- - . -. - .... . v. "'-'--S " -'V.v: -. - - , - -1 j:. i. v 4 i "f- --' i I s ' f - THE JOURNAL. Btlt Ntuftr. SKW BXE3E. N. C. rtl ISN5. ftl lk Pot a: '- N B" a nwaAi atttii SSIlTOSS and K an m '. kaTB buckled oq thoir armor .i:.il prj "forth to rally the drow Democrats. They have several ap potDtnents :o -.iak 'n'tivn no aod th day of election They pat la some lick in th KAt?rn eooBtie. It Mmi tht th "pio candidate, Mj. M-viammn bat i Jk wIk orer" in the '. I my , will 1 .1:- tTttfc Thua far bo opposition 1ia tppcare), bat we learn tbt F. I' KOOXCX, Eeq., of Ooslow, 1 mak lag speeches oa banking nnl finan eaa generally. He . very -plausible theory in reffard to State banks, bat whether hi w.nu to go to Conyreea ia order to carry oat 'hltrlavsor to the General A&am- blj, we are not iniormed t ' - ,IXTlw of the recent order of th Preaident forbidding federal i - -. official to do active ixliticl work, - - - 1 , . la onJieUoa with the reported ; rork S coaelnaion of hia , cabinet that a ' Ualted State district attorney in teadiaftoraa Tor Congress ooght to resign, a correspondent of the' Baltifltore S makes the point that ".'' j.-."v If the Preeideot is a candidate for f -. - ' . ? - . J k La akAn 1.1 rai trn ( Kfi ,' m.?. -""jr - - : iT. . Meeidenej. The oa decides the polat not well taken, becanse the r." vVrPreiiJnt"a order and the action of - . - the Cabinet had reference only to " facials appointed by the President ct kir subordinates and not to r offieert elected bj the people. There v U Utile difference to be sore. wVBX059L0W KiLLSUAU. irTbe- county com miss ion ere of - 5ew Hanover have ordered an elec tlon oa the proposition to subscribe 1100,000 to the W. O. & K. C. R. . to be held on the fourth Thursday ;U"-'lIarea,18S7. This is giving - ample time to eonaiderlbe question, and as the-; people ot Onslow will wait the action of New. Haaorer it win be1 sererai months jet before ' the railroad will be an. assnTed fact . If trtr.x't'' ' : f la theeaatiYew Eerae narwt ' keep wide ' awat to her interests. J Jleaaorea shonld " be loan garated lookiar -to the establishment of steam traaaportatioa for the farm ers 'ot that aectioQ. Mnch good ', '..-was accompliahed,"bj the eoustxnc- -, Uoa ol toe Quaker Bridge road, to J which New Berne eontribo ted lib- eraHj'bQtj there Is. aothiag like - - stean in," traasporting goods and ' i 'the prodneta of the soil. Steam : connection between New and Trent rirers would fill the bill and it will - , . not bankraot th peoid to secare it. ' "r SXALI. UBTSTKIES. , copy todsT an article from '' tae Baltimore JfnfacturerU Rec , 'i or 4. which, contains some capital - points oa small' Industrie and the importanc of placing the proper - iralae wpon the cent anil nickel. , "- Our people hare never yet learned -(- this. .They" tonch an enterprise ,naless the profits begin with dol- Uri, and no improvement is worthy - of consideration tha,t saves but a - Vaickel. Tet by the study and C 'proper appreciation of these small things on r Northern brethren are t ' able to furnish oa with axe handles which 'we use In chopping our wood, with the spokes, hnbbs and rima , that, make oar cart, wagon adbagy wheels, and with the 1 backets aod tabs to carry water, ' .tboogVoor forests abound with ex eellent material to make all the v-'thiBga, - ' ' " Wn. are. waiting for capital to ' eoWeand inangn'ate these small In4tttne. JX we anew now " ; Toang men leaves her border and : .tundl the niekels and pennies e;C4lt, hlt lot in mother State. We ' onld- nlready have the capital, j WH pablli,h thl, ,ketl.h OI -A ArV-Without proper appreciation of, Kamily of Farmeis " in a few days - J" aJ the aickel m?1 thit our rea.lei,, m.iv s.t ho mn.-h Northern- friends would beat osj weaIth tUt St-itt. ltV. , thl;4 ne i .V'teo tfcoagh we had an abndan e (anu v 7 clt' We woald gladly welcome capita: AVVJ.''-" begin tbe tad 01 tbe I and immigrant.- from other States . ,, relative valae of tbe cent and v".'. ' nlclaf, of the dime and quarter. , - ; Let noi despise small things. ' Haay yoong men refuse to begm .week oe business because they can not have ay cood bank account. ' i". They refase to begin with the pen ny and the. nickel, yet they haven't 7- -V-" the capacity to handle dollars sue 4 eeafnT3y. Start a small industry: maaage it with skit! and economy. If yon hare capacity in too to deaf with larger things it will de velop itself and you will have ac quired in the meantime the rela tire value of the cent and the atekeL A XATTUt OF INTEREST TO IKl m. LZ50IB, PAMLICO AM) CaKTEKR COl JiTIES. Tbd Jbllowin article copied from tbe Statssrllle LamJmiirk opns a qaeatloa of mach importance to U coaoties interested in the A. ,V 2f. O. B: lTxere is no doubt that the Lich BOfld & Danville managers are lokABg U) an extension of the:: IdMtf the North Caroliu.t rail rOAd. TbSy wocld like to have it tot aiastj-oine jears; anil in order t gtt this favor they are said be vilUag to lease the Atlanta: North Carolina rrad for tho same 14847th of time and at the same rental they would pay for the North Carotins road. The rental now is six per ceol oa the capital .itix'k. IS la known that (Vov. Scale woe Id like to make an advantag eoos lease Of tbe Atlantic road. It BOf bellTd that the State au tfcorttiee woald airre to the exten skut ot tae lease nnles-s the rate .m raised to eight per cent, if th s demand is made the qnefltion Ls ilii tut hiv i.n.fi.ii A; jconipHiiy will Ik- whether it will b- cheaper to pay the i ucxexHtul reui.il 1 ur lu;M i mQotv: I nk from S inston to State.svilie ami run straight rlinvih l'ro'ii ( ' har lot U- to ; l i rtviistxra over this '. . :ie, 'in' ro oi ; from ttreeusborxi to w'intton .ind t'm in Stdtev:llc imiii being nuiK-r ' the control -f K:."!ui:oii.l lA!iv.i',e om:.i:i Liii i- a vers ' ; in port . :.! ir.A't.r .: S'.vt.- t ..!::. in ! !' !'' r:u . :.ri 1 m ' : ne.ir : t' in".'.'- l'lie ( r rrtii-r (tie '...! tig '.lit.' apHi::.t:i.'-tr .. 'In- direet or. wiiiw vnte- . lei l he 'Ue.-.tlOtl "! rVI..'"ll .t'.i.l the j'l'.'i of rental, the n.uu'.u .it. on of '.th I parties for tiie usci uor-hii' .11 1 ' i more th.i.. ordoi.r - .i:ne. There :h mjelt .4 thltii l-.i' friends in Inith oaiiip l 'r.ivi'ii i ouii! : :nte;e.- o .11 thin propel t to the unit four hnndred thonsiind do ol atwHlt ar . ! hat will co-t !l her :iip;i ers :1ns amount by tiie iioir and Tarn time .r is pa 1. L Iieo are .tjso iar :e -tix'kholders. and I arteret, thouK ,e Uits lori nor to-k, hn.s . larpe debt hanjjmc over 'her for the construction "' ihis m.ul The pH.iple then ot these 'counties ar- deeply interested in !tbe dispswitiou ot this property, and aa the .iiJimnr. sngneata, the Directors who would have to paw , . aoi rtr UIXJU lilt ilirPlluu urtoiwa v making any other disjvoMtion ot the road. The people oi the.-e rounties would not obiei t to a lea.-e that wonld pay six per itnt. or even less, upon the capital sto'k. espec- I if the road is to become a part r , , ot a railroad system with an outlet at New Berne and Moreuead City, But they would object to any dis position of the State's stock that would jeopardize their interest either In the matter of stock or n the management of the road. An impression prevails iu this section that there is a scheme on loot to dispose ot the State's in tereat in this proerty, and the in- elination ot the Governor to go off the line of the road to obtain the Directors, arouses a suspicion that it is not friendly to their interests Viewing the matter in this light it la well that these counties should have men in the General Assembly able to euard their rights, and who will see to it that no legislation shall pass calculated to cripple our industries and depreciate our prop- ertv NORTH CAROLIVA S HESOl'RCLS Our newspaiers and public men who often speak of the great and varied resources of North Carolina, seldom think of one of the greatest of them all, and that is the chil dren, the growing population, that is to control the destinies ol the State in future the Onr forests, mines, water power, soil, climate, fisheries, etc., etc., are kept before the public in order to induce immi gration, but the greateft hidden wealth lies In her children and the future prosperity and greatness of the State depends upon how this source ol wealth is developed. Dow often do wo read of men in other 8tates who have won honor and fame in everv department of life, in the field of politics, at the bar, in the pulpit, or as agricultur ists, and when their history ls traced we find they were born in North Carolina. In the October number of the Southern Cultivator we find a sktch ot a noted family ot farmers, "The Hills of 'Wilkes. " They became wealthy, and, a agri culturists, dug their wealth from the poor hills of GeoTgia. Hut one of the first things we discover when we begin to read this sketch is, that their ancestors went from Wake county, North Carolina, and settled in Wilkes county, Georgia. Now when Wylik Hili. and his (young wife left Wake county, i North Carolina lost a part of her wealth, and she loses a ortion of I her wealth every time one of her and do not object to legislation en couragmg those to come among us, but the great problem for North Carolina legislators to solve is how to develop and. keep dt home the ETat wealth she poiwHst". m hir j children. To do more for the eu i oouragemen t ol imnrgraf.on and jtheiatiui of capital than for our own children is to distrust their 1 capabilities ulid cla.-v- them a- :n ferior to thove Uirn ainl reared in j Other States. If North ('.iroliua .possessor vast, tiidden r.-sotirces. there are none more capaMe ot de veloping then) than tici own sons, and they wJI do it if properly cla ' eated and encouraged. There :s no greater -oun wealth in North I 'are!::; i than in tier own s ns and daughters. They constitute the State. They guide the destinies of the common weal tb . Then how much depeii ed ucat ion . '.he ; r.i : r. . t: g velopm cut ! tie !,.'. State il-".i : h "I !i a ve m.nlr ' i r , : v. ' -a .d a : -i; -y 1 ly t t.lt-ie the . 't i. c 1 day t ti 1 1 . " :: e v.-r . - u.e d, other Hi. ill'- tHIVDfW re; ' I '.:: t I - . on,!:-:. :, p . a 1 - :,- r k . , e. " "He - i i:d !-.. I've - el and 1 w, 1 as, my out i II ...111 l'oo 'lit :ght ' ;:!, a :i ., Is. ot chan'y et. ' ge ther. yoi k;i ."' Ik- my Oldest -o-w.w a per'.O"! of s: ' A ,- . n t alto He II Ippl'll- t. l'tieil rli.r. be, .-.' painlu tht b-'th wished .- un veil " Ft re "' break : 1 HI. I Ol 1U I HOf. 1 m,l n; reel i The New Voik market :i:i.- in'en ijir.et atul e.iy most of the week. The Invars have not hud suftieient "timul.is 'o fee! obliged to co el what sale-i they may have made ai.d the free deliveries at the south, as well as t tn- prospeets lor a eon t .11 u f ! liereo! . have. : n a : en re r t ,iter:.t. 1 .; verp p.iorav 1 1 n. led h ill ..ii'.i I'll. -re h. , ' lie I to M.n.. .ut ei !! n. i- oren man: tinted ,;. the extent to wi::eii dam .i'' li.L.-- bee;, done the - r,'j' :n I Te.x.w by the ute storm.-. .nidi '..on t.i l.i.b;. eoinpieben-ive reports ' by telegraph liom our regular cor- respondent.-, the billowing from ex ' ceptiou.ill w eil informed sonrces it (ialve.-tou and at I'nero. Texas, ire "I sp't::iU value. From Gal-1 1 veston w-ord comes that the damage ' ' from cice.s.-ive heat mid drouth during August was more serious than anticipated. The Angust storm damage amounted to ! hmni bales. The Septi'iiUH'i lain dam Hge iloes not affect '. he ipiantity materially . The top crop prospect. are materially redneed by worms. ( onsulertng the in per cent m crea.se in acreage and a possible top crop, the maximum estimate for Texas is l,4oO,(XM) bales. The Cuero telegram is as follows. The August storm blew out all the ripe cotton. The loss in Do Witt county- alone is 4,(XH bales. Too much rain and worms hi September de stroyed all the prospect for a fall crop. lint little damage was done bv the Septemtver storm-. Stonewall Items. .1 T. Lincoln is much pleased at the recovery of his tine young mule from a severe attack of the staggers. The steamer Kim City is off our freight line again and it is to le hoped for good, but the Sveamer Bettie is giving us two trips a week to New Berne. Mr. Alex Ronse, of La Grange, is overhauling and putting in order C. II. Fowler's gin and mill at1 Trent, a few miles below here. Mr. liouse seems to understand his bns iness. Alex Scott, the man bitten by a rattlesnake is getting O. K., and Martin Gibba, who received the lick on the head with a hoe, is doing well, or as Dr. Ross expresses it, "splendid." The Lane brothers have opened a grocery store in our place and Sid says that all he wants is for his friends and acquaintances to give him a trial and be will assure them of fair and square dealing. Hon. L. C. Latham, the Demo cratic nominee for Congress, for this district, is thoroughly canvass ing this county and is allaying idl troubles in the Democratic ranks wherever he is heard, and Pamlico will do her full duty on the 2d of November. I learu that Morris and Harrison are having put down at the mouth of Smiths creek, near 11. I'. Mid yette's, a 100 horse power sawmill. The Messrs. Kuglera have two mills already in operation near by and Wm. H. Jacobs is contemplating putting one a little up Neuse river. So you see the saw milling is quite on a boom in onr county. A. H. Whitcomb is shipping a large amount of lumber. The schooner Marole, Shaw, master, was despatched this morning with a load and before she left the Kate H. Tilghman, J. B. Hooker master, and the Jennie Hall, Turner mas ter, arrived at the mill wharf and are loading at this time (Oct. 7. Short Tom keeps things lively about the mill and it keeps vessels to transport the product of the mill. Greenville Items. "Can you change five dollars?" is the question you hear on the street.-. Mr. Kirby I'zzell, of Wayne county, is here to buy cotton, and seems to be alive to business. The Ogden opera troupe graced the Greenville boards on the sth. We hear the entertainment well spoken of by those who profess to be iudges. The detachment from the Tem perance Salvation Army made their appearance on Friday and lectured to well filled houses on Friday and Saturday nights. Their music is fine. The Grven die Collegiate insti tute, under Frof. Duckott, is thought now to be one of the very bet schools for the training of the young that can bo found in the State. The school now numbers about 1H pupils. Frof. Duckott and his able corps of teachers will spare no pains to give full return for price of tuition, and patrons, parent.s and guardians can do no letter than patronize this school. The candidates were all oil' on Saturday for the rustic town ot Calico to open the fall campaign. We have never seen a cleverer sol of men m our knowledge. That warm grasp oi the hand, that kindly beaming eye. those sweet and honied words oh! n they would only last, we would feel like we had awakened our pilgrim father.-; but ai.is! the ides of November wili, bring back the stern visage with mat same old pay-me that dime y ou u we -me-dog gone you sort of Iih i k and still the world wag-on. I h twas ever thus.' : rncle l'lphraim In-mg reuioii stratei! with fur taking a little too much tea ou Sunday thus defends 'him.-el! "lrunk, who says I'm 1 drunk' who dare to utter so moon nueiiiia. -agruuy i wuo can -tan heah .u ile uttertude ob de holy -enpter- mid wul de turpitude ol high magnanimous extinction in do gail ob bitterness and say l'.-e drunk de debbil hesef wouldn't say si. and n cise he knows. If you wh 'e getnmeu.- would h.kbita'.e to y 1 1 r W . I l ' U , a v, lor and : doctors de y - m I o : e e d agr::' d ':.. ingiili -tun -l.'k ou'd dclll and e e ' if n I'l'.Tl hab a i'Uity . n, . : dang d.M. , t am all - :..k-.tfi- ,i 1 11 t .tun, - ii til 1c tell: prede -a -Sni'.tl us dell ' Iliari.il. a i an t'al't. loin Sm It h and So. k. Wile -ell CoUi.bg do li the ntleet I ,':. ,. h.piira.m rubtx-il h..- baiil head and d isa pH'.tred around th. corn. : muttering "Nobody's dm! blame d i'usinc-s.- .1 I is drunk. g:t drunk ' g n 1 1 '. di . ' 'iann- it." V li i a 11 u.-. i i ,i 1 Ki-I am.li'ti The year 1SU was the beginning ot a new era tor the South, l or fifteen vo.us -he had been endur ing the troubles that fol io w ed , lose lv upon the civil war, and hei pen p!e i- I hole had g:eli but d'tle at ie tlleli ' U-eii : rem n Mine-. in o and ' The 1. jeiier ; l ii d i : CO.-. A tel - . w a.- industiia I t he State lev, i II Ille - Ill il ' Mi ly ed in -a : n g ' hi ' 1 I' ! I . i ' ' l led Allele Hot 'n ; ii g w as i el t i g to Ml ppor t t iiem -e 1 e. r dependent upon then; lole ,1 .-p! a ed b t l.e .ol u! ii , '!' t hat t i ansit ;oii pel ;od '-. , !-1 ii g : rcu in-t a n one ot i l an,', i-hap ik; lie ".en. in n r . i h aps. in , ,re 'ban ,'.i'. ot : he eiiei g v A an lint a otl.ol I. e 1 ' ' ; ' tilde. I in It bid re ! hi . 1 1 . d. -II. on e tort: South. d 'V.I, 1 been ' lltl.lt. ' -) , It'll- people i' : r o-' . ' y " . i on. In i u a- i . 1 11 d . ier-c VeratiCe ol been destroyed t 'r ide, w h ;eh e. I .. II i oil g II :o! e ei!,.--, .i.i- regal ii e , , an did pl.lek and energy , had ipr, ' e a- much ' o d. Ill g capital to the , i.i did it- ad va n t .igeo ;; - I. 1 ' , t I i in e for en: e c i ; , ft 'i 1 1 . ' Oatabll-hed In that y ear men e t ool, , viting Mi. I hi oug lion its ( ham her o ( III iii an ' . of new iioparture :y I ol w ar.l A '. k ; n -on, t ical ecoiioin :-t ol 1 eniilient poiit: toll , to addre.' the ercha.it? their city on practical -ulooets. Mi. Atkinson accepted and m due tune appeared lofore them and delivered a lengthy address that, in the light of subsequent events, may now le considered puuihetic. It was a plain statement ot simple business propositions that, if adopted and followed, would lead !. prosperity . Amoug other things he told his auditors that no people could ac quire solid wealth until they learned to anureciate the i elat I ve value of the cent and the nickel, and that ; i no wean u oi ine .oun n.ui oeeu ' accumulated from understanding i this. He referred a, so totheim j port a nee of diversified industries, laud to the greater value to com J munities of what are called the petty industries. 1 hat address was published in full in the Atlanta Ciwriiuiitt, and later in pamphlet form, and was scattered broadcast through the South. It was the seed of new ideas falling into thor oughly prepared soil, which has since grown into vigorous plants that are yielding a great harvest. Next year the Cotton Kxposition suggested by .Mr. Atkinson was held at Atlanta, and there, for the first time, the Southern people, as well as the country at large, learned of their countless natural resources. Tbe railroads traversing t he South railroads traversing t be South- States though they had but ern two months in which to do the work, collected from all the country contiguous to their lines, timbers, ores, clays, building stones, and agricultural aud horticultural pro ducts, which, when arranged and classified, made such a display as the world hud never before seen. Manufacturers of agricultural im plements and machinery earned their wares there from all parts of the North, ami taught the wonder ing planters the economy of using them. Among the thousands who Mocked thither from tho North were many who foresaw that the time was close at hand w hen Southern manufacturers, using the abundant raw materials at their command, would take possession of their domestic markets, and later would compote for their shaieol the trade of all markets It is but five ears since that revelation was made at Atlanta, vet withiu that short time thoin - dustnal revolution throughout the South has gained tremendons head- way, and yet what has been ac - comnlished thus far is. as the week - lv reports in tho Manufacturers'1 Record clearly show, but the be ginning of what is to be. Birming ham in competiou with Fitbsburgh lor the iron trade of the North is but a forerunner of what is to como in many other industries, when the1 scores of enterprises now in their' initial stages shall be completed an.i get into inn operation. Tho south has not lorgotton what Mr. Atkinson said about small in- tlustnes. Kecently the Atlanta towfifur,.-i nas called attention to ttieir growth in Atlanta, and with evmmeuuaoie pi nie ooasisiu i nei i value to their goahead city. (no illustration given in the discussion oi mis suojeci is worm repeating. There are in that city four trunk making- establishments. All beun iu a small w.iy. The lot.il capital of the lour is now '.",, imio. but the.-c four, with that -mall areate capital, now employ many more skilled workmen, pay them better wages and make larger profits for the owner- than would a rolling mil! with a capital -: times a large. There ;.- a sun bonnet -hop in Atlanta that iiiigh' have been cited a.- another ;n-:.i:.ce in proot. Stev.-ns, the 'eWeler. v. ho began making wat ciie.- t In : c i ;t h but two or three skilled workmen, now sell his good- m competition wi'h the most celebrated Ai:u-r,ca:i h ii.-.e.-. In ls-l a cutler occup.c.l a shanty almost under tin- -ha, low oi the nt t il! t" n' ' otTioe. illiploying otll three or 1'Cii men. b;i' '-iin ng out hr-t cla.-s mk. The -!..i:i' w.u- long since a'''an.loi.c,l lor mote commodious .juarter-. :u which a considerable tor, c :- employ. .1. whose pro.iuc'-. e v ii : :,. t e. 1 at the New Orleans l-Ap".-;::,,:', con; m an. I 1 ed the adm. ration ..: all who -aw them. These th.ng- ate not con fine.! to Atlanta. AI: through the South int. uii.ei able -in. dl Industrie.-, base been .-tarted, many ot which bale p.LS.-e.l beyond the crucial period, and. e.-tabl:shed on Ii nil ! found at 'ii- are extending their areas of trade. now en oy ed be ' Snutiicrn State ' famous .r tin-:; i facture- as t hev t the protect ion ,t:n:.i .1, and the .1.11 -.'I'll be as : c r-; tied ni a :i u -g h a c 1 ic ti :' I the the A'. , grea' I" cli.i a i - tl. i , 'lice a-t . 1. M one '. virtue-pa.-.- a- g: Vi-I.e.- sa.d. a; dot.e. ,i all . '. ' :. ot en Idolll d I. K.-!.o th.- J Uusiow "i ry dry in our lor .-ix w eek.-. Mr. K. V. Matt. to l'loi ida to -.tav. items. I ! county: no i.iin j ' : ks liius n I nriied ind .lei i hunting .- , , n pat ion- ol the' n-r I'OI n . ei o, e ; in- Waid, ol Swains- i mne.l to Kichlailds to ; again at Mr. ( . M Mm b. -I o. Il I- I , t e 1 C i 1 - c 1 1 , o ! 1 1 g , S'epl.- n-'. lli-v,. 1 'aris ai protracted luectin Dixon held ;ij U dacksonvilie la.-t week, with live accessions tin ir church, among them Mrs. to F. ' t, ot .1 a."kson inc. K.-v. Mr. i a.-hwell preached Ids la-i sermon at Kichlands last Sun day 'oa l.uge audience. One ad-m:--ioii to In- church that day, M;-- l'.ettie Williams, daughter of Fountain Williams, Ksq. Mr. I. II. Aman was one we for g"' '" mention la.-t week in our it, in- coin', i ning the prominent one- in Kii'hhuid- village. lie certainly i- one of the prominent ones bi cau-e he i- one of the best wlieelrights and blacksmiths, be sides buggy makeis, m this county and does hi- work cheap and good. Mr. i a.-hwell preached h Is I It seems that there is more sick j ness in Swansboro now than fori ears past. Little Willie, sou oil Mr. and Mrs. Kobort Wooten, died I this week near Coliorn creek, and Mrs. Capt. .loo Loll died at her home in Swansboro last Monday, 1 aged alout "" years. She leaves a ; husband and several children to mourn I. or death. S -veral others are sick. Wo wire at Jacksonville hist Monday and after seeing and hear ing w hat we could, came off very near sober. One f f the best things wo hoard was tho speech of Dr. .1. W. Sanders, tho regular Demo cratic nominee for Senator tor this district, the !th. We do hope that dissatisfaction in regard to Col. Whit ford's candidacy will ter minate fairly by Col. V hit ford's not attempting to run, as ho would get no votes, or very few. in this conntv . Mr. Ii. W. Ward's school closed last Saturday . Will give you re port ot examination next week. A large crowd came out, to hear his scholars and . wore well pleased with their recitations, compoi- tions, reviews, etc. Mr. Ward say s he is now ready for the next chance to take another school, but don't want all to speak at onco and say l,we want you." We don't 1 profl.fiS t0 be a high graduate but we c.u, , FloruU au(1 ,lorj-t pro. nounco it "Flurida," either, as some say we do. Ned Munill went hunting again yesterday, for the fiftieth time, and shot a big buck, as usual, and as usual, didn't got him. But Frank Melton says 4irun, Ned, run ! yon have cripuled him !" aud Ned did rnn his level best, divesting him self of all things contrary to his impediment, bat he didn't "cotch 'em. then;" and on returning, blow ing and purring like a "porpns,'' found he had lost his "Sunday go to meetin' '' coat, a pair of $2.50 "specks,'' all his amunition, and Bryan llargett said, throe or four dollars in specie; and the lnnniest part was like to have lost himself, as it was in tho pocosin. and had not Andrew Marshbnrn heard some Ulll II(UIU II I1U n I II L t-W bill i.ClV.(lj I 1 would probably have been one I of the lost people. Next day a ilrty went to hunt for tho dead deer and lost coat, etc. They j found the dead deer and the ashes ; of the coat and other articles, Ned 1 having set the woods afire to make the deer get out, but this he didn't tell until it was found out on him, and now he lays it on Lryan gett. Now Ned says ho is driving forever. I lar- lono ri.. ( Ijdpsdalp Horses Clvdes" are among the heaviest and most powerful horses i in the WOrl.l. In those, form has not b,,cn s:crillcecl to mcrn bulk, 1 but tho trU(, forni 0f the draft-horse has lH,,,n carefully studied, and, , afur a OUR course of breeding, has en confirmed as the property of ; t he bree,l . Thov take their name ; from tile vallov "of the Clyde, but ;lre bred verv large in other j. arts 0,- Scotland. The Knglish have - .,., 1 , i,,.m ,,vi,KI,,,- , ,,., ;m. provemeiit of the gi cat coarse draft native to the nort hern middle conn ties of Kiigland, and, in their ini proved form, known as the Knglish Shire horse. They possess great prepotency, marking their get with their own striking characteristics breadth, depth, weight, power, ex cellent bone, great honesty in the collar, good constitution and excel lent disposition. The origin of the breed is attrib uted to the u.-e of many Flemish and Iliitoh lioi-es and mares, im ported by the Hukc of Hamilton for hi- t state in I. am. ii k-hire on the! lyde. ind lar from Glasgow. Flic CI o.-sllig ot these horses with the h.mly pack horses of t he region may well l.ae given the stock ict.ii'y. constitution, endurance, and intelligence, the reduced size basing been made up by subse ipi. nt good breeding, without the lo.-s ot then excellent qualities, but rath.r with a gam in all good 'points, such as ought to come lrom good breeding in all cases. They have long been held to be the best ..-halt hor.-es m the woihl. .1 tntri i'ii n .1 ', ulturist. 1 Us.U'i', INTMF.NT IN L.'YK. A young lady has fallen ,;i fall rightly expressing the precipitancy of the movement in love with a young gentleman. who simultaneously i falls in Im e with her. The symp toms are many and various. They have met at a ball, and he has danced with bet a whole evening in spite ol etiquette and chaperons has talked most agreeably be tween the dances has attended her in a morning walk, and offered his arm preparatory, as it were, to offering his band has intrigued -iicce.-.-iulIy to get himself invited uhciivci .-he is tube has escorted In i lioii.e innumerable evenings, and looked all sorts of unutterable thing-. ell. o i 1 1 young gentleman ,s o Vel head and eal s 111 love Wit h ..'ii oiinglidy, and " ,',..,'. lor it S'li .-i nt :' :- much the -ame case u.'h them both. Hut then comes a d.lb leiice. - goes home or goes ito..,.,: to el 1, ge .i.'.i.I.l t o a cm n t -.: g ,. a -i iicrin'ii : or a con- -;, : ' o .i .t , : gi. : ind ; g, '.-.- away, in -:., : ' . :. . , m a' t r r w hi l c lie d I s-app.-ai - : : om t In- ,-y e- ot o.;r y .umg 1 id : that is, iroi.i the eyes other I lead . 1 lit not I ro m her in l lid's ey u ':., ; m einor . ;. noii i i.-hf a oopeles- passion, pine-, but finds allot her lover the next sc, l.-OIl. gets :i. i: i ir il. and t h 1 : sa ppoint men t" no disappointment, after all. Fair Morning io the Harbor. Fair morning is on the harbor, And morning on the bay, Ami the boats that were lying at anchor Now silently Bteal away. .." . , . .. . , . No wind in the sails to bear them They drift with the tide afar, TlU tney eteT theouter harbor And silently cross the bar. J It may be the skipper is sleeping. He wita at the ru dder so still ; It may be the 6kipper is thinking f his young wife on the hill, She wupu-s no moment in sighing. With day her labors begin. WiHo rT-n aha flinrra fh ahurtora j j To let the ill sunshine in. , . . one pauses oniy an inBiani To look at thd steel-gray dew. From that to the rot-e hush claners. Where it sparkles fresh and new. And down the slo(e to the harlxir. he And over the harbor afar; For her dear little heart, with the skip per, I- just now crossing tho bar. "(iod bless her ! " the skipper is saying ' (iod bless him ! ' the wife returns. Thus each for the other is praying. While epch far the other yearns. Jimtex HerlxTt Murxf. Jones County Items, Fanners say that their cotton is short at least one third. Ruin is badly needed; our water mill will soon cease grinding. Mr. Augustus Haskins,ourcounty superintendent ot public schools, has resigned. Sheriff Koonce is building a new store house in Trenton, A. J. Mc Daniel contractor. Mr. Redding May, of Trenton, we learn, continues to bo very sick, without any improvement. Mr. Thos. Lee. of Polloksville township, dropped dead on Monday the 6tli of October, shortly after his ar.ival at the village of Polloks ville. There are in oar county sev ; oral worthy citizens who claim that , we ought to nominate lanners for the legislature. Roth of our can didates for the lower house of both parties are farmers. Now gentle men no excuse this year; von can vote for your farmer legislators; walk op to the ballot box and de posit your votes. We did not hear Col. Whitford's explanation on Monday last, only the closing part; we understood him to say that the Jones itemizer ought to stick to truth. Well, Colonel, as I am well known in Jones and as yon made your speech right at my own home, and as vou found everything just as I stated it. I will leave it with you and my friends to decide whether I told tho truth or not. Col. Whitford has announced himself an independent candidate for Senator for the Dtli Senatorial district. We arc anxious to learn whether he will canvass Jones county or not. Won't he have a calm, quiot iet of followers up heret I have been particularly busy en quiring of very voter that I have seen if they knew of any Democrat who would support Col. Whitford. Every one has but one answer, None! none! Well, do you know of any Republicans that will vote for him None. What is the opinion of your neighborhood of the Colonel's card in Friday's Journal? Why, they call it very extraor dinary. Why he calls some of our best citizens a mob, gentlemen who have been worn out by his wanting to have an exclusive right to repre sent them whether they want him or not. Well, neighbor, what do you think of those friends that he claims will show themselves at the ballot box? Well he may havo many personal friends at the ballot box, but every one of them in Jones county will vote for Dr. Sanders. Do you suppose that those who said yes, lot him be heard, Whit ford! Whitford! will vote against Dr. Sanders! Not one of them. Well then friend, why is it that he is a candidate f Well, I must answer you like old friend Richards who claimed that the earth was a tiat body and was held tip by many- pillars. When asked what tho pillars stood on he said, "Well well, that's beyant my comprehension." Our State Fair. IIor and hominy. Neither have been ouerlooked by those who get up the State Fair premium list. Hominy we must have and the material form which it is made must be encouraged to grow. Corn is always (food in any shape, ex cept in new corn whisky, in that form we object to it. The premiums on the largest yields of corn is such that will cause a lively competition in this line, and wo don't know or can we think whether the East, Piedmont or Mountain section will win the following nice sums For the largest yield of corn from 5 acres, two bushels to be exhibited in ear, and the required statements and certificates to be furnished, SM 00. S'JVOO. Best two l u-lii-l-i white corn dn r-ar, S-VOO. Best two bushels stock corn ir. ear). S?j.G0. For the largest yield of corn made upon one hit of land w here Raleigh Standard Guano is used, (in gold) SfaO.OO. Donated by Raleigh Oil Mill aud Fer tilizer Co -,ny. For the next larRri-t yield of coin made upon one acre of land where Raleigh Standard Guano in used, one ton Raleigh Standard Guano, value S3") 00. Donated by Raleigh Oil Mill and Fer tilizer Company. We will say "hurrah" for the winner and more corn and hominy. Hei'. Tho next best thing we lovo to a "black-eyed girl'' is black-eyed corn liold peajf. They are good. A "hunk uf fat bacon," a cupful of "black-eyed peas," a little clear spring water, an old-fashioned pot to swing oyer a good "black jack" tire. It makes us think of bygone days. The days of our youth when no such thing as "cooking ranges " as the "tarnation" stove was heard of in this land of ours. How times have changed since you and I was boys, Ztib. But thank you, Mr. Upchurch, you know a good thing, you know how good black-eyed peas taste to a hungry lad, w ho haa been chopping cotton all day. You do and no mistake for you put our favorite at the head of the list and oiler a premium of five dollars for the best bushel of om." You have our best wishes; may you one of these days be i President of the United States instead j of President of our good State Fair, i I'll vote for you with pleasure, that I 1 will. 1 Here's how Mr. I'pchureh puts it: I For the largest yield of field peas from one acre, one bunhel to t8 exhibited in the required box. the required state I menus and certiiicMli -s to he turn ished S'jii on 10. on Best bushel black eye peas Ti on Best bushel white peas a O'.i 1',,-st bushel clay peas. . " no Best bushel speckled peas You Best bushel of any other kind ." oo lie-t bushel Mongolian beans.. YuO ( Best bushel barley Yl"i B. st bushel buck wheat YMJ , He winds up with buck wheat. Who will furiiitli wlu-at I'aki. in tliii honcv for the buck If any is fcrviil count Hi:-' If ou Wluli a (.ood Article Of I'Lt ii Tuhavci.i, ask your dealer for old nip." Bel 1 d wliin SUICIDE Ai WAfelilNUTON, N. C. K. F. Scoville Take Hili Own Llfel The town of Washington w as shocked on Friday morning by tho announce ment that E. F. Scoville, a man of means, had committed suiruie. A Journal reporter repaired at once to his residence to gather tho particulars. Tho street was thronged with specta tors who had bcrni attracted by the news, which had so rapidly spread over tlu city. There wa re four physicians in the room, besides several others. Kvery elTort was made to save the un fortunate man, but they proved fruit loss. The facts are us follows: Mr. Scoville came to Wjhineton i uuuui mix years ago, l roui iNew Hampshire, and soon after his arrival married tho daughter of Mr. L. Hyatt and engaged in business. He w as successful and soon ranked among our most prosperous men. His wife died about two years ago, since which time he has worn a sad, melancholy countenance. About one week ago some one attempted to burn the resi dence of Mr. Hyatt by placing a box of tar and other combustible matter on top of the house. It was whispered around that tho incendiary was the , work of Mr. Scoville hut thorn uia no, ' d a particle of evidence to that ellecl. i This suspicion was communicated to Mr. Scoville. w ho at once tork it to ! heart. He went to his friends and told ! them that tho stigma w as more than he i could bear. Several advised him not to regard the report, but it was evident j that he was feeling the pain. He signed Ids name to a blank paper on Thursday and j had two witnesses to sign it. He made several calls on Thursday night. He 1 went to his room about Id o'clock at 1 night and retired. 11 called for matches about 11. This was all known of him until next morning when he was called to breakfast and failed to answer. His door was broken open when lie was found on his face near his bed. The main artery in his left arm was cut and also on the back of the head. A Smith and Wesson revolver was found under the bed very bloody. It was soon observed that he had used a 22 bullet aud w as shot just above the ear. The hole was over four inches deep. He lived from S to 2 o'clock and died without a struggle. He h-ft a w ill filled up over the signatures of tho aforesaid mentioned witnesses. The will leaves hia property, about 10.000. to various parties. Several private let ters were found but their contents are not yet known It is indeed a sad oc currence' J. L. W. Wan It Cancer ! I have been using B. B. B. for six or seven weeks for something like cancer on my neck, and I would not take one thousand dolltirs for the benefit re ceived. I had previously tried various so called blood remedies, but B. B. B. is the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood nurifier I evrr used. I refer to any merchant of Griffin, Oa. J. II. Barnes, Orifhn, Ga. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. II. Meadows. Appointments for Gov. Vane 3 I announce the following appoint ments for Hon. Z. B. Vance: Monday, October 18, Asheville. Wednesday. October 20, Lincolnton. Thursday, October 21, Gaston county. Friday, October 22. Greensboro. Saturday, October 23, Raleigh. Monday, October 25, Edenton (at 1 p. m. Tuesday, October 2G, Plymoudi. Wednesday, October 27, Washington. Thursday, October 28. Greenville. Friday, October 29, Kinston. Saturday, October 30, Durham. Monday, November ldWinston. At the appointments for tbe first dis trict Attorney-General Davidson prom ises to be present and speak also. R. H. Battle. Chm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. October 8, 1S8C. An KnterprlHtnat, Itrllnble House. Hancock Pros. can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputa tion of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. Public Speaking in Pamlico County. Capt. Charles F. Warren, Democratic candidate for the Senate in the second district, and J. II. Blount, Esq., can didate for solicitor of the first judicial district, and other Democratic speakers will address the people of Pamlico at the following times and places: Bay Creek, (Messick s Store) Tuesday Oct. 19. Stonewall, Wednesday, Oct. 20. Baird's Creek, Thursday, Oct. 21 Speaking will begin at 11 o'clock a. m The county candidates will be pres cnt at the same times and places. W. T. Caiio, Chm'n Dem. Ex. Com. Wonderful Curt.. W. B. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and re tail druggists of Rome, Ga,, say: We havo been selling Dr. King s New Dis covery, Electric Bitters andBucklen's Arnica Salvo for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's .New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Hancock Bros. Maj. McClammy's Appointments. Maj. C. W. MeCIammy, Democratic nominee for Congress in the third ton gressional district, will address his fel low citizens at the following times and places: Duplin Roads, Duplin e..untv Friday. Oct. l.Y Snatchett, Duplin crunty. Saturday. Oct. It!. Ri.'hlan.ls. ( inslow county. Mon lay. O.-t. is. Jacksonville. Onslow county. Tues day. Oct 19. Pollard's. (In-doiv I'oumv. Wednes day, Oct. 20. Golden Place, (innl.uv counts'. Thurs day, Oct. 21. Sandy Run. P.-n.ler county. Friday. Oct. 22. Bannerman's Bridge, Ponder county, Saturday, Oct. 23. ADVICE TO MOTIIKKS. Mud. WiNSLow's Soothing Syiut should always be used for children teething. It soothes tho child . softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- hua. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24dtuthsatw" v County Canvass. The Denuxvatic candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives and county ollices will meet and address the citizens of Carteret county at thei following times and'places: Ledar Island. 1 riday, Oct. la. Mill Point, Saturday, Oct. PI. Piney Point, Saturday. Oct. Be Davis' Shore, Monday, Oct. 1-. Straits. Tuesday, Oct. ly. at 7 p. in. j Merrimon. Thursday. ' VI. 21. at 7 p. m. Cape Bank-. Saturday. Oct. 23.1. W. S. I'll Al'Wn k. (. iiiurman I o. r... I om. F. P.. M.i' K. Secretary. j Some ueious promise.- to inli-.diio- i paper shuts. This might do for .lapan. ! liut w , .uld prove a "big thing" for the I doctors. because rheumatism. etc.i would become fre-jueiit. If. however, : peopl" would keep SaK ;u i o n O i I cm v - ' ni, nt. paper shirts might -til I be a stic : c -s. 1: oit. only 2". cents. ; A A Itn. uro MilToriiii; f n 'in the t-r- To nil u h : rors and ind i.-ri i l ions .f 1 nth. nervoiiH weakneso. early decay, loi. f manhood, etc.. I will si-nd a n-i-ipe that will cure you. FKKE i)V C'llAUiiB. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed j envelope to tho Ki:v. J. isF.ru T. I.nman-, ' Station D Xcw York City. nlTdwy THE BIGGEST THING OUT JEToi? Clxills IS House's Chll Syrup ! If your Druggist or Merchant does not keep it. seDd to BERRY'S DrtUG STORE. If House's Chill Syrup fails to cure if directions are adhered to. jou can get your money back. 'I he tr;ilo supplied 1 It. Itcrry Hnus.-'s chill s vnii , II. cli il :m lnimp- .'"J"!'!1 - ' . i-titaiieiil rule t't-lore line Iwiltle 'ATTliRSON. Slim- Store. Hine sold every Imttle of House's Chill Syrup I eiinlii obtain from the manufacturer. It not only liroke the Chills but lelt Ihe par l ies ,ii roltust hf alth." Wm. I.. l'AL.MKR, 'lobnr onlat. 'I wnft completely broken down and suf fered intensely with lninl chills. Four doses House s t'hill Svrup resulted in :i complete cure. I nioHt htarliiy recom ineiid to all who sulTer trom ( hills and ever ;ih harmless, ct-rtio n urn I sin e l.i.wi.. ilKUui'K, riioloitrnpher. Miselt :onl three children icre cured by use's i loll sirup. I ci'S d,-r it the beta iinilnrci! r. im- l i i Hi,- iimrkci..' A. n. C.VUKoLI. ' lime iiM-d 11. .use' s .'hill Hyrup In our l.oijllies. rheeriulli lecomruenn It HUa iohI ll. cure f, -r ( h 1 1 1 k iouI revi-rfi." .11 UIN Sl'H Kl-SI.KI;. .'HAS. LI. JON KH, FltKH. H DIXON. At r-.t-diuau'K CifiHi- Kactory. Not a single complaint from tho many bottles of House s Chill oyrup Bold Nothing but the most unbounded satis faction as to results and surprise at its promptness. Ii. BERRY, Druggist oc!2 d:m 2taw w3m 511 ess Pork, $11.00 Per Barrel AT FERD. ULRICH'S. House & Lot at Auction. The Lot and Buildiogs on Hancock street, adjoining the premises of J. F. Clark and Mrs. Dickerson, being one half of Lot No. 848, will be sold on MONDAY, the ISth day of OCTOBER, 1886. Sale at TWELVE, M, at the Court House door. WATSON & STREET, dlt wit Auctioneers. "MOORE COUNTY GMT" The best Millstone In the World for Table Meal. Rumples of meat Mat n application. Send for price on Portable Corn Mills, Upper and Under Banners and Mill Htones. We are agents for Enalne, Bcilera, Saw Mill, Cotton 4!n, Plane rm, Shafting, Pnlleyi, Ac, also for Roller-Mil! Outfits which save 60 to 75 cents f..r the miller in verr barrel af floor he make. Write station what yon want and termsvou wish to bay on. Give references. Address, North (SiroltBU. ItfUU lone I'-o., Parte wood, Moore Co-, N. C- E. W. SHALLWOOD. GEO. SLOVER Smallwood & Stover, DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, WOODENWARE, CROCKERY, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND STOVES, UNSURPASSED AS TO PRICE AUD QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Door to Central Hotel, NEW BERNE, N, C. For Constable. I Iw-reby announce myself a c rut Mate for Constable of Township .Number Three, Cra ven c ounty, ana it eiecu-a i pteoge myself to execute the duties of the otfic1 fearlessly and Impartially. 1 thank tho people for their past rtntTraeH. and confidently iiNk tor their support again. iU'SpHctfnlly, jyJ w:hn AI. P. WALKING. L. II. CUTLER, HARDWARE, SASH, DOOKS, It LIN OS, And n.iil.linjr Material ot all Kinds, EXCELSIOR COOK AND HEATING STOVES, An.l a Full Lino of House Furnishing Goods At, Uottom Prices 26 MIDDLE STREET, Ni:W lttCltNH . N. V. For Fall Planting. Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Turnip Seed. K. II. MEADOWS & CO. ang2 1 il iv IT RNTIT KE. Farlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Walnut Bedsteads, H n i : i us, Ward robes. !lattresen, Chairs, Lounges, Sofas, ; Centre. TaMes, lite,, AT IfOCK JtOTTOM PKICKN. JOHN SUTER, i 1 MiiUIe Street, New J'.eriie, .. V w p BURETS & CO., GRAIN AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NliW ItliltNIi N. c;. ffcblnlw IS TON WAGON SCALES, IroD Lev em. Sbeol Brtor, Br km Tare Ue.m aud Be&m lUji, and JONES be rTi tkfrirbt (or tnm trtc Lilt mention thi. p4perM4 ftddrM j0NCSOf IIH8HAMTDH, "'fkT1 j . V. TO ADVERTISERS. A 1,1st of 1 mm jiPWHpapers dlvUh'd into I'ATK.s A N 1 SKCT1 will he teuton u- pliralion FREJS. I o i iise who want tut-tr uuA ertiHing to pay. i ;in oTft-r no belter medium tor lliorouuh ill i Tft-'-t i t- work than lliu various sect mns r .Select J . n-al 1.1s! . GKO. f. ROH KI.I. & CO., Nf w p;t r A 1 rl isinu 11 u r r;iu . I ' in I') Si'i net - fit rctt . New York 'lliltry Tfnli -.-I - ji. l;.,..k ..' i... :.c;i'.u- .i-i,i I- Ic F. I :. B. X. W001LEY, M. D. I In ill il. II. I 1 1 1 . ,1 WllHehuli bLrt.-t-l. WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS I If - 1 1.- t ..ni ,-n lar-d nitil slrt-nutb.De,l. ! ul 1 paruou 1,... t .al.-.l frm.KKtr: MKIMU. HPFFAl.tl.N V. F. G, SIMMONS, COTTOX BROKER. niii;riiinoiit8 Solii it'l i'i,..- rt U'.i;. nit VAN -s. on South Front !ri-i ;, Iwuilin'iti tt'i-Ki of i.irt'L-n Fov A Co, '8 .. rinniiT nti.-ntkiii f;iv Cotton antl li: her l'r.ijur-c. ?u to the sale of Wmm. mBm sV rra I a n S3 K. R. J01.ES Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GR0CER!Ef and : -f ": y.-t--'? General Merchandise, JBAUGING AN1 TIES. : Ktc Consignments of Orain. Cotton and other Produce solicited. l'rompt Attention Guaranteed. N. W. Cor. South Front and Middle St. NEW BERNE, N. C. ' oe2 dwtf i . GEORGE ALLEI1 & CO. - DEALERS IN " General Hardware Agricultural J ni plem t,V Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Jtenpetg Steam Engines, ' . rt V Cotton Gins and Presses, ' v- , j Fertilizers. Land Plaster Kaiiitt , -Mechanics Tool and Hardware, -i-,' Ldme, Brick, Cement. Plaster L ' ; Hair. Paint, Kalsomlne, Vr-; nish, Oil, Glass, Puttx a4 HlrV"1-' , ' Freezers, ltefriR-erator.- tHLi' V" ' f Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar J v Proof Sash Locks, warranted to ' - - . give security and satisfaction. v- ' - PKIC-ES VEItY MAYT. , GEO. ALLEN & CO. Just Received : , BARGAINS. t-V.i 50 bbls. Mackerels v $3.50 per barrel, ' 1 1 lot Hams 10cf lb;Tv' 25 Chandeliers (two t lamp) $1.70. AT . '?' S. F. TEISER. v; And all other Goods at ROCK-V BOTTOM PRICES; P22dtf . . , . OI.I) DOMINION Steamship Company? MfcWll-W.fcfciliL.Y LINK 'i, Foi New Vor, Ualllmre. flms .. . fit ?2x 3 ir folk, Boritou, ElUalMtb Clty.J ' -f Philadelphia, Provldeii,c J. And otltr VIMh. - -a- , -1 . y"l ON AND AVTRK- 1 !? Monday, January Utt, 1886f," ; UNTI I. KUItTUKR MO'PIVK Steamer Shenanacali V Will Inure, upon arfiTal of trutor ItmrUi Souibi.ru RMIfuAd t EUmabth Olty, iry f no iif a.hd TnvrnMOAii . - '., - JP ' for New Borne KetnratlMr Ke Bm ,r- ; - ioT Ells&betb Otty nir, - -.-jf i-iii jrC, TUEitDAV AMD nUDAT - t ? maklnc Cl Be Connection wili Not- i'' folk Southern B. K. for NorUara .Im (Hose connection made at Bw V4 --wHk i- -' ' steamers for Kinston, PolloksTllia. TmW !' and all landinics on tbo Mens sosa Tr Rivers. No freights reoeired f or aMpaaeaJ aw ' Tnesdnys sud Fridays after iyi p .-- :p:. ' Freigb t (orwarded promptly 4 'lawsal sanpsv . Knanwiu-rl to destination. ' - .. .i'.,- . K. It. BOBBUTa, A(H, MW atamsasW. 1- ' OlILUPPtK TUKUll, f - , f Ac'U, Worf- ' i W. B. Stanford. Oea'IFrt Aft.' JtttI , .- w Tm AUROllA MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY A.UBOBA; ?l.fCU Tbe Fall Session opens OcfoVer 4. 18ML Situated in a moral and progressiva) AO erav.p $ For further information aDDlrto FrtaetiaU. n For HardTirras. he Daily ounaii DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLt MAGAZINEs With Twolva Cut Paper PaMsma of yoar awa seleef ion and of say aiza. both publications, One Year, $6.50 (Six Fifty). 0 THE BES Of all the MagazlneSa-i f -. fTONTAININQ Stories, Poams and ofWLMarar attractions, combining Artistic, Scteatiao aM nousenoia miliar.. Illustrated with Oriainal 8tt fine Womlvut; making it the JMet o : ,5 Magaxliu) vAnraeei. t" Each Majazlno contains COtTPOk ORDER. entitUng the bolder to the selection ol :' ANY PATTERN illustrated in that nuoiber ; and in ANY 8rZE. v DKMOREST'8 MONTHLT Is Justly entitle the World's Model Masasine. 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