-;vY- -.V . ' rV ' ' r r . !m :H YGfc 0! H1 p x WW S3 ' V n S. II M, K K IMP KM, i x m-: 1 n kxt i:st yijl 'i'Hix(., Terms $2.00 Per S?"oz . NO: 38:! VOL. IX. m; im;km:, i i:n roi m y. x. (. k iom-;i 2B I i n nr ay .il I lli i Nr jfYIFSi I Ml if :B 9 I .SOOBundles of Delta '"'THbok Cotton Ties. 00 si S d o o s o u w w :. I :.. .j.. . ;, ,1 K -:. I: ,.f ;ir ( ih . '. 1 t . 1 ,111. 1 n .it , 11 ) t-111 . ' A 1 . !: . : : . .v :. . ; 1 ; 11, . .1 ,t,f iL. rr. h.l. 1 ;., .1 U- I .irniin,- a" i t M1011 1.1 ln I ' . ; 1 1; .n ( 1. ; r. .1 1 mI 1. ; c . . : 1 1 : : . ;:..t' rlii- 1 in::-r --I101: 1 i 1.: h"'.- :! h r ;!'. - - : t (..-.-1 1 ; ii 1, : - 1 mi . 11 rs . T.ikf 1 i . . ! . .'.::' m"trii'. '' ' " 1 :i ' . f 'r. ,f I . .ml !! Ii iVr ,1 -1 r.f 1 ' 1 .-I'll ! ili', ; ra-: ; .tl i--.i;. - ii : 1 1 :: . ; n ' ; K.i: in u-.; : n -: t ; ; ' a :: 1 i-ii 1 , l; Ii ; ni .my i.irrnrf tl..r ir,i4 ' in :i : r.in-itiiiy -:n -:.-r'. ' . :i. ;. h'y .ti t u'.' '.- I'" u - . 1 - . .'. . :. ' . ' : : ' ; : : 1! -u I' In- I'M n i-r. A it-::-',; i i w i-r .1!.' ! ,n. ! :i .li.i'f .i'i-'. : u cl: I : : 1 1 ' ' ' : : 1 yi".ti.i-:u!ii- r(T'i.i ! ik- :!. ii-ii, 1: r.:;:.'l w r ii ' m- i:U--- I i 1 : 1 1 m . . 1 n , i . 1 tin-' 1 " i - i 1 i ' -; ! ; 1 1 I 1 w 1 1 1 1 ,u I -::?;- " .; i m; : ..-- r 1 . " , i : in- i i-ni! -' 1:1 ' ! Mii-ii'.M Ml;''" !l. f." .C 111'' 1 1 ' i ! ' ,!-': i -1 -! n 1, 1 , "1. K iri ii- ' : -tar 1 i 1 1: " :" !:-vr-i, rn f :('. i: ! r: ;at,,-.r from 'n:)d.- a "t:'.'.f'i! rountv. tun nv.! nur, k ii-,f lim-ks "i D ti:..'. ii-. ui..l come tli'"'-' 'v''--. t. .. v .-in' .'ni;- lhai I u -ku v. : .t:n.-l ! v - 1-' : . f v r. ' ' :. - thr.n 'tiKil ti 1 nniEFs. (. h--ii r : : Lir.i rnicF tf nrf on the ..:. : ' ron. . i i.t --.trtli'iuakt- s5ii !;? iiavp oc i in central litrmany Tii-V-..I. -iuic teak PablofI, Alaska, is ;;::,,: t, bo ic a Hate of eruption. Mr. J . -. i-Ii Pulitzer hap contributed to s s s 2 o C O rt o :;- -i. " 0 0 d O FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. . 1 1 :, .1 r . - r 1 -! , s iii 1 : : 1 1 1 i iitr iji-. 'ii- -.1 - .1 :. -. 1 " i ,ri, .l, "-1 1: ;imi , . .ill'l -- t. 1 ; !: r . '. : 1 1 ; : 1 1 i : -' . i : ' . ! u : it : : 1 IM-.:: - . A!i t ;. it i:ocr ..irrv .-ti' in- ; 11 'i rtu't 1 1 'fi -lN . l : 1 1::' :ll!il 'in'i ti. -1 -1 1 - - il liiiiin; . t- :it'- ;'.il' 1 , 1 ,' i- it.-; :im"- .ir.' ri- 1-. 'ii.it. .(- - S, 1 ' I" :- :."" . 1 , O so go 1 . c E- K-1 w 1 ; . . ; , ,-t n in-. .1 11 :i 1 .it .: 1 . .., . r- ,,:.. ill, .In 1 1 to I'liiie : ui Ili 'Il t - 1. ' - 11-. ,1 ;, , i i 1 cm ' mm , sn Il ,li 1 U f I t il I ." , . -1 II , ., ;. II, --.-r. ' uu'ji' ilopi nN ujn:i Mi.li-;i.t ir t r h. 11-! ii;i-Ii ' :ti 1 i I i-...'--. liny !' 'it: ' t.i- ! , : 1 i.;i . 1 1. . ; ; rn .1 k i- ! i . i- -iii i'i ,--!!: I : i : 1 : . . : . : -' 1 ii:- : i 1 1' 1 . 1 -'. 1 r I u' 1 j ' 1 1 ::i 1 1 r : 1 . . : . . . - :t-;.' "A I -' :iui.: kml '. cur !.!:.!-, i, .. ,-!, : 1;: 1:1 iri'j'i-i ii't.iit: ' ; 1 -in' I 1 1 : t-i ! Ittu' rri'j'-: tli.i! ;.- i::r :':: : : , ti:i i-.i 1 - !: ;i-li 1 '-.: r i.. ; r - 1!. ii -' ! 'i' ! m - - -. ,i , .,. -ill ilriu-rnls c:: t !;..:. ll t!.f --' ., , 1: i.in 1 111 1 '.it rt il in'i-t 1'.- r.--:i-- I : 1 r. ; - : iii-u .Unl ri'.-i: ' i ' : . 11 ii , '.-l; 1! - : : i- : H 'i rat . ' nil ' ; : 1 i . 1 -a r- r ' - ' - - : 1 " : i I'i- I I H '. I'I ' - ' oti: .:' II . t . : ' ' 1 '. ' i . . 1 ' t .1 ! . I::r,- - I'i ': , . : .-. in .1 1 : J ; 1 ' :.'-.'. "ii: : 'ir-rr-' :- ! , !'. ::,! Ml : it l: ii ti. ; u-1 , ; rn: - -i.t.iiiiiK .1. . 1 1 1 1 - ti'.C r,' .lliV ,1, a ' ir-'K Ti') tt. V l --:-' v. .; ' outrage t lieinuu. Put. Mr .ant to ;.oa: ;r,i liy 1 riL-i:u3 in ti ti:-' Otti' t (JCItt ii. t:l 1 1 ' ti::.n v !.:."i ':. i"nii :.. . r. v. A. KyanR at Mobile. I :rib::ti"n "f the new one-dollar ' : r. btitan last Tuciiny. p i M.-.ckay cccy tho ; roLabil ::j"; iiniie in ihe raule war. "- umateJ ti.a: tin' iexus - :i! r, acli i.i.ly 1 . X0O.0CO j ,- : : :i: tin- rn part of 1 I; as i..:r.;itii'il tobr.ci-o con?iil- .'-1,'. I i '1 A M . I - - Aneliiiria. "'Voriiui.' hi. of the ; i'.r.vs at i,:l 1. 1 UK 1 . r ; ..t l::ni 11. s; v i! L i.r.rii.?-t'.- re. l-.e-iriiiK 1 -ligi.t Jig . ir '"'Org.- i :r - r li-'.ri :. ars I r : - Do: irst v of ! af I ier 1 ll i-;:rv nfl'.errs ii 1 i r 1 n .;:.il 1 ' i'i r r. MtfilOO i SPA 00009 1235M)R(JE ASH. Opens the FaU Season of 1886 with CLOTHIER, I U TlIIBSl OIUUIV UI Clothing taiEtbr Exhibited In any One Store ' ' " oidr espectraliy invites the inspection of 14 prmntB U Ulc of the nowc .iKynnu l),i,;ooi,j ir.l (. i--1- t: -&atiCorLicr' m all oolor vn J shi i . s,r.'"'".!&Ii3"."are Unsurpassed in Fit and Mike-up. -:axJ5iJXEilU8 Block Diagonal i - tn. 'A tt..- now a:, i -',' " Tn ffAT5ta fcatO moot complcf Ml i -riru-'! xort::. :.t, - .:.:..: ; ::. . YvOBtaa-wlotkia rtilf goods mnd the latt ie- ia i: hi ' OOT Stock f NECKWEAB eonUiM the Uu.: :. v. hi,-,. Our . lrOiiwJ Jatj Teels" fa Teoii2 shia -s onl JarV . 1 r- ir - '',- -',1 " . Utest sa4 WJ kiaom aU genual. "ATull'Llno of GEHTS' UNDERWEAR. h;t.. ; ; ci 'ttr:pJ, t,Terj Jotr igwreo. .- '- OrCAlCEL'S WATTt UXDEKSUITS ro o-ni . r - pr . - --. " J4?4 ft oJ Blunon. C x Big $toek4 of, LADIES AND OliKTi" BH0E3 :: f- 0x $3-50 $amlat fifrwitf Fmek Ctlfik Scx in lUb. c J Cvncroj vwiAbU tkory od fatty worth ?' 00 ; a wU naranier cirrn '" 1 ritX retry pukr.. " . - AUM HtMtT ok of 'Al''sk:o, Fn-n.-h Kir ir, ! V:. I- m K-k " ' Bo U, ih4. will fc olJ at uttfoLihic,; low fir --. J.V rrOft jBc lacot FTh tVfjk'l-. w.-.h M.r - " filil L&ad mvo!, i jaJt the thing in r-T.-!t-:r. -n' ir -j Sio- " ;i -r Alo, fall lm ot Dress Goods, Domestics, Shawls, Umbrellas '".". V -'' A' Specialty Mda of Boy9" and Youth s Clothing. "vjV-; OutJIf" VtwAac-' with the Timrs. whilj: wo .a.". ..: tr.' V-- iWfiwhlTwwyc et,rl-'l m our ckctioo te th of i rv . , n. . t ..'.'". 'f j"faf?4aith of j"Snr mon.-y frotn tiAi. n. x:.i irir. a 1A i !..; r hi- .it::,'.'. Tie- North pr "tif plow: and v.-.i'n tJ;e -n:l has l.i-i-t. rn WY-; I 'hi u;. :o Mil mU llircr rfsne:r;pi"I. ; ! i lit : i; rultuii- ami :". : s' r.it . I.! .i-t - - ( i r.Uif. .I.ii elan, ror .it ion ri-ir..- k.x'. !t :. i'i. it..l iierm in. 1' I'Diil.l !..: have l ni pi r; :t it el ..!- -::: . I . : r : I : i ! :.-.;!" ;l.i-:r .ipi'ien: oajrh !;. 1: : - p: ' te-s:. -t' . :: iliy lin-i.: a- e.nl.'t-s hail ilepr n i 1 1 on a .is well :is prac't ' a! !y , it' lie expert-, rouipetilive exani:iiiition. . to snreeoil. for there i eicii ee i n . 1. .n. ail ptirsn:'. whtiti'vcr tli.it pursuit - or orftip.it inn ruay In ; a:nl iu oeeu- sut- rair ms. .itio:i presents aui'ler f.. '.il fur Mr. IP ll. 1 N-y nolil-, of Winston, science than agriculture, as it enin-w.i- some tune since clnv-en chief bmes a vaneil ktiowlnle of facts marshal of the fair. He ih ii pt-n- ui its make up as a whole. i man of much em-rry and will All The doctor, the lawyer, the mor the Hi.sition with ability. The fol-1 chant, the ineehtinro, even the' lowing have lecn chosen ly him rs laborer, mast Hcqnrre the science' assistant marshals: ll. M. Miller, tiertaln inpr ro their respective ptir t'harlotto: 1". P. P.urch, Ihirhain; , nurts if the eTin?ct to carry them' Tbeo. Pirker, Salisbury; lr. James not ptiuticaTly find 8ticces?ful!y : tpici r, .les-so P. Thorn pson, M. S. nnd now it lias become essentially Witherincton. (tolilslioro; (teorpo iiwRsary with tho farmers, lor P.".'er, Sale;:,; W. T. tiray, W. P.'tbey have to ileal with worn and' Wilk.iui.son, K. M. McArthur, W "in-ixhati8ki lsnds that reqnire the' ston, W. K. Tmcker, Kobt.Willidmp, bcrt ot manapement to niiike theni V" i 11 i Grimes, .1. (i. WilliAine, produce remuneratiTif: crops. It is Millard MiaJ. ,loel F. Kerrail, Tho?. I not like it used to be when we had I Parttn, T. Stephenson, ItaIHgh: II . fresh virgin soils to ealrivate, and I K. Norris, Api; Dr. W. T. Pate, required more cultivation than' Laurel Hill; K. W. Woodrnff", ( preparation, as the most importtuit ' MocksvilU-; W. K. Williams, W. K. ; work now is in the ireparation ot Pai ker, Warren ton; W. ( '. McDnflie, the soil for plan tin pr and cait i vatuni jr.. .1. A. Hodges, Fayetteville: .1. and in reclaiming exhansted soils P P. Kerr. Haw Piver; (ieorpe tl- have always contended tl.e first l:an-.M':i. iraha:n: 1'. .1 . K i rip, (ibjeet should be to restore to t he I.ouisburi;: Nel-on, Pnene land hnmtis. w hich istliebe.-t !' r- i.eke!. 1 1 r ' !. b. 'i i ; S.innii l 11. tilizer we can appK . !i r wi'lioi:; W elib, (Viks. .humus tiie itliter it !i ::.p.T.:r.. The S;a.'e .,-: e I ; u ral sociity fert ii n l; ane e. n t 1 1 lit :.::!-. 1 !... taken a step w inch puts the enn only rite m hat c.penebtv and ta:r ahead of any ;n the South. At observation ! ie t.iupht ru-. t-r 1 rs las; n..-ct:np :t adopted the , am n.e.v : M to -tipei in;, ml I. eld scale of "points," for the exhibition work as i; should i e done. P i. of alt grades of animals, at present with the ounp n;e:i ti brit:,; oti ' in use by the U.-.f cattle clubs of that work and make it ,i .scientific the country. It h'so adopted a as well as pracPcil s'udy t" make scale tor the exhibition of horses, what Southern farms sh"::!d be :u:d Tiie discontent which once re: pned, i c in be made, 'e hive the c.."-,'ry aader the eld u:et'.iO!- of pasniur and elima'e: a!', m i di d :- tta apon and awarding prizes, will no will, etieri and industry f our lKdouea ay with forever. Poth jonnp la; n:er- to bring tip farming judge- and exhibitors will now to its right standard, timi t!.:s tiay have the printed sca'e o points lx- are dmng. Put bear this ::; initul. fore tln-tn. its .; suind.ird to govern it canno be .!.: i:'!i . ' t'l'ti. th.e awards. The results will be Iiver-'t; d f.u s:.!t:g mi:-' be ai'.oj n.oie si.:;,iim : v tha n ever l-ctore. ed. at.-! i'i . - r our (.: i .-. : anci on 1 : w:!l b.- ua.re :::,;!. , .1 ai.d gr.':. -ra--. c'loi. r a:.! :a:- .e oi : ii g a:. ! re. i u e m,-; ll tin- sei f -1 a: ntlt g. w(. :. f ' 'vt'-it in a t.-w da-. s:,.t!, ; ;' n,.t .:. i' i - l;;. I . .: -: : : : - - m iiaieiio:: la.- i more i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i'.i-.-." : I-, ! , e . . gi : , ; , i - l.i' -iiA ; i a oi.:: : . . .i i : liii -.!.-' i I . itl.ii'l : ,-. a.- I hok at r.' .'a e: ,! i;i ide a lV.:: m'aeii ami 1 aid.-d a r:gi,' t i: Iici I.. "I .'.'.- hope : r ,v ia ttc: t.lnb I -'a:.d:;.g bet'.- .. c: , :::; ! , : ai;. e't. p!o;, ei ti, x ' ye,.:.' ' i i :;,;;ei ' lie .: r' i:' a- he parr, d 1' r an c; en her. I r,,j tra ' 1 :: : ;' I I - mi tin t"i : iie i, , ' . . - r ..-a;, r of --. ,, I'll .on ... rt :vc.j they --cm fr -m Pr.i- v 'u' :r":: i .i v tie bn?t. it-, w .-iaj.1 ' . "tv I . ' tho ,-,; .raraiv b . a r nib! ' ::.:... ei I. .;:. r -'OUI'.tv. :',: :1 iha: i am. i.eti. t ; tan t . ro.s.''i tiie It.:..- :..:..-1 L.. mi L.: k u la i; im a:- 11 " ill r-a aav-' a hir ;. t lh. :ni". i.-'ia t v ;.',( ot th'.' 1 ;.:n ;:.:isl;,ii. Why -hcuhi r SU-. n be iu iii-'reoS ebuii; if ! ..ml im.au li.n ; ,;.T-e:ml : v. '. v: ..m- oa the Unitarian a sevehttion has broken I , .... I Paran ft. the historian, j , . . ...a .i .if, i i, ,,:ii.,.c;.ili . . iv.na.A inr iifi..:.' 1 la'i i ... - ,. ... . -, - .:ii,,. ! 1hl8 powder never Trieij A marvel HI-- 1 ins L.-uknuu . I purity, strength, and wholeaomeneoa, Mar . , j-. lit f r.f i 'harloston I MODomicalthantbeortiioM7k!n4o,wfl'Mtfc ' , ' . '.' i nca be sold In competition wltb th maltitadw ... i .'.a:., ii-ili it ia:!.'- a 'ia!-: of low test, short weight, ahull orpfaosph&to .. ., , ... ,. . ' powders. Sold only iu cans. ROTAL. Bajtjww '-. - :vvva Absolutely, Purjb Powdkr Co.. 16 Wall-Bt.. N. Y. ,'' .-."1. I :..Vi -r:'... IV!:! I . - '-" I umnioacaj to WasViington to , Cieronino matter. 1 noTU-lrdw Take Notice ! I: a- w. v a n-.onti. of September 1,0'jU v., r.- Ian-Jed at Baltimore, ml I for the last 1 bett.r dmc:: it:;.-. Ti.e - Po. tits u l;i ) lUlbll.i.i'.l i ... - i :,...i ''-! .'.! ,-' GEORGE ASH'S, Middle .tr. .-t. tint to I.. II. ('..' pyjTVAYw to eoauMCaTWl wiil ny ewu-r -t I: -i ..1 !-.' thI'mMi' to .. i 1 1 r lairs. w rk :. ; . ::;; I. t. . tor of co".re the geiuia! ad.. .p':on .In II. i by ail i a' i : la:i w ;th so ni l: ;. :ta I tt - ( ' : r Sprir.gi G.i. is in ;;, a 1 1 lies; :on of l -me - l'l.e rat ,roa,;s ot the S' re have M'Aio IN Ml i I . . -Tie iv. i !.' v,-r '. bo'..! r itc ' "l.e la.: . , tiie liliii - ale 1. ird. 1 Prom A-1., .ill' . :.' ' .".u .'.! be ixmy to !.. i e ' i at g, i t t l.e round t r - o. 1 a'l.i ts T'lT II w '. . : ' . . . " I. r,l. i . - lac ei 1 on sad- a ' ea-r t: "t : .. ; , i i :: . it ,,;:,;.: a. .' . -'at:. hi r- el- a N .rh ' i'" -la . : r.i -.:.g. h i' m a ..: 1 u i Ii2iffllNGS & -CRAY, SiM ibstr .TV0 Stores, Queen St., Kinston, N. C, w " V. hJm JhTitjw rrJL i.fnnii V 1 i t AT TV CT I'L' T fl 1 ' - ; ; :n : ...: g . - 1 , ... '- r. " a r ii :;u" Men. la i . - A - a : . .11: ' 1 -. -i t:m i o ' I i ill . t JUST PURCHASED .M tXT IN STOKK Tfl 1 anr.-iia'. al: t i : g I :, i.i'anii -.'iinry .- ;ti'.i a : -i .-in'.er it.:! : - aiaittil .IA . I. I 1 II :. ..U'.i'i .- al ' U'd. In mit ri-'ia -..a Mi i.u..'iii.i unlael...: niaeh : n-: v f arn.. r-. a .com ; , , - i . m, :.-. i' . S. ( . ( . 1 'I'- - work ::: i I i-.-.--" : . aBesT' and . Cheapest Stock of Goods Ever -vill" Brought to this Market. '- -?- " 'IrfC'Jgnttetnlr by the H of ?: '' "9 ef t- T. -rXtt!5labjU, Notion. CouU, fahocs, Hats ami Caps, t lutli- i :- lag, "White Goods, Hardware. Glassware. Tin ;.u! ."'. Queensware, Trunks, Valises, Coffee. Sugar, Vi. c ! FJOUT, Poik, Side Meat, Syrup, v'v V i f ' ' Molasses. Tobacco and Snuff. WHOLKSAi.K .VN 1 KKTA I I.. .Tsil teeciTe dollir ka real vi'ca- in -a r a--i.j; - . r::. i - fsT-aesssre, dollar for dellar. a: ei-.h-.T of e i- tw p'rul'.r r - , fCome ami ce and Savo Your Moiipv. I I 1' rl.P ' r . t . ': 1 1 . t e.:t "- - t ; kes ; 1:1,1 d: - a- ' e:--." stitd t he law er as he ducked to avoid puni.-hntent. -At biti at ion is t he true panacea." I ' e a I u a s held to : h it . but it '. hard to make soine naaii see it. ;,.''! know!" panted the agent as lie forced his man to the ropes and gave him an upper cut which made his head rattle. "Well, let us rejoice that things are no worse than they are," and the lawyer rallied, sailed in two handed, and knocked the agent llat on his b.ick in the corner, after which they put on their coats and dep. 1 rt ed. lh ti-'it t'y c l'n S;-.uk. Ti MK. .Most men have had eee.miim to remark how easy it seems to be to solicitors iu large practice, or statesmen upon whom the fate of the nation depends, to indite well considered letters and Pen 1 them oil' without an extra sta p -b tho return post. The la that the supply of spare time a ii. a can command depends not so much r. p. in the hours heemnloys a- upon : ho-e he wa.-t. s. The do ui rag . i u . a k t hat lias to be '. !; to ; !;e I . -: po-.-.bie n. .auto, tin m. '.i g oil ti'.! tomorrow t h tt m i. i. :. :gl,t ! done tod.av. mean !:::. .:,g e'-. t'aan tisii.g up one's A o l,;-uie before it is l.iiili t ariitii. !eaiiig space only for a a speli of hamnier-and tongs labiir. m iiich it will not do to interrupt at an pime. s- : i 1 i. Kxn:m:i:N : . v : ' . s ;, . ll ' . I. a.-" eat i lu ll -t .rn--. ei'.: are began to e x ; 1 :. , : a .-in all way at : ' a- . I : 1 -, 1 s . with the dilTusion ;:g.ii . .King pri'Cess as ai l:e 1 to siigi. a cane. Iiisieadot fru-li-: 1 1 ir ' .e i lia . as in the siiL'.ir cane pi- -. it u a- siiiwed ot"' ii. tmtiti:.' -I i ' 1 . a a . i ; he snero-e . t a sugar- a - ;p. i X' 1.1,'ted by sllealll- o : ' . : i i: e re-tilt s obtained .i i . i :., ou: ,ig ng I iia.t I he lleid 1 1 1 i :i s was i e in oaal t o borl Sn ' ear, and with a largely : :.. : -.a plant ex pel ; men 1 s are tio'- a progii ss e:i a -eale oi solue it ade. c-terd .y a trligiata u a - . , ee r. ed 1 1 1 on Pi ol . 1 1 1 x . tiie I .. .a i- ; i 1 1 tin- depart tncM. wle l -::. ei. ..:,' i a '.l.e i ;k-. an nou ::e; n g ; i ., i m pii ' i . a es - oi I lie i a i u : : mm.'. I :;. gram state- tb.g - i a , ,. ,- i i eii oie.i: umi iro::i t he - a i u a, lata- i ' 1 I tgiit ri'liT. L'i'i'.i I r. .:. .,;..! ein sralt.a: r v eii. -tier, i : -. x ot t be ei'li- oi b.r t ei . '!!;; ..--..:.::' ( aian i ei m I'a.'ii .-.a,....- :.-;..-.'! ; he e x pi-: ;- im ti t -. . I . ' i I eg li d- t ilelll a- of .;: ..' '.a.,:,- i : -:u a:i econouiicii ; i -, ti t . t . it: tiie pia a'ess m c,v : -i d :a t he ii t 1 ere l- a !".-- oi . i , '. ' ; . i i e . . : i ; ; i . e - a i i i i a : i : : e . . i .'.. ..:.. ! .:i th.- ea ue, wh: le I i v - . : .am --.:' Pof Sevtt show a,:.' ' " i i ' I a 1 ; : ' -: i o ! ad t : e a:: 1 a;. :: H en ll la; y l1 I aia. repair- a- al .1'. tl: :; ; .a is immicent in Spain m.i'-t.i r- of the commutation of aree- of lire revolutionary , ia.- : aejiied the challne to a !' Thamee- Somehow -: "Ti iiiui Pencil can't pull v. fi! lake laarjp epartmom aboiit )c- I- ' mav ret ir- ;ifLer Con- ,v..a eramiv i-v i-int er o-rin. or --o!;'.i - j.ere : nv '' :" ' T r: y pvir ' bv I'-'e -. -- aI. j - - .'. a:1 ".- . i .t-l lil. or ; i.li-r at iexp'C!. : ait::;;": m :,.e .mi .,f . ei, t need ':le- I done think a piucr la n:au er a 'i'houirh married man that controlled ana man:;,- ! f r. rdi sides ulated the so-called true Democrats and e.'c.i.-i ms for ' el aim to be tha regulars in the con-, e::- . ilb- inclo-e a ' tion of Aug. VI in (."arteret roccty. t-.ua.-iuui neces.-arv scrite to your paper. Per the cam- ' I erable this mente you bare Riven them, tl-.ey H-.ov.ul 1 ii..-titution to now at once subscribe lor three hun- r- t the in others, dred copios ol your paper anl --"mi the , r.- f -r v.'b.cm it v. as cash with th.e order. nrv rr-ticrttiulv. I: i- publicly announced that Lord Ihiiiibjlph Ciiurohill and the British Ambasador. Sir Edward Afalet, will ..,.,1-.. T;n.A --ji.il iiiafti 11 ...iiiiiii , iniu . vj a iuv.b of September 17. which stated the want," of L harleston for the needy suf- spirit of the Tivun. ferer bv carttieTiake st. thit timf.: This Railroad trn r-enoripr ii m t.. :r,: .r.i... actio:-, ir. ba.-e 1 on the reports of the ccrpr ; the fair is cheaper thi- year tiian ,".t any ,:.-ft o;! his vacation Pent. 4. lie has not mittie e:i relief, who state that they time heretofore. t ! I-.nni . f since, and th.e bank is have furrii.-hi-d aid' to thame needing Two Hundred Northern iii: -r -'!!' food, shelter am immediate pecuniary I be present to write up the State fair. help, and in their judgment there has . Illustrated papers will send artists to Items About the Stato rair. 'pens Tuesday, the 23th, closet Pri- slmiu c, :ur to mak useful atal Lur iiKfln ' 'I" :: i' ' wi bva lir '. ' int. r.d-'.i. am! vb c a 'i-i r. prc-e such, an urai r.t appe.al ta ti-e uymp a of uvt ry An-i-i l ain cui.-T.. Yc urp t-incercly . .COVER CLK F.LAM The citv council of Charleston at a day, the 20th October. special meeting tornnrit: autnorizea tne ; rne riace tracE is uuilt upon the m mayor to withdraw their proclamation approved plan under the direction of I Bismarck la-eorge U likes, editor of the New York Otto Pau mann. the receiving teller of the Pime isavirjgs Bank, New York, b-'T- bm: . . . o Mi the rJpanisli revolutionistr" who Our store is fdled with Provisions, Groceries, Claancd Goods, Dry Goofls, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the - 1 Celebrated Prison 3 oots and Shoes.- a- 't-ALSO . publisli make sketches papers. Articles will be transport ed fi'.e of charge over the railroads from every been such a resumption of the normal life of this city a? to justify the discon tinuance of this system of assistance at an early day. The committee believe that, the sums of money already received section of the State together with the estimated amount of A Silver Cornet Band collections now being made will place music for the Fair. the committee in a position to substan- j President Cleveland -.vf 1 liany luup ire lacav sui.crers, ior to auena. whose relief eul formed. ts committee was Cm.:-.-.-..:-. le-- of'cartcr.t. County. Pursur.i.t t - a "..'.I of the P.eputiieau 1 xi '-utive c :'. ::.:'..",-. t!:" raemt.ers a.---t n. ! '.-' i til ti - - ur: i. 11. e in th.e town, of Beaufort. N. C. t. Y.V : n"- ia.y. 1 1 -t. '"ah. . 1 M:: : y : lie . !, a '. a - It- 1 at -lie an- f r- m ; : a 1 ; - 1 -f : a a a :y ere are.-ei, :. Prj. P. I'.a. I- '. a. ;..:.;.. :..a , ..:: ing was sab. as exprcs-i-i :a ti'.e call, to asm ria.n an 1 a.lvi-e the best pasit'.an f, ,r tl.e ku a'ali ',a;:e- 1 f Carteret to , JUpV ill :1a C Lte.-t l r.a-.nt uotei rates wi.i be ..j r. and amp!" aeecmnia jati a: : attend. If you want a r: : !a State Pair, seel t 1 lahn ".-!-P.aieigh. N. X.. Many valuable j rruiuni- ai to ladie . The displav th:. in their v- 'v' condemned to death for halving engaged in the recent revolt have been commuted to imprisonment in a mili tary prison in Africa for life. Attornoy-( ieneral Garland has re turned to his duties at Washington, much improved in health. The report ,a that Col. Pamont is to succeed Secre , tu'-y Manning: is disbelieved. "1 i;e Trea-ury Deartment has forced a J'.'.OO-i.oaij (Jf rilycr in the last fifteen n:c-aii.s. The ne w one-dollar certificates i Hie Leiui; i..sued at the rate of CSlkOOO a u ty at tit.1 You York sub-treasury. furm-h iavii- 5 a:- - il' a'i v, '1." -5, V C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots . and Shoes. Every pair warranted to giye satis- f : action. '. .,1 evii'- Country merchants and the peopla' eenerallv are r en nested to call and Br- amine our large stock beforw purchaS ing. We wiUive yoa low figures, t tfc t . We job Lorillard Snuff " " , Roberts. &;5ii6j; ;,f South Front St., Keif Berne, Ni - 1 1 -5- Accident Irisurarifto, The Preferred Mutual kr, :o ue-nt iissocianoo; OF NEW rsroX1.2k''ee Policy carried for $13 yeartT", ,l',? Pays weekly benefits, 525.. : , ...yr T,ruu nf T.if as nnn Vl WbU UOMUO, VU.VUV. . -.s a. Loss of one foot or one hand $2600. . r Takes none bnt preferred slska, .: Cksrgea m '.vJ'.S no annual dues. ' 1 --ai The United States Mutual iccideat Ass'a, - ' Costs S13 or more per year, and In ease Of Iota -e of limb or limbs,, pays only 660,and whnv. f any of their risks become claims, they char- . .a.-- , . acterize aU risks in that community jta "do- .- , oidedly unsatisfactory." regardless of their y' ' character or standing. f-,a : tA ' '-.--1." i each trcune Mr. J. C. W.i.- the fain" v. ir. re ad, pl.-d :u. 1 t a to be printed : cans thr, ami.. . 1 . a : at n . : i ; . a i rll.1 out t . li.e cuutiltv. ur.na the .1 . c UereJ , e . e :-r-d a. t-i Ke-iMve.i. That f. leader Dr. M tt. a . xiru'.a.' e, :a.m . : li r t: .wing 1 ur 1. oe . the I.epu'.jl :ean ' f the State, we ' . I : u c .'j i.t y coii : :.,I '.:' 1 . , r ;i:;v at Boston and exhibition at l-e w. rt'a ::mr that Thy theatre- will j.e ceeu: night dariDg Pair by a first -cl of actors. If any of our 1 .a b.rs v-re u.m lmrih of the Masnra and llUxen line, they i:"'.v have the chance i f render:::'.: this .'"' tion srreat service by titter. i:.:g the Northern P-joph V t''or.ventiai to p. held during Fair week, and r-po-hir: ; with t:i" rat tta:: -t a ;m home -seekers. We urge ail t. er born men to i-how their inure : well doing of this county by atte the Pair and meeting tl.e N : editors and b.onie eekere :.:.-! . -erne af timm t it I. a:: .: : Sea,,' think i'.-a I .' -a A. - :-' .:.i' e ii iitor of the Staunton (Ya.) I'ost, a colored man. says that the negroes -semi Cam !:: : i :a eve Orleans wi;i lie 01 he comma- Fair, it veil than the charge- m see were n. ver so well off as under the prefect Liemocratic rule or otate ana Nat, . m. and he and his friends are go ing for the party which gives them pe ace and traunuiiiilj . The eteamer Alameda, which arrived at saa branci.-co Saturday, made the faetest trio on record between Sydney ami San Francisco, her time being 23 For SAFE, CHEAP, SATISFACTORY;. insurance, apply to W. B. BOYD. Aent. Preferred Mutual Accident Assoc 'n., . GEO. ALLEN & CO., AGENTS FOR ' ' - ' Springfield Fire Insur'nce Co. Offer safe insurance on Dwellings and Mercantile Risks. . : ' J . . i-S. - t 1 . - I 1 '. ' ' 1 N. V. I fr.ua a: l- r fe ,,i Vert! lie.ui V.'iii arm s- :. ii ( avelina. jui lor li:- .Vvtt. a" ' 'a'', ihle in tliis City i- :rav Ir u :rt tt - :: pre-. r. - : a.l bolters ti'.'Itet. but intent. on m be pre.a nr. - -r gate has been appuui.a t v u ' I -..re t a give u.- i.i ; :. . rtrs anfi dj;.a- 1 hours and u'j minutes. This will f' V.','-:" r.oi aee the lime of the trip around the t-t to ' cays. Prriln. the capital of mighty Ger '.a over ! .). 000 persons are reported i:vi:aa public c'narity. V.'cr.der : l:ae k eiaaue t f the immense in- eauntrv oxer acted from na ,ta:e or - ti.;. a ;ue : goou ur a tuuuaj. ( y. u::g woman v.-po had never a. u the art of cooker-, being de ls of impressing her husband with 1 .n. '.'.ledge aial diligence, managed '. AGENTS FORJ f THE VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE MS. CO. Safe and reliable. Easy payments. - iv ' ALSO .VUENTS FOR ..e late war. and also is not ! The People's Mutaa! Life Assurance Fund." lfairs one of the best evi-1 p0!jciGS payable at intervals of fronv War and great Standing I fiVft to sever, rpsra rlnrintr lifatlma Money advanced on Policies. . rej re-em - ! . Ferdiiiand Ulrich, :m:hou ba ajar on the : WEOIESALE GROCEE, .- r;tu.-:. irm the bridal 1 AGENCY OF HAZARD POWDER 00. nam. .em.i g . v i. :,:.i ti.a b'al,: t-:a.'h j ,'j;--'r- s part r f tae r, Y.-. P.. .1 I ia ' ('- 1 ! '. ,1 . IL I k r year- gb.t :u l. -t-.-a PI v ia h.- j In, an-I sa: i ! o t :ie.-e ' he a; : X SCHWER1S Has returned from Nt-w York, and i no v.- i beninc: hi: CLOTH1NC. Boots and Shoes, : . - .- - ::.. t:::.e ago, the '. . : '.- i d: 'i lam 'n-en lease- ..:. ii.m. n. : 1 u k : -a :.. Hundreds bate. Th - :- la a - ,. - - ' iVe J.ad tUiar Polls. - till' 'he - a "U ..:', ; : I ' ,: i a,, an ,:-!- , leiniiid i, .' ;:,,- : - -a - m a' :.' itouii a --; -1 a n ee . ee: 'a f- '. f . - .''.;;, u il a e -. I . i '. . ' . , i I , a I . ..' . : , ' -Utbrt.g at.d ' ,ed- ale Vi-l'.iie MA .old t!.- ..i',l tea'eta Piii- ( hat ie.-ton and nie y and doe-:' -It: iiiervdle relief funds ean so ni nc h i n o.A I n g. P : - ,':,;.:.' tiirll Ii.i good, and der t hat Ui iCt.'U i- la,; a- il lor atd is aecoidingly here a- ;n Pn gla ;.. I . Phi- their li-llow im et-s not in tie- t I. V. . 1. a, : ' he eoaii'm . Png!i-li br. ed- ..f -he,-;, ': V.-. .:,.- t-l i '.:::; my, - : :, I t in- lull , , . :m i n , 1 g . e.- u - ,i e ai. i : . i : . i - ::. :...-,.: -. . t i-.,- n:ga' I o' I. a k t 1 a I', t. V, a - a d ."..! t : a ::;.:, ;:te . : ::i - ' g : I . t ; ; v e no -oil .. ' :..: g p.e it , m :,.'.' ia- : -I An- -urn. let me -ee." rub ..-a a tidr. tune b raag" l - ;.m;a-e 1 t..,.- stock l.v. i.e. - i.,' iu r lar-i came in from . a laiuu d l-euuly: "Hurry , :s Haven't 3 ot: washed, v. t.- H T-e. give it to me:' ear'' ' 1 AND . ekrcai'ii to the general j Choice Pale Cream Cheese. . A. ei i t tl.e earthquake : "''Laii d'f SNUFFS AT MANUFAC- ;. !a:;: A:a- 01 the C on fed -.-. the .-am" city. Mr. Cor- 1 itiakuteu b.ueiu exclusive ;j tl.e home. cl.uOOatits I ? an 1 : "'.eee? some years '. bit ami personal inspec AAutiom : Gen. ( I'ract has de lim.er.tary tickets for an : ormance to bo given in ,;:: ier the auspices of the1 .A Association. She is; l.Ot gO OUt. M I'-:. I A e manager :i at ta - - . the Grant family n1- ill p. .'a. "but prefer to buy ami thus assist in the ob- ! Toh-iccu. SuulT. Ciaurs. Tons aUuuaoam. .' TUBERS' PRICES. kicp; SACKS. T. .1. Green's Old Stand. NEW EEKNE, N. C. EOOKTOETT J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER IN - BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies' a specialty. .a. ia ha- I - ii, a: ,e , r C .r.uf. iv ,!i.- 'M, ahllll- and ! ealtlh.er -h i . 1 ur el: nui'e .i n .1 stem ,a i...- irt.v r um .1 ar i ng- V. e ilo Hot feed Wed 1 oa,-- g'm -1 ur h a-.- 1 f It uoii'.d pay u- handsomeA pr.trat.-i 1 u'.i.-riy , , : r -lieep mm e . r be- - era : : : .a; : -. b: an and eo" on -, e I' s tu: I i . 1 ala CI I ..; ::. o . 1 g t . . . teed a a 1, 1 ri ia v . theref r. : 11- m.-m- i fia w 1 -. Ya'. !..-. ::!''. k . P : - ' a - 1 . A 1 Tj B Har.gr i -11 , Ilk. 1 ":. 7. P: lg- 1 Iray m ; ia- er .m 1 :.a I c ui: :':..- i". i :::i;e - ' ruled a la -t: u : r a. ra a" tri.i! 11: :':.- i ii' 'A , 1 1 1 v a : . r : m e - a a r ' a a ; , : . :::: i ' a - -. r i . ' '' : : . - - a a- ::: 1: -; .- - -r i" - . 1 T farmer. A.hd .-uj;oe :: twenty ei i.t- ee.Au to raise the yea ee: .-eii tm.m at am . -e. :.: t a-k. Price m ue t eh: -kei.-er.ia:.g public. Y 11 e..:::: : gorge our ia.,: i' 1. .! ki. -.'-'.- t::e , r.-rm-'u - U .Ve . T -h ' -tl"g Cb. -ia h Sayr.m. C... - : - praeti-,- l.o,v , i ; ' the : ! i. -v. I .'eapeia 1 "'" rek.'t x a. li r. Wasl-.u a ,u :. Li n v. i,n. !. the opera is to be given. l,i.-:aarck has neventy-six j : ::.- and a monument. A granite j has just been erected at Lip- j :. Pius.-ia. to commemorate the (.'rockery. Fixhinq Taetete, Etc.' ne door south of Lof tin's Bank. Yery truly, . J. L. HARTSFIEib. , . - KINSEY'S SCHOOL FOR iw i"iim. Girls and Young Ladies,' , r. tl.e 'J"th of June, PrMO, Bis- tnat time a mere sub-lieuten- ..'..fry regiment, tlire' k.ke 1 : Wendelice and :.t PA GRANGE, N. C. . 1. life saved a drown- JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal. Fall Session begins Monday, August mv t:ra Pell. I. mum: A Woo.; f.a i a , :.':- li. .. man of blood and iron - prou U-r 1 f that little on f erred on him for this taan ' ia Y. 1 . 0, 1sG. TERMo : Rjj i.u ceventv- j-apuusu pei miuu ui uj weess, w ciuaing ooara, tuition, instruction in music, vocal and instrumental, Ancient pp 1 -a iii a same ot and Modern Languages, and exercise in : n v. e copy .snatch el e - Calisthenics. S80.00. Pupils will board with Principal, whom please address for further partie- jyl4 dim wtf X' UfH! I'AK -1 U" 1 ; :. iaa Kobby Gents" Furnishiug- Goods. Shawls and Blankets. Ladies' WalkingJacket. Dress Goods. Pants Cloths. Etc.. Etc N A. I Superior 1 a . I uonrt. 1 1 he Superior Court. Petition for sale : liiu,'. to make ,-iets M o) - MTV t'!Jf R 1 tpM In lata cue ,. 1 - IwMTUikV' hi ' - e kvtfr r" wt " r r tf ifuiaiiT ni rn ml i p.r n 11 ' n : KirMJU KJt'l 1' l'H "-Hi , t sru t -',-- - - - .. !y to l.i l" ; t . , : e. tr uus - . 1 :.c fer i' railroad any d.,m- -. ' r. the 1 from one turn-- At m: 1 la, is Is. .ai- l armer and " I.. Kir U Ks.e.-l : .,; ... a 11, -it .i ie:li!.n lias been filed -11;..:..,: 1 '; ia ; of i uislow county, and ...a- a iiuaist you in a ease of 1 i -.i-,. aiic tr the tale of land to --as. ami a copy of the rnmplalnfcbM a "-aei! m 1 lerJf s office of said le- '.- 1 - aiaai-aUeil lo appear af 1 : lie-.hern of mo Superior Conrty- a ,.,' ..-I- .a Jiicksoiiville, on the : 1 . a. in r. is-k. and answer th ; nr a liiiuont will be entredae m i e i':a oa,! the complaint. mv ha:e! and seal of ofltee. thlt, ' A. C. 1,I G JIN8, C. S. C. S.- US AVlii 1 , ,..! Wit 1 iSe , t . 7 .MAX cCHWEPIX. r- -i a. -an P-lau J-. UkUu -a .. ar S4TU -A4i-;.. ID iTK iTv IV

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