11 erne 4lV 1 H B INDKI'KNDKNT IT ALL Til INC K H IHl'KK. Ni; r.KUNK. CKAVKN (OrXTY. . (.. A 1 v NO. 8. VOL. IX. iy v v.tHj.l T DURABILITY. NEATNESS ANO COMFORT Ziesler Bros. 81k es. OF WHTCH ta r. : - . NO'A r;: s i Spring&SummcrTrailo W r.i.l. Bay State Shoes, Of liktwue o? .apply. u i ' - kio-U iV 2 : r 'Low Figures. Es:pc'.a'.', uASH BITiERS. Oor tio cartacr . 1 ' i .T I I N - K S kete, fof ti purpose of . -'ifipCTXU THE best STOCK OF General Merchandise TtaS-WAS BTEK KKPT BY ANY HO! SKI I N KINTv. ; tyW Will giT HOties their vrlv " ' OETTlN(iKK HWOS. March. 18S6. U.;ir.-SULTAII ASKS A QUESTION ! ARE YPU READY 1::; ;.to';iy von; SPRING SUIT? 4'If frfoaH joirparcb uniil you se CA'waBulU f Very Low Prices. . Boys 8llor 8uit fwo t ".- 'Hljig'lfl.ni. ' Out Sua. f Underwear (OMl'I.i: 1 K. : la Ladies' Dre Goods and Shoes .- ASTONISHING BAOATHS. Give TJs a Call, and See For Yourself. M. m7 da SFtOKWAtlT EICLER Snj Stat .e Penitentiary Pii IFl v.r: ' TO BE HAD ONLY PATTERSON'S. Erry grWrTntei to Rle atlfACtion or mou.y rcfumloil Patterson's Shoe Store ' ,8igi plO BOOT, Middle Strret. N ow H.-rno. t Mas. jl j IPTjtoT t T iMM tHMPv n nm im m HI IIMlll I wiff- ftw u immf rmr m- i wt g4tfnMii I vtwr wwti.. a4 wmi ili kt il e - nr. rs i pm-fci-. . DAIL BROTHERS, Vholesale Grocers, UAVK UEMOYED TO Til HI It TWO STORIS, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND. A-a4 kp oT FLOUU, ntl.YTS, COFH1 vl(;u. svnt i MOLAS3bS. 8AJ.T. TOBUIO, SMl'l M' M.iv rerytbinx In fi. c, itocKKV iim. a nil i , M K .,,.t at LOW rRICM fr CASH t- 1 '' Spriiiii and 8uninier. -1886.-- Our pruib ::. :' Nobbv Sack - Cut.iw .y S'.-.ts conpl-. Plaid Suite. SUaight C ,.'.s " yarietT. Bot. 'I -'; 1 : ' ' " l.0O M-mN P ic b . s . - ' Oar 13-10 sai-j t '.').'" - Vh- lrg-r k ' : ilea' n i 1 '" ' ' - " - paying tl.l1" :' 50 doi. - Hx.-. V ' ' Bantirsti .iitT-r.-i.r i'il -. Oar stock jf S a::.:: r ' ap. Alio 1'a.l: g'.'i'. '-:- ; s -' Wo hi. e i -. -.- :' "'-' in tho mirk -. AiT-t fi- 1-. V- . - Kl'j. :..:. ' S t r r. -Jim ik.-r. ' W e bo-ig .' i . - " W-ar, Pur.-. i To rC'h-v : be-. in thi a.rk-- lijy'i xz : M -..'- Striw MiP-i'-g-'' l - W ire i.' -r.-..- t' - !. - Nobby Sack and a run 11. SIMFAN, GOOD SHOES, BROS., - i W ft lA'a : -it) 1 1 11.-. 'Ini lM U ILL Ku kT i-xa: n lLt .tonCi n In x:n IpiICtiioa in W ml O r J mrmr , - - .'Si S mTT-- i t " -. HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mf s Cutnn t, ir.Taw.rT. Lorn -st-i UK-""" HOWARD & JONES I M M . N 1 X I V N 1 N V I ' V 1 1 " N - hi i: i i i tiM. nn i i n v , : . . . t : . i t ..: ., . i ;. .;.:! ; i! C . i- i - 'i i ' un- !.'t:c I: m.l ; ' ; f f into t In- f;ro.i r N : 'iv i v-;:"U h.fh , : -a. :i !:. K ir: l"r. f. t : i : N.--.V I : r ; ; I . :i k. ' . .1.. 1 I. . i'a .u .wnl K.w it an f.ff :i ' w i ! 1 'U'.i t !' i .i:n :r.i "lor' Stoi kton. e . a . i er !;:.' iif ui . ies . k - w i; ,v il;(iiii. f ol forty-:.i.-.in tbrouph sever irriM' a 1 lonlen town . .,: f u . jou.-ii :!it. the 1 tela ware. (,.,.:,,' li'wn t'uat river, parsing I'liii.nh-ipli; i. we enter the Chesa ...iki1 am! lk'law.ire e.w.a! fit DeU v ,n- i ,;v. riiciice tourteMi miles to i ::e.iie.ike ( ';tv. wiier- we enter I . i:er. ! i I ; . s ar t hf n into Chesa "tith of the - .rli.lllli.ll:. i o a ''.t 1 e 1 1 l . -' : ii .. ii . 1 N :iif ro'is rur:- en t i r 1 1 1 :i e. 'ti fi: ;. !. t ; fii nr 'litem in i if-. : s one ;n the : e r of the orlil. af- harbor- rfiy aiol bv it we . ' ' i'...i ! ; . . . N . , : . i . k . i.eii' i t oin iurt I 'oi ! re.-s ort New- aiiT Nor ,. e one of t he be.-t arbors m the world. We now pivs tiie 1'niteil States Navy aril a-i'eml the southern branch of : . i'...;'n r;fr; pa-smi ( i ii inertoii. ,,. I,, r in-r:i e :. 1 ot t he Dismal .!! ;. f.wial. an. i enter the Albe . - . a:,. I i he-apeako canal near r.rt.le. ihe head of naviga : i I re ;- the 1 irge.-t lock on : int.c coa-t, 40 teet wide. l.nikX and eipiit feet deep, r.wut in the most snb n. n ( . i : h t and a half .: cauai. through a den.se .:;ii' ii- to a river that nr. iiea.-: called the North l: river. lnt:hteen milea dia- i . i : .1. ..!. Ae enter (.'urntnek sound so o. -ie orated tor it.s wild fowl. Here, and also t hrouh the river, great' . -..prov i men is iiave been made ; .:".lv ! the Albemarle and C'hes- ,L.. ' anal t'ompan under the n ot Comtnodoie Marshall i'arks. of Norlolk. w lio h.us devoted a l.leliaie to tiie uioject Passing hroiigh the upper portion of the -onnd and goingto C'oiniock bay, we enter .in.it her f.wial construct ed by tiie Albemarle and Chesa peake 'oin pan and after going live and a hall "miles due south en '.r North river, which empties mto A u.arle .-ound. Here we have a v.t.-t extent oicoiiutis Umg Is'iore u-. f ma navigate sounds and riv.-r-. e ial to 1 ,miii miles of length ;u the aggregate, or we pa.-s through ( roal.wi ty Uoanoke ish:id and en ter l'amli.'o sound a great inland -ea tlit nee up t tie Neuse river to Nea Heme, or up the l'amlico to Wa-iiuigton, or through Core sound to lieaub rt. 1 be latter sound : so lull of shoals that a canal troin the Neu.-e via t llliitoot creek to llarloue h i- been -ubstituted and the N. a i.iTiie and Iteaufort ( anal, " tnree n.iies I.hil', tia.s Ix-en constructed tv a i oiiipau ot h'.ch ( omuKslorc Marshall Tarks is the l'rvsident. This canal was proiect--! in 1 and Alivert (ial latin, t! en .-secretary ot ;:,e t n.te.l States 1 ri i-ur. sent a communication to : gr. --. setting t r I : i the impiT '.ar.ee : :i.:s inlani! naviga'ion. K.itwrl I .'ult.'ii in 1 s 1 al.-o ,uh i-ed ts con '.ruction and proposed to use .: on Lis steamboat route from 1'n.l oleiph.a to I h arles ton , S. C. The ClubfiMit and Harlowe canal v chartered by t lie State of North .. re I'M. Al'ei a long i nteival in ' a 1 1 :n e.-ted was North Cir..,,a.i .I. and afP-i re n - to . ' - capita. .::: t u.ouoy . - ..-a ' proper: . s-.c, p, fa::..- r iii- ;i. i : a --.glle,l : :.- Park-. ! a: t iie '-ellt ti.e ind g'.'s- C , 1 1 1 , i . .ie t :. a" ' h'- pa- w ' . ' - . : i a ; :: n . a" . i . i !i '..: i - n . h .niini N y Nu; : c :;'I ! N v I a Nr , I, ) M ' I 1 I I i . II I ' M i s I I I i ,;i I , a " . : : g a'T I... ' . - .;. ! I llorts ol If I W t. People, i h- deglee . g ' ' I . I i. I I ' .' w.i- e'. er : . i -: . : f . i ' : .:. . : : . - and tl.: .: ' k- '' mole dp::.!. elnpl.' rd .s'. I ' - debt. State and ; n d l vid mil . t ti.tli at any tune ;n tiie la-t halt ertcun. Texas has -urp i--ed t he Old No: t i; State bi c w:-e ol her huge ,:it:i ! ininugratioti and .eahh: but North Carolina has fewer b i eigne; - and a more rompietei homogeiieou population tlian any I'tlicr State o! the 1'nion. Since '.he re-cue of the State from the tempest of profligacy that swept over it alter the war tinder the Holden government, the taies have steadily diminished until they are eul nominal, ami the school have incie.i-fd untii thev proffer ediicatioi; to e'ei child in t he co in in oi i e.il ; h , iigard-Ie- of co1., ,r. Her leg: t ; in at e d e bt i- -readily tednc, d; i,. : 're.i-;.:;. has a large siirplu-i in r ..::m.ne institutions, conducted w.'.h ciiia! care and outlay for lo;'a i...i e-, are monuments ot ere.l::: in : ; . I f improvements h.o e kep' p.o e w.tu the growing wants of her people: her authority relief - tl.epiideoi the State in its stain!. -- :;.'egr:!. and thrift and content aie the com mon blessings ol her people. For t his except ;o;, a! i eco: d t hi : e are many able a:i 1 nan to whom North Caro'p na ..- indebted; but it is no injustice to any to say that to no one is -he -o mucii in debted as to Tiiomas ,1. ,lar;-. the !ato Governor. Hi- term oi six years, ended only by the mandate ot the constitution. ha brought the State to the largest measure of prosperity ever known in all her past, and there is not a. son of North Carolina who does not share in the general pride ol a more than re habilitated commonwealth. W hen it is considered t hat Nor t !i Carolina has every important mineral within iier borders, (rum gold to iron: that she h.vs every variety ot soil lor every variety ot crops, troin wheat to cotton; that she lias every variety of climate, from the sunny Southern coils t to the chills ol the highest peak of the Appalachian range: that ?vhe has w ater I'o'A er enough m a single liver to ,-piu and weave tiie whole cotton ot the South, and that her land- are i;ea:!y as cheap and her climate better than the West, when these (acts .ire weighed ill the scale of intelligence, tin' nn -mentous ineati.ng ot a New S 'Uth. with sectional tranquility .i.-.-ured. may be understood m the North a lt I- now u:.de:-t ' d ;u the arc l.n a.-. r . t i a I at V dain - ( m k. 1 .:: ; i; .1 ' i: : - -All. u.e. through ;.oi;i' iliiable paper. o give a sy n op.-; - i un bv some i .1 i a te-t'iva. gottt ti fir hl.l.e- lot the purpo-e ,.f ra -;::g the Met!.. ::- .. creek . It was held op 1 day nights la-p ; and i.o ' -a . ' ip-r a p. i . e lie v o t t he w ea' h . crowd-',!. The to, and ra-'efal'v ,!c , g: e.-n and tto we; - A. Il.cleiu--e wa ll cVel :' vara .us kin..-. l'ormmg appropriate inottoe-. ai ranged in the nio.-t beautiful and appropriate in. inner. The tables were Hist -pleuditk or nan.e n ' ed with rlower- ami loa,!,,l witli the richest viand prepared by -killi.i! hund. Theie w.-re cak. - --on.e of t he n ' ous an!. : '.terries I, nun ep ou! p . a f.t,g 'o pe-I'e I'!:.- : . e iw -:ue.-. Weill., xi -- I k it. i! A - h ir ii ::. . p , r W e iii.u,. -:,'. , 1 ite 11 -!. !'.' a:. . . or ap; i .-c: r : :. the : in ; vem. :C . - . ;i w ':'; i '.1 -- 11 a ie h p'p, p I V I i ... - . . . -a -.':'. i : i - ' , . ., , - ; . be ; 1 1 - w r . : I ell . a: .. i Pi cut Hp- .mii li. r,i llr.iln . . d :;: ; . i : i i : 1 1 : : --. '. . ' - ,'U-f v,is he,u ;. ,:: .: : W;;s !:; e,i v 1 gp . : - i:h ::i 1-1!'. : 1 I . i if a ; In- pr.n- , f Pi. -p. : ..: i.f great W 1 g a ... 11. N ' a-!;i in lie II A . 1 - . I ': e.-ide!i : . Hi- speech oeca-.oii was doubtless 1 piece on the -1 II in p. . l.,-e 1 he oil back in a U Pot W la -wo.in .ii the aim- ol .lames ( '. .lope-. Ii ; in -e 1 1 a III agll I ticetl t or.lt or. a ho hugged him to his bo-om and exclaimed m an cc-tacv of (Mit husi- .1-.-:. -Die ne er h a i Pletltls. die: vnu Will such another Glorious oppoituni-y It wa- at the close o; ii. great speech in l'aneliil Hal! :n 1-11 t'uat Ildw.trd l.veret t asked llaniel Webster if he had ever heard such a speech betole. and the answer was. N e er. except by 1'reiitiss himsell." l'rentiss was the very peisoiiifi- cation of courage, moral and phvsi- eal. Ho had a horror of the code, , ,. ' ' but had no hesitancy in appealing to it. as ho Itiund it an established institution in the land of his adop- t ion. Hi spirits weie so mercurial. ... I... ,rt . .. r...,.1..f l.P- .....Iiii..,nl ii- le.ii .-o leiiiiei. ill.- .i i in inn , . , .... , , , , . I o reined, that ll he had shun his adversary in such a rencounter his amendment. M: . M- i..:: kn- w- n. u Iea.-ol), iow frttll as It was, wetlld runn idk ac,iii,-i p,e ) a r ; .. ! - u: nnent have been dethroned. Hut as so- of a lare eta-. ,.f p-.ple-Ab.. b.ala--cictv then wa in Mississippi he 'e nd.t i.; .nt.-rrup; ;.t ;.: -u-ure ,, , ,, (! m .vein.-nt if i :a:n. ;c t.twe. n w as compelled appeal Ii:s person- s; ,p- ' u: , -. . rv j . , j. , , ,-. a! ijiiarre!- to that tribunal. The . (..upv A-c. -i, ,:, ,n . .:... n only Ill.lll he ever met, though IlleS- ( when he -n .u: i .-. a.-i i- r the matter, sage nas.-ed between himself and! "ould say th.o. .i was P'.e t:ut ol C n- s,.v..r..l ,,-bers - H..nrv S I-'oote ' ........ ........ ............. . . , of w hom I bop to write in the tat ure. 1 he cause oi the duel has been variously stated. 1 will give one. Prentiss was a man of in Unite lest. l-Aetl when no argued grave " r, , .. gal (piestions oelore a court lie interspersed his speeches witli wit- tiom r liiiPt'leil ll p in all his i; : ; oi a i ices, am made him one Of the un engaging of men. On . - . . ... iew w etks -uu w t . l ti.ai u.i siiiit s were one occasion he was sitting up w:th entireU- c,,mi.uut t., ... ,ii, p,,,,, a party ol friends on attendance matters. Si far a- M:-.- :ri was ei-n- Upon a gentleman who w as hors de cerned, whenever anv nrpeal b.a i been combat: w.th a bad case of delirium made to thevow-er i the spue, ir ha 1 tremens. The ph v-:cian'had said been responded to. ,, .. ,. , ' ' ii, i Mr- Teller and M . . M..xe ngn t d that ll the patient could sleep he with Mr. Vest and Mr. CulU.n." and Mr. would soon recover. The attend- piatt feared tt.e aim. in In,, nt would em ants tried esery means in their barrass and p-Tiiap- in: : i 1 1 the pa--age power to bring the drowsv god to ; "f (he bl1'- an., so :. ., .! Mr. Morgan's the lids ot the sick man, but with- amendment. 1 ..p.i.y p,-. am-n !m, nt . ,, ,, ,. .. was hud on tne pit,e--ea -K'. cavj ... out avail. I-mally Prentiss itnpa- Mr BrtAVI1 tnr. , i u, :uu ;,', nt tieilt l.V said: Oil, d U it. give him provi iing for t!:e p;;n:-n. :.: of t ; ::- I 'oote's book on Texas. I'll war- injuring the property . ;' i ..ib i ! - :n rant. Its sopontic ellcets." The joke panies. track,. buier-. e-o-. 'In. w as too good to be lost, and there amendment weuid nuike it a i.-I r.y l, , , , ,. maliciou-lv injure su -h pr. p.-rtv. nn i were those who carried it to l'oote. jf Jt,ath r,;,u!:t.l fr,:.: ;!..' nnaiV ti.. n the Uto.-t irascible ot men. A Chill-' the otTer.-o -h ul i n-iip.p. m-ail-r. 1 ell go tollow ed a nil the part les met. The amendment w .- : pi . n v ...,.. l'oote was as brave as Lord N'eh-on. Considerable debate tie n :,r. . n the nit was so cxeitabla that he turned pale ami trembled like an aspen, w h . Ie his voice, when under the in- ihlelieeol anger, was exceedingly , unsteady. As a consequence he wa.- in, dangerous adversary, but he .. , , . ' was game to the backbone. Ihe ri'Stilt ot the tirst meeting was a !'al! in l'l'iee's shoulder. w hile I'l.-iito - t -capetl unharmed. The -ccoiul meeting was occasioned bv a ri it that 'reiitiss "relied" on !.; , ape w lu ll lie nreii at runn'. a long coi'iesnorpleiice precetlctl it, Alexander McClung bein t he II. end ot l'oote. When the parties iae.-d e.iCU ther Prentiss threw away i...- calie. and at the first tire 1'oote fell wi;h a ball in his hip. .e i i.i: r :e- Pe.an.e Iriellils a snort 1 1 m a : tei u a: , i and so cop . : n net ' " '" o ei. o , .,, 1 'it'll l 1 s s was lame ot one leg III. , 1 w a.ked w itii the aitl til a cane. He had a in a g :: 1 1; Ce 11 1 bust and a rcval h, ad. the space above the eves 'be- . , , . it i" i mg a three decker. He a e.ig.e eye that burned !.kc the orb ot day and tla.-hed like lightning w hell lie was aroused. His voice '.a- Pii.ler complete control, and , , , , ., ,ii,i v .,Vrrll,le a': l,r , Wll ,Ml' .'.1.1..1 li.l'. Hi HI, 111,1,11 lo, llllll .nil , he rt qu.i. il a great oecaslon to '..ppgoiit in bold relief ail his now- t l-. At siit-h tune he never failed, p..- , ;.,., !,) n i. . n ; 1 ' i ; M : -r M.n ,. ; i c , , - - o ? 1 1 -. , : t , r o 11 - ; oi -eed tillie. W li.lt P .- ill -toie we do not c. tinit ' e h lives! -'shall ' I.-I-- no: riif woill :' flop- may go a in 1 -s. and will , 'o in f . .some b - 'nn --i tl ..f, but we - : . ei.eei e,i by t h" ".' p 1 1 : e ' ; i r 1 1 . glad- ; i a ; :i and by the Mill l.l that I I ! , o I' Well a p P . ' - ii-.Pitil I r,.;i; the 1 no -en ' e nee passed .l;;,lge. ..p.y the i '. i I ox .-ha!' 'boll e.i t : 'till .-, - e : to the n Had.' bee ; i g:enas : i . : . , ; 1 1 - l.-.eh at- ' i P nogir h ce bei p gal ile, 1 . but none t he : . The rewind ot to ap '" i .verb" k . ' .. . in g award i : ' I , , ". i p . . i r ' i ,r, :;. in i s I i 1 I e li.l I ee I ' t w i b In I- k- ! Hew n -. . . .i . . n - . . . - v . .1 i. : P j ive -.-ci a pr .a. in- n : n . in it l n r r t - - ., n a 1 V m 1 I I e I ' (Ira:. 1 I .HP! I Mr i I:- ; .! . I jj,.,jrx ,7 ; . . . seen i e 1 i v : . : v I: an l t s -:i! . v'--:-gap-p.. - m e A i.utnr r : j :; ani referr. .! pie.;: legulation a- or.-': Ali.-r tn- r. rn.. the Intel -.,!- ..re if. : . "I'.i"1'1 r.-iderati . r, Mr M ,r amcn.l mei.t t ; an ,-h !v pp- a:.': .ri-onnumt ne a i. . , ir.. : or iDtonVre w ith the im.mn.' tr.c.i.- ent-h m lap r--,..p. C miner,-... Mr. fT ur: lU, reculatiT. ,.f c.n.n.. rce between ih Mates, it should see ti.at travel be tween the state -h.eilii be kept tree, l'- w r''t ' (he whole. I.e.'t !e to J1 lhtht lr, t' ;' merce. Uht. iir on ltd to interfere wlth cn!tl,,.u ... ullllKir ,t r.ii'roa I company, a n .. . r a i.-pa.e v . f ,i; tiiviauals. w .- - n. -thin tic.t :-r. - i''.iii.i regu...:e hi. : net . al l not escape u... iiuty :: it nr.. Pa: k to uo anvtniiig at aP in im,.rs.a. r .. : . 1 1 1 1 1 ' . u u t a in i i ;. - t !.e prets to e x. r . . -e . : - p . w , r on-: any w .Pi tin ; 1 I'e'i :': p rtl .!. i -a-l i.;; tl,,r- . tl - eommeree of ; i . o t . ' judgment of .-v. n nan w i. provoked into . x - -s y ;!., of raiiroa.i cmj .i.b. w. ngress in t,..-t. gi-i .ti ,n : but w !, ;;., r it diJ or "t. t:.e .iiitv ..t i i,u. v,u thesame. Mr. Ve.-t d i 1 n : think ti..- ..-pp. ti"n gave Cong'e any r;b; ,., r the question with wl.icii the .im-i. !m. nt ,, a'1' l taW'" ' ""' me i,a-i amendment t i. , ... ... -, . -' r. P. .r In . f w he-l. r. plum b s n; :;::.. -p. ,. -.ie prohibiting nu-m1 .-r- of p ngv, ciaUof the (i..v-rM;i;ei,t tip : ht's fr,,!" "ceept.ng u.e i n.-t prohibiting r.o.ro.i 1 o n.i...;..i- giTir.h, r r..i;.'..i r.: Mr. Kdmua is - ud if Mr. I'.-II- r extend the pr.'vii :: :' !.::.::. : so iit" cover i. -. n. p. - : -;!:. I !:..! i.t nub , nr- ", view ot m 'A , U f a v . . r it. jjr ;-, according Con-l it nut le epo tin- .i menu iiit-i.! . and Mr. I.'V-ar. ;: w.,s la: i . n ti.e lab the '.all , r. .-'.erica'.-, and Mr. llpmi: ,'ur. Ian ;.: ii,, i ;.. . i ; a . -; i .:. ai. : -inina- nr pro . , f the I ;!! ! i. r apply P viu.ng la.u u-.e i. -;n. as t re need f ,r. -I Mr K.ii.c,::...- -, -..: i , .-.:a....r anu.,n.,..;t ar- t agi ; a . P. : ,,i , . ip ian,i armv ir.-'.-t.rg. A" amer. in-.-nr ,:Ter,d I y Mr.Sp : r was agr. ,-i t n app. v .n tne word "iii;- lawtul Ii, d i-ci i.-.urnit;. ns coinieinii'd bv as t t , r .,f (.;, lV;sn.i. wuhm the t, cbmcil m, .mng of Uf per.al olaue. The bill was tinailv ordt r. .1 r.- rst.t-1 as amended . ami : a, .ng to arrive at an v Conclusion as to w hen a voteshaiid be taken, the Senate at .' --, a i.ourn,-!. ,T T. 1 1 . . -1 1 r.e .-,,;,,..,, of t p. 1 1 pr w i 1 npr : c .in. :n.-: i. : v ';- ' : :: M,..:c . .in'i A II U-e ,e Will.' -n-:,p : t ,1 m I. 1 ; i-- 1 the i IP nn n : . ' a . 1 rtl" ; -.; r.. -of N. w 1'. r. ! fur .:.::. M r. 1 : . . . ' . -..- .-.:-: a.. - .i-nn'i- o iiii i ,'? h- p f i . '. - ugh th .f the f uriher point of arrival. " wouid be better than .!vi i iifiit . be i-ausp the it created, bo said, a an i!iuiioo between 1 1 i t- . a liule i- at tirst Mr. K i el it iva Several 1 and re- iiis iimtTii 1 n it w i :. n:i - J i.-a ..Ver.'.l it later, a T. '-'7. nay? 21. i;i nt- v, re otTere : P II ti fi vea t. a vote anil was ;T. nays 1. The negative I'.rown. I'uliiuitt. Morgan s were bans'im A number of pairs were 'line cl. he Ib-.nkruj toy bill was then laid ' ! b. for!' the Senile, but Mr. .r :el led in favor of the I'enfion wlu.ai latter accordingly remain? :u:.ni-!ied L'li-iiic..- for U o'clock to ri : V. '. ;T p. m. tin? Senate ad j mrnod. 1! -In the morning hour. Mr. 1'. Inn ait. of Xew York, on behalf of the . .mmittee on foreign aifairs, called up the joint resolution providing indemni ty to certain Chinese subjects for losses sustained within tho jurisdiction of the I 'nitod States. The resolution was cou--l iered in oomrajtt.ee of the whole, A lien Mr. Belmont gave a history of the ' hineso massacres at Hock Springs, I V nd mg discussion the morning hour I vemuu expired, the committee rn8 and the House again went on with the army ap- i pri ipriation bill. Mr. It i'-kwoll. of Mass.. moved to in- i rea-e from ."iXi.000 to $400,000 the appropriation for the manufacture of' arms at the Sprinfigeld armory. After I .-i .me debate the motion was agreed to i The committee liicu rose. Tnc House j bv a v ne of il:! veas to 100 nays, re- I fused to agree to the Springfield armory ; amendment (thus reversing the action of the committee, and the bill was; passed. i The House again vnt into committee of the whole on the Diplomatic and ! i '.insular appropriation bills, and spent ii," remainder of the day's session dis puting over an item of $l.K)0fora steam launch f.-r the use of the legislation at Constantinople. Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, started the debate by criticising this item and Dem ocratic extravagance genend ly. Mr. Morrison moved that the appro priation be reduced to $1,000. If for mer ministers had been able to get ah rig with that sum. be did not see why the present minister could not. Mr. Morrison's motion was lost "0 to sT. Mr. Morrison remarked that as his Republican friend were voting against him and his Democratic friends were at rat he w ould not raise the point of pier: .Pending further action five o'clock and tho arrive., House the eomn i jourued. Utee rose. 1 iirti.iv anila Public School AY rooked HI any Children Killed. Ka-.-a.- City. M. n.May 11. A fearful -form of w ind and rain swept over this city today continuously from 11 o'clock till noon. The court-house, on Second s-ireet. was totally demolished above the s. eond torv. The Lathrop school build ing, on Faghth street, was partially wreck, ii. and many children were cauglf. oi the ruins. A n overall factory ..p. S '-uijil street was blown down. The , 1 water-works buildinsr. ntar by. was blown down. At the Western Union telegraph otiiee but one wire is working out of the city. Communication has be. w , -'ablish.-d w ith St. I.ouis over that wire bv waiy of Dallas, Galveston, New ( h leans and Memphis. One span at t'ne north end of the railroad bridge a r -- tiie river was blown ml . i'ae river, blocking the 11 iiir.ii.il A Sr. Joseph. Rock Island, YaPa-! iV Kansas City. St. Joe & t un. il Phi'!' roads. ' Bight girls hate been taken out of the overall factory, four of whom are dead. M my cullers arc in the ruins, but') there is -car, -fly any hope for their lives. In the rniiiusion it is impossible to ascer tain dehnitely the extent of the calami ty, but it is said that oyer 20 employees are nnprisonedin the basement of the factory. At ll o'clock p. m., as nearly as can be harned amid the intense excite iii. nt and confusion, about twenty per-:-. r.s are known to L,e dead. At the I...throp school 11 children are reported i ,rm. although entailing such a f life.- was nothing of the nature of the tornado that vistcd the city tnree years ago. It w violent wind. ac ', , , .. .. i j a . . i, II : ,.lll le, t L'V 11 liuuu Ul w aifi miuouuic nan. which urnea many street rivers. Black cloud rolled over the city, creating almost the darkness of j night, and made timid people crouch in terror in cellars. The streets wtre en tirely deserted. A l.icat and (.oucral Storm, t ill , ... 111.. :.Iay i:j Dispatches fr. niM: t'arroll. Uile-burg. Koekford, Marshall. Tuscala and Street. Ph, and other points in westean Iowa. outhern V,-eon-m and northern Indiana, iudi - p.e that the storm last evening was n. throughout th localities named. '.- place it n- reported as a severe gorm. accompanied bv a furi- an 1 a heavy fall of large hail-i.ici-.; damage w.,s done to in the tow t.a and tu c ro s and ti.e eylU-.tl-V. r.'NA'ri. M.iy th Theit i- n-.tele-.-onimunicr.tion wit'a Xrida and . I a: from the railroad f !!i ials it uiincd that the rain fell so rapid . a culvert under the railroad u n. lTlh! ing an iu.nr.en.-e reser- h h hnallv t r- he tiie t . : i-i-he i'thr, ugh X- i.h r. - - an. 1 wa'luns awi.y : - ji: - arc r-. poi ti- 1 ki . number lujuia i. A h w i w p Uor IP, i p mbank- tearing houses. 1-d and fearful ! graph i I npl tht re wa- no c i u n lea; ion innati whatever, many lives , re lo-t is n t yet . I at, a: l'J: . ' n parti bodics. number The -t disas- e Miami iiyti-fiin 'ire- I -- 1 d tw t nty- i ,'iit na; d at nii.cs. i I M. E. CIIL'KCU SOI I H. RiCHAloNl'. May 10. In the M. E. (leneral Conference today Dr. M. P. Chapman, of Mi-suri. introduced a preamble and resolution in relation to the Confe ieration of the Methodist l lpiscopal Church South and the Method ist Episcopal Churcli Nonh. The pre amble sets forth in substance that the two churches have a common history and preach the same truths: thereore, that this General Conference f hall elect a committee of seven, four cf whom shall be clerical and three lay delegates, . who shall meet a like committee from tho Northern Methodist Church in ' looking to the reunion of the two churches. The resolution further sets ; forth that it is a sin and folly for two Methodist churches to occupy the same territory. Dr. Chapman, in his earnest advocaey of this resolution, said that in his State the sin and folly of the matter had been i observed: that he has seen in a small . town of 400 or 500 inhabitants, two ; Methodist churches raieing altar against altar a waste of men and money and a waBte of the forces of our Christianity. ' The brethren in the South, ho argued. I have not this thing to contend with, i and know nothing of the clash which is j met with in the "West, and know nothing , of the facts in relation to the segrega- ' linn nf Motlinrlism wViinh ia coiner on ' under the present state of affairs. Con tinuing. Dr. Chapman said we who have seen this state of things are tired of this waste of men and money. Where the Northern Methodist Church is in the as cendancy we are dying by inches, and where we are in thd ascendancy that church is dying by inches. Dr. "Whitehead, of Virginia, was in favor of referring tho matter to the Committee on Fraternal Correspond ence. The question w as discussed at i some lengm, ana nnany was rererrea to a special committee, to be composed of one from each Annual Cogference. Another important matfewooking in the same direction, was reference to an appropriate committee the preparation of a common hymnal that may be used bv all different bodies of Methodism in the country. The Committee on Itineracy, to which was referred the memorial from Douis-1 ville and Denver Conferences, that pro- I vision be made for the appointment of Evangelists, recommended nonconcur rence. Dr. Adams, of Ga.. thought that Sai Jones and other such men should have nominal appointments. fir. Messick, of Louisville, strongly supported the report of the committe and was in favor of allowing the system of evangelism to stand as it is. He very forcibly contended that the Church did not want specialists on the subject: that j every Methodist preacher is equally qualified to save souls. To the name of Methodism he, protested against such an innovation, and when he concluded there was a hearty "amen." Dr. Neely, of Texas, said that these I evangelists, as far as he knew, were run , ning on the plan of religion made easy. In the name of the Methodist Church : and of our Church of God, he hoped j that the measure would fail. Dr. Winfield, of Arkansas, said that if the memorial is adopted every gum log in Methodism can and will be an evangelist in the next five years. "Do 1 you know what a gum log is?" the Dr. ; asked: "it is one you can't do anything ' with. When I was iu Europe with Bishop Wilson we were shown a certain kind of tree called feminine oak. You can't split it or do anything with it. It is just like a woman when she will she l will, and you can't do anything with - her. There is but one Sam Jones in the w orld, and there will never be but one. ! and evcrv little fellow that tries to be irv little fellow that tries to be like Sam Jones will fail. Y'ou can roake-i no more on that line. He is by himself. Y ou can have but one, and if you at tempt to duplicate him you will surely fail. " Laughter. lie has turned Chicago upside down, and any man who has the courage to attack Chicago cannot be duplicated. Ho is being heard in Baltimore. He is the rnan of the century. We don't want any evangelists among Southern ; Methodists. We have already the ! grandest machinery in the world, j Brethren, I'll tell you what is the mat- j ter. You go along lifeless and dead, lie j kindle the fire in your own churches,! for it is time Methodist ministers were i looking this matter in the face. ! Mr. McFerran spoke at length. He i did not wish Sam Jones to be an evan-, i rwcWct nf fioi-tT-rria alrtno' til nnt wish to , . . , fi, i,,,n. ,. . eoiintrv. ti ,ti. i uei.iLi of Ky . was op; c .--.! to olht r eratic missionaries, and several ; deiegates took the same ground, , P , a. a After a lengthy and interesting dis cussion of the matter the substitute was : rejected, and the report of the commit tee was adopted by an almost unani mous vote. ! Richmond, Va., May 11. In the M. E. i Conference today a number of reports from standing committees were made. Among them was one making it obliga-tj-irv unon BishODS to consult with their presiding el ders in the appointment ot preachers, w inch w as laid over un . r the rules. Rev. William Briggs, ul Canada, fra ternal delegate from the M. E. church iu the Dominion, was introduced to the Conference. A p.iper bearing upon the subject of mi-si "ms was presented by Drs. Kelly and Bennett. Dr. 1 A. Peterson, oi Virginia, olfer ei a ret-ohuion that Bishop McTyeire's Manual of Discipline be recommended bv the (i.-neral Conference as a wise anil judicious exposition of the laws t.f the church. Discur-e I until aJj-mrii-juent. Kk'um-'Mi, Va . May 2 In the M. II. Church today, the Finance Committee recommended that the matter in relation to the will of the lute l. jienjo D. Br.igg. of Massachusetts, be referred to the book agent to be elected bv the Conler- ence for him to do what lie may deem host in the premises. Mr. Bragg died p-av.u-i an estate worth .-co. uuo to be ii- vided equally between the Sautht i n and Northern Methodist churches, in th- vent of ins two children dying Oef .r- th.-v became of age. TheC. mmittee on Bp;--..- y rep c P ' in relation to the meter oi F.pis ; it resnieiice-. tnat in llieir , . n m .on mere resnjen -hoaid gi e c. si .-.in. , i , a bi-iiop from each of the '.ion ,.f the country. Lr. I'.-t.-r-irgiuia. chairman of tiie Cum- ini - on Re v i-al . prt nied a report in la pre.-a ntat ion. l-.ange UWlu a -r i - .king to a f electing deh- n t1 , the ratio v( ' ..niniittee Je'iii a c! A- to tiie p.. pel e in the manner , f to the I a e 1 1 e r a 1 C p . t . - 1,-. ouitn, n 1 Tin C 'lnmitr,-,' .-I ntt I), e. th-.- COiP 111- I , d n -concu rreuce in ill i it m alter laviiiell w.-al preacher: y r-. p . i-1 will be In-. John Mih v iil.in f rat 1 r an tiie Northern w..- in; r .,iu.',- 1 : . I e 1 1 C ' ' fr.it- ( 1 y . I-', irak. r f.a 1 1-. .:, ti. Ii.r:ie Di-triit ( p. in,- In-'i-i t C : Kin-ten. N. C. n :f, in .- nioini M..v . Path. 1 oh the int o,h: at Ti ur-dav rung ' V ite- p. r ':.' f Tint-r -,-.-r,-t , i i. s: l ict 'or.fei n thu s.i BRIEFS. g ue i n Yictoria has taken quite a fancy t) Mis v loveiana s dook. Henrv Irving's receipts since 1878 are .a 1 p. be nearly 82,500,000. I. ire cargoes of pineappleB continue to arip c at Northern ports. After a trial of sixteen years Missis- " sippi has repealed the lien law. The Virginia pharmaceutical associa tion is in session at Alexandria. Business men North say that the strikes have paralyzed spring trade. The American Clinatological Associa- . cion is in or r.vntion at Philadelphia. The bra- band contest at Savannah vas won by a baud from New Orleans. The public debt was reduced nearly eleven million dollars during the month of April. A society of bachelors in New York pay 6500 to each member on his marriage day. A Georgia hunter says that during tbs life he ha killed Ojl deer and 137 alli gators. Over iKO.OOO has been raised in Chica' go for the families of the killed and wounded police. The city of Baltimore has passed ail' ' ' ordinance to number their buildings o the decimal system. r ( , Ten children were poisoned at Brook- , ville. Pa., by eating snake-root mistake ing ir for sweet myrrh. c . , j Four more deaths have occurred :pt,,i Chicago, caused from injuries.received by the recent riots at that place., . ; v Two children in Arkansas were made quite ill by drinking milk from a cow-' that had been bitten by a mad dog, . Ex-PresiJent Arthur's health haa, taken a turn this time for the better though it is feared his days ate short. A careful estimate shows that about '--A 919.000 pianos have been made in the United States during the last century. The New York Senate has passed ft" bill authorizing the appointment of SOflki additional police for the city of New , York. '' The 'Indians out West are becoming s tu: bulent that Gen. Miles-has declared to open Ja vigorous campaign- against them. . ... . . In one of the northern cities indict ; ments have been threatened' 'against' ' ' j street railways who use bobtailed cars -. j in lly time. s , ' Cincinnati, the queen city, is not "sat isfied with her present beauty and'Sfl' ': going to expend $4,000,000 in payjajj-j-j her streets w ith granite. . Whiie ransacking a drugstore' m4 ' Chicago some of the anarchists d rankl e wine (if calchicum, mistaking it for an f.f. alcoholic stimulant, with fatal results. The casting of a fifty-four tol!fbl&cl;J', loading rilled cannon at Boston was, ; i'. complete success. It is thirty ftet-long and the metal w as three weeks pooling off. ',;, Women in Connecticut have' armddf themselves with Cayenne pepper to li throw in the faces of any who .attempt to annoy them in their street jjarades'. Japan is taking steps to preterit' th il further export of adulterated teaaej Jfcy is to her interest if she does not wish to. f lose her American trade, 'as experiments - ' have proven that it can be grown hereto" 1 Knights of Labor from Californiahayefi;: sent to their representative a petition. 2.000 feet long and containing' 'upwardf"' " of 55,000 names, praying to forever po..'v hibitthe further immigration of Chinese , . to the United States. ' " A new publication, 77ie New 'YdrW " Wuccrlii' just out. With it isent a p i very handsome oil picture goxfs entiuea. , . I 'Evening Uevotion. tne wore 18 I' Evening illustrated and filled with serial ande short stories, poems, etc. It is published at 81 Warren St.. New York, at $3.00 per annum or SI. 00 for four months. C A hex was received at the Govern ment Redemption Office the other day containing scraps of burnt paper whicb the sender said had been bills amount ing to if 10. 000. which had been burned! -and he wished redeemed. It did not take an expert long to determine that the contents of the box were pieces Of common paper and a few two-dollar; bills mixed and burned together. From the numerous comments in the press generally in regard to the mar riage of Presided Cleveland, ito Mi. Folsom, it seems that it should be very mortifying to them. Writing: an unreasonable numoer . , i lLltr" eek and keeping his apart ments strewn witn uer pnoiograpns ore some of the silly accusations brought again-. t the Bre.-i dent, but the latest is that he is not to marry Miss Folsom, but her mother, a widow forty-four years old. NEWS BY JIAIL. liLEPTKICAI. TORPEDOES.' Wa.-iiimito.s-, May 11. Lieutenanft Sealin-kyof the army has two patents in today 's i.-sue for electrical torpedo apparatus. One is for tiring torpedoes by electricity. U is a most interesting? invention, N-'.lLi.i VI-.T i.'. Till: I'iU. U.Eli MA.VWELI. ;'i.l Al. St. Loriv, May 11. In tho Maxwell trial the w hole day was passed in form ing a panel to teiect a jury. Forty seven men are to be chosen, from whoa afterward the jury of twelve are to be taken. Three full panels of twelve each ware gone through today, with a net re-ult. including those chosen yes terday, of fourteen. Work on the jury w ul continue tomorrow. oi.I.AT 11 vtlAt.E IN l.NPIA.NA. i:A.N-Wi.Ln. May 11. Al 0:-lu this: evening a terrific wind and rain storm struck this city, tearing roofs off houses,, breaking windows, tearing trees up by tiecr I ..""- an-l doing other damage. No ioi-.-of lile has as yet been reported. The e.-tiiuatcii lpss to property is $800,- (l0o. r ! NA . May today thai a- under ' e t pnri IAN WATERS. 1 1 . Secretary the State Depart n.siderat ion the . regarding the A'.' .-LI il i i b - r c - . 1 1 A ' . in- I. o : p: -.eiegr hi e- -e II. .Ill m-trucr illP 1 He pent 'd t ot P.' n ' ' . . 1 1 ; t a Ymerican schooner i :n waters. Thus far a-tiin-nt h-- received only the acing the seizure of the i oii-uls-Lieneral - at i- anno',! b,,t li; iii, ! Mo -ii to III I red have both been - ml! reports concern 1 n .e d .-ue s'- reports are ex partineiit in three i action as deemed 1 u r 0 t - : i e W 1 1 ... taken. I I rif - ' ",'NDUKI. : V'.ilP :. i l.-l : Most sp 'lit i a ceil at polictt denouncing the p He called for mi it was not given g tie stormed be ne his face after :i ui towel and eat .. - 1 akeii to a photo - n a lire tiken. A : tt i rep i 1 ill h. ---n i to the police of s i - il -lie w ith badl "I -i was taken to . 1 t j - . ad to the in -against him by n . When ues :. i.'l'.e Was John a whether he was a the charge in the i r rcijuested time nient. lb' wouldu : guilty, w .la a right .a .. ! u; u ro day in !i 1 1 1 , . -1 1 ! or inter- . 1 1 i f , b.-r gave a amine nmittotl i .nt bail. that ti.e 1 lu-Sing. ; . houst --ulferir.g Syrup, a j ' i . v , g ' , ' i e .: - . 1 ::::-.:. : : . . o . J. T. HapPI; i. v. : '. - - c agh: and colds. f

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