -.: .. ' :' .ay the contract P : . v steamers for . .!. . .n 1 an.; Southern coast ':. m- vail run in opposition to .1 t lines n, wearying freight to aioie. A.- 1::-- !;r,o from Norfolk is city and N- w York is much u by the New York. Philadelphia Norlc Ik. than I y Baltimore, it is ted that 1 o;;siderab!e additions e made to the j resent traffic. The i: nt - t i n - ; id reports that an . c' m t'1 : ' ". g!i ears per day 1 .... g : :.. .. i-.-i the line, which : : i c : - - !;. le'ii ased as ..- t .- . P 1 in: : ea-. 11 opens. ; . . .. -.;..'tc heavy just . .. :. .: pi ires twenty-four u -:. ri"m the waters n ; t an frying pans of . : , .mpany is 1:.-' a : apparently n-r-ils a tne b.n; 'V. fill.. ne rtl- p.. Iirst . I I V. ".''I) a TON! p Iw'.t'

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