mm ... -p U X M N V . fc. II Utf KM, XDKI'I'INDl'IN'T IT ALL r 1 M I I "N ( Torma $2.00 1 NKW HKIiN K, CIIAVKN (OI XTY. N. ('., SEPTKM BEli :5. Ism;. NO 36. VOL. IX. 1 ,500Bundles of Delta IHook Cotton Ties. a a a o 2 u u o to i FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. -J O -- -- 3 o C c O Si O O bp en M M o 3 S cJ O o o o - I- . o O rj CO CJ ONioova uowoq o spA 000'09 Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, KTC, ETC.. FOR Till'. FALL OF 1880. ?I have on hand, for immediate delivery: One 60 Saw Gnllett's "Magnolia' v - Magnolia" A "Masrnnlia" V Matrnolia' One 50 Saw Gnllett's One 45 Saw Gullett'a One 40 Saw Gullett'a One 60 Saw Tratt Cotton i With rev ''.v One 50 Saw Pratt Cotton , With p' M v;r. : One 40 Saw Pratt Cotton One 50 Saw Carver Gin One 50 Saw Carver Gin One "Dots" Tower Cotton Prnn, One "Boil" No. 2 Power Cotton Pr ss, These Gin n4 I'r -iv tairamghOTit 'b; Soatb- I the best. I klo earr v . Saw Mills, Gns: '. ' ' Wdeftt Tliresherx C-.r--: ir Hooks, Loing. II.-! . - v P'im Fittings, Vilv,.-, r - Betid for eiroulr r. i : r ;:r.u. v -i r .1. t . 1 1 I T I N . Agent for FAIRBANKS' S1ANDAK1' S"AbbS. .1 Horner I N ' 1 i 1 1 1 i ' , oi ma. mon '.:. inc. wim n tnlr ' Cbrf for ni.iv tvaif uirf -ip'r1 ' '- ' ' Houjli lA.'Xt "'' " Uiorouxtity .--.a . - MAX SCHWEKIN Has returned from Nt '.v Nobby Gents' Furnishius: Goods. Shawls and Blanket?. Ladies' Walking Jai kfts. Dress Goods. Pants Cloths. Etc : A M v H.IT1 ' ' - f I4 ' ' lur.r T' ' M . .. atr i r i " ny w '.n a i. " :nni if Ju-.. ' . sUrtiCH Utt N S 3C OO O CO - O o ti o O t- IT. o E- r: rt Cotton Giu. r-. i - v-1 i Cotton Gin. V r i: : ' Cotton Gin. ' V- ! r :i Cotton Giu, Gin. Gin. '"i ' Gin, ' old stvlr , u . . 1 new s t v 1 1 School ! II 1 . I I ( ) It N I K. Jfe lfT S" CLOTHIIXSG, Boots and Shoes, c - Etc. CD MAX cOHWERlN. f ; in North l .1 1 ! i n i M . I!. i:: : .v-i;.- --I l't-';! .! irv . . I : ; . i : 1 1 . : i I: r i ; .i i ', I ' ' 1 I . 1 1 1 1 1 ) ' 1 1 i i ' :i i . i - i mmI 1 1- In . ,11 ul 'I,- Mi-iI.imI Art .L-, - ' i : r- ,t.'l '!''! r: : 1 1 i 1 ..; . 1 . i - :.. i , r.- i.t n i . .i- :. ; !. :ii"-r i ; . ' : i : 1 1 ; . ' - "'. '. i ' i ! . ! ; .. .i, : ; i -1 ; . . i i.i' . 1 1 1 1 1 . :. i : ' 1 : ' - - 1 1 m i i ' i -uri:.' thr ; ! - ' . :;iifi :. ' : S'.itc , i: .1 j..i::.-ri:iv il' ill .ill ill Wl to ul' tin' much- imt i: "in' st'i in !,.it on i' i i i isit;o:i o! tin- lliOT CM-'S Ml M.-i T:t.' Mr. I A--"ii,M . 1 I ami 1 ineaiior I.T S ' l'r, i , " ; : i : o i ; - ; i. A"' I North uiak' an one t in ielii-ral Carohnu ot 1 1 :i m lsile to pr.u'tise saro"i :n the v.ij.l - tlrlt in i ' ! 1 1 ' .is h o 1 a or 1 1 n-. 1 i iT ! M l l .lt e I roltl Mril . il r.o.u.l, or a ,'in some it-put. ible rue, :-.u.'il p; :..r to Itli-i! . i'.I i in-; u . : 'h Now u i- clai in the .ilmvo ', iw . in its exclusive favors t n i i-rtrtin ( 1 is-, js highly iiitiU.t. not o;il rolib:n the ounr;er nii-nibcrs "t the prole.-.sioii of .ul van tac.s uhtiii the have purrh.v.'-eil lor theni-olves tlirouph (l.iys of ardn ons to,!, (hi; at tho same time pl.U'inr; them in the very falsest ht LH'hue the hiitv. 1 lit' yimni raeiheal men of North Ciirolina are .is much in favor of stringent laws;. u.uvo ... ....... . !..., ,.f I I,. I'r.l. t i an. I examinations, in ortier to Keepu-K U improve. Hopes tire enter out mrompftentp. as the wisest ;)t,iue(l that slie will soon be up and I and grave.-! ent husiast in the State: , ou I. I but thev do to the lmphca Slc ,.,,t w,..,i,,.r , ,, .,;,..;., " I . i ' i .l , f ),.., , ,, 1 w, a.inr lor K, n tarn made t he law t hilt their ed tl cotton. 1 have ,niest,one,l several cation alone is defective: that the of the best ftud most reliable hands alone require the elltntnatiup ill- ! alKmt the cotton crop and all dirree tbienets of t he act, while those who : that the croii is short 1, .,1 it,., inrtiui.t ti irrniliiiihi' L prior to i'.ue oiuu .u u.i - ten.,- arms ol the law. sbielded ; .ire Mdod iu the fus iroiu every uutowaru eirrinrrtBin.-f , and permitted to practise mecucine ' , . ri ,- and surcrerv without W t or lnu- 1 c .. . ... 1 , . , . i.vfc., ' 1 .' " are t he psple, an d wisdom will die with vou Ar the facilities for 'Kr,"-' ;k no d ir. i uo.ition now than in u an 'e Ix-llum days. hen two pro le.-sors coin. I exhaust, in ttic ai- lotted tine, the limited curriculum. ami our baireu sages recneu from then- Alma Maters the , er- nit" to en birth anil hen 1 I trow,. , - , ,. , mi. to y, ii.rit an n hi in public meetings are each not. Is M a l.iet that the mental ; jnx,ors to a r endowments of those voong men nd . m , M aI,X,," " l'r who have graduated sine 1.S0 are tmSV V,S "i ' ,'' .Tf , I r - i . t h In of Thos.. who ' ,nC I'e'U'riil- t'lU'- 11,1,1 ,,0unt' nl, Ur KT,(lt. , oftltOM wlto affairs, some of whom make the Cradiiated prior to that timet No ecectous blunders tma-.n- one can so atlirm. J lien why this , distinction without a difference?, , ' ' ind hetil T 1 trow . . Why are we Graduates of the best ' " """ "' 1 " , --"'"" an,l when my dving day comes, as soon erai nours alter me mwci. ineauuo s -b.l's , il'.nntrv , the vftftT i tKn:U nultt,'rs ;ltul " 1"'n ,lu'-V h:u''' it tm.d, and'mv eves are turned to be- sphere grew v.-ry Co, I just before the sv hrsds in the .vilDtrj n tn. VT i . , , , ..... t, -i,,,.,,,.,! v...,-...,. r... i.-, t.h.H-k. V-r- la .!et::r- ur.,ov,red 1 S.SO, forcci in the han. 1 to leave our practice : sot lealous and watCU- -, . .t rIMU.IlilSilU' it I I. .11.1.1 nil. tuirtval-, to incur the expense ol . i, ,.. travel, the mortification of an ex animation, and piobably the cha gill, oi iirie.ii , wuin- ,.ui ini'i, ioi- tiinare conirere, a t;raiiuitve oi 1 sT'.i, en ion s all the lmmiuiUies of tin law .mil all tbe privileges of the pro I e.-.-ion tthoii debarment from an nit act .".titer Wliv ins an t ' i t t - i.. o tnnuiiT an. or ci.-e make the law refer onlv to the in- ..,,,,.,.., l.i. r of tb.. ..r,,t.'s-toi, ' The answer to the nnerv is euvsy. Tl... ,si,,,M of the liw worktxl 1 he instigators ol Un ia wi Ktm witwdv tn their own interest. iue a, -cnratelv measured their ground and k'MTT how far to -.. Thev u c'.l knew that the va.luate.s of th.- ol-t tiVe Near- wele, .1-- a lll.o, w.'.iiou' money . position, or m- , : . . t . . . 1 It . 1 I 1 1 V I U :l I '. ! 1 T I It t' 1 V tn-ere-t and 'pr'.v.leje would meet b- -1 !, opposition. Th.-v knew, . .1,,. , t,;-i .,, mi Li. Li- ,,ea , th,. s-' .-. would in" onA Miclude th.-ni uilar -, , . -. Pa a- I.. - , ;" t . : -1 t ' . r - no: a it e i -tiro. - tl -' . a t - p.--. .Ml,!, the::; , : i n "It t . .,' :t Would IM! I I U-eot.i.' a 1 iw . t he leer- darm ' t" ote for such l i,... i b ... .. c. .... ,1 1 ,! -.,, I 1 - in ),,. SI1I ,. t,i : 1 1 . . all! -a: ,n . , ... r tint'iuo '..uiiei.t tn t Ik proles.-ioii-. ' 1 i , a ' e o 1 w i 10 in : s . pi a I U' t he .- nate w 1 a "a lit a e are r.-.o ! . under any tr "limst unco.-, to measure 'MtT iii.-in hers in all that : ' he teclMMLine of our prob -ton. NN r ob.o-ct to .4: is equal and fair lor all . a ; i.c '. ! t .1 Mi - . 1 n no ti 11 . law t II eti W obp-ct to no ex. strmgeiit. wlncii . w ,' t 1 pi act :.-,' Ml the . - 1 o j : t . r 1 ,1 1111 p j 1 1 1 ally to ,,- we do obiecf. and shall ,.: ,,, ; . ,, ,b-t motion- being it,-' u- lor no tali r than t i'ol It ;' ' : .: I"e isolts. in. -m l 1 - : u g' ..'.,: V. :. . , " g b r " u ... e 1 ,1 le tl ce, 1 n bo.'ome better ktlbdl medical laid ol at 1:1 i 1 no 1 , . -. 'i - ' 11 - -1 . ' b ab. -. , tint r '. , . 1 1 g : : , e u . . . t , .1 ; i a ii.c.-tl - r . a ". a , of the d mat: i . ' : 1 1 ' ; vi' ; 1 1 ,ir' ;"r i .' "!; : w : ' h tin' 1 : .r ; : u i'.i-r ul tin' r.'ii ,i. .i , i .i i " ' l tlii- 1 1 : ; ' 1 1 . d ; ; I : : ; li;.- .n to tin- triiiMi'ct i trt'iiii'y. 'r.ii'ly .isMin' t in' p.iiu-n- ; n.u lis- mti' cri' normal. s:nrr lie coulil rii.thnif: with li : - i n.-t rumi'iit m' prr ')!! to ; : n ; 1 1 . 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 . r : : 1 1 1 ' r i ' . Ail"! i.i-r !iot.-.l i'l, i:i ot t h .-S'.it.-- :.!' i't"!,i-:..ii-:v mi; i union. i! in li.ivin' tlic "tii'ii-. o In'.', p.i-si'il a ,i - i! : " : . it i -! .' ' -' "t !'"in - ::: t In' o: ,i; v. ml: or Mi ' 1 . i I Lit, v ! n-11 I i i II f.-t r' 1 toil" o. .i - .in i' ii ; : 'a . : n i ss . ;i . l . 1 1 1 1 "' : -1 1 . ; i r 1 1 1 r ' r ; . i i , !. : In- c "':::-' ! t Ik s' . "t . i i L : .M" ,rnl i I i i . r i ; ' . i it i ! ! : r : . i : : -a ! k. w ;i..r ti:. i m . : " v t ; M . . 1 1 i . " w . i - -ii im i '. ; ; i U :i ' j'.i-- lit- lii ;:"' -::"i :,' to Imi i, ootfil ; .irsa-v. ,itnv. . iti-i'. an. I oft.-n ) i . i r : n . ! ':.: HIlMl-t . i : 1 1 1 IH.i i;:,.ii ;.ui. T!t i : .:ii.' .: !.,.:,' o'm,' .i:..J m . ' ; ' i 1 1 ; i i 1 1 w i i :iot . 1 1 : n i ; 1 ' " ; i.i'.i :,ii' or ili : I'tit 1 1 1 ; -that our f.uil's ainl Mirtl'r'.i". i -m;iv ctw' wit!i our Mnitli. .mil tii it we !o not oftha! number who r tinue to bo ignorant, selti-h. at v i n , 1 ic' : ve. mi -pit" anil the mol 1 1 1' i n , t x ; -r : c t : MitlurniT.s 1 1 me. A - mint men r a favors. Treat us as ; lio ii -treateil. ainl for what nana: ill take i- in- oi I'tn -i !v.-s. the law iinivi'rs.illi tn.-iu-ivr c it;; mi i o; n h an - '.s : : t - p "i: rn ' it' : Jones County Items. ata i - w I a-. Mr. K. 1.. May has bei-n ipnte Hick with malarial lever but :- now improvatL'. Mr. .loh". P. May. "I K:n--o!t. ir visit l UjC hi- 1 , . 1.. au.l I Mav at Trenton. KJward Stanly sas la- captuted It flUe buck that w etfClieil 11" pooqils l.i-t week, Mi, lioinulus X intaker contin- .n,,m. npproachin - :. won't the offiee seek- thelrUMKll -i.. .....v.v..l ....v... atminnt nt fur TirrniiPj sum., nf . ,. ,,r ,,...., WI IC H il It' il lUillLIIH Ul .niuiii- .... . -.., in n. i a tin. thrTT Tn ITl'vIT.romt. i - In ,,,. ,(,, "tt ., in a certain pitv on a rvrt tin nii'hf. What a crowd met Mill Showman ivocketod proceeds, crawled noon st;iiro a,i ,,,1,1 them that it itni.wMde t,-, i,,.mi.lish tlie flV1. for i,,. i. .,t .,vi,,, m Ctv t t le oU over ami conl.l not find a 1.,rfc Onouj:h to crawl into. , ,. u ..,.,. . . , ftmj ,i(ljflC(1 th(.!r i1(,rs about as ,. ,.; ., i. . ... icr.i ik'u 10 e.s ii.i.ii i ,o.,,, how canon won' mad W h." said he, "the simplest t iii ii"; mi thr le and pour , just take a lo melted iron atoutpl it.' Or.r fit. -nd ,u. d co Wo r. ', i ; imusi.ui teini.-er intl-t p ir.loti u- 1 ., to touch l.itii a little, as iralwaivs brill 'saboi a rich tr.-at " " - ul 'l,'ukll,,i- ion,.... o..- . ... - n.... 111"' "hich 11.) otic . .Ill . I , . o a! ; y bettor than m.xsc.t even it th.-y aie t HIV own expense. i'llrlld Item- . .. ' ...i.,,.,, ......... .. . - I'areut.s had raised them tl.c.N inou - n; int.iew ,a inc. .... , who ru-v.-r k he w or d , -1 . ui -e , WOr.I- IM.'.l IM'.H.i :oau. wi.o ,. th. n woul l make t ln-nt-t '. t--. .-I' er tr t" :., iko thi-iipi-ivi--. i- ocms by umh; wot, Is. Now would t i:ey not use tneiii m. ;i ward and clum-iK" that their hud companions would even i .: them Now, friend, it a b i I lot It : w ''rk 1 th wa;. -. 1 ion'; ot; W . . '. 1 .1 kc telit ) .-.-; -:.-c;i--;nr: -. .-noli . 1 . oi w hat :.- suppo.-e in.., the satue v ;e w ol u.- t w t r-.-ed . sin 1 ; Iii.irM.eI Ul a C t t.eotoga .11 m. m a t ; 1 n ,i . en, 11 1 1 ,1 , 11 , . . , 'l": tl., -re AppA .ug tt.e pat.t Ml Certain iM.mS 1 Woiinl -tl-'J frtelid. that w .- had 1-,-t t.-r '.. .1- htelal otlf w a - .,- ,; ! -, these -.-ra . ; aw h;lc bi-t'oi e i- d. pit' M NM nail man il w ho 1: v, : ta- M ind: vtdti them ar and tin- -uc' .-I w ron ly at 1 . btr -. 1 sllOtlld h.lS e be, tl to his ailabtoty air hundred Utlech'te. lated w htclt 1 'rove t 1 com moil idea, a t: 1 1 o been "1:1 i.b but 1 , ri, ., - :.. ' t ,!- .:: lit'. :- ' A. til,- 1 .;' .. , ": m '. lT"tig':. 'a :. ries iiitg'tt' ,ir nr.lttary iHirned c -ut ; ilill.l, 1 1 V, t mat 1 .ol ii ti h.s Ml 1. ul . ic.l I h.fl w It;! That ,. 1 , 1 . A tit . : . . a mi s' rt ' : , . 1.1. -, .in ' ' t M ! M c:.-t:v.n:y4s A; j ' . -! "i ir: 1 1 1 ' f r i 'ir- -- in 1 ii: ::-tr. .li n : M .r,N I.t.' 1,1-! li:it. i . ' r ;: ( 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 .IV. ' t. - I - I' T i." X r Scia : 1 D.str: pti ;n!" r 1 i M b , 1 v. a v n Mr. V. A . ry Khrl t" - Mill Pa - 1 1 , , : ; 1 1 - i. .it ; n for th" otli.-.- of 1 ir in-r hi the :. i ! :tr; : la I am salt-::-- 1 tbat :'. M. '' -.: 11." wail dt-rharK-e th" . i ti t i - "I '' t b ' ati -e it: a niar.a.-r nt i r 1 y - i-f i -tl t ry t" bt- fell ..f the .!;- tr. t. 11" i- a .o,l lawyer, t.itttltul to .very duty unp,--"d ui-ai him a man f ii:t "tnty Bit'l rliaraeter. and exein I !ary habits, and 1 tru't that th" people ,.f hi- 1 1 1 t r i t in apprerianon of bi u't. at worth will elevate lain t" the h'vh p lb N v"r M:re a Car.did&t. In i tn innaa. nlaait t levt n c. lork Mi.t,l:iv ntgb.t. the Tburman (dub. ,'i!uit li"J i-iri'iic. he a, ! d by a band of mu-ic. marched to the (iihson House i J...-...1 o r.,t, . I t., tl ... ,1,- tin(jU)I,h,.,i ex Senator in whose honor the club was named. Judge Tburman. in res(Manding paid: " Mj i oun,; t 'rim Sdien I was a bov at school, many years ago. one of lh;. u,xt u,ks x BlujieJ was a 1-atin one, '(. 'i.-ero on Old Ago, ' and I reniem- b"r wwll when I read that beautiful treatise m w l-.ich the auth. r sets forth beautiful nnd impressive muIlI.,.r th:it consummation ,n old age which would in Home degree be a cm- pen .ation for the trials of youth, I won- dered if that lot would ever be mine. ( Now. when I liM-k down upon your iieatisHnu see vour liiiulil laits uljli know who y f,el,ometh mi are and what you are. I ' Dg uf regret that the old . autnor never na.ia e K eronian cueio honor and c.msol him in his old age. 1 tliuiilr vou. tirm. a you hau mint- - , , , , ' .11. i r 1 1 . mi ii .if iiu 1 ' .111 inii 111,111 in taking his name for your club. and. second, for the kmdnei-.- vou have mani- Ilsted toward ine tiy iilir attendance tonight nnd your Peautitul ser, na.l -. My friends. 1,0 oi.e cat: sav i-uare I .. ..-,,, .. ,t n ..,,, 't ,i. .,.'',.',, a., i,. r;,a and ,b-appe;iring forever. I -ball never hold another oflice n,.r -hal 1 I ever i - , .w.nimur , . ... - . Z?...v. " U !'.. r. ' v 1, . ,' , - , . c - m. -without hope or fear ,ii that re- sict. tnereiv to honor an e'.df.-How who (rem b,'.vh,K,d has been a Den..- oral, and who" until his day wall h-" rat. an 1 win .s pleaded not , be forg-tt.-n w h.le h- st.ll lives. It is my an 1 boast that 1 l.aye al- . w;l. been a strong and stead fast ad- herentofthe principles of democracy, , i. , f...., ... ,i,ntr tin. - , .t will be the eye- of a Democrat tl - - .. will l.u.L- ,,n,,n that ,,rh. And . hen 1 am under the sod . ana s. me one - stumbles oyer my grave, there will he tind th" , pitaph "lb re I. s a man who ... ..raVl, ,hf.r,. will l,t w a-J an lanpb A Cor. X i e-t bciiia-Tat h;- v. 1. ,,e life im " with Seer, ta: y ran.;. Mun- ' . . . n lbnrv - l're-id, nt blo,-Li.,bi::a W'A v. d here t y s: . ctal car at tbr. eich: ai. ! , ..r ck tins un rittia.' About, i, ck this morning the r'r. -.dent drove t" the i i!ia' ul the Albany Argus, about three blocks aw ay . to meet secretary Manning who had diiMtt llt.-n- to!, rt time before, The 1 're-iaei:t and the Secretary ware in pr i ate coil s u hat on in Mr. Mann 1 u g s , tb.e f r ah,, if tot la ur. who,- i'i.I. l.ti- in,, a; nt- t .thw fra uds 111 the rear , th a. A row d , f in;, rested by stand- itp-d :!: l'rotlmt's aj ; e.,rtr,g. W 1.. 11 tn.- r, ii-ultalioii was ended tb.e I 're.-1. lent . s. -cretary Manning and t'i 1. I mioitt d.rove back t,. the spt cial car. wba re a f. u friends were awaittng theni. I'ta- tram left at fit o'clock. '1 ii.- I'M--: b u: a. 1 su,a,.i.irv al-I.e ,.e a w a r- of the d.-ci - . ,n thai was r.-a-la i :.: the u.e.Mr.g. and , f c- urse o,..e 1, ,v.. . - ... - .V no. -i ib,. -1.!,- , . e t s. ,a, i ,rc M 1011111' will r. turn 1,1 in ab, ut ;i fortnight. I tit w :., :i., no, ma. a , r to , lose up atVatrs m his d- i-arttuet.t .- n -t known. 11" w ,is r. r' 111 go" 1 -farits tiits m. ru- n:g, . 1 1 -. , 1 . barring th" limp in his gait, :i,(..ii,-:,a, 1:1 ins normal state of health. 1; , 1. 1 :'.. l.ew 1 i.. re. Inwever. that h - . 0 e m i.t, in : 1 . , , 1 , p.i r 1 1 1 1 1 . t far 1. 1 . I - T ly. 1.. y R, ally ;:: F, : ... '.:.:..: at'- : i . 1 !. 1. . 1. g w , . !. 1 v -t. w . :: : t t; :. w : . . .1 , : t !.. r.Mik M. 1 : . a . t . t ! . M -1 n 1 a. 1 1 .11 1 ! 1 to Sll s t.uit ! w 111.1 .1; 1 1 r 1 - k . f a r rest and 1 1 , ; 1 i-oit 111 t, t A Mormon ohirial, i.o b e- -ell-e el,. .ugh I" see I...W things p g - t g. -tat .l a- much vest"., lav. : -1,1.; ih :, p.-udt d , a: .b l.ti Tay b-r b A 1 : g 1..1- C T,; , a .-,1 one w..d : r . 'ii . t : ai id j ! gs.ii. y . u ! i be i he church Can t tight t he ,pie ( ill t". and tr.e I II. -lh. ni U )h ,11 t belli I- so a- avenues of commuioca opening up 1... t it. . , n t ! ,,- I op; - 1, I I 1 , 1. 1 1 1. . . t 1 .at Me- .e. .1 I to g 1 ,-.' tla p. , 1 ; 1 . .0' 1 - 1 , n gr.--- it . , 1; : - A M r la -I. p. I ,f tla w a k e 1 , I . k. 1 . 1 !. f , I A,:..v I,. iiitrK.N. Si r - 1 - t , I . ' 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1 ' .'nnc.'.. - ' : t . H , ,J I rgii- it .ii,:. aiie-ed in ' at't'-n, 11 it. n- w , r - II lb'- I e J I ' ' " - g t 1 1. to .; ii t i Vi i -c -i .i i ; , ii t " i (in flit . :i. :.' i. i :.'.-t'.;f.-ar.ilv 1 -. r ,-i. ;:. -UU". .'..r la- :. 1 i.. Then- have n : a i : l in- -t i in or t-o (ivvt-ral i:': ,n,' i it". 1 r t - m tins ilirti iion. both I .. ;. anil MiM--iiipi. Self-con-1 1 1 1 it: 1 1 :ii: i rum nnttee? have i:.-l 'a !..: !:.,i, '...'.a iu'gr,i wiwh i ," . : r- - - - : . , 1 1 , ::'. ami If a-i a ,r ! : . ..i. i v :.. :i.i- failed haw : ". : ..: ... ; m i -h . JvvtT"ly . I ; i :: ' rtu n ho r. 1 :. M ; -is-i ;-,pi : .'.,: -. . : . .nvicti'iis. i.t :. : : . ..,. :. t ih" law : . 1 1 a ; r j; ml, v i la; , bt-t w t a-ii the i-i. ar. I it; i. u;-.ana .ru- man vva - i r i ! in :n t! ttii-'i'.: It." Id' i 1." ; : .: 1 : at. i j r. la.- i r, nal; I:. a; ::. a - r i a ; rn ii-e ari-m m .v.-ii.. r.t. 1 'at tho A anti r a is v. r- spa-mo. Ii". f at. :i l )..ur. nun. :.: vi a. i.t ;- iM'ie etriious j- :.. a:. .- a t!.: r-ah .: , .p.". M. ,r.. Ilk- that i f .:. :! :ic up ir.-X'-'go- i !,' lit-; ii,- w,- It la m It, i.-si er 1 ,m .-! , ; u ,1 a i . whete ti.-- :-ubji el v, as ia rally , ; a -- d . tiiil adjourned over : tt.o :; -a:!, ta lit.d the drift of pubha ;::.: it. It 'a- found that patdi -en'.tai.-nt unftti; the whites waa wt !; r.ij;h ur. Main au.- - n the subject. Ida- i t,-t i.t uaaeonr i.-ii at Cottage lir e.,,, in :ta- tij.;-. : p.rM -nof ivji-sier p.rtd,. v. ,i- :ia r,--;:lt. There was no -e ri , rru-N-Prv ab-'-at it. It was an p. n n:..-.- t,ai''.u.r-. it: which all the I of toe la-tftbt' aria :od farmers. , I e ia: m, r. . a: , 1 - ah- r- aSembled . d lie lie. . j ,-i with prayer and pr. .-. 1, a over ! a clergyman. The r. -, Ititu n- w a : e , f the strongest char a't. r. Ti. a-e a,i,i:v , f iuiscegenati-en were thri .c,t i.e i witii -,'ctal boycott, and wanted that thw wa re insulting tlte rt.-'e 1 eelir.f.'s and tn-r;il principles of the community, but the gist of the met tir. was the appointment of a vigil ance committee of nineteen to serve nottce- (an thtse w hite men living with negro worn, n the viilacts were not m-tructed as to what thev should do if th i- warn n: g is unheeded and the ap- potntnitnt'-i aiu-tla r committee la as- s ist in t la -organ i.tation c t anti-niiscege- nati. n sci, it.-; in other parishes in the Strjife This plan of operations is warmly supported by the pMe?s. The JSxxi,-r iiiin in r de clart-s that race purity must be preserved ;tt all hazards, the line mu?t le sharply and distinctly drawn. and those who cross it must pay the penalty. The Kbclit.r Reporter, of Natchitoches, edited by the father of the pre.-ent Attorney-General of the State, approves the l b a. A, 1 1. ,s sen t . nietu prevads in most of the neighboring p;irt.-hes, it is thought that the present organization, by giving a start to the ami miscegenation senti- ment. which in this part of the State is uo tioi.-ei LLi.i.i me aiui-u, uw otuu ment. it will spread through north I .mn-iar.a il not into the neighboring -at.- of Mississirpi. Texas, and Ar- kansas. There is no law in Louisiana ak.Linst the i u t e r m ar ri a re (ir cohabi ta- .. e .1.. . t. ... . . : u;l. no 11 0.1,10-. .i,. ..uiiu,,,., "i.... w as -ti ongly u rged by many persons, bring voted .b.wn in the late constitu it 'titu o-i:m,i: it. 1 :a u. .M-egenauou n groa n.- rart r . ver ray. in ueierence to the -; r : ; abbe s -sttsi-m on this M : E.uth r-a'KO Shisks. : m : . S (',. S, pt. List nigh: was -i'.""t-l ightnicj in tb.e e:i.-t. - th' r a r.-qtua ir.i-Tvai- uuring me nt -nt 1 , , r subterranean ihuttJ.r wa, heard f..r several hour, and at . - a. rn. a 1 ng. rumbling s.tttt b apparently proceed. ng from a direct .--n al.Mie wa ,t ci south, w as f ,,!!, . wed i y a ,e v, re ,ho,k, U,: tng about a minute. H,,s were ehaker. and most of the peop.e awakened The subterranean thunder continu-d sev- t frequent ir.t-Tval- during the ntht near an ,-p. n v, sary to c. -e t r.v ; ound it neces-wic-low an i use L.nrl.n, . DianKC..-. , LUARLUST iN. S. i .. Sept. t-1 I In re were thr.-e shocks ..f earthquake here last night au i early this morning, a -lio.k at r)."." 1-etng quite ?harp and cau-:i: b. 'fi rattle uncomfortably . There was ne general alarm, but a good manv persons ran out of their houses ime the u.'t'ts iir.J it-r.Minoii then1. At Summ-rvi! tie, -re wa re three shockr au 1 b this morning, a ra'.h- r vi. lent shook at I -t w thr-r,' 'ar touatt -n. : t - to ft ; r: !g and t: if a b.eavv gun . was UIMItg . f th" -eve re ..-re w i re detonate -ns a iw . . f the shock. I: l- r. ported oi of medical cob ai.ette i . w as thrown iriti:;;'; shock, and ru.g w as also thrown ::..::. w .- .:: "are : i v b.ea.a . .o. 1 or tvp at Sum : : . -r v 1 . . that ar! . f tt a w le". alta.. :v wa d -a :: l y t:. !. nit; :; 1 - 1-'. i-t. d-wn .v " r. ! t. e . ...:: g t J : s ''-'i'" r e ta la . :. i ua;,'. t hi- r ,1:11 pa .g f. w. 1 1 ': r, .t . ait i I . .m : t" r.-'.urn -re t 3 GiVeS I: Ul ::; 1 . - own tiehalf in ,i 1 ..'.I his ir.tent:-:n blasts begin to b., w f r bake Kri" s f rc.en sur- facet -his own K.'.u.y 1 1 : it da. w nere nta.b it- ar. n. :, k.:. I. a:. ! here, m- sl-ad Mg ; t: - a. : : w t . ; : -: , t . t i.a gritte-lt -- - : . .y -'Of P.- : 1. tic la leave. ILi-a, : a.: t.-r -. it. v.- 1 1.!- it , f tit" s.-na -i.-b r.t ha tint tag in- i.ths. 1- s-ar-..- fatth. r ; tir- I let!" M 1 f - ' .-. a.- a t r, -s 1"' 1 t r ; I r. r 1 r ; -1 r. g . 1: iate b. 1 i'. 11. P i. i- P ti.,- i ot: I, I:., s---: ol -:,:..,:-- shfine he With -If n - M 1 1 1 t.ts ! p. a- fr. : 11 : . t. 1 . t I'eP-r V. t foa t' l ' : . I i A R X. i I t nijji.t uuii:' a r.'if' v.- a: vv i ,f ihu past t Wi-nty-t wo i r ni'T" a :ir-. and more 'articuiarl v c :. teni.iatini; ih" trrnbl" ordt al that : l r j,' i ii ul ( ild t"v:i pas'ed through about thr close of the war and just after it. 1 re railed an art of darina' on th" part of a -"j iiirtii r m i'ir midst at that tune lb" t ii -rn: ir l oral:'" a:. ; !. n r.-a Mav, 1 j ..v. ..- r.:y i : '.', ..::::i . 1 1 . J v ).!. i ,-, ; , : ' Tthy 'art- i i a -: a: . ,f ciii:i:i:i r.'iat, n. it the ras..' are su!.'-ta:;;..ii! y aff r th" -tirrriidi-r : irmv. on a beautiful ntid J . n quiet Sibhath morning, wlien the good eiti.'"iis Mf our church-going community were assembled for worship in their several churches, a s ,uad of Wheeler's cavalry, ir men repre-enting th'-tr.-selvps to be such, dashed ii.tothe tow n, and in the language of th.-- j re, nt day. began to "paint the t'-wn r- d." Three mounti .1 men r tut" tb.e op. ;. n.arltet and ! egan to ring the pre belt vigor ously, thereby greatly alarming the wh-'le community, and on b, ing asked to desist, laughed at and jeered the crowd of citizens and the police, who were unarmed and help lew. The Mayor u the town, tne lap Archd. McLean. Esq.. approached the market, and on the w ay was joined l y Col. Hall, whom he asked to accom pany him and stop the disturbance. The t'olonel. with his characteris tic politeness and chivalry, readily assented, and on reaching the market they found one of the desperado, s sit ting on his horse, bell-rope m han-t. with which he was pulling with all of his energy, the crowd standing around amazed at the fellow's deviltry. i' -l. Hail walked immediately forward, and taking the bridle-rein of the i,or- man in his hand, said to him: "Vou inter na! spoundrrl. if you strike that beil another time I will pull you from your horse." The rascal was taken completely by surprise, bait looking upon the Colonel with disdain, called to his comrades: "Come here, fellows, and see the fun!" and at the same time he drew a Colt s revolver from hin holster, cocked it anil present ed it at the breast of the gallant Colonel, who. throwing open his vest, said to him: ' Shoot, you d d cowardly oeoun dreb but know that while I am a live you shall not frighten the women and children of this town." Th" fellow looked as if he would shoot on the in stant, but seeing the steadfast look of Col. Hall, who gazed straight into his ayes, and noting the marked determi nation of the gallant old It, ru he re placed his pistol, and the bell was not rung another stroke. The cowardiv scamps then put oil down the -tract in a gallop, and had not gone more than a square or two before they had shot to death a poor harmless and in- ifen'-ive negro in the open street. Had Col. Hall exhibited the least fear or had his piercing look been diverted for an instant, the scoundrel would doubtless have murdered him , n the spot. The indignation of the citizens was so great that an expedition w as at once put on foot and placed in charge of Col. Hall, to f .How the ran ais a;:,: punish them, but because of nt !..&. -try delay thev could not be , vertakeit. The pursuit was abandoned, and quiet again re.-umed its sway tn ti.e g"o l a!.': t".vi.. The writer has w itness. ! many acts "f heroism during the war. I u: r.othtug that he has ever ,-ec-n surpa-ued ihe i bravery and determination of 1. b. D. Hall on that occasion, and our com munity have reason to remember his action that day w ith gratitude, b'-ng may the gallant Mayor.. 1' our sister city live t- administer it- municipal affair-. J. II. It. Thr n't y R. B. H,iyt3. V slIIN' ,Ti iN . Sept. lt. Tb.e i'cl..-c n Otlice recently was in need of a copy of "The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part Sec ond Issue. ls7y." This work consists of live large quarto volumes, profusely and expensively illustrated, always worth at least s"i a volume or more, and of still greater value now. because al most out of print. Col. Charles W. Thompson. Custodian. : tie Inter:- r Department, undertook to jr. i ie the work for the Tension 'nic e, but found that the Gov. rr.iiifiu supply wa- t :; tirely exhausted. Ii-- tia.i ttgan t hunt arun.l tb.e city ; r i;. an 1 .-,' found a copy in u .junk si. ,p it I c:. sylvania avenue. He bought tie- b cits and they wa re placed in the b: r ,r at the i'ension 1 htlce. V, -st, r.iay Dr. brant turned over the leaves casually and fouu 1 them uearlv ab ii.-cribed with the word.-. "K. Ii. Haves. 1 ! Aug.. ;--,.." in the well-known had writing ; tt.e Fraudulent Trosidei,:. It i- in: i.i, .w n how much Hayes g,,t f,-r t!a - bum-, but whatever tb.e amount. :: wa- clear pro lit t" him. for they .--.-t bun i."tii;ng. The sum mu.-t have been su:;i a. nt i" buy egg- to set tit lea-t thr, .- la ::- A T I.t: ..I Ft.' :: ::. . b : t : y I'm t n it a : 1 lieii.oarat- m-t 1..-; Saturday to undertake tla- f r:t . : -iabb task of purifyir.ii Cincinnati 1 -lit: -Sweetness and light are great d. -t :. r ata 111 political discussion and action in Hamilton county at the pre.eiu tunc. It may -r may :. -t be constderi. 1 an augury of success that the -, en ury . 1 the meeting wa,- -Alien 1 '. M. y, u. w r.- r.-rt-i.t.-i i . it 1- said. Mr. J- l.n lb .V. la .M ot the KuqUift . "N I.e ,.! U - . " s a i 1 the - r e.- i lent 1 t Ma '.:.' , t 1 1 . g . "iavi- ;i -elll-li '''.a'l. 1, i a-,.!-candidates f-r oli'fe . " That bo.pgp.. cast a most remarkable j i.-'ttn tt it in the latitude of I'liti itaiati - 1111 wall henceforth a Ha."., a- gt i:.t sua it-- in that city. It 1- le t i- .s-t r ti.g. l.ow.W'-r. to o! serve ;h-it p. - '.:: Democrats v..t- 1 f pltf-- :: .:;-. management in fewer bar. :- Tt'.l n w aifairs have been managed by an e, 1 live C'linmittee of 2".n members. This number. 1: was re.-olv. d. -':; -o ; be re Uf ed l" i-'. l! tb-' - - O.tts.ders Re, -jnstt-.totttig ttt Ca.' ::: : V oiitN . "- 1 N Sept. A' -T 1...1 ' 1. ti.e dull s.-ti.-on tbe h.ctil i.t-w -; at r .,re r.--, ,n-truct;i:g l'r..; it 1:; ' .'.' land .- 1 ahin.t for h.m. Mr !-,.m. 1 litms.-if probahiy ha.- gtv,n:t.,- p.. .iter bltie thought during h.- s;..y it. Ma i-. s.n.l if he ad. pp. tl.- : - ,,f tt.e Cabinet tinkers ),, w : ; ', ::a-, -w.-e ,ng change- ,,e hi- r. par:. ' 1 -i lie-', st rv 1 a bb.-ic i b- 1 - - : : - M : . M ot:. tug l" 1 a;r pe. nt ,k - Mt 1 ..r . : t a T: a - uia . g t t - iati, .: t:. - t . t '. ' 1 .: Mat it: . and pr-w 1 i .- 1 7 Am : u.-y-, "-iu ral an i s-er- tat;. li.:- 1 . 1 . tiic.t. a - r.ii '- a--- - . -a,,;- at.g : - rep. rt. 1- l -t. iati 1 . an t a e-P-rn man . - ; :. .: ' r. White.. -v :m. 1 lb. 1. f ..:' oi, I v member- ' ft u : . : a" -1 : 1 . : i . -; : : l !: : . t -ti : .. t v ItHIF.FS. Mr-. ;. ir.gtry is on her return to A:r."r:ca, A -now sturm occurred in New Hampshire on th 21st inst. The latest 'iate set for unveiling the Hartholdi Statue is Oct. 20th. More w onders of the buried city of Pompeii are being discovered. s-tanly. the lamous African explorer, v . 1! - it vi -it tla Cnited States on a I: t -n sp. This b tppailmg to think of t'.j.t'.-OO cot uners on a strike in one place, it I-lurniey. Eng. A good many accusations and attacks are being heaped upon Mr. Gladstone, but the old man defends himself nobly. 1: is again reported that Secretary Lamar is p be married to Mrs. Holt of Ma.'on. (la.. time during October. The government coast telegraph line between liatteras and Kitty Hawk, which has been dow n for some time, has been repaired. Ti.e Galveston A'tes says the worst feature of the Charleston shake-up is c ruing. The poets are beginning to get in their work. A writer says that woman is a silent I e-w-er in the land. To this a cynicle old bachelor says: "That will be news to thousand- of husbands." Mt--- Winnie, youngest daughter of tie Honorable Jefferson Davis, is the recipient of much honor and esteem at Richmond, where she is visiting. The New- York Yacht Club has re ceived a challenge from the Royal Clyde Yacht Club in Scotland to con test for the America's cup next year. Mr. Sedgwick has returned from his Mexican mission and says the reparts of his misconduct while in Mexico is fal.-e from the beginning to the end. Spain was very quick in her severity in dealing with the revolutionists against the government. All the lead ers implicated have been sentenced to death. The two eight-inch steel breach-loading rules placed upon the new cruiser, Atlanta, carry a shell of 250 psunds weight and a charge of 125 pounds of powder. 'in the large and handsome monu ment just erected over the graye of RoLertcToombs and his wife, there is no inscription except that giving the dates of tl'.eir birth and death. Forty-two Indian children. Arapahoes an 1 Cheyennes. have arrived at Carlisle, Ta.. t- enter echool there. Some of. them are children of the chiefs that led th" insurrection last winter. Hanlan. the celebrated Candian oars man, has sailed for England. If he c uld he induced to. now would be a splendid 1 pp. rtunity fcr him to try the metai of Per. . h. who is a: present in b- udon. Th j unt gubernatorial canvass be tw.en the Taylor brothers in Tennessee is not so friendly as it started out. At their discussion in Murfreesboro con siderable ill feeling was aroused, but they managed to right it afterwards. Tile German ship Albatross was dispatched to the IN'ew Hebrides to I retort German settlers there. Num bers ( f them had been murdered by the savages, and through revenge the gun boat opened tire upon them with most deadly . liect. Hon. Chauccey b. Black, son of H -n. Jere S. Black, one of America's m st a! le men. has completed his letter of acceptance as the Democratic nomi nee f .r Governor cf Pennsylvania. It reads as though he was n chip oil of the eld block. A Maine newspaper tells cf a pgddler wi, :s,,lj a farmer's wife the familiar s:-n. "i t on parle Francais" (French sp, k,-n he re . assuring her that it was the original Latin text for "God bless our home." and the good woman proud ly hung it in the best room. There i- great religious excitement g ang on among the colored people in Njtitii Parabna and Georgia. At Sa ,-ver -even hundred were bap- j ti. : it: pa o sUe'C"Sive Sundays. M M.y . f ta-iii are thoroughly im-p:a---, -i w ith tii.- 1 .-bet that dooms-day e 1., air -. i "n.p -i consul Jornigan. at! 1 ii-oti. Japan, in a report to the State j fi. pattir,, i.p giving statistics of trade j at ti. u p rt. urges that tho only wa- in wi.i h American business men can suc cessfully compete for the trade of Chn.a au i Jaj an is by having Ameri- ,,-n 1:1 these countries. r.'juested the Bulgarian n g. :. y : po-:peiie the trial of the kid- n.ioi . r- . 1 b.'-.iiae Alexander until the g, ta 1 a. 1 a ,:em, ml has abated. Iu the v. i.t t t La--ia invading Pulgaria. T iik. y w .11. having gotten the consent : ':. :.-;. u. :. Germany and Austria, o -a, ay P timeita to further check the - . ::... il-ar tow ar Js 'onstanti- It. ple Geii. bouianger. the French Minister ,f War. is a splendid soldier and tl coin mani'.er of line military tactics. He ha- ere. illy increased the strength and di-ei; brie of the army of France, but a t it." : r cf the officers say that he is . , ::.: y too irrepressible in regard to ii., iceiing existing toward Germany 1 -,ti. a is gradually but surely becom- : .n g ,,f more importance than formerly, lb r laws have been improved, giying a btfa-r an 1 in. .re satisfactory govern !!:... To look after her interests she i. .- ar-atiy increased her foreign repre - : tap, n. and is looked upon by the lis: ow ers today with much !, : r.-i'b rati-r-u than a f.- vetir- , N iii.tno. ot tt." istical Washington has written a i.-cu. finsc the defenseless ur-ea. .ast. Heest. mates' 1 ; er; , p -cd to de- dp"sei: . r t -a el v., r . r. .. !. t to h" five . . :.- !t:l .is. that .-f New ;i-.'...r.i ,'.r. -v , i:v alone a . : hundred . . . . . t at M.- a , 1. 1 i . A a i lie a t - :. . : 1.- .: r i - - i I from : .- h-g. M it. tication it Pot. rea i up ' n the sub : i . : a a -ar v ing knife and the : t o",--. dt d to take Olf .: ' - :i: r. When San l'ran--. : . u a ; a -.ciaii was Called : t .:...,: i.,iii t 1 .- th ii.g as ;':. t ir . -I er 1 la n had been .- : a. te a tt onlv a r..v un of : tie-ir latest movements itn.iti nit a - nd i, aite to tit up1 a mammoth steamship with a complete line of machinery for the generation and utilization of electricity-. The cargo will consist Of lamps of' the arc, incandescent and jablockoff type,c&r bons and carbon-holders, wires of all descriptions, dynamo machines,, bat teries and every requirement to proper ly fit up and maintain electrio lights and power stations, telephone, .tele graph and time stations. The ship is to visit all the important coast towns .of South and Central America for the -par-pose of exhibiting the varied Usee to which electricity may be applied, tho opening new markets for French indus tries. Now that the remarkable discoveries which have recently been unearthed-by Egyptian explorers are attractingTOch wide attention, the publioasU be great ly interested in the exposition of those wonders which Miss Amelia B. Edwards contributes to the October .Harper's. Miss Edwards ig best known as an Eng lish novelist, but her scholarship in antiquities has achieved for her the distinction of being the firtat lady to receive the degree of Doctor of Laws from an American college; and as if to conflrm that honor from Smith College at its last commencement, the Same season brought her the ' title Ph. D. from Bethany College, Topska, Kansas. Her thorough mastery of Egyp tian Archaeology is proven by "The Story of Taniso' Tho progress in ex huming the buried secrets of the Nile valley leads up to a graphic account of the work of the Egyptian Exploration Society. Tanis is identified with"Zoan" of the Old Testament. "Marvellous thing did lie in the sight of Egypt in the fields of Zoan," was the Psalmist's reference to the famons city where Moses was born and bred, the scene of the plagues, and the other Exodus events a city whose grandenr and rich history were unparalleled even by Kar nas or Thebes. One of the most in teresting parts of the article is a realis tic description of the priestly feSttfal celebrated by Rameses II., the Egyptian Alexander, on his return from a career of conquest, followed by the exciting, narrative of the fiery destruction of -the city. An abundance of capital engrav ings renders the article unusually -rain-able. NATU R E'S imT' CURE FOR TOBrC?Vhe. CONSTIPATION "ss? It is certain In Its ef fects. It Untitle In Ha ' action. It & jltbl to tbe taste. It can tie relied opon to core, and it enres by assisting, not by outraging, na ture. Do not take ylo lent purgatives your- -selves, or allow roar .....Ol w...-. . n 4HbltAM ipt.HoarfflMlP always nse tnla elegant OlUn nCQUnUllCf pharmaceutical prepa AKD ration, which has been for morft th a n frtrlv nVCDCDCIR yars a pnblio favorite. . UIUI ! I O IftsSoldbydr tlrugglstsevery- aul9 dwlm where., ENGINES FOR GINNING, Most economical and durable. Cheapest In the market, quality considered. 8AW MILLS, COTTON PLANTERS AND STAND ARD IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. Bend for catalogue. A. B. FAKtil'HAK, Pennsylvania Agricultural works, York, Pa. aula dwlm TO ADVERTISERS Lowest rates for ad vertising in 1000 good newspaperssent free. Address GEO. P. HOWELL A OO., 10 Spruce St , .. Y. Bellevue High School, BEDFORD CO., VIRGISIA. ' Tlte -lst A 11 until Session Open Septem ber 13th, 1886. Kor Catalogue or Special Information, ap ply to w. R. ABBOT, Print. ju!2 dw-iu Bellevne P. O.. Va. tt Can1 Wnlsker Hafc- 1; aS hj . r-i, ro.1 u t i.nmwMh oui pai a. book or par ticulars sent- FatfiK. ASnYiS'o?f,5; WEAK. UNDI-VELOPED PAI Of th hoHv nlnr(?d nnd KtrflnothanM. villi I l;ir ".nt fea!p' 1 free KRIE MEP.0O.. BUFFALO.M.Y. THE LEE BOOK. MEMOmS OF ROBERT E. LEE, ins MILITARY HISTORY AND CAMPAIGNS, BY GENEKAL A. I.. LONG, Military Secretary to General Lee. At;eiUK wantftl 111 Ihe followlne Counties Heiuit.iit. r raven. Carteret, Jones, Greene, II 1. , Ia-noir. P.iplow, Pitt, Pamlico. Liberal Terms to Apents. Atl.lrcKti AV. 15. BOYD, General Agent. EV BERNE, N. C. la, k listen Kree Press, the WasblDgton Ret-iiie. Preene County Knterprlse, the I'.fiiiiti'i-i Record and Greenvllfe Reflector piea-e e.tfi three times and send bill to this eifflre seplOdwtf Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER AGENCY OF HAZARD POWDER 00. ALSO IN STOCK: ' i.ii ii I'aiuts, all Size Siu'ki, Kopes, Twine, Oils, Nails, au tl Shot of at T. A. Green's Old Stand. 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