i - -. , . i JL .3 . I.-..-'?-.., .'- ' . h? JV. ... IXDKl'KXDF.NT IST ALLHTHlNfi Torm 82.00; ; H V K I- t-. K . XKW HKUXIu CUAVKX COUNTY, N. (, ,11 LY s, issij. NO. 16. VOL. IX 5lj ' ii ft ill 41 I "J1 '( s 3 NewStore! NewGoccis! Bargains ! Bargains! I wUfc W wiihr... a y f- - '- m I '.: ptlblic in gcmn' ha I ' '-''" ;u-t returned from i: N- -'.. - ". '--. wkert I nave pt:ri'i;j'il Very Large and Well Assorted ' Stock of Dry Goods. . Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps. And everything ; ' "' 11 '''. ' ' ' i: iakept in First Cits l)r;. ','-..,-mt Uotbing Store. Ifl eka't Mil yon goods ,l every kiad cheaper. tha oy otiwr hou. iu .ti (quality coMidcred) I will give them wj. I fought lo ftQ.i I undetermined i.-ir k. T .nnl.i h. rd..o.l to hT ju call and exam:uo my st-vk. :ifyMoto is More good in J bec- for ft liule money thin any tt&er&rf'Good Uoom in :b- city. Very Tpectfully. r' Wm. SULTAN. Biakop Bil4ing, opy- rap'.ist t'har. h. - UBUS4 dwtf 1 1 iiie nrfot A. THOJla, Sic-nja!:. 'iVt.' "'JEW BITKMK, I . -iv'--.Vkt . Hf f5St??W moved that Ma- rY-.-s - .V-'-r-;; 1r t?.4ir- J. 4T??N and that .ludnre lVvkm v i- .-.?afryy&4 unauimou.-.i by r:sai; vote. .Zlohtiments Tombs T AMtUkiadiOn,, ami Bui.J'oi on , . . . V ' YrAUAHi AMERICAN KAR3L ..,-. ' - " - . ?i rji- ' MtilfkOtiOll (TIArftfit1 -JOE K. WILLIS. Propriety i 1 : an, fil '.q.'KVn'M " tnj ftUtaori y' " - S- ,UA4r t- -ay. 4 A Hnivers and Reapers. '-, au ti Clebrmtcd LmEUDWER& REAPER, V- 'jour t lion to j m ,,,, v ..- tli a&nae. aliall be pleiucd j , tO furmisli 4eeffptive (.'ircnlrtrs J. C. 97 HOT Y. (rent tor Eastern N f - Sew Heme. X ('. la (! lll tin Cotton Plo- On.. , , j V.ad mil 1ID of Ajrr.jitcn: Ki . i 1 iHb THE PUBLIC ! ,1 TT6C STOEK 13 Ul i.FIi wiT.l ;CtiOlce Groceries. '."(Jswed Goods, .'Provisions, Boots vA S:.o :. Dry Gu'wVn Hats ar..: i;-; L'T' la M w Flrat Cl" VW l"- (MtarlU AH I . A . - WhatoHlt or lt '-' ' EOBEF.TS L BF.C, To the House-Kespers. V, HI HASONS IMPROVED riUTT J M v S . Till. BEST JAR MADti. L. II. ( I TLL U 26 MIDM.L STRFr. r - N KW HI'lt N r. . V Al K K A UALE AND FEKALc ACADEMY .u i:'M; n i rui n ItOAlX-'t ror rr.r U' .:-.! , . ' !.. c. u-'l "a ,l nr'ii i ;v M : : . V. ivrr. "i . . .'!'..! t .;; c i, .t. r; :. in " 1 ' :. t;sj cum in 1 r fee . Mr. .1. U lir.i. i w,i ,h;h;iUh1 : niiMr.ir;. -m'. ; .ir . riu" : 1 1 1 vi-in uiii :u . ; ! 1 1' 'n im-t !n ,i ::mi ; . 'r.wi ; on w.i ,ij.m .;n:-l 'A . 1. S;r oiison . S.iinp.-i'ii. . ! tOt l.iw. 1 ) 1 1 ; 1 1 n .1 .i i 'i .1 . r,-. .i,t. r m r.- . .i I ....... r: ' . -, . a ! ' . : ' ! . . ' ' '-.v i ,...:.,-, . : . i.T i ii.i .M. . m 11 i. : rnl ti r rrr.-: ir'i'. M .-! r. i:. 'oppo-. '.r s.iMp-..:i. ' i . kicinal . ot No !la:,ov,r i ... report ot " ,'""!: ''' ' ' ft 'following cmnnt . pointed on credentials: -I. W. Robinson. S.itnpsotr.'A A . M"-'J' N'oir Hanover: K. I. Puih..i:. iv. tM": . (illtn.Ul. i Mi-i.i.v .1 r:irsall. .Idiu'.-: W. .1. L'i)inr: C. (Ir.nlv. l)upiiii. Th inmuritto on rnlos mi stitntod :is fo! !(-- 11.1 1 ..-n. Sampson: .lohn K.irr . Nc !i.i:i over: S. 1'-. 'l'alor. (nsiu: M. Moori1. lupiiii: .1. K. t m .- ti . Inoir: I. M. r.'.r:i: L .!!!. t'artorot r.uni", . 'i trio 1 m-' tu f . .mil tiif ir-.i.-o;i a.t' ! -'orii nil Nn rn .n ,vpp' ir .i;ini' :ri.m :'n.i; rount y :s 'iii: ii.-'.- n -"ire irrlpiiarry tl it to iw -ottl.cl afr ti "oii.T :".ri-.-. w.-ro aati. '.. Til.- I'nmmittco rules present ci two reports - t.:c 'ar'.-r :.u:ni r: rM-i.m ;n.'irlin 'h.i- tl- raairr;t niif J . : i 'ii ' ii ' "! ' :. i: ' " - '1 tl.. !ijin r:.' riv :" ' -n mv -: t iie two ' hird - run . Tlii" majoriry rnir i ui"!''ci: in tin' ronviMitlon Hon. K. T. !;..k:u. Ms.- !: -:r iiH'iunbeut, va. p!.u4-.l tiou for .Ju.Ie ly "Ir. i""r.-.- A. KAnist-y. ot' rotnliT. Mr. .foh a V. U'o't:i . ! i.-i.o-r. stvonilc-1 tl.r- Tioai.ri.i:...:: a:il us)n dr. i noin i n;i l..:;.'.l On motion. :m;..tr .n-ti'-a taken in n-fi-rfiiv to it'.-t -a . ' C.)Ud;dat- tor NVCm. .m l v: 11 H. Ai!-n w.io dwlan-d !. ut. !.. njoas rho;o' of th ..'itivotitioii In re.poris' t." c.iiis. Mr. A... n appeared and rotunn-d t.ank- t'. r the honor -omerred. ()o motion, a i-omiu ,tU' oi t lir,-i-. consisting of My.s.r. ,1. K 'ot-n and O. G. Kioaud. of Niw II. mover. w.n Appointod 'o ; r. ;or;n .l;;di- Boykin of the .u-tion of the- r..n i-n tiou. The foliowsJi.; were .i.(h..h:i o on :tie t'Xi'Cll!'.'. e coin ;: i . : '.. lor t!..' ensu.a U'Tll. : K. K-rt . S trap sor. : (I. 1.. '.mil. Sin U i novel. Ed i Fennel. l":lei. Hadoiph liuile.s. Ou-io-A. 1'. M. I'l'.ir.i.i. Joaa; J. . iiruinjrer. Lenoir; .Mat Moore. Inpr.n: '. . ii.ol wicltL'arteret On motion, thank- w. r returned to Mr. . I. A. 1-uiit. for the use of the opera Lunv, and to 'he cna.i mau and secretaries hr fiithuti performance of dutv. and to the railroatls for reducisl rates to dele puree. Goliixhoro M n,j,r . HfNM'.... 111. Juni' J 'i.-Th.' -:f..i:. n i reUtivB in this Scau. Whi',. '.. I'rirrftumn t!l.Tr l-tio un't 1 1'. 1 1 ihey will rot '.' -v. manj Tbe publirans hn put iilT ti".. ir li.u- t. Tention '.ni:i '.l.t- , i l.l Wi of rWml-' -r-t: to..k ii.- : r-i- o iiv clle.l ihr-ir .or...:.:; -. : ::. i:-. Aui;ui. In .fce t 'ot 'r' -Mors! li-tr: :- n. Af U'.o r.tevnm i.l l r. mi:...:. and entlore.l t' .n- wors't-gm. t. di 1 m master stre ke when b- g ' 1 flakier remove.! from th ! i. ' - l-.-o : Arter.al. d-"-pite M'ir;.b f lb to:. ; .:. Canal n. tonecv and -.ne Mil.:.rv '.log iie will gel the su rt of .;'. '.!. ..Hi, -il s.11 e th" p. art- i.s .:. I. - -t partv. hut they ar- t. t 1 -r -enough to Jef-.i. him Worthtngten -f tk P- r . ..-'.: : like Neeee. wis elected V. a ".. !- -. tier, '.wo year-ag H t.ai . :; .:'. J1"! m 1 VTlt 7 Thi- ':m r ho w':' ; ,. . cu re- iii re. ord 1- g -j.i . at. .. '.-.-; r. .e.l to be ah ubl- : nii.pt : .' ;-.t .e iam-i mono.- ,v ' ' r ir.'. T..va '. r :s su: :' r It. '... iiiiir ri Ji-tr.- :.- . n. . : . 1: ir.. '1 . - ' .' : ::. r- f fani 1 IMlt AU'I V I .11 I .Ml I oi; f t he I., or.ov ...i I.it. I'm ' . --v :.! iir' .i:o: '. i'i.'e'ai''.e (Irow .ito.ii ilie 1 niteil .it tin1 No:! House, O'.o. .llltli' 17. ISSti. i i- . of unusual in v tr o1:- p.ipers road 1 1 . 1 1 . ' ' 1 aoilfjlit .itnl re o interest ;n'r ni: ,-r.'ontiie value ami nee -'.oli trii:'--. and renardinp the best liotN oi preparrnc fruit tor mar ;nul pitv-erv.n it for family use. opinion Memed prevalent that ;.oi ate'l ti n:' !niiiil to uti- V.l Wo Ho I ! 1 1 po lt ! on .i :...'.;.. : to;- ,. : .,-.! :: 'r.r -ui'i'i 'or on.;- : - e s . i p -: n api .earanoe. i ..t , :0 hea.tltliuiiu.sj and iu ,i'i''...:i, proper; H". but it rom-ni.iioi- a mueli lusher priee; or .i: ti.tr ilia-,1 apples are worth from two .in d a half cents per ;.. ml. i apora'ed apples Iront eiulit ..si i iu.-. (. 'oinitiou iinel ) nuachcs .,i, u,.r!h lroin ttiree to five cents. . '. .,; h. rated from W'htet'li to ".fi nt two cents, l'.ra Arnold, i. I ll'iioia fruit grower, presented ilr.r.i :n.4 and spoei fications of a i-M-.tj. evaporator made and used b Inni-oll with which he has had bett, r Mii-oess than with the more ,.ii,.kivi. dr housert and evaporat- . r evaporated apple- m two rawbernes in three hours. ::i two hours, cherries in -. crn in two hours and - ot fruits proportionately ;;r-. -' a c 1 1 1 - a- .ii: I lie vaporator is a marvel and excellence, and can in.u anv ODe at a very tmlviiig cost. Hy its use millions , ,t" .loll in ....ti In. u-i'il the nrodncer and i on.- imei each year. There in l.oiwuols of families that dry q.i.int ,t ies of fruit annually 1, v. "'oi la.-inoiied slow way, and -, 1: o ,t ; he old fashioned low price, when they could with but little ex pen-e make an evaporator and vapo.ate live tunes as much fruit and s, :: . ;,,r live times as much p.: j... in,!. l'lieie are thousands oi : i:r...;cf :n the cities that can at wiieii the nrarket is glutted, 1 1 mes trim lofle-ss than tbe cost of lotion, and with an evaporator :t oiepate in a lew days sutncienx tiit. at i M r for a vc.u s consumption, and euth the usual exienditure. lie Aiiiold s.ial he did no: mtonU a.alvi' or sell evaporators and ii i oiisign to the Association r git' and title to his evaj-orators ...led the Association would are cuts to illustrate the ditVer nart.s and distribute gratuitous- .;. w .in 1 1 .'oi". Itlaiv 1 :i sit:o ne- the larmers. iruir raisers . . .. . . 1 h I - I'oii.-umers ot the I inted states ' oieeuing o.oioi . ,aKeiie l, :e illustrated directions for ! and renew our effort.-. S. tig and using this evaporator. 1 Grange: we are not al'; no,;. on. Mr. Arnold's propo-! its opportamtief or r.-; ., w:, accented, and the follow- fits. I would urge a r-'W g resolution adopted; 1 Vs,., the 1'inr A-sc.Cl.lt !. That the secretary ot m. nag, unmn us onino t unl Vegetable Crowers' breeze, alabe the ma!l -.. ii be authorized to inform : of tune, meet promp'ly M.e ;,,!,;,. through the leading i-..,.,per- :n e.udi State, that r.Ce.! il.rt-ctions lor mating a;., i using .r no h4 e iruit evaporator .... .11 an 'ie oi uaineti ov aunressiiiK our secretary, W . Orlando Smith, P.O. Ih. 104." A'ihauce, Ohio; enclosing st. uniKs for return postage, and t,hat 'he secretary draw on the treasure tor the necessary amoant to dffra expense oi wood cuts, printing, etel On motion a vote of thanks was tend.: ed Mr. Arnold for bis valnabld gift n 1 he Association. On ttotioa, ., .1 i-.l a"ti 01 inanKS was teuuereii mti pre lire, thrtitighont the conn cry al t,,r tho eo,irtAiis TtTiiled ... .. ,. .. .11. ;,i ti- ti 1 uoiisiiing tne can ior toe meet ai o 01 onr Association, and for iiilib.shmg the proceedings of onr pn n:oii- meetings. On motion the A-soc.ation atlionrnedto meet at til Sunt hern V 1 Mi. Hote at 1" I, St . iouis. Mix, a. m. 'A . ( u: 1. a M" 1 Smith. Sec' v. : UK Will I K Hel'SK. belu re that tbe,.r,00) '1 the President gets as s t he sum total. This is The estimate of the i.cli Congress is to ap-I11- ear lies be tore us, . ,'..,.. t t I, .1 , , , Ol,,, I OO N e so' that oO,oii is addit loll to his '.". h to pux tho salaries ' 1 , ,, 1 . . . a a: e - and cerks. Ilia r :s I'.f.d Mi, lm ' : secretary -.-'', . 1 r 1 . si',1. five mes- -l.'joo. a .steward' r kee u r- w ho each ; ot i.ei clerk.s at good eli-giaph operator, ::-g - i.'-oo and ish. etting tl.'JfX), n -000, fjnd a : " res w !n 1 re i :. addition to a :. --.o I(,r . Mien a- s- ,w ;,,p. ! o e.i : c , : the .V .l ' n ' in r ., a.l ::'. Vele :s , 111. oimi tin, re. : : : ep wrs and e 1 I. ;.-. -J.olM) 1" : green 11 s ;ot gas, -labie-. The tol l. ,0-:- 'he ee : o :: . '. : i ' i : e i r v. : ' 1 1 v 1 iiid. If t .'i s. ' :.'.- -Ao..: ; have the to.oi ,, :. . - . , 1 1 '.0 mi, ;.s, and i: : c:.c : c !;o: -c rei e-.yei! any -p.o'.e ai d 11 oi- : : , a ., ;.. Th,- bahitiiv 1 !...: I.tt.-I ....'. :. ..;.--' :.. :n the'. :. n i .' the . s , ; Ire- denCs turn .a.:. 1 w ainci wf: o ,:. 'he whole pleas. w.'. ioi-. ieil ' hi :. ' . ; w, tli the oa ale ' b-t two O.i . ... .;:gi: iie may be M uch 01 .. e.i ;o o .: 1 d:s'apMinted to ; pi "r oil''-; :-. : I "0:1 will help in. :ep!y. 1 : g i 1 ', .' in.,, .;.';. out- look ol iV-g a.-' o.-: . , : a . : t:.t k e. per- :; ., 'a : V 1 : . r ; -' . 1 v ; he t, . l,,-,.., I Heilli.il I ' ' "b --,"', ' 1-' :.'vate 'and ' 11 v hri ' ;:;' ' ''! ..'..,. 1 . a youi.g i.i'ly a:- ut . '-''" '''.....- rK.'ii :.pr I ui rJ 1 . 1 lVe- de:;: m.r. be 4-th l.t of fanuiitf ti..snf"' ,1 , a -'..it r. 1 y nourishment I 1 - 1 -' n . .1 , . '.,,. t.::..- '. ;r.i gar aiV u ater Siiirlte.l AiKIn Mie i . i-orgia -flic tent ( 'i ran o.'. eouusei. t! I.: bv T. Si.i !i; '. A::. : ! ! K aeeo nipliblieil Hnsbamlry 1:1 with thus st r.iti"H- ; I "i i : I in u;'. : time ha an : e.l ra .... i be faillv united and weil rt'.in i inak , n l: ami prepare our poop, uch demands will -erur and our industry a reeo;'n: our rights and privileges. : lot 1 in ereasmp requirements ot ; faeilitie- pro e that the :':" the (Irango ::i atteiiM't :n' ' cat e our people liav,- in i I: elated. The mnistry .tgt.-i tJieie is a general .mpro-. , : their Cock. So :ei att-.-;-benelit ot the lirange ::i e . ; tiou. Our Htxaely was -be relieve sullenng hinnan.' cyclone paths of (b'or :... lbw ed sed Kin ti oi Mi.i-si op' tiio grasshopier legions oi Northwest. In t heGr.uigc we a brotherly sympathy lor O Ot t iie -i c o I I , 1 1 . 1 the have each Other that brings relief and is - ell calculated to comfort when tiaames are hard up, clouds ov-erh wm o n future and depre.-sio-i !:.! bosom. Since (iotl has said i: la.;': should live uig" !..m.s.-it. ' hoovetj as to, Lo, ever n ' tend to eftchi other a eoril ... i.e.: that cam b .seenred thTougi. . oo-. eration tkat is honorable N'a:. in our (State, ol their own iri.-txiii and accord, prunnsed.to abnio t ide , and regnlations, obnervn the i u cepts and obey the in tutu : n n.-o ; our Uraler. dormant, t Your irange tn.iv 1 ie cop lrtnerslwp it; a;, be dissolvfH'i, yffc. there l- w.i ' rid yourself ot the ..bi;a:..r. atui resixnsib:lity but in the d.-cnargc of duty ! Does tins apph vou or your Gran f 1 he Sta'e (l.-.w.g-of (ieorffia hitees.aii apinal to i'or help in this great .-'r'lgj'e :i which you me deeply nnd eon c interested. ''an ryp, , hearty i e-poiis,. ::. ::: ;. ' I acknowledge man;, fa.iui- . :' we have not tune to reOo.::.; : quibble about ttaMii; tbv .-uieig.'iH'y ot a near future calls on in 'f "u,"u" " ' . . .... ; . "-" ue .e oui. u- tauce. We mee. v .Ui dK-coHUgf . meats in aii wivogaiioui w ,,u a:i the t bristian career, the slougli of div-poml we la.l into 1-1 oi U .,, . r hang ns, ofteti a'ni"-' : W hat do we do w . to turn back, hen e -a . -'church vow. look o "S" w fl'i 'eiiol View the cro-s I icuvlu In. j:-.. c : - i . , i. . r.. . t'OITT i; t'h ' H gV - l. farmer s organ w pvt. r , ; sll, .1.1 meet . i the I dnevt. hold oceawional op.-n j ingw, and let the farmers k a. I 'ram uujttui.s huh puin ni s ot onf ;: ti.f eilort be m iault, ;"i"n, ucn . 0,11.0 1 I'jilnra ,! n.l ihui on , i5 Jirompt, b true a-.o i.wJiUi, and. ct great Cnnl wi.l not mi tier .1 1 TPtUre, liat will gauxi 1 g.oiiouj I WCt'e. . i-el me urge um while, Uviag to o act that hi u death calls you hence, you w iii be euinhtl , to tho memory given to !u? l.: ihlul , vhasbandauiu." Vour wile will I Aad true and fiied lrn nds .noon ft,.-, li.-if I, .i rlw.,l fo i',,11,. .. 1 wo uuv. vi.ov.. CoUll-l'l ;- is -i tig it be :'ei 11U' 11 . epaapii , and aiivtse. , A your nony 1 Jenosited in tbo firVe. in. 1. ,.l'.,.l i,Url,- I.,' tl.. uouuhm iwwej . n , and have inscribed .1- 111.H111 your tombsti Un e ',,,': ol 11 a true and faithful Pat bandry." 1 1 inform. P.:. I cheerfully refer ymi e secretary. VnVthi rn C l! The aukees ( mie tv 1 l a'o nuririg the war.'' s:i,d .:. .. Confederate soldier .1- wo .i d up onr leet and loan-,! ov k bo a talk, "Hnnt.-ville. Ala., was (ooq-,1 two or three-time by tbe l'eib 1 .!-. il enlisted Irran tha' place, ami :-'.' wife kept me psi-ted a- to wiiat went wi. I got buck rh. r- a. :;' a j-er ,m . ill t et . ,ier. i.n .iv ban- ': ''"Ai - "raiw leu gi t ' ':' (lreses aud a pan , . , , ' .. on foot. M v wife had : I tag hoes. ..'oi in and 1 bail a tatter, d col in . and was barefoot. W'o nadn' much at a shilling between begin life on. Alter a feu d t a - old lnend otK-n d in an old housi on a 1 or six mile- liom loaned 11. c a 1: ; ' : .1 . me some seed, aioi . another 1 picked i weut to Mirati'hiag ban 1 a lor grub. "1 had been : and w.u cbi.ii. do w.wsn't o er! t ... ' rested the '.utile ;nol a leg tree , a t iie ce: lot. He -tood ;!..; the ; ;c- -a hen ;: down in.;.' what oei he in, lib- a gj oat :r, :' onf. 1 made a , ; a'ti . lei' 1 'ii i": :;;..:. l tho hole I !.!; ba silic ot a ,.i ..: ;;g slioyel ai d ':.: wtist. : :: ,w ' Vie, I ,.::' ., ; .;:: won cos.:. !:. . r .w :. g: i i tiL'.ii a:,d -:A.-:. c a i : ... 1 '. me ;U; A I.l Mi UHIEPS. i- i . .. lir. w itii miu'ii lea 1 lT-e- . ,,n rn . i a -bifjn from -.oi 1 nmcL-. o ha beuri iv v. Mo.. boui-U of tin r f I'i'V evangelist. . r , ! 'loui'le exi.-t betoen it '. : : lor- in i..irt? f T.-mi.-i. ' . o : ll u-r ,i'ir in .Ni.rili i iiroima r, !ti to I ,' tilling up :. l '. . i .i: i.i r, ; .ariu-r than Usiiul. J.l.n Newnmn. of S.-vier county. . i n . .'.H'.l last week at the remarkable zv .-f t IT years. A v ounir ladv uar Liulford. Vu.. has r : rnic.l the remarkable feul of fast- v. Tin inii-uti. of tS.iuth t'arolina. i. ! i'ii dominated for Assistant S.ere t,t the Troasurr. i 1;. "I'.l- hun.irud and tenth anoiver--i.rv of the battle of Fort Moiiltrie a? k brati d on the -Ui at Charleston. A dui-1 loi.ht in Texas on the 30th i.it. between James (tooierand Joseph .o: Winkle resulted in both being f .'.taiiy shul. The n.-w -teelj crut Atlajita will be rt.vlyfor her trial trip. It id h 1 thai she w-ill not meet with the trouble that the Iki'.phin experienced. The committee appointed by the i ranch government .0 consider the lot tery loan intended for furthering; opera 11. u:- upon the Panama Canal have re p ru ! a.! rsely . .'. l '.'i.:., . :. cut man has invented a a ... r : o-y.-i lie ri,-.er Bits on a nigu lort- .l hy two iod. narrow at s liggea catamaran iasnion. tie ; r .-.ti with his feet a large wheel i.. i. t i g.ariug operate a littlo screw i. th" -tern of th craft. Trials have j - ' ( p. i". to be fast and easily managed. i. P. -ton '. ,; declarer) that the t . htirrg bnsine.-s is hard to understand. 'r irmtar..-'- Hpit the Priscilla beats tt.e Atlantic, the lairitan and the May- . r the Puritan beats the Priscilla, ti.- A:. ant., and the Mayflower: the At.ai.t; beats the Puritan and the M:ic over, and :inally the Mayllower bi -c.s i!."t'.i :o'.. Now which is the best boat : a 11KIL1.1AM MARK1U.L. lilN -"'i Iasj-;- one OF HER Most dacoiitxh.-. ivnn weps a ViM NH T. WYKlf OF NI'W r.nv'i I1-1N' . I' tie ', jit" a i rilliant and lashioonbie wed iiiig ''a.- celebrated at St. Peter's i:l. ur.ii on the 1. The handsome edi- :. wa tilled to us utmost capacity w :tii tne urigiuest ana Dest ot asning- toi. society, assembled to witness the mariiageof one of the fairest and mont popular ,.: iu many lovely girls. The interioi . I the chancel was exquisitely decorated with rare (lowers and beauti - ful ferns. Just beneath the gleaming chandelier hung a lartre marriage bell eompostd untirtly of white ox-eyed ,iai.-K -. ith a clapper of crimson gera niums, irothic gates composed of f ra- grant white blossoms, and graceful vines w.re placed at the head of the , a.: re a.-'.e. The ushers. Messrs. S. M. HI-unl and Alston Crimes. J. B. Fowle and S. H. Prowii, entered from the ves tibule a.- the lirst strains of the wedding 11. arch were heard, and stood on each '.iie of tho central aisle. Tha attend ants came in the following order: Miss Ijda Hodman in white satin, 1... an 1 pearls, with Mr. J. H. Hack brn. Misa Addie Fulford in rose col ore 1 satin and lace, with Mr. Will. PI tint. Miss Maud Ainyett in white! silk, pearl trimmings, lace and dia monds, with Mr. S. F. Telfair; Miss Janie Myers in colored cashmere and lace. ith Mr. J. C. Rodman; Miss Marian Haywood in white cashmere, lace ar. 1 diamonds, with Mr. Thoe. J. 1 MitehelP Miss Ida Potts in rose colored cashmere and atn, with Mr. Ed. liiahop; Mms Olivia Cowper in white clared by themselves in debate, IniL lor silk, lice and diamonda, with Mr. A. othe'r and exactly opposite reasoiic. In Y. Weod . Miss Julia Hoyt in white 1 short, he indicated a belief that every cashmere and Mace, with Mr. Y. 8. 1 many of them was a hypocrite ao 1 a Wooter." Mis- f.aggie Robinson in rose i har. Does any one imagine that Mr. Oolore-1 surah -i,k and tulle, with Mr. ; Plumb could go up to one of Uu'su gon-Jauie- K'-'binson. Miss Nannie McNair Uemen 111 the street, or yl mwiii re uut ti '.i hi to surah silk, lace and painted side the Senate, and call b,m a b.vp--paiit l of wild roses, with Mr. P. H. crtte or a liar with impunity '. Cer Peiletier. Miss Annie DeMille in rose tainly he could not and Mr. Put:, r is col ored cashmere, satin and lace, with right in saving he would not d.'.i e i" do Mr K. W. Smallwood; Miss Lalla Robert- in w hite albatross cloth and lace, with Mr. W. P. liodman. jr.; Little Miss Addie Short in rose colored satin and lace, with Master W. Croom Rod man, advanced and opened the tlower gate. M.ss Camilie Rodman in rose e, ,1, 1 1"! satin and lace, as maid of honor. . pr. -de l the bride. Miss Pattie P. Rod in. ,1.. who entered with her father, LI .11 W. p. Rodman. At tho chancel -tep- they were met by tho groom, Mr. ' 1 n 1 r. IP Onion, and his best man. Mr, Ii, :. (iuion. The bride wore a very elegant c 'stunie of white satin, rare nld , p. ii.t .a e and diamonds, a delicate veil ; f i',oi.-,on ta-aching the hem of tho long 1 tr.,.:. R-v. N. Harding read the beau- ' tiful ritual of the Episcopal service and proT.. .uneed the benediction in his most uj;prosie manner. Afttr tlie Ceremony the bridal )arty rin.ri.id to Judge Rodman's residency, 'a !;.!.. the spacious parlors were bril . ,..:. lighted and decorated with -.:- 1 ilins and ferns. A large 1. 1-.- -;. f roses was placed over the it...! 1 .in 1 underneath on a bank of - : . ':. mo-? w 1. re the letters " R. (." a. . ; .1:.-. '. g. ranium.-. .' '...:.v ..! gai.t presentf were riceived. i'.te-tii g loving thoughts of friends at 1. nie undahroal. A handsome re . ; :. ai -a a- h'-'l 1 and numbers of the . . ; w Kerne and Washington of- '. ;: t gral'.ii.itior.s andg-'i'd wishes. M 1 . 1 l.iihiml the l',o-s Fisherman. i 1 -ntva-o' "It .-a:d to a friend '...-. 'li i'rv'-.lent is the most patient a. . 1 . r- -' nt ii-herman he ever knew. ',-. .- in. only hog';-!;, which a. ' .... :. fr tu a van 1 belonging to :-. r i.y tt.-tu.il ,'Uiit the l're.-;-. .a mi re h-h than Messrs. . : 1 1 a and Pisceil together. Put .a. because he attended strictly to : u-.ne-s of ii-l,;ng. while h is nu re .0. . :..,i'c ol I'ompiUiKii;.- were di-p ised to l.a 1 g time in acclher way. The -r..:" a; . r. i '.:. various estnaib.- in tii.- 1 ay .. 1- .!. moKt delightful part of :!." v..y.ige t t.".- partv. Th.-y v:-ite,l ho 1 1 u- oyoU-r waters, l.yr.n Haven 1 ay ri ystoi.e r ; v the 1 ri'o Pres. ..s tr;p le.-aui I.-' '--.-n -in-t en t'ue W iis e It 1, li - iered espe. i ....n m contemi ; i-ant vr tragi '. .n,i .. Mr. Sc th, bav d.-.vn It i- - 1 VlT'.v rk h;m- lliltth 1 P. : ho ; r--'. ir.,-: ttvsh 1 . 1. .1 11! . Ill . n i A 1 1 rat a..:. b-J 1. 111 the iiitl,. vh a 1 , g.mori. engagement. both engag 1 :h -er- an 1 i -incut, will e. lllioil- in a I "f the cut!.-. ti v. t er-ia 1 correct - .1. -.1: 1 I 1 . 1 I i hie Al 1 1 di II t . ni i : w e:::y mi..- n. -r ti. ,ti: 1 f mil k'S . 1 ,ecomit: g .-. iii 1- r. the side of the 1 11 row i n g the driver, a ! r.-iik mg 1 'ii.- . : his leg 1 1 a r u. f r main -aid that - in- leg crushed, it iv only bv a small He w ag ai was sniashed - of ti,e mules' legs t e 1 w the shell V er. agnt t . t. ''.vn and n - .: 1 troin i 'i- M. 1 iir.- r.Hlilico CuiiiiU .unl tin V .V 1 . K In i ;,r '.--u.' f :'a.. tiial in :h" a-p. .;,::!i: of t!..' ,:tr. i-t,T, f :'! I a r ' 1 i 1 1 ; a R l . 1 n ... I h. u- n. T.'it ti'." . I ot ..- ; a voir,1 : ti tli.. n i. .:..,.; When i: i- .!.- i. owns .',.o -h tr.- ' aggrcKitin- m va! year after y.'ni h.-r ,'. taxed to mat I .ivtn. jtiee ...ilN nh i'. lv ,y to r , .o..! that , 1 e.l. I v :.:! of the qa.,'1 :i:g : i - iiil' tl debt incurred in bu'id.ng that roa 1 . I:., per.tleman fr Hoard of 1 i,r clear to an .U-t:.'" .in '-'.on ctor" . i:i,.;irt I pol.l i - to be I.' the en-an of -o take I county cannot furnish puflicient hii -nit piai j irt in tie- ib' oi'.';- ; .. perl.aj it i .ii.i ' t !. abolish the .'our.: , f ; ., 1 1 It . board i : .,- t i i . : el la oi ir her ilh territory atni ! u sister c our. u nr.. ib strained lnticil..- to u,, ment f-T tiiat rvaJ. nothing to :c tl.. affairP. In tiii.- n-t r.v-. " : a s arc t I., l erl)' pay i.t .-!, en h ue ,r.i-ect'.'n of iis tl,e pt-ilTV''' of j ti,;. " ad v aid i e tar in. a i of ,,ur 'i. ',.';' i e has - IT- !, bl'Ilg tr...r, r 'us ai- taxation without r- pie, mirably illustrated. ! from impugning U... patriotic tior.u,,,.-. ! most plausible r.-.i-ni.-. Pamlico cnuiitr. i'h tirely in hi? .iwiiiinn. ever, our gallant fu r..l be called to -.L. . !.., ; North I Carolina. !,. i '.oV I. OctliViL- m.ig.sir ll'UV- i 'olio :. V Cif I,!. llO will har.llv fail to .1 t! ounty her eft:. ,ri:i p!nc - i it. having nnngh . holding as he , i .heir Mi". P-.nt- hearts. I We certaiui v wie.ild lil.eto lico county gratiJie.l ::: i'., iv r,v;n , . and we sugge.-t to ur friend 1. Vic that he does tin I'vir.ty an ir.;i--?ico even in supposing that the reason a directorship is not awarded t her. ii because no ti: :nan mm be fuid in Pamlico tor the pur isc. Y- tar .' ire that idea nevi r entered tit. b. . 1 ' our excellent (iovernor l'an:!; "an well boast of her patri-.u- and iritf Hetnal sons: but the (;,,-. erm-r has fe! it a duty to make other sein t: :i-. :n. i doi.btl' ss he is sorry directorship counties. mat .u t : aurg the ;!-.' r -.bra. - Time H Vii- vt,,,,),, .: Mr. Plumb, of Krei-. :i.r his accustomed iii:i!t tot!... Senators on Thur-.iay. Tlmti, restoring Fit. John Porter to was supported by -everal of radical of the lii-nubin. an . d : ,, r Of S 1 1 ; I : . r n ;h .in; bill the army tlie most Senators : .d'l and rarr.est- though . it had be.u tii m a , urged with alnio-t p ness by General Irai.t a- :. t: ai t i f sau- pie justice. Mi. l'lumb -aw- itt to main- uate that the nouii.iiin .-enators sup- ported the meauie Lican.-u Ciiieral ! Porter had been oisioyal to th, '. nion, The unfairnet-.- of tin- insinuation is rn- parent, for the very tact lent ha 1 called the bill into exmtenc.. was the demon- StraUOf). to the cat. rta. tiou e petent military cine"-, lii-i Porter faithfully -e. . ,h bv the very ads on .1 . a;.' was condemn, 1 . ail com - ( ;. r., r:,l n cause : . Inch he e n.iior 1 lui . . r. 'ivsonabie u . He d o and blu'itly ,r h ' w, mid -u-inuat ions u ill -hock but il is. a riu. 1 it, c,n- e do not wondi 1 tn.it ler lust palienoi una- 1 -o , and malevolent an a, ru-ui nounced it as cowar'.ly. told the Kansas .Senator tb not dare to indulge in su. b elsewhere. We puppo.se th some goody-g "..iiv people simple statement "f fa. t. tirely too much di-po-ition niui i lesb d to abuse senatorial privi. g, in this matter, and using it as a safe -heper from behind which - ,'ith. rn Sen ", us may be insulted with impunity ia ' ardlj. In erTect. Senator Plumb 1 n-i:,u.iied that everv southern Senator who voted for the Porter bill did so. n, o t ir the reasons recited in lae measure aud do- such a thing. It that the habit 0! d inside the Senate -h V. Stur. high time. Ig tll" s U1V id be .-lope A Startling Ite e I .it inn A rather a-toiii-hmg : hauon :...f been made 111 P. nii!- i hioa ill :u a week. It ;- nothing more "t loss tnaH Southern inv.in, n ol tha; ;'i., us com monwealth, by an unholy ai. 1 unlaw -fid combination, v. ith the :. vov c! parp..: e of injuring, if not de-T-ving. an im portant industry. Pig iruti fr. m bama to Ptiunyillc. :- in-.' -lory, a is thus told by the I'ltl-blllg Ala nd it 'ri's. uf la-t nacemen hav Pittsburg. S M ay. 'r-oafe rn -t -a. r. : . f. iargi Ie- p.g 11 now using lm re 1 in liirmingham. Ala. Thi.- iron is selling . a at f rum c '. " to -1 . less, than the pri , nacemen hen- ar e n: alarmed . The v no n aud 111 1 iVered 11 a toll - line; this e. aty . 1 is ai, bar one'" hat what, will luridly -t km, be the result. 1 :.--y h the introducti, n , 1 r for a caliph' of ears, facturer- v. ( T" . d : . t of an inferior oi.iiity the reduced jiriee at w i e -n-t'I. Iiguling a tht-ru iron here 11. 1 Many i.i.i 1 1 1 " V c that It v. -, -o !,;ufh so tll.it ugh it was ofTert 1 should be no in iu-eint'iit u ' hat not proved .-traitl - true use it. ith; T i : t 1 .r. : 1 . e : . l. been u.-ed t 1 any gi but it has given s it:, very large -ah - h-.-. the 1 a.-t inonth The sad part ' ! line Kev-t ::e Mi,',,- 1 r by "th., Ph.V b Ipl.i sav - . re lias ad ii. Ml ', : a, t ; of, i. - i-id ',. a ;t ; . 1 -d. i.n be ad nut out of .- aiibihe-r and tlie pric- , .f ; -;u.red unics- Al the 1 Vi, burg rn w phae of tb- m 1 l Southland Tl g ; r ' , ss ot this tl-i u 'ii ulti e 'is overgi own .- - en thi- bai n -i s n:i'. ism A 01 I mat-l p.. lit; . -tr: a! p ' iiaiil 1 - . . 1, rnanv Iotl. 1 t.ie i.avi a I t.d '. n e r ig' ''' . io :g ll up'.', duty ' he - I'l.tlt; N. C . i 1 -. rot i Pt.v :. M '-To. v t i'ni.-i if Cf: ' " 1 1 in-1 oatheruj . i .!.: ,: r t cpr wnl ' i ' , - , a. ees-ioti-. ' v ':. t"r, i' ir..,.,. ',; :. ,.;b, r o.,i lit a ppo. n: .' v . no ; .a- i - .cial uaeri.'nir Mu i -t'mgi'd .ii'd bras-- ii-ot: abound' and iO' n we -ha! fu! 'horiinrvs nmk r i c :,o! If hoil Dr. Kurtcine oible State "ings oi r in I. ! .I'" .Old 'pvcrii th" l' i.g'.tful i n pem.-.s. le.'its. etc., .Vi- ileiight- I of th" ae f von r own I. ! h V. iry s. Pr' .tin - ai:d i nr :il Mi - on 1 din the bal i s aiuung the una: mean-..!.'."- u, -f a . "ini"s n'n 1 at . .-.lie of f rr.s and laurelK and iiu the mountiiin-hide. ,: encircle the r the weallh oilier beauties , re occupying 1 f the pret- the tinii: ' .f several liimdn d ties-t.j-irl . that our rU'ima-: and honirs cm fuir.r-.ll. tr, any nothing ,, txo Bternerh.lt of orrrit inr, . which i hc.rrv- 1I1J" ili'l . I" 0"iRi it.; , y "S in. ! xi-rr.se it eii'ori, to pa-sing tr,..i Vcpa-.tay !;,'r erpo'-itii n i lea;-.. can. II I I -. I 1.11,1 S. bv C . tV .'oi. i.oor M.r.- Cox began ,i of Iii;,.: ,'rg..rtcn '.o.rkby .se ami phih.s'oi hie setting lortii oi tin' rriii-'irii ., : the rlitmrntiirv education of the child lrom ii.o earliest ' period of perception ot.w.nr'.i to full iu- I telh ctual rfKeleptnont. It was a rare treat. Then cameibiackhnard exercises hi drawing tha map of Xr.rth Carolina ! , Ly an inexu.' ne th aj.t lanifuago and i.inr: ' M . Humphrey. ! ( 1 Prnf. Ktifteiner'a h rived, lie entcitained th a m.isto rlyskc tch of the . l! iin tl ate.l in ong man ner 1 v ' .-b.r... "j ur r. lying ar- aui.ien"e with I . - , , i j ." i r nc world, marked of music throughout tii" by the le.'irnino wldchi,; n.a.- tcr of a1' .1!! l-tngjir.g of a r, nownci terntan v At night Prof. .1. P. State I niver.-itv. wn- a: st ir.gui.-hi s this . m and graduate j n'eer-cy. 1 1 1 my. of i he . uoiiueel Uiilo-lit. Iiv r a lecture' upon the "Theorv a':d I'raeti o of '1'enehinr;. '? lm: it was in elfeci iiil c.vVi.'tUrUvo. and deliiiled tn Count ol the lilD.-ind iaJjoriof l'estiilozi. from 1 717 to.ltU), arid the t ub.s. ipient introduction of his methods mt.i hip country fYotfr rrtl trf the present day. Today WVrii' IfumphHiy tvnfvi e.l litr topic of Noa tli 'Carolin.-i googrSfphy. tiy ri que-t . and a free and pleasant discus sion fi) lowed it by .many teachers pres ent . iiiclii ling Prof. J'lc'pli Mo. .re. of ., w Carden, nnd various otUeiu lr. Kiu-tciuet then begaji IiWi cfuirse in mu-ic propet , .and ii rtipiuly jediu iug i ha.- to 1,,1'm .-yai em . willi ease and skill. Hit glee c'lub wall 1 organ ized tomorrow. Prof. W. .. liuiiJaii. , I Marion, c la, in th" i iiu aLiiaition oi me ii-.-cniniy io , et ol ,1 i a ing in - chooi . ii u el 1 - mg iii ..,; ti,o jimim.i tanoe ,,f etlneiitmn in lb" art of design, and clo-rng bv appriK priato and ,; ,,! hi,n kb.,ar 1 wortc in dra.vmg. Among the inlcrcling incl-atrj of today M as th(! adoption ofvi, rosolution t" appoint a committee to nieuionabe the legislature i-i hehaK of the erection ' .'in "K i''iii ii'vnKiiDif nionunieni over th fftve) C the lamented I'rof, -uiiciieil. to oi" stone cabin for I ! Ail tins. 11. i ; lor ',,111. ''"I. use it find to erect a . coiiiirt of visitors rtiiiuoif', cm be ilone tloil wa- U-.ken niter tributes 1 (oh i l l puplP had bei'n p od 111 : noai. nicuugii. iniK r. 1 ne p.auei,.c j uihcil. public Bertantii i Uaurohill al speetih .a the ven, iab!e Pi-. f. Helke. etf i mulod uiat the classes might go lhoma. ville. ;i gradual." nl the I, iu ve- sityoiNV. , ;,:p binirht tears to many eyes erred. Mr. Chidetouo hoicd they would W . extend our-.ncrre congratulations 1 Ilot ,,rr ou this occasion. Parliament, to Mr I'ln gei ; " 1 l.a. reJI. of Raleigh, for h0 aaid. had been jiaralyzod because of la- brilliant su, crs in tie- management. the Irish question, and it would remsin a -.-:-. tto-v f !-.: r--it ami pr.-tni-ing j .aralyixd unloss some- measure of jus w"1' P'iPA'e wa c. 1 tico -were jiassed. Ireland had struggled - -- . , j to bring her case to the front, and nad Striker- in Itiid Plir-lit. ! succeeded. Sho was now backed not CiHf .0: '. dune rV A ( irape Creek. Illinois, savs ... ; ircial from , The miners' w,. H'uninnr , ay , ate ucuig the 11.. y .-truck for sjeveuty-livu cents, tut ub-eoii.'n'.!y (iVre.l n arbitrate. Tie- company 'declined and placed n strong eur.l over its properly and noti lied the strikers to vacate the house they oe. iquvd. Tin' in e'ti sought rehef j in law. l-.t tb-' ' iiit .i- . l.le.l that the' b iLS, i 1 01 ,-oi'lihe bouses must . bn vacated. Tin- nu n v. ,-i'j giwn until June .1 t , iiio i . i ut 1 1 h ed l o comply and la-t w ek w ere feieibly ivietedo The striker-, v. ith their families, num- , boring l,l)ii .-.re 'caiupi d in the woods' and snbsiHt onr. a pulanei' doled out to them by tiio niion. U 1- asserted that but 'for a fiew prof. 10n.1l agitators the men -Would lont -inee have gone back to worlr Their condition i- deplorable. Mr. lid id (he V. M. .'nr. Maun ;"m see. - Tom. j ;it ' 0 uy.-bqrg, 1, 11 t you .' -.l.i--i.. ..il . 1. 1-1. I ill l ' e ou were aiiny at Mi. Mann Why. f have id ways beard ile,t von -.'i v.vl during the . h.-le 'wtir. Vi'iicro did you ioso -'our arm .' loin Took 1 li in a . .iw,auil. 1-iiii'Uig till-. con, lvalioji logg is eye ing T. .tu a a i lino, - ruelil utaring on 1 1- Mr. Miimhini f - -n 1 vtmt io yet it iij .' '1 m ra-cal g retir ,i . he mean . lying' Y ii know nil ar i that nit ar: r man .11 1 . h a war r-e 'I ought to he prou I of . ' 1 iii ie-. 1 .10. pr )u 1 ot 11 on jc . nu t sir, a- ; t,, .-! i. r- Ua- taken to hogging for pension - and oriCes, IJm asbained to . Ho -at.vbolv know I was irl lh" armv. 1 d ant ro ,1 iserace iny ch ildren . you 011 U t blige oie by not giving ' ' -icfl. J'r (i. 1 !. ( .i iiiid. 1 ami lib Yankee 1 ishei ilil'll. .;rWA. June --.--No cliangi) has taken place in the polio v of the 1) niin- on lover nnienr in reft rence to t h- pro tect ion of Can ad i in psheri 's 1:1 the line o( ales- vigorous enforcement if the law. 'Jhu r eeut . ucular to coll.ctors ...f .usioui-. was taeieiy to in ike plain certain rittei -'. t' rpretation. It is 11,. a . a.- it l'.a- iiiwaii- lei n. the i.icy of tbe pov-ernrn nt vttut anv Cnii.al SLiaes l.-shing v.- el found lisluug or preparing to ti-h. a' kii'.wu to have fished in C.,11 ,.i ..ni w at. -iv. : h'iil be sen'. -1 at. .'Pi an.! war. nt v au.irg. IXvrni v-f"nr l'"'ir ' w i ; i . u ;.pj ;t-:- al sololv to Cnio 1 1" uad hove in g ! ;ir w.i !: : ; 1 , , r. 1 : Vi. ,- b .- 111 I he ep.,1 I . be, 1: 'I i-g r.g e Um its. Wiii n. in mi t b-b. ng . ar :ira or a arn I I'.l , is. I being ' r-'-ay i' he 1. 11 ech t ' OltlS. ally .aid lad .; I 'I lain mi: (ii..nsToK at uif:!:i'iiv!. ANP Kt.'THt -I A-T Ll ill. I'm ii., Juno 2H. Mr. Uladsti tie this :U tern. h .n addresried t he elect' a r of Liverpool in ncngler'f! Circus. H its ri.ceive.l with bourdle-s enthu-ia.-in . The ci reus was crowded t i it.- ntn.ost capacity. ."(.000 persons being pros.ct.. Hundreds of people, unable to gn in : d mittance. crowded around tlie outside, Mr. Cladstone said the onrhu-ia. m in favor of home rule surpassed anything lie had witnessed during bis life. Th s pito the long purses of his opponent-', lie looked forward to the result of the (be 1 tions with confidence. It was true tiiat , he denounced the nationalists inP'j'i, but it was because h thought ihev were in the wrong He supported them no".' because he thought and li.-.ew iie.-y were in the right. Pie now pi, ponod to give a statutory Parliament, to lu lmi l . to deal exclusively willi Irish iilfivn ,i. His opponents protended' that Hudi r. grant would lie the breaking down d Irish allegiance to tue Imperial 1'ai iia ineht , but. said the prcim. r, the."" aile-, gitinco had been given grndrrirrjHy And h i'f Iveartedlv hflrefcflffu'O. rxl SOHiP- i tnnos it hart not heon iiv n at :,!!. Ihei. iiberaftr tvhthod to destrov ttiat porf of nllegiance Mid make Irishmen !iwve9 f the Imperial Parliament H'cc Scotclirueu and Englishmen, from the heart' and I mind. He stoutlv denied ths thr 'ere 1 refusing .1 "tester privileges which they were giving elsewhere. On the con-, i t'ary. they were willing to liFen t my I suggestion on behalf of l behalf of 1rlnter. .They to make excej tional p!-- were likely to be adoptee, were w illing j ii if,, ii n u Liie v wriu i iiiciy iu ue auopiei . . , Again, they. were told'tuat iho land - ' purchase project meant taking Bri: lull (a. taxpayers" money. It meant nothing of . the kind. It was one thing to spend' their money and another thing to iuvivt If lie thought that laud DU hil meant nion) than investment bo would he no ii.ii tv In the srlirtnn. . f io dejiit-i h-.'A .. it th;it the home rule bill nr.d 1 the I:.:, ! purchase hill were ini.ep ti al l:?. lie 1,'lllllliiuil UIB amiitors tnas Ilme l ioc was a queation of classes sgtiust ta. masses. The liberal party. lie tiaitlt.aaH ft' ri.li. r.' cnmuiptrvl i.v .l.flajw squires, clergymeu oi lUo, c&i bUihi d chin-el,, ofiictrs of, 'Iho arm,', n.l se , iortn. vvnerever tnero wna ft rigmy. pi'ix viewed, publicly eridowou proCiir.aon iln.o.-t every member of thai p.- '..si i n wi-an anti-liberai: but from t.o leeriil: an l nieii.eal professions. io l. were ii w open, tie- liberals received n l'.,.r C .re i.( support. The quet ti ei as "iiciher tho maises were abie c, .utniir,! tioiially lo overbear the classes, tu'i au-i 1 , lt naiI j,iw.,yg been shown that here it i Lfiilh. iustice nnd Imnmnilv were coo- i ce'nu.1. the niasRos were in mo ri.-ht :.:i ''the' clauses Were in tho wrong. , He wonld Rhowithis by reference to laud Randolph tihurchiil, wiiete limine j ho had iiOO mentione(l"iiefoi e daringl llkuf rjmnuti. nnit Hvhieli he did -tiai- aim-.!. ,.uoee ie would have occasion u'inentivn . again. He had been told that 'Lord? Kami alolph Cihurchill had had a good .teal say about him. but lie (JVr. f Wlad- to stone) had nut t.iiken the trouble lo in-I pure. 11 w as very uillirult to lecrnip. 1 ( "nurchiil. liuf. if he could cut out one- 1 half ol his dualities he ni'rrlii, make with.'! j the other half a valuable-aVd dinia-4 wrong, that the Pali-Mall clubs might. w?nlr. hut that the neonle liever ouly Oy her own memoers, out nv a vast nulllb cr of English jicople. He believed :.-.o,.i -.,,,1.1 ...,a , to promotc tho R'rowth of prosperity in IIUI L. It" 111 UtVOUa lO Ireland. Tho liberals were told that the result would. be lliat . England would I have to hold Ireland by force, but this she w an doing now. Ho hoped to hold j her in future by love. Cheers. Mr. ' (.hidstone concluded, amid loud cheers. with a vigorous denunciation, or the manner in which the act of union w;:s effected. 1 lenrv Ward lieecher was on the plat form while Mr. Cladbtone was speak i n g . Mr. ( i lad.-tone will remain at Hawar- deu one week. He will then go to Lon- Mr. Thomas 't 'onnor, speaking here this evening, ridiculed tho argument j that the passage 01 jir. ijiaustono s mi would result in the Hooding of England ' ri'iuric,i.;. will leave .New Horne every l"nes wiih Irish labor. On the contrary, be : day nnd hMny. HU.ppfi.K at .holly-t)lt Field ', , t , ,, , . ',' , 1 , Bnil uiuiiinisal nil uniliui iiu Nwine-rlver. said, it was the act of union that caused ... r,Mi ,aflo-ei-ifn sienmei-Rhen the vast incursion or lrirnmen inio.auc.i to eat Pritain and Amerida, with the cun.iequent lowering of wages. , i I Civil SttTice in the Custom dense. , I WksHEt'uTox, June 2S. The attention Vil theCivil Joryice Commissioners ha6 ! ' been called to the published charge, r that the Collector of Customs at New York, since lie entered upon tne qui les of bis ollice. has dismissed from tlie I service ii-'O men. all Republicans, and appointed -SO men, all Democrats. It w otild be impossible for this to occur if the Civil Service law and the rules of the Commission had been enforced, and ' t he Commission are of the opinion that if the charge is true, and it appears to , be substantiated by a list of tho persons dis-i:arged and appointed, the Collector : has lobited the law. or the Examining ! Hoard have boon derelict in their duty, j it 1- possibly for that number of ap i Liniments to be made outside the clas- ' -ilhd service law. 'but it would be a , prettv clean pweep of the old oflirer- m the Custom House if ir w ere so. Ttie v'ivil .s-ervice Comniissioners ha- e notilii ,'d the Examining Poard at New Ycik that Ihey must report each month to headquarters here the number ..f candid at"s examined, the number cr-tiil-d for appointment, and the nnni'iiT , f appointments made, in order that ihev niitv .be certain Uiat the lav. and rub s are 'being enf arred. No investigation of the charge lias t bi en decided upon, but the Com-nii-sion w ill undoubtedly noil ii(.um the iminine Koaru i t a ro ;oit past transactions, and it is understood thai letter is already in nr. l.if-.thin i this 1 -fleet, a-king the number of c;.r. , .mined -inc.. ti e Civil i,-e lav went into , 1 0..- Ser-ei;-ct 1 for in iss:;. t h , num Per eerl uu app. nil', monl. and nia: k - of ' ,l . ih- numb has - h-'i 11 ma il , x iniin.ituiii grade. 1 , an lid-ate c'eitilied. . f ap-, oituninits thai l.v Ui.' CuHecLor, the N..V..1 1 'iii' . r and the Appraise, since tiiat dale, the numb, r an.'. I'.ann"- of tliose w bo iiave been appoillte 1 v. ilhoiit exumitiation and the rea.-or.s for their apiiointiiieiit. This U tter will be addr-ir; al to Mr. 1 an- took, the Chairman of the lix.itn 11, in,; Poard, and the nature of the reply r ived will dctertniiiC w in liter nu m- v -ti'ralioi; into the charges rhall 'e mad" Members "! the 1 Vramiesion pay l hat no . . 1111 1 'lam I ha - ever been received fr. m any person or association regard ing the violation ol the Civ;: Scl' ".'' ! ,w- by Collector lleddrn. Shliiglitereil hv ltlili.HiS i ; - vma Mi'X. June 'V. -A ban ! '. iql Indians nttackc 1 ' tvn'o t r I...1 ii i'b I rei.-hi near 1. ,. c ..1 t l i,;, 1 - lay . killed tw o men r.ud capture ,1 tioriy mules. ia'.-i report -ay, that .1 l.uutt i:.in: , '. !r ;i, I name not nso rl.ii h and : x - i . w , i . am ... vi ' -. Arc. Jul i. 1 mii I oi l I luaohiiCA say A., 1 1 1 tha: ,! ' t i . e, ens llllil r l 'apt. 1 a ". Vi-sterdav. V e Me.car rii-.V a: tlrit jilacc y o 1 1 - t ". e killing of 1 i ' chop;., r- near the San .Ug!l-tl".i 'rent mi les fr Mag-Wain . .nora river. ( y hot i les i - -till on tbe trail bet w, and S-ui ipiip.-. Mex ie- i2 AY1IB r-J I'HIIFKCT II KA.I.T U fSMT U R ii S u i'.ipi'Helble If tlie VI- ' CURE FOR i CONSTIPATION, t-.vsssssSSat win cure Couatlp&tlon. !c lImi.d:;heaiiH)y IK pKl-. it reiculatcs tuo teAe,s ' ainl .nable in,,!', of feeble digestion r rnii rtlelr food: It rwlaoe Fever, Cools tie. li;orMl,lB lnvalnoble a rtaaiKl lcflauima- tnrv O jeasos, ana I a y eol.eined., Ar-rChnare.T$5b- Sick-Headache.:,' Ucllable. Klo- AJD tao.i:. It should be found In every 4iouse- nVQDPPIH Vul J- 8old b drntBu uij 1.1 J J ri e '-'r v.'iiru. piwuwc. 1 AltVATfCM CO.. lew jnfitffdWlm C A i ik Vv S A. -. r I ON. .V. '. .i 'tl i.es;in An(rtii Stt.'-nill i. i.c.s .-ia,i CoUeiate Courses. '. s. J.tfir..-hm, " A ppsrsins, ; c. ti i.'i M.iKf!. -Wortliy ir . . ai t. i , ,..ujd. Pure watei io --i'q.iiJtV. ' Apply af-once. K n 1 c . ,ar . i -j-k .tj. .A. " iISulCtl' V6a.rtlllclil ' ' ' '' ' ' -'Uut. Fpi: court el ..nhtructim io.mcdtehTe,I.irii-. 'fiaci fcriiK OctotuT I,t and continues "'' ''" ti. i 'or atnlrp.uB apply tb the ' t-ry the l-'acblty. l' It jir-'iPT'stltT' pf V irmiTl!l J X rpo .1 ii Er.TTFats. -T cwestralstorlii X H' ' p'1"-1,1 -"ort "f?'Wf,!f! i', '',"' S pwest rals toi id- j... , l - BUBNHAMTf. iSTN0Rb'TURBM! 1 " fMnmiriiftRrta('S4wMblBC. l'n; J,Utiviili!fe'w rilrm pint mtxtytrp " HI ujiuj; .l.J.. mrK, -m. i- t Whisker Hah li k cu red at bQmwtfok pa'n. Hook of ' 1 9 1 1 f i Ib. KOOL&T. 1 n T Ki&9 T r-i rrfT- ihtav. lfi.fr ami nlwTi-lt koiI MiAM ptili oi,,.ui7,oiai,,l I dlci.,' Pvupapala vmnipHcf m .) ! i,. pii b"ji diwo CO .rcOTlkcua. ay. Line. I ,H : 11 ii A T1. . i t l.altriinoro HmV!Htiirn . "Weekly.- -' j , ; Le. : Vol Heme. Tuesday, 12 o'clock, 1 . , 1 Hi eaves o noon. Lecvi s Nuil'ti-ik, edncsday. 3 o'clock, to 'vi '' ' ' " . RETUttNiNG: T o , - ,,,.;, '1.. v.'iiw ' , Leaves T3.,Uimore, Friday, 12 o clock, . s Leaves Norfolk, P M. J. Saturday, 3 o'clock, V. WILLIAMS, General Manager; - ,1 i lit THE ... NEUSE a TRENT RIVgR Steamboat Company Wili run i ce failowiBg Schedule on and artel i , . '..!- Sept, n. '.: mi. I ssr. Steamer Cutler. Will ie Wolni - HIT! i !ll w Hi rue for Xretton very . 1. m., and Friday after the st. ion. r Hhpnaudoali; Tetnrn- 1 uaiiiiii every Thursday and ,1,11m nt nil points along the SIO rtv, 1 I Steamer Kington. " Ofi cull Bfmr rnne 3th. 1RSS. the Wtenroer Kuisi 011 .will ii':iv Kiustou lor Hem Jlerne. 1 M,i,ii.v .,,. ,,,iVnMi nvrwii m.- i.u I ioanaipu tiui&nuilllp CO. toi.'.s 11. loa.i,, at Jiewbeni. W ' P Krn.Ir. 1-TinsfOn. 11. h. HAniii'f, r'oiiofiMvijie. 1 r. wlI.HuN, V3t.nl alXrenton. V P Ctn rs i'.ir.-f , Ji.fty Old Field, j. 11 Pakks. Quaker Bridge. . J M. Wll'TK.Oen'l Manager, el,7.! iv : :Ktnston. N. 0 mm fi. mMn liSMw -ANN- Lo wo:' MeAise River Eoute. 1.1 S!'.M!- 'ILKKLY SERVICE. r ,.l .. tt'T l-,.g I ,.s,-!.:er t e.uniii-iHio.apou for tu,- t.-iUovLii' ii.iH.is .T .lkiiiiMfeiouAftaN Oa-,.-. a...i il ' i.-! vv . is, 1 eii,i uiujj XUiiB 1 1 ATS Kiel Kill b o VU V 1 - ' .. lt'.vi-.' a'i'.f. si. ion, i.l. h Ort-i-k ( '1 o t .11 i.fid ltitTMoclr), Pull,', s l.Ire ''a. , ( li.rra.'t i'r. t'k Ilhi-io'vel. " '1 . lVi Sou A. 1,'ri.eji tii' I"' 's i'iift'A Aitlo.i- ( VI" k I'MI-i-ve '.lilM, ' Si, .ill w'.la. S-.-tl,!, Hriate. W '.ne I ,- ,. s.i City. " S. iv ii.t, ' ,t s 1 .iiRiwfrn ilrid Itm-liri-'s t ei. Uvaii' Hound and . 'iiiA, n.HfiPSTKA, ie.w l uiiiniiii an iib. N, us... ttiiienlni; ,. .11. "s. inaj 1 ' 1.10,,, 1. 1 ii.ai, -a- 1, .,, t , . ,1 :,u,t W li'tJ , s rr gartit roiec :ii tt e Kew Berue .....ul.tit iail Mtf! 1 .Newport lllver, ,rk Kivvr. , v a n. anv ..Uier line, anil ,ii!it,f,l tt all iioluts of ll'l CeilVl Ti- ,1 a i livcrod nt the N-iuaj iiiKl Trent a t 'jl''.; - n ppl V Ip .i.Mi. ii. BF.ia.. Krotglu Auent. Junlililw ' A liSK, . eltv. Just Received : AUGAINS. 50 b"hls. Mackerels.' $3.50 per barrel. 1 lot Hams: 10c. lb. 25 Chandeliers (two lamp) $1.70, S. F.T TEISER. n io! all othuT Gwd's at ROCK HUTTOM PRICES. . hook store; J L. HARTSFIELD, J. LKR IS iiid STATIONERY. I'; .O ',' 'v1 llU v- V-' 1 h . ks an ) Schoi.il Supplies .- --pee hilly. Alt fof-t t Oil X-1I . ,,,. p- i '.,)!,) . Toyi dataware. ,. . - ' , ri J Till Ut. Etc. 1 it'- ,'' I of tin V Bank. 'l. ' 1 RTSFIELD. i 'M ' v"- " - - ' J- - - , ' ' f . . g .yt -f- - s : j V '' "tr-. a. 1 J" 4 .1 T 'A ,1 '.a-" ' -.-: .-t ' .V-"