- y, 4 ' V, -MX .... - . "t s . - - '- T .---"- ;l4v 7 . THE JOURNAL. ' j t ' ftjnr beb k. x aa n m-di utln Thk Fit J.n K TV. K Pre in hftJI Ixhmi ignc.l 'av 'h- It Ua t-kMi near ;en rigkt wbt ii.w :v"ti great vro& to i. b.i rr. .i; Saw Uastu.i - ,-re. .: llliier l'. i. .n M tear' Uiifl biU, bat oC kta ow, adturally think hi it fit . - - - THE British election teTJii l-t FTWy nrl will cotMmae oaie t wrcTu. Ia the miaume the Iriah Atnertfins and their yniiath tiers eoatiiax to rie money to .id the UfcaM Kale ciue fcryoBTy -re be;n: ma.l ,n ( 'ii- plan tn pa n-'Hie of the pnaion bt&sOTertae President's reto. If lyXaocraU allow tin." they ilil "to b tanxi out. Ii the pajMatfal btttiAW uv not checked id 'torn vftj it will rnin the eocntry. . f' t .v . 1 . . JvitB TiAaxSTT, of New Vix-k ! daJig out jostic to boycott?.. ; Ifcre were cbteoetI by hi m to I tart) atpriMOanrat JHl-hard Ufcr lrrilJ." FQfWjr, Bad J BAUtw, too, shoaL) be taaght that , obcdi4BC to Law is t bo flrst gmt l dtj of an Aaieriian ritizeii TBK perR are trj ing to raio a tca8ion on w he-t ber or not the -oM fiopreaie Coart ttlMHilO be re 'ioaalaaXdd, or give away for -rjoauifer bJoou. vs a rappoAe tuo jaa3g0trU Berr.ee support are oppoaedtoBy man holdiug office I la.QTM Xarty-Jfe j&ara old. rAT UACtiog of u Democratic -Gomgrtmaom! xecatire Vn--aUtle oX Ike First District, held IB UaaUm oa Juoo 30Ui, it waad VeUa4v.to.aoTa ta OoncreMiooal oTeB)K,;for nprninatrnit a eaa - di4tC.?U KllsabeUj City, on. We tWirAT. Ht. 15. at 3 p. Bi Canmn ooght to make h.Mtaad J k('i.l tIAt II -Urmnr an A i . ... . ' ' , allatkera who wUl to be retarded i . . . ' to ta next Ooagrea can come '-. , , . . . BLfi o LX tflvr tkoir infersts. - n Wja.TXJa Faob-s Utt fl.n h,,11"1 newspapers w n,vT U UlXVTr the talented'"1 J-t fhe If-U '. j:i.Aii.-;) ar: i 1 and this sympathv spring editor f tb WUvn Mirror, Uro. HLm;5T ia bappy la the knowledge - tfcat be has received just and mer . - ite eaeomiama from men of fine .VlateQactaal ealtare, and men poa- nnarrn ij of more rood sens than the r,f .;Creai (we bare forgotten ' - the Terj appropriate name given r . V;. hy the WUaaington &r) will eTr : kave, Tb Mirrr ia a well edited -rninl readaUa paper. Viol's opin- V 1 IWO UI IIRI wuuw; BV. w iuauw- ,ruci THl Peasocratie Ki ecu tire Com f aattte of the nrst Congreeaional "DUtrlct, representing thirteen oaatieH, b.Te endorsed and recom jaeasJeUMIoo. W. D. Pbvdrn tor ma"" jLtsodata Justice of the Sa- ' prtMDf .CorV aad pledged them etrea to', hia aopport in the State 'earentioal lathe mean time the " 1I art ttill Urea, and the mem ? bera thereof are said to be in Tig- " reaf health, and good for sixteen i.- jeara loager - r r, , i ' 1 ,'iJ "J v"-. . -' ' TSX Collector of Coatoms at New .Mfortr is charged with dismiaaiDg . i3aJiep-.Uie-.aa and appoiating - ,5SD Deieocrati eoatrarj to the Civil 'iSerrtoe, U-' Onr CiTil Service i. ; Torth. Caroliaa editors oaght to - raiae a row abocrt this and demand 'Vtaat the Kew York Collector be ' 4iaoharged. If they are consistent - 7 thej oeght to object to Repablicans ' being tamed out nd Democrats - -. beiag aaeepted ia strict accordance -fitarteClTil Serrioe law; and if -there ia aay proriaioo in the law f tor taraiag oat men of one party a4' petting in those of another, . then, rerily, it ia a grand ham bag. Tax Lexington Ditpatck and --Cfcaiaaa Rcrd com pi ai a of the 'aamber of "dead beats"1 who at tended the recent meeting of the Pun Anfriati and took in the exearaiea to rVaahingtoa. These papers are In favor of rigidly en tomear the raiea and rcttinz rid of t thee "boya and dead beats. .Woader LI they did not participate , , . . . . j v heavy rains ajid high winds, la the -rote Uken on the train" , roflnn? m eonseiinence. and thne give a iterance to the sen-1 Chester. S. C: Been raining traeata of the people of North ' constantly for three days, and now CroU " th roting on theno8ieT,s r dwrinS f vi--ihle. , . ... . , Farmers have only plowed four traiaby edora is to be taken as I m o Wftets ' One-thml crop expreaeing the aentu-enta of thelraiB.d froen grass. Crop very people, 'we insist there shall be a j small and not growing on sandy registration and all interlopers i lands. lrospecta oxeeedmgly 8WJrTOB biiiLLs m diaccussing ptpeeftion ttf gire an aslditional clerk to the Cu il Service Com mis aion qnoted from the Co aa L-sion er i efPeaaioea showing that oat of :: men appointed by h.m under the Civil Servtce rnle. T'. were emo crats.aad the other Ave were of unknown polities. It lie clerical force had been gnfflcient, he says the politic of ttn other five wmild have been nxind onr, nd they wtiid have been Democr.i:- It thia statement is true, what better evidence do we want that the ' t v 1 1 Service law is a great ham bog. It 14 perfectly natural; it rs in accord aeee, with common sense and '. precedent, that the party in power wfU eiatnbnte the patronage o the government among thixs' who are in accord with the administration Xhn why go tetini ib-'U' :h task and set np a pret u-r :.ou pertiaaaiaai with a i . v 1 1 .-serv .ee Cemis4on T After the !.w b.i.- l found h.r i ' .. moi , c Ri.'iPnr pai th ;i than m i n ; rinci j n he I - -.1.1. .n.t Uin! ,.! .1 .( tor- Will 111. V- dm' t -uler- r- ; fin : r ti, ' V ' ir . - I ir. - ,i Ml t I Hid i ir'i .uul -,-..--,. N,.rih iiiiiin run- r t-1 .i .ire II .1. .;-.( ;. I . v : n hen . in il -.-if. w ho i r t moro rf ni"Vi riai'e-i h in. ; . v f .ii this iiH Mr. 6lAN'. -N w.i. ill elluielit w.ir ruiiiistfr. twit we i-hi,uh .ittco :tii Hkti W"H.K1.KK wIipii hos.iV! Sr.w i w a an .irr!i tr.i.tor. r with U 1 '. . h UK u - ln-ii l.c tMil. j;h- i . . 'i . .i ' i .i ' ' '.In i:-i-ir.!t : ! :ho .ii-.m-t : . !..!. n- i' i mh-iii ( '4 ti) in h' .i.t lit iliit. : r 1 1 tin' uiii lv)uat.i-r Ht)ck "f N.-irtli !inl;n.i. lu- w.v-i a i mJuj Jf tormineil iii.ib, ivin a.H.sl.!tioii-- attention To ,ui iiuf;.s ilovuivui tiu liiui. ini 1 while bo tUf l'rf.-iili nt ,-rt j vr nn'rill ui .ircoril, ! iicir toui pjr ivn1 ilinjxwiit ,on (1 1 (Tril widely. Tl i j fi uirtu1 tli it ilflriniT tlu ri- i 1 if H - Df toieil'TWB-'' the result of the presidential ejection in l iJ, when mck errr fwiBoqenr tiring in tfK, :Uue. that Stanton wtw euMjx'rated ,u the prmt?nee of fr j .i-,-i n x, in rendinc Joml, Ih-- tvrn BieAsaKe, the humorous wntinrr" of lKTBni.EfM V. Natm . ULAHSTONE'S CI I'AUtX - H() IT TAKES IN AMERICA The greikt uewspapers in the l'nttel States are jnbi hint ov er the oaipaign now lielng conducted in Great Britain by Glatkstcvnk, '-The Grand Old man," in favor of Home Rale. The Anieriean people love excitement. We have no l're.si deotial election this year, but we can tke a hand in the Home Rule contest acroa the water. In New York naay thousands of dollars bare ueu raised and forwarded to be used for the Home Knle cause, and the iesultf the election will I b watchtsl with almost as much , interest as rre8identi.il election. i So it seni that Americin monej ... . . . ; u biri2 oa.nI to in Haence elections I ""tin Groat llritnin: and it in done oy I ,., r mnnmra 1,n r I ' T . la iii'iii jivpjihh if " ' ymplhy wprlngH frow Uio f t tliAt the IriMk bow form a eon.rable jwrtion of onr porwfc Lion. Ia Ihia way the intlnencc of the L'uitel States ia beiog felt, in a fair all way, in the mother conn try. Wonder H we will ever hear of bal lot box aiufTiag, tiMue bailout, bull dog pistol and baronets being ned in carrying election io the old conntry. These metbeds seem to have originated in American poll tics; so often conjured up in the minds ot the defeated party that we fenr they are becoming realities, and if elections were frequent across the pond our friends woaUi soon be aftlirtel with the same hne and cry from daiea&bd candidates. THE COTTON CROP. We publish below telegrams to FrmtUtri-rt' t giving condition of cotton crop to July d. It will be seen that the outlook for an aver age crop in all the Statos, except Texas and Arkansas, is rather gloomy. But a full crop in Texas will make upthe shortage in the other States, so we need not look for an advance m pric on aciunt of the scarcity of the article. MuKTU I'AROLIXA. Charlotte. X. C: I'ast four days cloody and rainy. Rainfall T 27 10) inches. Prospects coold not be much worse. Crop poorly worked and very grassy. Souse ftelds not chopped oat yet. Plaut generally small and weak. New Berne, N. I . Prospect not so good, rast week has been verj rainy, aad has put the farmers bade in their work. Tarboro, N. C: Owing to exces sive rains for two weeks, and the appearance 1 lice in thus section, and in fact all over eastern North Carolina, the cotton crop is dam aged at least J." pv cent. It is still ruining. KOftn (AK"1.I5A. lieunetuville, S. ('.: Contiuned heavy rains. Cotton small, di.se.ised and grassy. Howing stopped for a week on account ol ram i'ropect very gloomy. Charleston, Si t ' i Vt f , r, .1 Columbia. S. ( Three luclu - of rain is just past twenty hour-. Bottom lands over Mowed. Li Fa Ku I A. Katonton, Gi : l'a:lv ar.d dan: aging rain since !a.-t report. Farm work irLua-il.v suseiule-d . I uici-s there ;s u ii-ody let up ot ran. much i '! : i: c c. it ton crop , n th i - tion w;.l N- ln-voml n-iiv t ry l'crrx . (ia.. Bevu raininj d-n ;inuallv smci' Suudav. lleavv winds l.Lit nitt crop thi we. No work done on l rop verv mticii damaged weatlier. r..'Hie, ( l wet. Hard, dnring the :ng this eve: NN a v lies'; r.i.'i- '::' ant: n ::- rk ih -lie ii r :. :ar in w .in.. 1 G.i i i 1 1 , : - -1 1 rk dot.r 1 1 i s .- i g r e a 1 1 y r : i.ree g!i 'iiii :ivc ::p damaged week- p i 1 en ir.'.s Ni i )' at (. e 1 m.iT.-l vory g'" . .Jnue. Ul-1 i grow ing c r com jvinsot. n .on s ! lie A o vys - a I I-' til..- i In- "ri.iT.il iMitl.Kik ih if anv- Tli thiiif better tliiiti Ht. tliis time lattt i e . r . ' ALA n AHA. i wmlrti, A l.i Crop tifty er J nofed (vnt. -ljiit ( t Li i . iil4S lu.iitrr ipn-e-M. It hi r.iuied twenty five 'lay- in . I une 1'itiM. Dd water :ir m is UTs ot : be Hitaation in tin .inl-. l'nwjiect very Koouj . l.ilt.iw, Alii.: Weinvl?r W linu i1 .ind ifOipert are mwli lxt 1 r l.'i- oitton. Corn diniBge! by Iimi iu tirh mm . j Montgomery. Aia . i niis i j i.ist w'i k. bn: weather u .ir.ir. (ibxmii, dint r? lroui iri 11 -i i 1 1 1 1 1 i H l U'Ui i--.p-oi.tlly ou bl.wk l.iml Cniilir.iblr abandoned tn .'r.kK.s 1 . . . I - , M I Will LJ1 and weed-. 1 .III. f i. M.i. l;.nn runtmui. i.'.'tt' wr ,'r.i.-.-) ind luiint Ik- daiiiiii'd. . Ala.. l.n;. rtifib ''ti l arnnTS unable to ivcrj' jy-i woik. (teuerl c"!i: i! iji. i np.- and d;in:.ie'i' -eri.'U- 1 i. : ; u lie . Ii 1 1 i pl.iiii: :.' p'.a: n; ; iri i. l .ii n.ul.i. .Miss.: Weatbf i n -i-Mied but around vers" wet i 'on tielil- eovi-red with gri-t-n. Ci : i-i'll ibr. Muni.: NlgU-S Mte ' . -. rin i . K. uii- have continued. i'tn .ire in the urr;i.--.-. and son ' on will never U- worked out. .).ii'k.sin. Mind.: C'rop-s tbrer.- i ek late and no blimis yet. K.nu con tinner', (iroond too wet to plow. All Ixittom land.- given np. r.alance in the Taa. lne-half not work-d .-.1 nee nluuiiug. liaiuape one loarin. BiuaLV uiic-iiii ll.in.li in l I 'nil f I nil Arl llrtflVV I -ii. " - . , .,,... rains have i one cotton greAt nam- .... . , . , aire. liottom hvnds abandoued. A u I.- . . .w .ii- One hall to two lairds crop all we can eiiH;t. Vieksburg, Miss.: It has rained two days this wet'k. eather now g.xwl. I . image Iroiu gr.vus verv gn at, and planter tear that some lands must ho abandoned. West lViint, Miss.: Weather im provesl, hot nights are rather too ,y CMtablishment ol the kind in cool lormpid growth, farmers are !lu, skvuth Among other impor I beruliug every energy to free cotton ' , ult ent,.njn, u-potted m our irom wceus miu gra. u- damaged, bnt how serlonsly cannot I yet !h ascertained. ( j Let Isiana. j Mexandria. I-i.: Cron imnroT- iiilt. but there will be one third lossorks: in Arkansas, a m'O.iwio hitn-i made than last year. Weather good liirinr- nasi, arnak. and forms and i square are niakinjr sgaiu. , Shreveport, La.: Prospects still : very lavorabie. riant boiling well, j Copioas rain Sunday night, bnt none too murk. ! TT.XA3. Ansttn, Tex-; Ijoeal showers iu tins sectioa since last report. C-ot ton proejieets verv ine. Corsieftna, Tex.: In no preceding 3 ear has the crop of this section entered uikju its tnoet critical ienol in sucn nne ronnitioti in every pnrtienlar as now. Becent rains are general and timely. Galveston. Tex.: The weather; dnring the past week has been dry and hot. Occasional showers are reported from some sections. Cot. ton crop proHpecta oontinne grxxl. Marshall, Tex.: Ilad good rains nce last report. Oottoa clear oi gnvts od weeds. Is growing fine and fruiting well. Palestine, Tex.: About halfol the county bad good rains this week, and their cotton is progressing ex celiently. Where they had no rains the plant is still doing well. Ssn Antonio, Tex.: Partial rains this week. Crop growing finely stid looking healthy. ARKANSAS. This state as a general thing nearly equals Texas in the tavora ble ie)orts received, and while not ijQite up to the standard of that state, ia still in Bach a good posi tion as to merit special notice. Crop conditions may be said to range a little below good as a gen eral thiag, and the outlook at this date is about the same as last year. Stands are well advanced, ranging from 10 to 14 Inches in height. TENNKSSEK. In this state the condition and general average is about fair, and it it were not for the rains would no doubt range at good. The rains in thia state were heavy and con tin noos, and caused a considerable growth of grass. 8tands range at between u" and 8 inches in height. Following is a telegram from this state: .Memphis, Tenn.: Weather since Jnne S clear. Cultivation re sumed. Cotton looking yellow and sickly. Too much stalk and little fruit. l'lautjrs discouraged and reports gloomy froai every part ol the district. With fair weather lor two weeks can possibly get crops m geod condition. (Jnlll DriTer's rrsrerbs tn Memory, Memory is that faculty of the mind which helps us to live over again a lew of our past hours. To remember happy days, that can never come again, is one oitbe chief sorrows ef hnman Hie. The memory of a careless person is like a seive which lots the tine meal go through and saves only the worthless bran. Old age is happy ody in propor tion to the number of pleasant memories that are in its ivossession To make life miserable, conduct yourself so that your memory can supply you with little Ise than o-cion of regret Memory is the oonimiaaary tier partment of the intellect: you will get from it only such things as you pot into it. The remembrance of kind wolds, kind deed and kiud friends will form no small part of fa tore happi ivess. I The g'Mid are those who try to remember the good and forget the i evil they have received at the hands 'of their fellow creatures. 1 Justice to our own happiness re qtur l-r and ! ais, es that that gl H 111 . . 1:1. i-o we should trv foremen; 1 ha 1 ,llii 1 1 is tru .rget : I eV .! beaut . w I ra ' 1 1 to: re!' the se i.ltV CC N'.eniorv n to ; lie !;s Of : ':,, e i 1 1 I i N ' H : ts t - Th ! ei in :, . ii i , l-n: . : - appl :ei l to all 1 . Us -1 rt: of the re volut ton ary t y p.-. w eil by t he journal ..-' - oi I .c.rope from one of i i: ! - -1 s Iku i i r: ii w a 1"- novel-', and. became pojs; Frame and, Oermanv in-ioie ir ,!i I..- Lusspins use.l :'. The Nihilist ,j,i ,.' proposf to de-trox everv tti.ng. b:r i-t,!y w l.at ttiey d,-i.ke. ia:i:e!, tiie present government oi Kus.s-.a, capitalism njul privati ownership o I laud N ihil ism mean, nothingness." bur the Russian -ts I'll" t he :r, -e' Ves i v v '! tl t .on : r.i'l.i.is . ' i ! : a 1 1 1: Mo.-:, .i tri.t' t Imll N:!r. .i i' nit ui ..r t in 1 if l l.ir r- l ii r ii i i Mtl t ; .v o , : t ' i r I :)." i 1 1 : i ''; - nn mi. ''..i.Ili ma' .1 pre nil u. ! ' .1 II 1 i- : inr ; i - i i , ..I.: 1 imp. l.i i : ' mil -t.il in ( : i o w Ko.me . l 1 1 t i ; 1 1 1 'il I ' till' S.illl II lm I. till' i -.-. t . i I ' . - l , : i i n ' I ri'ti ( i ' ' 1 1 I .. -i in . i I 'ii a i h in i ; i ii r " r.i;!.- .i (I i . i i ! i' bn !. in : i..- ,...1 i-': ! -vork- .it I 1 ton- ot o- ' .1 11 1 e o i' e-t- - : o vel e-: i '! 11 II - I . t M i. . Iron ' men, ' the or, - M m.itfii. : tn run 1 1 ui t pt i-M ile ii t ( .. HIHl I roni ; let c ri, !! I.' .ii .HI llrlilliS I In T I-. I lie l.lioi n I I he I'r.l! ; I ei le nlinj; ! p. :rii..:.l ,tnl ;.- : ,ml ' . . r i.l : 1 ' i a 1 1 1 v Pi. i.v ' 'iii ii . Ui I'M J I.e.- II. .- .-- ,ll il '-h m r Ii : steel w OI k ,. i' ' il, . - I 1 : I ad il . t Ion ' o : : -, 1 1 ' 1 . i : :. n i lei tak : n K-': tt.i e i -i i -i. a ! irgi- luillli ix'l ot : r n I e lit e: pi is- organ i.-d that 'a .11 largelv .ulil to : he pro-HT'ty i.t : .e Si"i'',. A ' New ports New-. V i . the t ui,- water terminus "l il.e I 'hesiii-ake A llhio lHailwav. ai r.i :i emen' - h iv e iieeti .1.1. ' r t he con-t i iir! ion ol a oi ,l" ini in iume inee.- "i,,,r ,- , , , , iveuditure oi pi obablv ,im,(X), and . ' . , . ' n'y n-siilt in the est ib ishmeut , (there ol ai immeiisr iron ship , . . . Ol I . .1 . . ii 1 1 1 1 1 i y-ml A ooii.(mmi com panv : Ala", t charco the 1 :Vest - bee ii c n g. i ii -. ' I) 11 1 k 1 a II lion i! woiks. At )okont Lolling i."i,(HMl in I mi IC rd at ( 'alel'H. I :;i nace and ( "hat ta'i'siga Mill w di in i ng wrought , lion 1 1 1 1 ) units which ail Pa tin Construction Department during' tho two we.ks UI1drI- review, there were in Alabama kb.ttiog factory, three large saw iniils, a cotton coiu- preaa. a cheese la. -tory and coke ! ber mill company. i 10. (Ms) stave tactorv . two smelters, one ot .ill tons ca'jritv , a i.uge g-ild mining companv . a water w..ik- companv. a farniture taetoiv. a -aw null, a planing mill and a .-.. K-rage fac tory: in riorida. a canning tactorv. a fKKl.OOd g.is and electric light companv. tvro saw mills, a planing mii I and buck woiks: : n (ii-oi:':,i. a pa pet nui I . e ; eti.-i v c ; m pi o v c men t s to a cotton mil;. a gl I- ; m: ;, a and savi w oi ks. a a silo, noil i shingle in 1 1 1, stav . m i II: in K en t uek.v f OO.IMIO u; Mi : ug con tobacco lactory. and -.V-.tHHi put: into new stone lana: a ToO.PO' and a nc' nob: K0 w ater w oi I 111 'oi ! h ( .it i .1 Wtt-oli Uiib, gl i.- I ii i i i ics : in I n i ii g in :s.-i--- and b; n a. a -I.. ! in I ! . and in l.ouis com pi n k works: I a : oi v . i 1 II,1 -MI fnrnilure Mcterv: in Soul h ( arohna. IJO.I' improvements made to one cotfon null, mid aiiout the same or more to another. tC'.o.uoo to 1D.00O in Irilili. i r woik-. a lurniMire l.ii tory. two hour mi. Is. and the re building oi a sash and door factory and turpentine dist illenes; in Ten uessee, a marble quarry company, a dvn.imite factorv . an ice tactorv , a large broom lactory. a 'cotton battiug mill, a hour mill, and sev eral saw nulls; m Texas, a r 1 'U),0O) oil and cotton company, a 1."0.000 tiour null and elevator, a compress, a water-pipe foundry, and two water-works companies; in Yir ginia. a stone quarry, a gold mine, and the rebuilding ot two mills; and in Wet Virginia, a ro,(HS saw mill, 1l'.(XU gas woiks and coke works, and a 1,(HK),iho company which will probably bn Id a cotton gin factory either in Atlanta or Chattanooga. As a summary of what has been reported during the last two weeks, this statement shows that the mdiistiial develop ment ol the South is a little less than marvelous. t- .il 1 1 . e : s i (ivil Service II ii mini j; l AT LsI.AN II Sill 'A I.s. Bogue Sound, N . C. it ii.b leportcd that old Mrs. Reform bad a liov baby, and called his name Civil serv ice. As it was said to he a very nne and remark able child, its mother w ,ks invited to carry it to ashiiigion City, that it might be i.used in ulllueiiee and acquire mlluenco among patriots and statesmen. When it arrived at N osdi i ngtoti 'here was. a rush among "societv people" to see the baby. Kven the rresident was drawn in the general mania to see the baby, and he was such a beau '. y teer tvi become its 1'inally a crowd oi see it, led by one tempted to ,-,;.,- i and strangle it. 1 who had pn-v ions declared that it he would volau '.egal guardian, loughs went to V .iliee. w ho at by the throat ii other loughs, , Jala n in iov e with the child's mot i.e t he catastrophe. Tue tie w of ' I; ' - as Cat island a:.d Mrs. vi ted to bring he: eVeti cached w a.- OVl II to A ifl.' spend :l Cn-cv M sU ;: ru: and the s vv er make ' : li able. N be;, in- b. a general si j r body wanted t Crecy though: as a child oiigi u!d t lie and. 1 Vel ', Ann: w ,i s no; ,i in -a . t ; O Pi- .lllli pi oj his a little cumpury roc McOraekin though: i i ncie M; iookod rati teeble. NN llbaui NYatch y . --:r cork discovered thai wn.ir b n.i:r w i geuerally str.ugn!. iiien- weie '..", patches of kinky woo! -rat ' r red iv i I its scalp, ."salami ii.ii p . ;. .:. eoveied th.r .: y1- a.s n. t pi ,-,i' ii::.g. and son n ded ai.irni t :, r ' w a - ! r.i . : Old M ..till w i ;th i ithcr Iv hile si ampbo i Hid n be : 11: - .r. v J - I ' 1 : vv , l - -lib.-1 l.lUi-1 .in I-;.-: II . .1 1. X! i 'C.l'i- : be ' :i. , (UTt-il : ; .u-h in r i . k i uii i i v un- Ml Hi ( :-l .nil :!n in vi'Ki : U- I U.-.ii :.--nit- iit :i. I ri J ii -I i i ll c i I "Mint h l.i vUsTONK CALLS .4 ham I Hi 1: i.Mll.K I VKl; TIUKI' ASH VT A N I S A KKS I V . r--..i Li v K K r 1 1 1 . I ime. SO. ( i I, iil.-tone has decided not tof-Kiak at London. 1 le declare him.selt' at the end of bis tether, ami is really too hoarse to undertake the duty, even it bis phv-icai .-trenth Mbonld allow. So I otiitou mu.-t. lie iett to the l're-liner'-- . lellteuant;-, who Hie work u: nj.nl to recover the itn eap liiieil tiv tl tiytiie lories, anil v ho are 1 1 nil pomleut. At Hirniingham r.sU-rd.iy I tound a lierce unclereur 1 .-lit . . II . o ' : :. v :'. l-a lie. evet. ortrai i h.i-. ije.-liiig against Chamber- j Had the local leaders entered neenniest.it tirst i n t be spin 1 1 iuw display the entire district i '. hav e U'en swept clear ot the ' s c. '.miniate.- I I was, how con si i icr i' 1 u ii necessary to ie such an opMit ion to Ix-rl i:n m Ins ow n stronsrholil i- uoghr ra-ilv have been etb-eted. The ::ght hen and in other parts of the Midland- ha- teen h.dt hearted 1 1 ' un t he st ,i rt , and (Hailstone will looe he.l vi I v . I s.iw r.irueli .it ( Ue.slei today . Like i iadsfoiie. lie was snilonng seveiel.v llmil hi Ml seliess. with a vo:rr allog.-iher u n recogn I al ile . Ills wlnile a ppearauct denoted in ti-n-e weai mess: h:s (ace was pale and i.m-d wiih lurrow-, but his spirit igai u like C, I ids'one w as l bright and uudaun; ed as t v n . 1 le 'had good .11 counts to u'.Ve tootlset thelc.s.s comtoiting tidings, 1 had !o--mvcV o ih,- state ol atlairs at t he met i opoh.s oi :hc country and i t he commercial capital ol the Mid 'land.-. Wherever he had boon he , found the 1 aiglish and Welsh mosses animated with undoubted enthusi- .ism loi -the caii-e ol Ireland. The .previous night he had experienced the niivst wondeilul demonstration in his lav or vet witnessed, and was i decptv touched bv it. The Kllgllsll i Liberals. leering and shouting, I w anted to hair him n t riumpli 1 throng! terist ir the tow n. Put w il h char.ic Islifce ot dlsplav . lie sbplied out ol t hell n 1 escaped bv a ruse need his w . luorta.iv ivt repose. oi n oir , ii ed, a ml i il great Not vvi t hstaiiding .'idK.oii todav he rushed oil lew winds l gave him texl iii ,iv a t he Welsh tli Mil is, who , pleudid icceptiou. i1 ueii s .scrv a-es w ere o.on.v nec.iea ; in ine pi i in i p.ii i i . Jlieie IS pel I -haps no part of the country w here I back into it the landloid-hold more powei than. The group of Northern gentle in North and South NY ales. AI - men present broke into a roar ot j though Glads-tone liv es m ales, ; aimrovin s lansrhter. and the ex lis oeioveu m ine vv eisn, ,inii nas hitherto drawn as much strength ; from this p.ut ol Britain as from , Scot land, the landlord interest lor ! the 1110.-I part has gone dead against j him. and ui iny s,.,,is an- threat jened. NeWspapeis are not much read in the mountains and valleys ol ; h is i eg ion . and Glads t ou c' s great I .. I ...I V..i 1 -1""" 1 '"" . -"" ' " ";y "1- III I I I I - I I . l I I l I . ' II I I 1 I ' I l (MI I III' libd. I voters. I ainell came pist in tune i to ;,-m the tide "I loss and ai Oils' public opinion ,n the large centers j j ol population, .-.iirli a- the iron and coal distiicL and seaports. His I presence li.t.s giv en the llillip needed I to start the latent feeling in favor I of home rule. Next to Glads-tone, iParnell is the most popular man in ' Fngland tonight. Manx ol the leaders ot the people among the middle classes, discerning that the question before the country i.s one in which the democracies of the three kingdoms , ire all equally in terested, have boldly forsaken the landlords and come out defiantly as independent banner bearers of the Welsh people against tbo feudal powers. To f hose leaders Gladstone and Parncll look with conhdence to send home rulers to Parliament. Church i nest ions are being raised by the Tories, in the country con stituencies where the establishment is ill powerful, and these and simi la i maneuvers to divert attention from the sole issue on which the verdict of the country, is asked, are doing Gladstone some barm. Tun.;. Power O'Connor, M, P. 1 lie Minister's Mistake. The ancient town of Medlord, the seat of the old Lawrence distillery, has lot mauy years been famous for the excellent quality of its spirituous product, which has been attributed to the purity ot its water and the pains taken in preparing and refining :t. So gifat is its reputation among the. trade that the term old Med ford" is now ap plied to all choice grades of rum unproved by uge. But the latr Lev. Chailes Brooks, an orthodox clergyman, who many years ago w-,is the esteemed and talented pastor of a large society ;n that town, was unversed ;u bar room literature, ami a eoTino;s,eur only in communion wine. So it hap pened one time that he was in duced to attend a special town meeting, culled to consider some matter of local interest to the citi zens: and the proposition before it meeting his cordial approbation, he got up and made a rous.ng spiech in ;ts favor, mst before the vote was taken, winding up with the emptiat : old' Me patriot n w;'h to declaration. "1 do love old." Ot course this sentiment was greeted '!- ot applause, mingled. vv : ' . , .-1 1 c : boisterous .- to ; ri ; ; a : e ; he iiiimi In iwt-v rr 1 i I 1 ' l : ' . : pl.i.sti. a ;hink ; ledi'ed upoi. ir : 1 1 1 no II llllll to s s ; liocl I ty VI a.s d In- tuiiied fiercely ; ' o: s and e el I i Mled w i ' in ' h We a in- g'cll ' lelll i or I . o t . " iit down vi 1 1 1 ' I. el a-V e ; 1 iroi t lie lioll-e nproaiou- meriiuent. and ! "Good tot x on.' ' v'e don't y our w ord . sir." I )o you . straight?'" An- you going 'lit!'" And !' w as not until his parishioners came to the ilellb- take l ICsi w a.s t hat e bewildered parson ouiprehend the mis :it U01i his lelnai ks. (( I l ili i) ItUl t i II. m a: ( i i 1 i , I'e that in: itth peo A 1 Iv IKD. -u:Ti r:n,i t r- -in lla- i-r 1 1 1 1 n r- ' f y i i-.ni; ihtvoJi- l-l'll V . il '-- . I Hi ill 1 1 u m 'li . ii ni- ipe t hi.l will cure -- i mi iim.-t iikiier-.-. eariv , I vm;1 -end v : I i 'I- "1IA 1:1 .1.. 1 ti grcal i. wa- ,h-. - i-re.l l. a mi-sii -r.ary n.N.iilii Ainerira , ml a-elf-a.l.lre-Hi-il ei-.vei, (a-lOtlu- Ui V . J -KPH T. Imman. 5'.' i.'.i.i. U .Vii- V..- C.:tl nlTdwy The Tables Turned. I Jacksonville (Kla.- UeraM. General VV. S. Walker met ro- eently nronnd a social board mi : extreme Massachusetts man of tb l'eudry type of sentiment, rind ing this gallant old veteran of two ' wars corraled as it were in the 1 midst of a gronp of Northern gen tlemen, the Pendry sympathizer thought it would be vastly fine to irighimn little upon the issues ot ! i . i i . . i , I ime wai, ami so sailed into nun , i'J 'with niort, frankness than eonrtesv. i w 1... i;..nor.,l ,iivin in. m-..t 1 in I-1--- . '.'.l.. ... II I IUC TT.I.U 6.11.11,1 gomi humor and self-control. 1 Fin a'nv the Massachusetts man to idi.-d upon the Davis incident ,iU: -uted his solitary disapproval I , emphatic terms, eulogizing ren-j dry and arraigning Davis in sharp : farina fliniTQl Wa IL- ur' luood n:ifnri.-th svtrsmial nan)- lhis whole demonstration to waid Jerl' Davis is an outrage upon the country and a menace to the peace of the nation. It proves to me that you Southern people are re.ulv tomorrow to begin another rebellion, and to destroy the I u ion 1" Look here, saal den. Walker, ijuielly. -l see von ilo not under stand I he situation at all. 'J lu ll ii;;Ij is, the Soutti is u.-r imw bettei satisfied with its position and more interested in the preser vation ot the Cniou than you peo-1 pie of Massachusetts. The South j is prospering, contented and hope-: - ,,, , , i . ffCtll-k li-n'w rilt-n Hulvr, ml. As a result ot the war, oar ... , epreseutacon in ( ougress hai0lltt Hrurit... ,;i,.Hr been vastly increased, and iu point Rheum. Fever Sores. Tt-uer ri ot Kiel the South comes nearer to controlling the Government than I anv section of the country. We 1 , , i . ,. i an the largest influence in it NN by should we wish to destroy it : ! No, my iriend. the next rebellion will come from New England ! When you people up there see the current oi prosperity setting South v,ri- o-h..n vnnr .n-.iniif.iPtnroi! Vw gin to drift away towards the field ot production; when your spindles and looms decrease, while the mills of the South me multiplying, you are going to get up u great dissatis faction over some small oonstitu tional question, and rebel against the new order of things. But I want to sav to vou now.'" said Gen. Walker riaincr" "rhiif if ever von neoole ol New Enuland attempt, to secede from the I nion. we of the Sim i mm nmmnt v I inn h vnn I treuiely "loyvil'' left the company. Jones County Items. Miss Ella Hackuey, of Wilson, e visiting at Tientou Sheriff Koouce'. tamilv . The commissioners were m ses sion today: quite a slim gathering too much grass for the farmers to attend. We learn that a gentleman from Kiuston has reuted the Chas. H. F'oy brick store in Trenton and will open in a few days j new bar; good new s to some. We are having heavy rains near ly every day. The fruit crop iuour county has nearly all dropped from the trees and has proved to be an entire failure iu our section. Mr. and Mrs. Lonis H. Mallard have the sympathies of our entire community in the death of their little boy, William Hardy, with cholera infantum, which sad event occurred ou Thursday last. Now is about the time for some of our hog raisers to get cholera a.n 'hg their hogs, as I am credibly informed that many ol them have empty corn cribs, which always carries with it the cry of cholera among swine. Politics are beginning to crop out a little in oar county. . We leain that several of onr citizens will be patriotic enough to serve in the office of sheriff provided their friends will jnst push the office on them. Mr. V. M. Collins, of White Oak township, represents the crops in his section better this year than he has ever known them; suffering a little from too much rain. Mr. Durant H. Harrison says crops' of every kiud in his section are look ing well. NV'e learn that Messrs. Simmons iV Parker will move their steam saw mill back to their home, about August, so they can use the engine to gin cotton. So every one who ueeds any lumber had better send iu their bills if thev expect to get them rilled this fall." Mr. John M. Andrews, Ksq.. has completed a neat and commodious dwelling for Mr. Stephen 11. Moore, of the Potneck section of Trenton township and will commence erect ing a new dwelling for Mr. Jas. L. Harrison, of the French branch section of the same township fioon. The Trenton and Core creek mail route is a real accommodation to our citizens. 1 saw- two letter mailed on Saturday evening last at 1 o'clock which no doubt was read at New Berne that night before 0 o'clock, which by the Polloksville route could not have reached New Berne before ( p. in. Monday fol lowing. Trenton was so dull on Safnrdny last that our merchants never had the opportunity of smiling. 1 beard one oi them remark that it was the dullest day since the surrender. NN" h x . said he, .1 list to think of it ! I've only sold four barrels of Hour today and if the rains continue j much longer business will cease ' entirely. We hciiid a couple of our i'aiUiers say . that each had bad a water melon, but, said one of them, I al ways thought when the lit tie cm ! near the stem was dead that the melon was ripe, but. coiituiu- d he. the wot weather fooled me this tune, for it was as green as a guard. So was mine, remarked the other olle. l-ii:.-i Li 'X e. Scarce oucpei-oi, out ol twenty marries his rii-l Iov, . and scarce one out oftv enr.v 'ot the remainder has cause to reione a; having done so. NN hat vve Io' e .n : iio.se e.uly days is generally rather 4 fanciful creation of our own than a lealitv. YYe build slatne-s of -now. and weep when they melt. Si xt yi yn LI AIM' IN ES.-. Tin.- -,'il -mi ha.-i cotne when ;i limn v im tinil .1 twelve room house ami ,i half ncri of Tj'onii'l too small for hun at linnii w:;i live with bin family in a three ! --in vh.tnty surrounded b l.'Hn '. i : : glaring saiul and call it Imp- ; r-pi . So mi mll ");,'. i AllVM'K TO MOTIIEKS. llK XVlNSLOW"- S'OTHINO .SVI'.l P should alwayn be uded for ehildreij , teething. U soothes the child, Boitei). the gurns. allays all pain, cures wim: i-oli ' anii is the best remedy for di?.r hu a. Twenty-rive cents a bottle. jan24dtuthsiitwlv A l'i.f;n;i f -. . i -., .lk .v great (letli 01 lihri;. i.- felt when eholera, small poir, typiitia fever, or other epidemic -.'i-ei-- - prev.il- QViZ. et over i t ; country there an killed by diseases u is ot on m.in the !.,- i a; oi organs than by all the inon- active di -eases combineil. Consumption destroys nioro lives jh-i thousand o( the poimhuion tlinti anv other oce insease, ami pueumoma i : rr i . . , r ..... . . i . . s next h. i "e i"inin maivi-s aw.ivi th ninerv-one mat housand. and enmoni.i sitvtlm-i together consninptto!!. pneumonia. - -. y lassin heart - disease, am! biomhitis, the laUhly ol this gn.up of allied dis ot dei s is one hundred and ninety one in a thousand. Of cmise the proportion is much gre.ner along 1 1 e SeaiiO.Lst . the 1 1 Vi-1 lull Toms. Mini ii it. damp low lying in high dry iegi,,n respii ritorv organ- localities, while diseases ol the an- l n fn-i uiiii t . rxpenmeni II- now ii'iiler wax to test the virtue- of room-, the air in which I- manipula'id in make it corespond to ti,.- e.mdir n.n.s that exist in mount mmus i eg .. .lis i hat i.- the uir is ra:rticd so i hat thele Is less pre.s-,11 1 c oi i ;h,- I ur'ai h . n g ap paratus. Il ,.- brin-ved thai by s.iin lory and no eh iu-o.il measures. I he di eadj ii : in.-: .d ,i: d ; ull.-l lug now e .ii-eit :, i ii is r a o ! d is orders will In- ,dlev lai'-d. and tens ot t housands oi v a lilab.e lives " tUint.'ni. P! longed V for Ult I'lieii Hande. Chiihl.-iins. i;.m. suet ail Sinn Krupiiorm. an.i p.i-itiv -.-iv cnu pile- , u KurauU'eU o ire r-Tf.-t tu.iu:- lion, or money refumleo. Price 2o i-t-ntu per box B;dp bv j Uncock Hro,. U Absolutely Pure. TliiB powdt-r rifei varn- A iiutrvol f purity, HirciiKih. :m.: n:. hm. i.i-k- l'r PonoraicH 1 l i 1 a 1 1 1 h r.ri M nnr k tiuIp, m n i! can tiot be sold 1 11 ninir.ei IT h m with tli- m 11IUM-1I" of low tt-ftt. th jit,, .rinhnlft powriprs. Solil -!.; : FOWDKK ( JO.. i' v ai I'iuY A i. I'.aKIN.. llock Lime. Plaster, Cements. Goat Hair. (). It,. IA l,j0t1(T stores, think you CKAYKN SI LK17I , JSclovv l!l8'C ''.: ii-iiw,t w Ollice. Notice. Tii onrti-i lfrnel cives noting to eis friends, ftiiti lo liiepnttlK- generally That on Hrcntini of certain 1 est 1 ielUms in ivenrJ to Hie 11 au -r prtha tjeven SprtBcs. thai t hi se:iw-il H, .use will be I'loseil for Un- sujiiiuer. Mdj-:n,l8S. x'. n. sKAXvm.i. "OCEAN VIEW SANITARIUM. ti 'ilu uuili-rtoiiii' 1 lm- i-l'-i'-'l XAKlLVliio SWANsliuUi 1, N- C. iruy ,i;Wo Sl'OKV mil .-n, ti, UlslitHl, ell hlufetixl. roiJ lonainr old ocptuv d(.-lit;liUul bua-biei' -b ing. aailiiiu a.iiil sui f.liniLni. The travt-lii.K pilliin- iind Viiilot -Will DDil IJIOOO fliximimo.i.ii M-l.s :o 1 urms imnlpi au-. A" I vi 1 i ! 1 linn- li.. !"(. s .v n ; e imp .i-i ul o ,,lf! Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE! GROCER sci. i.s coons AT SMALL MARGINS. Special Prices on Flour. .1 (.;. NFW 1:1: m;. .v c AGENTS WANTED :.! nirt; W i . 1' FOR SALE. K III to A . . ' i-I- .'.Mli . !i i: i ( ' a I ; 1 1 1 h . k: The .NVisHi! Live Slack A ;.?s-jc:a:i-"n, II IMV l, V . M'.il' a:.. ;i o.t .iIimh; a ; - n n I It . . ti l'i,i,;i:.: at la ncy i riia i. ' ..-i,.-;.- I I Ll ,1 - V H... - .n-1 i ll'.e!!j.'..r.,7.'-' !...:.-;. - w. !-v. I II... M li-ns HO V I. r- V 1 Ajfi-iit, IM.Mi N. DUFFY'S UOLUUN. BARGAIN" A gain ful or satisfactory transaction. "--Webster. W C I'CpOat Willi Cm-, . . . . lMlilSlS, 0 VOFV till 11 for merly this mentioned in i ii CO can in" attention to the many Bargains" with which I our (ort from the the lop. reading deli nil ion (iisensed lioe, if is pac.Ken bottom to and after tlic above I 1 his much word, we l Wailt! I you '-aiiil'ul or satistactory transactions:- that you ! will visit onr "Bargain SfOfr." We invite the public to inspect, com-! pare, and jude for! themselves, (pialitv at' .ill I inn v. . . ..ii. - wlsii. wl iu iiiuis v ou,snicn:u. w e !ia e eneap on low -im ii-t-wl o iwwlc fnvl TIT" t 1 those wanlini;' goods' vl .iiiili 1 . 1 1 i"-i 1 ti ov o 1 w I : Wi . ii 11 . Lifti,i v , inii i: ,j 1 r . 1 ' ior mose waininir sucn; kinds, hut do not dis-1 CiimirJi: against any; class oi' trade. Our store is for the public,' and wo at all times; welcome anv iu search; ;ot Bargains. As to! c . competition with the large houses and imposing that are in our we would say cit v, ! that our building is! :iiiueh smaller than we1 would like but it you what is in it to be, compare H. with will decide that goods with us are abundant. Wo are grateful and thankful for past fa vors, and a continu ance ot your valued patronage is most earnestly solicited. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: Good quality T-l Bleached Doini sties for 0 1-2 cents, worth. 8 cents. T .iKCHON Lacits, 12 ( nits foi 12 yards. Our Shoe stock is uow complete. Come to see us for all kinds of Goods, and we will satisfy y on. Samples fur nished upon application. SATURDAY, we propose to j.'ive you a drive in Men's, Youth's and Boy's Straw Hats. It you want a Straw Hat, you can save about one third by buying from us. Respectfully submitted. Duffv. Crab Orchard WATER. i hi: i.iver, the: KII1MIV H. I'H-; ST41.HAI t- riiK now r.i.s. 3 DYSPCPSI A, CONSTIPATION, SICK HEAPACHE ' j..K ,;,i.- Rt I lit. mi .-r 1 t' ; ii. Crab Orchard Wafer Co GUION & PELLETIEB, Al (oi lie vs a.t : - i ' i , -. i nkw ni-:itv:. n. s .- llerne. a 1 1 a.v. .i ). I). ( LARK, irN'riss'i". KV HKIU d. c. ravi ii .trel between I'ol lorj ilAwl W V. 1HJKRUS & CO., GHAIN AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, fctJr aw ri. 4- - " ' era Z 30 HI 1 ----- 7g I 3- " : 5 ; -ir i . Prongs. I - i i : ' ' V. I'll f 't- Y I I KK F. M. sntKOSB. C MMfT'iKAlH.TFr' SIMMONS & manly; i ATTORNEYS AT LAW. W;'. 'trnfticr 1. t;u Cfluritof Craven, lciea1 OijoKw. ( fru rut, lafiilJro, I etioirftud Hiai I anil lc Uif K tWal Court al JVtw Hir0e J. C. ETHERIDGE & CO., Cotton Factors aid Commission Merchants lIOW.UrSt.el,ll.rWI,,Vfc ',,i,sigr.mrit8 of X)TTON, CHUN, VILA NI TS, iiixl FARM PRODUCTS oliclted. KIlUKBNOi : Wllllaiis Itroa.. Morfulk, Va H. H. VVhlu- A ro.. " Marine Bank. ja!2dwly Whitehall Street, Alwoy nd uliviiv-5i sure. Ijvdto' Relief i 1 1 1 i m-.nrn: 1 ami l.mlit-s j jvsim'i lu ,,t i t.y muil. BROU DatUO CO Oorimfto. Mf B. SCHEDULE B. NOTICE. All peiM.ns doing business as mer chants, or otherwise, upon all goods bnui!;lii iu or out of the State, or uj other liable under Schedule "B," are ie(ti u i-.l by law tn lint the same daring tlm fust TPN ilays in July. Persons f.-iiliriK to Inst within the lime will be placed on the ilelimiuent list and will be chaiireil with double tax. I will tut - I at my otlk-e to receive the same. Blanks furnished . Afltr the lOih of July all who have not linted u ill be placed on the delin- ,i,,pntli9t JOSEP NEMOk. J"'ur nro. Change of Pier in Xew Twk. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE,; and all 'loint rvrth Mild WeNt 5 lor Saw tiers at hkk 7. nohth iUvisk. , " A'cir York and Boltimfit 7r.ifMrporta.tion Co, i It-r. i-.-ii. if- 1. lm 11 lit i-pniomlwr that tbU te otiAs' 51 '1 S d EliiH cured at bume wiih- n -U-iiA-.R--rofflrr'a lll Iiki Sl,-m l.nii-oiutol New Tork, lMi-:5? ili-i'y '"'' o.ii, w nli Hiiltimnre Ipr Maw Barn 1 all I111.1, ti. una iiiily oni- -hnii nil Ulli S KM I WKKKLV ST 11A11B8 i )i ir, c. ..j b.ii: - ,.iV: and Eiltifflori. jciwccu new uciuti iToncblnc t Morfott) ' .. ii .-., ? Ui.i' . N v: riurnn for Ilaltlmore TITKHlJAy' ' KKIKAYS al 1 p m Lvar Baltinurv fo sw B. ru W KDNKSHAYS dnd SATHMllAV ii' ' 8. Ji. n I .a rs - . Affents :ir ttn fi'llewt . EUBEN FOSTK,rtn'l .W.ufidM-. , 9 ' 0 Liutt St., HtlM- " AS. W MuOAKIOK, Ae't. Norfolk, Va ,i W. P 011- IK VilMllpbla. 11 St.Vl . -Ci;, I,"' .t-v Yotk.i H.-illnTriii-. I.iii-, 1'ir (f!mlimlsv-X t. Siin.pi-. in. Hiii-ion, ft.H Onlrnl w hart . iS. . l.T-l .UiK-kwi.il, Proviilpnci- It I. f , ' li. 11 Mmk, Fll Uivr, IiVrrii-k wbarf 1 j " V i Sht)ii i-r. 1 1-- liimtun, Turadayt and- SatniM Nhw York daily. .- f nltimori., W wlinKaayK uBatar.f - . , . ' Fall River, Monday!. WtdaiM-, V ' ProldencH, Satnrrty 1 ' . hrough bills I.1I111 civen, and ratitayaWi, ' V ' in nil point, at thp diffmuut ndloa of - " ' panlm . , v ',. f CI N. Z. LINE. 1 . u Olil) L4LJVHINIIV Steamship Company., SEMI-WEEKLY LI ;;tJ I'm Niiw York, Baltimore, kov ' lolk, ISoston, Klizabetb Vlty, -,--IMiiluleliliiti. lrovideuv,r "-, and other Cities, . OH AN1) A-FTICK Monday, January 11th, 1886, v UNTIL FURTHER NO TICK Steamer Shenandoah Will luavp, opon anival of traia m-Nafolk"- -m.;.- j. Southern Uailruad at Elizaheth OtlTx .TJ i biomjav and TiicaaoA't ' ,,s ' (nr New Berne. Retnrnlnf IntHalil HrM.V lor Elizabeth (Jlly (very TUESDAY AND PKIOAT ui 4 I. th m.lfln. t'li iv. Prill il lint In.. I folli Southern R. H. for Nortkant i Oloap connection made at Mew ttffnia'. with steamprv for Kinston, Follokavillb,'--. TfMam ami all landing- on tha feasa- AjidyTpawl " lilTprn. No freight" rccplyed for Balpneal oa Tuesdays anil Friilftys after 3H i la. , " v 1 n-iKlu forwank-d promptly aa IMjratM zuarfuittipii to destination, j. ' - , - V B. K. KOIIRUTS, Ac'tflfewlUna, UtlU-IFFIB t TlIBUll, I v ' ' ' Ac t. Hwfotk'C W H. STAMrOBD.Oen'IFr't Af't, '- Nw Tork 0U. Cant. Sam. B. Waters AOtHT, .- I lll l-PV'S PtTRK HALT WRUKKTf ' M. tirlrfatoii'a "MoatlceUo Part layai" Bllllarcis, 330. At hisolil sinnd on Middle afreet. si-I-illy N Rim, I (. 1880 t Harper's Magazine 1 matstijatuId. Tin- I icor inlior Number will begin the Bar eilty-Sei lillll X'OlllineoftiAKFKK'H Maoazihi. Minn Woolsiiii's novel. "Kast Angela, " and Mr. Howell'B -Indian Summer" holding tbe fori-iiiofii place in current serial fiction- will rim thtouKh several numbers, ann will tie. loJIowed by serial atorU-e from K. 1. Black inon and Mis. 1). M. Cralfe. A new edHorlal il.-pui linen t. dtm unslns topics BUfgested by the i-urrent li erature ofAmerlcaand Europe, will i-e eoutt ibutod by W. D. liowella, begin niDK wliii Hie January number. The great I iu tary event of toe year will be the pabiiea tion f ii Kerli-B of pa pen taking the shape of a Btory. Htnl depicting characteriatie CBatolrea of American Koi iely as peen at oarletattiig pleasure resorts written by Charles iuidley Winner, and ilUislrau-d by II. S. llalnfiart. The Maira.ine will give efpeciai atlemtfoo tt Alneriean suli.'eels. treateil by the lirvt Amer lean wriiiis. Mini illuMra'teil by leadlnic A Mi-rr-iiii arMi-'i- llaii('r' I'eritMlicuIti, I'hll VHAK li.viiri-.H s macaZi.xh lIAlll'KR S XX'KKKLY ii.v i:i'i r, .- n.v zaii IA 1111,1, i- X i if NO l'KOl'I.K d .'.111 l.i'.-- i-UANKl.IN Htil'AKK F HA IIY, One Year (52 Numbers) . f 1 w Ll- 10 lu tb ri.s-.at.'- Kn e to all KnbKcrlbem " 1 1 1 ted Sill! ei- or CHiniiCM. lumfsof : lit1 Magazine bee in with the k i"i Jnue anil Dvrf in ber of -aeb . i.fii no tune is npeti(Utl, It will be n il Lhat t fie Hiib8criter wishea to be- ind. -i-t : M.I : w.'ii !m- ( urrt'iit Number. ' 'M'i'i ttluiiics oi Harpei'H Miinettie for . i ;i:s inn k. in ru'jil cKilh hiurting. wij M-j.t i. iiiail, ktki jmitl . on rt-t-ript or - i i f 1 1 t -. 'lotli Ohb, for tundlng, 50 rM-ai i.- rnHil. postpaid. ; ;l ru 1 1;t ij hi 'k Maaziiif. A r))iilfti(ml, i .;.:: ii i . ;i ml 'Jassiflt-tl. t' ir ollitueH to j.. ;iis:t, Ir.ifu Juiji.', i,s.'ji. U Juiie. 1H0, - v .1 , xvii ' 1 t ll, $4 iMk. : in ! Mii i it t-H sliou ui i .e in fit by lot-Offlce ' i.iiai'1" or bruft. U' uvtilti cIihih uriuft. ii'WsuijrH art' not to copy tliiH ndvertlfie nl w itiiout t lit expires order of Harprr 4 ' l.i rs. Addre ss MAKI'KK A- MltUTHKRS, New York. 1 The Southern Cultivator AND DIXIE FARMER. 4 lib VKAIt The a cut Fiirm. r,eWu in list rili! and Stock i.f th.- Smith. it , - i i 1 1 r vv Ui iik 'onsliint'nry the intelll- Ui'l ; t ( 'I '( 'lil'AsM t- HId Kli iMiUlIltlal I J' BUOOM- fu ; (ai in.M "f i li in st'ft ion, ami ns an adver l : i ik; hum! 1 win for t lie M iTi liniiL, MHullfACtU i i. si", k liMist-r mid I'lofctwlonal Man, la a !- 'I-i;ti i Y r n nj r a i.T.r n. si j i uUoouHiy employ t d In lis column ik niwaj h reinunerativH. Ad t-rt iSHincntK, per lino, - . 30. SuuHcription, ver aiinuui, - 91. 4. Aulrow, riM.TiYAToR rrn. co ' 11. iTttWerx ATLANTA, GA. New Heme '-ltl .Uurual a nd Cnltt atoi oue year lu al vancc, $9,79 ap -o dwtf ' T r "V a a i - ::, s- : iv - lfo- ' ,- , atuaa . V ii r 1 -4 -if '- I - Jl- TTT